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Wholesome Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL & MA Student Profiles & Writing References

>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

>Quidditch Champions (News, Paper Mask)

>Magic Awakened (Club info, News, Tips, & Emulators)

>Hogwarts Legacy (Mods, News, AI Vocaroos, & Optimizations)

>Hogwarts Mystery (News, Art, Fanfics, Blender Models, & Emulators)

>Books, Movies, Non-current Harry Potter Games

>Fan Games

Previous Thread: >>497909469
>making an early thread so you can get your attention transona patting on back sooner
First for Hufflepuff!
No I posted it early so I could ensure the rentry link for everyone’s writing was in the fucking thread OP cuz I can’t trust y’all to not be lazy. Also what the fuck is a transona?
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Mommy Eva I want milky!!!!
gosh i need mommy eva to pin me down and teach me a lesson...
So did the Hannahs see people posting about them yesterday and they both decided to hop on or what?
Is it just the way of the world nowadays for generals to be taken over by a shitty gacha?
Unregulated gambling based live service games do provide a lot of staying power.
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Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving, /hpgg/.

Also, more new cards; Carpe Retractum and Memory Vial:

Memory Vial is weird and I don't get it... seems like it will be mostly useless but could possibly be OP in super niche situations? Weird design. Carpe Retractum also seems niche but in a more interesting and flexible way I think... I might actually consider trying a summon deck with it; my dislike of summons was always that they're not very interactive to use but cards like this and Flipendo help with that so maybe?

Thank you for hosting, Mega.

It varies quite a lot depending on which summons you're talking about; there are many options but not all of them are good against all summons.

Glacius, Confringo, and Incendio (and Whizbang although it's usually overkill for anti-summon) are probably the most "general purpose" ones; they're good for just nuking tightly-grouped blobs basically regardless of what particular summons they are (though keep in mind Glacius cannot hit air units). Aguamenti does a good job against high-HP summons, but its AoE is very small so you usually have to spend movement to group enemies up enough. Expelliarmus is excellent in Harry decks but decent at clearing low-HP stuff with other echoes too, and disarms certain summons (Locomotor, Troll, Death Eater, most companions)... also if you have it at high enough level to oneshot it's notably the best spell against Matagot. Snowball is good for killing backline summons only. Stupefy works great for singular large summons like Troll or companions if you can hit them into something. Expulso does low damage, but is cheap and has a big AoE so it's good against lots of little stuff.

There's no pressure; just play when you want to. Forcing yourself would probably only lead to burnout anyway.

Oh, thanks for adding the writing compendium.
I wish that more of the spells could combo into eachother or be modified in lore. So many of them seem so "singular" and specific that it's like you cast it and it's done. It seems like theres not many unexpected combinations you could get or explore, most innovatiosn just come in the form of making entirely new spells, now applications for established ones. Most of thay seems to just like come from things NOT related to spellsz like potopks or other artifacts
Does that make sense?
I hate that people like them.
Did you really save your mass replies for a new thread so that you could make sure you got (You)s instead of just replying to the people as you went?
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A few more things I forgot to mention about anti-summon stuff — Oppugno is okay against moderately tanky summons like companions or Monster Book, but it doesn't work well when there are a lot of summons due to lack of AoE and having no ability to direct it at a specific target. Headless Hunt is probably the actual strongest anti-summon spell in the game because it has a moderate mana cost, high damage, and huge AoE, but it's only usable if you're a summoner yourself. Mentioning that also reminds me that Tebo and Ventus exist... the former is basically just worse HH but it works okay; the latter is good for stalling but does poor damage.

Oh, and Suitcase warrants special mention because nothing actually trades positively against it... the best you can do I believe is Stupefy it way back onto the opponent's side of the board to keep it from absorbing anything, and then kill the minimum-strength Hippogriff with something cheap like Expulso or Oppugno to be at only a 1 MP deficit overall. Expulso is not a reliable substitute for Stupefy as it doesn't push as far and Suitcase has an absurd range.

Missed this yesterday but if you're lurking, happy birthday Miranda!

I shall give this a read when I have some time.

Eh... it's a general Harry Potter Games thread; MA is just the most recent HP game with a significant amount of stuff to talk about. HL was the main topic of discussion for about a year after it launched but most people have finished it by now and aren't actively playing it anymore, and QC despite being more recent just doesn't have a lot of things to talk about I think?

It would be neat to see more of that, yeah... although I think there probably *is* a lot more room for spell combos that kinda just isn't acknowledged? It just isn't really a thing that gets mentioned much in canon, but I don't think there's any reason combining spells wouldn't work for many things.
It's the only decent HP game that is still updated
Do you expect us to talk about Hogwarts Mystery or something?
I saw that. >>498431912
>It's the only decent HP game that is still updated
You're right, that's the issue. It's gay that there isn't more like Legacy.
but did you see >>498432150 ?
You saw NOTHING.
Eva's post perfectionism is kinda strange.
You can thank Warner Bro's hillariously self-destructing decisions that led to them being in a lot of debt. They saw CS and Fortnite flourishing so they reckoned they need their own live service game without understanding that the base game needs to be enjoyable.
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Oh you'd like to think that...
Now that you all transfered successfuly, can I use your bodies on WB since you won't need them anymore?
you have to water me twice a day
Better days in better ways
My brain is a nostalgia machine
I wish to keep it running forever
Old ways are best.
Imagine Mega twerking
Okay I imagine it.
I am so close to losing it
Absolutely not.
Then lose it
Old ways would see you die of dysentery.
I regret imagining it. What now?
I lost it!
>He does not worship Valaya
Umgak worshipping wazzok
Take your dwarf fortress nerd shit back to discord!
If you sound your dick with a wand and cast Lumos would it glow like a glowstick?
I don't actually know how much light would make it through a penis. I mean you can generally shine some light through your fingers, it' probably be the same.
So Heather is like reversed Eva?
how so?
Doesn't post constantly and has more dynamic conversations than a glorified magic 8-ball.
Shooting up the owlery
Owling up the shoothery
Smoothing up the sloppy top
Err, which is the key that lets me speak to npcs in Magic Awakened PC
Would would you rather have as a DLC in Hogwarts Legacy?
-A horror mystery quest about a mad/crazy witch who is said to be kidnapping children living in the nearby hamlets, supposedly to feast upon them
-An Alice in Wonderland inspired quest where you use Legilimency to explore the mind of a young witch to help find the source of her madness in an attempt to cure her
Nvm, I just had to restart the game to talk to Hagrid
I dont like videogames, I don't care.
Goblin genocide
Hardly anyone on this site does, but it's one of the few distractions we have while we continue to exist in a world that's progressively getting sadder and dumber.
The demo is up https://store.steampowered.com/app/3111080/Secret_Agent_Wizard_Boy_and_the_International_Crime_Syndicate/
I'm actually shocked that Penney is the Lottie/Ivy pedofag
And here I thought we were friends, I guess it was a bit too precocious of me to think that
Did the fact that she was all he talked about when he first joined not set you off? I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a secret till people started getting so defensive (and offensive...) about it. I just figured his friends were purposefully overlooking it like the other things.
Noooooo why the fuck are they in suits now
There'd better be an option to change it in the game/full release
What did they wear before?
Proper robes of course
It looked really good
Sickingly sweet gay sex with Cunnimione
Probably just for the demo
We are not friends, and I don’t care about you.
This seems interesting, I’ll give it a go later.
>We are not friends, and I don’t care about you.
Oh well, c'est la vie
wait what
I don’t get it either. I don’t even like either of those characters. I’m team Daniel all the way. Tho honestly I haven’t really felt any passion for hpma characters since I discovered twisted wonderland. God those anime boys are hot.
I guess I should've worded it better
>I can't believe Penney is the anon who calls ivy/lottiefag pedophiles
Is that better? I apologise for the confusion, I'll be less retarded next time.
Oh, I was just making a joke. I am not the one who posts that on the regular. That would be sooo boring.
wtf Family Guy bros?
its joever...
use for what?
>the anon who calls ivy/lottiefag pedophiles
I do it sometimes, so I think it's more than one person.
True, also those of you who like Ivy and Lottie are pedophiles.
All me btw
why just stop with ivy and lottie? why not cass? why not daniel? why not robin? why not every other student in this game?
everyone else looks 5 years older
so? they're still the same age you fucking pedo
You're implying I sexualize any of them, I don't.
Top 5 most rapeable witches, go
bottom 5 least rapeable witches?
kill yourself, genuinely
you just moved up the list
It's okay luv
He can't hurt you anymore
You got away
I mean he could always come back.
Plus, if you look into it statistically like, most victims end up getting abused a bunch of times! Sorry love, it's prolly gonna get worse before it gets better.
Also true.
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Both of those sound great actually... if I had to pick I'd say probably the latter because it just sounds like a fun time and in keeping with the more whimsical side of the earlier entries in the HP series, but I'd love to see either of those explored.

Oh this looks fun and silly; I might give it a try. Thoughts on the demo, if you've tried it yet?

Copyright concerns maybe? Although maybe not; I can't think of any reason why the uniforms would be any more subject to that than the rest of the obviously-HP-inspired things.
Who is it that's so into rape they have to bring up again?
>Thoughts on the demo
Just a silly little take on the classic games except you can blow people up. Can't figure out how to get into goblet hat club tho because im on the black list, it's so sad.
Everyone on this site except for like 15 people.
You know who it is.
Just some shitty little anons. Remember this next time you see some sad sack confessions about not being able to reach out im so friendless etc, at least some of them are these kinds of people.
Amelia? Rout?
i didnt get into harry potter until 2020 when syfy was replaying the movies constantly all the time at the start of the pandemic. in 4 years i have all the ps2/360 games and now im branching out to GBA/GBC games and such
no >:)


This and also there are more confession requests than confessions to confess, it's ruining the confession economy
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I decided to snatch the Obscurus skin since it seems the next banner won't have one. It's like a winter version of it, I like it.
>HH deck
>suitcase deck
>HH suitcase deck
>suitcase deck
>HH deck
>HH deck
>HH suitcase deck
I'm so tired of this meta...
I think i'm drinking too much lately...
Maybe, but you're still writing more legibly than Matti.
Not nearly enough. Keep it up.
she gets better when she drinks because she makes a conscious effort to not make spelling mistakes.
This is the Hogwarts Mystery general before you roleplaying avatartroons hijacked it
Get new material!
Shut up stupid!
What why
Cassandra belongs to freckled Slytherin sissies
I can't get drunk easily, sorry
Drink more
Use less mixer
Maybe they're projecting their rape fantasies onto you
Or what do you mean?
They're deviants

Like they want to rape and think it's hot if their potential victim is into it
Why do you think I'm into it
i basically want guns made to shoot wands
gatling wands
big fucking wands (a branch)
dual wands
shotgun wands
and basically doom3 x harry potter
I wouldn't want my victim to be into it, it lessens my enjoyment
Icky posting
do you like it when they cry?
What should I confess
Goodnight hypogigis
Good night.
Would it be alright if I join /hgg/s social club? I'm not much of an active player at the moment, hoping to change that once I upgrade my ipad.

I do regret not playing the US version more
I guess, back then, I saw this game played like South Park Phone Destroyer, Teppen, and Minion Masters, (or whatever this genre of game is called), and lost interest. Now I regret not playing it more
Just apply to the club in game and post a pic of your info page here
Looks like the classic PS2 games. I wonder if this is an homage.
Well yeah what else would it be
Who's gonna run this thread tonight?
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Feel free to join. Just apply for a spot and leave a screenshot of your info page here so that Mega/Eva knows you're from the general.
Thank you, I'll consider it. For now, I'm about to log off the internet for the night.
We live in an owlery
It's owling time.
uhh, yeah I'm thinking cute, perhaps?
You're a pedophile
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What's this? Some kind of HP/Artemis Fowl parody mashup?
Is Artemis Fowl an MI6 agent??
Robyn looks surprisingly cute
They all look cute
I smooch you
I want to FUCK that Colby
Beret fetishiser...
That's Fischer
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It's Colby according to the artist
No but the core of the series is about high level international criminals interacting with a hidden parallel world of magical creatures, just as HP is about wizzas
A new week has begun and now suitcase bots have become snapebots.
That's not a sissy, that's just your average british male
Ivy is still the cutest!
>students living in Hogsmeade have to travel all the way to London just to take the Hogwarts Express back to the Scottish highlands in order to attend Hogwarts
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That's how trains work in real life too.
Why wouldn't they just walk? It's not like the train goes straight to the castle.
Europeans are retarded.
Apparently students used to be able to travel to Hogwarts in anyway they see fit centuries ago, but with the establishment of the International Statute of Secrecy, it became a requirement to use the Hogwarts Express to attend school, even if they live right near Hogwarts.
Wouldn't they just be able to apparate to platform 9¾? It doesn't seem like that big of a deal
Either that or use the floo powder network since not everybody is capable of apparating. Still gotta be annoying to have to travel all the way to the platform just ride all the way back
To get to the Ministry you have to Floo in the loo.
>Mega twerking
Club Events in 50 minutes.
Absolutely not.
Thank you for hosting, my internet is pretty unstable at the moment so I'll probably not be able to attend.
Did she really?
Ywnbaw if you do not twerk. All the hot AND ugly girls are doing it.
who tf wants to see Mega's flat boy ass twerking
Good for them, I'm not a monkey.
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Weren't you just talking to Matti the other day?
I haven't talked to Matthias in a long while so no.
I also don't like where this is going.
Oh, that makes sense then.
Club Dance starting now.
>say that a dance originating from black culture is for monkies
>then specify that you havent talked to the one OC that's closest to being black in months
mega based?
Don't be stupid, literal monkeys do that, I'm not being rude.
jesus chris mega you cant say that
>No, I mean literal subhuman apes that dont count as people
It's over...
Her name is MegaMELONS, it makes sense she'd be afraid of black people, they might try to eat her!
Club Quiz starting now.
>to the one OC that's closest to being black in months
this is faolan/eoin erasure
he swings his bbc everywhere in aco
sorry im not american i dont go into bbc porn threads so i wouldnt know
Go back to /b/

what’s the matter, pookie
Lost my will to duel...
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Who's your favorite dance partner?
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My wife of course
Bots: Abigail, Cassandra, Ivy, Lottie
Club Member's: Iris, Diana, Loaf, Mega, Mercy, Merips
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This Honey Bunny!
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This sweet pumpkin!
That is very cute
Real People: Mega
Bots: Abigail
>Mega twerking intensifies
>real person
Omg that's so funny.
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Returning!!! Returning!!! Returning!!!
I am a little upset about what happened with the next Fantasy Life game...but not surprised.
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What did I do..?

What happened? I only know it's on Switch and I don't have one.
The mobile game was beyond awful.
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Thank you for hosting.

Yeeaaah, this meta is definitely not fun to play in. HH needs a serious hit sometime soon.

Here's a favorite, I keep telling myself I'm going to do the parent visit sheet for Eoin and keep neglecting to.

Not canon.

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Time to pimp our rooms even further.
Damn, now I get to make my frog shrine all proper and stuff with like stairs and things. That’s gonna be so based.
Apparently it’s delayed indefinitely
Diana and Tristain.
I mean not to lump on further but tbf you did *slightly* bring it on yourself by engaging with and defending the main person that always insults you, they're probably just bored and teying tonmake fun of you for it.
>by engaging with and defending the main person that always insults you
I'm confused.
Of course it is...
Oh, it's like Legacy's, nice.
Yeah, it was supposed to come out this month too...
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Okay well I'm not gonna be the one to tell you
Same but for club room when?
I nominate Eoin, Mercy and Tristain for club room decorators
I hope we still get new anons to join us on MA even after the WB servers close, I don't want the club to get too empty...
Can my alt join?
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Daniel, naturally. They are surprisingly stingy about adding new dance partners.

This looks interesting. Might actually motivate me to decorate my room.
Looking forward to finding out how tedious and expensive to obtain it all is.
How will that work? Are we migrating to another server?
You have to use a VPN to download it off the Chinese app store. You can look up the dialogue on YouTube as it plays for english.
You can also download the pc version globally.
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The canon one.
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How does she keep winning?
Only if you're an applecuck
You can just download the APK or play it on PC
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"Slightly" overdue but I finally finished the beach sheet.


Of course! As others have said just send an application in game and post a picture of your info card here in the thread for verification.

I wish. Actually no, it would probably not be the most pleasant to actually live in one, but I'd love to have one nearby...

Probably goes without saying?

I'm juuust about there myself with solos... I've now had over twenty matches in a row against opponents playing Headless Hunt, Suitcase Locomotor, or (usually) both, and it doesn't matter what echo I ban because most (Newt/Hagrid/Twins/Bella/Dumbledore/Dobby/Luna/Snape) decks all use it.

Ooh, that's pretty neat.
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She's the best after all
>Fashionably late
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so true.
Why are you posting this?
Smooching (You)
>Flav was asian all along
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It's a pretty fun gacha
I love dressing up my character, even if I'm pretty limited on what I can do with him
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U-Uh that's now what... Y-Yeah... Sure....
Perhaps one day...
I wish that they'd make a rule against bumping threads. If they can't get enough organic posts to not slide off page 10 then the thread shouldn't be allowed.
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>Wannabe Janny
I said it should, I didn't say it was a rule already.
And making dozens of new threads? That would be even worse
Wow what a great general, you were right. This SHOULD be preserved.
I need in now
Please I have nothing
Every general works like this by the way. Sorry if our game with regular updates pushes your fotm waifu shooters, jpeg collectors and decade dead games off the board sometimes.
burn book anon...
i forgot to water my plants......
>2D Hagrid
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That's not me.
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>2D Hagrid
Have 3D Hagrid
But my screen is 2d...
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I'm in.
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sometimes i like to take these eyeposts and stretch them so they have a 1:1 aspect ratio
i think it's funny
That's pretty good overall. But I think adding more floors is overkill. We can't even move vertically, jump or climb. Being able to change the ceiling height, adding windows I think would be enough.
eva when you rape anyone except for her
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These rewards are godawful, like do they want the player base to be dead? And you need to play 70 matches to get that outfit in the bottom middle, ridiculous. the only cute thing is the cat emote.
nuh uh, i dont post
yeah uh, and you want butt smackies from Eva
in what?
Not bad, 2 new cards in my first chest draw
Your walls.
Death Eater probably
They really do want you to play far too many matches
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You can expand your space and add stairs and stuff now?? This is crazy
>Crap rectum
What did they mean by this?
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Oh, the mana spent casting Memory Vial itself doesn't get deducted from its "stored" amount... well that's a lot more useful than I thought it would be. Given that... I expect it will be completely overpowered with Protego Totalum and Priori.

... Huh. I approve.

No idea; too early to tell.

My guess would be that it's mostly unchanged, i.e. Twins or Newt with HH/Suitcase/Locomotor, but with Dumbledore being brought into meta by Memory Vial (just camp in a corner with Hagrid motorbike and infinite Protego Totalum for the entirety of the game), but take that with a grain of salt.
Should I still save my gold keys for the next legendary or higher banner?
What would the cum spell be called?
Its the red keys but im not of the opinion you should. They put HH and Suitcase in the pool. Prime opportunity to get copies of those
Bombarda di sperma
I know its the red keys, but I also have about 90 gold keys.
Did you not know you can get red key banner cards from gold key pulls?
Well i mean the only other card possibly worth adding then is Azkaban and even then thats probably been power creeped so I sure as hell wouldnt.

Yes but the fact that the best legendaries are available on rate up right now makes it seem an odd choice. But eh up to them
This shit is the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time. https://archiveofourown.org/works/57619288
Ron Echo + Death Eater Crucio seems good, but I've yet to find a way to build a deck around it
Ron Echo + Death Eater AK is useless since the Knight piece just stops the AK an AK torpedo would've been really funny tho
Bellatrix death eaters is super fun
>never stop hearing ZAPZAPZAPZAPZAP
like a plapplap but zap
Oh, that's evil
the only evil card is headless hunt
Nah, that's Thunderstorm.
The new personal space changes messed up my blueprints...
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unlimited power...
I had some problems with furniture, after I added a second floor and tried reverting everything back. Restart the game and try to use blueprints again.
well it sounds like a zapzapzap to me

love from kvashitstan, thfis thing shuts down assists and summons so hard its unreal

Like blended owl
They're really gonna let you build second stories and towers and stuff but still no bed
It is a bit weird that you can’t have a bed in there, but I guess that’s what the dorms are for.
Okay but then gacha threads should be banished to a new board called /shit/.
Goodnight hypogigis
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I want to smooch an owl. Right on the forehead.
Good night cute anon.
Smooch me instead
Hmmm Death Eater Dobby deck... I'll probably be able to get max 4 stacks in like 30 seconds
>Game suddenly decides to give me FIFTEEN Cassandras while trying to get death eaters
You have a silly sense of humour you cunt.
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Just this once, as a treat. On the cheek, a chaste peck; this how we say hello in Belgium.
Who knows, maybe you're someone I like acting weird for some reason; if you're not, once is more than never.
It's proper to say please, don't think I didn't notice.
Okay, so new story idea. I’ve been reading a lot of obsessive Lily x Snape fan fics, and so it seems sensible to me to write my own. Yandere Lily x Trans Snape seems like a pretty based pairing. You got Snape being a vulnerable lil baby trans and Lily takes advantage of that to like completely control his life in a way she never could before. I sort of want to make it novella length, so that should be interesting.
Yeah that seems one of the most logical uses of it.
in response to la bise, you'll get a slap
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The Freys as zesty niggas
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Witches for this feel?
Any Hufflepuff

I enjoyed that scene in It.

You all know which scene.
would mating press
Freys if they were Irish
If only I were a summon nigger, my HH luck is just plain absurd.
I'm an HH nigga, wanna trade?
Awwww shieeeet. We're eating good
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We got too cocky, wizzabros. The Prophecy of the Chocofrog God's wrath was real.
>seasonal story happens after the international wizards cup
Huh, that's surprising I honestly thought the competition happened throughout the whole school year like the Triwizard cup, with the seasonal story just happening in between events
What happens then if you ask about Daniel in the end, is he hanging out with Cassandra or something?
Okay, this is funny.
What the fuck why would it save the white space
looking for company handsome?
Smooching (everyone)
You just got herpes....
You just GAVE everyone Herpes
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You can't do that!
no i'm making a film reference you absolute boffin you gutter slime you SEWER DWARF.
Club Events in 58 minutes.
I probably asked this before, but are people even still playing Quidditch Champions? I haven't heard anyone talking about it in a good while now
I bought it but just haven't brought myself to bother
Supposedly it's dead
I literally brought it up yesterday with the Halloween rewards. It’s not dead in so far you can find matches fairly quickly.
Club Dance starting now.
Club Quiz starting now.
Please don't do that. This isn't me but to avoid confusion I am starting a club quiz now.
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What are you even talking about?
I misunderstood and made a joke that failed.
...Carry on..?
Suit yourself.
Clubbing seals starting NOW
Screaming Club Event in 45 minutes
I love this stupid broken game.
they broke it again...
Funny stuff.

Thank you for hosting, Mega.
Thank goodness, I need to let a lot out today.
Seal clubbing club starting now.
Please report to McGonagall for your regulation school club before boarding the night bus to the designated portkey location.
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Well... that was interesting.

>>498658385 >>498660963
>>498662815 >>498662976
Thank you for the events.

I didn't consent to this.

My entire personal space broke; every piece of furniture except the ones in the middle got clipped into and through the walls... I recovered everything except the achievements book, which is buried so far into a wall that I have no way of getting it back short of deleting the blueprint and starting fresh.

Death Eater does seem *really* good so far.

Is this Diana at her full power?
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I hope we're clubbing Warwick Davis, it'll give me a chance to make up for missing the earlier events.
Hmm, now which one's a good pick?
None, keep your reds.
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Yes, thank you for this information Frog Avatar, I don't know why you are giant and chocolate, but I won't question it.

Thank you for hosting.

>Death Eater does seem *really* good so far.
It's insane in PvE too, it's just a summon that will non-stop cast crucio until something kills it. Easily the best card of the new set.

HH or Suitcase are probably the best ones to go with, but as >>498666847 said, it's probably better to save your red keys until the next one.
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Suitcase and HH are objectively the strongest cards in the game by a long shot right now, with Kelpie and Standard Book of Spells being the runners-up among this set. Otherwise, whichever one(s) you actually use; I went for Orb personally.

Saving your red keys for next banner is also reasonable though... depends whether or not you're interested in the lower rarity cards from this banner.
Screaming Club Event starting now
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Here they go again...
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I have collected 80/140 legendary postcards.........
which wizzas would you peg?
And yet, you've no friends to send mail to.
Amelia and Percy would make a cute couple
Sure I do.
You need better friends.
What about my x percy?
I think many wizards would enjoy getting pegged under the right circumstances.
i would keep it somewhere special
what was deleted?
I eat too much garlic bread to be one...
A picture of a disturbingly childlike margaret megamelons, sitting on a bed and holding a piece of paper. Writing is visible on the side of the paper facing us, which implies that the paper is in fact a letter and that mega is holding the letter wrong like an idiot.
It is accompanied by the post no. and text ">>498673730 They would rip them upon seeing I'm the sender."
There are no horsedildos on the picture.
They need to turn Headless Hunt into an unforgivable
Should have gone for the head
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coming soon ™
Yay uninspired copy pasta crap
Idk I like it. Tho undeniably it has the same vibe a lot of other outfits do.
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I kinda like it. I would try to get it if I didn't already have the Classified Couture outfit.
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Oooh, I really like it. One of the weird times that I like it and all the recolors it has. It will make a fine addition to my collection.
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this looks like it'll be kino
Mercy & Flav, by Rick Owens™
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its over for me bros
So, they never announced the server transfer officially?
The hair looks nice, but I wonder how it's going to look like dyed
nope, you've got a week to move over if you want to though
God the amount of people that are going to not realize and lose their accounts is gonna be sooo funny.
Poor Alex...
I hope he's alright. He spent ridiculous amounts of money on the game and then just disappeared. I'm kinda worried.
They'd have to be completely ignorant of chat or any websites for the last month or more.
I'm going to feel bad for them
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Hmm, not that different from some existing outfits but I kind of like it anyway. I might try to get it just for the sake of putting together an emo outfit in time for Halloween...

Oh that looks cute.

You've still got about a month; I don't know if you can get all of them but I think it should be possible to finish some sets at least?

Me too... no idea what happened to him but I hope he's well.
Hope it's just a wheel outfit or something.
File deleted.
I'm gonna make it next pass outfit for that buddy
What do people look like when they're crying? I thought about it just now, but I somehow couldn't remember. Of course, if I were to see someone crying i'd know that they're crying, but what do tears look like?
do they come out as droplets in specific intervals or is it a stream but thinking about it i've never seen a tear stream before so i;m thinking it looks like droplets coming out constalnty but I can't remember and looking for videos of people crying online isn't heloing since it all looks fake and they aren't really crying eitehr
You okay, Amyboo?
Make me cry and see
You can make me cry anyday sweetheart with that W.A.P
Nearly finished with HL and I've concluded that Sebastian is a faggot.
Did you kiss him to find that out?
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One day this will happen to the MC
Anyone else gonna watch this in November?
Diana is super stoked for that show so I shall watch it with her and then cry cuz I can’t bake goods with Diana.
How could you doxx Elsie like this?
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Can we watch bake show together when it releases?
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Thanks for carrying me to GM once again, Penney
Anything for my underclassmen. Especially when I get to treat them like a pet.
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Who else?
Man vs bear discourse round 2: if you had to take a sleep potion where you wouldn’t awake regardless of what happened to you, would you rather your unconscious body be locked in a room with a man or a bear?
Depends on the man. Depends on the bear.
I'm not going anywhere near a polar bear, ever.
>when I get to treat them like a pet
Is it a koala bear? If yes, i want the man. Would be a shame to miss out seeing this cuties.
Koalas aren't bears.
I hate h*nnah.

That will be all.
Hannah is awesome
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6 letter name when a thread hasn't been about them in 3 days
She was right about the secret discord
And? Why that matters? They are quiet on their corner, why you are butthurt, anon?
It's only secret in that you're not invited
Albert, Kolyan, Merips, Adrian
Don't try to start this again, the bait wasn't even good
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i am legitimately impressed that i have not lost once since leaving diamond and put in deatheaters.

damn these things cause some mischief. at leas ti know i can sleep soundly knowing ill lose this streak soon now that im in globals. sleep tight hpg dont let the plapping wake you
Maybe if you weren't a piece of shit you wouldn't be in the burn book
"Okay, its happening but it's not that bad!"
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People are blowing it way out proportion. Filtering out people like fucking RentheCat or Riao is a good thing. Most of the people who are crying about it (and you know who you are, you aren't sly) aren't even in it.
>there is no secret discord
>yeah there's a discord but it doesn't affect anything
>no we don't have a channel dedicated to shitting on regulars
>yeah we have a burn book but it's necessary for keeping out RenTheCat
Oh my god shut the fuck up already Rout no one cares at this point
Nobody gives a shit
But she's in the discord
yeah and shes a fucking cunt
I think she's just a bit off
Yeah, but she's not in the inner circle, she doesn't know about the hidden channels.
Only the inner circle has access to the Hogwarts files
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Why this
Shut the fuck up. Legacy avatartroon discord faggot. Fuck off to /aco/
>discord faggot.
>Fuck off to /aco/
I'm getting mixed signals
Go back to mumsnet
Goodnight hypogigis
Goodnight cute anon
Be silent, Matt. You're part of the discord.
justice for my boy raio
Justice will be served when he is plapped in the town square to the satisfaction of the people.
Whats something silly some cornish pixies can do for a silly picture?
Well it's halloween soon, so wearing little costumes? Maybe dressing upp as tiny dementors and trying to scare people. Or dressing up as your favorite wizards? Or just stealing candy.
Hey thats a good idea. I was about to give up and have them sitting in a waiting room in the ministry or something boring like that.
I like the little costumes idea and I'd suggest they're curious about jack o lanterns and are making faces at one like they're trying to get it to react.
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They heard about the widespread trauma and now they're going to pretend to suck your souls out through a straw as dementors surely do. The intent is lost on the students who aren't even thinking about why these aggravated pixies have dirty rags draped over them.

Also they're using those shitty paper straws so it's just awful.
Hehe cute.
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I don't know how to feel bout this dude.
I'd fuck him, and I'm not even gay
It's that crow reboot that flopped
I just pooped
Literal hook nose merchant tranny. I do not trust him or their "deals".
Me too
Tattoos are ugly.
Penney his bio literally says "do not trust this shady merchant"
Yeah that's the part of the post that looks crazy
Harry is going to put a pretty boy like him in the same cell as the rapists in Azkaban
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You are always wrong.
Sorry I was being sarcastic. It's the part where you said hook nose and tranny that makes you look insane. You can keep being cute about the merchant part if you want though.

Just to clarify it's not cute when you say hook nose merchant and act like you didn't put those words together on purpose.

Crystal clear last bit I'm not Penney either. Let me know if there's anything else you were having problems with.
Yeah right tranny.
Great comeback babe, I know you are but what am I?
Fuck off back to tumblr. Fuck off! Back to tumblr
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>Is this Diana at her full power?
Perhaps. Then it means Diana is actually made out of chocolate.
They should have invited Ramsay dressed as Dumbledore. He would have been stretching his legs next to the contestants and calmly asking them what they put in their desserts.
You are the worst thing to happen to this general since the discord.
I miss you Hannah, please give MA a try
I wish we could play together
now this is a good Joe
yes thanks perfect i considered editing it myself but I didn't want to.
The worst thing to happen to this general was when you roleplaying Legacytroons hijacked it with your AIsloppa and cytube clique faggotry. This is the Hogwarts Mystery general. This is the Merula general
Merula more like DROOLUA HAHAHA
Thank you for hosting Mega
Thank you Mega!
Club events starting now.
How did I get dragged into this? I do not care about people saying tranny all that much you know.
>diana is made out of chocolate
I will bite her and report back the taste.
I like the design, he’s peak vibes. I can just imagine this guy being a functional heroin addict who has to scam in order to get by.
Nah you need to just take the L on Raio. Whatever it was really for he is still around despite being forced into normie territory and doing well. If he was really that much of an annoying NPC he wouldnt make it having to talk to others and also would have quit.
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>So did the Hannahs see people posting about them yesterday and they both decided to hop on or what?
What were people posting and where did I hop on?
What? LOL

(You) are awesome!

I just might try it now that it's on PC, but I don't know if the 'cord will be okay with that.
The leaker made me a bit nervous and paranoid about being in the burn book...

Who is Raio? I can't believe they would categorize someone with Ren. LOL
>I just might try it now that it's on PC
Thank you for giving the chinese all your informations
What do you mean?
Wouldn't I only be giving them my email?
Club Events in 56 minutes.
>but I don't know if the 'cord will be okay with that.
Who cares what they think?
Someone said last week they kicked out an active anon for no reason at all
No, they said the former leader Pringer did that over a year ago.
but WHO was pringles
Club Dance starting now.
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Officer! Voldy is hiding house elves under the floor boards!
Club Quiz starting now.
What happened this time, m8?
More funny stuff.

Thank you for hosting, Mega.
If you participated in the club events you'd know, lazy fuck
No thanks, lad. I'm playing desperados1
Based Flav
why are you domesticated?
What is a faolan?
Eoin's Hogwarts Legacy OC.
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Let's hold hands
Imma build a new rogue club and call it Nominatus
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I read that as rouge and thought you were starting a makeup club
What do we think about the last paypig hat (asking for a friend)
I want it and I think it'll go nicely with the new outfits
Black Lake season was so cool, I hope we get another big one like that soon.
>the dummy will become your worst fear
Dying sexless?
like being turned into a barbie doll?
Why don't Wenshi or whatever his name is just sell his bussy to this blatant gay man?
Do you mean Wenussy?
Playing the AK deck on duos is painful (did it by mistake)
Don't give a shit about the stale story nothing cool ever happens for MC it's just tumblrinas generic vanilla fic, just fast track the gibs and gtfo
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Thank you for hosting, Mega.

If I can find a way to stream it I'd be happy to! I might have to wait for torrents or something and then run it through Cytube so it may not be possible to do so immediately when it comes out but we'll see.

Oh no... not the paper straws... they really are wicked little creatures.

Cute drawing though! I love the one tangled in his own cloak heh.

Very based.

It's true; the jank is part of where the SOVL comes from...

Cool hat but I don't have any outfit it remotely matches with.
It's a soulless chink cashgrab, don't pretend.
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I don't think it's soulless; it is cash-grabby though.
Ma... They're staring at me again... MA!
Eyepost at this wizza.
soulful cashgrab is an oxymoron, oink oink paypig.
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there, there...*headpats*
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*teabags him*
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Just... Give me a minute...
What's the fastest way to grind seasonal shop currency?
Verdant Victories.
Verdant Victories I believe.
paying money.
C-Can't sah... It's over for me
A L I C E!

Hurry up and transfer before it's too late please!
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I'll kickflip you up like a skateboard.
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Hello everyone, I'm Kang
*picks u up*
I love the way his text to speech voice pronounces McGonagall
I think it looks awful and cring.
I'm bored and I feel empty inside.
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they finally added more hair colors
just like me fr.
Me too, tomorrow will be better
Who cares, ALEX is more important.
What's the best echo for death eater currently dobby or bellatrix
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Bella for Crucio; Dobby for AK.

I'm not sure either is necessarily better than the other... generally speaking though I'd say Bella is stronger against casters (Crucio DE does a lot of single-target DPS and totally invalidates companions) and Dobby is stronger against summoners (charge AK super quickly and then teleport-snipe to instakill).
Thanks for making me all smooth and shiny.
I know that MA is a mobile game, but holy fuck does everything feel barren
Even the lego games felt larger
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Barren how?
like Rout
How do you all feel about what they did to Max and Chloe
Max watched Chloe get shot 287 times. For fun.
I haven't played it yet...
Max looks a lot hotter than before.
Nah Max hit the wall
she never had it all
Max is hot in both.
The hair reminded me of you
In the newest LiS entry if you chose to save Chloe she winds up not liking Max anymore and leaves her to be on her own. In the story you can see her social media posts where she is hanging out and having a good time with Victoria who was Maxes school bully
Its effectively lesbian netorare
And how is that related to Harry Potter?
Harry Potter?
Sure sounds like western yuri continues to suck. Time to grow up and read the real thing where the series doesn't end after their first chaste kiss any more.
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I haven't played it yet and from the sounds of that maybe I won't... that kinda seems like it sucks. I was never a huge fan of Chloe (although she wasn't too bad in BtS from what I remember) but that just sounds needlessly depressing. I dunno; maybe if it has other redeeming features I'll give it a try?

Also for the sake of on-topic-ness (but also because being reminded of LiS brings it to mind), I wish the implications of time magic were explored more in Harry Potter instead of it just being a one-off Thing That Happened. Like, you could totally have a whole story in the vein of LiS centred around one wizza getting his or her hands on a time turner. Supposedly they were all destroyed, but it doesn't seem like such a stretch to think a Ministry employee might've fudged the record and smuggled one out... not like anyone could easily catch them for it when they can reverse time after all.
Other than that play nobody likes
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Oh, is that what that was about? I know basically nothing about it except that nobody likes it.
I wish I could date one of the hogwarts portraits...
Yeah it's about people fucking with timeturners and causing a lot of problems that they then try to fix and cause more etc etc
The bard?
Basically the children of Harry and Draco go back in time and make several alternative universes before rectifying their mistakes.
Clearly you haven’t read Harry Potter if you can’t understand why discussions of NTR would be valid. NTR is at the core of the series, if Snape never got NTRed, none of what happens would have been possible. Literally, James bullying the fuck out of snape and then fucking the love of his life is the only reason why Harry becomes to chosen one and defeats voldemort.
penney please stop projecting your fetishes unto a children's franchise
It’s LITERALLY wat happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Huh. That's... potentially interesting in theory, but I take it it wasn't done all that well if it was so badly received? What did they mess up? Also, was this before the Ministry destroyed all the time turners...?
You see the main problem is it's a play and plays are fucking corny and lame.
The actual main problem is that they made Ron lame af and I can’t forgive that. But also there’s lots of wacky shit like the trolly witch being an immortal, Cedric diggery is a blood supremicist and despite the fact there is a lot of homoreroticism between Scorpio and the other guy, they don’t kiss.
>plays are fucking corny and lame
voldy fucked bella and had a cursed child, that's the plot
it sucks
He's a pedophile
Bro, idk if you knew this, but the NTR I was referring to was when all the characters involved are adults.
You're a pedophile
James did start dating Lily while they were children.
And you’re a tranny faggot. Wow, look at us, just saying random insults to eachother on the internet. I hope you get some satisfaction out of it, cuz like it’s pretty boring from my perspective. Like, I really don’t get it, if you wanted to actually upset me or get a fun reaction, maybe like put the work in? Like, here’s an idea, next time I post some writing, you can do the thing I do where you make a critique of it, and like be really mean. That might actually upset me. Also would actually contribute meaningfully to the thread. Become a productive poster, I believe in you!
They started dating in the 7th year, which is canonically after the time when the wizarding world considers them adults. More importantly, the real NTR here is when they have Harry, which occurs after hogwarts.
You're a pedophile
I beat you.

So you got washed by me... This isn't uncommon at all. It is completely normal for a player of your caliber to be outclassed by someone such as myself (a skilled gamer). But the question is, where do you go from here? This all depends on how you got here in the first place. In order to give you the cure I need to diagnose you first. Lets see what areas you possibly failed in.
The burning one?
I mean you do write like a preteen boy trying to be whimsical tbf
It do be kinda cringe
But dont they have to be in a relationship to be counted as that?
When Lilly endet their friendship, she still was not very impressed of James

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