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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow )
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previous: >>497739972
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First for femhroths
Plap my heart.
My moonie claims this thread for other moonies
I love femezen so much it's unreal
cc doko
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Queue for Casual CC @ 4:40
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My male middie looks and acts like this
It's waistline Wednesday. Post stomachs, big, small, even femra.
>one of the simplest animation mods in the game
You absolute retard. Their pussies are exposed
>3 meetups on the 12
That all? Anyone else want to slap something on top around the same time too? If there were 4 I could justify not going to any of them.
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Update the backlink in the next OP please.

2nd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 12/10/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, Plum Spring
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

Last time, we never managed to reach our Character Creation segment, so this month this topic will be our focus.

After the roaring success of the 1st meetup, you've all been very engaged and helpful in determining the schedule going forward.

The schedule you've all decided on is as follows;
>2nd Saturday of Every Month

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
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Female character players who like male characters, please post yourselves.
Shall not be posting my lalafell to this indecent anchor.
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use 4chanX
Nyo.. this moonie has redeveloped cataracts..
I could have fixed him.
Thank you Moonie
catboy supremacy
Malezen stocks check?
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she looks like she fucks hroths
jeb post
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Post lalafell... or else...
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Ears status????
do you like hyur MEN
not licked, thankfully
I can fix that
I see it.
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whoa generic face 3 hair 115 small mouth catgirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kat is really cute
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>Any malera that doesn't like femra isn't a true malera.
Correction, any man that doesn't like femra isn't a true man
Public malezen stocks are slowly sinking. Private stocks are steady but not impressive.
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Needs to be fixed
>pedolander just standing there in the background
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I'm not jeb
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I will restore the malezen stocks to their rightful place.
I love fiddies so much it's unreal
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The kitty council has convened. Due to protection of our own assets. Sock troves are not to be disclosed publicly. This is due to these false, so called "femra are for cats" instigators who still loom in the shadows. Stay vigilant. Make sure who you are talking to is indeed a cat before disclosing critical sock infrastructure.
the boots stay on during my lalaboy's worship sesh
Hold up guys, she's spitting some facts
no i didn't get any (You)s last time i posted her
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They're best value isn't in stock they don't perish or degrade I buy all my malezen physical and store them in a safe in my basement.
Likely not this week, sorry
i hope you get better
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I have to retake this...I found a nicer belly mod
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annihilating both of you
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Shut up stinky
Can you do it with your PHAT ass, you fatty
What's that on her face
is it okay if i use the mod that makes wuk use her jp voice and everyone else their eng voice
Listen, chud. You didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree. Someone gave you your coom. Yep, that’s right. It was the classic time-tested “ebins”. You see, if you’re not super sweet and friendly with all the ‘bins, you won’t get anywhere in this joint. You gotta schmooze with the upper crust in the VC. I mean, don’t you play UO and MonHun? And once you butter up the classics, you gotta plap and goon until you trib their mooncoons with your rape gunk. Because this is Final Fantasy XIV, the world’s best MMO with the eepiest frens.

And one other thing, chud. We’re not going back to WoW. We’re never going back to being mean and hateful like “old 4chan”. No thanks, we like our frens as-is and we love being eepy. Say it with me sisters:
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Thread Question: We're about a month away from the patch drop. What are we hoping to see in the FF11 raid series, bros? What do you expect from the screenshots we were given, and what do you wish for?
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Queue for Casual CC @ 8:30
My moonie commits the locations of sock troves to memory and will not tell a soul what she knows
anyone have the version of this that's "rape me rape me breed me breed me" with the discord quote?
hey retart i wasn't awake, ever thought of that huh?
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Based what mod?
woah now let's not get hasty
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would you guys still like me if I wasn’t a sexpest
I realized I have a shit ton of tokens left from the last mogtome thing. What should I buy with them?
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My Sunnie is bringing out the big guns
I prefer your brother
I would still think this bunny was cute and direct any known biofems to him immediately.
go to work bitch..
I want to get EB’d to a hroth guy
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Good morning /xivg/
Do it, her JP voice is genuinely super good. She still has flaws as a character, but at least having her in JP makes her more enjoyable
As for what's on her face it's my warm, freshly produced cu---- It's just alpaca spit. An alpaca spat on her face
i dont know anything about 11 i never played so i just hope it is fun
post yfw you thought you had a safe discard but it turns out you got RONNED by a lalaMAN
I really like bibo+nino but I'm yet to see how much support it'll have outfit wise.
Tfw no lamitt wife
What male races does this queen like
she is hot
May I plap?
I am a moonie with a sunnie name. I was adopted
my lalaboy is ooey gooey
Wait /xivg/ tell me, is lamitt Ryan gosling for femlala?
In descending order:
Can my moonie pet him?
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can you move
i wanna see that catboy behind you
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Whens the next lala friendly meetup? I wanna hang out as i have nobody on my friends list
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>male character meetup
>no males
Rare melezen w
Holy shit it all makes sense now. How did I not see this.
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>all the /xivg/ers are on the enemy team
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>be a pretty good player
>but I can't into trials
>its like the whole trial is being held at gunpoint and I'm scared to make any mistake
>which just makes me make more mistakes I wouldn't normally make
Only after we do a dungeon roulette. But I'm calling dibs on the shoes and socks that drop
this is the only win catboys have gotten all year
Are you and MT a thing
sorry jayjay
she looks like she gives a great sloopy
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It applies for the femlalas that only have a want for biggers.
You're about to be a-smooched
yeah and?
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I’m expecting Ivalice tier mechanic kino and people wipe a ton simply because the EW ARs were literal baby mode bullshit that I feel they’re over correct super hard this time around
What can I say I'm a sucker for same race couples.

Is it an L if I say Sunnie+ is also okay?

What about all the Rava+?
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Thank you for joining me in CC I have to run now!
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Trials? Normal mode trials?? Bro this shit is made for babies are you serious rn?
My moonie accepts these terms but only if you pet her back
Please be nice
i miss memec@
>Is it an L if I say Sunnie+
No, my catboy loves them too
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>Reddit cord pvp clique post
Do you like middies?
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The best xivg poster doesn't even post here and uses his message book as a diary.
How do I make friends?
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built for being sat on
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>pretty good player
>can't into trials
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>people are playing the game with eachother in the general dedicated to the video game
:O you can just join you know theres nothing stopping you (i wont though because CC is dogshit)
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I enjoy this because it means I can gape them all
I meant ultimate raid group trials to see if they will invite me to the group...
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My sunnie listens to music like this while targeting your middie at the hangout spot.

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I want one more CC game


sonic the hedgehog coded
I am at work put your butt on the phone
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but nobody ever wants to play the game when I ask
You son of a bitch I'm in
its fine but i missed queue to pose this
she doesn't give sloopy.
you should join it
i'm not good enough for that
no wagie, go wagie.
im going to fucking kill you, queue cc at 1:20
My moonie can do this
my moony is making a cup of coffee and then heading to the frontline
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logged out sis, gomen
nta but he's right :3
Those were your calls?
It is settled then, reveal your location to my moonie
How do I find an Ardbert for my Lammit
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i cant win... i should've just posted my normal hair color.....
I have a NEED to plap femras.
For some reason anons on here are determined to shit post CC but they don't realize that people who want to play CC will play it regardless of the shit they type
oh shit new lore important character?
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All fiddies should look like this
Oh no, Ive heard that they get mad at the rag tag xivg groups that do FLs
>Join it
No thanks, if anything Ive kinda learned that the reddit cords for pvp are actually the enemies of the game. They meta stacks constantly, and if they lose they will grief people as much as possible, by doing no damage if they are on their team, throwing the games.
what shirt is that
Character designed by a black guy
this webm has meet n fuck vibes to it
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>go wagie
i work my fingers to the bone to afford your simp payments and this is what I get. . . im taking more creep shots of your ass when I get home
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*my malera sees you roll up into his territory on your glow in the dark heelys*
Hey kid...
*lazily gets up and bends at the waist, getting eye level with you*
Thought I told you not to come 'round here no more...
*takes a puff of his cigarette and blows the thick black smoke in your face*
See... I ain't takin' questions or interviews from snot-nosed little geek midlander brats like you...
*clasps palm around the top of your head, lifts you off your feet, turns you around and then puts you back down*
So for the final fuckin' time... BEAT IT!
*puts his boot to the small of your back and kicks, shoving you forward*
He won't be on for like 5 hours. He is being a wagie business cat..
my femezen's balls are very hairy
nobody knows my catgirl is actually a male
She looks like she fucks rabbit men.
Surprisingly no. That character was made by a chink. They design very similar characters for some reason.
women dont have balls idiot
Why is this hot
no there was someone else, I just showed up for a bit
Good post, Nhil.
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I have a cock and balls in real life so my female Warrior of Light has a cock and balls
Hand crafted for Rava BBC
oh yeah??! *fucks ur ass*
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Postwoman glam acquired. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom etc etc.
Eb status
futafags are the self inserters
more news at 11
Where do you get that outfit from
>want to post cool pose
>take an hour to work myself up to it
>hands literally trembling as I post
>never have to respond to any (you)s anyway
Why am I like this.
suit yourself
you were gonna do that anyways.
I shitpost CC to deter more people from playing it while I'm in queue.
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But I just wanted to ask if y- d- feml-
eh... ah.................. *sniff* *sniff*
cute, I used to use that combination in the past too
No this is.
but what does he do when my femra rolls up on her scooter?
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5 more hours? I dont think our moonies can meet then mine is EU
Yeah but mostly if they're chasing after biggers(affectionately called)
>No thanks, if anything Ive kinda learned that the reddit cords for pvp are actually the enemies of the game. They meta stacks constantly, and if they lose they will grief people as much as possible, by doing no damage if they are on their team, throwing the games.
Name 5 times that this happened in CC qs.
God I need more fat bodies that don't look like shit, actually in the face neck arms belly
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My moonie does that in between deaths


I am a americatt, I'm sorry
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Anon you are responding to weak bait.
yes, miss

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The hat is from the Postmoogle quests after ARR, and the rest is a set you get after finishing Ameliance's custom delivery questline.

Thank you! It's a pretty cute one yes.
Good morning my favorite malera
Expeditioner's Coat, it's super cool and has two dye channels. Dyes alright too imo
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>mfw postwoman alma
I know it's a stressful environment sis but you need to do whatever you can to remind yourself that you're just playing the game as you normally would...
Overthinking it will just make you play worse...
Remember! Your mental palace is indestructible, impervious even...
I assume any character with a 2:1 hip shoulder ratio is made by a non-white individual
Why malera like this
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Plapping both of them
i think i love femlala but im not sure yet
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It was not meant to be.. if only materia ping wasnt so dogshit
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Does anyone want to be a fiddie a who works 14 hrs m-f
Right? I'm tired of all the balloons that get posted. It's all so tiresome.
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
Is there a braindead guide to installing shaders like the penumbra guide?
my femra hits you in the back of the head with a phonebook and presses submit before responding to it with "cool screenshot"
you probably have an anxiety issue and value the people in here way too much, simply learn to hate all life and it'll go away
I want good glamour and fun alliance mechanics (slightly harder than Aglaia, ideally).
Because you betrayed them for the carrot, now they're lost and unruly
If this post doesn't do it, then you don't >>497759964
The femlala in the middle hard mogs the other two
It's still playable enough. Hardly optimal, but it works.
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Wanna be completely sure?
that's your ex so just ask him
The one on the left is a lalaboy
>ka zeal
>Rori Chan
I miss this era of xiv
I am not a sunnie anymore sorry sisters

My meena looks and acts like this
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>doing Satasha (hard) with a friend half asleep, just droning on my skills
>Tentacle grabs me and does a whole animation I've never seen before
>Suddenly massive boner
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Lol, no xivg people in CC just rage quit mod match.. you can't make this shit up, and that's despite them being exclusionary with their call out times so they dont have to play with other people. I'm talking about Frontlines.
They're all still around
you mean a fulala
>crab enters the frame
>waves at the camera
>leaves where he came in
My moonie has done a roulette there before she hated it and swore to never do content there again
Rue+ is our one savior atm.
post it?
rubbed one out to my afk femlala friend before work...
isn't that the same race an aura guy wanted to be plapped by?
That's not nil he's extra cringier i can tell
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They brought a whole cabinet from somewhere just to showcase this shield
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When is it gonna be my turn to plap you
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Nyo... My overseas fren.. one day we will meet and accidentally screw up both our sleep schedules
Want to rub one out to a not afk femlala?
It is a really nice shield, I've used that model for glams before.
I've not been able to jerk off properly for the past week. It's something I do, but it doesn't bring me real satisfaction. I've also been feeling a disgust in the pit of my stomach while doing it. Fuck is happening to me?
>he waits for his turn
You'll never make it
Go on
Violently staring
o-oh... is this what you all do?
maybe I shouldn't offer to afk with my femlala anymore..
Rori is still around. The thing about names you don't see around as much anymore is that they settled. You find a few good people out of this shit heap and you have less incentive to be public here anymore.
Or they're just busy with other stuff at the moment (like me)
Gonna try to clear the tier three times tomorrow night, perhaps four. Time for a nap.
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sholuld i order a fried pepperoni pizza
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Admittedly not at as high a rate as the ladies but still
HOA got you
Good morning!
nope just a normal lalaboy
he was just joking haha please don't stop AFKing for us....
lol keep crafting there
Do you think this is a bus ride or something

Shheesh dont judge me..

Holy moly..Need her.
Is the pepperoni or the whole pizza fried?
anon....... how can you be sure he's joking...
that's pepper and he gets PUSSY
So she's a FtM, ok
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I wish I could convert all of my stuff to that, or at least have a drip of knowledge of how to do it.
That’s 100% Nil lol
can you please do what you said you were going to do, and quit this place so you can stop fishing for attention here
anons don't work, we're all NEET right haha..
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when will klaris play again? actually hate tranchelle for driving them away
I am a femlala who was used as rubbing off material........
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I'm logging in
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pepperoni :) >>497760915
pepper is eb’d
b-but I work...
ok fine, maybe I'll believe yo-

does mahjong pop on crystal at this hour
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They're my favorite kind of a character.
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You can't keep posting like this or I'm going to have to get you pregnant ma'am
maybe one day fellow moonie..
I will queue ONE game before I go on with my life...
Yes join me
Can I be you friend?
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why he look like a girl
Is femlala okay?
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euro prime time is plain obnoxious you guys should learn to shut up more
I’d be upset if you didn’t
Looking cool TS.
What's the best cock mod for f+?
There’s no actual difference between prime time EU and prime time NA hours here
This is an atrocious HUD
I feel nothing but unbridled fury when people just shit the bed after being rezzed and immediately press an ability wasting their fucking 5s invuln.
You died to mechanics, you died again to retardation, stay dead.
Because that's what all lalaboys should do in order to be liked
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A classic, god I miss the kinoplex
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Euros are much more mentally ill than Americans
Im baaaaaaarely posting already and I said i wont be here next year!

I'm only posting a little dont be angsty...
forgot to respond this
/pet /pet
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I somehow missed this. Ahem.
that's it you're getting bred
Healing dutyfinder zoraal ja normal is harder than the ex
That's a falseflag noooooooooo!
It has to be a moonie behind that femlala post
that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get pussy
t. his eb
I want to take lewd pics before you go
it has everything i need for success
Got it completely wrong, my bad. The body I meant to refer to was Bibo Lux+
I'm sorry sis... I shall be closing my heart until further notice.
It's dangerous out here for femlalas like me...
who's a good girl?! :3
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I will be sending my butler out to find femlalas for me to sexpest. Look forward to it.
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>lala couple is into cucking each other
you bastards crashed the hardened sap market
I will be investigating this later.. rue+ has a texture too which is nice
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Against my better judgement I'm still here, though.
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i love skipping cutscenes
After making dozens of ERP alts, here is my ranking

+Easiest completion
+Marauder start is even easier with overpower + berserk
+Easiest to navigate
+Hunt logs, job quest, and MSQ all line up very well with eachother
-Job quest for marauder is practically required if you plan to run the early dungeons
-MSQ is required or you're stuck here
-Largest amount of distance needed to run between quests

+Lowest amount of running around
+Shortcut to Mor Dhona for your thot bikini
+Can just run to Ul'dah whenever
-Absolute worst one to navigate
-Obnoxious quest routes full of enemy aggro pits

+If you're just making a level 1 goon alt, you're already here.
-Absolutely schizophrenic quest pacing
Quick, sing Dairy of Jane!
arent you the chick with a blown out pussy?
someone tucked my femlala in and called her a princess with forehead kisses and affection and I, I mean she will be riding that high for a good week. please look forward to it.
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It's good for wanting a fat hrothgal wife, which I still desire.
I just lost out on prime AFK femlala goon material..
whats happening next year
For me it's elezen or thighlanders
Stop schizoing my friends...
I want someone gooning to my femlala so bad
Pure of heart. Say do you like malera?
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>bbw elezen
A few bots kept undercutting me so I kept cutting the price by half. Fuck your markets.
That was me I did that with my magnum dong
My femlala could use another manservant, although what use could she have with a lalaboy butler?
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here u go man, if you're looking for more of this character it's lappland from arknights btw
Would settle for either. Big and tall are great.
I hope you get your big hroth wife anon
Cumming to your naked irl dances
My femwa doesnt just plap whoever asks okaaay...
Its okay tho you're not missing much

Nothing really, just a target for me to quit bad habits
They need to stop whoring around first.......
>sending a submissive boy in a suit to find women
you do not see the folly in your ways?
>have to wait a full minute for every post to upload
>half the time it doesn't register
Who specifically made this site so lame and gay this shit is all very recent
i'm not into fat hoes, sorry
He's a very loyal man to my estate. I don't think you could ever take him from me so don't even try...
Just to be safe, you won't be on my list.
at least you fucked bots, so that's less bad i guess
Miki pls its too early for me to have to go blast rope
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Who is in the wrong?
"living" would be the one i recommend you quit the most
>born to sub
>forced to dom
Sometimes I feel bad for male characters… briefly. Now punch me in the face!
This is my fulala
Time to change your schedule, big boy
After midnight my time an anon starts to schizo my character with pent up incel rage like she’s a real person and it amuses me to read
Same sis...
I even tried to openly whore myself out and it didn't work...
does she have big boobs? post her
I like the ones that don't look like girls....
Sunnie here, I like male middies the most.
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No face shots kitten, I like my whores to look pretty.
Oooaaaahh, nice one
Very nice..
Cute tum
button up, you'll get a cold
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cant make this shit up
Doing this to Jean
My moonie has logged out for now, she will return later to make more biscuits in the thread
May I see you're armpit
the lonely moonster seems to free her soles at night
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List of Things we like:
1. This.
2. Gooning.
3. AFKing and playing other games.
4. Plapping.
5. Sex, Rape even.
6. Jerking off in Ul'Dah.
7. Being comfy and eepy.
8. Cooming in the 'cord with our heckin' eepy ebins.
9. Val Moorabella.
10. Moonies.
11. Modding.
12. Mare.
13. Cumming to videogames.
14. Replying to Anchorposts
15. Sapphira Nyx.
16. Contrast.
A reminder that you WILL like all of these, or you're a convicted sex offender.
I hope your bad habits win out. You're the perfect rapebait.
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Fememezen real
Going to start leaking Miki's new onlyfans posts to coomer.su if she keeps posting here.
A bit of eye shadow improves the face
thanks bro
>started sub
>got burned out
>scarred dom
>just trying to keep things enjoyable and safe
Such is life
this nigga is name dropping himself again
Please do, I think she's beautiful
Hugging this big hat enjoyer cat with my big hat enjoyer cat in a dungeon again.
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>only 2 more months to get in Miki's DMs
I'm actually not gonna make it...
I'm going to tip her $100 for every leaked image you link.
kanchelle sure has been real quiet since that fiasco
meena boyfailure gf
How did you know...
no problem man, welcome distraction to keep myself sane during a trust
Don't let Adderra see this.
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Do that now why do you need to wait? Are you broke?
Then you're a retard who don't understand the appeal of OnlyFans. The content isn't the main draw, otherwise it would've been killed by an overwhelming amount of free porn on the internet since its inception. It's the parasocial urge to donate money to an e-thot that is ingrained in the minds of some mentally weak men.

Leaking her shit will only serve as free marketing to her.
Stay strong, king
>check image md5 to see how often this has been posted
>most of the results aren't even in xivg
may i rape
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>He's extra cringier

Nobody is cringier (based) than Nil.
she looks like she fucks hroths
My moonie has noted your homophobic eyes, thank you for your submission
Oh gosh is this another fucking schizo post about LT?!
holy wife
Shion is so perfect, I think id marry them even if they have a cock irl
Race? DC? I'll schizo you too bwo
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What is the "she looks like she hroths" Anon's endgame?
raimy you don't even play anymore
I am a femlala who doesn't mind being used as rubbing off material for anons that want me to sit next to them..
Hoping they fuck hroths
There is no proper reply to this except a kneel emote.
Getting cockwatched makes me want to whore around more.
Holy moly, you could clean your clothes on these
>blatant market manipulation
fuck off
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
Same sis...
Virgin hands typed that shit
Post female characters that likes other fgemale characters
made for rape
Idk, but they've posted at me multiple times.
They're correct.
There wouldn't happen to be a helmet like this in game that I've missed is there?
why are you like this...
people are going to think IM like this too when I'm not...
both of you are not and never will be women
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Wanna find someone that we can sit next to?
Hey I know these abs.. /embrace
A true khagan saves himself for his nhaama and does not associate with WHORES. Not that you'd understand, buddy...
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Peak writing
Poetically put, Khan.
doman steel helmet is shaped similar but the eye area is not like that
I thought this was an America-only thing but they had it in Tesco just now.

It's nice, 8.4% is double as high as what I've seen any can here offer, I can see why it's got a reputation.
you are you’re just ashamed sis… let go and be free… let them use you
Maybe you'll enjoy it more than you think when it does happen...
Yes please...
Good morning
>drinking post-patch 4loko
Pre-Patch 4loko was insane
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Someone should host a femlala meetup
How hard are (You) expecting FRU to be?
These jokes were played out 5 years ago, it's time to move on.
Doesn't this shit literally kill you with the caffeine content

also fino fano fotin??
For me it's the opposite. I burnt out from domming and I'm now purely a sub.
Is this AI?
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....no..... I can't go down this path...
b-but.... maybe...
have a nice day, wife
They changed the ingredients because it was killing people. Was a very intense can
I want to do Ultimates but I turned down an offer for a FRU static because doing an Ultimate on release sounds absurdly miserable
super cute moonie do you like sunnies?
hoping for it to be DSR/TOP level but it'll probably be TEA/UWU level with how baby easy the tier is, i'm worried it'll spawn another wave of insufferable "legend btw" fags
My femlala looks like this...
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It's over... Females with the g.... The gock..
this is my fetish
but backwards
What a DORK...

It already won for years, but baby steps for now!
>the uk is now getting post patch 4loko
Asmonbab post
Pre 20.10 update Four Loko was insane, it's a shadow of its former self
server and race NOW
Based and same receiving
meena btw
>Booze AND an energy drink
Only in America...
balmung, lalaboy. sorry.
Dommy boys? https://files.catbox.moe/k14hyx.png
Subby boys? https://files.catbox.moe/k14hyx.png
Femlala, Balmung
look at all that real estate on her neck
builded for smooching
when did they patch it? my roommate gave me a can a year or two ago and i was very excited to drink it because of the rep but it tasted only slightly worse than a regular energy drink and i've had alcohol maybe 5 times in my life
I want it to be DSR level in terms of enjoyment. I don't think TOP's methodology is all that fun but DSR is still enjoyable to run to this day, imo.
Realistically, I'm expecting in between TEA and DSR.

Why would you turn it down if that's what you want? Ultimate prog on launch is just like any other prog, just longer. You can always do PF though.
It was art..
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So what are you planning nonny? Can you really keep saying it's just contrast 20yrs from now in your retirement home?
>same image twice
I need to beat the FUCK outta you NOW
around 2010 was when the original formula started getting pulled off shelves.
In 2010
It hasn't been insane for over a decade
It’s just a horsie ride sis, your clothes probably won’t even be smudged
Copy pasting is hard...
Yeah. I was kinda hoping for the holes/circle pattern. One of my favorite face plate designs
i started playing in endwalker so even later than that actually
Let's fucking go.
What DC are you from and what're looking for out of it
Thread full of mikis OF content for free
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Femlalas were made for each other
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we love this
just not below the belt, okay...?
I want to do stuff like this with my male character but niggas love to leak logs and photos
Chocolate femezen good
Wrong way around
I want tt have rough mating sex with my femlala friend until she gets knocked up...
stop... please...
I have a hunch its going to be the hardest one yet. They had to issue a public apology for how easy this savage tier was, so I think they're going to overdo it on ultimate to compensate.
>i'm worried it'll spawn another wave of insufferable "legend btw" fags
You are literally one of those fags
What are you talking about?
Holy moly.
I hope it’s as hard or harder than TOP
And I want someone to hang out with care for
you are literally "legend btw" posting right now
>google this and type death
>google AI links four teenager cases

i knew people would die from this shit
damn... i was 8 back then. still would have tanked it though
STOP! This is the Lalaboy Protection Squad. Cease your posting immediately or face the consequences!
I hope it's just TEA
What're you?
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my bad b0ss
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Wanna be friends with my femlala too?
Letting my friends control me with puppetmaster turns me on way more than I ever thought it would
There's not enough porn of futa's jerking off their normal human sized cock and making retarded gooner faces and tensing up as they spurt their load and their eyes roll back and they grunt and moan.
>spaded earrings
>spaded choker
>spaded tattoo
>cheating on catgirl eb to do it
can you remind me why you are tolerated here?
>how baby easy the tier is
As if EWs first tier was hard?
I am missing out on plapping you
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3 9 10 11 12 14 15 16
You should only do it if you'll find it fun, else... stay the course, lala.
I'm going to LB14 to be rubbing out material now
Futa’s jerking???
What is a jerking???
NTA but
>he thinks anything in that post is a joke
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good morning
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>he kept this saved
i am a femlala

deciding what to order on doordash...

i feeling a bit exotic today. mayhaps some middle eastern cuisine like shawarma or mexican cuisine like chipotle...?
my lalaboy
is unmarketable
I think I'll stay the course sis, but have fun...
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I love you, goodnight.
>fiddies who bully meenas
Anon, you can just link my mega or f-list if you're that excited by it, there's plenty of degenerate things to choose from. Also that one's a golem.
Wheres the hroth pic you tease
i don't think anyone but mindless gooners and twitter tourists tolerates grace
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My wife
actually disgusting
What's with people ITT repeating "you aren't your character" like a mantra until a catgirl does digital bbc content, and suddenly everyone IS their character?
Oh wow, I did NOT expect meta irony over the subject! Malera posters are so goddarn quirky. That makes this so freaking hilarious! You're totally not beating a dead horse.
Femraen post
do you like sunnies and yuri (scissoring and stuff)
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AYO smoke this fkn blunt cuz
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Prepare for a parkour battle
I'm really shy when I meet new people...
I'm on Primal, so you're just wanting a buddy in short? Male middie btw
Hey not a tourist to-do checklist..
I think miera deserve it and desire it, so it works out.
Never actually acted out on this idea, though, as it's way too niche.
/xivg/'s epic rap battles Rori Chan x Rob Chidori
see >>497762801
So all I have to do is sit on the LB14? Any specific spot for telling them I want to be used as a rubbing material?
i'm really not surprised by this.
NTA but that's a pretty gross fetish to have
why do you cheat on your eb?
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>be femlala
>been hanging around another femlala a lot recently
>we get along great and actually encourage each other to do other content aside from just roulettes
>always a highlight of my time on XIV when I get to login
Might be onto something.
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A real hemitheos (modbeast) sighting. How terrifying.
EW's tier lasted more than 8 hours so...
I'm nervous about first time meetings too but that makes it more exciting...
post more donny chad content
Is it just punching, or do they get full-course bullying until they're groveling at your heels?
Asking for a friend who is also a meena
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Yuri's ok once in a while. I actually did a LOT of yuri when I first started, but got kind of bored of it since it was all very samey.

You may have one(1) hroth pic, since you asked nicely. https://files.catbox.moe/5c2opa.png

I'm assuming you never actually opened my f-list. But enough shitposting, lunch time beckons.
pretty sure his eb finally unsubbed over shit like this
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Holy neck seam
Sorry, I already put it in my bucket list and I can’t remove it.
That's it I'm blasting to your OnlyFans
Have a good night, anon.
Not like this...
Oh, so you just ebed someone and wanted to be a whore. I'm thinking you might unironically be a grown ass woman instead of man with this kind of logic.
Which posters do you miss now that they have seemingly vanished from the thread?
I met him years ago and chatted for a little bit. We were having a casual conversation when out of nowhere he brought up the fact that he has an arrangement with his boyfriend to cheat whenever he wants, and he raged out when I told him that's disgusting. Kept my distance from that weirdo since.
>straight sex is gross because...
Go on. Gimmie the answer.
>joined an lgbtq+ friendly FC (im bisexual)
>people saying "ew" and "yuck" when I tell them that I have a girlfriend (she's also bisexual and joined the fc with me)
I can't tell if they're joking but we just left
do male middies such as yourself like catgirls
nigga unironically thinks EB=e-relationship
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i started raiding with asphodelos
this tier easily had the best memes..
congrats on potentially escaping the lone wolf lifestyle sis...
ill make it too one day
Nobody likes bisexuals, this isn't new.
>into yuri
>into furries
>into blacked
>into cuckolding his eb who is also from here
the jokes write themselves
nayr muffkins, even if it's been a long while
Whats the OF name bro?
Remus anima
When they say "LGBTQ+ friendly" they really only care about the T part. Otherwise you will be seen as a second-class citizen, and bisexuals are always seen as gross disloyal fence-sitting sluts.
That community is filled with some of the most closed minded individuals on the planet. A bit ironic really.
Thye dont even play the game anymore let it go bro
yuri is gross
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love face 4 xaela
EB aren't real relationships retard. They are for all intent and purposes a RP thing. People like you are a blight on the RP community. Download tinder if you want a relationship.
If you're an ally but still cis and heteronormative in the community, some of them treat it like a meme to speak to you like you're an outcast or liar, especially if you're bi because they think of you like a sexual centrist without "picking a side"

They could also just be insufferable and take what I said above very seriously
hesperos was the first official malera modbeast
attention-grabbing image
pointless time-wasting post
i've had him blacklisted so thankfully i've never had conversations like this >>497765789
>thinking straight sex is the problem with that image
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Punching, kicking, face grabbing, slapping, general and literal manhandling. I think the latter is par for the course.
Never too far, though, as I believe there is a limit.
Because the only consistent value this place has is putting people down. You’re not your character until it’s useful to bully you.
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the enemy designs were actually fucking sick, what we got this tier sucks ass
I saw him around last month or so, pretty sure he just isn't really active in the thread anymore
and this is the guy who owns the biggest ffxiv modding archive?
When the tier first came out I thought people were just blowing this out of proportion but it was actually true, I couldnt fucking see shit it was so funny
Macchi should be a femezen fr
are you gonna get plapped tonight?
Is my wife here?
the post did say "vanished from the thread"
That same flist also has cuckolds and NTR on it. Thanks for confirming I never want to talk to you
>stone partition
>4 million gil
it costs more than the house did
Who is your wife anon.. Is she a moonie?
>face grabbing
my meena needs to meet this fiddie ASAP...
very organic posts
Someone please tell me how to make my femlala prettier without using a fanta, I'd use it as a last resort
look at the people who run the major plogon discords too. entire ffxiv community is run by disgusting creatures who are problematic at best and subhuman at worst.
you're correct but I'm going to get mad about it anyway
I'm not doxxing Miki just because you're not in the know, anon.
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I am neither and I like Grace a lot.
She's super fun and interesting to talk to ^.^
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im nobodys wife
I love the fiddie run
... Tina.. please.. your nose
I hope twitterfags like you continue to seethe
Could be, as she doesn't exist yet
do you like catboys
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i dunno i thought they were pretty cool
i only wish brute bomber leaned less into a big bomb monster and more into a big fucking buff guy, he looks too monstrous compared to other contestants but otherwise the enemies in this tier were fine
Try out different glams and clothing styles?
Funk Meowsers
I used that lodestone stalking tool someone posted a few threads ago and it looks like he left all /xivg/ related CWLS
Just check the archive, brainlet
hello wife
>entire thread personality is trolling the thread by replying to every dark skinned catgirl+
>likes talking to a catgirl who is into blacked
what a surprise
you are also a mindless gooner, or did you memory hole your days of taking maye linvail's dick on wowg?
They log in once in a while. I always thought they were sweet and had a cute hat.
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Just realized the signs and witnessed a fiddie slowly convert from a middie appreciator to a Malera appreciator
I think I'm going to be sick bros
Why can't I be someone's wife?
I see.. She must be around here somewhere then!
Remus Anima
I want an eb essentially
You are by far the most annoying faggot to ever grace these threads, Not even Elk is as annoying as you. Legit kys, Tina.
come on, you are a gooner
only if I can be your husband
can I use you for thighzuri while you make that face at me
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For me its
>blowjob mascara bunny
My favorite viera
I just coomed
I wish Miki would show me around Tokyo when I go there this winter
these two are eb'd and don't like male characters
This is blatant stock manipulation and I am reporting this to the FTC
Blacks are gross
Your standards are too high and you won't settle for me...
Well... yeah isn't that how that works...?
Oh... I wasn't aware...

hello hater of tina
Nyot really nyo

Thank you, ser
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yeah im thinkin aurum vale needs another nerf
Now class this is a prime example of someone who pretends to be “pure” in thread but is actually a gooner like the rest of you. He’s ashamed of himself
>Well... yeah isn't that how that works...?
Unless you're a femlala, then im filing the divorce papers
>can you remind me why you are tolerated here?
XMA. That's it.
If it serves as consolation, just remember that this exists https://files.catbox.moe/72e48z.mp4
>t. alter femra
My moonie will nyot be falling for this again, you just want to ogle her tummy
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The problem is, I swap between different glams every now and then. I really can't commit to just one appearance
>Unless you're a femlala
. . . sorry
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what a pleasant greeting
>Not even Elk is as annoying as you
That's some bullshit and you know it, man
i am SO sorry for being a lalaboy...
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can't decide if I should keep the big ole table, it takes up a lot of room in the dungeon
redra BELONG to bloonies
sex with sun rosa
tina doesn't seriously pretend though, almost all of his posts are designed to troll people who haven't figured that out
You do know that Elk doesn't make all those tranny posts, right?
Either keep it as a gaol or theme it around the round table
Jean is name dropping himself again
do you have anymore like this saved...?
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>He's not "in the know"
Oh no no no no no no no
My bloonie doesn't need a redra.. she has a moonie already
Dragon-king Thordan post
legitimately had a nightmare where a clingy friend who is a bit of a stalker hacked my account and changed my last name to hers and then started gaslighting me about it
I like Tina
sex with dawn rosa
why would a pope need a dungeon
i knew it, all femlala type the same
Every time you see someone namedropped ITT it's the sad prick namedropping himself
Ehhhh, I think a lot of people treat them as such, even if they have a gf irl. I think it’s annoying when people always try to escalate plapfriends into a relationship, but I can understand people having different expectations for EB
i don't mean problematic in some woke sense. i meant problematic in the sense that they're freaks who should off themselves.
I choose to believe this
any reason why you haven't cut them off already?
was it me?
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>1 out of 32 results
>1 out of 10 results
god I wish that was me...
Jean post
just ask Grace ingame bro, i'm sure he's got a gallery full of dark skinned bulls
this nigga has no friends
Tina is most likely a biofem. She still has a legion of orbiters in wowg that will die for her, that stuff doesn't happen with trannies. She is praised as a goddess over there.
t. former wowg resident
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>not enjoying the game
>still playing and shitting up threads out of spite
I sure hope this doesn't apply to any of you...
My EB surprised me one day by changing his last name to match mine. I changed my name immediately, I wasn't going to be one of those people.
y'know.. just in case you need one...
You're right, I'm trying to fit too much into one room. No one deliberates in the same room as captives.
I've literally been in voice chat with him.
t. current wowg resident
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Should i join a merc run? i already have all of the weapons i want so im not really looking for loot at this point, im only looking to get the re-clear. But then again.... im too lazy to hunt down the host for my 1mil.
I LOVE Anonymous. I want to have SEX with Anonymous. Anonymous has cleared every ultimate. Anonymous has femras and vieras hitting up his whispers every night for sweaty e-sex.
no results for fumezen
Thanks anon found it. And also wtf I thought she would be ugly but she's gorgeous. I'm actually angry right now I hate myself.
I samefag my own posts but I RP as a huge hater so it makes it less obvious.
anyone who fetishizes women fucking dogs is the grownest of ass men
i'd just join a normal reclear
> She still has a legion of orbiters in wowg that will die for her, that stuff doesn't happen with trannies.

Not true, the eureka discord for primal has a trio of sociopathic trannies and like 16+ biopole orbiters who erp over chat while you get your marble (you HAVE to join VC….)
seething miera hands typed these posts
my fault gang
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You'd think differently if you knew I found out he was cheating the whole time, including cheating with 3 different people on the day he changed his name.
I'd 100% do the same if it was a surprise.

Then just ask beforehand like a level headed individual.
Hilariously based
Me and my friend keep making fun of same last name couples in our roulettes and when I brought up "aren't we a couple duo queue too" he said yeah but we're not faggy about it by advertising it
>single target tank
>no song bard
>physick spamming scholar
level 97 dungeon btw.
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There are trannies far more popular than he is. What kind of logic is this?
is this really grace? ngl this is pretty sick stuff.
It's cute if it's an irl couple

Otherwise it's cringe
You and me both anon
We're actually not gonna make it at all and this will eat at me forever
>even the candy is dark-skinned
My moonie's feet need licking
My EB treats me like shit but I don't have money and he does so I'm stuck.

I can't get a job because being a wagie literally drives me to suicide.
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that isn’t me, I would never type “anymore” when I meant “any more” I’m not an ESL retard
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>I can't get a job because being a wagie literally drives me to suicide
Lazy piece of shit trying to make excuses
>Anon thinks of black penises when he sees chocolate
I think you might be the one with a problem not her
what body do you use? you are fucking hot
He replied to it so yeah
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>that stuff doesn't happen with trannies
Where do you think we are right now
>Thread melting about cheaters and cheating
OK, which new crush got cucked now?
>ESL calling others ESL for making a common mistake
A tale as old as time.
that was my post and was intended as a joke that i thought was pretty clever
not everything is so serious
>I-if you make me work I'll kill myself!
God what a dramatic piece of shit you must be. It is a lie of course.
at least try to get a job, there's nothing worse than doing nothing and just wasting away.
I have a 130IQ.

I cannot, as wagies put it, "turn my brain off". I am painfully aware of every second of every minute of every hour of the day being spent wasting my life for a pittance. It would be one thing if a job needed to be done, but in any job 90% of your day is spent pretending to be busy like some slave on a plantation avoiding massa's gaze.
not me
my wife is too dumb to cheat
>his eb who is also from here
wait who is the cucked EB?
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Why are all femras like this?
Nothing wrong with being ESL. 4chan is an international friendly website.
kill your fucking self tranny freak. that isnt the own you think it is
I keep getting guys asking to pay my sub, I’m always like “wtf no”, but I guess this is the sort of arrangement they are looking for? Fucked up, I usually end up blacklisting them because they are weirdly controlling.
it's baseline YAB with no scaling
Shouldn't you worry about your e-bf Proxy plapping everyone but you?
Day 492 of anons learning two people typefucking is not the same as a relationship
Ignore that femra
zoom on both femezen
an actual modbeast...
Nyahaha get pet lime green femroe :3c
My last Mensa test scored 148 and I can work. You're a lazy piece of shit.
I don't get why EOPs are so proud of being less smart than someone who can speak two or more languages. Weird culture.
>see miki memes about roast beef
>think she must be fat and ugly trying to make money off lonely 4chan nerds
>she is an actual goddess and now I feel like a gross monster
I hate this life it is not worth living
>My last Mensa test scored 148
Where? In your dreams?
>4chan is just one person
honestly i would rape her irl
p'areo kura@mateus
All sunnies tails are for my pleasure and mine alone
Keep forgetting this place is majority spic now. God I wish we forced you niggers to make your own internet.
We're talking about the same culture who doesn't love their children and kick them out when they're 18.
It's in webster's, so it is as close to official as can be. Go bite a rock.
No one, Jean is just here making his blacked ntr fetish everyone’s problem
organic posts
at least two of these are miki and possibly one of them is korkana still trying to white knight
Where's a good place to pose myself killing Garleans?
Fine, I'll bake.
AKA a midwit lmao.
Bestways Burrow.
Try gaius
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I've rejected several women I've met in FF14 (not xivg) who confessed a crush on me because they didn't have jobs. NEET women stopped appealing to me after I turned 30 bitch at least pretend to be an adult.
Soon you will be eating rice, beans, beef and salad just like me.
But if I put on a rubber mask of you, would she have sex with me? Or would she get suspicious when she saw I gained three inches down there?
I wish I was falseflagging anon because I'm actually very close to killing myself life isn't fair and I'd rather be dead
Damn I'm 36 and I practically have a fetish for NEET women. Though, how you feel about NEETs is how I feel about fat women.
I still call bullshit
Being an ESL isn't a problem.

Being an ESL who is blatantly an ESL and fucks up basic shit constantly is mentally grating. It's like someone playing piano and fucking it up. Even worse, in the last few years ESL's have gotten incredibly uppity and think they can lecture native speakers on the proper way to speak the language. If you're humble and actually apply yourself, no one will have a problem with you, because the goal for (You) is to speak and type it so naturally no one even suspects to begin with.
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>I can't get a job because being a wagie literally drives me to suicide.
You deserve to rot in you're own hell that you have made if you continue to think this way. And don't bring your IQ into this as that does not apply here. Go get a job and earn yourself your income and have some self respect if you wish to not be so reliant on others. Eventually no one is gonna coddle you and carry you through life easy just because you're "smart". Work for it.
>I've rejected several women I've met in FF14 (not xivg) who confessed a crush on me because they didn't have jobs
Why do you want to be with a woman who competes with you as a man?

A womans place is in the home, with children and other household tasks to occupy her. You can whine all you like about how "it's not financially feasible" but the reality is that if your wife has her own job, her own money and her own life then what are you as a man actually bringing to the table?
At Broward Mensa, you insufferable midwit. Get a job.
A woman's place is on OnlyFans or perhaps even the casting couch for me to blast rope to
These butthurt third world posts always remind me of that efukt video in which the brown whore is arguing with the cameraman, her face covered in cum, and she proudly states “I speak three languages”
Ive busted double digit numbers to her irl stuff, very nice tits
Me, me I am!

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