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Landsknecht Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>498256647

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Underwater Caretakers Friday is over! Weekly theme suggestions are being taken: >>498572961

>(10/02) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad ; OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api
(09/25) Meta releases Llama 3.2 https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5 releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
Erato more like errata.
This artist has one joke. Also yuri is mid.
>suno has a new feature
>can upload na image and make a song form it
>hey that sounds cool
>ios only
Yuri is good though (if done right).
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>This artist has one joke.
That's not merrivius.
AI stories would be nice if they didn't forget everything a few paragraphs in.
DookieStain AI doesn't do this.
I suspect the drawer is a CCP propaganda artist who lives in a basement in Yueyang.
i don't get yuri
Men with testosterone and strong sense of self never do.
it's about increasing titty counts to 100%. no matter how big your harem you will never have 100% boobage
It's something different.
Neither do the girls.
Trying to make a name for a universal slave trade organization. I have thought of "Selling of Eves from the Xenoverse" S.E.X for short but I want it to sound better than that
True. Women on women is pathetic. The submissive female cannot substitute for a truly masculine and dominant male. Now, excuse me while I go assert my alpha male status on the effeminate males.
I want to be a woman's slave...
I overall like her stuff, because I love Rome, love history, enjoy her style, and like yuri. Well, less that I like yuri, and more that I prefer female characters to male ones.
I apprecitae that she does more than just the Romeaboo stuff, but the Gyaru thing she does with her landsknecht is a big miss for me.
What's the theme? Are they trying to soften their image through safe/corporate wording and heavy use of euphemisms? Or are they blatant in the fact that they sell SAPIENT slaves (AGAINST THEIR WILL) and shrug off the ethics concerns that might arise?
Because the naming would be way different between the two extremes I suggested. Something like 'Intergalactic Bio-Resources Conglomorate' or something vs 'Flesh-Mart', you know?
This but the effeminate males assert their alpha male status on me instead.
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Big true.
>Verification not required.
They're not hiding it at all and been struggling all morning to think of something that implies universal trading
Too bad, we share a common enemy in yurifags. I'm gonna play the lancer and you can't stop me.
Sex-slave-focused (based on the one you mentioned earlier)? Or whatever-the-client-want (labour, pleasure, hunting, food, etc etc etc)?
Why is the kobold horde censored? I thought it was owned by a tripfaggot from /aids/. Henk, was it?
Yes, sex slave focus
a lot of these foss projects have burned to the ground, apparently SillyTavern was burned to appease the corpo model holders as well.
Must be sad to be discordless.
Serf Exchange of Xeno-Oddities
kek, if that anon isn't using it, I am.
I might use it, and hey, it's universal so this could make a lot of hot stories involved with the same organization.
An effeminate men cannot be alpha.
They are, by definition, not true males and must be dominated by their masculine counterparts. To wish for an effeminate man to dominate you would be homosexual and would thus make you not a true male.
>They haven't realize twink x amazon is peak, the pairing the universe intended.
A couple more sentences of purgatory and you'll reach Nirvana I'm sure.
But who's the dominant one?
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Business as usual, I guess.
>a small man conquering a mountain of woman
>a powerful lady taking what she wants.
Both are based. Switch it up depending on feelings. That is the path to enlightenment.
nta, but it seems that Amazon dom and Twink sub is the obvious route. Suggesting the twink is the dominant one subverts the norm, which is also fine but feels less obvious.
I was definitely angling for "both" as the correct answer.
me conquering a powerful fox lady
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Yeah, that's basically like trying to solo a raid boss isn't it?
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it can be done, but not without a lot of cheese. One good critical hit may be all you need.
How is kobold horde censored?
You have all overlooked the fundamental principle: To be submissive is female. For a man, even an effeminate one, to be submissive to a woman is a paradox. In this instance, the man would be the penetrator and must thus be the dominant.
Imagine being so insecure in your masculinity you bitch, complain, and enagage in pseudophilosophy on a 4chan thread about wanking your meat to AI-generated text.
I'm of the mindset if I win, I win, I don't think I'd mind losing too much in that scenario.
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It's a win-win(lose) situation. If you gave it your best shot there's not much downside to losing apart from being humbled, and putting up with her insufferably smug aura.
>he doesn't follow Grecian philosophy
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Last call for Theme Friday suggestions! I’ll make the poll in about three hours.
Normal Objects Mutated to Have Genitals and Reproductive Systems
I tried to generate a picture of a housewife wearing an apron and I got a black and white image saying my image got flagged for containing "CSAM".
Uh, amusement parks?
beta and alpha males
arguing about beta male and alpha male philosophy on a mongolian basket weaving fourm
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dating with yandere vampires
and wageslaving at futanari hospital
>why don't they let me generate realistic child porn on their computers
Somebody failed at reading comprehension. MILFs are apparently children.
We all know it's the usual shithead, being a contrarian little turd and greentexting his pithy bullshit without bothering to make sense.
Hope you got feet from the last thread, But I'm feeling a some Treasure Hunting is in Order
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Ghetto Recap

Recap Script: https://rentry.org/aidscap

New Prompts, So Go Back To The Cluuub.



Schizo Vectors >>498277835
A New Game Drops >>498349514
Beedrill And The NAP >>498374958
Bonzi Threatens The Homeless >>498377860
Well, Is It? >>498398441 >498400415
Persona 6 Leak >>498403913
Bonzi On Laziness >>498452598
All A Dream >>498472030
It's A Conspiracy >498473712
Chinese Whispers Opening >498482660
Enjoy >498496094
Liepard Secretary (Is She Temporary?) >498496540
Bonzi Gets A Scooter >498506014
BONZI >498533436 >498537408
Agreeable Slime Noises >498540329
Bloodrayne Milking >498540848
Shitpost >498549213
Dr. Seuss >498577062
Sacred Rod Quest >498580674
Bonzi Refuses To Pay >498630996
AVGN AI Dungeon >498658271

Notable Posts:

Tutorial >498574186
Google Says The Bad F-Word >498261772 >498262453
Gigaleak >498267013 >498269723 >498277512 >498267358 >498350423 >498362439
The Boys >498281551
Grok 2 Bros... >498318128
Harvester >498329437 >498329528
The Service Of Our Time... >498344530
More Music >498389453
It Keeps Happening >498409370 >498412302 >498414941 >498415115 >498450281
MASSIVE trigger >498443618 >498444504 >498444532 >498570862 >498570901 >498571185
No One Answered Him... >498477760
The Idea Of Someone Pornifying One Of These Abuse Story Re-tellings Is Fucked Up, But Really Funny, Not Gonna Lie >498507684
Fancy Guardrails >498529890 >498530149
Party Comp >498540458 >498546948 >498549297 >498551532 >498557898
Bozo Camp >498571570 >498573281 >498572356 >498575261
Vibe Check >498576504 >498600668
Bird Check >498605675 >498611832
Many Cases >498653001
>little girls pretending to be MILFs
The prompt, give it to me.
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Isn't a lolibaba an actual granny who merely looks like a little girl?
thank you for your service
Yes, basically.
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There has to be a way to make Erato better. Surely 1.1 is in development now, right? Surely all of the development resources aren't being put towards Aetherroom, which is now almost an entire year past it's original release date, right?

Just fucking kill me.
>yet another unprompted, random complaint and hyperbolic statement about killing yourself because waaaaah Erato not good
Get a life.
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The Word Bearers are slowly beginning to grow on me. Used to hate them, but I now feel that they can be written with a certain charm.

Currently engrossed in a Dark Apostle Word Bearer x T’au Water Caste prompt; slow, slow burn, but paying off on my run of it. I’ll publish it soon enough.
QRD on Erato being slopped?
yea its slopped. slopped with lots of fat loads right in its bussy
they're working on it
source: trust me bro
Is this heresy? (40k, AdMec fluff)
>The director of the secret I Wanna Fuck Humans Club is a Mightyena
Interesting insight.
>slop slop slop
>now that the dust has settled
>come on hick just slam my fartbox with your Southern cock
Imagine being this pathetic.
Neet girls
That's a take on the leak, isn't it?
The Seismitoad would say she is fired up. There's a D missing.
Nice use of new and lesser seen Pokemon.
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I'll trust you since it's the only copium I have.
>By night, she was the secret leader of a cabal of fellow pokemon
Just write better :)
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The poll for next Theme Friday is now open! Go vote‼
I enlarged the scope of “Wageslaving at Futanari Hospitals” and “Dating Yandere Vampires” to “Futanari” and “Yanderes”. I hope that isn’t a problem?
The Word Bearers and The Thousand Sons are the only Traitor Legions I feel pity for and don't blame for their treachery - the Emperor caused it himself. I'm not sure how one could hate them.
>Dark Apostle x T’au Water Caste
This is rape, right? The pairing doesn't make sense otherwise.
Today I learned that Freddie Mercury was a pajeet.
congratulations on the surgery to restore your eyesight, anon
He was literally born in Zanzibar to an Indian Parsi family and his real name is Farrokh Bulsara. Explain how I'm blind?
>jiggling and flopping about
That would be an unnecessary burden to attach to oneself. This is indeed Hersey, Heretek. You've been infected by the whispers of Slaanesh.
you looked at him and didnt realize he wasnt a white dude until now?
lil bro's entire worldview and youth shattered, he will never be the same
Race is a social construct, and that's all I'm going to say about that. Have fun baiting people elsewhere with your /pol/shittery. Have a nice day/
I'm gonna plap tall girls
post a screenshot or don't talk about it
Calm down MM.
you have no screenshots. you are a threadshitter.
Nonsense, it is an efficient attachment to transport fluids such as blessed oils and machine lubricants with! Compact when emptied, unlike rigid alternatives. Why, imagine the possibilities! Different sizes that could be swapped according to needs and weight restrictions. Hardened exteriors are always an option, if need be, like the power armor worn by female inquisitors, arbites, or sororitas.
Far more than mere ornament or dead weight, I assure you.
I dunno why but I've been trying to learn how to actually draw
nice, me too
Post one of your doodles.
>used AIDungeon's Mixtral over Kayra and their Llama 3.1/Pegasus over Erato for group content because of how well AID could handle multiple characters doing stuff simultaneously, multiple character personalities and quirks, preferred NAI for 1-on-1 content
>Nick did something and AID broke, the only thing that works is their CYOA stuff
Guess I'm going back full time to NAI. Are ESSEX and Listeners of Madness still the best presets? Is [ S ] better at 3 or 4? How the fuck did Nick break something that has worked for years?
>How the fuck did Nick break something that has worked for years
Llama 3 isn't even a year old, what are you smoking?
I mean their previous models, they had Mixtral 8x7b before their Llama 3.1, and others before that, and they worked. Hell, their 70B worked for a few months. I used them. But all of a sudden, whatever Nick has done, things are horribly broken for me. The AI ignores me and does it's own thing, ignores my inputs, keeps trying to force the story into a second person perspective.
I've mostly been doing still lifes, and they also suck
Post them anyway.
AHAHAHAHA I just realized why AI Dungeon is breaking for me, I was hitting censors. I guess they must have tightened certain things, the "barely legal, trust me" prompt and the 1800s black slavery prompts were the ones breaking. I tried my Arabian concubine harem prompt and it works perfectly fine.
Seems a little too off topic
do it pushy
Sounds like it was your own damn fault all this time. Mormon was right to get your ilk evicted.
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I mean it's mostly just like random shit around my house like this.
>have a distinctive style I've used for years, influenced by the authors I read
>every prompt I write sounds the same, no matter what author tags I use
>getting real sick of the style
What do?
Try having the AI start the prompt for you. Feed it all the data, ATTG and Style ect, but the prompt itself? Give it instructions and guide it, and let it create the prompt for you. Sentence by sentence if you want to control the direction. That way, the writing style comes from another source.
other than that TV and table and the disappearing corner there, your geometry looks good, did you use any tools like perspective lines or just freehanded it?
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Just a lot of dialogue and coercion. A slow, drawn out fall to chaos, predicated on good intentions, is always better than outright respect imo.
Maybe, that is true. At least I know that the censors finally caught up with me, I'll test out Erato's skill with multiple characters instead. I guess the Turkroach won again. Truly the Gay Ben of AI.
>do nothing
It is not efficient at all. Even if one desired to use such revolting things as storage for fluid, the relatively small space contained within would only hold a mere pittance. No size adjustment would be able to fulfill the needs of its user.
Nice house.
I'll give it a try, thanks anon.
Was always told that NAI's output is pretty bad without filling the context a bit first, so it's counter-intuitive.
There is nothing wrong with fiction. The ryonafag is just projecting.
Well, right now nobody in the hobby is doing anything so we're all sitting ducks.
NovelAI remains the uncontested bastion of uncensored textgen and the king of imagegen.
Yeah I fucked up the TV, we have it kinda tilted in the corner there which confused me. And yeah I used some perspecrtive lines and sight measuring, definitely can't do it free hand
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Straight to respect is all well and good, but it's a crude sordid affair; a slow corruption of their character is far more delicious since they don't even realize what your doing to them. Even better is when you have a static character who knew the corrupted before and is mortified at what you've done to them. For example: it's one thing to see your daughter's rapist, it's another to see the fuckboy who turned her into a bitchy slut.
Though how does a Tau fall to Chaos? 40kfags may have to correct me, but I thought they had no psychic imprint on the warp and the lack of comprehension of Warpspace is why their FTL is the way it is.
Yeah, it's a real nice place. Just one small issue…
A pipe-fox is on its way to make a nest in your home.
Indeed, proper build-up makes the deed even more delicious.
You're not mistake. I'm merely taking a few liberties. The pieces from the Word Bearer's perspective treat the affair as an experiment of sorts, trying to coax her towards coming to certain conclusions. I chose Water Caste since they are natural diplomats and it makes for decent verbal tit-for-tats, but not so psychically open as the ethereals. Also, since I'm going the 'sexy; female T'au route there is a good deal of physical flirting/boundary stepping that plays into it.
>Was always told that NAI's output is pretty bad without filling the context a bit first, so it's counter-intuitive.
You are right, that's actually true for Kayra and older models. Kayra can barely manage it if you brute force enough, this is an Erato thing.. And even for Erato, you ideally some amount of Memory/ AN/ ATTG/ Style and some context/ i structions first for the prompt to begin.
You can start with [ Write a prompt about you, Anon Hugecock, about your goal to impregnate every woman in Japan. Focus on xxx, and the story will play out as yyy, with zzz happening in the background. This is a comedic story, with a focus on dialogue. ]
And then let the prompt begin.
Which character do you like best? /jk
>how does a Tau fall to Chaos?
One does not need an imprint on the warp to suffer corruption. If that was the case, only Psykers would be susceptible to Chaos, and we know that obviously isn't true.
Does the narrative begin with her being his captive? The T'au do not share diplomatic ties with Chaos representatives, and they eliminate Chaos filth with no less fervor than the Imperium for the Greater Good.
You joke, but I do want to do a Nicole and a Zhu Yuan prmpt eventually
Yes, it starts with her being captive. Lmao, I respect "muh lore" as much as I can, and wouldn't go that far.
Based taste, brother.
Been brainstorming ideas them. It's very important Nicole gets max bullying before anything lewd or romantic. Right now my idea is
>Nicole overdue on her payments, promises to do "anything" within reason as exchange
>gets put in a sexy mascot costume to hand out Random Play flyers while Billy and Anby die of laughter
>treat a now embarassed Nicole to ramen after work
>and go from there
Should be a good list for smut authors.
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>My mother never gave me any affection so I spend my free time shitting up threads and whining about what other people enjoy now instead of doing literally anything productive
>Hello, how are you?
Thank you for your lecture, I feel so ashamed.
I haven't used NAI in months. How's the new Erato model? I fear it's garbage since it's a repurposed corpo model, so I'm reluctant to try it myself.
>I'll pretend to be a newfag and shit on Erato because I've got nothing better to do with my shitty life.
I didn't read a single post in the thread before asking, so apologies if I sound like some shitposting regular or another. Yes, I have preconceived notions about Erato, but only because I hate OAI, Anthropic, and corpo models in general so god damn much.
its still corpo tuned unfortunately
It's a decent model, no censorship.
Fuck off, lying ass bitch nigga.
thats a bit rude m8
Sad news.

Censorship isn't even my concern. I hate how formulaic and uncreative the corpo models are.
I'm saving it for when the bombs fall on Claude, and my cozy bunker awaits.
You don't deserve respect.
Erato isn't formulaic or uncreative. Pay the other fucker no mind. He doesn't even use LLMs, his sole purpose is to shit on anything and everything NovelAI does. In the recent past, he shilled AIDungeon's fine-tune and argued that NovelAI would never be able to offer it without increasing their prices. Guess what? No price increase happened. Much like evry single other "prediction" he's made, arguing about how Latitude bought Command-R and went for the jugular (he misread the report, it was two other companies), among other things. He also shills a shittily made UI rip as the greatest contribution to the thread.
you can feel the corpo more than Kayra, but it's text completion so editing and writing in a style you like makes a noticeable difference
Erato is in no way, shape, or form "corpo". Fuck off.
Erato is great, BUT you need to fight the corpo stuff a bit. We have found ways of combatting the, ahem "slop" though. Style tags are more important than ever, and Author's Note is very strong in following what you tell it.
The model was made by a trillion dollar corporation, anon.
That has no bearing on the overall quality of the model, shitposter. Fuck off.
Holy shit is angryanon still here? I thought he would have left by now.
>people share storyposts
>thousands of tokens worth of output from the model
>different scenarios, styles, genres
>guy can't be fucked to scropl up, read them and judge the output himself
It's bait right? It has to be bait.
yeah it's bait. nobody seriously wants to know how Erato is because they'd just try it themselves. There's a free trial for fuck's sake.
>everyone who disagrees with my shitposts are some random made-up strawman
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>I should be allowed to shitpost and lie about models with impunity, nobody is allowed to dispute me.
erato isnt available on trial
Oh no, he's hot!
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CF go to bed or play a video game, this is really boring and honestly not your A-game material.
He won't. Probably just snorted some cocaine or took a phenibut suppository.
more like gains anon
wtf he should correct the cf brat?
Is there a tips and tricks guide for tard wrangling Erato?

The thread being full of shitposting makes that pretty unappealing, honestly. I just wanted some opinions on the model, and I got some, without having to sift through this dumpster fire.
Just take a look at the OP, click the Antiwhine link, and add the shit to your filter. Bam. Easy way to get rid off shitposting.
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But Anon, this is nu4chan. Lurk moar? Don't feed the trolls? Hide and ignore? C'mon now, that's old hat. It's all about the (you)s now. What better way to spend an evening than having the same "nuh uh/yuh huh" argument again and again? Can't just ignore whinefag, no that's too hard for newfags. While we're feeding him attention with this thread derailment, we need anti-whinefag to make it his personal crusade to reply to all of his bait and contribute twice as much nothing to the thread.
How do people deal with the existential dread product of the underwhelming Erato release?
It was supposed to help recover the general from its downward trajectory, but the new model failed to make a splash outside of this community, and the trajectory looks more like a continuous line downwards from more than one year of stagnation.
How do people deal with the depression that comes from thinking about where the general is going to be in 6 months?
There's also the looming threat of AetherRoom's release, which has the potential to radically alter the culture of the general.
Oh god you guys are already at the "maintaining a blacklist" stage?
Just move these threads to reddit at that point.
>Theme Fridays having more prompts than normal isn't recovery
>The thread being full of shitposting makes that pretty unappealing, honestly. I just wanted some opinions on the model, and I got some, without having to sift through this dumpster fire.
CF has been seething harder than usual so people are really moody.

>Is there a tips and tricks guide for tard wrangling Erato?
We are still in the experimentation phase unlike Kayra where we understand it really well. ATTG in memory is mostly the same, while Style has a new format (you can download a template for that), and Style tags have a big impact on the writing quality, arguably more than Kayra. And [ Style: purple prose ] is a hefty change.
Author's Note is must stronger too, so you can directly use prose to guide the AN. For example [ Use flowery prose and have a large focus on spoken dialogue and character interactions. Have characters initiate dialogue often. ]
>the new model failed to make a splash outside of this community
Why is that a bad thing? Why would we want normaltroons and writelets here? Have you seen the state of AI Dungeon and Character.ai?
>prompt: i am guy in harry potter world
>character: hi im ur girlfriend lets sex
It isn't when it's mostly one person making multiple prompts. The even seems to exists mostly for the illusion of activity, with no proof that anyone actually interacts with these prompts.
>Why is that a bad thing?
The "downwards trajectory" or a dying population should give it away. Imagine a society without new births, it would collapse upon itself. That's /aids/' current trajectory.
Erato falling to be a thing that attracts new people is a massive red flag, and a cause of dread and depression if you think what's going to happen in the next few months when activity naturally keeps bleeding out.
Oh boy, is "Erato is slop slop slop slop slop" not getting any hits? Back to "/aids/ is dead dead dead dead dead" again?
I love one-sided pseudophilosophical "debates" with people who don't actually give a shit about the community. Fact: unless you browse the thread and participate in it like a normal human being would, you have no right an opinion.
do I have rights?
You have the right to be bred, put on the skirt.
I don't want that right, someone else can have it
>The "downwards trajectory" or a dying population should give it away. Imagine a society without new births, it would collapse upon itself. That's /aids/' current trajectory.
I can't imagine new people staying given the state of CF and other posters that are obsessed with sabotaging the place.
AI story stuff in it's current state has peaked. You can do whatever you want and models have a pretty high hit rate as far as genning what you want.
There isn't much more room for it to grow without innovation and in fact will only decrease in popularity.
The good thing is that it's in it's basic stages still. It's just you and the AI going back and forth. We're basically at the Pong stage of video games.
I see a ton of avenues that can drum up excitement for future implementations of ai storytelling;
Premade stories that actually enforce rules on the player. AID had this in the past, you couldn't redo or edit but the model was far less sophisticated so it kinda sucked.
Co-op, multiple players interacting with the same world. Context sizes probably aren't there yet.
"Realtime" games, stories that don't wait for you unless it has to in context. This might need voice inputs to work well.

A lot of it requires more efficient processing than we have, but so did video games after Pong.

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I pop in and out, but I wouldn't consider myself a part of this general, more a friend/guest that comes over, eats a Nature Valley bar on your clean sheets then leaves.
Huff your farts somewhere else.
i like both
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messy little boy needs correcting

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