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Gayztecs edition

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.2 Devblog: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/29-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-2-dev-blog
Hotfix 5.2.7: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-527
CA future plans and further 6.0 details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTHkI2GSVJw

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2951630
Pharaoh Hotfix 2.0.2: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/31-total-war-pharaoh-dynasties-patch-notes-2-0-2
Concept Art: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1829541017567256915

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous thread: >>497608274
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Thanquol never, friends.

He canonically dies in the Vortex campaign along with all the other Grey Seers.
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Thanquol soon, friends!
next historical TW's map just leaked
Be a good person
Be a Lusitanian megalithism person
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Medusae or Medusas?
>noooo you can't post-use that thread because the picture is wrong-bad
why are you autists like this? no other thread has this problem. this kind of thing is how vidya butts posters are born.
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next fantasy TW's map just leaked
He's spamming the OP bro
He himself even said the janitor banned his original image >>497852816
Lusitânia, caralho!
how is posting it once per thread that keeps getting deleted spamming? you fags even used a thread with some non-game related image a few days ago just because you are obsessed with not allowing the rat picture. every other thread understands that you move to the new thread that was made first, but you fags keep using the one made later to "own the ratfag."
stop being a faggot
the other thread was made first and has the correct information in the op. you are the ones being faggots for refusing to post in it for some autistic reason. why are you so obsessed with not using the rat picture thread?
gay nerd voice:
>you are the ones being faggots for refusing to post in it

stop being a faggot
It's not the same as posting something once per thread in the thread like Thanquol, he's trying to make EVERY OP IMAGE rat killing squire
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>*Dabs on your dead threads*
>some autistic reason
That autistic reason is the guy posting the same OP every time.
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Almost there, even though I have to redo some campaigns because I did it before they added achievements. Probably going to put it all on hold until they add Unusual Locations for Disorder factions
Based and redpilled Medieval 2 thread.
shut the fuck up ratfag
"Hymn of War" is this thread's theme
They're called Evil
Good luck, very hard chaos dwarfs is my favorite campaign in the game
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What motivated Gelt to such a feat of cruelty?
Probably Imrik. I mean, have you ever seen the guy talk?
do not lewd Miao Ying.
lewd Miao Ying.
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any ai fags wanna make gelt read it?
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a siege army that requires zero work
its beautiful
I instinctively recoiled upon seeing this picture because I thought the psychotic Sartosan infantry spammer was back to bludgeon us into submission with yet more of the same.
LegendSOVEREIGNS... it's up.
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Thoughts on his IE campaign? Are Youtubers just shit at the game or is it really a bad start?

It was fine before ToD, now he's stronger
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>the war in Kalimdor between the trade coalition and Quel'thalas is still ongoing
>the high elves managed to conquer Splintertree and Everlook in the north
>they gifted the territories to the night elves
>Felendren Sunstrider and his army managed to conquer and defend Crossroads
>Vanthryn the Infantryman recently conquered Ratchet
>a strange mysterious race of bugmen the Ahn'Qiraj conquered all of southern Kalimdor and similar to Quel'thalas wage war against the trade coalition
>it recently reached King Kael'thas that the Ahn'Qiraj wiped out a troll tribe called the Farraki and they managed to conquer Gadgetzan
>the Goblins seem to run out of mercenaries and cheap infantry
>it seems its only a matter of time until the Goblins surrender
>the eastern kingdoms stay silent
>the high elves and dwarfs have an uneasy peace at the moment
>Khaz Modan is about to wipe out the iron dwarfs and the dark horde
>considering his borders safe, Kael'thas decided it would be best to invade Northend now and wipe out the Scourge for good
>three mighty armies have been raised to launch a massive invasion in the north of Northend
>they're soon to depart
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Jaina Proudmoore more like Jaina Proudwhore decided to besiege Ratchet. Why is she doing this? I tried my best to have good relations with her. First town I conquer that borders Theramore she attacks me.
Why are humans so hostile to elves?
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I go and beg her to stop attacking me like the simp that I am.
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(You) WILL post your latest campaign and how it's going or I will become a ratfag!
Goddamn that mod if fugly
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the three armies have assembled in the harbor of Lordaeron. ready to take invade Northend led by Lor'themar the fat.
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dear civilians of Ratchet. please accept this cold piece of steel in your face as an answer to civil misconduct.
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Ratchet rebelled and got an entire stack of the Goblins finest just materializing out of thin air.
Woah check out those spooky skeletons
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Not using your seethe thread faggot. Touch grass.
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I hate the medieval 2 AI so much. Why are the night elves doing this? We're at peace. You got all your territory, I'm trying to be friends. But no blood and gore is the only thing the medieval 2 AI likes.
>Living Island
Total War: Sid and Marty Kroft when?
It's over
Why would you expect anyone to believe you aren't samefagging, ratnigger?
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trying to free their encircled brethren in Ratchet a Goblin general rallied any forces he can to lift the siege, Vanthryn anticipating this led them to an ambush...
Haven't played any of the non-Warhammer games, did they used to show trade ships going into your port towns? Why would they stop doing that?
>7 mortars
What's that like?
Do they do much damage/get many kills?
The most mortars I've had in one army is 4, maybe 5 once.
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imperial destroyer, splendour or empire 2?
i want new regions
Trade routes were things on the map you could interact with. Now that it's been simplified there's no real need
Why are you doing this to yourself?
answer the question, ratspawn
Play a non-shit game where France isn't one province.
Which historical game covers the biggest part of the world?
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Playing as Couronne in Mortal Empires.
Allied with the High Elves, Reikland, other Bretonnians, some Dwarfs, Wood Elves, and Ghosts of Pahuax.
Fighting Vlad and Mannfred in the east, they are losing.
Fighting Wintertooth to the north, they are annoying but not a serious threat.
Fighting Naggarond and Cult of Pleasure in Ulthuan. Also annoying but I think they're on the back foot now.

Filled out the meter for chivalry, and just need to recruit new higher-tier units for Louen, and I can set off to fight the final Errantry war (I chose to fight the Greenskins). Kind of wish I could teleport there to fight them though tbhwy.
Usually by this stage I'd be starting to get a little tired of the campaign and want to finish it, and be skipping over assigning skill points and just auto-resolving battles to get the the end, but I'm still enjoying it so far.
dead thread
dead game
good job at killing it ratfags
ogre rework soon bros
>skipping over assigning skill points
You know you can autoassign them, right?
Was that feature in wh2 though?
>150k in cash
>can't even trade a small settlement in the Badlands with a +90 relationship Khemri

Why is diplomacy so absolutely fucking worthless garbage in this game? It's actually infuriating
Oh damn I forgot people still play 2
Why haven't you upgraded?
Uhhhhhhh it's called TOTAL WAR not TOTAL DIPLOMACY
There's a cap for cash in diplo. I think 15k or something, anything above that doesn't matter. Pretty sure there was a mod that removed the cap.
I'm a different anon, not him.
>Play Wood Elves
>High Elves capture Gloom Forest
>Have to declare war all of them to get it
Yeah restarted fuck this game is stupid and i have to rush every fucknig thing.
you have the exact same 90s saturday morning cartoon nerd voice as MilkandcookiesTW! I only clicked your video because I was hoping that was the case. I bet you're absolutely hopeless vs. Grom.
And then if you declare war on them you will never be able to sign a peace treaty until you absolutely exterminate them, bravo CA.
I hate that I have to install mods to make sense of the shit diplomacy in this game, I feel like im cheating every time I install a mod like that, I have never in my life played a strategy game with such flawed diplo system.
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Playing Imrik, got myself in a bit of a pickle. My armies are still mostly spearmen and archers and I can't afford to upgrade, though I do have the buildings to do so after taking Nagashizzar's province. The vampires and ogres to the east are at war with Nurgle so I think I'll let them occupy each other for now, and the minor chorfs to the north are losing against Karak Kazdrin. So I'm thinking it's time to start fighting Queek, before he declares on me. Though he is very powerful (Strength Rank 5, 11 settlements) and I don't relish the thought of playing whack-a-mole with rats throughout all those twisting mountain provinces, he is currently at war with Karaz-a-Karak, and though they dwarfs will lose if I don't do anything they might at least distract him a bit if I do.

Meanwhile in Ulthuan, I confederated Caledor and took the province north of it with another army of spearmen and archers. But now Morathi (Strength Rank 1, 13 settlements) has declared on me, and taken one of my towns already with two armies of much stronger units than I can field. This is...really bad. I'm in a defensive alliance with Tyrion and Alarielle so they're at war with her now too, but they're preoccupied with fighting N'kari. Even if I did somehow repel Morathi's armies and take the fight to her, I'd be fighting my way across a huge territory of uninhabitable land to ensure she doesn't become a problem again. Was hoping to keep my provinces in Ulthuan to generate income but it's not looking good for them.
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overwhelming the Goblin armies with cunning elvish tactics the Quel'dorei breach the Goblin forces and besiege three of their cities at once.
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as one Anon mentioned you can interact with them, change them, they would also adjust themselves. if you can't reach the enemy port or you just want to get some phat loot you could raid them with your ships and so on.
That sounds pretty cool, weird that they would just remove that feature.
15 minutes.
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fucking knife ears!
Internal trade between your own settlements only existed in Rome and Medieval 2. And foreign trade routes haven't been visible on the map since Rome 2 I believe.
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I've got myself in a stinky situation.
Green Sigvald
For the Rance poster
you kinda deserve it for your obnoxious cheese build
You have very untrustworthy reputation, I think that makes everyone hate you by default. I had allies backstab me in Med2 even when I was 10x stronger than them and I think the cause was my untrustworthiness
if you use them in a siege, they will kill everything because the ai wants to hold their walls
at the end of a battle, the mortars will have shelled them so hard that the walls will break
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Is manual aiming completely useless in warhammer? I just did a battle where i pulled my army up to a high hill, including some cannon artillery, and thought it could get better view or accuracy but it was even mofe shit and kept missing so I tried the manual button like in shogun 2 and It would barely let me aim it over my own troops. I couldn't even aim horizontally, it forces me to aim downward, down the hill, complete bs
Actually impressive how you got to that situation. Here'a a frog and good luck
Its good with the sky junk.
Come to think of it, should I even be bothering with more than the first province in Ulthuan? Maybe I should reload to before Morathi declared, give the one closest to her to Tyrion and let her be his problem while I focus on the Badlands.
Gelt is le big gay for Zhao.
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First three armies done.
Gelt is the best chink genocider in the game. Fun times.
It fun
>suck it Franz, I have my own empire now. Don't you feel stupid after kicking me out of Reikland?
funny twin guy is best for dwagon tears
Huh, Kroxigors are good now?
normal are still meh
sacred are great for what they do
Boxigors with some vivis like that anon had are comfy unga bunga right click.
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it's more like the game has become piss easy even on VH since reinforcements have a 2:50 mins delay and everyone overlooks revification crystals on monstruos infantry, instead of losing 3 kroxigors I would have lost 10 or more without them.
yes I also noticed that. trying to currently improve my reputation somehow.
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What faction will you be playing when it releases?
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2 more armies done
Pseudo arabia
I enjoy desert aesthetics
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not smelling so stinky anymore
what the fuck
is that kairos's land on the minimap? holy fuck
Wow, that's literally Immortal Empires! Just love playing as the Chorfs in the Uninspired Wastes!
I've seen worse.
This would be a cool setting if it wasn't made by someone who thought he was too good for it, guess it goes to show that sometimes things become cliches for a reason.
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Exhibit A
What is the white man faction ?
That's my land, I use very few mods but one is that where you get defeated LL of your own faction, that's why I have Nakai. First thing I conquered really, as annoying as it is due to attrition and every building taking 15 turns to finish. And that orange tip is me farming Tiktaq'to for his 10% movement range.
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high elves and night elves meet in battle.
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based night elves!
I don't know if they're based or not because I don't give a shit about warcraft, I just see them purple elves in porn a lot
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What is the opposite of this world, the most creative and engaging?
hah what a coincidence that song actually plays a background music in the mod together with a few other songs.
that is art of a /wowg/ avatarfag's OC
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That's where I'm from.
that's really neat and all, I don't browse that general I just found it on rule34.xxx with all the other warcraft art I know
There is an old document from a pre Islam Turkic cheiftan complaining about how young people no longer migrate from season to season and live in buildings that obstruct the Unconquered Blue Sky.
the fuck is up with her thigh?
stop posting and kill yourself
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>young people no longer migrate from season to season and live in buildings that obstruct the Unconquered Blue Sky.
Billions must die.
Reminds me of that Assyrian tablet that said "The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching".
All it shows is that every time period in human history believes that they are going to be the final time period and that they are living in "the end times", it's actually quite a whitepill on a species level because it proves that humanity will never die, it will simply change, although I admit it is a massive blackpill on an individual level, the world will never stay the way you like it.
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Is there a mod for TWW3 that makes the game extremely easy and drastically reduces the AI potential so that I can just paint the map and afk some turns for the sake of hoarding money and teching?
>Billions must die.
And they did
The Assyriam Empire did collapse tho
Unnatural Selection lets you decrease every faction potential. If you want to go even further and just outright cheat download the console command mod/campaign configuration mod.
Yeah it's called vanilla VH/VH get good
Thank you, tho I don't want to just use console commands.
no u
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>warhammer crybabies be like
>"WEEEH WEEEH where is my news at?! WEEEEH! If CA doesn't flip one value on that single unit the game is literally unplayable!"
>meanwhile mfw I'm enjoying some mod for Med2 completely for free and with much less bugs or bloat
you are blogposting your dogshit campaign
shut the fuck up retard
>much less bugs
>or bloat
I honestly don't get the constant need for new paid DLC, makes me wonder if hammerfags would actually welcome CA making Total War GAAS.
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two turns later
He was right.
Reddit take.
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you sound like a calm and collected individual anon
how big is her cock?
>nooo you can't just post your total war campaign in a total war general!
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Are there Drae in the mod?
Now that I know it's the shitty WoW AI spammer I do genuinely want them to stop posting.
>get recommanded a legend stream
>check it out
>he's whining about viewers
jesus why does anyone watch this guy
Why is he sad?
Um I dunno
Good post though thanks for the superchat
You're the one who started insulting people for no reason other than to be a contrarian faggot, don't bitch when they don't like it.
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not yet there are Ereder in the Burning Legion but no Draenei yet. however it is heavily hinted at that they're going to add them at some point.
sounds fun which one?
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If I try to pony up to other factions by having them pay me to declare war on their enemies, will that increase my "Strategic Threat" penalty?
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>watching a stream instead of an edited video
what the FUCK
the current one
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why would i want to play troy or rome 2 over attila and dynasties
Is our streamer ok?
It doesn't exist, because if it does it gets instantly plundered by a hundred other settings.
>the few times he actually starts getting into a campaign chat starts whining that it's boring
As much of an unlikeable autist as legend is I wouldn't blame him for hating his audience desu
>>he's whining about viewers
what about? qrd?
>play N'kari, the high speed, low armor charge based faction
>You're put in ulthuan, the place where everyone is either a spearman with charge defense, an archer with 180 range, or a spearman and archer
god I hate elves so much
Legend is genuinely a dogshit streamer, I have never seen someone with as little on-air charisma as him. Even his prerecorded videos have always been lazy and they still are to this day.
different osts?
I don't blame him, people who watch Legend are absolute niggers
Rome 2 is an easy one, it has the classical Rome period everyone knows about and has lots of DLC support. It also runs much better than Attila. If you really like Greek mythology and want every Pharaoh Dynasties Greek to have unique mechanics Troy might also be worth it.
>a place where you can get in fast and butcher a ton of weak archers
It's fun you shitter just have enough maraudermanii to distract the spears
"It is what it is"
*is a settlement battle in your path*
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I love Bretonnia.
Can't wait for the faction rework.
Could there be news tomorrow?
Have they been given any new units in The Old World besides that peasant hero or is CA still going to have to rely on legendary heroes and whatever they can scrape together from the RPG?
>15 minutes before posting because i didnt buy a 4chan pass
Thanks ratfags
There is no current one, you mean the skaven one 3 days ago since its the latest
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>40K doesn't actually have modern soldiers, the setting is about armoured skeletons with swords and shields fighting some kind of astronauts with lightsabers in melee
what the fuck? did space marine two lie to us?
>medieval 2
>less bugs
Why does this look like Tomb Guards are fighting Swordmasters of Hoeth?
>hundred of thousands of soldiers in that picture
>war machines at an unimaginable scale
Your GF will get shat on and bred by Indian bulls.
She will be screaming for saar to not stop, she will beg saar to coat his saarcock in fresh sloppy shit before going back into her stretched out pussy.
She will enjoy eating shit and cum tika masalas because she can't get enough of saar droppings.
She will love a single pebble sized saar dropping more than she ever loved you.
yuan bo
>*stacks 2 armies and autoresolves*
>autoresolving real battles
you didn't win the campaign.
I keep having wet dreams about Fey Enchantress and I don't even play Bretonnia.
And in the fucking wet dream she doesn't get fucked by me, she gets fucked by black guy and I'm not even a bbcfag. I don't have wet dreams about anything else.
He stopped streaming and there is no VOD, so it must've been so bad, he deleted it.
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>saar droppings.
idk if the bug translates to the mod that this guy is playing but by default in medieval 2 diplomacy is broken because of one line of code that isn't commented out that should be.
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Ifkr? It bothers me deeply that when talks of tw40k come up there's that one retard who literally wants a carbon copy of DoW. Do they not own DoW? Do they not know what a graphics mod is?
this but completely unironically.
The only strategy game 40K needs is a Supreme Commander knockoff
Wtf happened in legend's Yuan Bo stream? Looks like he made the video private.
Sieges are easier than field battles but completely anti-fun at the same time. If maybe the units weren't so bugged while trying to cross and shoot through wall breaches or the wall gate it would just be slightly better.
Are any of you MMOfags? Heard there is a warhammer mmo (most likely fantasy) in development, so any warhammerfags here excited for it?
well you're not entirely wrong that there are some melee units but the vast majority uses sci fi guns and artillery. highly unlikely that you will see many melee only units. most likely you will see a lot of units that have guns as their main weapons and that have melee weapons as side arms.
Repostan poll about /twg/'s prediction about 40KEK
Will it come out:
poll about how CA will do the map:
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Ok nvm i watched it from twitch. He just bitched about low viewership and said he wont be doing another livestream untill the dlc drops.

>cheeses the fuck out of every campaign
>uses every outrageous exploit 99% of players woudnt touch
>Refuses to use balanced armies, just spams t0 trash
>spends an hour on every fucking turn
>Brings up Pharaoh/CA for no reason and starts bitching
>Why are you guys not watching my streams?!
>Why do you want a copy of prexisting game?
>Well ok *releases close copy of game*

>If :game was close to original

You didn't like the game. You liked your childhood. That's not coming back. No product will ever restore your childhood. Please seek help.
>If :game was close to original
Nice strawman, however, I did not say this at any given point.
DoW2 sucked because it was RTT
DoW3 sucked because it was a MOBA
true DoW sequels have never been attempted, simple as
the last warhammer mmo was the one that finally taught me not to be tricked by mmos. I bought the game because /v/ told me it was going to be awesome and ended up quitting before my free month was even up.
show me some examples of both
That game was raped by EA, they gave them unreasonable deadlines.
Well, my first attempt at a Kemmler campaign is over. I tried to attack 25 dwarf units in a settlement with my crapstack and the Dwarfs cleverly shifted their army between the trees and then shifted most of their forces so to intercept my flankers and flank them in turn. I'd say wind of death is necessary to fight the Dwarfs but then the AI makes sure that whatever earlygame province you're fighting in has minimum winds of magic. May be an AI ability, like the gate 'bug'.
it's interesting to speculate how things would translate. in the tableslop game most regular guns are actually dogshit because of limited ap. like regular bolters are mostly worthless unless you build your army around special rules to make them good and guardsmen lasers are completely worthless. most firepower is in the form of heavy weapons which are usually embedded one or two to a squad. if ca just turned them into weapon team units like they did for ratling guns and trollhammers it would majorly affect the balance of things.
But with an Empire at War map style.
>/gsg/ leaves
>/vg/ dies
the fuck
Damn, I was terrified that there would no longer be fun fact catalogues and list spamming.
having to rush things out or being told to copy wow is just cope. there were too many shit core design choices. class balance was shit. for example I remember that the one ability that prevented healing was learned at a low level for witch elves but the equivalent ability on witch hunters wasn't learned until close to the level cap, so all lower level pvp was completely lopsided because one faction was missing a core mechanic. classes like engineer and squid herder were total garbage while black orcs were super strong. the pvp arenas were mostly shit except for one, but they were level tiered so you couldn't even keep playing it after a point. also the way they tried to make pve mechanics like aggro work in a tab targeting pvp game was completely stupid. tab targeting in general is garbage and has no place in a modern game.
This was done to inconvinience the ratfag
Based, fuck ritualposting niggers
What game?
I remember having fun with Age of Reckoning.
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when the FUCK did /gsg/ and /mbg/ die?
jesus I didn't expect to feel this sad about the fact
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In the timeline where TWW3 propelled warhammer fantasy instead of it being pre-killed by AoS, I would have bought these in plastic toy form
>get banned for being shitposting faggots
>ban evade to own le mods
>get cucked by the 15 minute captcha wait
Sucks to suck, fuck ratfaggots, also when did /gsg/ die? And why was it replaced by "gaming screenshots general" for like a week before this new anti-spam measure?
I was talking about Age of reckoning, it was supposed to be much better. It wasn't bad, but had huge issues when it came to mass combat lag and balancing.
>the ratfags autistic spergout made them change the rules and pile on verification just to post on /vg/
I believe skaven faggots have managed to be even worse than spess muhreen redditors

Theyre on /vst/ buddy
Idk about when /gsg/ died, didn't post there in ages.
/mbg/ has been dead for months now
They should be on /vst/
Get a few chaos warriors to eat the arrows and its fine
Fuck sieges though god I hate sieging elves
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An image MS5 ban didn't work so now the joontroon really got desperate.
Get fucked ratfga
Can anyone make a hanging squirefag troonjak or some NTR where his elf whore gets fucked while he watches. While this image is legendary, need some variety.
Chorfs were supposed to get new models in ToW but GW insists on dragging their fucking feet.
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/mbg/ died a couple months ago, wanna say around half a year ago is when I was the last Cao Cao to be posted and the lineage of Cao Cao posters ending.

I miss /xcg/ the most, though.
all the 40kiddie copium essentially boils down to:
>just completely rewrite the engine to make it work like Dawn of War!
what's even the point of calling it "Total War" then? same thing for the people saying it should be like WARNO or Supreme Commander, why even bother trying to force it into Total War just to radically change the battle gameplay?
>40k isn't actually a squad based skirmish game where cover and terrain are very important, look at these >>497906142 melee focused units!
great let's make a game where only necrons and eldars are playable with the melee half of their respective rosters, the true 40k experience
>CA already made Empire: Total War, and that's focused on ranged warfare!
I too remember when the emperor lined up 120 space marines in fire by rank line infantry formation and told them to "drop a volley on these heretics!", we all know 40k is just minutemen and redcoat battle lines in space

each cope is more retarded than the last
Well yeah because they know not enough people will get into ToW to justify making all the armies in TWW3
Not a 40kek but the "space marines are too few in number" argument falls apart when you realize that they'll just be Ogres with caps.
Everything else is right though.
What if CA just made a better engine
They just hope people will lose interest if they take long enough.
They haven't even so much as announced a Magnus the Pius model yet.
Best I can do is a soulslike game set in Warhammer Fantasy.
They should ask 343 Indus... I mean Halo Studios for assistance and advice.
That's what Mordheim should have been.
Simply turn the dial which makes the AI 20% better
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NTA but Troy becomes TWWlite with the Mythos expansion and the various mythic mods, Rome 2 is an evergreen game that opened the path for TWW1.
mordheim is not a soulslike thoughbeit
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Any big brain sex perverts got any ideas on why I'd want to use Forsaken as N'kari? They're the same cost as Daemonettes but slower and don't have magical attacks and less melee defense. Better armor but I don't want daemonettes to be taking shots to begin with. Maybe as a bolster for the marauder anvil?
Enjoy your 15 minute wait every time you get banned, I'll sleep well knowing you have to sit there and seethe. All of this could be solved if you stopped acting like a mental asylum patient.
Was the 15 min post change unironically done because of the ratspam and his ban evasion?
they don't disintegrate, I guess?
Probably not, there's a thousand like him in the gachashit generals which was probably the actual impetus for the new rule.
They're slightly better against low armor targets, but not too worth. Slaanesh has hammers and anvils, and forsaken sort of try to be both with their high armor and weapon damage but don't really excel in either, so they're just kinda out of place.
Also, where's the armored hero from? Are they just cultist reskin?
That's about the only thing I could think of. I also must be brain damaged because I thought Forsaken were unbreakable at some point.

Just a reskin, afaik
I think they were because I was definitely thinking the same
Or maybe we're conflating small mutated chaos boy with big mutated chaos boy since spawns ARE unbreakable?
They’re cool, and yeah don’t compare them to daemonettes as slaanesh, they’re more like dual wield marauders/chaos warriors.
As WoC, they’re just there as one in your ocean of options.
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kek ratfag is still absolutely assblasted.
How do you even get to be this fucking pathetic.
Sqvire hasn't even been posted that often lol
last time they tried that, we got Empire
just put it on easy easy and autoresolve everything.
I don't know how you could stomach that though.
yeah but like
do it properly this time
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never underestimate the mental illness of the rattranny
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Wasn't /gsg/ just sc2 tier nowadays? With the way they won't use the reply function etc. /dsg/ is also turning into that shit. Fuck that autism.
>Sqvire hasn't even been posted that often lol
Honestly it feels like he's just a proxy in a shitflinging war between ratfags and liggers, since whenever the ratfag posts his anti-squire image it's mostly lizardposters that react.
>go into the /gsg/ general on /vst/
>it's the same shitty autist posting
I don't get it.
every fucking thread on this board has at least one faggot like him and usually more

next steps, hopefully, are banning mobile posters and all of asia
Oh great, falseflagging wars between animal fuckers. Not a mental illness btw
The original squirefag is long gone, ratschizo is just screaming at people posting one of the few twg-made images.

Basically every general on this site has some insufferable faggot like him that wont take his lithium
half the lizardposting is transparently done by ratniggers

most furries are scalies and vice versa
>With the way they won't use the reply function etc.
Oh god I forgot about that level of cringe (even though luthorfag does it, but it's different when an entire general is doing it)
More likely due to generals like /gsg/ and so on. It's was literally unsuable much like the starcraft general and guild wars general.
It's the liggers that make the rat shitposts, everyone knows this
>The original squirefag
Who do you mean here? If you mean the guy who wrote the fanfic, then yeah I guess, but the meme only became a thing after that anyway so he's kind of irrelevant.
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>replying to a reply
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I love Orc Labourers
Not because they're remotely useful, but because sending them in to die to my mortars, block charges and just make the enemy very slightly tired is so enjoyable
ESPECIALLY during a siege, where once all the ladder orcs are dead the infernal guard start climbing to shatter their confidence
Skavenslaves can't compare to using a conquered race
>but the meme only became a thing after that anyway so he's kind of irrelevant.
What I meant here is it became popular with the wood elf, not the valkia stuff he wrote (apart from Mice keeping it alive for a while since he liked it for some reason)
How would (You) prevent schizos from shitting up /vg/? What new rules would you implement?
T. AI Drazhoath with his 15 orc labourer, 2 infernals army
Every 5 posts from an Anon must include at least 1 campaign screenshot.
it'd be cooler if toddler war didn't have the 20 unit per army limit and instead operated on a unit value system
Regional ban for all of north america
shadowbanning + increase the 15 minutes to an hour
CA is required to release ea new DLC every quarter and properly drip out news.
This only happens when we have nothing to talk about.
Only MPChads deserve such kino
it can work on a SPGOD setting too. Tying maximum army value to technologies, infrastructure and hero level, etc
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Your parents are sent a letter record of all posts made by you at the end of the month, if your parents are dead they are sent to your boss, if you have no job they are sent to your closest relative, if you have no relatives you are made to read them aloud in front of the nearest grocery store
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Post IDs, simple as.
but that would just reveal that the whole thread is the same person (Luthor Harkon (me))
So be it, me.
Then people would realise that I reply to my own posts.
Post IDs + the timer theyve already implemented when you switch IPs would be the sensible solution
Anonymity but everyone knows when youre being a faggot and turboschizos have to suffer through timers
AI wouldn't adapt to it
What countries do you guys think our schizos are from?
Account creation required to post. Block all temp mail services if possible by restricting the mail to gmail, outlook etc. plus the popular mail alt for each country.
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One shot, very fair, tier 2
some shithole with no real adversity like coastal USA, germany or the nordic countries
Thread schizos have come from everywhere, it's fucking irrelevant
There are no good flags to see on boards with flags
thread schizos don't even have the decency to be mentally ill anymore, it's just antisocial contrarians on welfare
I get strong germanic vibes from these type of thread schizos so I'm gonna go with this answer too
Probably dutch.
Germans/dutch are the worst ones but this site is majority americans and americans are a special breed of retarded self-obsessed sociopaths
T. American
What's the deal with TWW dlc? Does dlc for TWW1 and TWW2 count for something or does only TWW3 matter?
Ive never seen a magma cannon do that much against armor, did they buff them?
They are quite good anti-infantry artillery all around though
Tw1-2 themselves and their dlc are all counted by tw3, CA is extremely gay and wont give you the base factions of tw1-2 without owning the actual games
They were all clumped up because of that rock pillar on the left and ran through the vortex
Magma cannon is more RNG than the (better) hellcannon, either most of the unit rolls around in the fire pool or it barely clips them
I blame the Milanese
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Had any crazy battles last campaign?
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sometimes we just have to count our blessings I guess, /twg/
It would be lolg wouldn't it
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Reminds me of what happened with the Guild Wars general. Somebody programmed a bot to spam the general with random posts(taken from previous threads) any time it was created. The trigger was the Guild Wars general OP. So you could post it into a random thread and it would trigger the bot.
not even once
>some shithole with no real adversity like [...] the nordic countries
>mobafags and /gsg/ the cause of this
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hiro will never implement it for obvious reasons
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>haven't played in months
>pick Wisseland in Realms of Chaos for a more focused experience
This is pretty comfy actually. I specifically boosted Tamurkhans AI on the campaign map so maybe he will actually become the final boss of this campaign.
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what is it with Finns and being incredibly gay
it seems like more than half the ones you might interact with online are posters of at least one of blacked/tranny/pizza/etc
Graphical mods?
Tengri abandoned them, they must go back to their steppe roots to cleanse themselves spiritually.
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I swear there's something in the water up north.
finns are from a fantasy story where the author tried too hard to make their elves different
Just a empire reskin
yeah but which one, those regular swordsmen look really cool.
entire nation of depressed shut ins and NEETs, some of them are bound to be prison gay
All TWW1 and 2 DLC still bring content to TWW3.
Some of them are still very good, some feel"dated"
This one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005809423
though I am not sure if I actually like it. I like more color on my state troopers. I usually use this one instead https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872001799
>number 5: festus
immediately closed the tab and deleted the video from my history
Wissenland is the comfiest Empire faction now. I love my mommy Elspeth so much.
it's a meme but you can move homing missiles around midair for better collisions, like the hellcannon and doom divers
Speaking of spamming schizos that need a timeout.
>23 minutes between his post and the last
Something tells me this faggot got cucked by the timegate lole
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what faction provides the better Goth experience?
I was reading that Ostrogoths are considered one of the strongest factions, so maybe I should go for them over the Visigoths
dark elves are pretty goth
None, play WRE instead coward.
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they don't have the balls to call themselves the Goth Elves, so I don't respect them
no, Rome is very gay I don't wanna
Then how come you can see AI Skagen with grey seer lords in the RoC campaign, and play with them in IE, huh?
That already happened, it flopped, and I really don't think they would try the same thing again now that the genre is basically over.
low level pvp was really fun, shame about the rest of the game
Gorgonzola from a Gorgon
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I do not care for the factions that have to deal with dumb gay loyalty mechanics.
i don't understand why dark elves have a loyalty mechanic at all. like it's thematic but the game also gives you like five ways of easily circumventing it so what's the point?

province stability should affect loyalty. treacherous population gassing up their local lord about replacing malekith.
>what is it with Finns and being incredibly gay
You heard of Tom of Finland?
What's the lore explanation anyway, how did chorfs end up with so many orcs and goblins working for them?
So if not 40k, what are some likely candidates for the next "fantasy" game? Might it be an original setting or do they lack the creativity to assemble one?
Delves should have loyalty be reworked to instead be based around your faction leader and how victorious/much of a loser they are
>making decent gains, not too many losses, average public order, decent slave stockpile, average performance = loyalty trends to the middle
>killing multiple armies/taking multiple settlements a turn, high public order, high slave stockpile, LL is much higher level than other lords, good performance = loyalty trends upwards (and there should be bonuses for high loyalty)
>massive army/settlement losses, low public order and rebellions, no slaves, lords are higher level than LL = loyalty trends downwards
>low loyalty lords begin getting a new point called ambition
>every point of ambition increases their capabilities as an army leader and as a combat unit but if it reaches 10 they rebel
>regaining loyalty and losing battles will keep ambition low
>idleness, killing armies and taking settlements will increase ambition (which can then be offset by loyalty increases if you get big gains and make a come back)
>DoW2 sucked because it was RTT
>DoW3 sucked because it was a MOBA

The last true """sequel"""" of dow was soulstorm and everybody hated it so much that relic scrapped the formula of what made DoW great.

Therefore All DoW players deserve thier fate. They do not deserve a good DoW game because a perfectly good DoW game was brought to them and they stabbed it in the back.
How do you get access to old builds of TWW2? I wanna play it as it was at its peak without the recent CA fuckery.
How much more powerful should Teclis be than Gelt?
>release an expansion you didn't even make, outsourced to some literal whos
>an expansion that adds shit nobody wanted (flying units) and that don't even work right
>an expansion that instead of expanding upon the risk campaign formula made it worse
>an expansion with shitty voice acting because you can't be fucked doing it properly
>people rightfully dislike it
>"oh WHOOPS seems like you just HATE Dawn of War as a whole haha time to never make a good game again :P"
damn son I didn't know it was possible to have an argument this retarded but here we are
gonna be real here but dawn of war was always kind of shit. playing with your warham stuff was cool, but it was only a spectacle game. the actual rts mechanics were ass. relic has always been a 3rd tier rts developer.
Apparently Gelt is the strongest Lore of Metal user in history.
but Teclis is top 5 in all of them other than the Chaotic and Necromantic ones so Teclis should feel far more powerful in battle and is also far more powerful in lore.
Teclis is the third strongest Order mage after Kroak and Mazdamundi, Gelt can't even beat an unnamed Slann power-scaling-wise.
>a spectacle game
Warhammer IS a spectacle game.
>The tabletop is there for the cool models and lore
>TWW is there for cool models and lore (virtual)
>DoW is there for cool models and lore (virtual)

If you want anything else you will be disappointed.
>Gelt can't even beat an unnamed Slann power-scaling-wise.
do humans REALLY???
Dang, hope he gets some buffs when helves get reworked then.
Teclis should get a spell creation mechanic
I just want him to have the same Magic College mechanic
>page 9
dead game
dead general
good job at killing it ratfags
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Total love around the world!
Permaban all ratfags and everyone that defends them (i.e. other ratfags falseflagging as normal posters).
Do you have a LISENCE to break the 4th wall like that, Mr. Lord of Change!?
I still don't see why you all are so tilted by rats
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Further in with another question: When seducing units, what do you prioritize? Let's use this one as an example. Key valuable units(like this phoenix), annoying ones(like these cav archers), or just as many cheap ones as possible to die whilst your own do work? I'm kind of mixed between them. Archers kind of fall behind for me and can't keep up, as well as being not that hard to rout when the enemy has them, but they're pretty cheap. Units like Phoenix Guard are nice to get but you can also grab several others for them.
I prioritize things that are a threat to me and then things I can use myself
after a certain point you're basically only going to be able to afford either one strong unit the AI has 5 of or 3-4 chaff units and the chaff will probably be a better value at that point just to push physical map presence in your favor
you also have to remember that anything you seduce will survive the battle if you don't make sure its wiped and will come back to try and fuck you later if you're not just wiping them this fight already
if you nab a strong unit make sure you suicide charge it to get rid of it before the fight is over so you don't have to deal with it later
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thanquol bot is a bot thus immune to mental illness and nationality. lizard cuck and rat fuck are polarized fetishists treating this as a loophole furry thread, but still locked in eternal combat. so probably hispanic. that's all we have I think. usually a pretty quiet thread.
>welcome to eh-STAY-lia, gentlemen!
I hate him just for this line, how can you fuck up this hard
I always take their best melee units.
Those spearmen can't even beat basic marauders, so they aren't a priority. The Sea Guard and reavers are ranged units which aren't necessary. Silver helms aren't good against that spear army, so that leaves the phoenix, and flying units are annoying to deal with as slaanesh.
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Any word on OVN Amazons for TWW3? I've waited so fucking long...
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Why did she grab the nigresses' boob?
To shove her out of the way.
>thanquol bot is a bot thus immune to mental illness and nationality.
Thanquolfag actively posts in these threads. He literally says so. Probably the one retard that demands people post rat images, or replies to these requests
CA wouldn't end this week without news... would they?
what happened to the grand strategy general, did it die?
mods sent it to /vst/ because they couldn't stop shitposting, /vst/ is now in a mini-civil war because /gsg/ has a very "unique" thread culture which native /vst/ anons consider a corruption that is spreading within their board.
those /vst/fags don't deserve this
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What the fuck?
What? Don't you like miners?
This is right in the center of the elven donut. Why are there ancient dwarven mineshafts there? I even have dwarves in my garrison now.
>/gsg/ gets sent to a different, far less active board filled with anons who go to /vst/ specifically because they dislike /gsg/ and /twg/.
>other assorted generals are bleeding anons and slowing down
>gachas continue to shitpost and raid eachother and gacha stocks in general are rising
/vg/ will be renamed to /vg/ - Video Games /Gachas before the end of 2025.
Dorfs operate in a different level
Specifically, they're operating on a level below you on a floating island that doesn't even have an actual underground
literally malekeks secret dwarf mistress tunnels from before the war of the beard
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Schematics from Nan Gau.
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Hey, bring me Archaon-chan
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Recently reinstalled TW3 after a decent break, and I forgot to backup/take a screenshot of my settings before doing so. This generally seems okay and I get decent performance. Do you guys recommend any changes? Such as any settings that make minimal visual impact but relatively give much better performance. Starting Elspeth right now and already having good fun, especially since I was almost exclusively playing a lot of evil prior to having my break.
Probably if things are slow you can turn them down and if they're fast you can turn them up
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>do Alith Anar since elf rework came out
>getting raped in the first few turns as usual by loading auto saves, eventually get lucky enough that Belacuck leaves me alone while I destroy the VC obese dyke with ease
>get ready to take on Malekith, suddenly notice: "Faction Encountered: The Ancestral Throng"
>think thisll be my opportunity to befriend Grombrindal in our hatred for druchii, see my favorability is just constantly dropping
>turns out Snorri thoroughly raped Malekith and only left him with 2 settlements and 0 armies
>take the opportunity to end Malekith hoping itll help me befriend the white dwarf, does jack shit
>Malekith is the first Dark Elf faction to just get wiped out due to me and Grombrindal
>declares war on me 30+ turns later while Morathi has a huge amount of land and I have consolidated the donut
Its been an enjoyable, my best army has been Alith Anar with 10 Shadow-walkers all maxed out with buffs and just destroying everything with relative ease. Kind of a shame it seems like Snorri still hates all knife ears even ones that share hatred for that fucking Witch Cuck who commits incest with his slut mom. I wish there were more skirmisher units like Shadow Walkers and the Eshin rats, if Im gonna range spam Id rather micro a lot while doing it. Sucks I cant have pic related (or more fittingly, Gimli and Legolas) instead of having to wipe the midgets up North out.
>elf rework
I meant Dwarf rework idk why I said elf, ironic since I dont think HE need one theyre already busted enough as is.
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Do ur trade reps.
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LL for this feel?
I watched star wars.for the first time a few years ago
It was okay
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I gave morathi crabs.
>""""armies"""" consisting of single entity units
Do total war players really?
>Warhammer is full of scrubs, embrace pure cheese jr
>fun is a buzzword

Elves need a rework not because they're weak but because their mechanics are boring as shit. At least the non-dlc ones.
Norsca is plenty strong yet people are in agreement of them needing a rework, too.
they got rid of the poster counts in the thread data to hide the shilling campaigns on /v/ and the like they're never going to add post IDs to the rest of the site
I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of them from the couple boards that do have it
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>trying to save the Empire from bloodsucking fucking shits
>the eternal fucking Merchant declares war and attacks peaceable Riekland same turn with this
One victory, but war isn't ended until every Marienburg merc master gets the Crassus send off.
>fighting bloodsuckers
>not starting with Marienburg
you only have yourself to blame
It's turn 8.
I'm playing a mega modded difficulty that amps up everything, everyone starts turn one with tier four settlements and AI gets buffs out the wazoo.
its so heckin over you guys
How is Karl so loveable?
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nobody can hate that smile
Every single faction should have a Ice Mage training equivalent.
And not even just magicians, imagine the RP autism unleashed by every hero unit getting some flavour choice each turn.
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Truly monstrous.
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Teclis should get something similar to Gelt but I like Tyrion being a super basic but strong LL for noobs. All I'd change is have his trait reduce upkeep for LSG since he starts in Lothern.
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>try Thorgrim for the first time in WH3 since getting the game this week
>think its just gonna be like WH2
>new tech tree
>grudge book
Just wait untill you see the DEEPS mechanic.
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It's not about strong or weak their mechanics are just barebones which isn't engaging
This is hilarious.
He also removed the twitch version. Legend of Total Melty
>Legend of Total Melty
He should get Grom'd more often, would boost viewership significantly.
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supreme matriarch!
>He just bitched about low viewership
What the fuck does he honestly expect the viewers tuning in to do?
How do you build LL's in WH3? I'm playing Malekith and Lightning Strike's old iteration no longer exists so I'm not sure what to rush or whether the blue tree is even worth it.
You get old lightning strike when you put 3 points in it.
Blue tree is never worth it besides the initial movement, or at least not before maxing the important lord, magic, yellow and red lines.
I always go
>route marcher for movement
>inspiring presence for passive xp gain
>magic tree for spellcasters, combat tree for everyone else
>red line skills of whatever I want to use in the army
Legen's is a millionare, he doesn't need you.
Thanks for the superchat.
>Legen's is a millionare
Is he REALLY? Can I see some numbers breakdown?
Is the Boris unlock quest only available in R*alms *f Ch*os?
It was patched into IE some time ago IIRC

1 point in +5% movement, then typically focus on upgrading my main army units (since I play on max difficulty) - either 2/2/2 or 3/3. I tend to get whichever unique skills a lord has (usually around level 13) but only the good ones, then resume putting points in red until I hit the final upgrade. Then it's either going blue for replenishment/upkeep reduction/lightning strike (if fighting Greenskins) and final blue upgrade (usually further upkeep reduction and +movement)


I go into yellow line if the LL is a good melee fighter. In some cases you may want to go blue and get the first 3 upgrades (such as +ambush chance for Skaven). If you play as Vampire Counts, you may want to fill in your magic skills first since most VC red buffs are rather pitiful and magic is very important for you
>really like Kislev
>really fucking hate SoC
>discounts only reach ~15% and that was during SEGA's huge sale

Guess I'll keep waiting
Lightning strike is expensive but I like it when I'm facing orcs to deny their shit it's also situationally useful otherwise I think it's worth having at least one specced per major front
just creamapi it, lmao
What's the condition for unlocking it?
>he buys DLCs
CA needs the money
According to wiki
>Hold all 3 settlements of Kislev, Praag and Erengrad for 10 turns, which will cause you to receive The Frozen Falls quest.
>Complete The Frozen Falls (quest battle) - after this, The Red Tzar Returns dilemma will pop up.
Bartolomeo I elected to use my privilege to hack
Somebody needs to make Hyenas 2
When they've gone a couple years without trying to make a dumb product like Hyenas they'll get my money again. So about this time next year. Maybe I'll be nice and bump it down to six months since they announced Isolation 2.
I had all 3 held for quite some time and I didn't get any kind of quest in IE
It is only available in realms of chaos, other anon is lying.
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The ratfag fears the aryan peasant warrior!
Nevermind, seems like it's still RoC only
Just blast though it on easy.
just ask on reddit for a save, as a bipoc trans person
When I was a kid watching on VHS I thought the steam was coming out of the robot's feet because of the hot iron being pressed against it, but now I see it actually has steam jets in its feet? Why?
I only just now realized why Slaanesh has a crab theme.
why is that anon?
The jets are there to create the special effect.
The bigger question is why would you torture a Droid?
That does raise the question of how you can even torture a droid in Star Wars. They're sentient, yeah, but they don't have nerves. They shouldn't be able to feel pain, and in fact C-3PO gets chopped up at one point and doesn't seem to be in pain.
Because degenerate sex leads to crabs?
I'm sure there's some Expanded Universe book that explains it.
His ear is pierced and you saved it?
>playing helves
>two armies still mostly full of archers and spearmanii on turn 40
>capture T4 settlement, already has building that can make Sisters of Avelorn
>not currently at war though that never lasts long
What's the optimal strat here? Disband a bunch of shit so I can have more money coming in and use that to recruit better units, or keep soldiering on with the ones I have until I can afford to just make a new army?

Always be at war, always be fighting, a turn without a battle is a turn where you're behind. You must, of course, be smart about picking your enemies, if you're going to make use of the fact that Morathi and her #1 faction strength left a few settlements undefended, you better be ready when her response is coming
didn't notice
Where did all the Skavenfags and lizard porn go?
>see sticky
Are you telling me all of that was a single person and we can talk about Total War again?

>if you're going to make use of the fact that Morathi and her #1 faction strength left a few settlements undefended, you better be ready when her response is coming
Always ensure your DoWs come with a decisive strike against your enemy the turn you declare war with further mogging the following turn. If you use a DoW to steal a few cities that aren't important, you've just set yourself up to be fucked up when the upkeep-ignoring armies that spawn out of nowhere swarm in for the kill.
I'm the guy playing Imrik who posted upthread, ended up loading a save to before I took all of Tirannoc and only took the southmost province this time, I still haven't made contact with Morathi and she's now at war with Tyrion and Alarielle so hopefully she won't be my problem for a while. Maybe I'll recruit another archmage, give her the tier 0 units from Imrik's army then send her and the other T0 army after Nurgle or something while I build up Imrik's in preparation for the Great Rat War.
You need to internalize that low tiers of economy buildings have faster returns, so it's always more efficient to expand than try Total Peace
I choose to believe that's a Reverse Trap.
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>get interested in warhammer 40k since some say its the next big total war
>check out darktide
>check out the /vg/ /general/ for it
>see this
what's wrong with warhammer 40k fans?
How exactly is it that Morathi and N'kari consistently conquer all of Ulthuan? Slaanesh isn't particularly good as a faction and the black ark bug has been resolved.
They just don't have good role models like we do
>showing up to gossip about people in another general
holy shit what a fag
Delf armies still get damn good AR weight, and the only thing Morathi has to worry about as an AI is the toad which does nothing but flounder all game until Markus offs him
what is the purpose of this post
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I'm not sure she even has to do that, started a game with her the other day and it seems they're in bed together now.
teach about warhammer 40k and its dangers. I don't want the entire thread to be made out of cock suckers.
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>what's wrong with warhammer 40k fans?
The list is long.
where do you think you are
Fake, he would play Tyranids 100%
Yet you're cocksucker patient zero.
some people speculate warhammer 40k total war could be next.
>infantry can just climb up walls
>still need something that can break down gates or fly to initiate siege battles
For what purpose?
i see you lack reading comprehension
uhh uhhh
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I only suck cock sometimes. Not always.
the same porpoise that dolphins surf
Am I still the only one playing Pharaoh Dynasties?
>Am I still the only one playing Pharaoh
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Ah I see... because its 4chan everyone is a faggot.
No, I am too.
Kinda sad that Steve died of ligma while playing Pharaoh
and if you aren't a cocksucking faggot like us you should leave
but im guessing by the weeb posting you already ride a dildo on a nightly basis
There's also Noctilus. Elf AI seems to ignore him entirely until his armies are on Lothern's doorstep.
Has anyone extracted the table of AI cheat values? I think Morathi and N'kari get better cheats than Helfs...
you're a good girl for sucking cock :3
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thank you for the kind words!
Upload pain.exe to its hard drive
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Total War:Hammer?
DoW Dark Crusade's campaign but like WH3
There's a branding issue that prevents this
I wonder if a Total War: Warhammer game would be good.
Fuck you. Get a mod.
Wow Franz is a lot harder than the last time I played him (ToD release)
>Ubersreik battle map is now a mountain that the AI camps on near the edge with its mortar instead of the flat plain that made it easy for your reiksguard to run around and snipe the mortar
>Khazrak attacks Altdorf, loses to autoresolve, recruits a few units then beast paths straight into Reikland to raze something
>Every elector that usually died within the first 15 turns dies on turn 6-8 now, you're almost immediately in the first negative authority level
>Elspeth still hasn't declared war on Vlad when he's blitzed half the empire within the first 20 turns
At least Grom and Kemmler die before they attack me
I'm surprised this doesn't exist yet. Vampire Counts would be perfect for the premise
I thought it was because crab claws keep you there in a vice, like how Slaanesh keeps you because of your vices
Wait for the event.
absolutely embarrassing
if 40kids had some balls like us warhammer fantasy CHADS they wouldn't waste their time posting censored shit
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I'm playing it occasionally
at the moment I'm mostly playing rogue trader, but every couple of days I play a few turns of pharaoh
slowly inching towards an ultimate victory, it's pretty fun
>40kids think they're getting the next fantasy game
Obviously it'll be Total War: Wakfu.
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Si le jeu vidéo a des elfes, je l'achèterai !
A new Total Warrior game? Sweet.
the fuck is that picture?
whoever made that should be euthanised
What a based picture, whoever made this should be applauded.
that picture is what we Warhammer fans all look like irl
if you don't identify with it, get the fuck out of this general you don't belong
no, I look like Festus irl
>Total War: Wakfu.
Get those Frenchie poof fag nasties away from me!
I look like Mazdamundi
I look like Kostaltyn
Noob question: is there no way to upgrade units besides playing Warriors of Chaos?
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Pharaohbros getting entirely new faction selection UI with interactive map where you can just click on the start locations
Is this a mod or are they actually still releasing patches past the hotfix they release a couple weeks ago?
Because it they look cool and make your army not look like spamming shite.

I look like Wulfrik
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It was decreed by me.
Where is the funny?
Should you only have one mage in the army, so you aren't using up your Winds of Magic as fast?
Are there any other kids shows where a member of the main cast gets repeatedly impregnated?
I feel like Influence is more a downside than a benefit, you need it to get heroes and generic lords that aren't shit and since you need to save it for that you won't be using it to make people like you that often.
So I'm aware that both Boris Todbringer and Karl Franz are married with at least one son but what about the marital status of other The Empire LLs and LHs What about the other human Legendary Lords and Heroes, Bretonnia,Kislev, Cathay playable Dragon siblings but obviously not the giant super statue.
Alarielle has multiple husbands although her main fucktoy and father to her daughter is Tyrion, who she isnt married to
Karl is not married, he has an official baby mama.

Boris has been married a few times, once to a 13 year old Slannesh cult leader.
Dragon-blooded and Longma should by all logic be descended from the dragon siblings
Canonically, Zhao fathered most of the dragon-blooded and all longma
What faction has the best melee/ranged heroes (don't care about casters) that are used as hammers while units are taprs or can solo shit

I was thinking beastmen but they have no lose condition so what's next? Greenskins or WoC or something?
Or basically: what's the closest hero unit to Skabrand
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He is married albeit it happened later down the line because officially she was just a noble of the court and his childhood friend as well as a distanced cousin and they kept their romance a secret for a bit. Theres also the rumors that the reason Emmanuelle has her elector count seat is because she was fucking Franz too as well as being his childhood friend
no, I look like Greasus irl
Not him but.
His personality a long compared to his other two siblings would suggest he would have more than both of them combined. By being closer to his people on what you would call a much more human level compared to be in an ice lord trying to keep his distance suggest to me get he's much more likely to get Laid on a regular basis and be the kind of guy who would appreciate doing that with normal humans way more than the other two siblings we see.
>Not together anymore
Felix & Ulrika

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