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idc bro we ball hard in this mf like Chad daddy bayBEE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUIBnElcLCM

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393

Previously: >>497939075
My moonie is incredibly tired can someone feed her some caffeine
my catgirl does this
My moonie can open mouth kiss her, would that help?
my moonie can make you a latte
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Tag yourself, /xivg/
I desire to release inside of Ndja
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gumo agp coded himcess general fourteen
what are you faggots arguing about today
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Who was the top?
Can we continue the dramaposting in this thread too?
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post lowlanders!
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Black Steve
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Athena gives me scares.
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How dare you make fun of my hat, mortal
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Femroe anchor post femroes
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Moonie x Miera x Sunnie
>Tikaasi comes back
>immediately starts drama
Can you imagine pushing 40 and this is what your life consists of? Couldn't even stay away from the game during a content drought that he came running.
This place is such a zoo, I love it.
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ok i laughed
my male middie hasn't had a shower in two days because of the hurricane and feels really grimy and gross
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Chaotic Evil
ebing the first person who can make me understand the BLM job gauge (i will not be ebing anyone)
imagine a veena miera with a pussy
bro? step outside for a FREE SHOWER
I'm the main character of these threads. The only person you should be paying attention to is me. Disregard all others. I'm your one and only.
I must once again ask all of you to post sniffable asses. Please I need this.
What hurricane?
turning you into a femezen for being STOOPID
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nice top sis...
I'm starting to think that catgirls are the worst players/posters in this general. They are the shittiest, annoying, obnoxious drama mongering niggers. Now don't get me wrong, there are still shitty femra/fiddie/elezen etc but catgirls are by far the absolute worst.
She's not sure how that would help
Yes that would be lovely
Remember that one fucking viera in S9? The female that had a mans voice or some shit? Didnt even have a name or show up?
What the fuck was that all about?
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Don't forget, if you send Tycho Belle a /tell he will screenshot it and share it with others
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I have a healthy respect for femroes and would be particularly delighted if one were my roemantic partner.
No I don't think so
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How would he know any details about that Val and Lumy stuff?
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Shut the fuck up nigger or I swear to god I'm punching you again.
I'm sorry but who are you, faggy lalaboy?
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how sweaty are you? what world are you on? can my fiddie give you a tongue bath?
So where's the feets?
It's Tycho trying to divert attention, don't bother replying
ive been stuck between dispatch and home with no water since Tuesday
the most recent one, milton
Lumy does this as well, infact everyone from that shitcord does that.
I miss the old man
You're all of those things! Sorry!
Enough embarrassment. Say something COOL about your WoL.
stfu tycho
I want you to know that you got a lot of silent fans here. Keep up the good work king.
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Show me
I do that but not with people from /xivg/
I think it's more interesting if people tag you rather than tagging yourself
i like my lalaboy better
I'm happy I never gave that schizo my character data, what compels a middle aged man to act like that
More like chaotic smooched
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you're scaring me anon i just want to take a shower
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Got my noms noms now its time to schizo/shitpost all night :3
I have none right now, but rape
Delete this I don't sniff feet
i will bite your fingers off
Introduce me to your single friends.
>EB lives in Florida
>hasn't been in game for days now
>mentioned "something wicked this way comes"
I'm going to ask him how he's doing. That milton bloke looks pretty nasty.
What nom noms did you get? can my moonie have some? :3
Why is it always miera and femroe, such an odd and based combo
Why no meetup on the 31st of October? Why is it all days earlier?
he actually asks people for character data to use in poses and doesn't even say what it'll have, only that it'll be funny
and some idiots agree to it
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That was a good match
Crystal Casual CC @ 2:10 ET
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because I'm going out for halloween you loser lol
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I am a femraen... out of alcohol.....
Nobody can think of fun Halloween meet ideas.
Bro? Your Halloween?
Excellent one to end on, thank you gamers!
Awe u not goig trik ow tweating?
Look at me guys I'm drunk, wow I love beer and alcohol
I'm so unique, I'm drunk guys lol!
I don't want to go to a meetup when I have to work the next day
QRD on Magness? They finally noticed me...
can you share some more donnie content, i cant find him on google
Val please, you're going to post your cock again
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pork short ribs glazed in bbq sauce and rice
and your moonie may have some if they are a thread nobody!
I want you to know that you got a lot of silent haters here. Keep up the shit work faggot.
Kill / Plap / Marry
thank you my friend I'm glad you enjoy it
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>/vg/ changes
>discount generals gone on /v/
Is this the beginning of a new, blessed era?
Simple. Cast a fire spell, get an astral fire stack. Get three of them, deal something like +100% damage with all your fire spells, but MP cost is doubled.
After a certain level, casting Fire3 or Firaga or whatever get you to max fire instantly, so you can spam Fire1.

Ice works similarily: cast ices to get umbral ice stacks, the more you have, the less MP you consume to cast ice spell, and the more MP you recover. Again, after a certain level, casting Ice 3 will set your Umbral Ice stack to maximum, so any ice spell will then top your MP.

Is that clear?
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Is that a fycking homestuck reference
New outfit? Cute
>play video games or maybe kill ourselves
Eb status
Middies on thoughts?
She is married to her work.
blue button give mana
red button take mana
many red button make big red button
purple button take purple thing
lightning button when use blue after red, or red after blue
No one knows my moonies name so I think that makes her a nobody, although she was posted a while ago
i got fucked on
hm i think perhaps this miera deserves a spot of reverse rape
Reminder that Val and Tzera almost had a relationship, but Val realized he was in love with Lumy, who never wanted a relationship and kept plapping people regardless. This sent Val into an emo spiral and eventually led to his current slut phase where he begs known sexpests for ERP.
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unconscious fiddies
my wife on the right (she doesn't know it)
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carrying you home on my back and tucking you into bed
my femlala is cuter than all of these ugly ass rodents
you have to either wait 15 min before posting from a new IP, or have a pass, or verify via E-mail

This is to curb ban-evading VPN users from swapping and spamming at will. Now they have to wait 15 minutes for every IP they swap to.
deprived of oxygen from danging at the end of a noose (they are a tranny and offed themself)
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That jealousy is a bad look, sis
Holy fuck she looks like she stinks~~~
alright, now fight to the death on who gets the platinum ring

not helpful
they'll do it in advance with 40 emails. nothing will ever stop them
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My moonie is into clan mixing,
Too bad catboys are RETARDED and never accept my advances…
I wanna make weird porn of my main character but I don't want you guys to find it! F*ck!
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it seems tycho isn't the only one
Sounds like he dodged a bullet since tzera is a subhuman piece of shit
Make it, just never share it.
That's what I do.
I almost went into lb14 for the first time, and then I read this and turned around.
you can make it and just not post it anywhere. i have a private stash of porn of my character
The people want answers!
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it's not about stopping it, just deterring it

no safe is uncrackable, no fence is unpassable, it's all made just annoying and cumbersome enough that most people won't bother except for the most dedicated. Those can just be taken care of manually.
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have some lalafells
My fiddie went by the nickname "work" in the past haha
You posted this before Val
>play drg
>don't play drg
how do you carry on other jobs
But I like sharing it.
Macska post
Who's Rorejangle
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Even though there's no way I should be into you.
Your words, your gaze, your gestures..
It's so annoying.
For some reason the words coming out of you, they bewilder my heart.

It's unfair... so unfair.
>don't play CC
Uh oh!
>Oracle leggings cut off part of the pants and show more skin
Any non cash shop foot gear that does this?
the schizo femlala that talks about eating shit
I promise you if people are determined enough to reset their router hundreds of times a day nothing will stop them from taking 5 seconds to make a new email before they post
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Here. Keep in mind it only works after some levels, at first, you'll be locked with only one and then two levels of astral fire, and you'll be stuck spamming Fire1.
Later on, you want to quickly switch from one to another, so it'll get complicated, but that's how it works at first.

Also I'm already EB'd, so don't worry for me.
Okay sounds like you get a pass then
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:15 ET
I'm getting dabbed on
Just post the stupid fucking lost kitten edit with the anime girl at this point.

I'd say "Make an alt" but then it's not of your character, it's of a golem, which defeats the purpose. Damn. I'm sorry I don't know how to help you anon.
That was more than 3 days ago retard lmao
Can I post my sphene orb
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aiiiieeee the opposite of recovery
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>skipped over
?????? what?
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I love elezens
Yay :3 my moonie will now schizo/shitpost alongside you
My headset is breaking yet again...
Which headphones should I get, /xivg/?
plap, marry, kill
What's their in game name so I can blacklist then
Writing a fanfiction where Thancred is killed in an accident and the WoL travels to the first to regrettably tell Ryne he passed away
Obviously you posted that thinking he came back before 3 days was up, he just took a small break, but that was from months ago, you look so stupid lmao
kill / kill / kill
Make some friends you can share with?
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I just order from Ubereats. Hope my burger gets here soon. I am famished.
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has towa sama released any good new music
I haven't watched vtubers in years
when the sabbath midnights when the sunrise when the when sabbath when
I got my first Mahjong win today.
do you like lalaboys
Sunnies have the benefit of getting guaranteed harems with multiple sunnie virgins in the future. They don't want some loose moonie.
fucking lmfao
Why are you mean.
am i allowed to respond to this
no i was reminding him/the thread that he posted that- ah nevermind you're just trying to troll .
That what caused Tzera to be depressed?
Kyoukoko Kyouko
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nice did it feel good?
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Incredible, you even got the perfect splat sfx! Too cute
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what exactly is it about trailer trash
That's my future wife's butt, please don't do that.
If you think that's mean you definitely don't want to know about my series of Lyse being enslaved and is raped by pigs daily.
Where's the main character of Dawntrail? They forgot to put the most important character on here.
>you can just queue into the battlehall to get rid of triple triad card dupes
wat da faaaaack!!!
My waifu was Undyne Vriska for a long time
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finally a good catbox
their first eb
kyoppi breeding
kyoppi sex
kyoppi love
kyoppi cuddles
sloppi kyoppi toppi
floppi koppi after beinged filled in all holes
Nobody is posting sniffable rears. I'm crying IRL in real life.
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nobody cares msq andy
poor taste
Which femlalas would you fuck?
No, he got dumped by his EB and it literally mindbroke him
Who have you came to the most in LB14?
Post your fiddies farthole now.
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It did, I can't wait to have my mahjong adv plate...
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Huh? The MSQ is a big part of FFXIV what an odd thing to say that no one cares about it.
Tozer Beau
didn't you buy the game twice
Whos your favourite thread moonie anons? If you can't pick one post multiple
Sigh... yours dear
She's getting ready for the Korean fanfest tomorrow
I don't believe i've touched my willy to any of the current lb14 residents.
Pay my sub now.
Sun Rosa and Ririni Rini
Lalafell don't look like this. If they did we'd be TERA
That's kong, he's a known cucky, so just ignore him!
evil sun rosa and evil feriri
What caused Remus to be depressed?
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As promised a quick guide to fix some mods because Dawntrail killed many of them. Hope it helps some Anons, it's risk free, easy and fast so no knowledge required.
Tzera didn't want to date anyone because >>497949928
Tozer Beau
His wife cucking him
what's crazy is that his unmodded model looks kind of cute
Theo is Sniffa kun you didn't hear it from me
I can't believe making lalas more attractive would make the entire game better..
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Thanks for the warning Anon.
we like this.
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I don't know whether Val just has horrible taste or his simps scare normal people away. He seemed to be on a date with that flat fiddie during the carnival thing, then they got schizo'd and I didn't see them again. Couple of days later he's drunk posting futa cock, being cockwatched with an infamous sexpest, and this drama is blowing up.

I guess ebins don't enjoy these things unless it's dramatic.
feriri has no evil alter ego
Why didn't you add the halloween meet up?
>>497939075 (OP)
add the halloween meet up
>>497934138 (You) (Cross-thread)
Hosting a halloween CC meet up on Halloween since I didn't see anyone hosting either or. Come dressed up in Spooky glams!! Wear any of your meme full suit glams or actual spooky glams from past events!! Location will be on Balmung Wolf's Pier on Halloween at 5PM PDT and goes until people stop showing or leave!

-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC
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But anon.. I AM the single friend
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saved ty fren, im usually pretty good at trial and error to fix this stuff myself but sometimes i just dont wanna bother and would rather follow a guide
my femlala looks like this
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without even a second thought required
I.B. is my favourite moonie in this thread
What caused Rob to be depressed?
its such a shame to leave that krile cut out without any bigger cum
someone there do the needful
My femra falls in love too easily
when i smooch your femlala when i smooch your femlala when i smooch your femlala
there wasn't a mare lamentorum shell
Yuu Tayuun
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The thread being this consistently bad is a good sign to get some sleep. Good night /xivg/.
Show me the champion of light!
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She's my femras wife actually I already gave her the bracelet
She is fashionable. Has cute ears.
please add it
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>its such a shame to leave that krile cut out without any bigger cum someone there do the needful
What the fuck did I just read?
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Mine looks like this!
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Goodnight, sleep tight!
Let me smash ser
just sell them to the girl next to the mini cactpot guy for mgp???
shes even called triple triad trader
can i get uhhhhhhhh
But you're too popular for me. Plus I doubt you like femra...
Show ass now
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don't look at me like that..
I am
a bun
who's about to do reclears
Your average pedo cope.
Val lives in the drama, it's like people who seek out abusive relationships because it reminds them of their parents
how little you know
Hello wife
Val surrounds himself with horrible people because he sees himself in them, similarly to Effy or to a lesser degree Appal
>two shitbags hanging out
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my femlala? she could 2T siete
if she could get into a raid
Gay sex with Wuk Evu
yes but that means i have to teleport to the gold saucer
you can queue into the battlehall from anywhere and then quickly leave and be at the same exact where you queued from
Got a problem bitch?
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Crystal Casual CC @ 9:45 ET
MF is my favorite moonie!
sorry FAGGOT that hrothie is made for hrothgal pussy
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Nuh uh
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harvins are based and squishy like a loli race should be
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>hangs around bad people
>surprise pikachu face when bad things happen
The CC shell
kill marry plap
t. middie
Y-you're lying...
Oh look, it's Miau Miau, the loser who would shit on Crystal then crawled to the same DC he shat on for years to hang out with Crystalloids in order to stay relevant.
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>things that never happened
val was also calling that fiddie "wife", so something happened there
and like >>497950586 >>497950606 said, val enjoys the drama, so the normal "wife" thing doesn't cut it
>another meet up with another clique shell
the absolute state of this general and this game
He's also nearly 40 LOL
if you're trying to decide what hair looks best

i say 3 is the prettiest

t. miera
>mmorpg has a social aspect
the fuck are you talking about?
Kill Marry Plap
Sorry hodrick, nothing against you
Newfag detected
It's true. I'm sorry anon. You must move on. Do you wanna come to our ceremony?
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Yeah its called having aglo, razz, fraux, and percy. Jealous?
take your meds bro there is no miera in that post
how'd you post an empty post
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He replies to goonposts so he can reverse image search goonposts via his own screenshots. No one acknowledges him because no one cares.
i am becoming increasingly aware of when whether a moid or a foid is piloting a character
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FUCK I just read the ultimate description of why I hate Dawntrail's story and character Wuk Lamat.
Because the World of Tural is the Truman show. Everything and everyone bends to the presence and will of Wuk Lamat as did the custom built studio for Truman in that movie.
Fuuuuuck, it's such a perfect analogy and I hate it at the same time.
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I dunno he looks like an autistic faggot to me
They were leading someone on and got called out for it
theres a trader in the battlehall too? nice
I don't want to boost their ego
2nd from right works best with the glasses
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my meena loves both of these posters
pet, smooch, petsmooch
Back bent ass leaking cum.
very cute
He's not, he's the happiest middie ITT
saelonu's a lucky man. . .
ayyy thanks
wait what
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niggas really be record keepers for thread/discord drama lmao
can you post one where i can see his tattoos
My femlala looks at _______ like this
riallant darling you're posting in the old thread again
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/xivg/ really hit the shitter when memc@ stopped posting
Tozer Beau
Thanks i'll switch to that!
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He's too cool, too powerful and too kind. You wouldn't get it... I love Harvin so much it's unreal.
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i'm glad to have helped
Wish I had that amount and time of energy, because I'd actually get shit done for once.
>people lie
>other people call it out
Hello my estranged spouse
reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape
>then they got schizo'd and I didn't see them again
No, that's the ironic part. Anons were mostly calling them cute and shipping them instead of shitposting. Either this >>497951112 happened and Val stopped it or his schizos scared the fiddie away.
link to rat mod?
Post proof!! But congrats if it's true anon, that's a beautiful elezen you snagged.
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Sigh. Would
proxy go to fucking bed
How can that anon be your future wife if you're my future wife?
i'm the one who originally posted this because i catfished a friend accept from koto on one of my alts a long time ago
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Aether, queue up for Mahjong Quick Match if you ain't busy.
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I have saved so many gibs and they will remain unclaimed. I hate this timeline.
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What a fucking retard
reclearing if not I'd join
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i'm not gay though
effy and appal are virtually identical desu
>meet ebin
>they seem sweet at first, starting to doubt the /xivg/ shitposts
>after 48 hours start noticing the cracks
>it only gets worse every day after that
I should have listened to /xivg/
Post initials of the least crazy and/or nicest ebins!
smartest miera UNIRONICALLY
There was a single post made when folks asked for plates and his said "jiiiiiiii"
I made a clone of a cust+ template but it's greyed out and I can't swap to it
how to fix?
you asked this yesterday and i already told you
glownigger post
>Post initials of the least crazy and/or nicest ebins!
does that mean if my meena marries i get to be royalty or is that not a status transferred via marriage of the popezen
Oh.. I am a big fan of femra! Especially face 2, I'm one of the resident fishra appreciators
Ok but in reality, that's literally every person

You're the schizo if you start talking about being abused on your first date
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My malelala looks and acts like this
Anon if you preface an anchor like that, people are only going to initial ebins that are actually insane
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dont click on this if u r a femra
Gay lalaboys?
you won't get any serious replies to this but there are actually some good answers
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>multiple tozer posts today
Are Tozer stocks rising? I tried to be his friend before, but I failed miserably at commiting to the game and by the time I came back he already moved on to another cat.
perrine charlemend

love that cat
stop calling mine that
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Who is this guy and why is he getting blank posted so much I've been seeing a lot of them the past two days
I clicked it but luckily I’m a drk so I won
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Crystal Casual CC @ 1:25 ET
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i'm looking for friends on primal
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Autistic dork rizz is what hrothgals crave. There's a reason the trainhroths have wives.
Yeah, what?
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That's kinda sad, actually. Val is so damaged that something potentially healthy and positive spooked him and triggered his schizos into making everything worse. I'm not a fan of Val's attention whoring and the amount of drama and discussion involving them, but he's not bad enough that he doesn't deserve a lucky break.
I hate the updated UI
/smooch /pet /pet
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why?! It's super early right now!
When you goon and plap with enough ebins you'll get namedropped, just don't lose yourself on the way there
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Everywhere I go, I see his face. Its like...

Oh, wait
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Just one of those days
I was not in the thread yesterday I just wanted to see people post moonie names
i did that fight to get my gnb glam a bit ago
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okay wthecks et? i though it meant est and was gonna wait till 9:45
Appal seemed to have calmed down a bit lately
There's a Primal CWLS if you're interested
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I am
a tired lalafella

It's Eorzean Time, click the clock in game to cycle through local/server/Eorzean times
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soken looks like he's on his way out
not to fish for heyposts or anything but ______________________________hey
SR, KC, HK, TB, SS, KK, HD, ZR, HS, HH, SM(Moldy), ST
la creatura
most of the lalafells are nice
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It's like looking into a dark mirror
i am interested, how do i join
cancer will do that to you
woah wtf that's a thing
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every new c+ profile I make is grayed out how to fix?
why are you using a warrior cats character name in the 4chan name field
the correct answers won't be mentioned because they don't draw much attention.

sure, it's sad, but it's also filled with drama, which is exactly what drives ebins and half of this thread
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this table is pain
What's wrong with Sr and sm? They've been nice to me
I like it, cool screenshot too bro
Nope, kill yourself
Pretty sure it's the guy posting his own stuff. He goes to the /acco oc drawthread asking for people to just draw his big titty waifu
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I would sniff that fucking crack for hours. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
wtf is this
you are a dumb noob
>always seem him with the same group of friends, meaning he doesnt cause drama and irreparable damage to relationships
>is friendly with everyone
>doesnt post more than his fair share
>is nice to me
>always makes sure to indulge my autistic rambles
>stays in his lane and is unbothered by thread drama as it will never involve him
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I love those cats
LL post
>when the thread tells you they're all horrible people but the vast majority of them are nice and much more respectful than the other players
I was a changed man from that day on.
I did read I haven't noticed that
I've been here for years
/wow /wow /pet /wow
Is this a lala or a lolira
Pick a place, I can invite you
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is anyone else having issues with mare and glamourer integration? when i change to bun in glamourer my friends just see me as a floating head
>Not hyper vibrating
Some people shouldn't post here, if your potential boyfriend got scared off because people posted about him on 4chan, maybe you should take that as a hint. Normal people actually hate this place, it's for pedophiles, schizos, and backstabbers.
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fanta off and see how all your pedo "friends" treat you then
Carpenter's Guild, Behemoth. Thanks.
chainsmoking will do that to you
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Miss my spud like you wouldn't believe.
thoughts on brambleclaw and squirrelflight

this determines if we can be friends
Im always down for friends just hit me up anytime
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Fuck you he spammed tons in Shb
its the fulala...i seen your pictures before...
I'm not a lala
the fuck is that? chicken in a bowl with kitchen sink water and drain veggies?
literally none of the lalafells are nice
>Val is so damaged that something potentially healthy and positive spooked him
I don't think you realize how common this is. Problematic relationships are far more common than healthy ones, and a lot of people, especially those with mental health issues, struggle to realize when someone or something might be good for them. Val ditching a normal person to get plapped by sexpests is the most believable part of this whole tmz arc.
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Correction: I have one enemy.
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they should have warned you about me bro i'm a FREAK
No can you shut up and post her ass?
I'm not normal but I'm not any of those you listed.
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oh nice this is the same person who cosplayed runar last fanfest
Which bottoms have the best pantsu? I've been using bridemaid's tights but they're just ok.
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Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by...
I'm going to be Hokage one day! Believe it!
uma delicia
how the heck do I find an eb
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Uchi seems pretty alright when he's not stuck in his snarky brat routine. Probably one of the few ebins to actually be a well-adjusted person beyond XIV.
skibidi lala
skibidi skibidi skibidi lala
DB's language
MM is using DB's language
have a gock
do femras really dress like this in public?
You guys can be really harsh
confirmed, bro is a freak for real
Don't be such a bigger
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They assassinated both of them later on in the series but I think they're both cool. I had to memory hole everything that happened within the last 5-7 years though because of how god awful it was written sadly and a couple of old friends feel the same way.
Theres a weird tumblr resurgence because of everything that's been happening recently
Decide what you want out of an EB, be honest about that with other people, and then just talk to people. EBs fall apart because you dumb cunts don't communicate and have different ideas of what an EB actually means.
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This is 4chan go back to twitter/reddit you tourist
>well-adjusted person beyond XIV
that's the real question, most people like this are actually nice ingame too
but how many xivg posters are like this lmao
My wife
what the fuck
Just don't take shit too serious. It's easy to be mean to someone you don't see.
he's always rude to my lala if we're in the same room...
Erped for 2 hours as a dom AGAIN
Should I invest in Donny stocks?
It helps them feel better about themselves, so in a way, the happiness in the world balances out
What if I want my EB to call me a faggot
this made me laugh harder than it really should have
you let me plap
you cant afford them
tycho, you deserved it
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SOMEONE tell me how to make new customize+ templates
whenever I make one it's just grayed out and i can't switch to it
newfag poser
Learn the culture you tourist.
I didn't know Shen played this
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my DSRwife
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It's the love of cosplay
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Speaking of
Should I wait until I go to bed to take some nyquil or just go ahead and take some dayquil right now
You're buying while they're soaring but better now than never
Is it on your name
have you tried not using one for a second before trying to switch
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please xivg save me from my meme m4s static

please xivg save me from my meme m4s static
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cute cat but you look like an escaped convict
Marry / Kill / Plap
My lalaboy is moving up in the world! Please put him back in his place before it gets to his head!
We don't like you
Always nyquil at night. Embrace sleep
you're an adult man in his 30's who spends his entire life in this thread and game attention baiting from other adult men
it's probably val getting a reality check
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Just get out dude
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I would only sniff one of them.
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I hate meta it's dangerously accurate and I still can't grasp it even though theres only a limited amount of choices a single person can make throughout a day
cc doko
marry SC and plap daily
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Tired of AB body, finally fixed up my old pre-DT pack with diana + puffy for my fellow flatfags but its pretty barebones. Also its extremely tiny because I trimmed out all the useless shit like races that aren't Midlander base.
Which MM
that's my wife
say you forgot you have to do sth and let's go to Eureka to farm some shit
hell yeah
I want to spank my EB and get her pregnant
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I've noticed mare has been absolutely dogshit recently. Just people never loading even after multiple instance resets, requiring relogs, people being invisible even though their stuff works, etc etc. Idk what is going on, but the creator needs to get his shit together.

It seems to have started happening with the same update that started screaming about triangles and memory.
theres something oddly threatening about max height lalas
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Crystal Casual CC @ 7:10 ET
Nice thighs. Squat on it
hell yeah
>introduce new 15 minute wait
>thread slows down
HMMMMMMM how convenient
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Use your words, anon
i'm good natured i swear
Jeb post
wtf dont do that...
Imagine not being still stuck on M3S with your static haha... that couldn't be me...
plap if its not a fulala
yeah bro i'm on that crazy shit
this is the 2nd time ive been in here in like 5 months
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>It is especially popular to eat this chicken soup on sambok (삼복) days, which are three distinct days of the lunar calendar—Chobok (초복), Jungbok (중복), and Malbok (말복)
Shit made me laugh on the inside
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I've been sleeping like ass for like a week.
i nooticed it yesterday before they announced a wait
Which ebin here gets the most undeserving shitposting?
If I got wedged in there I wouldn't know how to get out.
The alpha lala....
they desperately tried to walk back brambleclaw treating her like shit for three or four books because the hotheaded tomboy he married was a hotheaded tomboy instead of just rolling over and being miserable after being caught covering for a shitty person's mistakes

>make character whose entire arc is "he's not evil and mean like his father"
>he bullies and emotionally manipulates his wife and tries to turn their children against her
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it's mostly been happening since dawntrail for me, it's just been glitchier and things just straight up don't load half of the time
you can stop trying so hard to fit in
This is slow?
This just in, xivg is still waiting on comment from the celebrities involved with the drama, we'll be back at 11.
HH my smoochwife...
what is this
I am
A hrothgar
Trying to reclear m4s
i am
a gay hrothgar
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yeah well i think it's odd that max height lalas aren't threatening me
like, directly
Tozer Beau
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there is unironic warrior cats talk in my xiv general
are you sure you guys aren't all grown ass men???
Unironically MM, might be weird and old but harmless.
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there shan't be any comment
I literally explained it in the post. Its a body modpack for midlander base(miqo+elezen)
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I put in my name but idk how to link it to it
i can swap to my old ones but i can't make new ones without them being gray and not even being options on the profiles tab
also sex
I am
a lalaboy
who is coming back from the gym
>farm Aglaia for each individual arm and leg combo
>deal with fierce tyrant, even if it's uglier and doesn't have the right gold look no matter the dye
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was NN a mistake?
I hope you realize there's a lot of truth to what people said, Val, for your own good
You didn't read.
how did you know and why does it matter...
Took you long enough
holy fucking MOLY this is a wife
The start of this expansion was weird as fuck dude melty aside.
Not a fan of these Aether games
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>I trimmed out all the useless shit like races that aren't Midlander base.
Keke >>497953432
don't be looking at me like that nephew
yep thats my wife
yeah I don't need to read the dumb shit you posted to answer that
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Anon, that's the fifth time you've posted "Tozer Beau" in this thread.
I am
A sunnie
Who needs 600 gaja hides

Meow Meow
Why have sex when you can give me gil instead (I do not need it but you should anyways)
because nothing false was said
ARR was good and I don't respect the opinions people who pretends it's only horrible and awful
>nocrown seethe
>Sandstorm damns condems her daughters and effectively just telling them both to roll over and die
this is not my queen
We have received "no comment" from both parties involved, you are free to interpret the drama, and the subsequent damage control how you see fit.
Its easily ported to viera/roe/highlander
I just don't have a custom scale layer to add onto it for Au Ra and don't care to add one to bloat the filesize, and I dont care at all about hroths.
Its fucking dogshit until like level 40
I do not want to give you gil
I want sex
Moo for me
i definitely second this, yeah
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this one and big tit glasses cat
/pet /pet /pet
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spit your shit king
set it to a profile
what the fuck? why did they do they to her?
they look weird as fuck in all honesty
>the opinions people who pretends
that's what i get for reformatting my post when i'm sleepy
Veteran thread lore schizo: the vast majority of what was said is true, it's mostly people's judgement and speculation on the root causes that's debatabale. They don't have any comment because it'll just reopen old and real wound, and they try to be "friendly" in the game still.
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>that sentence
God I love being stupid as fuck
case in point
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It's fiddie friday!
Heavensward was actually the shit expansion.
my wife is so retarded
PC, the pet bloonie and >>497950338

Honorary 4th place for Effy
Fastest way to get bicolor gemstones?
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>realize XIV has been on an HDD this whole time
>Try to move it to my SSD
>The SSD is only 118 gigs (meaning 40 real gigs of space)
hmm...feels like a faker
I had a lot of their old stuff saved but lost it when my hard drive failed. Their after moonie images with mass was 10/10
do fates
Please post ass.
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the dance mod we really need over these 2 frame anime dances.
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buy from marketboard obviously
Yep, that's a wife
1tb ssds are under $100 what are you doing
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HW has one of the best scenes in the game. I love every expansion except for DT
Fastest by far? Fate Trains in current expax
Fastest Solo? Farming Shadowbringers Fates with BLUs best skills
should i buy a 4chan pass
okay I figured it out, that's so retarded and stupid
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Crystal Casual CC @ 11:00 ET
Somehow I believe this general is responsible for this >>497902254
ghoulish creature
Should I EB a whore?
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>melt in discord
>see thread reaction
This one is the strangest moment for me as well
Anyone who says blue mage is the dumbest nigger you have ever had the displeasure of putting eyes upon.
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Tozer Beau did
No, you should pay for my sub so I can spend hours sniffing her crotch.
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Sis.....too early
do I have to be really careful about who I add to my fl from here?
Not unless you want to.
Yes. EB her and turn her into a loyal wife. No one is beyond redemption, and purifying whores is a noble cause.
Yes, they'll be good at slobbering on your gock
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I am
a femlala samurai in training
who hits things with her wooden stick
while listening to metal gear rising's soundtrack (the lyrics songs only)
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>modbeast faggots trying to copy jpgods
the jungle cat
somehow I believe you don't browse 4chan outside of this general
I appreciate all posts from fellow tabbyhroths.
who'd he eb, I thought he just plapped sluts
What if i want a whore Femlala wife to turn into an onalala?
don't know who that is
This will never happen
This is what i'm betting on.
Yeah if you want them to stalk you for eternity
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That deadpan stare...
Those blue eyes....
that red hair... gods you will make amazing sounds and squeals..
Added to the list.
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You do not even BEGIN to understand how unbearably "bricked up" - as the kids say - I am for Molly's fucking Viera.
>the vast majority of what was said is true
Hrothgals would look amazing in pointy hats.
I'm from the future, it's Friday here
>What if i want a whore Femlala wife to turn into an onalala?
If you WANT a whore and she is one, why do you even ask?
Probably but I'm in other generals that will have shit like numbers copy pasted dozens of time, schzio rhetoric, bible verses etc filling up half the thread where they keep getting banned and coming back. I don't see many bans happen here where 100+ posts get removed and that's mostly for ban evading.
my bad
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Go to profiles -> Create new Profile button at the bottom -> click on the newly created profile -> Fill out the character name field -> Select which of the templates you want to use from the drop down menu where it says New
About Val x Lumy? Yeah. You can go back in the archives, it was pretty public.
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fiddie wife
gimme dem shoes nigga
Where do I go if I hate the people queuing for CC on Crystal
Only if the idea of people keeping you on their fl bothers you. It really doesn't matter at the end of the day because of /sea and other tools at this point, this game has always been horrible about privacy and I doubt it will ever be addressed.
who the FUCK is tozer
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only if you care about them being able to see what you're doing
which doesn't seem like a big deal to me but some people really care about it
>copyright with modded assets
i'm going to send the nipple warrior after you
Gonna neglect a femlala on femlala friday bros
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modbeast but honestly a really pretty one
its kamen breaker, he schizos out over futas and yet replies to them with his miera like he's giving them a blowjob
Rage and anger is not the way of the samurai, clear your mind and free your self from those thoughts. Your blade will never find its target when filled with malice you must be clear and serene and flow like a river.
there's nothing really new in that post though unless i'm missing something other than the optional email verification
the 15 minute CD for new users has been there for a while right?
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samefagging sexpest #549028502
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Where's the rape button on this thing?
To try and bait a desperate whore out of the woodwork man
this is literally a modded aura
>What if i want a whore Femlala wife to turn into an onalala?
Sounds like she already is one.
But at least you're not like my weirdo friend who enjoys getting them hooked on anal and then dumping them.
Sorry, putting out would ruin my cool and aloof charm. The most you'll get are lewd screenshots.
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Fair enough, have a fiddie
Please god oh please somebody post at least one sniffable ass I'm so desperate.
the problem is removing tp in exchange for all the interesting buttons made all the early dungeons too easy
what people are seeing now wasnt what it was then
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blue mage
This isn't even XIV anymore. There is not a single square enix asset on this image.
fuck, my ingame ex looked like that but blonde
scared me for a sec
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Squatting in an undefined location donating plasma for money
Considering just selling myself out as punishment for thinking that i'm the exception to the rule and that everyone else in this position just didnt want it hard enough
Pirating sparking zero
I want the entrails of every r/ffxiv poster decorating my front lawn
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I don't care what her base is to be quite honest with you
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I'd like to unsubscribe from your list.
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Nujabes is nice for relaxation, but sometimes I need something hard and fast to get my blood pumping, you know?
Except me
i don't remember the dungeons being hard at all even back when there was shit like TP and cross-class abilities (im a hwbab so i don't know what it was like during ARR proper), but yeah it is different regardless
i was mainly talking about the story though
Would you like to try and find out?
uggo modbeast go back to second life
miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
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>Volcanic Slop
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I punched hurricane Milton really hard and it flew away. Unfortunately, the sheer force of the blast knocked out my power and all cell data. Bless Wawa
Any other florida anons?
>no scene of some rough bed breaking plapping
A woman actually made this
Not particularly
He took his mask off finally?
Glad you made it bro /pet
when are we plapping
odds ffxiv
evens first descendant
0 goon
thanks, i didn't realize you had to do both
footjobs from my bratty lalaboy
What if we did something crazy and just went for it?
RIP Tzera you will be remembered....
For making me cum..
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first descendant kinda mid ngl senpai
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can i download her as a follower from tesgeneral.com
im having fun with it
imagine gently euthanizing a femra and watching her slowly lose consciousness and fade away from this life
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Crystal Casual CC @ 2:55
Didn't think the item level sync would be enough for people to skip the last major mechanic of the last Aglaia boss. I didn't even know it had an add phase + a scale mechanic until I looked at a guide.
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It sucks, I wish square would buff the bosses
I'm living like it's the dark ages bro
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Max height femlalas are something
I dont. His annoying "Waaah I'm sad! I wanna end it all! give me attention! I'm the worst!" posts got stale fast.
Good, I hate griefable mechanics
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End of the thread Highlanders?
Does Rob lewd with femra?
[Everybody disliked that.]
that's MY gimmick!
God damn, what mod gives you thighs like that
My gf looks like this
relax Jeb.
I think by the last patch of EW we could skip scales as long as people were not eating shit.
I like running between the line to give people a scare on scales
The only thing that was even remotely true was that Val and Tzera almost had something.
Everything else is pure fabrication spawned from diseased minds having remembering something they heard from the background radiation wafting off of the thread three years ago.
EW alli raids are so pathetic
Except fatter and uglier, right?
Right on the 750 what the fuck haha
I miss her so much...
Thanks for this anon, I'll give this a try on my lowlander later tonight
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro

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