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Dueling Sword Edition

Previously on /coopg/: >>498236057

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
hellguns when?

gimme my fucking backpack and power feed full auto lasgun at max power already.

>be inquisitorial stormtrooper.
>not have access to the basic IS weapon, hellguns.
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hello /coopg/
they really need a stat screen in darktide to show who's anchoring the team
is it good?
Like a scoreboard mod?
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once you get the right skills ammo funnel & replenish, extended mag and the game gets out of its own way, sure

is it worth the current asking price with no discounts?
fuck no.
kek, console niggers on suicide watch desu.
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>example of said skills
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>Fatshart makes another warhammer tide game
>It's Age of Smegmar
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>dorktide players seething over latest fatshart antics while i cook meth and shoot cops in a dead game
so you just get infinite ammo? Very cool I'm sure this game is designed very well
it's actually really funny that a payday 3 player is taking a tone like that. Like dog that game is literal hot steaming shit, and even in the clip you posted you're playing with a bot. I'm guessing you want people to buy it so you have a fourth to play with since you're the only 3 people left
Days without Swedish tricks...
I sabotage my team so I do better on the scoreboard
I don't pick anyone up unless every visible enemy is dead
I rush ahead to try to kill as many enemies as possible before my team can see them
I shoot the enemies the ogryn is meleeing so that he can't get toughness back and goes down so there's more enemies for me
its literally the old lasgun crit build again
bring it back fatshart im not using a dogshit perk with an internal cool down for a, lets be honest, weak as shit single shot
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well, i mean, yeah, provided that
>you do not lose the EDGE (lol) buff
>you spend less bullets killing enemies than they drop upon death
>you get the killing blow

it is the most fun (or broken, depending on your POV) skill combo in the game, so much so that when plans were announced to nerf it they walked that back real fucking quick

anyway, i find it to be a nice change of pace after 400 hours of payday 2.

anon if you had perhaps managed to keep together until the end of my post you wouldve read that i do not recommend it without it being heavily discounted. not everything is a conspiracy, you know.
hold on im retarded i thought you were replying to my other post. still though, i thought it was obvious i was shitposting.
>it is the most fun (or broken, depending on your POV) skill combo in the game, so much so that when plans were announced to nerf it they walked that back real fucking quick
dam so the game just has a talent combo in it that gives every weapon an infinite magazine with infinite ammo and they're not fixing it because the 5 underage spics playing the shit game whine and complain when godmode is taken away?
Crazy stuff. I never imagined games would end up like this
thats not what i posted anon but if you are more interested in having your opinion validated than discussing the game then sure, believe what you want to believe.
Try it without doing the gay retard impression and tell me where I was wrong
are you alright anon? you seem to be getting rather emotional about this
classic projection, I literally asked you to stay factual instead of doing this weird little "umm are u mad?" shpiel
This is the most woman coded post I have ever seen here. My gf used to pull this shit all the time the whore
>ask her about something
>"If you want it to be like that then I guess it is. No, no, it is like that, you got it right. As long as you want it to be that it is that"
like damn nigger, get your test levels checked.
Unironically yes, most of the complaints about the game are from poor third-worlders who got Payday 2 for free and want their godmode cop musou
Not that there aren't other more legitimate complaints
what are you talking about dude
>anon tries to talk about something that isnt a fatshart game
>seething amerilards stuck playing a game they hate find something else to fixate on
what, they dont have banter in non-united kingdom countries?
ask to play with them, or fuck off with your firestarter nonsense
Someone should just make Warhammer Games General to free copeg from tiders
off with you splitzo
You could also make a payday 3 general and keep it bumped all by yourself lmao
yeah anon could also go warm up to helldivers general while hes at it
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>let's talk about payday 3
No, Payday 3 belongs in /coopg/
But -tide games (and other Warhammer games like Space Marine 2 and Rogue Trader) should have their own space.
Yeah feel free to make that thread, you don't need permission or anything
HEY! don't knock the swedes TOO much. after all, daily grenade attacks and islamic rapes of the native swedes are just part and parcel of living in The New Sweden! bigot!

>they also keeping the pure sex that is the FNC alive, in the form of the swedish AK5, an extreme modernisation that will work FOREVER no matter how cold or muddy wet or snowy and fucked up everything around it is, rifle will work and shoot people for you.
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I vastly underestimated the power of this talent when Necromancer was released.
bonus points: after a test group were given testosterone shots, they became more truthful and refused to even use 'white lies' to make people feel better.

other things happened too.

but it turns out test makes you tell the unvarnished truth.
fuck off raul
>would rather discuss HRT

>instead of the game

>and that faggot formatting
guy we get it, hes a woman, you might even be right, but why are you keeping it going
the simple biological reason is that test gives you muscles and if you have muscles you don't need to worry about appearances and can just say what you want to say. It's literally just a variation of the armed society = polite society thing
>but it turns out test makes you tell the unvarnished truth.
>trannies, the opposite of of a high test man, build the very foundation of their lives upon a bold faced lie
Checks out.
you type like a fragile cuck,you sure you aren't a swedish dev?
plasma gun stats. So far I have 2

Gun A
>damage 80, ammo 60, thermal resistance 80, charge rate 80, stopping power 80
Gun B
>damage 80, ammo 80, thermal resistance 60, charge rate 80, stopping power 80

Which one is better? The ammo 60 or thermal 60 one? Should I try for one with its 60 in stopping power?
>60 stopping power
why would you want to roll lower damage modifiers
>ammo 60
why would you want to shoot less
charge rate is the dump stat sorry. More thermal and more ammo equal more pew pew. More stopping power equal more dead things
oestrogen injections also make you lie more. and make you more manipulative and cunty.

yeah. that study is HATED and every now and then some med tards SJW students and crap try and disprove it. and fail every time.
Did fatshark ever fix that bug where charge rate affects the damage of uncharged attacks?
they did a few months back
The answer is it depends. If you want a plasmagun with more ammo then the 60 ammo one is worse. 80 ammo is better then. But if you want one that has more thermal resistance rather than ammo, then you should consider the one with 80 thermal resistance.
>leveling brand new toon on uprising, get in a part with 3 others below level 5
>takes 2 minutes to kill a plague ogryn because all our weapons are shit and we have no ammo
it's rough in the lower levels. I guess psyker has brain burst but any carapace is impossible to deal with.
right, so I want one with charge rate 60? 80 others.
this is great and all
but why the fuck arent you discussing this shit on pol
yes you do the rate doesn't make that much of a difference if it's 60. The other stats not being 80 are much more felt
this made me realize that these questions are kind of like going to the store and asking
>what's better, the jacket or the t-shirt?
i gather thermal resistance 80 means it takes longer to overheat, allowing more shots at once. but if charge rate 60 is the dump state, isn't that going to make the gun take longer to build up to the big ass hit? or do i just not use charge shots on plasmagun?
charged shots are for especially durable targets like crushers and bosses; pretty sure the normal shot is respectable enough,shoots quickly and never blows you up
right. seems legit.
will test.
is your weapon mastery high ? Don't matter now if that's the case because there's no locks
did you mean /pol/?
theres nothing to test
because weapon overheats dont even damage HP or kill you, they just chip at your toughness for an instant 20% cooldown
everything else plasma gun has is pretty handy to its usability
ammo 60 would mean Blaze Away stacks faster
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i think dorktide SUCKS
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>almir has big announcement in last stream
>host kick will be a part of this month's update
cant make this shit up
I was just thinking about this earlier today because of all the back to back rogue trader threads on /v/ so now I am summoning the elector counts
I don't know if including darktide will kill /coopg/ like it would /twg/ but maybe we can find out
fuck off there then
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>play rangedvet for once because my kill with ranged contract is much less progressed thann my kill with melee contract
>someone says "Christ meta builds make this game not fun" then him and someone else leave
was it auric?
i mean, its the hardest difficulty, I feel like it's kinda expected most people are going to try and bring their A game
to do otherwise would be selfish
not that testing a build there isnt a bad idea, but still
Ill be trying new builds as of late (due to mastering and stuff) and yeah there are some boring ass runs out there, but its a coop fucking game
the only time it should be acceptable to be disappointed in a build is fucking smiters jesus christ how can anyone be satisfied with not playing the game im 90% sure these are the people that come on to these threads to talk about how boring this game is
shred or riposte for dueling sword on zealot?
It is technically mathematically superior to just spam regular attacks as long as you can hit every one. Charged attacks do work well as fight openers, a lot of burst damage in a short time and for clearing through a very dense mob, but for the latter you probably won't even charge it all the way.

A higher charge rate does mean the delay before firing is minimized but its a pretty small thing once you are used to the pgun. May not be even the smallest concern once red weapons hit and we can take stat bars above 80%.
>Rolling Steel still attract low IQ players
I thought the mission would be a cakewalk now, but its only half the time (which is better than the odds at patch realese).
I get vets who stay outside the first objective cart and get downed, instead of getting inside soo I lock the door.
And I understand, but get annoyed when players leave for the smallest things. Last in lead psyker might get trapped, but I'm relatively close to him soo I can free him within 6 sec. But the Ogryn ahead then turns into a bot.
WELL. apparently the game wants to GIVE me a great plasma gun since i bought one and it and the perfect stats as discussed and agreed upon here.

meanwhile, i had to buy like 30 fucking recon lasguns for my recon lasgun to be awesome.
>just had a match where i killed a daemonhost, chaos spawn, nurgle beast with my recon lasgun. daemons ain't got SHIT on ALL THE PEW PEW.

incidentally, I came across my first two decent ogryn players doing shield. NOT gunlooogin retardations. they were stunning everything. man did i fucking clean up with two big buddies actually covering me. they got to dictate the fights and be the Big Damn heroes, I got to KILL every fucking thing. every. fucking. thing. i am pretty sure my veteran is now fallen to khorne for all the blood and skulls he spilled and took.
im a big fan of uncanny strike
>flail wildly into a mob
>get ~120% rending in no time
gunlugger can just charge through most of the game
you just have to let it have all the ammo
which is more than possible on an efficiently played vet
>>498351209 #
Wait. What did they decide to do about entrance turtling? That map finale was cancerous if you left the entrance
>bring double wall psyker to specialist memestrom
>team praises me for making the mission a breeze
you must have played with some big babies
put a ramp on it that everyone has to go over for the event to start, locking you out of the entryway entirely after you're through

people just camp the gate next to the med station now
oh they were shooting too. just not gunloooging hurr durr retarded. like, they saved their guns for wiping out specials we couldn't immediately get to and crap. in stead of the gunlooger's
>all gun, all the time! what's a melee?

one of them was a little retarded using the shield special invulnerable when not right. BUT he did walk into and aggro the dhost i got to kill and had it impotently flail away trying to kill him with his invulnerable shielding, so he did actually use it for its one actual use case too.

i am pretty sure if you turtle in a protected corner, they now just spawn assholes up your asshole. they like, come out of fucking trapdoors in the floor, or even worse, just POOF into existence now. and it seems to happen at the established 'known' safe spots. so if you find more 'saf' spots, don't share them wide, because fatshit will make them unsafe
>uncanny strike
already have it, was thinking about the second blessing
>they saved their guns for wiping out specials we couldn't immediately get to and crap. in stead of the gunlooger's
i think youre underestimating how great lugger is
>whenever lugger has ammo, we progress super fast, literally no brakes on the train
>easily cut 6-10 minutes off from the mission
>obliterates bosses
>covers an entire attack angle
its just solid, i dont mind giving my fingers a break every once in a while if someone wants to do the heavy lifting
I really wish lasguns had good hip-fire accuracy and no retarded reverse damage fall-of, would actually be a very viable weapon then just from the ammo economy perspective
I also wish they would change how helbores work, charge mechanics are always shit
>>uncanny strike
already have it, was thinking about the second blessing
what the fuck? you didnt take agile?
agile is not good, you already have plenty of dodges, they regenerate within a second, and it teaches you the bad habit of spamming dodges which you can't do otherwise
I'm so happy you finally managed to get carried sweatie
??? explain all that, please. expound, if you will.
because my recon lasgun should have "this machine harvests heretics" engraved on it.
yeah sure it's a fairly simple explanation, I said lasgun, not recon
>and it teaches you the bad habit of spamming dodges which you can't do otherwise
no it fucking doesnt
ive been playing hundreds of hours, im not going to suddenly pick up a bad habit simply because they added it to make duelling sword the stupidest, most braindead OP crutch weapon in the game
wrong. i had an actual team. they pulled their weight, letting me focus on my job of killing all the ranged targets at range. which did not include poxies tyvm.
good for you, that doesn't change the fact that it is not a good blessing
hundreds of hours and you still spam dodges instead of actually reacting to attacks?
that's grim, really grim
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when will the new kyd track get it's mp3 release?
>can duel a boss for all eternity
>never get hit regardless of how careless you get
>its totally not good
oh fuck off, its definitely not bad, what are you going to cite some gay soulsborne bullshit about shields?
You going to tell me handmaden isnt good in vermintide as well?
bosses already attack slow enough for your dodges to regen
>can duel a boss for all eternity
you don't need agile to do that, not even remotely close, bosses attack like once every five seconds, every one of your dodges recharges in one second
>never get hit regardless of how careless you get
thus teaching you bad habits, or if you just want to be a bad player that's up to you, once again does not make it a good blessing because it enables a bad player continue being bad
offense is the best defense
why are you so upset anon
>ah blo bloo bloo hes learning bad habits
again, fuck off
Ive spent most of my time as zealot mashing light attack with tac axe
and most of my time as vet stabbing shit with a bayonet
god fucking forbid i want to have an easy win with a bullshit weapon
that for some reason is tainted in all yalls eyes because its fucking broken until they nerf it for literally being what yall practically admit is a crutch with how OP it is
All im saying is i agree its a crutch, but you crossed a line when you said it wasnt/isnt OP
it isn't overpowered when it is objectively inferior to every single alternative
>objectively inferior
speed and invincibility is inferior, on a weapon that can 2-4 shot everything already
you do know youre taking the piss right
it won't, because no one is going to go there to talk about darktide
people don't play darktide because they're warhammer fans, they play it because they're horde shooter fans
the whole reason /coopg/ exists in the first place because there's overlap between vermintide and deep rock players
and with an actual blessing you'd 1-2 shot everything
anon must be on crack additionally if they think
>people want to talk about
>total warhammer
>space marine 2
all at the same time
i like how you fuckers dont have anything to say, until someone spouts an opinion or preference, why dont you answer anon then instead of waiting to be a contrarion with no basis
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>still haven't made aquilas earnable through regular gameplay
>still haven't added any classes
>fomoshop is still fomoshop, but now EU compliant (barely)
>but we finally fixed a problem we made ourselves two years ago, so the game is finally out of early access!
why is anyone supposed to care again?
>still have my initial 2400 aquillas i got from delux edition or whatever
there is literally nothing worth buying in the slopshop
>haven't added anything to the commissary except zealot bookpack in like a year and a half
>entire feature was added just so the traitor and her servitorization could be displayed...somewhere
>meanwhile they find out another part of [anything thats happened inbetween the 42nd millenium and the horus heresy to include morrow in]
answer what? literally every other blessing on the duelling sword is superior to agile
>gunpsyker enters the game
This is griefing
literally no one responded to
>>498369794 but me, suddenly your stupid ass crawls out of the woodwork to be vague as fuck
to which i say youre a fucking retard trying to be a contrarion with no better alternative other than [literally anything]
I'm not interested in giving anon advice, but I am interested in making sure you don't give him shit advice
>asks for an answer between shred or riposte
>tells him a different blessing altogether
I didn't answer him because I'm a thrust enthusiast and I know telling him shit he didn't ask about isn't helpful.
im starting to think youre just here to be arbitrary
its literally no different than
>oh look the tau completely ignore a gameplay aspect of tt rules, namely melee phase
>lets just be upset at it for no reason
suddenly new perk comes out that completely allows you to circumvent a game mechanic
>its bad because its dishonourable or some gay shit
literally lmao and im not gonna let you troll me any longer
concession accepted
>im straight
>should i put the cock in my mouth or ass
>hey anon you dotn have to do either
>that's an option
>nO BeCAuSe hE WantS tO shOvE tHaT CoCK sOMeWherE
Yeah I don't think faggots are going to stop being gay just because I tell them not to, so it's not really worth my time.
i was equating the orientation to the sword
the options to the perks
and your insistence on being a faggot, to your complete autism towards the question
but be obtuse for no reason retard
at least i gave an answer and you just pulled a dark souls "you didnt beat the game" level response
what is it with coopg and gay meltdowns about cocks?
>>its bad because its dishonourable or some gay shit
no one said this
this was not implied at all anywhere in the rest of your little argument
people don't think agile is OP, they think it's hot garbage that does nothing because your dodges never run out anyway
>no one said this
>this was not implied at all anywhere in the rest of your little argument
the fact that you were petty enough to be all like "it enables bad habits" should be all the saying that needed to be said
youre just too chicken shit to admit its broken and youre too "honorable" about a fucking video game to admit it
>because your dodges never run out anyway
why lie?
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Darktide players love penis
the only worth bundle seems to be the ol' steel legion one because you get a skin and a lasgun camo
how did it make you feel to learn the xbox and microsoft store gamers got 10 times as much aquilas without paying any extra for it?
I'm not the guy who said the thing about bad habits
perhaps I should rephrase it then
~my~ dodges never run out anyway, nor does anyone else who is good at the game, so there is no benefit to this blessing for people who do not just spam dodge whenever there's an enemy in melee range. It's not le dishonorable to use it, it's just stupid.
>"it enables bad habits"
what are you going to do when you want to play literally any other weapon, and you've spent all your time on infinite dodge dueling sword?
finally learn how to play without infinite dodges?
wow, if you had done that from the start you could've taken 60% finesse damage instead...
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>decided to change power to strength but didn't bother changing everything
helbore's irredeemable dogshit these days huh
a sad relic of a time when vet didn't have infinite rending on every gun
they should rework the weapon into a proper hybrid of melee and ranged so it can take advantage of weapons specialist
I would still use it for fun sometimes if they would just change the horrendous swap animation and speed. It takes fucking forever to bring out and charge a shot, it takes as long as a boltgun to swap to and fire for 1/10 of the effect.
since this update the bayo attack doesn't properly chain like before it's strange
Hearing Kruber say "potion's going down me gob" makes me smile every time.
Thank you for your attention.
why all kruber simps are so gay
>buying the same game again just so you can play Rats (again) with sterile plastic graphics
Isn't warhammer fantasy and age of smegma the same thing?
>liking a lighthearted voiceline makes you gay
Why are /copeg/ posters like this?
you have no idea how much psychological damage you caused by posting this
pretty much yeah
I think the main thing keeping the helbore down is the switch speed, not the charge. The charge makes it unique and it gets good damage while also letting you shoot without charging if you need to kill trash with it and the bayonet covers a bit for the swap speed in a pinch but if for any reason you have to switch weapons it'll take ages to get it back out again and do some shooting.
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the switching isn't the problem, it's the stab being wonky now
>The charge makes it unique
uniquely ASS
>enemy hit mass
What is that one now? Why do they come up with funny stats and don't explain shit about what they actually mean?
They are. Except with spacemarines and also elves are renamed into alves and drwarves into dwardes or somesuch.
it determines how many you can hit with a single strike. Meaning here if you kill with a headshot your hit will keep hurting until it stops hitting a head
The stab not working if you map it to wheel scroll is gay and homosexual and their inability/unwillingness to fix it makes Fatshark gay and homosexual, as well as jewish.
I mapped it into M5 a side button on my mouse. Used to perfectly flow but now it has some random delay. Mods don't really seem to fix it, even the garanteed activation one
One of these days I'll get a fancy mouse, but I just spent money on other parts and don't want to spend even more on my 'puter right now.
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mine is the G700S, a real beaut. I also use the buttons when lurking because it's bound to "previous" and "stop" by default
I like small mouses so I only have space for side buttons. But like, 3 side buttons is plenty.
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Is this a good tacaxe to take to 500? I assume penetration is the dump stat since you can only hit like 2 guys per swing anyway
i know right its great
Not sure about binding stuff of holding button, but you can bind the same action on several buttons with this:
>I assume penetration is the dump stat since you can only hit like 2 guys per swing anyway
Now press "Inspect", mouse over penetration and read very carefully.
mobility is the dump stat, retard
Penetration affects how much your weapon penetrates armor, not how many enemies you penetrate.
my bad. im a relic from a time about 2 years ago where fatshark didnt actually tell you shit about anything

guess ill dump mobility
mobility is the fun stat, retard
venting ree or scriers gays for purgatus?
I've heard critmaxxxxxxxing is best of firebuilds but i'm Not Sure
guess you never learned how to drive a car too because you're afraid that at some point you'll have to walk somewhere and forget how
actual peanut brain retard projecting his mental deficiencies onto normal people
neither, double wall
you can run shriek or gaze if you want but they're pretty redundant since you already evaporate mixed hordes and shouldn't have peril problems, double wall on the other hand carries aurics and memestroms
Age of Smegmar is a reboot/sequel to Fantasy after jewdubz thought Fantasy wasn't making enough dosh, coupled with increasingly unbalanced game rules they killed the setting and made it simpler, but with obvious Spess Mehreen knockoffs and dumb trademark-friendly names for everything.
okay, addict, fail to understand and make your srtrawman metaphor
Scrier got a talent that prevents blowing up so it can be a riskier yet more damaging option than venting,tho venting with the "creeping flame" sidegrade is still an excellent tool
>auric maelstrom
>3 zealots
>veteran joins
>doesn't bring ammo aura
ammo on your melee class is not my problem
Taking the new swap speed talent mitigates it, but it feels as if it only applies when switching from your melee weapon and not when you're pulling it out after depositing a vacuum capsule or rezzing someone.
My niggas the hellbore kills crushers in two charged shots, has an amazing melee attack to kill unarmored shitters at close range and has infinite ammo. I really dont get what you want more
your pointy sword kills them in one hit lol
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how do you guys use Deadshot? I spend my whole game sprinting everywhere like a retard and everytime I need to shoot fucks I'm out of stamina
>stop running retard
if I don't run my team leaves me beind
I don't because it's a meme talent
it's simple, you don't
terrible talent also pretty sure it increases the sway when you're out of stam
>3 Vets
>All Knife + Bolt rifle
>0 Horde clear on Hi-Int
>Me, the Psyker, have to pick them up in every single encounter
>Get to mid-event
>They literally won't stop dying to every single pox
>Not only that, they can't even take out the gunners and tox bombers
I hate the knife so fucking much for enabling shit play
inb4 kniggers dogpile you
it's boltgun
not bolter
not bolt rifle
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it becomes your problem when they start taking your ammo
I have my lasgun with shocktrooper, I'll be fine.
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why dont you explain for the folks at home what an "auric" is
repulsive AI slop
if you're the psyker, why can't you clear the horde? Just flame it or blast it
>not bolter
actually bolter
i kind of wish there was a short playable race
don't get people who whine about this, it literally hasn't changed
Like a reverse ogryn?
yea like a dwarf
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Squats or Ratlings were frontrunners for a 5th class people wanted (alongside some flavour of mechanicus) but
>fartshart adding a new class lmao
Felinids or bust!
Make felinids but gender lock them to male only. The amount of seething from trannies would be worth it.
Geedub wants us to forget about squats, so they can sell more votan midgets.
So if anything it would probably be ratlings.
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Not my ratlings
actually boltgun is the official desgination
What perks/blessings do you use on your crucis thunder hammer?
I run carapace/unyielding and slaughterer/hammerblow.
I don't have a lot of experience with it, please educate me.
What were they thinking giving Dueling Sword to Zealot? Seeing it in my lobby means there will be 0 difficulty or fun in the mission.
0 effort "new" content
replace Hammerblow with Thrust. That's how you get big monster damage
I want to put those in my mouth and die
Insult Bounty Hunter and the autist shall appear
Am I crazy?
>Try decimator blessing on sapper shovel
>Go to meat grinder
>Heavy spam, buff still up
>Push attack, buff still up
>Try this in mission
>Push attack ends the buff
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I want to have fun with vet and the combat shotgun, I want to be John Wick. Give me a build, wich one is the best? the flaming one? the crowd control one? the slug one?
They just revealed new squat trikers today. They're literally trolling votranny fans

>"You want space dwarves back in 40k? Ok here's a screaming obese middle aged black woman and beardless robots straddling a bunch of electromagnets."
>2 years later release actual squats for Necromunda

Delightfully devilish.
What is with the
>I'm gonna afk
>I'm gonna grab the secret everyone has and stay behind
players today
You could probably play it like the double barrel shotgun, ie use it as a 10m range melee weapon with weapons specialist+always prepared.
>Hold on, lighting up a joint XD
>Down in the first 5 min
>Ok here's a screaming obese middle aged black woman and beardless robots straddling a bunch of electromagnets
Kek, I don't even give a shit about the miniatures but you gotta turn it down a notch anon
>for the Emperor! XD gl hf
>down in 3 minutes
>alt f4
Flame is only good on psyker because you get the cleave buff. Slug is the only viable one and thats because you 1 shot gunners with it and pop open bulwark shields. Shotguns are just bad revolvers, even the mag size doesnt mean anything because you have the same damage per mag. play the slug for fun lawbringer just sucks period and kant got nerfed for the only thing it was good for.
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>Shotguns are just bad revolvers
and revolvers are just bad bolt pistols
What happen to the Kantrael? Nerfed cleave or burn stacks?
>it is possible to paint this gray plastic in a skin color I don't like
then don't?
I'm inspired by the idea. Will have to do some testing. Fire shotgun is a bit slow but the other 2 might be cool. Agrip if you want to play the tunnel scene from JW2.
>cooldown reduction
>regeneration speed
why the separation?
>and revolvers are just bad bolt pistols
and bolt pistols are just bad bolt guns
and bolt guns are just bad plasma guns
cleave is no longer infinite so it wont kill 20 poxwalkers
Fucking never because they would obscure backpack cosmetics and Fagshark can't have that
>and bolt guns are just bad plasma guns
that's untrue, that's the second time you're wrong
Plasma is bad now thoughever they didn't have to take away the bulwark shield pen.

For me it's mag dumping shotguns and ragers as they come around corners with the Agripinaa braced.
it's called irony
can vets one shot crushers with shovel?
>I was just pretending
i was playing along with the joke but you're being a faggot about it for some reason
how? I have folding shovel. +25% vs carapace. Thrust 4. All damage bars at 80. It still only one shots in crit.
Yet another lobby of crackheads with Dueling Swords erasing all the enemies in record time.
I use flak/maniac and slaughter/headtaker
I run it with a matyrdom build, anons will tell you to take thrust and unyielding, but personally I've found it way too overkill/niche since bosses are never really a problem and it has decent boss damage regardless, whereas I feel like being able to delete ragers more comfortably with fast attacks more valuable, especially since you oneshot crushers without carpace damage once you have matyrdom going.
dueling swords were a mistake
heavy swords were not
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Agripinaa is solid sniper with the slug shot. And the standard ADS can handle most things upto midrange. With the right build it can kill crushers in 2-3 slug headshots. Take Full Bore/NoRespite
Zarona/lawbringer is fun; scattershot/man-stopper for gibbing hordes. Marksman's Focus will extend its ADS killing range and boost the special shot to kill lesser dreg/scabs along with poxwalkers for general room clearing.

General shotgun build; you can swap marksman's to Focus Target for the Agripinaa for better general use. Also optionally Chink for Longshot, for the Zarona, gives a little extra help fighting its damage dropoff
Thanks senpai
I look at it from a Maelstrom I-II perspective. Thrust and unyielding makes a massive difference there, and it's the only time i ever bring the hammer. But from a regular histg game perspective i see what you mean.
>Plasma is bad
words uttered by the utterly deranged
is coherency radius and aura radius the same?
bad as in good, but also bad as in bad
Pretty sure aura refers to the thing you choose from 3 options after you choose grenades in the talent tree
like survivalist, the quickening, etc.
he is doing his part
they usually say something like "abc for teammates in coherect". But then there are nodes that increase aura radios. I'm just wondering if those two words are used interchangeably
perhaps aura increases the radius of coherency for providing auras but not for toughness regen? it is odd that they would word things differently but then again fatshark isn't known for good documentation
ok i can't type correctly any more, imma peace out
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Funne mission name
I miss books being behind jumping puzzles
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Is ogryn the least played class and vet is the most?
>can't toonk... much longer
>sah... need assistance
do you think the average tonkgryn has no thoughts, head empty, or are they SEETHING because the team isn't clearing the enemies on them?
What's the best way to farm diamantine? I know normal Damnation gives the most, but what mission is a good one to spam?
>Out in the open with your ass exposed
If you're going to be a useless retard, at least do it in a corner so you're not being an even worse detriment to the team.
Ogryn is strong, but he's so fucking boring.
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That's the new model i was talking about, smartoid. This is the one that they gave the votann in the mainline game.
40kids deserve all the crap coming their way. Karma is a bitch.
is auric maelstrom in darktide way easier than cata in vermintide?

in vt2 I felt like i was gaining a proper mastery of the mechanics and had learned all the enemies various patterns and stuff while in darktide i feel like im just kinda doing shit and still clearing missions
builds are incredibly overpowered in darktide. there's too many moving parts for them to ever be balanced properly like VT2
VT2 is balanced???
Difficulty comparison between VT2 and Darktide:

Legend < Damnation < Cataclysm < HISTG Damnation < CataTwitch < Auric Maelstrom (but only with certain combinations of modifiers)
Ive been going back and forth between vt2 and darktide lately and I feel more like

cata > auric maelstrom > histg = legend > damnation
>histg = legend
no way fag histg spams the shit out of specials
maybe some maps on legend are up there but in general no
specials arent actually threatening in darktide though theyre just free ammo and cdr
specials are the only threat in darktide
wait, is there a resource cap?
they are the most threatening thing but theyre still not really dangerous. In vt2 the dog equivalent would chunk you from 100 to 0 hp within 2 seconds and the trapper equivalent actually drags you off behind corners
we're not talking about a 1:1 comparison here, histg will throw 10 specials at you simultaneously and it's the overlap of pox gas and two flamethrowers and a grenadier and a sniper and two dogs and a mutant and two trappers coming at you at the same time while you're fighting a mixed horde that gets you, legend doesn't do that
the special trains literally dont matter though. Most popular weps will kill a whole conga line in one shot and three classes gain extreme cdr from doing it (one for the whole team)
I agree auric maelstrom is harder but thats cause the specials dont spawn in waves, they just non stop trickle
alright you're just disingenuous, no one right in their mind would compare legend and histg unless you really struggle with the vt2 mechanics
>feel like a quick train mission
>have to hope it's in rotation
they're rerolled smiggers, seething because the team isnt clearing
>no dude you see that histg special spawnwave is gonna ruin us
in reality it just gets magdumped, the poxwalker and flamer explode killing off the stragglers, and the whole team has +3% ammo and their cooldowns reset
dumb anime poster
Holy fuck NONE of these people are auric ready.
>psyker keeps going down to poxwalkers that spawn behind him
>veteran keeps jumping backwards and folds to 2 ragers
>ogryn constantly getting mowed down by every gunner on the map
I ended up killing 8 times more elites and specials than them combined.
Do your job, Zealot-san. You do it for free btw.
You seem to be the only one obsessed with currency that would be against my morals to buy
but you DID buy them
when teammates do worse than me i'm mad
when teammates do better than me i'm sad
who am I?
>billion trillion enemies behind
>adhd zoom zoom opens the door to next area and now we have 2 billion trillion enemies from multiple directions
What's the dump stat on the duelling sword? Cleave damage?
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same as literally every single weapon: mobility
just an average insecure guy like me, except for i don't get mad when i see people doing worse than me and try to help them unless they're fucking retards like described here >>498404223
Is it really though? How good can cleave be on the duelling sword compared to more mobility?
Is it really though? Could you elaborate why cleave damage is so important on the duelling sword as opposed to mobility? Do you choose mobility to be the dump stat as a conscious choice or did Reddit do all the thinking for you?
yet here you are asking reddit to do the thinking for you
Your concession has been accepted.
You asked a question, you got a correct answer. If you don't like the answer — feel free to ignore it and dump damage. It's not like you're planning to kill enemies anyway if you need that extra mobility to dance around while doing nothing useful.
Could you explain why it's the correct answer or do you not know how you came to that conclusion?
You could go into the meat grinder and test how many enemies the dueling sword hits on its lights and compare the difference in damage and amount that cleave makes. I did it and I wont tell you what my conclusion was because you're correct, free thinkers test for themselves. Time to actually do it, anon
Too bad you only came up with that cope after I embarrassed you rather than before. Saving face doesn't work when you've already lost.
for me, it's:
>3 poxwalkers behind
>teammate runs back to kill them
>7 poxwalkers behind
>30 poxwalkers behind
>55 poxwalkers, a trapper, 2 snipers, 2 bombers and 3 flamers behind
instead he could just push and run, and all that extra shit would spawn in front of us
This is a very funny thing to say, considering it was my first reply in the conversation
We are anonymous. We have no face. There's nothing to save.
mobility is a safe pick but 90% of anons who say it haven't actually tested it
there's hardly anything to test
>do I want lower damage or umm extend my dodge range by 15 centimeters
movement speed?
would be nice but it's sprint speed
I tried playing with piss vision and it was awful. I'm assuming you're only supposed to use it with bolter.
it's pretty good with bolter
no, movement speed is an actual stat in the game with talents for it
Not everyone is a knifetard with invis and has the ability to bail whenever he feels like it though. There are more people being retarded about constantly rushing ahead than there are people being retarded about killing 3 poxwalkers 100 miles behind.
I know. I'm saying the movement stat lets you move faster. I don't care if it's running or sprinting.
You got what he meant and he is right to correct you when you imply that mobility only gives bonuses to dodge.
it is the only relevant stat it gives
It's about 50/50 in my experience. And you don't need a knife. You can outrun poxwalkers by holding shift. They only catch you during their attack animations.
>They only catch you during their attack animations.
which they use from across the room...
Go check the actual difference between the movespeed multi on a 60 knife and an 80 knife. And the knife is one of the weps with the highest disparity, it's lower on other weps. It's really low and honestly doesn't matter for shit, you get like 3% sprint speed. Would be noticable in a pvp game but in a game like this that's just not noticable
but I have to get to the plasteel first...
Movement can act both as an offensive stat and a defensive stat. It's also a fun stat.
not if you push them ;)
try it, it's gonna change your life
Newest Payday 3 heist is decent and I think it's literally just because of the set pieces. Fighting on a rooftop around a big crane and seeing a dollar counter shoot up as you're hacking the stock market adds some flavor that isn't just "open the vault" and "open the container" and "stand in the GTFO hacking circle," even if it is borrowing from Undercover.
It is, dare I say, cinematic
I hate how late you have to dodge crushers
the conga line is too long. but sometimes dash sliding while looking at them so their model is rendered and not magical works..
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>Saving face doesn't work when you've already lost.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just make a good wheel.
My foolish ambitions have been put to rest too many times. Thank the Emperor for Until Death and Holy Revenant.
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>Saving face doesn't work when you've already lost.
I just can't vibe with the Power Maul, it feels like ass to use. Especially if you need to smack a horde or a priority Elite/Special
>Swinging for the fences at a horde
>Rager mixed in, need to remove it
>need to stop swinging for the Special input to register, wait a second for the empower animation to finish then swing again
On a similar note Starship Troopers is also more fun now than when I previously played just because the bugs piling up and having real armor and weakpoints makes it feel more weighty and less like some chink horde shooter clone.
Presentation can't be neglected.
>why it's the correct answer
Because I looked at values and tested them. But let me guess, that's not a sufficient scientific proof for (You), isn't? Then fuck off and test it yourself retard.
what was the thought process behind making the caretaker an even bigger piece of shit fight
Chew your steak, manlet
bro your volume?
>everyone is using the duelling sword now
nerf coming I guess
so it's just a fuck the player type deal
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why are so many female rejects named Maia?
>we've noticed a lot of players started using dueling sword which is good, so we decided to buff zealot as a whole so you can use other weapons :D
never seen even one
I see too many Miras and Callistas though
default name
like shiller
This is me with the crusher.
>slide cancel to special activate to stagger into knockdown to light heavy cancel your combos and then you'll do mondo damage!
Meanwhile every other weapon is just spam lights/heavies and everything dies in 2 hits.
What the fuck is so hard about just doing a push attack into light?
push attack -> light -> push attack -> light
That's your entire single target rotation. If you can't even manage to press two (count them: two) buttons at the same time then how can you hope to play this game?
woman coded post
we know, wutelgi
A woman coded this post
25m for dockets, and crafting stuff.
500k for melk bucks
I miss vt2 weapons where it was clearly just, for example
>2h hammer
>heavies are horizontal crowd control, lights are a single target combo that pops heads
>executioners sword
>lights are sweeps that behead hordes good, heavy is a super strong overhead capital punishment move that kills singletarger

but in dt only a handful of weps work like this. Then you have shit like
>the lights are singletarget kinda but they also cleave
>the heavies cleave but actually also do better singletarget damage
>light spam clears hordes
>heavy spam is just the same but the animation is different
Half weapons in VT2 have weird attack patterns as well, you're cherrypicking.
Maia HEE
Maia HOO
shovel heavies have massive cleave and high impact but low damage compared to lights, the weapon is for crowd control and you use both when fighting hordes
It's been an hour and you're still having a melty.
Go to bed, gramps.
shut up Xavier
only swords really
in dt its every wep but the chainaxes and that one evisc. Like imagine an ogryn knife that just stabs on lights and sweeps on heavies. But no they all have to have a gay mix of stab sweeps and overheads
so many weapons in vt2 had weird flowcharts you had to play around which was part of the charm
woman coded post
Partially I agree, if it's designed well. Like the mk4 knife on ogryn is actually well designed, you can basically pick between a singletarget combo and a horde clear combo. But then you have shit like the old eviscerator where it's not really clear at any point which attack comes out next sometimes and the weapon basically exists to make you memorize every pattern or it will grief you by randomly doing an overhead that bites in.
Not to mention there's still weapons where you have to block reset, like the ironhelm or that one force sword. I think giving the player reason to block reset or qq reset is a game design failure
For me, it's the Q-Q 2h axe cancel
I think you're face is a game design failure lmao gottem
did that actually offer a significant damage increase over just spamming lights
>only swords really
No, not only swords, stop being a disingenuous faggot. Just say you prefer weapons with simple patterns, you don't have to pretend that you're some sort of expert.
Has Darktide reached this level of autism yet?
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If there are more than two ragers I WILL drop my spaghetti. You have been warned.
bro your melee's special?
You're jelly because YOUR life isn't a party.
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>*Blocks ur path*
Auric Maelstrom is by far the toughest in terms of the bullshit it throws at the player but the 4 rejects can get way stronger than the U5. The challenge of Cata on paper seems a lot milder than Auric Maelstrom, but you can't sprint or slide or bullshit your way out of danger as much so it ends up feeling slightly harder than Auric Maelstrom.
fully agree, in darktide you have more threats but you also have the power to blow all those threats off the playing board before they ever become an issue. in vt2 you do not have this option and need to actually deal with everything manually
thank god
name 5 that arent swords
You can also spam get out of jail free abilities a hell of a lot quicker on most characters
which autoguns AREN'T shit?
The worst one is not just sword, but bretsword and shield. Absolutely schizo pattern.
New player here, let me just see if I got this right because this game has a serious lack of information given.
Unlocking the blessings on the pic related menu does not actually apply them to the weapon, I have to go to the Shrine of the Omnissiah and select a blessing from the ones I have unlocked to be put on the weapon, only one or two blessings, based on the weapon tier, can be active at a time.
Is that right??
its always funny to have a game with like 120 elite kills when everyone else is sitting in the 20s but I literally cant imagine a game where people arent atleast kill stealing off you.
It is completely and utterly broken. Makes the knife look mediocre in comparison.
always two blessings, but yes
vraks infantry autogun
agripinaa braced autogun
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>playing a few days ago
>quickplay auric damnation
>one guy says something innocuous at the beginning of the match over voice, I respond
>he makes a surprised sound that somebody else is speaking on voice
>he then takes me being friendly as a reason to sperg non-stop over voice about "DREG RAGER DREG RAGERS OMG SO MANY DREG RAGERS I CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE A DREG RAGER IN MY FACE AAAAH" for the next fifteen minutes of the match
Was this you? Like bro, they're not that hard to kill even when the game spams a lot of them at you.
that's why it was only for squishy psykers. Now we got immortal zealots and shouty vets using it too. It was already very strong on psyker.
have normies caught on to this
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>someoen leaving the team because I use the dueling sword
It's even more pathetically easy if you hipfire.
People panic and die in 0.8 seconds.
i used to be you
>don't dodge back, dodge to the side
>hold block while dodging if you're unsure whether you'll gain enough distance
>fuck them up with ranged attacks as soon as you see them, all the while dodging away just in case
>get good with a devil's claw parry mode
>get good with sneaking in a strike between their attacks (for example the currently OP dueling sword mk4 can poke their heads reliably between their attacks)
>use a weapon that can stagger them (this is very easy if you're ogryn)
>use an ability that can stagger them (shout vet, chorus zealot, shriek psyker, 2 ogryn abilities)
caught onto what?
i should have also included the fact that i was only halfway through my magazine after that clip and you get 10
The knife was always mediocre
So are they going to hotfix it? I have seen so many Zealots with Dueling Sword and Fury just decimate entire missions by themselves. It's worse than smite. A crusher or mauler squad for them is food. I saw a Zealot kill an entire crusher squad within a few seconds with no sweat whatsoever.
What? Shooting a gun? Yeah I imagine they have. Normies have known about shout for years now too.
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vermintide 1 is full of cheaters
i am so sad
Sorry, I wanted to play the game.
>So are they going to hotfix it?
lol no.
>But then you have shit like the old eviscerator where it's not really clear at any point which attack comes out next sometimes
Light attacks:
L1 strikedown
L2 sweep (slight angle)
L3 sweep
L4 strikedown (slight angle)
Heavy attacks:
H1 sweep
H2 strikedown
Push attack: sweep

Maximizing horizontal strikes:
H1 L2 repeat
H1 L2 L3 push repeat
H1 L2 L3 L4 repeat
Push H1
Push L3

>the weapon basically exists to make you memorize every pattern
I did and it's fun. I wish more weapons were like this.
>So are they going to hotfix it?
this isn't helldivers, weapons are allowed to be overpowered in tide games
It will either be nerfed into the ground and buffed into a reasonable state later, or ignored for half a year and then nerfed slightly.
sienna mace
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"Cheat" means nothing in Vermintide 1, anon.
The game needs a fuckton of mods to be played properly, like the QoL modpack, Vernon's fixes modpack and a few loose ones like DiffBots and all the github shit from the authors of the QoL one.
If you ask veterans of the game about what they consider cheating, they will say any mod is a cheat.
But obviously they arent.
Stuff like AddBooks as example, that adds full books and grimoires to all the really hard maps of the game (Peak, TOTF, Krench, etc) give cata players a reason to run those maps for reds instead of grinding the same 3 maps over and over again, and yet a good chunk of people will instantly leave if you take a "modded" book (that are hidden btw) like the 2nd grim on Reaching Out.
Is third person cheating?
Is healthbars cheating?
Are the deathwish and onslaught mutators (that give you a bonus grim dice if you complete any map) cheating?
Is BotImprovements stuff like remote pickups (you can bypass almost every book puzzle with it) and manual health cheating?
Those are all features of the QoL modpack.
Now of course you have chink cheaters spawning 50 die and teleporting to the cart 10s into a match, but those are rare and the anticheat in the qol modpack fucks them in the ass.
In short, I wouldn't worry too much about people and their mods.
If the above happens just instantly kick them, the QoL changes the votekick to be instant like the DRG one.
i like mods because these games are more fun as challenging but nonserious casual coop, there's purists who run no mods and solo maelstrom but its literally kiting for 40 minutes
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What's the friendless /copeg/ games worth playing nowadays, I only played DRG and HD2
Is vermintide 2 still worth playing? Is Darktide less of a shitshow?
The only Vermintide 1 mods I use are the loadout one and one that lets me hide the HUD for screenshots
vt2 is worth playing but has a lot of dlc, still tons of content before you have to drop a dollar and the cosmetics are mostly good
darktide has less variety but it has guns that are more fun to shoot
diffbots is probably the most outrageous cheating mod you can use, as it turns bots into godtier machines that will annihilate everything in their path with surgical precision lmao
yet all the cataniggers that use it will swear that it's not cheating, ignoring the fact that they are soloing entire patrols
Payday 2, darktide, VT2
I'm trying!
These guys are slow enough that I can dance around 5 of them.
Not once have I ever used the ingame voice chat.
Good advice overall.
>get good with sneaking in a strike between their attacks
This is where my plans fall apart.
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"it's yet another "revolver/dueling sword team stack" in my auric episode
After that john wick post Ive done a few agri shotgun rounds and it feels kind of awkward but there is potential. Sucks that it needs to have a special reload after every shot though, if they halved the ammo and just made it the slug then called it like head hunter autogun or something it would be a balanced and fun weapon. Instead the headhunters suck ass. Im definitly going to download weapon customization for a scope on this, the ironsights arent accurate
Hope you like watching other people play the game for 30 minutes.
What do you expect? The dueling sword being opened up to two classes who make much better use of it on top of being much more popular than psyker means most people are going to abuse the shit out of it, especially while it's still fresh. I want them to take it away from Vet and Zealot rather than nerfing it, they just take it to an absolutely ridiculous level. Not even a psygger main, I mostly play Vet, but the weapon is just broken with real melee focused talents.
Literally everyone the moment they saw it on the changelog knew exactly what was going to happen. Fatshark doesnt play their own games, that has to be it. They didnt play test it at all they just went it would be cool if it were on other classes.

holy shit it's finally happening meltabros
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Fartshart is a pathetic company.
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Fotm is just a core concept how they update their game, remember the days of bolter vets back on release, how strong the knife used to be, assail shitting on everything when it was new or the plasma + power sword fuckers everywhere for a while?
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My favorite was when they reworked psyker staves last year and turned Voidstrike into a pocket railgun for a little while, that was fun.
>mfw stunlocking bosses with charged blasts to the face over and over
>mfw killing an entire Crusher patrol with one surge proc
For me it was the trueflight/bolt staff days, and attack helicopter kruber
a pretty funny but unrealistic interaction
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Lemme just laugh in bright wizard or elf.
Not the meltagun, just the good old plasma gun!
>hear about a new DoAtide update
>its yet another female character that will annoy players during missions
They keep doing it.
DEI demands it.
>stop shooting me, zealot!
>the god emperor made me do it...
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fire on the move
fourty one terrible millennia
fall of the manlet
I would like the evisc if the preferree horde clear combo didnt do a janky reset of the weapon position. It just looks so bad and broken that I dislike it
fuck other tight men
where the hel did amo go.....
*fight other tough men
I want to be like an ogryn irl I just curled 67.5kg 5x for 3 sets
that's what we'll tell the straights it means, sure
These guys go down like bitches to my heavy evis or combat ax. Crushers still make me panic a bit in groups though.
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elf bow on chaos weekly !!
Crusher packs would be significantly less threatening if enemies didn't clip through each other. Bulwark bullshit too.
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>fall of the manlet
every day, brother
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>most insufferable characters are the ones we're told are awesome every time they come up
>the only tolerable characters are male
I thought they were getting it when they started adding in lines implying Morrow's exploits were bullshit they'd been fed, but nope.
it's red sienna mace too
Doesn't the imperium mostly use like ceramite and adamantine? Why the fuck would "moebian steel" be some coveted resource when they already have alloys and materials far stronger and lighter
Moebian steel coded post
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no it isn't
not an argument
>chaos weekly
what the heck
There was the red mace on the contracts board of ratclick 1 yesterday, retardkun.
What are we doing on Mobius anyway, and where are all the sexy bats
this >>498437281
Many such cases.
who fucking cares everyone has had red weapons for years
curse of comrade is cancer so I soloed it
it's new skins brah
lmao even
>ceramite and adamantine
reserved for special boys like space marines. It is not something that regular guardsmen will have access to, not even their tanks are made from ceramite
t. never played ratclick 1
Plasteel and ceramite mostly. Adamantine is much more rare, and vehicles like Leman Russes use plasteel and ceramite according to the fluff.
You shouldn't think too much about it because 40k constantly pulls lost technology out of its ass, and you can easily assume Moebian steel is some alloy that's slightly better than the existing materials they use.
>play Exec Veteran and finally suffer the consequences
For once I was one of the downed retards waiting for a lone zealot to save my boyhole. Feels good seeing other Zealotbros make the comeback though.
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>Join lobby
>Dueling Sword Zealot #3,293
yeah can't believe they'd use this retard macguffin term instead of that one
that's me, you're welcome for the carry
for me? zealot with tigrus mk15, boltgun, knives and charge
Honestly there would be nothing wrong with a memepup bolter if not for the fact that this one has its rear cut out to accommodate Azrael's scale so the massive bolts just teleport into the chamber somehow. His numarine model straight up just changes the rear into a less improbable side feed.
yon ba-
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...thank you for carrying my Aurics.
This thread is boring, lets argue about Thrust vs Agility again
agile (they run away from danger)
darktide pro streamer starter pack:
>rushes ahead and provokes every single patrol while shooting every single barrel
>team lags behind because they're busy dealing with everything the streamer activated
>they start going down and the streamer gets angry because they're not speedrunning through the level like him
I'm confused. Is there any reason for me to level this shit up if I already have the level IV trait unlocked?
you don't have it unlocked
Explain this then
you have it equipped, but unlocked for crafting
What does that mean?
crafting? where you change the perks and blessings of a weapon? that thing?
It's crazy how all the stuff the streamer aggros goes for the team and never for him
But why would I craft another one when I already have one with level 4 traits?
I've been on the receiving end of actual faggot zealot speedrunners who just rush ahead, alt+f4 out when they get dogged, and stealth to let everything aggro onto the team. Let me tell you it's a complete fucking non issue if your'e not an utter retard. It's annoying that he plays that way but it's not actually a perilous situation whatsoever, you just fight shit for a bit while the dumb impatient faggot sits in the elevator then you walk up to him. If you're lucky someone votekicks him, if not it's not really a huge grief or anything.
I think if a zealot doing this makes you fail your mission then you would've lost if it was a scrub who died, too
Unlocking them in the mastery lets you select that blessing in the menu. You can still randomly find a weapon with a blessing you haven't unlocked, but if you want to pay for your perks you need to unlock it first.
The colour determines how many blessings a weapon can take, up to a maximum of 2.
Why should I sit back and clear every fucking minion on the map when i can just run ahead and complete this mission in one fourth of the time. Maybe you like wasting your time but I don't and Im going to sit in the elevator and watch a movie on my second monitor while I wait for you slow boring fuckers. If you all listen to me and just go down I would carry you to the end easily.
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How do we save Darktide?
How do we convince the average 5k ratclickers still playing to move on?
You dont get it, I have to babysit 3 retards normally, which you would think would make it easier. Except now those 2 retards have no idea what to do and get shafted way worse than normal. Eventually Im going to trip up and things are going to go tits up instead of a possible recovery if I was playing with 3 tards. Example, I just joined with a 340 bolt pistol I never played before and scored like 140 before we hit the last stage where I started screwing around just using the special to kick things around. The psyker and zealot would constantly have issues, the psyker literally stared at a pack coming from behind us and just used smite despite no one being around him, he ran out shortly after I started killing things, people were no where near him. Thats the level of people I have to play with. If the ogryn wasnt there I dont think we would have made it. If it was a knife zealot instead, those times where my axe refuses to come out or where I get teleported into a barrel and sent flying over the edge would have ended the run. Probably shouldnt be playing so far from the router but I like this chair.
I think I do get it. You don't have to babysit anyone, just play your own game. If you do well then the aggro is no issue. If you don't do well you'll die to it. Anything else is honest to god cope.
You could get a better Eviscerator because you have shit cleave. In that scenario you can then put the tier IV blessing on it.
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the skeleton team working on vermintide 2 said in the recent ratclick livestream that they plan on reworking the progression system to make it easier for newfags to enjoy the game at the higher difficulties and unlock all the cool weapons and talents gated behind levels and the box grind
what are they cooking? why would you do something like that this late in a game's update cycle?
are they going to keep pumping updates for it for the next 4 years as people are telling?
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More like how do we stop ratclick from becoming irrelevant
As a Veteran: What are the top 3 ranged weapons I should strongly consider playing with, conversely what are the top 3 ranged weapons I should avoid like the plague?
There are rumours that Versus will be a separated f2p client when it comes out later this year.
Maybe the entire game goes f2p?
I hate Ogryns. Retarded and useless
>looks like the enemy
>gets in the way
>slow as fuck
>erases all ammo pickups
>consumes all medipack HP
>made completely useless by a single Trapper in the area
>always saying stupid fucking things
>players are all roleplayers
Ogryns should die.
you take that back you fucking cunt
>top 3 ranged weapons I should strongly consider playing with
Braced autogun
Assault shotgun
>what are the top 3 ranged weapons I should avoid like the plague?
Infantry autogun
there are people still playing the first game religiously every day for new contracts
literally multiple cata and nightmare lobbies on peak hours
then it's just a neverending sea of easy and normal shitters
like ???????????
It occurs to me that the blue Ogryn penance armor is supposed to be the same shit that the Crushers wear.
>t. sniveler
Add felinids to make the furfags migrate.
The blue armor sets are what the Moebian 6th wore when they were loyal
add the U5 as playable character personalities
>erases all ammo pickups
One vet with ammo aura and I'll never need to get anmo for my kickback, runt. Also half the shit you listed isn't exclusive to ogryn.
I don't know but if they rid the game of the "open a gorillion loot boxes" progress system, the game will be so much easier to recommend.
>looks like the enemy
>gets in the way
>made completely useless by a single Trapper in the area
>always saying stupid fucking things
>players are all roleplayers
This is true for every single class though.
ammo... rations... all mine
literally every single other ranged weapon kills crushers faster than it takes those two charged shots with onslaught
>two charged shots
The only time I've had someone run ahead faster than anyone could keep up was an ogryn named Chuchunmaru and he was really good and did twice as much damage as everyone else so no one could be mad
Other than that time whenever I've seen someone bitching about people "rushing" the rest of the team was together while he was the one lagging behind.
>whichever dumb faggot at fatshark insisted over the past years that every game needs an obnoxious absurd grind is now being proven wrong by every update that lessens the grind
I hope he suicides
maybe they just had a revelation with darktide and decided to give it to vermintide too

>grind pointless
>people like the game regardless
>just let me play please
Both Vermintide and Darktide would be far better games if the weapons weren't actual items and were instead handled like DRG, where you just pick it and it has its own little option tree. There is literally no reason in these games for the weapons and trinkets to be RPG items. It literally makes 0 fucking sense. It was an experimental thing they did in Vermintide 1 and they never got rid of it because they mistakenly thought it was integral to their games.
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Vermintide is celebrating 10 years in 2025, maybe they have something in store to celebrate that.
You are absolutely correct.
oh shit are they gonna port all of ratclick 1 into 2
we know about the stromdorf map leak at least
>game crashes when taking out the bolt pistol
ok i guess im staying on psyker
>There is literally no reason in these games for the weapons and trinkets to be RPG items. It literally makes 0 fucking sense.
it's fun customizing things
imagine how nice build making in darktide would be if you could just
>throw on weapons
>pick blessings
>pick talents
>save as loadout 1

and have unlimited loadouts. It would literally be so nice. Instead we get like 6 loadouts or like 12 with a mod, and then you can go fuck yourself beyond that, and for making them you have to stagger through the loathsome 10 inventory screens each time
In DRG you can customize things too, it's not a prequisite for those things to be a shitty little RPG item like it's world of warcraft. The weapons could be character options with just straight up options, no RPG or rng aspects, and it would be the superior system in every single way.
Like, it adds literally fucking nothing. It only adds frustration and annoyance.
is it just me or is disrupt destiny comepletely fucked? doesnt show any stacks outside of the meat grinder. idk if thats a visual bug or its actually not working
visual bug
It's fun upgrading things
Fatshark is convinced gear treadmills and FOMO are the only way to retain players, meanwhile their games are largely played by autistic diehards who solved the game thousands of hours ago.

Like in DRG? Or the current state of Darktide, where players actually engage with weapon modification instead of feeling so discouraged by the RNG they give up?
Which you also do in DRG, without any of the gay RPG item system. I hope you'll find that it adds absolutely nothing to the game now, too.
Idk man I'm having fun upgrading each weapon to max now with the new mastery system.
gets in the way of what? you wasting all the ammo on the poxwalkers he was meleeing?
Learn target priority and shoot at the guys not currently locked into melee you FUCKING NIGGER
Did-a big BOOM in Shouty!
Hope they're al right...
So which part of that requires it to be individual items? I think you don't fundamentally understand the issue. It could be JUST the mastery screen and you jsut pick all your options there and it would be better
I started playing fucking Bolter Infil vet cause i just got tired of being left to dry
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you can literally use any of the mod frameworks to add infinite red items to your inventory, all the trinkets, all the hats and even all the past event rewards
what the fuck are you talking about lmao
why do you think fatshark added an anticheat to ratclick 2?
you can literally install a mod that instantly wins a match with 7 grim dice in vt1
the overwhelming majority of cata and nightmare lobbies are private
play the game before opening your mouth you fucking retard
NTA but the game is almost 10 years old now, it's obviously no longer in Fatshark's radar.
People came up with even more outrageous cheats, it's pretty much a dead game.
Because it makes the item feel individual...
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yeah because a game being older than a few years means it's dead and deserves to be cheated to death by bored russians and chinks?
get the fuck outta here with that argument you subhuman fucking nigger retard

it WILL happen to vermintide 2 as well one day, you can already force unsactioned mods on live servers
i will be there to bear witness to your nigger cope when that happens
How's the jump from Malice to Heresy?
You’re level 30. Put on your big boy pants and try it out.
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Why are you seething so hard? Vermintide 1 barely breaks more than 20 players daily, it's obviously no longer a coop game considering the quality of solo mods that have been made over the years.
Most cheats only work if you're the host, for everything else there is CheatProtect that will stop people from spawning stuff that can directly harm your profile like weapons, books or dice.
There is no mod that fixes a noclipping elf on permaspeed pots and an auto trueflight spam macro, but at that point you can just kick the faggot off the game without needing a vote, the QoL modpack allows you to do that if you want.
More like how do we convince 12k retards playing shopclick to play anything better?
Dear retards, we get rid of the endless horde by doing the objective
This implies there's anything better to play.

And for me it has to have a Warhammer skin, I assume a lot of the people who enjoy -tide games similarly would enjoy them less if they were a different IP.
I don’t want to stop playing Darktide. It’s fun.
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>Put the karkin' boot in!
more like put the karkin dilator in am i right my fellow final fantasy 14 players and enthusiasts
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It's her VA
To me, it always sounds like she's saying
>my karkin' booty!
wow i look just like this
>Anon posts screenshot of a game
>Niggers come out of the woodwork to larp as troons
When this is a Pavlovian response you know there’s a deeper meaning
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Where the FUCK is psyker-chan?
Which one of you faggots hurt my queen???
locked under my desk, forced to give me psyker footjobs for the rest of eternity
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But I might appear bad in my score board mod.
>game runs perfectly fine yesterday
>today shader cache takes a long time to load like the first time i started up the game
>now get 45 fps if there's a horde

thanks fatshark
Smigger-chan... finally took a bath anon.
I'd kill you irl if the option were available to me, nasty faggot.
You little sh- wait that's actually pretty based, you get a pass.

Sometimes it's just visual and sometimes it's actually not working. It's impressive that it's been bugged in so many ways since it's introduction and still isn't fixed, really.
You'd have to go outside and put yourself in grave danger of touching grass.
yeah this insult doesn't work when you're using it to defend being a prison gay incel shitting up the thread with erp shit, it just comes off as projection
It kinda does considering that a singular "erp" post made you assmad when you really think about it.
Is Born Leader any good? It's only 15%
It's more balanced because the worst thing that you can do to a weapon is throw swift slaying on it to get 15% attack speed a certain percentage of the time. Some builds might want parry or a bit of extra stagger to hit plague monk breakpoints. None of those are huge deviations from a Grey weapon of the same item power. No matter what weapon build their balance QA team balanced around, it's raw power level isn't that far from an autist's Minmaxed build.

Shopclick weapons receive MASSIVE increases to their power stats from their assorted blessings. There is HUGE difference in performance between a Grey Shopclick weapon and a Minmaxed one with optimal blessings.
I still think that plague monks are scarier than ragers.
what veteran build makes you go "this guy is based" when you see it in the loadout stage
Rager patrols are pretty scary. Probably worse than reaper patrols when it comes to suddenly ending an otherwise smooth auric run.
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>reaper patrols
Really, anon?
Just shoot their heads.
>when you really think about it
aka if you do enough mental gymnastics
no one believes Chad comes home and has pretend sex with incels on the internet come on now lol, what a weird thing to try to turn this into. no self awareness
None? I would never call someone else based over a video game...
it's better than the alternatives if you want to go down that tree
Well I had to pick a second and it sure as hell is not crusher patrols.
Even regular ass, but larger than usual, packs of gunners mixed with tiny shooters are more menacing than fucking reapers.
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ayo this gameplay fire fr fr
Reapers that are shooting at you from point blank are the only ones that are a threat. If you fucked up and somehow let them do that you kind of deserve it though. They will kill you in 2 seconds while chain stunning you. Usually only happens in dark areas though
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Crystalline Will saves me at least once per game
your evi is shit craft a better one
i am weldin this doah
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i think its good. you just give out free toughness at all times. and the other options there dont do much.
because that one is dogshit lol
So I moved to Heresy. It's like 60-70% success rate.
So do I git gudder?
you can lose there?
post your build
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Shovel + infantry autogun.
I just run Shout. Exec is complete overkill. It's fun to shoot at green outlines, but the bolter has no need for it.
You'll get better. Each jump in difficulty seems harder, but then you get better and your build gets better, and then next thing you know, Auric Maelstrom is a cakewalk.
I finally tried knife Zealot, and I genuinely wasn't very impressed. Maybe my blessings were wrong (ran Uncanny and Precog) or I was doing something wrong with its moveset, but the only thing that stood out about it to me was my dodge distance. It was good at killing elites and great at surviving, but clearing stuff out takes fucking forever with it. I honestly like the Tac Axe more so far.
Ragers are scarier than Monks/Zerkers to fight in melee. Zerkers and Monks can be baited into attacking and then easily sidestepped, but Ragers seem to have way larger sweep hitboxes and don't pause like Monks/Zerks do.
>chaos wastes weekly expedition
>dumbfuck "tether" curse where you get raped with damage if you stray more than 5 feet from teammates.
>hordes coming from behind
>enemies move faster than players
>someone is going to be stuck fighting them and slowed down
>dumbfuck zoomers never look behind them and keep zooming forward
fuck this shit. Idiots are causing more damage to the team than the enemy are because they can't take a tenth of a second to look around and be aware of their surroundings.
The survivability was what made it good. Now there are other options
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>penance gear is pretty much all garbage recolors with the exception of one shitty set at 4000
>fatshark wonders why darktide is a failed flop
The blue set is ugly, it was used because it was rare but now everyone has it with the extra 500 penance points. Those weapon skins they put at 5,000 were a fucking insult
Knife has shit damage, knife is for mobility. Untranny strike is great, so is precog, you did nothing wrong with it. It was just an overrated weapon from a time where speedruns impressed people and inflated its image. In actual regular play, knife just isn't that noteworthy.
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Smiteniggers are so fucking annoying jesus. Worthless lightning that obscures everything, and now I gotta run to melee the enemies instead of them coming to me. Also dips FPS.
Would be bearable if they used it sparingly in tight situations but instead smiteniggers just spam it everywhere against fucking POXWALKERS.
Truly the worst player archetype. And if someone dares question them they'll go on a tangent about how they're actually carrying the game or whatever lmao
Why do people pretend to like Space Marine 2?
they like the idea of it but haven't actually played it
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Damn, really? I can't believe this thing got talked up so much for so long. And I finally got a mouse that has the extra buttons for me to leave auto-click macros on and save my poor, old-man fingies.
We know. The ability should have had restrictions put in place months ago to limit how much it can be spammed. Smite is fine when they smite the blob of 50 crushers that are suddenly HERE. It's a detriment to the team when they're smiting groaners 24/7. They don't understand that the best type of CC is killing the enemy. Stuns and staggers only gain value once the enemy density becomes great enough that you can't just kill them outright. Prior to that point you shouldn't be stunning and should instead be killing.
>they like the idea of it
that is sufficient for npcs
you fucking retard
run flamer then
Ironically, mixed hordes seemed like one of the strong points of the knife since shit can't touch you and you can just pluck out elites. Fuck having to take a gun to just kill basic bitch chaff and just the chaff.
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I enjoyed it at launch, but dropped it after they listened to the gaming journalists and nerfed all of the enemies. Part of me contemplates wanting to play it again once they add that new pistol to the game, but then I remember that they have that pants on head retarded system where you can't have duplicate classes and that everyone and their mother will be wanting to try to new toy. Really short sighted decision on their part when the only justification for having unique classes for each player is that each class is supposed to be a specific character from the literally who culturally diverse DEI squad that only technically got an ounce of screentime during the campaign.
am i misremembering or did VT2 have bigger and more dense hordes compared to DT?
have a (you)
>Knife has shit damage
>dense hordes
Yes because slave rats used to clip inside each other by the dozen and one shot people and Fatshark had the audacity to say it was made up for months before finally admitting it was an issue.
so im misremembering?
Imagine posting this and not thinking that knife niggers would shit and piss on the floor over it.
They nerfed DT horde sizes because consoles couldn't handle it.
But why would anyone conceivably care about people getting assmad about something they said on an anonymous Taiwanese life support webhelper?
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my first ever auric mission (heresy though), it's so god damn fun
Unfortunately there's no way to avoid playing with actual autistics. They are always like this. If they're able to rush ahead then surely everyone else also is. Nothing matters besides themselves.
>3.2k damage taken by the big idiot
Motherfucker, what happened in your game?
Fuck off, knigger.
Well excuse me. I need to complete my smite penance.
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There were.... complications.
Are you special? I was asking why the guy would give a shit if knife autists got bootyblasted over it. It's not like this is Facebook where your identity is in any way connected to your posts. Who gives a shit if you trigger some spazz. I was the one asking for help with the knife in the first place since it seemed so mediocre on first use.

I'll fucking say lmao. I just noticed your other two teammates' damage too. Please don't tell me they were both there the entire time. What a fucking wild ride.
i honestly think the scoreboard actually incentivises mostly healthy gameplay, it emphasises team and defense score just as much as offense
never played EDF before, are the shotguns supposed to be more accurate than the assault rifles?
I never see empyric resolve mentioned but the -40% peril generated seems really good, is the -30% toughness replenished that crippling?
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>trying to make sense of EDF
Series S and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming industry.
they were both downed several times from start to finish and one of them actually outright left and we got a psyker but he dipped and then it was three zealots at the end, the ogryn only died once and that was during a plague ogryn fight halfway through that mission but he stayed around for the entire mission so he gets a pass imo, he honestly carried.
it should be implemented but the devs only see the negatives of this.
>consoles were a disaster for the gaming industry
ftfy, homie
I'm just going to get the illusion with bots tomorrow. It was just gay. What's dumb is that the stupid tether slows you down as well as hurts you. Enemies move faster than you. If you attack and kill the enemy that's gaining on you from behind, then you temporarily slow down as part of executing the swing. This lets the zoomers who only look forward gain some distance on you. The tether kicks in and starts damaging you but also slows you down and makes it harder to catch up.

The system requires all players to at least have the IQ of a pigeon. Just check to see what your teammates are doing every few seconds. What's worse is that we had a retarded OE. After getting nickle and dimed by the tether for minutes, an approaching horde provided a prospect of gaining some temp HP to help buffer more nicks and scrapes from the curse. BUT NOPE. Instead of getting some THP, we'd get chunked for about a dozen points of friendly fire damage as the crank gun cut through the team and mowed down the harmless horde. That or he'd throw one of those double bombs. I don't know why it's taking them so fucking long to hotfix the too fast timer on OE's bomb generation talent. The problem is that an INTEGER is wrong. This shit should have been fixed months ago. Just type the correct fucking number into the variable.
unless you're some sort of retard that quells down to 0 after every cast instead of making use of the fact that you don't blow up when casting as long as you're under 97% when the cast finishes it does basically nothing
not when they stay in their lane like nintendo does, it gets annoying when they're trying to compete with pc with muh megaflops
Yeah, but series S has been especially disruptive with MS demanding feature parity.
More like -40% peril is of little consequence.
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I'm wondering if I should call it a day and do Auric Damnation tomorrow or do it now...
lol nerftranny the game is better now
I don't even know how OE's manage to struggle with knowing when and when not to use the chaingun. Horde coming from the front? Let the team push through it with melee so that they can milk the horde for valuable THP. Horde coming from the rear? Mow it the fuck down so it doesn't slow down the party by biting at our heels.
Ok gaming journalist. Are you finally capable of clearing the higher difficulties now that the enemies have been nerfed into the ground? Or are things too hard for you still because you needed to exploit the melta's white HP overheal bug to survive?
Instructions unclear. I see an enemy = I shoot.
Yeah now I get why people want the duelling sword nerfed
aliens fireteam elite was a fun game that died due to being p2p and not having a good enough matchmaker
shills will still to this day claim it died because the players refused to use discord and manually form groups
Is that what happened? I picked it up years after its release with a friend and played for a while. I just got bored with it pretty quickly. It needed more layers or something to the gameplay to keep it from getting stale.
I mean I certainly didn't keep playing the same sequence of a dozen missions in perpetuity because the game didn't even have a built in text chat system and I'm certainly never going to go on discord in order to socialise within a completely separate program.
Now maybe it wouldn't have been enough to keep it going without a matchmaker as you say but I think it's going to need more new missions just like most of these co-op games.

Fireteam works really well as a single player experience though, and I recommend it to anyone who likes the Aliens franchise, its got a decent story.
Every single mission + difficulty had its own individual matchmaking with no way to see who was playing what. And with no randomization there wasn't much incentive to replay missions. The game was alright but they blew a hole in their feet day 1.
Aylmao was fun. Its community died within the first month or two after release because it had one of the worst matchmakers ever. There was no quickplay feature, and the playerbase was split into dozens of different matchmaking queues once you accounted for the fact that each permutation of map/difficulty/mutator had its own queue. Additionally players couldn't join matches in progress and the game forced matches to fire within a minute or two with the unfilled slots filled with utterly useless bots. They should have hotfixed in the ability for players to simply wait longer for the lobby to fill to tide people over until they could finish fixing the matchmaker.

Beyond that, long term longevity was hurt by the fact that there was no true director guiding the enemies. Each map simply had a small handful of pre-set enemy spawns. This was made all the more obvious by the fact that the shitty matchmaker herded the playerbase into only playing the first and last maps of the campaign since those were the only ones that could (sometimes) get a full lobby before your 60 seconds were up and you were forced to play with the retarded bots.
Fireteam Elite's friendly fire on harder difficulties was a good challenge mode. Sorta wish Darktide had it.
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>poxburster comes during a bit of down time after a wave
>it goes for a teammate and I just watch it go past me
>he begins moving backwards
>he dodges backwards
>he jumps backwards
>he's just mashing spacebar while moving backwards
>he dives on him for full damage
>this happens again
>realize this guy has no idea what pushing is, and thinks poxbursters are just guaranteed damage he can't avoid
>died due to being p2p
Personally I think P2P is a good thing for games like aylmao and ratclick. The "dedicated servers" in shopclick are a step backwards, and doom the game to dying out entirely once they turn the servers off. They don't even improve the gameplay experience because LMAO fatshark isn't going to properly maintain quality servers.
The lack of FF is a definite downside of darktide. The only reason that we don't have it is the combination of mistakes that were making the maps 130% narrow hallways and giving ogryns a fucking size slider.
so voice of command doesnt push bursters anymore? happened to me 3 times in one game
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Has helldivers still not released the vehicles that have been in the game files for seven months? I quit expecting to come back whenever they added them and I guess they would rather the game die completely for some reason.
>please stop overhauling the entire game right this instant the game will COMPLETELY DIE if you do not give me a janky mass effect 1 car to drive around
It already has completely died, retard. Specifically because they haven't added anything lmao.
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>It already has completely died
Thank god we finally have a steam chart poster
part of the fun for me was the combination of no chat at all + rather predictable spawns. On the higher difficulties missions had to be ran through in a series of rush then hold to clear out the scripted hoards/elites then rush again. It was really satisfying when everyone knew what to do and it just happened seamlessly.

The ability to mark a spot on the map was usually enough communication.
People want to play something that isn't a janky unbalanced mess where straying from the meta means running a marathon away from every patrol. You need a solid foundation to keep players around. Remember Darktide's last content patch and how the player numbers returned to normal within a week? Notice how this one's keeping the player count doubled despite copeg whining it didn't add anything new? Helldivers has also added plenty of shit since release. The problem was, shockingly, it was all janky unbalanced shit that's finally worth something.
the problem with helldivers is by design you feel weak. it should be not timed and guns should have been stronger so you can just comfy clear solo or with friends
If you still feel weak after the last patch that's a (You) problem. Likewise for the mission timer.
please don't delude yourself by calling other games more alive than yours "dead" and we can avoid this in the future
There have always been strong guns in helldivers. They should have buffed the many liberator clones months ago, but we've always had something that we could faceroll over the enemy with on the hardest difficulties.
is this where i talk about foxhole
more like fuckhole
shut the fuck up dumbass before I use your foxhole
for my PENIS!
what does that mean
I'm the only person in aurics using the trauma staff
>trauma staff
why are you talking in riddles
>watch a vtuber
>she misses perfectly visible and hearable idol
anon, if you are still playing the game at all after the first psn scandal, let alone the revelation that nothing players do actually matters, you are manyproblemend
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>get a retard vet who fully dies 4 times on difficulty 4
>the 4th time to a daemonhost
>lose game because one guy wastes his life pushing into a horde to save this tard
>name is Glockzilla6969
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Why yes I will play bleed tankgryn with the funny charge and a shield
Why yes I will save you no matter how much of a retard youre being
Why yes I will slap maulers, ragers, ogryns, spawns, and everything but gunners/snipers on their ass despite your seething about DPS

And we will both have a good time
bet you have spiderysense installed,scrub
why do you watch this kind of content?
Yes dont question it
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i can finally play the game
where do I see the base crit chance of weapons?
i dont know what they are
figure its better to leave it alone
fucking why
To tilt perfectionists.
Surge staff sucks!
>bro your primary machine gun bui
>I can finally exclusively play zealot
I felt the same
onto what?
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So I've just not discovered this talent does in fact NOT trigger on every critical hit from the Inferno/Purgatus staff, and from my testing I can't find a pattern. Sometimes it triggers every 5 crits, sometimes it triggers on the first crit. Sometimes I crit an enemy 4 times and it dies and the skill never triggers.
swedish math strikes again
I take the autoglizzy to deal with that. melee dueling ragers is for chumps
probably an internal timer
isn't, sometimes it triggers twice instantly from back to back crits on the same enemy
sometimes you blast into a horde and get full stacks instantly, sometimes you kill 12 poxies and get 0 stacks
it's completely incoherent what's happening
except thats not how computers work, theres some method to the madness
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funny enough i still got ogryn mastery even though i was one penance short.
after testing it with trauma it works the same way, even if you blast into a horde, get 10 crits, the talent does not trigger
meanwhile voidstrike secondary attacks and all staff primary attacks work as expected, so it's a talent meant for projectiles, but for purg/trauma it just doesn't seem to work most of the time

which is strange because right below it is another talent that triggers on crits and that works perfectly fine
ogryn don't count so good
Did they actually nerf the horde size?
doesnt feel like it
the problems with darktide are fundamentally unfixable
>loveable cast replaced with 0 story/personality OCs that are literally disposable
>shit unmemorable missions that all look the same and have basically no unique setpieces
>iconic specials replaced with insane audio earrape of mutants and dogs screaming and barking the entire mission
>shit unmemorable missions that all look the same and have basically no unique setpieces
this is by far my biggest issue with the game
archyvum sycorax is fun
Same. I'm fine with personalities being like they are or specials sound queues, but levels are just meh. The ones added post release (throneside, carnival, gloriana) are slightly better, but the rest is just the same-ish greenish-brown industrial sludge.
I like mutants going UUUOOOOOOHH
the sniper is really cool, honestly one of my favorite specials in both games. the sound design is so good and he's satisfying to kill
new SLOPDIVERS update, everything buffed again
too late. they had lightning in a bottle and completely fucked it with changes made to appease...no one...
Rats > generic zombies
sorry they struck out
joel and revealing all our efforts are meaningless
the PSN thing
them saying im not supposed to be able to solo the hardest difficulty
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Man fuck this shit, thank Christ it's over
is this another of those trivially easy class penances?
True. I always preferred fighting rats over chaos in ratclick as well. They just have more character.
It's not hard but if forces you down to a shitty keystone, it forces a specific playstyle if you just want to complete it and get it out of the way.
All you do is hunt elites and you have 3 other turboniggers on your team wanting to desperately pad their scoreboard stats and beat you to every kill. I hate it.
Go play aurics, there are plenty of heretics for everyone.
perfectly fine build
Looks like a Veteran penance and Veteran has no bad keystones so it sounds like a skill issue.
i think penances should be removed from the game
Made me double check which penance it was before I unjustly yelled at you. But now I have confirmed you are a giant giga shitter retard because that's the easiest penance in the game. All you have to do is take the best build in the game and play it the way you're supposed to, which involves shooting a lot of elites and specials in the face.
So Melk now serves essentially no purposes? Since you don't use him to blessing farm anymore and he gives shitty random weapons with shitty stats?
Melk is how they will implement reds, the purpose of reds is to give autistic players something to chase, boosting player retention, and Melk is already a daily hamster wheel grind so it all just lines up
He sells 500 power weapons so if you don't have a weapon leveled yet and don't want to spend mats on it then you can get a good one from him and use that to level mastery.
If its not listed then it does not have any more or less crit on top of the archetype base crit

Tactical Axe: 0 -> 15% (12% at the 80% stat cap)
Combat Knife: 15%
Laspistol: 15%
Infantry/helbore lasgun, Rumbler, Kickback, Plasma Gun, Shotgun, Bolter (ADS): 5%
Surge Force Staff: 5% -> 25% (21% at the 80% stat cap)
Grenades: -5%
Recon Lasguns: 2%
Autoguns: -2%
Heavy Autopistol: -2%
Stub revolver: 5% -> 25% (21% at the 80% stat cap)
Ogryn Heavy Stubber: -2%

Consecutive crits per crit chance trigger (ranged only).
This essentially means that when you trigger a crit within a salvo, you will get X more crit shots in a row but then X shots after will not crit. it would not affect pseudo random crit chance.
Recon Lasgun(mk2): 2
Recon Lasgun(mk6d): 2
Recon Lasgun(mk7a): 2
Braced Autogun (all): 3
Infantry Autogun (mk1): 3
Infantry Autogun (mk5): 3
Infantry Autogun (mk8): 2
Auto Pistol: 4
Ogryn Heavy Stubber: 6
Flamer/Purgatus: 3

Flamer/Purgatus: Each crit applies two stacks of burn/soulblaze


function: recover_percentage_toughness

stat buff: movement_speed

Hitting enemies with a critical melee, ranged, or Assail attack replenishes 5% of maximum toughness; procs only once per critical attack regardless of how many enemies have been hit. The effectiveness of this toughness replenishment is affected by certain player debuffs like toxic gas.

Critical hits also grant stacks (up to 3); always generates 1 stack per critical attack regardless of how many enemies have been hit. Stacks last for 4s and can be refreshed during active duration. Per stack, increases movement speed by 5%; stacks additively with movement speed buffs from Disrupt Destiny, Warp Speed, the small movement speed node, and weapon blessings like Rev it Up.
The part where it wont crit for x after has to be wrong Ive had chains of over a dozen with recon on psyker
The guide doesn't go into detail how Mettle works with Purg/Trauma though
and then spent years saying enemy rats clipping through each other was a FEATURE.
the most important parts of a scoreboard mod aren't in them. time spent in coherency, time spent covering your teammates, enemies shot or hacked off your teams asses.
I'm with you. The other anons are retards with severe reading comprehension issues and don't understand the difference between difficulty and annoyance. You even specified it wasn't hard yet anons still mention skill issue as if it has anything to do with it. Penances being easy doesn't make them fun. See: smite penance.
>time spent in coherency
that one is there actually, look at coherency efficiency
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>reinstall darktide
>audio disappears permanently when alt tabbing
>can’t use team chat
yeah nice game retards
i know you boys like to meme it up but does anyone actually still vermintide
works on my machine
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should i start practicing arguing about the game before or after I hit level 30
As soon as you hit 30 you should be good to go.
thank you
second question:
how do i maintain interest in the game until level 30 as a ogryn picker
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What is "operations" I've been playing for 250 hours, how have I not got 10/10 on whatever this is
What perks and blessings should I be running with it?
practice shooting the Ripper V *hipfire*
It can take out snipers at near infinite range, but it requires a little bit of recoil management. Something to keep your little ogryn brain active.
is the ripper the one that goes boomboom boomboom or the one that goes boom boom boom
hello me again
internet guide said to take cleaver and kick gun
so I slice small ones and shoot big ones
what more is there to do
Rolling Steel is the only Operations mission, it's their new name for Flash mission
>what more is there to do
figure out how you're going to deal with crushers in psykhanium
i shoot the big ones
i chop the small ones
i protect the little ones
it’s simple
Why did nobody told me the Mk VII shovel is better than the Mk III?
I though maelstorms was their new name for flash missions.
maelstrom is name of the highest difficulty
Weapons Specialist is a great keystone though. Compared to fucking shitsman's fartcus and that terrible penance definitely.
Because the old shovel is best
ripper v is the one that has "v" on it and it goes boomboomboom on hipfire and boom boom on braced fire
kick gun is very good. Use it if you like.
Cleaver is great when leveling, but you will have trouble vs big armored ones on higher difficulties. But that's a problem for the future.
ok I see
can I find new friends here to play with
it’s not easy being a lonely ogryn

Can't kill big enemies.
put uncanny strike on it
Can't kill big guys.
literally not even at bump limit
keep it in your pants
multiple threads of early faggotry
>it's so cool that I have this weapon that lets me deal with elites but fuck taking a gun that rounds out the entire build to do everything
okay raj
On an autogun? Can't go wrong with flak/maniac and deathspitter/fire frenzy.
what an annoying fucking communist game. I would have enjoyed that shit if I could farm for my own gear

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