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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 7th, 3PM EST | Marilith | Lydha Lran, Il Mheg | Shared FATE farming >>496972806
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929

Previous: >>497500509
when CC
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I want a flat-chested, minimum-height femra EB who behaves like a little sister...
i did this to a male middie
My femlala exposes her thighs on most of her glams but acts oblivious as to how much skin she's showing. She will get extremely flustered if it's ever pointed out to her in person though.
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My male midlander looks and acts like this.
Lb14 cockwatchers give me a sitrep.
Stop using the b-word. It’s hurts, my femlala has many boyfriends who were people of tallness, and it’s impossible for lalafell to understand the struggle and pain of their history.
Eternal reminder
ty for adding it friend
I still can't play World in Conflict: Soviet Assault nor Civilization V on Steam, sir.
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PVP is full of cheaters and people using plugin to give them obvious advantage
Disregard CC
It's not real gameplay
ranked is lterally just cheater heaven
they sell top 100 spot for real money


i need a femlala eb who calls me her favorite bigger in chat but "accidentally" typos it as "nigger" every time
I almost forgot, ngl
Glad I noticed before clicking "post"
My femlala exclusively uses it to rile them up enough to want to rape me
Hi don't be gay in this thread, unless you're willing to post your gock
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Reminder that this meetup > https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496633420/#q496634258 is on this weekend! Feel free to ask your questions about it here!
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he got that shi on fr
Okay but I'm still gonna play because sometimes I get to do REALLY silly stuff like get most damage taken and most healing done with least deaths on DNC.
Why is Lecastera Orane allowed there?
Clique fag meet up
bros how are we gonna celebrate locktober
Holy cute
Did you think my moonie was cute last thread?
My femlala is ovulating...
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{Nice to meet you.}
I just had a FL match that taught me DRK and AST pvp players don't deserve the air they breathe.
actually looked like a fun meetup. hope the second one is fun for you guys as well!
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these miera dont know what to do with me, i might as well not be in the middle here.
I am
a bun
stuck on hold with ATT
CC or FL?
3 fags I see
>I just had a FL match
most literate pvper
I did.
why are you black..
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An ass slider, but the max size is 2B level.
"Morning." poster who makes a ton of poses with shota lowlanders because he's an unironic, unashamed pedophile
calm down with the dof
I'm not going to this meetup, and the people shitting up the thread about it as soon as it starts are going to be annoying.
Are you a Rava+...
maam let me come warm inside. my rava have big cock
The leggings already do that
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uh oh frontliner melty!
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>2b leggings
You shan't be getting a "nice glam" dm from me
What a silly question, we're just built better.
Yes, but I want the ass without giving up my WoL's dignity.
shut up stupid cat
Frontlines nigger detected. PvP players who mainly play CC and are good at CC are also good at Frontlines but PvP players that only play Frontlines that are "good" (mid at best) absolute dogshit at CC. Frontline only players are hot garbage. Yes, the same Frontline premades people gas up are dogshit at Frontline especially CC.
I’m in love with Shirou
what if I just have them on under my robes
He is the red man.
This looks like a black, non-goth version of a catgirl I know...
Make a note, the cock watchers are afk or offline.
did you just say "hi" to sapphira nyx in frontline?

no. no no no no.

play the game if you want to impress them.
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>Full armored glam
You shan't be getting a "nice glam" dm from me le stoic knight.
BWC bait
Any generic non job specific advice for frontlines?
How does one get an EB like this?
I use them with dnc since it gives femhroth a ridiculously huge ass and dnc is supposed to be slut glam.
That's okay my moonie has had a bunch of peopel say her armour glam is nice
my female character wears a fully armored glam
Time to get on and cap my tomes. I actually didn't do weeklies this week, because I got everything I wanted on my alts. (Outside of weapons.)
That's quite alright good Ser Cat, I wear mine armor for protection, not vanity
Look at the map
Bind your heal button
Bind guard
Bind the CC break button
Follow the DRK and shoot your load when they jump in

This will easily get you to BH5 most matches on any job
When is the next malera meetup? Or is that insider info?
*queues into frontline*
/me slaps sapphira nyx's ass
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ye ye ye
do do do
>this image appears on the left side of the screen and slowly goes to the right
do do do
do do do
>this image reaches the right side of the screen
do do do
All hail
xivg’s savior
All hail
My femlala had tall bf… he couldn’t get a job at the syndicate due to heightism, but was a very articulate and creative linkshell rapper.
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I would go to this but I'll be at Oktoberfest getting plastered off my ass
do you also wear a chastity belt to protect your purity?
Who cares
dont even try to fight your team will sacrifice you so they can run away
Don't tunnel vision, know when to retreat, try your best to not die.

SCH fart is just padding, it look good on the end board but it basically do jackshit.

Don't get greedy when it come to getting kills, it could put yourself in a bad position.
For example, it's not worth it to NIN LB someone half dead if they are inside their group, you will just get killed in return.
My moonie does for all her tanks, the only slight difference is that her warrior glam has no helmet as none really match what I was going for
CC? Not fun. FL? Fun. Simple as.
damn, who cares. twitter moralfags need to go back.
Hey xivg, look at this cool frog I found at work, he was hanging out on the forklift but I put him in some bushes
I am confident that Kong will be the first /xivg/ger to clear FRU
dont get throat cancer binge drinking.
Why is CC "not fun" for you?
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That's private information I shan't be discussing further. That is only for God and my EB to know, good Ser. Pray not question it any further.
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>heavily armored chastity belt wearing male characters
Goodness fucking gracious I'm listening
>anon doesn't know how cancer works
thanks for the blog update
Bleurgh my moonie got aglaia in her roulette
my moonie has finished her morning routine and regrettable has to do uni work now
>SCH fart is just padding, it look good on the end board but it basically do jackshit.
>never played against a good sch premade where you have to back off and concede objectives just to elixir your entire alliance every 10 seconds of combat
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pvp is fun so i'm going to keep queuing for it
just watch out for throat cancer binge drinking scientist anon.
>I'll be at Oktoberfest
oh, you too, huh..
Anyone know whom is the host?
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Learn when to properly retreat so that your deaths are to a min. Make use of your map and judge where to go accordingly, most of the time it is best to just follow the herd but if you feel it will cost you a death and lose any Battle High you may have, just hang back and see how things pan out.
Aside from that, don't take it too seriously, it is just for the EXP and your Series progression, it is nothing to write home about. Just try and have fun.
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queue down for it, and queue up for cc until you get good
fl is training wheels
my moonie wants to go through the story again just to get msq cutscenes with her in hd
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As long as I don't throw up I'll be fine!
Can confirm, I can't read at all.
Friends I queue with take it too seriously so it ends up not being as fun if they have a bad game.
COVERING those cheeks in smooches.
Again, someone remove the woman in the middle so this kind gay couple can go back to consummating and rutting. It's supposed to be a healthy Seme-Uke relationship!
He's a blood-thirsty bastard not a
>le stoic knight
and if he were to for WHATEVER reason crave something as utterly worthless as your dogwater shit tier opinion he would take it by force at the end of his fucking greatsword, you little bitch.
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my femroe enjoyed a third bowl of curry rice
It's still moonie monday, where are the moonies lurking currently
I have a new threadcrush and I'm crushing HARD... wish me luck...
i wish for you to explode
Can my femroe have some?
You're a grown ass man in his thirties, not a 14 years old in highschool
post shotalanders
What race are they anon~
If a thread crush is someone you've only seen in the threads and not met, I am surprised people even develop them in the first place.
I'm a grown ass man in her 30's who takes estrogen. My emotions run a little high, anon...
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>malera drk even
pls like malera
of course c:
Hell yeah, I knew that parasol went well with the broody knight look, kudos man
No, Khai.
which catgirl is this
Taking meds will never change your gender you fucking insane fucks
He means one SCH. Obviously a whole team of coordinated SCH would do damage.
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tfw no middie wife to watch europa: the last battle with
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my moonie is expanding her brain right now
Thanks swys, it's delicious!
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kino post you should be a writer
That's fine. I don't comm any tank or physical DPS who isn't in armor.
My moonie is eating cup ramen and trying to decide what music to put in her fc room
>premade abuse is only ok when CCissies do it
Pls be cute
My Moonie did this and it was fun!
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tfw femra wife to watch Spartacus:Blood and Sand with
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My moonie is currently in battle
My femlala’s tall bf finally completed the hall of the novice trials, all by himself. His grandma was crying her eyes out at the ceremony, she was so proud. We shall overcome!
what happened to illya the strat maker
Which one...?
I am for my threadcrush only!

I've considered writing a big long self insert story based on me and a previous EB I had and our RP backstories. Maybe I should pull the trigger on it...
Hello, 4chan. Hope all is well. I have been asked to record this and post this here, in this thread. I hope this is the correct thread, as I see two open with the same name. Thank you for your time, and I wish you a good evening, or afternoon, if you are in the States.

>watching anything made by a jew
hey, that's kinda rude

>learn to retreat
>don't tunnel objectives
>focus on building BH
>learn how to burst depending if you have a puller or not
My femlala has the tiniest urge to call her crush a bigger every time she sees him but she keeps it to herself...
What colour of moonie is it...
*Malera smooch*
do we like femra tanks? WAR? DRK? GNBs and PLDs?
bro does not watch anything ever anywhere
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>pvp andy shit flinging
you’re both losers lol
>see brown catgirls
>pp instantly gets hard
How do I explain moonie memes to a fiddie who doesn't post here and thinks 4chan is a scary place?
SAM is the only physical DPS that full metal doesn't seem extremely out of place on.
It's a secret...
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dang really?
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handsome btw
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It's one of those blue or gray moonies isn't it
make it a semi fictional story about yourself and your former EB then have the RP serve as an embedded narrative, then buy 4chan ads like f gardner did and you will make a boat load, ez
Kong "I payed for my top 100 placement and got my character banned" the cuck
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>see kong in CC
>watch him get absolutely shitstomped despite being loaded with cheat plugins
fire kate demote hiroi.
Should my moonie log in...?
His brows are augmented using powerful Highlander magicks...
frontline on crystal
why do every euro sounds inbred
my femra could take him
Im loggin into limbus company
Middie wives are terrible to watch movies with because midway through you explaining how this movie is sort of but not quite Warhammer 40k they start taking their clothes off and implying that they want to have coitus while the movie still isn't over. It's such a pain.
Post your moonies on this fine day
I watch Nigerian cinema only
Gonna check out the lowlander bench.
Wish me luck!
the moonie in question must frequent the thread then...
I don't like any female race tanking
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you don't
My moonie feels a little sick, but logged in anyway.
thats exactly the kind of middie wife i want though
They have to log in on Moonie Monday!
Him and Zir are the most obvious plugin abusers, it's pretty funny watching them stumble through the auto-MoN on white mage after people found out how to spot their sage cheats with LB placement.
I shant reveal it...

I will consider your wise words and contemplate thank you anon.
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What about Red Mage? It counts as physical DPS, right? Or Dragoon? Ninja looks way better in their more chainmailley sets. Then there's Viper, which definitely looks cooler in armor, and Reaper which gets all those good armored Maiming sets. Only Monk has an excuse to go unprotected, really, and even then cool Monks wear armor with the big smashy fist gauntlets.
Brown suncats HELLO?
>shant reveal
surely you can reveal something about this mysterious moonie, maybe hair colour or eye colour..
But keep Sena
Lately mare keeps loading people and they have invisible body parts, what the fuck's going on?
sage cheats?
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Male characters I am not asking, I am TELLING you to download this, put it on, and show me.
NOW (please)

What's all this then
What do I get in return
>Red Mage? It counts as physical DPS, right?
not sure what made you think a caster does any physical damage

unless you exclusively use unenchanted melee attacks
All I can say is that she is cute
It must be my moonie then...
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Gabe clones are out here today I guess
The stocks are fucking in FREE FALL thanks to these fine gentlemen
Hello m'alera bro looking very masculine today
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hopefully frontline takes me to 100 because i dont want to do any other roulettes today
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The OG
What do you need/want? I have some, uh
*looks in my pocket* Some thank you's, some (You)'s, what do you think?
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my moonie exclusively ever sees these types of femhroths
bro feet are made for walking, what the fuck.
this highlander woman needs correction
is that a nipple
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I also enjoy making up imaginary schizophrenic scenarios in my head! We have so much in common wanna hang out?
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oh this is a Fid Deelander request aint it
yeah i aint posting it
What's your moonie look like?
My malera floats through the air when he smells a waft of mentally ill catgirls/femra like one of those old Disney cartoons
I would because I love sock garters but I don't even know how to pose this with vanilla emotes...
two of them
The weakest FL player easily stomps the strongest CCtroon. Go back to gooning in your cc syncshell when the big dawgs play.
glad to see you picked the green eyes
Shant reveal
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>I don't like any female race tanking
Stand aside, little man
But then she won't understand the references when someone says "my moonie is..." In chat
But then how will you finish the film, let alone your dissertation on why Perturabo is the best Primarch!?
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Wow a request for me
i'm glad my moonie is hated here
>PvP players who mainly play CC and are good at CC are also good at Frontlines
You all say this until you get put up against Draeper.
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big cattes
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I'll take a screenshot but I shant be posting it here
I'll send it to someone instead
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I'm not that hroth, they're a darker shade than me, but I did like them.
Well if it is you you should be napping... go to sleep...
Red Mage has a sword bro. They count spiritually and get to use the hard r.
give me gpose ideas
It's not THAT late yet anon..
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*grabs you by the neck cartoonishly* WHAT THE HELL NUH-UH /cry
I am not asking for a photoshoot m'lord, but this popped up and I think it is vital for the male character community to dig their figurative heels into the wise world of garters- one shoe at a time.
Thank you.
I wish Dawntrail wasn't shit
rape a moonie
Jezz when'd the writing in this game become so bad? I'm doing the mage class story for DT and it's just awful.
Mostly LB placement. If you mirror someone and put down your LB when they have an auto-cast plugin or bot active, the common behavior of the bot is for it to place their LB down on top of yours perfectly, to the pixel. If you know for sure that someone is using something like that on Sage, you can bait it out by waiting for them to place their LB, put yours down in an out of the way spot away from the main fight but still within their cast range and line of sight, and force them to use their one LB movement to cover yours, letting you put your LB where you want it without fear of overlap. This is more easily seen in Frontlines on maps like Onsal at the center node.
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Remember when you could top damage and kills just by using Piercing Talon as DRG? That's how much of a joke FL is and FL will always be!
femra tank for my femra healer
that one guy that seethes at armor glams randomly is funny
do a mario 64 wall kick
Post what you're doing in game RIGHT NOW!
a meme but you replace the person in the meme with your character
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Okay, I think I'm taking these way too far. But that's a fate a heretic deserves, what can I do...
roger that
Kong mad lmao.
i hate these kind of gposes
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What’s your WoL up to this evening anon?
God I hope it's me.
genderbent tozer
H-hey... wanna save the world together...
can someone post some mistranslated text that kate did?
My EB does this for me when they wanna get plowed.
I'm slaving away making Str pots for a raid moonie
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360 no scope
how do I plap tycho bell
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Alright I’ll bite, what exactly is bad about DT besides your precious msq cutscenes?
I don't trust short girls to protect the rightful president, Donald J. Trump, why would I trust them to protect me?
Femra can't be inquisitors.
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getting tomato seeds
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why is this so fucking cute
my ra likes rping as a dumbfuck retard
wait, that's not roleplay
no content
The heck is this game, looks straight fire
Are you a fiddie
It's just third person rp shitposting it's not that much to explain
Getting drunk in her house's basement office.
good mornyan did u miss me
Finally getting around to maxing out my crafters
melvor idle
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Trying to get some last minute reclears done because I didn't do all of them this week and the pf groups I get are struggling >.>
Don't shower and let him know you stink
sorry anon I would much rather rule the world than to save it
Thanks bro
There are no premades in CC.

>Nooo muh HECKIN' premade isn't allowed in CC waaaah!
Premades are on the chopping block in Frontlines, too. Enjoy your paid wins while you have them.
I am a femlala logging in to ragnarok online to farm stings for another 8 hours (I won't get a glove to drop)
Tozette is very cute.
I thought I was going insane every time that happened to me.
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Post your clears of the current tier.
she owes me sex
bout to have her house knocked down
this one looks adorable
She's not an inquisitor. She's an independent contractor, hunting heretics for fun.
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Fate farming :3
Kill yourself faggot. Don’t ever post here again.
Which LB14 slut should I beat my shit raw to today
does any of these femhroths like catboys...
God I wish I could have a hrothgal EB
I hate Americans
why a moonie in particular?
if they did i'd have my hrothwife by now
i expected as much before dawntrail was out anyway
I'm in love with all of the lb14 fiera....
She'll see you in court, because she's not honoring that debt
My moonie hopes no one is crushing on her because she's EB'd
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Holy moly
Fate farming
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oh wow these are kinda nice
Hasn’t your thread cred fallen enough, Kong? Why are you here despite being hated by literally everyone? You wouldn’t be on the shared blacklist if you acted polite.
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hello everyone
Flying between FATEs at the shared fate meetup.
Or maybe gooning with 7 other people in one giant goon party. You'll have to show up to find out.
I have a crush on my new friend
she is ur so right
You too king, feels great to be very masculine am i right?

It's so funny how DRG keeps being a ranged class
filling out my BLU spells until i work tonight
should i make my moonie big?
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you two are cute
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because my moonie is a moonie and will look at that moonie and wish it were her
IIRC he was schizoing a blankposter for no reason
backwards long jump
Leveling, I just bought the game...
Hello fake Edda
I am a non-LB14 middie
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>Ask Vexa if we could share Mare
>Get ignored
Feels bad, man...
I just wanted to see some sexy bunny
easily the best cat in this general
>[incoherent babble]
Weakest fl savant tops every cc scoreboard in terms of damage and kp, FACT.
Endless cutscenes with every piece of non-cutscene content feeling profoundly phoned in, and even then most of the cutscenes suck and are just talking to NPCs about talking to NPCs so we can talk to more NPCs about other NPCs.
Raidslop isn’t content doe
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Best cat is Lethe
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listening to some music and staring off into space...
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i'll keep a photo of her in a locket and look at it whenever i'm losing at cc
my femlala is thinking about content and raiding but she's forced to work...
Even though I’m ass cc is the most fun I’ve had in xiv in a long time
May I plap?
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Logi strike u*
Drinking and playing Civ 5
>falling for Kong’s bait
literally who?
unrelated screenshot?
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We're gooning for sure...
Thanks, that was when we were mount farming :D
my pentalegend moonie with oranges across the board is too scared to do roulette pvp content
should my femra log in
>didn’t post his clear
okay so you are just an msq andy who only hates dt because of cutscenes lol
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What did she mean by this, exactly?
could you post a brown femezen
When the CCissie CCliques play frontlines they abuse the same shit the premade troons do. They are not good at frontlines.
Damn you and your cruelty, DAMN YOU
now i have to waste research for the damn ARMORED TRAIN
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Didn’t he also rape someone’s kids, or was that someone else?
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literally gonna kms if I don't get a sunnie or femra EB
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h-hey haha...
[Inland Empire] Lalaboy.
[Authority] Arriving.
[Esprit de Corps] On The Scene.
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someone else
sis what about all the moonie wives??????


oh no thats how you continue losing...
That's bad lore.
Xe'd rather the devs focus on making the other gear not look like jank bloated stretched shit on xer instead of adding hats.
A face 4 is cursed with terrible taste and opinions. Poor froth....
if the sex hair isn't compatible day 1 with femhroth I'm fantaing off.
>sorry anon I would much rather rule the world than to save it
O-okay my morals are flexable let me join you senpai
incomprehensible ESL thought patterns
>Who's the best cat?
>Someone who has absolutely 0 lasting presence and only has tits as their main appeal
Dumbass oldfag. The dancing cat is better
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Kek someone called my bun "somewhat masculine" the other day so I'll accept it.
Queen Pin
Hai pinkc@
We don’t like you. We banned you from Appalcord after you got caught being a pedo. That means you’re not welcome here. If you got a problem, take it up with Appal.
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We like those
literally who?
>NPCs about talking to NPCs so we can talk to more NPCs about other NPCs
fucking hell that really is it isnt it
i look at this during cc or i go crazy
whats the sex hair
Good, I'm not a lorefag.
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I've only seen one cute moonie in my life and they don't post here.

Sunnie, no +
finally did the jumping puzzles for DT they were kinda underwhelming, this area was kinda? nice though
Currently trying to come up with pose ideas
My moonie is going to continue drinking because she has this week off she has a problem
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oh no I genuinely hate every single one of you msq andy pieces of shit imagine how much real content this game would have if they didn’t have to cater to you retards every expansion.
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Big smooch
Smooch smooch
Big smooch
Rare fourth face smooch
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both of these brown cats got my BWC
Educated guess: they're too occupied gooning with someone, or playing something else in another window so they have a direct line to chatting with their favorite goon partners
>he wants endless raidslop content
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Fine I'll post it since I feel a lil bad.
Thinking about other games
What about a blue one!
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That's WoW retard
My femlala is shredding real parmesan cheese for her pasta today instead of using the can of that crappy dust, she's moving up in the world
moonie feet x 2...
name and i might let you join my plans
hewo fujo slave

this is how u get brain worms
>That's [a better game]
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Roleplaying shinobi training!!!
It's a world of difference
my lalaboy likes baking the dust into the exterior bread of his grilled cheese
Learn to follow reply chains
If you're being sarcastic, then learn to say more than "no you"
is that from a contest? will we even see that in our lifetime bro...
I am
A male middie who slept too much and just woke up
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Ok another question.
Why are you in this general? When you can be playing wow? Are you lonely that you think we're family or something?
They like white boys?
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same today
same yesterday
same tomorrow
*kicks you’are ass for being lazy*
its from the most recent contest that already has a hairstyle in the game
its been over a year since it was announced as a winner
What'll you be?
I appreciate your work anon. are these all from Balmung?
Can you post more often? kthx
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Logging in probably just to AFK / chat because one of my projects for work continues to be brutal today.
Up in the air, but I'll probably get reasonable sleep for once due to the maintenance instead of staying up till goblin hours playing CC or Mahjong.
Same, hate going to crystal to be frank
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moonie feet

what a treat
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This is my alt, Tlalli Yolotli!
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anyone wanna bruise my meena but it has to be somewhere I can cover it up
pretty sure that's heiko
They're from all around the world
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Chasing the horizon.
can i get a qrd on this witch fiddie poster
i do have them
I already checked it out. I'm just a lowlander (male)
I've seen that mug too much to not know
Sorry, I only leave bruises on places that aren't easy to cover up.
Uuuuh... Darkness... uuuuh Evilton... y-yeah, that's my real name
how many do you have in total? it must be an actually sizeable % of existing femezen lmao
he does as heiko
There is a Mahjong meet in 5 days!
No, I don't feel like it
These couple thousand follower gooners acting lije they're important make me laugh
meena x meena except we're both so girly that people think we're a lesbian couple
no fair. . .
you’re suspiciously enthusiastic and it’s scary
heiko hrothcock
All the info is here bwo https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496633420/#q496634258
Yep this is making me fanta back to my titcow
My moonie is enjoying a nice soak in the baths in kugane currently
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spit my drink out once while scrolling twitter and one of them called himself an "internet celebrity"
ask him to join the syncshell
i keep asking him on here and he ignores it too
I haven't seen this cat talk once and it's probably for the better given how they mod their character.
What are all the in world restuarant locations?
Cul guild
Revenant Toll The Seventh Heaven
Idyllshire The Hard Place
Kugane Shiokaze Hostelry
Eulmore Grand Dame's Parlor
Crystarium The Wandering Stairs
Sharlayan The Last Stand
Radz-at-Han Mehryde's Meyhane
Tuliyollal Aunt Tii's Tacos and Xbalyav Ty'e
Solution 9 Mosiac
I'm sure there's more
Femezen are so perfect bros, I wish they'd stay fotm forever
It's the Doman femra guy
how do you make gshade upscale your screenshots
can I get some feet in game plz
You just up the game's resolution in the system configs menu, no?
should my drk moonie play drg or rpr as her secondary
Name please and thank you
It’s a feature in the simpletweaks plugin
hey nice ____________
how unfortunate :(((

on god?
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That's a wife.
DC and Eb status.
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I shant be disclosing classified intel
Jane Yakuza I believe?
thanks you're ______________
________________________ Too!
this'll probably work too, i just worry about frying my tired gpu
>bibo feet
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Watching youtube videos and relaxing, sipping coffee. Drawing porn. Also Akam looks funny scuffling about between CC games.
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gm . i am a tired moonie.
Morning wood won't go away
both of these moonies's feet on my face at the same time
it's just someone skinwalking some twitter coomer
afaik it’s just some dude purchasing disproportioned comms of edda vincents (some rper on balbung) without their consent
You really forgot about the tribe built around a restaurant/bar?
seek medical attention.
I wanna go on a date with a cougar, I'm 22 and wanna older gyal
Please /pet that black fox for me, they are very cute.
brimhaven agility
you wouldn't happen to know of a doll, would you
God I fucking love moonies so damn much it's unreal
Why is this game so fucked up
Limsa has a world-class renowned restaurant
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what the fuck dude
now i really feel like i wasted my time by doing the island sanctuary shit every week for half a year
did they increase the drop rate from the loot boxes or something? why is it so cheap now?
That's me.. It'll be weird if I pet myself.
Pale is Nights, Bloonie was a mod they were testing for Bibo but they went back to Nights.
Oh nyo..
my moonie can help with that if youre a catboy or miera or hroth
member when mods banned stuff like this
what do you mean by doll
All hags belong to me.
What is Macchi’s problem
you don't sleep enough bwo
Wheres my f+ catboxes at? I need something good to finish to.
lol it was in the 100k range in endwalker
it came out half a year ago everyone has it now
Do they like BWC femra
I would kick the shit out of you Jean
Oh! /pet
You are very cute.
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I will post my femhroth.
>5 stars
is there a plugin where people rate you now?
Minor fracture detected
Ugly moonie
Finish what?
The supply eventually outgrows demand the longer people keep using island to generate them.
need a femra to help with that?
you're thinking of peerifool.
the adenium which had a much lower drop rate from loot boxes and cost 200 vouchers to buy was like 10 million gil
femhroth yuri?
how do I cure my cuck fetish xivg?
God he's so cool
Emergency! User death imminent.
may I see you're armpit
>FLpeasant can't read
Every time a FLpeasant joins the CC queue they get humiliated and melt down. Try to keep up.
nta but what do you think a cute moonie looks like? I don't think that moonie is ugly
cutest moonie in the thread

i can help
Just pick your favorite two from the anchor and use your imagination.
But remember the lost and the helions must never mix.

<crystal> <I'm playing solo right now.>
i thought about it some more and i actually dont like you >>497535882
It's Heiko's golem.
do a total porn cleanse, and stop frequenting these threads.
Who wants backshots from my Rava?
What's up bwo :3
what good is joonbob for guides when he releases them after everybody and their mother has already learned the fights?
Help how?

I'm not them posting that stuff publicly is deranged behavior (I have cockwatched a crush now and then though...)
run sosa
What's up anon
how can you help you just threatened me with bruises
people like him because they arent good enough to clear the fights until his guides come out
My moonie is very loud.
You mean alt? I've seen that hroth at CC meetups
They're meant for late proggers or newer players, I guess
I don't watch porn and I've gone months stretches without looking at 4chan and it's still there.
I know, but it's at 3pm on a weekend which means the stars would need to align in order for me not to be busy. I might be traipsing around a theme park depending on the weather...
Ha, I really don't, but I make it work for the time being.
My malera please! May my malera please have his back blown out by your fiera!?
La creatura...
What can you actually do to help?
What’s your character name…
I'm looking for a certain femlala
Please post lalafell
too late ur mine

is it really a threat if you asked for it

u have low self esteem and are fundamentally broken, addressing this issue is the only way to stop
Kouhai or Rosa
>cutest moonie
Your moonie is cute but not that cute
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No one signs up for CLL in Bozja, I want my relics...
It's surreal because when Endwalker got heavy on cutscenes there was always some major shit going on, whether Thavnair was on fire as the satrap got eaten or Meteion was turning goth or an elephant was running with a baby or Alisaie was reacting to two teenage girls dying alone in the snow. In Dawntrail we had cutscenes that were about talking to Wuk Lamat so she could tell us that we were going to solve our next big problem by talking to someone and we needed to go talk to three NPCs to find out who we needed to talk to next.
You'd have to see her in game, there's no other way to really do it justice.
>Dun Scaith
>I die to boss before Diabolos
>healers are just spamming their one DPS button
>other DRG dies
>they get rez by a healer, while the other healer is still spamming that one button
>wait on that same healer to rez me as well
>Diabolos 2
>other teams wipe
>they're fucking begging the healers to rez them
>we're also near death
>they won't even use the LB3 after half of their own teams wipe
A stupid DPS can be ignored
A stupid tank will eventually just naturally do their job right
But a stupid healer? That's true terror.
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Make a group? You shouldn't have trouble getting 3 other people to do it.
what are all the feet options anyways?
This seems cool, but when I change my resolution my ReShade takes a few seconds to re-load and re-apply the filters
Any fix for this?
>u have low self esteem and are fundamentally broken, addressing this issue is the only way to stop
I don't think so... I'm attractive, people fall in love with me, I think I'm a pretty okay person.

Maybe you're right on me being broken but saying that and fixing it are different things.
DC? Don't want to help, just want to chastise you for thinking anything happens on crystal
can you do that step another way
if not, theres a discord that makes groups i think
my femlala has dog-like characteristics both physically and mentally
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letting the whole alliance die so you can healer lb3
okay where can i see her
Glare/broil spam kills brain cells.
Frontlines is great, casual fun with actually unwinnable matches most of the time... Making wins really nice when they do happen! Class balance isn't there, but the mode happens to be fun regardless, even if you lose.

CC is a lot more skill-based, in that you won't get stomped/carried beyond your control as much as FL.. I like CC because it's the perfect level of non-competitive I like in an MMO's combat. (bad games/stomps are 30 seconds, you need a partner to kill effectively, it's more about seeing and taking opportunities since OHKO combos are expensive/rare)

You two shouldn't be fighting.. because most PvPers worth their salt plays both! FLers and CCers are the same people...!
Was planning on trying that tonight
Either farm Crystal Tower raids for a guaranteed 1 drop, or critical engagements for a chance of a 1 drop, CLL drops a guaranteed 5
favorite femlalas:
the coal robot lala (i think it's nia, sorry... i never learned her name...)
I like tank lbing if we're fine and the dps are holding it
feeling the urge to make more hypnoslop
The cutesy facade over the bitch ravine beneath here is thinner than discount tissue paper.
Weird how you went through a phase of not getting any (You)s after getting EB'd and now you're back here begging for more attention. Your hrothhubby not doing it for you?
Nia Cehack
favorite lalaboy?
You know those random bot wave bans they do sometimes? Has anyone ever gotten caught in that because they used island sanctuary gathering plugins or stuff like that?
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I wouldn't be surprised if all the circular conversations about circular conversations about peace and happiness that we saw multiple times per zone were deliberate bloat so that they could say it has 30 hours of story in marketing despite almost nothing actually happening.
She's on Balmung.... In a duty atm but I'll be in Tuliyolal after.

incorrect i dont make the rules but its been fact checked by independent journalists and i do in fact have the cutest moonie

i said i can help not fix it !!!
im guessing something happened then that triggered this because i dont think you stumble upon becoming a cuck suddenly one day
why do you even want to stop then, i am sure you can probably find someone who will indulge you

its called being a brat and thats my charm point actually, it makes me even cuter
i am
a single
*chastises you*
idk i never worry about that stuff because i dont bot
What default race do people use for a shota? Male midlander doesn't look shota to start with
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Oooooo *dangles a coin infront of your face* you don't want to make hypnoslop ooooooo you want to make cute pictures instead ooooo
i am also
a single
I would help you two man it but I'm out right now. Wait until a bit later on in the day or for the weekends for the best time people are actually in bozja. I was just doing them both on Saturday and Sunday with lots of people.
I heard you talkin' shit like I wouldn't find out...
I'm sorry its not true those journos were paid off because in fact the cutest moonie is mine :3
Khagan you should be breaking her back...
my femroe has 80% holy negation and 80% fire negation
I want your help.
there should be a favorite hrothgar poal
my lalaboy shouldnt have survived the accident
Join me on Alpha, Light.
Hate glowslop
are you still fat irl?
ok how can i help
thank you i will revise my list to use her initials so she doesn't feel disrespected
that was jsut a taste of what happens when u mess with duskwight nation(boost ideology in your nation(before resistance dlc))
Dps who die to avoidable danage aren’t worth rezzing unless you need them for a body check. I wish I could rescue corpses onto towers.
Why? Why should I leave lich and go to alpha
All the ones with knots
I am not a flesh mecha being piloted by a tiny female ghost
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do you like easily emotionally manipulated meena
idk, can you improve my self esteem...?
FLSCHOLARS always dominate CC queues whenever they play.
*Smooches your tummy*
There's like 2 hroth ebins and 0 femhroth ebins
No, they cannot detect them and would lose a very significant amount of people if they started banning for it. If they ever want to disallow third-party addons, I suspect they will make an announcement very far in advance and tell people that if they don't stop using them by a certain date they will ban you.
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A ninja foot in the face puts evil in its place
yeah wbu
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O Wryx-sama grant me your skill so that I can endure all this defeat and suffering.
because I'm there and I'm waiting for you
none that actively post in this thread, they're all sexpests and weirdos.
That won't stop me from making hypnoslop.
even mine?!
The M on my character's forehead? Heh, that stands for malezen
there are more than that i know it
FLSCHOLARS alwa- wait I don't have damage resistance aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Glowslop is what happens when creatively bankrupt people need to come up with a carrot for people to chase
Then why does Wet Paws/Miau Miau constantly seethe about Paladins?
Waiting for me to do what exactly anon
Favorite catgirl?
I haven't played since the first tier of Endwalker, is it a good time to come back? I feel like I forgot everything about the game and stuff. But I'm really bored and want to play an mmo
Hiroi is one of those people who's good at giving the boss an elevator pitch and godawful at writing an actual story. All concept, no detail, and he has a penchant for taking really big, dramatic things like visiting the Thirteenth and making them mundane and dull.
Mine stands for Majin Buu
Fav hrothgal poal now.
not if theyre too easy i like some challenge

sure anon, ur soo hot and everybody wants to be ur friend!!!
It took me 6 attempts to process what the fuck I was looking at. You're some kind of non-euclidian furry mental hazard.
Not right now, the only thing to do right now is MSQ and savage.
When they put more stuff like alliance raid and more exploration stuff like Eureka/Bozja, it would be a good time.
himcess malera spotted
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>is it a good time to come back?
Use the mods. They're made for male midlanders.
The best moonie in existence my moonie
what do you want to do
There's the retarded fox one and the ugly white one for male hroths
I think FL and CC peeps can agree that the paladin seethe is retarded
vaal post
that makes me feel worse actually.
So you're waiting for me to tell you what to do?
No, how could you... a million naval bombers over your carefully curated fleet! Damn you duskwight!
That's... hard to believe. Scholar is pretty much just buff/debuff uptime. They mitigate damage, healing, and prevent cc... I'd argue that it's the one class that doesn't dominate. It has a burst of 11k, and deals no CC.. It can't 2v1 at all!

Additionally, a ton of FL mainstays like DRK, SCH included, and AST have much more trouble in CC since they have so little downtime to work with, and threats like MNK can actually exist near them without melting...

DRK especially struggles, with their main damage ability being an invitation to burst them down... and there not being enough time in the match to engage with their LB too often.
My hroth'd wife miau miau
Post cute and sexy viera right now!
I won't stop.
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>and more exploration stuff like Eureka/Bozja
Eureka was 4.25 and Bozja was 5.35, so it will be in either April or August/September. I love the new patch cadence so much, arigato Yoshida-sama.
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Man I have no idea what I'm looking at
wtf... so ungrateful... what do u want then
Mine is neither of those
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Depends, how’s your sex drive? There’s tons of ebins that put out, and it’s a good time to be a bottom with ebins like Proxy Noir. Most plugins are updated and the graphics changes make shaders and mods look a lot better. Mare and Penumbra have lots of new features so it’s never been better to plap and goon.

As for gameplay, you might wanna put your trip back on and stop raping kids if that’s your concern.
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this one
If you enticed me I may have joined you
the others are just quiet
idk, squeeze my head between your tits and tell me it'll be okay or something.
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My lalaboy surviving the first team wipe cause he dove in way too early
This simply isn't true and is in fact a third-world delusion because thirdies play Frontlines.
Please name them.
how do I cure my femra addiction xivg?
your head would explode if i did that which i suppose would cure your self esteem issues but present with others...
They said 7.2x for the new one
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my sister's uwu
>actually unwinnable matches most of the time
You must be ass if you actually believe this
I know what I'm looking at because I play Bozja. Nice pose bro!
It's not hard to believe at all, DRG alone eviscerates people. Same thing with SAM and RPR.
you don't
that's why you're a basement dwelling NEET and not an MMO game dev
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>kong on macchi violence
Why doesn't this game have an invisible/offline mode?
Sorry I refuse to play drk and ast cause I'm not a fucking weiner.
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Are there any other plogons to quickly change the game's resoultion?
I just wanna take high quality screenshots without having to manually change the resolution before/after gposing
Simpletweaks works, but it's kinda iffy on the timing because ReShade takes a few seconds to reload the presets after I change resolution each time
it has
impossible, there's no escape...
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Into the dark of an endless night
Where the pulse of the land offers no respite
In spite of the blood that was spilled before
You whet your blades, you thirst for more
Now kneel overdweller, your lord commands
There's no salvation for the sons of man
The skies will tremble and the earth will quake
From the crumbling walls no one escapes
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (in hell I wait)
>drk and ast
You don't even know the actual meta, why are you acting like you're an authority on the gamemode?
>having to drop your own initials because no one else in the lala clique will
because fuck you, that's why

if they enabled that every single one of you trannies would be using it just like on discord, it's the surefire way to tell someone is a mentally ill tranny
A-are you operating under the idea that every Frontline loss is your fault?
I tried to take a simple screenshot with my character sitting, but somehow the smallclothes clipped into my legs and it looked horrible and I gave up. Sorry.
>glowkino is... LE BAD
Explain why Ragnarok Zeta is still bis then.
Don’t post me
Disregard that post I’m very strong willed
I'm still ok with that if you are...

I wish to be this happy. Also wtf big sechen....
Where are her eyebrows?
Simpletweaks has a tweak that lets you use the /systemconfig command in gpose, so you can change resolution after you're done setting everything up
You're not allowed to lose. Gridania is counting on you.
{None left.}
I'm really not that good, but I am sometimes lucky, so I'll wish you some of my good fortune instead. Though I am closing in on 1700 and starting to do a little bit of advanced hand development since I basically spent my first week "learning by playing" with no guide other than deciphering why the hints were suggesting what they were (and learning to ignore them sometimes).
literally who cares what people here think? if you like it, wear it and use it
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Any idea what hair mod that is?
>grav bombs aren't the meta
Please shut the fuck up.
am I able to check PF through the XIV companion app?
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i collected all the relics and still use 0 glowshit on any of my jobs
>Scholar is pretty much just buff/debuff uptime
that's what makes it op althougheverbeit
it doesn't rely on its lb, it just dots and shields and then you win the war of attrition
Yeah.. but SCH though? I hate to correct you, but I was responding to a post gassing up FL SCH in CC..

You're replying to the wrong anon!
nigga got himself a mask upgrade
Where can I get this top
>I can no longer have my cute BLU stick make little snowflakes because it's 'glowkino' now.
I hate.
game developers hate it because it makes the game and your friend list look less populated
but also fuck you, i tend to agree that people who park in offline mode are shady, mentally ill bitches
Not even the cool ones like P8S weapons?
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You could put your character into this show.
They aren't, that's middle of the road shit. The best premades run DRG and RPR.
fave male viera?
I'm really horny for femras
What fucking good does adding that into the game do bro? Convince me.
Go grab a suitable one and plap her senseless, then.
>not there
Truly I have failed as a femhroth.
She lost them in a horrible accident involving a femra, 3 moonies and a bomb
jerk off before you post
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I need a face 1 femra wife right NOW
they're all men sis...
I don't pay a monthly fee to play an MMO and be expected to deal with people.
Looks like some Mortal Kombat vs screen
it's the end of the thread so I will post my gpose.
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Do femhroth now then plz
tryna get that sylvanae gock
its your fault that half of your team is afraid to actually fight
those PARTICULARLY make me wish they got matte versions
that DRG spear has a really good pointy spearhead and of course a big glowing purple animeshit flame covering it
i wish people would stop occasionally talking about my femlalalala... i guess they'll stop after i stop posting here.
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yeah, gimme that!
does he know
They're all lesbos or married.
this is the giant femra isn't it
Think you responded to the wrong post friend
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Kindof yeah
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I need a face 2 femra wife right NOW
I don't know. What good do the billion useless features that only exist to enable stalkers do? What's one more that lets people actually have some privacy?
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Use this one, she prefers men as long as you're not a lalafell or a hroth
that one is zhokko owned
when is the new patch
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my fiddie just missed the fate farming meeup
and shes setthing mad
shes mad
really mad
eh. i dont care anymore.
Holy shit have you been mewing
wtf is this real?
My moonie regularly rapes dps meters
Cultist squishy I think
The Raped.
Clearly he's not very good because I just hit it the other night
my moonie is currently laughing at all you, giggling, "how can they all be so blind" she thinks, she pities everyone truly
My lalaboy is plapping a fiera
I was considering going to but I made the judgement that levelling an alt to bid on a plot was more worthwhile (I'll still lose)
You'd think! But it has a lot of trouble making that keep up with more burst oriented choices!.. 25% less healing, 10% less damage, 10% less damage taken, etc... aren't enough to make up for the lack of stuns and actual burst damage.

Attrition is instantly lost if a teammate gets caught out and dies early, and your shields/damage reduction sometimes aren't enough to prevent it... Besides, it's really hard to feel dominated by a SCH anyways! They might do a lot, but they don't have that "i killed you sucka" effect that a good damage LB has.

They aren't *bad*, because nothing in CC is really awful. They just aren't what comes to mind when I think "dominating" like DRG, NIN, or SMN.
He already throated Sylvan lol
Nigga is a throat goat
my moonie is awake and wishes she wasn't
probably middle of next month? Then after the couple of hours of MSQ and the first alliance raid I hope your ready to RAID RAID RAID for another four months
Kong's moonie has a bigger dick than that fag
Which ebins do you wanna throat?
I thought he owned molly
Remus Anima
Sorry, I just like posting about cute characters..
yoshi-p wasn't lying, other games are fucking fun
He's been hard at work at C+, really working on his character! It's really impressive to be honest, no one looks like him in LB14. Now if he didn't instantly nuke his threadcred with his wanton acts of sexual assault and backshots...
seven stand
this is far less interesting when you remember sylv is a sub futa
rough facefucking would've been much better
Nobody wants one of those.
Elke Crowe
Forgot to mention, lalas shouldn't reply
my lalaboy is a bit of an evil hypnotist
I literally logged in to learn its winding down
i never wanted to do fates anyway!
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The c@ mindset
kamikaze strike back your fleet*
my wife...
sechen doesn't plap
no joke i open the thread and see this like 2 seconds after scrolling down
>25% less healing, 10% less damage, 10% less damage taken, etc... aren't enough to make up for the lack of stuns and actual burst damage.
it absolutely is
but you're absolutely right that it's not a flashy or even fun job
a support job is never gonna dominate, but it allows others to dominate so much easier
think an adc with its support in league. it's a much stronger duo than adc + adc
I think I had it right! Follow the post chain..
What would his FATALITY be?
Le agressive futa is boring though
the cute fulalas
sylv is a straight up wet noodle wimp though i actually don't know why he bolted a dick on his character
listening to him talk about plapping is somehow a turnoff
post your ra
hes not listening, he has the "if it doesnt get killing blows its useless" mindset
That's a pretty good way to think about it! I just have a friend new to CC, trying to learn JUST by spamming SCH... Without knowledge of what she's supposed to be preventing/mitigating, the job looks pretty damn toothless so far! Maybe if I knew a scholar main in CC, I could learn what a good SCH game even looks like lol
Oh, I realize the issue.
You assumed scholar as in the job. [thing]scholars is a meme from another board.
For example, someone who's good at savages would be a savageSCHOLAR. Or someone who's good at crafting/gathering would be somethung pike a craftingSCHOLAR, a craftingCHAD, a craftingGOD.
I hope that makes sense my friend!
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i'm not logged in but this was the last pic i took
That goes back to the original problem: dealing with wet noodle subs is boring as hell, and you end up doing more work as the dom.
Ahhh. That's a meme that doesn't fit well here, I'd imagine. Since there's an actual job named SCHOLAR that's popular in FL lol. My bad!

Which board does it come from?
i got a bunch of assignments i gotta finish bwo
/dbs/ - dragon ball super, a general on /a/. They call themselves DragonballSCHOLARS, implying they are scholarly and high IQ. It's fun to shitpost as. Don't look through it now, it's pure inside jokes + schizophrenia.
Fuck, my post was riddled with typos because I typed that while doing something lol.
give full
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