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Unbound edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide
I'm gay and so are you.
I only had time for two games for this ranked slot, but I won both. Inhouses are like a hyperbolic time chamber of getting good. Or at least getting good enough to carry out of wood mmr
>watch vegas who's streaming deadlock
>infernus, geist, mcginnis, seven are S tier

what the fuck happened to geist
Wood MMR is unironically fun though. People just BROOL and fling abilities at each other, and you don't have to flick deny/confirm souls.
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Is gun mcginiis or spirit mcginnis better for carrying the team?
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Sex with Abrams
nothing, she been good for weeks, geist players are just shit
Gun is better for objectives
Spirit for fights (I feel like at least)

Which is better for carrying depends on the kind of retardation your team presents
Ranked matchmaking takes so long that I can listen to this whole song before i get a match:
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>tfw top 1000 in NA on tracklock
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Its because in inhouses you have like 3 god like players and the rest go from goodish to genuinely terrible so you get to see all ranks of play and see what theyre doing and why it works and why it doesnt and why theyre at that level.
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who'd top who abrams or mcginnis
How's watching twitchfags faced with reality that they're aren't that good at the game treating you? I'm eating good.
All those cunts have been abusing parties since the game was still nda'd. Fuck them all.
She's pretty much always had an absurdly high winrate.
- T3 Golden Statues spawn time moved from 25 min to 30 min

Stop nerfing things because of streamers
I'm boiling you alive Yoshi
McGinnis is an ugly bitch and Abrams only fucks twinks like Pocket.
Abrams is a bottom
Abusing an already broken hero in kelvin and then make the game feel miserable for everyone else as you glide over the map at mach 4 siphoning all resources and winning every fight because kelvin is not fun or balanced scruffy
>ugly bitch
um undoubtedly wrong
RANKED IS FOR NIGGERS (I haven't touched it)
seven balls nerfed
party time
You have to admit that it's not very strong especially against teams who figure it out and just learn to not ignore their statues when rotating.
>Flying removed from all heroes and items
There you go, I fixed the game
>surge of power on seven's 2
good or meme?
miku would take out her soul powered strap on and go to town
Good if you go gun seven
I hope this game does well enough we get an animated series like Dota, but it doesn't suck like Dota.
Inhouse 3DC6S
Shitters welcome
Even if you remove a lot its still kelvin and movement items are still movement items, it shouldnt take the entire enemy team to perpetually play against one fringe strat to shut it down.

Honestly the real issue is movement items IMO, theyre just so flexible, cheap and often over bearing and the main thing that enables shit like this
Spend 3000 gold nigger.
Dota series fucking sucked ass though.
It shat on the characters and got majorly mogged by arcane.
I've seen it man and he spends like a minute in the enemy half farming boxes and statues
That's a whole man down that they're not taking advantage of and instead are doing God knows what
Slow rate for a fill in this inhouse tonight, sorry Anon in the lobby, gonna leave it
Now that they nerfed the meme ball build seven is back to just being shit
Arcane being actually good and the dota toon being terrible is still Valve's biggest humiliation.
Fortunately, Deadlock's setting is right in western animator's wheelhouses, so I have no doubt it'll have an amazing animated series.
funny how people nowadays are oblivious to this simple concept
i just played a game against gay talon, vindicta and ivy. aids.
knockdown helped lower them into the haze meatgrinder on our team and we won
>first item echo shard mcginnus into spirit items

why yes turret build is back
>first item
why is her portrait cool but all of the art she has terrible
mcginnis is built like an olympic swimmer, nasty
>here's your 3s cooldown nerf to majestic leap bro
Is it no longer possible to have vindicta up in the 100% of the time?
Thankfully no.
Well, no reason to play her ever again I guess.
He’s not that different. The balls are still large (9 > 7.5 m radius). He was always shit, and people latched onto the wrong gimmick. That was like the one thing he had, and redditors gutted it
Am I the worst player in the lobby again like always?
nah, your Ivy went out to get solo picked like legit 4 fucking times lol

you guys were zoning us hard at the end, he just ran out and ???????
The worst? No, that was Seven. You were second worst though! Maybe one day it won't be an int to have you on the team!
why are you tripfagging? for what reason do YOU need to not be anonymous? stop being a faggot
anybody got the match ID I wanna look at the stats
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>more souls than miku, shiv, viscous, and bebop
>less impact than all of them
top zozzle
>shiv had 16 deaths
>Still deletes half of my hp with single dagger

Honest heroes everywhere
anyone got the match ID i want to watch someones perspective
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>No, that was Seven.
Hey, I was closest to winning my lane, and I did better during laning than my lane partner
I was brooling like god intended
arcane was literally just dyke fanfiction and ok music, lolbabs OUT
had to sacrifice bebop to get in your base at the end RIP
>I did better during laning than my lane partner
Nigger that was because I said "I'm going in" then ran in twice and both times you just ran away
>Am I the worst player in the lobby again like always?
>Lowest souls
>Kept running out, did not secure serval high-value kills
>Most Deaths
>Flubbed an Urn Delivery
I'll take that "worst in house player" award.
to be fair it was hard for him to catch up with seven vacuuming up all the farm
>nothing is happening
>Literally zero brools
>Shiv gap closes on me being full hp with ult follows with slice and dice
>Slice and dice alone -600hp because lmao of course its two hits
>This while hes being completely behind like fucking 10minutes in game

This nigger needs his rage generation from creeps removed
Then it would be fair hero
Fun match. Gun Geist is pretty good if you can hit headshots. Great in ganks and ratting. But when I was broooling I really wished my essence bombs did more damage.
I watched you, with half heath, use your 2 to charge them and their tower and then die instantly
You bought healing rite against fucking Geist and Viscous
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And people were saying they NERFED Escalating Exposure.
Sorry pal, I need my clutch.
I didn't think about farm too much after we got pushed so hard late and got enough from gobbling lanes. Need to look at a graph but I think I was fine before 20 minutes.
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I was vacuuming up the rest of the farm seven didn't get, gotta make sure nothing is left on the map for teammates (should've gotten to it first)
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>won one game but lost two
1/3 ain't so bad I guess
And Geist had <100 HP
If you're not going to follow then when I say "I'm going in" say "No" or something instead of just silently thinking you're superior
Humiliation ritual did it's job, yeah it sucks to AFK for 15 seconds but it still heals and is easy enough to not get interrupted
I mean nigga you had more than twice as much farm as damage you didn't do shit
kill ivyfags. behead ivyfags. roundhouse kick ivyfags into the concrete
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Gotta say I kind hate these changes now that I've settled into things. The amount of retards constantly farming camps while disregarding their lanes and stretching the overall length of the game is driving me fucking nuts. I had a game go almost an hour and we only had TWO flex slots, with an Ivy going 2/11 with 60K+ souls. Yeah that game was an outlier, but in an average game I'll see a Seven just single mindedly farming until we're like 45 minutes in and suddenly he wants to play the game again.
>not going farm MAXX build to deprive your entire team of monsters and waves
Laughing ivy pointing at you.jpg
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I'm not gonna pretend I did good across the whole match but
>I had to take a break for a couple days because of internet issues
>I'm still learning Seven
>I was going to play Viscous, who I just had 2 good matches with right before playing the inhouse & have played more, but the fag sniped him off me in the lobby change
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Calm down friend I'll carry once i hit that 60k powerspike
What if you went farm maxing but roamed the enemy jungle?
so is ranked time zone 2 basically dead because everyone picked 1?
>rush knockdown against vin dick ta
Its shrimple, really
How do I graduate from being an aimlet?
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I feel like my winrate skyrocketed after I stopped buying Armors. Or more like it makes no fucking difference to my gameplay. There's just so much better you can do with those extra green slots.
Play more point and click adventure games.
Is Majestic Leap worth buying on low mobility heroes like McGinnis, Geist, and Talon?
haze with knockdown and a bunch of other active items is a lot of fun. I might not win as fast as only buying orange item but the dopeamine from really ruining someones day by appearing behind them in stealth, doing the double melee combo with knockdown and then hitting them with slowing/silence as they try to escape and I gun them in the back before cloaking again and running at zipline speed can't be beat. no rats allowed on my side of the map
>two games ago build grenade paradox
>Feel like i have zero impact
>This game went mostly gun
>Get blasted by mcginnis 1v1 and it wasnt even close, probably also because of my aim being bad
>Go melee
>Its pretty good brooling early but loses steam later

You can't win on this hero unless you are aimbotting on stricly communicating with team and following them around

The only thing i didnt try yet is going full rescue beam sprint build as a swap bot
I realistically don't know how you get that much farm on Seven and do so little damage comparatively.
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>lose lane
>win game
majestic leap is worth buying on a lot of characters in the game after they made the map too fucking big - especially once you start to figure out all the tricks with the momentum it gives you like walljumping after a dive to keep the speed
They don't make 'em like him
your takeaway from this should be that meleeing is fundamentally broken
>the only counter to melee is parry except you can literally just bait parry by moving your mouse to the side unless they parry insanely late and need good ping to do that
Bet she fucks like one too heheheh
A lot of endurance, and very very wet.
>Respawn time at 20 minutes reduced from 45s to 40s
I like all the changes except for this one. If you team wipe after 20 minutes with shrines down, you should automatically lose the game. No exceptions. I don't give a FUCK if you think Lash ulting someone into fountain is a super epic highlight reel play. Get me the fuck out of these 40 minute games and let it end. The final throne pit is the worst designed garbage in this entire fucking game and you don't deserve comebacks for killing people who are standing directly underneath your spawn. It just drags out games that should have already ended and I hate it.
I was thinking more like a powerlifter.
>low mobility
Like combat mobility? Because anyone can use the zipline and sprint from lane to lane. Majestic leap just helps make that faster.
Does Disco Elysium count
I lose literally every lane and have 55% WR
It's that simple
I lose most duo lanes because all my experience is in solo lanes. The extra burst potential in duo lanes makes it really hard for me to judge how much of a risk I can take.
No, that's a visual novel
Yeah I just found out you can't use it for a while after getting shot. So it was a dumb question on my part.
But I might try it on Gray Talon to be a better lane janny.
nah lilbro bought magic carpet on seven
Disco Elysium is not a visual novel, it's a CRPG. It's literally Planescape: Torment without the (bad, tacked-on) combat.
yeah ive definitely found that to be true myself, unless you are a tank who will stand around getting shot a lot or something most people's gameplan is to delete the other person faster, and when you are 1v1ing those types turning their 1.5s time to kill into 2.25 is less valuable than taking your current 3s time to kill and dropping it to 1.5 yourself
But you also point your mouse and click at things
Get fleetfoot, enduring speed, or superior stamina if you want more usable mobility. For those 3 heroes you mentioned enduring speed should be enough, you're probably building them spirit anyway so you don't need fleetfoot's bonuses.
Holy cope
No, not really. It's more of an engage tool, so like pocket or lash can take it to end up in the middle of their team. I guess it could help rotate but I always feel like green items are the ones you have the least room for so it's not really worth the opportunity cost.
I normally play Viscous, who is tankier and has worse farm so I overfarmed and underbuilt vitality
The only reason you would want it on Lash is to speed up rotations.
Just play more, that's all you can do. Deadlock has projectile bullets that range from slow as shit to basically hitscan.
The best you can do right now is increase your framerate, and maybe change your crosshair.
Or to I dunno get really high up in the air?
you don't need it on lash lol
Yeah thats 100% a "I love donuts" kind of powerlifter larping chick that wears sbd knee sleeves but never actually lifts heavier than 70% of 1rm
He can already do that with spending 3000 souls.
It doesnt take a genius why majestic leap is better than lash built in leap, yet some of you niggas still dont get it

T. Wood mmr player and i see all the good lashes use majestic leap
More high more good. It's simple math, really.
>buy infuser
>always forget to use it
It's better but it's not so much better that it's worth spending 3000 souls on.
Bong rip consumable when?
How do you use it even? Activate when your poke rotation comes up and blow it in 6 seconds?
Rapid recharge is better desu senpai
I just told you how. I don't.
he's right
Why do you buy it then
Because I keep thinking that this time I won't forget to use it.
Lash playstyle is highly opportunistic and majestic leap simply gives him more opportunity
It depends. Imo, spirit armor is highly valuable because you want to survive or handle spirit burst thrown at you.
whats the right bebop build rn??
majestic leap + beam
How are the ranked games going bros?
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great. wins are earned, losses aren't shameful
Gun Bebop is still best because you do a shitload of extra damage to them after you hook and punch them.
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It's fucking hilarious how Abrams is literally just
>Hellboy but blue

Who should be next ?
rush ring of repick
First game first loss. 7 loss streak overall though.
Everyone is being super communicative and working together. It's actually really refreshing?
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pic related
is it worth going for permanent 3 uptime on seven?
My lane partner called me "a dogshit miku who should be lucky she [sic] got carried."
every enemy killed in kelvin ult should increase its radius
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First ranked game.
I think if the Gray Talon, Ivy, and me weren't putting in all the work, the other half of the team would've died a ton more.
it'd be funny if kelvin's ult can cover two lanes
You did a good brool but that Abrams actually carried.
You didn't change it to the latest patch you gay cocksucker

And you didn't even fucking link the previous thread. Kill yourself
it's nice
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>competent shiv on my team
>shiv on enemy team
make it all hero kills so he's incentivized to grief his teammates
shrink its radius* until it forms a super massive kelvin hole
Eh, actually looking over this again, Kelvin/Talons are tied for kill participation, then me and Ivy, the Abrams, then Haze.
Then again, I'm highest on player damage aside from Pocket, who got off two really good ults.
Fuck it, it was a team effort.
Kill participation isn't everything. That Abrams clearly did a fantastic job tanking while still pushing down objectives.
10 kills it becomes a frozen shell of armor making him immune to everything for the duration
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Seven's design has too much shit, it took me this image to realize what his head was after maining him for 4 months
Is there any incentive to play ranked if you got an above average score in your 7 games?
he's a chuunibyou edgelord so he should be overdesigned
yeah, if you want your ranking to actually reflect your real skill
It's just the usual electric chair equipment got stuck on him + straitjacket and prisoner clothing
>chuunibyou edgelord
Difference is he actually has super powers.
in english doc
>got noticed in a ranked game
is this a good or bad thing?
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0-2 now.
hey bro good lane and GGs i thought u were a haze one trick
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He was some weird robot samurai thing in Neon Prime, for some reason (animations) they decided to keep the silhouette
chuunibyou means "middle school syndrome" and basically refers to the things that 12-year-old boys think are cool
This, but I had a ragequitter still
Fuck you dude i'm not 12 and seven isn't a "chungus edgelord", he's cool.
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fuck everyone who says talon is bad
that's all
It's no one's fault you're stupid except your parents and teachers
Ranked starts in 1 hour in my time. What should I expect? Any words?
wheres your spirit armour
wearin it
More people on voice chat, still nobody will read chat, still nobody will push objectives, still your team will abandon you when you go to engage.
What kind of person continues to farm jungle at 55 minutes and 92k souls. For what purpose? Surely by then you have enough for your build?
being insecure about liking edgekino is a very chuuni attitude
who would want that
>mirage on your team in ranked
>you lose
holding the other team hostage for fun probably because no surrender option
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Favourite ult line?


I love Geists' "I WANT YOUR SOUL!" So many emotions in the line especially from someone so refined and prim
>hotfix revert bebop bombs
>hotfix revert urn carrier being always visible
>but for some reason don't hotfix revert the retarded seven ball change that nobody likes
the next game after I posted that I had a shiv that overextended constantly then cried when we didn't help.
>played so well that the enemy team said sorry about MM to me
>losing with infernus
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and Seven's desperate
are my favorites
Deadlock went to shit when they removed "you are in the big leagues now bitch"
You know it's true
I don't understand certain design choices in this game...
who would want to play as an old native american fat grandma?
oh yeah and Lash definitely has the best sound
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Was a fun inhouse bros
1. he's getting redesigned
2. he's funny
Seven just has the best voice lines in general. Reminds me of Enigma because of the editing.
I'm glad they didn't go FULL EDGY EDGE and made him kind of refined
>Ivy, you are saccharine, but useful.
When's the last time you heard someone use the word saccharine?
Explain this
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>jerks around with flashing x-ray like a cartoon character getting electrocuted
pure kino
It's less slapstick and more scary when he floats into the sky laughing maniacally I admit
he pressed 4 right before wraith pressed 2
shiv's and yamato's grapples go through walls
works on mirage too
woah didnt realize it looped the first time
Shiv's ultimate and Yamato's grapple are among the most source spaghetti tier in nature
We lost because 2 of my team did this and never got in team fights. Even with the massive initial lead, bad team fights meant they could push objectives and win
overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
>don't care that it's on 2
i abused spirit talon to get out of mid mmr but he eventually becomes shit because people realize hes paper if engaged and hes countered by spirit armor
>Heheheh. You see that shit?
THEY REMOVED IT ?! is there a list which shows all removed lines by patch ?
>seven ball nerfed
fully expected but at least they didn't take him out back and execute the last thing he had, I'd rather he not just end up becoming a glorified stunbot
average 15 min queue times on NA for ranked. yeah i don't see myself doing this again if queue times are the same
the algorithm is doing its best to match you with russians
be patient
Its lame, but it's still pretty much his only good build. Stick supressor, mystic slow, healbane and escalating exposure on the ball and you become a debuff/stunbot for you team (although this comes at the cost of you sucking up all farm in the map so it's not actually worth it)
they will probably realize the two time zones was a stupid fucking idea and just make it one 8 hour window or something.
Wish I could be in sandbox and queue
I'm also sad that they removed Yamato`s 仲良くしようか? (Lets get along) with the new voiceovers, it was one of my favorite lines for her gap closer
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I hate chinks so much
Because someone made fun of her bad weebish pronunciation?
cao ni ma
Idk, i just wish they kept the line for the new voice actress.
they're always shit at any game
thats why most of them cheat / use hacks
is this ranked ? how is the queue time asian bro
you can?
getting a clutch point blank kill with vindicta snipe as abrams is charging me down and hearing that her usual smug satisfaction was replaced with JUST DIE is what sold me on this game
Sovl edit
>Made the list
>every single game I've gotten with bugs has them overstaying constantly and running down lane just to get killed
>this is consistent
man no wonder they all cheat and cope about it if they suck this fucking badly
Wait you can?
I got you...
theres nothing i enjoy more than putting shivs in the bubble with my whole team
Regular, I avoid ranked because it brings out the worst in others (and me)
i played more than 7 ranked games. where is my Eternus rank?
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I don't know what happened here, like Bebop was killed instantly, by two different people.
got caught up in a paradox
he was cut in two
>"I don't fear numbers"
>win lane
>lose game
>every game is an abraums, seven and warden and no one buys antiheal

I've never felt an impulse to backhand a developer for sheer incompetence. I'm tired of every game being a loss or a losing game where I have to carry my out way out of the loss. This isn't fucking fun forcing losses, all it does is just piss me off with bad game after bad game where players on my team are doing comically bad. I legitimately do not find this fun, and I'm going to just uninstall if this is how the game is going to be. I shouldn't have to try so hard to have a fucking EVEN game.
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God I love Seven, hope they buff his 3 build because it was so fun.
Honorary mention (thought it isn't an ult line) I really like that one either 1 or 2 line for Infernus where he goes "see that shit? heheheh", he's such a smug fucker.
I can't believe how many of you dumb niggers are incapable of reading
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Do you think she has a softer side? Or is she more of a single tear during Pagliacci kind of hag?
No, it was instant, both kills appeared in the kill at the same time.
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Who is your LEAST favourite hero to fight? For me its that fucking pic rel
Great gun
Stupid powerful objective melting
Gets tanky for turrets
Turrets fucking suck
Look at that smug fucking mug I just want to beat the shit out of her

Yes I just had a game where I shat on her all lane and she still became a massive problem for my team after
>win 5/7 ranking games
>"I'm on a 4 win streak lets do one more"
>lose all 4 guardians within 9 minutes

well at least it was the only stomp in ranked
She probably had one that was lost over time with the wanton murder and viewing other people's lives as sustenance
I like the ending in the VN where Bebop breaks the lock on Oathkeeper and she gets her comeuppance while begging pathetically like her victims did to her
0.5s of ministun for 6000 no thanks noob
Lately melee shiv is driving me up the fucking wall
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I too, hate this dyke bitch
Either McGinnis or Infernus
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there's still no hero I like too much
>shiv nerfed before eu ranked started
Are you fucking kidding me
Make him melee, you'll be unkillable.
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Like to think Geist still acts like an old lady accidentally. Even if she tries to hide it she's still chronologically ancient and she was a granny when oathkeeper found her.
>friend calls out for us to do mid even though the enemy team is all up and they have an unstoppable silencer haze and Infernus
>I tell him it's a bad idea
>"relax I have my ult"
>he's mo
>we all die including him and he doesn't ult
Sometimes yelling at friends is justified
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Lady Geist is evil. Stop liking evil women.
Melee build? But then I'll just run into F once and die. I'd rather keep my W build and occasionally melee.
just got 20 kills as shiv anyone mad about it here haha
Show build?
What does building for melee actually mean? Point blank, melee charge, lifestrike? Fleetfoot for feints?
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Even serial killers can be cute. I bet she spends hours in front of the mirror trying out clothes. I bet she's really fun after a few bottles of wine. Imagine this hag drinking too much gin and you have to carry her to her bedroom
Pretty much. That's all you need because it's so overtuned. Hunter's Aura too
sure after my ranked
>base kill bounty reduced by 1/3
oh boy lets make the game even slower and less brooly and incentivize more farming
relax sister
I just want to brool bro
now everyone is even more incentivized to just sit back and deny like a fag
But the reason you snowball off a single kill in lane isn't due to the bounty, it's because you can farm 1.5 waves for free
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"our macro is really bad" - haze
Many times I go to lane and the enemy player will get every single orb deny in like 20ms but is always really slow to claim their own last hits
it happens so fucking much I'm starting to suspect there's like some half-assed cheat for it.
Literally the opposite because you're less punished for dying early
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stop. liking. evil. women.
But you're also less incentivized to take a fight in the first place

denies are effectively worth 2x captures
But you're also less punished for dying so it's not as risky
Yamato and Shiv’s LF is fucking absurd
At least it’s understandable with Geist since she uses health to cast, but god fucking damn
Fucking fios cost me a ranked me. Internet was down and then ultra laggy, so i came back into match 14 minutes later (with a red abandon), but played with team till end and we won.
I assume it still counts as we lost for me despite coming back.
Is viscous' alt fire good for anything past the laning stage?
Breaking barrels, poking people behind cover
What are the stats on shiv normal and alt fire? I'm gonna guess LMB attack is higher DPS while RMB is higher burst?
>censored the faces
the networking is wonky in ranked
I had one enemy that had 700 ping the whole time and was getting solo'd by creeps,
and then in my last game at 12:30 eastern we had an Australian with 250 ping and a US-West player on my team
Neither said they set their shit to US-east
there are no fucking players in this godamn game
I hope they buff Warden’s bullet speed
Nothing drastic or huge, but just a small amount
I hope they give him a rivet gun a la bioshock
just tried it in the range and they seem to have equal dps with no items or rage
it's about 5 seconds to empty the mag with both alt and single fire, alt fire does 68 per shot and single fire does 34
feel free to fact check me though im a little retarded
Does rage change gun dps?
nerf pocket buff shiv (unironic)
LMAO man the amount of people that got carried its insane like you really cant make this up every game you can clearly see people that shouldnt be in your bracket playing
rage increases all your damage by 15%, including your gun and active items
the alt fire would still be better for burst damage
they're never going to adjust bullet speeds for anyone anymore because the fix for it is already in the game as an item.
you can thank the retard that suggested it to get bullet speed as a stat in the game instead of them just making everyone's guns usable by default.
feel the wrath....

>have to waste money early game to not feed while also managing economy for other useful items
I think the variance is just super high right now
In one game I had someone that didn't know you could buy anti-heal items and then 2 wins later every enemy was turbo A-D-crouch spamming like Scruffy the entire game
>enemy team chases me through the 1 way exit into mid boss and cant retreat
>my whole team is there and owns them with lash ult+ combos
this is 100% the issue. i'm 2.4k NA tracklock and i'm playing with absolute shitters in ranked. I can 100% tell there gamesense alone is mud mmr. This lines up perfectly with yoshis talk about widening matchmaking variance 2 days ago
not only that, you have to adjust your muscle memory on tracking and leading to three different bullet speeds.
fucking dumb as shit i tell you what.
actually its just because the player pool is split between two queue times for no reason so it has to pull people that dont fucking belong in your games
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building high velo rounds on warden is fine because headhunter is a really strong item for him thougheverbeit
Like Australians who are playing at 4:30pm
Their early time slot just happens to line up with your late time slot at 12:30am
All day long I've been losing as Lady Geist. I've built her every which way and it's just stomp after stomp with me losing horribly.

I feel like her kit sucks and she's a bad character but I've had people absolutely rape lobbies with her before. Are they all just aim bots? Even when I reach full spirit build(s) she does fuck-all damage. Even in a 1v1 the brawl goes like this.

>Hit each other with spells and bullets.
>Oh no I'm about to die.
>Life swap.
>Enemy now has like 400 hp or some shit.
>They still out DPS me with 3k hp.

It's like her spells do no damage?
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I honestly wouldnt recommend this build it's an extremely monkey one, i basically just go all-in on committing to every fight I ended with 18 kills and 17 deaths. I came back from being 2-7 though cause I just kept trying until I got some kills. Max your dagger every game then get tier 2 talent on ult then do whatever. I got improved spirit armor and sold bullet armor for it when bebop got fed. Empty slots are cause we came back and ended the game really fast.
>played five ranked games
>every single one had ball seven and shiv on the enemy team
exactly what i was expecting from ranked just metatroons abusing whatever gets them cheap wins
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how'd we do medalchasers
>lane against shiv/lash combo
>lose game because they do 90% of my life in 1s with their nukes and now they have too much money before gradually winning

it was make kills less rewarding or this, the fist blood bonus they added was retarded
ball seven was nerfed it's not that bad
i managed to no-life it and did 8 games but i didnt get a medal as far as i can tell
>i managed to no-life it and did 8 games but i didnt get a medal as far as i can tell
this poster is a certified initiate
I'm definitely getting Eternal

they could just, you know, tune the heroes, or intelligently assign lanes
Man me and my team are just not cutting it in solo queue, ranked or not.

I'm definitely playing at my level, but for some reason my team always has someone getting absolutely fucked, then the gaming and snowballing restarts. I'm not good enough at this mmr to counter or recover from that. I've lost like 8 games in a row. What does valve want from me?

If you don't pick a flash farmer the jungle camps are gone by 10 mins. I can't get ahead nobody has taken any guardians or map control. Group fights feel absolutely shit. I have no clue what to do with my team to try to get back into the game, because clearly I can't carry it myself. It's around 2200~ nekoscore games.
actually now that I'm thinking about it, I was getting haze 8/10 games in non-ranked and now I got Vindicta 7/8

I'm going to be the only ranked Vindicta player in the country
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The realization that this is just a moba is settling in and I'm wanting to play it less and less.
same, at first it felt like the shooter part was more emphasized, i enjoy both fps and mobas for different reasons but this does not scratch the itch i was hoping it would
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I won my 2 ranked matches after my first 2 losses
Feeling better but god those first 2 were shitty stomps
oh my god i played an extra game for no reason. nyoooooooo
agreed, and it seems like the patches indicate they want it to be more moba than shooter
moba is fine
the emphasis on jungling and running urn (boring retarded shit) is not fine

they need to add COOL OBJECTIVES, make the urn a battle over an area like king of the hill that lets you pilot a mech like in heroes of the storm... anything is better than boring ass farming
It scratched the itch because it was a relief to find something with Valve quality with things you notice had some thought put into them (sound design, unique universe, etc.). But it's a fucking moba. Infernus gets strong and wins. You get raped in lane by the two chucklefucks across from you who both have stuns. It was exciting because it was fresh, and now it isn't.
High velocity builds into pristine emblem now retard kun
But your point stands
i had headshot booster and high velo mixed up because i make both on warden usually kek
how do I end up being the lane janny in every game?
should I let the candles destroy our walkers to spite my team?
>play deadlock
>have fun
>stop playing deadlock
>think about playing deadlock
I want to play deadlock.
I pray Infernus gets nerfed into the ground, or at the very least gets weaker in the laning phase. Afterburn is fucking retarded in lane, same with Mirage's free damage passive.
They should assign kill bounties to players that are snowballing and reveal them on the map without telling them
mobas > shooters
>the only walker and guardians left are the duo lanes because they got their teeth stomped in
It's hard to get these objectives since they're at the center of the map. Ratkings. How do I deal with this? Just keep pushing sidelane shrines?
Afterburn would be worthless in lane without infuser, most of his best 3 amp items are 1250
I think the decision to display net-worth at all time is genius but it's so fucking demoralizing at the same time. If someone's 10-20k ahead of you it just feels hopeless.
Split push with urn?
they already do have comeback gold based on who is leading, the base gold reduction might be in response to that

revealing is a good idea for the people with 750+ unsecured souls imo, prevents free rice farming
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You can always come back.
Are you niggas retarded? This is just Smite with a Valve skin, it was never a shooter you fucking retarded niggers. Overwatch faggots need to go back to their dogshit game and shut the fuck up. It is not a shooter, it never will be. Fuck off niggers.
>get cucked in lane
>switch to PvE to try and catch up
>suddenly Kelvin appears on top of you and steals all your farm

Idk about that one
I'm not sure revealing would do much, since the carries are just farming their own jungles safely mostly.
It doesn't even effectively stop shit like Infernus richocheting an enemy camp in .2 seconds and 2ing out or Seven throwing a ball into the wall to farm it from the other side.
Overwatch is a solved game where you just press Q with the rest of your team
Well shiv melee build is broken
I just got THE MOST disorganized team in my entire life
Literally I could kill anyone on the enemy team and in a team fight I'd be destroying them being 15k net ahead of anyone else
But my team was ALWAYS on the other side of the map from me
Even after I told them to fucking follow me
So I was ALWAYS 1v3 and couldn't survive even if I got a kill or two
God I hope ranked isn't like that
>Money won't keep you warm in the coffin, Wraith.
I love Warden so much
Sounds like you were the shitter inting while your team was trying to group lmao
I've never heard of Smite, and I >>498606942
came from CS
Huh. I only know about Arcane from girls with massive daddy issues.
the winners are the ones farming up 1k without having to show up and defend/teamfight

if youre perma jungling as a losing team you are just letting them win
it would give info to the losing team to where to take fights, if they see haze in your bottom left jungle then you can take the fight at the right side
>le 4chan contrarian
Well just look it up then faggot, this game is just Smite that focuses a bit more on the "auto attack" side of a moba.
Yeah but put 5k souls on his head when he's up 5 kills and don't tell the enemy team he's visible

>Kill Wraith with Haze
>"I thought you'd be taller."
Wdym by that? Push sidelane -> grab urn -> run to the other side -> deliver -> push that sidelane and repeat?
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>kill calico as haze
>"how unoriginal"
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>Kill Vindicta with Wraith
>"Put some damn shoes on, lady."
You seem mad.
No I mean have someone run Urn and when the event team all heads over there to contest you go rat the opposite Walker
I'm playing soloq. Next idea...?
Use your mic and be pleasant

Or just wait because your team is going to go fight over Urn every 5 minutes unless you're getting stomped
nah nothing you can do unless you teamfight at that point. Rats fall off entirely after the sidelane walkers are down unless youre wraith

mcginnis is a close second but she cant teleport out if people respond so she's not actually that good at it
Why would I pick Yamato over Haze or Shiv?
Infernus is already only alright this patch with the heavy nerf to lifesteal stacking, which he relies on more than any other character
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What characters from other games would make for good Deadlock heroes?
No and Abram players are infamously incapable of understand their power spike and when they fall off. They keep playing the whole game as though they always have that power spike in the mid game and just throw the mid-late game as soon as they start falling off with cocky play
>*Whistling up in the air all alone where no one can hear me*
to steal the boss (she is invuln and cant be parried)
That's my least favorite. Seem really out of character for Vindicta
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are normalmatches in this time of night basically dead?
>15+ minutes to find the players
>one or two of them doesn't connect
>15+ more minutes to find another players
>one or two of them doesn't connect
Her who things is murdering people. She got to murder someone, she's happy.
Seems in character to me.

Also I'm pretty sure I remember a whistling sniper being a thing in some war movie.
i have 8k hours in dota retard did you even read my post why are you including me in your replies
i dont think 1m was enough of a nerf yoshi.....
What did they do to Shiv? I see him every game and it takes 3 people to kill him.
streamer fags started running a broken melee build and he's just strong this patch in general
How would a hero like Eniggma or Nature's Prophet where they have summons and controlling them is integral to their kit work in Deadlock? Miku works because she doesn't have to tell them to move.
They nerfed everyone else
Pikmin hero when?
No faggot, now hold this anvil
what's with the overlap between grey talon and vindicta? why are both the exact same character except they swap the bird and charge shot for ultimates? it feels lazy and should be brought up in forums.
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They are only alike on paper, they play nothing alike
Grey Talon just has a shitty kit and design. They need to completely rework him so he's not some dumb flying character that throws an owl.
>Lash's smug "Die"
>1750 nekoscore
Literally woodmmr, in any higher nekoscore she's a deadweight that can't do anything but die
im at 2.4k and vindicta does pretty well in most of my games
>double Improved Armor
>Diviner's Kevlar
>Return Fire
Activate return fire, stand directly in enemies' faces doing teamfight, ult, and profit.
People will drop everything they're doing to shoot at you, fail to kill you, and hurt themselves in the process while taking pressure off of your teammates. And you make back all the damage instantly, because Warden ult.
It's not consistent, but it is funny. After the first two times people tend to just run away.
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talon really needed that movespeed, he can't even leave his side of the map anymore without becoming a free kill
Well I'm at 2.3k and unless her team is already ahead she's too easy to capture and kill
melee is only good in lane
Yeah, it's an incredibly stupid idea. And they don't even do anything interesting with bullet velocity. It's not like you have bouncing bullets or smart bullets that track the opponent or anything where slower MIGHT be better. It's just your opponent hits you faster and has to lead you less.
since they broke her wings and buffed her feet('s movespeed by a lot) I've just started completely ignoring fly outside of unlocking it and instead getting a ton of move speed/gun and stuff to boost crow/alchemical fire/assassinate damage and basically play her like old grey talon. run around fast, shoot fast, chip people down with spirit snipes while tossing traps in random directions

it's been working really well. vindicta unfortunately is a kit that's way too retarded to live (permafly high damage sniper that causes her to get money) and they decided that the sniper should live more then the flying part
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Caleb would need to be nerfed fucking hard to be in Deadlock
it's a pretty powerful nuke at all points in the game especially when you get one of the animation cancel tools to bait parries and just beat them down for free
Would Return Fire fix Seven's shitty ult?
>waiting 7 minutes for a ranked match
>on OCE
why is there always an australian complaining about queue times in every video game
Australia is 10% of the population of the NA servers
I can't imagine their matchmaking is any good
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This Kelvin was a 2k nekoscore player. I am not claiming to be good here because I obviously could have parried the first hit, but why do players insist on heavy melee when they can just shoot the gun, grenade, or light melee?
so let me get this right what stopping niggas from
just partying up with people stomping regular ranked then queuing up for solo ranked to just get their badge because at this point that what it seems like ranked is just to get the badge so a shit player can do that lose all the placement games and get placed higher

from my understanding both are connected
In conjunction with Diviner's Kevlar, it could; but the best way to avoid dying when you do it is to do it in a place where your team can follow up
It's hard for someone to shoot Seven when there have an Abrams/Warden/Shiv/Wraith in their face who's now emboldened by the fact they the person there fighting is taking 270 damage per second and getting EE'd and mystic slowed
i like melee because i get too flustered to aim my gun properly in high stress situations
Is it okay to be an Ivy main even if you don't intend to use voice chat? I like her gun and abilities but I don't want to be intentionally worse if she's a character that absolutely requires communication.
I want a true "big monster" character. Abrams and Mo&K doesn't cut out enough of a big slice from that section and I feel like beastly characters simply wont fit in this games projected future. Even if the character had a background like the Hulk of a scientist turned monster I'd enjoy it.
it changing mid game if you buy certain items also kinda fucks your aim, since the amount you have to lead changes mid game, then again at the beginning of the next game

I've been doing this build and it's been working well, you get to fly about 50% of the time. I never end up buying Boundless tho so I've been considering switching it out for Surge of Power and Bullet Resist Shredder or Quicksilver.

I also have no idea what my last gun item should be because Lucky Shot feels meh and Mystic Shot wastes Burst procs that could be saved for Assassinate. I did play with Fleetfoot and it did feel goot especially on top of Foritude you're zoomin.
>why do players insist on heavy melee when they can just shoot the gun, grenade, or light melee?
Everyone always says this, but I have to reload and you're going to kill me before it's over
How long are my fellow NA bros queue times in ranked? Mine were like 10-20 minutes average today
I realize now i cant aim
Which 3 heroes don't have to aim?
3 mins tops
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Lets say Isabelle Ivyslut regularly queues with her e boyfriend.
She is around silver mmr but her bf is professor rank

Their games will be somewhere in the middle. Around mystic rank. That's as high as her mmr can go because if she truly was bad and only getting carried there is a cap on how much deadweight can climb.

If she then soloqueues she will either be placed in mmr of mystic. if she was truly carried she'd probably lose all of her games and maybe get dropped down to platinum. If you are in platinum, you will be terrorized by her until she falls back down.

Or she just stops playing and there is an occasional chance she decides to play again, griefs one game in plat and stops playing again.

If she somehow makes it to professor rank where her ebf was, then she deserves the rank. If she isn't losing in a soloq environment what's the problem?
Wrecker is going to be a monster, but idk if he'll be a big one. From the voice lines he's hideous and everyone hates him.
You could just hold on to Tesla bullets for that extra bit of fire rate and spirit damage, or crippling headshot to help your team.
I played from 4-7 and they were around 1-5 minutes long.
Not too long but definitely not the instant queues from normals.
its a bit nuanced, the higher up the ladder you go melee becomes a mindgame of sorts
parries become more commonplace = players use melee less = players EXPECT melees less
and then it develops further into people whiffing melees on purpose to bait out parries, which means people have to play around that as well which is incredibly difficult

but you're right that there is no reason he should have went for the second punch there, literally the only way he can lose that fight is if you parry his punch, but another notable mistake is that he used it twice. the first punch puts the parry option to the forefront of your mind if that makes sense
Ivy's only team ability is the ult. If someone wants to be picked up they should tell you. Otherwise just pick up the obvious characters like Seven when hes ulting. You use your ult to urn bot mostly anyways.
Never liked improved burst, it always deals pitiful damage on Vindicta for 3000 souls
Ivy isn't a support. Stop thinking of her as support. Build bomb or gun. She has an AOE that slows, an invincible stun, a lifesteal + fire rate self buff, and a rotation ult. She's not a heal slut.
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>winning/losing team gets better/worse urn
Uh oh, the fucking retarded Dota 2 design already starts. Before the game is out we will have the same scenario where game will have a thousand edge cases everyone will have to fucking learn because the dev team cannot design properly and can only apply patchwork solutions on top of previous shitty solutions until the game is some shitty Frankestein's Monster.
I'm always taking the snipe as soon as possible to kill, I rarely poke with it unless I'm setting up a teammate for an execute, and I feel like that 7% is often the difference between them getting around a corner or dying.
its just sprint speed, but I would like to know what classifies as winning and losing. soul nw? flexes? objectives taken? kills?
For 3000 souls you can get so much better deal, vulnerability to get 12% more damage on Assassinate, faster recharge for second chance to shoot them right away
Genuinely fat ugly bitch but God damn if she can't draw a picture
Doesn't matter at all it's just sprint speed and not that noticeable effect of depositing. This already existed too the effects were just increased. What they need to do it make it so a losing team gets more of the souls already confirmed so that suiciding the urn is viable when your down 20-30k souls.
why is mikus ult sound now some weird voodoo chant
Roger the homunculus and Libster Johnson would fit the most
>I would like to know what classifies as winning and losing
That's literally the problem. You cannot really objectively claim X or Y team is losing in so many scenarios the system is fucking stupid.

What if it's Souls lead? Then the team who has an AFK farm Seven who does nothing but zip across the map and steal camps from his team and is 10k ahead of everyone just fucked over the urn for them.
>it's just sprint
>it's just souls diff

You do realize that we will get a 100 more changes like this in patches, right? This is how Icefrog makes games. It will soon become a total mess.

I cannot believe i say this, but Riot is way fucking better at it. At least they are willing to rethink an entire mechanic and even axe it if they deem it too janky.
Shiv is still fucking retarded. If he gets Collussus he's fucking unkillable.
Because miku is SPIRIT ENGINEER
She's shooting souls at you. She's one of the heroes slated for a redesign because it's clear her model is for the futuristic setting of Neon Prime.

Her cd buffs were pretty significant for her damage output. She will usually top dps charts so she acts like a secondary carry I suppose. The fact she deals spirit damage is also a boon since it makes it harder to itemize against your team's damage
yamato is cooler and more fun than haze and more fun than shiv

also I think shes a pretty appealing character to main, shes mid pick rate, high skill cap and decently strong so you dont feel like shes the reason you lost
you know what you are right my bad G
yeah yeah yeah, get back to valorant and lol then. complex games with many mechanics and high skill ceilings are hard to balance
To make Vindicta/gay talon's life hell
Well yes overall rethinking urn overall is a way better decision. The game obviously needs distractions that aren't based on character speed. Ivy's can make it a free cap the urn by using ult and Mirage literally used to make it a joke of an objective.
they stealth nerfed Seven ball
says they just knocked the 2m down to 1m but it does not kill stuff as good as it used to.
I used to be able to take a medium creep camp with 1 orb with 3 500 soul items and 1 1.2k soul item.
now it doesn't kill the camp solo even once you hit the first upgrade for mystic spirit.
Orb is still good. won 4/4 matches for ranked placement, but I might go back to building echo shard so you can be versatile with the stun too
lol funniest shit i heard in ranked today i was running urn and i was pinging for my team to go im there my team isnt so i go back and i got ganked all good i asked my team why didnt you guys come to urn we are strong and you know what my shiv told me you should have told us you are running urn after that i just kinda gave up point of this story is most people playing have their brains on auto pilot
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won my first 2 ranked games today, highest obj dmg on both of them
bless yoshi
>decide to start using mic for ranked
>don't say much, but just tell team i'm going here or i'm going to ult or alert enemy ult cooldowns or items like haze getting unstoppable
>win games
Voicemaxxing is broken.
its not steallthed. theres a new post in the changelog detailing it.
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>every character has a ton of movement slow on their gun/big aoes by the mid game
nah its stupid, stop following shiv and abrams into a hallway (where none of the things that matter are) and you stop dying to melee.

its pretty stupid in lane though
Light melee is the actual mindgame, since you can't react to it.
LMAOO icefrog is crazy enough the nigga might make you have wings with the urn so you can fly next he loves power creep and i love him for that
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yea, it only lists a change to the t3 upgrade, which is radius.
not damage. I was killing camps with an orb before it was maxed before.
Urn is so fucking cursed i hate it
One of the following happens

>Giant fucking teamfight happens and one team inevitably comes out on top making more than the urn's value ever was. Game winning/losing play.
>One guy takes it with some of his team waiting there, the enemy team meets them and a fight breaks out. The enemy team sneaks it while the other team is distracted and they lose the urn.
>One retard does it by himself, gets caught and the other team scores for free + free kill.
>After a giant urn teamfight happens and is scored, another urn drops immediately right after. The team that just lost the teamfight just takes the urn and scores it without the winning team contesting it for some fucking reason???
>Winning team starts chain scoring urns and gets even more fed causing the already starved team to lose faster

Remove that fucking thing.
>One retard does it by himself, gets caught and the other team scores for free + free kill.
this is me. i do this in inhouses
>Winning team starts chain scoring urns and gets even more fed causing the already starved team to lose faster
This is pretty much every game for me after a certain point
If you lose mid control or all your walkers first RIP, unless your carry just came online and can win you fight for midboss
me too
but I cap it 75% of the time and get one melee off before getting deleted
Lmao plus urn is so fucking strong you really cant even allow them to get it for free if you get 3 of them you pretty much auto win the game because of the situations you stated dont get me wrong you could trade one urn for a obj but you gotta make sure you get that second one
what do you guys have your crouch key set as?
yeah but my haze/infernus dont care and will do a 500 soul camp over 45s instead (the walker is also slowly dying to creeps right next to them)
I play in VR so I just crouch IRL
Neutrals have spirit resist
I let my hacks do it for me
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Return fire proc when?????
Imagine the ultimate meme build. Just fucking stand there. take damage and fuck everyone.
does it not work on leech? it says ALL damage so maybe it does since it doesnt require a proc
abrams would be unstoppable
Return fire is fantastic, especially when combined with life steal. Many a haze kill themselves with a simple press of a button.
when will the wiki autists compile voicelines already s2viewer sucks
return fire needs LoS so seven can still throw ball turn a corner and wait
I think that'll be okay if it wasn't a perfect accuracy reflect but instead it fires your own bullet at their last location.
guys don't you remember this game is still in early beta? you guys act as if balance and gameplay changes arent temporary and actively being worked on and tested, theyre doing stuff just to test things out and see how they go even if they might go wrong, they can always change them
so tracklock got a ranked section on your profile now guess thats your real power level in the game
The idea is constantly harassing them and touching them forcing them to hurt you, especially if you can jump into someone farming with ult or aoe. I manage to make people kill themselves all the time when they're about to get away if they try to shoot me while running away.
>Return fire proc when?????
it works in the Mirage patch
they already fixed it
I want them to fix it before 7.1 drops and I stop playing this stinky valve game
So every game I've played in ranked is "If you don't have Shiv, you've lost". You can't stop him doing your fucking jungle so he just gets ahead and starts stomping. This game feels like such fucking ass lately.
Thoughts on speedball crackhead build?

Proccing Headhunter, Burst Fire and Surge of Power every 5-8 seconds you're doing 17m/s like 90% of the time
Plus Fleetfoot every 14 seconds for 5 seconds you're doing 20m/s while shooting in the air

>Enduring Speed to replace an item if someone is stacking slows
Yep, wvery game feels won or lost in the first 5-10 mins and it feels like shit. That and some characters are just better are clearing camps so they just farm like crazy.
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>how I envision this working
i told a geist player to shut up because they spent 15 seconds straight backseating me and telling me what to do while i was trying to fight off a lash who just ganked us and almost killed me after killing him and i felt bad should i have felt bad how do i not snap at my teammates bros
He was shit even before this nerf, now hes literally useless
just play warden lol

Looks good, I wanna try it
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Everything Riot has ever touched is rancid putrid dogshit that doesn't even have a right to exist. Neck yourself.
damn according to the ranked number from tracklock i would be a top 800 player crazy
The thing is he's good at denying farm to the enemy team so it doesn't really matter. He can run in, do a camp in 10 seconds then get out. Its the cancer killing this game and the fact that vision isn't a thing so you can't punish people taking your farm.
>win 7 games against shitters and end up in wood league

Gl anon
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i dont understand why does it have a ranked tab its just the same shit as the unranked tab
I published it, it's called

>Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor
Retard everyone starts at same mmr in ranked
They literally confirmed it was going to be seeded
Man I'm really having trouble with infernus lately. I can't farm enough to keep up with everyone else, even with ricochet.
LMAO who told you that when thats not the case

before they changed it actually showed a different number
I was about to agree, but I looked and of the 8 ranked games I played today, Shiv was in 6, and on the losing side every time

Weird because he's fucking Miku tier annoying
What rank are you?
Most of the Infernus players in my games that actually carry seem to spend a lot of time ganking rather than turbo farming like Haze. Maybe it just feels that way tho

~1800 neko
Oh I went up
Is matchmaking broken? I'm stuck in queue. Haven't played since before the Ranked update.
I assumed everyone played their ranked games and got off
it's also 4am
So what actually determines how long haze's ult lasts?

I think a lot of people simply build Shiv incorrectly so they have a hard time leveraging him offensively.

Shiv is my most played character but I was having attrocious results on him and I frequently felt like I dealt no damage. Because of this I ended up trying multiple differrnt builds until I found one that can carry both from ahead and behind.

The melee torment pulse build that among others Deathy uses is easily the best. You also want early healbane imo since it shuts down the mitigating effect regen has on your knives. I'm uncertain off how good EE actually is, it's usually only 2% of my damage output (torment pulse whrn I get it is 15-20%, when I get toxic bullets is usually 4-8% for comparison), so I think Crippling Headshot is more value.
spirit and duration extenders
spirit and duration. hold alt
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I tried
Why can't people push to end a game before 30 fucking minutes
Ranked is just as bad as normal
For fuck sake
ee is really good because it amps the fuck out of your 2 i think
Why is the icon a fucking lightning bolt instead of something useful I can use to work out how long the bitch is gonna spin?
Hate this fucking hero so much
hold t and say "lets go end" when you win a big fight in the late game
tank shiv makes me want to mcfucking kill myself
>just holds W in your general direction
>just eats everything up
>still somehow dealt damage with nothing but 6 tier 1 items
first moba?
LMAO brother you have 1k obj damage you really didnt contribute into the finishing the game early
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>uhhhh no i wont splitpush and do building damage with the only guy in the game that can TP to teamfights
this has to be bait.
Brother any time I shoved a lane the Abrams dropped into my team so my ass was forced back into the shit constantly
I thought I did more damage but I guess I was busy playing damage control, my bad
I'm still taking Mirage out of my rotation, he's way, WAY too dependent on my team being able to live for any given period of time
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just assume your team are bots. Some times you get novice, sometimes you get intermediate, sometimes you get advanced.
You don't have to teleport to every team fight. Only teleport to the ones that you can actually win and gain value off it. If you are few sec away from a free walker, take the walker instead of the team fight everytime.
Lol truth be told mirage is not meant for pubs unless you have a mic since it's not top down game and you don't see other players perspective every tp you kinda do in fights are purely off instinct
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Crisis averted, Valve bent the knee, Russia is not banning Steam after all.
Having both haze and infernus in a team pretty much is a guaranteed loss unless the team just straight up out skill the other. You basically gives up so much control in the mid game and infernus/haze can't make up the soul deficit from obj and urns even if they get some of their core items online.
are csgo, dota and deadlock on the list?
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If i had a nickel for every ranked game I played where someone spammed "moo deng" in chat when they started losing I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
of course not, it's just shit like Dream Daddy and My Femboy Roommate
My selection is Paradox, Viscous, Warden, Mirage. What does that say about me?
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what did they mean by this?
>Dream Daddy and My Femboy Roommate
This is going to spike Russian suicides even more than if deadlock was banned
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Gonna repost this a couple of times for perspective's sake.

>biggest deadlock tournament so far
>mono Russian teams with 1 unknown player take 2 out of 3 open qualifier slots and defeat multiple non-Russian or mixed teams
>another mono Russian team wins the event
>a mostly Russian team with one player from Belarus and one from Ukraine takes second place

So, do you guys realize that this is preliminary evidence of total and honest Russian domination of the game? Unless it's proven those guys were cheating, of course.
yeah i get it but you should just hit buildings until you get to the shrines at the very least and pray your team isnt full of apes
It's the name of the meme hippo
I don't get it though are zoomers using it as the next skibidi or what
huh. a chinese said it in one of my games so I assumed it meant
>you're stupid
>fuck your mother
your skibidi guess seems likely
frying pan :DD
I like getting Return Fire just to bully Haze/Wraith out of their jungles. It's worked out quite well for me, consistently putting them far behind if we even get to late game.
Warden ult spirit build vs gun build, still undecided which i like more. Gun build does use knockdown and hex while spirit doesnt...
Why does opening the shop in game make my GPU go fucking insane
I hate this fucking gay shit game
I'm on Asia where you'd be lucky to have people understand english, and using VC is still really good.
Keep it simple and they'll listen. But you can even get as complex as "don't fight urn, just push blue and purple" and they'll do as they're told 80% of the time. I like those odds.
You buy hex always and knockdown as necessary.
likely valvepajeets letting it run at 2000fps
lock framerate to 144 or whatever in nvidia control panel
even works in dota
doesn't have to be you, but having one person on the team to be the constant blabbing blithering babbling baboon speaker helps a lot in my experience.
imagine you're doing something, and you don't have time to look at mini map. well 20% or 15% of the info you would've gotten from the minimap is being broadcast by loudmouth at all times.
sure, looking at the minimap is better, but maybe him saying he's going to purple allows you to make a deceision before you've gotten to looking at the map/picking where you want to go.
basically I appreciate the obnoxious guy that rambles on about what he's doing. people that start fights with their own team or throw blame just cause more losses
You can toss the urn in that tight spot between the wall and the steps, transform into your goo ball and bounce back and forth in that tight space and still pick up the urn. Then you just roll roll roll to drop it off.
>gets 1 pick
Boys we're doing midboss NOW.
The game feels so bad at the moment. Feels like most games where Shiv\Seven\Abrams\Miku are on the other team you're just going to lose.
it's not obnoxious if you use it sparingly
if I start off by saying "i'm ganking X" or even just pinging I notice a lot more people start doing it themselves
Warden has too much shit to use
4 active slots are not enough
>Slowing Hex
>Majestic Leap/Warp Stone/Fleetfloot/Divine Barrier
>and then Metal Skin/Debuff Remover
>enemies respawning in 10s
>yamato, unstoppable haze and lash on the enemy team, all have ults
>team wants to go mid
yeah having ranked without a quick draft or ban is just kinda stupid
>bans with 22 heroes
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>vindicta gutted
>lash gutted
>ivy gutted
>paradox is still shit
>bebop has become a meme pick
>viscous gutted
>yamato gutted
Just endless wraith card spam and haze ults. I'm done with this nigger game
we clearly play very different games
>lash gutted
I agree with everything else but Lash is A tier hero
If your games don't have 100% pickrate for Haze, Wraith and Shiv it must be some stone mmr
each player gets to nominate one hero to ban

from both teams, one of those heroes is banned at random resulting in at least 1 ban every time.
lash and visc are still very good and same wlth para
how the fuck do i build miku now that turret is gutted
Incredible I love the Russians in my games always feeding, griefing and ruining games now!
I'll give you that
>Lash gutted
Still strong
>Ivy gutted
I'll give you that
>Paradox is still shit
Strong teamplay character, just very hard to use. If you're in comms with a paradox in duo lane you should not lose unless you're braindead.
>Bebop has become a meme pick
Always has been, fuck Bebop faggots even if it is shit Bebop mains deserve it
>Viscous gutted
Do you not play the same game I do? Extremely strong character, probably one of the best support characters too
>Yamato gutted
Still extremely strong
>Bitching about Haze and Wraith
Wraith is middle of the pack and Haze can be countered pretty effectively with metal skin. I'm more concerned with the faggy tank meta going on currently with characters like Shiv.
Getting melted by those fucking cards just makes me roll my eyes whenever it happens. At the moment it feels like some characters just suck all of the fun out of the game and she's one of them.
Gun Viscous is almost as broken as Gun Kelvin was, just without the dome trap for 1v1 potential
don't know why they still haven't nerfed this shit too
Didn't card Wraith get nerfed? Most Wraiths I are using gun
>Wraith is middle of the pack
Every single game Wraith farms until she has invis, picks off any solo that's fixing waves, then goes 6v5 to win game
If you can ban heroes, there must be a picking phase as well
and then they have to consider which player get to pick first
some players only know how to play 3 heroes max, if they have to pick last then it would be bad
so many things to consider, that's probably why they don't want draft mode yet
ive lost 3 games in a row to shiv seven this game is growing so old so fast
Not enough. If she has all her stacks she just ults you at close range and spams the shit out of them. It's really lame.
>moba children discover callouts

I wish we had multiple maps so that you could discover that ever single multiplayer map has "gay spot" callout on it
skill issue, dashjump and quickwall and she can't touch you while also dying to your turrets
Those two are fucking horrendous to go against right now. I can't stand another match against them.
yeah im not sure how it will work because this game has a higher mechanical skill level, you could straight up just be useless if you dont get your 1 trick pony

I think this game won't be esports. How does valorant do it, can there be doubles?
The only thing that makes her strong 1v1 is her ult, which can easily be outran or cancelled out if you have any awareness. A character dependent on "assassination" is in for a rough time against better teams. Run ethereal shift.
Her ult really isn't that strong past laning phase unless her team is very coordinated
>shadow weave
>How does valorant do it, can there be doubles?
yes, your team just pick whatever 5 agents and other team can be the exact same
I was thinking the exact same thing anon. They didn't learn shit from Dota.
yeah i dont think valve will do that because it would be a nightmare coding shit like dynamo ult on top of itself
Are people genuinely blind? You can see people when they're within 18m using shadow weave, are people really managing to sneak up on you with it that easily? Does haze's basekit smoke bomb fuck you up too?
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>watching a video for deadlock
>guys starts talking
>sound black
>"sheet bitch" *other nigger speak*
>close video
You never played against good Wraith, she literally gets into melee range with invis and ults before you can register it
How sweaty is the ranked? Do you get to lane against such wonderful things as pocket doing the most inhumane movement and ice sanser ray kelvin that headshots you the moment you peek out of cover?
Dynamo does literally everything better than Ivy when it comes to support. Pluss more damage and health. What's even the fucking point anymore? I miss old ivy so much
>You can see people when they're within 18m using shadow weave
You can't see people behind you
You can get flanked when people are visible...
and what about the massive stat boost on top of not being visible on the minimap
Nah you just go against shiv and seven one tricks that don't need to do much to win other than pick their character.
There is no counter to Abrams shoulder charge other than being on a rooftop or some shit.
The turn radius buff makes it almost impossible to miss.

t. 200+ Abrams games
do you also have 360 vision?
>metal skin
confirmed coal mmr post. you will be silenced way before you get to use it
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>Shiv is totally balanced and gutted I swear anon
>hits harder than Abrams and has higher HP / survivability and better ult
>has better gun
Footsteps are heard 50 meters away, with invis you won't hear her coming
What character are you playing and what's your nekoscore?
Just parry haha :)
So you lack awareness basically
you mean curse? haze doesnt build curse
lash would definitely say that
2350-2370, rarely got picked off by Wraith myself but my teammates and enemies get picked off every game
how come when enemies play abrams i cant parry from the shoulder charge stun, but when i play abrams i always get parried even when i get the talent

do i need to start Q before the stun even shows up somehow
Anyone else feel like the main issue with balance in this game is the fact that a lot of the broken shit also happens to be low skill expression? Great example of this is Haze's 4.
that's Geist
I will never stop playing mirage, he is my soul.
You need to get duration extender.
You figured it out. Try it in custom, it makes the difference between parrying and not.
yes, the fact it becomes really stat-checky instead of relying on insane plays is what makes the game feel unfun

in cs2 there's some balance involved around guns and economy, but even then you can beat an entire team with a 500 dollar pistol if you land all your shots perfectly

there's nothing like that in deadlock that allow hype moments, it's just farm fast or pick broken hero to snowball
By the time you're dealing with a silencer Haze they're usually uberfed and the game is already over
>Muh mmr
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The most honest character in the game and it's not even close.
Show me your nekoscore
>doesn't even know about silence glyph
coal mmr indeed
Yeah it's unfortunate, basically starting to feel like just another generic moba that isn't properly making use of the fact it's also supposed to be a "shooter"

Honestly as another example gun is always going to be garbage compared to spirit simply because it's far easier to mash a bunch of AoE abilities rather than properly track someone.
>Ivys ULTIMATE ability has a start up if you solo fly
>wraith with mystic reach can instantly teleport to another lane with a 20 second cool down
it's just not fair gargoyle bros
That's not a problem at all
Either one gets sucked into the other and can't ult, or the second one interrupts the first
>t. programmer that dabbles in game dev
nah dota 2 is way more moba than deadlock and their abilities are terrifying, meanwhile in this game you can straight up tank a 5 second stun with 2 people pounding you as shiv and then still live

they can definitely make it more dangerous and comeback potential if they wanted. but you are right about the spirit/gun/vitality balance, the item system is a big part of the problem
>shooter kids mad
This is how you know Valve is doing good
I'm hovering around 2k, you can lack awareness at any level.
The next person who says "Let's go mid" is getting shot in the face.
>Riot is way fucking better at it
Riot will design a dogshit mechanic, ignore everyone telling them it's dogshit, go on to divert resources to trying to force it to work for a while, then quietly admit they were wrong while nerfing the fuck out of whatever they fucked up then leaving it like that for years, and they sometimes do that with whole characters then spend all their off time edging over how """"unique"""" their designs are
>The game should drop it's interesting hybrid genre idea and become exclusively a moba because uhhh I LIKE MOBAS AND CAN'T PLAY SHOOTERS OK??
>do i need to start Q before the stun even shows up somehow
We have input queuing now so press melee before you can melee will melee on your first free frame
I play dota 2 way more than counterstrike actually. There's no wintern wyvern in this game that makes the fed hero kill their own teammate. We need more powerful support heroes, right now everyone is a carry and it's why it feels so bad to play. Either you get a big lead and stomp or you let stomped. There's no strong support abilities to turn the game around. The one hero that did this was bebop with hook and he's been getting nerfed over and over because people cry about fucking up and getting repositioned...
at what mmr/rank/niggerscore will people stop letting me take their whole base solo as mcginnis? there has to be some wall im gonna hit soon right? i cant keep getting away with it
anyone? please reply
I thought they reverted the Bebop nerfs?
just build gun holy shit
tesla bullets + bullet resist shredder
Because role separation in Dota 2 fucking sucks. It means that some players MUST sacrifice themselves for others to play optimally. It's unfun and it's why in latest patches they buffed supports, added more farm on the map, etc. And it's why Deadlock has plenty of farm that's shared roughly equally.
How would making being good at shooters required contribute to the "interesting hybrid genre idea"?
I don't listen to any nekoscorelett, you don't play against good Wraith so your insight is irrelevant
I'm a 1900 shitter and people generally keep someone back or lane janny hard enough that you can't get away with that shit much
Silencer can't silence items.
I forgive you because it took me 150 hours to figure this out. Ever since I've just been letting them kill themselves on me if they get fed.

Nor does Silence Glyph.
Curse is the only item, aside from stuns, that disables item use.
48% winrate character btw
>How would making being good at shooters required contribute to the "interesting hybrid genre idea"?
Nobody said anything like that you fucking schizo, game overall should just reward skill rather than always turning into
>Uberfarm then press 4 to win
>How would making being good at shooters required contribute to the "interesting hybrid genre idea"?
Because it's a shooter
You should be rewarded for being good at it
>Uberfarm then press 4 to win
I understand that a CS kid doesn't realize this but you can itemize to counter basically anything. For haze ult it would be return fire, metal skin, colossus, bullet armor.
>You should be rewarded for being good at it
You are. You can on average hit more CS and harass better. Then, because it's a hybrid game, you must exercise your other skills to convert that into a win.
At least it's a very innocent meme.
>1900 shitter
oh okay so 100 niggerscore to go
>paradox carbine slows Wraith's TP card
woah... that's awesome.
>the shooter part is just here to increase farm rate and your ability to be annoying
Absolute moba brainrot
I have no idea how to play Viscous after laning. Ball seems like a gimmick and fist is obnoxiously hard to land.
So go play CS, no one will miss you.
does clan_iraq play deadflop?
No. Go back to Dota
Hero to carry 5 mouthbreathing feeders?
Am I the one crying about the game being not how I like it? Damn, take your meds anon.
>ball is a gimmick
if you can learn how to control it ball is obnoxiously strong
>fist is hard to hit
it literally locks onto the target for you if you aim at their feet
infernus 100%
can brool, can splitpush, can jungle, can self sustain, can get people to fuck off with stun (which for some reason also giga heals)

he is by far the best hero for 1v9
>Ball seems like a gimmick
Ain't no way you're saying this. Are you another one of those Viscous downplayer?
>Just buy 10000 souls worth of items to MAYBE counter a press 4 to win ability bro!
>Oh and that's if you aren't stunned or cursed or whatever
Lol. We aren't far off in our opinion, I don't want the game to reward FPS mechanics but some more skill expression would be nice as opposed to just stat checks.
quick reload on parry item when?
People in this general have a martyr complex and have convinced themselves a handful of very strong characters suck because they aren't good with them
>People just watch faggots on tiktok to get broken builds and just spam those characters
I fucking hate the content mill that comes from multiplayer games. I don't watch any of this shit so I just get put at a disadvantage.
Metal skin is 3k
Return fire is 1250
Curse is 6k
Knockdown is 3k but the stun lasts 0.9 seconds and has a delay
I don't know what whatever is gonna come but your whining doesn't even begin to make sense
>haze gets unstoppable and her ult lasts 10 seconds
>Because it's a shooter
Wrong. It's an ASSFAGGOTS with shooter mechanics and it's incredibly bare bones because Valve knows what direction they want to push the game and it isn't making a CS/Overwatch clone.
what if you could drop your soul balls
like press a button and have the unclaimed souls drop
have "support" cucks drop the balls
Does suicide drop the unclaimed souls?
>If you want any skill expression or guns to not be absolute dogshit you're a CS kid!
Man people really just want unoriginal slop huh
>gold funneling
icefrog will change it so that your unsecured gold drops directly to the enemy team
My opinon about the game in current state:
Laning phase
Base map
Holy fucking shit the guns are so ass to shoot, and look terrible; they need a lot of love from sound designers and graphic designers
Item shop is shallow and the items are too general to the point of being played in every build (boots/spirit armors)
just make support cucks die to ancients
they shouldn't stay in lane after 8min anyway because they're leeching my farm
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No because then the people in my stack would ask me to drop their souls after I pick them up after a teamfight.
she'll kill herself in less than 3
Hello, my name is wraith, I have one of the best guns in the game, I have an ult that guarantees me a free kill on a 60 seconds cooldown, a 1 with 4 charges that gives me an instant 600 damage burst AND allows me to fire while using them. And because that's not enough, I have a 2nd chance ability that allows me to just escape for free if I fuck up. I am completely balanced.
Lash Grapple T3 now lets him jump off walls, floors, and roofs instead of the fire rate bonus?
Gheist should scale with Her max health rather than gun/spirit
No she won't
She'll dodge the returning bullets that are doing a bee's dick worth of damage
>relies on abusing half-functional mechanics
anon, i...
at least he's not pocket
You have a headshot mechanic. What more do want? It's clearly not the focus of the game. If you want to express skill or whatever you're crying about get good at movement, the most technical aspect of the game.
How do you even """support""" in this game? What heroes do these fuckers play?
>Movement good
Kinda but they need to make mantling better
Idk about you but I once dealt 1900 damage to a Haze during metal skin + return fire
I knew that was all return fire, because I was reloading and was silenced.

I need to start punching Haze with this combo too.
Miku is often played as support in tournament
just build normally but buy rescue beam and the other shit actives that are a dps loss like knockdown, that's it
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Time to SUFFER
>What more do want?
Hitscan and a Vindicta 4 to deal full damage at 100%
Replied to the wrong anon, retard
>Have an ult that guarantees me a free kill on a 60 seconds cooldown
Half the cast has something to counter it / cancel it out otherwise use ethereal shift
>I have a 2nd chance ability that allows me to just escape for free if I fuck up.
Also applies to half the cast, just use slowing hex. You realize Wraith is just a worse Haze right? Are you really this bad?
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Miku Minigun has less spread than this thing, right?
I don't care
This literally takes LESS skill than what they have right now, congrats.
viscous, dynamo, miku, ivy, kelvin
Never trust Support players.
If you buy Curse you're a support.
If you buy Shadow weave you're spy tf2
hon hon hon!
Heroes for this feel?
>have to dedicate half of your active item slots to counter 1 guy
Knockdown has good utility outside of “I need to stop Haze”.
Shiv players try to tell you this same shit with a straight face
Wrong. It rewards good aim tracking proportionately more because even if you're godly you can't mind read direction changes or steal souls from 30 yards away with slow ass bullets
>first ranked game
>don't get shiv or bebop
Yeah. I really can't stop myself from buying actives, especially that and Silence Glyph. I feel like I'm wasting my slots if I don't fill them, because actives are just disproportionately strong (they do have a CD after all)
Is majestic leap just god tier? I feel like once I get it I can be in 80% more team fights, lane better, gank harder, chase down enemies etc.
Stop gaslighting anons that you should itemise like that to counter Haze, best haze counter is minimap callouts and warp stone out of the ult range
To top it off, spead yourself out to not be in Ricochet range
Feels like the logic is: A T1 active is basically worth as much as a T2 passive, but of course the tradeoff is the limited active slots and that you don't always use it. So basically I try to have as many actives as possible because they are just that good.
it is incredibly good, yep. Unless you're a character like Vindicta or Ivy who get their own flight
>play first ranked
>2700 neko
>teammate disconnects 30 secs into the match
>we lose
nice start kek
Ok guys. Which EU region is the white mans region?
RU is the last bastion of Christianity
>/pol/faggots finding their way into the general
no thanks
Trump and Elon to jail
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>Regular early morning game as Gooboy
>Game's going well, pretty even
>Pop ult just as Abrams hmelees me
>game crashes, get a pop-up saying files are corrupt
>can't relaunch the game, stuck downloading at 0% whenever I do
>try to verify the game files, stuck at 0% for the past 10 minutes
This shit is happening more and more now, and it's always related to Viscous. I think I've had 3 crashes directly related to him, although this is the only one that has been this severe.
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I meant ranked region, should have clarified that.
Are you retarded?
>first ranked
>duo lane against lash and m&k
>I'm with vindicta
And what do you know, she did absolutely nothing, fucked up every single one of her tethers and just went 4-10 at the end, great.
>lost all 7 of my ranked games
i'm sorry bros but im in dumpster mmr
>get leech and bullet lifesteal
>weapon still only shows 28% bullet lifesteal
>win lane
>lose game
Every one of losing games is like this. I don't get it.
I can't win a lane against Infernus
Even when I'm playing Haze. I only have a chance when I play Lash.
you did not buy leech
it's a bug with reselling items sometimes
Didn't Russia recently sentenced guy to lifetime sentence for burning Koran?
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Fuck teamfights, haze is a backdooring machine

I'll have to remember that
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Something is wrong with ranked
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My first ranked game.
it is a fantastic item yes, magic carpet is also a good item but it's like 2x the cost and only really standout on a few characters
for me, its always shit to do with bebop, usually after getting a hook to connect or uppercuts
and one time i had an actual cheater or something, because every time they flew as vindicta me and a couple other people (both ally and enemy) would instantly disconnect or crash
Yes, I definitely deserved to get a 0/11/0 wraith on my team. That is definitely the way it works.
>Every game has Shiv, Infernus, Seven, and Haze
>Every single one of them is oppressive as fuck
Fun game
You literally deserve to lose for picking him
I didn't pick him, I had the entire roster, spare Mirage, on base priority. Also,
So, we going to call fine tuned to speed of the game characters "oppressive"?
Post characters you play
>I had the entire roster, spare Mirage, on base priority.
So instead of sticking to few heroes you know how to play you let RNG pick worst heroes in game and whine that you lost?
That's griefing. Valve should ban you.
mikaels is buying extra charge on Paradox now
He reads my posts on this thread.
I'm not whining, I lost fair and square. And I want to play the entire roster, spare Mirage, not just a select few heroes.
>My overtuned mains got called out, better downplay and deflect!
>you no longer have to select 3 heroes to enter the queue
Oh good
Probably not cheating, sounds like you all had some file missing related to Vindicta flight and just crashed whenever he used it.
Also I somehow won that match. I had to reinstall the entire game to get back in; somehow my team had not only held off a 5v6 but had also weakened the patron. They had just lost a fight when I came back as the other team got midboss, but we did a miracle hold in our base to wipe 5 of them and then pushed and won.
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your haze, sir
Everyone should be like warden that shoots from a peashooter gun and has an Ult that everyone can avoid and... crowd control that can be avoided....and no chasing abilities...
Actually everyone should just be Heavy from TF2 they can chase around corners too easly...
>If you want anyone nerfed in any way that must mean you want them completely neutered!
Childlike mind
>Warden peashooter gun
Oh it's a low MMR secondary no wonder
>Try out ranked queue
>Lose to enemy team having two ratpushers while my team wants to BROOOOL
>go from 20-5 kills to 27-35 by game end because the fucking snowball of tower+walker gold means even if you're dogshit you will outpace the enemy in souls
Great fucking game icefrog you retarded fucking nigger
This snowballing is fucking absurd and needs a hard nerf, you take even one sidelane walker early via ratting/creep equilibrium and it may as well be a won game.
>has an Ult that everyone can avoid
How do you avoid Majestic leap Warden?
ranked needs draft pick
some characters need to be banned for the sake of competitive integrity
*cough* seven *cough* haze
The same way you avoid Haze that jumped on top of you
Dogshit full of rats being sweaty niggers because the game heavily encourages it
>People win by doing the objectives...? NOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK FUCK THIS GAME
You got outplayed, learn from it
So you don't
>kill bounty nerf
>respawn reduced
>easier to hit guardians
boy i sure love hitting towers all alone all day
Sorry anon, even if you tune down their numbers you will still shit on them for having braindead kits that will synergise with any flavour of the week item
Games have been unfun ever since they changed matchmaking. Each match is a one sided stomp.
Forced 50 is good because uh...Well um...UHHH IT JUST IS OK???
Idk who needs to hear this but ratting is the highest winrate strategy across all mobas

This is because you win by hitting the objectives. All those suggesting preformance mmr are retarded because the p value for ratting is the highest
I'd ban him and Shiv.
Actually a free win if on the enemy team.
>HEH, You got outpl- ACK
Shut up ricetroon.

Based, we need to coach our winning son
>team ia alive (except me)
>they just simply don't defend the patron
I don't even know what to do anymore. It's like I'm the only sentient human in the lobby. I guess I should just never take any risks.
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Mirage is such a bad hero. Stop picking this dogshit hero.
>zero vit items

Found the problem, mirage is a tank
>>team ia alive (except me)
Valve disallows players in comp with comm bans for a reason
Start saying shit.
>1k objective damage miku
Wraith hard carried that game by ratting and it's disgusting
Honestly going to start spamming wraith and maxxing here teleport to rat safely
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We lost ... overwatch won
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>dont show on map
>stay on the opposite side of your team or urn delivery spot
>push hard for pressure
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Yeah fuck it I'm just gonna play left-clicks and hard-push lanes until I hit an ELO where I can play more fun heroes
Maxed 2
Shadow weave
yup it's ratting time
don't sweat single games... you just gotta win more than you lose
If you build mirage gun then his 3 is useless

If you build mirage spirit then his 2 is useless

If you build mirage vit then his 1 benefits(evasion), his 2 benefits(hp) his 3 benefits(takes 10 seconds to stack) and his 4 benefits (you don't get instantly deleted on tp
Give me the melee shiv build
And I mean THE melee shiv build
>kill 5 enemies
>doing midboss
>whole my team crashes
>the enemy alive guy doesnt
>gets rosh and kills afkers
>we lose
im gonna fucking kill myself
I've been thoroughly balancepilled.
>buy gun until it can kill people
>buy green for actives
>buy spirit for actives
i wonder who will be the first hero that scales off vit stats
Should be Gheist, I hope devs will realise it
i'm sure you sent them all as feedback to yoshi right
nta but ive never had my feedback considered in any of the games i playtested in so at this point im not even going to
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Looks like Ranked has the same matchmaking problems as the regular mode.
Be the reason a feedback is being sent instead
I want lots of physical comic books. Would be cool as hell.

Abrams, Seven, Geist, Infernus and Lash as main characters.
haha same... i don't even get likes or anything in my feedback posts and i'm one of the first thousand or so to get in...
i still try though
Best I can do is Pinkerton flanderising your favourite character
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4 losses in a row today. I'm thinking it's time for a 5th.
don't forget the dynamo that we spotted on the 2nd level 15 seconds ago
i had 7 in a row one time so uh good luck with that
I played 3 games, losing game 2. I have a sinking feeling that I'm currently in absolute dogshit trash MMR.
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But who is shiv, exacly?
The ragdoll physics are absolutely atrocious this game. Warden, Abrams, and Dynamo crumple like they're an empty plastic bag.
How the hell did this get a downgrade from Source 1?
Damn, the ragdolls in this game are perfectly funny
>death animations to ragdoll
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How do you manage to die even once on this hero. This hero is unkillable in lane. If you die on this hero, you are just very bad full stop.
I really hope someone gets the Infest ult somewhere down the line
I have lost about 10 games in a row
with something like 15 deaths 1 kill each game

this is a statistical improbability
the match making system is fucking me for some reason
You just tilted mate
kek, only based post from this schizo
Will I seem retarded or annoying if I VC to people stuff like "jungle's up in 30 seconds" or "buff is up" and stuff? Nobody ever responds when I say it, but I'm in wood MMR and I know for a fact tons of my team aren't paying attention to that stuff.
>with something like 15 deaths 1 kill each game
Matchmaking isn't fucking you, YOU'RE fucking the matchmaking for others
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>2 players with matching names on enemy team
>wonder how they got in a ranked match together
>I queued for a normal match instead of ranked
niggas will literally feed 10 games in a row and instead of sitting down for a moment to ponder what the fuck is wrong with them they blame the fucking matchmaker
>jungle's up in 30
Stfu nigger. You gonna call out each and every one?
>buffs are up
Thank you, good to know.

It also helps to direct people to what lanes you want cleaned. If you're in unironic wood MMR they might actually need some help.
I'm just calling jungle now because the timing changed super recently.

>Thank you, good to know.
You're welcome anon.
Yep, once again and surprising absolutely nobody the loudest Haze whiners that have never bought an active in their entire time playing and refuse to buy Metal Skin are spouting literal fake information like "Silencer means you can't use Metal Skin" and saying it so confidently that they are accusing others of being coal MMR when they are used toilet paper MMR.

When will they buy an active item? Will it ever happen? Can they ever afford to buy a 3k item that invalidates Haze ult long enough to escape it with a dash jump instead of buying improved spirit?
>Pick wraith
>Rate all game
>barely win a game we absolutely should have lost
>25k building damage
Alright I know what I'm spamming in ranked.
>the fucking snowball of tower+walker gold means even if you're dogshit you will outpace the enemy in souls
they played the game as intended and worked towards objectives while you were playing team deathmatches? sounds like they were a whole lot better at the game than you
>enemy has better defensive picks and rats so it's hard to push a tower without winning a fight and they get to push your for free
>'outdrafted xd'
Game can't be ranked until we get pick/ban and more characters
anyone have a hybrid geist build? i mostly play spirit but want to give hybrid a try. is it just swapping some oranges out for headhunter and call it a day? maybe pristine emblem too?
>that invalidates Haze ult long enough to escape it with a dash jump
And it won't matter because the rest of your team died to it.
Shut up hazenigger
>Buh buh buh, daddy icefraud says I'm balanced you just need to spend 18k souls buying metal skin in everyone or instalose!
A single hero requiring an entire team to buy counterplay items or instalose will never, ever be balanced.
How is it any different from buying a debuff remover Vs a fed Infernus, shiv or bebop?
Buy some fucking active items instead of pretending you do and then pretending that they didn't work because of a mechanic you LITERALLY made up in your head and posted on 4chan. Why do all you disingenuous niggers always pretend you buy the counter items and complain the counter items aren't enough because you don't actually buy them and want your reddit-approved improved spirit build?
how are the rats consantly getting to your objectives?
>downloads MOBA
>plays it like Quake

>debuff remover vs infernus
Your mudtier is showing lmao, infernus reapplies that as easily as he breathes
Meme that is better countered by eshift because he can selfbomb, bomb creeps, bomb others etc
Only valid one on your list
Not the retard who said silencer silences metalskin by the way more than one person thinks you're a retarded nigger
What is with the animosity towards people looking for an arena shooter lol, are you upset your hybrid game is pulling in both crowds?
I can't lanejanny hard enough to stop 2 rats on sidelanes plus 4 retards feeding in midlane into the enemy knocking on our towers in every lane because they're all 3k+ souls ahead from tower bounty
Oh, so you're the retard who thinks Silence Glyph silences Metal Skin, and that Haze builds Silence Glyph and applies it individually to people before she ults and that it always hits you so you can't use your Metal Skin (it was real in your mind), thanks for the info, pond algae mmr.
dont the shittiest players have like 40% win rate and the best players have like a 60% win rate because of the nature of the genre

even i was afk the whole time, i would win a game at some point
>Press 4 to instantly rape everyone around you
>People defend this in any way, shape, or form
the game is pure shit
you shoot someone for 5 minutes and they dont die
then they press 4 and auto aim kill you
every thread there's a shitter who thinks silencer disables metal skin because he has never even tried to buy it to counter haze , he gets called out and instantly falls back on the "not that anon, I knew that but you're a nigger btw" samefag routine

try buying active items for once lil bro
But anon I already have 4 items I wanna use :(
>Metal skin against haze ult
>Only have 3 seconds against her long ass maxxed out ult
>Likely getting stunned by one of her teammates so I'm not getting away regardless
>shitter brains are so slow they can't jumpdash away from haze in 3 seconds
and this is the other example of the followup post, the "their entire team is there but my entire team doesn't exist ever if Haze is in the equation" fallacy, buy some active items lil bro, stop pretending to buy them and just buy them, nobody will ever believe you buy them if you keep telling us haze silences them
So my entire team should be there and all invested in metal skin? So 18000 down economy wise for one character? You realize not all counters are hard counters and it can be bullshit regardless right? How are you genuinely defending the gameplay of
>Farm all game
>Press 4 in big piles
>Sometimes see 1 person singled out, press 1 then 4 on them
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The game needs to nerf me so that my mmr isnt too high
If a Haze is wasting her ults solo ulting you and you can't get away from it with metal skin and then your team is unable to capitalize on an ultless Haze for three minutes then what exactly are you doing? And how is this any different from being forced to buy debuff remover, ethereal shift or numerous other counter items for members of the enemy team (items you have never bought because you don't believe in active items). Go back to league you little shitter, if you're going to stay here and want out of the trench where the Haze still wipes your team with the toilet paper that is your face then you're going to have to buy active items, lil bro. That's the long and short of it. Stop pretending to buy them and start buying them, you don't need to buy Boundless Spirit every game, really, you dont.
>Ultless haze
>3 minutes
Oh you actually don't play any of these heroes and lack game knowledge, at last I finally see
>finish match after schedule is closed again
>it didnt count
>oh so youre [headcannon]
Mindbroken hazetard
Ah yes, the headcanon that is verifiably in this thread, very schizo of you.
Not my post, retard
>More than one poster disagrees with hazetards on her balance

Healing punch, magic punch, monster bullets (to tank trooper aggro).
2 upgrades into dash, 2 upgrades into ult, 2 upgrades into dagger, max dash, max ult, max dagger, max passive.

Melee charge, torment pulse, cooldown reduction, healbane, spirit resist down bullets, spirit resist down magic, leech, healing punch 3k, headshot booster
Are Lash players the most character carried players in the game?
>absurd ability scaling and killing potential out of the ass. Lash is encouraged to build gun since nukes are strong without investment
>It's basically impossible to missmacro because of massive wave clear and inter-lane mobility
>free escapes out of the wazoo
>can single-handedly block enemy team from attempting Midboss to ensure missplays by teammates aren't punished
>one of the strongest teamfight ultimates in the fame. Literally Magnus and Batrider's lovechild on crack
>has a great gun
Haze and infernus players are the top of character carried, all you need to do is farm.
Try buying an active item for once, LoLnegro.
>Lash is encouraged to build gun since nukes are strong without investment
You need to build spirit for your ult to throw enemies and further than a sneeze away
And again
>3 seconds of haze's 8+ second ult and also you need 18k of souls to counter one (one) hero's ult and then she just shoots you 3 seconds later
Not even Dota has a hero this fucking oppressive and centralising that EVERYONE on your team has to buy an answer or die.
Buy an active item for once instead of pretending to buy them and they might actually work.
Which button do I press to insert Metal Skin into the other 5 player's inventories and activate it for them?
If all 6 players on the team are stupid enough to stand shoulder to shoulder while Haze has her ult ready then that says more about the caliber of the games you're in than anything counter items can fix. Literally a skill issue, get good and you won't have to play with shitters like yourself anymore.
Which button do I press to insert Metal Skin into the other 5 player's inventories?
Please, show me the button?
I'll even settle for just the 3 most retarded player's inventories.
>No argument but 's-skill issue' when Haze is in 98% of top mmr lobbies
She literally isn't in 98% of top mmr lobbies though you fucking idiot. She doesn't even crack 50% pickrate in top 1%. Stop making shit up, just like how silencer allegedly disables actives that you definitely always buy. Stop being a shitter clumping up with other shitters, stop feeding Haze, stop pretending your loud faggot sewage mmr opinion is worth anything when you are swimming in a slurry pit of likeminded individuals that have never touched an active item in their life. You are in the mmr you belong, and that's where Haze gets to kill you for free because you're bad. Deal with it.
>She literally [blatant lie]
Where do you get your stats lmao
>Backpedals to a post that wasn't mine
What button do I press to buy my team metal skin?
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My bad, it was winrate, an arguably much more important stat than pick rate for the whole "Haze destroys and singlehandedly wins games" argument. Doesn't even crack top 12 with winrate in top 1% lobbies, barely squeaks in with 48.9% in top 10% lobbies and is 7th place with 51.4% winrate in top 50% (ultra shitter) lobbies. I imagine you are somewhere even further down this list if her winrate is so high that her ult decides games by hitting all 6 team members at once clumped up in a small circle around her regularly.
it's bebop
because he instantly stops working the second you step out of trench mmr
i want to make a post but this is one of those retard generals that doesnt just make a new thread right after 750 posts so now i have to wait
And you're one of those retard posters
Okay how do you push against an Ivy, Seven and McGinnis? All they do is just throw a grenade and it wipes out an entire wave. It doesn't matter if we push all 4 lanes, they just drop their kudzu bomb/turret/ball and we just can't push anymore.
Seven looks so much better than gigawatt.
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>Abrams number one
Another round of nerfs incoming.
>he keeps posting this dogshit website

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