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Katawa Shoujo General #4011

Drills Edition
QOTT: What is your happiest memory involving Katawa Shoujo?

Last Thread: >>496271876

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
(Updated) Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/tan8n3k7
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
Ara~non's survey results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
I'm going to come to your house if you make the new thread right before I hit Submit on mine again.
In that case, i'll make sure to have some tea ready, so dont forget to bring the tasty treats!
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QOTT: I don't think the game itself gave me many memories that I would describe simply as "happy". But it led me here, and making friends in this general has brought me much happiness. May General #4011 bring good things to all who post in it.
What a wonderful night to have a new thread!
It's been a while I actually actively posted, so I'm glad I caught this one.

Regarding the QOTT, I don't think there is any memory which the label "happy" could describe. So in that way I agree with >>497521339 . I certainly felt emotional, however it was a strange blend of feelings I haven't been able to put into words or even relive since that day. It's strange, really. But posting on this general and related forums has been a great pleasure, and it certainly gave me new perspectives on life.

Also, spooktober is here! Enjoy it while it lasts!
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Hello new thread !!
I haven't been a KS fan for a long time, but my best memory so far was playing Emi's acts 3 and 4 in a single sitting until 4 AM.
I cried an unbelievable amount, yet it's a really happy memory to me. This route gave me some kind of catharsis
I think your answer is perfectly valid, and to answer the question too, im in a similar situation myself. Its two things i could say that that make me genuenly happy that involve KS. Hanako and how i've managed to be part of a subset of cool people and have a great time with it.
Miki is the school rapist.
I wish I was the school rapist.
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Then you should have submitted the forms to apply for authorization to announce your candidacy for the position before the election.
According to the bylaws the student council president has the privileges of all elected positions
I'll just go ahead and be the school rapist anyway? What's she gonna do, tell me no? Good.
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
fucking hell......for fucks sake......... i cant post lilly....
If Hanako's route wasn't subverted by a literal tranny with more mental illnesses than the rest of the dev team combined, rape wouldn't even be an occasional topic here let alone a daily one.
Sure it would
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They should just dress up as each other.
But Lilly IS dressed as an angel?
drew misha but i cant show you , goodnight /ksg/
Another time, anon, another time!
"Well that is one way to start a thread" is all I am going to say.
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Got my wife to play and correctly guessed what ending she was going to get.
Correctly guessed the katawa she got as well? Wow. You two should get married. Or, um...
>my wife
get out of here
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There's hope for us all, anon.
I cannot imagine telling the woman I love to play Katawa Shoujo but I'm not surprised you could tell what she'd get
Strictly KS related, Emi's ending
More loosely, probably running for her for the first time
I was afraid she was going to get the neutral ending.
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Dark Lilly, Emilly, or Femji
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>demon/succubus Shizune
As long as the emphasis is on succ.
Rin pls
Why do you have a general for a 12 year old porn game? Yeah it was great but its been well established that Lilly is best girl, there can't possibly be much left to discuss.
Everyone knows all the porn is disabled.
Tradition trumps logic
NTA, but I think I'd be disappointed with my choices if I loved a woman that wouldn't give KS a chance
I think less about "oh no dude what if she thinks it's bad and hates me" and more "this game is very special to me in a personal way that I wouldn't really want to share with my significant other or anybody else"
goodmorning /ksg/, i still cant post lillyl..
why not
bcs im blocked to upload
well why would you post something that stops you from posting again in the future
>I wouldn't really want to share with my significant other
Maybe that's your problem. I'd love to have a SO I trust enough with KS.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
i dont doed something, just posted via vpn
It's not a lack of trust that would stop me from wanting to do so, it's that KS is very significant to me in a way that I feel sharing it with anybody in my life would feel weird and possibly even diminish it and I don't want to risk that
>sharing it with anybody in my life would feel weird
Yet you share it with total strangers in here. One of my friends told me about KS years ago, I doubt I would have found it on my own as I'm not really a gamer.
I talk about it very passively in here, the way I would discuss it with somebody close to me would be different because I can't just be passive about it with somebody I care for deeply
Morning /ksg/

Some mornings as i go about my usual commute a random song i know will pop into my head and it will accompany me for the rest of the way. Today it was Hanako's theme which i listen to again recently. Its a very emotional piece for sure and yet very appropriate for her, a track that combines sorrow and relief in a dare i say professional way. Despite my doubts on things I'll try my best to not be hung up on the sorrow and focus more on reaching that blissful relief
Damn. I talk about KS so earnestly with you, but it's all been passive on your end? I'm just kidding man, I see where you're coming from.
So insecure in your katawa love, you're not willing to share the cripl gospl.
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Good morning /ksg/!
I smell a great day ahead, keep moving your feet and make it happen!
I think Miki deserves better than Suzu.
1, 2, or 3, in that order please.
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I really like these two.
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>What did you say this position was called?
>Pronebone. It's my boyfriends favorite
>I thought you said he didn't do yoga
Why do people keep posting those ugly honey select models...
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They're cuter in 2D
Also the koikatsu models just look better than those ugly HS ones
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>your katawa
>what you're listening to
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Why not use Koikatsu at least? Its much better for anime style characters.
KK for my heart.
HS for my dick.
when block is over:(9
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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HS models are so ugly I can't get off to them
You're probably not the anon making the HS then.
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The bodies in HS are fine, but the faces kill boners.
And yet, that Femji in the lineup is pretty cute.
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would corrupt
Once every year or so, I think to check in on this socially formative space, and I'm always surprised it still exists.
I used to love this place.
Then I had deep shame.
However, I've learned to accept this place as just part of my history. As one of many steps that lead me to the happiness I have today, and I'm thankful for my experience with all of you.

I dont think there are still many old heads checking in frequently enough to see this, but I look back foldly on the time we spent together and miss you all.

Numerical value for reading.
This is the first time I've popped into this general since before /vg/ was created. The fact that it still exists shows just how damaging mental illness is. This is a genuine loony bin.
I agree. She deserves me, but sadly, we don't exist in the same reality.
Based Maid rocker. Believe in the me that believes in you, anon.
Part of your history, as well as your future, I hope. I also used to just stop by very rarely. I'm sorry you felt deep shame in the past, but very glad to hear that you found your happiness. Way to go on reaching out for that better life.
We're a loony bin of love. I will always pay my respects to the experiences that have helped make me me.
thanks, doc
Anyone patsmaxxing in here?
lilly brings u joi..
actually no, all she brought me was continuous feelings of jealousy and hatred since she's the dev favorite
keep me posted
Paturday is still a few days off, energy is being conserved
meant for >>497642210
ok then but i will still post that
New reminder since the last one was in the previous thread. The poll in regards to the roster of the /ksg/ team in VGL is still ongoing but only for a couple more days. After that, im closing it and taking your votes into consideration so we can start getting into some actual work for the team. Honestly, while i do not mind having a single instance of each girl as players, its gonna be a bit of a pain to fill the vacant spots, plus we'd be missing on half the memes from said girls so this might be the one and only thing not hugely affected by voting but we'll see.

>Poll's link

>Team's current roster for reference
~( ̄ε ̄;)
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KS release on Steam has gotten a few people posting art which is the most I could ask for
Mind scrambled, soul consumed.
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goodnight /ksg/
Look at this little fiend of a tyke. Imagine the fruity misbehaviors she'd have gotten up to if she had been able to see. Her parents must thank their lucky stars each and every night.
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One of my friends in college was completely blind, and it was surprising the kind of mischief she got up to as a kid. picrel
She even looks like Lilly. A rascally sort by nature, it seems.

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