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First Fan Art Edition

Previous Cha Cha Cha: >>498461141

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
I do not believe for a second that Susie knows how to drive a motorcycle
maybe it's the way you're dressed
she crashed and both of them died seconds later
beta queen art yet
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I don't believe that man's ever been to motorcycle school.
Lancer taught her
Deltarune takes place at a time period where there would be fan art of Kris and Susie doing Potara fusion but is released at a time where no such thing will ever be made
Lancer dead in motorcycle accident at age 19
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why aren’t you posting funny?
post the funny.
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* (It crawls into the thread.)
the funny
cute retardoe
find new images
yeah i probably should also fuck you
how man queen ass pictures do you think there are?
i'm impressed he has as many as he does
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Don't call her that...
fave has a ton of shit they need to do and has been sitting on /utg/ for the past 8 hours instead of doing it
the only queen images i don't really have are ones i drew the line at

(e.g scat)
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All your favorite Deltarune characters are here!
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would you go through the door to darkness
would you cast magic missile at the darkness
yeah this was what i was talking about kek

(it's an image of queen taking a shit.)
go on, post the toriel one
you know you want to
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My watch arrives tomorrow, got me a nice lightly used Seiko for half the cost of a new one.
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always liked my casio w86, feels like the f91w's hotter younger sister

...but it was a store exclusive or something which means no-one knows it exists. which is great which makes it essentially unique! yay!
inb4 smug reply
I stole the watch in a dream thereby making the posts related to Deltarune
gay furry chatroom for greasy balding 30 year old men
i was contemplating drawing the watch on asriel's arm or something
for a second I read this as "drew the line art".
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anyone that owns a ps5 know if ps4 controllers work? i borrowed someone's ps5 to play tlou2 and the fucking controller they gave me has stick drift
Watches are dumb boomer tech.
The only watch you ever need is a cheap casio.
Wrong thread
tbf they do have a bad stigma as the watch for jeets now, blame the cheap part

apple watches are kinda cool until you realise you can only use apple brand faces and apple software design is ugly
i'm not greasy or balding.
you guys actually wear watches? just look at the fucking sky jesus christ
gassy and malding
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Based Casio.
I respect those greatly, I lost my childhood one but it was my daily driver for years long before I even cared about watches.
My watch is a chapter 6 darkner, I asked Toby for a funny clock girl to reference Nyyrk so /utg/ could feel special.
Those things are also off-topic
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Classy and exalting!
more accurate
based retard
you should be talking about the games instead of blogposting about shit that nobody cares about with a goat image attached
the problem is that literally nobody makes original utdr content anymore
being entirely honest the conversations i remember most fondly on /utg/ are the ones entirely offtopic, you are a fucking faggot
Has chapters 3-4 released?
How about 5-7?
Also no?
Want to talk about Undertale?
Oh, it's already been talked about?
then you should go to a discord server more suited to your tastes
>discord boogeyman
i hate to tell you this but discord is real.
>no fun allowed
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I'm a discord boogeyman. I raid threads and groom minors. AMA
>the community pillars desperately waiting for a game that will never come out
There is new fanart posted on pretty much a minutely basis on twitter/tumblr/etc
Go there, find some that you like, and post it here
>/utg/ should only be a silent fan-art dumping thread with nobody talking to eachother ever
who even are the community pillars anymore
but I don't like anything
butt or boob
sounds good to me desu
I haven't masturbated in 5 days
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I have waited longer for other media.
Imagine waiting several years for more Venture Bros. just for them to cancel it between seasons that take multiple years to make. Or waiting years for Kingdom Hearts 3 just for it to be kind of lame and not even have The Colosseum or a Sephiroth fight in it.
>I am going to complain about nothing being posted while posting nothing
ok i know you're having fun larping as a boomer and all but can you at least try following your own fucking advice
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That would be an objective improvement.
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December Holiday
Why do you want /utg/ to die so badly?
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the dead space remake being bad crushed my soul it was the only game i was even relatively excited for for YEARS and then it was a shit remake that felt like unreal engine slop despite being on the engine for fucking battlefield 1, one of the most eye candy games ever put out
The TRVTH NVKE is that Undertale simply wasn't meant for long term discussion. Like how long can you reasonably discuss and dissect a game that lasts about ~3 hours on an average playthrough?
You're not supposed to be talking to eachother in my thread
i was gonna post something funny and undertale related but then i forgot what i was gonna post :(
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I'm /utg/'s biggest shitposter and you guys are gonna miss me when i'm gone.
Y’know the weird part is that whenever we have split threads, this is what actually happens - the niche favefags actually post art, but why they don’t do that 99% of the time is a mystery
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9 years, apparently.

read this in the aosth robotnik voice
fave autism
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you're totally right, proof being that there hasn't been undertale discussion in here for ages
genuine question who are these shitposters, i feel like there's five anons who constantly talk about how radical their shitposts are yet never actually do anything
They'd rather bitch about people being friendly with eachother.
>everyone else (ignore the people talking about the game) are being off-topic, so it's okay if i'm off-topic!
>there's five anons who constantly talk about how radical their shitposts are
all me btw
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i just take real offense to it when the fucking faggots pull the "muh offtopic" card when it's talking about people in the thread or just generally about 4chin

like they all whine about discord but immediately turn into the modbeard 9000 as soon as they catch a whiff of some dude not talking about azzy's scrote
today we have a very specil guest! introduce yourself!
*gobbles up tang again* give a round of applause! *scuttles away*
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It's okay if I'm off the tropical zone because this is the goat thread, for the goat game, and I'm posting a goat.
I don't make the rules, that's just how they are enforced.
I am everyone's favorite poster and never on any thread character lists
I won /utg/
Aren’t you 30?
I never said my posts are radical or special just that I make a significant amount of them.
im sorry you feel so personally offended that someone didn't want to know about you buying a dildo irl
Did Kingfag really say this
i was on a character list despite not showing up for months and i feel lightly vindicated by it
which is my POINT i never see any shitposting
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No, I'm just close to Toby's age, who is over 30.
I'm also employed as a bartender and I have gotten into golf recently.
>can't talk about UT/DR
>can't post UT/DR images
>can only whine about people who think posts in the UT/DR thread should be UT/DR related
Unfathomably grim.
We'll all be 30 one day, anon. Some of us are already there. Enjoy your youth while you got it.
> i never see any shitposting
there are shitposts everywhere for those with the eyes to see.
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30 year old obsessed with bright colors and cutesy animals (he won’t admit that he was a brony in the past)
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Why do you want /utg/ to be an awful off-topic chatroom so badly? Oh, I know, it's because you're gay.
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i've always been kinda scared of a doxxing
Kingfag Live Video Feed:
It's almost time for Undertales
come along
take my hand
lets all go to Underlaaaannnd
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I openly admit to being a brony, I was there during the original months of the /co/ threads before the rest of the website got taken over by it, then it got fully banned, then it later got the dedicated board and by that point I was mostly out other than a dedicated niche sub community that started out as bronies and later turned into a loose group of 4channlers talking about nerd shit in general.

I miss them sometimes, they were real ones and we even had an angry racist german guy there too who reminds me a lot of how kraut acts.
Let's just do what Africans and Muslims do when they can't along and are sick of fighting. Split up and make a different country (or thread I guess). Sudan and South Sudan type shit. Image dumpers get their side, thread personalities get their side.
stimmycord in shambles rn
>30 year old obsessed with bright colors and cutesy animals (he won’t admit that he was a brony in the past)
But enough about Toby Fox
This is just the same joke as Krusie but you're somehow projecting onto Kris even more than the Krusie shippers
I might just be saying this because I'm mostly on 4chan and haven't seen the Krusie and Kralsei guys on other communities but this does not seem possible
the fuck are you talking about
trust me kralsei shippers will completely and utterly ignore the blatant incest problem and uncomfortable way kris feels about ralsei
>doomer is still in love with kraut
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This seems like it's bad autismcore
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Good heavens, I NEED Catti to become part of the main cast. I am obsessed with this cat and as a minor NPC she doesn't get nearly enough porn
I'm just glad that we finally got some backstory on that.
Kraut reminds him of an old lover.
A little bit cliche from the writers.
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>'hand in unlovable hand'
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Hello /utg/ and welcome back for soda review numbah 91! I'm back from break with more drinks to review!
Today, we have Skittles Drink: Tropical.
It has a murky appearance, with a blue color.
It has an odd sour chemical aroma, closely resembling something of an energy drink.
It has a strong fruity saccharine taste about it, along with slight acidic undertones.
It has an aftertaste that consist of a faint mango and pineapple flavored bitterness.
No Special Qualities.

Overall, it's nice. I, without a doubt, like this one more than the other flavors. It tastes very good in my opinion, although it does smell weird. I'm still skeptical about the health effects that may or may not come from this.
8/10. Good(?)

See you again tomorrow at 7 PM EST for the next review!

Nothing of particular note, besides the fact I have nine more drinks to review.
The hundredth review is close at hand, but nothing 'super' major will come of it since I'm tight on money this time around.
Well maybe those new chapters will release on the day of the hundredth review, but that is wishful thinking.
Also something happened with the captcha and I was forced to wait about 13 minutes before posting, so that's why this review has been delayed a lot longer than usual.
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The dark story of undertale
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Tiny fave screaming, begging and sobbing to be let out of the microwave, feebly banging on the door with their tiny hands as I input "9999" into the timer
i fell from the DARK
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>and as a minor
Catti Somethings cut for time
Better luck next time! (Laughs)
Probably, but I've never seen anyone autistic for this.
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He is more fun to (you) than (((you))) are.
Nah that other guy was a real clown, kraut is way more fun because he fights back. The other dude got loved and tolerated so hard he had no teeth with which to bite.
i have but the story is offtopic so all i can say is i'd rather hang out with berdly a million times over hanging out with that guy again
>Triple parentheses
fucking PLOT TWIST
i remember someone being autismo for it but nothing that really is interesting enough to anecdote about
fuck those fags lets hear the story
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I want to hear this story.
>Also something happened with the captcha and I was forced to wait about 13 minutes before posting
New Anti-Spam Requirement >>497902254
>doomer loves rough sex
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Shut it down. (((They))) know too much.
I've mentioned various communities I was a part of in the past, this isn't new.
Doomerfag won. He's got the entire thread wrapped around his fucking BBC.
the pillars and off-topic posting are the only reason /utg/ is alive
honestly this is way better than "kraut/hummy being incredibly fucking annoying" thread #74
This, but Kraut-sama
>the pillars and off-topic posting are the only reason /utg/ is alive
It's true, but he shouldn't say it
I think there are some people here who would literally die if the threads consistently lasted longer than 24 hours
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Only with lots of loving aftercare.
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not saying i'd end it all but losing these threads would probably suck a bit
Monsters are actually the reincarnated evil spirits of deceased aliens killed by the evil lord Xenu after he threw them all into volcanoes.
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Nice to see the reviews back.
I look forward to tomorrows.
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I only play the games that I win at.
Objective truth.
I was lowkey hoping hummy could learn how to 4chan better than he is but it's not something you can learn overnight.
I would probably get bored and leave desu.
I'm really looking forward to posting whoever wins North Carolina on 11/5 as a Deltarune edit as soon as the news drops and then at least one reply will say "I can't believe I learned about this from /utg/"
I feel like literally all of those people would be dudes who flew in here because of chapter 2 causing a million billion threads in the catalog and they bunkered down in here despite not really caring about the games themselves
turn it into a cat thread. do it. the board calls for it
The Monsters are the original dominant species before the Mother crash-landed on Earth and created humanity
Who the fuck wants to have a dead thread with someone posting images every 40 minutes to keep it from dying?
To be fair, most people would. Just look at any /vg/ thread that's a day old or long, it's dire.
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uh, meow?
Dark Story of Undertale
>I want the thread to die/be very slow because...people are talking to eachother
>Just look at any /vg/ thread [...] it's dire.
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Snuggles with Ralsei
Warm Ralsei fur
i feel like the biggest problem with /utg/ is that people are just fucking INCAPABLE of changing the subject
A thread about a game that hasn't had any content for 2 years would attract people who like to stick to one topic.
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I talk about whatever I want, all the time.
If I don't receive novel stimulus from my screen every 5 minutes or less I will start uncontrollably slamming my head against the wall and possibly seriously injure myself
i was referring to the fact that we're still fucking talking about that guy who complained about offtopic talk about 40 minutes ago
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i must mention as background context that i'm a dirty fucking ESL, so when i tell this story you must imagine the fattest most obese hispanic looking kid ever, like imagine porky but mexican. this is a requirement that is very important for user experience

so there's a lot of years of background, as this kid was in my class, but he was your average undiagnosed autistic kid that was in my class since kindergarten and annoyed every single person he met. he used to LARP as a spellcasting wizard with an indestructible UFO car that bumped into you as an attack, and he loved to pickpocket people for snacks or even outright steal your packed lunches from your school bag. i'd like to say he painted stuff but really all he did was bring his own "Color Premade Drawings" books to school and crayon them all the way to 6th grade for fun, so i'm not sure if he had any artistic ability. yes, he drew out of the lines every single time

magic was his shit, he LOVED the concept of magic, and i think he genuinely believed his "magical attacks" and "spells" were real, so of course any shitty educational show was right up his alley and boy the moment he found out there was an EDUCATIONAL SHOW with DRAGONS and FUN and CHILDREN he was so fucking into it he would NOT shut up about it. he got the idea to have a magical storage belly like the dragons after watching the show, but since he was incredibly retarded and didn't think about the fact that humans lack magical dragon pockets he just kept grabbing his junk to pull out his "magic wand" which needless to say did not make him as intimidating as it made him look like a fucking maniac

ever since he found out about that show i think he slowly got worse and worse over dragons. his usual coloring books now had dragons, his notebook had dragon stickers, he kept roaring and transforming into dragon form in his LARPs, and it was just a really fucking awful experience all around.

tl;dr the most annoying shit ever
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I hate Toby Fox because he made me a furry bisexual. It is a fucking curse.
>like half of the catalog
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if that's what you really want
Should we aspire to be like the gacha generals that last 4 hours and immediately spam 5 new threads to the catalog at 700 posts?
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In another lifetime, this could have been me but for like Spyro the Dragon or something.
I saw Dragon Tales too but I remember the only part I liked about it was the fact that the kids could straight up leave this gay earth and go hang out with dragons in their magical world which was more interesting to me conceptually than the dragons themselves.
If/when Chapter 3 come out, that's exactly what's gonna happen anyway. During peak Chapter 2 /utg/ was burning through like 10 threads a day.
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Am I shadowbanned? Please reply to this post
FUCK this is one of my 3 cat images, i'm out
You jest but I listen to podcasts or the news when masturbating to porn because stimmies
2026 release date.
A full year with no stimmies for you.
Your boobs look heavy ma'am, let me hold them for you
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there's a cat image right above your post, like right above, there's no post between yours and it, you should save it
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>doomer pulls out his "magic wand" at children

i can't see it sorry
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Thank you gay ralsei
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there aren’t shadowbans here.
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I would say I have the biggest catti folder here but I know some of the autists in here so I know it's probably not true
I do have a lot though
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Spyro does not have a magic wand.
He has a dragonfly friend that doubles as a health bar, and a weapons grade furry waifu that calls Spyro a dork.
There kind of is, you can't say "nigger" more than 3 times in a single post or it will say your post was successful without it showing up in the thread
How many images are in your Catti folder?
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I need Ralsei so fucking bad I'm so fucking alone I just want to hold Ralsei and feel his warm floppy ear in my hand and run my fingers up his horns and look him in his pink colored eyes and kiss him as I hear his tail pound excitedly against the bed
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You're down bad, huh?
>blocking /pol/fags
perhaps i judged the jannies too harshly
i used to have a 5383 image folder of deltarune/undertale art on my phone but then i had to factory reset it and lost every single image
i believe my last image was ch1 ralsei with the ribbon
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no no you dumb fuck
spyro roundhouse kicks baboons around and his dragonfly is voiced by david spade
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I think I have a few more that are unsorted too
funny, i laughed
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>he actually could turn the entire thread into a cat thread
holy shit
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>david spade
What, the llama?
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He could not ever make the thread care about some obese cat with three lines of dialogue, even if he has the ability to post images as soon as the cool down allows.
Yes, the llama.
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I told you bro
are you that same faggot from earlier complaining about offtopic
you forgot to post doomer ralsei
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t. cereal guy
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you sound like one of those guys that was angry that virovirobutts only drew tertiary characters and not the typical popular gooner faves
Because you haven't invented genetically modified human/goat abominations to be used as sex slaves yet.
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The nuspyro trilogy wasn't as cool as the original games but I had fun with the first one at least. It was the last time I played a Spyro game other than booting up Ripto's Rage on emulator sometimes.
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>He could not ever make the thread care about some obese cat with three lines of dialogue
I know there are at least a couple of posters who also care about catti.
you don't have to like the fat cat but I do.
and when she's relevant to the story i'm going to so much more art of this cutie.
>could straight up leave this gay earth and go hang out with dragons
The dream ^.
her dialogue portraits are shortened to _c like every other party member so it's a guarantee she'll be relevant
Trust the plan
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I've got 257

Believe it or not I used to have over 800 but it got to a point where I would take ages to find a Catti I actually wanted to post so I deleted all except the images I really liked - my reasoning being if Catti became a popular character there would be such an abundance of Catti art I wouldn't need to hoard them.

In hindsight I could have just organised them better because I find myself missing some of the Cattis and I've tried getting them back with data recovery software but that didn't work.
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i found enough cat pics to last til the apocalypse
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I lost my original collection to a computer failure so I know what that's like
one of the pictures i miss most is a reality fan vs catti enjoyer image someone made for me in the thread
I also lost the catti art I made, it wasn't very good so unlikely that anyone else saved it but i would still like it for my records.
still the funniest shit to me
it's because the vibes ain't right
This one really does it for me
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I hated the first two. The third one is alright. The combat isn't nearly as tedious and you get to fly around open world levels so I come back to it once in a great while. 2 player so you can subject a friend to your miserable deviantart Elijah Wood Linkin Park dragon romance.
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i resuscitated a dead hdd just to get the /utg/ pics off of it back in like 2022
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haha butte
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>flying around open world style
The best parts of the original games was clearing out a level and unlocking the super fly powerup and just cruising around.
I would believe that's the best one if it's a core mechanic.
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oh my gosh i am so quirky my avatar is a le heckin pupper doggerino and i post about weeb shit no one fucking cares about i am so fucking quirkenheimer
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irony-poisoned fave
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I love weeb shit no one fucking cares about.
Gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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i need this a ridiculously inhuman amount

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