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Previous >>497633386

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Will you roll for Burnice's engine? She doesn't have energy issues.
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will you get her anons?
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Who's rolling for Yanagi?
yup that's my goat
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I'm almost to 90 and no Caesar, I refuse to swipe going to kms
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I like Burnice because she look as dumb as me
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How long has xhe been going at it?
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No fighting
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Age is just a number
Making piper a mother while she still has eggs left
Me. I also have Jane and am using them on the same team.
2 hours
I got to 95 before mine, 170 total pulls before ceasar, I will literally never recover
Blessed Jane/Seth OP
Blessed thread
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Can we have a normal thread for once?
Also remember to pat One-Dennyboo.
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I actually checked and kek you weren't kidding there really is only like 4 fucking pieces of fanart for Lighter with any of the other girls.n
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>Agent Combat Info
>there's no info
is mihoyo fucking RETARDED?
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We're all friends let's have a good thread
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Burnice's dupes SUCK, what the fuck
the anti loli schizo was confirmed to be from california retard. burgers are the biggest shitposters
Do they work together? I want Yanagi too, but I don't wanna roll for Burnice and fail the 50/50
You say this as if people roll dupes or something.
I wish nothing but pain on the people who ahve the limited time characters I like
started in the Jane patch, level 36 on my account, and exactly 0 good S ranks after using all my pulls
best I can get is brickomata

and none of these characters are ever coming back despite being ahrd meta and required in a lot of these fights
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This is 18 AP rolls and 8 ATK% with her signature.
You realistically have 29 rolls total. This means he has near perfect subs. Completely unrealistic.
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Weak to kisses
Main reason i'm playing this game.
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>can't even say anything or explain why such thoughts came into his monkey head.
>I will spam pictures!!! This is how I show my power!!!
>check out the event!!! read between the lines and find the hints!
>This is canon!!! Check out the story, it's all there!!
It's pathetic to be that kind of person
>limited are not coming back
There's no way this is true
>Qingyi after the bangboo refused to switch back
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calm yourself, if it's anything like HSR then reruns will start as soon as 1.4
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This agent in Zenless Zero Zoom is BROKEN!

Do this NOW do NOT waste ur TIME!
On Gelbooru around 15% of Jane's fanart also includes Seth in some way and if you remove all the ones where he's literally just present to bother including the tag it's closer to around 8-10%. There really isn't as much as you'd think. Though I can see why a Sethfag would be a Jane shipper cause god damn like 80% of his artwork involves Jane. This twink faggot literally doesn't exist without Jane.
Yanagi makes disorders stronger I think, but even if they don't have the best synergy I'm still using them together.
if you read the fine print on the limited banner it says
>these are limited units
>they are only pullable for a short period
>they will never be put in the standard banner
>they will never be rerun at the company's discretion and there are no plans to rerun them
swapping qingyi and a bangboo's bodies and fucking the qingyi in the bangboo's body!
I want to have UNPROTECTED SEX with BURNICE!
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Am I just supposed to use battery charge until account 50? I'm 45 and running really low on other stuff.
They both wanna be on field so dont work particularly well with each other, but they both deal lots of damage and can both trigger disorder so, its not like the team will be bad. Just anti synergy.
Piper and Burnice have more synergy with Yanagi than Jane
Me. M0W1. I'll start preforming her next week
>woman who's ready to retire due to age
That only counts for damage. For the energy part it remains correct.
I'm saving my newfag polychromes for her
The way I'll be playing I'll need her weap.
If I want max performance I'll be trying to disorder as fast as possible. In not going to be relying on afterburner procs to give me time to use energy again.
Use batteries at 45 and grind Disks that way until 50. When you're 50 just do whatever you want with whatever you have left, maybe saving it for a character you want to build quick.
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I hate when ccs do this.
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at least he ran out of pics kek
>on field
kek This is a casual game. That shit doesn't matter.
Disks don't give experience though, do they?
Dont the disc rewards get better at 50? Seems silly to grind them before that. Charge better used on ever green resources like dennies, xp mats, promotion mats etc.
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>Sethpag likes Seth
>gets called a brick in Disorder
>melty ensues
No, but farming them does.
I'm saving 160ish polys for Mibibi. The remaining ones will go to Pink Kafka.
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Hoshimi Miyabi is drama-free
The problem, it skews the damage comparison
You won't have godly subs like his
It doesn't really but there are optimal and sub-optimal teams.
I have more fun on optimal teams personally where the characters actually work together with synergy rather than just slapping jane and yanagi together and then only playing 1 or the other.

At least if you whack piper in there you get to actually do Piper things.
incest is wrong
No they get best drops at 45. Which is why he said that.
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never noticed Belle's gray eyebrows means blue is not her true colour
How many rolls do we usually get in a patch? I'm trying to calculate if I should roll for Burnice.
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should I go for another onahole copy since I'm rolling sexnice?
Basic mat drops don't get upgraded at 45 iirc, only at 50 so it'd be like farming them at level 40. Disc rewards don't get changed that much aside from having a small chance to give 3 5 stars instead of 2 so you won't be losing out that much, it's the best thing to farm at that stage and once you're level 50 you won't have to worry about what to farm since everything will be at the best efficiency rate.
Like that other guy said, farming disc stages gives experience, same rate as any energy stage does.
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I diasgree
t. Belle
350 AP and 2750 ATK is more reasonable. You're not going to hit 400 AP unless you really sacrifice ATK to do so.
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it's still blue
>she naturally has Wise's hair colour
I guess that kills the they're adopted siblings and not related idea.
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It literally doesnt say that
I dont know where you got your info from but it is either false or imaginary or both
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so her pubes are blue
I think the intent is to give them transparency so they don't appear as thick
M1 is just “do the same stuff better in a bunch of ways.” M2 is nice though. It turns her into a penetration support like Rina who also stacks with Rina. M4 and M6 are the usual questionable damage buffs if you think you want to run Burnice as a main DPS. As usual M2 is the prize since it meaningfully expands her utility.
You dumb dumb
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when I went through the jane tag there were like at least 10 pieces where jane was the one fucking seth with a f*ta dick or dildo. the absolute state of sethsissies
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You guys could egg it on less thoughbeit. Not saying you're wrong or xhe's not a fag but still
>all exclusive channels MAY go live in the future
this means it's 100% up to their discretion whether these ever come back
>the limited S rank will not become available in the normal banner
this means that the normal banner will NEVER gain any more S ranks, even if they're 3-4 years old they are not ever going to be recycled into the standard banner

this is incredibly jewish kikery designed to make artificial fomo around characters that are necessary to clear the higher level content.
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Miyabi has been completely reworked from the closed beta... I'm excited...
Generally speaking, how do I determine if a disk is good or not? I feel like I'm starting to become really picky about what disks to invest in.
You can't just post stuff like this without a source.
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sexing that megane
This is cute, wonder if we'll get a backstory chapter for them leading up to the fall of old Eridu.
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jane doe
>cunning hares
>section 6
>victoria housekeeping
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Obol when
sex belle and the other girl
I know another general this anon frequents!
>this means it's 100% up to their discretion whether these ever come back
No shit, Sherlock?
>this means that the normal banner will NEVER gain any more S ranks
It can, they do it in Genshin. They simply release new units as non-limited, it's just not getting the limited.
The guy making the peace sign is clearly evil. Is he the end boss of ZZZ?
>fucking my gf
>a glimpse of nicole fat tits passes through my mind while I grab my gf's tits
I-Is this the power of 2D...?
cooh neh
>cunning hares
Yanagi uses her CBT animations.
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What about Obol Squad?
She's literally me
Aight thanks, if I win the Burnice 50/50 I should be able to get both her and Yanagi.
The two students in the front sold out their sensei and joined ether corpos
They will be our rivals
crit character: double crit substats
anomaly character: anomaly prof and attack% substats
you can always throw 3-6 levels at a disc and see what it goes into, if its def+2 or something just scrap it you get a 80% refund
a shikigod should know billy is the king of holding back
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Would you dare?
I fucking hate this but damn that Wise got me acting up badly
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Is Seth good enough for the Burnice + Jane team-
I lost the 50/50 on Caesar so I'm sitting at the hardest pity possible waiting patiently for Burnice but the FOMO is killing me
>they can
tehy cannot do this to any of the currently limited ones like Ellen/Zhu/Qing-li/Jane/Cesar
they were listed with the undestanding they would never be available in the normal banner, this is legal shti they literally cannot put them in the normal banner ever, the normal banner will never get any more S ranks
yeah like im not a fag but wise is pretty maybe i would give him a blowjob or something like that (no joke)
>cunning hares
It's Billy
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>level 36
>doesn't play the game
>expects to get shit
who will not risk cannot win
isn't it fun having so much control over someone's life? 2-3 posts and the fag spends 3 hours straight spamming
>tehy cannot do this to any of the currently limited ones
Yes, that's what I said.
Phaethon crashing this academy with no survivors
The sun rises...
what about support characters?
Oh it doesn't have experience listed like it normally would, so I assumed. Thanks!
I want to touch her tail
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post Coco pants
I doubt he'll be better than Lucy. Lucy's +600 ATK affects everybody on the team. Seth's +100 AP only benefits your active agent. It won't help Burnice's off field damage.
I mean. Any girl could chop your dick off if she really want.
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No you're totally right this is the first and only MHY game where they don't do any reruns for some reason, apparently on an investor call they said they hate you specifically and they also hate money
yeah sure why not, i bet her breath smells like fish
Yeah he's fine, don't worry about it. You might get a little bit more value out of m6 lucy but it doesn't matter
Support/Defense are usually a case by case basis, but in general I'd say its still just attack% and anomaly prof for them. Lucy kinda wants everything though
>they hate money
allowing characters to be rerun removes all the fomo around them, there's no reason for them to rerun when whales already ahve those characters
If you have max of Lucy's weap it should be 1000 atk
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gracebros, we're fucking back
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I assume you can figure out what mainstats are good. Generally a “good”disc will have substat rolls into the stronger offensive stats appropriate to the character. For standard characters that’s critical rate, crit damage, and %Attack. For AP characters that’s AP and %Attack. For both of them Flat Pen and Flat Attack are okay but not something you want rolls in most of the time. All def and hp subs are undesirable. Getting four desirable substats starting out is the best case. You can still get a “good “ disc with some def or hp if the extra rolls all go into a desirable stat like crit or AP. So it can be useful to “fish” for lots of good substat rolls on mediocre pieces.
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I think those are Lucius and Sarah respectively. Just a shot in the Hollow.
gacha whales are tempted sufficiently by fomo when the rerun schedule is from months to years. but maybe your lack of evidence will actually lead you to a hidden truth that the chinese megacorp never could have discovered!
Bwos? Where is Seth?
wtf is obol squad I have never seen them in game
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Yep definitely you're completely right bro
that's crazy, when whas this zhongli character added to this game
We don't need to actually have a discussion with the retarded guy spreading misinformation
Is this your first gacha?
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>3 hours for a cheap dopamine hit
just go goon nigga
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I forgot ZZZ was managed by a completely different finance and marketing department with a wildly unorthodox approach to making money
Military shmucks. The only one we have is a slightly more retarded, uglier Anby who likes cats and spicy food, aka Solider 11.
So is Ellen the oral queen?
post zhu
>removes all the fomo around them
No it doesn't.
retards, the game barely started. Reruns will come soon when the roster is big enough for it.
Anal queen
>thinking that the game won't have reruns when there's an entire game mechanic based around interacting with characters
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No U
Would be kino
How were you unable to see the sarcasm in that first post holy shit
not seeing any evidence on why you're saying this shit is getting rerun in 1.4 or why some chink character has any bearing on it
>company says they will never add charqacters to standard rotation
>company says no promises on characters ever coming back
>bringing them back will only anger whales
it's not getting rerun
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What motivates you, proxy?
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>"Carole Arna didn't cause the Hollow Zero incident."
>"We know this, because..."
>"It was us."
REMINDER that Fairy's full line is
>We will turn New Eridu... into Zenless Zone Zero.
REMINDER that there's a crystal door in Hollow Zero tha allows for time travel.
REMINDER that the greyscale cutscene is actually a flashback.
A flashback not to the past, but to the previous timeline.

Fairy was sent back to the past.
It's a Code Geass season 2, Light Yagami situation.
Fairy has returned to awaken Phaethon.
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my retard wife
I know it's not, but this feels AI-generated
memes aside, is there even a gacha that doesn't do reruns (excluding collab shit)?
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without power,
>bringing them back will only anger whales
Strictly promising a rerun opens them up to legal trouble you fucking idiot
Both of their other games have MULTIPLE rerun banners EVERY SINGLE PATCH. How are you THIS FUCKING STUPID. Star Rail had FIVE FUCKING RERUN BANNERS this patch.
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Sex r@
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we know horseking
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Is there a practical application to doing the quarter circle input for Nicole's ex special or is it just to make her look sassy and cute
Can't think of any off the top of my head.
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>people are literally claiming this one mihoyo game, this one gacha in particular, will not be doing reruns
>people are arguing with this person in good faith despite it being obvious he is either retarded or shitposting(likely)
stop giving free (You)s to shitposters. Stop taking bait.
pain miyabi orange
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it's just a maid service after all
yep, just look at her stinky mouth
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I unironically think ZZZ has the best writing of all HoYo games, but people can't get invested into it because they need cosmic world-ending godly stakes.
I blame the MCU.
it actually is, he just uses a decent prompt. none of the tails are right
jiggling asses and bouncing tits.
I thought about the same thing as I laughed at that retard. After a quick search I only found some cases of characters being removed after being added to the game in China and not rerunning only on that server. Outside of that, I think there's gachas that EOS before they get to do reruns lmao.
>erm this other game
woah is this the Star Rail general?????
they have limited agents planned out until at least 1.5 and yet you feel so confident saying ellen is getting rerun in 1.4

it's not hapenning, they're not killing their cash cow by getting rid of the fomo and pissing off the whales, as based as it'd be
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Thank you, smart fish!
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Alright I tried out the Jane-Burnice-Lucy comp, I just gotta learn how to use C more often for jumping back and forth with building anomaly... Thank you~
The "no reruns" retard is the same dude who was saying you can't dodge Shadow Jane last thread.
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this has yet to be disproven

Zhu Yuan
Soldier 11

>sucked off a guy once

...you are aware that Star Rail and Genshin Impact are made by the same company as ZZZ, right?
>muh free you's. pleaaaseee stooop I don't like that people post certain thing!!!!
why do you faggots care? This is so dumb. You are one tiny step above filterfags
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This cute rat
I mainly guessed due to their hair and eye color.
They do? I also think the character writing is great.
The characters in the other two hoyo games are typically very muted personality wise and come off boring
>they will never be put in the STANDARD BANNER
they will never be in the STANDARD BANNER you retarded dumbfuck, they will be rerun and will be on the exclusive banner for 20 days. god fucking dammit kill yourself retarded dumbass.
we are going to get our own infinity war where all the factions we have met so far will join together to fight something, and then go back to SoL hijinks
>you can't dodge shadow jane
literally no one said that last thread thoughbeit?
The lob shot delays the energy field slightly to give you more time to switch to another character and use more of the debuffs from the field uptime on that second character. So minor optimization potentially.
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Id slip some ozempic in to her milkshakes if you know what I mean.
Oh yeah, didn't PtN retire a character or something.
Thanks to Meet The Grahams, I know what that does.
Grace and Miyabi as sinners? I don't see it. Also come on man, Jane as a virgin? I'd even give you a passing grade if you put her in the middle but we both know she's not pure at all.
simply follow the conversation bro
I'm glad it's not just me. I still like them, though.
I did follow it and the poster says that the fight is annoying because it's "dodgespam"
nowhere does anyone say you "cannot dodge" Jane

what is this schizophrenic shit you're making up?
If you have c1 it extends the orb duration longer
Where did you get the full picture?
Lucy and Burnice would both benefit from having their base model swapped while keeping their outfit, weapon and hairstyle.
this cutie
>he doesnt know
Jane, the elden ring of zzz bosses
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Hell no, after getting Ellen’s Wengine because I was a brick, I will never pull for another weapon banner again. M0R0 can clear all content with ease, and getting a wengine can shave off like 5-10 seconds off of Shiyu 17 (which I clear with ample time anyway). Only get the Wengine if you want to vertically invest, or you like that character a lot, but you don’t NEED it.
I’m pulling for all characters though
I uh really don't, you mind explaining?
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bro? >>497643212
So I want an anomaly party for Burnice?
There are too few anomaly units in this game
nah, he's posted WIP and variants before, it's just off-model art
Are you retarded?
I'm reading the context here and that post is comparing it to Elden Ring where you dodge spam until you see an opening
Nowhere do they say you "cannot dodge the attacks"
why are you making this shit up?

are you a pajeet with schizophrenia or some shit?
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I'm happy that little by little she's getting art, I hope Suurin and Kame make fanart of her at some point.
>you can't "just do a dodge counter"
>because "either the enemy has a string of red attacks or there are 2 of them that are hyper aggro and take turns attacking so you never get a chance"
c'mon bro...
I mean what else would you get? Rotor and Shooter are worse than craftables. Game ball requires hitting elemental weaknesses with your support so until we have a support for each element its use case is niche at best. Spring can only be used on 3 units right now and only Seth would want it.
Lore-accurate and right
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Yes. Piper is on Caesar’s banner right now and you only need M1 for her.
do a flip
use your fucking eyes
he's not saying you cannot dodge the attacks you dumbass
imagine admitting to be this illiterate
why are you trying to force this shit into a post where this isn't mentioned
reaching farther than fucking mr fantastic here with this one
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Jane, Piper, Grace, or Yanagi. Pick anyone of them and add Lucy, Caesar or Rina to them
it's anby and it's not even close
when will we get our first brown limited banner agent
I will pull M0R0 for all current and future characters because I’m a metafag & waifusipper
>farming for lucy
>prefarming burnice
>now need to farm piper as well
Mistakes have been made
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You have to read between the lines, retardbro.
He complains about dodge spam because he's spamming dodge and not damaging.
Because he's not dodge countering.
Then he goes complaining about needing premium characters for good dodge counters.
That evolves into complaining about not having premium characters.
Which is what leads to the conversation in this thread.
So what's the verdict on Caesar's engine so far? Worthwhile to get, or just cope with an A-rank stunner ball?
I'm tempted to go for it because there's no saying if they'll ever release an A-rank impact defense w-engine, but I also want to save to get more characters. Though, she's been doing pretty good so far with the Anby ball I threw on her, but I haven't gotten my SoC team leveled enough to know how it'll do in the later stages of Shiyu.
i legit cant cum from penetration sex unless i imagine im fucking a feminine 2d trap
roasties are disgusting
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Sup zzz
Anyone got any pictures of Ellen Joe as a lawyer?
Given that the W-Engine Puzzle piece things seem to be a renewable resource, is there any point not buying the high ranked ones at the toy shop? what else are they for?
Also the stars aligned and i got 4 Piper Wengines, is there any reason not to combine them at all?
How is one supposed to dodge Pulchra's bullets on ambush 5?? it takes half my fucking health and you can't fucking avoid it
>you have to read between the lines
oh so you're just making shit up, yeah miss me with that shit faggot, kill yourself and everyone around you
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my name is Yanagi
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Really Cute actually predicted her massive tits.
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>rerun shitposting stops when the dodging shitposting is brought up
I'm beginning to noooootice.
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I am announcing that I am NOT rolling for Burnice because I want to lick up and down her sweaty thighs and huff her boots after a commission. I am rolling for purely meta reasons. I would NEVER EVER EVER roll for a character out of pure lust.
abuse i frames?
use a character that can block bullets when sprinting?
Gun attacks are bullshit, all of the three new thiren enemies have them and you pretty much have to dodge before they even start the animation. I don't have difficulty fighting them otherwise but those attacks are really annoying.
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didn't know the other poster cropped this
much better version, thanks
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I dunno they were easy as fuck
anby's ball is perfectly serviceable for caesar, if content ever becomes hard enough to justify getting her ball you can get it when she reruns.
she has a black belt in dick sucking.
I'm only rolling on her weapons banners until I pull a Lucy ball
if content ever demands balls I'm out of here
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You’re welcome
If Miyabi is ice-attack they're going to have to powercreep Ellen's ball HARD and I've got no clue what they can do to beat 25% Ice damage and 44% Crit rate.
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burnice doesnt like physical contact
>spend ~8s to trigger shock with Yanagi
>spend ~8s to trigger assault with Jane
>switch back and forth between them
What's wrong with this?
It’s a very good ball because of the sheer amount of extra stuff you get. But Caesar can function fine with just a Stunner ball.
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Saladbwos how's her weapon? Is it THAT good or did you ever regret pulling her weapon?
serial vs parallel
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26% ice damage and 45% crit rate.
It's funny to see her first fanarts when she leaked with the V still on her forehead.
Swap Anby and Caesar and it's accurate
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I'll roll for my wife no matter her stats
What do those mean
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How to jump back and forth in mobile?
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That's my wife
I still don't believe she has a good cope weapon.
Yeah Ellen and Zhu's balls feel way too general use, I don't think the devs really thought it through
How much would Ellenfags seethe if this actually happened?
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No she's my wife
if I get Burnice in my 50/50 I’ll be rolling for her ball
only the best for my wife
I'm hoping for Dagasi to draw her
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This is true I was the investor
We need balls that give the character an entirely new attack in their kit
If you love your wife you'd be getting her ball, 50/50 be damned
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mbb or myb?
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How do you even pleasure something this wide? Do you start left to right? Right to left? Split it in chunks and do a bit every day?
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Her model that is on her internet still has the V on her forehead.
I do not have the chromes to get her ball if I fail the 50/50
my wife understands that I am poor
will they unfix miyaaabi eyes?
the saars of calydon...
you can't
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Look at her in the eyes and tell me she needs to fix anything
So why does like slumber? ANSWER ME
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yes look
you have to trigger disorder with yanagi for her buffs to apply.
i was thinking that it would be better to (in a jane-yanagi team) play yanagi as a sub dps and switch to her when jane runs out of passion.
>So why does like
Qingyibros my fingers hurt....even with controller
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Give me more trust events Hoyo
that's objectively true, it just doesn't matter because how strong she is anyways
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1.4 bwo
Burnice being competitive with crit as an Anomaly is kind of interesting, I could see them going all the way with Miyabi and making it the entirety of her kit. Shatter already has a Crit Damage buff on procc, they could just lean all the way into that.
You don't have to spam that much. You'll get it over time, when I started playing her it hurt too.
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Miyabi will be an Ice/Defender
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What are they hiding in S11's last trust rank?
Threesome with Anby?
a spicy blowjob
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the intel: burn everything
S11 will fall for Scarlet Riceball during the OBOL story section and her trust event will be (You) pandering
I guess i am skipping burnice, yanagi and lighter,
I skipped jane and thus don't feel like investing into anomally.
light seems cool but i will never roll for a male unless he is giga busted.
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Miyabi will be Ice/Support.
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I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna use 5 cages on corn instead of an S-rank
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Give it to me straight bros, will the game continue being great or will they turn it into homoshit like they did with gayshit and fujo rails?
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>will the game continue being great
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Do we know anything about Mibibi besides the leaked monthly card, or I will I have to wait until Yanagi's banner? Thinking of dumping 90 on Burnice for Lucy dupes but I want other units more desu senpai.
Anby also has a trsut event that's not in the game. You can see it in the archives like Soldier's.
My uncle works at Mihoyo and he said that they're gonna make it more based
Just cage the EX and Ult Corinbwo. Ex chain and ult take up the entire stun window.
Nah, I'll wait for it to get cracked.
No, I will do all 5 otherwise it means I don't love her.
>atlus game
No thanks
I just jerk off to the characters and avoid any dialog in-game
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Tokusatsu inspired agent when?
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>alts are still tied to the original agent
Big if true.
>brought to you by the creators of Persona 3, 4 and 5
Is this supposed to be a selling point?
I don't see a bondage furry or a robot in that crowd
nah, forget what i said, triggering assault doesnt consume "impaired" which is what you actually need to trigger disorder, so you're actually right and can switch back and forth but yanagi is still the one who benefits from triggering disorder.
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anby.. forma de CERO
As long as the game remains somewhat niche, they wont ever be emboldened to shove homo shit into it. Notice how genshin and hsr only started doing that once they became too big to fail
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right now there's 16 females to 5 males (3.2 females per male)
after the upcoming banners of burnice, lighter, pink hair, fox, bandana, angel1,2,3
it's gonna be 22 to 7 (or 3.14 females per male)
so there is a male creep, but it's extremely slow
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Now that the dust has settled, how meta is Caesar? I could swipe for the guarantee or just get Burnice. Caesar would just be upgrading my jane/zhu teams.
No romance, no buy
I will consider buying the standard Atlus enhanced remake if they let me fuck the fairy
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I've never seen someone this mad about losing their first 50/50.
I started during Jane's patch too. I'm Inter-Knot 42 now. I got enough polychromes to roll my first 50/50 on Caesar and lost. Now I've gathered enough polychromes to roll again for guaranteed Caesar or wait one week for Burnice.
You'll get enough polychromes to roll for your guaranteed limited soon.
Relax bwo
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She's the only character with a 4th trust event for some reason, too. As far as I know there's no way to activate this right now, same as how you can see Soldier's 03 is LOCKED.
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huh? why was it deleted?
And there will never be another better Ice Support so the Genshin reject stays relevant for the entire game
i look like this irl
Which one do you like more between Burnice or Caesar?
Is Zhu for you?
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Lighter is basically a mix of K' from KoF and the Showa era Kamen Riders with the fire scarf.
I like them both but who is more meta?
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Burnice for disorder. Caesar for everything else.
Who cares about meta? the biggest brick in the game (Anton) has started getting 30 second clears in Shiyu.
Absolutely. She even invites you over for dinner, although it's at her parents house... But still!
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>so you finally got tired of playing house... Soldier Zero
>It's time we reclaimed our mother land... the Zenless Zone...
burnice has no buffs to disorder at all, she's just an standard burst dps dealer.
If this is what I think it is it looks like total garbage, atlus needs to move on from personaslop already.
> Anton) has started getting 30 second clears in Shiyu.
fucking how? Whaled up supports?
yeah even her mother wants to meet you
>Already introducing you to her parents
She's serious
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burnice doesn't snapshot caesar buff
genshin's first year released a ton of guys and it was still good, genshin is only releasing two males this calendar year but it's in an awful state
Burnice is a staple for Disorder comps as she's the first off-fielder
Caesar has nice buffs but the biggest benefit is the QoL she brings with shields. If you never really valued having a shield or aren't that bothered by it, skip. The upgrade Caesar brings to Jane/Zhu comps isn't that big, Jane doesn't care for shields and Zhu's better with Qingyi/Nicole
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Yeah. Like Shenhe. Wait.
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I prefer the female majority, but I need time to save so a male S-Rank once in a while would be nice.
Are they cooking kino?
Burnice is the only character in the game that can proc off field anomaly. Disorder is clunky to play without her.
Dunno if this is the clip that anon is talking about but this is the first one I saw on YouTube:
Hardly whaled (M1W1 Chinky). The game is just piss easy, multiple characters can solo Shiyu 7 in 90s right now.
This team has lower cost than the average Zhu/Ellen/Jane team does.
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Caesar is probably more meta but isn't as necessary as others would make you believe because Lycaon is tailor made for Ellen and isn't a big improvement for her. Qingyi is also tailor made for Zhuyuan and you don't get a huge improvement by replacing Qingyi with Caesar either.

So ideally you'd be shoving Caesar with S11 or your anomaly teams but Burnice can turn your anomaly teams into disorder teams and also elevate them so it comes down to who you like more or who fits your playstyle more.
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so every male gets 3 females, huh?

>the easy ships
billy- nicole, anbi, neko
lycaon- corin, rina, ellen
seth- jane, zhu, qingyi
>the forced ships
ben- koleda, caesar (def), lucy (fire)
>the very forced ships
anton- grace, soldier11, soukaku, piper
That game WAS gonna be a departure from personaslop but I guess they decided they wanted to milk it even more
i have hope for her new trust events in 1.4
>Disorder is clunky to play without her.
git gud.
Shields? Nah, i'd dodge.
Caesar King's big tits banner is killing my penis.
Burn does. Afterburn does not.
Anon.. you do not replace the stunner. You replace the shitty as fuck support. Robutt with Caesar is insane. You basically have an elec DPS.
And Soukaku's long ass animations are also easily skipped with Caesar, and you have no problem getting your attacks out with Ellen. (charge attacks etc) She may have a lot of invincibility parts to her kit, and jumps around, but Caesar shield makes it so you really have to give 0 shits about something hitting you during the vulnerable parts.
The Qingyi has a steam oven in that. More than likely he just luckshitted her m1.
She applies burn quickly, you need a long-lasting anomaly (burn, shock, ether) to make disorder viable. Obviously Yanagi is what makes disorder do big damage, but the only other anomaly agent that can apply a long-lasting anomaly very quickly is Grace. If you're rolling for Yanagi or simply don't want to use Grace, Burnice is your only option for disorder for the next 2 months.
bro, your anton?
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The current For (You) Agents are Ellen, Zhu, Caesar, and Lucy
Oh, you're right. I saw the food and for some reason thought it was her sig. Forgot her sig is the tea thing or whatever.
So yeah, only M1 Chinky. Not really a whale showcase.
are you talking about CHADanton? my bro?
Caesar and Burnice both provide comfort. Caesar lets you make a lot more mistakes or lazily face tank attacks. Burnice lets you trigger disorder without putting much effort into it. You don't have to watch the anomaly gauge to know when to swap.
How does he get +2000 decibels in less than half a second at the beginning? What the fuck I feel like a shitter watching this and not knowing the tech hes using
Don't care, still skipping Burnice
Yes I will roll for Yanagi
He's proccing shock on the group of mobs with Qingyi, then disorder with Nicole's bubble. That's over 2000 decibels right there alone out of those.
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That's a very cute Burnice pic.
So Wise and Belle are a walking nuclear bomb like Tranlus/Tranelle.
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Caesar's buff only works for the character on the field and if you want to trigger burn with Caesar's buff you will always need to switch to burnice before the burn proc
Alright, good luck anon
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So the King has amazing value for F2P as she can be slapped almost anywhere and do her job. You genuinely can't go wrong rolling for her as a F2P

For non-F2P however, I can't see her being that great longterm. Teams only consisting of 3 units means that the moment more niche roles/buffers/supports start releasing with less universal buffs, she's the first one that's out

The only unique aspect which sets her apart from others is her shield, whether or not you value shields in a game like this is different for everyone
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If it makes you feel better, I'm about to play with her right now and she's really fun.
Thats how he clears so quick clearing the trash mobs out like that. I need to practice this stage more
There's a good chance you will trigger burn when you swap back to Burnice and dump her energy on her flamethrower. As long as you have Caesar's shield up when you do this, that burn will snapshot the attack buff.
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Don't care, still skipping Burnice
Don't care, still skipping Lighter
Don't care, still skipping Yanagi
Don't care, still skipping Miyabi
Don't care, still skipping Harumasa
Yes I will roll for the angel
Yes I will roll for the other angel
Yes I will roll for the third angel
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You'd have to switch back to Burnice either way. She can't proc burn off-field, she'd only be filling the anomaly bar.
explain this
>She can't proc burn off-field
She can. Afterburn procs burn. That's how she can trigger disorder off field.
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I'm rolling Caesar and Burnice because Calydon supremacy

I'm skipping Yanagi and Lighter easily
I'm absolutely skipping Harumasa but I could consider Miyabi if idols aren't immediately after her
I'm absolutely rolling for Idols and maining them yeah
Not playing dishonest D*sorder tactics
God intended for us to play with the classic DPS/Stunner/Support playstyle
Looks like the killing blow was landed mid-switch, so you got two characters on the wipe out screen
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Oh seriously? The more you know.
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you will lose disorder damage from off field proc the exact thing that people want her for
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this bimbo
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>She can't proc burn off-field
Go play her in the story before you say untrue things.
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Is this done by spamming skill? or is it a dodge guard or what's going on?
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Why exactly shouldn't I spend dennys at 141 convenience store? I have 5 million dennys and dont know what theyre even used for
Already occupying my Grace/CHADantonGOD/Qingyi electro team
based CHADanton player you're a real BRO
Never. That shit is horribly overpriced. 5 million dennies barely lets you raise 2 characters.
Skipping both plus Lighter. There's only 1 1/2 patches left to save for Miyabi, thats barely enough time as it is.
Is your entire roster permanently level 20 with level 1 skills or something?
Someone did the math recently and found that the skill chips and engine promotion items are worth it, everything else is a scam.
are you retarded, just take anby to hollow zero as the leader
I reject boring hypercarry teams in every hoyo game
>Calydon Supremacy
>Skips Lighter
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Because it's a newbie trap. Early on you have millions of dennies so buying from the convenience store seems like a good idea.
Later on it takes 2 million to take a character from zero to 60 so take it from someone who actually did buy from the convenience store and regretted it later

Also god I want to rape the idol msgk so bad
Wait, whats the banner order.. Is it Burnice - Lighter - Yanagi or Burnice - Yanagi - Lighter please I need to save for a banner for Lighter this is so fucked up
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Hajimemashite, Zhu Yuan-san.
Watashi wa Resonabuu to moushimasu. Oai dekite kouei desu. Kongo tomo douzo yoroshiku onegai moushiagemasu.
>why shouldn't i
because it's a scam. everything is overpriced
lvl up your skills etc
Yanagi is before Lighter. The banner order is always the drip market order.
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Lawrence, you're in the wrong game....
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All Miyabilets will be permanently banned from the clan and insta-kicked from raids.
>not skipping Lighter
based homoGOD
My team is daughters of calydon, Lighter has no place in it.
I don't understand why lighter is after yanagi
....Lighter's a 5 star?
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How far away are the idols realistically? Because I want both Burnice and Yanagi but don't want to jeopardize my ability to get all the idols. I have 200 rolls currently. I know there was that "leak" recently but I don't trust it to mean anything since they just used fanart from pixiv for it.
caesar -> burnice -> lighter -> yanagi -> miyabi -> haramusa -> angels
at some point in there they might start doing reruns alongside the new banner

you get around 20 free tapes per banner, possibly more
That's roughly my plan too
>wasting gacha currency on dudes
Because he's gonna be bis with Miyabi who comes after. It's the entire reason why they made him support ice. You'll have to pull two characters back to back to make the bis. They love doing this shit.
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The main thing this reaffirms for me is how incredibly good Nicole is.
i hear that a guy was fired over it
so it's probably legit
....20 pulls? per BANNER?
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Official tier list, both in-lore, design, personality and meta
Burnice is a safe roll since you have one whole patch to safe if you do roll her
Yanagi probably isn't because you lose your save patch if you do
I'm really glad they made her so good. Nice having usable starter characters, especially ones that are that hot.
>two s-tiers
He got converted from A-Rank to S-Rank if the data mining is right. They may have needed some extra dev time to rework him.
Cryo truly is a dead element until sneedzaya
damn the face on that just shows how aged genshin is
that's when i counted it, some say it's closer to 40
We don't know but most likely 1.5 the earliest. However, they could just as well release the first one in 1.4. Harumasa/Miyabi being 1.4 is pure speculation, but they've already interrupted releasing characters in faction batches because Yanagi is in between Burnice and Lighter.
Probably 1.5
Reminder to all Lighter pullers: the first male banners were Venti (lol) and Blade (KEKAROOOOOO) so pull at your own discretion
Just tried a Jane-Burnice-Caesar team, burnice makes playing a jane team way more fun that the homo cat. and using jane to trigger disorder by overriding burnice's burns is a bigger dps increase than the faggy cat's anomaly buffs.
Big daddy and monkey onahole
That's just Caesar. She'd look better with a custom face but it is what it is.
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Nicole enjoyers unite
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which faction has the most soul

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I'm not gonna make it.. Lighterbros...
Just got fired, but before they threw me from a 23 story window in Hoyotower I got a peak at the upcoming banner schedule. Expect Summer Koleda for 1.5. She's in a sling-bikini, btw.
Burnice comes out next week Keky
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yeah what im saying is it looks way better than regular euler's face
1.4 Mibibi and the Twink
1.5 reruns
1.6 Idols
You get at least 21 per banner if you're on monthly (one pull a day if you convert the 300 gems). Plus one pull per week from HZ, and then you can get 5 more per banner when the monthly shop resets - but this is out of sync with banners (4 weeks vs 3) so it averages more to like 3 pulls per banner from that, then a final 2-3 from BP if you're on paid.
Then you have events and other stuff, it's like ~40 per banner on average, with the first banner in the patch having more pulls because of stream and maintenance tapes, 10 login, and the first event always giving more tapes than the later ones.
Can an oldfag get a bit of context here? When exactly did this aversion to male characters start and where did it come from? Is this a gacha specific thing? Is it a regional thing? What the fuck is this?
I remember for most of my life when not only was it a given that male characters would be in a game and that they would be playable, but that was the norm and often the only option. Not only that, playing a game with mostly females, and especially choosing to play as a female would be seen as kinda gay. I remember when I had to make the case to people that picking female characters was actually the more heterossexual choice.
Now, all of a sudden, I come to these gacha threads and there's this aggressive aversion to even having male characters in the game, let alone playing as one. So again, what the fuck happened? What is this?
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>Burnice ball and Cope balls DMG
Are you pulling her sig ball?
Do you think they already dated in highschool?
>Clara pretending to be a JK
if you buy the 5$ calendar3 times that will give you around 60 rolls (can still roll near the end of the lighter banner too)
I'm glad I got C1R1 Rina so that I can pretend that Seth doesn't exist when making my Burnice teams.
Ah, I see. The autistic look does have a charm though.
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>ATK% instead of AM.
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Sons of Calydon because i wanna sneak into their laundry room and SNIFFFFFF
this is out of character, Nicole is always upset when she hears you aren't struggling financially
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i want to believe
>When exactly did this aversion to male characters start and where did it come from?
It's mostly retards and tourists. Nobody who actually cares about waifu games would even play a game with males in it in the first place. It's particularly egregious in Genshin because the 2nd limited character was a fucking twink trap. HSR's 2nd limited was also a male.
If anyone starts seething abuot males they're retarded for falseflagging. You can tell it's total bullshit because many characters in Hoyo games get a pass for male seethe because players like them (Gepard, Blade, Al Haitham, Lighter, Dilc etc).
There are absolutely people who can't stand males in their gacha, but these people are typically not retarded enough to play a game that has had males in it from version 1. They wll play Blue Archive or GFL or somethnig else.
post nekomata pussy and nipples
>ask her to pay me back
>trust goes down
>gets upset when I tell her I'm in the know and gets smug when I ask her for info
I hate that pink bitch
I want to smell you
you know she has 6, right?
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this but with every girl in ZZZ
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Wise and Lighter should bond over being adult men who suspiciously keep chatting up high school girls in Lumina Square
>high ponytail
gross give her Eula's hair
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I'm gonna buy neko's ball for my corn
5 times
Jane by herself can hold her own shiyu side though so I'll likely run Piper/Burnice/Lucy on her side and Jane/Burnice/Caesar on everything else not shiyu
That's a lot of falseflaggers though. It's literally every thread of any gacha game you see at least a couple of "anti-male" posts. There's definitely a general sentiment about it besides a few falseflaggers or whatever..
Attack is 350% multiplier, AM probably does nothing when she's not on field
Nah. Maybe 20 rolls to see if I get lucky. But the onahole at 93% is good enough for me
How much longer until Xilonen?
they should spend their budget in more women instead of faggots
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Does Hoyo ever do stuff for international holidays like Christmas, or the beach stuff during summer most gacha do?
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I don't mind male characters, Lighter is cool. But I'm F2P and don't want to whale so Lighter gets skipped. If he was a 4* like Seth then I wouldn't mind building him and adding him to my teams but he isn't so he gets skipped.
Extreme anal sex with nekomiya mana
6 hours
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>AM probably does nothing
Afterburn continually builds up anomaly and anomaly build is based off AM. There's no way that's true.
Not in their new games but HI3 does it sometimes.
ZZZ might do it too since we got a golden week event already. I really want a Halloween event for Housekeeping but we're obviously not getting it this year.
Thats the best par-
Nevermind. Too old
Alright bros for the next 6 hours should I try to learn Chun Li or JP?
There are unironically self-insert schizos who feel threatened by the very existence of male characters
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My ball is too strong for you.
Find another, weaker one.
I don't particularly care for male characters but I'm never pulling for them, simple as
hoyolab does, so i wouldn't be surprised
self insertfags are just MC shippers, and are just as cancerous as you, sethfag
let me guess, you want them to spit roast you
post cfn
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reminder we used to have CHINice
Self inserters are stupid and pathetic desu wa
I only pull for them if they're cool and not yumebait
I can already smell them on the horizon
I'm trying QY in the course training mode and how do you play her against high aggression enemies?
I'm so used to using Koleda in my ZY team so I sit on ZY while replenishing bullets and simply parry to Koleda whenever I can which stuns stuff super quickly and safely.
But with QY I have to finish a full combo before I can eneter the tapity tap mode and then I get hit plenty and daze not so much.
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atk% and passive am is to bait whales to get multiple copies to raise the base 50 anomaly
>doxxing myself
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dere is nuthing rong with self insirting, retards
You don't have an R5 bp wengine
LIPS bros continue to win
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Stop wanting Wise's cock then
going to self insert my cock in you
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Enemy mod dropped
I'm not on a content goblin server so I can't check, but I head piper's ex gets all 3 stacks of compiler AP since it counts the start, spin, and finish as 3 attacks. so the single stream, double stream, and blast should also count as 3. i assume burnice can maintain more than 1 stack on average
I don't have the onahole Wengine. Go on without me Burnicechads
very nice
can't make out shit with that saturation
I self insert as eous
You are supposed to dodge with her bro. Dodging lets you resume BA3 spam right away. Shes basically just a BA3 spam bot. Do that until you build your meter and then blow your load into the boss
>legs spread
It's just an incel zoomer thing.
They see males as competition and anime mobile games like a safe space.
>being this paranoid
cringe desu
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she can go straight into taser flurry from dodge counters and her EX
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Worst toon by far this shit is so ass
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I've always been a fan of Thanathea
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If I win the Burnice coinflip in under 20 rolls, I'll throw a couple tenners on the weapon banner to see if I can snipe Lucy's weapon and/or get lucky.
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I have Piper with her sig (w2), accidentally luckshitted Jane and will pull for both Burnice and Yanagi. I'm more of a Piper man than a Jane man, though
I also have 26 w-engine chips to craft with
and no I am not pulling for weapons, not yet, I can start to after securing Yanagi and only then
Should I combine the geminis or not?
calydonians can't stop winning
Oh yeah bro? I will get it eventually. Its not like theres anything else to get from the BP
Oh ok, thanks, I guess I completely forgot since the last time I tried her.
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I think it'd be really funny if the Ginger guy in the picture became Professor Arche since in the original photo his head is completely burnt off for some reason
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>build 2nd team
>its fucking shit and is fucking shit
I hope they bring back his cat friend.
If there's nothing wrong with self inserting there is nothing wrong with me reassigning my gender and calling myself a woman.
This only happens in HZ and the new shiyu stage, I prefer Anby in that situation especially against dual bosses because she has the shortest dodge counter attack so she can stun enemies really fast and survivability is more important than damage .
you can anim cancel burnice special to get all stacks fast, the problem is that it last 8 seconds and she wants more than that off field
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>build 2nd team
>it's Ben, Koleda, S11 and it's kino as fuck
i got it on the first try while drunk (on hardest)
just keep buying allies, buying horses during the demon deals, and keep smacking allies around
hp sometime too, that's literally it
ok caesar
I never realized Burnice's base AM is so much lower than Jane's. She's 118 and Jane is 148. Jane gets 44 from 30%; Burnice gets 35.
Hey zhu... could you um... introduce me to your friend fux I mean fox, the one who's chief of sextion I mean section sex I mean six
there really isn't
i honestly don't give a single fuck about what you call yourself and whether you have a dick or an axe wound
if you're a retard i'll treat you as one
Is Lucys weapon really that good?
writers self insert all the time, fuck of Marche
2 r5 weeping gemine are the best for 2 anomaly characters since each procs both balls.
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Say hello to my wives
Who's the creator?
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>game and devs pander to self inserters as they make everyone for (You)
>play said game
>have a melty about it on a daily basis
Do people really
I don't know if this is a meme reply but that's kind of the impression I get. I don't understand the mindset. Why would you feel actually some type of way about having males in the game or whatever? Like imagine watching an anime and getting genuinely upset that the main female has a male romantic interest and they at some point kiss or have a romantic moment or something like that. It sounds absurd, but that's sort of what it feels like a lot of these anons think like in regards to these games.
I'm wondering if it's just a generational thing. I mean, there's always been some people who would have these weird modes of thinking, but usually they were a minority of turboautists, usually on /a/, but in these places now it seems like the norm, which is just fucking weird...
noifng worng with self serting shutup
this but also Burnice
and they’ll all be on a team together
Caesar+wengine is so comfy brehs, I need to put her on all my teams, I want to pull agents solely based on what teams I can build for her
i'll self-insert into your pussy, caesar
yes actually because modern outrage culture means everything should pander to me and nothing should pander to those I hate even if I don't play or intend to play about those games
It basically has permanent uptime because the pigs can proc it. At max rank if your DPS has 3000 attack, the buff is providing 480 attack.
Yeah, I'm thinking Seth won
Better than a B rank at least.
>their combined age is over 18
looks legal to me
have a great day, citizen !
I wanna collect cute anime girls. Simple as
Male banners just gives me time to save for the next cute girl
>"more girls" is gay as a heterosexual man
you are a 2020 gacha tourist.
>if there's nothing wrong with A then there's nothing wrong with B
how are the two of them remotely comparable? dumbass troon.
Also what is it about this thing where literally anything that is ever perceived as a threat is a "melty"? Is this like a zoomer defense mechanism? I don't mean to sound confrontational, I'm genuinely asking.
so which of the battle pass weapons should I pick? I was considering getting the lip one because I wasn't planning on rolling for Burnice's weapon, but idk if it's even good
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ahhh... here we go again...
Burnice will push my Fusion Compiler on that fat ass
based officer mewmew
So, who's gonna be the Raiden/Acheron/Firefly of ZZZ?
lip is the only good one.
Am I bricking myself by using resources building Lucy if I have Caesar? Lucy's buff is capped at 600, isn't she just blatantly inferior to Caesar? I'm still using her now because she activates S11's passive, but Lighter will do the same when he comes out.
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is ATK still good for piper?
Lips and Spring are the only ones worth picking up
Seth hasn't seen Jane since he fought Razor, he won hard.
everyone says lips are best
homimi mibibi
Man I wish Pompey would be become playable. A rare male design that is not a twink
Its just how people shitpost in these generals. I think it comes from southeast asia
Battle pass weapons are trash in both this game and HSR. Save your money.
Second best stat for anomaly characters. It's like how you want both crit rate and damage, you want ATK% and Anomaly.
Joyous/Lady Sunbringer
They work in the same office space now according to Seth's dialogue though
It's unironically a genshit thing.
Thing is they didn't have a problem with males either until sumeru.
Then kaveh and altheitham happened.
Lucy's 600 is team wide. Caesar's 1000 is active only.
the sweaty idol
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>soldier 11
>her passive activate when there's a character of same element or faction
>same faction
it's already 1.2 and there's only ONE uno, ichi, een, eins, uno, einn obol squad in the entire game
GayHoyo only likes generic twinks bro
Does that affect anything but Burnice though?
oldfag is relative, I've been here since 2011 or around that. I've only gotten into gacha this year, and these threads are easily the biggest dumpster fires outside of /pol/. The amount of legitimate schizophrenia and falseflagging shitflinging is astonishing.
i think it's not a problem with the character, it's a problem with the posters.
is C1 grace/rina/nicole a bricked team?
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>being mad on a daily basis for the sole purpose of being mad
Interesting. It's like playing Love and Deepspace and continuously rage how it has husbandofags
i mean, same went for soukaku until yanagi was announced and very coincidentally her passive was being triggered with element
give it some time
>1.3: Yanagi (Elec/Anomaly)/Burnice BiS and Lighter (Fire/Stunner)/Miyabi BiS
>1.4: Miyabi (Ice/Attacker) and Harumasa (Elec/Support)/Pulchra BiS
>1.5: Pulchra (Elec/Attacker) and Rerun
>1.6: OBOL Squad
>2.0: Idols
>how meta is caesar
Only meta for survival-focused content and for teams with an A or B tier dps. Since team building is so tight in ZZZ, she will probably be benched outside of assault-type missions by the end of year 1.
what hoyoverse game is worth playing?
I have HSR, ZZZ, and Genshin but I’m gonna have to CUT one game away to balance my life.
Idols might unfortunately be before OBOL considering a Chinese account just shared a new image of the sweaty one and we still haven't seen any of S11's friends in media yet
cut hsr or gi
Probably not.
>what hoyoverse game is worth playing?
only ZZZ
you are a retard if you play HSR or Genshin
and he still hasn't seen her
I can't wait for Ellen's rerun, I want to get her to m1 and her signature
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look at this kot she looks funny
His introduction to you is Jane taking his phone and messing with it though
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Are you talking about that leak with AI art from pixiv?
genshlop is not worth playing
hsr is only barely worth playing because the character designs aren't all inflated head babies and it's easy to keep up with the game
ZZZ is king
ZZZ is still hoyoslop but it's the least bad hoyoslop
uninstall everything else
c'mon there's no way. I even see that shit on fucking youtube comments and twitch chat and shit in Gacha game spaces. It can't be that all those people feel that way because some schizo poster bothered them at one point.
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>build 2nd team
>It's just solo Jane
zzz and GI are the only actual games there so drop hsr
Jane's an undercover agent, undercover agents dont spend time in the police station.
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metal illness
caesar, burnice
lighter, yanagi
miyabi haramusa
not a playable character
idols, leaks confirmed it
at 2.0 when anbi replaces the MCs
>you will always need to switch to burnice before the burn proc
That's not how anomaly works. Every time it accumulates, it snapshots the current stats. The final proc is based on all of the accumulation. So, only burn anomaly applied while Burnice is on field with Caesar's shield will have be buffed, doesn't matter if it's active when it procs.
yeah maybe you're right, im not that much into gacha communties more than 4chan desu
headcanon, he says he hasn't met the last person in the office
She literally has a desk there that Zhu and Seth clean for her
Just because she was working undercover in that mission doesn't mean she's constantly undercover
>Jane taking his phone
why would that be jane? qingy might as well mess with seth like she messes with zhu.
I'd be happy with Pulchra this early, but I don't know if she could carry a banner on her own.
Grace isn’t a great solo DPS since stacked Shock doesn’t do much. And all Grace does with it is proc it a lot with her nailgun. You either need an attacker like Anton who is designed to hit a shocked enemy, or run a second anomaly to you can trade them off and proc disorders.
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your mental illness is too strong
those will take place alongside the main banners
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Do NOT open this spoiler
Why the fuck are you asking others if you already have them all? Play the ones you like and drop the ones you don't.
Miyabi is gonna be ice anomaly though
They do point out that her desk is always a mess so that means she barely spends any time there.
also going from her trust events she seems seriously determined to prevent wise from learning she's a cop. i imagine she's the same with everyone else.
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is it still available?
is the official channel still streaming?
she might be A rank with lighter
like how seth was A rank with jane
Pulchra already has a playable character ID and placeholder data which is more than the Idols and OBOL Squad for now.
The posts in question make liberal use of ~, which is an affectation of Jane’s speaking/texting style in game.
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wow that's incredible
zhu cleans it up and jane gets it dirty again
I'm not a furry but her being an A-rank would be a waste.
I dont know what retard designed the upgrade requirements.
Im always short of exp and dennies and if I grind that Im missing on skill mats and disc farming and buying the BP is a scam that barely helps

But yes, I get the upgrading hell is slow as molasses because its the only "content" the game has
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Post them
making your own fucking choices you cuck
personally I'd cut Genshin. I tried to get into it but the gameplay loop is literally "press everyone's ults and be blinded by effects"
>Anby replaces the MC's
nice try
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I want to cut Genshin so bad because there's absolutely nothing good about it but i'm so sunk costed in that shit
Gonna wait for Iansan and see if she's good else I just drop that garbage.

Homo rails is in a worse position because /hig/ and all the other schizos shilled it as the "Straight men game" but now it has a bigger fujo fanbase than gayshit and are getting the first playable shota in any hoyo game.
why is she like this
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She would have already had drip marketing if that were the case.
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How come we haven't seen any of the Agents Phaeton hired on their old account? Surely they weren't Legendary Proxies with only the Hares of all characters.
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Anon... I believe you can do better than that..
Instead of flipping the entire image, cut the bigger fist out including the cuff and paste it on the right when she punches. Also let it hang for another frame or two
I believe in you and will be waiting
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Yes, she is.
grasping at straws now
so? qingyi also uses ~ when she pretends to be cute.
At this point in the story she'd rat you out the moment she leaned you're a proxy, or at the least have her trust shattered. She needs to hit some story beats letting her be open to proxy work before she's truly for (you).
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Please have sex with me
What are you guys upgrading, everyone? I haven't even come close to running out of dennies or exp materials, but I only have 2 DPS at 60 and 3 others at 55, everyone else is at most 45.
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What a hideously boring lineup of characters. Honkai was a mistake.
pussy sex and nipple play with nekomata
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I didn't say you had to go back to Burnice in the last proc to trigger Burn... I was saying the trigger as a whole, the whole conversation is the viability between Burnice and Caesar and how the two would work together
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I believe she was just like Lighter, in terms of it being a last minute change in which she was promoted from mini boss to playable character, she already had a small redesign and her backstory changed, so I don't doubt she will be Rank S to make furries happy like Lighter for Fujos and gays.
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important: swordmaster has a lot of fluffy tails
not so boring now huh?
>pink hair
bro... that's nineveh
No she doesn't, I'm scrolling through her Knock Knock messages right now and she never uses any punctuation whatsoever
>Miyabi, her descendant, has none
Why the fuck
What are the three boars called in other languages? In English it's a reference to the three little piggies so I wonder if it's something interesting too.
I hope chapter 5 explains
me and my brothers
it happens on one of the scenes in the cop storyline dumbass.
She's a shitty fox. A tailless weak fox.
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Oldfag here, male hate pretty rare pre covid aside from idol games like Love Live or Im@s but that's mostly because of Jap's idol things. One outlier is granblue but that's because some male characters are overshilled like crazy, imagine seeing Cheld main story event twice a year for 10 years straight, appear in every side stories and other game on similar universe. /vt/ resident also contribute on it they went apeshit everytime they see a chuuba interact with male.
Genshin Sumeru patch is the turning point, i quit during that time so i don't know much but most of us agree male character hate is not prevalent until Sumeru patch
Miyabi makes an energy tail when she's about to strike Niv, maybe Swordmaster is just strong enough to have multiple tail auras constantly.

Fucking moron, character dialogue in story is obviously different from how a character chooses to type inuniverse
It's not even that bad honestly.
Like in genshin currently i have to farm 2 bosses because the boss may i need from one DOESN'T DROP THE FUCKING ELEMENTAL PIECE I NEED TO ALSO ASCEND.
Saying a tidle is different from writing a tilde.
There is no tail. Her sword glows and then her hair starts gloing
Bro your alchemy table and bath salts?
Sumeru wasn't the catalyst for "male hate"
Chinkcels are the reason for male hate and the obsession with cuck/NTR

Chinkcels want every character in every game to be a female with huge tits that wears next to nothing and their entire personality is just loving you or else it's a cuck game. Those same chinks shitpost on reddit, twitter and 4chinks so of course 4chan's posterbase of impressionable children, trolls and violent incels would embrace the chinkcel mentality as their own and start shitting on everything they hate.
>Fucking moron, character dialogue in story is obviously different from how a character chooses to type inuniverse
what part of "pretend" you didn't understand you dumb fuck?
no clue, i don't speak them
but the fairy tile is pretty popular, so it's probably still based on it
Who are you people kidding? Genshin, HSR and ZZZ have the same player bases because they are the same exact game
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In every frame I checked it just looks like her hair, it even keeps its flat tip in all them
Shipfags and chinkcels are like two sides of the some coin. Two characters looked at each other? It's worth shipping/help I'm getting cucked!
>and then her hair starts gloing
Oh, you're right, rewatched it and thought it was her tail before

Holy fucking cope, you'd rather pretend Qingyi is the type of character who'd put in the effort to pretend to be an entirely different character than go with the more obvious explanation that the devs wanted to insinuate that Jane, who uses tildes constantly, was the one who typed on Seth's phone? Get over yourself faggot.
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>she jumped for the beef
>Qingyi is the type of character who'd put in the effort to pretend to be an entirely different character
she has done it before lmfao
>devs wanted to insinuate that Jane, who uses tildes constantly, was the one who typed on Seth's phone?
why would mihomo do that when they know their playerbase? that sounds something out of the wetdreams of a cuck aka (You).
Cumming inside Piper's throat!
>their playerbase?
are we really pretending that the other hoyo games aren't chock full of shipbait now?
Didn't Qingyi fake the whole running out of battery thing? Or the very end of it at least just to fuck with you? We know she constantly teases the MC
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>she has done it before lmfao
Why not post your proof of this instead of pretending that tildes in dialogue are the same as tildes in texts dipshit
>every male/female interaction is for cucks
she constantly teases zhu much more than the mc, yet the other faggot pretends her stoic persona is her real self.
Qingyi is a tease, we know that. They're arguing over whether it was Jane (also a tease) or Qingyi who introduced Seth to Phaeton via his phone.
who cares like it's something irrelevant
I'm pulling for her ball even if it was a meager 1% damage increase
Yeah, I was just talking about this
>you'd rather pretend Qingyi is the type of character who'd put in the effort to pretend to be an entirely different character
When we know she'd 100% do shit like that to tease the MC's
the player bases are different tho. it is true that they mix but they arent a 100% the same.
Do you retards even play the story.
Jane doesn't work in the office seeing that seth and qing yi don't even know who she was.
who's that bad bitch in the middle with the red thong? Burnice?
Trust Events takes place after that side story, idiot.
>Why not post your proof of this instead of pretending that tildes in dialogue are the same as tildes in texts dipshit
why dont you play the game yourself instead of jerking off to cuck fantasies?
if you are talking about troon rail, blame the hi3 players.
Jane literally has a desk at HQ retard, she was undercover for an indeterminate time for the Lions mission, but she doesn't have to be undercover currently.
It doesn't matter who texted the message just think whatever you want
she's pretty much undercover 90% of the time going by her trust events.
Another win for SethGODS
>nooooo Jane can't have interacted with Seth as coworkers, it has to have been Qingyi
Seth lives rent free in your head, cuck
>R1 lip gloss
>R4 Weeping gemini
Which one goes on Burnice and which one goes on Grace?
bro your anby?
The whole point is that she's CONSTANTLY UNDERCOVER.
Seth even mentioned that there is someone Zhu yuan knows who always has a desk there but he has never seen her.
traitorous whores do not get obol bonus
im not the one who has cuck delusions.
I just stole it from the artists own twitter
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>billi solo this
>anton S rank that
>seth ship this
>ben bigger that
>von knoth this
>brother love that

there are only 5 playable male characters yet it's all you talk about
he rather spend his time jerking off to his cuck fantasies than play the game.
ben bigger is MY NIGGER
>people still think that qing yi's only gimmick is being aloof
Pic related is literally her inspiration.
I don't quite get it how is characters interacting cucking you? You are in a sexual relationship with your sibling anyway...
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He's a twink thoughbeitly
actually I'm in a sexual relationship with an autistic fox. it took a long time to get her to this point where she would rather spend 1 hour of the day with me instead of training. please respect it.
when tourist who dont play the gacha find out jane doesnt share the chink cop logo, they will freak.
Damn wise is so smooth...
I don't get it either, not when they're all lusting this hard for the MC, no exceptions btw
stop or im gonna cry
Is it in fact still live, any stream saying drops enabled should work. Also thanks for reminding me.
>it's an ESL retard who didn't play Rat & Bait to see her ID card
>or read Seth's events about her desk
Wise is a playboy whore...
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My sibling interacting with others is NOT okay.
>>people still think that qing yi's only gimmick is being aloof
Only through your delusion goggles, Janecuck
No one is implying Qingyi is actually aloof, only that she's not the only tease in NEPS
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Either or, see >>497669596
Doesn't matter who you pick they're all just horny for (You)
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lip gloss on grace for her 16 procs eletro anomaly and gemini on burnice because her after burn atk scalling
english please.
this but Genshin
>noooo it was her!! you're a cuck!!!
cucked by a fictional 3D model, grow up retards
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Wise and Seth are so cute together
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Extremely doubtful. But whatever that was inspired by might be robutt's as well. Time-wise this doesn't align.
ZZZ and by result her as well was planned well before that got any popular.

Nothing really too special about the character in general though.
>cucked by Qingyi
>cucked by Seth
They are both shorter than Zhu Yuan lmao
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He's twink coded
im 1.20m irl
ninive is the protag's teacher
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gomen zhu
you JUST KNOW they fucked his ass no lube
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delete this right now
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I'm glad you posted that image so I have an excuse to post this, does anyone see the big guy's helmet symbol as just a goofy lookin face?
these seem like strikingly lucid posts.
She will be this powerful in regular gameplay right?
actual facts
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I fucking HATE the high FOV low to the ground shots following a character running that are so prevalent in anime and style media
Don't worry in chapter 5 she will simply do super saiyan flying everywhere. No more running
No but she will have wider attacks
>Chinkcels want every character in every game to be a female with huge tits that wears next to nothing and their entire personality is just loving you or else it's a cuck game
Chinkcels sound pretty cool tbdesu
No chinkcel ever called me selfinserter
>Chinkcels want every character in every game to be a female with huge tits that wears next to nothing and their entire personality is just loving you or else it's a cuck game
what the fuck chinkcels are based?
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>Shipfags and chinkcels are like two sides of the some coin
>one can be seen constantly in-game through interactions
>the other exists only in fanart
>same coin
Do people really
delete this please
(you) pandering is not shipping

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