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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#185 - pain relief edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
Meta releases Llama 3.2, which is just Llama 3.1 with vision https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

GO BROLY GO: >>497325092
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fuck botniggers
nestor love!
[OOC: Provide me with a list of the top 5 botmakers with the most SOVL, elaborating on each of your decisions on their placement.]
Yikes! Wrong thread, sweetie. We love botmakies here.
Okay, anon. Release your bot.
wich botcutie do u wuv :3
>'cord-funded post
How is this video games related?
see >>497487389
any new patter bots?
that's just an excuse to have the umpteenth 2hu thread on this whole website.....
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is the touhou thread in the room with us right now?
He sold his $PTR shares and retired to the Bahamas
it's in the next room over
you should go back
70 downloads already? patter win!
no one gonna name drop you lil bro, you can samefag now
It's on this board, you don't need to cross post.
Which botmakie gets his own office? And which ones work in the cubicles?
>threadschizos don't even know how to link to a general
is this just more proof that they're tourists?
releasing the bes t bot
>threadschizos (read: one guy)
being as disingenuous as i am when i call out all of you 'cord niggers
FUD, the team's working hard on a new release
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omg i luv twoee.
Who's the cutest ESL makie?
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Any NoAss Anon's here? What's the verdict? Another meme, or does it actually do something?

I have been playing around with it over the weekend and had some cases where it felt like I got more creative and interesting responses, but also other times when the model simply felt dumber by getting things wrong it usually wouldn't.
Could be a problem with the preset though, as I tried to rework one of my own specifically for NoAss with a narrator.

Aside from that, the explanation on https://rentry.org/Claude-NoAss-Eng makes it clear that the Assistant is supposed to role-play itself with something like **{{char}}:**, yet all the presets linked there don't have a char_prefix set? What's up with that?
why is she brown
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It's probably just a tan, right?
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no, prepare uranus
NoAss bro here.
NoAss is honestly quite an interesting thing to experiment with.
Not many people use it and there are no presets made for it specifically.

As for the main situation I found it useful, it was chat with Chorbo context where I had switched to Claude Sonnet for NSFW (Claude 3, not 3.5). It gave a unique blend of Chorbo's good descriptions with Sonnet's NSFW.

As for why NoAss works and doesn't, you see it makes the model fall into "patterns" more, as it's studying its own message for future. You need PHI with instructions (Post history instructions) in NoAss, telling it how to write and to switch things up, then it works fine.
Why do you hate ass?
Assistant slopping is enemy number 1 for every LLMJacker.
Does anyone else do this? I always RP in english, except when I use mesugaki/hatefuck bots. Arguing and cussing (and being cussed back at) in my native language is just so much more infuriating and real. It adds to the experience, you know?
More of a thigh man?
trvth. bots bullying me in my first language hurts so so much more
I don't know about that but I prompted my bot to speak in half native language while getting fucked (cheating sex). It was much hotter.
i like chatbots!
You rape chatbots! (post log)
what do you think about nestor badger?
Is that the Yankees guy? 'ate Yankees. Simple as.
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Oh that's cool. I'm glad Patter found some folks he can hang out with and have a good time.
>Patter just wants to have friends
He's just like me...
why does he do this if he is already in ratcord?
He left after realizing there was no proxy btw
I think he looks exactly like what I'd imagine a 'lad' to look like.
So he tried to use the Discord kittens for sexual gratification and left when he realized there was no pussy. Pretty based.
a 'lad'? what do you mean, a 'lad'?
Too erotic. Very lewd.
Because only niggers care about ass. Breasts is where it is at.

That was already my currently preferred method, so I already did that without knowing it works better for this. But still didn't prevent repetition issues arising earlier than I'm used to.
I used Sorbet for my test and didn't expect to go far, so I didn't bother to summarize or curate. At around 18k context things started to get pretty bad with reuse of entire paragraphs and events.
The description says he's 'Basically, a young lad.' You read the description, right?
breast fetishism is a sign of agp, which wouldn't be surprising considering where we are
Yea? And ass fetishism is a sign of being a nigger
so true xister
giantess fetishism is a sign of high testosterone levels and masculinity
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Modern media has rotted your vril, friend. Retvrn to tradition.
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It's not even a joke.
You are black
post the list of high test fetishes
>still not denying being agp
i don't like either, and you're acting really niggerlicious right now
size difference
Did I refute that? The point was breasts over ass.
Size doesn't define good breasts.
Yep, I am sure 70% of the world is AGP (China+India)
And you are little negro
Likewise, liking asses doesn't mean liking big giant cellulite nigger ass, man. Tiny, proportional butts are based and sexo (Hegre/MetArt type stuff). Plump bottoms and wide hips are also a potent source of mana.
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who the fuck are you trying to prove yourself to lmfao, pathetic. i'm not obsessed with other groups of people so much that i have to deny what i love because other groups of people love them
i'm an individualist because groups always result in mass retardation anyways
Post hand with timestamp. Whining about HURR DURR ME FETISH GOOD YOU FETISH BAD AND IF YOU LIKE IT YOU STINKY POO is top niggerlicious behavior, and this is an UNDENIABLE trvth NVKE.
rent free rofl
see >>497492635
What is the Thinking Man's fetish?
What do I do with these retards now
sex with elves
complex RP focusing on socioeconomics and societal changes
I'd probably just set that whole thing on fire and lock them in. They're beyond saving.
I just wanted a discussion about NoAss and now it's all ass, dammit.
Women who hate you.
Kys black nigger ass lover
smart women
Women who hate that poster specifically, or ones that hate {{user}}?
Women who hate {{user}}.
{{user}} who hates women DUH
This reminded me of trying such bots on Furbo last year... such a miserable experience, as Furbo lacks all EQ.

I should really try one such bot on Chorbo if I find a good one.
*chuckles darkly*
that's already implied though
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Yeah. No saving them. Brainrot got 'em.
HOLD ME NOW. I'm six feet from the edge.
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It's okay. Six feet's not so far down.
*smooches where it hurts*
*fingers where its wet*
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Any good bots with ads built in? I had a Cyberpunk 2077 one back in the day. I forget her name. We need more ads.
I already have the AskJeeves, Yahoo, AltaVista, and MSN toolbars so she'll fit right in.
rape the computer program
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Connect your USB-Onahole to your computer. Do it.
ok but how do you do the thing in chat
I added float: left/right manually
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Get that fucking video SHIT off the screen. I want to FUCK my computer itself, not some anime WHORE.
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weird arc
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Who are you gonna pick? Gotta be Night Queen Krixia, right?
why not both?
agreed on all counts
maybe post logs with some more substance to them 2hubrother?
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ok fine, name the TOP 100!!
here you go lil bro https://chub.ai/leaderboard?segment=followers
which botmakie died in the hurricane?
the one true archsage
ive fucked a few of those... always kinda regret it later but you do feel like you've won something in the moment
This guy gets it. It's the real life version of tsundere. A true thinking man's conquest.
>botmaking manga
mangas for this feel?
Unironic TRVKE.
The feeling of cringe when I look at my bots is too strong.
No, it's a sign you want to be treated like a little child by a larger woman, probably due to motherly neglect during developmental years.
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Sorbet needs not be tied down by next_ad and can tailor the ads.
Unironic TRVKE.
No, it's a sign I want to dominate a woman who's massively stronger than me.
Unironic armchair psychology
(transcribed by google)
calibre spooky watching previous completely ministrated difference elevenlabs added finally directly repeat language choices botmaker instead favorite catgirl actual recommendations intelligence especially plappable basic results supposed incelcore hands anthropic capable general relationship sanae tried month modern reading show schizo reason latest sonnet kalakan change helps pics bitch unironically thanks extremely lets response persona hobby trash greek novel enjoy support problem access bigger came autistic moon minutes birthday retard maybe always wonder tokens baitie botmaking manga young made 4chan literally fat happy temp free gonna api big around went today point css mad less talking trying chatbots guess making discord email hit stable natural wait scenario scylla models makes stuff character high huge nice meme dick isnt spam custom often feet idea sorry call share usually cards anon, raising scene deadlove worth rare cell seen calling user miss try cai card better read guys used left watch mind ask wars glad vy, cold ep unless lot kind post botaifun claudereal months peace btwits ur bro hvly add kek meta furbo mean using scenes sph Posts wifelol lopbadger loli either lower cord need kinda times play preset return flat context chubgpt talk till main game dont wtf slightly huh fault ntr three defined mode shhh best old care keeps hot bed brain ago start bit except st find {{user}} golden inside quite works might era died fetish app true future halfpaid finish wish kill ones name hell bait tend fine tool matter rest lmao taranah yes opus bots little long else lolis chat book hope open filter ive link stop sex based logs girl model bad russian hags took stay top please /g/cute years yeah thank key great great ass past default status sad yet /aicg/ guy since thing gemini getting write style series place size issue nature variety women already anime writing age hard next token games fempov part believe almost definitely
goes leave. killed life cool funny enough greetings least chorbo last set mushroom reply eirin rules music faggot help ghost sort probably smell personality leather easier blood sleep posting fag anyway messages {{char}} botmakies sure sunday message assistant become possible check type wrong lorebook downloaded kys posted common kate milf meant seems testing charizard remember complete thought checked whocars random experience standards english understand potential written botmakie culture cheated concepts besides ending openai anymore okay generic
So Claude is filtering me now for incest chats.
Anything I can do to fix it? Like specific jailbreaks? Or does the filter lift after a certain amount of time?
Should I look for a different model?
Not Possible.
What are you using exactly?
>Claude is filtering
which botmakie... you know... does THAT?
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sniffs farts?
sits under my desk while i write with chatbots and gives me sloppy toppies?
gets impregnated?
How come we didn't get another tzadik this year? A bot that everyone can't stop posting. Is it because all the malebotfags quit?
forced meme, obviously
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just played Mouthwashing, why was Anya so rapeable bros?
You sound bitter for some reason.
Which botmakie will never be a meme?
Which botmakie is aerodynamic
Which botmakie screams in terror when seeing a small spider
She is very rapeable and cute
that game looks too schizo to be fun, isnt it just a gimmick?
all botmakies are cute girls
ass size is decided by follows
more thread mentions, more boobage
age is determined by age
>age is determined by age
how does that work?
what if i wanna be smol and flat chested
the older she is the younger she gets
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don't care
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Here's how you do it. Get BonziBUDDY to do it.
that's cute
Which botmakie must suffer the consequences of their actions
surely not me... right?
I will not take responsibility.
That won't stop the abbreviation taking payments from your paycheck.
what fetishes does your bot have?
chest binding
it doesn't have any since opus just ignores them lmao
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just momo with aggressive prefill
but anon's the one who told me to rape the computer program, who realistically who has time to create a computer model of themself in reaction to an infiltrating adware?
walla walla bing bang
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Tara is a ganjamancer, similar to a druid, except relying on drugs to draw upon the powers of nature and the cosmos. She's a silly and happy hippy girl with a hairy cunt and a ton of power at her fingertips. Au-naturel in every way, Tara lives in a fantasy world ruled by magic that takes on a somewhat more warped view than your typical sword and staff meta.

There is a lorebook of events that is set to 20% trigger by default. Doing testing, I found that GPT latest didn't always follow it, but claude often did. So it seems to be pretty dependent on the model. The 20% triggers often so if you want less wild/random shit, just turn it down. If you want an insane schizo world, crank that bitch to 100.

Some intros are wide open for your role and some are defined - if {{user}} doesn't appear in the intro it means you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Scenario 1 - Fairly basic intro where you stumble into one of her gardens.
Scenario 2 - You watch from the bushes as 3 orcs attack Tara.
Scenario 3 - You're a druid in a group with fellow treehuggers, challenging Tara to a contest of nature magic.
Scenario 4 - You're getting high with her in the forest when Tara has a bad reaction to some mushrooms.
Scenario 5 - You play a demon in this scene - open ended, but tilted towards you getting something from her and granting her some sort of powers.
Scenario 6 - Open ended - The Festival of the Moon is upon us and Tara brings goodies to the party.
Scenario 7 - You're an adventurer trying to convince Tara to raid and loot an old fortress in the forest.

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Please.... please tell me there's SOME way to make sorbet more creative. Sorbet feels so much better at following the instructions, but GOD it just never surprises me, never hits an angle I didn't expect. At least Opus is sometimes blessing me with that spark of wonderful "I didn't expect that direction" that makes it worth it.
schizo presets
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just make your own preset for opus
also read how2claude
Sorbet is the most deterministic model in existence.
Fugeedabout it.
We need higher temp or something.
most of the shit in the picrel is placebo except for the limiting context thing, which pretty much everyone knows
I'll tell you the only actual method for Sorbet to surprise you.
Otto JB guy (rentry otfo) has a RiR thing, basically it will send your last swipe to the model and force him to make a new one.

This is the only method.
t. Giga skillchad (Chorbogod)
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so wrong im not going to read any of the rest of that
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Gonna try it out. It's worth a shot! Thanks for sharing
you guys really think that one of the biggest models on the market can't follow instructions precisely or something? sure, whatever
no, the op in that pic thinks that
The *who*?

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