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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #481 - The Power of the Lord himself Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T339A8wlzgs Sonic.exe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRL0Rhyrz9g Mario World I HATE YOU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt2qpC2Ko-I Sonic 2 Genocide City

>/exeg/ Archives

>/exeg/ CyTube
https://cytu dot be/r/exegarbage

>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

>Previous Room
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why would you want "human physics" in a sonic.exe game, at that point just ditch the idea of m*bian vessels and just have it be actual human vessels in the game, might even be interesting too
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What the fuck was his problem?
Cute rat
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hugs with rat lady
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would (You) visit the Sonic Legacy website?
I would buy the domain and make it send you to genesis.mp4
hell nah
Labyrinth Status
Spent the last 35 minutes listening to this and it's so bad. This isn't 4 minutes of ice cracking and a washing machine running
What are you referencing?
you average fnf exe songs
This one consists of airplane sounds for your 3D Sonic game
you could apply this line of reasoning to most horror games songs
My favorite horror game, Sonic the Hedgehog
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who isn't scared of this?
it sounds hardly any different from most sonic fangame music. what's the problem
You missed the sarcasm there bud
Did you know that not being able to understand sarcasm is a common trait in autism?
it's for Sonic Prototype 2017, an upcoming game for EXE, an exe made by Revie_03
The hell is this
it's rayudown
Somehow this is worse than both Molten Marble Ruins and Fugitive to Burning Hell
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OSF was like 10x worse back then. Look at these fucked up Marble Zone graphics. We all did a good job in bullying them to make it better
Wasn't new Marble posted a while back?
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I remember there was one of X being crushed by the pillars but I can't find it. This one was a couple weeks ago.
I hate women
Is OSF an in-universe story, taking place in a different continuity from Sonic.EXE by J.C. the Hyena?
OSF is a secret third thing.
it reminds me of south island from the ova
it's pretty cool
i'm playing a mod for sonic mania that replaces knuckles with a naked rouge and it's given me an idea that i think would really make OSF better
It's up to interpretation if I recall
did those pixels really turn you on anon?
Giving X an oversized cock on every sprite that never goes away?
the opposite, infact, i'm just questioning who this mod is even for
yeah, how'd you guess?
They're vessels. I even have a list of the true names
Sonic - Boyfriend
Amy - Girlfriend
Eggman - Daddy Dearest
Tails - Pico
Knuckles - Tankman
Metal Sonic - Senpai
Is Metal Sonic a russian doll then considering Senpai already has Spirit inside him which is very JCkino
>Senpai already has Spirit inside him
I thought Senpai and Spirit were the same entity
Faker is inside Spirit. This is to appease the Faker fans who go insane when obscure bullshit nobody cares about is referenced like Xenophanes' pet rabbit
I am sorry I did not study on the Friday Night Funkin wiki
how did you fuck up that bad
the lore is literal toddler level of hard
No it isn't. The lore consists of random trivia one of the developers will spout once during a six hour livestream
also the game never says that weeb shit is the spirit
Senpai = opponent in first song
Senpai = opponent in second song
Now who is the opponent in the third song? Is it the true form of the ghost haunting the dating sim, or a ghost residing within a separate entity that also exists in a dating sim for some reason?
friday night funkin's lore is simple
they get phantomarcade/dave high on crack and record whatever he says
the spirit nevers says hes senpai so why would you assume so?
Why did you assume that Whitty in Ballistic was the same Whitty? Maybe this was actually Phantasm the ghost inside of Whitty
good point
dave truly is a genius of writing
stop trying to fucking make osf fnf related. not everything this shithole makes has to be a mod that will never see the light of day
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Hey, relax, bro! We're just making a few jokes. Let's be friends!
You are not going to like the FNF song that plays when Sonic.exe catches you while wearing the comic progress shoes
>Let's be friends!
say nigger and we'll be friends
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now let's beat up some monkeys
We love our funKINGS here, don't we folks?
yes i do love monarchies
go back to dealing with cheese pizza spammers and listening to crazy bus tier "music"
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is the Silent Hill 2 remake good? does it live to the hyper?
what the fuck is his problem
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If we join forces, we can make /exeg/ and /funkg/ both the most transphobic generals on the board.
you do raise a good point
when will we raid /rgb/ and kill ourselves?
exeg is a hive mind
we are one
we are legion
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>music slaves are funkings
>art slaves are funkings
>not fnf related
they can do more than one specific thing, retard
Is Impasta a FNF oc? The answer may surprise you
the queen of england is a fnf oc
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does coronation day still hold up?
it's well made, but not particularly scary
i really like 'the memory
honestly even in spite of it not really being that scary or disturbing or whatever, because obviously its mario, everything in coronation day is just so impressive
i love mario world hacking
coronation day soundfont
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rayuhuh? rayuhuh?


That’s still X, but he’s wearing Amy’s skin
Go fuck yourself. Go and crawl in the dirty dank little hole you came from, you dragon eating spastic.
No. It’s peak soulless, as expected of Bloober Team. Honest to God, just pirate the PC version of the original, and use that one HD mod. You’ll have a better experience than playing Bloober’s attempt at cashing in on the RE Remakes.
She has a girlfriend.
one dimensional characters are not people nor characters
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There are black holes
There are black people
you will not associate james with your foolishness
She still exists.
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the old version looked better
it's rayudown
and she's useless and has no personality, therefore I'm correct
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But Sarah is still gay.
But I just drew an image of her kissing me and being my girlfriend. What now, atheist?
EE adds some bug fixes related to modern Windows, patches in widescreen/high resolution support, and replaces the shit PC release audio with the PS2 audio.
Just emulate the PS2 version. It's way easier and more likely to be faithful.
to each their own. i've played both the PS2 version and the PC version with EE, and both are good. the only thing that might irk people is that the PC version by default allows you to save wherever you want instead of at the save points (same with 3 and 4), but at that rate you can use the regular save points to retain your own immersion.
post full, coward
reminds me of sleepytired
what's that?
is it true listening to this song will make you feel depressed?
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This is a music theory question
Music is usually supposed to elicit some kind of emotion you know
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TRVTH NVKE:Faker is a clone of Hog because Hog has more content hahaha
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SRB2 is working as intended(TM). we're ready for tomorrow night.
usually you'd be able to connect to a server and it'd download the addons automatically, but for some fucking reason (probably my own retardation) the server won't no matter how i configure it, so a quick and easy workaround is to download the zip of addons that'll be on the server and extract them into your "addons" directory.
for linux players: either use the windows binary under wine or compile the game from source for your system and use the assets from the windows binary (for some reason, the git repo doesn't include the assets). do NOT use the flatpak. it does not generate an "addons" folder in its installed directory, nor do i recommend that anybody go around trying to add files into protected directories for the sake of system security.
since when do fictional characters have rights?
she's not gay because I've said so.
>online srb2
my shit pc can play this so I might do it
>for linux players: either use the windows binary under wine or compile the game from source for your system and use the assets from the windows binary
not every linux user uses arch doebeit, but good to know regardless. as long as you can mod it.
Xenophanes' design in the FNF mod isn't even the canon one, it was made by a Spinelfag who wants to add noodle arms to everything.
Although it's better than the furry proportioned "canon" Xeno.
sonic.exe but instead it's an scp that's just a normal human male BUT his body looks like it is colored and shaded like a uekawa drawing (he can also run really fucking fast)
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what does exeg think about regarding this faggot
he's autistic, in a good way.
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This is the sona of a pedophile and furry (pedophile)
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he somehow did the impossible and actually made a decent jeff the killer story
so he's cool
why are you posting these images?
everyone is asleep
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yknow this reminded me of a dream i've had where Edmund released a DLC for super meat boy in Halloween, where you play as Dr. fetus and run from a horde of rotten boys.

He also made a tweet referencing Ben Drowned
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compared to what I've seen, he has the lest pedophilic sona of them all.
now this is sex, beautiful.
JesterFrog's Challenge... For Spring Yard (Alt.)
post the full you coward
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so basically the same song with lots of amen breaks
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The image you've shared appears to be a screenshot of a forum or message board discussion. It includes a conversation about a "Nintendo Gigaleak" with references to games like "Mario Galaxy DS" and "Mario Sunshine." The tone of the conversation is quite informal and includes some derogatory language. Let me know if you need a more specific analysis or have any questions about the content!
Also when I played ChatGPT's TTS it pronounced "gigaleak" as "jigaleak" lol
yeah, that's how it's pronounced
I'll run the other SMGDS pics through ChatGPT just for a laugh hold on
The image shows a Nintendo DS screen displaying a game titled "Super Mario Galaxy DS." This game was never officially released by Nintendo, suggesting it could be part of a leak or an unofficial fan-made project. Given the reference to the "Nintendo Gigaleak" in the previous image, it's possible this is related to the leak of internal Nintendo data that occurred in the past, which included unreleased game prototypes and development materials.
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Fuck I forgot the image
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OK Nevermind ChatGPT storytime is cancelled because of jews
Lord X creation of Israelfox3
Lord X created Joew so that he could create lord x and bring him into reality
lord x isn't a void entity but a malicious idea
we've been all fooled
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with the new gamefreak leaks, we have official pokepastas now as well as canon pokephilia
(before you bring up the creepy pokedex entries, i mean actual written stories)
jesas christo
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the typhlosion one is even worse
It's important that we get "Melpert" Pizzapasta to play OSF when it releases on Game Jolt
is there a zip of all the leaks or something?
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>sonic.exe is the WORST creepypasta EVAR and i'm surprised it has a following that somehow "popped up out of nowhere", same thing with hello neighbor!
>so anyways, here's two feature length videos on jeff the killer which is just as garbage and iconic, one being on my inferior remake the other being a freudian slip disguised as a "retrospective" on his "lore"
how does one act like this?
Jeff the Killer isn't the author's barely-disguised fetishistic self-insert for starters
>one being on my inferior remake
what's wrong with his remake? it's not that hard to write a better take on the story. are you telling me you prefer that birthday party crashing shit
he's mad because the e-celeb is not sucking off sonic.exe's new kino walking simulator game and fnf mod
where's the fur
Only seen his Hello Neighbor vid and I had to skip over some parts with his other characters for making me cringe inside out
He has a tail and the fur's on the hands
he looks like a fucking halloween party decoration what are you on about
Ugly colors are a common furry trope. I am still right
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which post with this image is your favorite
jeff the killer one by one i think is solid
if nothing else i like how they reworked the "thing of bleach" line to actually be a line spoken by a character and use that to establish said character, instead of a complete verbal fuckup on the narrators part
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does sthg still want to fuck that thing
that's hot as fuck
you remember those fucked up spicfics with gardevoir and lopunny? this is what that reminds me of
where the fuck are even those leaks at
in /ppg/
im scared and without context, please explain
Are there any vidya pastas with female protagonists?
Let's just say that Hypno isn't the only sex offender Pokemon.
i am still scared
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I'm having a hard time on whether I prefer Carnival Chaos or Jester's Challenge
same here, this is the only one so far with no clear winner, both are good and fitting
Ye Who Enter blasts Hill Act 1 out of the water though
be grateful we're getting two osts
AI tries to make a 2023 /exeg/ post<3 heartwarming
Judging by that comment... your taste in women is terrible.
what? I'm only saying (you) should be happy we're getting two osts that are of good quality. I'm curious if the boss music will be original or a remix
I mean, he is sometimes
is that a female anonymous on the background?
she was probably 14 when she drew this let's be honest
is green mountain just a sonic ripoff of MARIO
do they still post 2017 x randonly
well yeah
only teenagers can be into this sort of stuff
still, blank characters is my fetish so that's hot
Why is /sthg/ the woman in the relationship?
why wouldn't it be?
his avatar gives “future pedophile” vibes
there are a lot of schizophrenic femanons that lurk there apparently
Shit's wild, i was thinking about the same thing lmao
like, you know in those DM's the only thing above 15 is the ammount of messages
it's the 'piano keys' isn't it?
why is your location set to "rayuheaven"
fill out the tierlist, sam.
the what
I think he's referring to the teeth?
He seems like a wiener and I hate his analog horror series.
the teeth? yknow, they look like piano keys?
every scrimblo antagonist has that
wide smile with rectangular and perfectly aligned teeth
for me it’s how edgy he looks
This is FakergameKINO. Only chuds would prefer listening to a saxophone rather than microwave sounds
if you don't listen to it you are literally committing tranx genocide
I think some of the atmospheric tracks in the Faker soundtest are OK
The question is if these are the kinds of tracks you would find fitting when playing such thrilling 3D Sonic games as Sonic Adventure and R? The way the tracks are makes me think that even the Faker's game intended, utopian vision, in the current year was to be that same walking simulator from 2022 with human physics
was it ever said how the gameplay would function?
is it similar to silent hill/resident evil?
the soundtest makes me imagine "silent hill with sonic characters" which would....work?
If SP2017 ever exists, it will be a 3D walking sim like every shitty indie horror game from the 2010s. In first-person too, probably, because character animation is too hard.
They threw around the idea of it being a metroidvania, but this was obviously just the idle thought of someone without any grasp on the logistics of game development
if so, the soundtrack fits... but isn't the entire point of Sonic the acceleration and speed?
Revie doesn't even know what he wants. If he did, there would be a story
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i think the problem is that atmospheric horror and high speed platforming are hard to mix
you don't trust revie to bring kino?
how dare you not recognize HER genius!??!?!??!
force revie to play the bloober hill 2
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Now you make me want to see OSF X killing it on the sax complete with shades
the saxophone should have mouths and veins and look like it's in agony
It's not like the game will ever even become a reality. the prototype 2017 music was made months ago and it's just sitting there. and that makes me wonder why would you ask someone to make music for a game that doesn't even exist yet
revie has schizophrenia
please understando
remember, not one but three failed soundtests
at least the first one has the excuse of being brought down by the hellfires of january 2022
what were the first 2 for
the first one was for the first revision of exe's game, which seemed to fall more in line with the original than whatever it is now
not sure what the oil bottle soundtest was for, but it was likely for something similar
If you think that's pathetic think of the people who still do work for him after all this
I originally imagined Revie as some stern boss that gets on people's asses but after watching the 4 hour stream where he calls the original mod that made him famous cloddy because it didn't reference obscure pedophile lore I have realized he is actually a big nerd you could easily tell to fuck off and that everybody who works for him is somehow an even bigger, more pathetic, nerd
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
though actually the hedgehog game/oil bottle ass soundtest has been disassociated from faker since
>not sure what the oil bottle soundtest was for
It was made to get some sweet sweet tranny poontang
>he is actually a big nerd you could easily tell to fuck off and that everybody who works for him is somehow an even bigger, more pathetic, nerd
that's sadly because a lot of exefags idolize him and don't question his choices of action because they're too pussy-whipped to think for themselves
ah right, didn't he almost break when revie said they were leaving the internet (see how long that lasted) mid 2022
don't question the ones at the top
just accept the content and eat the slop
do you think nimbus was imagining that the oil bottle was revie's girlcock in his ass
>everybody who works for him is somehow an even bigger, more pathetic, nerd
Except the people who are doing it just to be nice or out of pity like Sturm. I think this is why Joedoughboi "gave" "ownership" of 2017X to Revie.
>I called you a pedophile and I'm really sorry so here's your very own scary Sonic to shill!
It's like giving someone a puppy
no but now i'm imagining revie fucking nimbus and it's kinda hot
You forgot the fourth one you fucking clod
oh that's naaaasty
When are you going to draw me smartschoolboy9 beating Sadako
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what that beak do
goes straight up radial's pooper
How do i summon the rayuko spammer
imagine she sticks the beak up nimbus's ass closed and then opens it up, gaping it with her mouth alone
post workbench
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okay nimbus you can go back to shoving bottles up your ass now
post literally anything he MIGHT like in a way that resembles how he would post
you just rayucan't okay???????
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They almost made MissingNo a real Pokémon
>these were written by a woman
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I can see the resemblance surprisingly
Trying to further get used to CD's style
I'm tired as hell right now so it might sound like shit when I wake up tomorrow
No Bridge isn't going to be in OSF
sounds decent but repetitive
Nigger are you referencing a fucking Marvel movie by including Madonna's Like A Prayer?"
This is a missed opportunity. It looks really cool.
I heard the first few seconds and was instantly reminded of "KUNG KUNG FU CUTMAN"
I assume it's heavily based on this?
I haven't actually listened to this, what a coincidence
Fun fact, the unown letters on it are the signature of the artist who drew it
SRB2 soon(TM)
adding a couple last minute addons per request
I'll probably be there like 20 minutes after it's up
works for me. i need coffee, anyways.
SRB2 is short from what i've heard, and i have no idea how long Tails Doll Forest is :^)
6:30 PM Pacific Time
yo give a tutorial for the retards here
so that there's no problems
this sounds like a good song for OSF credits
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it's live
ip address:
the default SRB2 campaign will be first, then TDF
the TDF hub map is being used as a waiting room until a few players join

>extract contents of zip into "addons" folder of your SRB2 install
>if you don't have an addons folder, then make one
>launch game
>connect either by using the multiplayer menu option or use the console (connect exegarbage.lol:5029)
might take a while for me to enter
will there be a cytube tonight or not just curious
do you see the IPs of players
not on srb2's console logs, no.
i see
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Hey guys, what's been happening here?
black metal sonic fucking died
what does karrie have to do with this
nono it's a new one
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does anyone know who drew picrel?
JC the hyena (JP version)
not even with a rented dick
it was fun doe, even if i did get filtered by sonic level design throughout the whole campaign :^)
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goodnight exeg
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it's over. thanks for joining, everyone.
here's a screenshot from the sonic high school roleplay in roblox.
i just found out Fortress Films is working on another SFM!
Couldn't come up with a better name than "Murder Inc."?
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we'll see if the name gets changed later on. Emesis Blue definitely underwent a huge conceptual overhaul between the first trailer and the following teasers.
either way, i'm just excited we're getting another SFM by them.
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What's her name ?
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Tails Doll map was played first, then the SRB2 campaign, then bonus & beta maps, and finally the high school map.
Tails Doll map wasn't very good. The beginning of trying to find the way out was very trial-and-error even though the game gives you a map. By itself it's not good but in a group it's actually a very good map because you can just talk shit during it.
Mario is too good of a character which means if even one person plays as him (with the exception of one guy who could play as him without any issues) that causes everybody to lag and constantly be teleported back to where they were a couple seconds ago. It gets worse the more movement shit you do like dives so you can spam it a bunch and fuck other everybody's platforming
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>every single fucking time Mario gets to a high movement speed or ground pounds
thanks for reminding me to remove that fucking mod.
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working on a hypothetical OSF Lord X design, expect it to look something like this fatass
Typhlosion's Lullaby
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>watch arg video analysis
>my horizon plays in the background
Confirmed to NOT be vibingkino
what vid
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What was Catastrophe Crow even about? All I really got is a dev of some generic platformer went crazy and sabotaged the game when his kid died.
If you went back in time and replaced the original 2011 Sonic.EXE game with the 2023 remake, how would history change?
if we can time travel i'm replacing the original exe game with a finished copy of sonic prototype 2017 (game)
should be finished by 2099, no?
A finished SP2017 would be literally incomprehensible to people in 2011 because it would consist entirely of references to other Sonic.exe media, which would not exist yet
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Revie helped write a creepypasta recently.
that's what makes it perfect for transplanting
get it
ha ha ha
>After Kyle’s prank on Pandora went terribly wrong
this already pissed me off
fuck off with that shit already revie
who the fuck names their child pandora
do these retards not realize that the "pandora" in D-Sides Too Slow refers to the woman from greek mythology and not some random person
It's so fucking obvious they only know pandora because of purple mighty and not because the faggot writer likes greek mythology
I'm writing my Sonic.exe retake right now. You guys got any tips? So far I've got Tom and Kyle eating green pepper pizza with Derek and Chelsea Green before Cerberus comes to warm them about Shannon Goldman coming with the Cult of X to steal Alice's pet rabbit.
who in the fuck is alice. this is the one piece of jc lore I'm lost on. i know shannon, tom, kyle, and derek but who the hell is alice?
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You're cloddy. Read this and educate yourself.
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why not do this with the souls instead of the vessels? wouldn't it make more sense to use the faces of the souls in agony to get the point across better
When will Ordinary Sonic Fangame get a TVTropes page?
Ordinary Sonic Romhack has one
sonic has the "adaptational badass" trope for being able to use all of his classic abilities besides the superstars emerald powers
sonic.exe has the "adaptational wimp" and "adaptational villainy" tropes for being weak to the point of being beatable by super sonic and being a gay pedophilic rapist respectively
Is there a meta trope
Oh my gawshhhhh I just love peppers on pizza so much. So fricking Kino Raven!!! Really excited for more prototype faker songs but y'know if that Raven charm has to go elsewhere You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
Sexy bitch
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>Have Youtube autoplay on
>Some video about a vidya ARG comes up
>Uses the word "unfiction"
>Unstop unwatching it
>Unstop unwatching it
So you stopped not watching it?
It means to continue not watching it I'm assuming
>>Unstop unwatching it
you kept watching then?
>Have Youtube autoplay on
Well there's your first mistake.
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I'm about to ACT UP.
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well done
It isn't mine I found it on Hatcher's xitter
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This image shows a Nintendo DS console displaying the title screen for "Super Mario Galaxy DS." The title screen looks similar to that of the official "Super Mario Galaxy" games released on the Wii, but with "DS" added to the title. Since there was never an official release of "Super Mario Galaxy" for the Nintendo DS, this could be an unofficial project, fan-made game, or possibly a prototype linked to the previously mentioned Nintendo Gigaleak. The presence of the Nintendo logo and the year "2006" suggests it might be a work-in-progress build from around that time.
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This image shows gameplay of "Super Mario Galaxy DS" running on a Nintendo DS system. The gameplay screen features Mario in a 3D environment, along with a user interface displaying lives, coins, and other in-game elements similar to those seen in the "Super Mario Galaxy" series on the Wii. The graphics have been adjusted to match the capabilities of the DS, suggesting that this is either a fan-made adaptation or an unofficial prototype that was never officially released. This further supports the idea that it could be related to the Nintendo Gigaleak, which contained many unreleased and prototype games.
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This image displays a scene from "Super Mario Galaxy DS" on a Nintendo DS, showing some kind of error or placeholder text with question marks ("??????") related to something being "in orbit." The graphics suggest that this might be an incomplete or in-development version of the game, which could explain the lack of proper text or images. This further indicates that the game is likely a prototype or a fan-made version, possibly tied to the Nintendo Gigaleak, where unfinished or concept builds of games sometimes appear.
That's all the ChatGPT the state allows me to do for today see you tomorrow where ChatGPT learns about Cosmic Luigi
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How does X powerscale against X?
one can move in more than one direction
one is also physically locked onto sonic and inescapable without breaking a monitor and prevents leaving a level in his world
that was a bullshit mechanic
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the autism levels are off the charts
Not so much, what's really bullshit is how RNG works
You can get sent back to the dark world in OSR in less than a second, meanwhile there always seems to be some sort of delay in OSF
So OSF X is either weaker or fairer than OSR X
i choose to believe he COULD act like his rom hack equivalent but doesn't for whatever reason
he does show more control overall with the game, so it's safe to say OSF X is stronger
He's a "MUH PHYSICS" autist
>i choose to believe he COULD act like his rom hack equivalent
he did in the very first demo and i think the second demo also didn't let you beat levels in the dark world
X was at his greatest power in the lost and forbidden Rapebuild
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I made it so all springs are red in the SYZ alterworld specifically, and this has inadvertently opened up some alterworld-exclusive shortcuts.
This is reminding me that I have still not yet added Amy's ability to hammer springs. Amy may very well excel in this particular level.
Trying too hard.
This artstyle looks like it was made by a guy who fucks children.
Pure SOVL.
each character should have a specific advantage depending on the level imo
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You can tell the people complaining about OSF are trannys based on all their shit talking being around a chuddish developer and not the parasite that came here after being kicked out of his previous group or the Fakercuck that almost gave the Sonic platformer a liminal transcore soundtrack of breezing wind and leaf sounds
hatcher is actually prominent in the game's development so he'll get the heat. i don't think IHW has even made any music for OSF besides that scrapped marble zone stuff so nobody cares
oh so b side is all giiv then
>don't think IHW has even made any music for OSF besides that scrapped marble zone stuff
That's so kino! If he needs motivation he should pretend OSF gets vaguely worded progress posts once every two years and that the director is a tranny that watches manchild shows and erps on Discord
>the director is a tranny that watches manchild shows and erps on Discord
whos gonna tell him?
Yeah I know I forgot to mention saying cloddy, sperging out over getting obscure pedophile lore nobody cares about wrong, and a million other things. What about it?
ihw is making fnf songs
So? The entire team is funKINGS
what is a king to a god
>ngc game has fnf composers
>osf has fnf composers
>osf has fnf composers
who are the confirmed ngc composers
are you retarded
I'm not terminally online
now show me proof or you're a faggot
no clue who this piss colored guy is
Luigi3800 is on the team?????
>bl*ck "people" are now on OSF
he's definitely hispanic
Don't make me vomit
ok she's a tranny american
happy now?
alright so when will sarahfag attempt to either summon sarah needlemouse into the real world or become sarah
Do you really think that a composer volunteering to make music for a Sonic.exe game in the year of our Lord 2024 would somehow have no connections to FNF?
the thing is, if you are correct, that would make the entirety of exeg all hypocrites
yukubo made a retake of no hope and i think two fake legacy leaks
giiv is giiv
ihw is on i think it's funk pak
>ihw giiv
giiv is/was the mario mix guy responsible for impasta
(we need to go back to the past and terminate his father to save us)
ihw is uh...i don't know actually
best known for the more atmospheric chunks of proto 2017's soundtest ig
Most people here who shit on FNF were doing so hypocritically. Revie shit on FNF and is now back to directing FNF mods and making terrible FNF Sonic.EXE OCs. Personally, I think it was just a pretzel people worked themselves into after the VS Sonic.EXE drama and all its fallout
and... these guys making osf songs?
do they have any control over the game itself?
it was also fake
just for clout
giiv is making side b of the soundtrack
i think ihw only made a scrapped song
Also hatcher is on exetravaganza
OSF is a funkdeity project
so they have no control over the project
well no worries then
And IHW is the composer!
Has IHW published any music that isn't the atmospheric shit?
it's already canceled
now it's basically a discord server
sunk cost fallacy has to be the only reason it's still not officially cancelled
>OSF is a funkdeity project
like hell it is
He only works on cancelled projects or stuff that will never come out and refuses to do work for anything that could release
>director and coder works on fnf mods
>co director and artist works on fnf mods
>6 million composers all work on fnf mods
what rotten luck
ok, then why isn't it canceled?
all fnf projects get canceled
Wow this sounds like shit
this is why (we) need fnfGODS to make shit for us.
>>498485585 (me)
Listening to this. Why is it 5 minutes long? This is beat out by the compact 76 second song. exe composers think longer = better and that translates to all their work
fanvict was just a shit show in general they got more work done for the shitpost pico exe song with a dead tranny with a mutilated dick in the background than anything else
OSF still isn't fnf related. It doesn't work that way. composers can work on unrelated projects
there is ONE osf fnf mod
it is a complete shitpost
>>director and coder works on fnf mods
I don't, unless you count modding FNF into other games.
now do the same with paper mario 64
fitting that osf started development 10 years after the original rom hack came out
the instrumental sounds like something that would fit in a real game. if only it wasn't ruined by fnf "lyric" tracks.
For a group of mods about an Impaker having him be BF going against BF was so gay. If a spiritually non-gay man had done the mod he would've had it be BF against a fake Pico that transforms into Convict. Also the henchman would sing once
>How is this relevant?
We LOVE Fakers here!
I remember hearing that Cosmic Luigi Race from the SMGDS soundtest was an instrumental version of Impasta or something like that. Might be getting things mixed up there
How are you this much of a secondary? Please die
you underestimate my powers as a secondary
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goodnight exeg
Fuck exeg!
If /exeg/ was a true general deserving of respect and recognition someone would've made an EXEtravaganza revival mod by now
Sex with exeg.
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2011Sonic is now a roblox character lmfao
what the fuck is jack gore doing
I thought this was rewrite for a minute
which anon thoughever
how can you revive something that lives
I'm certain this channel is satire
Why do they keep making evil Sonic play the piano
joe apparently says Lord X is fond of playing the piano. that's surprisingly one of the few things about him that don't borrow from JC
>so they have no control over the project
Not true, I successfully harassed godotanon into adding Killing Dead, and I'm still in the process of harassing Hatcher into making Albert Wesker canon to OSF which he won't do because he's a chud who doesn't respect JC's vision
Lost in the Labyrinth kind of slept on
i don't really care about joe dough man and reverb the third borrowing from jc
it is unavoidable in this autism field
They go out of their way to do it
/exeg/ vs exetwt fighting game
absolute subjugation, remember?
this is what we want
no poll this time for sunday night. the exeg cabal has demanded that i host sm64coopdx.
after srb2, i'm good with it. i could use a game i'm way more familiar with.
Who is Jester
What is his challenge
Why is he in Spring Yard Alterworld
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get 250 rings
>Who is Jester
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2011x is a seperate character not at all influenced by JC btw
that might catch you a few cases
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Cream in Sonic Xtreme was actually Xenophanes's pet rabbit all along
Did you know that if you beat every level in Blue Spheres, Sonic.exe will come to your house and kill you?
yeah jc really liked silver didn't he
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you mean lord x
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seems like X is
not like us
*piano sounds* mustard on my meat yo
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It's cancelled. It's over.
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OSF has good music while NGC has bad music
What does NGC even sound like
what is that first link
I don't know but it was posted here once and it was bad
did hatcher make this picture?
No I did I am not a pixel artist
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PC Port but it plays like Sonic Hellfire Saga
hire me Joe
pastra stream
He got filtered by Tails' secret zone in 2011, that's funny.
In Ordinary Sonic 3 & Knuckles Fangame, the alterworld Hydrocity Zone would be called Atrocity Zone
>genuinely good fangames
>genuinely good
I can count on one hand how many "games" are actually not frustrating to play
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who's that handsome fellow
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does anyone even remember HELP_tale?
wasn't the game canceled because the dev wanted to join the marines
EYX is actually an anagram;
E - Super
Y - Fucking
X - Overrated
yet he is the best thing produced by the fandom
curious, no?
Ordinary Sonic Fangame clears
Maybe when it's done but I don't think it's that impressive right now
today is his birthday
It's up
Is this guy gonna tell me to wear a mask again
it's rayudown
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how the hell is he this bad at platforming. I know this game is shit but it's not that difficult
His favorite game is CD, he cares more about Sonic's aesthetics than its gameplay
The Water... For Labyrinth (Alt.)
>Not just bubble sounds for five minutes
Malicious shit poster project
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what are the percussion used at 00:14
thank you
Man, you've really been pumping out good music lately
>Ye Who Enter
>Fire Upon The Green Hills
>Molten Marble Ruins
>Carnival Chaos
>Lost In The Labyrinth
>In The Heart Of Darkness
>Hill Act 1
>Devil Unmasked
>Fugitive To Burning Hell
>Jester's Challenge
>The Water
Nobody was expecting anything to come of this
the difference between osf and rerun is that osf isnt run by literal children, and is actually coming out
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>the hero next door
Wow you even did the wading sprites
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Also a Pat render.
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The Sanstrocity
uh oh
underages in orbit
The pedophilic features also come from the very big zipper slider, the stripes, and I am not going to watch the video but I assume this is a jpegtuber thing where his character moves his face as he talks?
this is the man that can supposedly be trusted to have several people's ips on file in an identifiable manner
>The pedophilic features also come from the very big zipper slider, the stripes
you've got a problem with stripes?
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As evident by the piano teeth he is trying to have a spooky scary sona but stuff like the stripes make it gay and also - really the most important yet undiscussed feature of why this sona looks so gay and therefor pedophilic - his eyes are running away from each other
analog horror artstyle
>eally the most important yet undiscussed feature of why this sona looks so gay and therefor pedophilic - his eyes are running away from each other
you mean his crooked googly eyes?
The way the eyes are positioned here in his jpegtuber thing >>498573396 makes it look like his pupils are near the edges of his eyes and are trying to escape
yes. they're crooked
mr beep what are you doing here
You can tell if it's fake or real funkg drama based on real funkg drama consisting of somebody posting child porn in response
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what is the purpose of this
nimbus taking his /funkg/ chatango admin role too seriously it's nothing serious
the blurred names are irrelevant to here
>/funkg/chuds took over osf
why are they using chatango
idfk it's a primitive clearly insecure platform
are you being ironic
isn't the point of 4chan to be anonymous? using chatango is counter-productive
just use discord and be gay and lame
i don't fucking know, oil bottle man's mind works in mysterious ways
why did you blur rayuko's username
actually he is either not on file or just not in the screenshot nim posted
as the kids these days would say... 'scratch' ahh video
is numbercruncher a walking shitpost
is there a lore reason why labyrinth b side has sonic.exe's eye colored green
is he stupid
>man, I could really go for a chilidog right now
holy revie
i was going for flynn, if i was going for revie i'd reference The Pizza
If you think about it, Revie's quite the genius. He didn't have enough gay retards to make the comic for him so he has instead resorted to adopting the writing style of the official Sonic comics: referencing obscure bullshit nobody cares. The Faker comic actually did come out in its essence
>Sonic, come and enjoy this pizza, peppered with green fear! (the camera zooms in and reveals that the green peppers are actually the bodily remains of Derek Green)
>Heh, not on this Dark Knight, X!
2017x should've just been a weird story about terios resurfacing during 06's story
the "broken face" components can be adapted as terios being incredibly unstable
oh god the streams are crossing
from the screen to the ring to the pen to the king
Did you know Jewdoughboy is a wagie who works at burger king?
>joe the hardcore and awesome works a real job while still finding time to draw sonic.exe
this is why he mogs revie
joe is based but also a slave because he gave up time with his Jewish family to work for lord x
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better than working for mcdonalds as i always say (i have never said this)
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goodnight exeg
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dumbie should repaint this
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unintentionally funny.
i like men but i would have hot steamy sex with sarah henderson, starting by stripping her shirt off and fondling her freckled boobies planting itty bitty kisses on her freckles!
>inb4 "flat"
flat is justice and feeling them itty bitties brings me closer to her heart!
>inb4 she has a girlfriend
if it's flat then its a trap
2024 exeg is missing something 2022 exeg: doc ocs! We, as in everybody here regardless of skill, need to be creating recolors of famous video game, movie, book, tv show, and theatre characters daily. I want to see four lines of lore given to each one. I want to see very shitty scribbles hastily done. I want at least 10 doc ocs to be made each day
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okay so i came up with this one after a few showers of thought

LORE: He is an alternate version of Goku, originating from a different timeline where he is actually Zamasu, a Kai who becomes obsessed with the idea of eliminating all mortals. Using the Super Dragon Balls, he switches bodies with Goku, adopting his appearance and fighting abilities while harboring Zamasu's ruthless ideology. Goku Black possesses powerful techniques, including the use of ki blades and transformation into Super Saiyan Rose, making him a formidable foe. His character explores themes of identity, divinity, and the morality of power.
when will revie and strum collaborate and make a lyric music video about goky black that would be kinoo
Make 9 more and we'll be good for the day
Gohan Black is better.
i think you mean gohan calvo?
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this is bullshit they let zeta in
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this line isnt even in the game
ohhhhh yeah
its raping time
if you're asking this question I'm assuming you don't know that porn sonic fangame
good morning exeg
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literal sonic porn oc from an old flash game
this basically makes her canon nibroc works on the official roblox sonic game
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triki troy........is gay ?
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remember when people hailed Pendrive as the new Sonic.exe? Yeah me too.
Because exe's fanbase isn't Sonic fans
Also Nazo and Ashura aren't technically fan-characters
Also I hate the new Aeon
Also is that Sage the Sloth
It has a more interesting premise than sonic.exe but other that there's not much else going for it
bump and sage
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This image shows "Super Mario Galaxy DS" gameplay on a Nintendo DS, with Mario facing a blue hologram-like character or object. The top screen displays game elements like lives, coins, and star points, alongside the word "OBJECTIVE," similar to standard UI in other Mario games. The presence of a hologram suggests a unique gameplay mechanic, which further implies that this game could be an unfinished or prototype version, possibly linked to the Nintendo Gigaleak, where such experimental game versions have been discovered. This adds to the idea that this version of "Super Mario Galaxy" was either a fan project or an official concept that was never completed.
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This image shows more gameplay from "Super Mario Galaxy DS" on a Nintendo DS. Mario is positioned in a 3D environment that appears similar to the platforming levels found in the original "Super Mario Galaxy" games. The top screen continues to display the game's interface, including life count, coin count, star count, and the word "OBJECTIVE," which likely indicates a mission or task for the player.

The environment and gameplay elements reinforce the idea that this is either a fan-made adaptation or an unreleased prototype version. Its graphical limitations compared to the original Wii version suggest that it has been adapted specifically for the DS hardware. The fact that it is being played on an actual DS console lends credibility to its existence as more than just a simple fan concept, possibly connecting it to the content from the Nintendo Gigaleak.
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This image shows another gameplay moment from "Super Mario Galaxy DS" on a Nintendo DS. In this scene, Mario is seen near a blue hologram-like character, with another character or object that appears to be more detailed or stylized in the environment. The game's interface on the top screen shows a reduced life count, suggesting that Mario has taken damage.

The graphical style, combined with the mechanics displayed, continues to suggest that this game is either a fan-made creation or an early prototype from Nintendo, possibly linked to the assets leaked in the Nintendo Gigaleak. The presence of unfinished or placeholder elements in the game environment further supports this theory.
>exe's fanbase isn't sonic fans
how could you be so obtuse

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