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Previous thread >>498170874

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
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My menhera friend Hajime.
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Adorable and famous K angel Hajime-chan! Moody and Menhera Ame Kamukura-chan!
Hajime posters are the worst. I can't wait until this arc is over.
I was distracted by the boobs of the second Hajime that I didn't notice the noose around his neck.
-fag is a tranny!
/drg/ is a pro trans general, CHUD
>Mentally ill faggot
>Cute gamer girl
The hot tranny in the middle
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I love my breathtaking wife!
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I love my wife (husband)!
I love my husbands! (wives)
nagito. chiaki is boring character.
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I love this canon married couple!
Managed to fall asleep for 15 minutes and woke up cause I ended up having a nightmare where I got myself a Hajime wig and lost it the same day
Hajime anon...
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Mecha Ronpa when?
Just say you're a faggot next time
yep i'm a gay faggot flamer poof but also chiaki really is boring. the one interesting thing about her got retconned in the anime.
>it was kiyotranny
You're just trying to get your bf's attention
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Where's the bra
Chad likes it when she doesn't wear any
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There's a world in your mind
that I can barely catch a glimpse of.
Ideas in an echo, utterly confined,
Like a distant dream I'm always thinking of.

I wasn't always what you expected,
But I still grow from my mistakes.
Life is an art that has not been perfected,
Flowers will bloom, if they have what it takes.

Life is a canvas of grey flowers,
It's what stays in my mind after hours.
And though at times I'm like a tempest,
I do my best to calm my sourness.

My Chiaki, time can't be slowed down,
What's done has been already benn done.
The words that I kept silent will remain in my mind,
But the words you said to me will remain in my heart.
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Chiaki, absolutely. She is both a better character and way cuter in a maid outfit than Nagito.
Nice bra.
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That's the strap of the blouse.
I take it back, it's shit.
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You already fucked up, Brafag. Or should I call you Blousefag from now on?
Praying to sitri that u find chiaki irl so you stop making these
Like idk man I think you need to find real mate or at least have sex being actually in love with drawings is a bit weird
Reminds me of that one doujin with Nagito
To be fair nobody here has ever found a real mate.
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>Praying to sitri that u find chiaki irl
That would be the day I die. Without an impossible ideal to aim for, I run the risk of becoming a conformist one day. Besides, if it bothers you so much you can filter my filenames, that's what I put them there for. In fact, I encourage you to simply stop replying to me and pretend I don't exist.
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I won.
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There is no winner in this life
Uh, meow?
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Without winners, there are no losers either. And if there are no losers, then we all win.
komaeda returning home after a multi-day assignment
>There wasn't even electricity or a shower! Even if it was only for a few days, it was tough.
>Don't sniff.
>Stop sniffing.
-fag is a tranny!
Where's everyone?
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Gonna catch a movie soon.
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hate this bitch
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That's not me, I went to sleep. Besides, I tend to have very intricate lucid dreams that last several hours anyways, I can't really imagine waking up within 15 minutes of sleeping.
And what would I need a Hajime wig for anyways? I don't cosplay.
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I'm sleeping
Chiaki is a bland waifu for people with bland taste.
>I don't cosplay
That's a shame. You won't even put a maid outfit on if i asked? That's so cruel...
>Very intricate lucid dreams
Hinatan... Why the casual flex...
Those things are so saught after that there are huge scams and shady medicines for it.
Also, that means the three of us share the same/similar timezone then. The collective Hajime braincell really is powerful.
How can she be bland if her boobs are big?
He points
Maybe no one will understand it but this is my fetish.
Why would Shuichi know how to properly apply a lipstick
>I can't really imagine waking up within 15 minutes of sleeping.
Must be nice not to be plagued by nightmares.
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I'm not that big of a fan of V3 cast but I make an exception for Saimatsu. They're really cute together.
Giant Chisa boobs...
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poll repost
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Interesting. So there are nine men on /drg/. One is underaged, three are 18-20, two are above 28, and one is between 24 and 28. Two are in Europe and there's one each in North America, South America, South Africa, and... Northern Europe? I wonder how accurate this all is.
>Northern Europe?
Yep. It's 15th of October and there's already snow.
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*triangulates your position*
The pollmaker sure did a weird decision to arbitrarily split continents like that
Arbitrarily? I included everything that came to my mind and people still complained about not being represented. The age poll i admit was horribly done and i could've stuck with any other way to format the ages.
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Who would lie on the Internet? Retard.
Usually people just think of it like this.
The five people who picked the wrong gender.
Well it's kind of weird having "North Europe" and "Europe" since former is included in the latter
Keep telling yourself that
Trans women are men.
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What the...
Funny for you to say that when you actively advocating for trans men
Keep telling yourself that.
But your behavior yesterday shows that (if that was you)
I don't know who you are thinking of specifically but you are probably wrong.
Ignore the tranny schizo
Who the fuck are you? MF? Twitter trany who contributes nothing but off topic discourse? Kill yourself.
>Who the fuck are you? MF?
Schizo on schizo violence.
I added northern europe later, so "Europe" here means not-northern europe which includes the rest of the continent i guess.
I was trying to avoid explicitly that, just putting "Asia" includes Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Russians, Philippines and Kazakhstans under one label which is pretty stupid. Then i felt weird leaving out the rest as is. Danganronpa Tenko was a good and insightful Character who fights for diversity and representation.
>/drg/ confirmed 10 unique IPs
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I didn't click the IP grabber so probably most of the smart people here also didn't
For me I would go
North, South, and Central America
West and East Europe
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) to distinguish those regions from the rest of Africa and Asia
India as its own thing
No one gives a shit about you
Your list is simultaneously not specific enough yet too specific. Having MENA is stupid because it's outright giving out your country, which i guess is similar to Australia but the latter is a continent.
Why is India it's own thing and not China? Why once again lump together Central Asia and Russians?
However, i should've put west and eastern europe versus what i did in the poll. Probably too late though...
I like Akamatsu Kaede because she'd be a tumblr blogger who posts occasional titty pics to her girl mutuals.
>Having MENA is stupid because it's outright giving out your country
People have internet outside of Israel, anon.
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You know, the best stylists, hairdressers and make-up artists are men.
Interesting. So there are five women ans five men on /drg/, so it's 50/50. One is underaged, three are 18-20, two are above 28, and one is between 24 and 28. Two are in Europe and there's one each in North America, South America, South Africa, and Northern Europe. It means /drg/ is a muticultural place for Danganronpa fans. That's pretty unique.
It's ten men.
I know you want everyone to be men, but it's impossible. You're raging faggot.
It's the opposite. You want girls to post here so you imagine them where they don't exist.
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You do
It's not opposite. Everyone already knows you're shitposting. Keep coping, obsessed of trannies faggot. I bet you think your mom is a man.
You are a man
Everybody knows /drg/ is a sausage fest. I wish there were women here too but I'm not gonna go along with men pretending.
I hate sausages
t. obsessed of trannies fags
Thanks for admitting it.
Stop pretending dude it's sad
Why it's so hard for you to believe that women might like Danganronpa characters and would want to talk about them with random people
>that's what discord servers are for
Most Danganronpa discord servers are just for role players
What the hell do you two dream of?
>Most Danganronpa discord servers are just for role players
Anon... I have bad news about this general...
Dear femanon, why are you so bothered that the faggots here wish all anons to be male? It only benefits femanons if they were thought of as male. This general has 10 unique IPs so each poster is known, if it is believed that you're female you'll only get targeted harassment for months on end. Why wouldn't you want to be truly anonymous? Random anons's opinions about what you have downstairs don't matter nor will change reality.
You know. I don't know. I actually don't know, it just made me irritated for some reason.
I'll stop doing that, okay.
How much do you weigh
>I like Akamatsu Kaede because she'd be a tumblr blogger who posts occasional titty pics to her girl mutuals.
I thought all the tumblr users emigrated to twitter
We have Hajime kinnies and that's all.
(additional tip: you don't need to reply to every (You). there are 2/3 dedicated shitposter IPs who have nothing better to do than to troll you for the entirety of the forseeable future. they don't have an option except the opposite of yours. goodluck navigating the chans, anon.)
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Why are anons thinking that every single poster in this general voted on that stupid poll, kill yourself
((opinion* not option. sorry, the esl sometimes comes out. carry on.))
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You do
Oh, so I'm not recognized as a Komaeda kinnie now? I see how it is. Hinatan really does this kin business better than i do... Unbelievable.
Off-topic post
Don't you want to talk about how anon cutely wipes his pp some more? only this time you'll definitely not get banned!
Off-topic and schizo post
I'm not your boogeyman
This is not related to Danganronpa
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I really like the soothing way he says this line and the little smile he has.
This ain't canon
It absolutely is.
Hajime's voice actress my beloved... Her and Megumi Ogata (Komaeda's) did a phenomenal job with their characters. They're both pleasing to the ears (Even the most deranged laughs of Komaeda which were perfectly executed) and a bit feminine/obviously done by an actress which adds to the appeal.
Especially Kamukura's "Tsumaranai"s which are... cute.
Hajime and Nagito kinnies*
I don't know which is worse.
I'm all for getting back at mahirutimmy, but let's not do it by filling the thread with off topic posts like this
Kill yourself
I've seen people in youtube comments under DR clips say that english voice actors are superior which was baffling to me, but I guess that explains why it's much harder to find JP voice videos.
They aren't superior but they aren't bad at all, except for DR3
You should search in Japanese to find JP voice videos, although then there won't be english subtitles...
Ah well, you have the anime downloaded anyway. DR fandom really is mainstream when most youtube videos of the anime use the awful English voices.
I actually liked valley girl Junko
I like the way Kaede is holding hands with Shuichi while sticking her ass out like trying to seduce someone outside of the frame...
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There were much worse issues than Junko. It was basically an abridged script
how romantic
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Saiouma superior ship
Does anyone have the full character shot of all the characters in Hundred Line Last Defense Academy? I saw it posted here, but didn't save it.
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>Huh? Cheating? Infidelity? Why would you think of such a thing? I love you, so I'm going to stay by your side. It makes me sad that you think so low of me...
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>I love (You) so I'm never talking to another boy! Get your head out of the gutter and let's go on our date. I know you like murder mystery vidya, so we are going to do a locked room mystery! What's that? ...Why are you crying?
>no! I don't wanna do a locked room mistery! I want you to lock me up in chastity instead! I thought you said you love me!
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Reminder that she's evil.
I would goon myself to death if I was him
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Reminder that she's evil.
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>Gee... (You) really have such low self confidence. But it's okay and I believe in you! Come give me a hug, I'm warm and comforting, aren't i? So you'll never think those ugly thoughts again. You'll never think about me again.
Vote and ignore cuckshitters. Reminder they're shitposting, because they hate V3 and they want to make V3fags miserable.
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>(You) are really stupid and delusional. I am not real. Sayaka isn't real. Chiaki isn't real. You're so mentally ill and deranged that you've gotten obsessed with pixels on a screen. I'm never going to love you like a real woman does. None of us are able to. You should turn off (You)r browser already.
>haha yes! that's the stuff! now start making out with Chad while I film on my phone! I love you so much Kaede!
>shitposter is mad
It's the hajime guy
>So you'll never think those ugly thoughts again
That image is making me have lots of those ugly thoughts...
No it's not.
Everyone here is a shitposter and everyone here is mad at something.
It sounds like cope.
It sounds like true.
Gooning time
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Reminder that she's evil.
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Reminder that she's evil.
Sir its 9AM....
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UDGv2 When?
Gooning time
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>Shuichi is a cuck
>Hajime is a tranny
What about Makoto?
He's an incel.
Shuichi is not a cuck.
Hajime is not a tranny.
Makoto is just Ultimate Lucky Student.
Someone's mad
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Hi dry bitch
That's a weird way of saying you don't like Tobey Maguire
Post them
I missed the chaos.
>Shuichi is not a cuck.
He is according to /drg/
>Hajime is not a tranny.
He is according to /drg/
>Makoto is just Ultimate Lucky Student.
/drg/ just confirmed he's an incel
See? >>498524071
The desert is wetter than those things now
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Kaede-chan...I can't stop thinking about you.
Fucking incel can only think of her boobs
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Kaede is a sweetheart
>cuck shitposting
>drying meme out of nowhere
Hi cxt.
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Akane's bobblers
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>You won't even put a maid outfit on if i asked?
Hmm, I'll think about it.
>Those things are so saught after that there are huge scams and shady medicines for it.
I didn't know that, I thought it was common enough. I have friends who lucid dream too.
Since when was I a Hajime kin? I just like the character, but I don't think I am him. And I only learned what kinning really meant a few days ago. From you no less. Post education, I still have zero interest in becoming one. Let me ogle him in peace.
While I mostly enjoy the Japanese cast of voices for Danganronpa characters, I actually prefer JYB's Hajime (not the V3 version, I don't know what happened with the voice direction there). It's still light, but grounded enough that I think it really fits his personality more than the Japanese actress. I wish she had a similar tone.
Off topic post
>not the V3 version, I don't know what happened with the voice direction there
He already voiced a character in V3 and wanted to make it sound different.
Does anyone actually like this character? Pause your ironic shitposting and answer earnestly.
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Anyone who says they do is lying
Women talk about DR on places like tumblr or twitter, not here.
That is Mahirufag.
>mahirufag comes back
>thread is immediately shit with off topic and low effort garbage
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Not my fault that everyone obsessed with me shitposts to make me look bad.
They're trans, aren't they?
No but even if he was he would still be a male.
You do that yourself just fine.
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I always look so cool though
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Sharing magic wisdom
Tenko's breasts are so huge. I would love to be crushed by them.
Perfect bodies
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Winter Angie
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Makoto is so lucky.
This is what narcissism does to a mofo
Meant for
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Both actually
Why don't you think I'm cool.....
Giant forehead
Giant boobies
Giant woman
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Ultimate Godsend
Ultimate N
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>no one will understand
wrong. do you hoard pics? post some.
goodnight /drg/
Why were these deleted?
What was it?
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I posted off-topic characters...
Anons are obsessed with MF so they spam report him that's why similar posts or fetish shit stays up.
8 more posts just got deleted.
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Red boys
Boring as fuck general. Someone post hajicuck x chiaki and troll chiakitop so he posts a 2k words essay on why he has the hugest and most veiny dick
Why aren't the Persona images being deleted bros...
>hugest and most veiny dick
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He is too busy having a meltdown over Splatoon on /sjg/.
You posted that literally at the end of the last thread
I was worried he was cheating on me again
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I like it
Even 10 years later I still don't get it: if Danganronpa has such a well-written plot with the cases being very tightly written, why the hell is the backstory such utter shit? Like who needed all this garbage with Junko? Just have Junko be some wealthy psycho bitch who trapped 20 students on a private island in some twisted sense of reliving her (recently ended) school days and torturing people.

Why in the everliving fuck all this stuff about the entire world being destroyed?

Also I love her uniform
Shutup cumtard, learn reading comprehension
very adorable
>reading comprehension
What might you be referring to? You know what, don't even answer. I don't care about answer from some malfunctioning NPC who makes posts with random garbled content.
Junko is the worst part of every game but she's hot and crazy so the coomers from /drg/ don't mind her
Get his ass
Took a 4 hour nap and 0 interesting posts have been made in that time.
What an utter disappointment.
>Just have Junko be some wealthy psycho bitch who trapped 20 students on a private island in some twisted sense of reliving her (recently ended) school days and torturing people.
That sounds more boring and anti climactic than the real story.
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They deleted all my other posts sorry
Junko is the antagonist they needed to make the plot work. Although I don't care about Junko and see even Monaca as a way better villian than her, she did her role in the story and i like the plot that came as a consequence of her actions. The worst most despairful event in all history and DR3 lore were honestly good and interesting, it only made sense of the integral idea of "Hope vs Despair" more and showed how those two and Talent rule the society of Danganronpa.
I am not saying that DR3 was a 10/10 masterpiece though. It had a couple of good things and many others bad and horrible.
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>That sounds more boring and anti climactic than the real story.
I agree that it makes the story somewhat more interesting, but more intersting is not unconditionally good. I could make a coffee I prepare for a guest taste more inteteresting than plain old cuppa Joe if I mix my cum in together with the cream. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.
You don't even have to remove the story with the "greatest tragedy". Just have it be a lie that Junko tells the others. I mean, V3 did exactly this ploy, where they aren't actually on a spaceship. It seems like they realized too late (i.e. after DR1 came out) they could just pull that for essentially the same effect within the game.
It would constructing a better lore outside this one installment less fucky.
How was your day?
Everything that's tied to Junko is that sets the setting apart from a generic killing game
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My head hurts and I suck at League and people think Marina from Splatoon is not black
Which dangans would be pro Palestine
Which would be pro Israel
Kill yourself zionist pig.
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This is the most first world problems I've seen all day
t. Saionji Hiyoko
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We do not have free health care either
We should kiss to make each other healthy again
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You wanna suck out my life energy...
Thread so dead mahirufag is roleplaying with himself
It was more fun when we were discussing Hajimes hips
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Thread so dead anon is writing fanfic about me
I'm a bit afraid he's becoming the next gonta
Good. Him and his fans deserve it.
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She NEEDS a cuddle partner for the winter or else she will CRY ;~;
There's no shame in becoming a trans symbol
I am stunlocked.
>next gonta
What does that mean?
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Let's discuss why Komahina sucks.
It's bottom of the barrel fujoshit for the most basic of basic bitches
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my head feels fine i smurf mahirufag peak and i don't care about skin color of fictional character
Exactly. It's infuriating how popular it STILL IS in 2024 because every basic bitch normie who gets into the game gets obsessed with them and of their "so deep and unique" dynamic. What a bunch of Fujos. If they were a het ship no one would give a shit from how boring and stupid it is.
Sorry Komahinafag...
Contrarianism fueled opinions!
It's literally Shinji x Kaoru from Evangelion but less interesting in any way. It's not even original.
Everything can be reduced to "it's literally done other thing"
>If they were a het ship
If it was a het ship people would call it an incel ship because it would be an "I can fix her!" type of ship.
Komaeda would absolutely suck as a character if he was female.
>normie whimpy loser in an awful situation x mysterious white-haired psychopath with a hidden true nature
It's literally a copy-pasted ship
I'm not gay but Hinata would absolutely top in that relationship.
It's hilarious how Komahina fujos are always shitting on heteroships and calling them boring or repetitive while slurping thousands of Komahina OOC edgy angst fics
>he hasn't even read limbless Hajime
Nonny that's a shit opinion. Evangelion is hot trash and the pathetic attempts of Danganronpa at fujobait is miles better than whatever the fuck they were doing. Never compare Shinjicel to Hajime, atleast Hajime was competent and had substance and personality beyond "waah waah I'm 14 and i need to fondle boobs right now waaaaaah"
>waah waah I'm 14 and i need to fondle boobs right now waaaaaah
That's very relatable though.
See? Kill yourself.
We were all Shinji once.
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Also Hajime wouldn't masterbuate over his unconscious camotase classmate then make himself out to be the trauma ridden victim and only person who has ever suffered ever in history of all. Hajime handled the killing game situation better than most.
And the biggest thing about Kaworu was his confidence and near omnipotent nature. Komaeda made an effort to learn more about the killing game and to use his brain, and Komaeda certainly wasn't boldly flirting with Hajime and looking at his dick while bathing. Shit opinion all around, never make that comparison again.
Evangelion > Danganronpa.
Sorry but your fujo ship is a blatant copy with even less substance than the original in order to bait fujos and you felt for it
Who the fuck fell for it? I hate Komahina and i hate how a lot of people made that comparison before as if Komaeda and Hajime have as no substance beyond their ship like those two faggots from Evangelion who their biggest characterization was fujobait.
>Evangelion > Danganronpa.
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Reminder that Souda fucking WON.
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Fact check: True!
>Image (2)
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Reminder that Souda fucking
Greatest danganronpa ship <- and that's a fact
honestly this
a woman just can't have the same creepy vibes
That would be Hinanami.
True. But it's because danganronpa ships suck ASS
Why? Nagito's creepiness wasn't tied to him being a guy.
Only men could be that creepy
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Why not both?
Incel ship
we don't support polygamy here
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Mmm... Tenko's sweaty tits.
Any ship with Hajincel is an incel ship.
But there are no tits on that picture you idiot
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Look how cute they are
Tenko MAP queen
So? I know they're there.
aw come on they're little floofcats, they can't be that heavy
He proposes marriage to Mikan at the end of school mode.
Giant thigh
incel behaviour
>Inceljime married the school bicycle
Kaede's bust is massive.
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Nice cleavage
meant for
She's 10
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Out of 10!
>Also Hajime wouldn't masterbuate over his unconscious camotase classmate then make himself out to be the trauma ridden victim and only person who has ever suffered ever in history of all.
He creeped on Mahiru and Hiyoko and then went full bitch mode "woe is me" during chapter 4, 5 and 6 until he want super saiyan his to press button (lol) meanwhile Shinji saved what was left of humanity and his problems were ten times worse than Hajime's
Hajime is such a bitch that he even makes Shinji looks like a Chad
Fukawa best
>all my posts
She absolutely can. You're just a misogynistic degenerate male that sees women not as complex as males you privileged bigot.
Why did Kodaka feel the need to add a radical feminist into Danganronpa and have her killed by an incestous misogynistic BDSM tranny? What did he mean by this?
>women not as complex
Women just evoke different reactions and attitudes from people and the way people see and react to Komaeda is not one of them.
Anon, can you tell me your own thoughts on Komaeda and how you see people reacting to him? Gender only matters in dynamics, but if Hajime was also female i feel it'd be different but have a similar feel. Obviously, they'd be different characters then. People often write female characters to be cute and attractive and to evolve the reactions and attitudes you spoke of but that doesn't mean that no female characters could be written to evoke fear and apprehension.
Wait lol, incel ships are "I can fix HER?" Incel ships tend to be that SHE can fix HIM. With the protagonist being a pretty pathetic worthless guy and the female lead being a ray of sunshine who never did any evil and had descended from the great heavens just to marry and carry said pathetic protagonist's children. AKA (some) of the written dynamics of Hajime and Chiaki. They're incel from the point of view of the self insert/protagonist.
I guess Secretary-chan wears that bunny outfit better than i ever could after all...
Ask yourself if they would have ever left him (her) tied up if he was a woman. No, they wouldn't.
actually if anything, kiyo is misandrist. he doesn't kill women out of spite, only to please sister (100 friend thing). he probably thinks men are dangerous or lecherous and doesn't want them around her. also worth noting he killed tenko because he thought she was a good person and wanted her for sister.
there's nothing to support that
i think he doesn't kill men because kodaka wanted a serial killer that was the inverse of genocider
cuz genocider is a masculine split personality that only kills men
genocider syo is masculine?
Kodaka’s comment: There’s no yin without a yang

Fukawa is, in a weird way, a character so uncute it’s cute. Am I the only who can see it…? Is there something wrong with my eyes? I treated her awfully with all the talk about how she doesn’t shower and stinks, but I still find her a character of rare charms, with this kind of treatment being one of those. During the story, she shows her other side as Genocider Shou, in a twist symbolic of Danganronpa as a whole. Whenever I was writing a series of scenes, she was there giving me a solid sense of “This is how far I can go with Danganronpa”.

The name Genocider Shou came from the idea of giving her a masculine name. Their appearances, personalities and modus operandi where build on the contrast of positive thinking vs negative thinking. Many of my game creator friends really like her and very grateful to have people who understand me in my life!
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>a character so uncute it’s cute
She's very deranged, mentally ill, unhinged and overall horrible stinky tumblr user. Overall, one of my favourite characters.
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cute pics but why cut out tumblr from the file name nonny?
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Gonta bottoms
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Anon thinks he's time travelled to the past and will get bullied for them
To whom?
I didn't ask you mahirutimmy go suck off chiakifag i hope u get HIV and monkeypox u disgusting tranny
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Anon would never say that to me, stop pretending to be him
>AKA (some) of the written dynamics of Hajime and Chiaki. They're incel from the point of view of the self insert/protagonist.
Anime Nanami is a Jesus figure for her whole class, not just Hinata.
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Mahirufag lost
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Faker faking fake screenshots

I remember when this video popped up in my youtube feed after being freshly uploaded. Now it says it was uploaded 8 years ago...
Fuck, we're getting old.
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Go back >>>/trash/ >>>/lgbt/
bet u feel real smart rn and giggling to yourself at such a gotcha u fag
No one cares, no one asked, kys ERPer >>>/lgbt/ >>>/trash/
we had pretty cool conversations in the last thread, why is this one so shit
Incels ships are any ships with Hajime in it
mahirufag got unbanned, pretty self explanatory...
Kiyotard shitposts
All of our quality posters have lives outside this place
^ this
maybe in a few hours it'll get better
why not play skribblio then?
What is skribblo?
I'm lonely
a drawing browser game where you guess what others are drawing
it's not as fun as gartic phone though, so let's play that instead.
>Hinata was a loser even among untalented losers like him
Fuck you, skribblo is better
Hinata belongs with the Main Course kids
I miss gontafag/ishimarufag/drawfag... the quality posters keep leaving
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V3 boardgame confirmed that he'd be a mr. popular among people that know how to appreciate him
>t. reserve course loser
You're just making these people up
They are all literally shitposters
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AND he immediately befriended the SHSL imouto!
A diamond stands out in midst of mud.
Hajime anon (2) where are you reading those? The wiki? if so, which page and section?
Do you think she likes Oshi no Ko
How are they shitposters?
>has to use the V3 fanservice content that wasn't written by Kodaka
waiting on that skribblio lobby
Don't engage shitposting bait
Engage in shitposting bait.
Diamonds are worthless without the artificial inflation of the market by the ones who own 80% of all the diamons in the world.
They barely talked. Did Hajime ever made a friend from the reserve course? He was always alone.
>They barely talked
Well she died rather fast innit
>no gay raincode or korekiyo picture
>artificially bad punctuation rather than actual ESL
>outright flaming MF rather than alternating between flirting with him and making fun of him
one of the worst fake kiyotards yet desu
He was a main course bootlicker so he probably wasn't liked that much by his fellow reserve course losers
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They bonded over not being NPCs like the rest of the course.
She looks like female ryota/impostor
I think he's talking about a one single person
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What if Leon won?
He took Sayaka's virginity while cuckoto was smelling her bed sheets, he already won.
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>He creeped on Mahiru and Hiyoko
This scene can hardly be considered canon, his behavior was influenced for the sake of being a 4th wall break and fanservice scene for the player. The game goes out of its way to clarify he wouldn't actually do that unlike the other optional scenes.
It's more canon than DR3, cope harder Hajicuck
What did anon mean by this?
Me too
skribblio doesnt let you pick custom prompts, i'm not playing unless its danganronpa related so i'll only join gartic
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Her body belongs to me. Her hymen is mine to conquer.
>Hinatan outright ignored my bait
Fair, fair.
Too late bro.
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I'm sure this must have been pointed out a million times by now but does the shadow in this scene look like laughing Hajime sprite to you guys?
You know theres a character more known for that pose and is relevant in that game? The hands arent even the same in your example
No, it doesn't.
Yes, it does.
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I might be dense.
Bruh why is there like 2 pages of Kazuichi art clogging up the Danganronpa tag on danbooru
>Sscretary-chan even took his braincells
It's so over.
What do i put in the custom prompts in /drg/ skribblio?
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If we know the prompts in advance it won't be fun
Anon, what the fuck is that picture?
why is chiaki there?
As if it's normal for Nagito to be there? ??
Trannies like Hajime are known to be child molesters
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Because people like him.
Juzo's gay so it is normal
post full pic
why are jizzo and chiaki looking at each other? why is nagito focused on us? wtf is going on. where's the talentless trash hajime x chad juzo
hawk tuah
Mahirufag won
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and chihiro
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was Peko always this stacked? The fuck?
I think she grew. But yeah even in DR2 she had great milkbags.
aren't girls in high school fully grown already
goodnight /drg/
The anime gave every girl bigger tits
early bedtime
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Junko > Mukuro > Mitarai > Monaca > Kemuri > Masaru > Kotoko > Shingetsu > Touko > Fyuhiko > Peko > Munakata > Ruruka > Komaeda > Celes > Sayaka > Hifumi > Leon > Mondo > Juzo > Hajime > Mikan > Gundham > Sakura > Haiji > Byakuya > Tengan > Asahina > Chisa > Mahiru > Kirigiri > Akane > Hagakure > Izayoi > Saionji > Ishimaru > Imposter > Kizakura > Souda > Nidai > Chiaki > Sonia > Komaru > Ibuki > Gozu > Bandai > Gekkogahara > Seiko > Chihiro > Naegi
Naegi fucked up pretty bad with the remnants and it only worked out cuz he's a Gary Stu
China was literally brainwashed, hardly her fault
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I fucking hate Mikan so much for murdering my cute little Saionji and tieing her tiny, frail body to that pillar.
Mikan got off too lightly, she should have been brutalized in the most wicked of ways until the light of life was finally snuffed from her eyes...
Holy based
> I Am Bored Already Tier
Izuru Kamukura
> Mastermind Tier
Junko Enoshima, Nagito Komaeda
> Smarter Than You
Byakuya Togami, Chiaki Nanami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Kyosuke Munakata, Makoto Naegi
> Pretty Competent
"Byakuya Togami", Celestia Ludenberg, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Kazuo Tengan, Koichi Kizakura, Monaca Towa, Nagisa Shingetsu, Sonia Nevermind
> Somewhat Smart
Chihiro Fujisaki, Chisa Yukizome, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, Sayaka Maizono, Ryota Mitarai
> Average
Genocider Sho, Great Gozu, Komaru Naegi, Kotoko Utsugi, Peko Pekoyama, Ruruka Ando, Sakura Ogami, Sonosuke Izayoi, Toko Fukawa
> Bad, But Not That Bad
Aoi Asahina, Hiyoko Saionji, Hifumi Yamada, Leon Kuwata, Teruteru Hanamura, Seiko Kimura
> Why Even Bother
Akane Owari, Daisaku Bandai, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Haiji Towa, Ibuki Mioda, Jataro Kemuri, Juzo Sakakura, Kazuichi Soda, Masaru Daimon, Mondo Owada, Nekomaru Nidai, Yasuhiro Hagakure
> I Was Only Pretended
"Miaya Gekkogahara", Mukuro Ikusaba
These are shit
>Chihiro Fujisaki
>created real fully sentient artificial intelligence
>somewhat smart
seething codemonkey
He has the emotional intelligence of a hedghog
Oh, if you're counting that too then I guess it makes sense
All of Chihiro's feats are tell don't show
Couple of clowns
Is tribe nine good or is it slop? Havent had a chance to try it
I heard it's in the middle, haven't played it yet
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Kaede wants you to lend her your credit card
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It's hers.
I played this demo. It's at least decent. I like Walmart Nagito.
You are worse than Mikan fans desu you fucking weirdo with shit taste
You are Kiibo, thinking hope will win in the end.
Imagine hope being your talent
Naegisisters... Izurukeks....
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Reminder that Sayaka is the cutest girl!

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