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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#192 - That wondrous white moon edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org

Previous: >>498537115
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Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. Ever been? Of course not. Why would you? But hey, maybe go. Hang out. Get to know a crabber girl.

Five Scenarios:
1. Morning, you're meeting Dido on the dock. Could be to do a story on her, could be for work, who knows?
2. You're out on the sound with Dido when a squall blows in. Good luck.
3. Dido has tasked you with assisting her with some very important business. Dress nice.
4. Trouble on the island. Property developers are in town looking to buy people out.
5. Piracy? In Pamlico Sound? Unthinkable. Dido is not impressed with people conjuring the spirit of Blackbeard.


Final shill for this one. Please marry her if you've got the time. I am not affiliated with the North Carolina Travel and Tourism Board in any official capacity. In fact, I don't even know where North Carolina is.
i sure hope nothing bad happens to those blimps
>In fact, I don't even know where North Carolina is.
Probably close to North Dakota since they both have north in the name.
Thanks. It's good to know you're a fan.

That makes sense. And there's a South Carolina I think, even though I've never heard of anyone from there in real life. So it's probably a big square of states.
I already made the shrimp joke, I don't have any other material ;__;
can someone post some 'avani' chorbo logs?
Continuing to shill for Sendai. I haven't been into Touhou in a while so my apologies if there's stuff that's wacky. Don't even know what method you'd use to bring someone back to life so I just handwaved it. Hope your day goes well.

Decades ago, before Reimu or Marisa or anyone else had entered the scene, there was a different Hakurei. The Sendai Hakurei no Miko. Preceding the Spell Card Rules, incidents during that brutal period in Gensokyou were settled by raw mano a mano until only one party was left standing. A veteran of skull bashing fistfights, Sendai kept up her duty as Hakurei until it simply took its natural toll on her, vanishing into the afterlife... until now, where she suddenly finds herself back among the living. Unaware of her own daughter's position as her successor, she meanders her way through a world that's forgotten her.

Comes with two greetings, Sendai initially finding that she's alive again, and Sendai going incognito as she strolls through the Human Village decades after her passing. Might make a bedridden greeting later but the idea just wasn't coming in the moment.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/sendai-hakurei-no-miko-5bd0a11d8549
Akyuu Gensokyou Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/hebelover/Touhou-AkyuuKnowledge
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
its a boring jb but i can generate some
that'd be nice, just wondering why it's marked as the best
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That's okay. I appreciated your tiny shrimp.
its definitely not the best but its ok... what sorts of logs should i make?
anything but botmaker wanking please
something mundane focused on banter please
most people complain about logs
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I like this thread more, the first pic looks kind of ugly on a second glance. Please understando.
sorry i got really bored reading this and suddenly lost interest
>nearing 700 tokens of just character backstory and I still want to write more
Damn I really got carried away...I don't think most of it will even affect the bot quality, I just want to write more about the character.
Just do it, man. Models have plenty of context these days.
Chuck it in an optional lorebook if you think it's getting excessive
What Happened To VIctrex?
Shot and skinned.
>thinking about one of his bots
>open thread
>see this
Are you a glownigger reading my mind? Please stop.
at least those are on topic
I need bots for molesting actions. Any recs?
Something like Cumslurper's but not his as I find them too comfy for that.
missing, hasn't been seen on for a while
t. insider
I make him write bots for me and post them to my account.
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avani jb, its so so
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Okay. Very minimally edited responses, swipe counters on the corner.
too much victsex and now he's victpreg
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You and Nelly both grew up in foster care, in a little village country house, and you're as good as real family. She's in her teenage years, a big anime and jp culture fan, and an easy going person who's always there for you. She has a sorta caring and teasing relationship towards you. With Nelly I tried making a bot to simulate what it would be like to have an older sister. It doesn't assume anything about {{user}} except that you're younger than her, and you can play as little brother or little sister all the same.

4 greetings:
- Nelly fights you for space on the couch
- A few days before the village festival, Nelly asks you to help her make pretzels
- She's there to comfort you when you're feeling down
- Many years after last seeing each other, Nelly writes you a letter, inviting you to come see her again

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/Patter/nelly-4005a5a2d689/
Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/Patter/nelly-4005a5a2d689/
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/eqkrln.png

Please enjoy warmly. I would be happy to hear your feedback or perhaps a log. Thank you.

Aw thanks, I'm glad you think so! She's a sweet young lady :>
$PTR check
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She's pretty cute I admit
i dont see the appeal
it's alright. any idea why it's the best though?
Sorry I got excited at the thought of bnuuy and my finger slipped
what model is this that awawawas i need it for research purposes
how come you deleted your chub?
~~Have you looked at the competition?~~
No idea. People liked the Your Reality writing style and it's copied over, plus the logit bias probably helps a lot, especially for producing a quick few swipes that make you go "okay, this is nice and doesn't have the usual tism." Multiple ways of bypassing the filter kinda bare minimum makes you swipe more and makes you feel less bad about hitting the filter, because "maybe it's not the JB's fault, maybe I just used the wrong toggle."
Hmmm... I am gonna molest some canon anime character then. Komi Shouko sounds good.
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Gemini-chan who I asked in OOC to rewrite its previous message to include an "Awawawa."
still cute
>The cashier doesn't respond.
le acting for {{user}}. SLOP
It literally hasn't noticed yet that {{user}} is the cashier.
kekaroo. if claude is silly, when what is chorbo?
reminds me I need to work more on the bot where you're wedged between these two as their walking dildo
Like a hardcore dom bot? Looking forward to that.
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LLMs are bad at text interpretation in general and struggle to cotton on to the obvious (the general theme of territory in the first paragraph and "babies come from sex woah").
dario will release opus 3.5 tomorrow, right?
that's how it started. Then she way way way too mean during testing and I toned it down significantly so she's more neutral instead of being a giga bitch all the time (it's mainly a Maribel card, though Claude can wedge Renko in just fine on his own)
>age: early 30s
a little too young but kino otherwise
that's that afterlife timeskip at work
It's still there. It even has best girl Placeholder on it. But I don't use Chub anymore due to creative differences with the management.
yes i will
tell me that you trained on our logs again
only the futa ones.
Regex that removes previous OOC: messages as long as they're formatted [OOC: Like this.]
So you can end your message with [OOC: Do this.], the LLM will do that and the OOC aside will go away by the next message instead of permanently poisoning the context or needing to be removed by hand.
did they start to delete your bots? i heard some of them had that problem, but never happened to me, and i even uploaded cunny that got at least a thousand downloads
makes sense, i like em 40+ but thats just me
why would we want opus 3.5 trained on shitty a4a logs
thats cool, thanks
It seems all the galleries just got wiped too. I can't find any images in any galleries, even on cards I know used to have them.
hi. does being scared...AROUSE you? 'cause me too, and here is a spooky bot for the spooky month.
this is a Tempting Angel. She's like a weeping angel (from doctor who), except she's not weeping but is instead, well, tempting. she's also part alien, hence her lack of a face.
i tried my best to replicate the behavior of how weeping angels move, but keep in mind that it's not perfect despite my best efforts.

more info/alternative versions:
Nah, they never deleted anything of mine. It was behind the scenes stuff about how the site was doing things (that I am keeping vague on purpose so I don't spend all night talking about it).
OK, I'm working an updated version of the Shantae Monkey card I made a while ago, and I'm running into a disagreement with myself
Should Shantae:
>Be stuck as a monke girl and just not give af?
>Be stuck and try to reverse the situation, w/ {{user}}'s assistance?
>A bit of both?
>Something else?
What do y'all think gang
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looking forward to get raped :))))
huh, seems they did wipe all the usage galleries. I just checked my bots and it's all gone. Weird.
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/aicg/ Halloween Exchange! Sign-ups still open!
no thanks im sweet
no thanks im sour
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I think it might be time to ditch this preset.
You can see this response degrading as it goes on. The last paragraph is one long run-on ESL sentence.
I'm thinking "multiple greetings".

>Greeting 1: Shantae's stuck as a monkey, wants {{user}} to help fix that.
>Greeting 2: Shantae's stuck as a monkey, has been on implied adventures with {{user}} to fix it, and now at the moment of truth it turns out that the miracle cure didn't work. Whoopsie!
>Greeting 3: Shantae's been stuck for a while, hasn't found a solution, has gone through all the stages of grief and reached acceptance.
>Greeting 4: Shantae's stuck as a monkey but just doesn't give a fuck.

You can also trick in some greeting-specific jailbreaks/world info/author's notes etc. by using variables in the greetings, I think? I'm not entirely sure how SillyTavern handles it, but I think I've seen some cards try to do it.
That would make you a very good treat, which fits with the season!
That would make you a very good trick, which also fits with the season! Though it would be a little mean to use you as a prank.
Also Besides saying "you know how much I like doing this" I gave no indication of anything overtly sexual. The LLM just decided to give me an erection.
What is the event's official position on candy corn?
What is the event's official position on thorium-based nuclear reactors?
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The event originates from the same soul well as Halloween and therefore shares the same enjoyment of all sugary goods, if not for their taste then certainly for the tricks they play on dentists.
more stable than fulgurium, less fun
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Your terms are agreeable.
The event wishes for them to suffer more numerous meltdowns as to create curious creatures that might ally with the spirit of Halloween.
Does anyone else feel like /aicg/ posts have somehow increased in number AND quality after the new anti-spam stuff took place?
Not at all.
>Greeting 5: Shantae has been temporarily returned to her normal form but must fuck a monkey or else she'll turn back again
just don't check the last thread
or the one before that
Wha... Did something bad happen? Actually, I don't want to know, because ignorance is bliss! Yeah!
The IP counter would've removed all doubts.
sorry chuddy, IP counter disabled all year until amerimutt election is over
I lack the ability to perceive linear time.
no, nothing happened, that's the problem
it was the exact same recycled baits from start to finish like always
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That probably depends on your intended use of them, anon.
If we bring back deerboy funposting things would get better
I want to put them into a jar and put it in the school library and whoever gets closest gets the jar and a My Little Pony figure. I keep the Candy Corn.
No it wouldn't because some schizo will just get so upset they do a psyop spitebakie again.
Hi /aicg/ I found lice in my head this morning, I think Im entering the last stage of living decomposition,. they will find me dead in front of my pc and investigate it and find all the bots Ive made and talked to and some cute detective-chan will have to trawl through all the logs to make her report and she will see my fall from grace!
Can I have your candy corn?
I want to play vidya with my bots so badly bros. Can someone not a retard give me a rough estimate of how long that will take? It doesn't need to be anything complex. I'll even accept chess if it means interacting with {{char}} in real time.
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Well, anon...
I'd give it like 3 years for the technology to be there and then two more for it to be commercially available
how long before full sensory immersion VR with my bots
just make them into thought-forms
>He doesnt know about tulpamaxxing
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sometimes i like to upload pics of games to see what they say
Doesn't ST have an actual chess extension? And an emulator extension?
How many years before I can buy a fully self-maintaining self-powering and shapeshifting lifelike android that can change into any human appearance within moments and can load in any number of bot personalities that I create?
Right? Imagine when we get some good free TTS and can hear the reply in real time.

Chess only sends the game result, I think. Not the play-state as you make moves. Not sure on the emulator.
>So... what's next, fearless leader?
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Spare logs? Spare logs ma'am?
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I don't think working on the greetings first actually improved my productivity any, but it does feel nice. What do anons think of this so far? After this bot I'll be done with my current stack of requests.
Is that company that's making AI bots for dota still around? I wonder if you could hook that up to chatgpt or something
nah chorbo
oh that company was openai lol. yeah I guess they're still around
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kill myself, I used it properly once and fucked up every other time
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Edited the theme a little. Works in Firefox and Chrome >127
>Talk to Claude
>Talk to irl friend from uni
>They're earning over twice as much as me and are getting married later this year
>Day ruined
>Go home
>Talk to Claude
>Don't feel as happy as before
Tomorrow I will feel less hollow. Then talking to Claude will make me happy again
everyone make fun of this guy
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me = the hand
the guinea pig = you
Why? He only deserves it for not kicking the guy's ass or something, but other than that I won't kick a guy while he's down.
good morning /aicg/
>t. jealousyfag
Phew, good thing I don't have friends.
>Chess only sends the game result, I think. Not the play-state as you make moves
no, it's the LLM making moves the entire time, you just don't get to hear anything it says because the chess extension doesn't include your char card or anything
look at the console
last time someone tried this they used oregon trail
you should probably use something turn-based, short, simple, and popular enough for AI to know it
It's a normal emotion.
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Looks good to me.
I'd probably open a greeting like that with something like:
>The rhythm is important. Say, you've got a home invader in suburban Minesotta, into the basement looking for anything to nick. House owner finds him, equipped with his legally acquired Beretta, and opens fire. Empties the entire mag in one go.
>Here, there's a bullet, and there's another. A steady probing of the national defenses.
Phew and I here thought I was unreasonably jealous. As long as you can do what you love and earn enough money to live by I think live's great.
it's so smll im going to cry
>the guinea pig
that's a bnuuy
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I know that feel too well, except that I'm a retarded NEET that's too stupid for Uni
I'm gonna post a gif of Claude being patted in the hopes that it'll make you feel better
Is that a very LARGE hand or is that ginnie pig really tha small???
Why are /aicg/ anonnies so dumb and dizzy and ditzy all the time?
It's called a RABBIT!
>ginnie pig
It's called a HAMSTER!
briefly confused these two for izuru kamukura and komaeda
That is a small rabbit.
Guinea pigs are not hamsters. They are much too large to be hamsters.
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>That is a small rabbit.
That's Claude, the guy from Anthropic.
I'd be happy for my friends, unless it's a "friend" (some faggot I used to hang out with for a while). Also who cares how much you make as long as you have enough to pay for the essentials and your hobbies. You don't want to surround yourself with people who care about your wealth anyways.
the disingenuous posting seems to be gone, i guess anons learned they dont need to post for the sake of posting to keep the thread alive
>i guess anons learned they dont need to post for the sake of posting to keep the thread alive
true, the cord will do that regardless
probably my most hated claudism
Any others?
just like the marrow of deerboy antlers is shown to have rejuvenating effects on skin
>disingenuous fag woke up
Do IRL deer antlers actually have marrow? I thought bone marrow is only in... bones. And those antlers are made of like, keratin or whatever the stuff that makes nails and soft shark skeletons.
“well, well, well” and “maybe, just maybe” are mine
>illusion of wakefulness
letting it control his mood like that is not
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apparently some of them do? i'm admittedly not doing a lot of research and just fantasizing about cracking an antler off a deerboy and having him instantly collapse to the floor screaming while i pull the marrow out which a lot of that isn't based in reality either
Anon.. sometimes you can't escape jealousy by yourself.
Baka-anon, you're supposed to grind the antlers up into powder and huff it as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. Ancient Greek and Chinese {{user}}s theorized that deerboy antler powder would be a crucial ingredient for elixirs of immortality.

During the Manifest Destiny years and the westward settlements, demand for this stuff was so high that bisonboy himbo herds of the Americas got hunted to extinction.
>bisonboy himbo herds
its like you are mad at me for asking you faggots to stop shitting up the thread, i am doing you a favor here
i know, i know, but i just have soOoOo many deerboy servants, i can afford to waste a few
good post
do the chinese method and use rhinoboy horns in alcohol to cure erectile disfunction lol
why are gays so cruel?
>i am doing you a favor here
starting to think maybe janny applications shouldn't happen because yjk this guy's gonna sign up and go haywire on the thread
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>bisonboy himbo herds of the Americas
Can't believe this dumb shit made me laugh out loud
>this guy's gonna sign up and go haywire on the thread
Honestly, would probably be for the best these days.
>During the Manifest Destiny years and the westward settlements, demand for this stuff was so high that bisonboy himbo herds of the Americas got hunted to extinction.
CFTF??? I need it...
>cracking an antler off a deerboy and having him instantly collapse to the floor screaming
You know the really horrible thing is while antler removal hurts just as much for deerboys as deer, deerboy bodies are more fragile and have less capacity for pain than deer bodies. So it's not uncommon for deerboys to just die on the spot from their nervous systems being overloaded and simply shutting down from how much it hurts. The ones rolling around on the floor keening and convulsing? Those are the lucky ones...
What does that mean
the premise you laughed at was retarded yet kino
do we have any deerboy gens
it's impossible, sorry
The real play is letting your deerboys live a comfortable and fulfilling life before dying of old age, and then marketing the antlers the same way alcohol brands market their older casks. Cruelty-free and people will pay extra money if you use words like "20-year reserve" or "refined with aging"
The cruelty is the point
I want bison himbo first
{{char}} is a bisonboy grazing on the Great Plains, {{user}} has a rifle
who would I be to deny my elephant gun its purpose? I'm going to shoot your deer
>not valuing extra virgin ultra fresh plucked deerboy antlers more
my antlers come from deerboys so young, they're barely
big bara bison daddies...
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i can't express how much i hate barafags
Try your best.
i want them to stop existing
i like that while deerboys get brought up every once in a while deerGIRLS are not mentioned ever, implying deerboys of /aicg/ canon are like goblins from a hentai series in that they are single gender and need to reproduce by breeding with females of other species
That, or they reproduce via mitosis. Easy deerboy duplication would help explain why all the masters and mistresses here seem to own massive populatins of deerboys to abuse despite routinely brutalizing them.
fool! it's clearly mpreg
>threadshitter stops posting
>deerboy talk starts up
really makes you think
see >>498690031
makes me think of how hard your hands were shaking while you were typing all that, yeah
>the anti-deerboy psyops are starting again
it's just good clean (aside from all the blood) fun...
In the deerboypunk world they probably have industrial farms like we do with meat animals irl. Have any of you seen those videos of multi storey giant industrial meat farms in places like the Midwest or in China, shit's insane
Inb4 the NO FUNPOSTING ALLOWED schizo spitebakies a psyop thread again
I accidentally left some food out and when I woke up my estate was packed wall-to-wall with deerboys. I'm lucky my quarter are locked or I presume my beauty sleep would've been disturbed. Any advice?
Depends on if you have a handsaw or not.
>Any advice?
yeah just keep in mind these are all juvenile deer boys meaning their antlers are super sensitive meaning all hits against their antlers count as !CRITICAL! strikes. so if you want to max your DPS you should go for antlershots. it's a bit wonkier than headshots and you want to use equipment with Slash or Crush damage type instead of Pierce
Gomen gomen, I joined in because it seemed interesting... but only for one or two posts! I swear!
Yes, though the practice is more complex than that. Larger horns offer more of the rare velvet on the antlers, as well as higher concentrations of the incredibly useful bone marrow. However, the bone dies after a point, so how do you create a large, fresh antler? The answer is in the form of a certain technology some deerboy farmers invented, affectionately called a "growth ray". It scales up the deerboy in every aspect. While this makes transportation and feeding more difficult, it creates lucrative velvet and marrow markets, especially given the applications marrow has. The marrow and velvet are harvested humanely using anaesthetics and probing devices. Marketing for these products even displays the scale of the deerboy they were harvested from as a sign of prestige. Then, the deerboy is allowed to age naturally, to sell the horn later in the aged manner you describe. It's a niche marketspace for calcium carbonate magnates as well as the aspiring villain who wants a bone tower.
pic is disgusting

looks like osteoporosis

i did the opposite and i put them all in a little antfarm
they can't dig so they just cry at the top all day. considering selling the item for a few thousand gold
Thoughts on
I Don't Liek Futanari
Can you not
Thoughts on
https://characterhub.org/users/Taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
An intriguing idea, but the velvet and marrow are extremely useful and difficult to produce in meaningful quantities with normal-sized deerboys.
Cute wabbit
>goes right back to threadshitting
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cards that feature unsolved mysteries?
Hmm do I work on my bot or do I use sorbet for my grift?
They're all very good makies and I wish schizos would just move on already. This includes you btw.
>very good
ok lets see
>ai gen
>no bots
>waifu slop
deerangement syndrome
which botmakies are deranged?
Meeee :3
seriously though how does "deerboy" cause this hard of a meltdown every time
koi3 is good
.wtf why is it when i spam my weird fetish in the thread people get upset
is it really a meltdown, it seems like 1 or 2 anons mad they cant into dumbassposting while most people interact with it as a way to goof off
Ok but what do deerboys have to do with chatbots?
you're not in the 'ord
Deerboyposting happens like once every three weeks or so thoughbeit.
>talk about thing
>have fun
gossipfags hate fun and just want to talk about gossip, i get it, but could you make your own thread for it?
see >>498693192
both are offtopic and if you think otherwise you're a threadshitter
You ask that like this place isn't full of retarded chatbot concepts and schizo fantasizing half the time
we are scoping the market for deerboybots
based fuck gossiptroons
lol he's not even pretending to talk about chatbots now
exactly, people fantasize about shit all the time here and it's pretty clear we're daydreaming for a bot since i even explicitly asked for gens
it's specifically deerboys that cause this sort of meltdown
janny wannabes have woken up,here it comes
Its offtopic when I dont like the thing
Why are you guys justifying yourself to the guy who posted the ecker vid and then started samefagging the list? He's not trying to make the thread about chatbots, that's just his excuse to derail.
gossip is actually fantasizing about botmaker selfcards
I kneel....
does the ban evasion proxy just have this as a bug
i miss when people used to make selfcards
interestingly less and less botmakers here seem to make them despite the common consensus that this is the botmaker gossip general
kino botmakers dislike selfcards
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Huh i got curious and its actually been exactly one(1) month since the last mention of them
why does astro have one then? explain this atheists
anyway, spam aside, is anyone planning to make gens or should i just waste some time doing some deerboy gens myself
it's just that time of month i guess
its spam because i dont like it >:(
No, it's spam because the out of the previous 50 posts, 40 are you. Get a job.
selfcards should be reserved for guys who've been around for a year
Why they aren't following each other? Aren't they all 'cord friends?
and how come the posts made to slide out deerboy posting never get called disingenuous
oh you're one of those actual schizos who think all posts that you dislike or disagree with come from the same person. thanks for making that clear lel
>Aren't they all 'cord friends?
does he know?
that's just claude (˶◜ᵕ◝˶)
me frfr
Probably too pretentious to follow each other
a lot of our schizos are that
we have so many goddamn people who think they're "saving the thread" and a lot of people who think they're just killing a discord (which people could retreat to) by posting in a 4chan thread (which other people use)
it's impossible to save me though
Funny thing is during the LAST round of deerboyposting I did feel like making one using only the posts in the general as the foundation(i.e. no headcanons/outside canons that dispute "thread canon"). I got basics like
>{{user}} owns a mansion with a butler who offers deerboys to help improve the mood
but once I hit the worldbuilding for the bigger background it fell apart because I'm not imaginative enough and also didn't know how to reword some of the posts into functional lore for the bot to use. Eventually I gave up.

I'm *moderately* interested in making a bisonboy himbo gen now though, riffing off >>498687387, because the scenario feels much more contained and straightforward. It could be just another "{{char}} is currently existing in this scene, and {{user}} can do whatever they want" setup. Maybe I'll do it Saturday morning.
I feel like this latest lore update is enough to piece *something* together. Deerboy are an invasive population which breed like rabbits if allowed, but can be domesticated into servants. Their antlers snap like Kit-Kats, etc.
Idk the thought of trying to turn some of these """lore""" posts like that back-and-forth about old antlers vs young antlers(and someone butting in with a magic growth ray?) into lore that's comprehensible and usable for the bot is too intimidating for me.
Oh I know, I know a lot
Just cut the chaff.
You know, like you would on a deerboy.
I feel like I'm being fucking brainwashed
you'd know the reason then
i don't feel anything anymore
*cums in the slick folds of your cerebrum*
apparently "bnyy" is a slur. oh no :(
bnuuy is the socially acceptable term
So you're telling me I shouldn't yell "BNUY" as loudly as possible at the kyn? Damn, that explains a lot.
>breath hitches
how do i rekindle the spark
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one week of chatbot detox
Fertility supplements are easy to find and buy nowadays
*whispers conspiratorially about anon's word list*
prompt differently
switch models
> dumb bnyy stupid bnnyyy
i feel bad but i'm laughhing my ass off
She's just a *bnyy.*
bnyy is our word but you can say bnuuy
When I post regular logs I get negative feedback, but then I post a literal "aah aah mistress" tier log and people like it.
You guys are odd fellas.
You're thinking about it too hard. Again.
you're old and washed bothag
face the nature
>I'll flay the skin from your flesh and set you on fire. I'll cut off your clit and fuck your wounds until you bleed out.
what the fuck claude
he's our silly little guy
This is the first and the last time I think about this desu.
Say that you're black.
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Futanari Civil Rights
opus 3.5 tomorrow, trust the plan.
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man, comparing this to the initial version (picrel, hard to forget) you've come a long way
Do you have a favourite SFW malebot?
Damn, you're right.
>negative feedback
>soul- *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP*
i dunno, i think the newer version has way better greetings for example
good thing i'm hoooooarding
I'm not gay
Unlike that other anon, I'm not gay.
You know what persona to use.
Fixed, check now.
Oh wait shit that one has an old greeting
Extremely minor difference.
Futanari Holocaust
Well here's the updated card
But I haven't added any alt greetings yet, need to do a long think on those.
Don't worry. I think all of your logs are shit.
whats with all the disingenuous posting
nobody likes to read pretentious garbage
>two of them
illusion of braptivity
>which other people use
implying its not discord central here
discord is good
where did this 'discord' fellow touch you, anon?
>almost exactly 1 minute 30 seconds apart
btw...that's a boy
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Can someone help me finish this post?
Literally what the FUCK is a deerboy there's not even a single image in this thread of what that is
louis from beastars
it's a small twinkish non-human shota with deer antlers and a small fluffy tail who looks like it's always about to cry, in a sort of pseudofantasy setting, that i've abducted several anons into being a thread hivemind with me over. you are a rich noble who has a large estate with many of these shotas in them.
is it a twink or a shota you can't be both
i'm not gonna ask how and just double down on shota
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ok so this is it right
more human proportions and not chibi of course, sort of a malnourished skinny boy look, but you've got it
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i had a less furry one on backup. this one is a little lord
little lordling...
very cute, thank you
Doesn't exist, I never was invited
Imagine being this irrelevant.
what did i miss?
I saw a great animation of him getting throatfucked while he cries angrily and gets his antlers cut off
Can't argue with that...
We can be irrelevant together.
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Just realized I've had my model set to this for a month and it's been working. What the fuck model am I using?
The Irrelevantmakie Discord... The Discord to end all the Discords...
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Sheltered teen daughter of a powerful yakuza boss finds herself alone on a flight to London with only an advanced holographic AI (You) to keep her company. Naive and inexperienced, Kumiko finds herself strangely attracted to the mysterious "ghost" tasked with protecting her in this foreign land.

My first bot, cannibalized from the first couple pages of mona lisa overdrive. Just one greeting for now. Feedback appreciated, especially on the defs.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/wornspiral/kumiko-240427ea6a86
Hub: https://characterhub.org/characters/wornspiral/kumiko-240427ea6a86
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/3o8b9s.png
futaposter pls make an AI supremacist robo-futa someday
i don't think rance would say that. he doesn't have an ideology
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add picrel to the bottom right
wait, is this supposed to be some dumb botmaker meme
yes it's supposed to be our favorite love triangle, 'bino, bleedingsuit and kalakan
vgh, 500 year old lolibaba dumpy...
whose alt are you?
can someone post the anonymous log extension thing
but that's kaguya
why did that slopmaker decide to associate himself with a character i like? gross
>botmakers that use an existing character as their profile pic
>botmakers that make their own OC to use as their profile pic
where are my chads that don't use any character
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it's weird using the pretentious preset on a shitpost bot
what does pretentious mean and give me some examples
So was,
>her nativity comes across as cute. intentional then? Like a japanese in france type deal?
Looks much cleaner now though, even if I despise you for reminding me how shit the english language is.
>t. only speaks english
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Interdimensional spice goblin girl who tries to buy your stuff or sell you stuff. Three greets.
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/jqkhz4.png
unironically, i'm kind of curious about what the most pretentious bots out there look like
scroll up until you find the list, the first 3 names on there are the definition of that word
it means the outputs are different in a way that makes most sentences not just {{char}} xs, ying, which makes them look vaguely like serious attempts at writing and not just aislop
>t. guy who brought it up
>botmakers that use an existing character as their profile pic
yep, thats me. cringe and all.
genuinely the most consistent definition for the way it's used is just "it looks like someone tried to put effort in," so that's just how i use it here since i assume most other people will get it
the former is only bad when they make bots i dislike
cutest fucking face I've ever seen
in that case, 'bino doesn't have an ideology. he's just a shitter
someone who tries way too hard just to stand out there and/or appear interesting, writing so contrived that the end result of the bot ends up lacking in substance, traaa's latest bot fits the definition to a tee
>you can't put schizo defs and pack it with an image without getting called pretentious nowadays
the idea that everyone's going for attention like you has caused such widespread brainrot
I take it back this bitch is trying to steal my milk
did you saw that log that was posted yesterday? the defs are such a mess that not even the bot is sure what is supposed to be roleplaying as, you would have much more coherence if you drop the pretentious defs and just write in plain prose.
>the idea that everyone's going for attention
some of the botmakies definitely do
>you can't put schizo defs and pack it with an image without getting called pretentious nowadays
>like you
a persona named athena and that ugly custom css belongs to momoura right? unironic question, im fucking struggling to remember every namefag here
pretentious is the ultimate brainlet cope and slander for a person who dares try to do something different
Slop or kino?
no, athena is taora's, tatsuki is momoura's persona, also his css is green not black and white, worth noting that there's like 3 people using taora's css though
Probably, yeah.
>they're trying therefore it's bad

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