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need to inhale her armpits
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Kamiblue won!
worshipping her abs and tits
Made for rape.
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Lord our father who art in heaven...
Wasn't she the hottest fighting game chick before then she just dropped in popularity? What happened?
pancake ass
12 posts early is too much, even for /fgg/
why so?
because it's too hard for me to do
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you now remember nickelodeon all-star brawl
Someone posts EVO 2025 line up.
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Name a more pointless thread on /vg/ than /fgg/. I'll wait.
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Why can't you guys just make a good game without browbeating and talking down to your audience and treating them like retards?

Bring back those one frame links.
jojo all star battle has 1f links and YOU PEOPLE didnt play it
I thought you guys said 3d arena mashers were all party games?!??!
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it's up
Chess Showodown has tech like that?1?!?
how did technicals win so hard?
Year 1: picks up soive
Year 2: transitions
Year 3: getting flown out for gay buttsex
Year 4: fake rape allegations and leaves da fgc
troondem said spend time with family luhwoof
whats wrong with that
Thank God I dropped Strive. God damn.
can i get a qrd on the strive shit?
nigga was chasing manthas at events
one of them said he did some rapey shit
umisho then popped up and said the same shit
witnesses disproved the first, umisho came out and basically said he was lying
usual troon fake-rape drama
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why do leftist trannies commit crimes and then still act like the victim after their actions have consequences? they're like spicniggas on steroids
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reminds me of when that one tekken mantha got cancelled for saying slurs on discord then another mantha cropped up and was like "HE RAPED ME" then discord dms proved the mantha was just lying because it was mad the first mantha was fucking on other manthas. part of me thinks these niggas fetishise the idea of getting brutally raped
don't forget the manthas knew xhe said slurs on discord and waited for the right moment to reveal it
that's some dirty lineart
Who plays rushdown and has good pressure in SF6 without being a charge character. I picked up Deejay but i'm not really a fan of charge
yea that was weird. shadow was buttmad the mantha was saying edgy shit on discord then the discord manthas pulled out the exclusive vip nigger screenshots that they were hoarding on their hard drives
I wish I was invited to gay orgies……..
>Everyone bitches and moans about the latest DBFZ patch
>Pro players quit the game
>East coast throwdown has the most entertaining top 8's for DBFZ in years
Another case of the community not knowing wtf it is they want. The game is honestly in the best state it's ever been and I'd honestly put it as one of the best tag fighting games ever alongside Marvel.
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all of the fgc trannies would get laughed at in Brazil or even just on the tranny porn sites, they have to grift in the dead anime game community to get any attention at all
the only one who quit was inzem
>most entertaining
lol, nah don't beg it
>but the fat faggot made that poggy krillin comeback then mauled him with a braindead baby/krillin team
alright timtim
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>guy from a relatively unknown region wins the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP of Goober Gear
>American wins Evo, but while in a dress
Why is the FGC like this? A guy from Pakistan winning Tekken got his own documentary and lauded as a hero that changed the community, but an African guy winning Guilty Gear is not notable?
Nitro quit to play Strive, i remember seeing some of the French players talking about quitting too. DBFZ is in a great spot right now. And i said top 8 was entertaining not just Grand finals.
No one gives a fuck about arc world tour finals. If verix won Evo people would have cared way more.
no one cares about goober guap saliva outside of pushing degenarcy
I had to up my brightness for this shit
Why is ArcRevo not a big deal to most people?
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Top level EU gameplay of the game that mindbroke and BTFO'd the FGC.
This... is Sparking Zero.
How old is romento? Is he almost 50 now? It's crazy Clayton could still pass for being in his 20's even now.
reminder gayton never talked about granblue because it's the best FG of all time
same vibe as "nintendo should buy mega man" without realizing how long ago the last new donkey kong game came out
I remember trannies loved SNK 10 years ago
its weird how clayton looks like that but has a jr micro
evens turd strike
odds dooberz
So is Razzo leaving strive next?
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delete /fgg/ for good
who though having................... ed as the posterboy was a good idea?
acutally that's the main character from the spic hopper series
You’re telling me if I never dropped strive I could have had a legion of manthas in bridget cosplay giving my 2 inch terror that sloppy supreme?
how is it gay if they're girls?
nigga really said that dicks arent gay
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Poison has a BWC SR and you all love her
poison isnt futa, roxy is
is it actually coming out? theyre not delaying it another 3 years?
'member when capcom made the evil capitalist robot transgender
'member when they almost made the literal nazi dictator also trans
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>3 mil in 24 hours
>no Timmy rap/collabs with other ips/troon and tumors promotions
The absolute state of Capcoons right now
eating dogshit to own the capdrones
Masturbating to white women = SJWs owned
I remember when capcom gave the middle eastern a stage where you ride a plane and it goes between two towers.
id use a genie wish to have a single day every year for the rest of human existence where people magically cant talk about trannies
imagine that day of peace
imagine what fgg could accomplish
new kizzie just dropped
is he spittin?
Is Terry worth playing even if I never played an SNK game? Can he play aggressively with rushdown?
>the dash macro is why these nasty ass freaks are ruining this community
dayum kizzy
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Chess with parries... the ultimate kino...
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>dash macros
it already was unstable/random with trannybox being legal
dashes on pad are just as easy as on hitbox
That's just more reason to ban pad because they also have SOCD bullshit thanks to the left analog stick.
Dont like every game in the past decade have something built in to stop that
>mid range
Does he mean intermediate scope of players or mid-screen for playing neutral? I'm guessing he means the latter becoming more volatile.
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what did kamone mean by this?
would the chess daigo parry just be parrying all their pieces when you've only got your king left
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does it have a slime mechanic
Why does the majority of leverless players think they're instantly going to be better at execution than someone else because they own their "superior" plastic toy.
None of these scrubs could even match the execution of even a weakest pablo in KOF online or the average japanese salaryman mashing in the arcade.
They legit purchase these controllers thinking they're gonna be the next Sako with it but the reality is they suck because they only mash with specific instances that would make it better for them.
The most successful and consistent players are even beating these leverless homos with ease by the likes off - MenaRD or Punk
You were better off with the controller you got outta the box lil bro
imagine not staying on pad, fuck troonbox
arent hitbox clones pretty cheap now? cheaper than dualshocks? niggas buy them shits off temu for like $30. cant blame them
this nigga sonicsol been in the battlehub having a melty for like 5 hours
is that aki costume a mod? shit looks nice
We're so fucked as a society if men think muscle and strong features on a woman makes her a man but a massive cock doesn't
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'rada draws better than /fgg/
why does every random jappa know how to draw?
they teach it in school over there
Persona 5 guest character confirmed.
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It's encouraged there. if you try to draw anime in western countries, the teachers beat you and call you an incel
this is why the tumblr artists draw anime characters with bulbous noses and potato faces
this is why that one tranny from /ggg/ draws Milia with the most horrendous goblin face imaginable
This is how they are dealt with.
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timmys in the west will tell you that you have to draw cubes and learn realism before you can even think of drawing anything stylized meanwhile jappas learn from tracing their favorite manga
I just bought one because it’s easier and more comfortable than pad for me and my xbox controllers kept breaking. I have no history with arcades so I have no reason to get a stick either.
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that teaches you bad habits
You just become a copy of that artist and copy all of their mistakes, too
but I know you don't actually care about getting better, llol
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nigga arguing with people in the erp hub
mob psycho looks like it was drawn by a kindergartener and its made more many than any of the tims itt
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ONE just walked down the street and got to take a manga class to learn how to draw Mob Psycho.
We are not that privileged in the UK.
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vegito can really TOD off a 5M in neutral with no spark and only 3 bars now. that ex air throw buff got me bricked
sonicsol on the mini ltg path
Why would I NOT want to just be a copy of a successful multi-millionaire world famous artist? Clearly that style worked for him
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toriyama just traced his favorite manga and became a world renowned creator
>inb4 troons attack you for stating facts
harada is... trans?!!?
you can't inb4 your own post...
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Much like learning a fighting game from others’ replays, making the techniques yours while exploring the weaknesses of the original is the true pleasure.
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None of you fat niggas draw
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why is fgg just ghetto ic, discount agdg, pan african pol, and/or urban /lgbt/ at the drop of a hat?
remember /vm/?
how is kizzy not dead yet. every time i see this mf he's just getting fatter and fatter
Do you consider Luke an SF5 character or an SF6 character?
he's just gawdlike
You don't even need a coder anymore, you can just get AI to make pawg fighterz for you now
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It reflects the current state of fighting games.
Sf5 because that was his debut
i miss drawing and im suicidally depressed and spend all of my time doing nothing
should i get back into drawing?
are ipads okay for drawing now?
if you draw for /fgg/ we'll be able to motivate you to continue and improve! now draw me a pawg twerking lil nigga
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>drawing low quality memes for fat greasy ape ass niggas
>>>>for free
we're all friends here. would you charge your friend?
my time isn't free
Why would anyone drawfag for fgg? You people provide nothing of value and don't even have any funny original content to work with.
why do old british guys love virtua fighter so much?
Sega was highly popular in its heyday in Europe and Japan. Sony basically took the spot for Sega over when they left but there's plenty of nostalgia for old Sega IPs.
the green haired chick was sexier than bambietta.
which green haired chick?
But do they actually play it?
BAW GAWD. Clayton casually just dropping a video of Hayato being able to OCV a entire team off a stray hit is pure insanity. There will never be another Clayton in video games. This is insane.
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The funniest part is that you guys are surprised that most people that post art here are dogshit toddler level using AI to cope with their lack of skill or whatever, but

what did you expect? someone actually skilled and talented to come here? Why would they waste this time on this shithole?

The quality of your drawfags is a reflection of the quality of your general.

Shit attracts shit.
Ironman be drive rushing
Ellie... you saw the muscle amazon from Dragon's Crown and called her incel bait...
Street Fighter is a game for people who hate movement.
>generic anime blowup doll with painted on abs
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She has more muscles than Lara Croft unironically.
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So do you guys just get mad about random twitter drama every day? is this what zoomers do for fun?
Waiting for Blazing Strike to fail
how do non white women compete
>Made a game
>Shitty 3d fpv walking sim unity asset flip slop ripoff of Forbidden Siren
Soo.... They're not even cut for gamedev'ing... it's just ripping of another game terribly...
Yep, time to start scouring yt to make fun of lil Pablos for making a little let's play of Mario games with camcorder pointed at the TV again since it seems like their only gimmick that they'll ever be known for and ever be good at.
but why?
>She has more muscles than Lara Croft unironically.
>and they're painted on because men are afraid of strong women
That's most critics. Watch any random YouTube commentary guy's cartoon and it's usually dogshit.
LS Mark, RebelTaxi, Mr Enter. All of them, despite thinking they know media inside and out, can only produce slop.
I imagine if Max made a fighting game, it would end up similarly terrible unless he hired an actual pro consultant from Capcom like Hideaki Itsuno.
how do you paint mass?
is this some world warping magic physics shit I'm not aware of?
a dood fighting game would just be marvel with parries and a bunch of bugs found during testing but he told them to leave in because it's loose
max is literally making a fighting game right now with a demo dropping next week
*chris tucker voice*
I don't give a FUUUUUCK!
Mike Z is a good example of this, too. Despite being highly critical of other games, he failed to make a game that actually attracts people, to the point that they had to make a gacha to actually make a profit, lol
Even he said that himself in one of the indivisible shill streams. "our publisher took most of our money and we only started making anything from Skullgirls like this month." e.g., it didn't sell enough to be profitable, so all of his ideas were not actually good enough to get high sales even with the USA shilling the fuck out of him lmao
Max isn't making a fighting game, he's just paying some tranny to mod MVCI into an even sloppier active tag TOD fest
Why didn't Mike Z pay Max to shill Skullgirls?
the bouncy disney sprites used up all of the budget
Mike is only critical of games from a programming standpoint. Idea wise, that man is the epitome of reddit.
One just needs to have a quick glance at this character suggestion page to get an idea of how non critical this man is with structuring a character. Mans literally starts throwing 90s cartoon references and other random fighting games like a redditor.

and I wouldn't blame the publishers though either. Seeing tumblr tier artstyle with disney bounce sprites in metroidvania was blood writing on the walls level of disaster.
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lol? Did you watch his conference at Combo Breaker from a year back? He spent half an hour ranting about unblockables, stun, and puppet characters. The programming was the first half of the video, but just the general design philosophy and how games were balanced was the second half.
He also made a bunch of rants about new games when the came out on his blog like Xrd, along with a re-balance manifesto for Third Strike.
Say what you will about Zaimont, but his autism-game for fighting game design is on-point.
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*a few years back
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Beating up Psylocke with my bare hands
Asian woman... but with the mind of a white woman...
Flip it...
and the ass of one
human woman.... with the body of an obese polar bear.....
you guys actually don't post furry women on here nearly as much as you used to
what's up with that?
How did the strive community get like it is now? Was it like that pre-Bridget? This is even worse than the average anime game.
nigga tryna steal furry material
jacking off to dog tits makes me a thief now?
it casualized the game so much that the og goobers abandoned the game and the smashies replaced them
humans with penises
new shuckle just dropped
is she spittin?
y'all really need to stop worshiping white and asian woman so hard
i only worship hapas
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I worship THIS goddess
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Remember when emiru mashed with honda once in a SFV tournament for streamers so the entire FGC made videos about how gifted she was? Remember when toffee said she wanted to quit the FGC, and someone said that she should delete her social media presence to get her head straight, then James Chen told him to fuck off and had a meltdown since he planned on grooming her as his daughterwife, saying that the FGC was one big family? Then a few months later, he went after Infiltration and immediately threw him under the bus. Remember when aroo got sponsored and then dropped Tekken forever to shit post on Twitter as yet another mentally ill variety streamer but still got that chinknigga aruu to assassinate the irohanigga for making her uncomfortable (despite her never playing samurai shodownigga)? Remember when a fat white girl used the entire FGC for clout, cancelled MikeZ forever, dropped fighting games entirely, and still had simp ass niggas like Obama defending her? If a fat white girl picked up Guilty Gear and started meowing while she was playing Baiken on stream, the entire FGC would be bending over backwards to call her a phenomenal player and a genius while mashing random buttons and dropping the game in less than a week. When Max Dood did the same thing in Xrd you still have a bunch of faggots making fun of him till this day for playing Baiken and dropping the game because the entire FGC shamed him for it.
Why is the FGC like this? Why do you complain about waifufags and then orbit and bend over backwards for any female that pretends to have the slightest interest in fighting games and then drops them like always?
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I knew you were black all along
You can't tell me what to do
Like cheez?
asian woman that looks like a white woman but isn't
what 2 years of sliming does to a nigga
Its time to delete /fgg/
Reina's ass is NOT that big, literally body like this mic tier
Fanart has rotted your brain
shuckle before dix: you dont even play skullgirls lil bitch ass nigga I better not catch you posting valentine no more on foe nem grave
shuckle post dix: you shouldnt play fighting games anymore
nigga saw a big ass and started seething
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>Reina's ass is NOT that big, literally body like this mic tier
>Fanart has rotted your brain
A woman said something stupid? holy shit, alert CNN and Fox News
many such cases
Anita did that and you all love her
anita sarkeesian oiled up twerking
nigga thinks anybody knows who anita is
The only Armenian we love is Aris
Anita doesn't talk
matz slime really making people drop fighting games to ERP in FF14
Talking to the UN about how the incel trolls on the internet shitposted about you.
You guys only like Anita now because she said "I don't want Buffy the Vampire Slayer to be a filthy ugly negress"
...was she wrong?
It's cliche but woman life is playing on EZ mode even if you're a 5/10 but I would never trade my existence as a man for it.
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If things men like need to have equity, then women's media also needs it, yes? Black Buffy, Mexican Sailor Moon, and Thai reboot of Sex and the City.
And the leading man looks like Luvcheez.
If they complain, they're just revealing their real nature.
did you have a stroke typing this
Yes, Marnie made me go nuts and I had to stop halfway through to have my way with her.
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I could shit myself right now and no one could stop me
i could stop you
already shat myself too late chuddy
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It's true, this is what she looks like unmodded
it's bigger in official art the modellers just did a bad job
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sonicsol is like 40 years old talking like that
what possesses someone to type drivel like that with a name attached
everything after "the headcanon" are the ramblings of a gooner
Cummy's rod...
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Still think review bombing works, chuds?
Ellie won...
why is gabe FRAUDWELL such a slave to corpos doods i thought he was LE BASED AND LE TRAD
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Nobody would bat an eye if you said Naruto Storm and Power Stone weren't fighting games.
What makes Sparking Zero different?
Skullgirls did the exact same thing when they got review bombed and yall justified it
naruto KINO storm has more nootral than slime fighter doughbeit
that was just xposting twitter trannies that had even fewer hours in the game than the alt right chuds that mashed on ps3
>your reviews don't matter
>your games aren't yours
>now buy more csgo loot boxes
t. "beloved" game company steam btw
umisho got away with it
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Review bombing isn't even real, it's just a cope that retards use for people not liking their dogshit product.
reina's small ass is perfect for cheez's small cock
Justin Bieber got review bombed when he was 14 and he turned out fine.
These companies are more sensitive than some soi filled Canadian boy?
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So are chuds a small fringe group of 20 incels on a forum or a massive army with connections to the Russian bot farms this week?

I lost track again.
Dasa Gawdlike post
liam payne fell to his death and you're talmbout a pawg mouse
nigga still listening to boy bands?
some pop star justin bieber lookin ass jumped from a hotel and this has WHAT to do with fighting games?
Remember that time Jax joined the nation of islam?
Sonya Blade sounds like the edgy sonic deviantart OC you niggas would put in your fighting game
will bunny slide in my dm if i make a coomfighter?
frfr my cousin was a really active guy who lived a healthy and active lifestyle he tive even tried to motivate me into getting fit and he just randomly died from a sickness out of nowhere meanwhile fat fucks always manage to outlive people like them
i don't understand this match up doods
Big +1 to Moushley
Chadton is right AGAIN
he said macros were cheating ages ago and yall timmies didn't believe him
Life is partially RNG, but to be fair, a lot of those health items actually contain carcinogens, which is why a lot of bodybuilders get sick as well. So you have to be careful with those, as even "safe" things can actually be harmful as well.
>me when i lie
Ellie said she didn't care about 2d games, so she definitely had less hours than Fear.
Are you saying that Ellie lied?
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I'm really not enjoying this Broski vappa arc
She lied about not being Metajini. She lied about not being wakeupshoryu. She lied about liking Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur. She lies to herself that she's a real woman and a talented artist.
Clayton track record on games is legendary. Theres no one that understands games like he does.
Let's be fair now
Ellie is definitely more talented than the other hack artists on fgg
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Most importantly, she lied about being a casual
Let's get serious here, anon.
Do you think picrel takes any talent? I'm being fair here and using her latest upload as an example.
Ellie is secretly a top skullgirls player?
that's even more trans than I thought
delusional retard bitches on fanfic dot net and deviantart would dismiss all criticism as "the haters" or "trolls" when people don't like their My Immortal-tier slop or yaoi scribbles of Naruto characters.

That was almost 20 years ago.

Those women work in the industry now.

And THAT is why you hear about review bombing so much. They never grew out of that mentality and they now have sway over companies.
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we had an old webm for that
Built for the cheezcock
the cheezcock is too small for morrigan
she demands 4 inches at minimum for entry
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Glazing Reina's hams with my big beef injector
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Why is everything about meat with you guys?
Don't you eat your vegetables?
not +1ing on a carrot
I haven't eaten vegetables for years, unless they were on a pizza
Cheez is 14 inches. Morrigan would struggle to take even half of Cheez's cock.
Carrot is pretty sexy.
I like her a lot.
Not a furry, beeteedubs
this but miss goldenweek
imagine how much happier you would all be if porn never existed
does capcom have rape fanfics like the pokemon devs do
but without porn, how am I supposed to cum?
ww3 is about to start, porn is all i have left
They have Luke about to rape Jamie officially in the Terry reveal
Akuma brutally raping Gouken's wife is probably scrapped lore
Akuma cucked Heihachi, this is real Tekken lore
And Luke is an American PMC, so he probably brutally raped some brown Nicaraguan woman with his nazi blaster jr
this is the 187th time ww3 started
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I remember you retards were saying that Pokemon was for little kids and needed to be more mature to compete with Palworld, but then you saw the scrapped brutal rape fics and Eldritch horror concept art and started crying about how it ruined your childhood LMFAO
was lt surge a PMC?
Typholosion brutally raping every PAWG in the Pokemon world
I knew i was right picking gator chad as a kid
No, he fought in 'nam before American invented PMCs
Wait no, it was probably Desert Storm and that's why he's weak to ground types
scarf eruption pmc
damn I guess morrigan really hasn't had sex with cheez then
Whoops meant Morrigan would struggle to take even half of ChrisG's cock
damn so chrisg's cock is bigger than cheez's cock?
didnt see that coming tee bee eych
Whoops meant ChrisG would struggle to take even half of Cheez's cock
timmies writing GAY fanfics now
why is cheez trying to fuck chrisg
is there something he isnt telling us
he succeeded in fucking chrisg?!?!?!?!?!
Its time to delete /fgg/
Rathaloszard was almost real...
I can't believe this whole time ChrisG and Cheez were only using Morrigan as a proxy because of their latent homosexual feelings for one another

It's Cyclops and Wolverine with Jean all over again
it's time to de-A-ACK I CAN'T BREAT-ACK
FGC acting like jeets when a girl shows up to play baka
/fgg/ needs to be put to rest.
they put the padded cell mode in american truck simulator
I hate that I understand this post
dood finna go nuts
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do jappas only have one video editor that does everything fighting game related? what is the reason behind their strict adherence to "big colorful font + stream clip"
Using a powerline adaptor online is like being trans irl if you really think about it
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everyone does that
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Insane hours already?
when are the sane hours
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>>498598996 >>498600265
It's mostly depressing fashtoids want to be this gated.
you've been acting more unhinged lately. is everything all right
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No execution.... why?
as if modern controls isn't bad enough...
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Darkstalkers is undead
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Proximity Normals ~ Yes/No?
preferably they'd be on command normals but I'm not against them on principle or anything
Built for BCC
depends on how they're implemwnted but in most cases i'd say prox normals can be done as commabd normals
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Does big bird realize the guy tagging super yan knows her in real life and is her friend???
I'm confused about what people are upset about here
don't have to wait
it's a confirmed dud
how so?
Big booba
Imagine how much happier you would all be if you stopped reading X and stopped watching XXX.
It's unfinished with lots of bugs and basically no training mode.

Why didn't their publisher hire additional coders to help them with that?
happiness is an illusion
who knows? probably didn't want to spend any extra money
Only a miserable person that wallows in their own self imposed sorrow would say something like this.
Either a feminist that cut herself from men or a guy that locked himself in his basement and wonders why no one wants to talk to him.

You have to go outside, it's good for you. Be exposed to the light, little goblino.
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no amount of going outside is going to fix the economy being shit and having to waste 10 hours every day at some dogshit job just to survive
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Outside is where the minorities are.
I think I'll take my chances in here.
Just become an entrepreneur? Surely you have a good business idea to get you out of the pile of poverty you're in, right?
>inb4 "loli sex doll rental service"
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Nigga said I need to go outside and then he tells me to whore my sex doll, what the hell is wrong with y'all?
>literally SFV BAD SF6 GOOD
it's especially weird as he even defended the launch of sfv (because he was paid to like it lmao)
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ellie told me to work at wendy's instead of pursuing my passion
I liked Crush Counter, it was an organic unga mechanic. Not like Drive Rush.
Stability is better for some people than taking a risk with a potential to not get back your return.
She was just looking out for you.
sfv was made for the hardcore players and it didn't do well because most people are casual dogshit casuals who want to mash buttons and feel good (see how hard tekken and mortal kombat dominated the genre).
now that sf6 is the casual mashoge for troons you got people trying to spin it as the best game ever
Just..... be a normal decent human being for once??
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Literally impossible to achieve in a sick society like ours.
You people reap the monster that you sow.
I hate how Dix gave the birds relevance. They are annoying.
I still prefer Angry Bird and Big Bird to Umisho and Razzo
you're just transphobic
uhh cut it out with the islamaphobia
I'll take stinky goat fuckers over stinky trannies any day of the week
At least we don't have to worry about orgies around them unless Evo is moved near farmland.
i thought we always loved orgies!?!
No, it's like a dogshit tag fighter and you can't tell what's going on.
The world would be a better place if SF6 was designed to make Shuckle a top player
mahreen destroyed an EVO champion, what's shuckle's excuse?
Mahreen and shuckle have two very different playstyles and skillsets, so the general design of SF6 greatly favor's the former over the latter. I'm not sure why you even associated those two, as they don't even play the same characters.
Mahreen plays Manon
What's the favor?
flipping gorilla coins
she did that with laura in sfv, too
that's not how shuckle plays, so sf6 is less fun for her
but it is the viable way to play sf6
no jivers deserve to lose
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This is actually extremely comfy to play fgs with while I'm laying down in bed
do you input motions with the pad or with the stick?
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one of these with a floating dpad would be cool
I do it with a snackbox sometimes. I try playinig on my laptop in bed with a big stick and it kills my back looking down.
I'm anti-cheatbox but yeah they would be better to smuse when laying down
Is Ken easier to learn than Ryu in SF6?

easier pressure with jinrai
easier neutral with fireball drive rush (ryu cant do this)
easier corner carry
easier cr.mk
nigga tryna low forward slime
Arabs should just stop trying to virtue signal.
They always come out looking cringe doing it.
Someone just needs to make a pad on a concave placement that's placed on top of a mini square gate part to register inputs. Making it a bit bigger than usual and heavier so it could be the best fight pad ever
no less cringe than an american or a fucking euro doing it. there are plenty of progressive or liberal minded arabs.
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Why are you trannies like this?

I remember this happened when Itagaki complained about Lisa's skin getting lightened in DOA5, too, you all said he wasn't allowed to say that.

Truly only people you like are allowed to share your opinion LMFAO
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Japanese media made me want to racemix more than anything Americans ever made.
They are allowed to make dark skinned women look attractive.
USA portrays black and hispanic women as fat goblins with downs syndrome and then calls me the racist one for not liking it.

But now Capcom got taken over by USA and they gave us.... Kimberly and Lily...
best fighting game to play atm? I want something that doesn't required a shitload of days to learn like darkstalkers
You can mash specials with one button in SF6, GBVSR, or T8.
They're made for you.
Just pick whichever out of those three that look the coolest to you
But personally, I would recommend Tekken
sparking zero
Karnov's revenge and ST
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sparking zero lost to multiversus
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MK1 is better than Tekken 8 or Street Fighter 6, but the "FGC" will never admit this.
why does this animation look so goofy
its so much useless movement
Koreans following American storyboards
sick and tired of korea's shit
none of you can animate or even draw
wish i could be her slave
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Several pro animator post on fgg...
Gigamaidens needs to have a full animated OP made by Alice Magic so the timmies can have something to pogout to
baron is trying to learn, which is commendable. however, none of his animations or art come close to anything in invincible or even basic competency, really - so using that as cover for criticism is silly.
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niqqa said pro
Those cost like 300k to make
Because your monkey ass only watches anime
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John K is a pro animator with decades of experience. He is qualified to say whether or not cartoons look bad and often does. However, you all ignore him anyway.

As such, I am allowed to say a cartoon looks bad even if I can't draw, as the competency of the critic apparently does not matter.

There, glad we could clear that up.
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Shuckle is basically a pro animator already. I could see her getting hired by Cartoon Network for this one.
remember when arcsys released a kill a kill fighter but it was arenaslop
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I'm good enough at drawing to be a storyboard artist on a tumblr cartoon.
Shuckle is only going to be good at handling japanese cock based on her body type
left: rigid, tight
right: loose, expressive
Sitting in your basement scribbling 12 year old dogs getting fucked by wolf futa cocks is not commendable
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talmbout shuckle, we mirin?
just...draw boxes until you get good
that's what van gogh did
comparing cheekie to shuckle is an insult to cheekie
she can actually draw at a pro level
Its time to delete /fgg/.
Right looks more fun than left. What matters the most is if the writing is good though and a large amount of American cartoons nowadays are wholly uninteresting for all ages compared to before with some outliers here and there. Japanese have the opposite problem of creative stagnation as majority of their works are adaptations with very similar story beats/synopsis and their originals tend to lack good direction and pacing.
Van Gogh started when he was 27 and just autistically grinded painting for a few years
why can't baron do that?
learning disability
hes doing that right now thobeit
I meant doing it well and it actually working
he still draws like he's 8 years old despite him claiming to have hired multiple teachers
either lying or retarded
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can any of the NRS players here tell me whats the equivalent of the ~1600 MR equivalent in MK1
genuinely want to learn the game and give full thoughts on it after knowing how everything works
Van Gogh was scribbling for years until he just settled on a """style""" (meme word for refusing to fix your artistic flaws)
does max shove something up his ass to make those soi faces?
i genuinely drew better at 8 years old
competitive MK is not MK
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Animation techniques are best when the moving images have their gaps filled in by the human brain's ability to imagine what it's supposed to look like. Do we really need to have bounce slop animation from here on out?
Holy shit, Mariel Cartwright got to work on the Mario 3 remake?
nobody knows who that is
why do they love that bouncing hat shit
Post your work or shut the fuck up about your animation theories.
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Cheekie is that buff asian futa artist that one guy here always calls shuckle for some reason

She draws like this
why do south east asian artists always produce slop
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What's sloppy about that?
thats not slop thats amazing abs ebw
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>a new dooberz season pass is just gonna be daipa and Supe Hero shit
nevermind we dont need that
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He got scammed, his "teacher" just did gooncord shit with him lmao
i thought they were done making characters for that game
Damn Baron has a chill teacher. I can see them fostering a friendship where he takes Baron on nights in the city on a mission to get him laid.
shuckle got swole!
So was her telling Baron to kill himself "looking out for him"?
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>and then his wife said "Porn? What are you guys talking about in there?"
You would be laughing if it happened in your favorite moe romcom
He seems to be emotionally and mentally handicapped, so death may be a worthwhile option to end the burden and suffering he likely causes others near him. That was Ellie placing the needs of the many over individuals.
Oh god did he really show his dogshit furry hentai to actual adults with wives and jobs and responsibilities? I thought he only showed that to losers on here.
>timmy-san: wakaranai (laughs)
>baron: (falls over)
Is his teacher white or asian?
he would only learn from a white man
This has nothing to do with fighting games. /fgg/ should just be deleted already.
>he doesn't know the lore
... or a paag
evens I go out and talk to a woman
odds I stay inside and browse /fgg/ until midnight
Remember KOFXV?
played kof14 until samsho
played samsho until kof15
playing kof15 until cotw
will play cotw until kof16
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Seeing how bad some of these players are in tournaments today is like seeing a porn star you used to like get fat and old

It's depressing
fartslam is gawdlike tho?!
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They're not bad, SF6 is just random now
the GOATs of dix
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Dash macro AND an unga mechanic?
I thought y'all said Blazing Strike was a 3S clone...
scamco actually doing something consumer friendly for once my god
Harada saw the tekpuppies buying frame data and he thought he could get away with the same behavior in kekken 8. he was in for a rude awakening
they give u some useless coins for the cancer shop and suddenly theyre based again? this community is cooked
i dont play t8, are the coins not the premium currency? if they are, i wouldn't call them useless since.
daigo made top 8 at his last tournament
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Spiniggas that animated porn are working on the new season of Invincible. Your excuse?
top 8 isn't a trophy, daiteta
Is that a watershed moment? They already let a French furry hentai artist do the season 2 trailer last year
invincible sucks after part 1
Why does he have nigga hair?
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why would i want to work on capeslop?
eve becoming a fat pawg is where invincible peaked
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You guys told me to draw 9001 boxes before I can even begin to animate spongebob dabbing and that if I got bored, I didn't deserve to be an artist.

So I'm still on the grind doing that for now.
I think that you manchildren still caring about capeshit is almost as embarrassing as you jacking off to furry porn
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post your boxes
if /fgg/ gets deleted all the posters will scatter around to other figthan generals and shit up the place
oh right tesco is a game
finna download now
You now remember Riot spent 9 fucking years making this shit.
who is actually going to play this shit? the last beta test sucked ass
why did they have to hire a bunch of idea guys to clone mvc2 again?
riot already has sajam, jiyuna, majin obama and yipes on exclusivity contracts. they'll be streaming nothing but 2xko for the next 2 years
they better pay them a lifetime worth of salaries because this is how you kill streaming careers
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cuh ringe
Jinx is yet another body like this mic character that you retards think has a giant ass
nobody here is pretending jinx has anything but a pancake lil nigga
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Umm... HELLO??
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Quite literally every girl is improved by giving her a big ass
does poppy actually have a fat ass or is it just a meme?
it's acc crazy I know the yordle names because of you niggas
Do you guys just sit there and coom all day?
its the most pointless general on /vg/.
remember when /ggg/ entered hibernation and fled to discord then when they tried reclaiming their general it was overran by soivies and they got kicked out
Who was furiously jacking off to habbo hotel that it became the general consensus for fighting game devs to make lobbies like it now. How the fuck ask for this.
Also, I want an naked oil massage from jinx cosplayers. flat chest is very erotic
what is her appeal?
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not a single person said that
nigga got the mcdonalds fries cut they give every moon cricket
jerome going nuts
that's an asian woman, probably a white guy posting that
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This but ass
do you prefer ass to titties now?
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It's pretty close. But probably.
Remember vampire nakoruru?
Yes, and it was godlike
Words can't describe how much i hate this lanky nu-Harly Quinn knockoff and all the normalfags that worship her.

If i have 1 more femoid come up to me and ask if i have seen Arcane because "i play videogames right" the whole block aboutta know i'm into ryona.
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Is there a reason you "people" threaten to assault women over... trying to relate to you? This is why you never get any vaginoid near your penoid.
>Capable of relating to anyone other than themselves
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Name my band
I'm capable of calling the police and having them beat you halfway to death before you get your bitch ass raped in prison by 5 big black guys. Don't forget that, motherfucker.
SNK Heroines plot is funny.
That based sandnigger Kukri straight up kidnaps girls that he likes into his pocket dimension and forces skimpy clothes on them to have them fight for his freaky pleasure. And as if kidnapping women to fight in skimpy clothes wasn't enough for this gooner sandnigga, he straight up takes Terrys manhood away and sex changes him into a biological woman.
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They have no real interest in those activities. It would be like me walking up to some tranny at a tournament and halfheartedly start talking about Celeste and Bridget. Time is money, so stop wasting mine if you aren't trying to network or build something.
you would definitely do that, you fucking chaser.
I thought y'all wanted to defund the police and let the black men out of jail, now you want them around to punish people you don't like?!?!?
How is engaging in casual conversation about tranny topics leading into sex acts? I'm a chaser if I talk about Poison to a tranny cosplayer at a tournament next time?
I mean, we know that the orgies happen there, so it's pretty safe to assume some new people want to get into them
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/ggg/ has actual drawfags with skill and talent

You guys just have incels mashing with AI
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first yall complain that le evil chuds hate you and now you complain about le evil chuds wanting to be friends with you, what do you people want???
Is everything about hardcore brutal monkey style butt rape with you guys?
We want, nay...
We NEED you freaks to leave us alone. It's really that simple. Get out. Stay away. This is our place, not yours.
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Happy Sethursday /fgg/
Built for big cheez cock
Nay? This nigga is a horse.
i thought you hated colonialism ellie
who is ellie?
When you play street fighter with an open mind you’ll realise that chun li is the actual villian of the story. People just like her cause she’s goofy and they relate to her but she’s acc a very evil person.
Metajini is currently malding on /tekgen/ about his bogeyman
evil how? she just beats up drug dealing terrorists
Jobber-Li couldn't be a villain even if she wanted. Dan would dispatch her like he did in GAWDpha 3
... she told him to MAID himself
why is ltg real life uncle ruckus
Clayton knows more about fighting games than the actual people that made the games I think.
Chinese weibo virus link don't click
What isthat?
I like Lily’s 5head though
What about Darkstalkers is hard for you to learn? Most of what you’ll be doing is firing off specials and doing basic crouching LK,LP,MP,MK to sweep combos. It’s designed to be more unga bunga masher friendly while still having that traditional fighting game feel to it
Canada's euthanasia program
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Chun-Li's an evil cop? Holy... Imagine Capcom doing a What-If story like that for their World Tour mode...
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.... was he incorrect, however?
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she fucked up urien in sfv and 3s, vappa
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Some many moons ago, Mike Watson came out and said that David Sirlin straight up rape a girl.
Anyone got the deets on this? I mildly curious if there's any truth to this claim.
Mike Watson is the Iron Shiek of the FGC
It will be retconned in dix with Kimanonrisa saving her from an aegis set up
Strivers… Umisho’s response has over a million views and barely 300 likes… We may never be taken seriously as a competitive scene again…
I hate the way throws in old fighting games like MvC2 work like everytime I try to go for the throw I’m either a pixel too far, end up throwing out a normal (bc it just would not connect in that specific scenario) and getting punished big time for it or my opponent manages to grab me before I could initiate mine
EVO champ
whatever events tempest was farming
dayum, its not even nobodies getting thrown out, the greatest soivers in the west are being exposed...........
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There's only 300 transphobes in the FGC? Why is this a bad thing again?
Learn your option selects and you don’t have that issue
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What I mean to say is theyer is getting “ratio’d” and our beloved game is being mocked.
yea they're ass, lucking capcom wisened up and made button throws the standard
au contraire my john streets avatar will save her and she will marry me in sf6 ae
That reminds me, has Sajam(Shadow leader of the tranny cabal) said anything about this yet?
Proximity throws have more depth than button throws albeit.
kys clayton
Stay healthy Clayton
You will never be as good as Clayton no matter how long you cry about it.
It's crazy to think that Claygawd, is not only the greatest tech lord for Guilty Gear. But also Marvel. For Dragonball. For Street Fighter.

Who else can say that? The guy is the gold standard of what every galaxy brain wishes they could be.
What puppet characters have ever been decent instead of useless or broken
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These but not joking
I'm 32
cheez is 38
I'm younger than 38
I don't make allowances for old men
these niggas want me to go to bluesky but there's no bookmark tweet feature? i don't need niggas knowing what pawg sniffs i'm tearing my jr up to
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>he didn't get on misskey before the jappas IP locked it
Maxim endorses Trump so /fgg/ do.
Much like fatfeels, he has an aisan gf now, so he doesn't need to fuck around with trannies anymore
deb's heart...
What kind of cake do you want for your birthday?
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he won
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>still banned
>hated by the entire community
>several people hunting for his head, even post-ban
>outed as a retarded schizo
It's time to concede
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he was right
technicals was right
clayton was right

trannies lost
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The twitter tranny head hunters
this sounds like a bad netflix special
This kind
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Thanks, doc
...lost what?
..... the losing game
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...is he wrong?
why are you guys obsessed with cheez's age?
why are they obsessed with cheez in general is what I want to know
cheez is a fascinating guy
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is monogatari overrated slop (steins gate) or actual kino
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Cheez is my best bet for getting a sponsor, so I have to be nice to him so I can go to Combo Breaker next year.
its weird to describe
but you probably won't enjoy it if you're not a pedonigga
fat western weeaboos act like theyre special for watching monogatari when to truly enjoy it you need to know japanese and all the wordplay going on lmfao
complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people
where timtim
sfg: ECT was really good, it proved yet again that you can win with ANY character in SF6. Two grapplers in grand finals? Certainly not expected, but an entertaining result differently.


Yeah, this thread needs to just be deleted at this point. not a single good thing coming from letting you idiots fester in your own juices.
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broski said that and you all love him
what are those horrible looking eyebrows
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I wish there's a Kekken replay channel where the gameplay is decently high level but all the characters use sniff mods...
John Streets and Ed fucked that!?
Built for Big Cheez Cock
how is CHADton ALWAYS right bros is he really THAT smart or is the fgc THAT stupid
>is the fgc THAT stupid
Most of the current fgc is niggers and trannies. Low IQ people and mentally ill people. A sane white man, even if not smart, would be Einstein compared to them.
i don't think kuji is einstein level...
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i took an online IQ test and got 134 and then i took it again the next week and got a 97 :(
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Nuclear take: Balance is actually not that important. MVC2 hardly has any tournament level characters, but the game has so much depth, it doesn't matter and people still play it.
It's fine for characters to be bad. It allows for a more open ended game with people having more creative options instead of developers worrying too much about how certain characters win certain matchups.
Who has the highest IQ on fgg besides Clayton?
id rather have a clean puddle than a deep pile of shit
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>Balance is actually not that importan
this only applies to games with complexity, not simple games like many fighting games are today.
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he's a joke character with dogshit neutral, low health, and bad movement, but.... HE HAS POGGY 1F LINK STANCE CANCELS THAT THEORETICALLY GIVE HIM AN INFINITE COMBO IN A TAS EMULATOR!!!
Get in there niggers.
was the hard r really necessary?
Its time for /fgg/ to go.
go where?
The abyss
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Porn? What are you guys talking about in there?
That's always the real question isn't it? There's no doubt Clayton is the goat in every sense of the word. He's far beyond everyone else. But who is second best in the galaxy brain game? I'm not sure. I don't think anyone sticks out even it's probably pretty muddled.
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no one plays granblue anymore
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is this that lesbian chick? granpoo really design these fine ass bitches then go
>.... they only love women btw
That's a nigga.
His name is Sandalphon.
He is a gay ass nigga.
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That's a dude.
RNG Projectiles, loli idol, battle pass dedicated to her, into the trash it goes.
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wake me up when they add a dyke or super sniffy sniff
tamaki public use
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Here is your sniff.
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That’s it. I’m sold.
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nevermind then I got confused
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They know how to sell shit...
does the game have any sniff outfits or is just....... this
This but ryona and nose hook
I haven’t played the game since they showed this
a couple, but they're all time limited for now
nosehook ok
ryona not ok
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There is a good amount, and even the ability to uncensor them (as in play with the gacha outfit instead of the revised version for the fighting game. Which means side boobs, ass cracks and that kind of stuff)
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the granpoo shills are back?
We never left.
yes you did mantha
Blazing strike requires slime to even dash at all? wtf
I've been laughing at trannies during ECT, calling people niggers and mocking Cheez recently mate, I never left.
yes you did mantha
these niggas delayed their game for a few years to add burnout, but with stun
one guy made it by himself
I can understand harada and daisuke copying SF but why is an indie passion project inserting the latest dogshit mechanic
Blazing Strike became a flop but the dev should have released the game on Ikemen (mugen), and then moved everything to a new engine. That's what Doujin devs do. Every major anime fighting game released in the 2000s and up started with mugen-like engines. Even a fighting game that's theoretically easier than platformers because it doesn't have actual physics isn't easy to develop. gamedev is one of the hardest things out there. Blazing Strike is impressive, no less
There is a more than 0% chance that the publisher requested it.
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Actually yeah, the publisher could have given him money to hire some random spicnigga coders, you'd think
Early Access > Full game
there was no need to release the full game in this state. And since it's an indie fighting game with a high price tag, the publisher killed any chance of the game having a comeback.
The only example I can think of is Chaos Code likely being started in 2dfm because Mickey Lin is an expert on it and made Super Cosplay Wars Ultra in it. I thought French Bread always used the Squirrel Engine or something like that.
Japan has fighting game engines that date back to the sharp x68000. Mugen, for example, is from 1990
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I was really into all the sticks and shit once upon a time too. My first real one being the SF4 TE stick that cost me $150 at the time, which was what, 12 years ago maybe? Whichever SF4 version it was that had Makoto? In more recent times I've tried fight pads too. I also looked into CheatBox like most people and even the Micro Snack thing forgot the fucking name.

After a while I realized fighting games take too fucking much dedication and I rather just play action/shooter games that have just as many amazing sniffs. The fact that SF6 kind looks like vomit doesnt help.
beaming my thoughts into the AI game generator in 2030 and ending up with Jive CE but every sniff is naked
lmao Romento is currently deleted and banning anyone on his youtube who calls him out for lying about Clayton and posting rollable combos and trying to pass them off as unrollable. Does he seriously think we aren't sharing these screenshots with Clayton? Clayton was right about this guy. What a incel.
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In slightly related news:
Bamco apparently just released this dud of a game while announcing layoffs and cancellation/on-hold of several internal projects.
I have seen rumors of one of the projects being Soulcalibur but I'm pretty sure that's not the case, however even with that said, it's strange that gamers rag on companies for not taking risks when in reality they're releasing pic related instead of games with name recognition like Soulcalibur
All they did was publish this one.
It was made by some random Canadians that worked on A Bug's Life.
I doubt they spent that much on it compared to developing a whole new game, probably just paid for distribution.
We obviously dont know the terms, but being a publisher is usually more than just paying for physical and digital distribution. I'm sure there's marketing (what little this game is even getting) and other expenses they must have footed the bill for.
harada just said sc was dead like a month or two ago
i highly doubt they were making a new one since t8 just came out
another esg turd dead in the dirt
this one failed due to a lack of advertisement
You never even heard of it outside of your epic cheez posts and the quartering memes
do you conservatards ever get tired of this childish game?
Cannot wait until we're rounding you people up and putting you up against the wall for your last punishment.
why do you fantasize about killing random innocent people?
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do you wanna play fighterz with me it's 4:30 am and no ones on
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i mean to be fair, conservatives do fantasize about martial law and would be the first to commit actual treason.

it's like reading your opponent in fighting games. you gotta anticipate their moves and some people are just more predictable than others.
Spent $100 on her premium bundle. Worth it.
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Do Americans really imagine a crazy war based on what pokemon version they bought in 1998?
both of your parties are the same shit lmao
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I mean you didnt have to, could have just grinded the character then bought the discounted bundle
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Unhinged? how so?
BlazBlue goons.
I'm working when Nazrin comes out.
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Have you ever thought that they might be willing to shoot you because you already are talking about killing them online and they felt threatened by this?
both american parties want to genocide
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It's mostly tories that are too dumb to comprehend first past the post states are on the same team.
MMPR have their own issues to worry about.
If your mother came out as a democrat/republican you wouldn't hate her be honest. stop pretending any of this matters and sit on the GAWDence
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It's normal to be wary of lunatics and individuals on government watch lists
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You niggas just sit in you gooncave or have a remote party even in 2024
A civil war would just be y'all sitting there jacking off and eating hot pockets like usual.
Wait, who did the mighty morphin power rangers vote for, exactly?!?!?
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I'd rather save time. The time becomes more valuable when you play multiple gachas.
You've already marked yourself as a criminal based on who you support. It's like walking around in a nazi uniform. Why would I even take a chance on you? You're getting fucking destroyed on sight with extreme prejudice. You know why? Because of your extreme prejudice.

You "people" already say this about strive players, so why is it wrong when I recognize the warning sign of your maga hat?
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That's fair, but the grind is part of the gameplay, otherwise what are you even using the new character for
Dial 8
Jive was so kino
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>You're getting fucking destroyed on sight with extreme prejudice.
Watching her trailer gave me diabetes. I know anime games are usually like that, but more than anything else this character is forcing this childish cuteness so much that half way through I started questioning whether I had finally outgrown anime.
god said everyone deserves a second chance
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They voted to have seats per party. So Rita Repulsa could still influence decisions to attempt to win the world. LPR isn't as famous at it should be.
Hera wrote this.
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I can't believe Cheez just keeps wasting his mommy's money like that
did you miss the episode of the fgg show where that tranny made a gofundme because his parents kicked him out of the house for being a tranny?
Yea he said he was homeless even though he had a warm home to go back to...
you're laughing at him but you will never be the #1 SF duel and metal slug awakening player
is there a prize for that?
yes you get to have sex with cheez's sister
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Can you freaks even go one day without masturbating?
Does it really count as an accomplishment if you just buy your way to victory instead of earning it?
Stop going nuts about drama and names or whatever dumb shit
KINO is on
damn this week went by fast
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It's back
Terrordrome has returned
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To coom
why does the Singapore thing have less than 400 people when it's a super premiere? ECT had fewer points and more people went to it anyway.
As a matter of fact, it looks like most of thepeople in the Singapore tournament are from Japan or some random western country.
What is going on in Southeast Asia?
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You guys made literally the exact same statement as him, but about Arabs and Pakis
Why is it wrong when he expresses this opinion?
either traveling within SEA is just too expensive or the community there is smaller than one would think.
It's expensive and FGC is the smallest competitive major league.
yea, the fgc is still pretty small. even during the old cpt format where people traveled more the only premiers that got 400+ players were regional us majors like ceo and combo breaker and huge international events like evo and tgs.
>roster is all copyright-dodging copies and public domain
I mean I get that the first was a free to play fangame and licensing all those characters would be a huge pain in the ass but if you can't use them why even bother
I think a public domain horror fighter could still be neat
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for what purpose does he feel the need to let everyone know that he just masturbated
Here's the reason in a nutshell
>Cheez: I love to +1 my wife Morrigan
>Cheez: Just did another +1
>Cheez: Morrigan is so hot, +1
>us: Cheez you know +1 means you're jacking off right
>Cheez: Uh y-yeah I knew that the whole time! Ha ha ha! Of course I knew! I knew all along it meant jacking off! You'd have to be retarded to use +1 this much without knowing what it means!
>us: okay so why are you telling us you jacked off
>Cheez: (no response)
Sex and masturbation are basically the same thing.

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