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Pinned edition.

>Latest patch (Hotfix 3.1)

>September community update:

>First developer Q&A:


>Where to get the game:

>Lore Stuff:

>For jolly cooperation with your battle brothers (Can also post codes for jolly coop/PvP. Edit Squad -> Invite Menu):

>Workaround with matchmaking (not finding players, only 2/3):
Back out to the main menu and re-enter battle barge.

>/sm2g/ Dude Wall - compilation of Dudes and information on how to submit them

Previous : >>498407817
Come one come all
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I never wanted this. I never wanted to unleash my salt. Together we banished the trash mobs of the Tyranids.
But YOU betrayed PvE. You betrayed us all. You stole bandwidth from the host, and lied to your squadmates. SM2 has only one chance to prosper. If you will not seize it, then I WILL.
From the skies of Decapitation to Seize Ground. Let my blood boil, let the salt grow. Though it takes the LAST. DROP. OF. MY. BLOOD. I will see the game become fun once more.
And if I cannot have fun anymore...
I am fortifying this thread.
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Thanks Dorn.
oh boy a new skin for my favorite gun, the Auto Bolt Rifle
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womp womp
Legion of the Damned cosmetic pack when?
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>eye of terror
>eye of Terra
>flame t-shirt skin
mmmmmmmmmm badass...
They'll take you all the way to Flavortown.
Legion of the Damned got squatted so not within the next 10 years
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I'm curious, how do you brothers customize your marines most of the time?

No drip, medium drip or full drip?
Lite to medium drip. I don't want to be a gigachad general of the imperium or whatever all that bling means. I just want to be a soldier with a cool pauldron or two.
borderlands sucked
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After they "fixed" the Iron Warriors colour for loyalists I couldnt do golden helmets anymore or properly for my veteran Blood Angels. Finally some actual golden armor with this one?
>purity seals
>knight crests
>random flaps
>text with preset color
>eyebrow ornaments
I don't like that the fabrics don't match
>wake up
>no patch
>gone for 6 days after today and have to get an early nights sleep
I wish they had better options to show off chapter emblems. If you're gonna cover my left shoulder with skulls and shit, at least give me the option to throw the emblem onto a tilting plate, knees, or the center of the power pack.
Dreadnought guy fieri
>even in death I'm still served
Power sword buffs when? It takes three full swings to kill a minoris enemy.
it takes a power stance sprint attack and 2 power rakes to kill 10 and then you can mop up the remainder with gun strikes for easy armor i dont see the issue
Some odd choices in there. Why so many ultima founding chapters instead of established ones like Consecrators, Angels of Vigilance, or Disciples of Caliban?
>Faceplates can now be colored separate from the helmet
I can finally do Space Wolves Blackface!
I hope those grafted emblem shoulders and beaky helmets are in the next update. I would be fine with just adding those minor chapter cosmetics to the existing trees. Don't do us dirty by padding out this shit over the next few months, Saber. I want either a wolf pelt draped over my dudes, or at least give me them White Scar tassel pelts!
Are you seriously asking this question about a Primaris game?
They definitely prioritise the heraldries present in the latest books first
>my favourite successor isn't in lastest books
It's over.
Real chapters got primaris reinforcements, which is why we already have older chapters like the Carcharodons, Hawk Lords, and Exorcists.
>my favourite successor chapter specifically didn't get Primaris reinforcements
It's SO over.
Well, the Tyranids start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming...
This whole not providing primaris to certain chapters thing is so fucking weird considering Guilliman still gave them to the Flesh Tearers despite knowing that Seth was motherfucking him up and down and even said that Seth was free to say whatever he wanted about him.
and they don't stop coming
>make some nonsense announcement in discord
>an hour later there's a real trailer

>someone asks when it's coming out
>"Soon. But DEFINITELY NOT TOMORROW" out of nowhere

Are the devs having a go or what
Even RuPaul Girlyman kneels to Chad Tearers.
They were provided, they just never got them.
Depends on what chapter I am using at the time, and class. My BT Sword Brethren is a veteran and it is obvious. My Techmarine style heavy is more subdued. I try to avoid the pauldons that do not let me show off chapter and squad markings.
My highest class is currently a Level 13 Tactical Marine.
How can I defeat a Hierophant?
No release date? Why?
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>Meanwhile, on /v/
The mission has you get a targeter and you use a big gun emplacement to kill it instead
>/v/ children spamming and sperging over inconsequential horseshit
>/vg/ bros actually posting codes and playing the game and posting about lore and mechanics otherwise
dont direct them here
That's a relief. I thought I'd have to do something embarassing like request a Titan Legion to come and fight it for me.
It's the Blood Angels and all of their successors in general, really. Guilliman misses Sanguinius a lot, and so he affords his sons a lot of leeway and freedom that isn't afforded to other chapters.
You think he'd let someone like Stronos call him a piece of shit to his face?
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ruthless with lvl 10 heavy, I genuinely don't understand what's happening inside the brain of an average pubshitter, both lvl 25 obviously
>Imperial Fists Heavy
Based, me too. What mission was it? I'm still only playing on average difficulty because I don't feel good enough for the higher ones yet.
its in last thread somewhere
i would honestly rather post a code here and idle in an empty battle barge for hours until someone joins than play with pubshitters
He's a minotaur bro. And you claim to be a fan of your chapter, cant even identify the colors...
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I remember when /vg/ was the containment board, jesus christ what the fuck happened?
Oh... I didn't pay close attention to anything other than the yellow looking colour.
They're already here but typically every attempt gets them laughed out of the room.
Issue is most right shoulder stuff isn't chapter fitting. You only got one option for each of the founding chapters and sometimes it just doesn't fit.
I'm hoping for my bulwark since I run a Risen I'll get more Dangel specific markings and it'll look nicer.
Still can't believe the chest piece won't have proper big flowing robes.
the kind of player that wanna duo and deal with kicking players 5 zimes a minute that go into a private session
Pray for me brothers as I begin to level the auto bolter
Just pray for me, brothers.
If you need aid brother, call upon us.
If thread links were 2-way I wouldn't have but it's fun to check up on the zoo once in a while.

ip counter being removed didn't help, that thread is full of samefagging. /vg/ is shit when a game isn't actually popular enough to support a general, but get kept alive by a few schitzos, when a game is new and alive it's the best place to actually discuss games.
There was a fine 40k thread on /v/ earlier but it got moved to /tg/ after 400 posts. The replacement one attracted all the shitposters.
/v/ has been compartmentalised into so many individual boards that the original serves next to no purpose, and so turns into blue /b/ where retards think they're actually getting shit done for their respective side of the culture war by screeching into the ether that is this Bhutanese finger puppet anonymous imageboard.
>Legion of the Damned
You just know something stupid will happen to explain why a bunch of suspected Daemonic manifestations are now Primaris instead of just the simpler explanation.
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hurry UP
I'm pretty sure they're memoryholed right now. The last time they were mentioned was during what, fall of Cadia?
I give up
The power fist + Assault combo is truly heinously bad.
I'll have to try bulwark.
>not babysitting pubshitters and holding their hands the whole way with proper spacing
i didnt think i needed to on substantial
I thought it was okay, the gunstrike perk helps you take down majoris fast and the bigger power wave skill helps with cc.
ironically you especially need to on substantial
brother stay away from substantial as far as possible, it's a cesspool
What bigger power wave. My range is complete fucking garbage. A fucking chainsword swing has more CC than anything
If you mean the shit at relic who gives a fuck. I'm literally never using this POS after it's at relic level ever again unless it's completely reworked.
WBHRZ farming honor guard set for bulwark
Its just ok, but for a weapon that relies so much on its charged attack it sure feels like the charged attack hits like wet noodles.
Brother gunstrike is great and all, but you dont need the powerfist to use it. The thammer and the chainsword are far better for assault. Im also still confused by what power wave really means. Does it mean the energy AoE? Because id that were the case i should be able to snipe enemies that way. The dagger also has the same perk, but i think that one increases the distance traveled? With shadow blade you take a big fuck off step forward.
Why the fuck can you simply not get fucking contested health back with melee
Why the fuck does a fully fucking charged power fist hit not get me back all my goddamn contested health with two or three heavy bolt pistol shots does
Why the fuck is this game so shit.
yeah it should be the other way around with ranged attacks having weaker contested health regain
Plz join
>get hit
>over half your health gone
>by the time hitstun ends your contested health is almost gone
thanks, saber
fixing overheal really has done a number on melees viability, thanks, meltas
Is this still on?
Haven’t even got anyone yet
Coming then.
Says expired for me.
Sorry I’m dumb V9Q9S
if someone leaves the code changes and you have to repost btw
This, I forget what fucking games I have seen this in. But I think Contested health shouldn't go down, and instead whenever you're hit again, that white bar is erased and starts again where your original remaining health was. Or at the very least just fucking extend the timer, because just seeing it go away when you're hit once doesn't really mean shit, just fucking remove the contested health altogether.
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>get cool hood for marines.
>no robe, only toga
You know, this wouldn't be as big of a problem except for what >>498568780 said.
You could have at least given us the ability to color the damned things. Or watch this, you can color this hood, but literally all the other fabrics come in some variation of red, white, and bone.
Hive tyrant fight is a complete crapshot
It either spawns you worthless waves while he does nothing and you get a few free executions.
Or it spawns you a million mines or has the spawns attack right as the tyrant uses the 3 hit wave attack non stop making dodging impossible.
/v/ is basically just /pol/ and /b/ but for vidya at this point. Full of retards
>peel away from the hive tyrant to take care of the mobs
>tyrant decides I'm a greater threat over the other two marines directly in front of him and charges from the other side of the arena to fuck me in the ass
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The Flesh is Weak!
What makes the fight hard is people just want to focus the boss and ignore the adds. I've literally seen the first batch still running around at like 75% strength when the 2nd one spawned before. Its clear who is routinely carried by their teammates and who actually knows the map.
One time I sat there for like 10 minutes on the big room before the elevator on Ballistic Engine because I didn't click the terminals. The fucking idiots just sat their and complained about the map being bugged. Eventually I just went and clicked them and they thought it just magically fixed itself, despite there being no enemies around and they could have easily watched me.
you are though

the big brain play is to go to kill the trash while the hive tyrant is still aggroed on you because he will be in the process of being primed to switch targets already
The leakanon was 100% right. Funny to see the Hierophant animated afrer seeing him not animated.
Looks like the lasguns stayed in too.
>teammates proceed to plink from across the map with their pistols instead of even thinning the minors around your ankles.
I actually sort of wish he wasn't. If I saw it for the first time the biotitan would be impressive, now I'm disappointed that that's all there's in the patch.
F2UIM 2/3
Now why do you think that is?
Shut up faggot you will never be first founding
Very good brother
I did it
Power Fist at relic
Never again.
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What Chaos enemies are we most likely to get?
What do you want the most?
Melee CSM. Give the regular fellas those fancy space Egyptian power swords
the deeds endure
Is it really that bad even with that oneshot perk?
>two assholes go ahead and leave me alone against a wave as a Black Templar vanguard
Thousand Snus have Heavy versions but they don't employ meleeniggers outside of what standard Rubric Marines get

My guess is Obliterator or Possessed
Stay mad
>it'll take them an entire year to build the alternate Necron artifact mission
Giving us rubrics with melee weapons would go a long, long way. The reason why gayos is so gay is because of the lack of melee majoris. If they introduce a melee rubric unit it would significantly improve the combat with these guys. And please make rubrics engage in melee with you if youre within like 8 meters
Its not all melee. For example the dagger excels at getting contested hp back because of how fast it is. The problem is that melee, like ranged, induces degradation as soon as you hit an enemy. For slow weapons this is bad on two front because youre likely to take more hits during swing, and its hard to get more hp back once you start due to the slow follow up.

Easy fix is to increase cHP gained for slow attacks, better fix would also be giving melee hits a slower degradation timem
>most likely
Flamers, flying tzaangors
Regular chaos marines. A warband of black legion or word bearers who’ve come along to help sorcerer whatshisname
That is unironically highly optimistic
>And please make rubrics engage in melee with you if youre within like 8 meters
This should be the case for all ranged majoris.
They already showed it in trailer, it's at worst at alpha stage.
Are you faggots forgetting the scarab terminators with a power sword?
That's not a regular rubric now is it retard
FJUMI starting new lobby
I'm sorry, what did I miss? They showed gameplay from a part of a necron mission?
>What Chaos enemies are we most likely to get?
>What do you want the most?
Are you retarded?
Pink and blue horrors
stupid people may be less evil than evil people but god are they annoying as hell
I do want them a lot, they've got some actual character to them compared to mute dust, bird brains, and the occasional wizard.
This happens to me literally, literally every single time I do this. I always watch for the 50% mark to clear adds since the vast majority of people don't, and the Tyrant comes at me every single time at least once
I'm convinced they programmed it this way specifically
the spawn trigger is 66% i believe
I believe you are wrong.
ok but next time you hear the wave spawning sound and its above 50% remember what i said
9NMRI 2/3
Tiny Heirophant
Oh shit son.
>winged helmet
>dark angels artificer armor
>winged sword
>tabard with bared chest revealing chapter symbol

So you can just LARP as Chapter Master Azrael now.
only thing missing is a fucking bullpup bolter
C4TAZ 2/3 plz join
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The iron hands will be so cool looking.
The Thousand Sons are seriously gimped compared to the Nids and lack any of the horror elements other Chaos Warbands have. No massive waves of cultists just small squad batches. No Daemons. No Chaos Spawn. Helbrutes but no vehicles or older Dreadnoughts (and the Helbrutes look suspiciously fleshy but that is just me nitpicking). No classic Space Marine assets even though Chaos are a bunch of murder hobos by trade. No evil tech priests and their fancy gimmicks. No surprise parties with other Evil Gods. No really spooky stuff happening not even creepy whispers from the glorified living armours.

For a faction known for their souping this was pretty weak overall just concentrating on a tiny slice of them.
>More TSon units!
>It's Tzaangors
a hive fleet but it only spawns hierophants ranging in size from normal to gaunts
Helbrutes are fleshy by design, it's a chaos dreadnought that was bathed in warp energy until it fused with the astartes piloting it.
There are no actual Thousand Sons helbrutes because Thousand Sons chaos dreadnoughts are filled with dust. What the Thousand Sons does instead is kidnap marines from other gene lines - traitor or loyalist, doesn't matter - and they toss them into an empty Thousand Sons dreadnought chassis and then leave them in the Eye to bake for a bit until the resulting amalgam of flesh and steel is too much of a gibbering madman to even remember what they did to him in the first place.
>was going to make an LA Lakers Assault Marine color palette for Chaos Dunk memes
>No Emperor's Children for any purple colors
Daemon engines shouldn't all look fleshy though since being warpstuff Daemonic things can look or manifest into anything. It just bugs me that it would be bog standard flesh and not you know Tzeentch's namesake. For the changer of ways there was little to see and felt very stale to boot. This chaos warband was just a bunch of opportunistic small time chumps.
to the fucking faggot who told me on approximately the 17th of september at about 10pm my time that there was no way they'd put a hierophant in the game
this is just pathetic and sad but im happy for you but also you need to take a step back and look at yourself
there are purple colors though...
they said it's releasing tomorrow?
I don't think you understood what I told you.
it's ok i wasnt holding onto it, i was reminded when i saw it was coming
i havent really thought much about this game in a couple of weeks
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Raven guard and salamanders are getting cosmetics, iron hands could well get some love too since they’re clearly not going by popularity with raven guard being up second.
The new enemy being an environmental hazard feels lame as fuck, don’t get me wrong a map about directing fire onto them is cool as fuck no doubt about it. But advertising a new enemy and then it being a map gimmick feels misleading, I wanted a new majoris to mix up the current maps.
I wonder if maybe I should have just waited for Lethal Difficulty to level all of my stuff first since it'll most likely give more experience. Then again, it might actually be hard enough to need full relics instead of bringing along a grey or green weapon.
>take the Chapter with a lot of robes
>do not give them any robes except for the champion skin
why are they stupid
im going to wait until its actually good before i level it
These are the same people who put Deathwatch customization in the game and then didn't add the ability to put chapter iconography on the right pauldron. This game succeeded entirely by accident.
I'm also convinced that their latest trailer is narrated by a computer generated voice using sample taken from Calgar's VA.
ZSIZT, 2/3
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I'm against anything that covers the Chapter Marking / Unit Marking. I don't like roleplaying as the super ultra-Chapter Champion who is so well known he doesn't need things like company markings.
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why are you using chiansword on bulwark
It’s the best melee weapon in the game
The only reason I use the super ultra stuff is because I unlocked it so I might as well use it desu
>then didn't add the ability to put chapter iconography on the right pauldron
Hopefully they add it in next update, but I have no more hope.
Will this trigger EAC?
Yeah I stick with the basic pauldrons so I can have my chapter markings too, that and the relic tier stuff is way too fancy for raven guard.
it doesnt have the reach that power rake does
isnt chainsword a normal weapon available for bulwark
The rev up skill has a bug/tech that lets you partially charge and release it so it comes out at the speed of a light attack and counts as the second hit in your chain so you can do two attacks into a stomp over and over for aoe or attack heavy looped for single target and stagger. Can’t be beaten for temp health gain either
Thousand Sons don't entomb the body in their Helbrutes. They burn the body into ash and entomb the soul so the flesh in a Thousand Sons Helbrute is from becoming immaterial by absorbing warp energies and them not bothering with stopping or guiding the process.
sounds dumb i hope it gets patched
I get that the right shoulder is for unit designation, but chaos units just have like the legion insignia on either one. Feels weird to me
I don't enjoy how the power sword plays
yeah it gets pretty boring after a while the same old cleaves and power rakes over and over again and i think you really have to sit down and focus on practicing stance weaving if you want to raise the bar which i cant be bothered doing

but really it plays really similarly to chainsword imo because the sprint attack is basically exactly the same
2/3, last one
Logging in
>Been using fencing weapons forever
>Decide to use balance for a change
>Barely get perfect parries when facing more than 1 warrior
>End up getting perma stunlocked and almost dying a lot
Fencing is a crutch!
it also makes it possible to actually go up against multiple majoris reliably, so, pick your poison
The only thing I use fencing weapons on are shooty dudes like the sniper so you won't get buttfucked since all you have is a knife.
Balance is honestly the best for bulwark since you get the shield to block with, and balance tends to have more damage and cleave.
blocking is never worth it unless you're sprinting toward ranged enemies man
It makes it even more painful on sniper because the fencing knife is one of if not the slowest fencing weapon, thunder hammer lights are faster than the fencing knifes heavies. It feels fucking awful to actually attack with, the balanced knife feels great to use but woops looks like a gaunt tickled you during your party start up now your blocking ohhhh and here comes the 4 majoris attacks you were trying parry eat shit and die retard. Balanced and block need an overhaul, the block portion of both of them feel jank as fuck
I just got banned from the reddit ass official server for arguing that the knife is better than the chainsword.
Blocking is suicide in melee against threats, once you tank one proper hit you’re opened up and stunned so if you’re fighting a majoris and some minoris at the same time and you block the majoris hit all of the little bastards get to rape you for a full second before you get control of you character back. Only block if you’re blocking ranged attacks and even then be mindful of majoris melee attacks
>literally never shield bash, it's never worth tying your shield up when you might need to parry
>the 5th column of perks are shield bash damage, a banner DOWNGRADE, and shield bash knockback
nice one, guess im just gonna take a shield bash perk
Damn reddit was right for once, chainsword is the best melee weapon hands down and knife is battling it out with fist for last place. Go fight a horde with the knife and let me know how long it takes, i’ll give you a few hours to be generous.
thunderhammer mogs chainsword for burst and aftershock can even reach targets in the air
The shied bashing buffs melee damage is really good but it’s up against an even better skill, if only it was in the other column with the shit bash skills.
Rev skip stomp spam can’t be beaten, it’s objectively higher dps and safer, but I would say hammer is second best just slower than chainsword and doesn’t regain white health as fast making it less safe.
i don't like the hitstun from blocking in general, i would much, much rather parry my way through a horde.
the pve melee balance is just kind of retarded in general right now, i really need the power fist to have SOMETHING going for how damn slow the thing is.
Yeah power fist needs to be THE single target burst melee weapon, it’s got fine crowd control with the right upgrades but it’s killing power is pathetic. Trying to melee ranged nids to death with it while they back dodge across the entire map is hilarious yet very sad
Balanced's timing across Majoris enemies is consistent. When you see them doing their windup, you press parry and you'll land it. Fencing's timing is a crutch but it still has a use case in that the fact that you don't have to account for the startup means you can squeeze out an attack before you have to press parry for an enemy's retaliation attack, which can mean the difference between landing a Stomp or Power Rake or whatever for better damage output and less enemies on your ass as you're dueling. Arguably much better than having better stats from using Balanced.
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If I'm spamming heavy attack combos, then I'm easily competing with the chainsword. It might not technically be better at clearing hordes than the chainsword, but it's much better at dealing with majoris+ than it, which is also much more valuable than clearing trash hordes.
Not to mention that it's faster than it is weaker than the chainsword, so I have an objectively higher dps in the long run, not to even mention the amount of extra scenarios I'm allowed to attack during thanks to the increased speed that'll increase my dps even further.
Here's me in pic related out dpsing a maxed out chainsword only tactical with the knife in melee btw.
Meant for >>498610920
my favorite part is that the charge attacks are so slow as to be nearly impossible to confirm on anything
>chainsword only tactical
>within 250 ranged damage, while both of you are around 1.5k away from the heavy
>melee damage is basically "didn't even try" tier
so we're just making things up today
>those numbers
Come on now man. Fencing chainsword is faster than the fencing knife, you need to give up fencing if you want a knife that isn’t slow as fuck which is risky. I think the knife is cool as fuck too but let’s not fucking kid ourselves now
I use Melta and Fencing weapons
The knife is absolutely not competing for last place. The first two heavies are absolutely devastating against a horde of gaunt or gors thats up your ass. The speed of its moveset also makes it one of the few weapons that can truly keep an enemy in pseudo infinite stun. Plus it being so fast means you can actually use block on it. You have to get the perk that gives you big dick heavy AoE. Try it out, it wont take hours to realise it really is one of the best melee weapons.
Here’s me going full unga bunga with the chainsword, numbers alone don’t really mean much. I just think the knife is massively held back by how slow its fencing version is despite it being my favourite looks and feel wise.
The heavy is a heavy, so of course they have higher ranged damage and no melee damage. They also joined late.
>fencing chainsword is faster than fencing knife
Fencing is a crutch. It's all about balanced, and the balanced relic knife is faster but not as weaker as the balanced relic chainsword.
The knife is better.
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make way for the most powerful ranged weapon in the game, the heavy bolt pistol.
It’s not fast if we’re comparing balanced weapons
Personally i’d rank them as such
Power sword
If the fencing knife had the stats of the balanced one I probably would move it up to about on par with the hammer but as it stands you need to give up fencing if you want a good knife and that’s shit
Use whatever you want man but you’re coping very hard
Your melee data unironically doesn't count.
You'd be doing approximately the same damage if you could and did equip the knife. Your extra damage came from ground pound and ground pound perks.
Redditors on the server tried to argue the same thing.
>claims the tactical was chainsword only
>had comparable ranged damage, clearly was not chainsword only
>somehow fixates on the heavy having more damage and "a-also he joined late"
>melee damage is so low that clearly nobody was using it seriously, most threats were likely dead before getting into melee
homie your argument has so many flaws i'm about to pluck a chicken and call it a man
I wish I could use heavy bolt pistol on sniper, it’s my favourite pistol by far
That’s still more melee damage than your teams ranged put together, you can go ahead and do the same on vanguard and the difference is instantly night and day going from the knife to the chainsword. Maybe you’ve just got a funky set up on your chainsword and haven’t been using the full throttle mini heavy attack to skip parts of your light combo?
>2k melee damage versus 30k
>b-but the slam
Kek fucking come on
please remind me, can thammer aoe damage a thrope? does it work if it is hovering much higher?
I've seen a Bulwark with 11k ranged score

He barely engaged in melee and was just shooting his Plasma pistol
>Calgar uses his normal VA voice in the new trailer instead of his Calgar voice
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>thinking the power sword's better than the knife
>thinking the hammer's better than the knife
Wow. Holy shit.
And you think I'M coping hard. Lmao
Hammer's only good for buffing assault's ground pound. And the knife is just a better/more versatile power sword.
Chainsword only in the sense that that's the only melee weapon they were allowed to use. I don't know why chainswordfags need to be so disingenuous.
>somehow fixates on the heavy doing more ranged damage
Yeah, I was answering the post I was replying to, you blithering retard.
Here's me doing the same shit with vanguard but even harder.
Try using relic melee weapons against the hive tyrant, then try ground pounding him with the same relics.
Assault doesn't count.

Knife > chainsword
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see what you did there anon
Neither of these scoreboards means anything. First of all depending on team composition someone is going to taking all the kills anyway. In the second post your team isnt doing jackshit which is why your melee damage is so disproportionately high. In the first post all members are doing equally well, but its clear that anon was going for melee kills more than the others.

Another big factor is enemy faction. 2nd post is obviously tyranid. Thats gonna give you way more melee damage. Ive both relic knife and chainswords and i can tell you right now theyre both just as good, but my personal preference is the knife.
Yes, if you insist on using the fencing version. I dont. I see the strength of fencing but i dont ever consider it the better compared to balanced. Which is why i dont ever see the knife as inferior because i use both the balance and the block version. But truth to be told, even the fencing knife isnt that bad when it comes to handling trash, and fencing simply makes it even better for handling mixed horde.
What difficulty are you even playing on anon? What are those damage numbers? Just stop
Is it a fun game in multiplayer, or is it an average sweatfest that will get you yelled at if you are not complying to meta?
Nobody cares what you're are playing.
You only get kicked if you die too much or are super low level in Ruthless.

Everything else no one cares.
It's pretty fucking chill and easy
Nobody really give a shit about what you play, some people bring lvl0 weapon in max difficulty just to get XP carried and still do fine
Telling you, knife isn't that much worse at clearing hordes than the chainsword, but it is by far the best at dealing with majoris or stronger, which makes it overall a little bit better assuming you're reaching their skill ceilings.
I still use and like the chainsword myself though, and I wish it was better since the knife is supposed to be a last resort weapon and I think the concept of a 'chainsword' is so cool.
observe how considerate the answers to your post are, yet if you read the general history you'll see people complaining all the time about others *bringing melta *spamming their class ability instead of waiting for a good moment *running straight to the next waypoint without picking up stuff *checking every nook and cranny instead of running straight to the next waypoint *prolonging fights *running away from fights
I love the powersword.
Try getting good at switching combo types with the knife.
>yet if you read the general history you'll see people complaining all the time
That's litterally every general for every game, some might say that's the very purpose of a general
Ingame tho? Never had any issue, no one give enough of a shit to complain or do anything
It’s very chill compared to darktide, auric memestorm runs in darktide are filled with some gigga cunts. Here you get the odd kick happy host but that’s about it
>i don’t consider balanced worse than fencing
Well now I know you’re just full of it
if it's much much higher then prob no but if its just above head height then yes the aftershock aoe will hit

neurothropes you can obviously hit during their green pulsing phase too
Today I will play PvP
the people who make these kinds of posts dont even join the codes posted in the thread let alone post their own bro
great, me too. I hope we don't meet each other because I suck
the retard that was laughing at me for saying they should add the hierophant and how it wouldnt be possible must be feeling pretty fucking stupid right about now
feelsgood lmao
Just gave the balanced fencing knife a good try after seeing the discussions and it’s really damn good BUT balanced is just utterly shit when you’re swarmed, it just takes one little fuck to hit you in the ass and you’re going to lose most of your hp on what would have been an easy parry against the swarm of warriors with a fencing weapon. Absolutely not worth it
The thing that annoys me about the fencing knife is it breaks the pattern other fencing weapons have, all the other fencing weapons get middling damage, low cleave, but high speed. Then they go ahead and give the speedy knife the low speed version, it’s so fucking slow it can’t maintain a combo when changing direction for fuck sake.
>bought the season pass because I like customizing my guys, and figured the season pass would bring lots of cool customizations
>first dark angel stuff up is like at most 1 item per slot, sans a few slots, and it's not very good
>instead of being individual pieces, the winged helm and robed outfit is a full body preset you might not even be able to recolor
I don't feel so good...
The pre set fancy outfits was the biggest compliment people had with the first game and they fucking brought them back, makes no sense.
>watch the trailer
>enter the biotitan
>jurassic park music starts playing in my head
good job mate
Imagine spending an extra 40 on an already 60 dollar game, you get what you deserve
>"Hmmm tonight I will play some PvP"
>load into match
>see this
>next match is a stomp in the other direction except everyone has 180+ ping for no reason
I would be less mad if the non-Champion armor we got was actually just robes as well. It's like making cosmetics for Space Wolves, and not adding any furs. Which is probably what they'll do.
It was $30 for me because gray markets work and also I'm just joking, more customization will be cool and I want every piece of it lol stay mad
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I just love that the devs were clearly as disappointed as I was when they found out the canonical size of the bile titan and were just like "yeah make it twice as big it's fine". Not I can only hope they portray an Imperator at some point and make it 200m tall like I always imagined reading the books.

Well of course they'd bring back their biggest compliment anon that's just common sense
oh you actually met me.
apple bottom jeans boots with tha furrr
da hole club was lookin at her
no nigger music in the war room please.
I mean the height in canon checks out at 15m.
When you compare it to a warlord titan at 30m high the models we have are also pretty accurate since a hierophant is about half a warlords height.
An imperial knight is just a bit shorter than a hierophant.
salamanders can't have shit in this ultragay barge
As with most things in 40K its always better to add a zero to the end of the big things. 150m titans is just embarrassingly small. That's half the height of the Eiffel Tower. The 1000m titan in the graveyard planet is what the minium should be.
The funny thing is that's an imperator titan and canonically should only be about 60m high.
But all the artwork depicts them as various heights regardless of the official canon so we get shit like 1-2km high titans which just isn't the reality of it.
Here's your canon scale, on a canon scale jpg.
Manlets MOGGED
>Warlord Titan in game 1
>no Titan in game 2
They should have deployed them on Kadaku or Demerium.
there's already an imperator titan in the game in one of the operations
Both were already kind of lost, deploying a Titan would be a waste of resources.
Scale in 40k has always been all over the place.
It changes from book to book, codex to codex, artwork to artwork and game to game.
The scale is basically whatever whoever is making the thing feels like it should be.
Did you sleep with your GODDAMN teacher?
>here's that mountain of a titan I was talking about
Maybe its just a perspective thing but this seems a fair bit taller than 15m, and warlords should be like 100m minimum.

And that's based, fuck 'canon' and all that comes with it. But >>498621979 >>498621464 are way too small, an Imperator in my mind should be similar to how the battleships are portrayed, big enough to have people running around hallways inside it, big enough for boarders to be having firefights inside it. Plus, the whole idea of having a cathedral on its back is way less cool if it couldn't even be as big as an IRL cathedral.
>stand near turrets as horde mobs you
Man it's so fucking cool
I'm glad we're getting to see later stages of the invasion coming
We need more of this
Fuck chaos shit, give us all the nids
This, I give zero fucks about Chaos, they should have used a second xeno if they weren't going to go all-in on Nids.
Should have been Nids and Necrons, but Chaos has to be in everything..
It's cool visually, but gameplay wise it's going to be another Heldrake, which is sort of shit
/v/ was exactly as shit as it is now before all those new, better boards were made. It's just a containment board for shills, shitposters and bots. Saving strategy games and rpgs from that hellhole was a good fucking choice.
Fuck you, all WH40K games are doomed to have LE CHAOS PLOT in the second half of it's game and you are going to like it.
well, what did you want to do? hit with your chainsword the talons it's walking on? shoot your bolter for 30 minutes to saturate the bullet sponge?

really the two missed opportunities are
-not fighting right below it so you would have to dodge its flesh hooks and tail sweeps
-not having a titan punch its face at some point of the operation
id have titus suplex the hierophant
>well, what did you want to do?
nothing, i wanted the devs to introduce another nid type along it
why did dawn of war have to constantly move towards micro focus small scale and fucking kill itself
could have had dawn of war 3 ultimate apocalypse that looks as good as space marine 2 by now
I want to fly up and smash it with my hammer and see it not react.
Auspex scan into one shot in the head, as the emperor intended
that doesn't work on terminus idiot
that's campaign material because you would need all 3 players with jump packs to design any meaningful gameplay about going on top of it

but they just had to shove chaos into the story
unless they fix the flying out of bounds bug, you will certainly be able to.
Classify it as a majoris when filling out administratum paperwork
Problem solved
i will punch it
I have faced more fearsome tanks
It's kind of funny the first new enemy type will be chaos even though chaos maps are wildly underplayed compared to nid ones. But there are more nids in the game than chaos so I guess they were determined to even it out
maybe you will go under it, but I don't think they'll have you interact with tentacles
The more things I see from the devs the more I think that they are just winging it
>enemy team is losing hard
>two of them switch to retard baby mode bulwark
>suddenly the capture point is utterly insurmountable
They're never going to nerf the fucking shield, are they?
Thing is, chaos needed a melee majoris and that's not what we're getting
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So you got that job as diver, after all.
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you think enlightened tzaangors are going to be extremis?
They probably are. Saber has been around for a while but this is their first true hit game. I doubt they adequately planned for the success
Neither are the helbrutes
>hmm yes let’s add ranged goats because people love them so much
Real mixed feelings about this dev team because this is about one of the worst addictions enemy wise they could have come up with
they probably went with the easiest to implement one and reused Imurah's skeleton and scripting
It's better than another variant of rubric marines that don't have any gore
Adding gore won't make the Thousand Sons more fun to fight. The game is just too melee focused ith the tyranids for it to work.
>ranged goats
enlightened =/= skyfires
>Adding gore won't make the Thousand Sons more fun to fight
>weapons left to level are all of tacs shit bolters, occulus and bolt sniper
i dont think i have the strength
Then don't
You don't have to do it, you know. If you're just killing time until new content anyway you could go carry noobs through the lower difficulties even if it takes longer.
there's an Imperator in the background of reliquary and one of the PVP maps at least
are there even noobs anymore? most time I queue for lower difficulties there are either level 25s or sub-10 who know every geneseed and armory data spawn locations because it's their fifth class.
>there's an Imperator in the background of reliquary
at the start
>few weapons that can truly keep an enemy in pseudo infinite stun.
Light heavy light heavy chains do this on every weapon. The only issue is enemies have a maximum cap on being stunned, so they gain temporary immunity after a while. Even balanced knife can't do anything about that.
It's inoperable, not the same
How blind
There were noobs who bought the game after the initial hype and there will be more noobs in December or whenever this game goes on sale.

This general will be dead at that point.
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Is this even feasible?

3 Muhreens against one Tyranid titan?

No Warhound titan deployed? No orbital bombardment from space? There were no Baneblades in the trailer and they just showed a few Leman Russ tanks.

A titan this size can body multiple Land Raiders and Baneblades.
You're going to be too fast to catch and then use some big dick turrets.
anon where have you been for the last 2 days. start here and go down the spoiler reply line >>498413916
handcranking sounds and looks retarded
>text with preset color
the worst thing is, saber will probably fix "the bug" that allows to hide it
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>u mirin bro?
Multiple baneblades would dick them, especially variants
they could barely take down a hive tyrant they dropped a mound of plascrete and plasteel beams on, while it was still impaled by aforementioned beams
As has been said, they aren't going to deploy all those resources to a lost planet. The operation is about giving the nids a big pain with as small a team as possible.
>spawn in game in progress inferno, level 2 guy is in the first area with a mortal wound
>gets killed in the area before camp again
>see him panic rolling away from a single sword warrior
if you do this shit and wear crux terminatus your level should be reset when if you die
Play Blood Angels.
Which desu makes no sense whatsoever
The planet is lost, nothing you do matters, they will absorb all the biomass on the world and that's that
I dread it because I bet there's some redditor who reported it (and a couple other customization tricks I use) as bugs.
you don't know, maybe he overextended during a boss fight. But yeah, these days when I'm matched with a game in progress my first thought is wonder what made the original guy leave
the second tooth of the saber logo has one straight line fuckup and it really bothers me
Terminators in Terminator armor constantly die to tiny ass Genestealers, it's only fitting that one without Terminator armor would die to Warriors. Based lore accurate larp.
what if you also have helmet off
You die so the main character (me) gets plot progression.
i'm not seeing it
Genestealers are the best at close quarters being rivaled only by melee specialists.
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not canon
>a couple other customization tricks I use
would you mind sharing them? The only other "trick" I know is coloring the skull on the helmet with the base coat color so that I didn't look like a captain
your nut cannon
That still looks gay, I do this on my Sniper with the Templar forehead coin and it's ugly.
>I know is coloring the skull on the helmet with the base coat color so that I didn't look like a captain
IIRC a skull on the helm only denotes a sergeant. I'm pretty sure you're going to get at least one helm with a skull on it in any tactical or intercessor box.
it depends on the chapter. But in "codex astartes-compliant" ones, solid color with skull is a captain.

picrel is from reddit because I don't want to torture myself looking through and cropping the codex myself
Why do people say Imperial Fists eat shit?
why do you pretend you're not that person?
They job a lot in the fluff and don't have a unique aesthetic to lean on and get people interested in being a fan of the chapter.
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because they literally do on at least 2 separate occasions of their training and induction into the chapter's traditions

once shortly after getting the implant to digest anything, where they have to eat as much garbage covered in fecal sauce as they can

another time at the very end of their formation as marines when they have to eat a nugget of shit from rogal dorn that gets eaten and then expelled by every generation and passed onto the next
they got almost anihilated. the salamanders, ravenguard and ironhands also almost went extinct, but they got ambushed. the fists walked fully prepared into a 1 on 1 with the iron warriors and ate shit
I don't get it
dey eat da poopoo
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>2 million players first day after release
>month later it's only 2,5 million more
Space Marine sisters... I don't feel so good...
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Kind of annoyed there is no degraded gear option. MM have to scavenge after all.
are you retarded?
Relic devs on suicide watch
nta, please elaborate
fuck off concernposter
IMO we were lucky that SM1 was as good as it was; Relic had no idea how to make a TPS. They'd only ever made RTS games until then IIRC.
Relic would've actually made cool cosmetics for the Season Pass desu
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Something has happened and now my Bulwark is taking damage from my own shockwave ability, either the one that spawns from perfect parries or one you get from having your armour depleted. Perhaps it's caused by overlapping if you trigger both at the same time? Or an interaction with another class' ability causes it to bug out?
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My Tactical MM uses the Ultra Marine Bolter from the pre order thing, he "reclaimed" it from a fallen "brother".
>this is your brain on /v/
Go back and stay there, you've rotted it past the point of recovery
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>Want to play an INF tactical captain
No blue visor
>Settle for BA
No Green visor on tactical
>Want to play Bluhd rahven tactical
No green visor
>Want to play Raven Guard Sniper
No beakie
>Want to play Minotaur anything
Only roman plumes no Corinthian style greek helmets

Well I guess I will just go fuck myself.
go woke, go broke amirite?
lmao chuds get btfo every damn time
Brothers! We need a Sanguinary Priest here! We have a case of black rage here!
They'll add them in 2027, trust
I wouldn't worry about it.
They'll collect his geneseed after the battle-brother suicide rushes a carnifex or something.
I have been denied form her cuddles, TWICE! Horus stole them form me... I am fucking pissed.
Where are this Carnifex? I feel like rip and tearing something...
>Helldivers sold 12 million in a month
ononononononononono Warhammer sisters...
Oh, it's alright now. Just Mephiston slightly less pissed than usual.
Why Horus would do this?
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>4 times as much as AAA Star Wars game
40k is now more popular than Star Wars. Weird times we live in.
>only things left to do is level the auto bolter as tactical and the multi melta and heavy plasma as shitty heavy
>gonna be at least 5 more ruthless ops just to max heavy
heavy is cool
auto bolter is trash
they gave it a skin
so that means they'll massively buff it
me on the right
>man this is a good gun
>*shoots civilians*
>fuck i need another one of these
I can't wait for the Raven Guard DLC to add in the Death Spectres as successors and for reddit to have a meltie.
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Brothers, the stim..
oh shit I pushed a box into a chasm today too. Is this an after-the-patch thing? I don't recall this happening before.
I definitely recall finding that pack behind that little wall it's falling off in the webm but I always assumed it's an intended spawn.
Also I've seen grenade boxes get thrown around before but I never figured out the reason behind that.
What now bros
Level your weapons. The patch will make all of them good. Probably.
You play the new OP on Lethal once then never touch the game again until the next major update.
play the game if you keep having fun with it? what the fuck kind of stupid question is that

>nooooo i cant have fun in a video game unless im on the xp hamster wheel
kill yourself
That's not what I said anon, you need to relax

25 in Eternal War, of course
Anything is possible when you're a space marine
The Auto Bolt Rifle calls to you anon
Level up other weapons like everyone else

End up playing Inferno over 9000 times

Play PvP and switch to a specific class before the match ends in a win so you unlock cosmetics faster (especially for classes you don't like playing)
I started leveling the auto bolt rifle. It actually feels surprisingly good to use (in the way it handles and sounds) but the low damage doesnt really mesh with the gun. Hopefully they buff bolt weapons a little when they don't get headshots
headshotdamage does not increase meleeshot damage btw
Did these two chapters ever come to serious blows like this? I thought it never went that far. Usually the Marines Malevolent get shut down.
Did the devs seriously say that the new update won't add the cosmetics and the new weapon?
You mean gunstrike damage? I’ve been wondering about this. How did you arrive at this conclusion?
>no beaky helmets yet
>cant join the beaky blinders
Over doing it, rein it in
damage meter
assault, everything white with gunstrike perc
sniper with low gear and 50% headshotdamage
then sniper without the headshotdamage
headshotdamage literally does nothing for gunstrike dmg
it also does not proc a single "on headshot" talent in the game
Really? I get pushing the cosmetics back, but doing the same to the new weapon sounds retarded.
so it seems, they really want to space out those spikes of returning players
Reliquary is the worst mission in the game
It just means they are making the cosmetics better *huffs copium*
I like it
Yeah, but it's not that bad. I'll never pick it myself, but I won't complain if I get it randomly.
You fookin wot?
NTA, but apparently that was something a 'dev' said in the discord? I don't know, it's just hearsay until someone inside that cesspit confirms it.
It's a good reliable weapon, especially with the perforation perks. If you're good at headshotting, you can make some serious carnages with it.
Please shill me this game. Currently playing RT and suddenly I want more 40k. Is SM2 kinda like vermintide? Is there perk or skill system that not just +x to damage?
>it puts me in a lobby with a class i queued as
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
I'll switch with you anon
>Is SM2 kinda like vermintide?
Only in the sense that you can co-op through missions fighting hordes of enemies. They're not that alike outside of it
>Is there perk or skill system that not just +x to damage?
It has both the +x to damage things and some more meaningful stuff that changes how classes interact with skills
If you like 40k then it's definitely worth playing, bring friends to co-op the campaign for extra fun
Dudewall bro has gone missing...just when we needed him most
He knew when to quit.
Helldivers patched, Sister Marine dead.
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Any lobbies? Trying to level Bulwark.
>game so dead he has to shitpost and bait in another game's general instead of playing it
>hdg general alive for months
>ywnbasm general dead after one month
I'm sorry but history is written by the winners and you lost. I do have to compliment you people on playing a 6 hour long game for 100 hours, that's some dedication to a joke.
post code




oh, sorry.
>helldivers is so dead he feels the need to bait in a dead general instead of playing it
that just makes you sound more pathetic, desu
My friends and I play games together every Tuesday night, and last night only me and another guy were able to play. We played Helldivers 2. No one joined our game over the course 2 hours of constant missions.
>in here AGAIN seething
Still here Brothers. My apologies for no updates lately. I've been a bit occupied but as I promised the update to the Wall come on the weekend at the latest.
This game needed like 5 more missions at launch
This game needed way more cosmetics and customizations options
>no chapter emblems for the other shoulder
>weird color separations
>can't color robes
>the 'DLC' armor options are a joke
>zero chaos customization
Yeah expired, just finished a mission
i can join for one mission too >>498681402
since >>498681402 is already in-game
I would like to level my sniper
go to bed
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My assault Bluhd Rahven
V7NM3 Ruthless
I'm leveling Bulwark so be something else.
Room for 1 more.


What do you mean? Now you can actually play the game.
thanks for the dose.
My gratitude, brother-apothecary
I finally leveled the auto bolter to relic, and it remains garbage. Bolter buff when?
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Put my Blood Angel sergeant on the wall pls
tac should recover a % of total ammo in addition to a general bolter buff. the weapons that are overperforming on him are also the ones that get the entirety of their (important) ammo restored every 30s.
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This heretic bulwark would like to be on a wall
Come kill xenos and heretics with your battle bros
>leveling auto bolter on ruthless
>other teammates are a vanguard leveling an oculus carbine and a sniper leveling the auto carbine
Thank the emprah it was on inferno, I would kill myself if that was reliquary
>all these lobbies
>never when I'm free
Having low level weapons against chaos is cbt compared to nids
The way they nerfed GL was odd, and seemed more like a quick and easy way of 'addressing' the issue. It honestly never made sense to me that the cache refill was removed. The real problem was the perk refill yet they didnt touch it. Guess they just didnt want to touch the perk system at the moment.
anon, there are a lot of people idling or doing pvp all day long. Just post code when you have time
They haven't come to blows. However the Marines Malevolent are infamous for looting dead Astartes, and commonly serve on fronts with several other chapters (including the Salamanders on Armageddon.)
how did they nerf the GL?
I'm not entirely sure what this Wall is but I'm volunteering my Deathwatch assault to the cause.
It's in the OP. Just all of the Anons dudes together
You sound less like Horus killed Sanguinia and more like fucked her. Are you into NTR by any chance?
Space Marine 3. Trust the plan.
Oh, I already fucked it up then.

Here's my actual entry, uncropped as requested. Deathwatch.
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Good Tier Levels
1. Decapitation: Gaunt Wall should have more Majoris/Extremis during it.
2. Inferno: Final wave defense should be slightly harder, with infinite spawning waves or a guaranteed Terminus. It's too easy once you know the Promethium timing and the flank spawns.
3. Fall of Atreus: Feels like the 'final level' which is a good thing. Almost always has an exciting ending. Dreadnought defense section can get really gay with it spawning multiple Rubriks on the far platforms accurately sniping you the whole time. Battery section is a Litmus test to see which of your Brothers should be turned into a Servitor.

Meh Tier Levels
4. Reliquary: Pacing is weird. 90% of your time is spent in the Catacombs and then you're suddenly at the boss. Servo-skull has a hitbox for some reason so it can get stuck on you/enemies. Bridge section is annoyingly difficult because sometimes there's no ammo in it at all. Feels like you should just run through it and ignore everything.
5. Vox Liberatis: Arguably the best level up until the final area. Daemon Host event is way too boring and way too easy.
6. Ballistic Engine: Sandstorms are really stupid considering Astartes all are supposed to have HUDs and target markers in their helmets. Carnifex spawning at the Train Yard 9/10 times gets a little old. Ending somehow manages to be less interesting than the rest of the level.
>Battery section is a Litmus test to see which of your Brothers should be turned into a Servitor.
That and the stain glass windows in Reliquary really do filter the retards. I wouldn't be surprised if they change the battery section at the end of Fall of Atreus to be more streamlined, just so it always changes tracks in a specified order.
like two runs until thunder hammer is relic
>is it like vermintide?
Only as far as both are horde shooter/melee games. Some fundamental skills such as target priority, movement and horde herding are shared, but whereas tide games has a huge emphasis on the dance of death (block, push, attack, dodge, repeat), SM2 puts more emphasis on controlled aggression because how effective HP is generated. Both games have a high skill floor but tide games i argue have a higher skill ceiling. I like both gameplay loops though.
>perk system
Yes. Basically identical to vermintide, but saber has never been known for making good perks system. Perks range from borderline busted to completely useless, depending on your class. Perks range from simple +% damage to enemy type, to stuff like increased parry window or invisibility on perfect dodge.
You cannot get ammo from using the big ammo cache, only the small ammo boxes and by tactical refill perk (which hilariously treats the entire reserve of gl nades as a mag, so like 14 nades). Did nothing to the weapon, but some people still whined about it. It was a pretty inconsequential nerf, just like the so-called melta 'nerf' (more like a bug fix)
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>Battery section is a Litmus test to see which of your Brothers should be turned into a Servitor.
The amount of times I've been stuck on console duty because the other two want to just stand next to the battery only for them to get impatient and start bitching in chat while I'm up there fighting for my fucking life and pinging shit in the hope that they'll stop standing there and come help is equal to the number of times I've run that mission.
squad broken
I hope they add more voice lines. I want them to get full Diomedes ham levels
yeah, really should have had multiple consoles with different symbols on the tutorial to better illustrate the upcoming mechanic
It's bad but not the worst, the worst is Vox Liberatis.
Yup. Real ones know that the strategy for Fall is two on the console clearing adds off themselves and the battery, and whatever class is best as melee sitting on the battery itself.
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100% on the battery part.
I've now come to the point where as soon as we reach that part I chat "I'll work the controls", just to make sure someone intelligent is doing it. Pubbies are often relieved they just get to kill things instead of having to use their brains.
The current number of posters in /sm2g/ is NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE
All bolters except maybe the stalker need desperate help. The most iconic weapon in the franchise shouldn't feel like such a peashooter.
>spend thirty minutes customizing my pvp guys
>puts me on traitor
what the fugg
>put out new trailer
>no Operations and Eternal War customization syncing (for those who want to look the same)
>still no option for a delete/clear all button for customization slots
>no option to add more customization slots
>still have to win 35 times to unlock every armour piece, the least they can do is use the class 35 times
>no autobalancing to prevent curbstomping in the next match
>never posted mine
Son of Lupercal checking in
>1. Decapitation.
On higher difficulty levels enemies should come from both directions. I get it's cool to have some variability but there needs to be more enemies and a boss spawn here.
>2. Inferno
I once had a bug where the waves never stopped spawning and we had to fight our way through a horde to the Thunderhawk. It wouldn't be enough but in general I'd like if missions actually had extractions as part of it where Tyranids endlessly chase you.
But as the ending goes front area should absolutely be spitting out Tyranids the whole way through.
>3. Fall of Atreus
I have the exact opposite experience. The ending is typically boring where I walk around in circles taking potshots at enemies in the distance waiting to press the button. I'd say it's the weakest TSons map for me, doesn't really have anything cool apart from defense segments that are trivialized by the Dreadnought.
>4. Reliquary
I like the fights, I dislike having to check bodies and babysit a servo-skull. It should have just been a mid-game defense segment. The bridge also feels like just unnecessary waiting, I don't think I've ever had an interesting fight there except maybe with the Hellbrute spawn to the left at the entrance but that's not really the bridge.
>5. Vox Liberatis
I like having two factions on one map. The big open arena with water has really cool fights happen there on the off-chance a wave and a boss spawns.
I agree on the Daemonhost, he's a non-threat, there's typically 5 medkits there even on Ruthless and barely anything spawns. The only ending that's more lame is Atreus.
>6. Ballistic Engine
The sandstorms are ultra shit but the interior area where you load the warhead has consistently spawned fun fights. In general I don't hate any part of it especially, the ending can be fun when there's a boss around but otherwise suffers from just being too easy like others.
If I were to rank them it's Inferno - Decapitation - Vox - Ballistic - Atreus - Reliquary.
>no Operations and Eternal War customization syncing (for those who want to look the same)
It should have just been 8 slots shared between the modes.
>still have to win 35 times to unlock every armour piece, the least they can do is use the class 35 times
No, it's fine, especially since you can grind in PvE if you're bad in PvP.
Can you beat Substantial difficulty with bots? Or is it asking for too much of them at that point?
>8 slots shared between the modes.
Would look bad on console UI, please understand.
>except maybe the stalker
It's a straightforward mission. What's not to like about it?
You can do ruthless with bots.
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I like the sandstorms
I love them because I can basically force my team to cooperate with me. Watch what happens when you mark a target when the sandstorm is in full effect.
Really? Are they that sturdy? They seemed very sturdy playing on average difficulty but I didn't know how they would hold up beyond that.
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Captain of the Honor Guard of the Blood Ravens Apollo Diomedes requesting admission to the dude wall. God I hope we get blood ravens cosmetics.
>God I hope we get blood ravens cosmetics.
Ultramarines bolter
Ultramarine chainsword
Ultramarines heavy bolter

Dark Angels power sword
Dark Angels storm shield
Dark Angels auto bolt rifle
Do you ever get tired of this joke?
They do almost no damage comparatively but they also just about never die unless they get stuck somewhere
Apollo Diomedes doesn't use Ushabti Bone, the pauldrons must be Evil Sunz Scarlet while his helmet is White Scars White

His jump pack is also generic
It's lore accurate
Too chicken shit to answer, got it
We dont have the gucci blood ravens sculpted golden shoulder pads so I opted for the normal blood ravens colors on the shoulders. His jump pack also has golden trim around the intakes, which we also dont have so I settled for the double eagle head. Its a game of compromise.
Technically he should be all in black with a skull helmet.
>Technically he should be all in black with a skull helmet.
Brother Chaplain Leandros will be a new class with his grav pistol and Crozius.
Blood Raven Tactical should get Thunderhammer, Plasma pistol, Iron Halo as a skill instead of Auspex and a red cape
Is that confirmed? Are we getting new classes later?
It's hopium copium but they said they're interested in Apothecary, so IF that pans out no reason to not have a Chaplain eventually.
Except that none of the classes we have are leader units.
I actually agree, there would be a huge gap between normal classes and the HQ choices, which is why I sorta liked the prestige class being HQ thing some anon floated bunch of threads ago but that's still unlikely, even if only because you can't get enough important people to fill out 6 slots.
No such thing.
Alright fags, do I replay Space Marine 1 before playing 2? Haven't played it since release. Or do I jump straight into 2?
You can jump straight into 2 honestly.
1 is barely relevant, if you're even mildly familiar with the plot of 1 that's enough.
I think they explain most of it in the game anyway. Your only advantage in knowing SM1 is that you'll know way earlier why Titus is so fucking pissed once he learns the McGuffin from SM1 is back.
Oh and I guess you won't understand the ending reveal that Leandros is the Chaplain but that's not really that important.
>My Assault and Bulwark
Explain why the stalker bolter isn't in a good spot right now.
A worrying amount of people actually believe the Blood Ravens are kleptomaniacs because of the meme.
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Blud Rehvans are just red Ultramarines, they have no special cosmetics outside of their diverse wargear.
It shouldnt be surprising that nid missions are generally better.

For me, all tyranids only missions are good. Gayos missions are all kind of meh. Vox liberatis is the only mission where you can tactically allow enemy reinforcement to cause nids and chaos to fight one another, which is amazing. Unfortunately the level has a few sections that are very open, which make fighting chaos extremely tedious esp before the nerf. The 'boss' fight is uninspired, and unfortunate spawns can really mess you up.

Reliquary suffers from the same problem as vox liberatis, where open areas highlights the problem with a primarily ranged faction. I am actually fine with the catacomb section, but the helldrake hazard section can be extremely horrible depending on spawn and your teammates not knowing how the helldrake despawns. Getting an extremis in any parts here can severely hamper your ammo supply (if you arent already suffering from it), and getting a hellbrute here has always caused casualties, since it doesnt get roasted and youre often strapped for ammo. The boss fight isnt a boss fight at all, but an ammo dump on a healthbar. Its boring, and mostly just an IQ check (a low one at that) . Its piss easy on com, but ive had randos who just press the first thing in front of him. Its really a fight against bad teammates.

Fall of atreus is the closest to a good chaos mission, mainly because in many open arenas you get the dreadnought to help you out. Its kind of funny to have an escort mission where youre the one being escorted. The finale still has the problem of being too open with little cover (the train doesnt actually provide hard cover esp for melee enemies), and emperor help you if you get a hellbrute that spawns in the middle of a wave. And as usual theres an iq check for the cart.

Gayos just needs melee majoris enemies to be more fun. Possessed squad, or rubrics with swords. Seeing another ranged gor just makes me gag though.
reliquary would be fixed if the heldrake could fry the enemies, just that alone would make the mission more tolerable. as it is it's just too long and unfun, and when traitor guardsmen are just chilling in the fire that kills you nearly instantly it's fucking stupid.
Not him but i find it unfortunate that its basically just a bullet hose dmr. Or rather, because the ammo economy is so dog youre basically only running the max ammo version because having an extra 30% total ammo is just too good to give up. I feel like sniper should have gotten a perk for his signature for ammo refund instead of equipment, which on the sniper i never use because the other perks are way, way stronger.
Personally I also dislike the Thousand Sons missions because on the road to 41,000 kills there simply aren't enough traitors spawning to speed my progress.
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need green eyes so bad already...
They do actually, which is why when someone is just running can potentially make the sections way harder than needed. In case anyone is curious, if one player makes it to one of the big safe zones (not the burnt down cathedrals), the helldrake despawns till the next hazard zone. This is why running ahead is extremely detrimental if theres a wave, because you leave your teammates to fight them in an extremely open arena. Conversely, if there is no enemies remaining this can be used to make the section less time consuming.
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For me the REAL question is does the massive commercial success of Space Marine 2 give us a chance at someday getting Boltgun 2?
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>A worrying amount of people actually believe the Blood Ravens are kleptomaniacs because of the meme.
Yeah. They should revert the spawn rate for gors. Theyre in a very good spot right now, what with shield restore on minor parry and more importantly reduced shield gor health.
Boltgun already sold well, it didn't need the SM tie-up

There's a reason why people want white Mk7 helmets
Because I leveled it to relic and its really nothing to write home about. And everyone who always claims its s tier shuts up as soon as I ask for footage of them actually clearing ruthless with it.
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matchless savagery of russ reads more like "the magpies made an axe that the furries considered an insult" than "it was a gift"
All the Chapters are aware of the Blood Ravens but for whatever reason the Space Wolves are dicks towards them...Hmmm I wonder why
So, the thunderhammer perk that restores armour is actually more busted than i previously knew. Its bugged depending on which TH you have! If youre using the fencing version, it will always restore armour, uncharged or otherwise. Yet on the block version, it doesnt work at all.

The powerfist is similar. Ground strike doesnt have any AoE at all, and hell im not even certain if the fist itself has a hit box. The powerwave thing also doesnt seem to work, because 8 meter should be a huge increase, yet ive never noticed it. If theres a side by side comparison itd be helpful to see if it indeed works.
Retribution not Chaos Rising
i'm not gonna say the others aren't pointing in the magpie direction, but that description in particular says to me "the blood ravens made a shitty axe by wolf standards"
>Blood Angel archivists have no records of any such exchange.
>"Only death may separate me from my sidearm."
I end up with dumbasses that insist on fucking it up. Even here sometimes people make mistakes like getting too close to the battery before it's been turned in the right direction.
I think the storm shield is unique to the champion skin.
What they did was they dressed up a shitty axe to hide the fact that they stole the real one. We are talking thieves so good they pulled a fast one on the Custodes.
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Blood Ravens are thieves to such degree Relic was even pretty meta with this stuff.
When is the update?
Lmao went back to play DoW2 with ultimate exterminatus and i fully understand why theyre called klepto now. These niggas really do be going around stealing other chapters wargears and relics.
>tfw Blood Ravens steal your defense of Terra.
They're gifts brother
No more Imperial Fists

Just Blood Ravens in the defense of Terra along with Black Templars
Any codes?
Leveling fist on Bulwark, I suck dicks at this
Just got called by boss to come into work super early tomorrow so have no time for nonchill dudes, just want a low stress run
>gift taken from the cold dead hands of a chapter captain
>we have no recollection of this exchange
>this thunderhammer was literally wielded by an exiled bloodthirster
:^) brother, do not deny what you are
>Leveling fist
My condolences
now why the fuck might that be
Seeing this has me realize, we really do need an option to pick the color of our weapon casing.
You can't seriously expect someone to record and upload an entire match of themselves using the thing just to placate your autism, and it's not like clearing ruthless even really means anything in this easy-ass game anyway. The thing is undisputably great at picking off majoris from long distances, and even up close its ttk is probably still better than the other bolt rifle options.
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This is going to be incredibly funny when all of the chapter cosmetic packs are our. We will get the ultimate Blood Raven loadout.
>still no footage on any kind
Yeah, I thought not.
>Imperial Fist with veteran markings and 3rd company colors
This is the 4th time in a row I've seen this, are people just retarded?
Mate I'm an Ork player I don't give a fuck about your autistic marking system
People pick the default and assume it's correct when it isn't
It's the same as the huge number of Blood Angel Assaults that have red helmets
The only reason I know anything about Blood Angels, is because my box of Necrons came with some mehreens.
I never played 1 and even the most casual familiarity with it made it obvious who the chaplain was pretty early in the game. (also just the fact that he was always "the chaplain" and never took off his helmet when everyone else has a name and shows their face made it obvious he would be *someone* from the game, and his antagonistic and distrustful attitude made it just as obvious it would be leandros)
I agree and I assume this is the same for most people at least familiar with SM1 through some Warhammer memes but if you're absolutely blind and have no idea about anything SM1 related then this is probably the only one thing that isn't explained. Like I think Titus explains roughly what happened but he doesn't mention names and I don't think the game ever makes that connection overtly. I might be wrong, the dialogues were pretty forgettable, but I remember Titus explaining Graia and The Power Source but never mention Leandros by name and at the end it's just a shock reveal and they get in the Thunderhawk.
this games alright, but I really want other this kind of game with all the other factions together
NTA but I wish the game had a basic explanation of Codex Compliant painting and maybe a couple examples of non-Codex Compliant stuff. Normies dig that stuff if it's explained to them.
>Calli is playing SM1 now
Looks like 40k has gone mainstream.
>There's a reason why people want white Mk7 helmets
What reason is that?
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The rapping reaper.
>Implying in the grim darkness of the 40th millennium it isn't hilarious that one chapter is just going around and "borrowing" all the other super soldiers gear
This is basically the only reason bloody magpies survived so long and people still paint/play as them.
I king of wish we could replay parts of the campaign as our operation dudes to level up as well. I just replayed it for fun with the last playthrough being on release and there actually are a lot of parts and sections of the campaign and missions which are very good and absolute kino. Shame that most people will not replay it.
>Krieg > Cadians
What a fucking normalfag. Kriegniggers need to be exterminated.
Steel Legion > Kreig
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>somebody else likes the steel legion
Please tell me you like OG stormtroopers, too.
Man I miss the orkz
I hope they add them to this game in future.
2 Xenos and only 1 Main Character (Chaos). Lol I don't think so buddy.
>t. GW
as far as cosmetics are concerned, we are exclusively playing as captains and first companies.
>allow enemy reinforcement to cause nids and chaos to fight one another
fuck, that's brilliant, I have been playing this mission wrong all this time.
You enter your battle-barge, and this is what happens to be in the hold of your ship:

What's the theoretical?
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practical - bird hunting
assaultbros, am i retarded or is it impossible to jump on platforms to the sides of battery section in fall of atreus?
never tried it, but it's probably closed off by an invisible wall. assault's verticality is mega gimped in pve
pretty much any drop or out of bounds area on the maps is blocked by an invisible wall that you can't ground pound past. it's fucking annoying. you need to get used to dropping first, and launching around corners instead of going directly towards the enemy even when they're otherwise in range.
it's fine when a nid sniper spawns and stays on a ledge because he'll jump down eventually and you can stagger it with concentrated fire, but yesterday I got a ranged termie who just kept chilling up there and raining us with rockets. it was infuriating that i couldn't reach him and had to wait for him to fancy teleporting down to us dirty peasants instead
Finished heavy bolter(kino) on heavy plasma or melta next
Post code, I want to level fist
Plasma is really cool imo, one like using melta
The hell?
*don't like using melta
Effeminate cattiness.
>just woke up
>10GB update
we are so back brothers
Why do you lie?
Restart Steam, dingus.
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I am fortifying this update.
More gifts brothers
Those numbers are utter shit and whoever wriote them needs to be shot.

A normal real world cathedral is 100-150+ meters, and in 40K they make their way bigger.

With those numbers, nothing fits. Books with squds of space marines fghting inside the titan, making their way trough corridors big enough for them..
Do retards think titans are hollow inside and you have tons of space to work with?
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It's real!
Once those downloads are finished I better see some codes for the new operation
So how does the new fencing change work practically I'm a bit retarded
>Melee Archetypes: Fencing weapons' perfect parry window will now have the same duration as balanced weapons but it will start from the first frame of parry animation.
it means you'll how to relearn how to parry with them because timings changed again. Also reconsider changing to balance since fencing will be less impactful.
>still no lens update
>Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.
>fencing nerfed
>auspex nerfed
>melta bomb nerfed
>ammo refills limited on ruthless and above
>player armor nerfed
>lethal difficulty added
Oh yeah it's gaming time
>Press Parry button
>Fencing parry window activates immediately from the start of the animation and lasts x value of seconds
>Balanced parry window activates a bit later in the animation and lasts x value of seconds
>Games too easy!
>Devs take notice and make game harder
Based devs
>Extremis enemies can now spawn have additional enemies.
So multiple extremis or it will also spawn other adds?
> Armour restores from finishers only if you stay close to your battle-brothers.
that's a wipe if you get matched with speedrunners
And anyone playing solo
Adds probably. Mutliple extremis would be cancer. >Imagine 2 or more rocket Terminators
Biggest winners here are those Tacticals, Vanguards and Snipers who maxed out all of their guns before the update

Also Bulwarks who maxed out Fist

Lethal new mission
Luckily it's only for Lethal Difficulty
>Armour restores from finishers only if you stay close to your battle-brothers
Why would you do that?
JF56G lethal new map playing assualt
In SM1, we all defaulted to the meltagun and lascannon, didn't we?
History repeats itself.
to have your team perks synergize properly
to have cinematic last stands where you have no idea what's going on because the entire massive wave now fits on your screen attacking from every direction at once tanking the fps
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holy shit battleniggas it's real
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>Biggest winners here are those Tacticals, Vanguards and Snipers who maxed out all of their guns before the update
mfw I finished the last weapon (fist) last week and I'm finally free
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>more color changes fucking my schemes
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>Armour restores from finishers only if you stay close to your battle-brothers.

This is either going to be barely noticeable or really annoying. Just fucking remove the free armor on minoris parry. No matter what else you change as long as that mechanic is there the game is too easy
>Enemy variety within waves is now less random
hope you guys like spores.
Oh shit, new Op.
did they even fix nuln oil? They didn't mention it in the changelog
Artificial difficulty
>less random
But that's a bad thing.
What's the purpose of the beak helmets?
>Fixed Assault bug
It's over
>they really didn't add the cosmetics or the new weapon
holy shit
>Nerf armour
>Nerf parry
>Nerf ammo
One month speed run to kill the game
They're going to bring the old one back

They don't need to pander to Fromfags
Lethal is fucked
it's the exploding barrel bug. They didn't fix the boomerang krak bug. Speaking of which, this week I had another instance of a heavy exploding and bitching on chat he doesn't know what happened.
Lost so badly the game crashed

Lethal new mission
>Melta Charge: damage to bosses is reduced by 70%.

BOO BOOOOO what the fuck?
I better have lots of FUN killing a Hierophant or I'm going to be upset!
Making Ruthless harder will kill the game

At least in the previous state you had people clearing Inferno to max out the guns and classes
It's so fucking over.
All they had to do is incerase spawns, throw in bunch of Extremis and even multiple Terminus spawns but instead they went the way of nerfing players to the ground.
I fucking hate this shit.
Wait, we have to wait longer for that to show up?
they were the original space marine helmet
It felt bad when I read the notes and it felt really bad on the first lethal try
>Melta Charge: damage to bosses is reduced by 70%.
Wow. It's not like we use those for anything else.
Melta literally has no niche now. It's pointless.
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>4 zoanthropes can show up now
>fixed: a sniper perk that wasn't working half the time
is it headshot or ranged damage related? is sniper finally a one tap machine in ruthless with the right perks?
>it was the boost on cloaked damage, 75%
>apparently it just didn't work sometimes
you're fucking joking
>Dark Angles cosmetics are actually months away haha
jesus fuck, I bet that shit's not coming until December now
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>Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.
>Ruthless: Player's armour reduced by 20%.
>Substantial: Player's armour reduced by 10%
>Fencing weapons' perfect parry window will now have the same duration as balanced weapons but it will start from the first frame of parry animation
>Basic Auspex Scan: bonus damage on bosses is reduced by 30%.
>Melta Charge: damage to bosses is reduced by 70%.

If you think these nerfs are significant you need to kill yourself holy shit. This is what you faggots are melting down over? hey retard, if the fencing change is causing you to take hits then you should have been using balanced in the first place. The only big nerf is meltas which is one source of boss damage that you're not even guaranteed to have when you fight a boss.

I can not fucking believe how dogshit this game's community is. You are the most brainless fucking apes I've ever seen. If you're so terrible then stick to minimal you dumb fucks and let people with a triple digit IQ enjoy the game.
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>one day they may throw in a neurotyrant or maleceptor too
And they won't even add any changes to them to justify the long waiting period
Source? Like did they give a time table?
The ammo crate change is a horrifically bad change from both a balance standpoint and from a player experience standpoint because it massively exacerbates the issue underperforming weapons have which is a poor ammo economy. It's a genuinely fucking stupid change.
ranged damage from nidders seems infinitely worse on lethal anyone else noticed this
The new cosmetics and weapon looked already done from the trailer they showed, why the fuck would they delay them?
None of this matters that much except no armor regen unless in (very tight) coherency. You basically have to be shoulder to shoulder at all times.
>blocking weapons are bad!
>how should we fix this?
>I know, let's keep fucking with fencing's perfect parry window
please stop
>new map
>new difficulty with increased currency rewards
>no new cosmetics to buy
>no new weapon to buy

Sitting on finished assets to artificially stretch out your ''content pipeline'' should be against the law.
>we heard you loud and clear, now no melee weapon can parry anymore :)
SHANT be playing until they drop prestige levels/cosmetics
See you in 2040
>Overcoming such a challenge will grant you new cosmetics...
Learn to read.
Post the new cosmetics then?
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>Adds new Chaos emblems for Right Pauldron
>Still no regular Chapter logos on Right Pauldron to properly do Deathwatch
Did the new update fuck up mods again?
Do you even have to ask?
You will play BT or Space Sharks and fucking like it.
Sigh, gotta do my backups again
Stop cheating in my PvE game!!! CHEATERS!!!
If you were refilling more than twice from a single box you were playing wrong.
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Here's a helmet
nice mouthgrill bozo
I imagine the regular troops of the chaos legions are pretty pissed off at the fact that they're all men.
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Mark VII cosmetics SOON™ BROS
Might actually be a decent option for Sniper, I guess.
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It's so annoying it keeps happening. I haven't even played the new mission yet. Just fixing my damn colour schemes.
A lot of the new changes mess everything up
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Most importantly, they fixed the Heavy's missing wrists.
Where are the fucking BEAKS?
>parrying now causes you to take health damage :)
Rayman sisters, our response?
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>If you take a fencing weapon, you will now die as soon as the operation starts
I have good news >>498745532
you think this will become increasingly more difficult to unlock the more operations they add?
>bulwark nerfed into the ground
>no cosmetics
Wow. Thanks. Bye.
Hopefully they'll add a new piece to the set with each new operation.
>playing through all of those for a scratched primaris helmet
lol, lmao
back status?
>bulwark nerfed into the ground
We are so NOT back.
The newest map is too big and only good for one mission.

Running Inferno on Lethal is still better.
Thanks to the fine folks

We beat Lethal :)
>no Bolter buffs
Parry, less armor and no armor regen on executions
Honestly no armor regen on executions is absolutely fucking garbage game design. Lethal will just be a ghost town.
That sounds really fucking annoying. How close are we talking here?
I'm often shooting shit into execution status from across the room. The way you describe it sounds like team mates aren't going to get shit for it unless I stop doing damage and walk over to caress their ass while they execute.
Fucking PLEASE
My World Eater is incomplete without it.
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new difficulty is brutal need to play it slow and stick to your teammates like glue
A rather meh update desu
>dies 4 times
shit update
made an entire class useless
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We le heckin did it!

Thanks man, you da MVP.
Yes it buttfucks assault bramble nids seems to go crazy too and just spam the traps
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Git Gud
>Less armor
Git Gud
>no armor regen on executions
Stay close to your battle brothers

You niggers have been complaining that the game is tOo EaSy and now that the Devs make it harder you complain.
Overall GIT GUD!
What is assault actually supposed to do now? I like going and blowing up ranged but you're just going to get shredded now
hold, with the armor on exec changes on lethal does that mean you are basically fucked when your mates are down since you can't get armor back? huh? need to try that later
Lethal is basically spore mines and snipers everywhere

Also enjoy Terminus spawns on small areas
>red visors
into le trash it goes
GG 6 more to go
They've always done that though. I always target and prioritize them first when possible
When is the real update?
You can still get it back while they are downed (near them), although I'm not sure about full dead. So good luck if there are ranged
>Lethal Fall of Atreus
>Lethal Reliquary
No thanks.
Lethal is just Aurics, then?
But Chaos is easy now lol. Imagine pre-nerf chaos on Lethal
New map not for farming, it's a one off where you do Lethal on it
Hierotitan is bleh, at least you don't get massive swarms as long as you cull the 1-2 Warriors every cycle
Why didn't they add the DA skins or is it for another update?

You only get a broken helmet and a power sword for the Bulwark. No visor colour change either.
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So when the Termination Operation happen in the timeline ?
During the campaign or after ?
now that aoe on liftoff is safw again, replace heavies' stomp so he can stay in heavy stance and blast, apparently

Kadaku is lost but the Imperium wants a final fuck you against the Nidders
>New map not for farming
I hate you faggots that do such a thing. Just play and enjoy the fucking game. I solo Atreus and Reliquary for fun on Ruthless before this update
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Who are you quoting, you blubbering retard
Might call some Battle-Brothers to test the new Lethal missions. Doses are preparing, please wait warmly.
Reminder that if you have the Icarus laser pointer you can still switch to your primary if you are getting swarmed.

4 Zoanthropes just showed up and this Chink Vanguard just got hosed.

Also if the laser pointer guy dies and respawns in 300 seconds the game gives it randomly.
You never get any closer to the biotitan, do you?
We're all maxed out
Maxing out guns is all that is left
Limited ammo just prevents gray/green Inferno speedruns since your peashooter is useless and you can't reload as often as you'd like

You now have to play Average (still bugged with pre-patch spawns) and Substantial

Except for melee weapons, they're fine
Count me in Doc.
I never complained it was too easy mechanically. I just wanted more waves and more melee enemies for chaos. That's all I fucking wanted
>stay close to your squad
Lol. Lmao
The new mechanic fucks over Snipers bigly
Oh there's a bunch of Tyrannic War emblems as well
At least on the greaves
>3725 XP
Is this with gene sneed or without?
Inferno doesn't really need you to shoot at all. A single shock grenade clears a generator
Coherency means you’re fucking over your squad if you bring assault or sniper.
>I can not fucking believe how dogshit this game's community is.
coop games in general attract the worst retards and stoners. makes me second guess if i´m a retard stoner honestly, since i love coop games
I'm beginning to think that adding adjustable lens color might indeed be beyond the capability of this shitty maintenance team. They really should bring back the guys who made this game
They'll add it along with the Dark Angel cosmetics in 2025
play the assault, jump out of bounds, hit it with a sword
Probably just going to have to pivot entirely into crowd control with the thunder hammer uncharged aftershocks and lots of pummel strikes with it and bait out parries/dodges on larger units to gunstrike them. Use one charge of ground slam to close the gap on ranged nid chaff units, kill them, and use the other dash to get out. I genuinely have no idea why he doesn't have a primary weapon.
i dont understand the melta nerf desu. it was already bad-ish vs bosses. ok vs hellbrute and carnifex. and killing big things is the stuff meltas are used for in concept.
i already dont touch melta on anything but vanguard (50:50 with instigator) since its pretty trash on heavy imo. it gets big artificial damagenumbers but its so unflexible and i rather have all purpose tools like heavybolter and plasma.
>>498746481 had a sniper that killed 9 extremis and only died twice
tactical man was probably using relic plasma incinerator or nade launcher to reach 29k score
i agree sniper is useless with the new buddy cohesion mechanics
why bring a las fusil in a short range fight lmao
Heavy Multimelta with max range is very useful on Lethal
Post update be like
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New operation was very fun but felt more difficult, maybe because I haven't learned any of it yet. Just felt like all swarms all the time it was a bit crazy. The Hierophant looks so fucking creepy they nailed that at least. What an ugly fucking bug monster.
Carbine perma-stealth Sniper is probably one of the best classes to bring for the Coherency issue since you have a class that doesn't need to do executions and can safely stick with any member of the team while also reducing cooldowns by 10% each headshot kill. However you need to use one of the bolt carbines then and that thing has absolutely no ammo.
Is it probable for this game to go on sale during steam halloween? I want to try it, but I'm not sure I want to pay full price for it.
Anon they nerfed melta BOMBS not the guns.
Too early

Maybe on Christmas sale it'll be -35% off
lmao then i dont get the outrage at all
>devs are willing to change fundamentals of the gameplay like change parry timings and how much armor gets removed on hit
>but fuck bolters though lol
Sounds like Heavy is fucked

>no melee and Lethal spawns a bajillion swarms
>limited ammo which fucks Plasma
>Multimelta will clear swarms and Warriors but not Zoanthropes, Carnifexes and Neurothropes
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game becomes challenging again and reddit immediately loses their minds, you love to see it
see >>498747131
So the parry change to fencing is that you need to parry right as the enemy attacks, rather than like a second before?
desu, artificial difficulty is the worst kind of difficulty.
Bolter bros it's our fucking time. Run bolter dry, throw grenade, get back 30% ammo. Run bolter dry again, throw grenade again, get another 30% ammo.
>new Operation and new difficulty mod add new knee marking
I know there is pvp mode in this game. Is it meme-tier or actually playable?
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The update didn't do anything for peak Asia/Aussie time, gotta wait if Yuros love the new update
Meltafags are retards that can't read. No wonder why they exclusively use the melta because their IQ is lower than one that only has a brainstem
Clearly not. Since auric doesn't change how toughness regen works or limit ammo boxes.

Melta bomb serves no purpose now, Kraks already overkill Majoris
the side which has more level 25 guys wins
it's impossible to git gud because you die as soon as you leave spawn area
It's a crapshoot because theres no team balancing. Can be fun but stick to Seize Ground, maybe Capture and Control. Annihilation is trash.
Fencing now has identical parry frames to Balanced, except Fencing frontloads those parry frames while balanced has them backloaded. So as a simple example if you press the parry button with a fencing weapon, you will parry for the first 1s and have 1s of "dead" timing where it doesn't work. With Balanced you press parry and you have 0.5s of dead time, then 1s of parry, then 0.5s of dead time. Identical parry windows but they're at different parts of the animation.
I'll check it out and probably play inferno + decapitation once
Then what's the point of using Fencing anymore. Are they really going to nerf both Fencing and Balanced until they are shit as Block?
it's playable meme-tier
I'll take a provided challenge over the highest difficulty being a brainless cakewalk if I'm being desu
Just beat Inferno Lethal with a green Power Fist.

There's more waves from start to finish and this is the first time I saw both of my teammates quit halfway and then replaced by a new set of teammates who immediately joined in and one quit when a massive wave showed up after the lift section.

The Heavy bot died and then was replaced by another player who only died once in the 2nd wave. There was a Zoanthrope and Lictor spawning together in the end.

I died thrice (in the AM camp, in the refinery when the two randoms quit and once in the end), only had a sliver of health left and lost the gene seed but at least my Fist is purple now.
Nah just git gud
I've been called a haxor by the couple of level 25s because I kept pwning them and I'm only lvl 10
t. have 1000 hours in the first game's pvp
Right, okay. Think I'll switch to balance then, as that's closer to the timing I'm used to.
Not only they do less damage, and in some cases are slower, they also make it harder for you to switch to balanced because you have to unlearn the timing. Isn't it wonderful
level 25 means nothing
they could be shitters who only played pvp and grinded it out from level 10-25
what matters more is ping
if your ping is high you can't headshot properly
>the side which has more level 25 guys wins
Retard take. Level doesn't matter in PVP
The real autowin is having more bulwarks than the enemy team
I don't know why you all are complaining about the Fencing parry change. It feels to same to me desu
This is the HD2 update for SM2, game is dead.
give it a change god damnit!
>The real autowin is having more bulwarks than the enemy team
Only in Capture and Control

In Annihilation they're useless

Seize Ground is more team oriented
Fencing is still reactive, you press it before being hit and it'll always work, with Balanced you need to press it say 0.5s before getting hit so Fencing is still better in high pressure scenarios where you're mobbed because it comes out instantly with no delay. Personally I'd take balanced for most weapons now and take Fencing for the knife because it has good melee canceling so you can afford to be very aggressive with it.
ah yes, I forgot about cheaters. Not so tough now that the update broke your tools, are you. Fuck you
buff bolters, you cowards.
>Only in Capture and Control
aka the only worthwhile PVP mode
I am playing Lethal Termination right now, this one Chinaman Tactical is just spamming Auspex Scans.

Fucking dirty cheater
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Go back!
Fencing on Chainsword as well otherwise the double stomp doesn't work, but maybe they fixed that
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I'm watching the reviews right now to see if the game's going to get reviewed bombed but them. I have a feeling it will
GSIII lethal lets go
It's functionally the same you just have a 33% shorter parry window and a 33% longer non-parry window at the end so if you parried on reaction instead of parrying on prediction you wont see a change. If you did parry on prediction you'll want to switch to balanced though and the timing will be identical.
>melta got fucked
>tactical just switched to plasma, gl
>heavy just switched to plasma, which got massively buffed
>vanguard is just fucked despite now being the ezmode class in terms of health regain
>melta got fucked
Melta guns didn't get nerfed faggot
Melta grenade equipment was changed, not the melta weapons.
>can't mute other player anymore
I'm not talking about this patch, faggots. Full heal on melta was genuinely one of the only good reasons to take it. Chaff clear is not a real reason. Tactical's infinite ammo ability only refills THE ACTIVE MAGAZINE, but on Plasma and GL that's no problem at all, whereas on melta it means you've still got limited ammo. Heavy plasma is also just insane now. Melta is trash.
>melta got fucked
Low IQ detected
You WILL listen to a Guatemalan man scream at his wife
Really need the techmarine class to place dispensers
How are people so shit at video games?
Seeing how they are drip-feeding content you'll get the techmarine class in SM5
hi, you are retarded, ask for clarification instead of assuming what someone is talking about >>498749570 cute image tho, wasted your time however
I spent all day yesterday downloading this game and now I have to wait hours for a new update.
>Full heal on melta was genuinely one of the only good reasons to take it.
KEK that fix happened a long time ago. Melta guns are still fine. The fact that you say that it's only good and worth taking because of the overheal bug just shows you are fucking trash and need to learn to dodge and parry and not get hit.
it's okay, servers will be unusable anyway because everyone will come back and try to play
Is this still on? Logging in.
But anon in the anonymous 4chan imageboard told me than it was in two more weeks...
Don't you know what happens when the two more weeks end?
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>The cohesion range is abysmally short, if the graphic bar isn't completely full you will not get armour back
>Majoris enrage even if you're actively fighting them.
>Enraged Majoris cannot be knocked out of their shielded stance, even by heavy attack

Yeah, I can see people quitting PvE in droves. I'll give it a shot but so far it seems very, very poorly thought out and, dare I say it, not fun

>t. all classes at 25
The end of times?
anon, you really should stop doing this. Asking will not reserve you a place in a lobby. Just post your own code if you come too late.
I know you're desperate for me to have been wrong about something, but pretending full heal on melta wasn't busted because you just never got hit is extremely homosexual behavior. Now suck my dick.
No, the real two more weeks being.

HD2 being (allegedly, I didn't play it) too difficult means we can no longer talk shit about bad balance?
I usually quit the game if I'm not playing.
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>Game too easy pleaes make it more challenging
Those kind of people need to be fucking purged!
So techmarine in two more weeks, got it.
begin* oopsie
Also, does the new Cohesion stuff mean you can't play Lethal with bots?
Anyone tried Ruthless Inferno? Is it harder now?
HD2 is actually piss easy now
They're right though. HD2 destroyed itself by nerfing everything to the ground instead of buffing the shit weapons nobody used.

What we need is for block weapons to get a parry window.

I get it, you were reaaaally desperate for it to be true that someone thought the melta charge change meant melta weapons. You really wanted to believe there was someone dumber than you, but there isn't. Grow up.
I'd rather them drop this update with the volkite and horde mode
Man I died way more in SM1 than 2. I don't think I died at all during the campaign on my Ruthless run.
The thing is. They just made the game harder without nerfing all the guns across the board which is what people have been asking for. Unlike HD2 where they nerfed the weapons to the ground and to the core.
All in all redditards will always be subhuman filth
I just want them to make bolters better.
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Yeah. It seemed harder but not by much.
On the other hand, webm related. Can someone explain this? I thought health back perk on las fusil was supposed to be 5% (five), not whatever the fuck this is.
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Stop trying to correct yourself nigger. If you were the faggot that posted "muh hecking melta gun got nerfed" post, which everyone here can clearly see is what was stated, then you are retarded and have an IQ lower than a pajeet.
Where Volkite.
They didn't nerf any fucking guns they are all the same. They just added a new difficulty and made the previous difficulties harder because people kept claiming the game was too easy so they did what they did accordingly. Guns are the same as before the patch they didn't even buff the enemies hp so it will be the same number of shots to take them down as before but they are stronger against you
>inb4 muh melta charge!
its 5% per kill except they probably broke the cap on it probably
i think it capped out at 30% normally or something right?
>game is now harder
>now no one will actually bother playing the Chaos missions
Lmao devs
2 more weeks
I don't understand why you included a picture of yourself with this post
>>Enraged Majoris cannot be knocked out of their shielded stance, even by heavy attack
Stupid as fuck.
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>I don't understand why you included a picture of yourself with this post
>Lethal Fall of Atreus
>train section
>but you can only replenish ammo once but there are more waves
They didn't playtest this
>show off the new DA cosmetics in the trailer, using them during the new mission
>do not add any of them in the update in which the new mission releases
what the fuck is wrong with them
Avatarfagging is a bannable offense
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>Avatarfagging is a bannable offense
This and the Reliquary mausoleum section are gonna suck shit even harder now.
>They didn't playtest this
Because we are the ones that will do it
Is it just me or does the Coordination buff increase our damage while we're close together. Things were absolutely melting on Lethal.
Use melee.
only an unhinged person would have all of these saved btw
if you check to see if this was you, you're gay lol
2 more weeks
What's wrong with bolters? They're basically equivalent to modern day 20mm autocannons.
Proof? It's not in the notes.
>mega patch drops
>game is still a tact/sniper + their pity carry class of their choice
nice game spacekeks
Think I'm fine with most changes but the armour distance thing is total shit
Your team is just good
>Charged attack perks of melee weapons got buffed of which combat knife was one of them
>Combat knife was already the most cracked melee weapon barring jetpack nonsense
>Vanguard is the class with the most decked out melee perks in the game
You do the math
darktide-ass coherency system, but worse somehow
Not him but isn't the ammo crate change an indirect nerf to all weapons with low ammo counts? It isn't like ruthless has a plethora of ammo box spawns to make up for it.
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Go back to whatever tranny game you play or don't play and shill for
>of which combat knife was one of them
>one of them
see how your schizo rambling logic falls apart right in the first sentence?
I carry as heavy, maybe dont follow the meta and play what you like
>but I like to min-max
Keep deluding youself while tact and sniper does the actual work heavynigger.
next update you'll be losing health if you don't have cohesion so once your ammo is gone you'll have to roly poly in lockstep to get to the lift
>neurothrope on lethal after auspex bopss nerf
this is pure cancer holy shit
The ammo change only fucks over low efficiency weapons which already saw no use. It's a non-issue for the meta weapons because you usually have ammo to spare unless you encounter a mid-boss.
>He doesn't know
>Defaults to the ole reliable of calling others schizos
>Sniper supporting from afar while bulwark lock enemies in melee isnt teamwork because, IT JUST ISNT OK
My roomate play tactical and he's a shitter, and our third is almost never a sniper. I beat the snipers in ranged damage anyway so seethe bitch
Did they change how the shock wave attack works? The one where you roll through it to get to the bubble. It felt like it expanded out faster and took me off guard.
Man lethal is pretty tough with my casual friends, feels bad seeing them get destroyed this hard and not being to carry because I can’t get armour when they’re dead
>can’t get armour when team is dead
Shit I didn't even think about that, no more clutching if everyone else goes down lmao.
wait is that hwo it works? you don't get armor if someone is incapacitated?
>a devourer scrapes you on the new difficultly
>now half heath from full armor
I thin the incoming damage was already on the high end before, this is a bit silly
>charged moves like dark blade, full throttle got buffed
>combat knife is only available on the two classes with 2 armors points who are more susceptible to get kwabbed by hordes and shootas and rely heavily on parrying for survival when cornered.
>chainsword are available on 4 classes but nobody with situation awareness would rely on this move because slow ass animation and enemies can move. And again parrying is too much useful.
>power fist may be epic with the buff. Assault and Bulwark chads, rise up!
>Uses pablo pub sniper as a reference
Do you go to your local kindergarden and fistfight five year olds as well? Retarded nigger clown.
>speedrunners on lethal
Get the fuck out of this difficulty. I cannot believe I'm like three games in and I already see people ignoring everything and sprinting to the checkpoints. Fucking kill yourselves you complete scumbags.
Isn't this what they were trying to fix the last time they adjusted them
Nope, when you’re last man standing you’re out of coherency so you can’t gain armour full stop besides maybe a lucky armour boost. It’s pretty much fucking over if they eat shit in a hectic situation and a few ranged enemies are up
It isn't hope this helps
lol that fucking sucks.
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>New content already out
Or you're just wrong pussy lmao
Someone make a new thread
No I will not do it myself
>susceptible to get kwabbed by hordes and shootas
Vanguard has melta for that, for shootas you're mostly safe in the horde with execute iframes. If for some reason your tact or sniper is a drooling retard and not handling those you can zip over to the backline and blast those dakka xenos yourself
The main thing is that this charged move buff increases vanguard dps against elites and bosses (still not great but it's better than nothing, besides a proper tact snipe combo have terminus damage on lockdown anyway leaving you to specialize in other roles like chaff clear)
>you can zip over to the backline and blast those dakka xenos yourself
Not anymore if you need to get armor back.
>my least favorite mutation from vermintide becomes standard at higher difficulties in SM2
I am in my worst timeline. I can't do shit about bots and randos running off and breaking cohesion, man, and my friends only play once or twice a week.
>Laughs in vanguard
Still can't believe that one straban nigger didn't believe me when I said the 3rd pick would be vanguard for comfy + utility when lethal releases
Who was right bitch
I just got home, fellas. How's the new Volkite Pistol?
Vanguard can get hp back on executes, between this and melta filling white hp pretty well when you get ticked, he's pretty safe even if there's no armor restore with the new changes
Vanguard is Lethal ez mode. Not because of the melta, because of the self-heal executions and the group CDR. It really doesn't matter if you temporarily get out of Coordination range, you can quickly grapple back anyway. You have to get completely fucked by a boss to actually lose health.
it says you unlock cosmetics from beating lethal but I only see one helmet
>at the highest difficulty in SM2
no one played cata for comfy games in VT2 either
Two more weeks
Lore accurate, no brother left behind. Serves you shitter solo fags right.

Just play solo its where you belong.
very good in theory
Lethal isn't about strategy or tactics. It's about survival. Keep up, motherfucker.

I guess that's an upside: finally a reason to play Vanguard
You are shitting me, no way they released the new map without the other new stuff right?
>the slavs try to trick me into playing a class with phobos armour
nice try, Ivan. I'll bring assault to lethal and you'll all just have to live with it
Yep I think it's clear by now despite the straban seething squad that lethal meta setup is tact/snipe/vanguard
Vanguard is the best class for clutching and running down the timer for respawns
His unkillability is an actual asset there, he also contributes to hording with good old melta as well
CDR, damage boost on grapnel, those are just cherries on top
You unlock decals too but it seems to be bugged since I just finished Inferno which should give me pic rel, and it's now in the state where I don't have access to it but I also can't unlock it
>level 25 means nothing
wrong lmao
las sniper is a oneshot kill on headshot and heavy plasma is extremely strong, even the tactical plasma is strong

levels do matter
Well, I was not taking in account the abilities of the classes, just stats. Of course as a vanguard you can hook off a enemy or krumping them with the melty or just both. But when I tried to use the charged moves I always got my ass overwhelmed by small gits or big gits and armor can vanish very fast.
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Why would you bring a sniper when they cant get ammo back from crate anymore
Bulwark is gonna be straight up better for survivability
Do space marines speak high gothic?
Weave melta shots in between your heavies every now and then to keep em stunned, i find that it helps
For terminus enemies, you just draw aggro and be the gunstrike bot to let the tact snipe do their job in peace
>bulwark or heavy
>pity carry
lol I'll take either one of them over you failing to land your stealth headshot on the lictor for the 99th time
I'll do that.
yes, they speak english.
Because as long as flying shitters exist in this game, snipa will never not be meta
I don't think the knee decals from Lethal are actually obtainable yet. They are staying locked for me even though I've done two separate missions.
>general finally dies
praise the dark powers
No, english isn't a thing in 40k. All terran languages blended together, now there's just two. High gothic, and low gothic. Normies speak low gothic. Nobels speak high gothic. I wonder which one the space marines speak.
That's low gothic. High gothic is latin but badly conjugated
Ye don't forget you have
>Combat knife superior parry window
>Perfect parry larger 50% window perk
>Melta + class perk of 50% more contest hp refill
Don't be afraid to draw aggro on tyrant/carnifex, even if you fuck up and get slapped, one melta blast fills your white hp back up. If you have space, thats when you shank em with the knife to add some damage
>flying shitters
You mean spore mines? Anyone can take those. It's strange how the flying nids never fuck with us. They just fly around and eat flak rounds.
>removes the UI on Lethal so you can't see enemies in vicinity or how close you are to a horde
It's always funny to me when difficulty to most devs just means inconvenience the player with less information, or make enemies sponges and take away your ammo.
Considering how many crayon eaters there are rage quitting, it works.
>All terran languages blended together, now there's just two. High gothic, and low gothic.
Then why do so many characters in 40K speak with distinctly african and pajeet accents? Or scottish in the case of our captain
You can't keep up the melta forever. Vanguard ammo doesn't regen. So you have to reload and refill your ammo occasionally.
Ultramar is London.
My copium is to tell myself that they tried simply adding tons of enemies first, but it couldn't run on consoles so they had to look to other ways of making it harder
did they really add a fucking siren so that normies don't miss that a massive wave is coming in order to get rid of the indicator altogether in the next update?
I meant the neuthrope boss or extremis, having a sniper turns the encounter into an instant win
Sometimes watching a tact desperately try to plink away with it with his bolter + 2 bolt pistols from the other two guys is cringe
>Why do scots and yanks sound different when they speak the same language?
It's quite the conundrum.
He is wrong. The two main languages all people must be fluent in are named after the font styles high and low gothic. Other languages exist but because of how annoying or impossible it would be to do it right are simply ignored unless it is plot relevant.
With reload cancelling you can squeeze melta reloads between gunstrikes
Ruthless still comfy diff, Lethal for one playthrough on each map only.
New decals are nice
New helmet is nice although I wish they'd given you similar stuff for the other pieces too
You're close, but not quite there. High gothic is Received Pronounciation British English. That's the language that anyone who wants to travel off-world needs to learn. In addition to that, every community has its own language, called low gothic because over time it got bastardized with the amount of high gothic influences. You cannot communicate in low gothic with people from other planets because it's not the same language, it's justed touted as such as a part of imperial propaganda.
>Straban niggers on suicide watch, lethal difficulty exposed them for the frauds they always were
I love this patch already
mate I will continue to kick vanguards on sight. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
>t. red scorpions marine
The heavy character
>straban nigger hosts games because he knows if he doesn't he'll be booted for a vanguard or bulwark instead
who was right, ya retarded nigger. Literally everything I said about vanguard utility in lethal turned out to be true but you were all wahh wahhh heavy so gud muh plasma wahh
Eat shit bitch.
What are you talking about? Post score or fuck off. I bet heavies are dumping on you.
So does stuff like pic rel work even outside coherency with the team on lethal? If so assault might be pretty gud now
How exactly. Melta is more meta than ever.
calling classes by their character names is retarded. Oh yeah i really care about the rich backstory of melta bitch and other melta bitch.
>Trying to falseflag
There's only one heavy nigger and its you, the retarded stubborn clown who jumped up and down in the previous threads when I tried to explain how vanguard will be meta pick for the 3rd slot instead of heavy.
Seethe and dilate tranny.
Kek, having the last laugh feels great.
>P-p-post score
What next punk ass bitch? You gonna try to 1v1 me in street fighter too?
>/sm2g/ back to kicking people because drama
Because unlike heavy, vanguard isn't a useless fuck outside of their melta
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Jesus Christ, there must be absolutely nothing happening in your life for something this fucking retarded to be so important to you.
The melta is literally all that matters
The meta is now tact with melta or plasma, heavy with melta or plasma, and sniper with las.
Lethal's a joke. No melee allowed.
>muh meta
>endorses the negro class
>calls everyone else a nigger
You're a real winner anon kek
>Straban nigger trying to double down
You're definitely losing me here.

Vanguard without melta isn't great.
>people bitching about classes
Just play what you want lmao or better yet, use mods so classes don't matter aside from fashion
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>vanguard isn't a useless fuck outside of their melta
Nigga please
Also is nobody gonna make a new thread?
>Doesn't know about vanguard advantages to smoothen out runs in lethal
>Tries to pass heavy off as meta
The heavy agenda... must be pushed...

the modding discord is freaking out saying invasive mods may never come back since they haven't figured out a way to make them work after the patch
>HP regen not useful in lethal
>Raw survivability with contested hp class buff and best parry windows are not useful for clutching
You can tell all the heavies are triggered because they can feel the agenda slipping away from them lmao
Even other anons have described vanguard as lethal EZ mode
What advantages? Also irrelevant. If your class needs to be in melee its shit in lethal. End of story. All melee is shit in lethal.
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Laughing at you as a Straban Heavy Bolter main
>he cant hang in melee
>he's already getting filtered
kek, I love new patches

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