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Anger Management Edition

Previously on /coopg/: >>498514127

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
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Heavy hitter penance taking forever can't imagine how long the gunlugger ones will take
Plop your shield down big man I'll get to you in a minute.
oh you're gonna trigger the bump limit guy now
attempting to samefag when you're too autistic to read social cues and stop outting yourself as a newfag is a bold move, let's see how it works out for him
Why are you talking about yourself in the second person
It's actually faster
If you want it to go faster, make sure you take off bleed. Only direct heavy attack kills count. Also bringing a kickback/ripper can help, you use its melee attack to quickly cap your stacks and minimize early kills, before you start swinging your proper weapon.

I love playing the Ogryn, I really do, but having to count on other teammates to tackle mass shooters is frustrating. 3-4 Ogryn teams somehow always work out, but by if I'm the only Ogryn it's feels like every shooter locks on to me with perfect autoaim and fucks me up. I purposefully stay close to Vets so I can peel melee off them while they peel shooters off me, but it seems like 80% of them don't get the fucking hit and like to play as a Zealot.
Heavy hitter or the shooty ones
Noted thanks
I am going to level up chain axe in aurics as a vet wish me luck
it makes me horny
sprint slide and dodge slide into the shooters and kill them yourself
most ogryn guns have a lot of suppression/disruption to stop shooters from shooting
use the mk4 knife i got it in 4 games or so, with bleed and everything. Most ogryn weps just dont kill hordes that well. Karsolas pick would surely work great too
This isn't a coop game in the sense of "everyone has a role", you're supposed to take care of everything and everyone else is also supposed to take care of everything.
For dealing with shooters on ogryns you have options
>if you want to use ammo, your guns suppress the fuck out of shooters, ripperguns and stubbers excel at just straight up killing them, as does the kickback with some density
>your charge closes gaps to shooter fortifications
>your taunt can make shooters come to melee
>for a completely free and non-cd reliant way, slide towards them, wind up heavies and brain them while doing dodge slides so your toughness stays up

To be fair, this is more work than other classes have to put in to remove shooters, so people often have the impression that Ogryn can't do it. I assure you he is totally capable and once you learn how one of the safest, most ballsiest "fuck you shooters i'm coming for you" characters
Oh the shield with heavy 1 spam would also make quick work of the penance for sure, put brutal momentum on of course. Heavy hitter shield is fantastic to begin with, oneshots everything non elite once stacked which makes brutal momentum go ham
ogryn is literally made to dive shooter lines
it's vet and psyker that struggle with that because their toughness regen talents discourage it
I wouldn't say that, vets get toughenss regen out the ass via shout and kill confirmed and iron will driving effective toughness up extremely hard, same with psyker unless he brings a loadout that can't address em. Assail is literally the strongest remove-shooter-and-gunner tool in the game
>this is a coop game where everyone is meant to play like 4 solos
Yeah nah. That's just the coping mechanism we all employ because we can't trust the random shitters we end up with. A good team would cover each others' weaknesses like a spartan formation. The vet shouldn't be playing like a zealot, the psyker shouldn't be playing like an ogryn.
not in melee
confirmed kill is an exception only if there are gunners in the crowd
Nah you literally play inefficiently and badly if you do this. There is literally no reason to ever "cover eachother" because your firing power in this game and the ability to make space for yourself is so high that a good player never needs it.
An actual great 4 man squad just runs through the game and kills everything like moving like they're all obsessed maniacs. There's literally no strategy involved in darktide other than personally not getting fucked by random hits or specials and killing as much as you can.

The literal sole coop interactions for good players are unnetting and undogging a fella if he fucks up and dodges into terrain or misses the push on a razzle dazzling dog or something. Doesn't happen often if you know how to deal with these specials but can happen even to the best
histg heresy with shitters is more fun than auric maelstrom with a competent team
Oh I didn't mean that vet and psyker are better at meleeing shooters, it's just that they generally don't even need to since they can just btfo them some other way, which is way easier than learning to melee them. Hence the lower skill floor
I think you're both right.
I've had several maelstrom games where we played like an MMORPG with psyker clearing chaff, ogryn actively tanking in front, veteran focusing long range, and zealot assisting where needed.
But I've also had tons of games where everyone is just pushing forward killing the first thing they see. I wouldn't say one approach is correct and another is wrong.
Is darktide a tranny game? Still on the fence of whether to buy it
>with psyker clearing chaff, ogryn actively tanking in front, veteran focusing long range, and zealot assisting where needed
Sounds like all three of them got carried by the vet. Typical scenario.
Sounds like successful teamwork, but i guess you're one of those people who look for conflict where there is none.
the best loadouts have no weaknesses
he uses a scoreboard mod, please understand
Every loadout has a weakness. Or is your zealot as good at shooting things as they are at meleeing things?
The strongest loadout is entirely circumstantial, you can't be the best at everything in every scenario in every team composition with a single loadout.
> Or is your zealot as good at shooting things
Yes, my revolver can oneshot the specials, which are the only things I have to shoot. Arguably better at doing this than on my vet since the master's retribution means I won't ever take more than one hit and thus any health damage while aiming for the special.
the rejects talk about
>sisters of battle
>chaos marines
it is a very quirky and fun choice by fatshark to include so much discussion in game about things they never intend to add!
are genestealers related to tyranids?
>it's the vet's fault I don't know how to dodge slide or strafe sprint and can't rush the shooters
lol this general sometimes
in the same way that the cultists in a harbor town are related to cthulhu
>it's the vets fault I spend more time sliding than running
schizo alert
>it's the vets fault
>It's the
yes, just as each tyranid organism could be considered a single cell in the body of the Hivemind, genestealers are man-sized viral warfare released to weaken worlds ahead of its arrival.
Please obeseshark dont nerf dueling sword that shit is so fun to use
Correct, nerf Vet and Zealot melee talents instead
nerf? the easier it gets the faster winds of magic 2 will drop
leave it the way it is until you give me martyrdom buffs and power greatsword please, yes
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>crusher is a single hitpoint away from one shotting poxies unbuffed with the first light on damnation
the swedes are causing my autism to flare up real good
You don't even need to kill them with ranged, ogryn ballistic guns like the ripper and stubbers have some of the highest suppression stats, point it in their general direction and they'll stop shooting for a while.
But like the other anons said, you should really get into the habit of sliding. Your slide goes a very long distance and you can chain them as long as you have momentum which lets you dodge any volume of gunfire as long as you're sliding, I very routinely chain slides into packs of 6 scab gunners across the room just to bonk them.
it's alright, the vet brought fire team just for you
even with infected damage buff?
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he'll be the first to die...

with all the flat damage talents + 10% groaner/pox and 25% infested yes.
374 damage to the head.
double barrel buff doko
same except it's the vet folding shovels vs crushers
Ammo. And it's all mine.
doesnt the crusher have a very flat cleave distro? i.e. it doesnt really matter and wont save you a lot of swings in a horde anyway
It only recently hit me how inflexible Ogryn skill tree seems.
>Vet, Zealot and Psyker get *three* horizontal lines on their skill trees right after their Blitz, Aura and Ability selection
>Ogryn gets a grand total of one
>This means that it's not possible to pair Point-Blank Barrage with Bonebreaker's Aura
>Meanwhile the others can mix and match as they like
I am incredibly annoyed about this. Dammit Fatshark
you wouldn't get it...
Yeah they clearly gave up on trying to balance ogryn and just made stuff mutually exclusive as if it was vermintide careers
psyker and vet are the most flexible
ogryn is the least flexible
zealot is somewhere inbetween
at least I got me rations
Ammo, rations, all mine.
still got... me limbs
Dump stat on recon lasgun? And why is it stagger?
why did you ask if you already knew the answer?
Why are you retarded? who made you like this?
I need to consult the hive mind before I make a decision for myself.
Dump stat on psyker?
Why must the professional personality be so boring?
Time to blind my team with blue fire.
count your blessings, it can always be worse
Every team needs one straight man, and Professional is the best straight man out of all of them.
I don't know what you mean, but I suppose it's better that way.
Judge zealot is cool (but the voice doesn't fit with any face) and I don't play ogrym but I never played with one that had shitty voice lines. But then comes vet and professional would be the perfect personality for a proper guardsman, but it's shitty because shitty acting.
>Judge zealot is cool
>make a direct fire version with a low area, high damaging, impact grenade
>make a bouncing version with a low direct damage, high aoe high stagger blast radius
There rumbler fixed its that easy fartshart
>Judge zealot is cool
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Honestly the change to flamers is fucking garbage. Swedes can't program for fucking shit so the stupid fucking flamers now explode half the time I kill them in melee.
honestly both of those would still be shit, just make the impact do higher damage that you would expect from a big ass grenade slug hitting something in the head. Like you're telling me a lasgun can oneshot a gunner with a headshot but not a 30kg fucking grenade projectile shot out from a shotgun?
Loose cannon does that, but he's not a proper soldier boy.
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I got 3 players mission
>make a direct fire version with a low area, high damaging, impact grenade
That's just the grenade gauntlet
Gunna kill me a 'eretic today.. Maybe get sum rashuns. Luv me rashuns.
>see teammate killing a flamer in melee
Would be a shame if someone were to pop that tank.
Need to save my shredder ammo by getting quick kills on the tank, better watch your step anon!
It's fun and makes specials more dangerous so I like it. Use flamer resist on curios if you keep falling for it
>straight man
>is gay for the ogryn
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>Judge zealot is cool
the aoe is way bigger than it has any right to be
pretty sure they just copy pasted the poxburster's explosion and removed the corruption damage
The ogryn + veteran rapport is the closest we get to Kruber + Bardin in this shit setting
>relevant for blocking
it's used for pushing and running
Taunt with shield block. If it's a group of gunners then run up amd taunt them into melee. Simple.
I'll be honest half the time I can't tell the difference between Professional and Loose Cannon make vets
Even with kinetic deflection, one +3 stamina curio can still be very beneficial for mobility and maybe the occasional situation where you have to block while peril is maxed out
Just tried out the helbore. The dogshit pullout time, and awful sights suck. It's not even like the weapon is that insane if you were to ignore those two weak points either. Is this thing just ass or am I being too quick to dismiss it.
+3 stamina also more than doubles the amount of shoves you have in combat as psyker because your weapons have shit for stamina
it's ass
before the class rework its identity was "lasgun that can kill crushers too", but now that vet has innate rending every weapon can kill crushers and usually better so it's just worse than alternatives for no gain
I run 2 Tougness 1 Health on every class
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after ten thousand years of torment, it is finally completed
i run a health a toughness and a stamina since the relative increase goes down the more you stack
no you got a two player mission
I finally got it the other day as well. I fried 1 dog with it, the rest I mooched off other smiggers.
The bayonet doesn't even count as a melee hit
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>didn't abuse the train mission
Judge zealot is cringekino
I've just loaded a solo mission via many more try and fried poxies until I got it. Wasn't very fun, but at least I was spared of the necessity to use smite in actual missions.
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>russian yelling at me because HE's dying
>not going down and reviving people
>clearing out crowds reliably
>watching Brass Eye in my 2nd monitor
It's Winner Wednesday, lads.
I think I'm using the TH wrong.
I got the mk II, and I do heavy attacks on groups and light attacks on single enemies while aiming for the head. There must be more to it.
I told one "get drafted in Ukraine and die" and he went on a 3 min rant about homosexuals and polaks, go figure.
I said to one "I appreciate still being able to buy sugar and butter" and he started yelling about globohomo too, lol.
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>smite psyker in MY aurics
>does nothing but spam smite
>still somehow manages to keep dying
>start a votekick on him (not for dying but for being a smigger)
>it doesn't pass
>later everyone dies besides me
>get to the team, clear out everything around them
>say they should've voted yes to my votekick then alt+f4
>my dad who was watching stands up and claps
Fuck smiggers.
>having a melty over another player
what with russians and their fascination about gay people?
literally their propaganda. despite having the highest male-to-male HIV transmission rate in the entire world, they believe that everything outside putin's brave walls is a teeming horde of faggots.
press the special button to charge it up and do a really strong attack!!!
Empowered psionics brain burst is fun feels like vanilla psyker+
prison culture
which one of you is this
I always run either emp bb or dd assail
>like a spartan formation
has sparta ever won a war
They won the Peloponnesian War against Athens, 30 years of mayhem
Still being taught at military academies around the world, particularly in the US
On your executioner's stance, do you run
>counter fire
Executioner's Stance now outlines all human-sized Ranged Enemies.
>the bigger they are
Executioner's Stance now outlines all Ogryn Enemies.
I only had one game with 3 other zealots who didn't stop running forward for the whole mission, smoothest game I've ever had.
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>executioner's stance
counter fire makes it easy to keep up for extended periods and ogryn are easy to see anyway
Both are absolute dogshit. Just save yourself the points. piss vision is best ran with no upgrades now
counter fire with kantrael, recon or IAG
ogryn outline for boltgun
and fem Judge Zealot is wife material.
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is that the invader Zim one?
yeah it's novelty, but having infinite ammo is nice so the rest of the team can blast

she's faking it
but i just did mi, as evidenced by my screenshot
I was the dad. Proud of you, son.
no that one is agitator, the best one
I use counter-fire with the single-shot headhunter. It feels more stable than the heavy kantrael and I've grown accustomed to the iron-sights.
don't tell fartshartAlso the single-shot headhunter is 100% accurate on the first shot when you aren't ADS
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>open chest
>med stim
>nigger zealot snatches it before i do
>aigh' then
>zealot gets downed
>don't rez him
>dies and dc's
>go and pick up my med stim
don't steal from me
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The flamer is fucking insane but whenever I see a big group of enemies I just think
>oh I can clean that up in melee in like 2 seconds, I'll just save my ammo
And repeat until the mission is over. And if ragers or something like that shows up they've already closed the distance before I can really pull the flamer out. The damage output against hordes is probably #1 in the game but I never find any situations to use it in.
Yes, auric. The only time I actually got any use out of the flamer is hard mode twins.
what's a fun gunpsyker build?
I often do that when it's my time to clutch. If the team played like a bunch of retards I just tell them they're not worth carrying and I leave
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>And if ragers or something like that shows up they've already closed the distance before I can really pull the flamer out.
just pull it out anyway and dodge slide until they die
also take the master's retribution, it says it's just the attacker but it will actually stun everyone in melee range for a couple seconds so you can eat a hit and fuck them up before they can hit you again
Counter fire, Ogryn are impossible to miss.
that never happened
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>keep reaching 9/10 for not going down achievement
>quick play throws me into a instant defeat screen
kek source?
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illisi carapace/maniac, blazing spirits/uncanny
las pistol green maniac/crit chance, infernus/dum dum

you can drop two +15 toughness nodes and grab something else but I like the extra toughness

you pop gaze for blending hordes in melee or for running at gunlines at mach speed, the pistol will also melt through maulers and ragers, remember to use the special attack of the illisi since it counts as warp damage for perfect timing and malefic momentum

you could use a duelling sword with carapace/maniac rampage,uncanny over illisi for even more speed in which case you'd drop souldrinker for warp splitting and weave in assail shards during melee to trigger malefic momentum, but your horde clear would noticeably suffer
wait the crit chance on blaze kills is really worth it?
for force swords it is, that's why you take blazing spirits, makes you much tankier in melee when every enemy killed regenerates an additional 5% max toughness, the crit chance is also a nice bonus for a crit build

in case you didn't know the wording is incorrect, it will trigger even if the soulblaze itself doesn't kill the enemy
>it will trigger even if the soulblaze itself doesn't kill the enemy
fucking swedes
It's good, but people often rate this talent higher than it should've been.
If you feel like you can't fit in into your build, don't worry too much.
works the same way for in fire reborn, for some reason wildfire is the only talent that has the correct wording
it's definitely only worthwhile for force sword melee builds, I don't run it on purgatus or trauma
Does that talent also save you from dogs?
>What is ab-human?
>Used to do this
>Convinced myself I probably wasn't proccing it often
>Swap off and died more and assumed I was just playing worse
Oh sweden
It does
Not necessarily on maulings in progress though iirc
animation cancel the weapon swap with throwing knife
Why force swords? Surely you aren't trying to say that you sacrifice a blessing just to enable that talent?
Any cool synergies I've overlooked?
Yeah I know... doesn't really do much when I only have 2 dodges and 12 ragers are swinging at me. If I pull a knife and run to make some distance I can flame them but by that point my team has gotten wiped and I gotta solo which is annoying.
Normally I default to crusher and just knock them all down.
I'd probably remove both toughness nodes to take Tranquility Through Slaughter and Warp Expenditure to use with my trusty laspistol.
I don't mind carrying shitters kicking and screaming to the end, but that fag was doing literally nothing other than spam smite. I play games for fun, and it's more fun to grief smiggers than play with them.
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>poxburster comes
>voice of command
>poxburster ignores it and jump on me
is this new?
poxbursters have one frame of stagger invincibility when they're transitioning into the jump animation

i made that up but it's probably true
Get back in squad, or ya get clubbed.
The Strain, vampire series
What vet personality says that? I know it ain't the loose cannon.
Great idea anon you're hired.
Cutthroat. He is a big softie
But it's only good for hordes of trash. Maybe it's cause this is the shittier one I got from the vendor without any upgrades but I expected more.
Are they any good at higher levels and I just suck at using it or is that really all they're good for? I've gotten better results with the eviscerator but a big bad hammer is too cool to not use.
If anything, use counter fire for the extensions.
Why can't the professional get any of that cool stuff?
Only reason solo is annoying is because the last man standing music sucks more than vt2's
>But it's only good for hordes of trash.
no lol
didn't you say you were using the mk II, ie the crucis? it doesn't work on hordes at all, it's for single target. You kill bosses with it in around 5 hits, and can oneshot crushers after using fury of the faithful. And the ironhelm's is weaker but still better than lightspamming on big targets.
What do you mean it doesn't work on hordes? The heavy attack is a wide horizontal swing with good range, it fucks hordes. Isn't that how I'm supposed to use it?
Please tell me you know how to electrify it. That's the basic heavy swing but when activated it's a one use overhead that overkills everything.
Use crucis, headtaker + thrust if you want to oneshot carapace and bosses/slaughterer if you want better everything else.
Crucis has decent horde clear already, ironhelm isn't that much better and loses out on the easy overhead while having worse boss damage.
Yeah I do know about that and that's what I use for big enemies, it works okayish, most of the time the revolver is better but I think that's up to their rating, the hammer being inferior statwise.
It's only green still, but I was planning on going Thrust + Momentum.
i said the special, not the heavy
force sword basically has a flex blessing anyway. your other option is block ranged attacks
every melee weapon would run a blessing that said "gain 5% crit chance and replenish 5% toughness per kill"
There are toughness blessings but literally nobody uses them.
>blazing spirit without shred
>soulblaze kill talent with the worst soulblaze source available
>skipping cruel fortune
>2 unnecessary toughness nodes
this is so unbelievably ass, you should be banned from the talent tree
What retard ogryn voice do I switch to I'm bored of the slav guy
Brawler is the best ogryn voice
Yeah, the special. I do know how to use it.
I was talking about the heavy because that's what I use for clearing trash hordes.
you have 40% crit chance and perilous combustion so triggering souldrinker is not even remotely a problem, you should have no trouble maintaining 15 stacks of disrupt destiny when you have a gun, assail and hyper cleaving melee, more toughness is never unnecessary and my post even said you can replace them if you want

you must simply enjoy being a contrarian shitposter
Just built my new rig. What's the shit these days? I played a lot of DRG I'd like something new. Maybe something to play with you fags
>stamina is a percentage bar
>having more stamina, ie subdivisions on the bar, makes it regen slower
This is not always an option sadly, sometimes they're shooting from platforms you can't reach to melee them and sometimes they're spread out across a big arena. It's easy when it's just a pack of them in specific place.
Posts like this remind me that the average IQ in this thread is very very low
>conflating intelligence and knowledge
rest assured that I am not conflating those, this is a literal logic error
What do you think the Halloween events will be this year for Darktide and Vermintide? More importantly, what do you hope the rewards are?
do you consider not knowing very basic fourth grade math a lack of knowledge? I guess it is but I never met someone who fails at math that hard and wasn't a genuine retard
hopes and dreams: content and free cool skins
reality, probably: paid bad skins
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>retards spams the tag button liek a fucking glue eater
>tell him to stop it ffs
>"whoa dude calm down it's just a game"
auric damnation btw, he paid for 5 wounds and he used them all
>trying to walk 100% of 10km takes longer than trying to walk 100% of 10m
>wtf a percent is a percent why are they different
wtf is your HUD? I have never seen so much useless shit packed into a corner before.
Jesus Christ dude I don't know if you've been told that before but holy fuck you're a fucking low IQ retard and I seriously hope you will never reproduce or at least you're not allowed to vote.
it's just WhoAreyou and truelevel so I can identify shitters like you easily.
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american posting hours are really something else
wtf is a km? how many burgers per NASCAR tracks is it?
eating 1000 burgers takes longer than eating 10
yes, even for one as accomplished as you
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depends on the burger, eurocuck
>Would you prefer a bad dps or a good support if you only could take one?
Good support. No question. Bad DPS players usually do stupid shit that rocks the boat and puts the team in jeopardy. Assuming we're still talking in context of MMOs and such, usually the worst thing that happens form having an extra good support is that perhaps the run is a little bit slower due to the party composition having suboptimal DPS output. Bad DPS players often are the cause of total party wipes when they do stupid shit like drag a train of adds right into the party's squishy players, pull boss aggro away from the tank, or otherwise fuckup the fight mechanics in some terminal way. The only time that you'd really want a bad DPS player in the party is if you know that one of the fights is a hard DPS race and you simply need more numbers thrown at the boss. There's obviously a spectrum of class capabilities though and we're not even talking about a specific game. Is this hypothetical support a pure healbot, does it provide buffs, is it some kind of hybrid, can the player flex their build into an offtank or semi-DPS?

In shopclick terms, the average smigger would not be a good support. The good support would be the smite psyker who basically didn't smite the entire match except for that one time when suddenly CRUSHERS WERE HERE. The rest of the match he'd just be killing shit with his melee and ranged weapons.

Alternatively, another way to look at the question of "if the party composition optimally wants another DPS would I want bad DPS player or good support player to fill the last slot", in -tide game terms that's roughly equivalent of asking "do you want a shitter running the meta build or an experienced gigachad who's enjoying offmeta gear?" Even if his weapons aren't the best tool for the job, I want the player that knows what he's doing. Unless I want the teammates to die so that "I" can be the one to hard carry the match.
i have a burger tray with space for ten burgers
i can consume one burger per minute
the kitchen refills 10% of my tray per minute, which is currently one burger
if i expand my tray to contain 15 burgers, the kitchen instead delivers 1.5 burgers a minute, or a burger every 45 seconds
this allows me to either increase my rate of burger consumption to 1.5 burgers per minute without depleting my stock of burgers, or else i can maintain my present rate of burger consumption and allow the surplus burger generation to stockpile, allowing for the possibility of a deeper burst of burger consumption in the future
you wouldn't last a day with such a tiny tray
the burgers are nominal, they could perhaps be double or triple patties while still representing the same number of discrete burgers
>if i expand my tray to contain 15 burgers, the kitchen instead delivers 1.5 burgers a minute
do they really? I don't think they do. I think you just have to wait 15 minutes to fill your tray instead of 10 minutes.
I, uh, what? Why wouldn't that make sense? Is stamina regen not a static number? Do you think that just because your stamina gauge displays in a percentage that there's no actual value attached to that?
>he hurts himself in his confusion
What the fuck
Is it peak autism?
we're not even near mid autism yet
An autist would have the base stamina value for each class as well as their base stamina regen values and adjusted stamina regen values accounting for 1,2,3 iterations of 12% stamina regen applied multiplicatively via curios all memorized and ready to list during an internet argument.
This is just profound stupidity.
if that were hypothetically true, there would still be an advantage in a larger tray in that i can slow my rate of burger consumption for a while to allow burgers to stockpile so i can consume them at a rate in excess of production for a longer period of time in the future
>he doesn't pay extra for VIP service
I bet the waitress doesn't even sit down and let you grope her either. I need to stop playing eroge
obviously a larger tray is an advantage, you don't lose anything by having it.
but saying that the kitchen works faster to keep up just tells retardanon that his hunch about stamina and percentages is true. Which it is not.
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But I ordered chicken nuggets......
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NA East lobby if anybody wanna play
Auric Damnation
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Best title/frame combo, NOW
having run the numbers, in this case the kitchen discriminates against our boys in uniform and should be shuttered
whatever looks cool. no title
>wanna mod the game again
>all the mods i use were last updated june-july
what the heck
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I used to run the eviscerator but these days I'm all in on the crusher.
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It should be tailored to your loadout/character theme.
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don't remember the last time i saw a notably good player wearing ASS
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damn how much did you spend in this game?
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what's even the point of mods when I can't see hadron in bikini?
>sickly old woman skin corroding around artless metal
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Dang. Kinda want that barbarian too for my Ogryn but I hardly play him.
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>demonhost on the way
>team decide to live their whole life near it instead of just moving on
Why does the crusher shove attack do more damage and have higher cleave than the heavies?
couldn't afford the pants?
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These... these are the pants...
>try out dueling sword just to see what all the fuss was about
i get it now
what is wrong with your resolution
did you know that in fighting games, combos were originally unintended? they were discovered during play testing and left in because the devs figured there was no way players could consistently hit a 0.03 second window to link two attacks.

what i'm saying is, sloppy coding and dumb oversights lead to unexpected organic development in gameplay.
>try pickaxe
>it's just superior to pretty much every ogryn melee weapon
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>Auric quickplay after midnight
I understand... fatshark employes should be publicly executed under shariah law.
I love it, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it toned down a bit. I just hope it doesn't get nerfed into oblivion. Love me Saltz rapier.
I actually don't think it's as egregiously overpowered as people yell about. Damage numbers need to be toned down (particularly carapace modifier or US as a blessing), yeah, but in the Meat Grinder, it's insane because you hit easy headshots against stationary enemies, but in game with tons of moving parts, you don't land them as reliably, and getting headshots is where almost all of your damage comes from with it. If they tone down the anti-Mauler/Crusher ability, I think it'll be fine.
So I got a TH with 60 defence and have gotten better at using it. It's real good now.
What are some good perks and blessings to put on it? I'm mostly melee and run a revolver on the side.
I think mine has Carapace and Unyielding as perks.
Blessings are definitely Thrust+Headtaker.
>hab dreyko finale
I swear these fucking Sw*des keep making it more and more difficult with each patch
It’s literally never been easier.
>someones wearing the same clothes as me

im out
I haven't failed it ever since they changed the hacking puzzle and I opened it and said "what the fuck" the first time.
my plasma gun has GETS HOT and FOCUSED COOLING on it both.

is this a bad idea? the idea being that as it gets hotter, critting becomes more likely, which will make it get hotter far, far less, hopefully getting me more shots with huge crit chances?

what do YOU put on YOUR plasmagun? what works best for you?
You know the bot probably revived them right
That literally cannot happen. If bots are the last ones alive the match ends instantly.
Does Darktide run like shit for anyone else now? Last time I played I was playing maxed out with raytracing and barely went a hair below 60 with DLSS quality mode, now I get constant stuttering and performance degradation over time.

3070 and 5600x
Reset your graphics settings in the launcher. I was dropping down to 30-40 frames on 3060 and after resetting I get 100+ on the same settings.
Dunno why this is a thing.
If theyre downed, no. If they are captured, then yes
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>fellow Steel Legion guardsman in team

im in
interesting. I'll give it a try, thanks.
Is starship troopers playable now?
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>New Fatshark game and it's Vermintide III: The Age of Sigmar


>New Fatshark tide game, but it's a new IP they created themselves

Pick one
>warhammer-based game vs. whatever woke garbage sweden writers will shit out
I want fatshark to die and never make games anymore
second would probably have less sassy black women
I want fatshark to live and make games forever!
I want to live and never make Farkshark forever!
>80% on four stats
>60% on one stat
frustratingly common occurrence
Whats the dump stat for the Helbore Lasgun?
I'm leaning towards stability, but I'm not sure since it seems to be a precision weapon
Maybe we should kiss just to break the tension
Anyone have a link to that mod that show the correct answer? It is always way more difficult than it should be because my team never covers the device and I end up having to solo the whole finale.
Is it better to have 80s and one 60 or 80s and two 70s
stability is the dump stat
correct, it resets faster than it can charge anyway
you can dump stats??
Why do people cosplay as the Steel Legion? Aren't they just discount Death Korps?
Damage was always a crutch
real shopclickers use profane weapons and only queue with smiggers
they basically saved fantasy along with total war

what dying franchise could they save next? star wars
Mass Effect: Vorchatide
with non-stop teasing of a batarian world that we never get to

christ i'd love to slaughter thousands of batarians at a time
You hate batarians because they're just like Humanity but with 4 eyes
nice try BIDF
No, I hate batarians because they're just like Jews but with 4 eyes
>they're just like Jews
that's the Volus
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I choose rats
oh sorry it's the extranet isn't it

nice try BEDF
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What's the dump stat on the revolver? Reload speed? Mobility?
Cleave damage
either of those is fine
I seriously wonder how people like you manage to survive on their own.
It's quell speed.
Whats the dump stat on the cleave speed? Quell Damage? Reload crit?
It's thunder hammer or the voidblast staff.
What's the dump stat on clandestium gloriana? Ascension riser? Power matrix?
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The Train.
The real question is:
>What's the dump stat for Fatshark?
Not vacation days that's for sure.
They maxed vacation days, retard
>take crystalline will out of fear I explode myself with my voidstrike staff
>haven't exploded myself in like 3 months
>reload speed
absolutely NOT what the fuck are you thinking? The reload speed is the revolver's biggest weakness, you do not want it to be slower than it already is.
It's mobility. You're not going to be moving around much or dodging when you whip it out, so who cares about how fast you are or dodge distance while you're using it.
>not taking wound curios so you can boom on purpose and reset your peril
small brain...
Its almost like Voice of Command resurrect in a way, but instead of never using it to save it for a downed teammate, you become hyper aware of your peril so you don't take that wound.
Swagger's cock. I always have my female Zealot suck him off in front of the whole squad before we get goin'. For good luck.
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>chain axe with martyrdom

damn this shit fucks
The claw uses stamina for parries.
lmao... you always go blazing piety... ALWAYS
This update made me revert to matyrdom and bolter, the main change being thunder hammer is actually amazingly fun now.
It's funny how it feels like I went back in time a year ago with the builds/weapons I use
i want the attack speed
In Darktide I think I agree with you, I'd rather the support psyker that crowd controls that one time in a clutch even if he's worthless otherwise.
In MMOs or general games I think my answer would change though, and I'd prefer the bad DPS unless I'm already in a DPS role myself, if I'm healing or tanking I'd want even a bad dps to help not make things be a slog.
Chain axe doesnt have great crit values, technically martyrdom benefits it more
Noob. BP is good on knife because of its base crit chance being higher and the higher attack speed. BP also is not up until things start dying, nor does it give you any attack speed or tankyness.
Matyrdom helps break a lot of breakpoints for some weapons, I'd much rather go matyr on chax, and thammer since it lets you oneshot crushers which you cant do with a piety build.
Is necro fun?
Batarians are just space muslims/north koreans
ME space jews come in 4 different flavors:
>Volus the commerce and mercantile jews
>Asari the racemixing and media jews
>Salarian the glownigger and biowarfare jews
>Quarian the gypsy jews exiled from a lost "promised land"
>screaming Irishman Dueling Sword Zealot flies towards it at 50 MPH
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*completely blends into the horde and one shots you through a poxwalkers ass*

pshh nothin personael reject
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I started playing darktide again and why the fuck do I get completely random WHOOSH alerts when there are no enemies anywhere close to me now?
that's just the game detecting me thinking malicious things about you
I think I just ran into a cheating OE with permanent overcharge that just crank gunned the entire fucking mission. His ability bar never went down and he just kept mag dumping. Don't know how anyone could even have fun like that.
Please stop thinking malicious things about me I need love and adoration and also plasteel
I think it gives you a warning when youre being fired upon too from behind
Original IP always
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I mean I just look around and see nothing, nothing in melee, I don't get shot at, slowly turning into a schizo because of it, these swede cunts are after me
will skitarii be a ranged-focus or melee-focused class?
It's me blowing kisses your way when you're not looking.
Servitor will have both melee and ranged trees.
It's just vet with admech weapons
How to tell if a retard doesn't use Thrust:
>I'd much rather go matyr on thammer since it lets you oneshot crushers which you cant do with a piety build
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Damn... The rizz...
Pick one, you fucking fags
This happens way too often...
>see a shield ogryn behind me out of the corner of my eye
>ah its just my beloved tonkgryn!
>get downed 1 second later by the bulwark
no, it didn't >>498673512
I said they were dead. lrn2read
depends on your build
overall I'd imagine a new kind of corruption mechanic that is caused by rad weapons
this new corruption can be reduced by abilities, killing enemies with melee/range
the trees are divided between protectors (projects personal shields), vanguards (probably the subclass that flushes the corruption on ability use like a shout dealing damage), and infiltrators (another stealth subclass lmao)
one aura shares toughness regen between all in coherency, one deals damage to enemies in coherency, one increases rending in coherency.
not him but every weapon has great crit values with blazing piety and scourge
invocation of death will have almost 100% uptime no matter what you use now, so you can spam your F which does a lot more for survivability and damage than anything martyrdom gives, especially since you'll be able to use real curios.
Crit chance values, but not crit damage values. Combat knife and rapier have gigantic leaps in their damage between crits and non-crits, I think off the top of my head, chainaxe gains like 20-30% damage on a crit if i remember correctly
>patiently waiting for him to attack so I can hit him back
>he does the shield bash instead
The bane of my nigger life, I hate that shield bash like you wouldn't believe man.
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2+ bulwark escorting a rager/shotgunner is actually the hardest encounter in the game
>half of a bolter mag to kill a single one even with the 25 damage perk
>attacks phasing through the shield
yeah fuck you too
had a simultaneous bulwark shotgunner spawn just as we triggered a crusher patrol towards the end of the coolant factory mission just before the elevator

never wiped faster in my life
>run over all 3 as ogryn
>kill them before they get up
>cooldown nearly refreshed from 3 dead elites
Rampage is pretty decent on the Dueling Sword, gives you some horde clear.
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I cast light 'em up
Yeah it's great. It was good before the buffs, but now it's actually nuts. I just wish the thing didn't look so fucking retarded.

Thrust + 25% Carapace Crucis heavy doesn't 1 shot Crushers for me without other buffs running. It does like 99%. And mine has a 59% defense roll, so
>inb4 79% damage/pen/FT rolls are fucking you

I hope that one anon was joking about BP TH being the way to go. The TH's crit damage is shit, and pretty much all of your crit rate has to come from BP plus the 5% base on Zealot, and it has no blessings to support it. You're basically using the keystone almost exclusively to maintain Invocation of Death. I'd much rather have the persistent damage, attack speed, and toughness damage reduction. I'd run Inexorable Judgement before BP with the hammer.
Running Invocation of Death + Martyr Eviscerator and putting Shred on it though. That shit is fire.
I've been messing around in it, only real issues I run into is the fact that I get occasional crashes when the dropship takes off but you still get the XP and once in a blue moon the servers shit the bed and don't let me connect 2-3 times to a mission and then let me play. Only real complaint is that console players are absolutely fucking awful to deal with and will drain revives faster than you can blink and that weapons take years to level up once you got past level 3 on them, especially since some of them get nothing worthwhile until you get the ability to put them on any class. Gameplay itself is "serviceable" but I don't see anyone really touching the game once they get sick of the grinding, especially for 50 dollars
But the best revolver build involves reloading via weaponswitching in combat
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>quarians, female ones even
>revolver build
It depends on what class is using it. If Zealot, then you definitely don't want to dump mobility.
do want to*
You know, it probably wouldn't piss me off so much that the only way to avoid dog pounces is a push IF MAYBE THE FUCKING WEAPON SWAPPING INTO PUSH+BLOCKING WORKED
>yes I wanted to aim and shoot, fatshark. Thank you so much for this knot
But no. That shit doesn't work unless you intentionally add a long delay. And dodging them doesn't work reliably. And hitting them through their jumps doesn't work reliably. I've watched the dog fly past me after a dodge or go right through a heavy attack from a high stagger weapon only to ignore it all. I just want this shit to fucking work, man.
>The TH's crit damage is shit
literally doesn't matter as long as it makes you do enough to oneshot, there's no benefit to overkill damage
>You're basically using the keystone almost exclusively to maintain Invocation of Death.
and the 50% damage reduction from enduring faith
and effectively around 50% more toughness from any percentage based source due to being able to use toughness curios instead of wounds
and I really think you're understating just how big a deal F spam is, both in increasing damage done and regenerating toughness

honestly, martyrdom really isn't even close to blazing piety. I really think anyone who shills it just ~wants~ it to be good because they like the idea of it or are nostalgic for vermintide zealot so they're not looking at things objectively.
it's fun
even that doesn't fully explain it
I'm literally an ex-con but the prisons here are properly homophobic
ie. they don't like gay shit in there
but in russia it seems like they think fucking other men just makes you more of a man and the guy getting raped against his will is the gay one?
russians are disgusting closet cases, the lot of them
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I use BP for fast weapons and matyrdom for slow weapons that dont hit breakpoints, both are fun desu
Why does the ogrynomicon pretend that taunt shout and the rumbler are viable
Taunt would be cool if it forced ranged mobs into melee, there's nothing I hate more than taunting a room full of gunners and they all fucking scatter after the suppression
the ogrynomicon is dogshit but they are viable. They're just not as good as the alternatives
>literally doesn't matter as long as it makes you do enough to oneshot, there's no benefit to overkill damage
And you also only top out at like a 30% crit rate. It's a combination of things, anon.
low crit rate + low crit damage = you're running it for CDR
>and the 50% damage reduction from enduring faith
Not as consistent as a crit build with a good weapon for it
>and I really think you're understating just how big a deal F spam is
No, but it's the only thing you're realistically getting out of a BP hammer build compared to Martyr, and one of the main things you want from spamming FOTF is the attack speed, which you get 100% uptime on with Martyr.

I don't get why you think a flat damage bonus that puts you into ideal breakpoints without crossing your fingers and hoping for good RNG and toughness DR (albeit less) you have 100% uptime on once its active is worse than something you're running basically exclusively to press E more. I'll be the first one to shill FOTF because it's fucking obscene how good it is, but you get a lot of shit out of Martyr that suits slow, low-crit weapons much better.
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Is there a working damage/breakpoint calculator for dt? The green one linked everywhere is fucking useless. You cant add talents to it so why even fucking bother
Rumbler is pretty fun. I use it with point-blank barrage and adhesive charge. It makes monstrosities and packs of elites vanish.
You have to be mindful of your ammo, you can't spam the thing like crazy.
because they are
i use them and get big damage every game because they are good
grey weapons and 0/30 skill points assigned is viable
'member when they nerfed inexorable judgement even though it's by far the least popular zealot keystone
>new tide game but it's Concord characters
I want Bazztide to be a thing
Yeah, I still don't understand that. I use it for combat axe, and that's it.
there needs to be FF on the train mission. so i can team kill the retards who still cannot be arsed to even fucking attempt the goddam objectives and run the clock out.

This is a lot more complicated than I expected. I've played this game for hundreds of hours and I couldn't tell you most of this stuff without looking it up. I always just use my highest number item and hoped that meant I do more damage. That is technically true, but that's only a fraction of the story. Why is it so complicated? Does Darktide have the same system?

What else should I look up if I want to get gud?
Man. Borderlands 2 is a lot harder than I remember it being. Just hit that W4R-D3N fight and even unloading a level-par shock weapon on it, I couldn't damage its shields. That seems like a weird oversight. As though something were broken at some point. Or maybe it's actually just balanced for 4 people.
Gitting gud at vermintide is mostly learning your weapon attacks and getting into a good habit of using pushes, attacks, and dodges to control a horde while also making sure that you maintain enough situational awareness that you never get surrounded or boxed into a corner with no escape routes. You want to favor side dodges over back dodges because fleeing from an enemy prompts their more threatening lunge attacks. In general you want to avoid fighting on slopes or stairs since that can make enemy behavior a bit less predictable.

You'll want to install the mod that lets you spawn enemies and fight them in the keep or in solo bot missions so that you can practice fighting enemies. Namely practice soloing monsters in melee combat and learning something called "dodge dancing" where you position yourself close to the monster to bait out an overhead slam attack and then dodge at the last moment. Dodge dancing lets you hold a monster near stationary so that your team can DPS it faster. You might also try to simulate a patrol via spamming lots of shield/stormvermin or CWs/maulers/bulwarks. Practice fighting the patrol solo without the help of potions or bombs.

There's things like realizing that, unless your career can delete a monster in an eyeblink, that keeping the horde and specials mopped up is more important than DPSing monsters. You need to ingrain habits like making certain that you are aware of your surroundings and never position yourself in such a way that a monster attack sends you flying off a cliff. Inversely you might jump while blocking a monster attack to be flung far back to deliberately create distance so that you have time to heal/drink a potion/rez a teammate. There's learning to use enemies against each other. For example, instead of dropping your spaghetti to kill specials like fire/ratling/globadier/blightstormer, you keep your cool and let the specials or a monster kill a horde for you in the crossfire.
There's also some weird buggy stuff that it pays to respect. For example don't underestimate bile trolls in any situation with low ceilings where they need to crouch to pass through doorways or stay crouched within narrow tunnels since that causes their animations to bug out and permit them to attack ten billion times in a second. You'll also want to be aware that bile trolls go through stages where you damage them, they attempt to regen HP, and then temporarily are invulnerable while they're resetting to continue the cycle over again. You don't want to waste big attacks during that invulnerable period.

There's also common sense stuff like don't fight stormfiends and trolls in narrow hallways where they can just cover all of the floor with flames or vomit.

Also, teamwork is OP. Stick with your team. Always be aware of where your teammates are. Half the specials are near toothless if you remain within arm's reach of a friend. Never drop down one way drops when your team isn't ready to follow. But also don't be a hero that overextends trying to save a retard from their own stupidity. Better that three players remain alive while the fourth dies than risk reducing the team to 2 players because you dove in a sea of bullshit to try to save a retard. Retards are like drowning men and they'll abandon you in a heartbeat rather than fight back to back to escape the mess that you saved them from.
pretty sure it has health scaling based on playercount so you should be able to beat it alone
>balanced for co-op
Pretty much, it plays better with friends. Its also been a long time for me so I can't remember the details of that fight entirely, but it seems odd if the shields aren't going down to shock damage.

I wish BL2 were relevant again somehow, I'm not really sure I want them to remaster it though, I like it exactly how it was and not really any of the ones that came after it. Maybe I'll even reinstall it one of these days.
I really think they might've broken the "scaling based on playercount" thing at some point. At least with W4R-D3N. I unloaded a rocket launcher right into it and it didn't do anything. That normally does the trick. Had to quit out and reload because I ran out of ammo.
Almost tempted to use that unofficial community patch, even though it buffs a bunch of stuff in addition to fixes.
Well, nevermind. Just fought my way back after regearing. This time I said to hell with it and hugged it with a shotgun. Went down instantly. Bizarre, but par for the course.
i'm so ii i and my a y team eas
I recently played The Pre-Sequel as part of a return to the series. Was pretty good, IMO. Working towards trying 3. Heard it takes Gearbox's failure to corral plot to the logical extreme, to the point where the most-downloaded mods are to allow skipping. No idea what direction 4 will end up going, especially after the "movie".
I'm literally the only person that is good at this game. Every single other person is bad. If you've ever finished an auric, it's because I was there carrying you.
help! ive played zealot too much, became too dependent on until death, and now im a shitter
thank you for carrying my aurochs even when you're not there
you fucking joke. but seriously. half the fucking playerbase CANNOT INTO objective. fucking EVER. takew phage tree. they will fight INFINITE fucking waves until they fucking DIE and NEVER even go NEAR the fucking tree
EVER i swear to fuck they deserve to be killed for REAL to spare people WITH a brain the frustration of playing with such fucktards.

or the goddam train run. they CANNOT for the fucking life of them GO TO OBJECTIVE MARKER. ever. i have seen multiple teams try and run the OPPOSITE WAY instead of to the head of the train.
is lethal proximity worth taking on the bolt pistol? I swear I've killed up to 3 specials at once with the bigger explosion but maybe i'm imagining it
My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you only see one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.
the zealot's shitter airbag is the only thing stopping the AI director from executing your team when it decides you're doing too well and need to die.
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sorry i didnt want to mess up the objective so i figured i shouldn't touch it
I hope the movie is just forgotten entirely. The entire casting is cursed, they're good actors but holy shit why would anyone cast them that way?
Borderlands 3 had a weird stuttering issue for me that seems common with certain unreal engine games, even on good rigs.
not my problem
I swear they copied vermintide 2's game director AI for darktide.

win too many games in a row and it trigger FUCK YOU, DIE mode.

i go do a bunch of runs no deaths for anyone, all good.

THEN i get a train run where the tards cannot objective. and cannot stay together, everybody fucking dies. me because i'm stuck on the objective interacting. then i get multiple phage tree runs with total fucking retards. then i get three runs in a row where the retards somehow manage to trigger all the crushers and maulers on the map simultaneously and have like 50 of the fucking things all in one place hyperstacked.

ANYTHING bullshit and retarded to trash a 100 % win rate.

and let's not even mention the
>daemonhosts now almost always spawn in a chokepoint to make them damn near impossible to avoid, or outright impossible to get past without triggering. and the game likes putting them in pairs at either end of a tiny hallway. just so you have to fight two of the fuckers.

i mean the game director AI si such a cunt that during one of my great runs. our team had to wipe out a nurgle beast, adn immediately afterwards, not 20 metres from the trigger that spawned the beast, the game spawned a chaos spawn to try and fuck us. thankfully I didn't have retards on my team that run, so we handily merc'd the cunts in swift succession.
I really do wonder why they thought they should include a limit to how many people you can block. My theory is that they didn't want people to be able to play solo by blocking everyone.
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Remember Tyranids? Remember the Second Hive City? Remember Space Marines coming to the Mourningstar?
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>Trying to complete smoke screen penance
>Tossing smokes left and right
>I don't
>Keep doing it after I get the penance too
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Smokes are one of my favorite memes after I learned how viciously hard it breaks the AI.
>swarms of gunners and reapers will just waltz in ass close and stare at you half of the time
>netters will sometimes just spaz out and break, and just not shoot ever
During particularly spicy hordes, i feel like it outright just breaks something with the game because half of the mobs straight up start staring.
>and the game likes putting them in pairs at either end of a tiny hallway. just so you have to fight two of the fuckers.
Is this a thing? I don't play Maelstrom
They used to do nothing so they buffed the shit out of them, 99% of players don't know this though
I don't get why shitters love the psyker shield but hate smoke grenades that do pretty much the same thing but even better since they also make the shooters and flamers run into melee for you to hit them and cuck dogs.
but i run solo missions from time to time, where are you hiding? WHERE?!?
is there a build where i can gun down chaff without feeling bad about wasting ammo?
consumables must be conserved until after the run is over
fair enough
the recon lasgun builds probably
also agripinaa braced auto has great hoard clearing economy since it pierces more than the others. When i run it i basically only melee when i need to make room (i run the standard shovel with it for bonking)
shooting into hordes isn't some cardinal sin, just don't do it the entire round
wow you guys weren't joking about gunloogers, i've never seen someone pick up so much ammo
Probably imagining. Well, technically it's possible to kill with it, but it's deals like ~5 damage. Explosion is just for stagger.
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Half asleep close quarters generic recon lasgun shooty vet with infinite ammo and grenades. You can get away with magdumping hordes if your team is ammo light and they aren't actively fighting right there, which would mean you're stealing toughness. Also feel free to dump shredders into every mixed horde. If you're playing on a harder difficulty you'll regen them in no time due to special and elite spam. Take infernus and dumdum + crit chance then flak or whatever on the mkVI or mkXII recon lasgun. XII is more shooty but I prefer VI. Onslaught and infernus ensure you can spam down even crushers reasonably. Take collateral as the dumpstat and the mobility means you can practically treat it like a melee weapon, dodging backwards and gunning down a whole rager pack with ease. Always hipfire. It's cooler that way.
Depends on how literally you mean "gun." There are plenty of builds with psyker staves that let you do that.
nice, thank you
Ill try that when i am home from work
It's my most played build since it was introduced. Usually people are very nice and mark all the ammo for me. But if someone is low on ammo I let them have it.
what happens when you're in a lobby with another looger?
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let me teach you how to truly play recon
Totally depends.
If he's nice, we have awkward moments of silence and look at each other every time we spot an ammo box.
But I've played with loogergoonerammohoovers who I play with a finders keepers mentality. In that case i have to race to the ammo box. But this is very rare.
If I spot an existing looger in the pre-game-lobby i'll just switch to a melee build.
you can switch in the lobby?!!?!?
Yes sir. Bottom right there's a Loadout button or something.
You should be able to switch characters in lobby, no reason not to since classes aren't restricted like in VT
>"we don't have the technology for that"
said by a vidya company also based in sw*den
that would require a lot of coding, but yes we should
ive found running double barrel zealot that i only need to take like 1 big ammo bag and 3 small ammo bags per run
its strangely ammo efficient despite not being at all.
And while we're at it we should have shared inventory. Why the hell do I need to make four sets or the same curios or three copies of same weapons?
3 is fun as a game, and thats really all that can be said
this >>498742710 even the highpower recon lasgun that eats a few shots per shot is still fuckawesome at mowing down chaff.
don't want to mellee those dickheads in armour etc? burn them down.
infantry autogun is also great to primarily be a shooter. as is basic lasgun, but your fingers will hate you.

both recon lasgun and infantry autogun also have the sprinting makes you immune to ranged blessing, letting you manouvre around those dickheads that have popguns and melee, or zoom past gunners to take them from a flank. if that sounds like something you want to do. econ lasgun or autogun with +2 stamina and +20% sprint efficiency goes down a treat.

basic lasgun and the other autogun (not braced) also have ghost for straight up ignoring ranged while standing still so long as you keep pouring shots into weakspots. if moving is too much effort for you and you just want to delete heads.
braced has ranged immunity on close range kill
you don't need to do any of that when you can have infinite toughness and just face tank every gunner on the map
no need for right side at all, or so deep down the middle. veteran has shit at the top that's fucking GOLD.
what did darktide gain by fatshark renaming every weapon?
I keep failing malice runs. Any tips 2 gitgud please or should I just kms already?
should i take the 4 talents on the top left for a martyrdom build?
melee and dodge stuff, push shove with block sometimes
if ragers are raging on you block them they attack a few times then pause
Learn to use push-attacks. While holding block, do a heavy attack. It will keep you safe from low tier enemies.
For big boys you have to dodge.
counter fire. being able to see in the dark, or fog, or fart gas which is everywhere now is a god send when no one brings torches or marks anything.
i need a funny ogryn name
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Be as heckin wholesome 100 chungus as possible !!!!!
Oggenheimer, nuke everything
Does Fatshark even care 99.9% of female player characters use the same face
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I'm cute though
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Being a SM would be so rad (not really)
>heightmogging everyone
>can't use it for anything because sex drive has been hypnoconditioned out of you
like some sort of tragic irony from a greek play
If certain piece of gear has much higher usage percentage then the others then it's OP and needs a nerf.
This face is used by almost all female rejects. So clearly it needs a nerf.
Look, we're willing to compromise on our grand design vision. We thought resource siloing would force you to start the grind from scratch on every DLC character 4 times a year, but then we couldn't manage to put out even one class, so we gave up on that and let you kind of sort of have an account wide wallet. We wanted you to literally never be able to obtain a perfect weapon so that you would convince yourself you needed to put 5000 hours into our game for a 1% improvement to your weapon's stagger potential, but you guys got really mad about that and we made it so you can get a perfect rolled weapon in about twenty seconds. We wanted you to be forced to reroll a character just to change what planet you came from, as if it fucking mattered, or change your height, and then you fuckers started modding server end changes into the game to change your character details yourself, so we had to let you fully recustomize your character.

But this? Our decision to have you be UGLY, HIDEOUS, REJECTS? Absolutely fucking not. Never. This is VITAL to the our core vision for this game.
Honestly considering SMs are "humanity's finest" it should be required for the marines to set out into the worlds belonging to their chapter and impregnate as many women possible to ensure that their gene-seed is being put to good work.
What blessings do you guys like for the double-barrel? Run N Gun looks fun but I don't know how useful it'll be in practice. Tempted to go all in on reload speed, paired with Surety of Arms from the Psyker tree.
>So clearly it needs a nerf
I'll have the mallet ready, sah
Deathspitter+Both Barrels for maximum blasting
That's literally why the emperor made them sterile, he didn't want them to replace humanity
I don't care about the rejects being ugly, but I do wish all of the cosmetics didn't censor the women's tits though.
What would be worse:
>Our decision to have you be UGLY, HIDEOUS, REJECTS? Absolutely fucking not. Never. This is VITAL to the our core vision for this game.
>Cute female reject faces? Sure, you can have it, only 7050 aquilas. We worked real hard on it.
but then the character wouldnt feel UNIQUE
I'll take the second one because even if I will never pig out for something so stupid, other people are guaranteed to and this means more pretty girls in my games
you say that as if SoB isn't an inevitability, quite literally putting a price tag on a pretty face
>he didn't want them to replace humanity
Why not?
Also who cares what he wanted. He didn't want to be worshiped as a god and look how it turned out.
>Also who cares what he wanted
I'm sure he cared himself which is important when he's the one crafting the space marines
>Why not?
I haven't read any of the books, but I'd assume because his creation turned on humanity and is now one of the leading causes of strife across the galaxy. He even made space marines designed to kill space marines because he was worried about it, and wow, he was right.
>as if SoB isn't an inevitability
Knowing how lazy Fatshark employees are it's definitely not an inevitability.
>darktide getting a new class
They are not sterible, but gene-seed ins't transmited trough semen.

A child of a space marine would be mostly the same as a child he would have had without gene-seed enhancments.

It is still stupid that the Imperium doesn't collet the seed of these best examples of humanity (after they pass, but before they are transformed) and pick healthy females to produce more fine soldier material.
if they want ME to buy things from them post launch, they know they have to, and I represent all coomers, and our wallets are strong
2 years of you SoB faggots coping and not waking up, all I can do is laugh at how retarded you are
You'll see...you'll all see...there's a reason power greatsword and meltagun still aren't in the game, and it's not because fatshark can't make them, it's because they need to paywall them. I WILL BE VINDICATED.
darktide 2 but yes
Game is just 2 years old, they can't release a sequel this quick.
doesn't fit the reject theme
bro your repentia?
L4D2 released literally one year after the first
It was a different time.
you think any canoness would let her naughty girls be shipped off to some inquisitor ship full of ugly bastard ogryns instead of keeping them in the lesbo repentance dungeon?
inquisitorial order, ain't gotta explain shit
add a SoB NPC to the ship
have her guide a few missions
say she's there overseeing repentia
done, wow
you got me there
let the rape commence
you're right, which is why it will take 2-3 years for it to be announced. until then we will get a power greatsword, and some other stuff, but no sob.
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>here's your penitent battle sister
>when he's the one crafting the space marines
Laughs in Cawl
were you googling "repentia" and mistook "penitent engine" for what they are?
they're under Adepta Sororitas on games-workshop.com
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Just getting back into Darktide, how are people building shotgun psyker?
My first thought was the typical smite+gaze setup, but that leaves you with no long range options. I don't really like Brain Burst, but I might end up going that way. Overall the build feels weird taking both Surety and Warp Splitting, so is high peril just the way to go since shotguns want cleave and it also let's you get +20% damage from Warp Rider?
bro your assail?
what, just chuck cleave-boosted assails to ramp peril instead of gaze or BB?
I think VT2 was also just 2 years after 1
They talk about eldar now too.
I am tired of niggers in my random histg runs
post lobby
i don't think cleave affects assail. But it gives you a long range option for dealing with snipers and bombers out of shotgun range
chaxechads run this general
vetchaxechads you mean
all chaxers are welcome
It does, at least according to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3094028505
every time I get into a discussion about some weapon it turns out the other person plays a different class.
This is not a problem for chaxe because it's good with all three classes.
alright, cool
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No we don't
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>guy who is already struggling picks up a grim
>goes down, I immediately save him
>dies 1 second later
>leaves game
every time
the shame was overwhelming
why do people join damnation histg before level 30?
Why do they call the commissar mom? No way she gave birth to all these guys.
For a challenge
Alternatively they did some serious self gaslighting
maybe heresy was too easy, so they quickplayed into regular damnation, but for some reason Fatshark occasionally have hsitg missions appear in regular damnation

unless it was auric in which case lol + lmao
she has a mommy fetish and ordered them all to play along or be blammed
they probably do quickplay
the standard board has histg on it too, and right now histg smelter complex is on both standard and auric boards so it probably puts both auric and regular damnation quickplays in the same lobbies
Her milk serves as rations and her bestest agent gets to milk her
>several psyker buffs just randomly disappear from the bar, such as how many charges of each keystone you have, or whether or not warp unbound is active

any mods to fix this nonsense?
they want to be carried and level up faster
you vill look at some meaningless passive that is always on unt you vill be happy
pls fatshark one, just one traditionally attractive female face is all I ask
Sorry, not allowed by law to be attracted to women in Sweden so they have no frame of reference
just queued malice and hardcarried some n00bs who did 1/5th my damage, they were seething hard at how much better than them I am
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based, thanks for carrying me
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So Darksissies, how's your Halloween event going?
every day is a nightmare
so, same as usual
there's an event?
it's merely Current Year TM political culture war nonsense. women in media are NOT ALLOWED TO BE conventionally beautiful.

take that most recent example, bridgerton? or whatever the fuck it was? that the vaginas all went insane over recently. the tall, rich, handsome, wonderful man character, supposedly falls in love with and chooses the neurotic, short, fat, evil cunt girl. who is supposed to be the audiences' stand in. and vile bitch who secretly writes awful horrible shit about the people 'in society' behind their backs and puts it out to RUIN them.

THAT is the kind of 'heroic' female character that is now the model to be displayed and encouraged.
I can't believe they had the nerve to email me about an event where the rewards are PLASTEEL and DIAMANTINE
pretty much the entire point of the ordo famuloses. sisters who breed the best humans they can get their cunts on.
what you didn't get it?
get what
have you heard dukane TALK? she has dick-hardening voice. she doesn't even have to order her men to charge a defended position, she just flexes and her HUGE TITS threaten to burst out of her uniform, and suddenly 300 men are screaming and frothing at the mouth accross the field to kill the shit out of the dumbasses stupid enough to defy Mommy Commisar.
>yfw 300 guardsmen with raging erections charge at your position to kill your ass for their female officer
I'm having fun in the halloween mode, seeing Morrow wearing a pumpkin hat really made me smile
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Holy shit the halloween event is such a fucking grind but I guess it's worth it for once the skins are actually god tier wtf Fartshart
how do you beat the event's final boss? 3 wipes in 1 hours
hadron saying "have a spooky time, varlets!" seems really out of character, I hope this ends soon
you guys are never happy for once we have an event
I tried trick-or-treating at Sefoni but she just said something cryptic about dreams and then sent me off
No candy or anything. Miser.
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I don't see the event?
You're supposed to trick her when she does that. You did, right?
is the double barrel shotgun able to kill anything beyond poxies?
I would but I don't think Fatshark thought of that.
could be cool to TP the fishtank though
I've had great success with
>Go stealth zealot
>Strafe for a good angle
>Line up a bunch of ragers if they were coming at me
Run away if there's a lot more but the initial shock should give you some time to crit some more and do it again
Knife for snipers ofc
>daemonhost gives 50 candies when killed
oh shit, just fucking grind daemonhosts and you'll get the skins in like 3 hours max.
no slop this week?
they're getting ready for the event next week
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Surprised Ogryn isn't more "meta" than the other classes. It's kind of ridiculous.
>absolutely insane in melee
>literally can't die
>can build to either ragdoll every heavy elite in the game or to shit down bosses throats in 10 seconds
>does objectives the fastest and can't be interrupted during them
Yet for some reason the people drawn to it are the biggest retards imaginable.
Every 2 weeks.
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>you guys are never happy
it's fucking boring and gunners are more annoying to deal compared to other classes where I just click them and they die
He can't run really fast nor does he have a stealth ability so he doesn't attract high IQ players.
>in europe
Verify files?
Clearly you've not been paying attention the last 10 years or live in some post-Soviet grimhole
try restarting steam, worked for me
>stealths off two rooms ahead of everyone and dies to a crusher patrol
>he got shadowbanned from holiday events
shouldn't have said nigger in chat, I still have my Yuletide Rejects frame from last year
>the skins are actually god tier
oh, i see. the thread is having fun, pretending there is an event
it's a common bug with fatshark, you either have to restart the game, verify files, restart steam or even restart your computer
Eviscerator vs crusher?
They fixed Assail using weapon blessings, right?
Had a Psyker in my match telling someone new to Damnation that Handcannon and Puncture worked with Assail.
I remember them specifically targeting weapons buffing Assail as part of its nerfs.
Eviscerator = power bottom
Crusher = power top
Ooo. Someone actually made a weapon crafting mod for BL2 that lets you selectively combine weapons together instead of just using an out-of-game tool.
there isn't a single situation where eviscerator is better than the crusher
the powercreep has not been kind to it
The actual mod, because I'm an idiot.
You're all a bunch of niggers.
>Current year
It's current year PLUS NINE. The madness needs to end.
Why the fuck should we care about Niggerlands 2?
Are you trying to say that both are gay?
stop saying that word...
Boss killing.
>the powercreep has not been kind to it
Who pissed in your coffee this morning, my nigger?
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I dont drink coffee.. thankfully
roody poo
psyker shield gives toughness regen though and is only limited by cooldown which you can reduce by a lot
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why do they love fellating themselves so much
aren't they usually mocked in these streams?
It's a cool mod, but you need to weigh how much you enjoy farming and the satisfaction of getting a perfect roll against the fun you have just playing the game
it's fun and you can play it coop and there's no dedicated borderlands general
cuck bubble is the shitter shield, use double wall instead
feel like half the new maps have no design thought at all. especially the "elevator" one
love those streams, nobody watch them and they do giveaways I won 2 copy of darktide I gave to my friends they never installed the game
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>que up as zealot
>get matched with 3 vet team
>they skip all the ranged mobs, we're constantly getting las backshots
>wipe to gunner spam
imagine having three mfs who're supposed to do one thing and nobody does it
How about instead of talking about designing levels you actually design some new levels? It's a shame that Swedes are allergic to working because I'd love some new levels.
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POST a fuckin lobby before I piss meself
I unironically love playing with smoke vets, it makes the cancer shooter segments really safe. It's like having ogryn taunt that draws shooters to you, but it's actually working at a range without needing to waste time on blocking
>but you need to weigh how much you enjoy farming and the satisfaction of getting a perfect roll
I genuinely fucking despise having to run something 10,000 times just to get a gun with the stats I want with the sight I want on it. It is the stupidest god-damned thing ever put in a video game. I haven't played 3 yet, but I pray it's better about this.
They worked like this from the start, people just didn't know because they're retarded monkey animals who went
>huh? it doesn't do damage? It doesn't restore toughness? BAD.
without testing the actual effects on AI. The actual effect on AI is literally completely unchanged, it workedl ike this from the start.

This is still the case even, non stop shitters will whine
>it should stun enemies!
>it should restore toughness!
because they don't understand the actual effect the smoke has and think it's useless
And yes, this means I'd prefer PSO-style drop rates where something is 1/12603 if rarity and a sense of accomplishment from beating the odds absolutely needs to be on the table. Nothing is worse than seeing a legendary drop and realizing it's shit because of RNG. "Oh, this gun didn't spawn with this modifier, meaning it deals a quarter of the damage it would otherwise". Absolutely attrocious.
Or here's a compromise. Have gun modding, but then have gun flourishes that are super-rare. So people can obtain the weapon they want, but the try-hards can still run around feeling special because they have a gun that screams out Quake kill lines as they murderize enemies because they devoted 100 hours to farming it.
what's the weakest build (you) bring to auric?
Great, another nothingburger.
sorry i do not value being a special snowflake as much as i value aoe toughness regen
major skill issue
>use double wall instead
If you're gonna use useless crap might as well switch to shriek or gaze.
>Dying to Gunners
>Dying at all when your Vets need you to not die
Zealot-chan... that's embarrassing.
yeah double wall needs more than just having 2 charges to not feel like you're handicapping yourself for no good reason
being retarded on purpose is still being retarded
you being irredeemably bad at the game has nothing to do with the skill
I swear /copeg/ has players so bad they think gunlugger is bad.
3 drops legendaries like candy
Whereas you might get around 5 legendaries or so throughout playing the 2 campaign in 3 you'll have 5 by the time you get to the second or third world
There are also dedicated drops and whatnot, but the world drop rate is through the roof
also there are like 30 gorillion gun parts and it's impossible to keep track of them even with the new inspect menu telling you the stats of each one, it isn't as succinct as bl2's gun parts
I agree, having legendaries be a 1/1trillion and having it's parts be shit would be awful but the majority of legendary drop farms are like 1/10 or something and getting one with a matching grip would be 1/50, etc. etc.
Thinking about it swapping parts is a better solution to 'I just want to play' than using gibbed and spawning things in though

basically just bee yourself
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>speediest mfer in the entire game that can slide and dodge everywhere gets bullied by a bunch of stationary pansies
>what's the dumpstat on my infinite ammo lasweapon?
mobility :)
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>I agree, having legendaries be a 1/1trillion and having it's parts be shit would be awful but the majority of legendary drop farms are like 1/10
What I was saying is that I'd rather legendaries be super-rare if the alternative is being forced to endure seeing glints of orange only to have your dreams smashed by mediocrity.
>3 drops legendaries like candy
It isn't about the legendaries dropping. It's that I need to farm a new gun just because one spawns with a scope or a crit damage mod. It's dumb. You should at least be able to take 2 of them and part swap into a more ideal build for your desired dream weapon.
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>84k auric maelstrom
>be the guy who constantly has to kill shit coming from behind because we have epic speedrunners on the team so flanks are not cleared and nobody ever pays attention to scary noises coming from the back
>go first once
>team rushes ahead to "help" and desperately tries to protect me from those pesky poxwalkers by shooting through me
>billion trillion elites and specials from flanks and back rape everyone
if I was there I would've said "THY DOOM COMES" and chaxed those gunners some questions
Daily reminder that there are no roles in this game like an MMO, the game is designed for every class to be able to handle every situation because you can have repeat classes.
Though, that second thing would require the weapon to be obtainable. Which they often aren't, because unique quest rewards are unique. So you'd probably want to do "of a type" for your crafting. And practically, only the core unique elements of the weapon are the rare thing.
Anyhow, this is conjectural and I doubt Gearbox would ever do it, because making the game more fun to play would be a direct challenge to the no-lifers who have dumped ten thousand hours into Borderlands hunting god-rolls. And they'd make a hundred Youtube videos screaming about how it's an abject insult to the player base. And then Gearbox would cave and backpedal instead of realizing that those people are fucking idiots.
You're just slow as fuck and can't deal with a couple of poxwalkers. Stay in malice.
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It's nobody else's fault if you die, you whiny bitch. Assess what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes.
Is it a local schizo going around replying "ure bad" to half of the posts? Any lore on him? Is he a thirdworlder who can't afford his meds?
>t. replies
never be said again that /coopg/ isn't full of niggers speedrunning ahead like they stole a tv
Fuck you guys. You are losers and have no bitches.
enjoy waiting at the elevator while I waddle my way through the level
We have you, though.
Tranny weeb.
>play zealot
>other people are supposed to be killing gunners, not me
>he said, as the best class for diving on gunners and keeping all ranged mobs tied in melee 24/7
i admit it's my fault when i die because usually it's because i relax and expect shitters like you to pull your weight and kill at least 10% of the mobs and when you expectedly don't and die to some random shit my apm isn't where it should be to solo 90% of the map

step it up and try to be a bit more carryable you worthless nigger
be nice to our new members
>i admit it's my fault when i die
Cool, all you had to say. No one really cares about the rest of this essay trying to protect your fragile ego that you don't have the skills to back up.
when i see comments like this i sometimes wish i played on malice where all bad shooties are always conveniently grouped up together in places where you can reach them
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>teammate gets downed
>I pick them up
>I get downed
This episode again.
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wow I feel personally attacked
wp anon
if only you were playing a class that took 0 ranged damage while sliding and also when moving at mach speed using some kind of...charge combat ability...hmmm....yeah shame...
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>vet clicks on shooter's head from afar and it's done
>zealot is supposed to walk all the way up to shooters to melee them
>zealot is somehow preferable in this situation
stay THE FUCK OFF my aurics
/copeg/ is full of I-E-F storm survivors that think they are hot shit now hence snarky replies
Excellent bait, sir.
>thinks zealot has trouble chasing down ranged mobs
>thinks he's qualified to gatekeep aurics
i am carrying shitters like you on a daily basis and it would be cool if you worked on your skill instead of larping as a good player on 4chan of all places.
You're walking that way regardless, all these maps are straight lines forward.
>coopg thinks zealot has trouble with ranged enemies
You guys cannot be serious right now. This is catastrophic shitter levels of self reporting right now.
haven't played zealot since the old talent system
whatever happened to the "lower health = faster attacks" thing?
I recall having fun with gunzealot because it also made you shoot faster
lol if you say so bud
Zealotbro, you made us look bad with this post. Do better next time.
Also, we all know Vets are garbage.
>play zealot
>hold shift and press ctrl, repeat this and chain
>dive 50 gunners
Damn, it's just that easy
>There's 50 more gunners behind them, dive those too
>Oh god there's more gunners
wound zealot is still a thing and still crazy powerful
not true, every map has at least two different ways you can go through at any given time
>Taunt would be cool if it forced ranged mobs into melee
It does, you fucking retard. I use it to wipe gunner and shotgun patrols all the time.
glad you admitted being a shitter after all. it's the first step towards getting actually good.
what were you even doing when those gunners kill you that was more important than walking up to them
>he's died to any enemy that I will now pretend he fought in isolation
Holy casual stay in
>looks up the name of lowest difficulty
Stay in sedition looser.
that's the bottom mid keystone node in the tree
Nah being confident in yourself so you don't plan on relying on others does more for gitting gud actually
don't you have a war to be dying in
if i wanted to "carry" something solo i would play a single player game that is usually balanced around being a single player game

i do not find joy in carrying a bunch of overconfident shitters like you so i will not tolerate bad players like you not pulling their weight
>have scriptures and grimoires weekly

>get retard 'humans' who can't survive more than 2 seconds. or zoom zoom themselves into every fucking thing on the map they then run back to us being chased by

>try dropping to sedition just to do it with bots... only to find out bots are... not even v2 tier and cannot be told to actually do anything at all.

what the hell? how is darktide, which came out years and years after vermintide 2 (and 1 for that matter) have bots MISSING all the botliness of v2?
I honestly don't think you genuinely believe anything I've said implies I'm worse at the game than you. You trying to shove that in in every post where it doesn't really follow just comes off as you being spiteful and trying to hurt me because you are hurt.
Just gonna leave your brown ESL ass with this: you're not carrying if you need to be saved even once.
Please understand, they only just got the crafting system into a non-terrible state
Bots coming soon. Private solo games coming soon. Earnable aquilas coming soon. Mod support for VT1 and dedicated servers for VT2 coming soon.
um , bros?
It's funny how you first try to make an accent on "umm i didn't actually say that" and then proceed to write a fanfic because in reality you can't deal with your insecurity despite trying very hard to boost your self-esteem by shitting on people on 4chan of all places, for being bad at videogames of all things. It's ironic that someone who behaves like this calls someone else brown.

>Take one of the alternate paths or hallways to the Gunners so you have cover
>Reach them because you run at fucking mach 5

Fake fanatic
>the "no u" defense
uh oh
>The mod finally becomes useful. Teammates are pouring into the lobby slowly. You suddenly see a red flame icon next to the new player. You rated them negative because of their past actions. Another round with them? No way. Time to leave the lobby.
lol what
why wouldn't you just block the guy so you don't get in lobbies with him
>u did this, it's bad
>please don't pay attention me doing the same thing though
I accept your concession.
Only picking up anyone with green community social credit score from now on.
>le overwatch good boy meter but for darktide
>why wouldn't you just block the guy so you don't get in lobbies with him
Is this how it works? Fuck I've missed so many chances.
1. pretty sure it doesn't work
2. there's a limit to how many people you can block

the block list is full.
>1. pretty sure it doesn't work
it does, I once cucked a guy who kept leaving and rejoining whenever he went down by blocking him so he couldn't come back after leaving.
This cutie is fat now isn't she, just like bonbi
did he personally confirm it?
are you sure he didn't just stop trying?
smigging is so fucking unfun holy shit
looks like i can't have more than 25 000 000 dockets. oh well
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Today I will play psyker lets see what teammates quickplay gives me
>psyker psyker psyker
>psyker ogryn psyker
It feels like the kind of build that works good enough when you're drunk or high, but actually using smite on regular basis seems like a sleep inducing gameplay
yeah I was the Ogryn carrying you, you sucked
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EU auric night squads
get in
>more ways for whiny spergs to tilt themselves before the game even starts
they never stop doompilling themselves
what do you mean you're "pretty sure"
someone joining your lobby even though they're blocked would be definitive proof and the only reason to doubt it
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I know you lurk here you faggot
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>call fatshart greedy swedish kikes in this general
>this shows up in my youtube feed even though there's not really any reason for a 7 views video for a game I don't play to be suggested to me
The algorithm reads my 4chan posts, you can't prove me wrong.
Your ISP is. Is this news to you?
Which chainaxe, rejects?
"Do you dump warp resistance or quell speed" longest debate in /coopg/ history
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>Check NexMods to see what's new
>auto loot
>auto tag
>auto complete minigames
>social credit system to tag good and bad players
what in the fuck. Nice "community".
that would be illegal schizo
They don't care.
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More plasma guns?
Guys I think we're getting a train mission.
I did the blocking thing long ago and haven't been paying attention to it lately, that is the impression I have left because I think someone who was blocked did join one of my games

Alternatively I might be confusing this with VT2, but either here or there blocking didn't do anything

>and the only reason to doubt it
Main reasons to doubt this are:
1. Blocking someone does not always imply that you won't get put into the same match as them (it should though I agree) - i am talking about various steam games, not just darktide; most games don't do that
2. Swedes
Why does space marine get a map after 6 weeks already and we wait 6 months, oh and stronk womyn commissar, the fuck is this shit?
vt2 doesn't have a block feature, the closest is blocking someone on steam and that doesn't stop people from joining games. Darktide's block explicitly says you won't be put in the same lobby as people you block.
Darktide got the first new map less than 3 weeks after release
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>all the helldiver toddlers complaining about the broken shit getting nerfed in piss marines

Great, from now on we wont be able to ever get a challenging coop game again because those dumb zoomers got mindbroken by the HD2 devs being retarded and now every game needs autopilot broken weapons like the dueling sword because """"""It's fun""""""
Big if true, many thanks, time to fill my blocklist
bro i just wanna toke up and run through missions xD and no i wont play malice thats for babies bro i want them to turn auric damnation into malice ok
for fucks sake. for fucks sake.
This is funny to me because HD2 was actively driving people away with its nerfs and it was so bad they did an AMA on Reddit to try and get them back
But no, surely you -random guy on 4chan- know best on how things should be.
not him but you're acting awfully condescending for someone who didn't actually understand his post
Did the meltrannies finally get the rope?
he's talking about challenge
you're talking about game's popularity and also being a disingenuous piece of shit because people got driven away by snoy jew tricks, not by some nerfs

challenging games are not popular even if they have easy difficulties because zoomers feel insecure if they can't play on hardest difficulty with ease
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>open emote wheel
>fps freeze
>open chat
>fps freeze
when every single studio's approach to balance is
>oh hey, the equip rate on this is 80%, guess we better kneecap it until it's completely unusable
>oh hey, this one top youtuber is recommending this build because it is "OP" as he says in his title, we better rein that kit in a bit
yeah, I'd prefer they try to make things fun rather than ever try making a "challenging" coop pve game, 100%
loading the texture, please wait
Fine, be retarded if you want it.
Don't tell me this is hinting at the train mission they released like 2 weeks ago
>register in some third party crap
Nah, I'm good
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>read the patchnotes to see these horrible nerfs
>the ammo boxes aren't an infinite pool of ammo anymore.
>meltas had their boss damage reduced (IMO the melta should have been redesigned into something utterly worthless vs hordes but godlike vs boss targets. This is hardly even a nerf. You aren't even guranteed to see a terminus target on ruthless during a run).
>the SSSS+ tier fencing parry window got dialed back a bit.
If anyone actually takes offense to these "nerfs" then the are a gaming journalist.

Melee attacks also saw significant damage increases. But I guess that's not good enough for the meltrannies since they can't melee and would just cower next to the ammo boxes while spamming their meltas.
Wait a minute, they didn't even nerf the melta guns. They nerfed the melta bomb. So the crutch wasn't even fucking touched.
If I lie to you will it make you feel better?
It's just retard outrage. It's an unfortunate fact that our culture since the advent of social media and especially twitter has been dominated by retard outrage. This applies to a vast amount of dumb shit happening the past years, it's always attributable to retard outrage
>They nerfed the melta bomb.
why... it barely had any use anyway
they added triple extremis spawns and didn't want people to enjoy themselves
Niggas really copied coherency from darktide and didnt even add a bonus if you are the last man standing

you aren't supposed to be rewarded for that
This bread is undercooked. What a travesty.
The one thing they're supposed to do is spam VoC. The rest is on you retards.
>Loner penance finally complete

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