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beginner adventurer edition

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Undefeated. Unparalleled.
We need a Laika blob
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Mogu mogu
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>NTR so weak there's no game like this
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Looks interesting, what's this ge all about
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me when I see comically and back-breaking too big
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I'll tell you tomorrow.
I will exclusively play this for the brothel/stripper area
hopefully dazed
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Is this actually a corruptionge tho
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Señor manatank, your huevos por favor
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too fat
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The King....
Did this ever get a TL? I remember the dev teasing that it might get an English release, back when it came out.
>non-stock RPGM enemy sprites
finally, some good fucking SOUL
Ask Jewcob about it.
I guess otaku plan will pick this up
bumping >>497630626
Trick question, there isn't any of any of them.
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Posting this gif again because I really liked it.
tits too big
ass too big
girl too tall
girl too hairy

I'm kinda happy I've never had a gf, I toss and turn so much at night that I doubt I'd be allowed to sleep with anyone.
gifs like this are not good for me to consume because its depressing that this isn't standard in reality.
Nah, those tits would suck when you get older. It's good that they are an absolute rarity.
Well, at least it'll be uncensored, I guess
>implying that the sag isn't hot
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Enough of the sissy ntr femboy/trap shit
We need vanilla romance stuff
Only if it's yuri
games with vanilla sissy romance?
The THP killer.
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don't forget to vote
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Asking the real question here
pure love (ntr)
hahha this needs to be in a game.
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Am I doing it right?
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Fucking traps/femboys isn't gay
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stop spamming /v/ images
Why choose pure love when NTR's gonna win by a landslide
To be contrarian.
where teh fuck is botan 2
everything is a /v/ image
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There are more ラブラブ games in DLsite's top 100 games than there are 寝取られ games
NTR games are just easier to make which is why there's just so many
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can someone share the new update please
>he doesn't understand it's a zainichi psyop
For me it's pure love after the girl was being NTR'ed.
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Any new Alice h games?
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If only Ino wasn't a boy...
cute croissant hair accessories
Did you play the escape room game Otaku Plan released a month ago?
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It was good but short. At least it's getting a sequel.
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/teg/bros...in December we are getting pic related,
RJ309598 and that platformer game published by eternal alice studio
Where's the rape option?
That's the pure love option.
Oh right, how silly of me
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Sorry anon I'm a bit busy right now, come back tomorrow and ask again?
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*closes door*
>no futa
yeah, get that bitch away from me
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O-okay, sorry to bother you anon...
>used goods from the start of the game
Fucking waste of time. There is no point to corruption if she is already a whore with a body count in the 100s.
Actually serious question, did anyone actually 100% VB Frontier, meaning all Equips, max difficulty and Berserk?
Because I sure didn't.
I'm going to play this just because of TMHS
Yeah. It really wasn't that hard once you got past the initial grind to get the highest tier of gear. That's always the worst part of VB games, setting up a TH team to unlock the highest rarity.
What the hell, you did? How? I'm got patience cancer from having to get all equips that I stopped and got to Gaia instead.
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I only play lolige!
Any ge that has similar personallity to Doris and DeathPolca?
I dunno I just enjoyed the game. Frontier doesn't even take that long to 100% compared to hollow anyway.
Versa's roast beef cunny.
When I look at the latest releases each week, I swear at least a third of them look AI generated, but without the AI generated tag. I feel like I'm going insane, like 'that's very obviously NAIv3', am I just crazy? Or are there just a bunch of unfortunate artists whose actual drawn art looks just like NAI's default style?
Mikami's ge
There is one unfortunate artist that looks AIish(but very obviously isn't as his art has always looked like that). Most I would assume are just AIfags trying to skirt being condemned to the AI gen purgatory on DLsite.
There is a point I think, it's more just that she's already corrupted but is hiding it from the mc. A game I would like to see is one with an already corrupted heroine pretty much gaslighting her love interest all the time and the point of the game is to hide her adultery.
Naw, it would be much better if she got corrupted as the game went on instead of it all happening years ago and she has been a slut since. It's especially bad since the MC can't put 2 and 2 together and understand why she can suddenly use powers now.
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Sneaking up behind her and forcefully fucking the nuffin out of this dindu
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tomboy cunny doko?
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It's because he's the artist some of the AI art is based on.
What game
I want to play Canela's game but it softlocks me after the first boss, is there a download link without registering to f95?
You sure you don't live in a country where you can see AI works?
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It's garbage
The game is NTR focused but for some reason, the single bull only fucks with a condom so her nakadashi count always stays at 0 no matter what
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The fuck? I can barely get anything in Ragnarok Niddhog Berserk 2 or something (generally one R9 at the very end), and it's always a pain. I even have a Self Destruct team because some enemies in there are bullshit, like Niddohg.
Looking at it I'm at my 13th playthrough! It's way over 200 hours!

>Frontier doesn't even take that long to 100% compared to hollow anyway.
Fueeh, really? I got the opposite feeling.
Even though it should be easier to complete a game that has a very restricted number of teams
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Yeah, I put down ロリ巨乳 myself
With the tag names censored and getting products under them now that don't actually fit the old tag definitions the combination of tsurupetta + big breasts is now utter nonsense, and it didn't even really work properly in the first place
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I finally got around to trying RJ01199136
the game is even worse than I imagined and the literal first jump alone pissed me off enough to turn the cheat mode on. Having a patrolling enemy on the ground floor is annoying enough, but making it turn to face you after a grab was enough to tell me that the dev has made this game with the sole purpose of trying to piss me off. Which I guess I already knew since it's a jump king clone, but still. Really making the game full of enemies = making the game full of waiting for cycles and in a game like this I do not want to spend a single moment having to wait. It would be one thing if it was just a single area or gimmick but the whole game was clearly going to be like that.
Perhaps it was because I was too angry but the scenes weren't doing it for me at all either. The girl is certainly cute but I just wasn't really feeling them.
1/5 I am mad
skill issue
i didn't read your post
Read my fucking posts PLEASE.
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Didn't readed
Thanks for making me feel better about sitting through the ordeal of beating this shit... I guess?? Cheating at the beginning is the right choice since while the first jump is pretty difficult, it's not even the most bullshit part in the first area which is the fly + two tentacles platform.
Nevermind, just read the pastebin and got the most recent version.
the first jump isn't that hard since you can do a full power jump left and bonk of the next platform onto the ledge. The issue is every time you fall down you have to walk up to the enemy, turn around so you get bounced forward after mashing out of the grab, then jump straight up to let him pass under you and turn around. THEN you can do the first jump. Seeing that not only would I have to do that every time you fall but also not having any space to practice the fucking jump heights at all without having to constantly mash out of the enemy grab is enough to tell me not to bother.
>the literal first jump alone pissed me off enough to turn the cheat mode on
Heh, same.
Is the game actually possible in a reasonable time? Some parts later on seemed like you just need luck and if you fail you're back in the first area again.
Any recent games where you are a shota and you go to your aunts and fuck all of your cousins + aunt + everyone else?
I know this formula is very basic, but I can literally play games with that premise forever and I'm not joking.
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Just play weggershit. It's made for "people" like you.
>you can do a full power jump left and bonk of the next platform onto the ledge
I didn't figure that out, I just did a low powered jump from the magic pixel below the platform.
I don't get the point of turning around to make him throw you in the direction he's going to turn to instead of just jumping over him, but yeah, the tentacle is clearly placed there just to make getting thrown back in the beginning an even bigger pain in the ass.

I took like 4-6 hours I think? It's up to you if you consider that reasonable or not. I think that's still on the faster side.
I have done. I don't care if it's japshit or wegshit, I need more. I've exhausted everything from both sides. I NEED MORE. I'm ravenous for it, insatiable even.
My Summer Vacation 2.
Played it. It's one of my favorites, both that and the first game.
doing a virgin run of this must be lots of fun
I don't remember that.
who would want to self insert as a shota..
they always look stupid
a sissy cute man however
How do I get more coffee, I only got it once and never again.
What are the best hrpg's with a male mc with actual decent gameplay or story?
summer memories is a soulless normalfags slop, let's be real here, I won't touch it with a 10 meters pole even as a vanillafag
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Store sells them.
If you need easy money buy the lucky ice cream/candy (can't remember which one it is) and save then eat it, if you win cool, if not you can just reload.
pure feenatype :^)
why the dev has to abandon me like that...
Oh... Does the game tell you that? Usually I'm in such a desperate state that I just kinda quickly click through everything.
Mommyissuesfags, mostly. Which is a lot of men these days given how many broken families there are.
Love love my buddy
was meant for >>497720601
Kodoku the Successor
t. faggot who has never fucked his cousins when he was young and stayed over at their place.
If you experienced the same thing as me you'd be fiending for this shit too. It's simply sublime.
Nothing else compares.
It's obvious to me that the dev of My Secret Summer Vacation has experienced the same thing too. He knows too much of the subtle intricacies for it to just be all made up.
Wrong. ShotaCHADS like myself are this way because we fondly recall doing lewd things with either family members or just other girls at a young age.
There's nothing more erotic than young innocence gets its first taste of corruption.
>Used to play house/doctor with the girl over the road from me
>Always ended up progressing to licking each others crotches and fucking after the initial kissing part
Ahh sweet memories.
None of my adult relationships compare.

That's why loli x shota is king.
I don't think it specifically says "You can buy Coffee from the store" but you do get hints telling you to go to the store pretty early on,
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Didn't read
>not into incest irl
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>Headpatted a retarded girl
>She now begs for more everyday

It's over
Popular doesn't necessarily mean bad, it's a decent sandbox with decent replayability and decent variety. Also shotasloppa will never be normalfaggot. It's only on Steam because they removed the shota MC and replaced him with a slightly shorter version of the uncle.
Those proportions are weird, cringe, and disgusting.
Winter Memories is kinda mid
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T. Low test
I actually agree with this, Summer Memories is honestly better.
>orcs are just black men
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I concur.
Winter Memories fucked up from the get-go, you can't just have a game begin with you already having fucked all (most) of the girls in it.
There's no build up. It was never going to be as good as the first because of that single thing right there.
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>Day 3: You pats her head
>Day 4: She pats your dick
What is this progression
kusoge ntrge progression.
Don't know what it's doing in a game like that..
Anon, it's ok to admit your mother either never loved you or loved you too much.
Technically speaking, all vanillage are possible prologue to an upcoming NTR scenario.
That's a very defeatist perspecive anon, play some more feel-good dating sims and less thp.
Winter memories should have been like 5 years in the future with you fucking your daughters.
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Just finished pic related, beautiful game, very heartwarming. The whole cast is endearing and memorable and the story was cute.
I shed a few tears towards the end
I went to the store a lot and I never saw it.
I think you underestimate the power of the familiar with the Japanese and also those who are curious to see their waifu react to different things. I never played Winter Mems though.
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mhm nyo, I just don't like it because everything is predictable, safe and as normal as it can be to appeal for the widest audience possible
I don't think any single aspect of the game take any risk at all, nor it try to do something outstanding or new with, well, everything, compared to other popular games
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Winter Memories should've been you trying to fuck your never-before-mentioned petite sister
does the game reuse old animation or no?
I played all their game except that one
This, she should also actually dislike you at the start unlike the other three.
> Forsen Reacts - Why you should play Black Souls
Not sure, it's the first game I've played made by that circle, I liked it so much I'm gonna go play their older releases
their 1st 3 games are evil rape shit, if you aren't into that
Thanks for the warning, yeah I just checked their catalogue and I think I'm skipping those, gonna play FalseMyth and Frontier of Sister Indulgence. Their pixel art is really good, the games look beautiful.
Frontier of Sister Indulgence is probably the same as the game you just played but FalseMyth is peak
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>Is she into you?
>C. not sure
>their 1st 3 games are evil rape shit
What the fuck I never would have guessed that.
I played Himigashima and Poluluka by them.
Judging from those games being so lighthearted and slice of lifey I can't even imagine them making a game with an evil premise.
*unzips dick*
Ok fine, what game is this?
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Ya I think she's just being polite.
NTA but Delta the MC of the older games didnt seem evil evil.
Hes sorta like rance, just likes to rape cute girls.
And its never done in a serious tone.
She might just be European
yeah, not only you RAPE and DEHUMANIZE the girl, but you also
1st game: broke her will through tortures and turned her into a slave that forced her to abandon her original world + family to travel with him
2nd game: gaslighted her into his slave willingly, and everything the 1st one gets
3rd game: pretty much everything above except the gaslight
and the MC is like Rance without the slightest hint of caring, like he will use the girls as a meat shield if the cops try to shoot him
Japanese Game
>Suffers in EOP
She might be just from Rio and is getting ready to go to the beach, you know how those wacky brazilians are.
>Eskimos anywhere else in winter
Why'd he draw her face like that? She looks like she has aspergers.
damn thats crazy
*begins downloading the games*
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militarycunnyge doko?
I miss the old Delta games. 2nd was peak design.
it's in unity so slap a translator and you're good to go
this shit is 12gb with just a decent number of scenes(no cum outside/inside choices) btw
personally it's too repetitive and only good for a quick pump and dump
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Hoping her ge lives up to Konoha's
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Hell fucking no.
I appreciate you giving me the RJ but 12gb and I can't even cum inside of her? Are you kidding me? For 12gb of space I expect her to rim my asshole.
you can creampie her BUT there's specific scenes for that. there's just no choice if you want to splatter her or not depending on the scene.
meh, what the hell, last time I tried to play this game the translator didn't work on linux and I was too lazy to troubleshoot but I guess I'll give it another go.
Its 1.2 gb anon...
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huh weird, mine isn't that big at all, is there dlc?
it's over...
I just checked and it's 1.3GB on Ryuugames.

What the fuck is going on?
>File size 1.03GB
>Demo 582.7MB
Huh? Are you sure you didn't unpack it 12 times?
Anon... what the fuck did you install...? Because at 12GB it sure as fuck wasn't just that game...
base game. you're probably thinking of archived unity games, you'd be surprised at the size after unpacking them.
any games in which you rape your sister? preferably repeatedly.
What do if on linux and rei patcher (windows) no work?
Is the original lust_grim worth playing first or should I start with lust_grim again?
rei patcher should work, it's just a dll overwrite after all.
I don't have the time now to troubleshoot that with you though.
It works but then I get wine telling me its not a valid extension or something.
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I was gonna ask if she'll ever make the first move on you, but it turns out she can if you max out the Naughty Sister stat when starting over. She gives you a blowjob on day one.
Or maybe that's just FFFox doing its thing.
Yeah, the dev did a really good job polishing the ending to make it emotional. It's extremely rare to find any game that pulls that off since most devs polish the fuck out of the first 20% knowing less than like 20% of players ever beat the game.
*big sip*

Name of the games?
Talk about whiplash compared to >>497723015
new egg game doko
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Anyone playing RJ134376? I'm stuck in chapter 2, after you escape the evil queen's castle and go to the ruins in the north. I found the goddess statue there and the blue haired heroine absorbed her power, but I still can't get back into the castle to continue the plot. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
predator sister.
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Okay I can confirm that she can also make the first move on you even without the FFFox mod as long as you max out her sexual interest on NG+
On day one she can either:
>Give you a handjob if she catches you finding her panties
>Or do Intercrural sex
It's not really a 100% chance but it happens more often than not.
And it seems like the morning blowjob is an FFFox thing.
I do wonder if she can be the one to deliberately get herself pregnant though.
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This was kinda gross.
wow who woulda thought
When people say "fuck bugs,"
I don't think this is what they mean.

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