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>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

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>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

I'm trying to get the live2D cubism for godot to work but the demo won't even recognize the extension being there

has anyone else tried it?
How do people not see that coomslop is anti-soul?

Time and time again, I see coom slop anime here. It's not sovful whatsoever. It's an instant pass. Same with female protagonists. It ruins the entire game. You could make the best gameplay and make a game that I mechanically enjoy, and it'd still be ruined if you made it anime coomslop.

Imagine Morrowind, but it was all anime girls and coom instead of an actual cool lore. It's horrible.
how is demo day looking, guys? are you all gonna make it?
My game is halloween themed, because it's a dead corpse of a slopshitkuso stumbling around while I keep adding pointless shit to try and make people like it. I'm retarded.
>Imagine Morrowind, but it was all anime girls and coom instead of an actual cool lore.

I'd need an IV drip to survive the playthrough.
make something you'd play.

why is everyone in this scene such a doomer
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Use stride, let's build a community
>How do people not see that coomslop is anti-soul?
they have porn brain

>Same with female protagonists.
porn brain, internalized misandry.
maybe next time
g-game? i have downgraded to nodev
your opinion, their opinion = irrelevant
the market is always right, sex sells, seethe TRANNY
What is stride?
please don't post my wife here
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>Imagine Morrowind, but it was all anime girls
Unironically my ideal game
Morrowind was peak sexual content though. Second only to Daggerfall if you include other things.
only if you use mods, except no actually morrowind is not appeal, and certainly not peak anything except mid
But the point is that it was all coherent to the setting and not all over the place.

When I see Almalexia's belly, it's hot, but it is also setting coherent. It's not just a bunch of anime girls all over the place. It is tasteful.
I'll be a Yesdev by then.
Maybe I'll have a demo by end of year.
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Based knower telling the unfiltered truth
I've been considering entering my engine into demo day. It'd be a cool 'challenge' video idea. No promises. But it'd be a cool video idea.
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starting to draft out scenes
I mmight just get chatGPT to write a script to auto format this into json there's no way in heck I'm writing dialogue within json code while I brainstorm
lmao impossible
Tasteful murder-wife <3
Play the game, larper.
Who hasn't played Morrowind?
i never finished it
>chatGPT to write a script to auto format this into json

Come on now.
I am free from the inefficiency of atomic counters.
Whatever you do never listen to those type of retards
atomics are cool tho
pac man is a survivor horror lol
But neo-/v/ anime hating puritan retards who migrated from resetera and reddit are totally an audience that I should cater to, what are you talking about, it's pure profit
They're inefficient and cause contention between the threads. And now I've completely eliminated them.
Morrowind worship hours!!!
the morrowclone is coming some day. Just have patience
I'm just lazy, I can code I just don't wanna spend 5 minutes coding some menial script
I'll only repost this once, so as to not get obnoxious. Feedback would be appreciated.

not being able to pause is stupid
>they're taking away muh porn
>don't take away muh porn
okay? keep it in, then.
Is it really horror if you can pause?
the high res textures clash too much with the low poly style
also It's weird seeing an indieslop horror game here. It was the one genre we generally never get
a game engine
ah, yes, i keep getting older, but my dreams are always about those HS girls from a distant past...
I missed the flying light in the sky coming because I alt tabbed to write something down
I don't trust .exe files sorry. If you've got a playthrough video I'll watch it though.
play it or I will kill your mother and eat her corpse
Yes? It's not like real life stops when I'm playing the game, I could get interupted for any reason and need a way to pause the game.
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A game where you play as anthro Red squirrels on a bloody and violent crusade to take back Britain from the invading hordes of grey squirrels as an allegory for the economic vulture "immigrants" coming to Britannia. Redwall-inspired.
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Time to Lock in.
Techno music for dev:


See you guys during chef hours.
That would be my gain and your incredible loss.
Why do you think so many people mod skyrim into coomer fest?
because they are mentally damaged and have nothing to live for
Skyrim is overall a solid game without any mods
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thoughts on the sprites for my hero classes?
i left some blank space on each of them to fill with color associated with level. level one blue, level two purple, ect...
I have a great admiration for you for making a 3D game but can you tell me if it has any gameplay? I don't play games with zero gameplay
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what the fuck is this
automated steam bundles or did marmo get a collab?
You know I'm beginning to wonder that myself. My aim was to make a neat little horror thing for my 'hello world' but getting people to try it has been like pulling teeth. I consider this a personal failing and I'll have to do something very different for later attempts.
Hey kemdev I really liked your demo, magic did feel cool to use for once.
if only Marmo had had a genome defender in the womb, it would have saved him from the fetal alchohol syndrome (maybe)
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>$5 split between two games
Ouch. So Marmo's only making like $1.50 per sale here? Damn, dude. He won't even make $300 this way, and the entire well of potential customers will be completely dry afterwards.
I can't post here anymore because if I become a thread personality I'll get laughed at when my game flops, sorry.
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Also please correct this.
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The fuck? The bundle doesn't even have the other game on sale.
coombrains need coomerism everywhere they can't live without it
Indie horror games tend to be walking sims that play themselves. Even the bigger ones lack any challenge or test of skills or anything. Content farm youtubers like to stream them but only if something grabs their attention about the game
>dev makes less money depending on the partner
worse than sad
don't click on the dev name
you'll lose your marbles
I like gathering up five or six of these little horror games to play in a sitting while eating excessively spicy food. It's a dumb little ritual I enjoy and I figured I'd make one too.
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Do anyone else than TOK has his demo in the steamfeast? I want to try them.
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uh is it some retard that found an exploit?
I wouldn't play the best game on here without a webm demonstrating some gameplay to hook me, and if it's your first game and a horror walking simulator I think you'd struggle with that.
post some examples of them with level color? I feel like it might clash pretty bad with the color on the sprites

8 and 5 don't look so good
4 and 1 could use a bit of refinement
others I like
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>runs fine in debug mode
>crashes in the release build
unless your game is about guns, a horror game is always a movie game.
did he pick specific bullet hell games? i see he picked sipho too.
Would you play it?
What may be cool for you to make as a 'hello world' may not actually be fun.

Put yourself in their shoes.
>using zoomer emotes
how long did it take you to make? Finishing a game is a major accomplishment
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Can someone help me pick which of these to purchase? Having trouble deciding.
>the perfect crime
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>4 nodevs in a row assembled to overthrow the inner circle
>nooooo you have to remove sex from your game you have to let literal 3 year olds play your game and join your discord and spam stupid shit
>partner's game is making it harder to sell copies
worse than worse than sad
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Just made some improvements to my game. we yesdevs call it "progress".
Dang son
And I thought Ultrakill had too many bundle deals
Started september 7th. assets took up a bunch of the time, music/sounds was a bit, vast majority was learning unreal.
Yeah, I dig it but I guess it's a more niche taste than I thought.
I'm guessing all the idiots who did this agreed to it.
THIS is why I version my builds and releases. You could go back to an earlier build hat worked and just look at the changes.

Make regular release builds and use build versions with a name saying what main changes were. It feels like a chore, but it helps.
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why is it that I can smell the curry just by looking at this?
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jesus christ every time valve adds something, leave it to ind*es to instantly turn it into an amorphous cancerous blob
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its over for eric
I fucking told you already I'm a FUCKING yesdev
Genome Guardian seems to be a good game based on the reviews. Not sure why he decided to spaz out.
>he doesn't know about all the hidden bundle pages
it's pretty smart
every retard who collabs with him basically advertises his game on their steampage for free + giving him SEO, all while his steampage is relatively unbloated ("view all" button for his dozens of collabs)

didn't realize marmo was that low IQ
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hey thanks for playing! i'm glad magic feels good for you now.

>correct this
it's sort of meant to be unpathable. i gotta signal that better.

once again thank you for the art, it's great. i will draw you something in turn for demo day
for nextfest, dungeon watchers and cosmic call are both in, worth playing them if you haven't yet
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>I'm a FUCKING yesdev
kill yourself
I'm coming for you
when you fail and crash and burn I will be there to piss on your remains
no dev is pissy today
my game won't be for kids, Rated M actually.
But still not coomer. Tasteful stuff like belly dancers and sweaty red haired Amazonian women.

Also no porn scenes, just fade to black for sex with other characters.

Also I will not have a slopcord.
You stupid retarded idiot, your piss will only rekindle my flame. Enjoy your tortured end in the inferno of the Piss Phoenix.
it's not fair bros... I look at things like Bill Gate's BASIC interpreter and it's like something that was built by a freshman CS retard, but just because he was born at the right time it made him a billionaire...
if i release a game i won't fail, since releasing a game is my goal
fade to black sex is in my RPG because I don't think it is immersive to not be able to have sex with characters in the game. Are you telling me that you pillage a village and can't even take war brides? That's unrealistic.
Same and based.
I've been watching the last part of this youtube video on repeat because I love how she laughs and her eyes. It's helping me concentrate and dev. Is this what it feels like to have a gf?
I'm pretty sure the past 2 years have proven that DEI, woke people and retarded moralfags do N.O.T buy videogames. They're just here to moralfag.
If I was a nodev I would have no reason to seek revenge for my ignored progress

man, if I only I was born a hundred years earlier, I could've invented computers and video games
people had arcane voxel engines with smooth voxel terrain before Notch.
You may have attention when you earn it.
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Despite being a bit funky sometimes, Unity feels pretty good!
It's a relief to be able to have multiple scripts on one object, feels liberating!
I feel pretty good with Unity and I feel confident in it and my developed ability not to suck!
In a spot where I can quickly fuck around with dropdowns and the template player pref loading system, fix the UI, and figure out how I want to save/load and instantiate stuff by 11

I only really post to recount my silly fucking moment of sheer discomfort

The bastard whore of a Microsoft visual studios froze on me without telling me! I tried to fiddle with it to appease it's errors but it refused to understand that I changed anything and threw the same errors!
After fiddling for a bit I recognized that it was frozen so was like, "fug" and had to reset it

I'm so totally gonna copy signals, I saw the weapons and the contours and edges made me cum and remember peace walker such pog
Welcome to hell, fellow Godotbro.
a lie perpetuated by the inner circle to keep the useful idiots busy in the progress mines to keep the general/discord alive in the timeslots inbetween Inner Circle progress. I will fucking kill EVERYONE here if you don't start acknowledging me
fable but you play as someone's mom
>no combat
>no survival crafting
>just do chores and run errands
You can do that in my game.
Post progress right now, but I'll ignore it if it's shit.
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like delta force!
So wife simulator? Sounds fun.
indie scene was just so much cooler 10 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kohw57cxiKs
>I will not have a slopcord.
then you'll have a fan slopcord run by redditors.
>tfw no gane where you pillage villages and take now orphan little girls as your daughterwives
I'll have a forum and people will know that the discord is not mine because I'll be extremely controversial and right wing on my YouTube Channel.

So if troons make a discord, no one would believe that I support it.
>"Mom, i killed three dragons today, here's your cut."
>you have gained 3000 gold.
It's called an elementary school.
>go and spend it on clothes at the customization shop
>breastfeed new born

You have my attention.
Pixel art is unironically a meme it's just nostalgia bait

I'm switching to regular 2D art and doing art reps
pixel art is OK but it's severely limiting and even the best artists do high res art anyways so it might as well be normal digital drawing
i can only do pixel art
actually, that's called Crusader Kings.
2d will just give you even worse mixels in the form of lines not all being the same thickness.
Yeah, but no one cares because it's a drawing and not "pixel" "art".
holy fucking based. I can tell you're new here because the usual posters are really big whiny losers with mental issues
Real Engine

Got any sauce on that image there, chief?
>I can tell you're new here
It's the 3D Dwarf Fortress dev who has been posting pictures of Eric and thirsting over a red haired artist gf for the past months while working on his "engine".
post game
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This season is coming out an anime literally about daughterwive
Its a mistery why local pedodevs still dont spam her
Trying adding sound effect to my game
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Made some progress today I'm happy with.
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sounds great!
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>writing modern directx 12 game engines in assembly
please look forward to my new youtube series
that's not a game
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I've been adding a few different moves for the character including a backflip. Today I added the ability to turn around aswell.
I've been working on the texturing on the background too.

Getting pretty close to start working on the AI movement which will be a test to see if the project continues.
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A coom game, but with very intense, demanding and difficult gameplay so you can't play one-handed.

If you fail the rhythm game sex scenes you destroy your relationship with that girl and she tells all her friends that you're shit in bed. Your run is basically over.
The trinity of pixelshit narraslop
I asked ChatGPT to do this and she refused ugyuu~
>Phonefag screenshot
That's fine!
I think you should repeat this,

>my game won't be for kids, Rated M actually.
>But still not coomer. Tasteful stuff like belly dancers and sweaty red haired >Amazonian women.
>Also no porn scenes, just fade to black for sex with other characters.
>Also I will not have a slopcord.

Then look at your game.

Repeat that again, then look at your game.

Do that for a while until you feel less aggressive.
>when you get a holy sovl art piece from the AI and the next 50 outputs are dogshit
*sigh* being a prompt engineer is tough, tougher than enginedev troonism that's for sure
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Where are all the cute-likes?
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I think I need to upgrade my knowledge on history of warfare and the philosophy of war.
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Another checkin to git. I'm so close to releasing I can almost feel the reviews.
Great, another topic cris will obsess over to avoid working on a game!
cris, you dont want to make a game anymore, stop posting here
>I'll be extremely controversial and right wing on my YouTube Channel.
You said you're making a pozzed coomer game with miscegenation so I doubt this posturing of yours, regards, an actual chud.
that should take me just the entire night.

couldn't dev today and is 7PM.

Armpit kino will be back
what the player does is his choice. He can be good or evil in 3D Dwarf Fortress.

I won't have pronouns or trannies or gay relations.
Every time I see puriteen faggots (or are they really faggots? Maybe they're butthurt single women in their 30s) whining about "coomers" it makes me want to add sexy women to my game out of spite, but I don't think it would work that well with the genre. Well, maybe, at a later date, if I start to add Crusader Kings style characters. But that's a distant stretch goal.
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War never changes anon. Just post the progress.
I think you're getting high off the imagination of what your game will be!
Maybe you should develop it further before you disassociate yourself between your imagination and progress :D
sounds. yes.
wow nice. They should make a porn game with skills like that.
You're very chipper aren't you?

Big progress this week, I just eliminated atomic counters.
>this game updates
>the other potion dev here comes back
it's just the eric schizo being annoying, as usual
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>the reviews.
post progress
I don't know what atomic counters are, and sadly, I may never ever know!
All that I know is that atomic counters are a far way from what you describe and I get a feeling you're setting yourself up for lots of bad times if you continue this way!
I had to redo lots of work and I sorta did the same and now I feel worse off for that!
Keep care Dwarf man, hope it gets done with black jack, hoookers, and booze!
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Could I contact one of my favoured 2D artists on pixiv and commission them to work on my game
no you have negative social skills
so you can ignore it? No thank you!
nodevs need not apply
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"cooming" has always been an excellent way to filter out and make faggots seethe.
just like how the ones constantly complaining about muh pedo always reveal themselves to be the true pedo themselves, funny how that works
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I already spent time learning gamedev related skills, now I need to learn SOCIAL skills?
Can I contact one of my super social chad friends and commission him to contact my favourite 2D artists on pixiv to work on my game?
atomic counters synchronize access to shared variables during shader programs. Can cause contention between threads. Best not to have them and just let the GPU go full on parallel.

Thank you for the words wishing me well.
God Bless. All will be well. For you and for me.
>playtester suggests something he thinks is simple to add to a system I built
>he doesn't know I'm italian.
i havent made progress in my own game yet but today i made a cover of hyperspace again from star control 2 and played ddr for the first time /blog
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>my friends
Sounds like good progress anon. Well done.
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Finished some concept art. Need to finish the rest to start planning out the first part of my game.
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A fellow Italian. Greetings fratello.
keep coping shithead
>Making game
>Come up with other brilliant game idea
>Cursed to finish the first one

At least the genres overlap so I should be able to reuse the code.
>keep coping shithead
i would have already made it if i wasn't a social autist who just wants to rot in a cave and do nothing
you cannot skip social skills
sorry it's perhaps even more important than art direction and gameplay
look at all the successful devs. they are all social butterflies it's rigged from the start.
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literally the entire point of tabletop rpg's are to make you socially comfortable
"Social skills" and it's just sending an email offering money to someone.
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fratelli? I'm also Italian! (And by Italian I mean my great grandfather and great grandmother were starving peasants in the middle of nowhere Lessinia back just after the unification of Italy and came to the wonderful third world country of Brazil for a new life)

Here's my gamedev inspiration, Ezio Auditore da Firenze. I want to make a game just like his!!!(not really)

What games do my Italian brethen play?
what game are you making
I'm retarded. I was trying to figure out how to calculate points and radiuses between them to get areas and struggling until I realized that's literally just what voronoi diagrams are and I could just look up how to write them online
sounds pointless, your indie game isn't going to be cpu bottlenecked, even AAA games aren't cpu bottlenecked

even if there was something that absolutely needed to be optimized (there isn't), you would specifically just implement that one very specific routine in asm (i.e. embedded bitcoin miner algorithm)
everyone already has a established friend group... even dorks
Sorry, I don't mix random /agdg/ devposting banter with my actual progress posts, people might think I'm some sort of asshole.
this is like those people who reply back to twitter bots pretending to be women.
Surprised Brotato / Tiny Rogues were both that thirsty
just larp as your parasocial influencer of choice
Your average indie dev (aka retard) will run into a CPU bottleneck long before they run into a GPU bottleneck since everything runs on the CPU by default, and it takes brainpower to run something on the GPU.
i need it to be real
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: A group hug with Uulga before they leave.
cute. But does such things sell?
The game's free.
>Can I contact one of my super social chad friends and commission him to contact my favourite 2D artists on pixiv to work on my game?
Unironically a big brain move if your artist is a normalfag-andacent
If he is some kind of weirdo you can gamble and try to bee yourself the sincere retard
>run on the gpu
like this?
spagetti chef
I'm making a game inspired by Italian Rationalist architecture (partially) but mostly just really big imposing Romanesque and Neogothic structures you can explore. I'm also mostly French for what it's worth but I really like Italy.
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My progress has ground to a halt over the last week. I think I might be burnt out. I really don't want to project hop though.
Why did God choose to make me look creepy. When light shines on my face from above I look like a skeleton. I got a thousand yard stare I just can't help and my natural resting face looks angry. Multiple different people have told me they thought I was scary until they got to know me.
I had to project hop just to get something released that I could feasibly finish. Started with too much scope.

Once I get the basics of my first game done it should be easier right.
I currently call it 3d terraria because that's my biggest inspiration
I cut scope until it was finishable and I regret cutting as much as I did.
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why did you choose to make yourself look ugly is the real question
What is Minecraft
If that didn't happen, would you be here making game? Exactly. Now shut up and post progress.
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a person can get up to 3 points in attractiveness with their personality
you just know...
should my male protagonist be


>generic e-boy
I used to be happy as a child but then bad stuff kept happening and I stopped
very good idea haver at your service
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since having a girlfriend is essential to actually finishing games, i'm drinking wine in the hopes i build up enough courage to make a bumble account
same but i dont blame god for it. I got bullied and so I developed this defense mechanism to keep people away from me
I need an idea for an enemy type in a turnbased RPG that is really different. what it does to you/stats buff/debuffs etc should be mindblowing. like every time you attack... it... !!!???
I want to WRITE a videogame, which genres should I consider?
kartracer. you could be the first to do it with deep lore
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how do I fix this?
Why does soulless narraslop always go for that Shinkai pastiche artstyle?
he is their steve jobs
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>Multiple different people have told me they thought I was scary
Youre a natural womanizer anon...
that's fun. i have a few ideas, but give me something to work with first.
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Just checked in some more progress.
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Actually learning about shit like the pike and shoot era of european warfare is kind of cool.

Would be neat to see enemies doing combined formations of crossbow/archers with pikers and arbuchets as a unit to fight the player, and also surrounded by cavaliers using pistols doing caracoles.

This shit is 100% gold to enemy tactics in my games.
Those only happen through collabs. Kinda wish I knew how to do them. But he's going to be barely making any money from this.
What the fuck. How?
great another topic cris will obsess over and spam here instead of working on his game that he will end up dropping
Starting to think writing doesn't matter for a game. Who cares that you're fighting weird things that don't make sense? I put them in because it's a video game and you could. Same reason anything else works. It's not realistic. I added it because I wanted to. It's not fun? Yeah, I don't care either. I added it because I did.
Is it a good idea to do any bundles going? Is there ever a reason not to do bundles?
that'd actually work really well... i may actually prototype this. i can already think of a few plots. maybe some meta stuff
It's 8PM nigga.
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Make shit up, make the mundane interesting.

A slots game? Yeah you are beating a capitalist landlord at his own game.
dragonquest/pokemon-like combat. elemental effects etc. no positioning. lots of items
There was a good coom game here a couple years ago that had sex scenes and potions that made the main girls boobs bigger etc. Was really cute.

i need the setting/themes too; if you want something especially interesting
out of 10, how would you rate the process in game design in terms of difficulty

>Music Production
>Storyboard/World Building
I feel good!
We're all gonna make it! :D <3

Here is some nice jazz that I code to because I like it very much! :D
Lost the streak. Never give up. Again.

YesDeving before work EVERY day.


Should your character stop quickly or slowly (relatively speaking) after a DASH state?
>open up steam
>see all the slop there
If these devs can make it, then surely I can. I don't know how stupid people do it, but they can make engaging trailers, good screenshots, and write up a gripping steam page. I know I can figure it out. I can and I will make something on par with an asset flip.
slop merchant, please, I crave your slop, you have the best slop around
If my game is all UI and sprites, do I still want to commit to UE?
UE is the best engine.
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if you are researching steam games, you need to be looking at the actual competition
what is the game? this isn't a simple answer
>actual competition is the tab that's not the default
Okay nodev
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>Wings of Redemption
Oh ma lord
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day 2
Default to quick transition/maximum player control unless you have a good reason not to.
fine I'll ask
>look through nextfest
>have to scroll all the way to the bottom of thousands of demos to see afterlife gladiator
none, really.
why doesn't your game have gambling?
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make one
twitter even
i tried. no luck and i don't know how to use it.
Day 2 of what?
That's like super basic bitch sculpting, anon. NTA but ive done similar before for a VRC model and I'm a near beginner at 3D. Retopology is where they get you
then what's the name of your project?
Don't listen to neomarxist revolutionary larpers like this. That is the death of creativity. You can do better than trite >muh late stage capitalism allegory #6,008,315

My suggestion? Read some old sci-fi short stories of even speculative fiction of the 16th-19th century.
Maybe not? Depends!
Personally, I like when a character has a bit of inertia. I personally did this by having an multiplier for de-acceleration and fiddling with lerps and it but you can probably find a better way of doing that.

Uhm, yeah! It makes things feel like they have weight when they dash, and keep on going after a bit! Test it out and get a feel for it and understand what you wanna do and if it'll piss the player off or add some nice flavour and feels!
Hell yeah! Looks cool, even if the lil back leg spooples look funny, some real sharp heels :.)
>AAA studio
if only
not yet named, but it's a back up plan in case my main project fails. i'm currently just making "cornerstones" like very a very shitty prototype and some assets.
Slop seller. I am going into battle and I need only your strongest slop.
can't slop won't slop
then answer me
what's the story behind her using pink nail polish?
am I an idealet or am I setting such a high standard for what I'm doing that I shoot down most ideas I do get?
she ran out of black nail polish :(
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Post most ideas you do get?
>but it's a back up plan in case my main project fails.
I should have done that
Bauhaus and neomarxism have been some of the worst offenders towards stifling human creativity by attempting to lower the bar so low as to attempt to remove man's desire for beauty and merit and replace it with slop and sloth. Is it any wonder they recoil at the thought of AI when all they can manage is Bauhaus inspired chicken scratch they were told was beautiful? Is it any surprise they react in disgust to the mere notion of a traditional art piece or sculpture and insist on ugly designs? The fact of the matter is Bauhaus taught them wrong on purpose as a means to an end, so obviously AI can replace them, but AI can never replace (You) so long as you strive to do better than Bauhaus. To do so is to be 90% of the way there. Never give up, and never let neomarxist Bauhaus "ideals" corrupt your vision and your integrity as an artist even if you believe you are no good at art. Keep trying, anon. Do not be deceived by crabs and do not listen to their poison.
Is this "Bauhaus" in the room with us right now?
Same here, it's disconcerting
Finish line is in view right up ahead, but now I'm wondering if it's worth to cross it. Why release a game that just isn't good enough?
Go for a walk, I guarantee you will find an example of bauhaus degeneracy surrounding you. The slop that is Memphis Style corpo artslop is a key example of Bauhaus ideals. Weak, inoffensive, and outright propagandistic. I got the paper today and found that slop on the front page reminding me about some irrelevant bullshit. Bauhaus ideals underpin that one textureless or near-textureless 3D indieslop look.
show screenshot
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This. >>498456792 do you want the big bucks or not? Games aren't about having fun anymore. You either make your playbase spill their semen (or make the women sploosh) or you force a political message and get people angry. 9 times outta 10 that's what you gotta do.

I know that feel ...
unless if you just fiddled with a basemesh or you are Manuel de Jorge, i call BS.
all the stuff going on makes me think its a bad game covered up by lots of animations
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Why nobody has mixed the autismo of fighting game inputs and the autismo of dark souls ande zelda melee combat with the autismo of LOL 5vs5 meta teams, with the autismo of AoE2 units?

That sounds like a tag team version of marvel 2 but to control a MOBA team at once.
a top down shooter for mobile. kinda like Cult of the lamb.
All Twitter/Tiktok games summed up in one sentence
we have the best retard, definitely
I noticed that when I pee in my hands they get a little sticky which increase my CPM (code per minute), rightly recommend.
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Based Dash knower
post your belly
Okay it's 10 pm after wasting all my day playing videogames and jerking off it's finally time to gamedev.
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You did localize your game for china right?
can't sell porn in china so no
I'm starting to regret joining the circuit stream gamedev bootcamp, it's literally day one and they are making me print logs to the console, I didn't join this to learn the basics, fucks sake.
damn, I really want to make a game engine but I can't think of a cool name
i came up with a really cool one but i can't post it or someone will steal it :(
Amateur Game Development Engine
The Faggot Engine
you stole my idea fuck you
sounds like you're really limiting your future prospects with a name like that ngl
No I didn't
this is why you don't take courses. You just start building and look things up as you go.
post game
I just learned that the girl I fancy and might get in touch again in the future is now a campaign manager at a social media marketing company. And I'm here trying to make a mobile slop. Tonight has hit right in the feels. I've wasted so much time of my life.
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I've spent 2... maybe 3 days failing at basic texturing but I think I'm quite comfortable with it now
I should have painted warhammer minis as a kid
can you play this?
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I'm working on that. Atm you can fly around and keep moving in infinite direction as the terrain generates.
This is the way.
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anon your a motherfucking genius
what do we think of Tarnished Blood and since its always taking the advertisement field here
Game Making Interface
so, it's not a game. it's barely a toy. submit it to https://itch.io/jam/toyjam1 if you have the balls (oh wait, you haven't even built it for systems other than your own)
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This seems like a very hostile, insecure, and disproportionate response to anon for sharing his progress.
Post your progress it’s been half and hour
look like opus magnum
watched the trailer and it's basically a brotato clone but worse in every possible way, like worse than you're average 12 year old's flash game back in the early 00s

>audiovisual work
the graphics and sound were the worst part and you're telling me these people are professionals in that field?
>a nodev defends his fellow nodev
you have to go back >>>/g/

I'm not mad, I have fun with you guys.
God Bless you all. All will be well.
babe wake up, new cris slop just dropped
Slop Machine
But I have a finished game and I'm working on one nw, so I can't be a nodev ...

I enjoy the positivity!
What is this terrain generation/chunking system going to be used for?
slop, mostly
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The things I do for love...
For the world generation of 3D Dwarf Fortress and 3D Space Station 13.

In 3D Dwarf Fortress the generated lands will be finite in size.
it's not really that hard
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why is this general so weirdly negative about everything
Does it support 3 dimensions currently?
Opus Magnum but __
histrionics m8
I'm working on my game over screen bwro
3D Dwarf Fortress dev has been shitting the thread for months posting about how much he loves Eric, being Italian, having a redhead artist gf that says thougheverbeit and Jesus Christ all while having nothing more than a tech demo so he deserves all the hate
what the fuck
Yea, that's just a bird's eye view.
And it'll be 3D Perlin Noise but for the sake of my current implementations I find 2D Perlin noise to be more intuitive visually when terrain 'look' is not really the focus here.

Terraforming and biome mapping is something I consider to be 'gameplay' so that'll be later.
my game detects if you have an amd gpu and then intentionally crashes at random
I didn't know they made a shooter with that tech

what I'd really like to see is this sort of voxel tech being used for LoD in open world games so you could see as far you possibly could see
like in open world crafting survival games wouldn't it be cool if you could see all the buildings and trees and shit off in the distance and they wouldn't just pop in once you got close enough
What are different naming convetions for things than 123..., or ABC... ?
I'm still making a rogue-like.
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Bill is that you?
michelangelo painted that when he was 12 year old thoughdesueverbeit.
It wouldn't work unless you could somehow turn all of that into a skybox on the fly. Vertices are vertices and they'll fry your ram with unlimite distance.
so I had that date yesterday. I was concerned it would take long and I didn't want to tell the girl I'm a gamedev but I needn't have worried on both counts. she was instantly put off (maybe I'm uglier in person or in motion), stayed for 40 minutes, insisted on paying for what she ordered, gave me a hand shake and took off.
man I wish I were married, so instrad of having to go to auditions I would have someone even halfway supportive.
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Starting working on a shader for spaceship reactor trail
Didn't read
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The hostility is absolutely warranted, because you two are the absolute worst of the crabs, and I mean crabs in the true sense of retards ignorantly dragging other down with them, and not the crybaby sense of "all negative feedback is crabbing". When you enginedev, you are procrastinating from doing the actual difficult parts of making a game by redoing the parts that have already been solved. Enginedev is easy because it's simple. Video games are complex systems and are inherently difficult to build. You're simply making things easier on yourself by putting off building the actually complicated video game portion. Whenever you convince some tourist to choose enginedev over using a game engine, you are telling them they should also procrastinate and take the easy path out, and you are severely delaying if not outright destroying their gamedev journey.
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Popular upcoming and new & trending are the things you gotta pay attention to. That is the level of game you gotta have to succeed in steam. Steam removed the new releases from the store's front page. Now they gotta click that tiny fucking button to get taken onto the page where the actual new releases are. How many do you think regularly do that?

Basically you need to have enough wishlists to put your game into popular upcoming and then once you launch those wishlists need to convert into enough sales that you hit new & trending. If you don't your game pretty much disappears into the sea of shit that is steam in current year.
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Marmoreal should have had flat chests.
Man they are making this worse and worse and for indies. Feels like it's all on purpose too
>audiovisual work
What was that and what was its potential income? Also they went full time on a game with that few wishlists? Why?
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I asked Chat gpt what's the diference between a behaviour tree and my idea of using fuzzy logic as the weights of a min max which control the enemy FSM.

And It keep saying it was very diferent.

When my idea is closer to a behaviour tree for enemy AI.

You got the root node, the evaluator node which is similar to my min/max with fuzzy logic idea, which control some other node that has a combo idea of what to do.

The only literal diference is I use a FSM, and a behaviour tree uses a tree.
Nice. How did you make the texture?
you basically gotta generate the LoD voxelization of the world, it is possible but difficult

for example there's a minecraft mod that does something like that
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Literally one of the most soulful indie games ever
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Added a new pet, he is part of the Eleplant species.
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>put an elephant in his game
I made no such promise but mannnnn it's demoralizing each time I think
>next year it'll be done
>halfway through the year and i start doubting it
>last 3 months
>definitely next year
this is such a cute gif
>even has motion blur on the vfx
I hate unreal so much it's unreal.
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Almost done!
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>gave me a handshake
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There's little incentive for steam to showcase games that sell poorly. They likely removed the new releases tab because most of the time it was filled with total garbage.
cope and seethe while we unrealchads make bank
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The time is now. We have entered the age of 3D Stick RPGlikes
How would a game called mammary-al make sense if they had no mammaries?
what's your unreal game that made bank
My ideal game is basically stick RPG. Low graphics, high replayability.
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Which one?
I use a noise generator
Good for them
see >>498472327
looks good if you were in the 90s
Is there a postmorterm of more details on this?
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Game is dieselpunk so I guess it fit.
It could work if you can make the noise more streaky and align that with the direction of the effect.
Define streaky.
I mean steaky
based realist
this is a new level of procrastination

>game? no, I haven't even named my game engine (that doesn't exist) yet!
how about RPGmaker
Right now its a bunch of dots but what if it was a bunch of lines? What if you scale the noise on one axis?
Once again I will not make it. I'm so far behind, what I estimated to take 7 days is now maybe 14 days in and about 2/3 done. I still need way more done for a demo. Who's gonna play my game with 0 music? Gameplay isn't fun enough to keep you on it's own atm so....

Why does it have human hands? Lol
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implemented derendering any row of chunks so that I am not rebuilding the entire mesh every time I need to load/unload chunks.

Engine is in a good place right now.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ
But you'll have to rebuild when it gets edited through mining.
>heheh, look at these babies, making their own games while I already have the fanciest lighting around
>my game? It's https://store.steampowered.com/app/3064540/Secret_Number_Simulator/
>behold the power of unreal!
>please ignore that this one single room demands everyone who plays it installs drivers for it and runs like shit
yeah that's no problem, it is very granular now, everything is ordered since I got rid of atomic counters.
I unironically like this.

grim ass hobby
happy for you anon, one of the few progress posters I like
the real games were the games you made along the way
This is good thoughbeit?
Thank you.
God Bless
i'm too insecure to admit 4chan shitposts are my only company.
I'm not.
blud expected 5 niggas to try it tops, for free
seriously feels that way
who are you quoting
the bible
>who are you quoting
I mean his game looks like slop, I don't blame him.
You could always post progress.
I will, two weeks.
I did but didn't get any yous, see >>498443795
make it "enward", it's enough that most people wouldn't even realize at first but even when it clicks they can't really prove it without sounding racist
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I fucked up the proportions lmao. Now I have to start over. The arms don't even look human.
Yes. I've had to come up with a new title, though. "Tienanmen Square Simulator" is localized as "Nothing Bad Happened in 1989: The Game"
So this is where anon grabbed it from.
just going to make devlogs and probably showcase some minigames that are available in my RPG.
Arabic niggas don't play no videogames, so fvcking zased
Nice Engine
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Wanted to give the Mechromancer more variety, so meet the Botfly
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how do I get agdg to care for my game if it isn’t sexy, extremist or annoying?
wow, that's good.
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Do you have a runalike character in your game? If so I will buy it
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>was considering Bevy
>powered by R*st
It's back to the Unity mines for me
That lighting is horrid.
just embrace the fact that the both of us will stay whodevs
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Consider Vulkan and C.
Rust is good. It’s time to turn over a new leaf.
OK cris.
>Consider Vulkan and C.
I'm considering, anon... I really am. I got two people breathing down my neck telling me to engine dev myself what I need so I don't have to reply on a major engine and get profits eaten into, but I feel as if I do not have the correct type of autism to do it.
Of all the programming languages I've used even casually Rust is one of the worst.
Keep at it.
I can see a lowpoly - midpoly kino character beneath that layer.
If it makes it any easier, OpenGL is much easier to get into, can do most of what Vulkan can do with much less setup, and you're unlikely to actually need the kind of optimizations Vulkan enables.
sewer level but it actually has peepee and poopoo
good games dont need marketing
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>DX12 is nearly 10 years old
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today's progress isn't something that is very easily readable but here's a simple visualization. I can now procedurally generate biomes with rules for which biomes can border each other and easily add however many biome types I want. this is useful because I will be able to pass this data along to my 3d terrain generator to alter how the terrain is being generated based on which biome a given area is in, which plants, enemies and structures will spawn there, which textures the ground will have, etc.
>portal was made in directx9
>people think they need more
Sounds awesome. Well done.
DX9 was pretty comfy, basically just native XNA
unreal does it better
Post the games you made using dx9
unreal is for fat ugly stupid faggots who suck cock under bridges not because they want to buy drugs but because they enjoy it
maybe morrowind didn't look as bad as i thought, although it would have been nice to see that other prisoner more often throughout the game, i'd probably actually like morrowind of there was a male love interest
but no Compute shaders
This stuff is beautiful. Completely mogs photoslop.
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>why is unreal bad?
>unreal is bad because... because it's for BIG STUPID DOO DOO HEADS
>>why is unreal bad?
>>unreal is bad because... because it's for BIG STUPID DOO DOO HEADS
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>Sybil from Pseudoregalia has higher polycount despite being an N64-esque title
huh... Also isn't Half Life, Deus Ex, and System Shock 2 more or less analogous to late fifth gen style graphics, while Morrowind is an example of being roughly analogous to early sixth gen?
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I really like the way Morrowind characters look but man their animations were stiff as fuck.
Blueprints, assetpacks, premade shaders, vfx and materials that you just press a button to make, integration into metahuman. It's just a soulless slop engine for people who just care about money and don't want to put in effort
It's been a long time since I've seen that much SOVL in a game, maybe DX9 really is the way...
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Maybe it would have been successful if it had some flat chests.
>been nodev for a while just grinding art skills
>full time work
>devving needs me to be in the zone for like hours but if I do that before work (i do evening shifts) I'll feel like shit all week
>also do stuff on my days off
how do you do it??
are you on drugs all the time or what?
Gamedev is all I have outside of work.
>Gamedev is all I have outside of work.
Felt that one in my plums, anon.
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can unity do a virtual boy style effect in vr? basically some kind of perspective-less 3d where each pixel can appear closer or further but there's no perspective effects
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Watch the Wild Robot in theaters now!
Make it run on a phone and be in roblox and use a bunch of meme sound effects
Anything is possible if you make custom shaders
Oh just more baseless meme claims
If what you say is true and you are done, then that means the game is more than functional and releasing it would allow it to exist on its own without the need for its creator.
just make a game that you would enjoy.
But I hate video games.
set camera to orthogonal?
then look up popular games on Steam and then make them for mobile with ads.
dont follow this advice, im making the most unfun game that will get 0 attention, but i can only afford this because im in medical debt and plan to rope next year
if you're planning to rope, then surely you'd be willing to go all out on some idea.
Game engines usually have special cameras for VR and I don't think I've ever seen one with orthogonal projection built in. Plus that operates at the vertex level, Virtual Boy is per pixel. Would require a custom pixel shader to pull off.
I know she's going to want so many puzzles in the dungeons.....
i will, but its my first ever game im currently working on, so its smaller in scope, after that, ill start something grander in scope and work on it until they drag me to court..
this is from EQ alpha btw
how much medical debt? I had some and haven't heard anything about it in years
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>search for "My game's name" + "Hololive" on YouTube
>no results
Send better emails and you won't have this problem. Send actual keys you dumb ass.
its not much, its 12k+.. i got it from my latest attempt last year because i wasnt insured. ill also get more debt (around 3 to 4k), because being insured is mandatory in my country, and i wasnt for over a year as well as didnt get any government money (i simpy didnt want to). yesterday i already got a letter from the hospitals lawyers i was in ER in, they demand an extra 3k.
so overall could be worse regarding my stupidity that caused this, but all the jobs i wanted to work at need an education around here (librarian or botanist), and i worked in gamedev for some time.. but it was simply soulless.
Good morning Marmo. What's om today's neet agenda? Or did you actually get a jobas I vaguely recall someone, probably you, saying you were getting a job next due to uhh well you know your game. Any ideas on a new game btw?
Anon don't rope, just get some menial job that pays something rather than holding for some $100k salary job
>worked <30 mins
>bored out of my mind
And thats how I'm laying in bed. Doesn't help that I have multiple other non gamedev things I need to handle as well. Feels like the more hopeless my situation feels, the less I try in devving
Remember to do your duty against rulebreaking avatarfags.
>boredom from game dev
this doesn't happen
It does when I'm working on stuff that's really slow to work on and takes a lot of time. Let's see you sit down for a month and work on designing a single small 2D level while making sure it also looks good. AAAAAAAA IM SO EXHAUSTED!
you're not bored
you're procrastinating
for some reason I get a Notch vibe from Marmo.
For me it's that I've come to a realization that everything I've "been into" in life so far has been the result of a short-term ADHD fixation. I have no clue what I actually like doing. Do I even like gamedev? Do I like anything?
programming is fun
content creation sucks
many such cases
yes and?
so you think he is a virgin?
procrastination is self-harm
Cope. ADHD people still like things. Here's a question for you: Why don't you play Fortnite?
>Why don't you play Fortnite?
Because it's a poor source of dopamine. Orblikes are much better. Or roguelites. My gaming habits are pretty much exclusively shaped by these sorts of games that rapidly feed me with hits of dopamine.

It's been slowly dawning on me but basically what I do can be broken down into
>mandatory day-to-day shit to live
>dopamine seeking behaviors
>ADHD fixation topics
>time wasting behaviors that give me stimuli to distract from my brain's background noise (like lurking 4chan)
I don't really do anything because I like doing it.
I have to make it off my gamedev endeavor. Why? I screwed up too many times getting a gf. Now my best chances of a quality gf is by making a quality game to get quality fangirls. It's so much harder than in the past aggy daggy.
>sit in a large empty dental office
>receptionist + a traveling dentists wagie
>the traveling wagie girl starting chatting me hard all from a distance too
>only realized later on that she was hitting on me
She was pretty too. This is now rare. AAAAAAAAAAA I have to jlmg. A good one, a game so good that I have millions of fans. I then proceed to attend conventions and meet fans prefarably fangirls. Just make a foty video game, it can't be that hard r-right? Who am I kidding I suck at making games.
Now post your game idea.
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It's much easier to make money and get a gf by being successful in making money. They don't really care how you make money.
Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot that it's a rule violation and they CAN be kicked off the site if enough responsible people report them.
>flavor of the year
Somehow this reeks of 90s
I'm sorry for your game getting shit on earlier.
I'm not Marmo...
Marmo is a concept. Not a person.
That motion blur hurts my eyes. Otherwise looks decent enough.
Nice work anon.
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engine completion status
I appreciate the feedback, but the motion blur is part of the experience, in fact I'm making the graphics settings very minimal, the only thing you can really change is AA and resolution.
It will bolster his ego for a while though

>Heh those puny devs using unity and unreal don't know my power level

Eventually he will just stop posting here and vanish like all the other engidev failures.
Honestly the graphics part of enginedev is the easiest bit - it's entirely boilerplate. Shit doesn't get rough until you start trying to implement real visual effects on top of that basic rendering pipeline.
no wonder why assholes like phil fish exist
it's amazing how people give zero fuck when you're not an artist
of course you're going to say fuck you to everyone when you finally make it
Yes, gamers are fucking brain-dead sheep; if I ever make it, I will shit on them relentlessly.
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I don't think I'm gmi off gamedev bros *cough* *cough* I think it's over for me *cough* it's....inoperable eughhh X_X
I'm genuinely curious about how long he'll be able to keep it up, there's no way he will actually finish it
get fucked
The age of programmers making it is over, you need an art degree minimum to be a game dev these days. Programmer-Onlys get what they fucking deserve.
gamers are not at fault here you know exactly what i meant
artists are
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how far do I need to make it as an artist before I can stand next to the 3D art GODS of ahg dehg
maybe stop being so lazy and pick up the pen
if you don't care about making your game presentable why should anyone else care
Tutorials stop around
>here's how you draw multiple instances of the same cube

Most enginedevs will never progress beyond that to
>draw thousands of different objects with thousands of materials none of which are known at compile time with many having to be swapped in and out possibly every frame

And that's still in the realm of just basic renderer functionality
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feels good keeping my poly counts and texture resolutions low enough that I can fit everything into vram at startup and never worry about them ever again
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Can someone explain this?
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>just c*mmed
>the same thing for the past 20 years
>cannot stop
Why aren't you making games for kids?
literally just stop moron
it's not that hard to make a game
50% of agdg is on Lunix
I doubt most people here could even manage to install ubuntu
ubuntu is old and shitty i use unix
Linux is becoming more and more popular with Microsoft making Windows worse over the years and Steam pushing for Linux compatibility, if you don't make your game playable on Linux you miss out on a significant market and your game may not be future proof.
i instal gento once
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Will your game be able to make people this happy?
gentoo is better and doesn't have systemdick
While Linux is still a tiny portion of games sales I want to support them because Windows keeps getting worse
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post game, i think i know the reason.. maybe it's troonscoded
are those 2 npcs or is one making fun of the other?
I had no idea fallout was on the switch. It felt like an opening in the market.
>how nofap rots your brain
just reward yourself occasionally and get shit done, it's that easy
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Is that Damaskus?
If you have thousands of materials you're making slop and your game is probably full of all sorts of niggerlicious AAA code that makes it run like dogshit.
He looks so happy. While you're a jaded sad husk. Do better.
you see this shit? >>498488096
Who said I'm not him?
I'm still alive, he died like 3 years ago at the age of 27
You’re here.
Wow /agdg/ makes fun of dead people good to know
They don’t care when it’s presentable and when it isn’t, so why should I put in the extra effort?
modern gamedevs huh
Next time eat a salad, fatty. Maybe you'll actually stand a chance at this thing called LIFE. God saves (just not the fat)
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>work tomorrow
progress stops
Yeah, I can tell she's going to want to interview me.
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definitive proof that it's all about luck, either luck of the algorithm or luck of the streamer lottery
imagine the smell after she's worked a full shift in that costume
from the v @ccine or from being a fat fuck?
Proof the game doesn’t run like shit on iOS?
lmao women are so stupid it's hilarious
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Just for fun.
Fuck me this expands dong.
Now he makes fast progress.
from being a fat fuck who took the clot shot, duh
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I'm slowly replacing all the AI voice with real peopel in my game yet /agdg/ still shit on me. Why?
3D Dwarf Fortress and 3D Space Station 13.
im male
>absolutely clueless take and desperate clutching at straws to maintain the delusion that your fate is in your hands.
men don't just try to kill themselves. they succeed
yeah thats fair i guess, it was stupid to not succeed.. im sorry
Thinking about making a game about the backrooms simply because it will get more coverage & attention like that.
You're too late there are already tons of backroom shit on steam and the fad is over
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>the backrooms
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a game about the casting couch
God bless.
You just made Jon Blow
Hideux Kojiter
Doubtful, anyone remember CLI jam? Seemed heavy interest came from the Linux devs only for a whopping 3-5 games to appear kek.

I wonder how many of these are just ironic shitposts on social media. I think looks/behavior plays a big part. Dude on right looks like he's shitposting and even if he isn't his mannerisms look like someone that does play Nintendo games but is mocking the soi's. Dude on the left is a gamble though he looks like he could be reddit soi or a 4chan neet shitposter.
unlike the other 2 this one definitely feels like an irl soiboi

ngl this is hot. a woman like this willingly putting on a dk costume for a job. so it seems i must target the japanese audience with my games but how do i pull this off? are there any types of games the japanese like a lot, genre?
99% is engagement bait, the other 1% is autists (the fat guy posted above, bouncing on the floor) getting genuinely worked up
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>the fat guy posted above, bouncing on the floor
the way you wrote it....
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How are we looking with my new toxic purple water for the forest zone?
how much level of BLACK does it need?
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I knew about this.
But it's not like I was getting any sales anyways, so it's not like it would hurt.
It could also give me an in with the other bundle victims, I'm gonna try reaching out to some of them
Bakaboku, you have to release the game... you have to let it go
>marmo accepted to be raped by a serial rapist just so he can have some common grounds to talk with the other rape victims
How can I release if I dont get feedback to finish it? Now tell me if the water is good or not fucker
It's too saturated, foreground needs to stand out.
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I'm 21 years old and my game flopped. My life is officially over.
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k now how is this?
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Reworking launcher once againe
Yeah much better
This is zoomed out from the normal perspective isn't it? How will it look in play?
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nice textures little bro
I never larned how to use UV's
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I'LL SURPASS BOKUDEV!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I lost sight of the bug in my room
I'm ngmi
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Progress on kannadevs part of the fanmodel. Texturing and UVing is done. I'll start working on rigging + applying shape keys for expressions.
Really happy on how it turned out.
you need to add *.blend to your exported file types
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my face knowing others will draw this character in lewd motives
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I think it's not possible to surpass bokudev
>lewd motives
anon.. the artist already lewded her.. i just found her in gelbooru..
It was over from the start.
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if you believe in yourself it can be possible to surpass bokudev
i've finally figured out static variables, feeling extremely retarded now
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it's good you're setting the bar low
baby steps anon
I have no doubt in my mind I will make my dream game. It's not arrogance about my skill, but confidence in my commitment.
Confidence is usually based on something. What have you achieved previously that makes you think your commitment can last for so many years?
Just dont ever wageslave and finish a game because of that in 1-2 years and you got me beat anon.
why are lolidevs so talented?
skill issue
I keep refreshing my game's page but there aren't 500 positive reviews out of nowhere? I tried really hard to make this game...?
Post game.
why are you up at this hour? oh nvm it's like 4 am where you are, i still haven't gone to bed and i'm also in the us albeit not in your time zone

scene looks kinda messy, what does it look like during actual gameplay?
Don't do it, anon! Don't post your game here! Bitches here will only beat you down and shit on you!! Find other places to talk!!!
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they are both joking
the guy on the left also did a follow up
it takes time, anon
it took me more than 2 years to get to 10k reviews
mobile game tho
you think so? i used to get told that there wasn't enough going on. i hope you play it and tell me what you think on demo day
>Why does it have human hands? Lol
it's mid transformation... or something
My game doesn't get shit on, but it doesn't get very many (you)s anymore
i love enums so much bros
open the model in blender, go to edit mode, select all faces and smart UV unwrap. That is easy and is also the bare minimum effort you can get away with, what you're doing now is failing to even reach the lowest bar
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by the way do not use the word "wendigo" some white girls on twitter will cancel you cause it's a slur for eskimo people or some shit like that
better safe than sorry
Switches are also based
i can't find any reference to that, but i have read it can be taboo to say for native Americans. either way i don't worry that Solitaire Battle will be high profile enough to court any drama
the only thing of that kind that i opted to not include after looking into it was replacing a leprechaun boss with a banker since the contemporary leprechaun myth is just a stereotype of Irish people
>how is demo day looking, guys? are you all gonna make it?
No im not gonna make it. i have no demo. i have nothing. not even any ideas.
Truly makes me want to start working on a cute game too but I really don't want to deal with the whole 3D rig+animation workflow at the moment.
Maybe if I gigadev, but most likely not but definitely by the next one
just make a better game, i'm 24 and haven't even made one game yet, i'm literally going to be an old lady soon
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Idk how to answer pic related one of my main desires is just want an easy comfy life where I never have to wage again. I just want to be able to lay back and sleep cozily and never have to worry about waging or money, same for my parents and brothers ;_;
did it have ads or gacha mechanics?
Literally who cares, it's a mythological creature of some people who lost. Do whatever you want.
How does that split work? Why'd you do it though, extra sales?

I was in that thread. That cop hesitated and im 100% sure its because theyd paint him as a monster for taking down a crazy black thing (it was a woman right?)
>It could also give me an in with the other bundle victims, I'm gonna try reaching out to some of them
For what purpose? Also has your mom asked about your game yet?
I am convinced that there is nowhere real indie devs talk. They are busy working.
They come here to shitpost in the evenings.
That seems a bit strange. I'd contact Gabe to check if you've been accidentally added to the flop list
I'm real. real tired of your shit.
Why would I make new game if nobody plays my old game?
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>are you all gonna make it?
No. I've been looking around for assets for days and couldn't find anything appealing enough to start. Even paid assets are bad for the sole reason that they are always incomplete to make a proper game.
Not going back to dev if I know my games will look like shit. I'm tired of placeholders or programmer's art TM, they are absolutely terrible for both motivation and progress.

Pic very related
I'm interested in making a quick prototype in Godot for a roguelike deckbuilder (yeah i know), what's the best AI tool to get me started with some sample code?
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I hope to have ragdol physics soon
Why not use OI instead?
those stickmen are fucking
Sorry I'm new here, what does OI stand for?
i refuse to believe godot can make this
I made this from scratch in my own game engine using C.
The main libraries I use are raylib, SDL2 and ODE.
Organic intelligence.
Impressive. Very nice.
What led you down that path? I'm jealous
I don't know how Godot works and I want to use some AI to quickly test out some ideas to see if they are fun, rather than spending 30 hours watching videos and reading docs.
If you're planning on making a game wouldn't you need to learn how to use the engine anyway?
I love deckbuilders. Best is o1 mini but it needs a subscription.
One of my best friends is a programmer for work, and a couple of years ago I was working on games in unity. I always would ask him for help with why things were performing slowly and he would help me out.
He introduced me to raylib and encouraged me to learn C, so that I can take ownership of poor performance in my games and blame nobody but myself.
Ai isn't good enough yet
If you ask AI to code your game you will spend more time telling the AI its code isn't working than you would just learning how to code your game.
thanks, I'll see about that
Lads I'm not trying to program the whole game using AI prompts, I literally just need the quickest prototype possible to see if the idea for a game I had is fun or shit. What's the point of spending hours and hours learning the engine if the idea ends up shit?
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I feel bad for marmo...
Is it? It's just weeb soultrannies jerking it off, i literally haven't found any redeeming quality in the writing (it feels like it was written by a 12 years old from newgrounds)
Even if you did manage to find an AI that could produce a roguelike deck builder, without your own knowledge of how things work it would likely be very inflexible and unsuited for testing your idea.
>What's the point of spending hours and hours learning the engine if the idea ends up shit?
What you learn will last you forever and learning to do things the hard way build discipline.
I'll get it when it comes out of early access and has achievements.
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>be neet incapable of being consistently productive
>haven't worked on my game in months
>get a bf hoping he will fix me
>he's a wageslave that's always too tired to have the time to fix me
shit guess my game is delayed indefinitely now
Surely there’s a "rogulike deckbuilder" out there with decent modding support that you can use to test your ideas
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>and has achievements.
You want my money then put out (achievements) honey.
that's what steam brains require
>takes like a day or two to implement max
>brings in tons more people to play your game and keep playing it instead of just putting it down after hitting credits
Why wouldn't you add achievements?
>*doo do*
>Achievement unlocked
>Baby Steps
>Post an anime reaction picture
>avatartroon orbiter
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My girl was feeling a lacklustre so I added those details I was planning. I'll paint the hooded cape and satchel later. I got so much done today it' fucking unreal.

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I spent 2 months learning the fundamentals of coding. I was really hype to try some visual scripting for the course's end project.

I don't know if Unreal does it better, but my experience in Unity is not satisfying. At times there's some cool nodes that makes it worthwhile to condense stuff, but the more I'm playing with it, it seems I'd be better of getting my hand dirty learning the language and api.

Makes me a bit sad because the blueprint aspect seems playful and accessible, but those crossing spaggets are disgusting, and Unity (the version I have) lacks the tools to organize the nodes in a way I like.

When I think of it, scratch was a better experience than using the nodes on Unity. And you know what, RPG Maker eventing system seems way more intuitive in the end.
I'll have to try build the same project in UE5 to compare before I accept I must code the original way.
How am I orbiting the avatarnigger? My comment was directed at game devs in general.
I'd be happy with that but my game is worse so..
The bigger they are...
Not only am I still a NEET but now i'm a faggot too
I might as well just stop existing...
I don't know if anyone really uses Unity visual scripting.
Looking good.
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The is someone or multiple people spamming
>Uhhh unreal stutter and recognizable graphics

It is driving me insane sisters, they are blaming unreal for the topology of tekken 7 characters. I hate gaymers like you wouldn't believe.
are you stupid? They are clearly talking about the way Unreal handles lighting and rendering
man they've really changed up how next fest works now. it might be better for us flopdevs now though.
is it no longer one next fest per game like it used to be?
qrd please
no, one per game.
supposedly the events are now self contained. that is the popularity of a game going into the fest is irrelevant, at the start it will show people each game equal amounts. but as the fest goes on the ones with the most engagement will rise to the top.
is that why that femboy roommate game is being recommended to everyone
kek yeah they probably have so fine tuning to do
it didnt recommend me that though
That sounds like a nice way of doing it.
also, no more streaming slots for games
im jealous.. i wish i had somebody close to me. you should be productive for him, make him proud and serve him-
We can be close to each other anon, but anonymously platonically, and with the understanding we likely would not like each other in person.
Oh right, I fucking suck at art.
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stop making me feel bad, he's at work right now so I guess the best I can do is at least try to do a little something before he comes home...
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sure.. thank you, hope youll post progress soon yourself to foster it
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Unfortunately I cannot post my progress publicly as it's my collaborator's game, and I think a text description of my progress alone would be boring.

I wish french fries could be shot into my mouth with such efficiency.
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>I don't know if Unreal does it better
If that one kid can make an open world spider train game with blueprints then you can make your tank shoot
I'll have a look, thanks.
this nigga still using poonity in 2024
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I will not upgrade my game to unity 6 and fix all the errors.
Anyone in need of a writer? Maybe your game lore is crap or you're a math guy and not a words guy. Whatever your situation, I'm bored and kind of looking to craft someone else's world.
I need a game first
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blud said "gimme that plastic mobile shovelware look, send my data to israel and ill cough up 5% too"
me? i'm with big timmy UE5 is the new wave lil bro
Forgot there's the next fest happening. Decided to check it out. Holy shit there's WAY too many fucking games, where are they coming from? I really need to hurry up and release something because with each passing day I feel like my chances are getting drowned out more and more.
No but thanks for asking.
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Even if my isekai lore is a longer term idea, It feels good to actually learn about a bunch of historical topics simply because that makese my designs much better.

It feels like learning new ideas that I never could imagine and make me less retarded.
had you posted 2 weeks ago it would've been a godsend. i ended up writing all my enemies' backstories myself with my ESLisms
Unreal is much better with it's visual scirpting
i love you
papa franku, is that really you? I thought you were dead...
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Imagine being a mutt
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ok i'll learn japanese if that's what takes to become a good developer
>rami ismail
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Oni-like when?
El gamo developo
I don't care for oni but I always liked the cover
I am making my own game engine and I can assure you everything in it is rendered out of metal
>genocide advocate
this is how machdonalds makes their fries, still hungry?
is Unity 6 the Godot 4 of Unity?
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japan is very useful to learn about gamedev techniques.

most of the art meta of pixiv is behind untranslated youtube from nihon.
no its 2 higher so it must be better
which is why you learned absolutely none of it over a decade?
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>all this complaining about art
Why don't you people just use existing assets?
I don't have a team or friends to make a game like that with.
I think I learned most of the fundamentals by reading european books.

the issue was to learn the digital techniques of like rpg maker backgrounds.

But japanese painting is not a radical new thing departed totally from american digital painting autismo.

I ironically think I developed my own version of those techniques.
kys godonter
What if I learn to program by coding my own graphics engine
>What if I learn to program by coding my own graphics engine
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>these colors
>What if I learn to program by coding
Wish I didn't need adderal to program, makes me want to puke so bad.
>If I kill my sister
Even my dad would hate me despite not giving a shit about her for years.
>If I kill my dad
Even my sister would hate me despite hating him so much.
Funniest shit about ever killing someone is if more people are mad at you than they are sad at the victim.
Saying "how could you? You were such a nice person" would happen more than actually mourning the victim.
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nobody makes assets for my themes/genre
use ai retard
I might take a break from my main project and prototype a 3rd person combat system like this
none of that is true. it's just schizo thinking.
>autist get obsessed with something
>has to post it multiple times in /agdg/
reminder that these are the "people" giving you "feedback"
>ai retard
This. Zoomers don't even understand file systems.
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>Why don't you people just use existing assets?
Here's a hint: They want their games to have an "identity" or a "brand".
Not just "character design", even the actual worlds of the game.
Think of how anyone can recognize Mushroom Kingdom or Green Hill Zone because of the assets that represent the levels.
Most people think "videogame worlds" are specific locations with "world building" but never consider the actual assets of the levels, specially to give the idea of "undefined" locations where you can pretend a setting is infinite.
Nowadays, most videogames either have boring "realistic" locations or chase trendy art styles so the "sci-fi/fantasy" settings have general features you expect.
>Why don't you people just use existing assets?
>What is royalty free
Most of Europe
imagine you're a British writer who's written books about modern day kids going to secret schools of magic where they get sorted into houses, learn spells, potions and flying on brooms.
no, you wouldn't be JK Rowling but another writer Jill Murphy who predated Harry Potter books by 20 years. these books were well received and adapted as a movie in 1986.
but this writer is not a billionaire and no one gives a shit about her.

IT'S ALL LUCK, BOYOS! success in arts & entertainment is 100% luck, 0% merit.
New thread

shut up and go back to your /g/ circlejerk
That's a fair point.
No problem. Never hurts to ask!
Well 2 weeks ago I didn't know this board was a thing, but hopefully you're happy with what you have.
Who are you talking to? Are you new here and don't know how to quote posts yet? You should lurk and learn how to use the website before posting on 4chan.
>Bully but fantasy
it's impossible for me to scope down.
everytime i get something working i immediately want to add several new features to make the game more visionary. i think this is a personality problem for me.
i'll never finish my game. and that is a good thing.
Honestly a fun idea desu. At least you get something palpable on screen rather than printing buring stuff into terminal.
wait this looks like a morrowind face but in a good way lol

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