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slop edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>not writing your music in assembly
Nothing. It's still there. You just grew out of it.
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nigga you are NOT making me go back
so when is redot going to own the libtards
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cherishing that last cup of the day
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>some literal who pushed the fork button on github weeks ago
>anon is still seething about it to this day
sounds like it already did
imagine writing music in assembly when you could just use music macro language
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Looking good anon.
White male gamedevs over the age of 25 either make a roguelike deckbuilder or troon out. #noticing
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why does my player glitch through the leftmost ceiling? i'm not doing anything to the character controller's collider except change it's height once. once you i too far left he teleports under the middle ceiling uncrouched.
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Engiedev =/= Gamedev

Your kind doesn't belong here.
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this nigga using poonity
my game has pre rendered backgrounds but i'm considering adding an hud map like gta to offset some of the confusion of tank controls
Use unreal and it wont happen
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Halloween Jam starts in 14 days

Are you seriously doing a raycast from the middle and not the edge of your model?
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Looking to make a dungeon crawler game. Almost ready to put placeholder monsters in.
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this anon fucks
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nigga I'm boutta GO OFF THE RAILS
enough with the homoerotic posts, we're 22 posts in, retards
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I think from the videos, it really depends on which era we have.

greek phalanx, medieval armor horse knight, spanish tercios, tercios with musquets and trebuchets and pistol caracoles, bayonets and artillery.

weapons and tactics from one era are useless in another.

samurai/katana would easily be curb stomped by pike and shot tercios.

I do feel I need to watch some movies, but been busy lately.
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hey that's my line
i wasted 8 years after my first game flopped, my cope is that i have a pretty large worldbuilding document and expansive universe (in my head)
raycast starts at the top, right above player's collider. it's a boxcast. red line with the box show where the cast starts and ends.
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>all those new 3d modeler in agdg
surely one of you can finally make this
We hate Mega Man Legends here.
Was thinking about using SID chiptunes in my game (made in a tracker, of course).
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Maybe you should write a book first?
I only make PC ludo
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god I want to make a coom game so badly.
>Ngine is already taken
I give up
This is more of my tastes.
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Coffee or tea to fuel your game development? For me, it's neither. The only hot drink I like is warm chocolate milk.
I spent a little under three years on my game and launched on itch a few weeks ago. I got about 5 browser plays, with one even leaving a comment saying it was "awesome," but after about five days the browser plays went to zero and stayed there, so I deleted the game and closed my itch account. The bar is just too high for me to reach I guess.
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I'm still going to make my game. I don't care.
Water and caffeine pills.
get a gf, once you realize girls are hairy and smell bad you'll get over it
>zero marketing
you deserve it
>he did no marketing
should have posted more here instead of being a fucking lurking idiot
There's no point marketing a game unless it's good.
Things that didn't happen for $500, Bob.
you are hereby invited to join my dark cloud-like godot project
>it was real in my mind
huge if true
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So TOK is the only one posting his demo at Steam feast? That sad.
you market anything that you want to make money. games literally make zero money until they are marketed. you can market a game released years ago and still make money today.
godot is dead, chud
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anyone participating in this? my uni study break is coming up soon so I'll probably focus on making DD instead
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Does this count?
>no one even realizes afterlife gladiator is in it because he's such a shitter at marketing
i swear you guys deliberating screw yourselves over and fully deserve it
I'm surprised your games don't feature more lewd content based on the art you post of other games
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I'm making a game
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My morning game dev routine:
>Wake up
>Eat a full breakfast
>Go through archived /agdg/ thread and make sure site rulebreakers get what's coming to them
>Boot up Unity and Blender and get to work on game dev
Remember to do your part and keep our general clean and free of avatarfaggots! Only YOU can ensure this general stays high quality.
>lust provoking image
>time wasting question
Where do I sign up?
No seriously.
vr pooping simulator
the asset load is massive, think carefully
There's like 3 devs at best from australia so you better be posting progress by lunch time.
i don't understand how they did this, it's like the same guy made all of these models, but i know it's different guys, how do i learn their tricks? what is this ancient art

mega man legends is cool

this might be a reasonable ask for me
cool game, but it hardly feels indie at all.
Legends style models are easy as shit. I don't want to make Legends style models. Hate that flat shaded bullshit. I'm doing N64kino instead, thanks.
holy trinity of boomer slop
That's because it's not. Nodevs like to post other people's games.
>it's like the same guy made all of these models, but i know it's different guys
when you get very good at copying results it gets very easy to clone other styles
you can add me on discord, my tag is- nvm... im too scared to work on a team...
How convenient, deleted page and took images before? At least you work fast at html editing.
>anon sees this and thinks it's lust provoking
this is why i'm glad other women have high standards
is it just me or is there something sincerely unappealing and lame about fast-paced action games, especially ones marketed as such?

Action games are at their best when they are a test of skills that allows you to gradually hone yourself until you can play the game more gracefully. If a game's whole shtick is that it's "fast-paced" then that's a gimmick, and the devs need to take a lot of precautions to take control away from you and make the game play itself to make the game quicker and more snappy and fluid, and at that point, what the fuck are you even doing? Are you even playing? Nah my brother, the devs are playing (You).
>made by two guys
I'm thinking it's indie
>no dev because don't want to post my progress in the thread full of crabs and lolitards
>post a gif from my inspiration folder
Yeah I'm thinking you're retarded
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: So far.
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how do I make mmorpg?
A responsible dev keeps records to study later.
My wife has quite high standards, but that doesn't stop me shit posting, dear.
There's nothing to be scared of.
eh what?
>it's only playing if I can believe i control everything even though the camera moves by code, the character moves by code, everything moves by timers and the physics is managed by code too
yeah it looks awful to be honest, yet i still admire it somehow

they're not that easy, also when i try shading on low poly textured models ij blender it looks so bad, i'm considering just baking the intended shading into the texture
it feels more like smurfing than indie. like ex pros or something making an indie game
Fluid non-stop-dopamine-supply breakneck ADHD action games are gay and I'm willing to die on that hill.
>It's only indie if it looks like shit
This, but unironically.
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i guess i could show off a webm...
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That's a platformer, anon. I should know because I played the demo. The Big Catch is intended as a platformer, not an action game. Also IMO slow paced action games are an oxymoron. Ideally an action game should give you a lot of control over the character so that when you get to the base level of proficiency in movement you can make it fast-paced. Pic very related. An ideal game has it's core mechanics built in a way it resembles chess: easy to pick up and grasp, but with a high skill ceiling that allows the gameplay to turn into a flow state when you reach a certain level of proficiency.
You have no game, faggot.
nah by your logic kojima productions is also indie
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it's deving time!
Nu-indie games are only going to look more and more professional as the pros are laid off.
>Tyrone fucking my wife isn't really cuckoldry because my wife only cums from her dragon dildo anyway therefore the control was never in our hands to being with LMAFO X3
the only cool thing about tomb raider is that it has a female protagonist, it's so boring otherwise

i'm not sure if they were copying results, it seems like they were trained in a certain way, i wish somebody would teach me like this, but it's a journey i must take alone sadly
Character model makes me nostalgic. What's the gameplay of this going to be like?
It's only indie if it was made by a single person that hates the game and himself. If you have ANY emotional or developing support, you are not an indie developer.
If a game is genuinely good enough, it will sell itself from people recommending it to others. If it's not good enough to do that, marketing is a waste of time.
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Could a Sim City remake work?
Are you retarded? By definition no publisher and developed by a 1 person to a small team is literally the definition of an indie game regardless of their previous work experience. Wasn't there that one solo developed assetslop flat-shaded title that people were jacking off here the other day by a former AAA dev? I don't remember the name. Either way, the guys who worked on The Big Catch's only previous experience was making a handful of gamejam games and a couple joke games including Yo Noid! 2. If you are really splitting hairs over it "Not being indie" feel free to download the demo on Steam and notice the extremely janky shortcut they used for the running/walking animation. It's clear it isn't their strong suit.
Also this lmao. Clown.
There's something really specially about how deliberate the gameplay of Tomb Raider is. Games aren't inherently supposed to be shiny toys for toddlers. Tomb Raider makes you think and calculate your actions and it's one of the best action series ever made. You're just not going to find that anywhere nowadays
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that's normal
literally, unironically, word of mouth is marketing. You will get zero word of mouth if all (5) of the players of your game tell no one about it.
>how do I make mmorpg?
You're either born with the knowledge or you aren't.
>There's no point marketing a game unless it's good.
First guy you responded to here and the original poster for that TBC gif. I grew up with Tomb Raider. It was held back by how clunk it's controls are. What you are saying is literally just boomer cope even though we're probably the same age. One of us got the wrong message out of the game and it was you. An action game shouldn't feel like running through mud, but actively make you feel like you're a participant in the action.
>they're extremely popular but they're still indie and not mainstream because.... they just are okay
next you will say spelunky devs are also indie
Dave the Diver is indie in clown world.
Multiples of that already exist. I can't even remember the Sim City clone names because they're freeware clones that are already much more dense and built up than what you probably have in mind, and then you have City Skylines 1 & 2 and that other really autistic city builder that was marketed at municipal planners. I think it's a dead genre to try and get into but that's my 2 cents. Give it a shot if you want, or don't.
I'm 26. I played Angel of Darkness to Underworld back in 2014 and thought they were meh
I'm playing Tomb Raider now for the first time and I'm completely captivated by how elaborate the game really is. I thought it would be a huge pile of shit but a lot of games from the 90s completely blow most games post 2010 out of the water
i honestly don't know, i was kind of hoping my gamedev partner could take the wheel on the non-town building aspect of our dark cloud-like...
Exactly. If your game can't even get 5 people to tell other people about it, it's not a good enough game.
Indie means independent. IE: no backing from a big corporation like Sony or EA for example. If you made a game without Mr. Shekelstein buying the IP from you and giving you cash, then you are indie, regardless of how your game looks.
It is.
Tiny Glade did well but it had a really nice look. Find a niche in the city builder genre and focus on that.
I wouldn't even touch anything related to internet facing backend shit these days without going through some kind of framework designed by professionals. Every step of the process is a security risk.
Really cool :O what kind of game?
y'all might crab on nortubeldev, but he's the most productive poster here
Tiny Glade is the complete diametric opposite of Sim City. They don't share a single target audience member
>star citizen is indie
You think big corporations will continue appropriating the term indie to market their games?
>Legends style models are easy as shit.
post yours
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I'm two years older than you. I played it when it was new and I recently replayed it for research for my own game since I remembered it had some similar mechanics. However I was disappointed how clunky it was as a game. The game itself was fine, but it was clunky. In an ideal world you would have that setting and elaborate set pieces, but you would have the fluid movement mechanics found in SM64 or Sunshine. It just works and flows better without all the clunky jank.
all games are basically the same
no i will not elaborate
>Self-developed and self-published
Sounds indie to me. Not like it matters, Star Citizen is never coming out anyway.
Why a hypen at the end?
this is what shit developers who gave up on improving their art/look and insist on using godot no matter what actually believe
>try adding a struct to an actor from a separate header file
>project cant find any files
>project takes 5mins to build
>constant build issues
>any other game engine
>try adding struct
>it just works
Why does anyone bother with this engine again?
>>project takes 5mins to build
Get a PC built in the past 6 years.
controlled execution is one side of it, difficulty escalating game speed, your speed has to increase as well.(DMC, GOD HAND, NIOH) fast reactions and simple gameplay are no less impressive. boomer shooters have a very simple but satisfying gameplay loop and that's a game seller.

FUCK YOUR 900 SECONDS EVERY DAMN TIME YOUR COOKIES DON'T SAVE I'M NOT BAN EVADING JANNY TRANNNNIIIIEEEEEEESSS total janny genocide. i hope hiro dies bleeding from his chopped dick.
POV: you, my codemonkey, being put to work by me, the game and art director
I agree it can be improved upon a lot, but unfortunately it never was. The clunky controls unintentionally force the player to consider his actions more carefully, which is something I haven't encountered much in games and it is an interesting experience. It will probably get old but it's the only platformer I've played that forced me to think about how to get to places and made me plan out things. Maybe I just haven't played enough platformers. It almost reminds me of Thief in the way it works. The best games have gameplay that engages the player mentally. Tomb Raider might be mechanically busted but it succeeds in including your brain in the gameplay and not a lot of games accomplish that.
the good ones are different
it's not fair... I could make a game like that in a couple days... if I was born decades ago it would've been worth millions, no it'd sell like 3 copies...
That's not his son. Momma got seeded by a med BVLL.
I love you all so fucking much
It's an interesting experience but only so far as to the later levels where it becomes a hindrance more than it is a help. By the end of the game they expect you to do the impossible with the clunky controls under duress. You can have fast paced movement mechanics and still require the player to think or use advanced techniques to get there and it wouldn't take away from that if the levels were designed right. As it stands, it's just far too clunky to be enjoyable and any more than "okay" on a fundamental level. It just asks too much of you at the end with it's extremely clunky and limited controls when the rest of the game asked you to think carefully about your next move, but then flip the script at the end and hope you are skilled enough to do it under a timer with such clunky controls.
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My Mona Lisa. When I go Japan I will be sure to visit the store to see it in person
Could you really make a game near that good for the N64 with the tooling available back then?
are any of you trying to make something completely unique? like not even an existing genre but just barebones rules you made up from first principles.
Technically... Yes? At least my secondary design doc if this first design fails is wholly unique based on real life experience.
"performant" is a stupid word
Detective game
I have a couple concepts like that but I'm going to make some easier and simpler games first to make sure I can make games period.

Only if you're a literal retard lol
>perform, ant
Already been done.
ok reddit
no two are the same
pastel colored 3rd person puzzle game with specific autism rules that get harder as you play.
I hope to make the first deep down type game but fight knight dev might beat me to it.
Baba is you sequel?
So I was trying to eliminate the need to remesh the entire window of chunks ( basically the square which is your render distance ingame ),

and realized that if the chunk rows just shift up or down, the rows will cascade in such a way that I am basically remeshing the entire chunk window again.

So, I have to make a ring buffer for my chunk window. This will be fun.
You missed his question if that was your answer. Hundreds of detective games exist. Explain how yours is different and doesn't follow the same basic groundwork as the others.
dating sim but your a dog (human women)
it allows you to do the detectieving
vibri ahh ahh microscopic sex toy
my game you turn enemies into different kinds of blocks and each block has multiple uses.
>Just saw that the model got actually posted in an old thread
Looks a bit too clean for Megaman Legends though. What kind of environment would work with that? Did the guy who used AI also tried to make buildings or furniture?
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>I could make a game like that in a couple days
If youre not a nodev and really can make a good 3d platformer then just get furry girls models form dinganus or rip them off and you will earn millions
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now that asmongler is banned im certain to never reveal your power lvl to normies
Tall women are so hot
>a flight sim but also a mecha
mentally ill
euro truck simulator but mecha. Truck driver's trucks transform into mechs when they have trucker disputes or have to clear a bridge in front of them which is too tall for their truck.
That sounds interesting. Looking forward to it.
why does it start outside of the collider? why is it a boxcast? why does the capsule overlap with the floor?

as for why the cast doesn't find the white collider box on the left of our view: it shouldn't. you fundamentally misunderstand something about casts and I can't read your mind to figure out what it is. just know that casts do not find whatever object you start them inside of. maybe that's what you're confused about.

if he was doing the cast from the center of the capsule he would have SOME chance of it actually working. you should ALWAYS start casts inside a "safe" object. any time you start them out in the open air you're begging to miss collisions.
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Got my Vaporeon kigurumi, got my Burzum playing, got my mason jar of sweet tea, got my space heater running, got my emotional support/debugging Vaporeon plush.

Yep, it's comfy game dev time.
Livy is that you?
>the eternal kraut
they were too busy failing as a company to deliver anything in 2023
I just knew someone from a long time ago who loved Vaporeon.
I could make the model but I can't make the texture look good
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>a building system but with more flexible shapes
In an effort to avoid having a rust-like building mechanic where everything built with it looks like a rust base, I've been engaged in shape autism.

Are curved walls worth the extra hassle?
this just makes it sweeter
maybe you should just make a town builder if you don't even have any ideas for the other part
I also hate the rust building system.
I think it is overwhelming for a player to have too many options and little knick knacks and specific measurements when building.

This is why Minecraft mogs the ones after it who say "Wait but what if you could specifically build with any shape!?"

It needs to be simple but powerful. That is my goal with my game's building system. Simple but very powerful and expressive.
Sorry to disappointed, just a retard who likes the ocean.
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coded a json that can remember things
modern zoomzoom platforming design is just unappealing to me but I was never a big fan of platformers


you don't have to make fun
yea, I'm a Mordhau player so I'm into methodical movements and timing rather than just rampant speed.

I also like chess.
This is why my Mordhau-like and my First Person Shooter -like will be more slower paced and methodical.
holy shit why is coming up with a setting and lore more difficult than any other aspect of gamedev
I like this.

You have promise
It's such a shame that TR1 was the peak and everything following it was meh at best.

The controls are clunk but how methodical the movement is makes it amazing.
I'd imagine it more like it behaves similar to the Rust building system, where the player chooses a square or a triangle to put down, and where to put walls, but then after they've made that choice they can convert a wall to a curve and the actual shapes required are taken care of automatically. Since all I'm doing here is breaking down squares and triangles into smaller triangles
believe it or not, I was not making fun. And I'm sorry if it seemed that way.
unreal is joke tier when it comes to usability I don't know how anyone can stand to dev with it
Unironically a skill issue
so which is it, shills?
kys furfag
it's so obvious when a fast-paced game has exactly one expected way of doing everything per level.

>standing at the edge of a gap thinking "can i make that jump?"
>"maybe if i run"
>almost make it, but die
>"damn i almost had that"
>eventually make the jump, not even sure if it was intended or not
slow paced is pure ludo
Build times are only bad if you don't have an SSD or a decent processor. The other stuff is a skill issue.
Isn't that just one of those games where the mecha never walks because everything happens in space and instead of a space ship you have a flying mecha?
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lmao even
How did you manage to make your protagonist even more desexualized? And what animal is it this time? Is it still Nolgorb?
>Build times are only bad if you don't have an SSD or a decent processor.
I don't need to try out current Unreal to know this is cope for
>You get used to it.
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Legends is a big inspiration.
it's a Nolbot
I document things I call 'Ludokinos'. They're little things that are cool in games. I document them to put them into my game.

Here's one:

- seeing a distant future part of the game through a glass or ice wall and the people in that part of the game don't notice you.

Example: In Banjo Tooie when you go to Glitter Gulch Mine you can see Hailfire Peaks ( Ice Side ) through an ice wall.
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Made some great progress today. Game is approaching the thing I envisioned.
classic mario and sonic dichotomy.
Sonic sucks because it's basically a memorization test if you're trying to go fast, but ironically the actual jumping platforming in it feels slower than mario because you need to slow to a crawl at those spots and you're much slower without momentum. Never understood the appeal of sonic and super fast constant motion forward platformers.
I'd have Sufjan Stevens be the Musician for my game if he'd accept.
My favourite 'Ludokino' is getting to an area further in the game that lets you look back at an earlier portion of the game with a better sense of perspective, like looking down from the top of Sen's Fortress (or Anor Londo, can't remember which) in Dark Souls.
Personally I went from multiple minute long build times on a hard drive to near instant on an SSD.
Sonic doesn't work because it's a 2D sidescroller, you can't see where you're going. This doesn't apply to 3D games.
Encountering a completely nonsensical multi-element puzzle early in the game that you can't be expected to even understand that early because you don't even understand what is going on in the game.
About 10 hours later you run into it again and you realize you learned all the different components and now suddenly you understand what you're looking at
Nah it actully moves on the ground and I intend to make ground movement faster than flying in some cases
kys furfag
Oh then that might be alright. I hate the later ACs because you just fly all the fucking time. It's okay if you can build for air time but it should still be a limited resource or have some sort of limitations to it. If it's always best to spend maximum amount of time flying it's like why not just have it fly all the fucking time don't pretend it's a mecha game.
what's with the skin color mismatch around the face? the feet look awkward and gun looks weird but otherwise it's alright
this is like if megaman megends had anatomy, really cool lol

>anon making a game without appeal
lol my throne is left unchallenged
kys AIslopper

For a game with procedurally generated terrain and structures, do you think it would be a bad idea to also slightly randomize the quests and story so for a castle there can be different types of factions that spawn depending on the seed and also have it randomized whether they are hostile or friendly and offering quests?
what is ludo? like ludonarrative dissonance?
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Fixing a few issues with the controls.
The character would jump twice. I've inverted the horizontal controls when the character turns around. Did a little more texturing on the background too.

I still more moves to add, I want to see if I can improve the look and feel. I am getting eager to work on the opponent AI too.
you just created a daggerfall-like lol

cris got real quiet after this progress dropped
I don't really know how much lewd I want in my game. So I decided that I will add it at the end. If I add it at all.
kys furfag
Even Diablo 1 had a random selection of quests for the player. If your intention is replayability then yeah it can be okay to not include all of it in every run.
Or just add lewd to other people's games.
does your game have lore autism

my nigga cris will mog this by 2030
honestly considering doing this. But do I really want to be the furry 3d platformer anon? Not sure.
honestly you're primed for success after nolgorb, good luck, I'm rootin' for you.
>make new unreal project
>create new c++ class that inherits from some base (actor, pawn etc)
>create new separate header file
>in your header file put a single struct
>now try accessing the struct in your unreal generated class
You can't. Normal projects when setup properly look through the entire source folder including subdirectories to look for your header and implementation files. Unreal does not do this by default so if you did want to create a file to house your structs you now need to back into the editor and create a whole class to house it. When really, with any other c++ project, you can just make it where you want. I don't understand the point of having all the engine features if the language you choose for users to generate their projects in is fundamentally kneecapped.
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My friends convinced me to buy this to play with them because apparently there's multiplayer now. No idea what to expect from it, but I've heard it can be very addicting so I'm slightly concerned about the impact it might have on my future productivity. All the useless facts about Eric Barone I've passively absorbed during my years of posting here are coming rushing back. I hope you guys all have a good night.
I wish I could figure out how to delete a bunch of redundant code from Unity that I don't need for my game.
it's called making your own engine that removes all the feature slop.
>My friends convinced me to buy this to play with them because apparently there's multiplayer now. No idea what to expect from it, but I've heard it can be very addicting so I'm slightly concerned about the impact it might have on my future productivity. All the useless facts about Eric Barone I've passively absorbed during my years of posting here are coming rushing back. I hope you guys all have a good night.
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guess who just made another checkin for their game
The multiplayer experience sucks. It's a single player game with multiplayer hacked into it. You have to be low IQ woman to enjoy the multiplayer.
Really not an easy choice
On the other hand, you will never be the zero (you)s anon...
Another what?
Sorry, I just thought it was funny that after all the years of seeing this game discussed here I'm finally playing it. And don't call me Eric, that's not my name.
>You have to be low IQ woman to enjoy the multiplayer.
Well fortunately both my friends are fairly dumb women, so maybe I'll be able to have fun vicariously through them.
a commit to a repo. I call them checkins because I'm quirky and different
how come these literal ps5 babies are churning out games in that dreams thing like it's nothing and /agdg/ can't make even one game?
Good job in that case anon. Keep quirking on.
doesn't look like legends but still cool
>how come these literal ps5 babies are churning out games in that dreams thing like it's nothing and /agdg/ can't make even one game?
agdg has made a shit ton of games. The problem is not making a game but making a good game.
Dreams is cool, my 8 year old cousin is a wizard with it. It's kind of like Unreal blueprints but dumbed down. Unironically part of me thinks this sort of visual scripting stuff might really be the future of game dev.
oh man I hadn't heard of that one since before I started making games
How is composition meant to work with gdscript? I mean let's look at a typical example:
>add an Inventory node to Chest
>add an Inventory node to Player
Now what? How do we transfer items from one node's inventory to the other's without digging through the other's children or defining passthrough methods or signals?
wtf just looked at this on youtube and the games made in it almost look AAA? how do you even make 3d models with a controller?
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People should be rewarded for their hard work with artwork.
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I'm looking forward to people making lewd artwork of my future game for me to publicly admonish and privately dehydrate myself with.
I hope you make artwork like this for my game when I get the demo out
if you use a potion that has both positive and negative effects. should the use be prevented if the positive effect wouldn't add anything?
like, if you use a health potion that also removes 20 mana. should the potion use be prevented if health is full already?
or should i let the player do whatever they want?
I mostly do them when either the game inspire me or to encourage people. Make something that caught my interest.
eating african chili oil rn
Middle one is the best
>if you use a health potion that also removes 20 mana.
potion of cast healing spell?
What catches your interest? I feel like what I'm working on might, but it's a personal thing I don't post progress until I have enough I'm happy with or close to a demo
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This place makes me find comfort in knowing I'm with other losers.
Player freedom is best.
You're only a loser if you call yourself a loser
vhs filter is over

laserdisc filter is my new friend
In general, the way I structure "components" is that they add_user_signal to the parent and/or create custom properties in the parent's set_meta. These interfaces become the meeting point for any entities that need to interact with each other.

Chest has an Interaction Node with the logic for how to respond to an interaction query: i.e. tooltip and callback function.
Player has a Raycast Node with the logic to handle interactions: on Raycast colliding with an object that has an Interaction node, display the tooltip for the interaction.
On the user input_event "interact", the Player Node asks the Raycast Node if the Raycast is currently pointing at an object with an Interaction Node. If so, call the interaction callback. In the case of the Chest, the interaction callback should contain the logic to bring up the Inventory UI, appropriately displaying its Inventory along with the player's. That Inventory UI should handle the logic for swapping items between the two Inventory Nodes it has open.
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Interesting idea/art, something that either different or high quality. a(w)oken did caught my interest. But also svern (a turn based civ like), shanghai gold, frankly just trying may interest me.

Also Linux build.
What your game?
I want this so bad. To just ride around a mecha doing cool shit.
>if node has Inventory:
> found_item = Inventory.MoveItem( item_name)
> destination.Inventory.AddItem(found_item)
Inventory handles its own digging around and returns the items you need.
>Chest.Inventory.ShowItems() for a loot screen
>user pressed to loot X item
>found_item = Chest.Inventory.MoveItem(pressed_item)
>... plus additiona error checking for full inventories etc
since everybody talks about motivation problems and depression nowadays. and also everybody saying "i cant make it its all too hard".
does that mean i can win by simply just not being a doomer and functioning? been deving daily for the last weeks by simply just not being a doomer anymore. i'm not even a high performer but i keep making good progress.
this should be enough to outcompete all the other mentally crippled devs right?
it's almost like just being normal is a superpower, just not being a doomer who convinces himself all the time that its not worth doing anything.
>last weeks
>he doesn't know
yes being normal is a superpower, everyone is sad or adhd or some kind of cynical addict with anxiety.
Define "win"
I had this moment in The Witness, but it was entirely disappointing because I realized all the late game puzzles are basically the same thing. The one that really bothered me was the one in the town that has a color element to it, but it was actually a light puzzle.
>liminal space pool rooms
>they're pool tables
Modding a game is easy, but is a waste of time because it's not really your game.
>you're using unreal engine? you're just modding unreal!
been unironically thinking about making a backrooms game
it's a perfect setting for anything
imagine a king's field-like or a gta-like or even a doom-like
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Godot doesn't have a composition system so it's up to you to makeshift one and follow it yourself.
var inventory = chest.get_node("Inventory")
if inventory == null: return
making a finished product. i dont mean asset flip slop or someone trashy hobby game a 14 year old made. i just mean something like stardew valley
i mean, come on, stardew valley, content-wise and code-wise, isn't really a game that's worth millions of dollars, as in work-hours.
i might not have the luck to become a hit, but i can definitely see making a game like that if i just work normal hours every day.
i mean just doing it and making a normal game.
can't control if people will like it, but i can control not making absolute slop and not making a scam asset flip.
The difference is Timmy will support Unreal forever. Dreams doesn't.
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Now we're talking
liminal space dating sim where you're not even sure if the girls are real or you're just hallucinating
lmao keep at it little buddy. you'll figure it out after some time
>bad guys are just good guys with color changed and mouth flipped

This game prompts some deep thoughts.
when i dont dev for over a year and then stop being a doomer and start deving daily for weeks, what does that mean? my only conclusion is to never ever be a doomer again in my life, cause its just dumb and gay
>why does it start outside of the collider?
so that it doesn't hit the player collider itself.
>why is it a boxcast?
so that the player can't uncrouch unless his entire body is no longer under the ceiling (i'd have to use several line casts to cover the head area, but boxcast does it with single line).
>why does the capsule overlap with the floor?
it overlaps because i crouch and that causes change in height of the collider which causes the visible capsule (rendered model) to appear to be overlapping.
>as for why the cast doesn't find the white collider box on the left of our view: it shouldn't.
why not? it shouldn't matter if i do the raycast or not, the collider is still there and enabled and the physics engine should prevent it from moving into the leftmost obstable as it does it i stand up. that's what confuses me - the crouch is messing with the physics somehow.
>any time you start them out in the open air you're begging to miss collisions.
how so?
Is this true >>498576963 ? as an emo french i hope it appeals to you when i get it out
What's a passthrough method?
One does not climb a mountain by remaining stationary.
>buy this
>he didnt receive eric's free christmas gift
>so that it doesn't hit the player collider itself.
/agdg/ is a family story, and it ends on a high note.
i'm using unity.
I don't know what you mean, but it's easy.
>array of chests
>check if player is interacting with this chest
>get chest from array
>get chest items
>get player items
>can now do whatever with items from both lists
football manager 2025 will use unity and ui toolkit. what better game could use your engine to stress-test your ui tools?
I believe it's a method that basically calls the exact same method on a private variable.
>use unity
>ends up delayed months for a game that releases every year
It's so over.
just sounds like a case of low lever programming not being picked up and the newer generation of gamedev being used to using game engines.

You'll probably see Elder Scrolls use Unreal one day.
Oh that, I have a lot of those. I feel like it's very bad programming.
>write anything
>"thing bad" replies
every time. lol losers
YesDeving before work EVERY day.



What do you do with the Dash Button when you arent aiming it??
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When it comes down to making a content complete game then yes, having an above average IQ and a good work ethic within a realistic scope is enough to finish a game that you can be proud of.
If you took 100 solodevs that got past tutorial hell, i'd say that only 10 of them achieve something like that. And out of that 10, maybe 3 of them will find enough success to fund the next project.
You need a work ethic to get yourself into the top 10%. But you need talent to get yourself into the top 3% and that's when you can actually do this as a full time gig and that full time gig may be fairly temporary.
it's a silly situation that arises from encapsulation
Sorry but I made a lot of negative progress and my shit is broken so I havent updated the itch in months
negative progress isn't real althoughbeit
Then it's the layerMask parameter on Physics.Raycast
>ran out of coffee pods
uh oh headaches inc
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I am one of those 3!
what do people try to achieve telling themselves how hard it is to make it? like even if it's true (maybe it's not even hard), what is the intention behind it? like what's the point of telling yourself that something is hard? to get you stop doing it? or to make you work harder? i don't feel like those people make themselves work harder.
i think those people just hate gamedev and want to find reasons to not do it.
i think its cognitive dissonance.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it.

Dash forwards or backwards depending on what sort of game you're making.
Exactly, but don't let people know. Be the anti-doomer.
That's it! I will make a video game!
Give me your best godot tutorial!
I kinda want to figure out a better method, but the need to encapsulation is too strong.
gdquest is a good start
i think the main reason godot exists is to make indie devs fail by wasting all their time on a bad engine. i feel sorry for everyone who isn't just using unity. rip to all the lost indie devs :(
i know...
not sure you're the same anon here >>498569568
but i don't need to use the layermask because that anon is correct, raycast doesn't register collision when cast from within the "safe" object.
also, another anon said that i shouldn't start the cast inside so there's been lots conflicting suggestions so far.
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I just combined backrooms and UFO 50 into the ultimate game idea.

Infinite corridors line with infinite arcade cabinets, each AI generated to be unique and fully playable.
this except not ai generated
It's to let the other person know that they aren't wrong for giving up. It's hard as in actually hard, not fake hard. If you give, then that's fine. Beginning game devs don't even understand this concept. They think making a working game is hard.
I whiteboarded the problem, and solved it. Now all that's left is the implementation.

I'm right outside the city of the problem and I'm taking a small bit of time before encroaching to eat a stuffed pepper.
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so what? everything is hard then. every job. every hobby. seriously man this shit is just a dumb mindset. name one job where you can just collect money without any effort. what even is the point of that thinking? that you should do nothing and just rot away in your room?
also becoming a professional gamer or athlete is way harder than making a game.
in gamedev you just have to make something cool. in competition you actually have to be the fittest or most intelligent person.
>try to use a whiteboard
>it's really annoying to move around
There has to a better way.
Ew, didn't realize I was replying to a beginner game dev. Don't reply to me again.
I have it on a wall.
you want the raycast inside the player capsule cause otherwise you have to worry about it starting inside something else and not being able to detect a collision it should
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Half-Life had 20+ computer-educated people working on it
how can you ever compete with that level of productivity?
the whole team thought they were gonna fail
wow that was a post of substance, explain to me what is hard about gamedev? hard as in: not even spending time and effort means you can achieve it, because its simply too hard
because there's nothing that doesn't take time and effort
By the Power of God.
Mark 11:23-24
modern developers cannot make Half-Life. It's basically lost technology at this point. This is the Roman Empire all over again
that might be it. i'll give it a try. thanks to all anons who helped.
I didn't even know Godot had a 3d tilemap/gridmap editor, I was thinking I'd have to make my own. My game is so stupid simple that I should just be able to like make it now. That's crazy. Still need to learn some basic skills, like making 3d animations in blender, which is going to be a hassle, but this is not bad at all.
Not that anon, but what's so difficult to make of Half-Life?
steamie fanboy circlejerking
What's wrong with acknowledging something that is difficult is in fact difficult? It's important for giving value to your (or someone else's) efforts.
the homunculus
whats the point of calling something difficult? everybody bitches and cries about their job nowadays. its not like gamedev is that special hard job. would you rather spend 2 years gamdeving or 2 years working at mcdonalds?
if gamedev is so hard, then i guess you'd rather work at mcdonalds right?
>20+ computer-educated people
rise and shine for the breakfast curry, saar
It's an enormously complicated multilayered game that heralded the start of the PC golden age alongside Unreal and Thief The Dark Project. The amount of complexity of interactivity at play in Half-Life is something that you would only see in Minecraft or Breath of the Wild nowadays.
In many ways it's the systems-based game of shooters.
Nice animations
I will now use your game engine
There is satisfaction to be derived from overcoming something difficult, and knowing something is difficult makes it easier to persevere when it feels difficult.

I'm the sole developer for my fairly large company and also enjoy the challenge of it. That isn't me bitching or crying about it though. It is difficult therefore it is engaging.
>when even this guy is starting to notice the trend of people jumping into gamedev
aggy-kun's! our gamedev futures looks so bleak!
if you care about too much competition gamedev is the wrong hobby for you, because it means you aren't into gaming. because if you'd be into gaming you'd both want more games and also want to make one.
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If I make it big will people like me.....?
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Im making my dream game hehe
Hello everyone!
I finished my settings menu!

Thank you!

Best of luck on your things! Good luck :D
Determination in finishing a game isn't enough on its own otherwise I'd make it with this flop of a game I'm making. Still second guessing whether to cut the scope or go the whole scope and risk it being a waste of time. You're going to have to improve those skills as well and I'm clearly not improving fast enough compared to all these new dev's coming in with vastly superior skill. Just feels like I'm falling behind.
come on now
Post proof.
>full time gig and that full time gig may be fairly temporary.
just how much money is a game making that it's only temporary? i'd only consider taking it as a full time gig, ie i fully give on the idea of waging, if my game makes me something like 10 years wagies. anything too low and i simply cannot take such a chance. 5 years wagies isn't enough
Good work!
Does posting your progress and showing your stuff here give you motivation to keep working? Like the anons reacting to your stuff gives you the dopamine to keep going? I kind of have a hard time with focusing and motivation.
yeah, but now what? the whole point of mindset is to get you yesdeving, everything else doesn't matter. if a thought does make you more of a nodev, then whats the point?
if you really want to give up just do it, give up, do something else. otherwise, stop having those thoughts and have thoughts that make you work more. the brain chases what it believes to be worth the effort.
Made breakable props today, set up an easy bool in the map editor for if it should be something you can break if you're moving fast enough too and it explodes oh so nicely
yes, when posters here took interest in stuff i posted, i got really motivated
praise, interest and/or a promise of money make me work like a demon
I'm motivated even more when I see people saying that I won't ever finish.
>created a fully functioning stage with GPTslop
it's too late for me
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I get more motivated from not posting anything at all. Posting has the potential of getting me (You)s but 99% of the time it doesn't which just ruins my flow completely. Even when I get (You)s it's some quippy soifaggot joke that might as well be AI generated so it's not really worth it

Are you assimilating?
No, posting progress is for making sure this remains a place of quality. A real community of real devs. Not just sharing any take. Imagine if DD just had random people submit their game. Would you care? No, you only care for those of the community who you know are there for you everyday as you are there for them.
What I'm doing is the following:
>proooompt for "how do I do x"
>plug it in
>inevitably find some fuckup
>ask prooompt to explain why it does that
>google that and try to fix myself
>just how much money is a game making that it's only temporary
Probably 2-3 years, enough to fund the next project. it's what i'd call a moderate financial success. I personally wouldn't make the jump on that on a single project. But if i made 2 of them in a row i would.
then reply to our progress you fucking faggot nigger. We're not here just to spam our hard work into the void and feel like nothing we do matters
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It depends on the person, but posting progress makes me lose motivation. It's primarily nodevs that demand progress be posted, because they have no game but want to feel like they're a part a real gamedev community where they can hide their incompetence behind anonymity.
this message inspired me to react more to progress posts.
>Action games are at their best when they are a test of skills that allows you to gradually hone yourself until you can play the game more gracefully. If a game's whole shtick is that it's "fast-paced" then that's a gimmick
You are correct.

Fast games look interesting enough to watch on reddit post or a YouTube short and will probably get some OK metrics, but the games themselves are always unremarkable and don't sell that well.

I think the obsession with speed was also a contributing factor in the consistent fumbling of Sonic games, as the devs bought into their own hype about speed and forgot that it started as a precision platformer with speed being a reward for mastery of the levels.
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Blocking out levels is truly one of the gayest aspects of game dev. It's one of the few parts that actually feels like work. Even UI has grown on me compared to this shit.
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I hate devs using fuck loads of impassible mountains as a barrier to the player
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bit by bit. gotta clean their movement up and stop stacking
meanwhile tes uses invisible walls
I have never tried it because I know I'd get an imposter claiming to be me and sullying my name.
Level design was fun with old engines but it sucks ass on newer ones.
is that hammer?
I think you mean the implementation? I still get a kick out of planning and tweaking on pen and paper. It's putting it all in the engine that's monotonous and shit.
Which you need because someone will spam pause while jumping to get over those mountains
quit misrepresenting what i said
Only because it’s like game engines weren’t build for seamless level editing. The level of imprecision and lack of editing mode similar to blender makes it feel like you’re grinding away at your fingers.
Oh yeah that's what I mean. Its such a pain in the ass now. It was way better back when you could just draw the map out in a dedicated tool instead of juggling multiple programs and dealing with importing shit constantly.
Relax zoomer
not an argument
how much money does unity steal from you these days?
is that the time splitters 3 level editor?
fix your shitty engine Todd
0. it only steals it if you make over 100k per yer
A LOT and if your game sells poorly you have to pay the difference

my gamedev friend used Unity for a school project and now he's $400k in debt
good artist? nodev (art perfectionism in the way of jlmg)
good programmer? nodev (code perfectionism in the way of jlmg)
not every game is open world old man
I wish I had a switch I could flip to revert my skill levels back to junior dev levels when I need to do quick and dirty prototyping.
Ironically, it’s not the mountain that matters, but the angle by which you can climb.
this checks out. I built a whole ass game with placeholder assets and am procrastinating on the art because I haven't perfected my workflow for 3d assets yet. why didn't I make a 2d game...
I saw that the previous demo day had over 80 submissions. Wtf. I thought there were nothing but nodev shit posters here simply trying to fill the void so they don't feel so sad, useless, and lonely.
100% of all gross profit over $100k, plus they own all rights to your game and IP. They can release it on other consoles if they want and keep all the money, or even sublicense it out for sequels and keep all the money.
All that effort just for me to vore it later. Sad!
Some of us are yesdev sad useless lonely shit posters.
>want to ask genuine question
>remember i never get an answer
>realize all posts are always crabs
>dont post
every time
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I use invisible walls because there is a lore reason why you are tethered to the region by magic

Think smarter, not harder
I don’t reply to stupid questions you could google.
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>just draw the map out in a dedicated tool
>he doesn't know that he's supposed to make his own bespoke tools to make his life easier.
I shit on enginedevs for being retarded and reinventing the wheel when they don't need to, but at the other end of the spectrum there's the faggot spoon-fed enginebabbies who literally can't even contemplate the notion of making their own tooling and instead just mindlessly struggle with a shit workflow because they expect the engine editor to be all they'll ever need.
i'm such a fucking people pleaser. i don't know what I want to make
my invisible walls are visible to those pure of heart
Make a game that pleases people?
Literally my game. While you could go outside, you’re not supposed to and only the pure of heart understand that.
Congratz poke all toad dev!
i'm trying to stop doing that because people are pieces of shit that don't give me anything back when I do a bunch of shit for them except for use me, and I have given up on relationships and human connection as a result
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alright alright I'll buy it!
Just found out zodiac signs aren't even accurate to what sign the sun is actually in during the time of some signs. So according to the classic tradition I'm one thing but the sun was apparently in a different sign on my birth.
do you turn into a bokudokuro when you touch the ooze?
I am an Aquarius
A good level editor is one of the biggest productivity improvements a dev can have but few seem to make one for themselves. At least adapt trenchbroom or something into your workflow or use some plugin. I can't imagine putting assets together by hand in the editor for more than some basic prototype purposes.
Sagittarius, the yesdev sign.
wait until you find out there should be 13 zodiac signs
Looks like you'll have to fall back on good old fashioned racism if you want to make snap judgements about people for how they were born.
Looks good from yesterday. When can I buy already.
I'm Scorpio but sun was technically in Libra. I don't believe in that mystical crap but I do believe stereotypes and beliefs about signs can psychologically affect people and their development so I'm curious if there would have been any change at all in my life if society went by accurate stars instead of arbitrarily dividing the year with bullshit
Actually, it's Scorpio
You gotta buy a license once you make over 200k a year.
i will make art for your 2D pixel game
2,000 dollars a year for the rest of your life
per dev
but my game is 3D
I could use a texture artist for my N64like
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it's aries
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I invented a new workflow lmao.

I won.
back to fighting games? Glad to see it.
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games with this feel?
>fighting game arc return
Lets fucking go!
the nodev sign? whatever sign cris is

See? This is why you don't buy assets. Cris has a unique art style that is instantly recognizable.

If you just make a syntyslop game, you lose the opportunity of creating an identity for your game.
I want to know what your day to day life. What brings you to waste your time like this? Surely with the effort you make shit posting you could have accomplished something instead.
sounds like you'd be a good tooldev
no opinions which could be wrong, only objectively useful things
literally all cris does is shitpost on 4chan 24/7 for over a decade
is this kino y or n

much cooler than your AI autismo posting
he goes into one direction, runs into a wall, switches directions and runs into a wall
repeat infinitely
having a unique style is one part of success
not the whole thing
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Holy fucking kino
make a game out of this video
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for real though what is stopping cris from finishing at this point? like yeah modelling is a pain in the ass but this looks like a game, and it looks entertaining if he can tighten up the enemy ai a bit

like what else does he need menus backgrounds and more characters? Do (You) have as much done as cris does?
he hates making content
at best he makes a 15 minute game
have a mirror and if you choose explode you die
I'm planning to implement psi abilities thank you
Way to ruin Elaine.
wrong jewish comedyslop
That's not how it works though. It's not light-based.
And? It's not like the average player will do it save those wanting to see what's behind. I don't see the issue. Like call of duty black ops patching all the fun stuff out but doing absolutely nothing about game breaking stuff or so I recall myself saying in the past. If they're gonna get rid of the fun stuff then they better get rid of the bad stuff
he doesn't plan long term.
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that wouldn't mean light based, just subject, like you are seeing and then thinking of the thing you wanna explode
He does thoughbeit. His entire workflow is about saving 30 years and doing it in 3 months.
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Ophiuchus bros...
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imagine what, anon?
bro who the fuck cares. who plays console games past middle school. buy a computer and move on
this reminded me there's a segment in Araki's book talking about this, he explained how all successful manga had artstyles that let people immediately identify who the artist was compared to the manga that were visually similar having a harder time even if they looked objectively well drawn.
>email streamers to play my game
>the send me back pricing plans
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>making connections is bad
Yea, you're paying for advertisement.
>t. 14 yo
>just now realizing that streamers are all fake and gay
send him back a picture
my next game is going to be an earthbound inspired crislike rpg
You know what fucking sucks about solo deving is wanting to test out your mechanics in a level so you design a test area but don't have textures so you spend half your time making and assigning textures to a test level then realize you want to change the art but your mechanics aren't done

hate it
the closest he has to a game is like a day 1 prototype
>what is kenney's
that just means your game sucks
Streamers are parasitic talentless unskilled nodevs on the same level as actors (the lowest scum of society). They should be grateful for the magnificent game you have produced because they will never be capable of anything equivalent
splattercat gaming will make a video about my game without me having to ask him.
Don't be stoopid. You own the rights to everything you create in engine but they (obviously) reserve rights to all (their) software you used and anything derivative of it. Most of what you said is schizo tier nonsense.
Just use prototyping grid textures. Slap a couple color tints to differentiate floors and walls if you need to.
>redot is a flop
>Asmongold apologized for the first time of his life
chud sisters it's been a rough week
low iq take. game dev and streamers are symbiotic.
I'm still assigning colors and it feels like a waste of time since I either have to scrap the test level or redo the textures
The big streamers have a guy who tells them way to play, usually after negotiating fees from AAA companies and shit to promote their products. They'll occasionally do high profile "indie" games that are massively popular at the moment (stuff like Undertale after it launched) to capitalize on the publicity and build their channel.

You might be able to get small time streamers to play your random indie game if it's not complete dogshit, but that's also not going to do anything for you.
is this a Shadowed: Demon castle of Ooe like?
I still have my genitals though, I'm winning
if your game has zero gameplay value maybe
It's not a waste of time if you get a level to test your game in. Testing needs to be done.
anyone think of programming a little AI helper to chill in your world as the first creation and just hang out with you?
How do I make bounties on Twitch for my game?
haha true that m8 hey wouldn't it be crazy if adobe put a clause in their eula stating that they own everything users create in photoshop? haha
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>he doesn't have a library of thousands of stolen textures to use for testing and reference
I will now. Now I need to make her model and maybe give her some chat options. I think I'll even give her some different idle animations.
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speaking of kenneys
>toy car track building and playing game toy
>build a track from pieces
>pick a car
>launch car on track
>watch it go like you did as a kid
putting it here since I thought it could be a neat little game but I'm probably not gonna make it since I'm fucked in the head
It's only Wednesday. We'll make it through the week. This is the turning point.
If your game is good then yeah he'll probably do it along with a couple other indietubers.
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Adobe didn't claim they own your work, they claimed they own all rights to your work. There's a difference.
literally how hard could it be to make your own painting program? i could do that shit in a game engine, just without all the fancy stuff that photoshop has
Would you think it was cool or would you be annoyed if in an open world game with procedural world and stuff, many bosses and NPC's had a few reskinned versions that gave different loot and quests and had small changes in gameplay too but you only get one per playthrough and it's random. So if you get a hellfire elemental as a boss instead of a blood elemental and whatever other elemental reskins you get a hellfire weapon but are locked out of the other elemental bosses rewards and fights.
>try to land the car on the bed and not smash into the wall and fall into the gap between the wall and the bed
sodapoopin used to do this thing where his viewers/subs/buttlickers would make a list of random indie games and he'd play them one by one on stream

not sure if he still does it or what you gotta do to get your game there but could be worth figuring out if he still does it
Are you trying to make a paint program for a minigame? You know there's free professional software like Krita or Paint.net, or Gimp

Or Paint
multiple layers, blending options, filters, supporting all those crazy brushes, running with no slowdown on 16k resolution images?
Didn't an agdger make a game like that as a prototype? I swear it was IvySly or SNKRX dev.
depends how long the playthrough is
>unity is free unless your game makes a lot of money, then you need to buy Pro
uhhh and if'n I don't?
Or just use Krita. Who the fuck uses photoslop in current year? They put it in the ToS that they're allowed to steal your work and do whatever the fuck they want with it.
>someone has been reading your ideas notebook
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Man, making a reactive UI with all the aspect ratios out there is fucking infuriating, i now understand why so many devs use stretch mode or black bars
I'm architecting something alright.
Dynamic UI is a meme and if someone tells you to support it, they're crabbing you. You really think I care you want to play the game at 539x1358? Fuck off.
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even if i don't make it
i'm having fun
Pretty long. I guess for that reason it might be annoying huh. I want it mostly because I want to add a bunch of little things like that to make each playthrough unique. Maybe having a way to summon the other bosses is a compromise
Terraria doesn't have that right?
But the game I am making is 3d terraria
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been 2 days watching a youtube playlist of videos about european warfare between 7-8 century and 17-18 century.

Learned about cavalier, heavy calavier, cavaliers with pistols doing caracolas, pikes, phalanx, bizantine and ottoman greek fire and greek grenades, pikes, pike and shoot formations, spanish tercios, swedish formations, german landknecth, muskets, trabucos, bayonets, medieval sieges, artillery sieges, naval galleys, sail galleys, the bigger 16 century ones, the early droughnouts, cavarly charges, types of insults, trenches. some autismo types of sieges, medieval and 16-17 century fortresses, medieval raids.

Pretty sure I will forget 99.9% of this a couple weeks from now.
I must've missed it if there was one
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godaughters won't like this one
different ores
>godot can't even handle syntyslop
as much as I hate streamers, you have to figure that anyone with a channel that's even on the radar must get pinged with a dozen "play my game" requests daily, probably automated and coming from china
Oh yeah you're right
>When we started, we had three to four years of professional Unreal Engine experience, so we had a solid foundation.
literally why do i need to read more this sounds like setting yourself up for failure
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>already a musicfag
>want to musicfag for indie games
>worried that I'll put in a bunch of work for the game to just never come out
I hear that 95% of developing indie games never come out.
>retards struggle with Unreal and Godot
This must be what life is like for idiots who don't use Unity.
Same. At worst I will just give gamedev a rest and make 3D art and models because it's the best thing in the world
let me hear what you got
I think he gave up on it anyways.
Is that yours?
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The only valid complaint he has is about Godot's lighting. Everything else was a skill issue.
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i WONT make it and i WILL be happy
post your art and not someone else's

Im really glad you posted this. As I feel godot is *severely* under utilized for large 3D projects, resulting in basic lack of understanding of its shortcomings.

Me and a few devs have spend the last few weeks doing various 3d-related projects in godot, and its seriously crazy just how often you run into major short-comings or bugs when pushing the engine to its 3d limits.

Its usually never anything severe, but the sheer quantity is death by a thousand cuts.

If godot is going to improve in this area, it really needs experience developers coming over, to really push it to improve in these areas.

I've used this engine for near enough a decade, love it, and wouldnt/havent hesitated to make commercial 2D projects in it. But I would be extremely hesitant to use it for commercial 3D projects at the moment - the bigger the project the more you need to avoid godot.
I feel like at the point you're making music for a game, you already know it's going to come out.
DRPG devs we are so back!
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damn, gowoke can do THAT?!
Reminder that "name" is an engine reserved property in godont.
>57/60 games were shovelware and at least one was an outright scam
Sounds right. Most people have no idea how bad steam is because valve buries everything. Steam is like a big litterbox with shit and sand constantly being piled up into this huge turd mountain and everyone pretends there's not a problem because valve keeps adding more sand and all they see is the gems that sometimes float to the top but they will never see the gems buried within because of all the shit. Its no wonder Valve hides the new game tab by default because the overwhelming majority of shit on steam is irredeemable garbage.
There's really simple things they could do to stop the flood like limiting the number of games one can release every year. There's no reason why someone can release 50+ games on steam a year. And don't try and tell me there's no way to stop someone from doing it. They have to collect a lot of info to pay out.
What is this incomprehensibly vague bot post? I'd rather you send me a ChatGPT reply.
Yesterday, I applied for a hard surface artist position at Halo Studios and today they said I haven't met the requirements. They didn't even look at my portfolio (I would know, because the Wix app on my phone notifies me when someone visits and from where.).

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ok but what are godot's limitations?
that's the spirit kek
And surprisingly a useful one. I still remember when they first added it and it solved all my problems.
>someone can release 50+ games on steam a year
That doesn't happen
No if you reverse image search you should be able to find the maker
I wasn't claiming it was mine?
I think Miziziziz (Godot dev YouTuber) YouTube videos on the lengths he needed to go to make a basic retro FPS game in Godot are a good warning. For medium sized, retro, low poly levels, he needed to put navigation in a separate thread... but even that wasn't enough, so he head to create a pathfinding manager and merge/ optimize pathfinding requests as much as possible just to have 10+ enemies navigating at once. Then he needed to use time slicing to lower the frame rate on animations because inverse kinematics were dropping performance even further. There's even more he had to do just to get above 12 FPS with 50 enemies on screen.

The general sentiment of cult-like protection for Godot's direction and leadership is frustrating as I wish time / effort / and Godot Foundation cash flow would be applied to making the engine work better for 3D games, but such requests have been met with anger and defensiveness. The team still refuses to create a roadmap. They refuse to target efforts on problem areas, instead we wait for "contributors to focus on areas of interest". Just look at the Github arguments that go on about 3D feature problems and how divisive it gets. Over and over you see a fairly advanced dev running into performance issues with 3D and the response is always: this is a you problem, your code is wrong, it's never our engine! The attitude with Godot team is really antagonistic. It took over 1 year to get the Vertex Shading PR merged. IK has still not been fully reimplemented in a working state since 4.0! Godot physics are completely broken and Jolt integration is not staying updated with new builds (4.4+). We aren't talking about making pretty Unreal level graphics here, we are talking about the basic functionality of physics, animations, and navigation...

I really love Godot, but the trajectory and leadership do not make me optimistic for it.
But resume is the first filter? Portfolio is surely the next 10-15 seconds.
it's not really a problem tho? it's not like there's a limited amount of space on steam

just needs some sort of system to filter all the absolute shit into its own category that doesn't rely on people actually buying, playing, and rating all of it

hell, just add an asset flip tag for games that contain popular bought assets, can probably be automatically detected
>those comparison images
kek, this is literally bait

>I can't do it, and it's the engine's fault!
>hell, just add an asset flip tag for games that contain popular bought assets, can probably be automatically detected
You can't do that or AAA games would get in there.
maybe not 50 but there's certainly people who release multiple asset flip shovelware games per year on steam

you guys remember that shalom who tried to shill his games here like last year and he got absolutely buttblasted when we pointed out they were asset flips

jesus fuck

problem is that making such a system is highly likely to fuck over new/unknown developers who might be releasing something good
>it's not really a problem tho?
Indie devs have become slaves that worship their worship their masters and I say that without a hint of irony. There's no reason why we should be forced into a mudpit with game mills like this >>498593453
Appealing to streamers out of nowhere is a bad idea anyways. Just make an X account and post all the fucking time, tag retards and get them to comment and repost.
make AI star which hovers around with me as I create the game and chats. Then have him be in the game as one of the characters.
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Who was in the wrong here, mr Cohen or Valve?
are you a white male?
No? Streamers are waiting for good games to stream for attention all the time. If they strike rich and get haha funny clipped moments, they love it. That's why they always play fotm slop and why you should try your hand at directly contacting streamers so they can make use of you. It's a mutual relationship. They hit big, you win. You hit big, they win.
The subsidies are one of many problems in the industry to be sure. And no one like the private equity vultures running the major entertainment companies these days. But they're using any and all levers at their disposal to reduce costs and worker power, and that includes using subsidies and outsourcing to move the work to lower cost areas, collect checks from commonwealth governments, and keep the talent migratory, fractured, and powerless.
Unless you're on the board of directors of one of the major entertainment companies, there's basically no way to hold any of these businesses accountable. The least we can do is try to reduce the levers they have for exploitation.
must resist urge to add fishing
Krita and Photoshop are two entirely different use cases. That's like comparing FL Studio and Discord.
I didn't say reject the games, just add a tag
it all makes sense once you realize that godot is headed by a kike

it is a professional shilling enterprise
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I should have made a fishing game. It's not fair.
Fishing minigame >>>>> card minigame
>it's okay when movie companies and television show producers do it
Fishing minigames are way more common than card minigames
Except it's a fucking open source project and even if the investors are pozzed the github ecosystem shouldn't be this toxic, not only that but don't get me started on the fact that they only have 1 fulltime dev on rendering.

Godot is objectively poorly managed and not everything can be blamed on the investors, juan is sabotaging it with his dumb idea, do they seriously want to compete against unity (forget unreal)? I don't think so.
Watching this general get BTFO'd by games like this will never not be funny.
because fishing is better than cards
What do you need that Krita doesn't have?
I just won't play card minigames in RPGs, and if it feels required to play it for the rewards I just won't play the game at all. For a while there SE was putting card shit in all their games and that's about when I stopped playing them.

At least a fishing minigame in Zelda is just like a 5 minute deal to get the heart container, it doesn't become the focus of 90% of your playtime like card games try to.
he needs to actually make a game

he constantly doodles and prototypes but the moment responsibility comes knocking and says "HEY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THE QUALITY OF YOUR WORK, IMPROVE IT, MAKE IT ENJOYABLE, MAKE IT MORE USER-FRIENDLY" he shits his pants runs and screams excuses as he project hops to his latest pile of shit
we literally tried (and failed) to make a coop animal crossing like btw, it was literally a collab
not him but krita is for drawing, photoshop is for editing and drawing
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A game where you fish for cards to use in battle against stronger fish.
could've just put it under a hen's ass and waited for it to hatch .... yawn
Krita is art, Photoshop is photo manipulation.
>it doesn't become the focus of 90% of your playtime like card games try to
that's the problem with most minigames in my experience, the dev(s) push it so hard the minigame becomes the game and the game becomes irrelevant
Is it player hosted or dev hosted?
there's a reason people use gimp and krita even if gimp is shit too
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a game where the player is playing as a lesser god who is being watched and will be judged at the end of the game ( score ) for his actions when he thought he was all powerful.

But there will be hints in the game that the player is not all-powerful, such as not being able to destroy certain sacred sites, and certain holy men noticing the player's presence immediately and being able to ward it off.

came to this thought when trying to think of 'what' the player actually is playing as in-lore.
and the descriptions seem to converge on some sort of lesser god.

You can make a lobby or join others from a server list type of thing.
I wonder if you got big time social media user and emailed them all the "streamers" who do this with an email proving they ask for money. I wonder how many of these streamers are just people who saw the others get naturally popular and rich and proceeded to jump in for the fame and money. Only to have no money rolling in so they started charging devs.
Fee fi fo fum
I really need to fucking cum
>pixel art
>deck-builder battle system
Kill me.
>put navigation in a separate thread
i don't even know how to put stuff into its own thread in the first place. how do you even do something like this? some sort of special code you have to type to separate it or whatever this is?
I don't get it. Did Moly make a game like this?
Interesting but hard to design
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I'll just say it, a game shouldn't have any gameplay content that isn't built around the main mechanics of the game
In Godot, it's easy. It's essentially a function you call whenever you want to do stuff.
The execution of this in my head is a million seller
is it just me or has godot been doing massive damage control shilling here and on other gamedev forums lately? they must really be hemorrhaging users
>why is one of the largest community of godot talking about godot?!
you clicked on the wrong board
You working on that roguelike deckbuilder, whiteboi?
I hate myself for not getting into streaming in early 2010s. I had all the time but I came up with an excuse of having a PC that too shitty to stream. I could've figured out a 2 PC streaming setup had I really tried to. The dudes who started back then got into the ideal position of being able to stream whatever and their personality cults will watch them. After around 2017 you gotta try so fucking hard to get popular and you can't slip up at all or you lose 75% of your viewership.
post miziz video
my game is a roguelike slotbuilder
as you win, you can buy more slots to add to the machine and increase the betting amount
you can also increase the amount of combinations to win and how much they reward you
Yes. it's a first person deckbuilder. I need to make lots of art for it because I'm crazy
people are waking up to how shit the engine is and unity is slowly unfucking themselves
The Redot grift failed. Get over it.
Third person deckbuilder where you are the deck and have to build your body.
Of course it failed, nobody wants anything to do with Godot, including forks.
Well you fags were really investes and confident in Redot just a few weeks ago. I wonder what happened between then and now that suddenly nobody cares.
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now you too can make amazing music for your video game
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yeah he made Black and White, a game where you play as a minor god against other minor gods.

I'd basically give the player a sanctum somewhere in a star, a place of respite and trophies. He would not be told what exactly he is, but there would be hints of it. And I'd have a sort of 'end' like Minecraft's End where the player is shown the full truth.
Who are you talking to? The only person obsessed with some literally who fork is you. You know that it's like 1 git command to fork a project, right? Of course you don't know, you've never used version control because you don't have a game.

Godot is dead. Move on already.
isn't that just RoR2?
>a fellow appreciator of minecraft's ending
I knew agdg had hope.
Godot is open source just in name, can you actually maintain a fork of it? No? Then it isn't truly open source.
>shit! I didn't draw any leg cards this action round!
It should be illegal to huff this much copium.
this is kind of kino sounding but what's the licensing on it
Shutup retard, do you even have a game? You are just spitting bullshit to make yourself feel better, in truth you are garbage and worth nothing.
>draw 5 12 inch cocks

What did my RNG mean by this?
Ironic that this also applies to gamedev. If you got in early you basically have a cult that will buy almost every game you make, so long as you don't try pulling a fast one and releasing a game that feels like a cash grab. Worst part about this is seeing them get away with graphics much lower than new devs trying to break into the space with higher graphics but just not getting an audience like they do.

The funny part, I was interested in youtubing for a while and almost went through with it in 2019. Didn't realize how big the microphone was though plus poor QA in the design turned me off. Ended up returning all the recording software. Not sure how I'd have fared if I went through with it but partly backed out since I have siblings that occasionally take an interest in the games I play. Recording the games for videos changes the dynamic so I believe I made the right choice here. Maybe if I lived on my own. Would have to massively edit the videos though since I get pretty autistic on certain parts, eg managing inventory or picking up all the loot and dragging it back to sell kek I doubt many will enjoy watching me repeat this.
who cares, either you never get caught or you do and you agree to pay them a pittance
weasel word
nigger dev art is a term for a reason
I'm disappointed this isn't mongol dev singing
Just like you, anon, I woke up and realized Godot is hemorrhaging money. All of the stockholders have been pulling out, the CEO of Godot isn't going to get a fat bonus this year, all $GDT holders have been selling and buying $BVY instead. It's gotten so bad that they've had to fire their 1000 man film animation crew and instead use the money to hire shills to promote godot merchandise and the extended godot multiverse.

it's whack. we need to remind everyone that it's just a greedy business doing anything it can to keep control of its profits.
you literally just have to come up with a novel idea. You're not a brainless NPC, right?
A platformer can have a puzzle specific gimmick here and there but you don't force the player to start playing a card game that has nothing to do with platforming retard
what disney song is this ripping
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wizchat could've been big but the dev didn't stick with it
>Novel idea
It's just Animal Crossing without all the other shit in it.
This is literally jump chat. Pogodev should have finished it.
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can some1 help im try make gaem
Is that the Bill Clinton kid or some other jew?
>modern gpus support interlaced video output
??? do interlaced displays even still exist???
What's wrong with games like that?
early life section
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I'd honestly recommend OpenGL and C. Learning the fundamentals and building what you want.
in the time it took you to post this you could have made a whole game prototype using claude. not kidding either.
>spend 10 years or 2 months
i don't know, 10 years seems tempting
>I recommend a deprecated API and a deprecated language
Epic troll, m8.
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wow she just like me fr
>Ironic that this also applies to gamedev. If you got in early you basically have a cult that will buy almost every game you make, so long as you don't try pulling a fast one and releasing a game that feels like a cash grab. Worst part about this is seeing them get away with graphics much lower than new devs trying to break into the space with higher graphics but just not getting an audience like they do.
Jeff of Spiderweb Software realized this, which is why he's been telling kids not to get into gamedev since at least 2016, and everyone hates him for telling the truth.
Thougheverbeit wife simulator?
for me, it's delay lama
i want to fuck stonegirl
It was several, he devlogd development. Look up his youtube channel. His video, become a game developer in less than 1 year, got me finally motivated to dev.
>shit that needs to stick to the left
>shit that needs to stick to the right
>shit that needs to stay in the 4:3 or 1:1 safe zone in the middle
it's not that hard
mobiles can eat shit
When's the last time an agdg game got over 1,000 reviews?
this month?
Delay Lama is everything Miku wishes she was
This just reminded me that it would take 30,000 sales for me to break even on development costs.
Might as well just rope now, right?
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she does have a certain thoughbeiteverly charm about her movements.
Anons couldn't make WEBFISHING even if they tired
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unconventional fishing simulator (aka UFS)
he's just adopting the tactics of large publishers

>needing an early life section to find out the background of a Mr. Cohen
all of /pol/ really is fucking brain damaged
It blows me away that Hammerwatch devs keep selling new games. They're all shit.
What their price/subs?
final fantasy is not a platformer
2 years ago tiny combat arena
guys how do I stop being such a nodev fuckup?
Your Only Move Is Hustle
every day you nodev you pull out 1 hair then you either dev or go bald
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well i did it. now i just have to do everything else
I can't afford drugs

I pull out more than that combing my hair and haven't gone bald yet
Did you project hop or is this still part of the foggy Japan game?
where do you even start to learn how to make music
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what did you do?
items/inventory/weapons/upgrades/uniques are a big, vague cloud in my head, requiring too much indirection, and i should probably just look at how some RPGs do it
I have over 100,000 hairs on my head...
I'd suggest buying a book on singing. You can't make music if you can't even sing, bro.
Read a book, watch Youtube tutorials, get a tutor, go to school. There I listed 4 options. Choose one.
Figure out which note is C. This is important.
i give up
not a project hop, this is simply just an adjacent project. This project is to prototype a tomagachi style waifu game that integrates with discord and home assistant. Similar to gatebox from a few years ago
wtf do I really have to add "singing" to the list of gamedev prereqs?
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I'm building a decklike roguebuilding game.
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Will /agdg/ ever make a game with this much appeaI?
>texture don't even fit the face
>AA out of the ass
>no UI
that's a no from me
furfaggotry is anti-appeal
>want to make game based on genre I really love
>suck balls at said genre
anyone else know this feel?
That's probably very common
you too? i suck at skyrim but damn do i want to make one
how do you suck at skyrim
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>download daw
>figure out how to get it to make noise
>tweek noise until it's music
what genre
then how do you reasonably gauge stuff like challenge or difficulty? I'm trying to make a simple 2D shmup but I have not been able to finish Gradius or Life Force in my life.
I'm the best at my genre. since I invented it. but I'm sure some autist will figure out how to get a higher score(if anyone plays it)
don't do this, if you don't learn music theory you can get in big trouble for releasing non-compliant tracks
Personally I rely on watching how outside play testers do and balance around that.
trying to play without cheesing is too hard
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>furry orblike
Make a normal or easy difficulty that you can beat and then make another that you can't. Some sperg will find a way.
I will now play your game.
You should really have one big playground level with all the features of your game implemented and integrated into it. Make specific content levels later once that's all fleshed out.
>do this
>dev sucks! he doesn't know what he wants so he can't properly balance and design his own game! do not buy this game!
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put fighting game inputs in my platformer
Actually a good idea.
a brutal platformer and the actual gameplay is using the in-game tas to beat it
I'm planning to make a single player offline version of the game I want to make. My ultimate dream is to make it into a mmorpg or even just a lobby based thing, but that's very difficult and we know how that goes. I'll use the offline single player game to determine if there's demand and if it's successful or not. If there is, my next game will be the same IP with very similar gameplay. It'll be my take on how it'd play with an online / multiplayer / service component to it.
she's literally shooting mobs from her tits
I just thought it was funny, I even said or so I recall that I doubt it'd succeed. I do however hope Godot fails. Talk about poorly managed and every now and then I see complaints that seem to just be hidden by the fanboys. Like I want to risk making a game only to find valid issues but get screamed at that it's a "you" problem rather than the engine.
This reminds me. Whatever happened to bundev?
show plan
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>/v/ gamedev thread is better
nice usagi yojimbo clone, loser
that guy was here recently wasn't he?
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>post engine progress
>/agdg/ tells me to go to /gedg/
>go to /gedg/
>everyone tells me to use unity
>Jeff of Spiderweb Software realized this, which is why he's been telling kids not to get into gamedev since at least 2016
Any vids of him saying this? I'm curious to see why he's telling them not to. My guess is something along the lines of
>indie devs who got in early can get away with much lower quality than new indie devs
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When I think about how fluidly I can pull off rotations in MMOs involving letter keys, number keys, function keys, and control key combinations, I just wonder what things might've been like if I spent that time learning the piano instead...
piano is more than keys
tempo is a thing and you play with two hands
that thread feels like it gets treated like a marketing venue in all honesty. when you look at it like that, is it any surprise there are better looking games there in general? it's advertising since random /v/ideo gamers might pop in compared to here on /vg/
I didn't expect /gedg/ to ever give good advice
mmo rotations have their own tempo and you also use both hands, doing entirely different things with them no less
correct, please don't be surprised when you see my game there one day even though I haven't browsed /v/ in like 4 years.
I thought I just told you.
don't forget that uematsu worked in porn his entire life before becoming the world's greatest composer
>watch jav
>hear good ost
>no credits
>don't forget that uematsu worked in porn his entire life
yeah as an actor.
come back when your richer
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Would you play his game?
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No, I don't like ironic humor.
I wanna make a game like this without the furfag degeneracy.
Halls of Torment
Death Must Die
I can do mmo rotations just fine but I have zero sense of rhythm

but imagine if someone had told you to start deving in 2005 instead of playing wow
I lost a solid 10 years of my youth in stupid games when I could've been developing my dev skills
well, now you know better for your second playthrough
yeah but deving isn't as fun as wow
I just had an epiphany about a game I wanted to design, its something really simple but I honestly think it might be big. But I dont know how to start. Basically youre a guy in this apartment block, and the main gameplay loop is getting money to buy upgrades by watching this program on a screen. I know I want it to be first person, but how would I program the money system from watching something? Is there any
You used to be able to farm credits by watching ads and filling out surveys to buy gift cards.
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oh god it's not confirmed to work like that is it? one playthrough was bad enough
They could have a Nielsen meter.
Priest that fights demons with a church bell it is then ...
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>Submit files to source control
>Says I have files marked for add that no longer exist
>Can't delete the changelog or resubmit
>Read online that I should revert the changelog
>Hit revert on the changelog
>It reverts all my submitted files making me lose days of progress
>he doesn't know you can revert the revert
Possessed people tend to show aversion to religious iconography, including church bells.
I dont think you understand
The game is about a guy watching something for money
It would be this program thats basically white noise, if you watch it money goes up, when your not money goes down slowly
its pretentious as fuck but I think its a good idea
thing is, Idk how I would program the money system, and dont know the words for how to search that up
you don't get to keep your memories though

idk in hindsight wow wasn't that fun
it had the right amount of skinner box to keep me pseudo-hooked
I kept going back after a couple months off for some stupid fucking reason
yeah he kills them with hymns or something
>anon has never heard of a counter
Programming 101.
A number that goes up and down?
You need to start from the beginning.
Like you want the player to look at the virtual screen as the character for money to go up? Just boxcast from the player's center of view to detect it.
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>Hit revert on the changelog
>It reverts all my submitted files
I know what a counter is, I just dont know how I would get that to work when the program is on screen and only in that situation. Its first person but you can move around the apartment block, you gain access to more areas but eventually as upgrades keep coming you replace most things with more screens for the program
new thread please i need to share progress
read that stackoverflow too
should have read all of it and that what command actually does before using it
fuck that guy
Thank you
I am very new to game dev so sorry if I sound like a normie
Im just really excited about this idea
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>newfag writer
>just naming the characters already feels like a monumental challenge
I WILL conquer this skill
You'll soon realize names don't matter and that as you read hundreds of books, you don't even remember names. You just remember what characters did.
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they don't sound like the right fit for the character!
seija is cute
Tell me about the character and I will name it perfectly
only if the title was a very clever pun
What do you think the chances are of a game made to steal Yandevs thunder and actually make Yansim a thing
not even like a full game but one assassination
For me?
If you wanna go the autismo route come up with lineages, family names and regional and cultural naming conventions. Then you can get shit like Brandon Stark being named after Bran the Builder.
a bit boring but i do like the sound of most of them
might as well tell him to come up with his own fictional language and culture at that point
That's a Finnish woman's name. Then again Tolkien himself used Finnish as inspiration in his work so clearly that is a route to greatness.

Tolkien did.
great, now I have to add a ph.d in linguistics to the list
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player self insert MC in a contemporary setting. I don't wanna use john.

thanks for the resources.
is it too late to make a halloween game from scratch and release it on steam in time for halloween? i never made a game before btw
literally who are you
Takes 6-12 months and $2000 USD just to get your game listed on Steam, kiddo.
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but where's 'Flame'?
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it's too late, better luck next year
Lol what's the big pressure to make a Halloween game?
mom said I used up all my saved up good boy points and if I don't release a game by halloween she's cutting me off
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just use ai
Make a mobile game where have to collect falling candy in a bag and you have to make sure that the bag doesn't overflow and deposit it back into a pumpkin before it breaks from the bottom.
>but imagine if someone had told you to start deving in 2005 instead of playing wow
>I lost a solid 10 years of my youth in stupid games when I could've been developing my dev skills
I wouldn't say that. I enjoyed my time playing video games. Would totally suck if I spent that time devving and I also failed to succeed during the golden age, lol childhood thrown completely away along with family bonds.
nice game idea, anon, I'm going to steal it can call it Candy Catcher
>born too late to make billions off a literal dr. mario clone
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wtf this is such a smart idea......
at this point lolitrash is even worse than furfaggotry
>selling your game door to door
hehe peepee...
you play as the nintendo hotline and you have to verbally guide retards through video games
>new project
>multiple people contributing
>first commit is to main instead of a branch
Why must I suffer. May as well put the whole project in the bin
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thanks for the free gold
>JRPG where you play as the protagonist's best friend and you have to secretly do all the dirty work that the hero is ignorant of while he drags you all around the planet on his retarded quest
you kill A LOT of thots
>all the art mocking the game
>still not gonna sell well altho iirc its been taken down
kek. clicked the pic and was hoping for a bigger version cause it looks funny
I, too, collect pictures of crossdressing african-americans with purple hair.
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i'm more of a high poly fella
the upcoming progress webm ( tomorrow ) is going to to be insane. Insane.
insanely fake or insanely gay?
I mean insane as in awesome and cool. Neither of those options.
you'd be that many years closer to success
there's not nearly enough doki doki panic-likes
anyone else feel like UFO 50 is going to have disastrous impacts in the indie gaming sphere? a lot of those games are like, 80% of the way to being unique and really high quality games but fumble because of the commitment to the NES multicart larp. hard not to imagine a lot of them will be ripped off hard
Boy, I sure am glad Godot is focusing on shiny 3D features instead of getting basic goddamn functionality like 2d animations to work without errors:

anon, you can make your own 2D engine.
anon it's a minigame collection with most of them you "cherry" in 5 minutes then never touch again

there's some good shit in there but even the ones with good mechanics are compromised in length/content
if i failed during the golden age i'd probably be real close to throwing the towel in for gamedev if i had not already done it
I could also make my own operating system, your point?
we don't take kindly to doing things around here
you guys have your own containment general over there where it belongs
That's a bit of a dramatic comparison. A 2D engine is not a monumental task which would have as much compatibility issues as your own OS would.

Graphics APIs are made to actually be compatible across systems.
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The most important aspect of horror?
Momentary comfiness.
Never forget this.
what does lizard woman do?
I hope they expand the good ones as standalone. they won't. maybe I'll do it, rail heist but 3d in a dystopian scifi setting.
Yes because I am bad at all genres.
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Super busy and haven't made much progress so haven't posted much.

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