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double betray edition

Previous Thread: >>497362158

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
First for futa cocks are the best.
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>those preview pics
Tempted to give it a try just for amusement
Tirma plz send Miruess troops to rescue me, Prim's ruthlessly draining my balls
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>she will never get another game
Sad. Sophie is one of my favorite h-game protagonists.
why is tentacle+feet so rare...
seeing some tentacles in between the girl toes is so hot
Versa's roast beef cunny.
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I only play lolige!
need more flat bitches like this
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same with tentacle anal inflation so sad mahou shoujo ai's the only hentai i've seen go all out with tentacles.
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holy duck
Denimge when?
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I do have an old pendulum clock and it's nice.
art can't be more soulless than this
It's pretty soulful tbfamdesu
>not just swinging his cock left and right
>0 lolibaba vanilla game that's 50 hours with lots of heartwarming events and hand holding sex
why live
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Many such cases. I wish I was another hgg2d femc ntr sheep for you'd never run out of games. Why do I like so many things that simply don't exist or may as well not exist. Pain.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Asylum had one scene like that
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any sovl VN like this game?
(it's like a voiced manga than a VN with how much fucking CGs they used for each scene)
>not futa
Me when I see a good blob.
I recognise that forehead. Is this game as good as Romanesque?
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Nuns are strong!
Any loliblop doko
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kill yourself
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Nuns are wike strong is fumika faggot basedjack
more like cumbat sister
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the game is short but it's a really sweet game that I really love, 10/10 cute vanilla
you can finish it in a day

don't expect a bunch of sex scenes, there's only two for the finale climax of each girl route (but it's super CUTE and romantic and the buildup is pretty good)
visible rib cage

the story is really sweet, there are 180 CGs in the gallery (but it's probably around 350+ CGs for interaction, they don't put ALL the arts in the gallery for some fucking reason, kinda insane number for a short game)

there is different story for different route, depend on the girl you pick, so there won't be any repetition after the route picking phase (though the main events stay the same, but play out very differently)
also ending theme song for each girl

enjoy classical violin pieces
the mc doesn't look nor act like garbage
sovl UI
there's an extra scene after you complete all routes, so remember to 100% the game
it doesn't have as much gameplay as Romanesque but it's unique in its own way, and just as sovlful
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also, the game is told like a manga, so you won't snooze to death even if you hate VNs
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Picked up.
>The best sex comes from when the lover embraces me and want it

The best sex is when a male NPC showers the female protagonist with affection (e.g. kissing, hand holding, eye contact) to the point where she leglocks him during their mutual orgasm.
Cute penguin.
all these shilling made me want to play Quarttet again...
I forgot a decent amount so ig it's time
>visible rib cage
sticcbros I'm going in.
any good godsimge?
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I don't know what that is, retard.
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wait sowwy bwo I forgot the main artist was held back in this game
check out his studio (Littlewitch) or games they worked on (Eiyuu senki) for the visible ribs
this art is the most 'visible" one
>too lazy to draw sclera
>also too lazy to draw pupils
any games with mom/son incest as a focus?
wow the rib cage wasn't as detailed as I remember
it's there, technically, but soft and cute than erotic
so was RJ01144692 decent? i liked the first one with the double-ntr mechanic and possibility for a pure run
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I'll do a Littlewitch's games marathon tomorrow, again
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made for evil sisters
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What's up with this counter and the two dots above ? I thought I'd unlock a different variant of the scene once it's filled but that doesn't seem to be the case
Also how close am I to the end if I'm about to meet the prince in front of the golden doors ? I don't wanna spoil myself too much but I feel like if I ended the game too soon without enjoying most of the side content, I'd feel bad
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when will my goat make a game of his own...
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surely there will be a cute vanilla lolige tomorrow
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violated idol doko
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>white girl stranded in africa simulator
>serena is a magical prodigy that could easily one shot 99% of the people that live in that town
>but she lets herself get abused and raped numerous times because reasons
bwo, your good ending where you shit on 99% of the town in fights????
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"I will kill people and bring unwanted attention or even the law to myself"
my headcanon is that she orders the knights to slaughter everyone there after she gets home
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>bad at game
>lose against random goon
>blame a child
senpaitachis... update me on RJ01041151 translation... onegai...
the first game drained me so much, I went literally numb for days after; 4 hours delayed orgasms are so powerful... the semen production cannot keep up...
>ntrfags gets game that perfectly pander to their deepest desires
>vanillafags kills themselves
it's not fair...nyo...
Because getting swindled, getting raped, getting pimped out, getting pregnant and becoming a mother somehow helps her more on her quest to find her unicorn?
Kagura tl probably in December-January.
but nigga, you can win the fight? Losing is not the default
And miss out on a scene?
she shouldn't let those things happen either, your original point was she should "kill" people because she can
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
best princess
smooch serena
thanks anon, kissus in your chinko~
my wife
ntrbros... feed me the best (translated, I'm a filthy gaijin) one of the past 2 or 3 months, bonus points for phone development scenes, but I'll take any as long as it has quality.
I will play this just to keep the main couple together
Did that ever release?
just go ahead and learn the language already, use the games as leverage
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Where potato update?
0.16 demo
maybe eventually, but it's shaping up to be a bad gameplay good h kind of game
rough-looking older women
She'll never blob.
I feel like playing a game about himes (not Serena, I already played it to death) that got corrupted or worse by fat ugly old men. Any recommendations?
What does RJ even mean? Rectal justice?
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>want to fap
>but not really
Real Jigga
Is there an updaate?
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>can't open door
disregard, this game is kinda dumb sometimes
you can enter the house from the left. shitty game btw. started out fun.
what's shit about it
The knights aren't gonna listen to a slut disowned
and disinherited for being used goods.
Tried to play this one but I was annoyed at how the clicking & even autoplay with voiced lines didnt match text speed.
Either text goes too slow and the voiceline is done 20% of the way through, or clicking to make the full text appear causes the voiceline, some times multiple in one 'page' to skip entirely.
I just couldnt get used to it fucking with my tism and stopped playing early on.
almost everything. quests, scenes, items dont matter, game is easily broken, 100f dungeons where you get shit all for beating both of them.
Kirari giving a client a handjob and nipple lick.
game in 4 days
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oh hey
the OVA for RJ387951 it's out
I can take her in a 1v1, no holds barred
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but the game wasn't very good
why did it get an OVA
Making OVAs of doujin games is the current fad for h-anime now that VN's are fucking dead. It's either that or slideshows of h-manga with less animation than the source.
free ads for the game
the normalfags that never heard of it might even play it now
NoR OVA when doko?
Nope, go to sleep!
>manatank yamcha pose.png
thats not very pious of her...
i just want to see her pregnant
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>succs you to death
Pssh, nothing personnel kid
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help me find the game bros... anyone know what's the RJ?
it's some samurai pink haired ponytail femc game with battlefuck and the battle sprites had her looking towards the enemy sprite like picrel
hmm doesn't right a bell, might help if you drew her as a blob
what game?
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>these ravenous succs around him
It's a miracle he survived
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We just don't know.
Weird blob.
WTF that blob has a body?!!
how do we rape the evilness out of americunts? they're ruining our hobbies
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It was only because of the indomitable human spirit
kill and rape americans
you defeat them by subscribing to all of their patreons until their games reach 1.0
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Don't bother.
Game is buggy af.
The dev is one of those people who knows how to draw but don't how a thing about rpgengine.
He almost died when fucking Emela.
are you a time traveler? how did you play a game from 4 days in the future? is there more than one cute oni
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Nice try kid.
Fake news and AI callouts are old tricks for me.
Rio de Janeiro
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Left fucks MT because only out of lust
Right fucks him because of love
Middle is both
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that hammer doesn't look so good
Subscribing makes the game take longer. As more people subscribe, the more passive income the dev has.
The only way to make a weg hit 1.0 is to have the fanbase agree to pull funding.
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There's this thing called early demo you dipshit.
And even in that short demo you can already softlock yourself. Thats how spaghettis code that game is/will be.
That does feel really good desu
>AI puke
Any new fox girlge?
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Actually serious question, did anyone actually 100% VB Frontier, meaning all Equips, max difficulty and Berserk?
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You won't get the source from me nigger.
Unless you rimjob me.
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Emela loves him too though, she just realizes it late
It's decent. It's still pretty linear and essentially just a yes/no simulator. I liked certain story beats, namely how there's the contrast of the mind control aspect vs true love. I think this is one of the few games where love actually ends up breaking through the mind control.
Pls understand, she's an inferior japanese blacksmisths, on top of being a japanese female.
She is triple retarded.
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i've reached an insurmountable obstacle

what do you normally pick anon-tachi
>your irl name
>canon mc name
>a random made up name (normal)
>a random made up name (joke)
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Pink witch carried the game
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Anon for sequel, something smart for Black Souls. Canon MC if possible.
thats a Sakunzu hammer you idiot
Need more confident stacies in h-ge.
If there's ever a dual femc game, one should be a stacy that tries to make the other girl "her new project."
Rio smug
Anon if you're just treating it as a self-insert
Made-up name or joke if you're planning to play it normally
Idk about irl names, i ain' autistic enough for that
Use "Manatank" if you want a canon name, that's as canon as it gets
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I normally use Anon because it's funny
if mc is named anon doesn't that mean you're getting ntred by your hgg2d posting pals whenever the girls call out your name
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Poncho in Hiragana, just like i did. If you can't choose a name
Jack or John
MC default if its a NTR Game
If the guy is clearly older than the girl, then Darling.
what the fuck are these disgusting fingers
Aeiou. Or just random gibberish. It doesn't really matter.
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What's his name bros
Haven't gotten to colony yet. I thought Chemica was gonna be my surefire waifu but learning that theres a nun has made the decision much tougher.
>has access to a deka but gets infatuated by the zako
has this ever happened before
I usually just name myself John [GameName] because it's funny
Is it RJ287025?
oh i thought that pink witch was cute but if it is a zakochinge i will not play
If it's an NTRge, I pick the name of a character I dislike in whatever anime I'm watching so I can shitpost with screencaps of it in /a/.
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You're welcome. Why were you looking for it, by the way?
I simply forgot the RJ and now I realize some game with battlefuck gotta be at least engaging to play through at least than generic RPGM slops
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Oneone1's next game is also doing the from behind combat pose.
this game oozes
>lesbians getting dicked straight NTRKINO
I once saw a CG posted here of the white-haired girl patting some ningen male's head and smiling at him as they fucked. Can't wait to see that in-game.
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pretty sure that one wanwanwanfag got a MEGA link for the ci-en posts
What Sequel party members girls would be up for three ways with Manatank
>no futa
>no prolapse
>same structure as previous wanwan1 games
who cares
>quests, scenes, items dont matter,
I get this feeling that dev didn't want to create any challenge for the players or to 'force' them to engage with specific mechanics (like the pasture which you can safely completely ignore, the game even tells you that). Same thing with the scenes and quests which have ultimately zero consequences. Sadly, this just makes the game very shallow and boring.
If the character has a strong personality I just go with the default name. If he's just a blank slate or a generic character I just pick anon.
anyone got this new pure love MOD for VP?
Those are made on a budget of a rice bowl and pirated version of stable diffuse, if one makes couple hundred schmuks buy a copy, it's practically pays for itself.
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Combat nun's game is delayed till next March.
Forgot the link
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Actually, I like it when its a DILFy ugly bastard, and it’s better when the younger partner has a paternalistic affection for a fat and ugly older man (that might have a bit of a bastard streak, which she finds attractive).

Thanks, anons. I’ll check those games out.
Again, if anyone has any more recommendations for ugly bastard games, I would be grateful.
What are you doing with Diy?
why do they like NTR and ugly bastard so much?
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>green small ningen (goblin)
>green big ningen (orc)
>red small ningen (imp)
>red big ningen (devil/oni)
make it stop
give me real monsters ffs
because that's peak fiction that doesn't happen irl
ntr broken
ugly bastard broken
I identify with the ugly bastard, so it's like I am the one stealing someone else's girlfriend.
games with black goblins?
When's the next coolsister?
That was the one, yes. Thanks!

Damn. They did anal, too?
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I will play
I dont care about NTR but I like ugly bastards because I am one.

The real question is why so many hentai puts them together. Are prissy little faggots so afraid that their imaginary girlfriend will cheat on them with someone that's fat and ugly?
so i can see the rj
A random mathematician's name.
Blair because it sounds like player
Is this any good?
Is eldorante average?
This looks great.
Me neither. I can't relate at all to zakochinpos.
my lad
>The real question is why so many hentai puts them together. Are prissy little faggots so afraid that their imaginary girlfriend will cheat on them with someone that's fat and ugly?
People who like NTR and uglybastard like the idea that their perfect GF is getting betraying them by fucking somebody lesser than them
It's why you never see an ugly bastard get cheated on with a cute twink manlet
>ugly bastard get cheated on with a cute twink manlet
Shotashit has that all the time
Kiari's game
>People who like NTR and uglybastard like the idea that their perfect GF is getting betraying them by fucking somebody lesser than them
that's... bizarre
true, but they usually still look and act like ugly bastards from what i've seen
so the same reason why people fetishize blackedshit
checks out
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All of them
Also needs to be updated since Thirst is out
if it's an ntr game i use my husband's name
that bait doesn't work anymore
what's it like being in a gay marriage
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Are there ANY vns/games that have wholesome romance between a normal male MC and femboys/traps? Doesn't have to be exclusively that pairing

Everything is just sissy ntr shit it seems
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>When you need to use mtool to respawn her because she will only appears when you're a silver ticket member and if you advanced to gold before getting her scenes she'll just disappear and you'll be softlocked forever

I'm so glad I know how to mtool stuffs and fix games myself
How much of self-insert is MT anyways
no? you just need no ticket at hand
idk, but you'll find that special someone one day anon
holy fuck
another thp killer
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oh really? nevermind then.
I had difficulty running into her so I use mtool to read the raw event data myself
>very weak personality wise and story roles
>but has enough distinctive quirks to be different i.e he's an excellent cook and blacksmith, unique mana (but in a bad way) etc.
Honestly it's up to the player if he considers him one or not
what's that background?
>excellent cook and blacksmith
I wonder, can /hgg/ bros cook a decent meal and at least make something
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>can /hgg/ bros ... make something
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So what is her deal anyways? Is she just another Nyuu's signature giga hidden virgin slut
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I...I love Rabi so much bros....
I should finish Colony
>wife beats the dick and comes back to her husband
Well, RJ01055403's ending was a pleasant surprise
that's a gay furry game
i want normal human male mcs
>only the two of them
What would Uula and Nyx's canon skillset be like
Nyx is magic I guess
Uula's in Thirst, which is new, isn't translated, and the whole reason I avoided checking hgg2d for more than a week after it's release
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I'm enjoying this game. Artstyle and MC are great.
The control scheme is aids. Can someone spoonfeed me a better control scheme, KB or controller?
Yeah, pretty much.
She also appears in Yarimon and she's the exact same there.
BTW I think she's great
I used controller even though my controller is fucking garbage at motion inputs
You can kill everything with attack, jump, and dodge.
that's a good tip, it's really easy to get sucked into all the convoluted tricks like swapping mana colors, weapons, subweapons, skills... it's wild.
real fun DFC.
Loli action games!
Any other *good* games like this?
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she dies
if you count that msgk one that played like getting over with
girl on the right looks like she's drawn by an entirely different artist
because she is and that's the good artist
jilelen looks like shit compared to her and maomao
Disagree. they are both good artists.
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I'm still waiting for more schoolgirls as livestock games. Please god also fuck the americunts for stealing the slave slg genre away from us
ok, what about some post of her in a compromising position please
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This one?
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Screenshots show some bad 3D scenes too. Mostly 2D?
no that one is just a shitty rpg
he means RJ01199136, also it's jump king not getting over it but the same shit.

animations are 3d and the CGs are 2d. Only bosses and events have CGs.
is this just because people weren't prepared for jump king gameplay or is it actually kuso?
jump king is kuso so you answered your own question
dev said he'll make a more normal ACT for his next game
jump king is kusokino
anyone play Super Dramon Quest?
there's no dubcon or rape tag on dlsite but there's gallery pics of anal to mouth tentacle mind break so is there rape in this game or not?
>Japanese only
If I want good h-games do I need to adapt to no English?
Sorry I’m just starting to branch out from Steamslop.
Actual fan translations have basically ceased to exist in the past two years
Really fucking nothing?
I had a great time watching that psycho streamer play it
Is this kino game?
He likes pulling pranks on people, to the point that he might legit be a male version of a mesugaki. He taunts and teases some of the girls into raping him and getting addicted.
i hope it is...
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Ok anon, did it. Guess I’ll use Google Translate or something.
>Downloaded RJ01185015
>Hypno game
>The tutorial is like 20 minutes long
>You already starts in a half-hypno family of 4
>Goal is to get as much people pregnant within a year
>To progress you need to purchase more subscription plans for your hypno-app to unlock more and stronger functions
>But each additional function subscription will increase your monthly bill
>To increase monthly income you need to go outside and hypno ordinary people to give you money
>But doing too much will lower town's security and if crime is too high you'll get BLM raiding your house and NTR your family
>There're also A BUNCH of side characters (like fellow classmate of your sister etc) who will start noticing and sussing of your hypno
>You'll also need to hypno and silence them in time before they call the cops on you
>As you brainwash your family they also get more and more braindamaged and therefore more subjected to NTR and you'll need to put more and more efforts to protect them

Jesus Christ
which game?
Unironically got filtered by all the systems in place
man. those phone app hentais make it look so easy
You guys ever do fun challenge runs on your favorite games?
its really easy, just go full corruption, without doing the prostitution, and just pay for the NTR protection
you end up gaining more than you lose, then slowly start up buying clothing for the non main girls and corrupt them
>But doing too much will lower town's security and if crime is too high you'll get BLM raiding your house and NTR your family
I hate when that happens. Pretty realistic though, not gonna lie.
And folks, this is why the subscription business model is bad for the consumers.
>you don't play as the father
i cannot stress this enough: dropped
What was that one game where the heroine starts out as your average loli cumdump that gets raped by everyone and their mother and ends up fighting demons and angels and shit towards the end? She also gets a hi-tech-looking suit in a fantasy setting and by the endgame the stats are like 9999999/9999999/9999999/9999999.
You do larp as the role of the father once you be a good goy and sub the father plan though.
Truly a unique concept
I did Sonyaless in MGQP
So that's why NTR plots happen, they were all brain damaged used goods from Hypnochads
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>my... le hentai game...
>is a subtle critique of le capitalism...?
I didn't like the game art, it feels a lot inexpressive. Yet at the same time, I enjoyed playing the game

Nice reminder, I got this game and forgot to play it. Though I will admit I was lost at the game hud
at least it isn't a food analogy
DLsite needs a subscription model like game pass where you pay a monthly fee to play ge for free.
>not food anal
you should already have reverse food anal once every few days.
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Is this person sleeping?
O Yes
X No
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
Terrfiying, NG+ in blight. It was really fun(not)
>H scenes
>on PS2
I don't remember BS1 art being this HD
ps2 one is the sfw one
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Himecut supremacy
>anon posted literally 7/8 of her H scenes in one image
>the final H scene is penetration but that's the only one and it's poorly cropped
I regret playing that kusoge for her
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I heard the new Iris Chronicles is bad, how bad was it?
>canon name
When was this
Looking for games about corrupting yuri characters
Left is still the horniest female lead in Sequel, hands down
Epsteinge... doko..
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Pink childhood friend
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does anyone ever encountered a problem in rpgmaker
where instead of an animated scene
its just still frames side by side?
pic unrelated
>100% Little Witch Romanesque years ago
>went to check the gallery today to remember fond memories
>game not found
It cost me a ridiculous amount of time to...100%...this...
did you save the game on your computer?
if yes, what gallery?
anyway its not the goal but the journy

gl finding 100% save
maybe you still have your save in
%USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/Littlewitch/Romanesque er
if yes, you can still redl the game
Make up something on the spot. You will quite literally stop giving a fuck about the game once you're done with it, regardless if you complete it or not. This is a non issue. Look back at similar single player games, not even necessarily HRPGs, and tell me that you care about your character names there. You don't. Stop wasting your time obsessing over dumb shit.
I've noticed it happen in a game on Windows 11 when I'm 99% sure they worked properly on Win10. I didn't give enough of a fuck to try but maybe the compatibility mode fixes it.
why do you keep reposting this trash
its actually aon win10 but i guess an uopdate broke it
compatibility mode might fix it for 7
ty ill try it
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>4 posts in last hour
Dead general

holy shit thank you
btw does this game has newgame+
i have a pre-steam version of this game but its really hard to collect all events in a single route so i wonder if i keep my seplls for future playtroughs
I need a game where I'm a brutal male who treat my gf like shit and get ntr-ed by a woman who treat her kindly
Get your dad drunk and then ask him about his first relationship
>haven't played any futa MC futa-on-female kino in ages
>remember Sex & Home Dungeon sequel in development, was delayed at the end of 2023 to be 'some time in 2024'
>go check dev blog
>latest entry for October is 'sorry guys not 2024 either, next year!'
backup that save NOW.
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mhm iirc, nyo
you can use cheat engine to freeze/reverse time to exhaust all the common events however, like how I did it
ex: pause time on day 30, daily events on day 25 to 35 will play after you rest and move to another day 30, until there's none
the devs admitted "we didn't intend for 100% to be possible"
good thing they have over 540 events total to justify this shit
there's also event if you change classroom and use specific teacher for that classroom, remember to collect that

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There were a couple decent futa games coming up based on that one futa anon's upcoming games list, though I can't find that list
I do have his existing futa games list though, have that
backed up!
EU wagies busy working. Only NA has mommy basement neets
i love netorase
I'm still busy getting raped by Auris
I love vanilla
need to catch up to manga
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american cucks are out
kissing white girls rn!
how did you even lose it
I bet he can taste the semen of the BVLL
Huh. That actually looks consensual. I'm surprised.
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imagine the shoulder pains
I beat the game with the harem + no prostitution ending, here's my hints
>don't touch the main girls in the beginning
>purchase the "use hypnosis outside" plan
>purchase one plan for breaking a side heroine or 2, concentrate on them (grandma and police aunt are the best ones because they notice bad stuff happening to any family member quickly)
>once broken you will begin to get additional monthly money as a reward, on the monthly payment skill you can also sub and unsub from plans you don't need so their cost doesn't apply for the next month
>once the money situation starts getting better, start buying plans for different kinds of hypnosis (dad, lover, stranger) as they also unlock different kinds of scenes and generally speed up the rate of breaking all heroines and continue with the sub/unsub routine per heroine you need to capture

The ending requirements are:
>fail to get any
>get mom's mind to 0
>mom's mind at 1 or higher, unlock the lover hypnosis setting
>older sister's mind broken, dad hypnosis unlocked
>older sister's mind broken, her trap boyfriend broken as well, might also require the lover hypnosis (there's an icon for it but it's not listed in the MTL)
>flat twin broken, dad setting
>cow twin broken, stranger setting
>all main heroines broken, lover setting

Then are the harem endings which all require 12+ sub heroines broken and have:
>dad setting
>stranger setting
>none of main heroines prostituted
All harem endings unlock the free roam mode or the ability to restart the game with a bit of more monthly money from the start, but it's such a tiny amount it's not really worth it. I modified the files to get shitton of cash to replay the game without tension. I tried to do the same for weekly actions but for now I've yet to succeed at it.
is she the most coolsister @ right now?
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I read, I thank you.
futakino of this feel please
>coolsister character
>not a nun
>more hot than cool
Why is this allowed?
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>neither cool nor a sister
That's false advertising.
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look at these piggies...
I wish SELFLOVERS COFFEE was a real chain...
thank you
Next JSK game in 2 hours.

RJ01187104 in 26 hours.
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Forgot pic.
>start buying plans for different kinds of hypnosis (dad, lover, stranger)
I remember translations for his stuff kind of stopped coming from a certain point on, are they worth it even if I don't get the writing?
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They're fine. JSK games are more or less the same. Depends on which dialogue you pick you'll end up getting "vanilla end", "slave end", "reverse slave end" or "mind-broken end"

The reason why all these patreon MTL faggots can't translate JSK games even though they're only like 40 lines of text in the game is because the faggots couldn't be bothered to learn how to translate a Unity game. Your faggot MTL deities can't do shit if there aren't prewritten programs that can do all the translation magic with one single click.
the one on the right looks kind of familiar
Childhood friend strikes back

hi /hgg2d/
one sovlful game please!
Newfag here, what's JSK
merc's game
actually, do you know any obscure game from 2000s, with unique artstyle, cute story and good art presentation?
>>497620262 (me)
since I already played most well-known games of 2010~now I think
Prostitute Maker. It's on myabandonwre.
>googled Prostitute Maker
>Princess Maker 2 showed up
i honestly didn't know jsk still made games post flash
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>can't read
no I found Prostitute Maker, it's just funny Princess Maker 2 showed up because you know
god damn thanks for the warning
>Prostitute Maker.
Does this actually have sex scenes?
No idea, I got dropped it because I couldn't save.
Is that from Clymeme's never ever game?
Any signs of activity by him?
Be a good blob.
Honoka a cute
karryn's prison
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Clymeme is dead.
It's time to move on.
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Any games with tomboys that are insecure about their femininity?
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Those are great but only if they remain tomboys and don't start looking girly later on
the dad hypnosis strictly makes you the father of the girls, so in that case you fuck your daughter's trap bf until he's mind broken and butt pregnant
>that's not how hypnosis works you can't get a male pregnant because you did it hard enough
here, you can
Any tips for speed killing the crab guardian in awake
good info, i'll code a hypnosis app that lets me mpgreg the blobposters
games where you dick lesbians straight?
games where you dick cocks straight?
still can't get over the fact my favorite studio stopped making game since 2013...
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What game
can't even tell my kids my favorite eroge these days bcs they'll tell me I'm skibidi
>crab guardian
I don’t really remember killing him any more than one time. Some guardians are meant to be fought with magic though, so try that
yandex or check previous OPs till you find it
So in Karryn's Prison, how do I not spiral downwards due to sadism fucking with the pleasure gauge? Lost a run pretty badly due to this spiraling out of control.
On the hardest difficulty? You can't run while on hardest, right? I think you intentionally lose to reset her cockiness. As long as you suppress her desire values she won't get penetrated in any hole if you're trying to avoid that. But if you're trying to do a run with 0 defeats and pure sadism? Uhh... I dunno, maybe you'd have to save scum or be really technical about it? Like, taking only certain fights and speedrunning the game, avoiding all unnecessary side activities and jobs and such?
post your speedrun
It's the whole point of the game you need to abuse some mechanics if you don't want to just turn into a whore.
as long as you have desires below 50 the inmates can't do anything to her but they still take pleasure dmg, you can spam flaunt so the inmates will just goon to death as long as you keep desires down to 50.
so focus on agi/mind and charm.
What program do you guys use for making gameplay webms
>avoiding all unnecessary side activities and jobs and such
Acktually you have to do the receptionnist job for easy order. since you won't subdue a lot of inmates.
>nyaa dead
good riddance
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OBS to record and Webm for Bakas to convert to 4mb webms
Thanks, planning to record social event convos in Sequel since they're inacessible in the Gallery
OBS to record, WebM Converter (formally WEM for Lazys (formally WebM for Retards)) to convert.
In the future I guess I just want to avoid getting Sadism since it really fucked up a run. In general, game is pretty difficult or at least grindy. Not really too sure what to do overall. The control and money pipeline is kind of annoying to balance.
nta but /g/ is pretty fucking shit for any kind of advice. at best you get regurgitated points from google or some youtube tech influencer.
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The bread is a metaphor
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>JSK game not up

So tomorrow then.
I hope we get more because bad ends are hot
New ge
In robo-life if I want to get all the scenes it means I have to play the game three times right? Or can you get tell all in one sitting?
>game where you level up your charisma
( | )
I dunno. On my hardest run before the game's official release or just after it, I don't remember anymore, I save scummed a bunch when need be because the game is RNG as fuck and I reset her cockiness by intentionally losing, then building up sufficient confidence for boss fights. I think that the auto save function is lame and should be changed to ironman instead. Nothing stopping someone from making backups of save files and reloading that way. It just becomes a hassle. And failing the run is non negotiable. I never replayed the game afterwards and I have no interest in doing it again in the future either.
>Edited MTL
>Because programmers, high on their farts, never tag their shit as such.

That's because many brainded blokes like this think that edited MTL means "I changed the pronouns to proper ones," when in fact it may take weeks of editing to make it not look like raw MTL. And ppl just dismiss these efforts as "bro just MTLed it".

That's why we don't have good things. A lot of whining all over internet how bad MTLs are but when it comes to contributing something there's suddenly only ones who do one-click T++ MTLs or edited MTLs. (And guess which are better?)
>95%+ of devs focus on art, animations, voice acting and fetishes over writing or gameplay
>all of their games are completely forgettable after the initial hype wears off and people had their fill of them
>some aren't ever mentioned due to their nature of shallow fap material
>meanwhile, the 5% or less that focus on writing or gameplay over audiovisual candy typically but not always, deliver a story that won't be easily forgotten or gameplay that will warrant discussion due to the depth and possibilities or difficulty and advice required to beat it, and will be discussed for a while
Writing and gameplay design are also art forms that are sadly being neglected. And I wager that I know the reason for that too. It's because devs who aren't good at art but can code or write well, don't believe that their games will be relevant or sell at all because nobody's going to notice them over all the pretty looking slop.
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Didn't asked, Americans
But anon, nobody asked them to do any of this in the first place. It's one thing if someone commissioned them to do it, but it's a whole different story if they started it for the attention and halfway through realized that it wasn't worth their time anymore.
Rionigger lost.
Kisakichad won.
What even is this fetish?
>when in fact it may take weeks of editing to make it not look like raw MTL
So, rewriting. That's even worse than raw mtl slop. Retard.
But that's the problem, anon. Most play eroge to be aroused, not overthinking things up
I don't think you're supposed to fap to this. Don't let it stop you though.
That depends on whether they know any Japanese or not, retard. It's not necessarily rewrite if they do. Just cutting big effort on not writing all the text manually.
And here's where you lost the plot. These are games. Are we on the same page? Most are RPGs with combat, not touch simulations. Tell me, where's the arousal in generic RPG combat with no clothes ripping or combat sex mechanics? The story and gameplay are far more important than people think. There are other mediums for porn. Video and doujins. But also other genres of games like the simulation type I already mentioned, for quick porn delivery. There's also no reason for the gameplay not to be directly connected to the plot and the porn. Spirited Away (RJ286597) is an excellent example.
Both Kagura and MTLPlan use edited MTL btw
Anon, why are you assuming I ever bother with rpgmaker in the first place?
How much time does it save? I spend most of the my time testing and making sure the translation makes sense.
I mean... if you disagree or don't want to have a conversation about it, that's fine. Why are you replying then? Just play the games that aren't RPGs and have fun.
It depends on how much time they want to invest in the game and how big the game is, obvsly. It can save a lot of unnecessary effort depending on that.
>sidecharacter is 10x better than the main heroine
Many such cases
Are there only people looking for attention in your bubble? No one there who just wants to share good things with others because they can?
I still remember the random anon who gave me a copy of Black Souls 2 DLC 3 on release, so I didn't have to wait for pirate sites
god bless him, wherever he is
No, of course there are a handful of truly dedicated fan translators that do it out of pure selflessness or whatever, but let's not pretend that the majority of wannabe translators do it for the clout and attention whoring.
>still 0 good western artstyle
Which will be faster, learning Japanese or waiting for the TL of MGQ Paradox part 3?
fat guy seducing your waifu, call that calorizz
it takes 6 months to learn a language with full immersion.
It take 7 months to learn all the newspaper kanji by learning 10 per day on anki.
I'm rawdogging my anki reps and can only remember kanji as some vague squiggly lines. I can read them when I see them but there's no way I'd be able to recall and write them.
Evil people kiss evil blobs.
Do both. Translate MGQ urself.
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I uh idk desu
Off work for the cat 4 hurricane about to devastate my city and another banger by dazed dropped right on time. Aw yeah.
>6 months
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super dramon is actually a really good rpg man wth. the music is pretty solid and its even got voice acting for hscenes how the heck is this a decade old hgame. The prologue literally starts with you making a friend who ends up killing itself to stop itself from hurting you.
I chuckled
How big is the game? First time in a while a game exceeded mega transfer limit so I have to wait until tomorrow
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Tried it, but so far this game is too “UOOOHHHH” loli for me.

This fucking brat, however, pure fucking SEXOOOO. Pic related.
Wish there were some art scenes like Agnietta, all the lewd stuff seems to be in-game sprites.
probably like 30ish hours? i'm 4hours in atm and i'm only in chapter 2/8 but that's with me using cheats to get end game weapons.
If you come expecting to be have hot sex with dragon quest girl, then this may not for you.

This game could just be brothel simulator and no one bat an eyes, you may have many multiple MCs but you don't actually have sex with them. Mostly, just monster rape and gangbang.

Sex scene usually send the girl to brothel, defeat and etc. You may have some vanilla but that like 1% of the scenes. Also the scene It kinda like image only.

Now the gameplay and story play like Dragon Quest except this is a sequel (sort of) to their previous game where you played as villain and rape every heroines, now in this game, you basically just play hero to avoid them bandit and monster trying to screw you and your party. Story are long and extensive according to Dragon Quest standard (60+ hours) so if you just want to see bang ugly scene quickly, then this may not for you.

The game also feature trust system and building management system (from chapter 3) as well as long walkthrough in Japanese. It quite nice for extra feature but the scene is too less.
I'm going to fap so much once i get to the brothel segment, this is like a 10 hour edging session
Nice. Hopefully there's still latest jap version available somewhere.
>reddit joke
>finally found a game so good it makes me super happy
>is now scared to finish it because I'll become a husk looking for the same level of kino (there is none)
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finally a business partner with a face i can trust
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What ever happened to her game getting gnomed anyway?
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Today, someone learned the difference between loli and mesugaki.
translation doko...
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Look at her go
What game
>She also appears in Yarimon
What do you mean? Aren't those pictures from Yarimon?
no...it's nyu other game, the ticket one
I can only follow recipes, I panic and freeze up if I have to improvise something based on whatever ingredients are in the fridge
I am very proficient in using the gas oven.
Yes, I made omurice yesterday and kujirai ramen today.
cooking is pretty easy after you failed like 50+ meals
by then you will know which thing make what thing taste like
himecut femc gigaslutge with no rape doko
released almost 10 years ago....
i want to go back
agnis's game
bro I can make anything delicious with laoganma
I just cummed gallons to Imaria holyshit bros
R J162946
Why is my nigga Slayer in there
why thug hero party has to be my entry to ntr
you can get conversationally fluent in any language pretty quick if you do ACTUAL full immersion, like move to the country, make local friends with your basic retardspeak and hang out with them talking about stuff all the time, never speak to any gaijin including using english internet sites, etc. of course you need a basic level of understanding first.
and it's probably harder to do that "make local friends" part for japanese than something like spanish or french since most japs are gonna be pretty racist against foreigners who can barely speak the language
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The context was anon learning jap to play MGQ, not having a total lifestyle change.
Dungeon and Bride.... when.....
Do you make sure to remember them as compilations of radicals? It's easier to remember smth like ten-early-moon (十早月) than dawn (朝), or stand-tree-watch (立木貝) than parent (親)
I am actually worried about Clymenia
same, he never just disappeared out of nowhere like this when he was devving Sophiege
aren't all their games banger?
well Steam City was the last game I played so idk
The only reason people like Steam City is because they got attached to the boyish MC. The game is bad, even if you only compared it to Clymenia's other games. Penis in vagina.
nta, but you can also just only watch japanese media, read japanese children books, watch japanese youtube and you would get a somewhat usable understanding skill. reading vocabulary is something you just have to grind out, because it's not like European languages where you can read a word without knowing what it means, it's hieroglyphics, and you need to remember what each one means, and what combinations of them mean. Like 大丈夫 being "alright" (daijoubu) but individually the kanji meaning big, jou (unit of measurement) and husband
need more boyish flat cuties
now what would that game be?
Correct. Need more.
For being so beloved, there aren't a lot of tomboy childhood friend ge that aren't ntr
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We have plenty of flat cutie boys though
The only character with that name is from the game Big Breasts Party NTR. There's a gallery on panda, a dedicated page on Fantia, he has a ci-en but no RJ or store page for whatever reason. Apparently this game is still in trial version and has been in development for over 4 years? I dunno. It has links, a MTL and a 400 page thread on fag95.
I know this one. It even got a steam release
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evenicle (there's no COMPLETELY flat smug retarded genius nerdy green ponytail woman in a vanilla with a sizable amount of content anywhere...)
other than the cunny (she's more like a daughter I can't jack off to her for some reason) all other 3 are peak sex
Kath mocking Riche with her voice event was peak
the only downside is the retarded mc, which I can ignore somewhat
why evenicle 2 has to be a completely different cast (that's lame) and has a snoozefest story
>evenicle is mid
it's my lovely mid
vanilla is for evil women
Not all of them but most, there's definitely groups of people that put some of them in their top 10 or even top 5 of best H games of all time

Which is why I'm slightly worried, even if there was no update they'd still post something and it was a post or two a month. Almost an entire year without a peep, not even a "we're alright, just some issues please don't panic" post
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I like the bro bonding feel during your conversation with Dire and him in colony.
And no, there's no swordfighting involved.
need them to be as tall as an average western adult woman height too
boyish cunny is cute, but I had enough of them
i don't know much about clymenia but now i'm picturing them as a solo dev who does all the art themselves, lives alone, has no friends or family at least that know what he works on and has passed away somehow only for all his fans to be left in the dark

reminds me of how the super deepthroat dev - konashion - just up and left like that too, most likely in jail for korean porn laws that started around that games release
>other than the cunny (she's more like a daughter I can't jack off to her for some reason) all other 3 are peak sex
>he only downside is the retarded mc, which I can ignore somewhat
Describing Evenicle 2 perfectly while talking about Evenicle 1 is just *chef's kiss*
Is sukebei dead or something?
Yeah it's been dead for a day or two now
Fuck, but normal nyaa is up so I guess they need to fix some shit and it's nothing serious.
sorry bwo evenicle 2 cast failed to make me hard...
NTA but it's common knowledge that Eve2 SUCKED and that's why it will never get another sequel.
Oh alright. I didnt like it but because you seem to be passionate about it i dont feel like shitting on it. I have some weird games i like aswell.
>Big Breasts
It's not a bad game imo, but it's just sterilized Eve 1. Where's the loli necrophilia incest rape cannibalism? Where's the bowling ball analogy? It's very tame for an Alicesoft game, and chest palpation jokes get old quick.
real talk
who's the queen of vanilla
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new day
hoping for at least *something*
idk any game but I know a doujin like that
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Wake me when the
*checks notes*
"wholesome romance between a normal male MC and femboys/traps" ge drops
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He asked for gayms.
anki sucks cock
Are there any GOOD anime adaptations of Hgames?
Didn't that radiance something game have that?
After all these years, nothing has come close to topping THP.
why god made me a vanillafag...
that is something at least
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we already have a great one
The Knight of Erin hentai OVAs are better than the game
btw is the fantasy one finished?
>pumping your imouto full of cum
That's a lot of spillage on her uncensored naked body though.
I think this might be the best game of the last 5 years
he's dead, jim
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Well okay then
fuck off doomguy
hoping that that the non vanilla shit burns out soon and we get a vanilla golden age

everything from m/f to traps/femboys is tainted with non vanilla shit and i want it to end
vanillatrapfemboyge doko?
only vol.2 is lovely dovey tho, and it’s only 1 cutie
but it’s pretty sex tomgirl
Inran Shounen Nazo no Bitch Shota to Ossan no Monogatari
>black and white as an "artstyle choice"
>Some niggers actually defend this practice
that's very clearly metroid
his name is halo
tits too big
>"Hrmm... your hypno kinda sussy Anon-kun fr fr..."
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Where are my Zero Suit games, dammit?
Even AQE was a leotard instead of a bodysuit!
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true enough but that's what "full immersion" means, idk why anon replied to the >6 months part and not the >full immersion part in that case
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that's the idea
>not ochinchin be long
it's unhealthy to harbor this much resentment anon
How do you escape this?
Why would you escape this?
spoiler that shit, I don't need to see horror on /hgg2d/
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just use vndb advanced search
Holy fuck it's still Wednesday, control your homo cocks
she is healthy
wait til this anon learns about hentai manga
Needs to be gayer (but also cute)
Post Ino and FRabi
why would someone die from her hug
heart attack due to overwhelming love of cuteness
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i don't want a trap protag
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They are.
pretty sure each game sold 50k sales minimum
>fox girl
>not Boku
Dragon Princess is Hungry
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Leave the thread to us.
who is the yellow one
Pretty sure Summer Memories did just as well or better than any of these.
kanihead hit 5k followers on cien
celebratory pic with akenai and sakura
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Deal with it.
>Summer Memories
It's Netori, a.k.a. the BVLL simulator, a.k.a. "holy shit another NTR Legend clone sold one trillion copies"
do we know what this next game is gonna be about yet? sakura turns into some dragon hybrid thing at some points right?
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creamping her after several hours of edging was probably the best nut of my life. we never got sisterge on this level, many have come out but they all lack, dare i say this, soul
too bad the dev's next game looks very much like ai slop
Who are you cucking besides the Uncle?
>one NTR relationship means the whole thing is NTR
Are you really that insecure about it?
bad taste
valid unless its onee-shota.
>vtumor opinion
Nobody, but the fact that you are cucking the uncle still classifies the game as Netori
You piss in a well, the well becomes a well of piss, not a well of water with a bit of piss
You fuck your sister (gyaru) in front of a little kid who has a crush on her.
This disqualifies the game as vanilla-ge.
>You fuck your sister (gyaru) in front of a little kid who has a crush on her.
Are we talking about the same game because she is you cousin.
Pretty sure the glasses girl has an admirer too
It's more than just the Uncle
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i just picked some image from my 30k reaction image folder which seemed fitting
have another one!
>wild fumi
I miss Sylvie…
I played it a year ago, give me a break.
>>You fuck your sister (gyaru) in front of a little kid who has a crush on her.
when does that happen in summer memories? i don't recall this
Yeah, more garbage, like all posts by gachafags and vtumors as usual.
in my head
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You play any VTuberge lately?
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blame /sp/ for posting them in the first place
i just grab all images from stickies
when is that hag that pretends to be a little kid going to play demon souls 2 again
God what are you talking about?
netoriGODS won
we always wonned
>Summer Memories
>in the same league as those in the triangle
>the triangle that is overall barely above average and didn't perform as well
hmm weird stance but okay anon
Winter Memories > Summer Memories and it's not even close. Need more ge with flat hags
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the fuck does match means here
>adding ge to everything
>overrates the game he likes
Quadruple whammy of a terrible hgg2d poster. Might as well add gacha shit or blobs
you can't be serious. or are you esl?
>still mad
guys do i fit in yet???
its literally the first bag you're on.
the bag in question has 1 match = 2 bags of the same color
the bag 2 spaces to the right has 1 match = 2 bags of that color aka 2 red bags
the bag 3 spaces below has 2 matches = 3 bags of that color aka 3 blue
Therefore its the first black bag on the top left
can you explain in blob terms?
fuck you're right, kind of brainded the whole match thing...
delete this, retard
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American girl ge where?
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we had that a while back
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These girls don't look american.
who is the current /a/ cuck?
lol I thought that image was made up but it was actually from a game.
anyway kill wegs
Nigger Faggot (male)
Nigga Faggy (female)
don't let them fool you, it's just taken from a cosplaying convention
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The ~Trap Protagonist there is an exclusion
LMFAO, what's your last name Labor?
No, it's gomez.
Manuel Edito MTLez
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It's Translation. Manuel Translation.
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Reactions to this gem of a post.
You think that's funny? What's your last name, Anon?
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finally, another game that bugs me
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He's unironically based
That wasn't the reason we put them in hat and mustaches and you know it.
I don't want to embarrass you
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Anon. Nymous.
Again, why do these niggers MTL to English when they could just make the garbage for their own language?
I misspelled the filename, its PASEC
>I'm tranlating
Did he transition well?
Because mexicans do not have a language, not unlike goblins.
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Diana should've had bigger tits, it's not fair that Ange stole the groups' oppai power and had the lamest scenes.
I don't like this studio
>Translating between two languages, neither of which you understand
I really don't like this flavor of dystopia we entered
IQ has been falling globally for a while.
that's only because africa's population has been exploding
Summer Memories has sold over 1 million copies on Steam, it's definitely sold more than all of those by far.
To be fair, if you're able to translate well, you're most likely gonna be translating technical documents and the like, not porn games. That's why """localization""" is such a fucking meme in the vidya industry nowadays, because the localizers are mostly washout troons.
Understanding the output just holds you back.
If you don't know what's wrong, you can't get bogged down in trying to fix what's wrong.
wish we could throw her into the brothel.
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What are some games with interesting combat?
Not BS1/2, or SEQUEL games
>Russian FanTL
>Unedited English MTL
You have to be shitting me...
Is it better to MTL Russian, since it's closer to English and a lot simpler, or just go with the English MTL?
It's better to commit suicide.
Make sure to pay all your guild fees on time anon
2000 neo-shekels on my desk at the start of every week or I'm ntring you
Dunno how, so I'll repeat after you
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>another one fell for the "don't do radicals bruh skip em you don't need em lol" meme
Stopped being a neet, Got a job and now I have to wait until 5pm to play eroge again. I feel like I'm back in school.

This sucks.
Think of it like edging.
What did you think school was preparing you for?
Play eroge with your buddies at work.
if you're able to survive on it, part-time is the way to go
Fuck off retard, this is not a brothel game, that's such a tiny aspect of the game with next to no gameplay aspect there.
Also why the fuck are you copypasting your "review" word per word from fag95 when its clear you haven't played the game by saying it's a brothel simulator.
Fucking retard
Still a neet, can sleep and wake up whenever I want to play eroge. I feel like a king.

This rocks.
I don't mind either the way they are, they're hot either way
whats a shame is that both are in a mid game with shitty h-scenes
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I just post here while working
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God I love being a NEET. Imagine having the rare opportunity to live your one and only life just to slave away and squander your best years to make someone else richer.
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Instead of moving out of your mothers' basement, why not rent it out and do pic related instead? You get paid AND remain a NEET. It's win-win.
based jew giving out bad advice
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I got a wife and kid!
There’s like 2x hour-long windows where I get to play h-games in a week.
Kinda makes it more fun though.
All the farm porn games are shit but you can still tell it's a godlike combination of genres. It's like god himself intended farming and porn to go hand in hand. Yet there are no games.
>you can tell no games is a godlike combination
only on hgg2d
games where you farm and breed girls?
No, like Harvest Poon or Starscrew Valley
Is Wings of roldea good? i saw that there's a lot of freedom in it with the main character, you can literally just go into the first city, take a quest that asks for 100 semen collections and just start whoring the protagonist out with no consequence
It's been a while since I played it but I remeber that it was one of better games that I played. BTW any new game from this same deva?
Imagine how motivating making progress as a farmer would be if sex is the reward. Upgrading your house with a hot spring, toilet etc adds new locations for sex with your cute wife. You get fun gameplay that feels rewarding, you get natural slice of life and dating elements. You have tons of locations to fuck your wife in. Pregnancy etc are all a given as well.
Why do you do this to yourself?
buy an ad
It's great.
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I wonder sometimes lmao.
>worth it
I will join a discord if I want to hear about how random losers are doing. Shut the fuck up about your life situation.
No, he's been working on some 3Dslopge for the past 6 years or so
Sad to hear, I just check His page and it doesn't look good.
How do you know when an anon has children? Don't worry they'll force it into their posts uselessly like the obnoxious lonely bitch they always are.
vtuber and gacha are the same thing
>no room to fap
>no room for a real keyboard, have to use a zoomersized one
>wireless garbage
>no mouse
>no room to stretch out legs
>lightbulb blasting straight into your eyes and creating glare on the monitor
>transparent window for no privacy
>no room for your tower
>head rubbing against the wall
Shit set up.
get promoted until you have an office with a door, then you can play ge while your secretary sends emails for you
Teaching Feeling is honestly kinda garbage. Most of the build-up comes from doing gameplay actions which boils down to clicking a button that says pat head or have conversation. Then the girl trusts you and turns out she is a nympho, the end.
>early game option to rape the heroine
>leads to bad end
evil niggers like you deserve to get bad ended
>you had sex? that means you are now damned and stripped of everything, your dignity, honor, status. you deserve nothing but pain, both physical and emotional, forever.
why the fuck japanese devs are like this?
Shugu mating press
iused to be like that back in the day and when that happened you seppuku'd, zoomers have it too easy
What game?
any where true ending is tied to virginity
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Shugulana amazon press with marriage
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I do whatever I want.
>why the fuck japanese devs are like this?
the nodevs are like that too
How many promotions did you get by doing this?
Is there any point in having the main character remain a virgin in wings of roldea?
Man this was a blast, this behind the scenes wish we had a bit more but still, GOAT
It got me wondering back to Night Tails, it had way fewer scenes but the scene setup was also great, and I never got back to it for the post-game scenes, just how much am I missing?
For proof that you are a good person.
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What the fuck is that? is it from the DLC? i don't remember that guy
are you playing the MTL?
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>kill manatank's friends afterwards
>pin down and devour his dick while forcefully showing "love"
Filthy horned thunder oni don't tempt me
what are you smoknig. the game is good
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Silly mana tank, everyone knows men are weak to stronger girls that want marriage
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im enjoying RJ134376 so far
but i feel im going to miss a lot of CGs, specially with that prophecy NPC
Damn shugu is so thick
Holy fucking kino. Great scene which means its probably a stand alone animation and not a ge
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Do you still get game overs in this if you fuck your sister and mother? Dropped this shit hard when it released because of it.
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>lonely bitch
We’re posting about hentai on a blue board at 4channel.org, let’s not throw stones in glass basements
Keep your garbage to yourself, social media blogposter.
>big tits alena
I don't like how so many games have weird ass tags. How am I supposed to know if the NTR or bestiality or other weird shit is optional? Life as a vanilla enjoyer is so hard.
>Life as a vanilla enjoyer is so hard.
be more subtle next time
Can you at least respond to the non-bait part of my post?
I'm here because I want to be lonely. If I wanted companionship or share my situation there are a million other places that offer it. In my mind all of you are just faceless retards with opinions. And that's exactly how I want it.
this might sound weird but I started that one flat girl exhibitionism game and just with the prologue she made my heart feel warm... so this is what a lovable character is... its been a while
I like surprises in my games, honestly.
hello sorry for being retarded what game is that?
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I just realized I haven't done a funny sombrero edit of a thirst girl.
Post her
What is the name? The people here go trough autistic lengths just to tease games.
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Give me some good enjo kousai games. Don't say enkodo.
Real life.
use google or READ:
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You know what to do
>haven't even played it and knew it was this
This is very common on here, but if you don't know what's new (as evident with most anons here), just check what is new. Nearly every time someone makes a post like that, it's a new game.
That's Fumika but as a hag weeb.
what a villain, making you open dlsite
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And voila.
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Perfect. I expected no less from you, anon.
Señora Ten...
how do you say
>I am manatank
in spanish?
Onions un tanque de maná
How else are you supposed to accidentally discover a new fetish?
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Can you edit this one with Mexican Rabi (hat, mustache and all) forcing him to eat a taco
El burito des taco el mana grande
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Every time I try to download a fanTL patch in the ipfs I get a 504 gateway timeout. I'll never get to play coomer games I'm too stupid bros
Just learn japanese. Then you can skip all this bullshit.
install the japanese language pack into my brain chip
I would if it wasn't so complicated. I took a year of it in college and only learned like 10 kanji
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I need more yuri NTR games. There's nothing more satisfying than defiling something so pure and beautiful.
I need more yaoi NTR games. There's nothing more satisfying than defiling something so pure and beautiful.
>anything more than an abomination against all that is good
>pure and beautiful
Two mentally ill retards that have autistic interactions is not pure.
>post mentions yuri and ntr
>multiple anons instantly go apeshit over yuri, but silent on ntr
>even using rhetoric such as "abomination against all that is good"
only on hgg2d
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Futa games soon.
Futa on female when
Sick of futa x male and futa x monster.
What flavor? Lesbian cucks lesbian? Guy pulls lesbian from her gf? Lesbian pulls girl from her bf?
>being illiterate
It's the adjectives he used and not the fetishes that are the problem.
I'm still hoping and waiting for a translation...
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>more ningen infighting
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Onions (cebolla) el manatanque
>TL note: Onions is an english loanword and a sentence particle, meaning SØY
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Well, it is at least depicted as such in some Japanese media and especially in the game I posted.
>schisma and Shin's curse already present in awake
Well shit.
>propaganda presents things in a positive light
Stop the lugenpresses.
Wish there were more tentacle and alike MC games.
If I want protag to get bred like an animal by animals, any recommends, or is this a whitegirl thing and I should ask over on aco?
The best one obviously.
I see them as hieroglyphs. Like (座), "oh shit, two people are kinda sitting there".
But since I mostly remember them as squiggly lines, I'd be caught off guard by stuff like (持って) and (待って) or (右) and (石) or (傷) and (場).
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Thoughts on nurses?
Fucking kanjis i swear
>also still having difficulty identifying "tsu" and "shi"
i like cold, practical nurses that do whatever is necessary to release my tension.
Ah, too bad we don't have something like that 2D, only VN.
I don't see the appeal. Do nurse fetishists get hospitalized often or work in healthcare?
Maybe I have the luxury of fetishizing nurses because I refuse to go to the hospital for any reason
how nips differentiate between the smiley kanjis is beyond me
I don't like them. It's not really an appealing costume, and the implications of the occupation aren't that interesting to me.
Love this dev, can't wait for his next masterpiece.
that's why it's easier to think of them as composition of hieroglyphs, like 待 is 彳(the same one from 行, going) and 寺 (temple), while 持 has the same temple but also hand 扌. So 持 is like holding with your hand, while 待 is is related with movement (wait).
石 reminds me of a a pickaxe hitting a rock, while 左 (left) and 右 (right) I remember by remembering that left and right together are erotic (エロ).
Hence why learning the radicals is important, and not the general shape of the entire kanji. There only so many radicals to remember, but there are a billion combinations you can make. in 傷 the left radical is for human (人), while in 場 the left radical is soil (土).
The bigger problem is differentiating the ones that actually look similar, like 土/士 or 未/末 and >>497698554 but those are somewhat rare.
Same way you can differentiate I (i) and l (L). Experience and being able to estimate which word should be going there, but you could still mix them up, especially if it's badly handwritten and a new font..
>Same way you can differentiate I (i) and l (L)
I swear Illya's name fucked me up for so long.

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