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Heavy Armor! Edition

Throne and Liberty is a PC and console MMORPG offering a mix of tab target and action combat with a shared emphasis on both PvP and PvE. The game features a seamless open world, adaptive weather systems, and a shapeshifting mechanic that lets players transform into animals for exploration and combat strategy. The game uses a free-to-play model with various microtransactions; cosmetics, convenience items, battle passes, and more. Maru won. The Western publisher, AWS, claims to be aiming to avoid pay-to-win mechanics while enhancing player customization, choice, and experience.

>Build sites
>All items and information

>Which server are we playing on?
NA East, Lottie; Guild vidya
password 69420
EU, Benny; Guild Pettan

Previous: >>497849085
saw a post some thread ago saying girls dont say dude. I was talking to a girl (female) today and she said dude.
"she" is 36 btw
"she" has a penis
>Exactly 1 min apart
Yep it's spamming time
>not tnl pic
kys immediately
real girls say dude irl, online self proclaimed """""""girl"""""" like maru won't say dude, but he will s-stutter and uwu for you
Is "she" a self-proclaimed beaner-nip perchance?
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you know, I won't bother.
we have unrelated images as the OP.
we have softcore child pornography in multiple OP's now when there aren't even lolis in the game.
every thread is preteen drama from trannies.

we have an average of 5 screenshots per thread and 0 webms.
was actually 40 seconds apart lrn2time
>thread spammed with seethe as soon as the tranny schizo wakes up
Would anyone like to run some dungeons?
I agree, this general is worse than even /lag/. You have to have some seriously mentally ill and ridiculously boring people for that to be the case.
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be the change
i forgot to move my blanket to the dryer so now im either going to be late to bed or not have a blanked
bricked irl
/lagl/ had spadesisters and Sera thoughbeit
yeah this anon is right
Is there anyway to target specific traits on a purple weapon?
trait unlockstones
if you got filtered by lolis then go back to r*ddit
>we have softcore child pornography
stopped reading there go back to whatever normalfag shithole you crawled out of

Future so bright edition
Oh nice I got like 30 of those I think
>no wandnigger nerfs
>only 30
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So erm, where are the uh.... cute faggots at so I can play and talk with them?
Sera was cute, and spadesisters were funny (and also cute). We have no-picture-posters and "maru", who doesn't even bring his attention seeking behavior with hot pics and webms.
>spadeniggers were funny
nice try nigger.
Vix you owe me a hard blowjob
So which tranny keeps making these OPs? Sani? Coomtei?
wait wrong one.
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w-wait that post wasnt me
>The tranny seething at maru is a nigger lover
Of course a tranny would be mad at real women
What NA server should I join if I wanna be a pvp sweatlord?
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Yeah it was me, you homo.
idk how it is for wandlets but i cleared msq in green rags kekaroo
>Maru suckss!!!
>Btw i love niggers and blacked
sera actually posted about gameplay
Prove he's a woman, go ahead
This is blint. He was caught doing the same thing in pso
Go make love with your niggers, tranny. Gotta stop projecting yourself onto others.
I'm gonna do it..
I'm gonna join the discord...
im going to GROOM you!
nice bro do you have your cage ready?
Don't do it you bastard
No prove? lol lmao
Don't worry, we know a real women wouldn't avatarfag as Ruby Hoshino
This. A real woman would choose Kana Arima.
Go jack off to blacked cuckshit and stop spamming the thread with your forced drama tranny. You love those
Never played Lost ark, sorry marutroon, you will never be a woman and posting anime girls on 4chan doesn't make you one
"mistress" lol lmao even
Maru is a biological male german tranny
I love how trannies think women posts anime girls on 4chan LOL
>spade sisters were cute
This is who maru has to deal with? A BBC loving tranny? Kek
>A BBC loving tranny?
It's blintrovert
i kinda wish i paypigged for the 60 dollar outfit bros
She might have a bigger penis than you.
this game have worse netcode than 2012 gw2
>Kind of wanted the bunny morph
>has 20k lucent I can't even use to buy outfits
why is there still zero proof of this man tranny calling itself a woman?
>worse netcode
true but graphical optimization is really good
Do SnS users really look like that?
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*crawls into bed with you*
making a wand alt now, got my chastity cage shipping out
cant wait to be your heal sissy
I also play sns half naked
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are guilds/alliances that just dominates the server going to kill this game?
any balls plappers here?
the game is built around that so no
Who cares why do you keep spamming?
simply leave their server
>ukr*inian guild at top
Aren't they supposed to be dying in trenches and not playing games?
I play wand/bow but only top.
>try to start game

guess the game is bricked, see you guys in lost ark ignite servers
But every server is like this
Lmao look at that peremoga!
>anime op post again
Fuck off.
No one cares faggot now fuck off
i care fuck off
If you are in lottie guild meet me in the hall. We gonna plap until you cum from anal.
nta but can i watch
Don't mind me behind the urns
Any guilds? please
Come to Lottie
Troon server.
BBC lover projecting
>come to the server that's activity is completed inverted to a normal schedule
No thank you
now this is some schizo shit
so embarassing. this fag is probably concerned with marus gender like a obsessed troon
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do you really need anymore evidence that jannies are literally sitting in this thread right now defending these fuckers
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why is it making me reinstall?
this newfag doesn't even know what was deleted. KEK
This is your average retarded schizo who spams maru all day. low iq retard. he deleted that post himself for a reason.
This is getting more and more embarassing
Off topic fuck off and talk about the game
>SEA indog is low iq
Not suprised
does the selfless soul wand passive also applies to yourself?
i just want to be allowed to do more dungeons every day
>sns/gs nerfs drop
>population of game drops by thousands and we enter the golden age
best possible timeline
all these retarded niggers think they're not carried and it needs to end
>they hate him because he called them out
Nerfing GS is retarded though because first it isn't even the best 1v1 weapon and second this is a mass zerg game where anything melee gets deleted the second it's targeted.
>the weapon that literally does a free combo for upwards of 50k damage isn't the best 1v1
Why are you making shit up? Bow is the king of 1v1 and even daggers or staff are better than GS. A fucking SNS/Wand nigger can kill anything 1v1 too.
>bow is king of 1v1
bow literally loses to greatsword for free, you retard.
Maybe learn to play? I have zero issues against them.
Reminder Maru is a man, no proof he's a woman.
does anyone even think otherwise?
i don't have issues against 99% of the dogshit playerbase either but that doesn't make you less retarded
>the bbc lover tranny is still spamming and being obsessed with someone else's gender
t. ranny chaser
>GS stuns you
>you're dead
>tfw im black and like cuteboys
Despite all its faults I'm enjoying the brief but fun social interaction in the game with randoms. Reminds me of the social aspect of older MMOs that discord obliterated
bow/staff is THE gs counter retard
so this is one of those games that everyone only plays female right
think male looks better in this game honestly and im usually a female character picker
no it
literally is not
you retard.
you're thinking of staff/dagger and its okay i know you're trying to remember what the youtuber with 5 hours in the game told you
which one has a bigger cock?
>no game discussion
>troonies just spamming faggot fantasies ITT
This is just off topic. If you wanna be faggots, do it in your pso2g containment board not here.
are you the hot one?
it's too late to reroll, isn't it?
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why is the patch making me reinstall the entire fucking game? are these devs retarded?
kys pagfly
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i will set the seethes ablaze!
but there are so many youtubers out there. how do i, just a simple man, know which one to trust
>remove evasion
>replace it all with just endurance
>remove hit chance and rng cc

game is now best MMO of the decade
>best MMO of the decade
i was going to say lets not get carried away but your trips confirm it
Anyone else got a 3gb update? What is it for?
if you aren't top 100 in arena you may not talk in this thread sorry i don't make the rules it's just how it has to be
just checked and yeah i got it.
this game is so fun
I don't care what faggots say
ywnbaw you know who you are
true anyone who says the game sucks or has nothing to do is too retarded to play the game
only valid criticism i'll take is that the combat can be janky and the targeting kind of off
>iF yOu ArEn'T tOp 100 iN aReNa YoU mAy NoT tAlK iN tHiS ThReAd SoRrY i DoN't mAkE tHe RuLeS iT's jUsT hOw It HaS tO bE!!
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this popped up on my youtube. haven't watched it yet but figured you e-drama discord fags will probably love it so im sharing with you
P.S. Fuck you
cool but there was no discord drama at all. Btw thread shitposting doesn't count.
and grappling fuckign SUCKS ASS
Should I start TnL or Lost ark burning server? Can't decide
The girl in the video sounds exactly like maru
>quit guild
>1 day 11 hours until can join another
>lose the will to play
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>throwing away friendships over virtual items
Couldn't be me.
which guild did u quit? why did u quit it?
It was never a friendship if your friend is cheating you out of drops. Ghosting those people are always morally correct.
Why can't I feed blue trait extracts into a purple weapon?
I hate Mezzhy or whatever his fucking name is
>One less schizo
I know who this is.
A literal who
under 10 people online all day
guild leader don't make room for new people
transfer to remove guild cooldown
cause its not the same type of weapon
>they have a fucking spreadsheet for guild attendance
what the fucking causes people to be like this
Mehzzy is cute
basically every chick who went through a hippie stoner, goth or emo phase says dude, which is like most millennial women
wait what
What do you mean? You can feed blue trait extracts into purple armor, it's just not letting me for the weapon.
There's plenty slots open but you don't play the game
Fuck you
the types of niggers who take games like this ultra seriously generally just have really shitty lives and want to feel like they've accomplished something by being a faceless retard in some zerg that's bigger than themselves.
You are worthless subhuman when you come to the thread to shittalk. Good riddance.
it needs to be the same kind of weapon
you can only feed bows into bows
Both of the items are crossbows.
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Sorry to see you go, anon
>quitting the guild over an anon that barely talks
Who is it?
post a picture
>Leaves a guild
>Guy barely talks or is active
>Comes to the thread to make the announcement that he left because he seeks attention, nobody cared or noticed
Shit person
File deleted.
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ty anon
you're life saver
made me wtf too. with notes like
>joined sept 27 and became chatty in discord
>never talks
>online everyday
retard thats hit chance
We don't care.
Stay away from Mehzzy
who the fuck is mehzzy? another maru schizo?
I only gave you that tip so you could fuck off
wannabe maru schizo
no anons in vidya will post my name here because i raped them HARD in the guild hall :3
What does this even mean?
she says she's a trust fund baby who doesn't have to do anything in the video lol
clam down schizo
when? one of the tanks was cleaning house after raid today
so the 4chan guilds are a shitfest?
>Leaves guild over 1 person who barely talks
>Comes to the thread whining about it
>Calls anyone schizo
What's the best gear to use your trait unlock stones on? Boss gear if you got it? Weapons?
No, in fact it just got better after one mentally ill tranny left.
stop calling me a schizo and tranny
I can't believe he left the guild...
Who did
I am not even on the EU server but I have to admit this, watching you chasing your tail is very funny though.
world boss drops (if you are gonna fully commit to them) -> purple weapons for heavy hit -> anythingelse
Name drop them
I miss you
I'm so shocked that you don't play the game. You got me there.
I read up as well on some other places and that does seem to be the consensus, thanks
>schizo is projecting again
Get better material
You don't know who that is stop larping
You're a genuine schizo keep projecting but not here go do it in the 100s of discord servers you joined that nobody likes you in because you're a sad pathetic loser
>Completely missed the irony of leaving the guild over some rando
>Calls other sad pathetic losers
who is Mehzzy?
guild bike
Who the fuck are you calling schizo or pathetic loser? Weak faggot
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he talked once in the guild chat i will the guild now and tell everybody about it!!!
Mehzzy is trying to suck my dick rn can you guys please stop yapping and distracting her?
The real Mehzzy is the friends we made along the way
You are the schizo thinking everyone is the same person, but alright
i wood crush u
ur not the big bad boggy man i am chud pipe DOWN
Or else what you gonna do? Leave the server over one person? Kek
Hur durr shut up and start sucking my pp, retard
This game is so fucking good. Are all Atlus games like this? I
>coming into prime time ausfag hours
any JP-Alexia guilds getting around? Anyone?
I'm only gonna ask one more in at 6pm
i will plug back in my mobile hotspot come down to the guild hall and beat ur ass right now
Wrong thread.
Nah I’m good I’m laying in bed right now, can’t be assed to get up
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yeah thought so
remember how this went down
Nah come on the guild hall if you're so horny you bottom, I'll be the one to clap your cheeks
Stay away Stacy, he’s mine
What skills are ya'll running for Staff/Bow in terms of boss rotations? Do you run Decisive Sniping or just go all in on staff skills for damage?
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I go all in on staff skills, the women love it.
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y-you too
i hope you're having a nice day, thread schizo.
(- ‿◦ )

what wrong with that server?
Aridus have a level 15 OCE guild, but it is full.
you know anyone can fake (You)'s right?
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I want to know the IP count for this thread. I bet it's 10 people and it's largely one schizo talking to himself about some guild drama nobody actually gives a shit about.
i know.
no language in the world would convince your schizoid mind of anything.
miku soles on my face
>Not once did he say it wasn't him
You finally figured it out?
>day 9
>already need resume to join guild level 10
post proof
watching him pick a fight with a random anon and then he thinks anon is his's boyfriend is very funny.
Does anyone not lag during world bosses? I'm not talking about FPS lag. My button presses don't register and I just sit in one spot doing nothing for 30 seconds at a time.
funnily enough only on the first day i couldnt attack because of lag. since then ive been in some pretty heavy world bosses but it hasn't been laggy like that one time.
Sometimes a skill doesn't activate on first press but I think this is just me trying to use a skill during another skill animation.
d-did he finally leave...?
the thread schizo
>another maintenance
He's busy shitposting in /pso2g/ currently
Anyone want to jerk off during maint?
*raises paw*
there is maint again? wasn't it yesterday i was just about to play game
Would anyone on Chernobog like to grind off some abyss contract tokens with me? I'm a newbie. Thanks :)
>the biz spam filter made it to /vg/
look thru the archives he only showed up like 2.5 days ago its painfully obvious
What are you even talking about? Who only showed up? You schizos get more and more incoherent by the day
oh yeah this is very convincing
Oi, I'm on now, any guilds?
Transfer to NAE and join Vidya
No, I'm OCE idiot
hows this game going in jappo land? is it popping off?
not so good if he has to come here looking for a guild
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how's your progress, anons?
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I'm playing in JP-Redemption and its pretty much Japanese here. Its hard to find OCE bros to play with unless I wanna risk playing with seanigs.
main xbox/dagger 2845 gs
twink sns/gs 2055 gs
Rumi is 70% english-speaking.
apparently they have a bot problem that's so bad 3 or more bot guilds have completely taken over the server so no one can do open world dungeons
>SnS, GS and Bow nerfs coming
is LFP chat limited to the zone or is it global? I don't understand why people put their party link in chat without saying what the group is for
don't care im so insanely overpowered i feel bad for other people while melting them
*stacks 200 poison on you from 200 meters away*
Heh, nothing personel
they should unnerf range on everything its annoying all classes
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i want a bf. a cute girly one
add maru, he is a man
Nah, hes too well known
add sani
hes too well known
>schizo still mentioning maru's gender
mental illness for this feel?
We literally were in vc with her a couple hours ago. Maru is a girl.
Sure you did Maru
No woman avatarfags as an anime girl for 10 years on 4tran
Why are you melting down at this ungodly hours about some rando?
this is what mental illness does to you
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add poph
Use a better avatar and you'd get more (You)s, Bridget is fucking ugly. At least don't use the tranny Strive Bridget. I feed Sani and Maru (You)s like it's going out of style because they make cute posts with cute characters, you're making garbage posts with ugly characters.
put 9mm between your eyes, terminally online shitskin
So devs fucked up and didn't put any loot into Cave of Destruction for tanks huh?
>play throne and liberty with vg
>run into the same mmo players from xiv, pso2g, mhg, etc
God I'll never be able to make friends at this rate.
whats the europe megaserver?
for every epic I've got, the lithographs sell for 800-900 and the traits sell for 100-300 which apparently barely/doesn't cover the mats cost. am I on a bad server? how are people making so much lucent?
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anyone on lottie want to do this?
my gear is complete shit and I am bad at the game
its not hard just learn the mechs its one of the easiest dungeons
the only one i think is hard personally is that stupid tree bitch that place sucks ass because everyone has to not be retarded
Move to Alexia
There's a larger aus base there
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it's time, vidya sisters
gvg in 11.5 hours
the armour over their crotch is covering up their penises so right has the biggest penis or is overcompensating and has the smallest
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I made enough lucent from the AH to buy the battle pass
Looking for a chud friendly guild on Karnix
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Does anyone else play with the game in korean for more immersion and challenge? I cant be the only one?
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do I do it bros....
Fuck no, save those for archboss weapons.
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what's the point of having the guild on anything other than individual loot?
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this is it this is my bis fishing rod chance pray for me sisters
I'm sure it will be as exciting as last time
chernobog or kastleton probably
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I am leader of a guild that was supposed to be for me and a few buddies but now it has 70 people and I don't want to be organizing raids and stuff. How do I deal with this predicament?
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im never lucky in this game...
ok Maru, we get it you attention seeking troon
Just find the nerd who likes organizing events.
there is no way out of it you will have to kill yourself
For me it's: https://youtu.be/tg4wszHGga0
Was gonna play but ended up fapping with my friend and degrading him.
why cant anons do that with me...
>Page 7
have all eurosissies quit the game? thread is dead af
just delegate it to some power hungry person then cuck them over and over when they ask for power and higher rank then inevitably quit then redelegate to some other cuck, works erry time
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>softcore child pornography in multiple OP's
call the police then
EU bros, did we decide on the server yet...
evens reroll to sns odds cope
gearing up doesn't feel good in this game when 80% of the epics you get are useless junk to be destroyed
you uh
you kinda bricked yourself if that's what you think
>GS nerfs
guess this is the incentive to finally swap to sns/wand
>vidya sluts still asleep
owari da
Starting the game bros. Fine with any role, but I like being able to heal myself. Do I go sns/wand, bow/wand, or staff/wand?
do you want to tank, heal or pretend you're a dps with the big boys
staff wand is more dps oriented but can heal fine
bow is full healslut
sns/wand is full tankslut but you can heal a group if they don't eat too much glue
Can all do solo farming fine? Or do sns and bow feel slow since they're more support oriented?
bow has access to some huge nukes that should make it feel fine
sns will probably feel miserable
staff is fine
Staff/wand is the best at farming out of those 3.
>hes dagger/gs
>aka I have aggro the whole time cuz im a dps chad
:( koreaboos why do you let people do whatever they want
Sounds like he's just retarded and didn't pick the aggro skill nodes.
I even steal aggro from SNS now and then if I pick those.
Staff/Wand it is then. Thanks bros
destroying includes getting traits, lithographs, etc
so how do you figure that 80% of your drops going towards your progress is bad?
Gearing in this game makes 0 sense. There isn't any piece you can actually aim for, it's all RNG and p2w on AH.
why cant i update the fucking game?
this game reinforces my belief that the average person is a retard. just look at all these people confused/frustrated by a simple, fun, upgrade system
>20 different selection chests

None of it matters since you need fucking traits.
>noooo you have to post 800 webms and stay on topic and also have 500 posts an hour in your thread or I won't play!!!!
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if only they thought of that too
because selling epics for a currency doesn't feel good

i'd rather farm for 10 hours to get a single drop i'd use than for 10 hours of junk and garbage UIs to buy the drop
>because selling epics for a currency doesn't feel good
speak for yourself

other MMOs you farm the same thing for 1000s of drops you can't use whatsoever until you get lucky and get your drop
Not sure if retarded or trolling. That shit is so disgustingly rare and expensive you won't be able to do it more than a few times.
you get 30 every week lil tard thats why you use them on hard to get items
>you can unlock ONE trait on ONE piece of gear every 2 weeks!
It's okay lil zoomy, maybe WoW is more your speed if this gearing system is too complex for your little peanut brain
Utterly retarded.
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kill yourself retard
it's actually so fucking easy to gear up in this game that if you can't understand how to do it then you unironically need to go back to WoW
Wouldn't you be the zoomy since WoW is the older system?
>you farm the same thing for 1000s of drops you can't use whatsoever
so far I have 12 epics and using the 10-to-1 stone-to-lucent ratio none of the traits are worth selling, and the lithographs all sell for under 1000 lucent (apparently also too low). also just got my 2nd epic from toublek: my second chestpiece with hp regen trait (I'm already using the epic codex chest)

very useful loot
ok cool, and when I played WoW i farmed molten core for literally the entire lifespan of vanilla before EVER seeing my t2 pants

what is your point
I really want to like this game, just wish it didn't have a fucking mandatory MSQ
Zoomer is defending a 100% RMT based game so it checks out.
it takes like 3 hours bro

this is entirely f2p, nice try nigger.
>let me pull lucent out of my ass
Nice try zoomie. Most people never get anything worth listing.
most people throw away all the shit worth listing and you can easily craft accessories worth listing

again, you are proving you are a retard.
it is so fucking easy to make lucent right now
NTA but this is cope
you're just not phoenician enough
>it is so fucking easy to make lucent right now
This is why I haven't gotten anything worth more than 60 lucent? Let me just waste my very limited extraction stones on garbage nobody will buy and even if they do it's not enough to afford anything.
so you've literally never gotten any weapons with any of the hits
you've literally never gotten any skill damage accessories, skill resist accessories, or max health accessories?
you've literally never gotten any evasion traits at all?
you've crafted hundreds of accessories and NEVER rolled anything worthwhile?

damn grats bro you're the bottom .00000001%
and also if you think trait extraction stones are limited then it's proof you waste shit on dumb things or don't know how to prioritize your resources
IE skill issue
>so you've literally never gotten any weapons with any of the hits
Just greens.
>you've literally never gotten any skill damage accessories, skill resist accessories, or max health accessories?
>you've literally never gotten any evasion traits at all?
Just greens.
>you've crafted hundreds of accessories and NEVER rolled anything worthwhile?
How the fuck am I supposed to "craft hundreds of accessories" in the first place?
I haven't even used any in the first place since all I get is garbage but yes they're pretty limited to be wasted on garbage traits you likely won't ever sell and even if they do the cost doesn't recoup the investment,.
>worth something
>worth something
>your contracts??????

a green costs 1 extract stone, if it sells for 10 then it's still worth it
blue accessories are the biggest money makers in the game right now, and greens aren't far behind if you craft the correct shit
>let me blow my contracts on low level shit for litographs instead of getting pouches
>for a minuscule chance of getting some useful trait I can sell for 20 lucent
>not doing your blue vendor contracts for more coins
yep im thinkin bricked
>he uses his contract coins for green shit
>euro hours
>poors start posting
is that why i'm fully geared with 15k lucent in the bank and 5k more in listings
>he is damage controlling after revealing he bricked his account
Not from selling green traits for sure. Stop lying already.
feels good not being a lucelet
Just did Death's Abyss for the first time. These people sure do make it look difficult.
im not really enjoying staff
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nta but sometimes you hook a retard
is this lightbringer event even worth doing
sisters... *coughs up blood*
Newfag here. Stop me from playing on the PS5 only server. I've read bots are literally destroying the game already and whale guilds are transferring servers and dunking on everyone. This isn't a problem on the PS5 servers right?
Any news on the EU situation?
listen fella i know you wanna be mad but its really not that hard to gear up i have shit ass luck and im getting purple drops took me 2 days to get anything gud which isnt that long
idk this meme about bots destroying the game ive seen like groups of 5 bots farming theyre utterly retarded
>new MMO
>make the mistake of attempting to enjoy it with /vg/

i got toublek's bow as staff/bow, should I still craft karnix's bow (both my weapons are blue)?
no just use troubleks unless you REALLY REALLY want to use karnix
just use it for now fuk it
karnix is op tho
not really
it has raw damage but that's it
troubleks has more range and more cooldown speed
>get greatsword users in my dungeons
>DPS is low as fuck
Isn't greatsword reliant on stun/prone to do damage, something that doesn't work on nearly all the bosses?
even with karnix passive?
Reminder, only woman play healer, if they're a man, that mean they're gay and want your dick, or worse, they are tranny, male do not need to play healer, leave that role to the submissive slut in your server
You'll be on your knees begging for heals like a faggot
the shock mechanic exists for enemies that are immune to stun (read the stunning blow,death blow and guillotine blade tooltips) so they were probably just undergeared or new
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I just pooped and a little blood came out. Anyway, back to my contracts
80 tokens and no wep am I really going to have to craft salvations...
I miss ouchies
>didn't go for pity out of the gate
did you eat beets?
did it hurt coming out? maybe it's a small tear or an internal hemorrhoid bursting
if it happens more you should see a GI
am I right in assuming that purples that aren't your BiS aren't worth using at all? they need to be traited/upgraded to be better than your +9 blue but it isn't worth investing so much in something you might quickly replace
and purples that are your BIS aren't worth using til they're at least as traited as your blues
good to know thanks
is there a website with all the timers?
it would be really nice to be able to see them without being logged in
I absolutely destroy shit as GS. It's just not as straightforward as other weapons since you need to do "combos" so those players are probably shitters.
what about the weapons that have passive effects?
a blue with full heavy hit mogs a purple most times
only half related but my fren w/ gs did 12k x2 to me in pvp kek i dont even have 12k hp
Free leveling pass if you sign up for this gay shit
dell webdevs baka
>site looks fake as shit
>it's real
Sarrr please downloading the app
>i paid for it
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Why is everyone hiding their weapon information?
vidya is kinda turning me gay...
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Which server EU bros...
I'm a big chad tank, you healer slut always flocking to me like moth in the fucking flame, you can't resist by big sword and my big shield
>actually nice looking character
congrats sis, rare
Noice, saved me 20 europoor monies.
do it on your alt, I just did, works fine
Bros is there any drawback to putting deodorant on my crotch? Shit get sweaty and stinky during gaming sessions.
Will I get cock and ball cancer?
we gonna lose straight up. nobody is gonna show up to this and they gonna steamroll us easily
There won't be an EU guild as nobody wants to make one
>defeatist faggot
we're going to win
no just wash it off later and dont put a shit ton on
You can pretty much use it anywhere but since your skin isnt used to it there maybe youll get a slight rash or something hence why i said wash it off later
>10 people online at all times
not gonna happen and when it gets captured i will go back and reply to you again
I'm still stuck on Kazar...
can you atleast @everyone so people know?
this is the average sword n sissy
what's the leveling pass for again? is it just mats or is it a boost to 50?
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t. Healslut
oh right, thanks
>whole game is about the pvp
>the pvp is just griefing
I kneel xi jing ping
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kick anyone who won't be present at this war.
but I don't have pvp gear...
i'm at work during it gomen
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i got it today on 20th run but i'm aiming for the blade...
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Nothing personal
That armor makes it look like they're futa
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does he know?
Heavy attack, skill dmg, health is meta for healsissies too?
Oh no no no
shieldsissies are for ryona
healsissies are for dps chads to breed
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oh thronecucks~
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vidya members, remember your homework for today
>Free server transfers are soon gone
>EU still have not decided on a server
come to lottie
made a lil' bit of space in vidya. 62/70, removed people who were level <30 and had <500 guild rep
too busy jerking off sorry
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Step 1: Be lucky
Step 2: Don't be Unlucky
why cant you make hot women in this game
what do you mean, chud? you have at least 5 beautiful black woman hairstyles
but I spent all my contracts yesterday...
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Leave it to me.
This game isn't fun anymore. The map is too small and 90% of the map being peace zones is lame. I thought we had a BDO2 on our hands where travelling in the open world meant you should expect red player ambushes, so it makes sense to party up and travel together.
Should I transfer to Zenith? EU bros please let's decide on a EA server.
Zenith suffers from the problem where 1 guild alliance totally dominates the server. They are also polish I think.
Can anyone say how the situation on Kazar is?
ok keep us posted
korea is getting a full pvp zone
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I thought europ settled on Benny ages ago
if you you don't want to play on that server there is a guild on Justice that consists mostly of /vg/ and some randoms to fill in the ranks.
>consists mostly of /vg/ and some randoms
>your bitch
how about you all come to lottie
>Justice that consists mostly of /vg/
How many?
>capped abyssal contract tokens
>join shadow crypt group
>kill 1 monster per minute
how am I supposed to spend my points when the whole server is there and monsters respawn takes minutes?
There's a bunch of English and German guilds. From what I can tell two guilds dominate it.
The dungeons released after crypt burn the tokens like crazy
So if I get a purple pouch in my contracts what do I do if I don't get something i want/need from it? Just into the lithograph book or dissolve? Trait extraction?v
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Don't have exact number but it's consists of ex /bdog/, /bnsg/ and /lag/. Random are there just to have more bodies in pvp.
>grayclaw contracts
shant be doing that trash area
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alright i don't normally do this, but i feel bad so here's a (you)
You know, in a game with a lot of gook timewasting bullshit, I'm kinda surprised there is no gear breaking or repair.
My game ran on DX12 fine at global release, now it crashes on launch and I can only run with DX11 and that also sometimes crashes while running but with an actual error code. Both are EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION and I have no idea what's causing it or how to fix it.
Does my wife the template witch play there?
Sorry anon I'm not acquainted with avatarfags in this general, can't tell.
all servers gonna have the same thing that 1 top guild+alliance controls the server. Everything in the game is built around that, gonna kill the game but bugmen devs will be bugmen no matter what.
Already used up all my contracts for today on this
Just finished the MSQ. Should I transfer levels from my green gear to blue or is there something else better to do with it
devs should just step in and permban the top guild every week i agree
unfixable, if you allow endless people to amass in a zerg the game is already over.
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i can't get pass the 6th floor iin the solo dungeons cause the grappling is so shit.
deselect the boss
it was a bit better when i enabled deselect by clicking ground. don't know why that isn't enabled by default.
>She didn't follow the tutorial
>her gear is probably all broken
no one tell her
>participation boss award chest
Fuck this game, every system is dogshit. I just want to have a damage meter, hit bosses and get loot it's not hard. I don't want to group up with sweaty kids and grief pvp
>ree i should get loot from every single boss
zoomzoom no like oldschool mmo design
Should be personal not by party literally no reason not to, this is just some dumb way to enable tanks and healers but no group will even invite them
okay zoomzoom maybe WoW is more your speed
*flicks your propeller hat*
go get em tiger
I used to try hard wow in WotC, I'm too old to fuck around with the spergs in these games especially with dumb systems
Golden apples are too rare´, should be better ways to get it than hoping for a 1% drop chance when chopping tress
being a healer is fun. staff/wand, but maybe i'll change later to bownto go fully healer skills
whoever bakes the next thread better have a game-replated picture on there or i'm going to blow my lid
EUslimes i feel like Basilisk aint it anymore
starting to see a lot of undesireables in wurl chat and also dungeon groups are kinda braindead
whats the latest on the EU situation?
i havent been lurking
Kazar feels like a good server, but launch players can't transfer there now because AGS are retards.
which vidya troon are you going to tribute when you blow
how do i get more of those unlock trait stone things?
Nta but maru. That slut is giving free blowjobs at the guild hall.
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>whats the latest on the EU situation?
she never gave me one...
It's a timed guild event in the hall. You gotta be there when it happens
Lottie sisters stay winning...
fuck ags they can smd
we are still considering italianna or are we going back to benis?
how about vortex...
Guys how do I spend my time wisely after hitting 50? I got most of my blue armour at +9 and so is my blue weapon while my epic sns is still without upgrades
Post [spoilers]good looking male characters[/spoilers]
Is there a guide on what to do when I hit 50?
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laugh at this anon
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Wait so if you open and close a contract scroll, you just lose it forever?
do you guys have any funny guild story to share?
it'll be 100k next week
the thread from yesterday and 2 days back were all about how vidya stole anons' loot. true story, i was the victim
Any bets if we gonna lose the boonstone or not? I'm 100 % sure we gonna lose it.
who care
There are guild advisors but who are guardians in the guild?
but will you have fun with anons? that's the real question
Nobody is going to be online when the war happens fun with who?
no it stays in your list of 5 until you reroll or accept it
What the fuck is the guardian role
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>Maru and Sani logging in at the same time
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its okay we all make mistakes (twice)
your game is freaking out. i came on like 3 hours ago.
me personally in my opinion i think that for me i would say that i believe that i like this bettet than BDO for myself i feel like
i'm leaving vidya
yeah i carry noob thru dungeons and then dont open the chest at the end what of it
no i am
I like the control scheme in BDO but the progression system is aids
>get into retard chimera group
>apes blamde me because they cant heal and dont know when to do chains
>get kicked
>find new group
>one shot the boss with no issues
i won
i was right
Is there a way to farm crypts in like a separate instance without like getting immediately gibbed by 20+ people?
wait til daytime
Have you tried not doing it at night when pvp is active you fucking retard
Did not know that, thanks anon.
Shoot yourself in the head.
>Shoot yourself in the head.
You first you fucking retarded tranny
cry more piggy
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>Join Death's abyss
>Tank pulls the whore room
>Wipe on final boss like 10 times because no one knows what to do
>Only stayed because of sunk cost fallacy
>Boss died
>"Alright guys let's do another run? :D"
>Leave and join another group
>Silky smooth speed run tier run
>Everyone leaves after boss is killed
Why do good groups never go for another run...
>2.3k gs
but you will never leave my heart
50 minutes until we get embarassed
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in desperate need of sex
>tfw im only half geared............ for pve.........
>2,3k gs now

might aswell quit the game you are so behind it's no point playing any further
i'm in the same boat but will show anyway
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Attention all vidya chuds: members who are online but do not attend the upcoming boon defense will NOT be allowed to bid on any gear drops this upcoming raid night.
@everyone in discord about it not only the thread
Any1 buy lucent from bot farmers?
I bought 2k on an alt account to see how it goes
43 down, 7 left. i managed to get a decent amount of progress done with the little amount of time i can dedicate to tnl. i'm thinking it might be time for me to figure out which skills to use with a bow/dd build
>buying lucent when it's so easy to farm
crypt is so useless when you're out of blue scrolls
>Do tyrant's isle
>braindead monkeys couldn't figure out the mechanics after tank and healer told them about it several times after every wipe 4 times
>had to solo dps down the boss for 10 minutes
Things I do to not deal with spergs leaving if you don't know the "speedrun strat" and using matchmaking
Kill yourself Blint
>the best sollant and mastery farm method is useless
i have enough sollant from daily contracts, for mastery yeah sure but i can't be bothered, shit is too slow
>i have enough sollant from daily contracts
just wait until you start making skill books lmao
>guild leader not online for the guild war
leader is a wagie, you don't get to choose when wars happen
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i was eating
>takes like 5h to grind all tokens
all dungeons after crypt
>takes like 30min to grind all tokens
when are we getting the new dungeons
2 more weeks
We already have them
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good luck vidya
a new dungeon just flew over my house
dont worry, anons. im recording the fight
You look like total shit.
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Do all open dungeons give the same mastery per token spent, or are some dungeons better for mastery than others? If so, where can I find this info?
this is so easy lmao
uhhhhhhhh doubter sisters?
i just got home
did we win?
vidya defends their bridge from another 20 guild mega alliance with the utmost ease
am I the only one with 1-1,5 second delay on skill usage?
the you mean?
where are you mystery nigga
terrorists win
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The bloody Spartan battle that left many enemies dead but the border protected.
What happened to the colors?
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ingame photo filters. i wanted it to resemble picrel filter
i eated them
umm its an old photo and it wore out idiot
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>try game
>starts off with a tutorial on how to move and attack, pretty standard stuff
>then immediately gives me a choice of 2 weapons and dumps 12 fucking buttons on me
Jesus christ at least let me unlock these abilities one at a time for the first 10 levels or something.
it's not that complicated, what kind of a character do you want to play
okay guys, victory sex
monster hunter does this and nobody has an issue with it
Euro bros we can't let the b*rgers win holy shit...
Does this game have a server transfer option or do you just get fucked if you randomly pick a shit server at the start?
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burgers win agane

that 25 mana regen is OURS
zulu nation cannot be stopped wh*tes LOOK OUT
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so proud of my guild
>euros weeping
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back by popular demand
We can't even decide in a single fucking server to play on
we told you just to play on NAE but you guys had to be special...
me under the bridge
so the only way to get purple armor/weapon tokens is to make blue ones then convert them to purple ones? that shit cost a shit ton of money bros
M under the bridge sucking anons cock as reward...
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If I want the blue bag from expeditions, how many hours should I send them for?
I've just been doing 1h while playing and 8h while I'm off for the day no clue if the amount of hours affects the droprates or not but it seems to show up a decent amount of the time
who do you think is the cutest member
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i think everybody is cute in the guild. join vidya today
Anyone else get flickering textures on some characters in world bosses when there are alot of people? any idea how to fix this?
its the dlss
the only thing that affects the droprate of those is you have a slightly higher chance to get them depending on how many of your amitoi match the region
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DO NOT cross the border
DO NOT collect us spendy tendies
DO NOT vote for kamala
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So I hit 50, got my two purple basic weapons and I'm at 2.4k now. Got most my skills to purple level too.
My armor is just random blue garbage I picked up while leveling so I assume this is what I should work on but I don't even know where to start.
Which pieces are good for GS? Which traits have universal PvP/PvE use? What is worth farming and what isn't? Should I just spam coop dungeons and open dungeons to dump contracts and tokens?
did the other guild not show up?
what happened? any fighting?
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Heavy attack chance, skill boost, evasion of all kinds, HP
How about crit?
weapons all 3 hit types
armor stack one primary evasion and one secondary evasion
if you go for 3 it's worthless
max health where you can

keep fully traited blue gear before trying to upgrade, non traited purple gear is worthless
for some reason the only thing crit does is givign you higher chance to dmg cap stuff while heavy attack chance has a chance to 2x your attacks basically acts like crit chance but its not..
we outnumbered then 3:1
>vidyaniggers literally gooning in vc
we were also better than them by 3:1
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There was alot of fighting going on but i think we did outnumber them but also they did no damage.

too lazy to convert it into webm gome
Come to guild hall so I can make a webm of blowing you up in 3 seconds tanksissy
is it even worth it to sell shit on the AH thats only worth 10 lucent?
Skill boost for accessories?
That's strange as fuck. Stats in this game seem to be so esoteric.

Should I just pick the base blue piece of my liking and start farming or should I focus on open dungeons and coop dungeons and hope I get lucky? Are those blue armor sets worth the hassle?
What's the deal with purple armor though? Let's say I get some pieces (I have purple armor I got at level 1 from the pouches that I've been using since) from selection chests or crafting using those world boss and coop boss tokens. Is there no point in using those purples at all then?
This game has extremely confusing and aimless gearing system.
a fully traited blue is better than a base purple in 90% of cases, don't ignore blues.
it's not aimless
you want gear that gives you base stats that help your build
if you're stacking melee evasion you want base gear with melee evasion ideally, but also stats to help get higher stat breakpoints

look up a build for an idea or use questlog's character builder to mess around a bit
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heavy also procs some skills like lightning on staff, getting a heavy lets you cast it again instantly and then getting more heavies makes it cd faster its beautiful
not really, no maybe if it costs 1 stone to extract or some shit but otherwise youre just hoping some goy buys your 10 cent thing instead of the other 900 of them
I mean you can still do it, 10 lucent is 10 lucent but taxes and such pretty much makes it aids
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i cant even blow up people in one stun... im a failure...
slap a /tnlg/ on it and make it the next thread OP
New players aren't accepted in Vidya are they bros...
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as long as you're active theres no issue
join us
Are weapons the only equipment that can have Heavy Attack traits?
only requirement is to be active
>16 online on a friday night
I was wondering if it's too late to start but I guess everybody already quit
never more than 20 people on at any given time
we had a lot of participants in the gvg
we were like 25 ppl
top guilds do
no they just require you be on for bosses and sieges
>game is all about guilds
>70 member cap knowing full well a tiny fraction is ever on at any time
how clueless are the devs?
How fast can you level a new character? I'm on a server completely swarmed from EA with BR's and chinks and want to reroll but leveling was a drag
Bro? It's a gook "mmo" and you can hit max level in a day.
So I just transferred to Kazar, is there any point in creating a /vg/ guild there? Don't think launch players can even transfer there right now.
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It's...NCSoft. Are you serious?
Can't wait for every single server to be dominated by one giga alliance of retards while the rest of the players are quitting.
people who queue as tank and have no idea how to pull aggro from the boss should have their throats cut open in the streets
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You tell 'em, sister
I sure enjoy sharing rankings with four ukrainian draft dodgers guilds
/me queues as healer while using xbow/dagger
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So this is the hyped oinkrainian counteroffensive?
You vatnik pigs are getting mass genocided and still talk this mad shit. I guess one pack of rice is all it needs to shut up your kind
Bro I'm an amerimutt.
You think everyone who doesn't give a shit about ukraine is automatically russian?
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these are the only two listed on the AH and i have one whats a realistic price to set mine at so it can sell instantly?
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I guess not...
why are schizos complaining? we've a viable, fun, comfy, vg guild and you're complaining there's only 25 people on at a time? jfc kys
why are you getting so defensive? who cares what other people think
Not a fan of troons and brown crossdressers.
need less troons in leadership
pick one of the "normal" guys and give them officer
What's the ERP server for people like me?
Those in the OP.
who are these "normal" people? you do know unironically half the people in the guild are trans right?
Stop spamming your projections little guy.
idk i think vidya is comfy
Are you single?
I have a GAM femra wife in XIV
The baits are getting shittier and shitter.
viixu post
mikusoles post
ocefags is there actually a lot of guilds going to revolution or is it just cope, my guildies dont want to transfer off alexia cus they like shitposting the japs and chinese bots
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threw up in my mouth a little bit
Can someone give me some lore about the game? I've skipped all cutscenes
Inside you there is two wolves

>*Howls at world boss*
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I hate this retarded shit making you waste time for nothing.
they're so easy to find though...
Not this one, 15m and counting.
if its the undead fortress area then its on the cliff near the ruins and you have to climb a convoluted ass route to get there
I wish the game were bigger. I really love traveling around the world, but there isn't much incentive to do so. Endgame contracts limit you to Akidu Valley and the Shadowsomething Village, and you queue for the same dungeons and the single open world dungeon. And they need to reduce mob density a bit. Constant stream of aggro so you can never breathe is also really annoying.
Which side of the wall+gate?
you could just morph into a friendly mob...

left on the outside
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based cunnychad
regarding lequirus, how does that red colored 3 attack chain he does that stuns you work? do you just have to eat the stuns and hope your healer is paying attention and doesn't get floated by the larvae? had to impromptu tank as a bow/dagger 2 dungeons in a row and everything was smooth but the stun seems like mandatory damage. unironically considering rerolling to tank since most tanks are fucking retarded
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total cunny love
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Thanks. All I got is one gay ore. Those things aren't any better than the normal orbs you can pick up all around.
no they give you better tables and can also drop a purple fishing rod

they are always worth
Surely you can agree that the morph system is really poorly done right?
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>guild battle doesn't work because other clan is allied with us
>guild leader won over dice roll in general chat
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>pvp mmo
>hmm mite be fun
>its just a pissing contest of who has the most people to gank and nothing else
why did i get shilled this
i win lots of 1vXs idk man
i uninstalled and reinstalled my gpu drivers, and thankfully i havent had any more game crashes
People call it pvp mmo, but most people just run dungeons and events without touching pvp
I'm guessing they gonna make more pve content and do bare minimum for pvp
I complained about this same issue and was told it's not hard. So don't redirect any sympathy here, but yes the introductory and easing you in is shit pacing
this daily shit is so fucking cringe like why can't I just do dungeons all day, so annoying
yeah i hate having to do those shitty open world events
i don't even do those anymore. i do my dungeons and contracts and fuck around with my guildies in the open world dungeons but god damnit I need dungeon runs, 3 a day feels really weak. open world events don't even offer shit you actually need like there's zero chance to get a few trait unlock stones from doing one
akshaully you can get them
you can get lucky rewards from any event which includes unlockstones
DM me
retard here instead of using those trait unlock stones to unlock the other 2 trait slots can i just buy the traits i want from the AH and unlock them that way?
thats why you save them for extremely expensive weapons like archbosses
alright tyty
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>burning damage scales with serial fire bombs
>been using full burning stack build with my cross/staff since EA launch and I'm 2.6k gearscore
>mfw my series fire bomb skills is not even leveled up once
should i use the random purples i get if they're not really bis
you dont use purples until you can trait them out
im not even traiting out my blues so whats the point?
well you're bricked then
good thing you cant check my gear so no one will ever know :))
Am I supposed to use the good traits on my blue gear (that I'm using) or just cheap ones? When I eventually transfer to purples it doesn't matter right?
I'll know when i one shot you out in the world lil nigga
use good traits because they're far cheaper on blues than on purples and slotting in even one fully completed purple is a huge milestone unless you're swiping for it

blue/green accessories will last you for fucking ever
when do we get archbosses? actually what the fuck are even archbosses?
but arch
no fucking way alright guess i'm going to all of them kek
they're rare as fuck though
you can also get them from fishing
>uhmm sorry, the boss you need MIGHT spawn every three hours
>oops its conflict tough luck :)
good thing you can do them as a guild in your guild hall
no fucking way wtf okay i'm fishing now
if you don't already have the kraken fishing rod you're bricked though
Too busy to game. Bullying a bottom atm
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>gook game
>zero sex appeal
How can I know the worth of a trait extract? There isn't such a section on the AH and I can't search for extracts either.
wdym you can search extracts for everything and you can see how many of them have sold and for what price ranges
im literally starving to death but if i leave bed its all over
Maybe I'm retarded.
>get a very cool looking epic armor
>can't transmog
Why are gooks like this?
anyone else not really feeling the new halloween outfit?
But there's almost nothing to pick from and no plate armor either. I want plate and all ingame armor looks better anyway.
i'll have to see it ingame first
yeah it's stupid
>Artifact System: New artifact mechanics will be introduced, allowing players to equip stones with unique active and passive skills, adding depth to gameplay.
>New Weapon and Guardian Leveling System: The introduction of a new weapon type and a revamped Guardian leveling system that will allow players to progress guardians through in-game content.
>12-Man Raid (Normal/Hard Mode): In February, players can tackle endgame PvE raids that feature legendary PvP and PvE weapons as rewards.
>Interserver Castle Siege: A major PvP feature allowing multiple servers to clash in large-scale castle sieges.
>Greatsword: While considered powerful in small-scale battles, it struggles in larger engagements and PvE. Changes are coming to make its stun/CC abilities less overwhelming in PvP.
>Equalized Gear Arena: The team is considering an equalized gear PvP arena to provide a more balanced competitive environment.
>Nebula Island: This PvP zone continues to be available, with time-based events that will run approximately five hours per week.

we are so fucking back bros
in 2 years
>no bow nerfs
>no dagger nerfs
>no staff nerfs
Sword and Shield: Players will see a balance shift, offering more defined options between tanking and DPS roles. The endurance meta is under review, with changes expected through the mastery rework.
Bow: The Bow class has been overperforming, particularly with its heavy attack. Future updates will aim to reduce its damage, especially from abilities like Tornado and Flashwave.
Sounds like it'll be dagger/staff domination. GS with its stuns gutted is going to be an absolute joke.
koreans play a different meta than us because they have runes and t2 items
this games events are so fucking garbage dude what the fuck. 3 fucking blood mushrooms and yet they only spawn like 10 the whole event. fucking nigger ass fucking design. mother fucking gook dev shitheads
I agree. Fuck niggers, fuck gooks and fuck jannies.
>Greatsword: While considered powerful in small-scale battles, it struggles in larger engagements and PvE.
so they're nerfing GS in arena and buffing PVE?
I'll accept that trade
They didn't say anything about buffing, just nerfing. It'll be just as worthless in mass PvP and also worthless in small scale PvP while still being worthless in PvE.
Holy based, making all the FOTM retards suffer for picking the braindead class
Bro bow and daggers are much worse in PvP and SNS is the absolute fotm.
>bow and daggers are worse
lol cmon man

bow and dagger will not be good as long as sns/gs shits on it for literally free with absolutely no counterplay available
What's with GStards and constantly downplaying?
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emergency maintenance
is bow/staff actually worth playing?
who care
yes but they are getting nerfd so probably not anymore
damn mutts cant stop winning
When will we be able to transfer to EA servers again?
But I just hit 47
And now I hit 48
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i love cock
i for one welcome the spear/dagger meta
Prove it.
>nerf everything fun
>now everything is shit
>not on page 10
>unrelated OP
Report it for off topic
cooooool wish i was there. was it fun? cool picture
it wasnt super interesting becaues the challenger guild wasnt too coordinate and we outnumbered them, but it was a fun experience
>got my two purple basic weapons
>why can't I just do dungeons all day
why can't you? serious question

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