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Bad Ending Edition

Previously on /coopg/: >>498638282

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Vermintide, Darktide, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers ect.

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Hotfix #48 (1.5.1) Patch Notes

Vermintide 2:
Lore Post: Skaven Chronicles part 1

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
rats will pay for this
quick play is so bad lately
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thread ruined, make a new one
advertising your youtube channel isn't allowed on 4chan.org :/
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We've been at it for 2 years do you think we're going to win, lads? Is Tertium finished?
if it's the veteran's fault when the zealot dies to shooters
then it's the zealot's fault when the veteran dies to bruisers
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Both cases are the psyker's fault.
That's the ogryn's fault. His job is to stand behind the vet where he can't block shots and keep poxies off him.
>ratfags trying to ruing yet another general
Wasn't destroying /twg/ enough for you spergs?

I'd be so fucking happy if blades of faith could deal team damage. Just imagine being able to quickly 180 and pop a psyker's head from across the map while he's doing some stupid shit.
when are you going home tourist

team work. that's the problem with all coop games. they require a player base at bare minimum, who are at least not retarded enough to look the fuck around and establish some basic situational awareness.

unfortunately, coop game seem attract the worst kinds of zoomzoom tunnel vision retard shitters who cannot play team games as a team. for the fucking life of them.
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/coopg/ was created by ratfags you fucking tourist.
Then why don't you go back?
How to helbore?
Darktide is unironically the most non-coop "coop game" I have ever played. There is literally nothing in this entire game that requires cooperation. It's soloable, and not just "technically soloable", you can play missions completely alone with MMT and have a decent winrate if you're good.
stab until the game bugs out and you do 1 million stabs in the same frame
Do melee perks apply to stab?
Also does the helbore get any extra crit chance like the knife?
>1 million stabs in the same frame
But about the other enemies that would have surrounded me by then?
Feed all freaks to the abyss.
Zealot should never die. If you lose, it's their fault.
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From rat to rot. And back again.
I do team work by running ahead and killing everything before it can kill my teammates that would lose 1v1 to a rager so that they will still be alive to save me when I get netted through a wall
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>'eretics turnin' off da coolant again
>for da four hundred and fifty toof toim
>sefoni keeps talkin' 'bout other people joinin' da wah, but I ain't seen 'em
>we's makin' moebean steel now, but I ain't seen none
>zola ain't bothered to chase after the twins in a year since she made such a fuss of it
tertium's a really slow, boring war by all accounts
gonna try recon for the first time
vet or psyker?
kill yourself
all wars are slow and boring.
vet, gun psyker is not good
psyker, gun vet is not good
the entirety of the rest of the 40k series would beg to differ
Ogryn, vet and psyker dont block sightlined
That's why it's the greatest game ever made and everyone in here loves it so much and fartshark is the best developers ever.
you mean the entirely slow and boring war where the only snippets of action are personal stories that don't effect the larger outcome
>b-b-but X finally happened and did Y
okay, and the perpetual war chugs along
>look at thumbnail
>fury of the faithful in B tier
lmao retard
>Weapon spec below D
And are those Immos in the one below D tier as well? I hope this dude's joking, but I'm not gonna click to find out. I'm sure there's even more retarded shit in that list, but I'm too lazy to look further.
the gulf war lasted 7 months
titus was on graia for like all of a day and he turned the entire war around, awoke a titan, killed a daemon prince, split a warp artifact into pieces with his bare hands

the coop squad in space marine 2 kill a hive tyrant and it ends an entire tyranid invasion of a planet
>starship troopers official launch
>4 cosmetic dlc packs
>new planet locked behind guilds
>guilds cap at 30 players
>no double exp
fucking canadians, game will be dead in a month even with the console faggots
The way female Judge crises for help when her HP is low makes my penis tingle
It's weird. It feels like the war has been at this point where something really good or really bad is about to happen for half a year. The traitors surely must have a plan to deal with all the mourningstar strike teams that keep shitting up their stuff.
fire grenades are shit tier desu
Okay, Tanner
Bulwark hands typed this post.
why is he so angry and aggressive? Felt like he was going to have a heart attack while talking
that's your argument? you think they are good against bulwarks?

jesus christ...
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Edf games even practical to play solo on normal difficulty? I create lobbies but no one joins.
Ok, bulwark. I can stop you.
He's doing the "being overtly gay and bratty for gay attention" shtick. Nikocado Avocado is also doing that. Funnily enough Tanner is fatter than Nikocado now so maybe he should just do feeding
Yes you can solo the game offline well enough
Last I played I still had japs joining, maybe you should try hopping in any lobby you can find with low level players
>grenade capable of significantly helping against mixed hordes by rapidly killing chaff, weak elites, and softening up other targets
>even capable of killing like 95% of the enemies in the game in one throw under ideal conditions
>shit tier
Made me chuckle. There's no way that thumbnail isn't bait
Strange. On the contrary I’m also playing EDF 2025 on Xbox and always have people join my lobby
started playing darktide right after the itemization "unlocked and loaded" update and i'm having so much fun
darktide bros i played a ton before the new updates and i am coming back for a bit after just a little bit more space marine. question: i used to primarily play trauma staff psyker and at the time, soulblaze trauma was mostly just a meme being pushed by that dumb shit tanner and rending shockwave was generally better. trauma now appears to be void blast staff, and it looks like quite a bit more support was added for crit soulblaze build. which is superior currently?
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The biggest issue is that Starship Troopers will always be second fiddle to Squad and rightly so given player numbers
It likely won't ever get the same attention or content
I just want my double exp for mastery
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>martyrdom D

not watching that shit
Is this guy really good at this game or he's talking shit?
what a retard
>installs dozens of cheat mods
>still get carried
you decide
lmao literally cheating and still sucks
Gameplay at the start. Considering that the best players in auric maelstrom fold to 1 rager this isn't bad.
ANOTHER cheat mod just dropped
trappers now constantly emit laughter so you can always pinpoint their exact location, it's totally just for fun though
What is this fucking UI? That's ugly as fuck. Please tell me it's a satirical clip he made.
>needs a fucking table to display specialists in addition to the radial indicator
I refuse to accept there are unironically people like this who aren't deaf or borderline deaf.
The more garbage on the screen, the more chatter over comms, the more likely they're shit at the game.
And of course, if they're a streamer that should be your first tell, there are no skilled streamers.
>pings when a dog gets him
If the rest of the party lacks the situational awareness to know when a team mate is netted or pounced pinging won't really help the situation
Why do people put all this info on their HUD?
to cheat
Nostalgia for Goldeneye 64.
>came back to darktide for the update
>was running a fire staff and force sword psyker
>redo my talent tree
>stagger with left click, DoT for days, DoT spread, gain toughness on warp kill, specials spread more DoT and give toughness
everything went better than expected, now I need to level the weapons up so I can switch blessings and such. i currently have flak damage on my fire staff, what is a second good perk? maniac, carapace, crit to spread more DoT?
For the penance Focus Soldier! do I myself have to kill the targets or it doesn't matter?
Also how the hell am I supposed to do On Overwatch?
>Focus Soldier - Kill 500 enemies marked by Focus Target.
What do you think, retard?
Probably unarmored.
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>me unga
>team bunga
>unga betetr than bunga
>team crumped
>I unga team
stay out of my aurochs
so why the fuck can i not just melt a weapon down and steal it's level iv perks anymore fatshart?
On Overwatch is one of the easiest penances. Stack Toughness, Stamina Regen, and Ability Cooldowm Curios and take the Talent that gives reduced cooldown on Specialist kill. Spam Voice of Command.
I need context for this image.
I want Trapper's laugh for my ring tone.

>dwarf had his hair and beard shaved
>making him look at his freshly shorn scrotum body in a mirror
can you post your martyrdom build? i take 2 wound curios and 1 health? i still feel like im dying too quick, so i took the 4 talents at the top left instead of thy wrath will be swift. any advice?
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Its a good update.
Related to that, Why do I have picrel, when I have every perk unlocked for this weapon?
The 4 blessing points specifically.
Its lighting up like its new and I can't get rid of it.
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NTA, but this is mine for non-Eviscerator weapons.
Sw*de code no doubt. Perhaps there was meant to be another blessing that they forgot to implement, or they simply gave it too many points.
The team took Bardin instead of Kerillian so they wiped, this is the result.
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Heck of a Maelstrom, huh, vet-kun? Do I wanna go again? Heck yeah....
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Wait a minute...you're some kind of eldar impostor.
It kept adding elf ears randomly so I let them stay
Elf ears are cute.
this is fucking disgusting what kind of subhuman needs or wants these mods
>All those mods to let him cheat
>Still gets fucked by the dog
Hes not playing the game. The game is playing him.
>I-II-VEG finally shows up
>suddenly everyone is sub level 50
why the fuck does this always happen
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what in the fucking hoxhud
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i started playing deep rock a few weeks ago and i have run out of assingment, what do i do?
also how do i level quicker to get promoted?
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Wait a fucking second doesn't this make full bore totally fucking garbage?
any darktiders wanna post a lobby, save me from this terrible movie stream I'm watching
You use it on the agripussy with the rifled round
Ah, yea, that makes sense. What should I replace it with? I'm using the incendiary mark.
Fire shotgun wants Scattershot/Man-Stopper to maximize its penetration for the flame shot or FullBore/No Respite to maximize its ADS single target removal power
what should I put other than surgical on my bolt pistol? Gloryhunter and executioner look good. deadly accurate reads like its good but its probably fuggen bugged.
what movie u watchin
The Man Who Laughs, it's about living in society
damn nigga I didn't even know movies existed back then
they didn't, it's not a movie it's a frame-by-frame recreation of my life
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do the edf mission packs work online with creamapi?
haven't played it in a while but i believe there's not much you can do aside from just playing on higher difficulty & longer missions & do optional objectives
Be on the lookout for double exp missions. That's about it.
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>kraks bad because you can waste three frags and two mags to do the same thing
>if it were possible you should use your gun all of the time, melees are all worse
>still thinks base and finesse damage boosts affect total damage
He gets more retarded with each video
The tranny's right on that though, momentum is better. Broken clock and all. Fuck wound curios.
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To be fair, many specials in auric just don't make noise until they've already attacked you, it's not an issue of "hearing better" when the game's audio is bugged. But the mods he uses are too fucking cheaty and over the line.
>play with 3 knife zealots
>it's suffering
Don't know what I expected. Especially if they don't know enough to get the memo the knife's been dethroned.
what is the dump stat on a thunder hammer? defence?
that or crowd control. sometimes defences means movespeed for some reason
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>He thinks Inexorable Judgement is the best Zealot keystone by far
>when it gives you... 15% damage and 15% attack speed.... only AFTER hitting something.... for a window of a whopping 6 whole seconds... and only after moving around a bunch (half of that is just Faithful Frenzy, a regular node)
>and it also replenishes... 30% of your toughness when you proc it, wow
>he says this breaks the game
>compared to a flat +25% crit chance that is up nearly all the time in combat and is for all weapons you have, even the damn throwing knives, in a game where crits are busted, Zealot's best melee weapons abuse crits like no other, and Zealot also has a bunch of broken nodes that abuse crits
>OR compared to +48% damage, +24% attack speed, and 39% toughness damage reduction that is up ALWAYS, assuming you can play well enough
what is this fat tranny smoking? and his friend is the biggest dicksucker, he is just agreeing with everything he says and has no opinions of his own. It's like they live in some fucking echo chamber bizarro world together talking about how nice their farts smell.
tranner has autism about taking damage on purpose or something. like it matters for fucking zealot.
just play badly (get dogged despite all your cheat mods)
>only AFTER hitting something.... for a window of a whopping 6 whole seconds... and only after moving around a bunch
In any auric fight you're always at max stacks if you dodge at all, it's practically permanently on, the 20% CDR on backstab node you should always get is right behind it. More importantly it can go on any weapon. You don't need any other investment than three talent points.
Compare that to martyrdom where it has a massive opportunity cost on not taking any other type of curio than wounds while halving health stim healing and requiring you to play at low HP if you want any use out of it. The toughness damage reduction only stacks multiplicatively, it's not very good.
The health bar mod alone tells me he's a massive shitter.
First Target

>dumping attack speed
>throwing knives are broken overpowered and need to be nerfed
Is this faggot serious? They're strong, yea, but they're also inconsistent as fuck.
Maybe we didn't bully Tranner enough, making him cry once didn't teach him anything
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man I wish he didn't delete that video it was the topest of keks
best blessings for trauma/voidblast staff?
Mc Flurry and renting showave
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confirmed that soulblaze trauma meme is inferior, thanks anon.
trauma blaze works sometime but yeah, it's just a meme. Rending trauma is more consistent and actually useful
Tranner said soulblaze trauma was best so it's safe to say rending is the way to go
I actually like the numeric UI almost entirely because I can tell who actually needs ammo but shoving a bunch of random bullshit all over the middle of your HUD with the increased fov and all the other bullshit is just pathetic.
It barely provides any more info than what's already there. I'd argue that numeric UI should be how it is by default.
Keep telling yourself that :)
this is my exact recollection of the situation before the recent update. good old rending trauma + toothpick carried myself and many teams through aurics.
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Modern gamers....
IIRC some mission types are easier to speedrun and complete.
lol no it is not. You get 3 stacks on a dodge, so you need to dodge 5 attacks from enemies before you get a single fucking proc. Sure, during a horde, that won't be much of an issue. But any sort of other threat, you're standing there like a retard dodging 5 times before you get your miniscule damage buffs... one time. Why the fuck do that when BP just requires fodder to die in your vicinity, then you can just kill everything with your 25% crit chance increase instead of standing there like a retard?
>the 20% CDR on backstab node you should always get
OR... you could take Invocation of Death which is better and currently busted as fuck and not have to put in work to even reap its benefits.
>More importantly it can go on any weapon
BP and Martyrdom can too.
>Compare that to martyrdom where it has a massive opportunity cost on not taking any other type of curio than wounds while halving health stim healing and requiring you to play at low HP if you want any use out of it.
Read Martyrdom's nodes and see what those wounds give you. Do you realize how high a 50% increase in ALL your damage is? Do you really think 40 hp from a curios is worth that? No, it's not.
>stim healing
You shouldn't be healing with stations or stims as Martyrdom Zealot. That's actually a benefit, give them all to your teammates.
>requiring you to play at low HP
That's the point. Martyr is a high risk high reward playstyle. You have to be very good to pull it off, but if you can, you're a monster. I have seen Zealots use it properly and nothing gets close to their damage on the team, not even the Psykers. Now with Dueling Sword, you can just decimate entire missions as long as you don't make mistakes outside of Until Death (your safety net).
>The toughness damage reduction only stacks multiplicatively
How many times will I see multiplicative = bad? It's not additive because that would be completely busted. Multiplicative doesn't mean it's suddenly useless, however.
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good enough to invest in?
damn did I write this post? I don't remember it
>raw critical headshot with a max damage bolt pistol can't kill a gunner
thank you game very cool, love this HP bloated enemy we have to deal with in sets of 10 every maelstrom
shoot him again then retard
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nigga please. I've settled on bleed stacks instead of staggered damage bonus. solves my problem with gunners not dying to crit headshots and helps the pistol deal with muties and ragers better which dont stagger anyway
I've started using the random weapon shrines for Sienna in chaos wastes. It's basically just the crowbill that I don't care for much.
Titus is a space marine, he’s also a former Captain with centuries upon centuries of experience. Literally top 1% of his chapter.

It’s also a video game where they cut out the boring parts. Wars in 40k last decades, they just cut out the boring parts cause it’s mostly trench meat grinders and takes place over entire star systems on multiple planets. Space marines are hardly deployed and they’re myth in some parts of the galaxy. 99% of battles between humans and chaos/aliens are planetary defense forces and militia vs rebels or invaders.

Games workshop said before that space marines are OP in the actual lore, and they’re tuned down a lot for the sake of the tabletop game. I’m sure if space marines could be spared for tertium then they’d make short work of the cultists mobs, granted there are many lore inconsistencies with Darktide but a space marine would trivialize. Also it’s a fucking video game so we need to suspend our disbelief.
There must be a mirror or rip somewhere anons, please!!

Play a different game, wait for seasonal events, or level up your miners to level 25 in order to unlock promotional assignments for them.

You can also just play the game without assignments for the fun of it.
>get netted once 5 feet away from the team
>game lost
my team's perspective
>this dumbass got caught and we all died because of him

my perspective
>everything implodes the moment i slip and stop dealing with threats for 10 seconds because nobody else will
Only vaguely related but your post made me realize that I would love to have intricate statistics in this game. Like a personal, per character statistics page that shows you things like
>winrate by weapon
>amount of times you die per average
>amount of times you die per average in failed missions
>amount of times you die per average in successful missions
>amount of times your teammates died on average on losses/wins
etc. Basically just a big ol statistics page to study. It would be fun to see what statistics are actually impactful when it comes to losses and wins
Its fine, it wont necessarily be garbage, but it would be better to have 80 in Damage, Ammo, and Stopping Power.
You don't need a 61% in one dump stat, but less than 80 in Mobility and Stability would be better.
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got it
>been over a month and the still haven't hot fixed Purging Flames
>maulers take less head damage than body damage
armor types
Their head is Carapace armor and their body is Flak armor. Go into the Psykanium once in awhile
They have fancier armor for their head, carapace armor.
because it's their most important body part and they want to protect it the most.
>The fuck? Why can't I penetrate melee scabs with my ranged weapon!? That armor is just for show right!?

On that note of anon being retarded, has anyone found a ranged weapon that penetrates Melee Scabs to damage multiple enemies?
I swear I've seen some that go through ranged scabs, but nothing for their Melee Mob
bros I....I'm bad at vermintide. I died like 5 times in my last match. I got zero green circles on the scoreboard. I thought I was finally ready for the hardest difficulty but apparently not. We won but I definitely wasn't doing well.

I follow advice people post here about general stuff so I guess it's an issue of practice. Sometimes I'll randomly lose like 1/3rd of my hp bar for no reason because I just miss an enemy in a crowd or whatever dumb mistake.

Also I feel like darktide is easier than vermintide. Am I crazy or is that a thing? Visual clarity maybe? I rarely get surprised by specials hiding in a crowd in darktide, but in vermintide I eat shit from the axe guys who blend in with raiders all the time.
>The toughness damage reduction only stacks multiplicatively
It actually stacks additively with the other toughness damage reduction nodes, but multiplicatively with other toughness damage reduction buffs. And to my knowledge, this is how all of them work.
Rebind dodge only to space and jump to something else.
Dodging is more important that anything and once you get the theme down you should rarely get hit ever. This also fixes the issue of jumping when you mean to dodge, and you only need to jump in V2 if you're getting a tome or grim.
>a wound ogryn and wound psyker in my quickplay lobby.
>the coop squad in space marine 2 kill a hive tyrant and it ends an entire tyranid invasion of a planet
The nid invasion wasn't stopped. Neither by killing the hive tyrant or even within the events of the campaign.

The plot was that Aurora was to be used to stop the invasion and the thousand sons. Titus didn't trust the Aurora weapon and wanted to send a message to Calgar to call for more conventional aid since he was expecting Aurora to cause even more problems. If killing a mere hive tyrant was enough to stop the whole damn invasion, then the tyrant would have been a primary objective for the Ultramarines and not a sidequest that they dedicated half a squad to so that Titus could send out his little plan B message to Calgar.

Killing the hive tyrant did nothing except disrupt the cohesion of the Tyranid forces in the immediate vicinity of the Astropath facility. Then the Thousand Sons made their move to capture Aurora and the Ultramarines abandoned the defense against the Tyranid invasion entirely in favor of defending the far more significant strategic weapon.

At the end of the campaign there was STILL an unresolved Tyranid invasion fucking over the system. But with the Aurora project destroyed, the conflict was no longer something of significance to the Imperium as a whole.
The Psyker might be using that skill that lets you explode and take a wound instead of going down.
Its fucking stupid and the suicide bomb rarely accomplishes anything, but that might be the reason.
Or they are retarded, which is probably more likely.
>and the suicide bomb rarely accomplishes anything
It accomplishes one of the dumbest penances in the game.
I take it because one time I overloaded on accident during the final event and nearly caused a wipe.
I'd rather take a talent than waste 20 minutes of everyones time.
>stealth zealots sprint ahead, dont kill any threats, and we get chased by 20 specials for the whole game until they catch up and kill everyone
what loveless upbringing compels someone to play like this?
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Not as good as /coopg/'s favorite vtuber.
I die less than my allies therefore I must be good at game!
Oh yeah I forgot about that one, its been a while. Even then you only need to intentionally do it once to blow up a shot gunner on sedition then simply stop being a shitter.

>one of the dumbest penances in the game
Thats a high bar, because theres some absolutely insane penances, especially at release. I remember wanting to tear my hair out over that "Push 25 enemys off a ledge" in a game with no fucking ledges. Thats not even saying anything about "Deal 80% of the monster's health damage by yourself" or "Don't take any melee hits in our broken game, where enemies will literally spawn in your asshole"
If one player getting downed is enough to cause a wipe then you'd likely wipe anyway just because of AI director's sudden burst of faggotry.
We didnt wipe though.
I learned that all it takes is one fuck up to ruin a perfect run. And Im not going to wipe us because I misjudged a trauma staff cast
>Number goes from white to orange to red to signify danger as it goes up
>Number causes loud screeching to get louder as it goes up
>Number is coded to stop at 100% when you fuck up no matter how strong the attack
>Number will cause explosion only after the loud screeching of peril fills your ears and you decide to keep firing autism explosions
Glad fatshit gave you a crutch
>Games workshop said before that space marines are OP in the actual lore, and they’re tuned down a lot for the sake of the tabletop game. I’m sure if space marines could be spared for tertium then they’d make short work of the cultists mobs, granted there are many lore inconsistencies with Darktide but a space marine would trivialize.
Marines are OP but they're too few in numbers to matter on even a planetary scale. They'd run into problems akin to what the US Army runs into trying to fight counterinsurgency battles. It doesn't matter if you win every fight and the enemy can't meaningfully attack your bases if you're just too outnumbered to even engage all of the enemy forces, and your enemies are intermixed with allies in the population centers. Where the marines excel is winning important battles. Deep striking onto enemy HQ's and killing VIPs, or taking other such strategically significant targets. They act as a significant force multiplier but they're still pretty useless without the presence of the Guard and PDF to do all of the heavy lifting in the campaign as a whole.

Even with Space Marines being OP, daemonic threats like Daemonhosts or Beasts of Nurgle are still well above the paygrade of your average run of the mill squad of Space Marines.
>so you need to dodge 5 attacks from enemies before you get a single fucking proc
Nigger it doesn't have an internal cooldown or limit nor should you be trying to delay anything to have full stacks. It's also not minuscule considering attack speed is hard to come by and the damage DOES apply to everything unlike shitdom. Blazing Piety is good, but if you're not going hard on crit already it's the worse keystone.
>Invocation of Death which is better
Yeah okay you're just being a retard here. They're both good but if I had to pick one it would be backstab CDR because it doesn't rely on critting and is extremely easy to proc, and more importantly doesn't mandate taking BP on weapons with no crit bonus.
>Do you realize how high a 50% increase in ALL your damage is? Do you really think 40 hp from a curios is worth that?
It's only melee damage, retard, and that 48% is only when you're below your last wound which is sub 30 HP. You can't take a single fucking hit on auric before either going down or triggering until death which bumps you back up to 50 HP and over 1 wound, going back to only 40% melee damage which is where you'll be for most of a shitdom game. Also, sustained assault exists and that's 25% damage already. The difference between 140% with momentum and 165% with shitdom is not enough to justify woundshittering, and it gets even WORSE when you bring in weapons with headtaker/slaughterer which makes the damage difference even less numerically.
>Multiplicative doesn't mean it's suddenly useless
Benediction 15%, 4x5% toughness DR nodes for a 20% total. That's a 32% reduction a tknives shroudfield build will have unconditionally.
6 stacks of shitdom and the aforementioned will net you only 59% toughness DR, which won't save you from triggering until death if you take two hits in a row. Except it gets worse because no one uses martyrdom with naturally high crit weapons like knife or tacaxe, so you could potentially bring Enduring Faith and match it.
love the feeling when you're cleaving away at endless chaff and you start to get a little too into it. better when playing as zealot
real gamers got that with plasma gun
Not any of the anons in this discussion, but that's still giving too much credit to the space marines.
On the higher end, there's only a few million Astartes in the galaxy, said galaxy is fucking huge and constantly at war even before Chaos tore it in half. The Astartes were never a plan until the Primarchs were cradle robbed by chaos, and the emperor planned to have minor warp gods turned physical demigods efficiently command the untold billions of humans throughout the galaxy.
>Interlude: No I don't want to hear about his primarch sons and their "gene sons" of the astartes, he quite literally compared the primarchs to both tools and pinoccio in the books.
Once the Great Crusade got going, he just kept rolling with the Astartes as a incredibly effective shock troop to support the imperial army. Teleporting or deep striking bio engineered supersoliders to instill terror while striking key targets was their main and most effective purpose, both during the time of the legions and when their numbers were culled after the heresy.
There was never a plan for space marines to be a full standing army large enough to conquer the galaxy at any point, and at every point in their history existed as a short term and quick fix to a solution, much like pic related
I turned down the peril screech because it was annoying.
>Glad fatshit gave you a crutch
Call it whatever you want. Im clearing Auric Maelstroms. Youre on the floor in the position wiping in Malice :)
Yes, knowing teammates' ammo counts is better than the vague white-orange system. His UI is terrible though, and having healthbars for anything besides creature spawner in the meat grinder is big gay.
>I'm getting carried by other players after I nearly caused a wipe without wasting a talent point :)
You do you
I was not aware of this, but even then, it only takes you to 67% DR at 6 martyrdom stacks, which is STILL not enough to save you from two or three hits in a row at such low health like 30 HP. At that point, you're not tanky, you're simply relying on until death which has a two minute cooldown and lowers your stacks after its invulnerability.
Anyone arguing you should take three wound curios and play at low HP because you receive 33% more melee damage (which has diminishing returns the more damage bonuses you already have and might not even help you reach a breakpoint) and 9% more melee attack speed than a momentum build which just plays normally and won't have to worry about until death's cooldown and will ironically be tankier too, just doesn't understand they're investing so much into a gimmick.
>chopping into a mixed horde and cutting down elites with chaff as the guitar riff hits its peek
>Everyone nearly died when I went down
>"Youre getting carried!"
Think long and hard about what you just said.
zealot even has specific lines for it
Do you tell your teammates you use that talent? Or would you be willing to say it when loading in?
"Hey guys, I can't manage my peril so I use a perk to just get a wound, sorry if I die instead of going down"
Youre grasping so hard right now.
Almost as hard as you grasping for your teammates when you die to a single rager in Malice.
stealth on zealot is such a crutch it's insane
you can get 5s duration and with cooldown reduction talents and gear the amount of time you need to spend hitting things gets reduced to like 6-7 seconds, enemies don't get the time to actually approach you, by the time they get to you your stealth is off cooldown

so you use stealth, run 50 miles away from all serious threats, swing at some lone elite accompanied by 2-3 trash mobs that weren't even aggroed for 5 seconds, dash-slide away, use stealth again, repeat

then you pretend that you're the last man standing because you're good at the game
>Thats a high bar
Yea, but I still think it's up there simply because it promotes basically griefing. Well, that blowup talents makes it less cancerous, but still it pretty bad.
>Push 25 enemys off a ledge
I did it before console release, so it wasn't too bad for me. But yeah, now this type of penances are really annoying.
>Deal 80% of the monster's health damage by yourself
This one is now easy with only 50% damage needed which is extremely easy with proper build and stims. Fatshart should really move it back from private-only to normal.
>Don't take any melee hits in our broken game
This is fine. Not easy, but doable. At lest unlike "kill a group of elites with warp blowup" it rewards good play.
>It's also not minuscule considering attack speed is hard to come by
Literally Faithful Frenzy, an absolutely free node for any build, I mentioned it already. Martyrdom also gives you attack speed too, btw, and a hell of a lot more.
>Blazing Piety is good
Then what are you even arguing for? Wasting our time. You're defending a tranny who said it's "C tier" and worse than Inex Judgement, which is laughably wrong.
>if I had to pick one it would be backstab CDR because it doesn't rely on critting and is extremely easy to proc
You don't think 25% crit chance would maybe make Invocation of Death basically a guarantee to proc on a couple of your attacks rather than you having to shove something, dodge behind it, then kill it?
>You can't take a single fucking hit on auric before either going down
You have about 100 toughness and tdr. Go into the testing grounds and get hit by a poxwalker. What happens?
>to only 40% melee damage
..."only" a 40% increase in damage? lol
>an Inex Judgement build will have 32% reduction while a Martyrdom will have 59% reduction
You're really not making an argument with that statement. That's about double.

Wow, so it's even more. Anyway, you're not supposed to be "tanky" against melee attacks (there are no "tanks" in this game. No, Ogryn is not a "tank"), your toughness will let you 'take' more ranged attacks, that's the point. You should be destroying everything in melee combat, you don't need or want to "tank" melee hits. Put some toughness regen speed on, and your shield will be up constantly and always protecting you from ranged harass, as well as lowering other attacks as well.
I don't think Inex Judgement is bad, but it is not the best, and it is the worst of the keystones. It's useable for some builds, but to say it breaks the game and then to put BP and Marty at the bottom is complete grade A bait.
Look man you're the one insisting a talent point is worth wasting on crystalline will instead of just keeping track of your peril.
Thats like a Veteran needing a perk to know his lasgun is empty
the nurgle brap blisters is actually the worst modifier. Idk what you're even supposed to do against this shit
Nice job replying to your own comment.
You lost.
>We didnt wipe though.
Good. But what I was trying to say is that you shouldn't feel solely responsible if you going down ended up with a wipe.
Good party typically shouldn't have problems with reviving one downed player.
The problem I have with IJ is that I'm not consistently 15 stacks in combat. It's usually like 10ish whenever I look, and that goes down if you people on the team CC or you're push(attack)ing stuff. That makes me unhappy.
I usually don't pretend to know how someone is responding through text on a website, but I know you're seething right now.
I hope you think of our conversation every time you overload your peril
It was in a bad position. I was moving while casting and briefly lost track.
And my point is I'd rather not find out whether or not my team is capable of picking me up or not.
>I hope you think of our conversation every time you overload your peril
Yep, and I'll remember how you tried so hard to backpedal while saying Im being carried while saying people are wiping after I went down in the same sentence. You lost :)
>so you use stealth, run 50 miles away from all serious threats, swing at some lone elite accompanied by 2-3 trash mobs that weren't even aggroed for 5 seconds, dash-slide away, use stealth again, repeat
Yes, but the enemies don't die when you do this, and the game just spawns more and then you have a massive ball of death running around. Then that ball of death sprints towards your 3 teammates.
Shroudfield isn't broken, per se, it's stealth. It's because with the way levels are designed, there really is nothing preventing you from running through everything to the finish line. Stealth lets you do that pretty easily. If the game is played normally, with stealth just being used to that mean, then it's not broken at all and just a reposition tool. What they could maybe do is make it so you can't do objectives while stealthed, that would fix most of its issues.
Correct, it's not that good. You have to move around a lot to get to 15 stacks. If you're using dodges, then that's five dodges. And then when you do finally get it, you've got 6 seconds of a measly buff before you have to do it all over again, enjoy.
It needs a buff. Martyrdom could use a slight buff. Blazing Piety is okay where it is.
welcome to zealot, we have one good keystone, one good aura, and 3 ok actives
>I'd rather not find out whether or not my team is capable of picking me up or not
Understandable. I never play zealot without until death for the same reason.
Wait, you went down THEN others started going down? In what situation is that not you fucking up, then the team that was carrying you now needing to save the retard that knocked himself on the ground?
Goddamn anon, you do need that perk my bad
>welcome to zealot
Bitch, my Zealot is almost level 300. It's by far my most played class. I've whinged about IJ numerous times
>3 ok actives
We have 2 ok actives and 1 amazing one. Fury of the Faithful is incredibly versatile, and I won't accept any disagreement. It's not the shout, but it's fucking good.
Where do I get updated mods? Do the ones in nexusmods still work?
you get updated mods from where mod makers upload their mod updates, which is nexusmods usually
You lost. Its over. You said something retarded and I called you out on how retarded you sound and now youre mad and desperately trying to save face.
>Literally Faithful Frenzy
It's 10% and only applies to melee. Inexorable Judgement gives you ranged attack speed too.
>Martyrdom also gives you attack speed too, btw, and a hell of a lot more
At the cost of playing around a two minute cooldown during which you can't be hit more than once every so often or you go down.
>worse than Inex Judgement, which is laughably wrong
If your weapon doesn't have a finesse stat/multiplier or access to Shred or Riposte, you are getting extremely marginal damage gains from Blazing Piety's crit chance and are pretty much only taking it for Enduring Faith. This is even worse if you consider that Scourge will only gain a stack if you first crit an enemy to inflict bleed, then hit him a second time WITHOUT killing him, if you do you don't gain a stack. Which pretty much makes Scourge only have any use to knife. Again, if you're not using a crit focused melee, BP is worse than momentum.
>You have about 100 toughness and tdr
And you only have under 30 HP at max shitdom stacks, do you have any idea how melee damage works? And these two consecutive melee hits are under favorable conditions, in a real game you'll be constantly getting your toughness chipped by ranged attacks unless you're running with a shout vet, but why are you relying on someone else bringing OP shit to enable your own build?
>..."only" a 40% increase in damage?
Did you not read the rest of my post? It's a 25% damage difference for massive investment compared to IJ, and that extra damage has diminishing returns the more damage boosts you already have.
>Put some toughness regen speed on
Do shitdom retards really?
>but to say it breaks the game and then to put BP and Marty at the bottom
I don't think it breaks the game but it does benefit all weapons for playing normally, BP is only good if you're already invested in crit chance, and martyrdom DOES belong at the bottom because you massively gimp yourself and play like an idiot for marginal gains compared to IJ.
I get you anon, you're really mad and looking for something to direct it at. While you're pressing those keys on the keyboard really hard in anger, I'm still waiting for one good reason to picking crystalline will that isn't
>"I cant manage my peril"
I'd love to learn from a god gamer like yourself, that surely isn't being carried by his team, but saying "you lost" is just clear seething.
>If you're using dodges, then that's five dodges
Have you even played with it? You don't need to dodge five different times, you only need to dodge five attacks. Hell, your natural movement will give you at least 3+ stacks, so it goes down to four attacks or less.
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>I get you anon, you're really mad and looking for something to direct it at. While you're pressing those keys on the keyboard really hard in anger,
assail is so fucking fun
Stealth on zealot is broken in terms of how much survivability it gives to a player to the point where it is virtually impossible to die if you're even remotely decent at the game, and when once in a blue moon game director gives you just the right shit so a stealthnigger dies he will be that last one to die and then genuinely believe that he is a good player.

Giving zealot BOTH loner and stealth was a massive game design mistake because now stealthshitters have 0 reasons to play around team in a coop game. At the same time vet stealth is not nearly as broken because he doesn't have loner and for a vet to reduce stealth cooldown he actually needs to do something that matters (kill specials) as opposed to getting a couple crits on anything.
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Come on anon this isn't /v/ or reddit, deflecting with wojaks is just sad.
I was hoping for some actual shit flinging of opinions instead of your tantrun in text form.

Here, I'll do it for you:
>As much as I would love to spend the talent point on "+5 toughness" or "faster weapon swap speed based on peril", its nice to have a safety net when shit gets real. You probably don't know this when playing Malice, but shit gets pretty nuts in Auric Maelstrom, and sometimes you lose track of peril when 10 crushers and 15 ragers spawn with the Nurgles blessing chaos spawn. Maybe you'll understand when you play your first Auric mission, but we both know you'll never get there.
Jesus its like I'm playing chess with myself
Keep posting wojaks tough, though I'm sure it'll make you better at the game. I never play psyker, so what do I know
Its a shame you wrote all that out for me to not read it.
You lost.
Tried the knife again. Did mid damage and missed my hammer, my axes, and my swords all throughout. I'm definitely doing something wrong, but I don't really enjoy the weapon either. Shan't be a knifefag again.
There was some nerf to the knife in this update, but I can't remember what. I know it was minor, something like cleave on crit, but you can definitely feel it.
Its still fun to go fast though
>Its still fun to go fast though
I still have the Tac Axe for this. That clicks with me much better than the knife. Dueling Sword has good speed too, but I've used it a decent amount and now I'm holding off to see if it actually gets nerfed so I don't feel too disappointed by that when/if it happens.
>Hab Dreyko ending
>tree event finished, just need to run the Valkyrie
>two people go down
>one sits inside the Valkyrie already
>I think: "If I die we'll still succeed because one person is already at extraction, so I might as well try to revive downed guys"
>I fail to revive anyone and go down myself
>the guy in the Valkyrie runs to help us instead of extracting
>he goes down too
This was one of my most embarrassing wipes.
Whats the trick for tac axe? I've seen people doing heavy attacks with the dueling sword for speed, but I havent noticed anything with the axe.
the corruption damage aura is alright, keeps me from getting put into my last wound from grim tick damage and helps when a retard pulls a daemonhost
>now I'm holding off to see if it actually gets nerfed so I don't feel too disappointed by that when/if it happens
Meanwhile I want to play with dueling swords before they get nerfed, but I want to finish my mastery grind even more.
I dunno. It probably doesn't have any. It just has good movement speed stats. I find weapon movetech tedious as fuck. I did it a bit as GK with the Bretshield and then I promptly stopped giving a shit.

the duality of man kek
not him but like half the complaints in this post are fixed by taking the master's retribution to prevent chip damage in melee
I've never seen anything that retarded, but I do wonder why people push to save downed teammates during extraction. I've seen people make a five minute run () away from extraction to uncuff a dead teamate

At least in helldivers you get a bonus based off extractions, but there is literally no difference in reward (as far as I know) if all or only one player extracts
Kruber spear and handmaiden spear and shield were the only weapons I bothered with since they were so easy. Seeing a Sienna sweat with the dagger or an elf doing an entire dual sword combo for that one attack to go slight faster was always funny since it only happened at the very beginning.
You never see movement tech in the middle of the mission.
Just the general "leave no dwarf behind" mentality I suppose?
Rend! Tear! Hahahahaha!
I don't remember what handmaiden's was, but GK's was also super easy IIRC. You just push attacked, and maybe you followed it up with a light.
>You never see movement tech in the middle of the mission.
I used it to help gap close specials that needed meleeing, but holy fuck does it wear on you if you insist on doing it throughout the whole mission, downtime and all.
I use inexorable judgement with my bloodthirsty eviscerator since I can get all the crit talents without needing more crit chance since I crit every swing
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>It's 10%..
5% more, and on a Keystone.
>At the cost of...
Do you really need more than that? Why are you getting hit so much?
>If your weapon...
I did not say you should ALWAYS take BP. Yes, if you are using a critless build, then maybe Martyr or Inex is preferable. But, look at Zealot's best melee weapons. What do you notice?
>And you only have...
Get hit? Stay with your team, kill shit, your shield regens right back up. Take another hit. Repeat. that's IF you insist on not dodging melee attacks, for whatever reason.
>...you'll be constantly getting your toughness chipped
Stay with team, watch toughness regen real fast. Slide and take cover. Shooters no longer matter.
>thinking TRS is bad
You're bad.
>I don't think it breaks the game
Okay great, then we have nothing left to argue about, because it doesn't in the slightest.
>martyrdom DOES belong at the bottom because you massively gimp yourself and play like an idiot for marginal gains compared to IJ.
Marginal gains? I did not know a 48% increase in damage + 24% attack speed was "marginal". I guess that means Inex is micro sized in comparison.

Stop getting hit in melee combat, it's really that simple. You get a free get out of jail free card every 180 seconds, which is more than enough. Your whole argument just boils down to
>...yes I concede Martyrdom gives you amazing buffs, but I keep dying with it on so it's not useful
Using Martyrdom is supposed to be hard, but if you're not good enough, then yes, use something else. But to say it's shit because you can't use it properly is just a skill issue on your part. You want to play sloppy melee combat, Martyrdom isn't for you. Just pick your stealthslop and run around ignoring the enemies because ragers are hard to fight.
I run Martyr with the Eviscerator and slap Shred on, pick up Scourge, and use Invocation to spam the charge and get even more attack speed. It's a blast running in, giving next to no fucks about eating hits since that just makes you stronger, and blending everything.
I assume you use the original Eviscerator for Bloodthirsty? I might have to try that. I've been wanting to go back and take the old mark for a spin again.
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I don't expect it to last that long, since I run into issues just being able to function in the game properly (game crashes to desktop when in the dropship occasionally, dying and not being able to shoot despite having ammo and abilities don't work properly because a lack of being able to move the camera, needing to restart the search for open missions 3-4 times due to the "failed to join server" bullshit) and I've had a disgustingly high amount of missions where 2/3rds of the people playing disconnect with no replacements for seemingly no reason. Doesn't help that some weapons get virtually nothing for leveling it up while others get seemingly every attachment possible
120 seconds*
I got darktide a couple of week ago and it seems cool and the gameplay seems tight but.. I'm just not having fun?
I don't know if it's because of my build, because of the difficulty I play on or my loadout, but the game just feels tedious and I am left feeling drained after each match.
I really do want to like the game and play it more but I can't bring myself to play more than a couple of matches per week.
Maybe I need to get a friend of mine to play the game with me
>Stealth on zealot is broken in terms of how much survivability it gives to a player to the point where it is virtually impossible to die
yes but that only matters so they can cheese the objective and run past everything or revive everyone. Stealth Zealots have the best survivability in the game, but it's not broken if they're intending on playing normally. You can't use stealth to magically erase a massive mixed horde. You 'can' use it to run away from them and beat the level through other means, that's the broken part of the game. That's what's broken about shroudfield, it lets you exploit that aspect of the game (You can outrun enemies and there are no barriers preventing you from skipping through levels). A stealth zealot playing the game normally is merely a utility/support based zealot and will never match the damage of other builds, never. THAT build is strong... but not broken. It's the speedrunning fags that break everything.
>bruh why don't you take every advantage bruh, that's skill
I roll over aurics while listening to other shit or drunk, i hate tryhard faggots, its a game not a career. Then again streamfag and actual fag so there was no hope for "him" to begin with. Also all homos deserve death in my personal onion, they cost 17 grand to the state each year they live, more than spics or blacks which is hard to do.
>because of the difficulty I play on
This is my guess. The -tide games are only fun when skirting danger and courting death. My friends and I quit VT2 after a while because we played on Veteran and got bored and didn't return to it for a year or two.
Low levels suck because most build defining talents are at the bottom half of skill trees. Low difficulties suck because enemy density is a joke and many builds are dependent on higher concentrations of enemies for healing or cooldown regen. Your weapons are also likely weak but the grind there is significantly better than it used to be. 'Tide games certainly take some time before you're out of the "tutorial".
However they also might not be for you. Endgame is meant to be stressful, throwing new obstacles at you every couple seconds that demand attention or you're dead. That might feel exhausting or exhilarating.
So I should just grit my teeth and keep playing until I rise through the levels to properly see if the game is for me, preferably on a difficulty higher than malice?
I am level 17 right now and it feels like I am nothing more than a burden and a liability with my boltgun and shovel combo on the higher difficulties unless I try really hard throughout the whole mission and that just leaves me exhausted since they are so long. It did feel good to finish a mission on a higher difficulty the couple of times I did do it, but I don't instantly get the itch to jump right back in and just ended up reverting back to malice in the hopes of having an easier time.
But then again malice also makes me feel exhausted because it feels like nobody in the team usually knows what they are doing and as an added bonus it doesn't have the same satisfaction of finishing an actually hard mission.
>no nmrih 2 in the OP
you guys kinda suck huh
the fuck's a nmrih
>Fury of the Faithful is incredibly versatile, and I won't accept any disagreement. It's not the shout, but it's fucking good.
I'll classify it as amazing once this clunky, bugged shitpile of a game works properly at least 9/10 times I try to use it
no more room in heck the second game
not much what's nmrih with you
Oh shit. I didn't realize that was hitting EA in just 4 days. Nice. Hopefully it's not a massive disappointment.

No More Room in Hell
The first was a really fun source game
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>At the cost of playing around a two minute cooldown during which you can't be hit more than once every so often or you go down.
just run full HP and full wounds then and you get a 40% damage reduction whenever damage hits your hp which is one of zealot's many retard proofings. Martyrdom is just to keep you alive and equally effective when you get low.
>Seeing a Sienna sweat with the dagger
It's just push attack spam. It's not hard. I mostly just do it to catch up with the team if I had to detour and collect an item
had to look up what this acronym means because I've never heard of it
people can't very well talk about a game they don't know about
>Hopefully it's not a massive disappointment.
The short gameplay videos they have shared recently don't look too promising, but lets hope for the best
are they still going with the permadeath thing? Doesn't sound too fun to me personally.
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Going by the twitter post they attached to this, it's just an after the fact lore snippet related to the train mission THAT WE ALREADY GOT.
I swear this game spawns a flamer 5 ft away to jizz napalm all over your teammate the second they go down. this shit is so obnoxious and it happens way too often to be a coincidence
Haven't heard anything to the contrary, so pretty sure it's still on the table.
I don't personally think it'll be too big of an issue however, considering they are more or less Romero-zombies after all.
It definitely does. If someone goes down, a bomber or flamer will spawn right near them, as a "combo" that the director uses to kill players.
Have enemies always been able to target ledged players to kill them in 3 seconds flat? I've seen it happen a lot recently. Some guy got ledged and then instantly shot dead by a sniper, I got ledged and died 3 seconds later to a small-ish swarm of poxwalkers.
yeah I figured, the director interference in this game just feels so hamfisted and unnatural. dogs beeline you down when you're out of coherency, mutant spam when 1-2 teammates go down, grenades landing right on top of downed players, 10 crushers spawning to slow down one person running ahead. one of the skills needed for aurics is just knowing when the director is in its "gamemaster from hell" mood and is actively trying to wipe your team.
*throws smoke grenade on the downed guy* no problem bro
I've carried lots of complete shitters to the finish line. They're all "clearing" too. It's not really bragworthy and doesn't make your inability to manage your peril any less shameful.
Just Swedish things
You'll learn all the director programming in time.
>go out of coherency for 0.001 seconds
>teammate gets downed. 0.5 seconds later...
*ding*, GRENADE, OUT!
>have even slightly good pacing for a segment in a level, especially at the beginning
*monstrosity music starts playing*
>be last man standing and try to hold out in a corner until you clear the horde
READY TO BURRRN / IN DEATH, TRUTH (you can't see shit now, fuck you)
>be last man standing and hightail it for your teammates
Daemonhost mine around the corner
>Just do good but be moderately spread out
Smother rejects with fodder and spam immediate Trappers next to them.
you should try the classic one, im down to play it with people from here

it's janky but just so good, it's like a methodical left for dead rather than bulletspam
he's good at projecting confidence until someone claps back.He managed to get bullied by Reddit of all places
it makes him cute
the infantry and especially the mk1 NEED max dmg ammo and stab. that last % on ammo gets you an extra shot and you need it.
does psykinetic's aura trigger if an ally in coherency kills an elite or specialist?
Know what else is shameful?
Dying because one made one mistake and it domino effects into a wipe.
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I didn't really notice it until the existence of the brap bombers, I only thought it was a little unfortunate every time. But some specials have become exceedingly obvious.
>teammate or two goes down
>game notices we're staying in one room a little too long trying to pick them up
>kf2 hans voltor joins
>7,000 sq ft of the map is now just nothing but gas and flame as the game decides to spawn 6 bombers
Easily the most annoying shit. I need to stop falling for the trap of trying to revive them or sticking close when it happens because I fall for it every single time and overstay.
just like maulers in ratclick
Plasma can. Revolver can. I believe bolt weapons can penetrate 1 target. Some lasguns can penetrate one or two targets. Psyker has a talent that increases cleave. I'm sure there's more.
fatshark is so fucking stupid. this shit makes no sense...
>headshot enemy
>takes less damage
yeah okay. totally retarded game design
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad game design. I'd argue it's good game design. I don't want all enemies to be the same.
In ratclick it was fairly intuitive and obvious, the entire belly and chest erotic for the mauler was exposed so you'd want to swing there instead of his big fuck off helmet, but the mauler in poxclick is a bit less obvious because his entire body looks armored, so you'd naturally gravitate towards the head unless you'd spend some time in the psykanium.
I think it's good game design, it might not add much to threat variety for weakpoints, but just tiny things like that do add a lot to the games flavor.
It's fine to have weakspot that is not head. It's however kinda retarded that there are dozens of mechanics that expect you to deal weakspot hits and then make an enemy where weakspot hits deal less damage that normal ones.
Why the fuck did they give duelling swords to veteran and zealot?
>veteran is more tanky than ogryn
good job fatshit
Brothers and sisters of the Imperium, as I prepare to dive into the grim darkness of Darktide, I find myself at a crossroads worthy of a Space Marine's tactical dilemma! Should I wield the righteous fury of the Zealot, charging headfirst into the fray like a Sister of Battle, or take aim as a Veteran Sharpshooter, picking off heretics from a distance with the precision of an Imperial Guardsman? Or perhaps I should embrace the raw power of the Psyker, risking the madness of the warp to unleash devastating psychic abilities - what say you, loyal servants of the Emperor?
mental retardation and very bad internal psyker playtesters
so it acts as "new content" for these two classes, balance be damned

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