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Previous Thread: >>497569160

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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My precious desert rose.
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My comfy lazy wife...
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I was expecting Natsu but I get Koyuki instead.
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It's time
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When will they be playable?
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
Yeah there's no way I'm even getting close to 130 coins. Bullshit JFD
6 months and a thousand seanigs uploading the same scene to youtube for easy views later I refuse to believe there isn't some better quality webms of the Shupo animations out there.
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kys(kiss your sister)
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>no Heehee
MJbros...its over...
Unique laugh spotted
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hikari on my face nozomi on my hips
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My wife Mika
I have 24k pyros.
Should I roll for laser or nagisa
I can't believe Hikari is actually the boss... she's the one calling the shots...
Please give thanks to pic related for consistently saving Blue Archive
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A reminder to new-newfags to just don't pull.
Nagisa or Ako from the Band Event are coming.
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I want to melt on the bed with her
Natsu's name is really fucking funny now that I think about it.
"Just like she said" natsu
>no Heehee
not my blue archive...
Nah kill yourself.
Shupo thread
Shupo board
Shupo world
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why would people think this would be heehee it's not a giggle like all the ones that got changed to heehee
she's laughing like a brat
I think this is the saltiest roll I got so far
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This JFD is not that bad.
Rest in peace king, we're glad you decided to swing by and possess our game for some reason.
No Rumi?
>having sonic attackers is less important than owning and having built all aoe healers
This is cancer.
If you can't easily get max coins it's bad.
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Strangely enough, I liked Haruna's heehees. No one else's though.
Post that picture where one of them falls down
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>All these niggas not having an embarrassingly big amount of built healers after Set
Your Eimi?
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Cute, when the fuck is she getting an alt? i wonder if they're saving it for half anni. Part of me wants a summer version of her since she's hot but another part of me wants casual or dress because she's also really pretty
I love it solely for making purple attackers that aren't sHanako relevant without being turnocancer like the niggercat.
Would you rather get hard walled by not having the handful of sonic aoe attackers among over a hundred students? just take your free coins retard
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Newfag here I have UE50 Nagisa, should I roll Nagisa?
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choo choo motherfucker
Uhm, sir? i can see Haruna's vagina, while it looks scrumptious i have to inform you that this is a blue board
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Hey uhh Hofishino that's kinda a death threat isn't it?
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Remember to draw in the aggie /bag/gots, it'll make your rolls better
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I've learned that not investing in all my healers no matter ST, AoE, or DoT, has bricked me more than once a year ago and I just spent my time since then bringing them all up ranging from usable to maxed
and I sure as hell not making that mistake for sAtsuko
This is not funny, this is just rape
Wait, NagiToki banner doesn't have an x2 3* rate right?
>only 125 coins
Most jfds you can easily get 140
completely optional lol
just get the ticket lmao
>band alts
nu-mx2j lol lmao

gf core

It's that simple
damn that's a nice ako
that's edgeshino alright
Why would they have more than 1 or 2 AoE healers? You can't multiteam that fag and clears only bring either hanako or shiggy
Wait... why is Nagisa optional? I was planning to roll for her
If BA's sales decline into next year you can expect her to get an alt as nexon's ace in the hole.
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>finished stage 4 jfd with 2:02 left on the clock
>Got 38k points for it.
I guess that's the bad part about liking a popular girl in a gacha game, she never gets anything because she's treated as an emergency button
And that's what happened to Kisaki
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It's hard to say. I really love sexy swimsuit alt but I also don't mind comfy alt. I feel like she's the last resort for Nexon since she is the most popular with highest 100 bond players
If that were the case Hina wouldn't have 2 alts lmao
She isn't required for anything
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I'm guessing Tsukuyo is good for this shhhhJFD
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I already have a bunch of coins
I don't need to do stage 4
In case anyone is having trouble with the no SHanako team this works fine.
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Thanks, it's a really fun event. I've also bought a Momoi shirt and they gave me a sticker with the same design.
I got a medal for UNI2
Dead tired after the long weekend, I'll read the story and do aggie later.
I forgot to do any card shuffling before maintenance
I’m only doing 3/3/3 but I’m not complaining
The do it within a week you god forsaken retard, post-event page lasts for a week.
Serika in the Guide Task!!
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she'll be mine soon enough
If she does get an alt i want them to go full on romance mode on those momotalks, just like i want Hina's next alt to be actually romantical too. We need more handholding scenes and hugging scenes
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Fuck... I really want to have intense passionate rapid-piston-pounding bed-breaking lovey-dovey creampie sex with Hikari, complete with hand holding with intertwined fingers, and kissing with tongue, and sweaty cuddling, and locked eyes, in all of the sex positions illustrated in the Kama Sutra.
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I don't get it
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chinese cunny
I said this
firing drill lineups 237,878 points
his third team is kinda slow. maybe you can use momiji.
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Highly grab-able waist
I have no fucking idea what i'm doing.
I just heal scarecrow and shoot at niggas.
What do you need her for? Greg is Hinaslop now and she's just optional for Hiero.
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>there's some anon here who wants this unironically
If you can't get 80,500+ for each team, you can't get max coin reward. Even 2nd best reward requires average 79,700+.
She got 2 alts because she was doremi's waifu. The first one was her swimsuit alt released when BA was doing poorly. The second one released around the time doremi was probably thinking about quitting and leaving nexon, so we get dress hina as a checklist parting gift
you can't deny that it would be funny
Who cares.
NTA and I'm pretty sure the post itself is a joke but either way, Nagisa isn't required for anything.
>She's optional for Set even at the higher floors (100+), you don't need her at all.
>Next PvP season she falls off a lot due to terrain, mood, sHanako and Yuuka. Most teams will be running Utaha or sAyane instead, and besides the multiple red AOE options even Hibiki might see a resurgence with her bond gear.
>No raid actually requires you to user her and with Kisaki coming out it means she's competing against even more specials for a slot. Based on what anons were talking about earlier, she might not even see use in torment gregorious.
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Why is Sensei like this?
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based illiterate sensei
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>rolled once in Kazusa’s banner
>got a Maki dupe
Good luck beating my 3-star rate for this banner retards lmao
>it doesn't count
Again kek
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A joke is when 2 people are laughing
Hikari's making Ibuki look mentally well developed.
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>Handholding and hugging scenes
Damn that's too lewd, maybe add princess carry too
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it's not funny!!
It would be funny
I don't like Seia so the more characters they add before wasting a banner slot on that the better.
It's just expected that the localizers will turn any and all unique laughs into heehee at this point, regardless of how unfitting it would be.
>Kazusa and B.Kazusa practically back to back
Cath bros eating good
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How old are they? Canonically-speaking.
I want all three so honestly, any order is fine. I will get them all regardless.
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so 18?
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wtf based
what are you doing to her
Old enough.

Months, yes.
Childs Archive is back
I do. Locking rewards behind overtuned missions that even the best invested setup cannot beat is bad design.
I'll take the autistic one, thanks.
What unique laughs got heehee'd?
Where did her clothes go?
They're all autistic, anon.
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I WANT both. I NEED both.
There's 2 shupos and they're certainly laughing
I'm thinking Rio's retarded robot isn't that bad...
There's no way I'm getting over 125 coins
But best invested setup could beat it
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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one is more than the other
I'm old enough to remember that /bag/ used to prefer Nozomi than Hikari.
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How did Hoshino manage to surprise Nonomi like that? Is she a speedster?
this never happened
How did the kuudere choochoo beat the mesugaki choochoo in popularity
Mesugaki fatigue
she's a witch
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Elementary my dear Sensei.
kuudere mesugakis are rare while Nozomi is regular mesugaki
someone post that image from 6 months ago that someone made of gremlin hoshino sprinting over to nonomi
Beating the 241,500 point threshold. Clearing Stage 4 is whatever.
Does anyone know if the new Guide Task will be immediately added to the Event Recap after it ends on November 4?
it won't
enjoy being forced to read Vol 1 Ch 3 while it's in its incomplete state
Rate the mind control
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Don't got that but I have this.
>She's optional for Set even at the higher floors (100+), you don't need her at all.
last time i asked people said every 99+ clear used her. was i deceived? what are the alternatives?
Fuck man I wanted to wait until it's fully released during bluefes to binge read it.
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Couldn't she just have jumped over the wall?
You guys told me young Hosino was edgy.
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>forced to read
Lol you fucking idiot, do you even play BA?
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Maybe the real edge was the friends who died along the way.
she becomes edgy when boob lady dies
She's angsty. Y'know, like a teenager.
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i like the twins
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Good night, /bag/
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Thank fuck Umika is gone.
Good night
Thank fuck Momoi hasn't had a new story appearance in months and continues to stay hidden.
I bet you like 5 whole dollars that the next Outdoors JP PVP season will have a faggy little cover at the back that NYHaruna can sit in and the entire season is just 6 months of trying to kill NYHaruna before she deletes your team but good luck lmao she's at the back and has S mood for blocks
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I can't wait for Nonomi to be finally relevant haha.
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>Vol 2. Chapter 3: The search for Rio.
>It really should be Yuuka and Noa but the GDD (Aris) are gonna get roped into it because main characters.
I guess we could do another Vol.3 where it switched to Arius for a chapter but that's a long shot.
It's really not about alternatives as she is optional herself, so there's tons of possibilities, here are some 100+ clears:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAjWWtLBK5g (100)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aASWjA_kxSc (106)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFCZn8Qd7ZM (106)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7UsDmtCz0A (108) (Miku)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDwuD32gUs4 (100) (Minori lol)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBwxvLwjJjA (100)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x58JKY9YHI (109)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_W1rIFqfZg (100)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNjwB2fbK5Q (106)
I hope her disappearance is tied with Ein, Sof, Eir so we can rope them too
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i'm drawing another brazilian nozomi
Where's my clockbro?
By the looks of these you either have to have Nagisa or you have to have BYosh AND BKazoos.
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Ding dong. Time to pat your students.
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Good morning, /bag/. Don't forget to pat your students.
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Good morning
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Rio being neck deep in ancient tech when finally found would be the most in-character.
Plus Himari, Toki and Eimi(kinda) also have business with her so they could be the protag group if they wanted.
I get the feeling Aris will tag along with or without the rest of the GDD, because forgive.
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I was going to create another furniture to put in my cafe before that time. I was too late.
I'll read it all when it will be completely released.
Permanently affectionbricked, time to reroll your account.
>Hifumi's Ahaha
>Mutsuki's Kufufu
>Hoshino's Uhee
>Koyuki's Nihaha (forma de Yahaha)
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I'll slip up eventually.

Your skip tickets?
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Should I pull for my daughter or save for something in the next two months
Don't forget to skip through it for the wagie event.
the fact that you have to ask means she's not your daughter
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faz isso não
>he needs to be told to pull for her
She's not your daughter.
What possible reason would one have to """Localize""" Ahaha?
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If you're asking this question, then it means that you're already a soulless fag.
>check students with cover ignoring EXs
>make another tsurugi/akane team so they can reach harunya
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>faz isso não
>don't do that
you can't stop me
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I'm just a newfag with no characters
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>new pvp season next month
I felt like I was finally getting the hang of this one too...
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They aren't mere characters, they are your students. Get with the program.
I have no purple. what the fuck do I do
Fuck that Asanagi Gareki doujin with the Shupos was great
They removed it entirely, which makes the scene in Vol 3 where Nagisa is traumatised by Hifumi's laugh very awkward
4/2/2 looks better
That's mostly a result of going 100 and above, almost every team start using bKazusa there. See 99s:
Even Nagisa teams start using her when hitting 100, of course it's still not mandatory
but if you're going for the late 1XX floors you kind of want to be using bKazusa
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*COUGH COUGH* You guys go on without me *WHEEEEZE* I'm not gonna make it
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Thanks for the links anon.
Love the little callbacks to previous stories / events.
Why the hell did none of you tell me Eimi is good this JFD? Almost bricked myself by doing stsge 3 on my third team.
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>girls from Academy City are smart enough to not stand in a field of death
this guy literally did >>497594660
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You fool.
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Koharu will surely save your third team.
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
my students are going too far
I'll just mention this lastly because I avoided it given they're not out yet, but there are also some 100 clears I haven't linked that use bHoshino (yes, for red) or sFubuki that also don't use either bKazusa nor Nagisa:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VPzVGkUiHU (sFubuki)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM5HQZ5t4VE (bHoshino)
I’m actually concerned that a red student beat out a yellow one by this much against purple armor
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In that order.
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Suddenly glasses Noa
I thought she was just some random tank. I forgot she heals herself.
>>497598257 meant for >>497597752
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>I’m actually concerned
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She did her best (she killed Shun)
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Has science gone too far?
the gameplay is getting really boring and monotonous. i only stick around BA for cooming to lolis+hebes and the decent writing
Fubuki just seems to be there for her Efficiency subskill?
If only
/bag/ will not win in VGL23 with Shupogaki
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>Hoshino: Uhee
>subtitle: Heehee
Clowns! Imbeciles! Morons!
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Just press auto
We're going through a story drought though so you'll need to tough it out for another 5 months
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I was really excited to roll for Nagisa because I borrowed her for my first Torment Hieronymous and have seen her in PVP a lot this season. But my excitement has slowly dwindled down knowing that she's getting pushed out of raid meta and that I would only get to use her in PVP for like 3 weeks. I don't know how I feel about rolling and investing into her, especially since I was forced to spark the last 3 banners I rolled on. I would probably see better returns investing into S.Izuna in December.
This should be kyahaha instead.
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>We're going through a story drought though
>Still no sign of a story chapter post Kuroko.
Looks like there's gonna be another one after this.
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only when she's real will it have gone far enough
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how many pyros do you have right now?
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here you go
You could have just used the Koharu/SShiroko/Ako team and borrowed DHina. Nagisa is only needed for speedruns.
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Miniko or Chibiko, take your pick
Just stop metarolling
buru aakaibu
better start investing into sayane instead or you're not killing yuuka next pvp season
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normal version
Sex Thanks for the master Shiba rabi I asked for.
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hmm nyo
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stoat sexo
That's Aru's job.
protect your nuts from nuts
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>raid guide not updated
>rainstorm didn't upload
>other youtube guys didn't either
Aieeeee, give me max score teams, I don't wanna think.
If I start on a different region/server with a VPN, will I be able to buy stuff normally or will I have to go through hoops?
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play the game
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I want to eat zinger boxes but I don't have money right now
>borrowed seia
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What was the /bag/ approved version of bluestacks? (the one without the bitcoin ad or some shit, I forgot)
>thinking you'll get max score on this jfd
Good luck
Sitting on 54k with 1k ligma. I need to save pyros for S.Izuna and the double anni.

I tried the borrowed Azusa/D.Hina/Kokona/S.Hoshino/Ako/S.Shiroko comp and wasn't getting nearly the same results as the Nagisa comp.

I am unfortunately a competitive player. Not that I am soulless, I already have my studentwife at bond 50.

Don't even own her because I started playing after her event. I am kinda screwed next season.
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My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray, but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad, it's not so bad
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray, but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad, it's not so bad
>>497599403 Pie 64-Bit
>Aoi's shop changed
Who's blue archive's new artist btw
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Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus
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Thank you anon.
have you considered looking up JP creators instead
that's how the rentry anon populates the rentry anyways
yeah you better save then double fes + kisaki and with the datamines of the dot raid you might even start considering pulling for ssaori or reijo
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I will have to have sex with Aoi at some point, don't I?
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>Don't even own her because I started playing after her event. I am kinda screwed next season.
Utaha or Aru then
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sensei rape
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>bond 50
And you're still raising her right?
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NTA why would I, there are no benefit after bond 50
I don't understand this jfd. The rating for it is level 45 and I'm 51 now but my students do like no damage against them. My all yellow attacker team (only have 1 purple attacker) barely managed to clear the first wave before time out.
nobody is sharing their seia...
Nuh uh you get a funny pink title
this but unironically
hmmmmmm idk
I notice your post doesn't mention anything about healing once
Crazy theory but I think I might know the solution to your problem
Seia just flew over my house
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Meh, settling for fourth tier. No way I'm spending time and mats on this.
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I might have to take the L because it is too hard to keep up with the meta. I haven't even played for 1 year yet.

I was thinking of Utaha because she at least sees use in Hovercraft.

Of course, but I stopped pushing for node 3 on my crafts because I don't want to dip too low on my mats.
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>no one set up their sHanako for JFD borrow
I need better friends. I'm going to sleep
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I'd rather buy a shitty car.
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a car can't run blue archive that well
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there's nothing special about that phone
t. I have that exact phone
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FOTM status?
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she's so pretty
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Cherino is really cute, why does everyone hate her?
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I prefer my blueberry pancakes with Canadian maple syrup and some room temperature butter.
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still drawing porn
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>this jfd
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Harechippai Kemono is fucking dead / 10.
I want to see the x-ray version.
JFD team onegai
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Oh, it's one of THOSE?
Sad, at least I'm almost done maxing jfd students.
Thanks sensei.
Kanji too hard, can't read.
better dead than red
she's really annoying
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Hikari owes me so much sex
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is the "muh bitcoin miner" thing an actual thing to be concerned about where I have to use this version?
is there any performance/stability benefit for having the latest version over this one or is it the same?
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you can just check the clear teams in the game like you do with set or challenge stages
I really want to pull Reisa
Do it then, coward.
what's stopping you
you literally just go copy paste 合同火力演習 from one of the results on google when you search "JFD" into YouTube and look for results that say 5-6 months ago
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I use ldplayer instead
Where in jfd does it even say what the scarecrow does? Man I don't even have the students that can heal
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Just wait for the selector. By the time you get her from it - aka Bluefes - ANOTHER Peroro raid will run.
press the info button in the menu and tap on the skill icons
I switched to mumuplayer 12.
>ue30 kokona
>some shitty purple no one rolled for
>some literal who healer like hanae that no one builds
Yup looks like it's 230k for me.
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>roll for Reisa
>get Tsukuyo
Is this retarded tree good for anything?
Just know that self-heals and healing allies will also heal the scarecrow
lmao wonder what they did
I like LDPlayer but apparently you can't use NVIDIA control panel to jack up the anti-aliasing unlike with BlueStacks so now I want to switch back
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Please post JFD teams. Thank you.
Rio was right
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Alan and Brian status?
Ask again after I'm finished reading v1c3 part 2 fuck this release schedule holy shit
>the girls in his studentwivesharem don't kiss and make out with each other when he fucks them all together
Why? Explain yourself baggots.
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Tanking in hovercraft or kaiteniggers
> No Wappi banner
Has anyone tried this comp before? How bad is it in terms of resetting?
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owari da
You can literally see the time left on the ticket when he pauses.
Still hitting my head against the wall trying to clear floor 74 with a UE30 Wappers. Should I just give up?
He delivered. Thanks.
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Is there onsen version yet?
>hasn't cleared 100 already
just give up
I feel like these are just throwaway account cheaters that's there to mask the subtle ones.
Just wait for Kuroko.
Next month will be red Set anyway.
No just some stupid microbikini one
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With just 600 ligma you can ease your suffering.
Does anyone know or does everyone just play on their designated server?
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Her big gosh-darn anxiety filled tatas
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Guess I know what I'm gonna try requesting if I catch event next time.
>hesitant to level up Ibuki's EX
>but leveled up Renge for JFD
Is there something wrong with me? Wouldn't it be more feasible to be able to clear Insane instead? I didn't even 4/4/4 this shit.
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>Nigga who ran this channel died.
nom nom
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You HATE Ibuki
This isn't about clearing content this is about how you prefer dragon pits to child pussy when having the choose between the two
We in for some stoathours? One of the things I like about Shigure is the feeling that she'd likely rape you behind Nodoka's back then accidently develop a genuinely loving relaionship with you.
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What the fuck was that
JFD rewards aren't as enticing as raid rewards, so no?
I just do the bare minimum.
He did the opposite of what you imply.
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Segcks with Reijo
We all die eventually.
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hug your students daily
Is this actually you or did you yoink it from somewhere?
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Now that I'm actually reading vol1ch3, so far it doesn't seem too bad with the flashbacks. I remember that was an occasional complaint posted here.
There are indeed a lot of them but they seem to flow decently enough as scene transitions that connect the past with the present. And the past is obviously gonna be a big deal as one of the themes of the chapter.

Does it get even worse later on with the flashbacks? because so far this stuff feels like basic film-making 101, nothing too much to make a fuss over.
it's a cropped reddit screenshot taken off google when you search "blue archive suspended"
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Figured as much.
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I wish her qipao ended up being sleeveless. It's the only complaint I have
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Impregnating the entirety of C&C but especially Toki and Karin
Damn that's crazy. I recognize that name only for the early BA music uploads like sakura punch. Listened to those all day when I first started playing
Akane fertility aid medication
Seems like they didn't translate Hikari's victory pose line in its entirety. They only managed to capture 70% of Hikari's autism
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>open /bag/
>post "ROLL FOR LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>close /bag/
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>Tsubaki lobby lines are unchanged
I'll put in the effort to update the infograph to reddit's standards.
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Midomo... lost...
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roll for natsu
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>its real
asuna, karin... thank you for saving blue archive...
Why doesn't sensei just eliminate abydos' debt again
they aren't? I thought I saw some screenshots about it being changed?
Can someone explain Aoi's new shop to me please?
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Trust me if I could just eliminate debt with zero consequences I would.
Because she's mean to the far cuter Nodoka and Shigure.
You think I make enough on a teacher's salary for that?
only anons that have 1 bil credits are allowed to do this
pretty sure we have at least two
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You could take upon the debt yourself. Bear the cross of gold, you shall, finance Jesus.
I find her funny. A lot of people understandably hate her but she gets comeuppance in the form of a fall from power 3 times a month. She's more bearable than Makoto at least.
>There were baggots here who reincarnated in Kivotos.
The poor bastards must be getting raped right now....awful.
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Aoi supremacy
Now now I don't want to rob my students of their youthful experiences do I?
fuck, my wappi is higher than and I haven’t gone past 24
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I will also post Natsu
>his wife isn't strong enough to protect him
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It's fine.
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Just checked they only changed the "sleep paralysis demon" event line. likely because that was the only mistranslation that circulated out of 4chan. The three lobby interactions, sleeping together with sensei, thinking about sensei, and needing sensei to sleep. all remain butchered.
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post her pink donut
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>People overblow the flaws of something they can't read without MTL
What else is new?
i think sensei should have sex
All of Kivotos
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damn... I thought we had it... >>497587292
good luck with the infographic anon I'll send another ticket with it attached when you post it
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His canon wife Iori.
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Odds and I don't drink alcohol
Evens and I don't drink alcohol
odds and you do drink alcohol
rolling for shiggybro
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It has been 3 years without an Iori alt.
When will this change?
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I have Sex.
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It's been at least 8 months since I washed my bedsheets, but now I'm forced to because I keep getting a rash from them(not bed bugs I checked).

Which student is for me?
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I too switched from Bluestacks to Mumu, it worked perfectly on w11 iot ltsc from June, but for some reason it doesn't on the “updated” iot ltsc from 4 days ago. It says I should disable hyper v, which I do, but the emulator keeps saying I didn't.
I'll try it tomorrow, I'm too tired and frustrated.
With her original artist gone we probably won't see a new alt for her in a while, unless if he left one behind before her left.
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Soon brother, do not lose hope.
owari da...
>no furniture reward
the FUCK kind of shitty guide task is this Serika?
you're doing it for jumbo's ramen
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>I'll try it tomorrow
ok, here's a guide if you want to debloat it, it's optional but it ends up looking quite clean
Shit, i forgot about iboogi.
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Alcohol wrecks your brain and reduces myelin(white fat) significantly in particular. Disruption in myelin strongly contributes to neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Ask yourself if feeling a little loopy for a few hours is worth this.
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I went for it
recruit kazoos
My condolences, did any spooks at least take the edge off?
Raise your fucking Yukari.
Sensei is so fucked up...
bro, your kot?
Sensei here. My canon wife whom I love to sniff is Shiroko. Please do not spread misinformation about my love life. Thank you
Wait, you can do that? Fuck, I never even thought about it.
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I literally can't. I have 200 ligmas
>fight against X defense
>lose 5/5 times
>copy that same defense
>drop all the way to top 500
Fuck you too.
Cat for gf
Dummy for daughter
your bracket just knows
Spooked NY Akari at least, which is nice, and random bunny akane dupe
I like Reisa more and I have dkayoko in case I need urban yellow
>lose 5/5 times
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Nice, thanks anon.
all me
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>they fixed Makoto's weapon name
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Should I roll this banner?
Bet you're a marinalet.
b urself
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you should roll this banner
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it's really really bad
I didn't get a single successful 1T when I tried the 1T Iori team, shit is really fucking hard
Might as well just do a comfy 2T clear with Makoto on the second team since this raid is another retard filter for anywhere but KR and JP solely because of debuff management
Reisa would never do this
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what is reisa?
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I'd fuck Nagisa meaty thighs.
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Can you just approach a student and grab their cheeks?
Is that legal?
post defense
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I'll send this every update until it's fixed.
your fault for conditioning her into expecting that
she doesn't know any better
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they'll do the same to you
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Woah. This guy was in my bracket last season.
do NOT stretch the Midomo any further or she'll get wider
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At this point I am fairly certain butchered translations have already been done months in advance and the new localization team is just fixing up the errors as the content releases, and soon we should enter the period when the new team took over. I am not coping
fuck you, midomo
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what if you stretch her lower openings?
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Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 262
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I refuse
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Do we having betting odds on whether this will hit one year?
So for this event you just try to find the highest value items and then reroll to the next round after getting them right?
No. Yoshimi's lobby line still isn't fixed.
NYAkari's lobby line still says 'lunch' instead of 'date' and they actually DID edit that line as the last one is different, they just chose not to put date in.
What they do is fix the lines that reddit and twitter complain about so everyone there can pat themselves on the back and make them think they've fixed everything when there's a literal shitton of lines that just don't get that attention.
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feed your green momoi
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>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
4chan is dead to me. Can't even AAAAAAAAA anymore.
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It's midomover.
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2 to 1
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>3 momoi posts in a row
I'm out here
I need a nice butt to fondle or I can't get on with my day.. SERIKA-CHAAAAAN!! CAN YOU COME OVER HERE FOR A MOMENT??
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Why we've yet to see any graduated student?
bit optimistic
They're all too dumb to graduate
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... -> 2nd year -> 3rd year -> EoS
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That being said still send in tickets. They will fix things, normally outright mistranslations and minor errors.
But tickets about romantic lines being toned down feel like they go nowhere. Still going to send them in because fuck them.
Why would you grope that bony poorfag ass, when you have easy access to the best booty in Kivotos, Nagi-chan?
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The vtuber graduated.
I assumed the GSC was where all the older students went.
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Ok, did JFD. Now laugh at me.
>tfw only 2 purple students
>whom I completely ignored
Good thing borrows exist.
She was taken to the back streets of Trinity and gunned down
There's a difference
Your Hanako?????
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Enjoy the momo.
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Hikari is such a little weirdo. I like her.
> Gunned down
Sir this is Kivotos, you're gonna need more than a bunch of guns to murder a vtumor.
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You mean pessimistic right? I meant that it was very likely this was going to hit one year.
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0 Akira banner this Christmas
Even Seia banner this Christmas
Odd Rio banner this Christmas
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Why do some artists upload their work on xitter sideways?? Not the kind where it's meant to be viewed that way but actually just a regular artwork but turned 90 d-grees. Is this some form of trolley?
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it's time
She had no halo, you don't even need guns.
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>leveling everyone equally
Normally they have the correct version in their patreon.
It's like blurring cocks in hentai in a way
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It's time!
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Post it
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it's also about the way she would react that gives me a lot of additional pleasure
Do we have lore on set and why Plana is running it?
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Seiabros, it's our time.
Say yeah.
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beta release don't look
sHanako? Borrowed. Normal? 2* and my healing + dmg output was too low to keep doing stage 3.
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Yeah it's in Vol 1 Ch 3 but Nexon decided to drip feed and delay everything
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No more trinity whores
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Of course.
I look foward to next story chapter doing the same for no reason.
Mari would never say that
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I'm looking
meant >>497606092 for >>497605792
>UE50 Ichika in clear 1
for what purpose
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Is Haruka going to be even more useless now that Kisaki is here with yet another cost regen?
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Any waka rerun news?
>yo, senpai, look! SR student attack increased!
>shanako fest lmao
delete this bitch out of the game, right nyow
>don't have kokona
So much for that. Guess I'll have to go through youtube myself.
She was always useless, what are you on about?
Rape victims typically get attached to their rapists
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yes, no more wakamo rerun
Wakamo (Bride) soon
I remember /bag/ saying she was good when she first came out
yeah, this is pathetic, spent like an hour to figure out comp for Ichika
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killing myself
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But Wakamo is already my bride
For her cost recovery, yeah. Then SShiroko came out and Haruka became 5th team material.
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[Unpopular Opinion]

I love the fanarts where Toki acts autistic
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Special Mine when
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But that's all of them to a degree
mine but upside down
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>Mine spam
Okay pack it boys, it's over for real this time
Who do we like more? Hikari or Nozomi?
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For me it's fanart where Rio and Toki are both incredibly autistic.
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/bag/ loves Mine actually.
then Wakamo (Mother of your daughters) soon
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If you know which twin is which you need to touch grass
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You will love Mine or regret it.
Young Nonomi.
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My only problem is that their hats are ugly as fuck
I love children
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>Mine hour
your what is yours?
Mine is like a schizo version of Ako
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Mine will love me or she will get child preggart.
I prefer Mine, I don't want yours.
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>Hours of Mine
I want a Mine gf...
They're not really alike at all.
>mine hours
Best hours.
mine is a schizo?
I like that Hikari is even more of a chaos grelim than Nozomi, even though Nozomi looks like she'd the bigger one.
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I have a theory that people who constantly need to compare others and have them compete with one another are extremely insecure themselves
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Alright what spawned in these Mine fans?
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The winner is Nozomi.
Mine is usable this JFD
also greg
fuck greg btw
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>hours are named after characters
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ive always been a fan of Mine.
The one that loves me the most
I like the one who does this with her hands, but I don't know which one that is.
Your what?
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That's Nozomi
That is one is Hikari. Hikari is the one who looks like she'd be a pure girl but is actually a semen demon. Nozomi is the one that looks like a semen demon but is actually pretty naive when it comes to sex.
students that will help me work on my rizz?
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I wish I can buy gook merch, they look SOVL as fuck.
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they're indeed sovl as fuck
Hikari is the one who making my pp hard. So i choose her.
Now i'm gonna pleasure myself with that Seia.
>full creatura t-shirt
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niggers are insufferable.
how old are the twins?
i didnt ask to be born black.
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>ended october 2023
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>He just hit random on the character creator
Trolley service bros...
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Paid sex with Kirara and Erika (they paid me)
Thanks doc.
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Which student would do this
>stuck on "resetting the game data..."
how do I fix this?
Was it completely necessary to give Yume gigantic tits?
I'd eat seia
Hey, /bag/, a thought came to me. Will John Nexon credit isakusan in Global/Korea server? His name is the first thing that comes when the credits start after all
It taste like broken dreams
well its always a fixable problem!
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Happened to me before. The update probably didn't install correctly.
Just manually clear the cache and app data and reinstall all the game data again.
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Yume wouldn't have died from dehydration if she just drank her own milk
Sensei loves sexy students like Miyako the most.
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seia eats you
Yes, Hoshino is superflat so they needed to balance it out
I drained her of every drop before she had the chance. It was my fault all along. I apologize for nothing.
boil seia
roast seia
deep fry seia
bake seia
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Pickle Seia
i only draw nozomi so her
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Sensei loves strong, healthy and disciplined women like Akemi the most.
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Nearly as flat as the real thing
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just how I like them
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a forgot for a second how lewd bare backs are. I just looked at it without preparing myself properly. the lewdness caught me off-guard. very dangerous!
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This is a terrorist.
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This is an evil mastermind.
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Yukari is fucking dead....
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Till death will I stop fucking Yukari.
>another drill that is just 2 hanakos lmao
Purple content is a joke
this worked thank you!
>His spirit will not carry on after death
Step it up, Sensei
Is there anything they can do to fix it or is Hanako just too broken?
>give up on purple aoe
>when trying to make a DoT raid to make shitters like renge relevant remember to make dot buffers like reijo actually buff burn damage and not just Chill/Poison to exclude renge
>give up on purple aoe
She isn't that big.
and both of those are underage so stop lewding them
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She is pretty wide
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one of them isn't even lewd
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Wakamo is 18 though
reminds me a bit of Illya in that outfit.
I've seen this picture for months and only now do I see Sensei hidden
I always thought Kikyou was mad at how big Yukari was
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Time for Mika hours
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She's half your age.
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> Black
Who's your favorite whale student?
And don't fucking say Hoshino, that's cheating.
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No prob.
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One third of it, actually.
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10 year age gap actually
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Holy shit a zoomer.
bap midomo
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Youngest /bag/ poster
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For me, it's Renge and Yukari
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Millennial actually. But just barely
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Im younger...
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micher sex
Gtfo while you can...
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New sensei here, I don't understand what Rin wants me to do beyond 'do missions'
I do accounting at the office, not in my vidya...
Built for Aggressive Pouding
aggressive pounding
For your own good leave now, the pipelines towards becoming _that_ is real here in /bag/. No further comments.
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>5777 lv80 Momoji, 855 equipment
>ako + himari'd
>maxed debuff on the mobs
>still fails to kill some mobs with an EX
th-thanks, john nexon, for purple aoe options
Do missions, click squares to find the objects hidden behind them
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An old man?
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Schale admin should be part of Blue Archive's gameplay loop
plap plap <= sound of my micropenis hitting her cunt.
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to be fair it wants you to specifically abuse the sniper rifle buff (or sHanako lets be real here) but yeah it's still sad to see
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What killed the hype?
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That pineapple ring looks like it has depression
I did this
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Fucking hell, you guys sucks.
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No u
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How did that innocent lady grown up to be a massive slut in only a year?
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Nonomers is pure
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amazon slop day doesn't have anything
Nonomi respect my rights.
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Like a rhinestone cowboy
Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo
Like a rhinestone cowboy
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know
And offers comin' over the phone
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look at this
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>/bag/ is so dead nobody is even competing for the last image slot anymore
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that's nice
>managed a run with 1:02 left on the clock
Wait for the punchline...
>on fucking mock
>students start acting differently in the real battle
Fucking hell. I'm only 500 points away from the next reward tier.
(◡‿◡ )
Nozomi should piss in my mouth
>no pubes peek
Hikari should piss in my mouth
just like in the game
Does anyone know how the scarecrow healing when students heal works? Does it heal a portion of what they heal? The whole thing? A fixed amount?
click the cool little button on the JFD menu screen next to the stages that say "Info" and then tap on the funny looking icons
A fixed amount of 6000 per heal tick on a student, but I think that's the upper limit and not the base, if you're healing with a level 1 or something.

You actually heal the scarecrow for more by targeting your students instead of the scarecrow itself, including with single target healers.
Vani Vani
Shroedinger's pubes...
im baking seia thread
bani bani bananatas
Greetings are not important
But no one in my team hurt...
you always say this
dont bake ᓀ‸ᓂ
Doesn't matter, you heal them anyway. Even if the student heals for 0, the dummy heals for 6000.
Densetsu ga... hajimaru
How about you click on that icon and tell me if it answers my question? There's a reason I'm asking and it isn't because I didn't check the fucking info screen.

My single target healers definitely heal more than 6000, but I guess I can try a bit harder with AoE healers.
Your student
Your student feathers you'd stuff inside a pillow and sleep on
Guess that makes over time healers like Hanae/Hanako/even Eimi useful here.
Considering Kokona heals st for a ton wouldn't it be more efficient to just heal the scarecrow itself with her?
>My single target healers definitely heal more than 6000
I've got a completely maxed Serina and I'm pretty sure I was only healing 5000ish using her on the scarecrow directly.
Maybe 50k? My kokona is 3* but heals around 38k.
My level 1 hanae does give it 6k per tick when I heal a student though so maybe it is totally fixed and not just capped.
>back in 1
>donate coins to the two people I like
>keystone fragments give me 2 purple gifts
ᓀ‸ᓂ my morning is okay

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