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Destiny Gacha Edition


I'm gonna COOM all over the goth voidlock
Warlock bro btw
Sorry, it's OUR abbreviation now :)
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i hope Truth will be in the game
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hoyoverse collab when
>destiny will finally be a good series again after seven years of faggot shit
We're going home, bros.
- the actual /drg/
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Since /drg/ is taken, about about /drig/? That will make us driggers.
/bdg/, better destiny general
We won.
Bungie lost.
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>somehow…Destiny returned
>dykes lore instead of faggot lore
>asian women making the male characters fuck and become trannies with vags
>niggerfied kabr
Remember the video just showed what they wanted to show to make it look as close to Destiny as possible. What wasn't shown is the monetization which if you play Diablo Immortal will be cancerous. I assume this game will just be short mission you do over and over where you kill a bunch of smaller enemies then a boss comes. You do well, feel good but eventually hit a wall that makes you grind 100 hours or pay real money to progress. Missions will have some form of loot multipliers at the end that you will have to pay for. This will be a soulless cash grab and of course you retards will play it because of one goth woman. Hopefully this escalates the demise of this IP
Overdelivery general
nice try tranny, dont you have to run some mission for micah-10
Literally had to turn off my audio and subtitles just to play through the later missions because of that cunt, don't you lump me in with the troons
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You're mistaking tencent and netease for bungie.
you literally just describe Destiny, all the actually good stuff is behind pay walls
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No one asked, poorfag.
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i hope Leviathan's Breath will be in the game
all chinks the same, goychaslop and little asian women go hand in hand
No I didn't. Destiny doesn't let me put my credit card of every mission to raise my chances of getting an item from .000000001%. I can't believe you retards defend this.
CCP bots probably
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Jesus Christ, stay in your Bungiedrone containment thread.
we should merge the two generals
> 15 dollars a seasons
> 1000s for the actual good armor sets
> 20 for the dungeon key
> 50 for the expac
> 100 bucks to level up the season pass and get access to xps bonus and materials (aka reducing grind times)
its over bucko, D2 is crashing and burning its time for Destiny to Rise
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The difference is the little asian women aren't lesbians or rooned to all hell.
I don't think the CCP will care about this at all it's the same losers desperate for any content in this game exaggerating everything they see like the lapdogs at r/dtg/ taught them to do like this loser >>498423736

If this general vanished tonight he would probably kill himself.

Cool nowhere close to $300k+ then thanks for making my point
>If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are
I think you're taking this whole thing too seriously. You're projecting yourself into a frenzy and for what?
You dont actually now how the mtx will be, Destiny Rising adds value but Destiny 2 actually stole millions of dollars from the player base via sunsetting content millions bought. Fuck of Bungiedrone
kek asshurt bungiedrones really exist
i thought you guys were hopeposting as a joke in /dg/
Anyone done the dungeon yet
So is this basically Warframe but Destiny flavored?
lol, lmao
>defends this crap like a retard
>backed in a corner
>"y...y...you care too much"
concession accepted

We do know based on past netease games. See here is the issue none of you actually played them and think this will be just D2 on the phone and are wildly naive. I know you are all aware of the Diablo "don't you have phones" drama and how much shit they got for it and are playing dumb now.
you can't just make a video game general for a game that isn't out yet and probably wont be out for over a year
Seething Bungiedrones have been gaped so wide by Bungo that they are scared that DR will steal D2's thunder (it already had)
>d2 will have worse mtx than a fucking mobile phone
i cannot wait for that day
they already got me by just having HOT women and Kabr
you're right, we should be on >>/vmg/
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You can show me math and calculations all day, but we all know nobody actually spent that much. Nobody even has that kind of money to blow in one sitting, and if they do they're too busy dumping it into the NFT furnace or putting it beneath a spaceX rocket to care.
>I will unironically cheer for a soulless cash grab CCP mobile game that steals your personal info as you play
kek this community man
watch the vidoc, these devs are passionate about the Destiny universe
Except you don't D1 vanilla didn't have mtx but look where we are. Also Diablo Immortal won hard despite all the drama so Netease stays wining. Meanwhile Bungie is having its IP farmed by CHINACHADS.
>You can show me math and calculations all day, but we all know nobody actually spent that much
Your average person won't pay 300k but they will pay a lot to progress and no amount of "Whatabout Destiny 2" will change that. These games aren't designed to be played for free. If it was just vanity items it wouldn't be a big deal but the paygate actual progress. Stop supporting this crap.
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LMFAO someone is getting desperate, trying to paint me like I am the one that is upset?
Destiny Rising will release and you will cope.
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The chinks won't be getting anything that wasn't already stolen by somebody else.
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Aside from the tokusatsu hunter the characters in the trailer were actually more appealing than the complete dogshit we have to look forward to in D2 currently. The new void warlock super is more interesting than SHITmatic too
Yup, this asian nigga got me so much more hyped than alison luhrs yapping about metroidvania and roguelikes
>>>498424708 (You)
>Except you don't D1 vanilla didn't have mtx but look where we are.
I didn't have to pay 300k+ to get max light level in D1. No matter how many whataboutisms you do this will always kill your argument.

>Destiny Rising will release and you will cope.
It will release and flop because this IP is not strong enough to have whales willing to pay 300k+
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You lost, glowie.
Your going on a tranny melty about another unrelated game kek.
Can't wait to compared Destiny Rising player counts to Destiny 2
I accept your concession

>n...n...NOOOOO I can't just go "whatabout other Destiny games" he killed my retarded low IQ rebuttal
also accepted
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Real Destiny players are making fun of us again.
dungeon key?
rahool's exotic stashes?
season pass rank purchases?
general cosmetics?
> Tranny still having a melty
DR is still winning
Loser who didn't get world's first in a real raid
>in a real raid
vow of the disciple?
> symbolslop where most of the good teams got dc'd
Netease games paywall basic player progression and to max out can cost at least 300k in a past game they made. No amount of "whataboutisms" will change that. Is it a zoomer thing or just a general low IQ thing that every replay you make when challenged is a "whatabout" deflection?
> Tranny still having melty
D2 has worse MTX than any Netease game
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>lfg with some folks for vow
>right in the middle of rhulk
>remember i haven't talked to grandma today
>swipe up to quit the game
>"hey grandma, how are you?"
>"...nah, i wasn't really doing anything"
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I'm just saying netease and bungie go hand in hand like toast and milk
Holy based, shartgrepo and D2players would never
Don't forget about the "free" guardian rank "new player progression system" and how higher ranks give you extra loadout slots but you need to buy both the current expansion and season to complete the challenges needed to unlock them. And also they reset every season so you have to buy the pass and unlock them all over again from the current seasonal challenges.
The Destiny battlepass is not a progress paywall and can be grinded out easy within a week and most importantly doesn't cost 300k+

None of this is basic player progression paywalled by 300k+. Keep trying these dishonest whataboutisms and I will keep shooting them down
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>The shitty destiny mobile looks better than the actual game

lmao even the armor looks better
even the guns look better
even the abilities and supers looked way more cool
Bungie are hacks with an undeserved ip. a bunch of sweatshop CHINKS could outclass bungie
>Bungie are hacks with an undeserved ip
Regardless of anyone's opinion on the mobile game, this statement is objectively true
what an ugly dog
act 2 will have the tangled shore patrol re opening
Probably isn't hard when the gameplay will be extremely basic and barebones like every mobile game.
I might try out the mobile slop to see if its good, unless its not emulatable on pc.
name 1 chink game that forces you to pay over 300 bananas to progress
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this but unironically
Modern phones don't do that thankfully.
rape yourself faggot, bungie never should have removed it
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Imagine if that happened to Datto.
Shartgreppo is a third worlder brownoid
Diablo Immortal. It has an end game where you will get stopped if you don't play. Most people won't pay that much but will still pay more than the price of an average game. You do realize how lucrative "free" to play games are right?
>doesn't count for power bonus
Did you even watch the video, retard?
>It has an end game where you will get stopped if you don't play
No fucking way, all games do this
>expecting strimmers to know how things really are
uh oh polfag melty
third worlders know more about modern phones than anyone
they are the target audience
explains why the closed alpha will be exclusive to America
>No fucking way, all games do this
Name me 5 console only game that makes me pay at least 300k to see the end of the end game since "all" games do this?
>Destiny 2
>Fallout 76
>War Thunder
>>Destiny 2
I accept your concession. It's insane how unhinged a CCP money stealing mobile game has made all of you. I hope this support is just retarded irony as per usual.
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It's actually embarrassing. 7 years of D2, and with one trailer the chinks completely showed them up.
>bungie once again fucked up the framerate
>I accept your concession
does it?
the game developers are not the phone manufacturers, retard
> Tranny still having a melty
You lost, Destiny Rising won
yeah, it does
America is a third world continent so it makes sense they'd target them first
>soulless cash grab
Are you implying that current D2 isn't soulless? It hasn't been good since Forsaken. Witch Queen was the last decent thing to come out of it. Being as fun as D2 is extremely easy, because the bar is set so low, and deliberately so that Bungie won't have to put out good content.
> CCPtranny is not CHADmerican
Yup, probably some south america tranny kek
You don't have foreskin shut the fuck up goymutt
only trannies support Palestine, you already lost brownoid
So is Kabr actually confirmed in the game?
hatin' the jews don't make me like the arabs, I can freely hate both underworlders
yeah he has a special shield super
so fucking ludo
they made him le negro
really? lol.
more like le sando
Kabr is already a pretty brown name. There's enough shared space with north africa and mudslimes that I can imagine at least one got named that along the way.
It's literally persian, but its actually a tranny who hated Destiny Rising so they are just being disingenuous and very semitic
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the west keeps getting mogged....
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And that's a good thing.
>The fresh start people wanted
>Set in the past so no current day baggage including gay 14 and faggotsiris
>I can make a fem guardian that resembles an actual woman and not angry lesbian
Literally what is the downside to this game
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This kills the chinkcels
That only works on koreans.
Wrong asians, sis. Now keep that spam in the old thread.
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Xing won.
Seething yellow clitties
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Back to >>>/trash/
I am literally brown but ok. Project harder if you must.
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what was that white boi?
is the new dungeon gem or coal any keyed loot or is it all glimmycore
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sorry sister, wrong general
this game will be better purely because it's not on the shitty tiger engine and they can do alot more with it
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>I'm your Huckleberry
power should just be reset instead of going up
whats the point of having 2000 power when its literally the same as 200 power in vanilla
>Basedcrozz approves
dawg what
yup, more content than Frontiers
I saw an Arc Shield, nice, I saw a Void heavy artillery cannon super, nice, and warlocks? Some gay ass edgy scythe lmao, with a gay ass limp neck and outstretched arm pose hahaha why are chinks so fucking lame when it counts
zibaba tawako semba nawagaoth ohak oeop, urn uhjah twahkath undalacka papasag?
So? They've never shown him before, so it's fine. Kabr is based and his lore entries aren't him crying like a bitch about killing fallen or crying like a bitch about his gay lover or crying like a bitch because of self inflicted guilt or crying like a bitch because Robert Brookes wants to copy paste shit.
It’s a Chinese game bro trust me this one white man totally hasn’t just made this and we are totally not taking on his work
>the average American speak
He should've been a whitechad, we literally have zero. Also you can't say that when his lore entries are him failing the literal easiest raid in the entire game
What a stupid fucking reply. Dumbfuck. Thanks for doing nothing to make the conversation interesting you stupid fuck.
What are you even saying??? Are you some tranny or something why are you so emotional. Kabr should've stayed faceless like the rest of the good characters
Pick one you cucks literally kneel to blacks lmao
It's up
DR will be kino.
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hell divers sisters.....
Reminder that Dungeons are possible to solo, that does not mean they are designed for solo players. This is a cooperative game.
I also saw that reddit thread, anon.
This is a mobile game so why is this gen here?
brehs /dg/ is fucking awful right now
Always has been bro
/drg/ stays winning
Just came
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removing this general from my thread watcher
good luck to anyone running the dungeon on reset today for a chance at a dogshit exotic!
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Finally, Destiny is saved.
>they didn't get it on their first normal run
It's over
State of the game, state of the general. There's a reason we died during CoO.
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>destiny 2
Crashed & Burned
>Destiny Rising

Congratulations, risingbro. I hope DR turn out well for you guys, anything( even gacha) is better than kekstiny 2 at this moment.

Save a spot for me, if the game is somehow enjoyable then i will join the RISING train
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Fagtiny 2 could never...
post favourite nikke and reasons why you're here instead of playing the first descendant
Rapi because she's the main girl and clearly for (me)

I have 2k playtime of warframe already, i can't play another grinding game again in my life. But i do like the tits and ass
ded game?
I haven't played Destiny 2 for about 20 seconds. What did I miss?
Fug. Wrong thread.

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