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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258 (Dead)
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281 (Dead)
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537 (Dead)
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393 (Dead)

Previous: >>497727527 (Cross-thread)
My fiddie woke up, unfortunately.
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post breasts
I think lalas are pretty cute and I wish I could fanta my main to one
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Post Lalafell
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Good morning
lalaboys here so ugly they need to grab screenies from X to repost here, step it up uggos
I love this, thank you
I wish there were some sort of shelter that sad sunnies could go to for hugs and cheering up. Mine has not felt very sunny for a while now...
*walks into thread*
*notices weird smell and the sticky floor*
Dawntrail, more like cumtrail.
My malezen does this
my eb doesnt try to take me on dates any more
if i have to show up to the costume mixer alone then monogamy becomes optional
My moonie is going to be a taking a break from roulettes and will be hiding in the thread for a little bit pay her no mind
>bring the final days to an end and build up enough courage to EB the cute moonie from your party
>still get branded a race traitor by half of gridania
>settle in her ancestral home of the deep twelveswood instead
>spend the rest of your life working hard to keep the right to stay by her mother
>cleaning, cooking, gardening and raising your children from dusk till dawn, when your wife and her sisters come back from hunting
>help butchering, preparing meat for further cooking or drying and curing the leather
>communal dinner in the morning, then a warm bath alone with your wife
>finally you retreat to the newly cobbled-together expansion of the estate, holding your bedroom and enough children's rooms that leave no doubt, that your wife will become the next family matriarch
>fall asleep for a few well-deserved hours in her arms, until your children inevitably storm in and wake you up again
>life is good
The ignored femlalas are leaving snail trails
My femra is the Sharmat of /xivg/
tear down the pylons
and orbit me
Is Materia a better option than NA during the dead hours for random PFing of trials and raids?
May I sit quietly beside your moonie?
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I bless you this thread
Post literally anything
Catbox if you must
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please add to the OP next time!
> • Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
nyokay but you have to give her pets
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I'd EB a femlala and give her the love and financial security she deserves but none of them are ever actually good enough for a man like me.

If you're a femlala who can consider yourself acquiesced to these requirements then you may reply to me:

>No Mentor Crown
I will not tolerate any femlala who thinks she deserve to wear that wretched thing
>Proper Attire
If you're exposing your thighs or midriff or even armpits to others don't even bother considering yourself worthy
If you're even seen idling at /xivg/ idlespots or Quicksands then you're a whore. Get out.
If I see you singing, talking or even being in CWLSes without me or my permission then I know you're a cheating slut. I will know.
If you have a twitter for your lala, get out. I know why you have it. Don't try to fool me.
>Not NA
I don't care if you're EU on NA. You have to be American or Canadian.
>Fantasia User
If you've ever have used one you're now impure. Begone.
Moonies have communal husbands used as fuck meat then thrown to the side. Your story would end after you got her tribe pregnant with you abandoned in the middle of the woods.
During some of the dead hours. Around sunrise NA time, Materia PF usually retires for the night.
>the wood wailers raid anon's home 3 weeks later and throw all the moonies (and anon) to gaol for a few months
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Is this a viable RPR weapon?
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Crystal... My frontlines exp...
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ok you asked for it
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We found him
>The Coeurl King shows up in your path
That looks incredibly fucking stupid.
nyot all moonies, mine is domesticated
An anomaly and Moonie women sleeping with only him is described as "unnatural"
same sis
>likes femlalas
>is mentally insane
>this is the only option
Fellas, is it time to fanta off this accursed race?
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Anyone wanna eb a fiddie who works 14 hrs a day
That's why you gotta slave away hard enough to become indispensable to the rest of her family. Still this dick is for EB only.
>100x Lv35 Wailers vs 2x Lv90+ WoLs + family

Ye of little faith
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does anyone want to watch the minecraft parkour civilization movies together
also does anyone have any recipe suggestions for portobello mushrooms
You're too late. People will know you as a former potbellied piggy. Time to download gw2.
regulator snuff
I finished working so I can afk near you if you want..
Man, I wish I could just delete femlalas from existence.
As long as you're not that faker, Fid Deelander
It looks cool but it's basically incredibly impractical.
You would have better luck ebing a sunnie and convincing her to let you fuck her her sister and her mom at the same time than being a permanent fixture as a male in a moonie tribe.
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My moonie just burped
>lvl90+ WoLs
Not even max level... heh, this should be easy.
my moonie wishes she had a cute lalawife to play games and idle with.. maybe someday
This, but myself instead of femlalas
No I’m not
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a femlala died, but her spirit cannot rest and enters the body of a shy male lala possessing him, and now he's stuck with her controlling his body until they find her killer and the femlala wants to find him, but she will take the opportunity to make a cute boy cuter and make him kiss other cute boys
I love miqo'te so much bros, how are they so cute
My midlander is going to bed really late again
Good night /xivg/..
they all look the same after you see the second one and they start to just be visual clutter
My femlala had a dream about the world ending due to a huge tsunami...
I don't want that. I want monogamy with a catgirl. It's actually possible there's examples of this ingame we see interracial catgirl couples. The thing is though they're cultural and racial outcasts who are only accepted in metropolitan places like sharlayan
My midlander will bear the torch and stay up...
Goodnight middie
i would if i wasn't at work
for the shrooms, have you tried cutting and melting camembert or cheddar inside them? You could do a bit of garlic seasoning to that so it melts in with the aroma
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Update the backlink in the next OP please.

2nd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 12/10/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, Plum Spring
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

Last time, we never managed to reach our Character Creation segment, so this month this topic will be our focus.

After the roaring success of the 1st meetup, you've all been very engaged and helpful in determining the schedule going forward.

The schedule you've all decided on is as follows;
>2nd Saturday of Every Month

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
European eb for my brown amerimutt femlala...
Yeah it's pretty great how cute they all are.
They are copy and paste cringe
Good morning, what are you planning on doing in xiv today?
May we see your character?
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sitting around in my house being sad
im the king sunnie of my tribe
I prefer getting domestically-abused for being male by moonies, over getting cucked by sunnies because a slightly more attractive guy walked past the tribe
yaay thank you for the suggestion, camembert sounds really good so maybe i will try that soon
i hope work is going okay for you, anon!
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Finish paladin, move into gunbreaker, then I'll suffer through caster leveling.
I'll go to spooky club and watch inu-oh cuz it's kino-oh
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I really like doing normal shrooms with cheese and garlic, especially on a grill but they're great in an oven too!
And enjoy anon, don't be a parkour noob
reclears and maybe leveling crafters or do the role quests
look its my two wives and our little pet
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Roulettes on main, continue MSQ on alt before I lose power from the hurricane
I don't play Final Fantasy XIV but I heard this is the place if you want to find someone who'll jerk off with you on discord voice chat and moan in your ear like a little bitch in heat.

Is that true?
1 million catgirls look like this
I just can't help myself so I will keep doing lewd poses..!
Sleeping soon
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Miqo'te are the best!
tucking in this cute bun
is it true that Domanra is a cute?
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Bothering more femezen once I'm home
Posing (i have some pose ideas i wanna execute)
Finish reclearing for this week. Probably some CC afterwards.
Gonna propose to that elf and hope she likes sunnies
is anyone doing anything fun today
Probably afking and watching something with bouts of leveling in between
get yourself a moonie
I’m gonna log on around 6pm EST, do roulettes for 2 hours then log off and play osrs like I usually do
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Casual CC @ 6:00 on Crystal!
addendum: right now cause im bored
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Maybe I resub and pvp
Maybe I stay in the void until I owe yoshida rent money
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Stop it, Anon!
Hey my Moonie does this..
a round of FL and MSQ then going afk
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I'll finish the Ameliance questline so that I can make a proper postwoman glam, and try again that gpose I've been struggling with. Maybe do random PF fuckery.
I am a femlala who perished and became a Nobody...
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Got to the fifth floor twice during last night's maps. Nothing good dropped either time.
No hard feeling, eh?
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My current status...
Make a couple of poses then do roulettes
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Reclears and Spooky Club.

I am on my way.
Ok roe
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Are there any sources of "small/medium houses will be able to have large mansion interiors" other than meoni or is he talking out of his ass like with island sancturay?
Recently started with part 5. Only on episode 6/7. While watching I was asking myself how you were doing. Hope everything is okay, buddy.
It's so over.

The thread has never been this dead after an expansion launch.
I'm coming
Cumming in this hat then making her wear it for the duration of her entire shift. ;3
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Total Lalaboy Annihilation
In the most recent stream they talked about paying real money to change the interior, it's probably that, wouldn't put it past them to be like
>pay $20 to change your house
sokens best work is dt ost
No, all that was said was that you can change the interior to match any other house of that size and remove pillars and such.
It's usually dead on EU hours weekdays
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why do posts sometimes get eaten now
Sorry my moonie got hungry
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I'm in brother
practice posing and get into crafting, maybe start endwalker
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It popped!
good meowning
i need to either go to sleep for a long time or stay up to fix my schedule and i don't know which to do
sometimes i write out an epic shitpost then it doesnt appear but i get a post timer anyway and i get too tilted to write it out again
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craft collectables to get my other jobs to 90
I'm going to have sex with jaden mode and fuck my hand at the same time
my sunnie is really sleepy
If it's any consolation my moonie thought they were good posts. Very tasty
I will eb Jaden mode and she will be my sunnies wife and my sunnie will move into her home and clean
>why do posts sometimes get eaten now
It's a glitch with their new nanny state shadow moderation.

If you say Tr*nny, N*gger or F*ggot more than 3 times in 1 post, your post gets eaten. So you can say Tranny Tranny Tranny but if you add 1 more it'll just disappear your post into the ether.
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farming glam
>”why do men treat the group that wants to date them well and treat the other group that doesn’t want to date them like shit?”
Gee Sherlock that sure is a head scratcher of a question you proposed there
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The worst part about waking up early as a homebody is that not even NEETs are up to play at this time
Women do too that's the problem.
i didn't write any of those in my post and it still got eaten
It’s the same logic bro just genders flipped. This isn’t rocket surgery it should be easy to understand
Because there's two types of trannies:

>Prison gay gooners who get off to the idea of pretending to be a woman
>Gay men who genuinely see themselves as women and fulfilling the female role and it's living their whole life in every aspect as a woman not just to coom
This is true. I tested it using the N word on /a/.

4chan has fallen
Because transbians are in denial. Regular trannies are at least honest with themselves to a degree
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Because the people who are transbians come off as doing it to manipulate the other person.
>be a guy who likes girls
>convince yourself you have no chance with them
>convince yourself if you were just a girl then you could trick another girl into liking you because then you are both girls
>and it lets you induldge in your fetish of pretending to be a girl and inserting yourself into female areas to creep on them
M3S and M4S hopefully
:3c my moonie will continue to eat them you cannyot stop her
I like this job now
Cockwatch status?
Straight transwomen and FtMs tend to be people who actually have gender dysphoria
Transbians have way too many instances of being weirdos with fetishes who wanna get closer to women similar to male feminists
not sure which one was (You) but I hope we were in it.
Too late. She's already eb'd to my feena
Because while “””””””heterosexual””””” trannies are crazy, they can be written off as just RPing a character. Transbians are just as crazy, and have a crippling self loathing misandry and androphobia to boot. I can just ignore what is going on with the guy behind the screen with a “””””””””””””””heterosexual”””””””” trans person; when a transbian starts talking about how he hates men and wishes they were all dead that strains my tolerance to the breaking point. (I am GAM who plays a female character btw)
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God I love going back to when the story was kino
It's weird when it becomes a fetish, and you can tell

I don't get weirded out by normal trans people, they are 99% of the time actually trying and wouldn't want you to even know they might have been another gender. They also don't bring it up constantly.

It's the fake trans people who treat it as a fetish and you can tell just talking about it turns them on because they bring it up all the time. Or act like being a women is somehow novel, when we've had women for millions of years.
hi im a boy give me money :3
Don't care how old this post is, this is cope on the malera side. Actual malera keep to themselves
Because most transbians are Chris Chan levels of "well if she wont accept me as a man im gonna be a WOMAN!!!" and the ones who arent that are usually pedophiles which infantilize women, a common thing for mtf trannys to dress in childish clothes if you want proof here you go


This is written by a tranny for tranny's, they glorify this shit so have fun.
>Tranny are crazy
>Apparently it's news for some people here
lmao even
>always told to treat everyone nice and equal
>one group takes advantage of this
Is it true you've got a... down there...?
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1-3 I will begin playing a male middie alt on balmung, I will inevitably try to erp as him
4-6 I make a male lala but I alternate between girl glams and girl hair and guy glams and guy hair as a fun glam experiment (no ERP)
7 If I get the lucky number 7 I fucking kill myself for even thinking or considering these fucking things jesus fucking chrirst
8-0 Maybe I just play other games finally
"Fake trans" gotta love pro trans transphobia
Bros... discord is blocked in my country (Turkey)
How will I VC with NA frens now...
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theres actual niggas who use 4chan and think trannies are not in fact insane
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i finished goonposing and now i am playing panzer-cop gunner
Oh boy another crossdressing lalaboy, how original.
>can't afford a sub for a few weeks

I hope my lalawife doesn't cheat and afk with other femlalas while I'm gone
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good morning final fantasy 14 general
Every identity-related group does it, 'cept maybe whites
Speaking of, man pure white and pure black dye in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is still kinda pricey
It's true. The less you're willing to admit there's a problem within your community the more it will fester until it becomes a part of the groups identity. It happened with many groups. Look at the mormons.
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Es ist Middie Mittwoch leude
I'm going to invite her to a tea party...
The trans people I know are normal but every group has bad eggs in it
It's almost criminal how much the animation brings Part 5 from ok to pretty great.
Everything is normal in my book, thank you for caring.
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>The trans people I know
>are normal
Does not compute
We're going to drink tea and talk about FRU and how we're going to clear it together..
>Every identity-related group does it
Does what
none of you deviants are normal
>look at these cunts making us all look bad
All trans people are VALID! People like you are why hate goes unchecked, we dont like transphobia here go back to classic wow.
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A few more of these, hopefully.
Is it just my moonie or is there a funny smell in this thread..
Jack shit and fuck all
Probably just gonna have autoduty finish bard leveling then move into finishing casters
fuck could really go for some scrambled right now
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Killing people in m1s to make it more fun (i assassinated a rpr and drk and we still cleared)
Why shouldn't I fantasia into a male middie /xivg/ tell me why
I'll kill myself right here right now.....
I'm going to have to open up a lalalad sanctuary in my yard at this rate.
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Because if you do then I'll get yelled at for thirstposting you and everyone will get upset..
>Kill before or on sunrise
I've never seen that in PF...
You should. Unless you're a miera, then stay a miera forever.
Normal is for the boring people who ERP in MMOs
If you need a second opinion for why you should fanta to a FOTM race then you should just do it
I like this veena but I am black... pls don't be racist ;_;
Holy fuuuuuuuck let those hangers out
i don't
not really
Irl modbeasts blasting tren in the gym are more mentally sound than even the most stable trannies anon. At least their dysphoria isn’t grounded in a rejection of biology.
This was actually a 1-4 PF that one-shot all four in a row. Mana tends to have more of those than other DCs.
yes it is just your moonie
she fucking stinks take a shower
>Not leveling it via pvp
How does this work exactly?
We dont want Transphobes, pack your bags up and get outta here
But she washed herself this morning :{
Those trenbeasts are just deeply, deeply insecure men who are not mentally sound anon. They will see themselves as big enough and will eventually kill themselves or other people
Most of the faces look like goobers. You are the third shortest race. It’s boring.
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I don't really like femlalas but one has been so consistently nice to me whenever I post that it's becoming difficult to refuse them on just the basis of being a femlala. Is this what getting brainwashed feels like?
Why would I ever want to pvp on aether, let alone on crystal
That's because its true. They do. And whites did it too historically depending on white groups. Irish when they first started coming in had a really big problem with criminals and other sleezebags until they decided to properly police their own and now they've been assimilated into the globual that is "white" in america. I can go on and on about groups both historically and in our modern day that were like this. There's a simple clear solution, one that won't make everyone like you, but will make the average version ambivalent to you instead of despising you which is the key.
What do you do when you go afk?
You look like you have fetal alcohol syndrome and eczema at the same time
You're getting mind-controlled by gentle femlala pheromones... you should isolate for a bit so you can go back to hating them
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>being aware that 90% of trannies are batshit crazy is being a transphobe
guess I am a transphobe then
They will never see themselves as big enough*

I cannot type in the morning fuck me man
Man, I really wish we had that in NA.
There's always someone greeding and killing the party 2 or 3 times before a reclear...
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Irl modbeasts aren't troons or trenmaxxers but troons and trenmaxxers do make up the group. The actual irl modbeasts are people who are addicted to plastic surgery. All equally insane. They gave body mods, face sculpts, hair mods, etc. They're modbeasts
Pic related is an unstable biofem b
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>How does this work exactly?
I didn't tank swap so the drk took 2 tb's, as for the rpr he kept chasing me with the spread after knock back so i just popped my invul and he died, i /sweep on his corpse mid pull :^)
>Every identity-related group does it, 'cept maybe whites
you niggas have never read european history
>Every identity-related group does it, 'cept maybe whites
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My femra will continue the Alexander raids now that SAM is 60 to get the Jetstream Sam katana and push samurai a bit further

I'll also get the last TT card from the twinadder commander to cement maelstrong victory
Has there been a trenbeast spree shooter yet? I can think of 4 tranny ones in the last half decade…
They explicitly stated you'll be able to swap the interior size of the house for a large amount of gil, as well as freely disable the pillars and wall crowning.
youtube, catch up with tv shows, or doomscroll social media until something comes up like a CC call or PF.
that's europe, we all love white people here in america, even if you're black or mexican, just look white and we trust you
>”there needs to be a shooting for them to be mentally ill!
Oh I see you’re trying be intellectually dishonest on 4chan I will not be engaging anymore with you
>cept maybe whites
You don't know white american history or european history. I'm starting to actually believe the "/xivg/ is full of browns, blacks, and coomer wiggers" memes
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If it ain't broke, why fix it, eh?
My completely original gimmick will of course be to actually play both sides though, not just crossdress. We MULTI-GLAM DRIFTING in this house.
> will eventually kill themselves or other people

Being intellectually honest means saying things that are true.
isn't this hroth that one tranny
I just finished gooning to this
My bad, slipped my mind (genuinely). Probably where it came from in the first place
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Tell me, what would you change about this games glam system? It can anything from the dressers, dyes, outfits for jobs, etc. Tell me your ideas.
I want more Pride specific stuff and Pride specific events
Because every tranny I've ever interacted with that liked men, or was a woman and became a man, was genuine, while every tranny I've ever interacted with that continued to like women was someone who was mentally ill before transitioning, was still mentally ill, thought they DESERVED a relationship, and was just generally a really unpleasant person.

I'm unironically a pretty empathetic and supportive person of weird identities, but it happens so consistently that I just don't even associate with transbians to save myself the headache.
Aether has pretty good FL queues, better than the crystal griefers
Terrorist Hyur...
Just copy Worlo glam and GW2 dyes
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My moonie is an incel
She won't be an incel when I suck her cock
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Imagine short cats
Leave moonies alone!
Elder God Tier
>unlock ALL of the color options the way Glamourer lets your do
God Tier
>Unlimited plates and dresser slots
High Tier
>Add hairstyles and colors to each glamour plate
>Remove all class and gender restrictions
Meh I Guess Tier
>A third dye channel
>A pittance of added dresser slots
>Glam dressers in player housing
Take new feet pics. Maybe some of them on my moonies face as a joke
aether's pvp scene is weaker than crystal's by miles
if you look at the top100 board from aether last season almost a third of the top 30 spots were taken by crystal alts despite them being a tiny minority
Being able to save unlimited designs that you can swap into your glamour plates when you're at the glamour dresser
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Contemplating making my own normal and diffuse maps for custom fur patterns
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my moonie she uh.... my moonie... uh... um... ah never mind...
Y'shtola is a Th350 trans tho??
Something that's strange to me, they stored their guns and auto-turrets outside, where any ne'er-do-well could get to them, yet have all this empty space above their shop.

Lalafell that is going to sleep now.
I don't have to imagine. My minheight sunnie is ready to go.
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post vocaroo
Haha lmao that's a cool joke sis oh no my feet haha my socks fell off lmao!
Nyo, I will make fun of moonies and suncats
Straight up steal gw2's system. Have all pieces unlock their glam version as you get them, have the 4 dye channel and make the dyes be unlocked and used when ever. Would that make dye very expensive? Yes, start grinding for jet black.
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This moonie was clearly pet midway through her thought proccess
And of course, in my tiredness I didn't close the spoiler tag nor post the screenshot. C'est la vie.
I wish I could like Yshtola but my gf ruined her for me
i'll take it.
And in reality all of these things need to happen to actually make the system good. There's no reason why we can't use all dye channels when they are there. The mumbling about 1.0 code when they get asked for more plates and slots is honestly bullshit at this point, it's wild to me that they just dropped 5 more plates in 6.1 and called it a day.
We're sunnie guys. Of course we love gutter skanks.
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The truth is my fellow moonie... Is that tacocat is still tacocat spelled backwards, and you're all outta salsa..
Imagine short meenas
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enjoy my tired 4 hours of sleep voice
god i wish
I suppose the "easiest" fix to the glam system is implement a "duty armory" where upon clearing a duty (not on current expansion) you get to have all the gear pieces for every job stored within that, and you just select them when editing glamour plates. This alone already frees up hundreds of dresser slots for the things that don't fit it (crafted sets, tome gear, etc)
Snap out of it, femlalas are manipulative wretches
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Is there a mod to make most/all clothes adhere to my body type or am I stuck getting independent upscales for each?
Thank you, anon... It was pretty fun to make even if its pretty scuffed.
Do you like orange catbros?
b-but petting is the only thing that would do that to my moonie
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How'd she ruin it
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We are stuck in needing independent upscaled for every fucking piece of clothing. Instead of having a tool that lets us (say for instance you like rue, bbwvr, or Bibo+) upscale everything to the body type we prefer. Aaaaaaaaaa
IMAGINE having an auto upscaler
modders would commit suicide
Independent upscales. Though there are a few upscale packs for vanilla gear that'll upscale a bunch of them
Yes or one good modder like cultist would be king because he would incorporate all clothes to fit all body types and allow mix matching.
Hmmmmmmmm today I will create...a male elezen...wildwood...face 1, maybe face 2 if I'm feeling pessimistic...with styled for hire...blonde or black hair...blue eyes... max height...max ears...a facial scar...and his lore is that he's actually a minor lord of ishgard. Chat, how are we feeling about this?
My thighlander would let him
Does he have rippling abs and dark broody eyes?
maybe try to do something with my eb
have some excuse given why they cant
go do some things alone
sit and mope
log off and go to bed pretending i wont cry myself to sleep this time about the one that makes the loneliness and self loathing because of it go away

You have to get an upscale for every single one.
It's coming. Trust.
I am a femlala... riding my bike...
and I notice, I notice, different things that look alike...

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Can't think of a better hat to use, maybe Diamond, most caster hats fucking suck
More slots
Does he like femra?
Your femlala is fucking stupid then
She's obsessed with her like actually obsessed.
>doesn't even want to have sex with me anymore she'd rather masturbate to Yshtola
>bought multiple Yshtola memorabilia that's all over our room now
>outright locks the door when she's masturbating to her i thought she was camming with some guy
>no i got through the lock with my credit card and peered in and she was just masturbating to porn of yshtola while moaning her name
>she even bought a yshtola cosplay i know for a fact she uses to masturbate in
>doesn't leave the house, was always reclusive but its been bad recently
>she won't even go out to eat with me just stays at home masturbating or writing fanfics about yshtola
>changed her phone lockscreen of us to yshtola
>whenever i confront her she gets really defensive and starts ignoring me in my own home
I feel like I'm getting cucked by a fictional character.
My meena is going to sleep at midnight on the dot (he's 6 minutes late)
Only if they are Gridanian.
Buy a Y'Shtola cosplay and knock on her door retard
My moonie is debating ordering some kfc she has not had it in a while
I guess you're going to have to dress like Runaar and fuck her, anon.
great larp man
Thank you for her permission.
After I mod them in.
He loves them but pretends not to, he read that makes them more attracted to him.
Become Meteor and make Y'mhitra proud
Are you saying Jaden looks like Holo
I haven't played in 6 years
Is the bench still the bench? Is the Aetherledge still around too? What tool do we use for posing these days?
Speaking of desperately needed mods...

Anyone have one that can revert Trajectory back to Rough Divide? This slip-n-slide ain't doin' it for me.
Did you later realize your girlfriend is an elderly Doman man?
my malera wants to take you to a gay bar
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My moonie is in the office. He is sitting here minding his own business in his wage cube catbox. The floor starts shaking, there's a very large modbeast giga ham planet of a dark femroe sitting like 2 rows away with her own gravity well. He can hear her struggling to breath due the amount of mods on while she types as loudly as possible. She plays foot tapdance and shakes the entire floor. He looks over to his water and it oscillates like a cup in the movie Jurassic park.
Not sure he's gonna make it through this mare hell.
>Runar's jp VA got fired for being a sexpest, eternally condemning Runar to the cuckshed
Bench moved to LB14. Aetherledge is dead, DC travel is fucked. Anons can only pool together in Crystal for now and even that barely works. Posing, people use Anam still or Ktsis/Brio
my femra begrudgingly got out of bed
I will go idle next to you in-game until you return home from work.
Wait, so CMTool's dead? What's the new stuff like?
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my malera is not gay but still parties at the Blue Oyster Bar
You have entered a sanctuary.
Unable to join Novice Network. The channel has reached the maximum number of users.
i see the vision
One of Electric Six's weaker songs if I'm gonna be honest
I wish fantasia was a thing irl everyone would be so beautiful
who would unironically make a black character if they had a choice? theyre so fucking ugly
Why do femlalas feel the need to astroturf themselves as hard as they do?
CMtool evolved into Anamnesis which further evolved into plugins - Brio and Ktisis
My femra is going to execute herself by going into the voltage box
It's fun
>He doesn't know

Modding has come a VERY long way, anon.
You’re just racist bro say that
Much appreciated, but I got dalamud crashed when I woke up and shut off my PC. Idle-hangouts are awesome
What's the difference between those two, then? Which one is probably going to have a smaller re-learning curve?
Down at the McDonaldz?
I'd rather not look like an npc
[9:12]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
[9:13]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
[9:14]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
[9:15]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
[9:16]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
[9:16]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
[9:16]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
>It's LotA
Completely forgot that existed. Other anon is right though, I believe it became anam. Which people still use Anamnesis for posing, but Brio/Ktisis are plugins that can help a little sometimes too. They're ok, just kind of sensitive. If you want to move parts quick and easy, then they do the job great. Facial expressions though most still default to Anamnesis. Also, people use a plugin called Mare to see each others mods as well, from outfits, to animations.
my femra may do another command mission today, and finish up with endwalker job role quests. she wants a pizza but nothing is open for another 2 hours
My femezen is sat on the washing machine having a good time
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Do you think I can find a face 4moonie EB who likes my face 3 sunnie...
Brio adds a bunch of extras to Ktisis like spawning actors (or was it the other way around?)
You will probably need both.
my femroe is watching mythbusters
Oh you ideally want to use Brio for posing and then Ktisis for camera and lightning control so they're pretty well complimenting each other
id fanta to white male so i can play on easy mode
Ktisis has better camera and bone control, Brio better animation control. Get both, they work well together.
That's what you get for not being a Femezen in superior green pjs.
>Asked her if she liked orange cats
>She's wearing orange
Oh nic..
>Squint the eyes...
Brio has IK posing
my femra's being washed
What about them anon..
Best dungeon for moonie orgy?
My femra
might as well not log on tonight
No one would care...
me too just have all the loot handed to me for being there like a girl
wait IK is actually here now? I remember it being previewed forever ago but I had no idea.
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I'm using the benchmark tool while the game downloads. Thoughts on my little guy?
no one cares about my femra, but she cares for others, so she stays strong and she logs in every day
we have to come to terms with it, my moonie was always a sunnie deep down...
It's not perfect but honestly a really impressive implementation considering it's bootstrapped to a XIV plugin
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If fantas were real there'd still be black people they just wouldn't look ugly/pure african. If you try to tell me you wouldn't Beyonce then you're fucking full of shit.
Yesterday's roleplay was nice. My moonie got to kill a catboy and two hrothgars
Cute. However I must warn you that picking a male lala guarantees nobody will ever pay attention to you except mentally ill people.
I'd gape his ass
Damn...were perfect for eachother
the only femezen ive seen in green pjs was boring though?
Anon, you have a golden opportunity here to indulge your partner and win big. Don't pass it up.
>Even riku's foot in frame
but i really wouldn't beyonce
maybe her first iteration when destiny's child just began
not anything afterward
Atomic Helgayon
Are you gay? Beyoncé is still hot as fuck
Femraen fingers typed this. Face 4 to be specific.
looking at femroes

I only would Beyonce if Jay-Z was in the corner jerking off and crying
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A classy catgirl always enjoys when my moonster asks her out to copperbell mines and he shows her how many socks he's been hoarding behind the elevator.
If she's a ''keeper' she'll be impressed by the huntsmanship and ask to join for fun.
If she's a sunnie she'll flex and talk about her limsan sock collection. (Debatable if real).
Only stinky cats do orgeys... And everyone knows that's for TamTara Deep
So, uh, is your gf that one Y'shtola cosplayer that recently asked YoshiP if he has any intention of adding player-npc romance to the game?
remember what we lost
remember what they TOOK from you
This retard wanted to walk across the giant bridge
Do I stay sunnie, or fanta to Malera or Miera (I can't decide)
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Neat, I'm ready!
>picking a male lala guarantees nobody will ever pay attention to you
Why would I want anyone to pay attention to me? This is a videogame.
>except mentally ill people
Case in point, I guess: >>497748986 ...but I can always just blacklist them, right?
post sunnie
Imagine if we had to walk across the Big Bridge, and instead of the faggot Zoraal Ja trial we got Gilgamesh 8 man
holy fucking kino
looking at pale femroes with white hair



with wholesome yet incredibly degenerate intent
>Why would I want anyone to pay attention to me? This is a videogame.
Holy based lalafella. Word of warning a lot of anons here treat the game like a dating app so be careful out there
Can confirm if you want to be left alone instead of participating in the endless /xivg/ popularity contest, you want lalaboy or male hrothgar.
I mean more that people will assume things about you and just not respond unless it's negative. Your funeral though, dog.
That would be an entire map on its own of nothing but a straight line. Plus, DT has hildibrand so you know what to expect.
An unironic troon polycule started up Anamnesis as their own posing tool because "sliders are hard :(" and took a year to get even the most basic features from CMtool
CMtool got phased out due to lack of interest
Tranamnesis had several mega public meltdowns between the dev polycule team
Brio and Ktsis were slowly working their way up as plugin versions of posing tools and are arguably more convenient now because you don't have a choice in the matter anymore when it comes to plugins and modding, so might as well use it. Both have their own drama infighting with eachother so its only a matter of time before one of the two burns out and gives up.
looking forward for next week when you ask what the mare synchshell of the thread is.
god you guys rehash this gimmick so much.
I would Beyonce if it got me close to dinner with Jay Z
Lifetime value
Fucking ... based? DC?
report them if they are being a faggot like that gms will fuck them up
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in dungeon right now, so take scuffed loadstone pic
My moonies tail fluffs up when she senses someone leering at her
You're not takin the 500k?
This but white snow leopard femhroths
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I always say there are 2 kinds of lalas, pedo fats and masters of the game.
Bros this is one of the game master chads
*stares at your feet*
>fantaing off this perfection to a malera
let me guess. you're EU?
Anon please you're scaring her
who hurt you to want to fanta to an ugly male race
nope NA

Other sunnies and femra, I always had more friends/people were nicer to me when I was Malera/Miera
*Ganondorf laugh*
My third leg hung fulala feels like filling a lalaboy's entire rectum with her own ballsnot today
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genuinely what did he mean by this
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I am
A femra
Who wishes we had more lingerie/hosiery
you need new friends
EU is all femboys and trannies
they're are literally bvilded for malera, just not in this context
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No, I play Face 2 Helion
My Moonie will be in Tammies later then...
post those big blue areola
Another femlala that hates lalaboys...
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How many socks are we talking about here
Sock thief! My moonie is very impressed by your collection
I'm noticing as I read this general, it's my first time here. Did I make a mistake? I just saw the Heavensward trailer earlier and it inspired me to play this game after years of people asking me to. This one:
I guess I spoiled myself a bit with queen Lalafell accidentally drinking nerve gas, but that's ok. I didn't watch the other trailers.
Not respond to what? Like asking directions and such?
I don't know what that means, but you sound like a sissy, so blow it out your ass.
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Don't let me catch you queuing CC if you know what's good for you.
I'm in EU, so Light - Odin since it's the one I read has the least casuals.
Thanks, I wrote this down.
Pic related.
Nah you didn’t make a mistake the vast majority here are very easily ignored in thread and in game and if anyone gives you shit blacklisting works so their character and every character on that service account no longer exist on your screen. Reporting is also an avenue in game since GMs take stuff like harassment very seriously
Lich is better
It's a very popular gimmick for thread locals to make a new character and pretend to be a new player for attention. If you're actually new, don't really worry about it, but that's what people are shitposting about right now if you were curious.
I am
a trannycoded
my meena is suffering in silence
BASED, another lalaboy pretending to be new to the game how threadcred like me, welcome! Welcome! LET ME KNOW if you ever need a powerful, fearsome, and reputed LalaBVLL Black Mage for a duty.
Based Lala. I shall find you later. We love a Sprout.
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I'll believe it when I see it, and by my predictions if you do finish heavensward you will bounce off this general or become what you hate. You're free to prove me wrong, but I've been here long enough to know that I will outlast you.
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I can feel today is gonna be one of THOSE days
So what do I do in fino fanta foteen for fun and distraction, lest the little demons in my head wreak more havoc?
what the heck cute meena
Sit in limsa and watch happy couples frolic by and /dote and /pet and /embrace each other until you log out in tears
Ah, that explains: >>497750617 ...which I was about to ask a translation for. Thanks.
>if you do finish heavensward you will bounce off this general
My brother in fantasy, I will bounce before I start playing at this rate. Practically nobody here is talking about the game.
but today feels like a good day
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Holy moly.... What adventuring cat skill...
Alot, the equivalent of a pillow pit.. don't judge, it's still a work in progress.. his prize possession is a elezen scholar's high socks from the holy see
Thank you, your moonie is quite charismatic.
Post tasteful butt
thinking about turning my meena into a mava so people stop calling him gay
CMT became Anemesis

But Anemesis is obsolete now too

We have plugins for posing now, Brio is the newest one and has more features, but ktisis is also popular. Recommend adding both. Brio for posing and ktisis for free camera
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>playing the game
Not a mistake
>asking questions or for help here
Not a mistake
>meeting and playing with people from here
Not a mistake
>Engaging with any of the personality drama that goes on in this shithole 24/7
>Playing Mahjong
also a mistake by the way just an early warning

The story is good so make sure you pay attention to it. Careful not to chatter too much about it or ask questions here though till you're caught up, people will spoil shit without meaning to. Good luck lalabro.
My moonie would like to see this collection, definitely not to steal it for herself not at all
down you
Nigga there is no /vg/ general that talks about their fucking games except to complain
The last fucking thing you should judge a game about is its general, especially this one
Sis you can't bottle up a melty...
Babe come back I'm not off my meds I'm just rawdogging my schizophrenia
That would be for the best, yes. I strongly advice you to only come around and post queues or party finders and nothing else unironically.
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>That would be an entire map on its own of nothing but a straight line.
>Practically nobody here is talking about the game
Totally organic new player opinion and not regurgitating a tired old thread meme btw
Mava are extra gay, they exude that brown bishounen bottom energy you only find in yaoi doujins and gachas.
It most certainly does not for me
I will, I will, I will, I will, I WILL
I have to, for everyone else's sake...
I have to appear strong for the ones that rely on me...
post yfw male midlander pp
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My nuts are all bottled up and ready to explode
thinking about turning my middie into a cuntboy
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At times like that the best thing to do is to take a nap... Reset your head into a better state so you won't bother others with negative energy...
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Finally done with this shit
>don't share anon's exact preference in women
high school was 20 years ago, boomer
I trust when people say they're sprouts because when I got this game and posted in here for the first time people were accusing me of being an alt and I hated it. It kinda killed any desire I had to post here for a long time. So I don't want them to go through that like I did.
That mod is BROKEN and i despair
It's ok to lean on your pals for support...they'll understand
I find that anemesis is way easier to actually do posing with, though. Ktisis has some neat features, but when it comes to actually moving an arm or whatever the endless list of dropdown menus is not an intuitive way to find a fucking bone.
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/pet /pet /hug /dote
hang in there lil menhera
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m2s is the hardest fight in the game, no one has beaten this fight ever.
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Yeah I give people the benefit of the doubt too. It is annoying that actual xivggers do try to pretend to be sprouts, but whatever man. Who really cares if you "fall for it," that's worth the risk to help someone get into the game.
god damn vanilla catgirls are so ugly
You should avoid this place while playing through the main story to avoid spoilers.
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It gets bigger right?
good morning
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Brio has an option to enable the 2d posing menu that Anemesis has
pegging may or may not fix me
thank you sis
Why do you think they need to be modded to look good?
i don't think memiera are very attractive
Vanila moonies is best moonies
make him a dunesfolk before it's too late
i'm not vanilla ser
yeah that's what i'm saying when i see it
moonie for my sunnie
modding my moonie to give her sunnie eyes
If you're using a sculpt then that's even worse cause it looks just as bad as the dogshit vanilla faces
this was so much better than your femezen and if i didn't know how desperate you were for internet dick, which completely undercuts the idea of you being picky, i would've responded "my queen"
I thought catgirls were builded for male midlanders.... whats going on...
That is the biggest of crimes.. Moonie eyes are the best part!
You ever notice it's catsluts who've only taken 30 inch futa bbc cocks saying male middies are small. They're good sizes for quality races like femlala
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"That's it...?"
We put effort into our
>tfw small pp
poses and would like to post them more than once.
you niggas are so goontarded you have forgotten what vanilla looks like
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Why do they all hang out here?
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see >>497751830
OH NO NO NO >>497751830
That's a fantablob not one of us. Not really
Just enable the armature or open the 2D thing. Ktisis dev needs to add the waist + lumbar to that fucking thing though so the armature is your best bet.
There's nothing wrong with being a size queen unless you're a dicklet
go back
>1 hour until reset
>alliance raid and MSQ roulette not done
Should I? Nah.
>drop down menus
Sis the bones are on the character model what are you doing?
Now post yfw highlander cock
just call for "barse run" on praetorium so you can get 3 fellow textadvance cutscene skippers
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post yfw VOLKINO
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Hey guys ^.^ I’m like super new to this game and I just downloaded it ten seconds ago, but there are SOOOOO many cool mods! I can’t wait to level through ARR with my totally fresh and new toon and then smash UCOB and TEA! I’m totally new though hehe silly boys, by the way what’s the best way to get in touch with Proxy?
My bone is on your character model now.
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these same responses
BHC (big highlander cock) is a myth
i go for roe
>3 fellow textadvance cutscene skippers
lol I'm on console
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c+ lips and a makeup mod
but i was a cat before my elezen
to elezen? to cat?
underrated post
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
I think malera have large penises. At least xaela. I will die on this hill. I do not play a malera btw
It's not that I hate Hrothgars or anything. I just think they should be lynched away from /xivg/.
that's why i said this "was" so much better than your femezen
back before everyone knew how desperate you were and then you ruined your character for your current abomination
>c+ lips and a makeup mod
So it is a vanilla face.
My moonie caved and ordered kfc, she is now engorging on chikkim wings
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Biologically speaking, they'd have small penises due to how small femra are
Might bring back my Malera ngl
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alma "snuffgod" larenn
the femra who can't resist obvious 4chan detective bait if it carries even the slightest chance of ryona
my malelala is literally morishige
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Meanwhile, on Crystal...
Cockwatching really was the best thing to happen to this general
femlala like this for my lalaboy
>grotesque clipping is good actually
Let me guess, futa?
>i go for roe
...so how big are they?
why would you make your character look like this, i dont get it
w-with short hair?
I feel called out...
it's 8 am on a workday at the end of the tier bro
besides, it's crystal. everyone's been conditioned to go to aether for content for some reason.
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Please do, we need to see the Malera population increase
this but futas
Because the person likes it bro. Turns out different have different tastes and find different things attractive, wild thought I know.
Lest we forget
mental illness?
my roe husband was voted best hair AND biggest deek 10 years running
Oh fuck someone has a weird fetish on /xivg/ sound the fucking alarm
More puzzled on why I can't see 10 out of the 12 PFs for "Other", because I'm sure as hell those aren't for Ultimates I haven't unlocked
My Sunnie wants to see your collection and maybe wear them but if it smells of girl moonies youre getting bitten
What else?
>post some pretty vanilla ffxiv porn to the FC 18+ channel
>fcmate replies with modbeast futa yshtola impregnation
Cute selfreport Alma
>Turns out different have different tastes and find different things attractive, wild thought I know.
>I love eating poop stop judging me for eating poop!!
whats the difference?
this was so good
i swear adderra is doing it on purpose, the signs of an obvious public bait were SO CLEAR
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Neither are wrong. Let poop eaters enjoy their poop, it's not hurting you.
Why is it always poop with you people?
reading that, I don't think she's the weird one over here
if you like sometime i dont like i genuinely think you might be inhuman
I don't remember making this post
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Nyo, you better nyot.. and maybe sometime she can.. nyo funny business...
My moonster collects the finest quality socks.. some may have teeth holes in them, but that's just the cost of business.
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I love 3pm on every Thursday afternoon. Your thoughts?
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Queue for Casual CC @ 5:00!
your favorite times of the day are no concern of mine, and mine shouldn't matter to you
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Uh, because we like it bro. Got it? If you don’t like us having fun then go play a different game. We like this.

So true sister, stick it to those chuds.
Black Bolt, tell her
Remus Anima
ESL spotted
Does she like malera?
If it’s not obvious whether the animation is anal or vaginal, the dick is waaaay too big
yeah but i'm just having some fun
im just coolin brah
i agree
no a vanilla face wouldn't have mods.
My moonie will get to this sock collection before that sunnie and make sure they smell of moonie. She will then hide and wait to see the sunnie bite your moonster so she can comfort him in the hopes your moonster gives her some socks to keep
>Why is it always poop with you people?
Because an easy analogy for something being bad is to compare it to feces because feces is a garbage product that comes from the human body, its why throughout history we have said something "Tastes like shit" or "Looks like shit" or "Is dogshit"

The better question is why do people like you always act ignorant/retarded on things like this? Is it because you were dropped on your head as a child or were you born that way?
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See above
She's less than human, less than a beast. She's a wet hole and the moment anything gets her even slightly moist, she'll go for it. She's like a hunting dog. No thought, head empty, only the instinct to goon.
i don't care what the pegging does to you, i care what I know it'll do to me.
so it is interesting because it's snuff or interesting because she pretends she doesn't like snuff
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genuinely might, though I don't wanna be limited to the same vanilla hair style everyone else uses
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I’m just baffled that you can’t ignore shit you dont like.
I hate how the tank weapons look like they're made of candy or something.
So you admit you understand why people compare things to feces and you were just being an intentionally ignorant cunt, thank you.
she likes anything with a pulse, anon. or well i used to think that. apparently not even a pulse is a requirement it seems
These are all 300lb GAM of swarthy variety aren't they?
Fuck fuck fuck fuck SC is such a little sex machine fuck demon cumromancer!!! Every minute I'm not desperately pumping inside of her is like a fucking war crime!
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Yep, that’s right chud: we like this. If you don’t, then clearly this isn’t the place for you. Stop disrespecting.
>uses "shit" as a derogatory word in his own argument
not helping your case there bud
another day with no one to afk next to me... sigh, I might cry sisters .. ......
my 3 onaholes
are you a moonie?
specifically for me, i love fat bitches
Imagine modding in celulite
>autopiloted out my shitpost and it got fucked
it is what it is
Woah these things are so rapeable! CUM SEX RAPE FUCK CUM RAPE SEEEXX! RAPE SEX CUM FUCK!!

Try the new curtains style, I think he'd look good in that
I like fat bitches soooooo
hello anon, good morning
My Sunnie pins you down and bites the nape of your neck
need a femlala to doll up MY lalaboy with makeup and girly clothing...
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My moonster is concerned his sock treasure horde is going to cause another moonie sunnie conflict.
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Nope not at all. And ill explain why. The xiv player races are called humans explicitly by aymeric in heavensward and npcs in events. So at the very minimum we need to apply ape physiologically when guaging malera penis size. Humans in proportion to their size are THE most well hung of the great apes, this is due to something very simple, mate selection. The females when given the choice chose men with bigger dicks and thus as a species we got bigger dicks than what we should have if we went by the rules of our cousins. Now why does this matter? Mate selection also plays a part in the height of males as well, we see that, in steppe culture, females broadly have more freedom than most cultures of our real world and in some places even today. Therefore their mate selection would matter for judging why malera are shaped the way they are and the size of their penises. Again, based on what we know of human evolution, and even what we can see in human cultures, when women have more freedom to choose, males get bigger dicks. For example, and varg mentioned this, before he desert religions spread to northern germanic peoples, their women had more freedom in terms of mate selection compared to their middle eastern or east asian counterparts. This same freedom can also be seen in some ethnic groups historically that were more matriarchal in Africa. And what do we see with northern germanic peoples and some african peoples in today's age? That's right. Larger dicks on average. In xaela the tribes vary in female dominance to being on par with ancient germanics to some even being outright matriarchal. This means, if we go by actual physiology the races are based on, femra would've chosen tall males and males with larger penises. And what do we see of malera? They're amongst the tallest of the male races, meaning the other half of the rule almost certainly applies to them as well. And that would mean they have large penises.
i think it's because she pretends
i cockwatched wryx to a meeting with a violent femra on here once and nobody batted an eye
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Oh he's dashing, a Raen too which is rare!
I think the hair is good, though if you want to experiment do definitely test your options and tell me he's NA
You just know my homie wears a regulator in cc
Seething malera hands wrote this
Thighlander tier thighs
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My moonie would nyot instigate conflict, she promises she just wants a sock or two
It’s purely because these kinds of posters pretend to not be into the stuff they’re into because they know if they’re open about their kinks like for example Alma and apparently liking snuff stuff is usually a turn off and red flag to 99% of people I’d say and only really for the actual degenerates here thus the thread persona they play.
Friends keep telling me I'm shy but I never stay quiet if I have something to say. Some of you just talk way too much, about nothing at all too you're just putting words into the chat and hoping someone will see them and give you attention, desperately thinking of what would offer the best response. It is pathetic.
Woah, is that a toddler character that’s literally named a child in Japanese? Yep, we’re having sex with this thing.

Fully-grown women? Nope, that’s brown behavior and we don’t like that.
Sure, why not
would you like me to afk next to you
Damn you sound really snobby
Meet me ingame. I can prove I am not a malera.
i'd like to see you try. i'm not so easily peggable
Probably a dumb question but are ff14 assets like the gpose stickers available for download or do they come in the game's folders?
You raise a persuasive stance.
correcting this bratty antisocial loser
Ask any femlala and they’ll do it future sis…
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

>NA malera
but my lalaboy doesnt talk to any of you guys, so it'd be really weird
I want the moldy viera to voice this.
Do you like femra.....
I think I know which lalaboy this is…

Start talking to us, we’re friendly!
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Good hauls are worth dying for

Back off SLUT
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Queue for Casual CC @ 8:20
i blacklist every hacked account that whispers me a scam link. people stupid enough to get hacked don't deserve to be interacted with.
Well she pretends to be normal while letting freaks like LT hit it (twice btw), while constantly arranging for instaloss meetups and I guess now snuff? It's true what they say I guess, once you start abusing porn you will seek out rougher and rougher stuff as your synapses fry from abuse and you can no longer get off. We're currently at "needs to get killed to get off" stage. What exactly is after that? I can't imagine her liking ageplay, but I also couldn't imagine her being into getting her neck snapped six months ago. I remember when the worst she'd do is relentlessly sexpest malera and melezen.
I like how femlala aren’t as “cute” as yarvin… lalas are supposed to be kind of clownish too. They are the middle ground between wow gnomes (pure comedy) and yarvin (pure cute)
i tried before and no on showed up so maybe it's a bad idea sorry
who the fuck is calling this early
trying too hard
You don't have to join...
lmfao cc clique gets so mad if you call outside the schedule time
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>new curtains style
which style is that?

Yeah I'm NA, but havn't fanta'd yet might go Miera gonna see what my friend picks first
>I think I know which lalaboy this is…
nuh uh. also he's too shy and there are no meetups coming up that i have interest in, so chances are slim
nta but do I have to join?
i am a femlala that ordered a bunch of mcdonalds from door dash yesterday

i ordered the popeyes for dinner last night and i woke up in the middle of the night with leg cramps...
okay well if you change your mind I'll be here...
You're free! Nobody can join and I'll still call them for a bit
i want to know who to headpat since you're calling this early I can only assume because you want company
Diabetes lala
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She willl be taking those socks, sunnie!
I'm sorry anon but your leg has necrotized. We have to amputate it.
A Blue Lala
Any malera that doesn't like femra isn't a true malera.
hi retard lol
look at >>497754313
Alright, I'm abandoning thread before I get spoiled.
I just read the thread, I invite you to do the same, in order, and witness me being right and you being retarded. Most of the posters are talking about their characters, pointlessly lewd off-topic stuff, and replying to each other's avatars. It's a complete circlejerk... which will be unbroken again once I leave, which is right now after I post.
nope. i really don't hang out with /xivg/ much
"It Takes Two"
It's a map style but I think it'd look good
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So true.
Your name starts with P and ends with X, doesn't it....
Well don’t be so shy regardless, fun lalaboys are rare and you’ll fit in fine.
honestly he can’t be worse than the shitty miera we already have
How did a retard like Macchi come up with the masterpiece that is "Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum."?
A moonie never forgets... unless the shiny laser pointer dot appears. Then he forgets. Chases. Then gets lost and forgets. But one day he'll catch it
My moonster will sit in LB14 and purr on this thought.. cause if word gets out of where she got fancy socks.. everything could be in danger... A catastrophy if you will
Do nyot ..
Oh nyo..
I... I uh, maybe ;-;
strike two, anon
it's a curse. i dont wanna reputation as a weird pervert either
not a dumb question but sadly I don't have a perfect answer
they have "fan kits" that have certain things, I feel like I've seen stickers somewhere in the past but when I've required them I've just cropped them myself by using a chromakey background for a gpose
I had a cockwatcher for that? Nice. She wasn't actually that violent.
I can't speak conclusively for anyone else, but it's possible to occasionally dabble in a kink considered extreme like snuff for fun (especially in fantasy settings, as opposed to dangerous things like asphyxiation play in the real world) without ever "needing" it.
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List of Things we like:
1. This.
2. Gooning.
3. AFKing and playing other games.
4. Plapping.
5. Sex, Rape even.
6. Jerking off in Ul'Dah.
7. Being comfy and eepy.
8. Cooming in the 'cord with our heckin' eepy ebins.
9. Val Moorabella.
10. Moonies.
11. Modding.
12. Mare.
13. Cumming to videogames.
14. Replying to Anchorposts
15. Sapphira Nyx.
16. Contrast.
A reminder that you WILL like all of these, or you're a convicted sex offender.
Someone doesn't like Miera, but aight

ohhh that one yeah lemme check it
I sure hope this male midlander enjoys that delicious meal presented in front of him, it almost looks to die for.
Should have told the AI to voice "AS (x3)" as
AS, AS and AS
filename related?
I just saw two nearly identical british men fighting with baseballs bats as the weather's whipping up
one even has fucking barbed wire on his
what the fuck
I think it started around the time BG3 came out and lot of posters from here went to go play that
My moonie does nyot go to lb14 so there should be no issues then
/pet /pet /pet
sounds like you do want some company after all. I won't no-show on you, I promise. I do need like 15 minutes though
Unfortunately as a lalaboy you’re just going to be considered a weird pervert by existing. Seriously though if you show up to make friends and don’t seem like you only want to plap you’ll fit in perfectly fine. Think about it!
How does that even happen? I think I've seen two scam links in my 7 years of playing.
Weaponized autism.
Convince me not to fantasia to a female middie
Ha! No, there's no actual poison. My friend's sunnie is canonically the worst chef in Eorzea.
Crystal is such a stagnant data center, man.
Aether and Primal PFs are full of raid lobbies and ultimate groups
Even Dynamis PF is full of sprouts doing new content

Crystal is just dead
Barbed wire baseball bats an old school way, good to see tradition is still up.
you will get magnessed and LTed
i appreciate the thought, but it's going to take a lot of courage to approach someone for such a specific fetish photo shoot
Face 1 has the best face, everything else is scuffed, especially on Raen (but Face 4 can look good on occasion).
I appreciate that you are an honest degenerate, but you understand that means I can't take anything you say seriously because, well, you're selfreportedly biased. However, I can only speak for myself and I can say that I'm not giving you shit because you're honest about yourself. She on the other hand is not.
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Queue for Casual CC @ 12:30
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Face it. This is okay because of multiple reasons.
1. Contrast, which we like.
2. Futa, again, we like this.
3. We like this, simple as.
At the end of the day, you're either with the collective or not. Which side are you on?
I’m talking about being more social in general. We already have lalaboys that are explicitly into what you’re talking about and they fit in perfectly even if they’re teased relentlessly
what do we dislike here?
Hmm might have something to do with the fact it’s 10:40am on a Wednesday I think
lmfao you added 2 more
aw man, I can't even login anytime soon so now I feel bad... your kindness is appreciated though...
male characters
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My moonie does not like futa.
But I love male characters.
Miss me with that shit
Snuff, horsnapping and ageplay.
My moonie also does not like futa.
A typical day in inglund
that's okay anon, don't feel bad. if I somehow catch you again then we can afk together, okay?
>don't like futa
>this triggers futa fags
Take your time! Just know you’re welcome…
but i like male characters a lot?
Futa can't be BBC/Blacked shit because futas are not real
its like having a real opinion on furfag based raceplay
shit isnt real
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Nice choice of husband!
I think I might just have to make my own perfect femra wife, since Kurenai is way above my character's status and he'd never have a chance with her...
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You'd never stand a chance
i like male characters tho
Crystal is for people with jobs, primal and aether are for neets.
do you like crystalline conflict
I like my male character golems
Is my wife in the que?
Pink Panther Beyoncé was peak
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CA/HB are asleep!
she actually loves lalaboys but just pretends like she doesn’t
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okay sure, that'd be nice...
>no avatar posted
Dyke Lala's dont count
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I like them though
I shan't be queueing then...
I said my wife
>barbed wire baseball bats
Do I make a hotline Miami glam?
cute femra
I like face 3 but its players are the worst
those posts? all me
>he had to ruin it with the disgusting realslop 8k tail
Why are malera like this?
forget the food, this maliddie needs his face stuffed with sunnie+
cc+ doko
Malezen stocks check?
Hell yea
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I like this catboy
I dont
was the only thing I was gonna mod in too, crazy
me too
Bro you look like a cringe xenomorph. Femra do this too and it looks bad
does literally every retarded modbeast ever, mostly female characters, use this basic bitch dance
it looks awful and is now horribly overdone
male characters are trannies especially the troons in the maliddie council
Not sure, I get them quite regularly.
elk, go back to bed, your welfare check hasn't arrived in the mail yet so you can sleep in for a few more hours
all i can imagine is some fucking scuffed Negan and his broken chav-speak
The only thing worse is the actual xenomorph tail. It genuine makes my stomach turn.
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>We like this!
No we don’t, chud. We’ve had enough of your condescending snark. We’re not a collective, we’re all unique individuals with our own personalities. And you know what we also have? Friends. EBs. Plaps. Yeah, and do you have those? I don’t think so. So get out of the Philippines and stop raping children. We won, you lost.
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>someone is liked
>someone else gets jealous
tale as old as time
> because futas are not real

99% of futas posted in this thread are guys with tits bolted on. They do exist, they’re called trannies.
he's just vibing man...
Raping the second one from the left
What is that ability? That shoots out those red pink faces like that.
i rem'ber when this moonie was averse to posting nyuudes...
Sullying this femra's bloodline as we speak.
>play as a literal transgender character (a “futa”)
>call literally everyone else who doesn’t a tranny

Levels of mental illness way surpassing 41%…
Elk is a retard. What’s new?
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My femras thread personality...will have nothing to do with her carrd.
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mean this tail?
trannies don't have fat 18 inch dicks that shoot gallons of cum per ejaculation.
also good fucking look finding a tranny willing and also able to use their dick (HRT breaks it)
May I plap?
The natural femra tail looks cute and xeno enough
Genuinely don't need more
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Sure...but first you'll have to beat my oppressor!
They my fav, not enough of them
ohhh sexxx

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