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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Magic chads Edition

Throne and Liberty is a PC and console MMORPG offering a mix of tab target and action combat with a shared emphasis on both PvP and PvE. The game features a seamless open world, adaptive weather systems, and a shapeshifting mechanic that lets players transform into animals for exploration and combat strategy. The game uses a free-to-play model with various microtransactions; cosmetics, convenience items, battle passes, and more. The Western publisher, AWS, claims to be aiming to avoid pay-to-win mechanics while enhancing player customization, choice, and experience.

>Build sites
>All items and information

>Which server are we playing on?
NA East, Lottie; Guild vidya
password 69420
EU, Benny; Guild Pettan

Previous: >>497792560
I look like that
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this is what happens when you watch too much tranime. i told you to kick trannimes out. you didn't listen.
Post your characters and your favorite co-op dungeon
shut up yarrick
take your meds, I want you to start talking about the game not your delusions
its boxy
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None of you are women
None of you pass
EUbros, for the love of god pick a server. you have one week left for free daily transfer, and server transfer resets the cd for joining a guild so you can make it instantaneously (one vidya member tested it)
Why is this general full of chuds compared to other mmo gens?
I give this general two weeks before it starts taking 3 days just to hit 800 replies per thread.
If you take out all the ERP shitposting that's basically already the rate it's going
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>i told you to kick trannimes out.
Name all of them in the guild
>boxy took the bait and started shitting another general along with Maru
My work here is done.
He can't because he's not in the guild just about every shitposter in this general.
Which one
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i miss my bdoggers you motherfuckers are weird as fuck
See I would start another guild but I'd need confirmation anons would join it before I leave the tranny guild
You'd be blacklisted forever
>making a guild for shitposters that don't play the game
Good luck
The real reason xivg is kept alive is because there are about a dozen hidden discords for it and anons post their irl faces and hook up with each other irl. That's probably why the guild leader for vidya made a discord. He hopes he can get some pussy/bussy down the line.
>and hook up with each other irl
I hooked up with someone I found from a /msg/ private server guild years ago. I know, very sad
>700 pound trannies meeting up to rub belly fat on each other in sekrit diskkkords
Least schizo nigger in these threads.
EU hours is complete dogshit
>he doesn't know
I'd split Maru's tranny head on the pavement and curbstomp him till his brain matter splatters all over the concrete if I ever see him irl
blud really aint kno bout them femboys
What do you expect from Muslims and Indians?
>he didn't get to pound some tight ass bussy
Same here. I suggest the people who are in vidya do not follow the same path as pso2g and stop this tranny faggotry that Maru is doing.
why so transphobic? xivg is nothing like this
this reads like pol
you're annoying and malicious
I prefer my bussy to be able to see its feet when it looks down.
Fuck right off
no anon it's real
reason why xivg is secretive about it is because square enix will ban someone for shit they say even off the game, as long as it can be proven
so for example if you can prove someone's character belongs to a specific discord account and that account was saying racist stuff, square will ban that ffxiv account
Wrap a noose around a pol and hang yourself from it.
>why so transphobic
>one tranny clique fucksup guild and whole general and it's not even the first time they pull their shitty stunt
Gee i wonder why..
The fuck do you want out of this general, the game has no content and is constantly offline.
>bro discuss the game
Discuss what? The two wow dungeons worth of bosses and carebear fucking pvp where you cant even gank lowbies leveling. Tongue anus nigger your no better than maru's clique.
You can go back.
Pso2g schizo won't stop spamming since he found out maru is in this general.
We don't use that word here
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you talk as if this is a bad thing, if some fat, ugly, balding mmochad wants to groom me, they're more than welcome to!
Don't worry bros we have content to talk about. We're getting a 12-man raid in a year!
I'm tall and muscular. Is it cool if I groom you?
Good luck jannie i'm behind 6 million ips.
>Maru gets exposed with archives of years worth of his faggotry
>wont stop coping and damage controlling
You shouldn't have gotten greedy you dumb tranny. Your tranny friends won't be able to save you now.
>Known manipulator tranny and his faggot clique destroy another guild and general just to bend the rules when it suits them best
>it's fine because i am bored
Ok faggot.
I consider myself an attractive person so if we were posting our faces in discord I'd definitely have all the women and men clawing for my dick
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guildie for this feeling?
you're not human
I'd rather befriend a nigger than you soulless demons, you're an abomination.
>Known manipulator tranny and his faggot clique destroy another guild and general just to bend the rules when it suits them best
Never bend the rules for someone like Maru and his troon brigade.
Just kick them out of the guild, doesn't get simpler than that. This shit will happen again at first chance they get to manipulate things in their interest.
Literal whos compared to /wpsg/ in its prime. None of these post election leldditor tourists will ever come close to meerkatz or glaston shitposting
do it, but no faggot tranny shit
and fair loot distribution, no stealing from guildmates
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Are you in the vidya guild/discord? Could add you before I leave.
Retards who don't play the game larping at other retards who don't play the game
Tbf it's irrelevant, i just hope faggots in vidya ain't naive enough to let this shit slide from this point onwards. Kick them out and be done with it.
>Just kick them out of the guild,
you still dont understand, the GM is one of them
he can control the way loot is distributed, he stole the loot and gave it to his troon friend
hes responsible for members that actually contribute to quests and shit leaving the guild
No, i dont think i will, faggot.
Let them larp this is funny as fuck to see when they argue and talk to each other when none of them are in the guild
EU niggas don't have a guild so they larp having one or being in one in the thread KEK
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im in the guild but was gonna reinstall the game tonight, deleted it because i thought i was done with it... but i wanna play more!!

you can just add my disc: maxquality99
>you still dont understand, the GM is one of them
>vidya is a tranny guild within guild
>naive faggots getting finessed daily by a tranny clique
Kek, this shit is golden.
You have to be a genuine retard to not believe the archives when Maru has been in there since 2010. Leave or remake the guild since that's the only way to fix this. Otherwise you're gonna be cliqued out of drops while the tranny GM and his friends get dibs on it.
Ey, atleast Pettan is fair and comfy despite having less than 10 people online.
>cancel maru NOW
this is truly gold
This is actually the worst general I've ever seen.
im /gquitting as soon as the servers come back up
joining a guild by former TeraChads(not THOSE terafags, the cool ones)
you haven't been to /xivg/, /pso2g/ or /lolg/ then
First mmo general?
True, I'm glad I'm on crimson and away from whatever cesspool is going on in here though.
None of the people behind the posts you read so far are in the guild. Bunch of vague shit mixed together to create the most outrage baitpost and that's it.
would you stupid FAGGOTS stop using random unrelated pictures for the general? you fucking RETARDS
ok, post game selfies when you get back in
>Not real
>Bait post
Cope and nice damage control but the archives dont lie bro
even doing random word combinations still brings up Maru and his clique's faggotry
Was it Lauren?
>Bunch of posts seething at maru
Do you keep a record of your obsession with maru saved? Genuinely asking
>Present day 2024 still bringing her up in a general about a game you don't even play
Aren't you embarassed posting 4 years old archives?
Maru shouldn't have bent the rules for his benefit. If you don't want to have to wait in line for drops while Maru and his clique get all the loot, kick or remake the guild without them. Or join normies.
>Maru damage control
>the schizo is still going
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>known manipulator pulls a stunt when it best suits him out of greed
>known manipulator is backed by his simps that help him push his agenda
>manipulator and his clique exploit whole vidya guild for their own benefit
>anons get fed up and start searching
>anons find out that this manipulator has been fucking up other generals due to his manipulative agenda
>vidya GM is part of the clique
>rules made to finesse anons that aren't part of the clique
>vidya in shambles
>nah goy, all this shit is made up to baitpost
at this point anyone that stays in vidya that ain't part of hyena clique deserve to be finessed daily.
I stand with Maru
This is proof you never opened this game once
>all these off-cooldown samefagged damage control posts
you're trying too hard because you and your clique got exposed
I believe you now.
I don't believe you.
Sorry was meant for >>497853351
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Cope and Seethe
how does it feel to be such a big fucking loser? Doesn't it get tiring at all?
Just 2 more weeks of damage control sisters, trust the plan.
the only losers here are the poor players that get finessed out of loot by Maru the manipulating tranny
>muh BIS, I must have it, change the rules NOW
you shouldn't have been greedy boy
>you never opened this game once
>all the loot drops that anons wanted to this point were manipulated by Maru and his clique to be put on AH so they could get % from it
>Maru and his buttbuddy clique manipulate and change the rules as soon as Maru' loot drops
>n-no we didn't manipulate anything, everything is fair from this point onwards, trust us
Kek, you naive faggots deserve this shit to happen to you just for being affiliated to known manipulator and his buttbuddy clique. Just to let you know, GM is part of the clique. Enjoy being at the bottom of the barrel while you gear up wannabe celeb and his agenda pushing friends.
w-what happens in 2 weeks...?
Discord clique raid spamming the same prewritten text
How is he a loser when he exposed a known manipulator? He did all other anons that are part of vidya a massive favor.
>all the loot drops that anons wanted to this point were manipulated by Maru and his clique to be put on AH so they could get % from it
>Maru and his buttbuddy clique manipulate and change the rules as soon as Maru' loot drops
>n-no we didn't manipulate anything, everything is fair from this point onwards, trust us
this fucking hurts when you realize you've been bamboozled from the start
Total Tranny Death.
>known manipulator
are you braindamaged too?
No it was someone from poosade in a guild called spooky
Is this actually a bot? He's been spamming that for hours
>the same prewritten text
>hurrdurr you tranny haters are part of the raid
take your meds schizo, doesn't mean it's a raid because tranny got exposed and anons ain't letting it slide. hope that vidya faggots that aren't part of the Maru' dick riding group quit and make their own guild.
I really hope you aren't this retarded IRL, I would be real worried if this isn't just shitposting
Literally the same person spamming this over and over with slightly different text
Well I am quitting and joining normies. Its been fun vidya bros. I don't trust the archives but I saw what I saw. I ain't simping for no tranny and a braindead GM that's been manipulating drops along with his clique of faggots.
not only you're not quitting because you don't even belong to the guild but nobody would ever miss a nobody like you
dont worry, they can cope with their clique as more people stop playing and the only people left they have to replace them with are the unaware newfriends who just reach level cap and then also quit once they find out a tranny is manipulating guildwide loot
NEVER join /vg/ guilds. Name even one that hasn't died to drama or some bs in previous games.
I enjoyed your larp. Bye retard-kun
Rules can change, but any changes should apply only to future circumstances. Applying them retroactively to benefit someone can create a perception of favoritism.
>i just wanna join a /vg/ guild and play with anons
>/vg/ guild gets formed
>/vg/ guild is a guild within guild which is led by a group of hyenas
>clique pushes their wannabe celeb tranny in every thread possible
>wannabe celeb tranny is a known shitter that fuckedup other generals in the past
>they finesse and manipulate anons that aren't part of the clique
>they get too greedy when Maru' loot drop
>anons had enough of being finessed
>shit starts to fall apart
>this fucking hurts when you realize you've been bamboozled from the start
I feel you bro, shit got destroyed just because some faggots pushed their own agenda and manipulated other anons.
>nobody would ever miss a nobody like you
this is exactly what happened in pso2g when Maru and his friends got abandoned by everyone because they filled the guild with faggotry nobody could stand them anymore.

Just search Stardust Drive in the archives, its all there.
You said this word already in your other post >>497853351 kek
This guy has been spamming large greentexts of nonsense for hours now
If Stardust Drive doesnt work search cumcrust or cumcrust drive. Its all there.
I don't give a fuck about your pso2g faggotry, I could care less about your starshit drive archives, if you really are so stuck up on that faggot game how about you go back larping with your faggot friends
I just want to play the game, shut the fuck up or just hang yourself
The faster you leave the better, hope other anons follow you as soon as possible. Don't be a fool and let them steal from you.
>struck a nerve
checkmate, troonballoon.
in pso2g, i was a pariah
in here, im you're worst nightmare
>fell for the larp
I'm just tired of maru this, pso2g that, holy shit this is a throne and liberty thread, put your monkey shit back to your monkey thread LOL why are you faggots so stuck up on that
That's part of the samefag larp. Technically you fell for it
oh no no no no no
Nta but does it matter? It's multiple anons talking about it since previous thread. The cat is out the bag and it keeps getting worse.
The schizo that follows maru around is mentally ill like that. Don't waste your energy on a subhuman
How fucking hard is it to just set the loot to item owner has first claim.

Just give people their fucking items who gives a shit all this gear gets powercrept in a few months anyway
i play pso2
If you weren't a larping tard you would know it was literally changed to that few hours ago.
Shitposters are just THIS clueless and you wonder why we are laughing at your larping attempts
The fact it wasnt set to that by default proves whoever is running your fucking guild is a corrupt piece of shit
maru plays the game everything else doesn't matter because its not about the game ezpz
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> it was literally changed to that few hours ago.goy
>it was changed as soon as it benefited known manipulator
Ehehe this shit is golden, keep it up.
I'm mind controlling coomtei. I dicked him down and beat him over the head and now he does my bidding.
>Moving the goalpost
Keep larping
>Noooooo the system shouldn't have been changed at all so i could steal even more loot
>nooo you cant just have the loot if its BIS for you nooooo
lol shut up niggers who dont play the game
We know Maru
I don't know why your trying so hard to defend a shit guild filled with cliquefag officers but you do you
Maru is a bottom.
Because he's one of them, should be obvious.
I'm trying to understand your logic and i know it's a mistake giving you the benifit of the doubt but you literally make nosense. Why would someone behind the BiS stealing want to change said system so everybody gets to have their bis? You make NO sense
This is still going on?
I was asked if I was cool with the loot going to her and I said yes. Being a literal who that joined the guild late and still having my opinion considered tells me things are fine.
Are you a femboy? o3o
I'm also a literal who and I think that men shouldn't pretend to be women.
Bunch of larping trannies think this is still going when it was solved hours ago in the guild. I'm just here laughing at them
>Noooooo the system shouldn't have been changed at all so i could steal even more loot
>We manipulated loot drops to go to AH instead of giving it to anons
>We "filled" our pockets with AH sells while fucking other anons over
>Maru' loot drops
>no no no, we will change loot drop rules at this point and Maru will get his loot
>trust us goy, we ain't corrupt
Kek, Maru won't let you suck on his cock no matter how hard you try to defend him. It's over, take the L.
Active Shitposter Tier
Theresa D.
Eleshis (Ship 1)
Sakura Beoulve
its just one or 2 retards shitposting who dont play
etc etc all samefag niggers
Maru or GM post.
>Entirely different MMO and im still not on the list
High Trust, you can depend on them:
Void Blade

Average Trust, don't expect them to have your back:
Asuka Eris

Low Trust, they are manipulating you:
>noooo you have to let me paypig every item so i can flip it on the AH behind your back!!!! NOOOOOOO
shut up fag u LOST.
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Take your meds.
>replying to a schizo
You'll never prove him wrong in his head.
I'm gonna contact amazon games and namedrop the guild so you cunts get banned off a second game for dropping slurs
So you are telling me said clique was about to steal maru's loot but maru spoke up? Thanks for the heads up anon-kun
When is maint ober?
So maru went against the scams and was the gears of change so everybody gets to have BiS gear when it drops for them?

Based maru
1 hour
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Take your meds.
so who are the Jews in the guild so I can watch my back?
I want names
So maru changed the guild loot system into a more fair and better system?
i miss Bossu...
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>S-sisters we are failing, we gotta change the narrative to benefit Maru
>Maru advocated for fairness and change of loot rules as soon as his BiS dropped and it benefited him massively.
samefag pso2 schizos
You would know if you played the game samefag
I beat maru over the head before mating pressing her. Now shes under my control.
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So maru basically secured my BiS gear for the future?
I think its too late to take back our general bros we should all just move to Discord
How long till we get official Throne character slider tier list?
>NOOOO you cant just have your bis upgrade NOOOOOO it's not faaair I was gonna sell it on the AH behind your b-ACKKK!!!!
So maru was a almost victim of said jew clique but rose up against all odds?
This meltdown about maru started when she went against this system of stealing BiS items from others. Really makes you think
>Maru clique trying their hardest to damage control
>shitstorm getting worse by the minunte
Just let it go, as soon as you stop the faster faggots will forget.
GM has been schizoposting maru for hours now?
I can't help but noooootice
why are you referring to yourself in third person you tranny freak
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block 34....home
your thread is on page 5 go bump it
Hot. I want to mating press her aswell. Will you let me?
Why did vidya gm start schizoing maru after she asked to make the loot rules more fair?
You can mating press her, after I mating press you. After you blow your load from getting your butt stuffed, I want to watch you try and fail to make her cum.
What about other anons that got fucked until that point? Dunno how you faggots advocate for one tranny that shitposted in other generals yet you do nothing to help out anons that got fucked over in the past, kinda hypocritical and totaly not biased eh?
Stop noticing.
Maru was about to get fucked over too. If she didn't speak up there her BiS would have been in the hands of the clique aswell. Think about it retard
All of this sounds like it could have been prevented if you had stepped up and made the guild from the start instead of being a lazy nigger that wants stuff handed to himself. I'm glad to be in EU thought because only americans are this mentally ill.
>It is only fair if it only benefits Maru
I hate pso2g trannies so much. Why don't we make a different guild without troons cheating us out of loot?
>b-but we changed it
Only because you got called out.
Yet Maru somehow passed and because he was backed by his clique and got his BiS while anons in the past got fucked over just so said clique could fill their pockets with shit that was voted to go to AH instead to anons.
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pictures of Maru in lingerie, legs spread in a submissive position, as an apology and I will return to/wont leave the guild
What clique you retarded larping schizo? How is she part of the clique but gets her bis almost stolen from her by them? Refine your stupid larp before posting
>the rules are now changed so everyone will get their bis drops instead of some fag who never logs on except to outbid people doesn't get it
>the fags who log on only to outbid people will get everything else still
This is how I know you're mentally retarded
literally never happened
everyone who participated said they don't care, if you had participated you could have said you cared. Simple as.
This makes no sense
>Y-you should form your own guild from the start
>it's totally your own fault for being fucked over because you joined OUR guild that is led by manipulative clique that are a bunch of parasites that fuck over other anons that ain't part of the clique
>You should stepped up
>it's your own fault we changed the rules as soon as it benefited person that is part of the known clique
I really don't understand why anons are still in the guild at this point. Anyone that thinks this kind of shit wont happen again is naive and needs to get fucked over again.
Fuck this is so hot
i got hard from reading that
>everyone who participated said they don't care, if you had participated you could have said you cared.
this one simple argument absolutely btfos the seething pso2roonies who don't play
leave then (generously assuming you're even there)
>nooo you cant just have your bis gear that would be gay!!!
This same post has been made 10 times now and it's always wrong.
You can say what you want about Pettan and its members but atleast they ain't pulling these kind of stunts and fucking over other anons, they legit just want to play the game together and have good time. Truth be told Pettan needs to regroup on another server tho.
Leave us out of your schizo larps faggot. You are not on pettan.
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>200k+ players
>no one plays the game
rly makes ya think
So maru was the victim
>Anon your loot will be put up on AH, majority of the clique voted so, we need to fill our pockets with lucent.
>No no no Maru' loot won't be put on AH, also we will change the loot rules from this point onwards, we are fair, from this point onwards.
>maru's buttbuddies damage controlling this HARD
you got exposed and now you're trying to defend yourself. If the archives are an indicator of your past actions, then the accusations are correct.
It's funny how the schizo is trying to spin it as if it was some masterplan by maru. Somehow she was part of the clique stealing BiS gear but the clique all of a sudden tried to steal from her. she went against them and pushed a change to the rule so it's fair for everybody but somehow this is manipulative and the bad guy here now??? These larping faggots make no sense
>noooo you have to let me buy all the gear and resell it noooooo i cant survive with the occasional guild-member dropping their BIS upgrade!! CHANGE IT BACKK!!!! ACCCCKKKK
they don't play the game so they can't make it make sense. SAD!
>Muh 4 years old archives
You are still here seething after we laughed at you for being this pathetic?
Not surprised you'd like that given you asked for permission.
You'd probably enjoy rubbing out thick warm loads while bouncing on my cock instead trying and failing to please that slut.
They've been at it posting on cooldown for hours now, honestly starting to feel little bit sad for them. I hope erp with the fat tranny is worth all this effort.
I have a confession.......
I didn't read the archives....
and I'm not going to....
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>EU player
>whole NA scene is falling apart due to corruption
Kek, it was just a matter of time, atleast i have something to read while waiting for maintance to end.
Isn't that a good thing? The "clique" can't "steal" from anybody anymore. HOW IS THIS A BAD THING? Make it make sense larper
nothing is falling apart at all it's not even real drama none of these people say anything in game at all about this which is a pretty strong indicator they're either faggot pussies or don't play
None of this is happening literally and figuratively
its just boxy
it's nothing more than a literal larper samefagging his own larps
Like i said, faggot pussy or don't play
pick one (1)
makes sense
>Maru speaks up
>Gets shitposted relentlessly in the thread
You may have cracked the code sir
Doesn't read like that imo, the whole thing is fucked and i really doubt it's only one anon same fagging. I could care less since im EU and i don't need to "suffer" this shit, still as much as i've read, anons got fucked over to the point that favouritism got into play. You can sugar coat it as much as you want, won't unfuck anons that got fucked over prior to this shitstorm.
i want you to take me doggystyle over maru and pound my little sissy pussy until i splurt out my pathetic load all over maru...i know i can't please her with my pathetic cock..
don't really have a fav yet since i'm too preoccupied with other games to dedicate time to leveling to 50
>low iq eu tard fell for the larp
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>g-guys i really wanna make my opinion known but what if other people d-don't agree with it???
>i don't know whats going on but it sounds like...
Thank you for explaining the maru situation so casually without even mentioning her.
>tranime avatarfag has been doing damage control on cool down for hours
>finally slips up
I don't like fags
So many problems could be solved by simply gassing amerikeks
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>we filled our pockets throu AH while fucking over other anons in guild
>Maru, you gotta make it look like you are fighting for the little guy while we give you your BiS that would normaly go to AH
>Don't worry we will organize on our other discord to push an agenda on /vg/ to make you look good
>It's a win win situation, you will look like a saint plus you'll get your BiS
>We will pull another stunt in near future
>Stupid anons will never figure it out
Truly a 5d chess play.
thank you guys for spoilering this shit
carry on
butcher's canyon even though you have to baby retards it's still fun
>post one image
you lost kid
None of what was said in the thread happened. Let that sink in
They are doing it by themselves already. Literally every zoomer has their brain fucked up by galaxy gas at this point. If you thought things were bad now, just wait a decade until those kids grow up.
Pretty much sums up the entire threads up to this point.
N-none of this ever happened!!1
It took you 16 min to come up with cartoonish devilish tier plan directly stolen from disney and it still makes no sense
>opinion DISCARDED
I don't care faggot, it's drama that was bound to happen when faggots push their buttbuddies in general by their name. Pettan faggots, as small as they are atleast have good relationships and don't pull these kind of stunts.
You know that none of this ragebait larp is real right?
You'd love that wouldn't you? Spewing your pathetic watery load while having your prostate abused by a real man. Sounds like you were envious because you haven't gotten dicked down hard yet <3
now this is schizophrenia
>literally didn't happen
lol is this the power of EU's 7 split guilds?
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how long maint left I just woke up + im not reading this schizo shit
>Maru buttbuddies still doing damage control
Faggot, we are 1 full thread + 250 replies in, damage control ship has sailed. Deal with it and take the L. Dunno why you care so much about it if the situation in guild and guild discord isn't affected.
>pso2 page 8
really makes ya think
its unironically literally up just now as you posted this thanks king
unironic meds taking time
>brand new account joined the discord
schizo time
>unironic meds taking time
why are you defending so hard if everything posted in threads is just a lie and nothing bad happened? just let it pass if everything is good.
>just dont say anything so we can keep lying!!!
got it retard
>situation is guild is all good, even better since we fixed our internal problems
>n-no we gotta defend our tranny queen in general
this really is some next level simping or damage control.
I'm going to get even more jealous when i see how a real man fucks maru and makes her cum within minutes i don't mind watching while i leak precum and excitely wait for my turn to get my fucked by a real man
Surely he's there because of the guild and totally not for the drama that never happened
It's the freak himself
he always types in lower case
Maru and his butt buddies have been damage controlling hard for hours now its funny.
Me and (You) are gonna be butt buddies <3.
>DIscord account created the same hour he joined the guild discord
>damage controlling hard for hours now its funny.
Kek, why even try at this point? this shit will happen again and again until they find fucked over everyone in guild for their own interest, afterwards they'll disband and join some other guild. Dunno why anons are letting obvious shit like this slide. If the GM is part of this corrupt band as others said just leave the guild and be done with it, the faster your distance yourself from cunts like this the better.
log in already retards
I'm at the gym...
>j-just stop out arguing me goy i mean fren
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I'm gonna end it all
>s-stop noticing anon, we need this fuckup to be forgotten as soon as possible
fuck off tranny.
Stop replying to maru. Maybe it will fuck off if we stop giving it attention.
you care way too much for someone who isn't in the guild or plays the game
Definitely need you to post a tag anon. I want to bully your small leaky cock with mine
>Stop replying to maru.
I don't care if im replying to him or his buttbuddies, ain't letting this shitstorm blow over, best that other anons know how this group is fucking them over ingame.
Any reason to do any expeditions other than salt?
/pso2g/ on page 9 because the schizo who necros that dead general is here spamming
Maru can get all the drops, idc. But whrn I want my dick sucked, he will be on his hands and knees sucking me off.

t. 1050 gear score
She does this to every guild member already.
>But when I want my dick sucked, he will be on his hands and knees sucking me off.
You are standing in long line buddy, same as loot, you are at the bottom of the barrel.
>nonny gets cucked out of his loot
>won't even get his dick sucked
This is just mean...
>just let it go it will go away
pick one
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Oh no no..
If that whore ever kept me waiting, I'd beat him unconscious and pound his prostate.

t.bald, violent, and still using green gear
Schizos went back postin in pso2g kek
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>friends and I were kicked from the /tnlg/ guild
I guess it was for not being active? except that our entire state just got hit by a hurricane and we were busy making preparations and trying not to fucking die.
I checked and the guild isn't even full so what the fuck?
man fuck you guys
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>Pic related dropped for me in open world dungeon
Why can't i sell it on AH?
>hey can I join back?
Looking by this and previous thread you are lucky you got kicked out.
Nah it's better to ragebait and try to cause drama out of nothing
We said we were kicking inactives on Monday. If you didn't tell us anything how are we supposed to know your situation? Just ask to join again and you'll be let back in, it's not hard.
>Already powertripping
>Guild isn't even full
This is why Maru and his clique are toxic as fuck.
What's the point of kicking people when the guild isn't full though?
please give up thanks
I believe you have to either extract the trait and sell that, or turn it into a lithography to list them
>no argument
no (you)
you sound like a woman
>damage controlfag still at it
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Is the battlepass actually worth it? Close to 50, doesn't look like you get much but I'm not really at the point of needing those mats just yet so dunno if its good value
god I hate euros
>aussies going 1 hour without seething about their overlords
Challenge impossible.
from 1 to 10 how fun is this game spending less than $15 a month?
It hasn't even been out for a full month yet so nobody really knows.
like 7 or 8 maybe, most of the fun comes from it being new in a time when there's no other slop to consume
it sucks ass then
will give it a shot regardless, there's literally nothing to play until MH Wilds
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I hate the platforming so fucking much on this game
>short jumps with small platforms
>just far apart enough you need to morph to boost
>stop after jump so you dont fall
>morph reverts and fucks you up
>try a maxroll build compared to mine
>-30% damage to my usual
Bros? I thought they knew their shit?
i think it's very general and also based on whoever the author is.
I can see their specific builds WITH the traits being good but I can also see plenty of other stuff being good too, especially if like 90% of the population followed their builds your custom notice meeee build probably would do good against their cookie cutter
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this wallpaper has sovl
artificial soul
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>have a timer for all events in advance
>still have to play with your dick for 5 mins for it to start
is paladin(greatsword/wand) good for pvp?
just go there at :03/04 what's the problem, every portal is open for 5 minutes
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>Day 6, quests still not working
Anyway to contact customer support or write a ticket ingame? Pic related still aint working..
Uhm, Amazon? Where are the Halloween skins?
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What do I pick EUbvos?
Wraith Masterrace
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>no easter egg for copying the song
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
i dunno the first one
2nd one grab a book off the ground
3rd one isnt unlocked yet i think
also abyssal specter spawns from one of the mobs who has a giant glowing purple circle around them its random af i think
>3 in-game webms posted on /tnlg/ in the past week
What the fuck man
what is there to post
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IF you are on EU and do not wanna play on Benny you can join <Excaliber> on Ember.
It's a guild I made and then invited a bunch of randoms I found in towns. So far at 22 members with 5~ online at most times.
I have a job and other hobbies so don't play a lot but can do dungeons and shit with ya'll. No discord no teamspeak ever, even if you ask.

>big sword
>sword and shield
>small swords
I hate koreans so much it's unreal
Literally anything, fun moments, cool shit that happens, random boss clips, PVP for fuck sake
Thranduil is looking good...
I thought he's more like an angry Cavill-lite but your post is funnier
Where the fuck do you disable controller vibration? I don't want to unplug and replug it all the time.
i did that multiple times, killed spectre, collected codex', clicked and have both waypoints etc., ive been doing contracts since the doors opened. blue exploration quests simply aint registering when i get a kill or click on codexes or waypoints..
>All the Maru faggots are wierdly silent due to vidya guild loot corruption exposure
Kek, golden.
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>no Halloween outfit after the maintenance
this nigga is trying way too hard its embarrassing
be the change you want to see
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>EU hours
>maru doesn't have his discord buttbuddy clique to defend him
>whole thread goes silent
that's what you get for fucking over other anons in the guild. bunch of manipulative trannies.
the first 1/3rd and the last half are wrong
>discord schizophrenia
I've been killing gallu archers for three days and I still haven't gotten this fucking chestpiece
20 death abysses and still no purple weapon drop shit fucking sucks man, people think i'm some noob scrub with double blue weapon
>he's still trying way too hard
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Are you telling me I could have been selling the mana and mana regen stuff for good lucent instead of dissolving it?
Where's the Halloween outfit?
ea guilds transferring to f2p servers already, lol get fucked poorfags
starting to see a lot more mystery script guild advertisements in Basilisk wurl chsy
the truth is out tranny, enjoy pulling any new stunts now that everyone exposed tranny clique as fucking over other anons and stealing their loot just to sell it on AH while doing the exact opposite when loot drops that trannies of the clique need it and changing the loot rules in the process.
I prefer my cute girls unused by paki rape gangs.
cash burning a hole in my pocket family
Now do vidya
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>see some NA drama happened in /tnlg/ while we were asleep
>meh got nothing better to do
>read throu the posts
>getting better and better by the minute
>known tranny that shat up numerous other threads on /vg/ is the main culprit
>said tranny has whole group of friends behind him
>it gets deeper
>GM of vidya is part of this group
>gets even deeper
>group was manipulating and voting loot that dropped to be sold on AH so they could split the profits
>as soon as the gear/BiS drops that before mentioned known tranny needs the whole system gets changed
>anons find out that they have been fucked over multiple times on their drops that went to AH instead to them
>said tranny gets exposed as being known manipulator that has been doing his thing for multiple years
>organizes whole discord raid to defend him
>few anons start shitting on him so hard that the only defense tranny group has is to call everyone a schizo
>shit eventually calms down since they have been exposed
>NA guild vidya supposedly in shambles
>to be continued in few hours..
Never change burgers, never change.
i hope this is an elaborate troll, you posting this. because literally none of this is happening and it's all concern trolling by people who
A) are not in the guild;
B) do not play the game;
C) are resentful europoors who couldn't hold enough interest for a guild
sucks to suck
How many in the EU guild? I rolled on some random server might transfer
idk mate, lots of posts that tell the same story explained really nicely and proof that it ain't samefagging, on the other hand there is whole archive of maru being a manipulative degerante cunt and people defending him in the most childish way ie. samefag, troll, not true etc. Some even confirm that it did happen and that the rules were changed after he got his BiS item..
>NYOOOOOOOOOOOO I could've gotten 120 sollant for that item
do europoors really
Pettan has 25 members tho i would wait for the time being since we are in process of changing server/when we decide where to go since we are split up throu various servers.
>I could've gotten 120 sollant for that item
Ah so it's true ie. you fucked over other anons for small amounts but as soon as it came to one of your own you changed the rules.
any of you have a purple fishing rod?
yeah i got my platinum rod don't tell me you're a bricked bamboolet
They've been the process of doing this for wweeks now
well... the kraken one is better, you messed up... just trying to help... it's never too late to start a new character
>game's only been out for one week
Yea i know, the problem is that some ppl want to go to Adrianna, some to Zenith, some to Basilisk etc. one thing is universal tho, no one wants to stay on Benny, some are just waiting for confirmation just so they know where to transfer.
isn't platinum rod a random drop from bag?
umm they're the same akshually

mystic portals
I have yet to see a good looking female character in this game.
Just finished a 1 hour cursed wasteland dungeon run. While it pissed me off trying to teach people, the constant leaving from others and google translating from English to spanish I felt a sense of accomplishment when we killed the damned weird worm thing. Never again though.

Thanks for reading my blog
That one not-a-demon girl made me coom a little desu
>still schizoposting about shit that didn't happen pretending anyone cares
So game is released in KR for a while now, what content we dont have access to?
How bad of an idea would it be to reroll now? I wasted so many upgrade materials not fully understanding the benefits of traiting before transferring and don't really like my weapon combo.
>people got fucked over for 120 soilant
>tranny maru didn't
ey, you are switching the narrative as it is, if you had nothing to hide or damage control you would stick to same shit..
we're all at the stage of getting daily gatekept
so i'd say it's fine, you can catch up fast
20% Lucent tax is absolutely insane
that has to be changed, it's extremely F2P unfriendly
I just started on Benny. How fucked am I?
So do you litograph the epics and try to sell for 1000 or try to sell trait for 250?
>doesn't even know whats going on but still tries to shitpost
why would you be fucked? If nothing else you get 2 server transfers for free every 24h until 17th.
check the sales amount of them
lithograph is very expensive gems wise at least thats the only thing stopping me but all ive made have sold, I wouldn't make one if its got like 100 sales or some shit though.
When you list them pay attention and if some fag undercuts you by 1 lucent then cancel your listing and undercut them back, so far I haven't had anyone re-undercut me and I got the sale both times. glglgl
nevermind just go back to posting goon webms
you can check sales amount by mousing over the lithograph (open the lithograph makign menu and put your mouse over the middle part's icon, it should say
>amount sold recently: xxx
Also obviously check prices first, I personally wouldn't make a lithograph under 1000, 22% tax means you only get like 780 for it or whatever I think it rounds down (gay and jewish) but i dont remember
I no longer play but come here to see amerimutts losing their mind.
I think the only person losing their mind right now is some european schizo tbf
is gay sex even worth it?
kek, likewise, they really shat the bed with this maru situation
Not worth it for weapons unless it's something that sells for A LOT because they are twice as expensive to craft. For armors/accessories it's worth if for that price
i didn't think it was possible for my opinion of europeans to go any lower. mental asylums in the us closed in the reagan era; what's euros excuse?
>call everyone that points a finger at maru schizo and liar
>fail to prove anything that was said as a lie
>multiple NA anons that are in the guild tell the same story about corruption and GM being on it
>archive gets posted proving the same shit throu multiple years
>loot rules get changed the same moment as maru' loot drops
keep calling everyone else schizoid, it's really working well.
Lottie character preset?
What are you talking about retard? Go clean your axe wound.
True, I also noted the lithograph tooltip says not tradable on auction house but I think that is a bug?
you don't understand, Hans. nobody, except neet losers, gives a shit if some tranny got a wand or whatever LMAO
>general is just trannies discussing drama that no one cares about
Nice game niggers
is there a way to burn more of my daily tokens on each task? contracts, abyssal tokens, dungeons?
holy shit, you people are still at it?
It's been like 8 hours, you can't be this unemployed
no, you will grind them individually because they ripped out the mobile autofarm
u rike?
>general is just trannies discussing drama
the drama is gonna last 2 days at this rate just because some group of trannies were greedy, whole general went to shit because of it.
tbf the game itself doesn't offer much to talk about
eh i agree tho that doesnt mean that i have to read about some degenerate tranny and his group of friends fucking over other faggots in vidya guild. we all knew it was bound to happen as soon as faggots started forcing his name itt'.
yeah ok cool
how can I make a cutie like Martinay?
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>Maru and his troon brigade still gaslighting and damage controlling after cheating guildies out of drops
How lewd can this game be?
I want to know if leaving my current gooner game is worth it
no I just want to consume them at like 3x when I decide to do them.
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no coomer at all, unfortunately. check the OP image of two threads back and other previous for skins that will come in the game.
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Brace yourself mate, NA hours are starting.
wet surfaces are terrible in this game. shit is soo fucking bright
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This is just sad.
You can't trade the lithograph item you craft, but you can sell the lithograph of the gear you turn into a lithograph
uwuu she looks just like me uguu
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huh? nta but can you explain to me how this shit gets sold on AH while i can't sell the ones in my inventory?
You need to turn it into a lithograph
the item on AH is a piece of gear and not lithograph, what am i misunderstanding?
Some gear drops with that border which means it's sellable

i don't know how to get those pieces, I only know world boss weapon drops are always marketable
>EU hours
>thread dies
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>top siege player
wow they picked a class with a lot of aoe to randomly fire into the other zerg they must be insane
Damn that set looks like it's amazing for GS.
>still bitching about schizo shit
>retarded china devs put a peace boss inside a conflift zone
How the fuck do I beat that occulus shit on gate of infinity if my class doesn't have a dash anons? 2400 gs btw
>conflict event quest in a low level zone
>there's no stat normalization
>lowbies are just farmed by 50's
>top siege player
literally who
bdo kr?
>top whale from a gook coombait simulator

I don't think you could lift your flabby leg high enough.
just stick close to it and start rotating to it's back when it starts casting it's stun
>boss starts casting some shit
>hit counter
>counter expires
>it's still casting
>hit counter again
>counter expires
>it's still casting
>no more energy
>get hit
What kind of 80 years old boomers is this designed for?
guys is there a good gearing guide?
im bow/wand
Important Vidya Guild Poll
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Can you transfer from EA to normal servers yet, I'm stuck on Kazar, will they cuck as and make us pay to transfer from EA to normal later once the free transfers expire?
>there is no "all of them" option
garbage poll. remake
not yet
>no (You) option
Qrd on the top 5?
>wasting this much time making a poll
>no "Thread Schizo" option
Unironically no one is annoying though so I dunno what to tell ya
I'll answer since no one in this thread plays the game including the poll maker:
buys all the shit never goes to anything
schizos in the thread cry about them no one in game cares
i dunno seems fine
people probably mad theyre not maxed out yet
people probably mad they're an advisor
3 of the top 5 are the leader and 2 advisors, 7 of the votes are maruschizos, 7 of the votes are correct (naizuri)
Hope this helps
Playing Templar is the most fun and unfun thing.
>tanky as fuck
>can shrug off damage and avoid getting ganked in conflict zones
>literal wall
>can literally walk through mobs and soak damage
>ez matchmaking because tanks are always needed
Downside is my damage is shit. Wtf bros.
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if I'm doing a field boss solo does this screw me over or will i get my own loot?
I've heard of guilds tweaking the setting so EVERYTHING any member acquires goes straight to the guild and don't want to be victim of such jewery
Damaging being so shit and the gameplay being uninteresting is why I ultimately respeced to Sns/GS instead of Sns/wand
>people probably mad they're an advisor
just to clarify, i do not care about being an advisor
i'm not doing janny work
stay mad
desperately need a leadership change give vix gm and cull the rest
>new players hitting max level on EA servers
>auction house starting to get undercut nonstop so now everything is worthless

no wonder these retards are poor in real life and in game
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>always play paladin in rpgs
>sword shield+wand
>have to be the tank

i don't even know the mechanics...
You can heal too, which is exactly what paladins do in games along with tanking.
if this is vidya. if you are doing a worldboss by yourself (you can be in a party with randoms, but by solo means no other guildmates), the loot goes to the guild storage but will be sent to you without auctioning by one of the officers of the guild.
if this is another non/vg/ guild, you would have to ask them how they do this process
You're the one complaining, why aren't you able to make a profit off of them if they're so retarded?
boss loot to guild members sounds like you get it?
Idk i dont know how any of that shit works nor do I care personally
I choked and mating pressed maru.
SnS + Wand are literal tank paladins with heals
That's what I play and I'm basically unkillable in 1 v 1 but its not really a damage class, more of an annoying guy with debuffs, high sustain, high defenses etc. I love tanking for PvE though, because its easier than the job of DPS or Healers.
>someone undercuts me by 50
>undercut them by 1
I lived in the mean skreets of FFXIV where people have an addon to undercut by 1 gil and I still made enough on the market board to buy my own guild house these losers cannot compete with me
Take initiative
>I eat cock and cum and cum from cock
Why do we need to know this?
go back to cheating players out of drops Maru
nobody likes to hear your faggot fantasies ITT
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>go back to cheating players out of drops Maru
Kek, here it is, get ready for another round boys.
We are women.
You will never be a woman, kys tranny.
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>45 times
So you got a few high value items and think you're hot shit. You barely even flip.
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good morning sisters. join my dungeon party thanks
can i add you?
fuck off troon
>you spent more for less
>yeah im good

that's not how that works.
>retard thinks making 2x the amount of trades for not even 2x the amount of lucent makes him a 'better' trader
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Why is this area blocked to me?
it only lets cute characters in
sorry bwo... you shouldn't have had to find out this way
>no votes
it's fucking over
i feel like its an objectively bad game trying to be multiple things its not.
as an mmo it keeps dragging your attention to the bottom bar of hotkeys.
as a soulslike qte it keeps dragging you to to look at the enemy.
as a pvp it requires u to lockon to 40 different people at the same time where u cant lockon click or tab to the correct one.
its just so missmatched of functions.
u also cant feasibly move entire hand to click 7890 for spells.
its either too many spells that are meh or bad keyboard keys.
>barely use AH, whines about free lucent from undercutters
>thinks that the 33k lucent is for all sales instead of the 100 sales because he doesn't even know that the sale history cap is only 100
So you're extremely inefficient and i'm supposed to be... jealous?
>looking at your hotkeys
why would you do that?
I do wish there was 2 hotbars or I could more easily use shift 1 2 3 4 5 or something but its fine overall imo
sounds like a shitty trader coping hard lmao
>get lucky with dungeon drop or wb drop a few times
>sell on AH
>think you're a hot shot trader
Poorfags and browns never change. Let me know when you can replicate it.
actually i just bought a few heavy hits when people were selling them for dirt cheap and flipped them for 3x profit
it's blocked to everyone because its behind a milestone I think its the next one or two idr
shift 12345 would be far better
shift ctrl alt or caps or click caps to cycle spells
its a hassle to just go ranged with y
the vidya guild loot setting has effectively changed to the 5 minutes option, so if you're a member and participate in a guild activity or worldboss (even by yourself) make sure to check if you got a drop (purple or above) and select what you want to do with it in the guild storage menu during the 5 minute window; othwrsie it will go to the guild and be auctioned
classic redditor take on how things happen
>loot setting
I just want BDO levels of ui customization
>separateable hotkey icons
so I can rearrange them around in order of importance/in trios
>individual UI scaling
I don't need the astral vision shit to take up a quarter of my screen, and I'd like to expand the enemy HP bar. I do see some big boss HP bar in the ui customization menu but I'm not sure how to activate that. It would also be nice to change the size of the NPC and amitoi text box.
>toggle visible elements
I want to hide my amitoi and fishing rod icon, pretty much that useless row of commands like the B teleport and stellarite ammunition, world tree leaves
works fine for me cuz my char is cute
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>Destroying possible long lasting friendships over virtual items
Couldn't be me.
having all spells in the bottom of the screen ruins the game.
they should be half transparent radially around teh middle of the screen.
so u can focus on the action
Do I get to hear girl's voice if I join Vidya discord
anons have been too shy to do any vc activity, in the server
sadly gooks never lurk here or take advice.
someone needs to shill on reddit or send a feedback bug report
Hello sisters, what happened? I just logged in today and suddenly my character moves slow like molasses? Am I just imagining things?
i think this is a good thing
if i get on discord and i hear a troon trying to feminize their voice, i will leave
happened to me and logging into a new character and back fixed it
if an item you posted on the AH expires, do you get the posting fee back?
>more loot manipulation by Maru and troonsquad
nah you are all lying snakes
probably not but isnt the posting fee some gold? fuck it
>nooo you're all fags i hate this guild that i chose to be in!!!!!!!!!!
stop talking
no one is saying this
I am going to make my own guild and I won't be proactive in getting other players to join. If someone randomly wants to, they're welcome. Is there some benefit I can still extract even being in a guild alone? I want to try.
shut up
the guild vendor npc, and there are in-game benefits from higher guild level liek stats and exp gain increases
Jfc schizo
>everybody says to build evasion
>everybody says to build hit
>nobody says to build endurance which actually reduces damage taken
endurance only reduces crit chance against you
Great! I think I'll just do that then. I don't care if the guild levels slow as molasses and it's not like I'd ever control territory or do whatever. Thanks!
>have 177 mana crystals for event
>fall 1 meter die to fall damage
>be in queue for a 50 dungeon for 20 mins because no tank needs any gear from it
Enough of this china game for me today
unless you're going full super evasion probably just build endurance also you should always build crit hit and skill dmg resist in but idk if skill damage res counts in pve
evasion helps in open world dungeons and shit too, but for pvp theres no point unless you have a fuck ton of eva for all 3 styles you're always going to get dunked on by some combo so its more or less just becoming invincible to the shit that doesnt rekt you or mitigating the shit that does
kinda generic reply but yanno
>too dumb to use party board
>he uses party board
>he doesnt just baby retards through matchmaking carrying them through the dungeon and minimally explaining mechs they dont know and then letting them die to it if they dont catch on fast
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>crit is max roll damage
>endurance makes the roll lower
>makes them do minimum damage
whats the point of tax in a game with made up fiat
what is the tax even used on
its just a goy charge for not being chink
every game needs a currency sink.
its to make the rich get richer the top guilds will get 40% or some amoutn of the tax for winning siege it's aids just like every other koreammo
interesting how almost all the maruschizo posting stopped hours ago its almost like its 1 small group of people posting on cooldown
its literally jsut one guy
My Abyssal Contract Tokens have been at the cap for 3 days now and I haven't used it. I can't stand how slowly they deplete and how annoying it is to use. Am I bricking myself by doing this?
Guilds can do that? Is that something I can see on my own
it takes like 2 hours to burn all 20k of them
and yes you're pretty bricked if you aren't doing your blue contracts
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how do i filter posts? this is too much faggotry even for 4chan
More like 2 hours to burn 1000 tokens.
I'm sorry I don't have a 10 man team of AoE build hyper sweat optimized pathing route with pre-buffs or whatever. You do you.
>put group link in chat
>find area
>grind for 30 minutes and do contracts
>out of points

what the fuck is so hard about this you antisocial retard fucks
Last thread was over 80 aswell. The schizo working overtime
im still not even level 30
can you transfer a blue of a different weapon type into a purple?
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to level up traits yeah, doesn't work on accessories though
the pay to win will kill the game in the west. everyone whos not in the top guild will just quit when the power difference is too big
seems to be slot based.
you have to be a cuck to enjoy this game. way too much shit to do everyday
I only play casually.
what is there to do daily?
3 hours of outdoor dungeon.
1 hour of dungeons.
1 hour of contracts.
refreshing amitoi every 8 hours.
collecting all your daily vendor mats.
hitting all the hourly bosses and events.
>3 hours of outdoor dungeon.
>1 hour of dungeons.
>1 hour of contracts.
you can let all of these stack up and do them all at the weekend.
>he isn't doing 1 hour expeditions
better luck in the next game
Can you rape people in this game?
>3 hours of outdoor dungeon.
not daily, you can hold up to 20k tokens
>1 hour of dungeons.
not daily, you can hold up to 4.5k energy
>1 hour of contracts.
not daily, you can hold up to 60 contracts
>refreshing amitoi every 8 hours.
this takes 20 seconds every 8 horus
>collecting all your daily vendor mats.
this takes 20 seconds every day
>hitting all the hourly bosses and events.
yes, this is an mmo.
>Amitoi every 8 hours
Why would you do this just do it every hour when you're on this is why none of you niggas have salt
yeah just p2w and join the top guild
>instead of doing them daily just do them all for 24 hours in a day!
Why the fuck are you playing an mmo if you don't want daily/weekly shit? Would you rather be FORCED to do them every day?
Is making an alt a trap in this game?
Do stats on secondary weapon count while it is unequipped?
>bad game design is core to the genre because... it just is, ok?
Only in the latter dungeons do you burn tokens fast, in the early ones that are open it takes forever
fuck yoouuuuuuuu
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go back to playing final trantasy
>having to play the game is bad game design
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I just learned how traits work
I have dissolved blues and chucked them into lithographs the entire time
I have 90 hours into the game
maybe you'll have more luck in new world 2
yes forcing gameplay is bad design.
uhh gonna need more of this c@ please....
fucking retard
who's forcing you?
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post your character in this format
disregard that post her in this format >>497920274
>all those untraited purples
brick sis...
oh btw vidya guild raid at like 8 est tonight
>lvl 9 pve ring
>lvl 6 pve helm
>helm is pve
i recognize that helmet...
what are we raiding?
if you transfer a leveled and traited purple into an unleveled untraited purple, what happens, just blessing boost and level transfer?
i thought guild raids were Saturday and Sunday why the change?
>no defensive stats
it's a pve item
>100 hours
>still don't understand traits
those days didn't work for Maru
as the guild levels, we unlock more weekly raids, up to 7 (eventually i would like to have nightly raids but i still need to gauge interest in that)
basically we're still going to have the sat/sun raids as usual so thats not an issue
probably whichever gives the most xp, idr the list rn
Why is nobody using the money or mastery food when farming abyss? Don't they know they are bricking themselves?

>not one fag had the balls to post it
Do I miss anything if I just join "AT BOSS" dungeon parties? There's so many and I like to skip shit
i agree anon
everyone post sex NOW
never have a problem with gold unless you're a whale.
maxing out weapon mastery is so insignificant that you're a faggot.
read the sticky newfag
helm can be part of pvp build
>he doesn't use stellarite
>maxing out weapon mastery is so insignificant that you're a faggot.
??? I just hit 50 and my main is level 6 while secondary only 5
How the fuck do you even max that shit?
How are people getting that many stat points past level 50
cool. thanks for the reminder fren
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equipment have main stats on them. my helmet has 4 strength my hands have perception
Please don't reply to me
I'm starting to believe nobody in this general plays the game and just waits for new drama to vaguely shitpost about it for days on end
The EU guild will be bricked as it will be lvl 1 when created
it's not happening, period
Please reply to me
Can't we just do multiple fights on the same day? it's not like they take any time at all.
I'd guess the weekend works for more people than nightly raids.
tout le monde se moque des europauvres qui doivent jouer avec les grenouilles
What does that have to do with weapon expertise?
Please sex to me
everyone who plays it is in the guild mostly
or their own offshoot guild
so pretty much you're right besides like 20 posters total throughout the day
is there any guild on european servers at all active?
don't ask questions then retard google it
who knows those mfs cant make up their mind
pettan on benny has people but i guess theyre abandoning it or maybe not. Classic EU indecisiveness
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What's the point of this shit? It costs more to make the dust for this than to just buy stellarite.
it doesnt... cost anything to make the dust...
Server transfer is fucked right now so we can't move to all the servers
What's the fastest way to level up the battle pass, I want the skins.
Fuck off pso tranny, ngs is ass
Maru fix your sliders.
White gear to make dust from is 8-4k a piece at the NPC.
oh no
oh no no no
lookit dis duuuuude

just dissolve your green or blue dust bro...
I'm not going to dissolve the shit I need to craft growthstones and skill books.
okay but powder is not the bottleneck
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rip brothers
Man, why can't you swap mastery the way you can skills?
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i want to try some p2w but have no fucking clue what i should be prioritizing in this games 1000 systems

if i hypothetically bought like 50k lucent what would be the best way to spend it?
>get a fucking trillion blue material selection boxes
>no use for them since blue ink doesn't exist
Is vidya still recruiting?
yes join now!
maru is looking for more people to farm her BiS so she can steal it!
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Buying trats is the most you can do. No P2W for you, chuddy.
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my gear is mostly blue. Are blues worth traiting?
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this. i need my BiS items from you guys. You don't mind passing them to me right?
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NPCs brutally mog players in this game.
Also, is there any reason for me NOT to just buy one of those field boss purples like Talos' staff?
i was told its a trap but dont understand why
fully traited gear is better to use when transfering to purples but you should only transfer to purples when they're also mostly traited out
I don't mind if it's you, queen.
>the game was only barely fun
>now the gen is also fucking bonkers
Guess I'll just quit then.
the litho for most field boss drops like a talus staff is fuckton expensive at this moment, but you do you if you're a 50k lucent whale
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>this is how ingame armor looks like in this game
>there's no transmog system
>it could be bound to lucent but gooks hate money
I'll squish your butte
because you're gonna spend 500 dollars unlocking traits for it

or waste all your unlockstones when you should save them for archboss weapons if you really want to whale like that
Is xbow/gs viable? I wanna feel like Dante.
That's what I play and it's fun so far.
can we do the raid at 8 30 instead because 8 is field boss time
anyone want to be my bf..?
you are making me develop a fetish for findom
she already got her bis and also shes the one who farmed it so idk how that one works
Meme aside anyone gets to keep their dropped BiS instead of someone outbidding and buying your BiS item that you dropped
i think the armor in game mostly looks sick but i agree that theyre retarded for not putting transmog. I fucking hate how all korean mmos only sell whole ass outfits, i dont want to look like every other fucking retard who bought an outfit thats my #1 gripe with lost ark besides how it sucks and is gatekeep simulator but i quit like 1 week after it came out so there's probably a lot more outfits now
but still, outfits are gay, do it bdo style where you can mix all the pieces into something no one else has
ya and its based way better than some fag buying it and reselling it instead of getting to use it
if some retard drops a gs and uses a bow then someone else can buy it ezpz
ya the 8 is just a general time
There isn't even any plate outfit in the store.
nor a halloween one. I think they actually hate money or something
That's what maru spoke up against and was changed. Give her a thanks you when you see her.
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>Early access paypig
Good goy
>we have to wait a year to get the sweet halloween skins
do gooks really
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halloween outfits are coming though
i was there
>october 10th
>still doesn't have purple daggers
Vampire maru's gonna be so hot
game knows i swipe so i ain't getting jack shit for free, had to pity the xbow, will have to pity the daggers, the boots and the chest

i don't mind though, i like running the dungeons
Why would you pity the boots and chest when you can just buy them for cheap anyway
Not only is she going to suck out your blood but also your cum and bis gear.
Hit 2736 today, feels good. Need to get my alt going.
cause i don't want to buy everything and be done with the game in a week, i like to buy traits to fill out my purples, but i prefer to grind out most of the drops
why is it called throne and liberty?
probably as the battle pass refreshes so in about 20 days
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EU or US?
Cute character btw
>for blue and upwards lithographs you need the item to imprint upon the lithograph
What's the fucking point of the lithograph if I have to have the item to use it? If I have the item then the lithograph is useless.
Fucking gookshit.
so that you can sell the litho for someone else to craft the item
this isn't hard
install 4chanx
4chan is unusable without filters, getting rid of these tards who namedrop themselves 500 times a day is easy
EU, i joined a normie guild
they awarded me Phantom Wolf Mask through loot council, very nice guild
Why would I want someone else to craft the item when I already have the item and I could craft it myself to have two?
item gets deleted when you turn it into a lithograph, but that way you can turn untradable gear into a tradable lithograph which can be quite expensive on AH
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I don't know what I'm doing. I'm constantly having mana problems in dungeons.
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>no guild suffering
>every server is just the biggest guild doing an ally so they don't have to PvP
>do a billion karnix
>get two dogshit purps but no bow
>do one shaikal for boots
>get ghe dogshit bow
fuck this turdass game
genuinely dont know if i should use upgrade mats on this trash bow or stay with my blue and wait
Thank you for the explanation.
I do think this system (and a lot of their systems in the game) are unnecessary and adds a huge wave of tedium to the game.
10 wisdom doesn't exactly help with mana or mana recovery
give up on RNG drops, go for pity crafts, it will most likely save you time in the long run, and you might get lucky and get one of your drops when farming out 5 runs of each dungo
nah i need daggers and bow and one im crafting with the dim soul shards and by the time i get the mats one of the two weapons might drop and ill craft the other or i can maybe get a better onr from weekly mission scams
big brain on me
game would be so much better if it was a guaranteed drop like wowpiss with people rolling though
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kys blint
>hit 50
>complete the weekly right away
>one of the options is the purple version of my main weapon
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I need to redo my character
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Best thing to buy on star shop?
this dogshit game needs better hair options
I don't understand those secret tower bosses.
They just spam unavoidable stuns and aoes.
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Staff+Longbow user looking to become Longbow+Wand healer. Currently lv 35.
Should I start a new character or use my current one?
Is it best to have two different characters for dps/healer, or the same one with two builds?
kys blint :/
do the mechanics correctly then
Take the skeleton commander for example. His aoes cannot be rolled from and he will always instant charge and stun you.
you jump the aoe and counter the dash.
He dashes right after you counter his other shit when you're animation locked and have no stamina.
we are at 64/70 vidya members. anons, if you sent me a personal in-game message to joing the guild, dont; just use the password in the OP, just so i'm sure i don't accept unrelated people
Are skins (regular and the Zenus battle pass ones) shared across all characters?
can you be my twink bf?
do you allow alt characters?
Ah, okay, got it.
nta but i kinda dont like alts
if ur not going to be an active part of the guild or whatnot, why take up a slot
there are 6 empty slots
Is this shit actually worth trying or is it gonna be dead in a month?
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it's one of the guilds the "EU-gang" almost moved to
thank god they didn't
idk zoomy play it and make your own opinions
asking the KR players: what the fuck is up with stuff like Rye, Honey, Eggs, Shrimp bait, etc. ?
Rye and Honey are supposed to be limited to 10 and 5 respectively PER VENDOR, I know an update on KR made you able to buy it all from 1 vendor, but here they're shared and it's only 10 and 5 so every cook is bricked to shit.
do more mobs that drop these easier come out later or what?
I'm not farming wasps for honey 5h a day that's retarded
Kazar? I'm thinking about moving there and would like some opinions
>cooking is broken
>fishing is broken
>no blue ink
Sasuga Bezos-sama.
it's gonna be dead-er in a month, but it will stay alive

fun game, F2P is pretty grindy, but you can get set up pretty easily with blue gear, maxing out purple gear as F2P is gonna take a while though, which might be a good thing(?)
ummmm you wanted oldschool mmos didnt you?
NA prime time already at 177k players on steam...please stop leaving
wasn't Kazar no
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>thank god picrel shit doesn't exist in TL
I hated this perpetually online/connected requirement just to play lostark game
I just quit my first dungeon. they kept wiping on shaikal showing no improvement on mechs.
god outplaying some greatsword nigger with bow/dagger feels great
Dude, i'm alone on Kazar, wish I had someone to play with.
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>botting is already out of hand
>mfw I realize that the astral hunting (built in "botting") would actually be decent as it would put everyone in the same playing field and make botting redundant
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>astral hunting
>another bdo where you have to leave the game running 24/7 else you're missing out
No fucking thank you
problem with cursed wasteland is that there's several ways to do it, and autistic spergs are too shy to communicate before starting it, agreeing on which way to do it

other than shitters who don't know the mechs at all ofc
why do people keep claiming bots when I haven't seen any and the player count charts don't look like a botted game?
at least when people claimed this about lost ark it was impossible to not see it.
they were shitters with no clue.
>you VILL do dailies and weeklies on your main and 5 alts
>you will use this merchant tracker website
I wasted over 1000 hours in that shit back then and nowadays the game is absolutely disgusting.
I'm also on Zenith and in a normalfag guild. Wanna be friends?
all these games have bots, that being said i haven't seen any stand out in TL, also it would suck risking a ban just for some cheaper lucent
where's the webms?
or even the screenshots?
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they are out there, but i agree the steamdb charts don't reflect how disproportionate it was in lost ark, but that was also so far beyond anything we'd seen before as well
can do some dungo's this weekend, i'm gathering my pity coins for dagger craft, don't sperg out on me though
Yeah I just want to have some people I can play with and befriend.
I'm a at the "Abandoned Stonemason Town" waypoint if you wanna meetup and add each other.
when do EA servers finish all their milestones?
Anyone here on JP-Alexia in a guild?
wageslaving tomorrow, going to bed, i'll be around tomorrow after work
DESU many mmos have done it better, like BnS, Guild Wars, Lost Ark.
>guild wars
>lost ark
bait used to be believable
this naizuri nigger doesnt even play the game then places bids on gear he's not gonna use
are all whales this retarded?
Was pretty fun but quickly turned into a whalenigger game.
Not really a MMO but was ok I guess?
Solid foundation and great combat but the game itself was a daily simulator for unemployed niggers. Also the worst group content I've ever seen.
Thank god maru made it so he can't bid on your BiS aswell
Anyone have a guild on Karnix?
He's a weapon master with 10 arms
what server for NA West?
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>guild raid time
yeah its time to steal everyones BiS loot
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>there's no coom in this game!
>burka with thigh and midriff skin showing
While I fucking hate this, I love the trolling from S.Korea devs
Wish you would steal my heart instead and maybe my virginity...
>character is in extremely casual guild with some friends
>considering making an alt on another server to play more hardcore with
>not sure if I really want to commit that much time to this game
>deadlock just got ranked added
idk what to do bros.
safe horny trash
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this game needs bikini skins NOW. thats the only thing lost ark is better at. imagine this games graphics and animation but with lost ark degeneracy..yum
i wish someone just made old lineage 2 with good combat
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BiS loot succesfully stolen. See you on the next Guild raid!

Soulful and tasteful. Erotic.
Soulless and trashy. Cock is soft.
>idk what to do bros.
invite me to deadlock
my loot....
Why are those people in green
Are they your boyfriends?
Are you cheating on me?
Answer me, NOW.
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you dont know what your missing boyo, tnl will be better off embracing your urges
there will probably be some lame ass fanart of benny being gay
I will never forgive you for stealing my bis in todays raid noooooooo!!!
LA is low effort gook coomer trash and I don't want that cancer in TL.
>Also the worst group content I've ever seen.
The dungeons and raids were fun, I don't remember any other group content.
tnl is already gook and trash though. you might as well embrace the coomer since that will be an improvement
Raids were pure cancer from the mechanics standpoint. Designed by actual retards.
>it's bad so let's make it double the bad
Fuck off back to your coom simulator.
ngl, this actually looks better than TL
TL just has better manipulation within the 3d space but the art style is kind of soft and lacks character
>Raids were pure cancer from the mechanics standpoint.
filtered lmao, Valtan, Vykas and Clown were fucking kino. Brel did suck though.
It looks like generic kpop plastic bimbo trash. What are you on?
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Probably means they are in my friendlist ingame
Remove them.
I did all the raids you retard. Doesn't mean they were fun or well designed. Gooks just throw a million obscure mechanics on top of each other and hope it sticks.
The game is fucking dead in case you haven't noticed.
wtf friendlist tech
i need everyone in vidya to friend me right meow
>it looks like one of the most popular things in the world
What's your point?
because, like he said, everything after kakul was trash. and there's many other issues with the game.
So, trash?
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another day of funneling loot to my tranny corrupt loot council feels good
join today
sex tomorrow
>being contrarian on 4chan
So hot right now
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how about you add me and i accept?
How about you sit on my face
>It's good because it's popular
So you're an antisemite. I see.
On the contrary, it's popular because it's good you mongoloid
Coom is literally a kike tool to keep the goyim docile. I am the antisemite.
So the mcdonalds whopper is good?
Clearing secret dungeon as soon as you hit 50 to +9 your first purple weapon is kino.
Will there be more similar content?
I like everyone on vidya!
[Spoiler]In a platonic way[/spoiler]
>mcdonalds whopper =/= kpop
Bro what are you on about??
I'm high and phone posting cut me some slack
The burger is at least useful. Kpop is pure trash.
Does naizuri ever shut up about ouh KR server I played the KR server I am from KR you know ohh I hate the west
shut up nigger
Little chuddy is seething
gook ego, please understand
Gooks are insurable and have an inferior complex
why you guys riding his dick so much?
When the fuck are they going to add some good outfits to the cash shop current ones are fucking dog shit
why are you samefagging so much
Why are you seething
im not honestly just trying to figure out why you guys rush to his defense so quick
Stop dilating Maru you freak
me if i played sns
I want to manhandle you Viix
Answer the question why are you having a impotent rage in the thread
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When are you supposed to handle this? I'm a fresh 50 and it seems impossible with how much HP they have.
you wouldnt dare...
this is why those wep with massive sustain is S-tier
>the best thing about the game is the combat
im not watching that video but yeah you gotta problem with that, chud?
So basically you're cucked if you're not playing some variation of wand?
any class can do it, and that's why every weapon combo has its own leaderboard
41% you troon
>combat is so smooth
Fastest stockholm syndrome ever recorded
I manage to kill eye with 3 minutes 18 seconds, with blues weapons no traits while another fully maxed purple only took 1 minute and 20 seconds for him
Guess I'll leave it for when I'm properly geared and traited. I can't do anything there as a 2200 fresh 50. I already finished the normal mode.
part of me wants to quit.
part of me wants to grind my life away.
what is the deal with this game?
>the best pvpmmo
That's not BDO
BDO combat is trash.
BDO doesn't have my friends Viix Maru and Sani
It's an escape from all your real life problems and allows you to focus on something that feels achievable or attainable with minimal effort and skill
Well I do like the Q block and roll thing. The execution isn't the greatest, but it's good enough. The rest can't really be called great either. But it's good enough that it doesn't drag down the rest of the game which is quite good, except that abyss token stuff. Oh and the timed events are really lacking imagination.
I don't have any problems though.
befriend players in game and grind socialization
we need challenge dungeons asap
we need sex asap
I get sex every day. Give me content.
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only if you'll pee in my mouth
I want vix that little sissy to spit on my cock and suck it hard
Then you're not trying hard enough at life
>doesn't have trannies
And thats a bad thing howml?
You are acting like one. If it's a issue you should get rid of yourself

so how long until we see this shit
2 years? 3?
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Additional Features and Balance Adjustments
Weapon Balances

NCSoft has hinted at upcoming balance adjustments for various weapons:

Sword and Shield: Players will see a balance shift, offering more defined options between tanking and DPS roles. The endurance meta is under review, with changes expected through the mastery rework.

Bow: The Bow class has been overperforming, particularly with its heavy attack. Future updates will aim to reduce its damage, especially from abilities like Tornado and Flashwave.

Greatsword: While considered powerful in small-scale battles, it struggles in larger engagements and PvE. Changes are coming to make its stun/CC abilities less overwhelming in PvP.

>SNS and GS nerfs
>bow nerf
>Changes are coming to make its stun/CC abilities less overwhelming in PvP.
Get ready to be kited forever without being able to do shit.
>dagger jump
>double greatsword dash
>shield dash, shield grab

>12-Man Raid (Normal/Hard Mode): In February, players can tackle endgame PvE raids that feature legendary PvP and PvE weapons as rewards.

please be good
Not everybody plays those combinations. Base GS is easily kited.
Nerfing a small scale bruiser in a vacuum like this will just make them worthless since they're one trick ponies in the first place.
Unless they get some kind of extreme survivability or something,.
what dogshit combo are you playing if you don't have a dagger or a sns along with GS
don't be mad you're shit in pvp if you're using a shitty weapon combo

>Tanky brawler
>Backline Assassin
I hope this game's PvP doesn't turn into nushit where nobody ever dies.
that will never happen.
but right now it's the same trash as bdo where you land stun and then execute combo and 1shot.
nobody dies if your bow/wand healer knows how to play
I play GS/Xbow which is in a way similar to GS/Daggers but with more ranged options and better survivability.
>player trading requires currency you can buy with $
>mascot of the game is a whale
SNS feels like shit to play
New Weapon and Guardian Leveling System: The introduction of a new weapon type and a revamped Guardian leveling system that will allow players to progress guardians through in-game content.
spearchads we are so back
>vidya gchat is still simping for that ugly man maru
That's already the case
So which contracts should I do at 50?
nah I simp for sani
guardians is such a weird nonsensical and shit system, both narratively and mechanically.
I always forget to use that shit.
>he doesn't know about the hidden +50% world boss droprate if you use a guardian on them
>Switches from seething about nazu to maru
How bored must you be trannoid. I think it's easier if you just end your life.
where y'all seeing this?
>lost ark is second highest revenue game in kr
>pubg > loa > lineage M
>1 > 2 > 3
stop talking shit about my wife faggot
>game where you unironically need to spend thousands of dollars or spend 16 hours a day playing alts is high revenue
damn im shocked
for me it's my wife bocchichan
NTA schizoid, maru the troon needs to get gkicked for being a catfishing shitskin from germany
>Fuming this hard
She won
somebody bake so I can post some images.
I don't have lewds or screenshots.
imagine simping for a brown troon who posts Ruby hoshino as an avatar on 4chan for years on to garner attention instead of vtubing like a real woman would
It's so obvious he is a man
Gooks love whaling and buying retarded cosmetics.
Tranny is having another round of meltdown
how the fuck is it beating maplestory?
because coomskins for all 20 of the alts they need to play
You're simping for a terminally online man who's been avatarfagging on 4chan for 10 years now LMAO
>schizo woke up again and will spam the thread about it
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the ones at phonos basin's camp are easiest

but you do those or the ones in werewolf land
skill pages will bottleneck you hard
weapon stones will also bottleneck you hard
Can't I get contracts for the open dungeonds or something?
you buy them from the sundries vendor every week
also the ones for the tower
>If it's not tab target it's trash
For a MMO yes.
because nexon was involved in a huge controversy earlier this year. also gooks got extremely angry that the non-p2w server didn't require whaling to gear up so they pissed their pants and moaned until nexon nerfed the server and a lot of poorgooks quit
this shit is worse netcode than 2012 gw2
Is there dailies in this game
they stack
Where at mane? Pls spoonfeed
abyss dungeons
mystic keys / pouch from contract vendor
guild vendor daily refresh
sundries vendor daily mats and weekly contracts
Thanks my man
What I find most insidious is that the pursuit of Truth will have to take a backseat for the time being. Also, why aren't you in the new thread?

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