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Garuda edition

Previous thread >>498474638

Buy Plat
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.6
CURRENT EVENT: Nights of Naberus 2024
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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what's the next worst weapon after stug?
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New goonhagkino just dropped!
viper probably
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Which way void man?
it's not the roundest butt but it's firm, shapely and mounted on some godly wide hips
Here are all the Ligger skins I could find/confirm
>Atlas Karyst
>Excalibur Zato
>Hydroid Rakkam
>Khora Urushu
>Nezha Empyrean
>Sevagoth Glaukus/Prime
>Styanax Tonatiuh
>Valkyr Carnivex
>Xaku Kagura
>Zephyr Harrier
Maybe I've missed some, I don't know. But yeah, out of those, Hydroid is probably the least shitty
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You fucked up

Better quality pic
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Revenant. Wukong. Torid. All must die.
I like her blood-red lipstick more
out of that 6, Banshee
where's the wierd knee?
no one even cares about the bew incarnons cause Torid is so braindead and op for every situation
but DE has no balls or brains to balance
>We have the Helminth in our orbiter
>We know how frames are made
What's stopping us from kidnapping random people and turning them into Warframes and adding them to our collection?
those are horribly drawn and do not reflect the absolute monstrous canon asses the frames have
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the hagposting that has been rampant as of late is a pysop orchestrated by reb herself
prove me wrong
The crying if they nerfed it would be insane, they absolutely should though
i wish ivara looked like her prex card ingame
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Reb here this is true
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what else do you think we do with capture targets after the lotus is done with them?
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Shut up and post a good ember build so I can actually stare at her ass outside the orbiter
1-4 I subsoom Breach Surge
4-9 I subsoom Nourish
0 I subsoom nothing and equip PSF instead
don't believe >>498555261
I'm the real Reb. and it's true
If my weapon has electric damage, should I mod more electric onto it or diversify? Electric is just an example I'm generally wondering whether you're supposed to spread it out or go all-in on one or two elements
>Atlas Karyst
It's... inoffensive, I guess? It's not very good, though. The proportions are whack.
>Excalibur Zato
S'fine. Could use some pants though.
>Hydroid Rakkam
Good stuff.
>Khora Urushu
Absolute garbage. Holy shit.
>Nezha Empyrean
Has the 'body mostly 1 colour' thing which is really lame.
>Sevagoth Glaukus/Prime
>>Styanax Tonatiuh
>>Valkyr Carnivex
>>Xaku Kagura
>Zephyr Harrier

So Liger can put out decent stuff. He just... chooses not to? Or ruins it by going mono-colour body?
Depends on what you're fighting

if the enemy is weak to electric, go in on electric
if they're weak to something else, combine it to get that.
If they're weak to fire, but you have electric, and don't want radiation, mod electric into magnetic and put fire afterwards
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God i miss him...
ruins femframes, adds stupid fucking teeth onto every skin..
at least he nailed human Loid, Arthur imo. he should just steer clear of warframes
Why not just always go viral? Even if they're strong against it the 325% stack doesn't care.
Like the nerf of the Catchmoon secondary, it will pass.
...Holy hell, remember when the Catchmoon was one of the best weapons in the game? How many people even remember it exists?
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Usually you run with an utility element (usually viral, sometimes corrosive) and a damaging element (usually heat, electric can work too). For the damaging element, you want as much of it as possible. If you hover over the status line in your weapon's modding menu, it will show you the proc chance of each status. The more damage of a certain element you have relative to the others, the more often it will proc.
Simple example:
>weapon with 50% status, 1000 viral, 1000 heat damage
25% chance to proc viral, 25% chance to proc heat
>weapon with 50% status, 1000 viral, 4000 heat
10% chance to proc viral, 40% chance to proc heat
The second option is obviously preferable since viral stops being useful after a few procs while heat and/or elec can just keep stacking

Also lmao, fucking captchas
Thanks anon, I appreciate it
Just buff it, don't need to turn it into a chain beam or lexcarnon clone
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>incarnon has a decent range cone aoe. first target struck gets a huge damage multiplier
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>he thinks a single anon in this thread has a good Ember build
lmao good one hombre
Nothing's stopping you from doing that. You'll do fine in all regular content that way. Adjusting your elements to whatever you're fighting might be useful for endurance autism runs but I can't fathom running missions for more than one hour at a time anyway.
I'm sorry, there isn't one. I've tried to run her with mecha meme shit/sickening pulse, it kinda works. But it's never really enjoyable, it just evokes the
>I wish I was playing something else
>stay in mission for 61 minutes
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just make it require headshots again and not just 2 times cause grenade auto-procs
most other incarnons are more difficult to activate and yet have shit damage or no ammo pool or are just single target but Torid got it all stacked in its favour, its so brainless
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damn people still posting it, have a lil' extra
I'm posting this on /v/
free bait
Bros I'm getting sick of using the tonkor, what other AOE weapons can I use that won't run out of ammo in a couple shots?
Yeah and catchmoon is fine now. I think they should just rip that bandaid off
If he's asking a question like that i'm assuming he's not at the level where enemies have such retarded HP pools that viral is helpful, and things either die in a few shots or slightly long enough that his weak guns can't apply enough status stacks but still would benefit from extra faction damage.

To elaborate on that, that's assuming you're running a gun that has purely electric damage on it. You'll have to get rid of the Electric base damage on there first before Fire will take it (or it'll just turn into Radiation instead)
If you have a high status rate gun then Viral is just a safe choice against almost everything. For Corpus you can just rawdog Toxin on there and probably kill them with that before their shields even go down at low levels.
>still have my Catchmoon
>was named Mini Plasmor
i 'member...
i still use it wtf
Ever bring it out for old times' sake?
every exalted weapon should get incarnon type passives.
Sometimes because I forget why I dropped it. Still does work, but I don't feel like formaing it repeatedly to bring it up to current mod capacity standards. I keep regretting the Haymaker grip's riduclous recoil though.
based and based
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fuck it you monkeys never learn
I'm killing Krillin again
Is Themetic anon on? I need a themetic loadout for Garuda Prime that works in SP.
uhh try the braton lato and skana
They should give Lavos an augment which removes his retarded cooldowns.
Actually, they should just put that augment in his base kit.
anyone else have their operator focus school randomly changed after a mission since the last hotfix?
A Vasca Kavat if you want to be fancy
That's it
I'm strongly of the opinion that your main damage weapon should always be viral+heat or viral+electric. Viral is the best debuff, heat is the second or third best debuff plus good damage, electric is good damage. IMO if you want to use a primer, that should be other good debuff elements like heat, magnetic, puncture, maybe toxin or cold depending on the rest of your loadout.

Don't listen to that guy. Elemental weaknesses and resistances typically account for like 1/6 of your damage while viral status will multiply by anywhere from x2-x4.25 damage. Elemental weaknesses only matter when priority targets are immune to viral status.
You're not the real one
I'm not the zigger, I just value thematic anon's opinions.
They should be cooldowns on all warframes.
cause DE made it practically useless curbing its range to melee lol and then it got completely powercrept into oblivion
(and it wasnt even the best kitgun, it fell of hard at lvl 90+ but all the reddit npc hopped on the trend)

but yeah you have to look at things sooner and change/adjust the outliers, nerf the op shit and buff obvious garbage that no one uses (and no not with a bandaid aug that does little while taking up a slot)
mag gooning to mag
I just want a toggle that remember the last element that I used and just applies it to all of my abilities without having to mix it up every single fucking time.
Just a toggle, however, because I'm not really sure if there is a use case for using your abilities without an infused element.
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I love mag Vergina but he can be doing that, c'mon
I hate the nerfs to AoE weapons a lot more. I loved using Proboscis Cernos but now that that thing has like 6 ammo that replenishes with 1 at a time it's borderline unusable. I mean fuck, even if you ignore incarnons and everything, everyone gets a Nataruk for free and that thing can hit for gorillions with infinite ammo.
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>finally a good fucking skin
>it's for the worst frame in the game
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that's pretty good lol
>wanted to make a joke about Koumei
>Ember is unironically worse than Koumei, somehow
jesus christ
do the vampire kavats still suck?
Nataruk is fine cause its a fucking bow and not a "murder the whole room without aiming"
and AOE spam is still abused for afk farming, again DE being obtuse ovenerfing Proboscis - which was never an issue (other than causing lag) - but ignoring some other op dominating guns
at least they got the bramam and zaar monkeys in check
Ember is much better unless you get any useful dickrees - which almost never happens in the normal missions
I just hate that they nerfed the bramma so hard it is ACTUALLY unusable and then made the torid incarnon which is more op and braindead easier to use.
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>it is ACTUALLY unusable
hold still
Koumei also has an easier time nuking areas with Sickening Pulse
>while viral status will multiply by anywhere from x2-x4.25 damage.
>dies in 5 hits with 1 viral stack maybe (actually it just procced impact twice)
theres no way he's high enough level for viral to matter
just put ammo mutation on it and dont span non-stop, its usable, just properly limited
and kOgris with its pitiful ammo pool is still being spammed into endless btw

Garuda is the easiest frame to do a thematic loadout.

Primary : nagantaka, panthera
Secondary: Akjagara/cantare
Melee: Her claws only
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>decide to make a new fashion for Saryn since I want to get back into playing her
>go with yellow instead of my usual Teal abortions
>realize I just made a grineer themed Renamon
shit, also mulched a second citrine and am liking her subsumable power alot
good for bailing you out of solo EDA/Cells
>not using literally ANY aoe explosive primary with Hunters Munition for "maximum gore gibs" larping
Disregard this, the only weapons you need are the Braton Lato and Skana, it is the most ΘthΘmΘtΘc possible choice.
>her claws only
I can't give up the Praedos speed
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>check out Warframe forums on a whim
>see this
Hunter munitions doesn't dismember plus the drukhari of Warframe would never use explosives since she wants her enemies to suffer and make decorations out of them.

Panthera also fits grendel since it chops up his enemies so he can eat them more easily.
holy fuck lol
she can teleport
>ammo mutation
it doesn't fucking work anymore. They nerfed the rate of that as well. You get like one arrow per 50 enemies at best.
the fact you compare her to drukhari tells me all i need to know, shitposter
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Fuck it might as well

>Koumei - Best default look we've had in years , alt helm pretty bad though. Theoretically good if you're the kind of player who glues their ass to a single spot in survival and likes hitting the same few buttons for several hours with Nautilus and Cordon (unironically), but that's fucking boring and lame. Decree frame is a cool idea, but she can't have every decree which sucks. Only gets to shine in endless missions and only in Solo, any group play cucks her too hard so she's not allowed to have fun. A shame.
Jade - Fine, not really my style, but can do good work.
Dante - Tragedy is dogshit after its nerf, only good for Demolyst killing but you have better options for that, now just a (very good) Overguard bot. Word Warden and birds are neat. Free EDA win every week, Noctua is genuinely my favorite part of the frame. It's what the Grimoire should've been.
Qorvex - Big ass laser is cool as hell, and augments have made him better. Frame that isn't allowed to have fun in squads because Big-Ass-Laser, while effective, is too slow and any competent squadmate nukes before you can get the payoff.
Dagath - Cool design, cool thematic, wish I liked her kit more. It works but doesn't really feel good.
Kullervo - Knuckle sandwich of the century. Good default look but anything else kinda colors like shit, would love a deluxe
Citrine - Neat. Really fun in Duviri, but I'd rather play something else outside of it.
Voruna - 4 augment should be basekit. There's far more effective things out there, but she's fun.
Styanax - Repeatedly got fun policed, 4 augment is the only thing making him a solid choice. Kinda colors like shit, Deluxe is love it or hate it.
Gyre - Very fun. Wish 3 augment was baseline because it's borderline mandatory, but a very fun frame. Would main her if my beloved Equinox didn't exist.
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nta but Ripka's passive
What this guys said, tried making a setup after unveiling a riven for it and I was barely hitting an arrow a minute. shits just fucked.
>Implying blood altar isn't baby drukharis first offering to slaneesh

Also the way i would balance explosive guns would by cutting the ammo nerf to half and bringing self dmg back. Nobody does eidolons or play trinity anymore plus the new DE method for bosses is attenuation so it would be fine.
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just reading the story made me angry how incompetent the guy is in securing the account himself
99% sure this chink either has had his details leaked or someone with access to his pc and knowledge of the game made an absolutely epic prank
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>bringing self damage back
Holy fuck I've never had to actually filter a tripfaggot but I just might now.
>I haven't been on Steam and Warframe for a long time. I found out that my Warframe email and nickname were changed by the hacker after my two accounts were hacked for more than a year. I contacted customer service for an afternoon and finally got my account back. My platinum was restored to my previous 2308, but my nickname was still the one that was changed by the hacker. I contacted customer service again in the evening to ask if they could help me change my previous nickname back. The next day, customer service said they could help me change it. After receiving the customer service message, I logged in and found that my nickname was even stranger, and my platinum was changed to 108. At this time, I contacted customer service again and was told that the problem ticket had been resolved, and my account had been restored to the way it was before the hack, and they would no longer handle it for me.

>I happened to find that I had used English to appeal to the customer service to retrieve my account, but my account had just been bound to a new registered email address and the password was also new. I was still thinking that the account had been stolen again, and the loss of platinum and the change of nickname might have been done by the hacker, so I contacted the customer service again with a small account (if others can log in to my main account, then the content of the appeal I submitted with the main account can also be seen by the other party). A few days later, the customer service replied that the platinum had been restored to 2708 for me (but my original account was 2308), and the nickname had been changed for me. Then I immediately logged in to see that the platinum was 2308 instead of 2708, but the nickname had become an insulting word. Now I realize that the 2708 that the customer service said was not a typo, but if this matter is exposed, they can completely say that I or the hacker changed the name twice with the 400 platinum.
ive been saying this for months, this tard is mentally challenged and everyones enabling him
>Θematic anon#fatlarry
be the problems you want to see in the world
cheers translate anon
So I saw Cats/Dogs can now rape SP shit with the new mods. Since Khora can have 2 beast companions, is she able to afk farm now?
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bwos, i did a 45 minute alchemy run to see if it's as bad as you guys say it is, it was alright tbf
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>No kweenframe in 1999
thats another way of saying shes useless garbage without maxed helmith, and her 4 is as gimped as Embers - just your cone of view with LoS cucking - why? why is it so limited in every way when it does very little on its own
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uniroincally I agree with everything you posted and even spoiler too
Did you get any of the tennokai mods? some of em are worth a lot
would love to see the mass seethe of the playerbase, i play valkyr anyways so it wouldn't matter to me. otherwise it's a retarded idea and just proves he's a dumb shitposter
alchemy is not bad. it just require too much input. in most modes you spend more time killing, in alchemy you spend all of your time grabbing stuff and throwing them at the crucible
>more than 5 minutes per rotation
I would like it a lot more if there was a use for all those wrong-element phials. Sure, you could throw them at niggas, but you could also just fucking shoot them. They're just clutter. I fucking hate clutter.
reminds me when I got a hold of a leaked database of social media accounts and clowned with their profilies and most idiots used the same password for email as well so them changing PWs to their social media was futile - in the end I just wrote them to change all PWs and be less retarded in the future
anon, sometimes it's not about minmaxing but having fun, try it.
base and fun-pilled grayhat
IMO people typically ask for build advice when they start getting stat checked, meaning they're not likely to be overkilling enemies and viral will have plenty of time to build stacks.
Wait do those primes just raw drop from that? Or were you doing relics
>post reward window
>it's not about minmaxing but having fun
How the fuck was Cucklord even accepted by the name filter?
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>gotta grind animal tags for these new pet mods
I really don't wanna
>steam offline
>can't log into Warframe due to account binding auto login
I kshould have just spent the extra seconds logging into the game, now God is now punishing me for my laziness
are they even worth it lol
Rules for thee but not for me
The "grind" isn't really that bad now that the spawn rates are fixed
... until you need to find those Deimos velocipods and HL2 barnacle type fags, now that shit's cancer
yes unfortunately. I saw someone's cat destroy an eximus in EDA and now I want mine to do the same.
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shcheam chewshday, innit?
There's always Today's Special
i still reach out to get ready to type out the password, decade of muscle memory
rebb post booba
we had a steam emote everyone would spam in the company slack at my last job because our shit would just go down and be inaccessible to anyone not already logged in when steam's auth services craped out every tuesday - guess warframe is gonna be like that for everyone who opts in now

same wtf
can't post something that doesn't exist
>Windows and Linux have secure password storage in the OS/keyring
>Warframe makes you vulnerable to keylogging by typing out your password instead
always bothered me
her flapjacks are perfectly adequate
anon, barely anyone plays this game, no one will go out of their way to steal your warframe account
How bad was self damage? Almost every other game I've played that has self damage, it makes sense and feels balanced that you hurt yourself with a rocket. None of those other games were fast-paced murder sprees like Warframe is, though. Also, we've had hard proof for months that thematic anon is a stone cold retard.
Is that why I have to shit up my account with 2fa just to trade
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Where is Nezha/Stynax Deluxe or the Ember Heirloom? The best asses in the game.
If you have a keylogger you probably have other things to worry about than your fucking Warframe account
i mean, their "2fa" is the same email you log into lol
what about the cucklord bandit
The fucked up part about alchemy is the shit ton of enemies that spawn in compared to other modes.
A decent run really shouldn't be more than that
>i mean, their "2fa" is the same email you log into lol
Which is only an issue if you use the same password for everything
Then again, if you have a keylogger, no amount of 2FA is going to save you unless you have to use an external device for that
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it was fun
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it also had the old Trinity Blessing interaction of
>selfglaive to 2 hp
>99% DR for party
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>/ourgirl/ hasn't been live since her warframe stream
I don't think she liked it bros...
in the best possible way, this webm is so fucking stupid
Scott found her
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well I made a renamon, but looking back on it I'd say it probably looked closer to an Abra or maybe Mewtwo with jaundice.
Looks like a minion.
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Anyone willing to suffer through the Grendel missions with me? I got 1. We can pay for the locators.
post ign or ask in recruit
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>posting ign on /wfg/
yeah I know I know
post ign if you want it
There's a way to make AoE weapons usable, but it's not fun; spam Protea's 4 with short duration to refund your ammo quickly.
It's just shit to play.
DE can talk about balance as their excuse for nerfing shit, but they really don't balance anything, they just make "this is the NEW usable stuff unlike that old now-useless garbage' power crept junk.
energized munitions really shines with high-rof wall of dakka weapons but it can totally pick up the slack for the low-capacity heavies
I think I need your digits then too if you're not on pc, cross-platform is mysterious to me still
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Too late, bakedvampire.
reported for harassment >:3
How big can Kubrows get? Like can you get one taller than your WF?
it's ok, bro
we can't be all perfect after all
I did alchemy both in the circuit and as a bounty today and can honestly say that my enjoyment of it is inversely proportional to the number of participants.
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post your # faggot otherwise I can't stalk I mean whisper/invite you
Max duration braindead Gauss with Energized Munitions is basically the only frame I use Acceltra on nowadays
It was my favorite weapon back in the day but fuck it sucks so much now if you compare it to, well, anything
Being fast paced isn't the problem but rather how damage works.
In most games with self damage, the healthpool enemies have and healthpool you have is similar and at most only big for specifically tougher enemies. So an explosion that deals 50HP will kill some basic shit enemy and take 50% of your health because the health values between everyone is roughly the same or literally the same for PvP games.

On the other hand Warframe has ridiculous power creep for damage but not for health, meaning that your explosions have to deal billions of damage to kill basic fodder on high difficulty missions because that's how much HP enemies have while you're stuck with like 5k at most meaning just being at the very edge of your explosion that deals mere 0.01% of its damage would still immediatelly vaporize you.
Self damage simply doesn't make sense when there's no uniform HP scale and there's constant damage power creep.
It absolutely made sense for early Warframe back when there were only few enemies on screen that had similar HP to you and dealt similar damage you deal, it absolutely made sense for self damage to be there because each explosion took similar % of life from you and enemies, nowadays however an explosion would take 50% of enemy health while being enough to kill you several times over.
alchemy is fun with frens, horrible on pubs.
>accidentally posted my IGN months ago
>someone here actually gifted me some weapon sluts
>my main is titania
>can't pick up stuff
>everyone else in the party refuses to pick them up
They should just spawn less pickups but make them fill the bar up more.
anon is crying while spending 200plat to change his username right now, hope you're happy
Coolervo is ace for "melee" nuking which doesn't feel braindead "game plays itself" like many others and rewards targeting
and its offset by survivability limit so he's can never be as op to shit on everything despite easy millions damage, pretty good and fun design overall.
unlike Donte skill spam which is just tedious and I honestly never want to play him again even if hes strong
nooo I wanted to help him...
I meant slots
You can help me
>*unzip dick*

Warning, Meg is in this video.
I've had nice anons help me get through steelpath missions I couldn't solo when I came back to the game recently. /wfg/ loves helping and lusting over MRlets.
i always try to gift slots to any low mr /wfg/ bro who posts username
You just know.
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>Was excited to finally have auto login after 12 years
>It's only available if you forever bind your account with steam
It has to be a sick joke.
>forever bind your account with steam
wh-what? i bound it to my backup steam account, can't i just change it to my main whenever?
are you the anon with a white haired picture and near zariman release were going for some sister ephemera thats like a skirt?
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don't fucking tell me i have to spend 500p to change my bound steam or whatever
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did you not read the stuff it told you to before you clicked ok?
>"don't judge"
What the fuck is wrong with her? It's like she wants everyone to know she takes the knot.
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How do I fix protea?
>did you not read the stuff it told you to before you clicked ok?
no one fucking reads that, i thought about auto login and used whatever steam account i was using at the time, i don't care enough to make a support ticket, it's not like my account is bricked. i can always stop auto login and just login with password instead
nerf her shield balls and turret damage
>the face displaying a poignant mixture of realization and resignation
running pretty low on p.....whos dick does a brotha gotta suck to get a 75% coupon over here....
how do we fix excalibur?
how big can a kubrow get?
not every frame has to be a endgame viable frame
especially a starter frame
Fix the bugs. I should not randomly be forced out of rewind. I should not RANDOMLY be unable to go into spoiler mode to avoid rewinding. It's fucking annoying because I like playing her but she isn't even consistently playable.
Nova gemini will be blasian.
Make it so she doesn't automatically rewind when her 4's timer runs out.
You can just make a support ticket to have them change it (they told me they'd only change it once though)
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my body is ready
Stop being bad at the game. You can go into operator mode to remain at your current location. You can even melee and cancel the entire rewind.
im a founder
i have exccalibur prime and I need other people to know im better than them. so hety should buff him to make him OP so i can play the game withot having to play the game so people see that I have excalibur prime
thank you
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protea's rewind should just be her passive that activates on death to revive her, with a cooldown. It's kind of fucking useless as an ability. Like seriously, what do you even press it for? other than activating augment mods, which is also trash design.
Nova's a gyaru though
I would whale.
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>Full permanent armor and shield strip.
>energy regen.
>shield regen.
>health regen.
>grouping underrated ability desu.
>one of the best frames for nourish subsoom.
>manslut skin for coomers.
Too bad his is probably the worse in the game with it having a six week timegate.
no idea what this ability you are talking about is
was she reworked before? i always had roar on her 4 and never planning on changing that
his WHAT, anon?
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>im a founder
Ya know, his
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Time stop grenade.
It's ridiculous that the time warframe has ONE time-related ability, and it's the worst one by a country mile.
My oematics will not strand for it.
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>tfw disciple
Ummm... sister?
Your Excal P profile glyph???
God imagine the shitstorm if DE didn't give him away for free and we all had to go through the Kahl grind for him
The 4th ability should be their "ultimate" and should never be a option to be replaced since its part of what makes the frame that frame
If you are having this thought process then it is terrible and should be changed or replaced
They gave him away free twice I missed the second one for the subsoom,
I am waiting for his prime before I throw mine into the helminth.
Genuinely cannot imagine farming for Styanax as a new player. Needing to complete an endgame quest is one thing thing, but not even Caliban or syndicate frames are timegated as bad as he is.
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>you're bad at the game, you should just be fine with it being a nuisance to use
Holy mother of cope.
>You can go into operator mode
This is a fucking awful workaround that means you're just sitting in operator mode since Protea keeps rewinding even when you're transferred out of her.
>you can even melee and cancel the entire rewind
Incorrect. Went to the simmy, doesn't work. Tried quick melees, heavy melees, slams, heavy slams, melees from transferrence, nothing.
In short, your first proposed is less convenient than the present solution that I already don't like, and your second option just doesn't work.
Even if both of these were viable it'd still be retarded that I have to do it, in the same way that holding 4 before the timer ends. Automatically rewinding when the timer runs out is inconvenient, stamping your feet doesn't make it any less convenient.
i've had a couple people use my email for their accounts that need emails, but apparently don't require verifications. I guess they just typed it down randomly, and assumed that nobody used it. I'd change their passwords since unlike them i can access the email, and then either vandalized their bio, or deleted their account
Thanks for the explanation. Now that you say it, it's so obvious that I can't believe I missed it. Borderlands for example has self damage on rockets (the ones I've played, at least), but player HP, player damage, and enemy HP all scale close enough to the same.
>Find my account's wishlist

Fucking kek
nta but same I'll usually delete the account if I can, I've even gotten to "know" a few people who have variations of my username that got accidentally or deliberately resolved to mine based on their activity through this and people's typos, but also be careful because sometimes and perhaps increasingly these days it might be an "accidentally" created account just for you to get you to load something
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based edgelord
Titania has ruined the game for me. I don't want to play anything else.
The Murmur are such a fun faction to fight and I do not believe the 1999 enemies will be as fun.

Based fairy enjoyer. I'm so looking forward to her finally getting a stylized avatar option, I've been waiting so long.
yeah he hit the nail on the head with that, it's long been warframe's problem with scaling past maybe enemy level 20 or so to equate roughly with a player's former power growth with rank 30 or prestiged gear - and that's a serious issue when the game's DNA is kind of heavy on the borderlands design elements with those expectations of relative numeric balance yet leans almost into more diablo territory

I hate the idea and feel like it would kind of lower the "skill" or know-how ceiling for the game in some ways, and I know it's been memed a lot here and probably on the forums and leddit too, but at some point for the long-term health of the game a st*t squ*sh may be inevitable (fat beaner of balance preserve us)
koumie is fun
Does Maul stack with the new companion melee damage mods? I want to know before I blow 30k endo on it.
Yes they do
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blow on this
>a stylized avatar option
What does this mean?
You know, like Excalibur In Action or one of those fancy hand drawn glyphs.
It might be a sign that she liked it too much and is too addicted to stream
What is this vtrooner slop
weird cope
That's because she isn't even the time warframe. She's a tinkerer frame with a time device.
Vtrooner cope.
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fem frames ranked by chest size
So is khora good now after the companion rework?
The whole plot of the Deadlock Protocol hinges on her being the time warframe.

However, I welcome a more time-themed Warframe if that's what it takes to get more than a shitty version of Prince of Persia's rewind.
That's not really how every frame is designed and I think it's wasteful to even design every frame with the idea of having an "ultimate." Not every frame needs that sort of thing. There are many cases where the 4 ability on a warframe isn't even their most evocative one.
The time part always felt relatively minor even with that in mind. She just doesn't do much with it and has more going on with building gadgets than she does time. When her abilities consist of
the time gadget feels like the odd one out. She either should have had one more time-related ability or swapped the time gimmick for another gadget.
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I turn it on and then spam the ever loving fuck out of slash balls, knowing my energy will be refunded when I rewind. It's fun. Does not work so good on missions where you keep moving though.

>is the overall best and most generally flexible frame in the game good after they buffed her?
Believe it or not, yes.
Voruna needs to be much lower than that. Mag also has hug tits
If you're doing Deimos runs, some enemies are immune to statuses (or specifically viral just to fuck with you) making the 50% damage debuff much more of a downside.
I agree. Hence I hope for a stasis grenade or something similar.
Put heirloom ember up in s or a her tits are underrated because everyone focuses on the ass
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ugh no I have to farm yaya
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Garudachads, what shards do you use?
>he doesn't know
Mag has bigger tits than Saryn bwo
If I bought a sporothrix, would I regret it? As I understand I'd just stick it on Harrow and abuse flat crit boosts.
Alternatively what are some other hidden gems for endgame? I know it might end up getting a coda weapon, but I'm tempted to buy a phage riven.
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Go suck an egg. She is precious and wholesome at all times.
If you dont have a maxed arcane avenger you arent using the sporothryx harrow or not. And even then its a subpar sniper rifle
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So I need some help here:
I got a really good Riven for my Ocucor. It has multishot, punchthrough, electricity and a harmless negative (slash)
But Electricity means I can’t mod for Viral. So in that case, which do you prefer nowadays? Corrosive or Magnetic. It will have Heat in the end for Cascadia Flare.
I was using Corrosive but it dawned on me that I’ve been fighting more and more armorless enemies like half the Murmur or bosses with a limit of corrosive stacks. Meanwhile while Magnetic only works on shields, it also gives a bonus damage to Overguard
Fractured blast is great primer/cc and energy generator but is slept on because fuck farming another citrine
>Electricity means I can’t mod for Viral
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>DAE le heckin wholesome chungus gook vtroon? xDDD I give her all my paychecks UwU
vtube is gay and so are (You)
That riven is complete garbage and mutlishot barely does anything for beam weapons compared to crit
Keep rolling until you hit crit chance crit damage
what does this mean
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Just wait for Khora gemini
>muh hororaibu
wake me up when the star women start playing
Reb I think you should post your breasteses
Do cats do damage now?
supposedly, I've kept mine unequipped because
>companions of any kind
>ever attacking or interfering in the state of your mission beyond generating rewards and telemetry
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Finally I can play the game with the big bois like knightmareframe!
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According to Brozime (yes that fat fuck from youtube) the Magistar is trash.
Why people watch him again?
By the time you get your meme le epic setup to heavy once I have already cleared the room, killed your enemies you were going to hit and am on oo the next room
It is trash
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how do we fix wfg?
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It's not the best slam weapon, hence it's trash
It's insane how good I am at killing bots
Automatically ban anyone who:
>includes "le," "heckin," "NOOOOO," or "it just is" in their posts
>makes a post without any capital letters
>makes a post without any lowercase letters
>includes "bump" or "bjmp" in posts that aren't just bumps for existing posts
what? The magistar slam hit on a 20m radius and pretty much all frames can animation cancel it lol
there is no gun in the game that can keep with it, not even the torid.
>just got Khora
>realize that i can't subsume her until they let you gain MR from Venari's claws
hurry the fuck up, Reb
nice bump
Why is Drifter so much taller? Is potato-kun like 14?
I wonder how many anons get psyopped into taking Vigor because /wfg/ told them PSF is le cringe and le yellow.jpg
reminder that nova is fat
you know what, rebb? start an onlyfans i dare ya!
/wfg/ will shit on PSF but can never mention a better mod for the exilus slot.
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>make a shitlist
>/wfg/ immediately proves how good of a shitlist it is
I am always two steps ahead.
thanks for le heckin bump
she'll do it once we drop down to 12 players
Nigga galvanized coil exists now it's over for quick attackcels
>cunning drift
>power drift
>multiple augments
I have the ambassador cooking for when I wake up. Will it be MR fodder that blows dick in netracells, or will I keep it?
Nira's Anguish for us slamCHADS.
Also cunning/power drift are great if you know how to deal with knockdowns, Aviator is also fantastic for flying frames
russchizo equips PSF

don't be a russchizo
I don't even put it in my exilus slot, I tend to use that for the few applicable augments or a mobility mod if I'm not squeezing in a little extra on range/strength
russchizo is an anti-PSF screecher
I love PSF
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I don't want to do tag hunting for the new mods
I need to fuse the electricity with something else because I need the Heat as the last element for the Cascadia Flare
>multishot garbage for beams
Wait really?
>I need the Heat as the last element for the Cascadia Flare
Why not? What Arcane do you prefer instead?
I mean I don't use the ocucor, I just see there being other options that don't necessitate crippling your options like this... do you get all your strats from youtube and overframe?
base damage mods didn't go anywhere just because alternative sources exist
>mutlishot barely does anything for beam weapons compared to crit
Isn't it a free fire rate up without ammo consumption?
I'll take that very last one in C-, please.
what did xhe mean by this? the retard poster is choosing to limit their selection from the available choices based on a conditional arcane supplanting a base damage mod
i have a crippling big dick
bet mine's bigger, faggot
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Today I realized just how stupid I really am. I've been buying bundled sets for primes off wfmarket. Turns out it's almost always at least 80% cheaper to purchase them individually. Yes, I know I could make buy orders and get it even cheaper.
you are the reason I always always always turn my loose parts into sets before buying <3
Corrosive is dogshit and you're griefing yourself if you mod for it on your weapons. You should be getting armour strip from your warframe or your pet. Do viral+elec or magnetic+heat if you don't want to reroll your riven. Also, I'm not sure but I thought that multishot was especially good on beams because of the way it interacts with status.
selling* shit I was in such a hurry to come off as condescending that I fucked up
>Corrosive is dogshit and you're griefing yourself if you mod for it on your weapons.
it's really nice to have just for the damage multiplier against some factions on at least one weapon in a general loadout
I dunno senpai. The few things I buy are cheaper in bundles but I have bought in parts where it was cheaper.
>Finish the Sampotes
>Take it to some SP survival to level it
>When an acolyte spawns, I send a heavy slam towards it
>The acolyte just fucking evaporates from the shockwaves
Ok that was funny, I haven't even put a potato on it yet, it'll be fun when I get an arcane on it too
fuck you I am not a cutie I am a big mean scary LR4 and adamantly against following the dogma of current meta trends chasing conditional bonuses as much as I appreciate them existing in the game, it's cancer to blindly say they're superior at every turn when there are passive and unconditional options that you can still leverage with the appropriate loadouts and out-perform conditional shit that has to ramp up in the actual content people play
I don't really trust Overframe unless it has a detailed post justifying the build.
I tried other stuff but none hit as good as Cascadia Flare. Merciless and Deadhead require a kill, which gets harder to achieve in higher levels, while Cascadia Flare just needs heat procs and Ocucor's beam natures quickly cap them without needing a kill for that and keeps it at 480% damage boost without issue.
I tried tested and used other options like the Conjunction Voltage and others, but Cascadia Flare just beats them all.
I don't really consider it a crippling problem specially due to Heat procs' cumulative damage. In fact, this usually makes me prefer the Secondary Weapons to be left for field boss killing like Acolytes and Necramechs as in an emergency it will ramp up by itself.
Ocucor in particular is a weapon that gets way easier to wield due to Cascadia Flare's boost to control the ammo expenditure.
I am currently checking around, reading around, and I don't really see any issue with Multishot. That said, I don't know either if a +Critical Damage could give a higher high overall compared to it, but considering Multishot's nature on beams not impacting ammo consumption it sounds really valuable as it would also contibute to ramping Cascadia Flare faster. Could also be the reason in my tests it ends up being the best Arcane.
Though now that you mention, less and less has Corrosive been helping lately so I'll try Magnetic
That's part of the reason I don't necessarily see issue with it not being Viral, specially after the damage changes. Going Corrosive would help against Grineer regardless of armor strip for example.
It's just that having to fight so many enemies without armor or with limit of stacks lately have been making me rethink the elements to use all around
>p*wer dr*ft
>c*nning dr*ft

Don't worry kiddo, you'll get there eventually.
it just seems like with the combination of forced dependency on the arcane and riven you're setting yourself up for a more limited pool of choices than necessary and overlooking the nature of all the tools and multipliers at your disposal - why not, for a blunt example, viral+electric and deadhead or merciless?
oh my god the death mark shoulder clips with everything no matter who or what you put it on
I'm leaving it on my drifterator for memes because I love stalker-senpai but DE pls lol...
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What do I put in the exilus slot?
congrats, you can beat literally any content in the game easily now.
what? sorry I can't hear you over the screen glare
>Cascadia Flare
>especially on Ocucor

Not accounting for armour strip, because again you can get it from better sources than having corrosive on your gun, Corrosive is at best +50% damage while viral is anywhere from double to quadruple your damage. Corrosive on guns is exclusively used by people who are bad at the game.

Corrosive is bad and so are you if you put it on your guns. Use Vicious Bond for beasts or put corrosive on your sentinel's gun. Magnetic is nice, but not as generic as viral. IMO if you want to use Cascadia Flare, you should reroll.
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This picture is unpleasant to look at.
Speed drift.
gimme the quick rundown on valkyr sirs
admittedly I leave corrosve specifically on my melee along with heat for anti-armor and anti-infested contagion memes
kavat's grace. her 4 has hard landings from any height
oh, does this work? that seems like a great use for the mod, I'd normally look down on it because it's one of those
things to me for mobility in the game and otherwise just a fun perk for valkyr being a reckless berserker
>her 4 has hard landings from any height
you mean her 1
i mean 69
>admittedly I leave corrosve specifically on my melee along with heat
This is shitter behaviour. After only a half second of heat status, Viral+heat is better against armour than corrosive+heat is.

Kavat's Grace is extremely good, maybe even mandatory, on Garuda. Some of her abilities give her downward momentum during the casting animation, and if you're too close to the ground you just eat a hard landing with no time to slide or aim glide to keep moving.
Motus signal
very good on pseudo aerial frames
you want to jump high on Garuda
why is it easier to farm for a prime than it is to farm for the normal warframe?
>why not, for a blunt example, viral+electric and deadhead or merciless?
You see, this is the thing. It isn't the first time I'm having to mod like this. The Riven did force me, but once a while a weapon with inherent elements make me go for variety.
Like the Grimoire for example. Since it had natural electricity, I would be locked into a combination of Radiation + Corrosive/Magnetic + Heat or Radiation + Viral/Blast + Electricity. Once a while there is another weapon with a natural element that I have to make similar choices. Which is why I ended up maxing Conjunction Voltage and buying other Arcanes for testing. I'm really only missing the Duviri Arcane by this point.
Regardless, I got a clock, set up the chronometer, went on the Sanctuary, tried with heavy units from each faction and tested those things. Heat builds with Cascadia Flare usually beat the others in speed in a dozen seconds.
While Electricity, Gas and Blast offer some AoE damage, they also usually end up slowe to kill a pack of those enemies. It was specially bad because Murmur units are weak to Electricity but they ended up dying faster to Heat builds.
I also did the same testing for primaries and those elements as well as Hunter's Munition back then to compare effectiveness after they revamped those health types. Viral is usually king but modding for the according element can keep up or surpass it in low fire rate weapons. Heat also kills faster than Slash by a few seconds but I couldn't discern where the balance of Status VS Crit chance would make either better by probability. A viral+heat Nataruk was faster than viral+HM one but not by much for example.

That's why I prefer Cascadia Flare on my secondaries. The only things I didn't test then were maxed Duviri Arcanes and the new Jade Shadows ones.
right. it's still really easy to do with blending talons though
yeah, you can still slide out of the landing if you have space but it's qol
>This is shitter behaviour.
perhaps, but it still gives me the variety I need to without changing my loadout have on hand the unconditional option to nuke DEAC of every faction, including those resistant to corrosive and enemies immune to viral (which I do otherwise get over long or high-frequency enough engagements anyway from the use of contagion)
the other options I've found are all inferior for my yellow-crit duplicate-centric output unless I simply lean hard into a statusy influence contagion and/or slam deleter, which is another matter entirely and also entirely inapplicable to the heavies like necrodemos where I use my melee as the end of encounter move
They went through a phase of giving base frames really convoluted farming methods, while prime frames consistently just come from relics.

>Heat also kills faster than Slash by a few seconds but I couldn't discern where the balance of Status VS Crit chance would make either better by probability.
It's comically low. Something like 10% heat proc chance with Hellfire or a little higher with Thermite Rounds is stronger on average than Hunter Munitions with 100% crit rate, although it's also less consistent.
>if you have space
you never don't have space, I promise, literally never - but I understand yeah it's qol and I'm not really gonna shit on anyone over that
can that eda shit ask for things without primes?
Thanks, this is really what I needed to see.
>Faction swings about 17% and Viral+Heat would still be better even against Murmur and Grineer then
Well, at very least Corrosive has been ruled out. I'll try to test around the Magnetic+Heat for now and its effectiveness against Eximus and Overguard. If even then the results don't seem significant I'll be rerolling my Ocucor Riven.
>It's comically low. Something like 10% heat proc chance with Hellfire or a little higher with Thermite Rounds is stronger on average than Hunter Munitions with 100% crit rate, although it's also less consistent.
Jesus Christ. No wonder the Nataruk felt better in spite of the arguably lower probabilities. I noticed it procced Heat much less frequently than the Slash but that it was killing faster nonetheless.
>he's not strengthmaxxing OR rangemaxxing
What's with the sudden rise of Garuda?
I think I'm still not understanding from your post, have you tried dropping flare and going for viral/electric with your riven on the ocucor or not?
fuck i dont want to waste 2 runs for it, seems overly complicated and difficult and im slot limited AND dislike a lot of frames without primes and just subsume and dont refarm (plus investing in a non prime that isnt new feels horrible)
shards suck ass to obtain
>not being status immune
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I imagine someone at DE is seeding discussion for an upcoming ??? involving her, possibly soliciting ideas or feedback on potential ideas in the process
You can use prime or non-prime for the frame requirements.
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Yes, dude, I did. And further tried that with Merciless, with Deadhead and with Conjunction Voltage (pic).
And then tried other combinations too.
lol ok it sounded like you were just basing your decision on previous testing with other setups entirely
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>So I need some help here
do you actually? it seems like you already made up your mind
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>Orange energy colors
>Ophanim eyes
>Heat Noctua
>Orange energy colors
Oh yeah its all coming together.
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if it asks for like yareli or xaku something its simply not going to happen
weapons idk kinda depends, some are easy to remake
>press 1
>press 2
>press or hold 4
>hold 1 if want to kill faster
>spam 3 until energy is full
>repeat every room/wave
Too many button presses for me desu. This is why I don't use Garuda.
Sounds quite OEMATIC
>They went through a phase
This phase has gone on for 7 years. Almost every non-bounty related frame has been a pain in the ass to get ever since Octavia
>select all modifiers except specific warframe
>pick titania/valkyr for their exalted weapons, rendering the weapon restriction meaningless
>you get all rewards except some vosfor
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I need thematic anon to rate my setup.
Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage should still be competitive with heat if you have forced impact procs on the gun and get the 70% proc rate. Hunter Munitions also sounds cool with innate electric guns, at least on paper, so that you could do both viral+slash for single armoured targets and viral+elec for unarmoured crowds. Outside of that, I think it's probably safe to say that the armour changes power crept viral+slash out of the meta.

JFC, the steel path % damage arcanes and Cascadia Flare are the most effective in terms of just raw damage. Frostbite, Blight, and especially Voltage all have lower values out of context and face stronger diminishing returns from the mods in their respective categories.

>sudden rise
She was the 15th most popular frame at the end of last year, out of 55 at the time.

Dante and Jade were pretty reasonable IMO. I haven't finished farming Koumei and her shit yet, but she doesn't seem to bad either.
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>got the Protea Prime theme running in my orbiter 24/7
ok anon ill get educated more and check what my shit is for the week when im done with my current tasks
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea for primaries that can't properly use Heat.
Why does my game keep crashing?
think reb would appreciate a tribute sent to her dms?
no error report or anything? is it only when you load into a mission? couple of recent updates had issues and at least one fix around that, possibly due to specific customizations like the new ephemera which I am trying to learn and use to crash as many peopel as possible
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is there a new weapon modding guide for status rework earlier this year, i'm tired of using overframe for everything and refuse to be a shitter any longer
Ergo Glast has a 55% toxin Tenet Exec right now
Mostly in loading screens, sometimes in arsenal, and I'm getting a popup asking me to say what I was doing when the game crashed.
isn't exec one of the ones that wants the bonus value as low as possible to maximize its native ratios?
>and I'm getting a popup asking me to say what I was doing when the game crashed.
fill that out or at least submit it blank, odds are they're already working on it or have a fix if it's not already mentioned in the known issues but if not then it'd be nice to have more hits on that flavor of crash with your hardware to diagnose
no, I really don't
t. grew some tits and suddenly had guys wiling to send dick pics and tributes for nothing
this is new tech to me, would the ideal be like a flat 20% roll? could you get a lichster with that and sell it for primo plat?
>666 kills in a mission as Harrow Prime
The various reworks the past year have changed very little except that Magnetic is now good, heat is even better than it already was, and Corrosive is completely worthless.
Every gun wants some mix of % damage, multishot, crit chance, crit damage, fire rate, and viral+heat. Copy/pasting this from the last time someone asked:
Here's an example of a standard mod config for rifles, plus a breakdown of how each mod affects your damage
>Galvanized Chamber
>Critical Delay
>Vital Sense
>Amalgam Serration
>Vile Acceleration
>Rime Rounds
>Malignant Force
-Galv Chamber can be substituted for Split Chamber. Depending on stacks, it approximately doubles or triples your damage.
-We'll say the two crit mods double your damage, but that's a low estimate and it will be a higher boost on stronger guns.
-Serration more than doubles your damage, but we'll round down because it interacts with Vile Acceleration.
-Vile Acceleration is slightly less than double, but we'll round up because we're just making generalizations.
-Those three elemental mods about triple your damage. Viral status more than doubles your damage, heat status increases it by a fair amount but that's harder to generalize so we'll just ignore it because everything else is already a lot of damage.
So say that whatever gun you're using has a base DPS of 100. With what we just discussed, we'll estimate that mods increase it by, x2, x2, x2, x2, x3, x2, for a total of x96. Note that we're using the floor for Galvanized Chamber, using a low estimate for the value you get from crit, and also completely excluding the damage from arcanes and heat status.

I can see how people might have argued for that in the past, but now heat is generally better than slash, and elec is good on melees because of Melee Influence. I don't see why you'd want higher weighting on the innate fucking 54% impact 46% slash.

The lowest is 25%, but I really wouldn't bother.
put viral+heat on everything. simple as.
>invest in me morgha
>it can still not crit if I'm not aiming
please I just want a big-dick archgun to stick on my necramech that I can make not ever not crit, my velocitus is orange crit minimum and I leave that on my heavy slot
When it's this easy to get attention online is it any wonder so many lonely terminallly online kids troon out?
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don't be weird

it's not a good reason to troon out by itself, you should only consider it if
>dream, not of what you are
hit you a little TOO hard
Feel free to post more
>those absolute MAN hands
oh no no no
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>fatal teleport
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oh this took me a minute to get lol
shooting an explosive at a grinigger, teleporting to him, killing him and yourself by hitting the explosive on yourself, and then using space magic to reverse your death is honestly an incredibly powerful statement
the ultimate Vendetta
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>mandatory, on Garuda
lmao, just fucking sell her you
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worthwhile investment if you're into that sort of thing

leave exilus QoLshitters alone!
try fiddling around with trinity body with the chopstick feet and the volt ephemera, saw some visual issues there so could be more
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How do I cope with being handmogged by a troon? It's over for both of us kek
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wdym? I'm a big manly man with big XY man genetics irl and I still live that way, don't feel bad

neat, thanks, at worst I can learn what to avoid and at best well...
Vigilante Pursuit along with the rest of the set. But I'm really trying to squeeze out more damage.

This is also while being a Wispsissy that can go invincible through knockdowns. Not to mention I'm often up in the air anyway.
With 100% sincerity if she looked like that id still want head. Just get one of those rubber wedges dentists use and pry her mouth open.
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lol dental dam + scary movie 2 tactics
i need an anatomy anon to explain if its the tits or the chest that make them look weird
the first pic looked normalish with them being pushed in and the angle
the nipples/areola are a giveaway but thats not what im talking about obviously
theyre bigger than my wifeframes
Oh yeah, and I run Secondary Fortifier anyway
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The zariman bounties HAVE to be fixed. Exterminate+angel is the only one worth doing it and I haven't seen it in two fucking months.
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I >>498578021 have taken your posts and statistics posted and come back
Holy shit Corrosive sucks. There was no sizeable difference in damage caused from Corrosive to Magnetic on non-Grineer armored units.
It got even worse when Magnetic just melted through the Overguards, therefore providing a niche. Corrosive couldn’t even properly do that.
Tomorrow I’ll weight out the cost and gains from Magnetic and Viral in actual missions to determine if I should roll the Riven or keep as is. On one hand, Magnetic is providing a niche against Eximus. But on another hand, Eximus units are rare, and only in specific situations will spawn by multiple like Syndicate kill squads or Fragmented summons.
While I can dispatch a squad of Eximus efficiently, I wonder if this is worth it in a game they are essentially a minority and you want to kill everything else ASAP.
But then, I also just killed level 200 non-eximus in a matter of seconds as well. Therefore being a few seconds faster could be negligible compared to killing pesky Eximus ASAP.

Regardless, thanks very much for all the information. At very least I learned that Corrosive just sucks.
Basically explosive weapons were borderline unusable because you would kill yourself without even realizing it. This isn't a game like Halo where it is easy to know when a rocket launcher will self-damage you.
Part of me wants them to add some kind of health-gating to shieldless frames, but I know that would powercreep the game even more.
Another part of me wants them to get rid of shieldgating just for the memes.
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plainly speaking the boobs are actually pretty normal and variable with temperature/arousal, but really it's the relative size of the chest and the ribcage (plus I'm sucking in on that second one and that flares out the ribcage more than normal) that makes it uncanny - I spent the majority of my life aging on testosterone and going through male puberty and developed feminized secondary sex characteristics only later in life thank to going on estrogen (because humans are mostly two-track things like the majority of life on this planet being sexually dimorphic) so I kind of have a weird combo of sex characteristics and presentation overall

it's all a combination of genetics and chemical happenstance
Zariman bounties are the only well designed bounties outside of maybe the Murmur bounties.
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Play Tankoumei
Narmar bounties are probably the worse content added to the game because of how lazy they are.
The exact same Cetus and Fortuna bounties, but with extremely slightly altered enemy models.
>Magnetic just melted through the Overguards
I am confuse. Does new magnetic do more damage to overguard? I thought it was just the new status effect. I figured it's not worth using against Grineer because without an armor strip, their armor would eat some of the electric proc anyway.

Regardless, I've been running corrosive and heat on my gun, but it's high RoF, enhanced by several abilities, and an incarnon so maybe it's already decent enough to run unoptimized.
Magnetic is Viral but for shields/overguard
>takes health damage.
Not tanky, helminth fodder.
>need to do cambion drift mining
>the nodes are fucked
>its not just me but an actual issue
i dont understand how stuff like this gets fucked
its like changing the wheel size on your car and now the windows dont work
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>Takes over an hour for her to be useful
>At very least I learned that Corrosive just sucks.
is it really THAT bad? it would be completely trivial for me to go from corrosive->viral on my melee build but then I would literally have viral on all 3 slots and feel kind of helpless against the occasional infested/deimos I run into... just considering the overall loadout and not a single weapon I guess, if you already optionally have the procs and/or damage type multiplier available on hand by switching, or in an absolute nightmare scenario with something still surving your initial attacks it'd just be another armor reduction source or CO/gunCO multiplier
i wish theyd have S+ cups.
>well designed
>some of them take 5 times longer to complete than others on top of being more tedious, for the same reward
>Magnetic increases Shield damage by up to 325% with multiple stacks and disables the target's Shield regeneration for a short duration. When Shields or Overguard breaks, deal Electricity Damage for 3% of enemy's Max Shield or Overguard per stack with a forced Electricity Status Effect.
Yeah it makes Overguard explode. I don’t think it killed the Eximus right after because of the 3% proportional electric damage, but because once the Overguard was broken the Eximus would suffer the procs that it protected. So them all +Elec (another element for GunCo) made short work of the Eximus
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Why is wfg so fucking gay?
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I don't care what or who you are boobs are nice
>wants bigger tits on frames
ok homo
delete alchemy
delete yourself (by atari teenage riot)
I forgot to ask, whomst? flat is still justice, anon
While I could feel more upfront damage from the Corrosive against armored enemies, I didn’t feel much difference after a while when the conditionals triggered and enemies started dying. If Corrosive helps, it isn’t by much up to level 200
While I prefer other forms of procs, I rarely put Viral on my melee unless it’s really fast to spread tons of procs (a weapon with really good range or something like Syam) or it will be the main weapon I’m using like in a melee frame (Excalibur, Kullervo)
Melee weapons have Condition Overload that don’t need a kill to trigger its effect. Due to that and at least one of my other weapons already having Viral (if not both) I always assume by the point an enemy gets in melee range it will already be viralized. By habit, I run ahead shooting unless I’m holding something like a Glaive. So it gets redundant to put Viral on my melees too most of the tine.
Again, there are its exceptions. I personally like Syam’s energy waves so when I’m using it I stop using other weapons and slash everything to bits. In that case I returned to using Viral in it just because I stopped shooting people
If you don't have 1 of every frame collected and helminth'd you're poor.
Voruna should have 6 boobs
Unveiling rivens is the best way to learn about dogshit weapons you didn't even know existed
>saw someone mention kavat's grace
>it's from circuit only
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> I didn’t feel much difference after a while when the conditionals triggered and enemies started dying
I think I understand base on this especially because I'm so averse to conditionals, my approach just varies enough that having that little bit of type diversity helps for my literally-every-mission loadout
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>is it really THAT bad?
Come back to this post >>498585372
>After only a half second of heat status, Viral+heat is better against armour than corrosive+heat is.
>One Corrosive Projection aura brings armour below the threshold for viral without heat being better than corrosive
In every situation within your control and in some situations outside of your control, viral is better than corrosive. Conditionals don't even matter; you should never EVER put corrosive on anything that isn't a primer. Get armour strip by putting Vicious Bond on your beast or corrosive on your sentinel's guns.

>feel kind of helpless against the occasional infested/deimos I run into
It doesn't matter, but if it makes you feel better just have a different build for Cambion Drift bounties. Losing ~1/6 of your up-front damage doesn't matter because viral status stacks will give you double up to quadruple damage. In terms of viral status immunity, it's certain specific bosses and then Jugulus, Carnis, and Saxum, and those aren't dangerous enough that you can't just kill them with a standard build anyway. Take viral+heat everywhere.
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have they still not teased any new voidshell skins? is it truly over for equinox mains?

>One Corrosive Projection aura brings armour below the threshold for viral without heat being better than corrosive
Viral...works on armored enemies when they are below 100% armor? It makes sense but I did not know it worked like this at all.
rolling guard + brief respite
>guy says he wants frames to have giant breasts
>"yeah he's gay"
be fucking for real.
im going to plead section 13 and 5
>In every situation within your control and in some situations outside of your control, viral is better than corrosive
>Take viral+heat everywhere
I did have viral on my melee some years ago and opted against it with an otherwise comparable loadout but that was before a number of reworks so, you know what? I'm gonna try this, despite my years of conventional wisdom telling me otherwise, and I'll report back to say how gimped or empowered I feel with it


did u rike it?
post natah
are you fucking retarded
Lotus Amalga has FEET? Wtf...
can someone explain how to go from a fresh dojo to max dojo solo? like how to build that shit and the optimal layout etc?
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you meant to tag >>498583128 didn't you
yeah it's called stop being autistic and join a normal clan
tile generation has changed
combos that were impossible before happpen all the time now and sometimes block you
I'm taking the Garuda pill. Which stance for her claws?
ok grandpa, lets get you to bed
but I'm srsly u guise
Cascadia flare gives the highest damage boost out of all secondary arcanes
Its also effortless to keep up and has permanent uptime
blessed general
best 165p i've spent. can't zoom in sadly
nice, how about from the helmet in orbiter?
nope, shows everything but the pigglies.
bah humbug, well she looks good
So now what's the meta pet? Anybody got a build?
grandpa theyre just trying to make them more walkable instead of sprinting/jumping so the console players move faster relative to the pc players so pc players dont wait 4 minutes at extract, even if now every run is slower at a minimum
Viral works on health and armour all of the time. A max armour enemy has 90% damage reduction, or in other words you deal 10% of the damage to it that you would normally do to an unarmoured enemy. One stack of viral will double your damage 10->20%, and one stack of corrosive will adjust its damage resistance so that you deal 22% damage. HOWEVER, partial armour strips face diminishing returns and corrosive is the weakest (common) partial armour strip in the game. So say a max armour enemy has been on fire for a second. Heat's strip is based on time, so this hypothetical enemy has been on fire for literally just 1 second. With heat's partial armour strip, you would deal just under 25% of your normal damage to the max armour enemy. In this situation, adding one stack of corrosive to the stack of heat would cause you to deal about 35% damage. Adding one stack of viral to one stack of heat would double your damage 24.7->49.4%. And now consider that every armour strip other than corrosive that you, your pet, or your teammates could use does this same thing. Essentially every partial armour strip creates this same scenario where viral boosts your damage more than corrosive. Does this explanation help?

You might not even need viral on your melee weapon, but you should a hundred thousand percent get rid of corrosive. Corrosive is dogshit. Also, unless I'm mistaken, you don't encounter viral resistant infested outside of Cambion Drift. It's been a while since I've done steel path bounties on Cambion Drift, but I would expect a viral+heat to kill everything.
The previous melee meta was big crit slash builds with Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds. That still works with Tennokai, or you can do mostly the same thing with elec and Melee Influence. Melee Influence also makes Xoris and Falcor pretty strong, and I assume everyone also knows about slam builds that have recently gotten popular. None of those archetypes use viral on their meta builds.
Tempest Barrage Styanax has been my new favorite meme build.
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What does your RJ build look like?
I'm going to fucking kill you ie write another wall of text
no I mean like silly kind of nonsenical connector-to-connector combos keep happening and potenitially legitimate paths to extraction (I haven't checked forums/leddit to see if it's happened yet) keep showing up blocked by obstructing tile geometry for me across mutliple tilesets
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This is our gamedirector
*and viral from the augment.
That's what it looks like when I try to enter Reb's small womb.
>wokeframe 1999
ready for your shift?
you're late russchizo
just put nourish on him, it applies to ult
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>want to finally retire my smeetor
>my adarza is fugly
I'm seriously thinking about farming kavat codes for another one
honestly I'm gonna write another autistic half essay about how much I hate corrosive in a few months anyway, but we'll worry about that when it happens
Nice sunny morning, it is time to play few spy missions and hives on Ivara!
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I haven't touched this since he was in fashion for daily syndishit cap on draco before mesa et al
I know, I have a nourish build, but nourish is boring.
Spamming a bunch of tempest barrages in one spot, armor stripping, having Nautilus group them all up, and then using his ult on them to constantly group up enemies into the spot is fun.
ready for another night of no sleep?
who, me? no it's almos bedtime for me
Post it.
granda, are your hearing aids dead? did you forget to charge them last night? GRANDPA? CAN YOU HEAR ME?
>0 artillery mods
>shitty turrets
>no speed
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Good night schizo
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the little mouth-open meow at the end is getting me, I need a cat
Speaking of farming kavat codes. Does the trick with the sand of inaros quest still works to farm a shitton of them at once?
>no speed
you might be blind
it worked for me a few month ago
Redpill me on the falcor while I wait for it to build.
>40 min survival
>some fucking wind or something blows a power line down a block away and I lose almost a full protea set
glaives were a mistake
remove all of them from the game
are you handicapping yourself to make RJ missions take as long to finish as possible or something?
Get two so they can play with each other it's not really any more work
Anon do you know the name of the RJ speed mods?
cute, maybe when I move to a bigger place I'll do just that
>not having backup power
i understand you could still lose internet depending on what happens but it can also just work
idk maybe you could save it with phone hotspot idk how this shit works
t. mrlet
>ultra magnus
>u sux lol beh x_x
bitch move
>corrosive used to be the best status
>now it's the worst
>literally all the status rework did was change everyone running corrosive permanently to viral permanently
why is my earth not mastered? why cant i put a drone here? i see no blue
Fuck I forgot mobile was even a thing...I'll remember that next time
post it
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nuh uh deimos infested are immune to viral
no seriously, part of the reason I'm resistant to reducing my builds' damage type diversity and dropping corrosive is years of ingrained experience telling me corrosive is handy to have, with a combination of damage 2.9999999 to 3.0 they have just made viral king of kings
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Saya's Vision
Based Prime, refusing to put over the new talent
Do Koumei's quest
thanks, the deimo thing was just on my map so i was lost on earth
I can't choke you out because you didn't even carlospost correctly
Best Primary to use as a stat stick for doggos?
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based! I love stealth and cache hunting!
>it's for the worst frame in the game
he has not acquired knowledge
checked idk lol_______________________________
>Nagantaka looks cool
>Sucks ass
Hope it gets an incarnon
if you want a bow worth using get a bramma riven and get used to scrounging for ammo between spawn groups
they will puncture holes in everything, they will shit and vomit in random places. they will hide and make you worry they escaped or left and wont answer you, and if you have stairs, they will run ahead and try to trip you
but cats are cool. i like mine, shes a piece of shit
>wokeframe 1999
you know, having experienced being around other people's cats in various stages of cat/people life I like to think I'm prepared for that, but I'll take your post as a cautionary indicator to not commit to it until I'm completely sure I have a space for and the resources for them
>they will run ahead and try to trip you
this happens to me with random cats irl already lol
Goon morning Sirs
content when?
yeah those 6 weeks are so ass
otherwise the perfect frame
cant wait to see his prime ** i actually wish liger would design it **
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go back
It's incredible to me how they just can't balance corrosive. I remember in the lead up to the changes, they said it was a problem that armour was front heavy but the actual problem was that enemy armour scaled infinitely. Oops, full strip from corrosive is strong so we're going to let you get rid of 80% of their armour. Congratulations, you've gone from 99.97% damage resistance to 99.70%, increasing your damage by 10 whole times! Ten times no damage is still no damage.
keep saying it
he's not wrong though
i took vigor first because it had oberon in its icon and i like oberon :D
>cunny drift
PSF gamers>>>>>>>>>>reb gooners
schizos>>>>>>>>>>PSF gamers>>>>>>>>>>reb gooners
you're right
asmon is calling warframe woke after watching the 1999 trailer...
it's over
asmon is banned thoughever?
shut up russchizo
Night Media fake influencer
Yes, let the wokeness flow through you and your transformation will be complete...
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I wonder why...
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I have this theory that in some or multiple ways 1999 will be a slop update that'll put a dent in the player numbers.
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mogs me... at least she's presenting as a woman...
You spell DEI without DE
How do we fix wokeframe?
I've finally graduated from mrlet to lrlet
>literally ran down the hall in netracells to rez squadmate at the last second
Gauss is so fun guys. How do you build him for high level content?

I'm still not completely sure how he works but I think damage eats into his battery with his 2 up? So regardless you want DR. Ended up dying a few times deep into an SP circuit run so I changed my build to stack shield recharge/delay, augur mods, and DR in the form of shock absorber (don't have adaptation yet). But I feel like Albrecht lab enemies are really easy and I finished my SP circuit for the week, so...
welcome and/or soon™
Based Ostron colors
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answer ze call
anon that's fucking spooky wtf?
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Aryan Rebecca, but at what cost...
Still funny that Empyrean was modeled from concept in a single afternoon
I think it was skyers since I remember seeing it live
sort of like Lavos being drawn on a napkin
Corrosive heats ok against infested deimos in sp thoughbeight, and its ok for non endless grineer.
No you don't, I have 2 and they're both fucking assholes
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>Lavos and Nidus Prime finish cooking tomorrow
>need to make a weapon set for Nidus, my infested Nezha cosmetic loadout and need more Mutagen Mass
>got a free Pizza from Dominos too
>got my PT Dropout Diapers
What are some good weapons to pair with Infested Nezha?
bub gun
not sure which 2nd is any good anymore
The infested melee I ended up liking was a riven caustacyst heavy build since it could 100% crit with the blind on top, might work with galv now
Banned from twitch for saying palestinians are an inferior culture and subhuman because they discriminate against the LGBTQ+
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he never mentioned the gays or discrimination
but he did say the culture was inferior and didnt care of they were "genocided" because they want others to be "genocided"
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First legitimate argument for Vigor I've ever seen, well done
Based and kavatpilled
Good riddance
I hate this dysgenic fucking freak so much it's unreal
Yeah but they get smaller going down so it looks like abs or something
I like the subsume ability but literally ever duration frame I use already has invulnerability or nearly
I guess it's just particles but sometimes better but the use cases are so narrow
Yeah I had that on my checklist to go acquire and then I looked at what you need to do and decided that I don't care at all
guys what are my primary weapon armor strip options?
is pillage really that good? is stynax's shit really good but sucks because its short range and getting a second stynax?
ive gotta get armor strip somehow and my primary is free and im at 145% strength and i could do a subsume and adjust my play
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>have literally hundreds of tags for Cetus
>have literally hundreds of tags for Fortuna
>barely any Deimos tags because I kept exchanging them for Son tokens
whenever the murmur do something stupid like walk through a wall or spin in place really fast I'm able to overlook it because they're niggermen from beyond THE WALL BROTHER
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I won big fucking nothing
Was that ever confirmed?
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My Earth isn't mastered because it's being plagued by the kuva lich that keeps stealing from me but the process of hunting it down was too convoluted so I'm just going to let it get away with everything forever
Fire Blast 'works' at 100% strength but has LoS and weird stuff
Terrify needs like 167% strength
Pillage is 200%/400%
Styan's shield thing is alright at 200% full but limited application, probably better for melee memes
Pillage is good but keep in mind you need 328/400% ability strength for it
On some frames (or maybe even most) you can't really get that high without gimping yourself
Sorry bro im American
Do you mean the entire arm cannon thing?
Actually have that cooking
yeah the bubonico
also just remembered the dual toxocyst exist for 2nds if the new augments for other ones aren't any good, I don't remember if they are
i cant get more strength, but im also not doing endurance shit, ill do 8 rounds usually 12 is max of whatever
i was doing acolytes without strip and it took like 45 seconds of blasting them while everything else was melting the sortie took me 18 minutes killing the boss
maybe i dont need full strip?
What are the odds that this faggot Baro will bring Primed Redirection soon?
Hildrynfag here and I'm suffering - Redirection and Vigor combined give less shields than Primed Redirection while taking 2 slots
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Ill put that to cook then. Thanks for the recommendation
I'd eat that pizza. Maybe I'll gain weight for once.
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I wish there was an option to hide mr
How do we fix paki volt?
>ive gotta get armor strip somehow
If a 50% strip from Heat isn't enough, this works with all beasts, hounds, and Helios Deconstructor. If you're using a different sentinel or a MOA, do corrosive on its weapon or mod your guns better. While Pillage needs big STR to full strip, partial strip is much stronger than it used to be. If heat status lasts for 2 seconds, the partial strip will multiply your damage by about 3.5. Stripping the remaining armour will increase your damage by a further ~2.6 times, which is a total of 9 times damage going from full armour to no armour. The soft cap for partial armour strip is ~25% DR, 7.5 times more damage than you'd do to max armour but also you'd only gain 1.33 times damage going from soft cap to full strip.

There used to justifiably be a very intense focus on fully armour stripping enemies, but that isn't required anymore and people haven't adjusted their attitudes yet. Prior to Jade Shadows, you'd have shit like level 200 SP Grineer lancer with 95% DR and 742k EHP. As an extreme example, level cap heavy gunner used to have like 1.3 billion EHP if you didn't armour strip it. IIRC, 90% armour strip would have reduced it to 130m, when weapons that aren't built well but not minmaxed typically have DPS that's like 200-300k. Basically, armour was the only form of EHP that mattered and every loadout had to have some way to entirely invalidate it, which was either full strip or slash procs.
Nuke Pakistan
Glory to Bharat
>5 minute extermination demo

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