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Previous iM@S Thread: >>497555587
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (Oct 8th): >>497612465

>Archive of >>497473908: archive.is/IgrYq
- Previous News: >>497555637
- /@/ Draws Sports: >>497556123

Oct 9th, 7AM JST: VL Cosmo picks lunch: youtu.be/nni0L38F6ag
Oct 9th: Shiny Colors ECHOES 06 CD
Oct 9th: Shiny Colors Anime 2nd Season OP "Prism Flare" CD
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>Cinderella Girls
- CG Nanami's birthday 2024: >>497642284
- U149 Manga chapter 101.5 TS: >>497594824 >>497596164
- GK Gacha Update "Costume Rhapsody" featuring Hiro: >>497618825 >>497618919 >>497477984 >>497574115
- GK Gacha Update "Another Idol '24 Halloween" Vol.2: >>497619142
- GK Support Cards (Oct 8th): >>497619002 >>497619069 >>497576465 >>497605412
- GK 4koma 43 raw: >>497601049
- GK Chibigurumi Saki/Temari/Kotone SSR1s in March: >>497578840
- GK Mao itasha: >>497607720
>Million Live
- ML Anime TV Broadcast 1st Anniversary: >>497579146 >>497580536
- VL PRODUCER MEETING 2024 -FROM NOW ON!!!- watch party on Oct 13th, 7:30PM/10PM JST: >>497579727
- VL 4koma 6 raw+TL: >>497579292 >>497616752
- VL Cosmo's "Tame-Lie-One-Step" dance hits 50K: >>497593242
- VL Manaka dances "clumsy trick": >>497604818
- VL Manaka kills Artorias: >>497558181
- CG Uzuki likes virgins fancomic TL: >>497579967
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>Shiny Colors
- CoherentLight chapter 12.5 raw+TS: >>497573779 >>497608783
- SFP Upcoming Version 1.12.0: >>497615573
- SC Habataki Radio Station #304: >>497615464 >>497616242 >>497616741 >>497619914 >>497621346
- SC 6thLIVE TOUR Come and Unite! Brilliant Blooms BDs illustrations: >>497621534
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" photos (part 6): >>497617527 >>497617737 >>497621887 >>497622529 >>497623457 >>>/jp/47960099 >>497626650
- SC 6.5th Anniversary Live "Chapter 283" recycling was successful: >>497625703
- SC note Impression Contest winners: >>497615847
- SC Straylight is a trio (allegedly): >>497568071 >>497568404
- SC Anime "Wandering Dream Chaser" clip: >>497575079
- SC The Evil has been banished: >>497618202
- StSn 3rd Anniversary Campaign (Oct 8th to 15th): >>497575935
- StSn "READY!!" MV: >>497601163
- StSn ALLSTARS promo (Oct 8th): >>497603926
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Loving this dork!
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It's true.
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sloww mizzymoto
I want to marry Minami Saki.
Where is Mei's Look Up figure?
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Temari loves me
>SC Straylight is a trio (allegedly)
Mei is in that display she's the brown girl
I bought it.
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[Catch You? Catch Me? Endless Halloween Temptation Gacha]
2024-10-07 ~ 2024-10-18

[Exclusive Mutual Love]
- Skill: Let yourself Fall in love (Overload)
Every 4 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance that 6 life will be consumed to increase Perfect/Great note scores by 20%, and prevent Nice/Bad notes from breaking the combo for 2-3 seconds.
- Leader Skill: Passion Step
Raises the Dance appeal of all Passion members by 90%.

[Always Forevermore]
- Skill: Mummy Layla's Lovely Curse (Overdrive)
Every 9 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 20%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 5-7.5 seconds. (Your combo will only continue on Perfect notes during this time)
- Leader Skill: Cool Step
Raises the Dance appeal of all Cool members by 90%
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> it made me wonder if anyone ever drew something like Producer dying after saving Miki in idolmaster 1, or him failing to save her and Miki dying.

Some artist on pixiv made a whole 5 chapter manga about the event of P dying instead of getting hospitalized. With Miki getting her foot crushed as well. source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111109427#1
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I dunno, seems kinda suspicious.
MeiPs don't buy merch
AS suffering art is surprisingly abundant.
I really don't get these. Do people just want to see these girls suffer or what
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>With Miki getting her foot crushed as well
But how will she dance now?
Old imas has already sad endings in the games. So my guess is that people already looking for it got served in the official stuff instead of wanting some in the fan art.
Good holy nun who'd listen to my confession and comfort me.
Bad dirty nun who's listen to my confession and laugh at me.
dying in front of lucapi
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Some believe that you can better appreciate a character when they face crushing adversity.
Basically yes.
Hana my beloved
After decades consuming art of your idol smiling and being happy you start looking for more varied and niche stuff to hit that dopamine rush.
She won't they needed more drama.
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Happy birthday Nanami
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I'm two days late, but I'm going wish a happy belated birthday to my most favorite idol, Akira Sunazuka
Anyway say something nice about her
Better late than never I guess
Moogy suffering.
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But what if
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Me rubbing her thighs
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Her dark soul was filled with light...
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>Oct 9th: Shiny Colors ECHOES 06 CD

>Oct 9th: Shiny Colors Anime 2nd Season OP "Prism Flare" CD
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Seeing a lot of ryona of another non-imas character, I thought "man, she must do something that got someone real upset later on."
But getting more into certain flavors of ryona myself, I'm not so sure about that.

If I like a character, I'm into seeing them in both good and bad situations.
Partly because it's fiction, so nobody's really actually getting permanently hurt.
But also partly because someone decided that they wanted to depict that, which is kind of interesting in itself.

Meanwhile, if I don't like a character, I don't really want to consume content of them in any situations at all.
But also, yes.
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Nice fish
Also remember that one doujin where Arlong from One Piece became Nanami's producer
Rare shot of Momoko's ear.
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my mellow yellow girls~
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mmk + deko
>If I like a character, I'm into seeing them in both good and bad situations.
This. I'm way into eroguro and I wish my character got art of that nature sometimes.
Has anyone posted upskirt shot of Halloween SSR Yui?
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Don't read the text
Lovely dresses, ladies.
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good smell
It's true for Haruka. She can never be top idol if she doesn't face adversity, she needs suffering in her life to unlock her hidden potential.
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Every time it's SC news it's always toru or koito, hmm....
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Flash koeru, 315 no lightning speed
Negau shinkuu no ma de todoki sou da flash
Rod sisters
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>Ai learning prohibited
Did Ai get kicked out of class?
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Too bad man.
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People against watermarks is peak capitalism
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Idol class?
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Artists really be making off of (paywalled) fanart and doujinshi and yet they think they have the place to say something about copyright law or some similar shit
Well, some weebs don't seem to comprehend that Fair Use doesn't exist in Japan
Nice Yukimi
Anyway how it's going?
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Ai slop changed my life
i don't think so. get her and post one please
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I would like to do that but at the same time I need to save up my jewel in case they added new SSR Akira to the game
why is YKM angry?
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what is your argument
Of course the ironic weeb has the most abhorrent take
You and him usually make the worse posts imaginable
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SharkP here again to spew his autistic hatred against japanese artists and pretending western weebs matter at all
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I really like that card's second commu.
>S: Oh, you entered Hatsuboshi from high school too
>H: Yes, I really wanted to be an idol, no matter what
>S: That's some pretty strong resolve
>S: By the way, I'm the highest ranked high school entrant
>H: Yeah, Ume brags about it all the time
>S: Oh that girl... she's making me blush
>H: By the way, I got perfect marks on the written test
>S: Ugh!?
>H: So you're definitely the person on second place
>S: What are you...
>S: Yes but I'm above you in the overall standings, right?
>H: Yes. But in the written portion, I'm number 1
>S: You! You must be really competitive, huh!
>H: Hm.. really?
>S: Definitely! You enjoy asserting dominance over those you beat!
>S: It's terrible! That's being competitive!
>H: I see. fufu
>H: I'm competitive
It's interesting because it sets up a parallel with Saki and Hiro with their competitiveness and it's not the first time the game has done this. In their bond commus, both of them are driven to frustration by Ume (the person Saki has always beat and the person that has the same ranking as Hiro when she entered the school) having her first live before them. They both derive motivation from that frustration. It's also a nice self-discovery moment for Hiro, as her background means no one's been able to really compete with her before, so it makes sense that she only discovers this aspect of herself now.
This goes with the other parallels with main and baka trios. China and Temari were both inspired by seeing an idol's performance and thinking they could be like her. It's a comparison explicitly made in the latest event's commus. Then there's Ume and Kotone both thinking that they're no good despite harboring immense talent. I really like this aspect of GK's writing, with all the parallels and foils between the characters. I was skeptical of the small cast before release, but this is something you can only do with a small cast and it's great.
By the looks of it Miki is smiling while performing on stage in the last chapter so all is good.
Bamco allows and encourages people to create and sell fan works hence the upcoming IMAS EXPO you stupid cunt
if I'm not wrong, what he's saying is that artists don't have a right to complain about copyright when they're profiting off derivative works
I find it weird in how proactive people try to copyright police for Uma in some cases
and that argument doesn't make any fucking sense
Then I should take back what I said earlier. My mistake
lol that's retarded.
There is a lot of autistic (rumor-based) reasons for it, but my favorite is that it would hurt the poor millionaires' feefees :( Tough shit bitch tits, refer to my dick and balls how I feel about some of those horses
Well yeah, he does sound demented.
Struggling to hit A+ with basically anything but motivation. What exactly are the criteria that makes you hit that A+ or higher?
Holy Luca may make fun of you but she'd still give you a healing blowjob in the end.
Stats + score during the final audition.
Chupa eggs?
Stats and final score.
There's calculators to see what score you need for each rank, given your stats going into the final.
If you can get more stats along the way, you can get away with a worse final. If you've got a broken strat that demolishes the final, you can slack off on stats.
I don't think there's a clear line here, but I think there's a lack of self awareness for some people, not the artists mind you, that the culture only came to be as a result of lack of enforcement, like Comiket being as large as it is.
specifically I'm talking about the time they made a 30 minutes sister for some uma, it's understandable they don't show off any of the usual customization on the packaging, and some eleven went on twitter to warn people about respecting the rights and the usual. but if it's going to be an actual problem they shouldn't have okayed the figure in the first place, there's even another figure in another one of bandai's plamo figure line that's not known for customization but I heard that one's worse
So how long did it take you come around on Mao?
Points in the final exam, total stats, and final exam placement
Use this calculator https://gktools.ris.moe/en/produce-rank-calculator and input your stats and it'll tell you how much score you need to hit your desired rank.
Final exam placement is usually irrelevant, but it has mattered to me for contest memories. I'd have high stats but my deck was so shit that I couldn't get first, which loses a lot of evaluation points
Usually between 15 and 30 minutes
About 4-5 pumps.
I realized sumika and lilja are more offensive
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I haven't produced her once, maybe someday
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Hijiri is my mochi wife
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Only took a week to get over my initial disappointment with her Hajime commus, By the time Kimi to Semi Blue came out I already liked her more than I had pre-release.
When I saw that Brazilian Mao fanart. She should get a tan in a future event.
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I liked her from the moment her voice got revealed and it was girly as fuck.
she looks really good in that gold microbikini

and that artist is like 50/50 on drawing degenerate stuff, but that one seems nice

I want to mating press arisu
I only clicked Arisu's
I would have liked her more if she sounded like an orc like for example Sakuya and Tsukasa
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this sure is an attractive loli
Arisu faces in both manga and anime are great
I was never against her, I went into her route and loves her by the third commu.
I liked that Hiro image.
*in Mao
20 minutes.
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Happy belated birthday, Akira!
Anyway is it okay to post her together with Kanade and Nanami because it's already Nanami's birthday?
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I've been a fan since the beginning
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So what will happen if I drink that?
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Sunao ni I LOVE YOU! todokeyou
kitto YOU LOVE ME! tsutawaru sa
Kimi ni niau GLASS no kutsu wo sagasou
that's not Sanae
it's not as bad as the other poplinks tintme party
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That's Riina lmao
it's a bubble economy joke
it's not sunao either
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Woosh, my mistake
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Loligf material
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Competitive Hiro is a great development.
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dating arisu would be so rad
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You keep posting this yet never talked about anything from in-game and probably don't have any Arisu cards.
so what?
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Temari vs good girls
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I hope he draw more Akira with fat tits
What a weird looking Layla (I know it's Hiro but still)
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I always open this pic to see if this is the autist edited version
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Bad men prom night
There is an edited version?
There are autists?
This is the future bad men want
post it never seen it
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*biting blowjob
wait, that's a bareback
I do believe that to be a penis.
I see a cock up there...
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me & yucatan + more yucatans

in her bridal card, the makeup lady compliments her on her back and she gets a little confused heh heh
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You guys look good together.
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I hope they finally add Dominant Akira
Both the SR and SR+ of this card are slutty.
She can wear her spats and soccer socks along with her bridal dress at our wedding
Would she be cute or passion /cool?
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sankyu sankyu you and your girl too

we didn't get the halloween gacha :(
A couple of days after her first reveal
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It means you're a secondary pretending to like idols you know nothing about..
Is there a reason OP skipped akira's birthday?
Probably Passion.
He didn't?
How do you know who is every poster at any given time retard, have you noticed this is an anonymous taiwanese basket weaving board?
will you actually do something about it?
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This damn cat...
He's just PMSing. Ignore it.
He PMs more than a woman, it's been like 2 months full of menopause with this guy that never contributes anything besides trying to fight random people.
They’re all going to that one Producer x idol onsen
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Yeah, I am going to do something about it
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Twist her nipple and she will talk different
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we're already in, baby
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I know that one
He sure likes flesh fangs.
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Romantic evening with a fat bitch? y/n
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Birthday girl onsen.
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Where's Akira and Kanade (or Makino and Izumi?)
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nanami is cute
The perfect gift for any little British girl, a teddy bear.
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Mio is unforgettable.
Pushing her off the balcony and giving Mei a call.
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I gave her that.
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What game is she playing?
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Gamer feet...
only for her subscribers
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>"Prism Flare" CD
Is this a digital release? It's missing all of the unit versions.
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How is marmite a real thing.
Emily would never eat such putrid trash.
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yo stewart what that taste like?
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Cute passion
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You think Emily wouldn't eat jellied eels as well?
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A British delicacy
In the same way that SPAM® (Maple Flavored) is also real
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akira, get down
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it's kind of like jellified sおy sauce

how is kozue a real thing, way too adorable
Yeah, all ECHOES singles so far are also digital purchased because they're missing drama tracks
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Something this soft can't be real.
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I remember trying that stuff at my grandma's house thinking it was something like Nutella, big mistake.
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Marmite marmot.
hey hey people, Shark here
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Makes sense. Hopefully a physical rip shows up eventually. Maybe the Chinese forum will do it.
Getting Emily a variety show special job where she is only allowed to speak in English as the special's challenge.
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Which random game is she gonna play this time?
those educational ones they sold at school fairs back in 2000s
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IIRC that Akira pic was briefly featured in this video
i riked oregon trail, of course, and math blaster
She’d eat it if someone told her that it’s traditional Japanese cuisine.
She'll die.
And she has to read inaccurate English CR subtitles.
why is IS echoes releasing in 2025?
From what I can tell the chinks have 7 tracks on echoes 5
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Because Hiori was dead and it got delayed
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Yo, get that track 4 for us please
I never noticed it until now.
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“推し活”最前線 2024
The 300 most popular entertainment brands
x axis: gender ratio
y axis: age
You can find iM@S at 50:50 ratio, 30 years average
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Do you think futa Hiori would say this?
Idols of Might and Magic
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Im pretty sure south p*rk is not imas
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How? The link gives me
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fukken el oh el first time even seeing this video
SideM skews this, plus misc femPs into AS/CG/ML/SC/GK.
The only echoes on the chink forum with mp3's is 02
So here is the link for that
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does it really matter?
Ok Seth Macfarlane
Mighty Haachan…
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did SS have a 60% male 40% female ratio
Loli Anna Footjob
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I clicked the link but all I got was robots and bread?
It's closer to 65/35
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Wtf she shouldn't play with the food.
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I think they call it 4DX experience.
been thinkin' about that echoes 07 art
post it and rate it
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been thinkin' about the girls
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Probably my favorite SHHis jacket so far.
ECHOES > Happier = L@YERED > CANVAS > After Run = PANOR@MA
Mikoto always looks cool but Nichika sure looks cool on covers compared to how she normally looks
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I wonder if the win at contest 20x mission in GK has ever helped anyone finish their weeklies. Ecen if you're a god at contests and win every round, that's a minimum of four days. Anyone who plays enough to win that much plays more than enough to finish weeklies by day 3
I really really really REALLY want to impregnate Nichika's seiyuu.
why is she like this
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i love Nono!
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Don't we all
Noctchill has a less serious song on their ECHOES single
Why are rich heiresses like this?
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Need this but also with Mamimi and Kotoka.
Kotoka isn't
She loves “pushing buttons” she’s the kinkiest of them all.
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That smug ojou only wants to be inseminated by Producer-sama
Here's a stupid question: I wonder if Nanami's normal ears are completely absent from her SSR1 model
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She does seem to have a humiliation kink considering how proud she is of being last in everything.
Actually he's made those too, except in his images P is dying from an illness
She'll be last
Last one standing
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First time I find out this kind of story has a term, Mitorare or MTR, break your loved ones by dying in front of them
I know you are different, Serika
Hiro really grew on me compared to when i started
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Oh, I've got that Nanami.
Yeah, they are. Just the mermaid ones where they would be.
Like watermelons after you swallow their seeds
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Draw idols engaging in sports!

It could be real like F2P Ojisan in the recent shooting event at the olympics or fictional like in that old Namco game, Numan Athletics ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz6hQbj27Hw ) as long as a short explanation for it is included.

Usual rules apply so no AI, no photoshopping, etc. If you're feeling a little bold, provide a wholesome SFW version along with a link to the lewd original.

Optional Challenge: Draw the idol as if they're part of the Namco Stars baseball team.

Please reply to this post and use "SportsDr@ws2024" to make it easier when checking the archives.

Sports Day this year, October 14th, 12AM JST

Idol Jai Alai >>495202083, Chihaya win in front of the Tifosi >>495263648, Swimsuit MTMN >>495492929, Halloween Game Chiyo >>495493283, Ayugunn's Breaking Bad >>495887305 >>495887884, Tsumugi's Dogged Defense >>496528603, Swimming Kanzaki >>496598670, Yuika on a run >>497131012
I see. I wonder what does it look like from side view
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I guess that’s in line with the audience at the U149 event
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I like game screenshots featuring lolis looking at me with disdain.
Akanebros why is she so cute
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true mochi love
wow look how cute we u149P's are
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Like this.
Guess they could've done something like having her normal ones with these taped on, but I don't know if that would really add to the SSR.
1/3rd of those girls are making hardcore chie r18 pictures
FemPs would have better taste than liking a shitty character like Ch*e don't kid yourself.
we LOVE chie
You and your tulpa? yeah.
The outfit with the baseball cap is so adorable.
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Funny how Kaede popped out of nowhere
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Happy birthday, Asselin!
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She blocks your path.
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same. she's a funny little girl
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and always horny
I bribe her.
He held back from drawing them even bigger this time.
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I Love my loli loli loli wife
Uhhhh I'll have a milkshake
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Where did they all go?

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