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The Future Has Not Been Written Edition

>Previous Thread >>498610569

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and gay sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

Life is Strange: Heatwaves - Released!
First Lost Records gameplay trailer - Released!
Fear the Spotlight release date - 22nd of October
Lost Records release date - 18th of February and 18th of March, 2025

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Izzie LOVE!
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here's your self-insert, schizo
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>Here is your Double Exposures, famalam
REMINDER: Deck Nine cannot take Pricefield from you without your consent
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happy that my girl Victoria won regardless
DE? What's a DE? Stop babling anon, come join us, let's hang out
I wish I was dead ngl
The real evil villian is Decknine. Safi who? How do we defeat this D9?
The quality of sex she has with Chloe must be incredible
The straights will pay for their crimes
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You have a really sad obsession with her, schizo.
That is basically what I'm getting at. We have ignored games in this series before, we can do it again.
DE is not in the OP, anon. I have no idea what it is.
D9 is barely staying aflot. They have defeated themselves.
I fully expect them to shutter by March.
Does anyone have the LiS 2 image in DE ripped from the files?
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My wife played the LiS1 soundtrack in the store all day in protest of DE. Kind of a bummer in present circumstances but we reminisced about how we first started talking thanks to Obstacles. She tripped recreating the Riker mount she did on the chair and I almost died laughing
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Smoking that Chloe pack #ripbozo
linebacker Max about to tackle Safi the killer
It is always nice to get updates on this anon. Your story with Rachel remains the single most cute and romantic thing I have ever come across online. Hope you are both handling these dark days ok. If I ever stumble across a coffee shop playing Obstacles, I will make sure to place a large order.
It is also painfully cute that she attempts to do the Riker thing with chairs.
It's getting late when you're going to put LiS2 in this crap.
>You have a really sad obsession
I just find that ironic that you like that Izzie character so much and that tranny, by being the lead writer for DE, ruined literally everything that is dear to you
>D9 is barely staying aflot
You mean Dontnod?
I find the opposite to be true. Straight girls lie and say they're bi for attention, bi girls lie and say they're lesbian for attention. And Max is nothing if not incredibly narcissistic. As much as I genuinely adore her.
Mixtape and Lost Records will save gaming
"she" lmao
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A good reminder that Deck Nine developers are confirmed to actually hate Life is Strange.
can't imagine Square Enix is gonna toss anything else at them after this, though

a shitstorm this huge during a 'pre-release' that can still affect their pre-orders is definitely not good for their long-term future as a studio
>why, yes I killed Pricefield, so what? you don't like it? I'll accuse you of being a bigoted transphobe!
>pick "chloe died"
>joyce turned into a lonely cat lady
David wouldn't leave her.
They are both dying. One will be sad, the other not so much.
What a surprise....
>leftoids finally having one of their own beloved IPs ruined by hostile writers who despise the fanbase

I'd be gloating, but then I'm disappointed too. Why was D9 allowed to touch the IP after BTS?
Square is more likely to reward them for killing LiS.
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>to their credit the narrative team was mostly women

Oh it shows, lol
She left him
Chloe can’t be that good in bed, Rachel cheated on her with at least two people.
if the assignment is "make money with one of the only western IPs we bothered to not sell" and they fucked it up, it's studio closure time. Especially in a time of cost-cutting to make the shareholders happy
>devs were literally threatening to kill themselves
Sounds like this company is a bigger shitshow than their newest game.
Rachel wouldn't know anyway since she is into guys only.
The money is made. They duped enough people into buying the disgusting overpriced Ultimate and Collector's editions, while also killing the ''gay game'' that Squeenix has resented for years. They must know nobody will fall for their lies again after this, so it's the right time to finally get rid of the IP.
Rachel was a piece of shit through and through, she was a manipulative cunt before she ever met Chloe and she stayed that way until the bitter end.
The games never address character flaws as flaws, man. They treat them as little quirks or blame whichever character you're playing for them.
Rachel is a manipulative liar.
Chloe is a selfish brat.
Max is a narcissistic bitch.
I love Chloe and Max with all their flaws in tow but fuck I hated Rachel all the way through BTS, she's the worst.
not biological women i suppose
Chloe was always a bad friend.
How did you end up being into this franchise of all things
Non-canon. Max was the bad friend and admitted it.
So, SE doesn't have much of a beef with Chloe as a character but more like with Ashly Burch? I don't get it.
They're both kinda shitty people who deserve each other and I'm saying that with love.
She still let Chloe lick her cunt. But I agree she’s probably more into guys, she’s bi but has a male preference.
Nepo bitch, Pricefield hater
nice headcanon but she literally only fucked (old) guys though
Much like when they let the homophobe direct the game full of homos this time they picked the devs who hate chloe to lead the project about the sequel to the chloe game
>Sees the relationship in which Chloe was clearly being used just for her truck as romantic (and was cheated on for a drug dealer and serial killer)
sounds like her brother's sister
but it was a tranny who decided to kill Pricefield
Did you read the post you're replying to you big fucking dorkaroo?
You delusional to think one writer has the power to do that
How was Max a bad friend? People move away and grow apart, that's just life.
>LEAD writer
He can, actually.
cant believe they did us dirty bros...
She had to have fucked Chloe, Chloe wouldn’t have been that obsessed with her otherwise and been so pissed off that Rachel fucked Frank.
Chloe Price is Ashly Burch, even after multiple attempts to change that perception with a subpar replacement. SE has thus given up on the character entirely because they're that fucking petty.
Actually Chloe is so unbelievably selfish I wouldn't put it past her to be that pissed without ever having gone to bed with her.
not really, it was an extremely one-sided thing anyway
I kinda see her point. Even if you see both as romantic, no doubt Amberprice’s relationship was more intense, they had far more chemistry than Pricefield. I think Rachel will always be the love of Chloe’s life. I wish if they did another game it was about Rachel before her death rather than another game starring Max, LiS had a proper ending regardless of whether you chose Bae or Bay.
I was listening to an LPer making fun of it as background noise, but then it grew on me.

anyway RIP Pricefield gone but not forgotten.
Rachel is a whore, she obviously had sex with Chloe
But Chloe probably just ate her out while Rachel laid there and Rachel didn’t do anything back
>millennials becoming homeowners
Fake gif of fake things that don't happen
What's the story with Rachel?
>she obviously had sex with Chloe
that's just your headcanon
rachel only lusted after old men
this is canon
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You're not wrong, lmao
NTA but wasn’t it implied she had a thing with Nathan though, and he was her age
Is Blenderanon still around doing stuff?
Fuck you assholes.
I played first chapter and it was pretty cool. I love the atmosphere, the characters, the dialogue. And I AM playing with the Bae ending Max in mind, so I roleplay her as a deeply attached person who couldn't get over her trauma of break up that happened right after the genocide she commited FOR the person she broke up with, so she dyed her hair blue and wears Chloe's clothes as a coping mechanism, to make sure Chloe is still with her. She tries to get down with Amanda, but I'll make sure she doesn't (cause of Chloe unresolved trauma) in the end and will get with Vinh and will get fixed by cock. Fucking amazing dramatic storyline. Fuck you, deranged faggots Thank you, D9.
>didn't play LiS2
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It is not going back in.
Next planned template revisions are for link shortening, removing decade old vestigial links, expend on Lost Records as part of a refocus and include a section on games that fall under the /LNG/ category.
There is just not the OP character limit to allow for also including LiS 2 in that. Not to mention that there is no demand, since it is not liked by long time /lisg/ regulars.
Deal with it tourist-kun.
Izzie is a fantastic character, should have been a main character in TC and is a better fit for Steph then Alex is. I fully maintain this. The identity of the lead writer has zero impact on this and it comes across as sad and obsessive that you think her identity even would.
We also know from a D9 dev that most of the core problems with DE came from Square. If you insist on blaming anyone at D9 for DE, it should be Zak, since he was still the narrative lead when the story for DE was locked in.
>You mean Dontnod?
I mean D9. They will likely shutter by march given how poorly they have been doing for years.
DN is just an indie dev going through the very normal project expansion/contraction cycle. It is typical for smaller devs in this industry and anyone familiar with it could tell you. A smaller dev is not going to keep paying artists and coders when their work on the current project is mostly and the next project is still at-most in the pre-production phase.
We do not know enough about Mixtape yet. But it looks (and sounds) good.
Lost Records seems amazing so far. Really looking forward to seeing more of Nora.
That is correct. Cope, seethe etc.
bless you anon
good goy
>the homophobe direct the game full of homos
Which SE game was that?
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give me one reason i should
>long time /lisg/ regulars.
Who is that? You and your farts? Lmao, pathetic
It's better than DE
guess rachel was really a semen demon
>max's hand goes STRAIGHT for the girl parts
based max
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Moving back and not saying fucking anything for weeks
Low bar
These ones
Rachel fucked Chloe out of pity because they got drunk but Chloe was so bad in bed it caused Rachel to only crave cock
She promised to keep in touch and then didn't even try.

ChatGPT can shit out a better plot for this and a better ending for Max. Deck Nine hates both Max and Chloe and Rachel and Steph are their waifus. We knew this. We didn't know D9 would sabotage their own shit because of fictional characters and getting mogged by DONTNOD Frenchies.

rachel was always into cock though
Difficult to blame an introverted young teenager on that. BUT, it was kinda awful she basically ghosting her, leaveing every message on *read*, NOW that was kinda bad
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Damn right
If I remember right Anon's wife's name is Rachel, and they met in a coffee shop when she saw anon wearing a Jane Doe shirt. I think there was a screencap but I don't have it.
Aside for the usual suspects from high management and thir party meddling, they really wanted to bank on the shock value. Which was completely retarded, if you want the two timeline (bae/bay) to have minimal differences, there were thousands of better ways to writing off some characters, without pissing off great part of your fanbase.
Yes, but that made her realize she didn’t like pussy along with cock
it was always in her DNA to be a cock hungry slut thanks to ther slutty mother
Damn that's some very well animated shit.
well even in that alternate timeline where the two never met, rachel still went missing anyway so nothing stopped her from fucking jefferson
poor pathetic imbecile
LiS > BtS > LiS2 >>> TC

change my mind
Sure, hold still, the impact might fix your head
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It’s accurate but there should be a bigger gap between the first game and before the storm
They should have gone the Persona 4 route and made silly spinoffs. Life is Strange 2D fighter, or rhythm dancing game
Chloe as obsessed with Rachel, there was probably some self doubt in her mind at all times around her because of her abandonment issues. With Victoria though, would be about pure fun and pleasure seeking
Izzie sounded insufferable from the voice echos in True Colors Not as annoying as say Tyler in Tell Me Why.

And Steph is okay but got a bit too Poochie like in True Colors.
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LiS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>> everything else

Simple as.
this frog is alright
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Fucking bitch
The Chloe hate is real from D9. Might as well say Chloe killed herself since they hate her so mich.

Holy shit. Is D9 such fucking dirty?
I'm going to become Joker: Folie à Deux
I mean, it's in character
My villian arc begins
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Not only they hate Chloe but the franchise as a whole.
Oh this is fucking delicious. I've waited years for this cult to get its ass blasted.
Not a surprised. Most baytards never had much investment in this series anyway.
They should all get gassed with carbon monoxide. No redemption style.
This is even worse than the romance path. Just mutual hatred, not a reluctant parting of ways.
Lmao holy shit
So out of character. Max. The Max Caulfield who went through hell and back trying to save Chloe again and agin suddenly saying Fuck you Chloe? Decknine hates Life Is Strange it shows. These guys hate money, every character, the fandom, themselves, their boss, their coworkers, their job and their lives ala guy wants to jump off the building
What's the context of this???
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You made the selfish choice and this is your reward.
Fuck off, Felice. Just know you deserve every insult you chink eyed bitch.
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Seems like D9 end up blasting their own asses in the process too.
LMAO. DE lovers can absolutely forget about sequels btw
based rick
Absolutely based. This is the logical conclusion of BAE and I delight in the cultist cope.
jesus christ
Did you say the same for amberprice? Or the bayers (You). Because you both act like cults more than Baers do tbqh. Even D9 can be classified as Chloe hate cult, they really fucking hate her, that’s cult mannerism if you ask me.
This is like 9/11 but with a successful plane strike every single hour
How are you people still arguing over rachel vs max after all this time good fucking lord
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Thank fuck. I want to see that sadistic tranny actually killing himself now.
It's what you get if Chloe and Max were just friends.
Yeah Chloe literally gives you the green light to save the town and her mother. Why didn't you?
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You mean it's not multiple timelines and realities that exist without Prime Max body hoping?
this is even worse than S2's numbers after launch holy shit
I picked a hell of a month to quit drinking
Ok Stauder, but kill yourself first. You literally wanted to throw yourself out the building and have your guts spill on the floor like Kate Marsh you crazy fuck
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Anyone detached from shipping dogshit could tell you BAE was a ship doomed to sink, for the exact reasons given in DE. It's not anti-Chloe, it's anti-Pricefield, whose shippers somehow failed to mature along with the characters.
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The actual creators of the franchise said the opposite. They said if you picked that ending, it was forever. Double Exposure is a retcon by some hacks who got handed an IP they hate, but are forced to work on to keep their doors open.
It’s definitely Chloe hate related, ex-employee admitted it. That’s not mature at all from SE or D9. Let’s not forget the false promise of respecting both endings you dalt. No one in that company likes LiS anyway, did you not read? Nobody in their own fucking team liked the game, never beta tested it. That shows you how incompetent they are as team.
Honestly I hope they give the franchise a rest. Maybe a permanent one. Let's support Lost Records instead.
>They said if you picked that ending, it was forever.
This was and is shipper cope. No teenage elopement bought with a mother's blood (and a few hundred other corpses) was going to last forever. It shouldn't surprise you that it didn't.
Deck Nine have definitely made their last game. Only question is whether Square finally sells off the IP or sticks another team of retards on it.
Do you have nothing better to do, anon?
Dontnod said that not D9 aka imposter who actively admitted hating Chloe Price to the ex employee.
According to Max's journal it was more like 2000+ corpses
>I can live with my mistakes
this bitch would've died 10x over if it wasn't for Max constantly saving her ass before the storm, surprised she isn't dead yet
>no arguments, just cope
You lost.
desu that just shows that Chloe is destined to die young
D9’s headcanon. Why the fuck are we taking them seriously when they hate the franchise as whole? Should be waived off as fan fiction like BtS. A bad one at that.
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>True Colors peak was between 8200 players at launch
>LiS2 (without the bots) is roughly 4300 at launch

I know those who bought Ultimate Edition are not representative of all players but still, quite the fall down.
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I like Max/Chloe, but I can see where it's coming from. I think the biggest problem is people taking Chloe at face value about being a free spirit or whatever, but I think it's really a mixture of pent up resentment towards Max for abandoning her, and for killing her Mom. She thought she could live with it, and she did for a while, but then she couldn't. I think it would take a mental toll as well, spending years with someone that you know can just rewind time over and over, never quite sure if you're being manipulated or not.

I don't know, I'm willing to give it a chance. I thought the Gwen character was really goofy and retarded, especially his rant about how his evil boss would discover his "secret" when he's actually the most obvious troon in the world and I had him clocked the first time he spoke, to the point that it almost seems like a purposeful commentary on the absurdity of troons. But other than that I liked the early access much more than the awful as shit LiS2, made me decide to replay the original.
never kill yourself
Too late - Warrenbro
Or you know just D9 hating Chloe. You think they give a fuck about her feelings?
is this real? https://privatebin.net/?3672a0bf27089877#7TZK5JHE8NAruXbgVX3Vu4TdfzvyBDtFroWQoSatiD9
t. transphobe
True, I would be unnerved at having a partner who could manipulate time like Max could. Is our happy relationship natural and organic or did my partner redo things over and over to get things perfect? Would I even have agency in that relationship? It would always be in the back of my mind.
Yes, it is based on the audio files from chapter 3 to 5 that have been datamined in the early access
>''They also had very little faith in the project, with the former lead writer saying "I fucking hate this game," more than once in public meetings. They also almost never played the build while writing the game, leading to very detached decision making.''

They don't even what's going in their own game so how I am supposed to trust them to respect and be consistent with the source material they admittelly hate.
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At-least BtS had the farewell episode and that was very well done. Even TC/Wavelengths did not screw anything up and actually treated Bae respectfully.
This new game just seems like Square and/or D9 REALLY hated Chloe and wanted to get her out of the series for good, also allowing Max to be more free for future titles. They knew full well that a large part of the fandom had been waiting for close to a decade to see pricefield again, they answered that with a literal pair of middle fingers >>498721719

I'm really done with D9 at this point. It is a good thing they will close up soon.
Once all of the hype around DE has died down and the tourists have left. I will do a poll to see if their games should even be included in the OP.
I regret ever attempting to defend them or try to be optimistic about DE and how they would handle Chloe.
Amanda is an asshole.

>I dodged a bullet, sorry don’t actually wanna date you

LOL, why does d9 hate Max and Chloe so much?
Maybe, but based on the info I have right now I think it's a pretty human and understandable story, even if I would have personally preferred an episode dedicated to Max introducing Chloe to analingus instead. It doesn't feel like an unreasonable place for them to end up in my opinion. Especially as I replay the first one and revisit how angry Chloe is originally, obviously hung up on Rachel, sort of using Max, traumatized, there's definitely some resentment there that never really gets fully hashed out between them, and the paranoia about Max's abilities and the guilt/resentment over her Mom would fuel it. They're very young, isolated, alone, Max is all she has, so she clings to that and tries not to think about it, but eventually it just gets to her. She gives a flimsy excuse in a Dear Jane letter, but it's more than that. At least that's how I see it.

I believe every troon should be used to test chemical weapons, yes. I do everything possible to antagonize and frustrate "Gwen" because he's a troon, and if the game allowed it I would have burned him alive on that hill.
This is just the Last Jedi all over again. Some shitheads want to take ownership of a beloved established story and arrogantly pervert it into something that doesn't resemble the source at all.
A 2nd lewd has hit the building

The real opportunity here is for professor Max to eat out student Max
Will the rest of /lisg/ finally concede that "Episode 5 never happened" has always been the only right position to hold instead of that nonsense "bae>bay" binary shit?
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>justyfing abysmal writing by assuming Chloe would have been that paranoid about Max

Then fuck off to /pol/ please
Why do DE dickwriters insist on defending this pos? The whole team themselves hate it and the franchise? The only reason I can think of for this retarded behavior is contrarian shitposters. If the team hates it what does that really make you?
Because it would eventually fuck with anyone's head. One would start to question whether or not they had free will.
I want this cute Max back
the new era of max sluttiness is gonna be lit
Except Chloe has complete trust in Max
It's more of a reasonable extrapolation based on what literally any person would think in that same scenario. Every time she wins an argument or says the right thing, there's no way you wouldn't have that in the back of your mind.

No. The character of "Gwen", who is a man, is ridiculous and stands out like a sore thumb, just as all troons do. His idea that he was ever passing as a woman is patently ridiculous, so much so that it almost reads like a parody on the part of the developers, a mockery of how oblivious troons are that they honestly think their deep Vaderesque voice and ghoulish appearance is in any way hidden from anyone. I hope for all troons everywhere to die in agony, both in Life in Strange and in real life. In a game about an autistic art hoe with a hairy pussy and alternate dimension powers, a troon is still the most absurd and outlandish thing present in the game.

I just think a lot of the rage is from people who aren't thinking about it much. It's not about defending any particular dev. It's not the direction I wanted, but the people saying it's just totally unbelievable and out of character are being kind of simple about it. Max and Chloe will always be my ship, but it's very easy to see how the characters get from the end of LiS to here.
until she doesn’t
Because Decknine hates Chloe that is.
LiS1 makes it quite clear that Chloe has absolute trust in Max, and she knows that every choice she made was always to either save or help them. So for her to become that paranoid all of a sudden is very out of character and more in line with someone like David than anything else.
Context is important.
This is the "We were only friends" route.
Get over yourself, Felice Kuan. Your game sucks and your coworkers secretly hate you and wish you harm. Hope your company gets tanked because eat shit and die and Max says.
It’s not all of a sudden, it’s with the passing of nearly a decade
I actually hate Deck Nine, this is just revenge for what the fandom did to Dontnod during S2
Pricefielders begged Squeenix to fire them and give the series to Deck Nine. Be careful what you wish for lmao
Paranoia starts from the beginning and it’s also Max Caulfield, she knows Max is not malicious, I mean she did save her a bunch of fucking times. Nah. Call it what it is. Bad writing because the lead writer (tranny) has an extreme hate boner for Price.
I don't think that's realistic or even supported by the first game. Max ghosted Chloe for several years for no real reason, she's always going to have complicated feelings towards her. I think they loved each other, but there's enough baggage there even without the supernatural powers thrown in. I'm not even saying this as an insult, I think another part of the problem here is that a lot of people here are basically autistic, or at least socially inexperienced, and they're having trouble modeling what actual relationships are like, or how actual people might behave and react to things.

>LiS1 makes it quite clear that Chloe has absolute trust in Max
I don't think it does. You should go back and replay it.

Don't know who that is. This weird "y-you're secretly [x]!" thing zoomers do when they're mad, want to argue, but have nothing to say is really kind of lame and gay.
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He made us a few renders (NSFW and SFW) a couple of mouths back. It's been some some time since he dropped something.
And the “Ehhh!?! Not me at all, I promise!!! Heheheheh just trying really hard to defend my-I mean this game, um look I am just trying to pay my bills so buy my fucking game” is equally lame and gay. Agreed.
I love when people falseflag as Pricefielders. It’s amberprice legion all over again.

Squeenix is the fucking accomplice. They wanna get rid of Chloe as well.
does he have like a twitter profile or something with all of the works?
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I swear arguing on the internet wasn't this gay and tiresome until a few years ago.

No, I'm not your boogieman, no, I'm not "falseflagging" and other meme words you downloaded from dying porn websites. You people make any sort of discussion here so fucking tedious.
The fuck outta here boomer. /pol/ is literally that way.
Which way is the shitposting discord you're from? The sooner you start moving in that direction the better the general will be.
>unironically using the term "uh everything is gay" like a middle schooler
Anon, you are full of shit and you are defending a shitty product born of incompetence and spite towards half the fanbase. I'm sure you are aware of that and you are here just to create drama because deep down you don't give a flying fuck about any things you say. So gently, go fuck yourself.
>"sir, the fans are really attached to Chloe and her relationship with Max. should we have them together in the sequel?"
>"ugh no! I fucking hate her and that fucking bitch Ashly!! have them break up and give Max two cute asians to make up for it! and make sure one of them dicks her!"
What kind of company does this
Take your own advice. You’re literally trying really hard on defending a game even the devs hate. That makes you laughable. Sheep. Yes keep eating that slop like a good piggy. I’m sure SE is paying you pennies to defend this garbage.
I don't think middle schoolers are allowed to admit that you're gay and retarded anymore, they have to use some sanitized bizzaro language about how you should "unalive" yourself for being such a gay retard.

And no, nobody is here to create drama. I finished the early access of the game, came here to talk about it, and found some really tedious gay retards who, when losing the argument, resort to some really tedious gay bullshit that only serves to make the thread worse and "create drama".
>Lead writer tranny: Why do people love Chloe and not my characters?!?!?!?? Why why why????????? Fucking hate that bitch. Evil bitch. We need to axe her now. Since I am the lead writer to this shitty IP, well I can do whatever I want Ha. Fuck you Chloe Price and you too Ashly Burch.

Probably happened
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Never forget.
Fuck off to /pol/, please.
There's no new Life Is Strange game, sure, but let's not pretend like this is something new and unprecedented. For some fucking weird reason, creators going out of their way to piss off the fans and "prove them wrong" out of some retarded and unwarranted sense of self-importance is really in vogue nowadays. It's far beyond D9 and Squeenix; it's a cancer killing the entertainment industry all over, and the sooner it's cut out, the better.

(And no, this is not me defending D9, this is me pointing out they don't even get the brownie points for being in any way original with their anti-fan efforts.)
Lmao. Continues to use gay but continues to have the right to insult others. Man I needed that laugh. Haven’t heard the gay insult since like 2009. Take it easy old man, don’t want them fingers to break typing fast.
Nope. Troons are garish and absurd, they really stand out, and the troon in this game stands out especially. The direction of Max and Chloe isn't what I would have done, but it makes sense and it's really easy to see where it's coming from if you just think about it for half a minute. It was true before you started sputtering and seething about it, it's true now, it'll be true in ten years.

This sort of language policing and lost-redditor trolling routine is pretty gay and retarded too.
Buddy you keep using those words, you have lost the right to any argument or opinion. So basically your opinions are automatically disregarded.
That's pretty gay of you totally authentic lost redditor that wandered into 4chan to complain about people saying gay.
Deck Nine never cared about the franchise. They leeched off its fame by pitching a shitty prequel to Square Enix that retconned characters and went directly against Dontnod's vision of it being an anthology series
No one in the industry likes them and now not even the fans do
Yeah it shows actually. Bills need to be paid anyway. Gas those freaks anyway.
Nah old man. More like it’s totally out of style to say that shit. I’m on /tv/ alot and no one uses gay lmao except literally, no one except dying boomers like yourself.
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Did Safi fake the breakup? Otherwise this is way too much
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>Deck Nine never cared about the franchise.
Probably not. I don't think Dontnod did either. They accidentally succeeded in creating something great and memorable in the first one, never really understood why people liked it, and could never do it again.
Here's a (you) for being so gay that a stranger on a website briefly acknowledged you and called you gay. I hope this recognition gives you whatever it is you're looking for tonight.
This is from the "friends" rather than lovers timeline. Which is probably why it took so long to be noticed.
Opinion disregarded. I ain’t reading that
Could Telltale Batman have caught Jefferson in time?
This might be cope on my part. But I actually think this is more evidence of Safi fucking with Max's mind to isolate her from anyone that could interfere with Safi's plan (Chloe in this case).
The sudden totally out of character break up is one thing and could be explained by bad D9 writing. But to literally have Chloe holding up middle fingers at the player? That seems like the sort of over the top, unnecessary shit that stands out as a clue to something weird going on here.

Unless Safi can also read Max's mind. It seems most likely that she would have had to construct these false memories of Chloe breaking up with very little to go on, since she herself never met Chloe. So it would actually even make sense as to why Chloe has been written so fundamentally out of character in general; The 'Chloe' we have seen is just Safi and Safi does not have a very good understanding of who Chloe is or how she would act.
>This might be cope on my part
This has been debunked already. Safi won't know about Max's power until later in Episode 4. The message exchange with Chloe has been going on for years.
>Safi won't know about Max's power until later in Episode 4.
Then why does she kill herself as safiMax at the start of the game?
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At-least I admit it.
The fact that Safi could be fucking with Max's mind means that basically everything we know is under a certain degree of doubt. It could be very possible that Safi finding out about Max's powers in episode 4 is nothing but another manipulation by her.
>The message exchange with Chloe has been going on for years
But the thing is that we cannot trust that. For all we know, these dates and events are all creations of Safi that are being used to manipulate Max.
For all we know, Chloe is out there somewhere wondering why her wife has suddenly stopped responding to her after heading to her residency in Vermont.
My point is that until everything is in front of us, we just cannot know for sure. Safi possibly being able to alter peoples perception of reality just creates to many questions and means that everything we see/hear in the game could not actually be representative of reality.

My personal hope is that the game ends with Chloe riding into town with shotgun to save her wife.
Do you remember when I told you Chloe would be treated as a Maybe during the marketing phase?

We're still in the marketing phase.

The rings are important.
It’s over. They hate Chloe.
realMax from the future is the one who killed Safi, they went back in time somehow. Safi took the picture and convinces Max to shoot her, you can see Max crying in the photo. Safi tells her to stop stalling and to pull the trigger.
It's Max that kills her and Safi taunts her to do it in order to fix/kill the storm.
Warren won by being written out of life is strange.
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>Vinh fucked both Max and Safi
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did you know that alderman's the most retarded character we have in this entire series? the man has literal brain damage and lack of observation skills, once again, cops/fbi/investigators being retarded in this series is on par with dontnod's vision
>future of the franchise
>d9 being afraid of losing lis contract
>one unnannounced project
>cliffhanger ending for DE where Diamond gets powers and gets bred by Safi
it's over, that will sell 500 max copies, u should quit gigi before staining ur portfolio further
Oh shit.
Literal who employee. More like moving forward because you need that cash baby!
she exposed d9 you retard with the nazi signs in the ign article yet still defends this game, oml
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oh yea? next game you wont forget about Max and she wont move forward from Safi (because she isn't "defeated" and she will brew another storm with Diamond), that's how low the franchise is planning to go
She still defends it because of that sweet sweet green paper she got bribed with.
she got fired mid dev of DE in 2022, idk what money ur talking about
Why else keep defending it?
>Lead Narrative DesignerLead Narrative Designer
>May 2022 - Jul 2023 · 1 yr 3 mos May 2022 to Jul 2023 · 1 yr 3 mos

> Built and led a strong and diverse Narrative Design department from the ground up.
>* Created and refined new narrative pipelines to foster greater collaboration between Writing and Design.
>* Supervised the writing and design of scenes, ensuring publisher needs, internal requirements, and deadlines were all met.
>* Led in-game features, such as a photography mode, a clue board, collectibles, and in-game social media and text messaging.
>* Owned content for Living World, Deck Nine’s suite of NPC behavior and side-quest features.
>* Worked as a key collaborator with stakeholders on a full range of big-picture questions, from foundational narrative structures and pivotal story themes to big-picture items like branding and press.
because she wrote chloe out of the story and self inserted with amanda/diamond
Wow, D9 really hates Chloe. It’s almost pathetic.
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why is baqir so quiet, he needs to show us more prototype footage of DE
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>Safi suffers after this
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I'm planning on moving forward past this dead series. I invite /lisg/ to take that step towards Lost Records with me.
ok bye
Felice Kuan LOL. What is up with the devs self-inserting themselves in this game. Can’t make this shit up.
it will flop like tell me why and you know it, prepare to say goodbye to dontnod because they are the next telltale
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I will buy but because I support Dontnod and hope they come back to their home IP. In some weird alternative universe Max/Chloe are begging dontnod to come save them from being beaten, raped, tortured by the hands of Decknine.
we have the tranny writer self inserting with Izzie then Gwen
we have the autist 3d modeler with broken hands that self inserted as Amadurhhh
we have Felice Kuan who self inserted as Safi's suicidal girl (FUNNY, NARRATIVE DESIGNER WANTING TO SUICIDE, this is what Felice created with Stauder's deaths)
we have Hannah Telle who selfinserted her cat Miso into the game fully
we have Zakk who 100% self inserted as Alderman (the dick pov from ch2 where he shows the detective badge confirms it)
I'll probably enjoy it, but anyone who thinks it will be successful is delusional
It's giving me S2 vibes where the premise isn't marketable enough. The time skip is a really bad idea
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I imagine after a time, things will settle.
Even the most beligerant visitors will lose interest and things will return to the way they've been for the majority of the last few years.
hey! at least michel will work with quantic dream and deliver proper stories
Square Enix is Jefferson and Deck Nine is Nathan
This is from the "We were just friends" timeline rather than the lovers timeline.
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>We broke up
Michel doesn't look to me the type to be David Cage's bitch
greed is what killed this franchise and bandai namco will take over fully sooner or later, it's a matter of square enix saying "fuck this" and cashing in one last time (do not support them ever, the final fantasy franchise is a flop - 16 games btw, money hungry much?)
No wonder it’s a clusterfuck.
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here to make you guys hate d9 further with one last datamine from ch5

they reused Edouard Caplain's dark room photos from lis 1 and gave him no credits
So slimy of them

You need the usmap dumped. Use UUU 5.3 (you find it on kemono.so) to inject hook into the exe.


Then in Fmodel:

Open Settings

Press the "Enable Local Mapping File" checkbox

Press the ... and navigate to the .usmap

Press OK to close the settings, then restart Fmodel.

That's it.
Kate is so breedable
Yesterday I listened to some random voiceslines from that leak. I'm not sure if all of them are true, we know there's a possibility they recorded fake voices that for that purpose to spit on the people who get the leaks (so just keep that in mind), or those leaks are shared on purpose, but anyway
>There's was line when Max talks about Kate and says Kate deserved a better friend than her
Fucking lmao, Max but was like one of the very few people who actually cared about her and now she is tortured that she was very bad to her
>There were a lot a voices from different people saying "you lied to me" in different pitches and noices
>Max telling Safi she killed her
>Max and Safi both having powers and talking about it
>Max and Safi talking about Max's choice at the end (town and Chloe) and Max crying during that
>Max finding out it was her other timeline self that ransacked her room
>something about Safi wanting to roast Lucas during the show
>some dude making devilish voices and saying that he's krampus at the party

I also stumbled upon a few lines that I already heard in Chapter 2 stream (some Gwen lines for instance) even though the leak said it contained Chapters 3-5.
they got included because d9 cant organize their shit properly, if you export chapter 2 audio you can find ch5 audio as well mixed in actual ch2, the whole game is a spaghettified mess
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I'm not leaving /lisg/. I just think that I'm done with Life is Strange.
My main tie to the series was pricefield. And with that not only being dead, but killed in the most offensive way possible has fundamentally soured things for me in a way that cannot be fixed by any last minute ending twist or retcon in later game.
I want to look forward now to Lost Records. Seems to be in good hands and so far has given us no reason to doubt it will be a quality game that builds off of the best elements of LiS 1.
Izzie is a great character and Gwen seems to be the highlight of DE.
>The time skip is a really bad idea
It depends how they handle things. Since they plan for this to be part of a greater series, I think I would have liked a time skip to be done with a sequel or something. It is the element of the game I'm most unsure of and worried about.
But from what little we know about it so far, it seems inoffensive at worse. I think the deciding factor here will be the implications it has for the relationships between the characters; Especially the two love interests.
I do not doubt that anon. I look forward to /lisg/ going back to its normal, comfy and slow self. Also means I only have to worry about being up to make new threads 2 times a month rather then several times a week.
But my problem is that I had a candle burning for pricefield for almost a decade. We have never had a satisfying follow up to them as a couple; despite getting seemingly endless amounts of horrible amberprice stuff. DE was an opportunity to provide that closure and assurance that the promise at the end of Bae was kept. This has now been broken in such a way that there is no chance of that happy followup ever happening. It has just really soured things for me. I do not think I will be able to enjoy the ship to the level that I once did anymore, because DE will always be there in the back of my mind.
wondertwins on suicide watch because of d9
Funny considering one the dev’s wanted to off himself. He should be the on suicide watch
hope stauder gets flamed by at least one fan during that shitty convention that's coming in a few days, KENO please go and confront him!
Probably was Stauder gaslighting the rest of the team to complete the game, a classic abuser tactic.
would be so funny but if he actually means it, after keno confrontation he would actually just kill himself, I already see him breaking off, holding a huge rage rant crying while at it giving no fucks about square enix & keno would be traumatized forever as well knowing she caused Stauder's death
Imagine the state of this IP and the fandom if the director Kate Marsh'd himself over the backlash
Life is Strange might cause the next GG
that convention's already fucked because someone will ask 100% if safi's a shapeshifter or if the leaks are real
square enix uk shut down after square enix jp hears about it
Kate should be locked in a dark room and bred nonstop.
I'll do it myself if someone dares me to
dont ask if it's a leak, ask why do they end the game with safi being a shapeshifter and why does diamond nosebleed at the end after supposedly safi being killed in the merged timeline
Do it and ask him if he really blackmailed everybody with killing himself.
>multiple endings but still ends with diamond nosebleeding
multiple endings where? that was another lie from square enix themselves
Kate should convert to Islam
that event isn't livestreamed by the way
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Will you play her game?
her VA is a literal schizo crazy lady
Who? What game is this? Looks like a Ps2 game.
New SIMS 4 expansion pack?
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The Sims 4
The annoying thing about all this is that as a Bay sequel, it's fantastic.

But there was no need to do spitefully mess up Bae. An extra few minutes where we play through them just deciding to go their separate ways for a while, rather than just what amounts to "Haha fuck the gays!".
What is up with this sims character pose? Why is she always putting her hands on her hips like that. Shit makes me giggle like a little kid, it’s so weird
Get ready for a history rewrite where we always hated Chloe and if you don't like DE you are a transphobic homophobe.
Max go from liking Goth/punk girl to this hippy uggo

runs worse than sims 4 because the maps aren't optimized at all, if you are in max's apartment, you render the entire campus including observatory even though you dont see them

they got greedy with ue5 tech which was a corporate lie
Can someone post a new link? I couldn't download the audio files yesterday
It was incredibly obvious in the first game Chloe would never get over Rachel.
Yet Rachel was always over Frank and Jefferson if you get my drift.
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Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?
Rachel being unfaithful is part of the appeal of Amberprice
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Think it's time to let go. It's been real, friends. I hope you foresee obstacles through the blizzard.
Rachel's pussy is just THAT good. It made Chloe abandon Max KEKfield forever to chase the high that she once had with Rachel.
Except Rachel only fucked with cock. Frank’s cock was just THAT good, she kept coming back and back and oh she kept coming alright.
>>498742094 - Do this first, after that:
>Then right mouse click in "WWiseAudio" (from pak 0) folder and then select "Export Folder's Packages Raw Data (.uasset)"). Once Exported, the files are stored in "FModel\Output\Exports\Chronos\Content\WWiseAudio"

>Open WWiser (If Python is correctly installed then "wwiser.pyz" can be properly opened). Press "Load dirs..." and open the "WWiseAudio" Folder that was previously exported with FModel. Once the directory is loaded, press "Generate TXTP" (This will make files that simulate how Wwise plays audio, based on loaded bank info). Once TXTP's are generated, open the folder where you located them.

>Open foobar2000, With your File Explorer opened in the previous location grab all the "txtp" Files and drop them into foobar2000. Now Audio Files can be listened inside the program. Audio Files also can be Converted/Extracted with foobar2000, In order to Convert/Extract the Audio Files, select the audio files needed, then right mouse click in the selected files and click convert. I recommend using a lossless format like WAV or FLAC in order to not loose audio quality. (Converting in some audio formats like FLAC or OGG may need the format encoder. Generally these encoders are easily obtainable).
>we'll never get a Just Before the Storm game where Chloe becomes increasingly delusional while Rachel is clearly cheating on her
His eyes literally pop out of his head. And she even lets a smile slip looking at him. Love at first sight. Real soulmates in love and in bed.
>My powers didn't backfire. Nobody got killed by their ghostly self. (from the audio leak)
So that pitch black shadow person you see in the abandoned area in the trailer is actually Max? And she'll running away from her? (that part of escaping through the woods?) Because it sounds like that. Kek
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It do be lyke that for our Chloe.
and people say bts isnt canon when this happens
Ok but Rachel would rather fuck an old man.
I remember ambercocks seething over this
>how dare d9 show this!!!
>he’s like 30!!!!
Whew. Only time I actually thanked d9 for and for farewell I guess
Amber fucked Chloe tho
In your headcanon. She actually fucked Frank and Jefferson and knows who else. Trucker guy? Samuel? Nathan? Every football player?
she was a slut i'm glad she's dead
I know, Chloe.
chloe was a dumb annoying whore as well it would be better if they choose kate as max best friend
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Maybe this is a good thing for the fandom? I always felt like Pricefielders were too highly strung and sensitive compared to other shippers
Like you can call Rachel a whore and her/Amberprice fans will agree and laugh about it
But say anything about Max or Pricefield and anons will write essays and cry about it for years
Are you even trying? Rachel literally slept with every male in this lis franchise
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>Max would want Safi to eat her lasagna instead of Amanda
reliable leakers from months ago
Pretty sure that is if Max spills her spaghetti too much
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People are doing it with Tifa and Aerith for 20+ years and counting.
>Like you can call Rachel a whore and her/Amberprice fans will agree and laugh about it
yeah because it is the truth
They only have beef with the VA than the character itself. But D9 absolutely loathe Chloe, that much is true.
was it hard to say chloe's a junior mechanic near oregon and max left to vermont because both are raising money and doing some crazy race about who will manage to get more money until 6 months after the end of DE, it wouldn't have been hard to integrate sms and since rhianna voices her, they could've snuck in 2 phonecalls
Where is Kate?
New game good?
But why? Their first game as Deck Nine had Chloe as the protagonist. Most fans at the time seemed to think they hated Max
BayCHADS owned this series. They literally usurped DeckNine game developer and executive positions and turned their headcanon into a reality to suit their own needs using the resources from Baeturds buying LiS games on every platform (LOL).

Meanwhile, BAETurds can only cling to their own fanfiction. They have no jobs, no power, nor does their opinion carry any weight to make their crackship a reality.
they hate both, they love money though
LiS2 was shit because it was basically just another product of TDS at the time, with how obviously politically charged it was.
>Choices Matter
>another retarded 80s/90s era nostalgia trip the audience doesn't give a fuck about
Yeah, sure.
It's sad when the same 3 people try to hype it up lol. The aesthetic is so trashy and boring
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yeah, about that...
>Mostly Positive (actually barely above Mixed)
Can't wait to see the score once non early access paypigs buy the game and any cope about E5 saving Pricefield is gone.
Why is SEUK even in charge of this?
its worse than bts, literally none of them matter with anything

>take Alderman's card
short term consequences? moses scolds u with 1 line, long term? alderman dies either way
>major choice
yea sure
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Baelyfe? more like BaeSALT LOOOOOL
entire game's like this, major choices only matter with 2 dialogues, once again, twd ANF had more effort put into it than DE
That's more on D9 not wanting that, isn't it? That employee made it pretty clear that SQEX UK's problem lied outside the story and game itself, while D9 definitely had problems with Chloe herself. As crap as it is, the corporate decision makes sense from a certain point of you. D9 outright hating the product they make not so much.
damn those numbers are really low
even S2 had four times the amount of players on launch day
Not only that, it also rips off It by having a present day story where they're all hags.
because of factors like
- worst fan service
- paywalling the game
- square enix and devs dying (still lying)
- game was made with hatred and threats
- nazi iceberg article
it did better than dustborn and that's it's only accomplishment
so much for baytrannies power
For fairness sake, this is also the early access. LiS2 didn't have an early access.
For those who wanted, leaked voice lines in .zip that were shared recently but got deleted:

Hopefully I didn't mess anything up.
how ironic is that d9's best selling game is a game centered Chloe
hope stauder sobs seeing these again & spergs out on twitter
Back then they also had people still in place that actually gave a shit. Those were slowly phased out.
yet those people still glaze d9 and wish they were re-hired, look up the artist who made the storyboards for bts ep2, she made fan art of DE....we are at a point where ex-d9 make fan art for the game
Some ex-employees probably don't care one way or another.
What if it was one of them who shared it last time to cause shitstorm and for the "marketing" purposes? I kinda feel they would do something like that, post leaks from their own game to catch interest or something lel.
I mean they still have enough power to destroy your delusional headcanons. Even if the game flops and the franchise along with it, at least we Baychads will have the satisfaction of knowing it did canonizing the suffering of Baetards lol
>ditched Chloe when she was no longer of use to them
Reminds me of a certain someone
Max? Yup. At least she's in much better hands now. And by hands I mean Amanda's. Inside her ass. While Vinh is skull fucking her
Yeah, and destroying the franchise along with it.
Congrats for your shooting your own foot too, retard.
I like greentext anon's fanfiction more than DE
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Hahahaha get fucked, Bayfaggots
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>While Vinh is skull fucking her
Where is Moses during this?
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And both end up getting themselves killed. Serves them right.
>can't remember the fight
All of this reeks of Safi tricks
Worth it to see you lesbian fetishist cultists seethe and get mindbroken loool. Besides, the first game was already perfect so anything after it would never ljve up to it anyways so no big loss if the franchise gets the end it eventually would succumb to. At least it's a death where Baetards are forced to swallow their shit and watch their delusional headcanons burn to the ground. Remember when you turds were relentlessly shitting on S2 for not having more of your Max and Chloe? Here you go, enjoy! Loool
Well, it’s not Chloe’s fault she fell in love with a thot.
I wish we got this instead of DE.
love how safi is said to have only shapeshifting powers, but she has also one more power related to mind manipulation
still, I was expecting at least 5k players
You type this shit and call other people copers?
BLACKing Vinh of course
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>and this is your reward
Considering how many people canceled their preorders or didn't even buy the game, nor pirated it cause it has denuvo, which means even less people will play this or have any interest in the game thanks to denuvo.
Denuvo saved gamers for once, what a fucking incredible achievement!
I have nothing to cope about, worry about your own house of headcanons burning down right now lol :^)
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Max has become much more sexually liberated in Double Exposure. You get to see her smoking weed, using foul language, and having sex with different people. Max in DE definitely has nipple/navel piercings underneath those clothes and tattoos all over her body and a tramp stamp on her back. I bet that she also stops wearing boring underwear and starts wearing matching laced Victoria secret underwear to the uni.

Max in DE is not the innocent girl that you know from the first game anymore.
>dude chloe has absolute faith in max all the time she would never question her rewinding
>there are several times in lis1 where she has a double take and wonders if max already rewound and did something
>you have to convince her to not enter the vortex club party instead of her instantly believing max when she says chloe will die if they go there
that diamond and safi ending only shows if you have all the collectibles
Vinh is fucking Max RAW. HOT.
>you have to convince her to not enter the vortex club party instead of her instantly believing max when she says chloe will die if they go there
That's a point against your own argument though, because Chloe's first thought ISN'T "Max must have rewound."
Sales don't matter lol. If nothing else, this game is successful in burying any hopes for your garbage ship from ever getting the continuation you fags were so excited for and that's all that matters. If the franchise goes down with this, it died an honorable death
where vinh x max porn?
How did Chloe cope and be so delusional?
>Vinh fucks and gets fucked by everyone
>I'm gonna set fire to the whole neighborhood and get my home diminished to ashes alongside with tit to prove a point about the guy next door I don't like!
Baytards are literal psychos, lmfao.
hes the rachel of DE, he just lacks a junkie pothead
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Chapter 3 >>498698127
The game hasn't been released yet. The fags who played the game earlier refuses to post anything about Vinh and Max, bunch of cowards.
Not going to lie, I'm beginning to like the idea of Max with Vinh. Especially the idea of her pegging him while he closes his eyes and pretends it's Moses
I feel vindicated, I knew Sacrifice Chloe was the right choice from day 1.
can't someone decompile the game's code and see exactly when?
I mean nothing is ruined for us Baychads. We stand corrected with our morally correct ending and Max in DE gets to be/fuck with people better than Chloe so it's as good a conclusion as it can be
When did Ashly ever badmouth the series? It shouldn't be this hard to find if it's bad enough to stop her coming back
>Sales don't matter lol
so they did work for free to ruin some fanfictions, nice volunteers over there at d9
the bad mouthed it because of square enix, Ashley adores dontnod
Kate is with God now
>Stop and listen for once!
>Fine Max. I'm listening.
>Chloe, you can't go in that party. You're gonna... you're gonna die if you do.
>You used your powers, right? And you fucked around with time, and I died.
Tell me, how can you interpret this as Chloe not thinking that Max rewound. Even ignoring that, you have a friend who has proven she can time travel and has saved your life twice already. There shouldn't need to be any convincing after Max says she's going to die.
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What would happen if I turned off the suicide warning? Do I get to see Kate jump off the roof for the second time?
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The game warns you that something suicide related is about to happen, at which point you can either
>continue playing the game and experience this triggering content anyway
>exit the game and never play it again
So, in a no other romance scenario, what will Max' answer be when Moses asks her "what about the blue haired girl, Chloe? Are you ready to stop hiding from her?"
- Who?
- I'm good, bitch fucks Victoria Chase anyway
- Yep! And I'll dump her by text if D9 needs me for another cashgrab, I mean game
- Ready for you to show me your big telescope,
next game is in 2027 or 2028, we are winning either way because lis accs will die again and no one will care anymore
I get to see another cute girl killing herself in LiS again. FUN.
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He's got an archive for the NSFW stuff. Not sure if it will open for you.

Ashley lost her right to complain the moment she decided to go on VA strike.
Can people please stop lewding my wife.
>Make direct sequel to Life is Strange 1
>Market it as having the characters fans know and love, as well as having Max being the main character again
>Make it so that your choice at the end of the first game doesn't matter
>Make other very questionable writing decisions
>Already seen as worse than LiS 1, 2 and BtS
>Game bombs
When you really think it about there's 2 scenarios here. Either D9 didn't know that LiS' only fanbase after all these years are mostly Pricefieldfags and fumbled a very easy bag. OR they simply didn't care. Incompetence or pure hatred. Funny either way.
/lrg/ - Lost Records General
lisg death mark
How would Bay Max and Bae Max react if they met each other?
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*schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

This is the sound of Amanda and Safi taking turns to eat out Max's pussy. Defiling her. Giving Max's the best orgasmic and pleasureful feeling that she never had before with Chloe.
thanks bro
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The attention to detail in this game is shocking
Couldnt even bother to have a proper picture in the newspaper literally screenshot from ep4 not even the remaster
80$ pls btw such a cash grap
Amanda nor Safi are as hot as Victoria or cute at Kate.
Very much dissapointed. How did it come to this...?
If Pricefield shippers already ordered the game, doesn’t matter, they already have their money
what you expect from devs who literally hate this game?
You realize that refunds exist, right? Especially for something that isn't out yet.
Didn't know we had a renderanon
>cash grab
You’re just realizing this now? I knew it from the second it was announced Max would be the main character of a new game.
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>LiS' only fanbase after all these years are mostly Pricefieldfags and fumbled a very easy bag
It is honestly pretty sad how easy it would have been for even an utterly disinterested studio to make a direct sequel to LiS 1 that fans would have gone crazy over:
>Set it post-Bae
>Max and Chloe are planning their wedding
>Supernatural shit goes down
>Chloe has suddenly disappeared
>Max's powers have returned
>Game is Max attempting to figure out what happened and save Chloe, all in time for their wedding day
>Market the shit out of Chloe and Max being a couple and can get away with charging $120 for the basic edition
This way you make the fans happy with plenty of pricefield moments, while also keeping Chloe off screen for most of the run time to keep Square happy.
But even something along these ultra basic lines was just too much to expect out of D9. They needed to get that spite and vindictiveness out there. Now DE is a flop that has made nobody happy, will almost certainly be the end of D9 and will likely kill the franchise.
A simple fan service game would have been so much more simple and successful by comparison.
I have considered changing the thread name to /lngg/ in the past. But thought better of it.
Given the state LiS in now in as a series, I am fully open to changing the name. The only thing stopping me is that I have not been able to think of a title that would retain the /lisg/ acronym.
I think going forward the best way to handle things is to expand beyond being about LiS games + a few other related titles and instead be about the narrow category of games that is inclusive of LiS, Lost Records, Lake, Mixtape etc. Broaden the discussion and refocus away from LiS, while still including it.
There was a massive refund thread on reddit. More posts then the all time player peak of DE on steam.
It is safe to say that this cost them a ton of pricefielder money.
Considering the game is not only doing worse than 2 and True Colors (supposedly) and takes a massive shit on Pricefield shippers? I doubt they have their money. I would imagine preorders are being cancelled. Refund requests are definitely being put in. Hardcore Pricefield shippers that didn't preorder are probably gonna stick to their fanfics. Why would they buy the game? It's apparently worse than BtS and has pretty much nothing for them.
But seriously, look at the numbers again. 1373? That's pretty low even for early access don't you think?

Unless cutoff point for refund is the EA access.
That's the 'friendship path'
That won't fly if complaints start pouring in that the devs were misleading about the game, Steam and Sony will definitely offer refunds over SE's head to cover their asses, if the refunds are even denied in the first place.
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Baefags mindbroke D9 so hard they made an entire game seething about baefags.
If you preordered, you can get a refund any time before the full release.
If you got the edition that allowed for the first two episodes to be accessed, then as long as your playtime is under 2 hrs you can still get a refund.
We already know for a fact that there has been a massive amount of refunds with seemingly zero issues.

I actually think this game could have done better then TC by a fair amount had it not been for this massive refund wave. It shows what happens when you fuck with passionate fans I guess. Sucks to suck.
Get fucked, Chloefaggots. Get fucked! Your reign of terror is joever
So true bro, but it's not funny to make fun of these assholes, they literally gave 10 years of their pathetic lives to a fictitious ship, they gave shit to Dontnod for not making a game out of their sexual fantasies, they sucked D9's troon dick until he brought out a game with Max again and now that it came out it turned out to be a total insulting fiasco. it's funny and sad :C
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Like I said, it's either incompetence or pure hatred. Shippers aren't that hard to please really. Yet here we are. Considering D9's track record with the IP, you can argue for incompetence. But with the shit I've seen in the past few threads? I think I'm leaning towards hatred. Not exactly a smart business decision but maybe D9 is trying to speedrun being shut down. Doubt Square touches this franchise ever again if the game doesn't AT LEAST do as well as True Colors.
If I actually shipped Pricefield, I'd probably be upset right now. It's time to let it go. I say that as someone that ships Chasefield.
This is what Pricefielders deserve for the years of tormenting Warryn
update it on 29th as well if it rises
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Pricefield is deader than Rachel
LiS2 had an almost 500k peak??
yet no lis 2 sequel (it's botted, lol)
>holy shit i spent months theorizing about how DE will obviously revolve around mythological gods and figures and considering safi's ultimate goal... well... the dots are being connected rn.
the plot thickens, the chronos schizo anon was keno herself
Botted for trading cards I think.
Without the bots, you're probably looking at a number slightly lower than BtS... which is still more than DE and TC
The irony is that Chloe was always a Roachyl obsessed crackhead bitch who never deserved Max, and even Warren would have been better >>498721719
How would they make it a sequel if it ended in 4 endings perfectly, it doesn't need it just like LiS didn't need it.
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never forgive deck nine for not giving us the 40 y/o max
No lie, I'm looking forward to people actually roping iver this. Both the Pricefield trannies here and on tumblr who held out for 10 years for this, and the Dontnod/D9 devs when this failure brings down the studios
I feel bad for trolling Bae during the lead-up to this game, I only did it because I “knew” there was no way they wouldn’t be catered to very well with this game.
Holy fucking shit. My condolences, guys.
>Safi is just Loki




Called it btw.
Warren will appear in episode 5 and stop Safi and save Max and Chloe i just know it
#SavePricefield LMAO That ship has sailed (never better said) SquareCHADS has already removed all traces of our favorite dyed blue.
Ive done that. But it only shows either code, or crashed on the offchance image viewer opens.
So Chronos theory anon was the freaky twitter brained lady herself?
check if mappings are binded, it happened to me as well where they didnt get binded the first time
i am brand new to fmodel. how do i check?
"[INF] Mappings pulled from 'Mappings.usmap'
I’m pretty conflicted on this.
One the one hand, treating the consequences of Bae like this is honest and brave, far more realistic and true to the actual circumstances of that choice in the first game. There is no happily ever, either Chloe dies the hero’s death she asked for, or Max doesn’t respect Chloe’s wishes and keeps her alive for her own sake, but the guilt drives them apart. This is a valid and uncompromising take on the reality of Bae, despite the enormous fan pressure to do otherwise…

On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy. Must Bae be punished in this particular way? Couldn’t they have been made to feel the weight of their choice through the deaths, while still retaining what they made the decision for? Is it better to be real and unflinching, at the expense of giving the people what they want? Is it so wrong to be dumb and in love with the character who the first game sold to the player the most?

I guess it comes down to how DE goes down for me. They didn’t go for the crowd pleasing choice. They picked the harsher path. They better do justice to that decision, and I will be judging the game to a higher standard since they went the bolder way.
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I'm personally leaning towards hatred. If they really wanted to break up Chloe and Max, there are ways they could have done it without effectively screwing over half the people who enjoyed LiS 1 (and like 80%+ of the modern fanbase). But they have instead handled this in just about the most insulting way they could have. It feels very much like a direct attack on anyone that was invested in Bae/pricefield.
>Doubt Square touches this franchise ever again
MS has been interested in LiS for years. I think after this Square will sell the IP to MS and we will get a hard reboot in several years time.
>It's time to let it go
I do not expect this will change the fandom much going forward. Once all the hype and drama about DE dies down, the fandom will still just be mostly comprised of hardcore pricefield shippers who are either going to fully ignore DE like it never existed or rewrite it to be focused on pricefield.
So in terms of the ship, not much is really going to change. The biggest fandom outcome of this I foresee is that if Square does somehow greenlight a sequel to DE (it apparently ends on a cliffhanger), I expect the preorder numbers to be abysmal due to the amount of people they have burnt.
Bots + Steam handling episodic games in a weird way.
LiS 2 did worse then what BtS would end up doing. That is why DN were kicked off the IP.
It is morbidly funny that the actual game is far, far worse then even the most pessimistic pricefield doom post prediction from before release.
Even the people who did think they would break them up, at least thought it would be a mostly amicable break up and be done on screen. Nobody was predicting this level of sheer spite and vindictiveness aimed at the ship.
I’m assuming they made the break up so harsh because they didn’t want anyone to play as Incel Max ignoring all the new characters hoping for a Chloe return.
A lot of people are doing that anyway.
Either out of respect for Chloe, or because both new options are absolutely insufferable. Amanda just wants Max as a bedpost mark. Vinh is an absolute sleazeball who Max would previously have been disgusted by.
DEI won. Max can only get RICED now. Square was jealous of white people and demanded Max gets yellow fever.
If they somehow pull off a crazy twist that restores pricefield the fan reaction will be legendary.
It’s unlikely, but whew.
It would be a very cheap move and one that would not actually fix the damage done by the couple who promised to be together forever, having a very messy breakup and moving on from each other pretty quick soon after.

It is not going to happen anyway. The lead writer herself said that they wanted DE to be about 'moving on' and that the Chloe/Max relationship just fundamentally did not work out.
There is no way to make some sudden pricefield ending that gels with that narrative intention.
Not really how I see them doing it if they do. It would bank on a big twist.
Max couldn't stop herself from getting bred by Vinh.
I still say they should've made Lynn Marsh the protagonist of the next Life Is Strange game. About the right age, has a strong connection to a much-beloved character from the first game while being a blank enough canvas they can pretty much invent a whole new character without flying in the face of established canon.
Next LiS should be David in the bay timeline planning revenge on the Prescott's.
It's pretty bad no?
>Max and Chloe Friendship Route: They hate each other
>Max and Chloe Romance Route: They break up with each other
>Broke up with nothing more than a letter
>Max gets cucked by Victoria; her school bully.
>Out of the game: LiS is now even more of a laughing stock than it already was outside the fandom.
It reads like some shitty NTR doujin - except the art is shit. Doesn't even matter if you picked the Bay ending. Max just feels like she loses either way.
kate cameo would've saved this franchise
Chloe would’ve 100% chose Rachel over Max if Rachel was still alive
This is all a psyop. Max is in a mind prison and Chloe will save her.
too bad roachyl chose frank and jefferson over
>Chloe would’ve 100% chose Rachel over Max if Rachel was still alive
YEP 100% true and canon btw
>We won’t do you wrong
>We got you
This is way too suspicious. Too cracked out of a franchise decision to actually stick with. All the alarm bells are ringing, we’re being put through the ruse cruise.
>chose frank and jefferson over
No shit, it's literally what happened literally that got her killed. lol.
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Chloe should’ve bought a strap-on instead of just doing oral
Nah, is a cheap narrative choice branded as "bold and brave" when the whole point of the original game was that regardless of Bay or Bae, if you want to have a good outcome you need to let something go, either by letting the storm hit the town or letting Chloe die, and the Dontnod devs clearly intended for both endings to be completely different stories on their own. See how different LiS2 endings are to just take it into consideration.

DE on the other hand flatten both choices so that it could start in the same exact place at the same exact time regardless of the massive divergences, with one ending being more open ended than the other.

And making those discourse, like if D9 devs were some geniuses when in reality it all comes down to spite of an ending from a game they barely understood and didn't want to work on and actively hated, not to mention Square's massive influence.
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Yep. They’re taking everyone for a ride.
There was a "We're so back" moment? Don't see how thats possible lmao
The only possible 'big twist' they could pull that would not result in permanent damage being done to pricefield would be to somehow totally invalidate everything we have seen in the game so far involving Chloe and Max. The theory that Safi is altering Max's perceptions of reality and her memories in order to isolate her from Chloe, for example.
It is a twist that is very unlikely to be true. It also does not solve the problem that such a twist would still result in a game that is 99.9% pricefield free and whose only mentions of Chloe are in an exclusively negative light.
So at this point I do consider DE unsalvageable.
I respect your dedication to this concept anon. But since she would basically be a new character anyway, why even keep that vestigial connection to Kate?
At this point I would like them to stay as far away from LiS 1 as possible. I want original characters in a new setting. When it comes to retaining LiS elements, make the MC a girl with powers and have her fall in love with the local punk/alternative/butch girl. Easy and no need to lean on prior games beyond some general thematic elements.
I think the game actually really works as a Bay sequel. We see that Max is still not over Chloe, wracked with guilt about her choice and even doubts that she made the right one. Some of Bay Max's journal entries about Chloe are even direct call backs to Chloe's unsent letters to Max in BtS. It is legitimately really well done. The only thing they fucked up from a Bay sequel perspective was having basically none of the characters Max saved still be in her life or even referenced (they did Dana and Kate dirty here).
As a sequel to Bae however, it is actually just offensive.
That is the best outcome. But even if that happens. Chloe would still have been absent for almost all of the game. That is not what I want in a follow up to Bae.
If you actually paid attention, it is implied that she has one.
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Chloe took a whiff of Max's pussy and decided to break up with her over a letter.
>found a dialogue where amanda says "no offense but i think kinda dodged a bullet here" and max replies "no offense, i wouldn't wanna date me either"

Bro what the fuck is this game?
I sense some schizomode plot twists coming our way. Trust the plan.
>There was a "We're so back" moment?
Only in reddit and with the mods actively enforcing it
told u that even devs hate max
>Safi is a shapeshifter
>Game is called “double exposure”
Victoria's pussy smelled so good that it made Chloe stab Max behind her back.
Victoria and Chloe being teased is another hint that this is all a ruse. LITERALLY from Max’s nightmares.
>vestigial connection to Kate?
Well I mean, I'd obviously like to see that concept done in a GOOD game.

As for why keep this connection? well, why not? LiS1 is objectively the strongest game in the franchise and they really like calling back to it. Kate was a definite ensemble darkhorse there, so she'd be a good connection point without requiring the game itself to decide on Bay vs Bae as a whole plot reference. Now granted, they would have to rule that Kate did not an hero, but how many people would protest that decision? And explaining Kate not dying in Bay is also piss easy: "Oh yeah, her dad came by early and by Friday morning, they were far outside the storm's reach."

Also gives a good excuse to have older Pricefield, wearing rings, make a cameo for the people that made the right choice, because they drop by to visit Kate while Lynn is in the area or something.
Gwen is nice, surprisingly.
I love the scenes of Loretta being a snitch
Amusingly a lot of people are calling the shapeshifters theory bullshit.

Even without the leaks, the evidence presented in game should be enough.
Safi will shapeshift into Chloe for you if you ask really nicely.
lisg was calling it bullshit and too good for d9 to be true as well till actual audio leak dump was given out
D9 has shills downplaying it on twitter and reddit. They are banking on a massive twist.
Yeah, I can't even see myself pirating this when it gets cracked. I tried making Max into a likable, honest person in LiS1 and get rewarded with a Max that's seemingly an even bigger loser than the one in the first game. Cannot play a game where it's clear as day the devs do not like the main character. I didn't even sacrifice Arcadia Bay and THIS is what I'm getting?
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why doesn't it get cracked anyways? they left in an extra denuvoless exe in the files which works as well (delete the denuvo one, performance is boosted too)
the remaining episodes come out and chloe is not involved in any way
>get to enjoy the frothing rage of pricefielders for the game killing their ship
>the remaining episodes come out and it turns out max was being mindfucked by safi into thinking they grew apart
>get to enjoy seeing all the pricefielders with egg on their face for falling for the bait
It's a win win situation.
Warren wouldn’t have abandoned her like that.
By that point, the most sane pricefielders have already refunded or won't buy the full edition of the game when it comes out.
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I just do not see much point in the legacy connection. Especially since that just opens room for the devs to retcon and ruin Kate as a character. I think one of the best ideas TC had was to (mostly) use new characters and (mostly) move on from the first game/Arcadia Bay.
After the mess that is DE. I want a LiS game that has all new characters, in a new location and maybe even in a new time period. All you really need to carry over is the MC with powers and her punky gay love interest.
>Oh yeah, her dad came by early and by Friday morning, they were far outside the storm's reach
I have been on the 'Kate almost certainly survived in Bae' team for years. My personal explanations being that the medical center was most likely located in nearby Tillamook and even if it was in Arcadia Bay, we see in Bae that plenty of wooden houses are still fully intact, so a concrete medical center would have been fine.
Gwen seems to be the highlight of DE from what I have seen. If anything her success as a character is further proof that Izzie should never have been cut from TC.
nobody cares tranny
Actually kino
>The troon character is written overly sympathetic
Color me shocked
>They also had very little faith in the project, with the former lead writer saying "I fucking hate this game," more than once in public meetings.
>former lead writer was Deandra Warrick at the time

The behind development drama is honestly a lot more interesting and engaging than the game itself.
>they think a game that needed to go back to the old cast to have any sort of relevance after a slew of mediocre entries is gonna have a franchise-saving twist
>Random unverified reddit fanfiction playing into what you want to believe
Nope, not buying it.
Heard this too, there's also one when Max says how Kate deserved a friend so much better then her (after being like the only person at that school who helped her lol)
Yes. It’s actually pretty obvious.
I was not fooled, D9. Calling you out now.
I really hope one day we get a full, in depth autopsy of the development of DE and how they ended up with this mess. It actually does seem legitimately interesting if you have some degree of familiarity with D9 and the history of the studio.
I would personally love to know just how fleshed out the story was while Zak was still there and just what sort of decisions he made that ended up in the final game.
Wait there are almost as many players playing the first one as the one that came out a day ago?
if you poke around dendra nekker's tweets and linkedin comments, you can find the same hate that was said regarding DE
Source, be specific.
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That former D9 dev confirmed that in origin, they considered the timeline split to be between Bae and Bay, but Zack Garris didn't even understand what was pitched and decided go with the mess we have currently.

Btw, another former D9 dev has appeared in the comments and they are giving their own take on the situation
Zak made sure lesbian Max and Chloe still entertained the thought of cock.
This reeks of damage control.

>The narrative team does not hate Chloe
The game itself says otherwise.
Possibly, they might be biased towards their friend/ex-coworkers but still they do confirm that Square had huge influence on narrative decisions and ordered many rewrites to the story.
Sorry but they do hate chloe.not including her is one thing but the way they wrote the break up screams of hatred. Also making her hook up with victoria
>"D9 is innocent and it's Square Enix's fault!"
Do you really want to die on this particular hill?
Based. Maybe next time you shouldn't kill thousands to save one--basic math.
A capable professional!!!!!
I don't have a reddit account, somebody tell this guy tough shit, when you undercut the core audience of your game, you don't get to be surprised when they reject you.
Well, yes. Obviously I want to see that concept made by someone that actually knows wtf they're doing, and doesn't actively hate the game they're making.
>I just do not see much point in the legacy connection.
The connection itself is the point. See more of those most popular characters without needing to overwrite anything major.

Also it'd give an excuse to see more Pricefield, even if in a bit, and of course Kate because Kate is best girl.

As usual, I harbor no delusions any of this will ever happen, it's just something of a fantasy of mine. Maybe I can coax Shisumo into accepting a challenge and present this as "nightmare mode" or something, but that's about it.
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we won
>First game in the series is the only good one
>New game is a direct sequel to first game
>New game is worse than the first one
>shippertroons killing themselves in droves
A good day all around
The post appears to be written by an ex-employee of Deck Nine (D9) in response to another person, discussing various issues surrounding the development process at D9. The key points of the post include:

The writer, though not part of the narrative team, corroborates some claims from a previous post, but disagrees with certain points.

The narrative team did not dislike the character Chloe (from Life is Strange: Before the Storm), and her inclusion was largely pushed by the team. However, her fate was ultimately not fully in their control.

D9 developers faced many constraints, including mandates from Square Enix (SE) and the toxic leadership of a particular person, which caused issues within the project.

While developers did experience frustration, blaming it on any specific team or individual was inaccurate. The frustration stemmed from the constraints imposed, not a lack of faith in the game.

Game development involves many iterations, and it's misleading to interpret past decisions or suggestions as evidence of dislike for characters or aspects of the game.

The writer emphasizes that despite the challenges, the team had a deep love for Life is Strange and did their best to create something they believed in.

In the end, the writer acknowledges the difficult circumstances but expresses pride in the work that was done.
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Utterly baffling. From the moment LiS ended people have been putting out ideas about how you could make a direct sequel somehow work. Having a narrative that swaps between the timelines fits like a glove for solving that problem - just have two different introduction sequences where Bae Max jumps one more time than Bay Max, then both narratives are synced up and you only need minor dialogue differences. Think of all the delicious angst as Bay Max who's had years to finally get over Chloe suddenly gets plopped into a life where they're married, while Bae Max fields a phonecall from Joyce or gets to see how much more together Bay Max's life is while she and Chloe are still running from the guilt. There's real interesting narrative potential here.

Instead there are two timelines, but they're utterly unrelated to the massive choice that's defined every discussion of "what comes after LiS?" for a decade. What the fuck?

If I had a nickel for every time a company totally missed the point of why a timeline split would happen in their franchise and add an extra one in for no reason that just overcomplicates things, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
>edicts from SE about which characters they could or could not use (among other directives)

Noooooooo, they don't hate Chloe... Yeah, sure buddy
Bet my ass there's going to fanfiction rewrites of DE with that concept in mind
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Ight pack it up its over
honestly lis1 should never have happened
Wtf was d9 thinking. What was se thinking? Did they not know this would make the game sell like shit? Obviously they did because they hid it the whole time but people can still get refunds and cancel preorders
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Don't worry Pricefieldxirs, we're going to resuscitate our dead crackship with the power of sapphic love!
This is all part of the plan.
ngl, I don't care for PriceField. ChaseField was better and more kino.
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I 100% believe that Square forced them to break up pricefield and basically remove Chloe from the series. That totally lines up with all of the other bullshit they have pulled and changes they have forced going back to LiS 1.
But the way that they removed Chloe from the series? That is nothing but pure vindictive hatred, is absolutely something that the D9 narrative team is responsible for and should be getting serious blowback about.
I'm happy that you have a passion for this concept anon. This sort of passion for the series has become less and less frequent over the years in the fandom, so it is nice to see you still have this fire burning.
But personally I just think that exploring new things is the best path forward for the series. Especially right now.
We could have a LiS game set on an orbital city in the future, in Tokyo in the 80s, in Sydney in the early 2000s or in some small fly over township in 2065. I think LiS is a much more mutable series then most give it credit for and I would like it see it really stretch its wings and move past Arcadia Bay in 2013. So many new narrative possibilities, so many new gay ships as potentially as impactful as pricefield.
Max being able to jump between Bae/Bay timelines is such an elegant way to handle things that it is insane to me they did not do this. It really must just have come down to Square saying no, because it is so obvious.
I would personally have loved to have seen Bae Max (who is happily married to Chloe), suddenly be confronted with getting a phone call from a broken Joyce or happy messages from Dana and Kate. So much potential here to have Max reflect on her choice and the impacts it has had both on her personally and the people around her.
The obvious ending decision being to save Safi (trapping Max in the opposite timeline from her LiS 1 choice) or stay in your LiS 1 ending timeline at the cost of letting Safi die.
Imagine if Amanda was as hot as Alex, unf. We know Max likes it yellow now.
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A reminder that Square actually posted this in the same month DE was announced
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From what we are seeing it was a mix of SE meddling and D9 complete incompetence. The game was rigged from the start
I must say, as someone who's been here since first playing LiS in 202 during Lockdowns, thanks for keeping /lisg/ going. we've had out ups and downs for sure. And this is just another storm to weather. Christmas will come and things will mostly settle, and we will have Lost records, fear the Spotlight, Mixtape and many more to care about.
so close
D9 got them good. It’ll be funny to see the reaction to the twist on release day.
b3nsn0w, mazzus_did_that, rackme... all those assholes on reddit I hope you are suffering, spitting blood from rage, years writing shit about Dontnod and sucking up to D9, you have lost, do us a favor and remove yourselves from this planet, maybe in another life you will be born as the women you will never be here, fucking troons HAHAHAHA
Don’t feed his ego.
LMAO, why do they have to be so pathetic, for this thread to be your “safe place” and find it comfy, is an astronomical level of being miserable.
>release day.
I imagine it will be like the last couple of days, only even more rage.
Books from Ep5.
>Max watching on with blonde Vinh
>former devs
>blaming each other and the squeenix boogeyman
>not just telling people to trust the narrative team and buy the game
this is how you can tell it's fake
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>male character get cucked from the girl he loves despite doing everything to save her
>hurr durr, he’s not entitled to her pussy! Chuuuuud!
>the same thing happened, but this time a lesbian relationship is the one getting cucked

Not so funny when it happens to you, is it?
Do you have other datamine assets, like character models or cut content?
This is karmic justice for Adventure Time.
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I appreciate that anon. /lisg/ is important to me and I'm happy to maintain it. I agree that we have a bunch to look forward to on the horizon.
/lisg/ has certainly had it's ups and downs. But we always survive. We survived the legion schizos back during BtS and we survived the multi-year content drought. We will survive some very uncreative shitposters who are just here because of DE.

It will not be long until /lisg/ is back its normal, comfy, gay self and we can all enjoy getting back into ship posting and discussing the likes of Lost Records or Fear the Spotlight.
>an orbital city in the future
I mean I like my concept, but fucking hell I'd love to see a Life Is Strange game set inside an O'Neill cylinder habitat in the future. Not orbital, though, but one of the many buried inside the hollowed out asteroid in the main Belt itself, 1020 Arcadia.

Put Isaac Arthur in charge of the world-building effort, while we're at it.
Something is afoot
I assume we will only get one of these dependant on choice made.
If you manage to get the the photographs, that would be great
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fucking unreal. i was hoping to avoid spoilers, but just stumbled across one on twitter anyway. though, ironically, it doesn't matter now, because the game has instantly become worthless after reading it
for once i'm sorta glad that we're banned from buying shit on foreign marketplaces because of the ukraine war, otherwise i probably would've preordered this turd like a good goy. now it isn't even worth pirating
this is why i was never big on the idea of a sequel btw, the risk of something like this happening was always too high
well, guess it's a sign to move on for good. 6 years ago the original game and bts made me feel things like no other piece of media ever has, but since then the fandom has become a shell of its former self, and now they shat on our memories and beloved characters so hard that i'm not even sure i want to have chloe as my pfp on socials anymore because of what they did to her
time to disengage definitively, maybe revisit lis1 and bts in several years (perhaps try true colors too, i heard it doesn't totally suck) and try to recapture the magic while pretending that the rest of this dreck never happened
i'll probably swing by after the rest of the game drops just to see the fallout. or on the off chance that d9 really just baited us and max and chloe do get back together eventually. but we all know that ain't happening. otherwise, see ya, chloechads. it was fun pwning legioniggers with you back in the day before the thread turned into a decomposing discord server
I hope you come across discounted ropes and end it all once and for all.
the journal entries were added on the latest update
"SourceString": "Well, I made it survived. Not only me but everyone. Not like before. Something has been restored, but I don't want to jinx it by naming it.",
"SourceString": "For all our sakes.",
"SourceString": "She's gone through more than I could ever imagine. But she needs help, help I can't give her. I only hope when I see her again, she'll have found it.",
"SourceString": "I don't know what they'll remember, or what scars, if any, they'll take from this. I've got more than enough myself.",
"SourceString": "And Safi...",
"SourceString": "December 13th",
Never did. Square is a schizo company.
TC is a nice comfy game, best to ignore the overall main story which is a bit pants, and just enjoy the time spent in the company of it's characters.
>it's a tranny
What a surprise
LiS1 was good. Every game following it except maybe BtS should've have happened.
That's why Sacrifice Chloe is the better ending.
Yep. Pricefield headcanon and fanart is super cute but DE’s depiction of their relationship is more honest.
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>Bully NTR
>the journal entries were added on the latest update
How do you search strings?
Such snakes. It'll be a good day for all gaming when this company goes bust.
>d9 reaping
Heh we hate Chloe and choosing bae is a morally wrong choice this will teach our fans
>Majority cancel their preorders/refund the game
No not like this!
It wasn't before, but it is now. Better she gets her wish and doesn't live long enough to revert back to being a cunt.
I preferred having the entire town and Ryan side against Alex, and running away with Steph
Haven Springs is so fake comfy that it's oddly refreshing to have these characters show open contempt for her instead of licking her ass
Why are Pricefieldfags bitching? They got the comics if they want their endgame
Have you been listening to Komm Susser Tod, /lisg/?
>50% of long-term committed relationships break up
>50% of players saved Chloe
It's mathematically impossible for Pricefield to last. Deck Nine had no choice
I like Chloe a lot, which is why I picked “Bay”, showing my love by respecting her agency (her whole fucking character btw) and letting her go out the hero she wanted to be, instead of a burden she felt like she was.
As for DE’s handling of Bae, I think they nailed it. Of course Chloe’s trust issues couldn’t handle rewind. Of course the thousands dead, including her mom (compounded with her daddy issues!), drove them apart.
They did Bae Chloe right, and I’m really interested in punished Max. This was not the direction I expected but now I’m a lot more engaged.
Ok Stauder
Ep5 spoilers.
When you think about it, saving Chloe against her will is basically liferape
We all wish this so that way those dicknine cockriders can kill themselves like Stauder wants to, to himself.
idk why Chloe isn’t okay with Max saving her.
the only possible reason i see is that Chloe valued her mom and Arcadia Bay more than Max, which didn’t seem to be the case considering how close Max and Chloe were.

even if all the world is destroyed, and Max saved Chloe, wouldn’t she be happy that she still has Max? or does she not care about Max as much as other people in her life?
Or you know D9 aren’t the og developers of these characters hence why they don’t give a fuck about anyones feelings including the characters or anyone who has bought this shitty game.
that's gonna be a hard pass from me dawg
if you save chloe, the Ep1 DE ending choices say that "Chloe is greateful to be alive, but you are both still haunted by the past."
Most people don’t want thousands of lives on their mind at all times.
>If I wasn’t here they would still be alive
>I don’t deserve to be happy when all those people died
>Max didn’t listen to me
>Max killed thousands for me, would she do ANYTHING to get what she wants?
>How do I know if this relationship is real? What if Max just keeps rewinding until I submit?
>I miss my Mom…
>Fuck I can’t drink or smoke, then their lives were lost for nothing
>I’ve got to do something, fuck I’m a piece of shit
>Can’t even kms because that would be the ultimate fuck you to everyone
>My psycho girlfriend probably wouldn’t even let me…
This is going to be a disaster.
I'm not even sure if SQEX was aware of what D9 was doing in the small details. They don't have the resources to micro manage that good.
I would have gone but I don’t live in New York only to ask them about the ending, suicide implications from the devs’, the power tripping
Both Stauder and Felice will be here.
Seems Chloe should've been a better person and none of this would've happened? Has she thought about that?
>waahhh I can't even be a druggie anymore because it would disrespect the memory of everyone that died waahhh
They better be prepared for some fun questions then.
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I'll have you know the proper term is Maximum Victory
1. Chloe isn’t a rational person. I love her for that but she isn’t.
2. Chloe has problems, daddy issues, self-worth issues, Rachel issues, purpose level issues, trust issues… all of which are exponentially heightened by experiencing Bae.
3. Max’s actions are so extreme that Chloe rightfully can’t look at her the same way again.

I think Bae Chloe does love Max, still does in some way, but she’s not the kind of person that lets stuff go. She’s the kind of person who stews, blows shit up and lashes out. She is self destructive. Their romance was meant to be brief and full of drama. That’s the real Pricefield.
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Nobody can hold themselves up to the standard of thousands of lives traded for their own, least of all Chloe.
I assume any questions will be pre chosen.
But if the crowd were to just start chanting Chloe's name, nothing could be done.
ngl i would've been fine if victoria was the rebound girl instead of the le quirky chink girl we're getting
Amanda is nohands Self-insert.
A really cute story in which Chloe is desperately trying to make Max happy, to live up to all those lives, to handling the impossible guilt and getting them both into more trouble as she fumbles around trying to be enough for Max and Max still loves her anyway would have been sweet...
Would it have been cute? Sure. Would it have been better received by the core fans? Probably. Is it honest to Chloe? I don’t think so.
Chloe has a right to not be Max’s perfect waifu, eternally grateful she was forcibly implicated in thousands of deaths, including her mother. I think she knows how much Max loves her, and that makes it even worse.
Bay Ending: MEAT
Bae Ending: CANDY
>nooooo it has minorities in it
All this just makes me wish the third ending to LiS had been finished, the Sacrifice Max choice.
Why do bayers care about bae Max anyway? And you guys say we are obsessed.
It would have to be a B Plot to another story, a murder mystery I guess. A B Plot that's replaced if you choice Bay.
The ending choice is whether to take her back after all her fuckups
Except Chloe explicity say that whatever choice Max pick she trust her judgement. She gives the choice to her and is fully consenting to whatever outcome Max might choose.
It should've been Marshfield
I prefer bay as a bittersweet finale, but even I agree that Bae has been completely spitefully fucked over.
The thing is Decknine throws Chloe at you like a scap of bone to a dog in episode 5, Moses literally ask you to go back to Chloe.
I know it's realistic, but I don't play video games for realism. It's called Life is Strange not Life is Shit.
This. I trust dontnod more than decknine. Why? DONTNOD created these characters!
Or bay. But that is so weird when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. And Chloe might also be in a new relationship
>Victoria gets Chloe
>Max gets Kate
the based timeline
That’s how you know it’s a mess of a game. Pieces together by tape and badly places staples. This game should not exist. No one likes it but decknine’s ball lickers.
Oh good. Make sure to catch the news that evening.
I like the characters and Bae Max is another take on characters I like. Bay wouldn’t be as powerful if Bae wasn’t a choice, and I do actually think it’s a compelling timeline to follow.
I don’t think this is spite. The result does make sense and pays respect to the consequences of those actions, and gets Chloe and Max right.
That said I do hope the fallout is explored a bit further in the back half.
Realism doesn’t particularly matter to me, what I’m saying is it’s authentic. I care about the characters more than I care about the ship.
Stauder killing himself? Are we going to witness a live suicide? Will be disturbing but well deserved
why are we forgetting that the whole "going back to the bathroom photo magically fixes the storm" thing doesn't even make sense based on things that happened in the game itself? do we seriously need to dust off the same 8 year old, hundredfold-repeated arguments to educate baycucks again?
>care about the characters
LOL, not even d9 thinks this. Man keep being on your knees, I’m sure it’s worth gobbling that much cock.
>do we seriously need to dust off the same 8 year old, hundredfold-repeated arguments to educate baycucks again?
It's Deck Ninover
We are witnessing a downfall of a copycat company.
Anons... Do'nt go to Midtown Manhattan on Oct 19
Based timeline would be Rachel somehow being alive and Amberprice being canon
I don’t mind how the game handled this. Had it been spelled out any more, we’d probably have some overexplainy loreshit that would have bogged the game down.
I’m no sycophant. People who will cancel their purchase over a ship will already have done so. I’m merely stating how I feel about this aspect.
There's only one ending in DE?
Is this really sequel bait?
If so, good luck D9
Yea and yes. Forget about a sequel, this shit is dead on arrival.
silence roachyl
Yeah, buy the sequel to save Pricefield for real this time!
Did they ever actually explain how Max has fucking time travel powers?
If you are Bae + incel Max, you get a secret cutscene at the end.
The chapter 5 audio files suggest that Amanda will dump/mutually part ways with Max at the end, outright saying she's dodging a bullet. Vinh will presumably have a similar interaction. Max is destined to become a cat lady.
That is what they are hinting at and it’s fucking retarded. Is Max gonna beg Chloe back? Will Chloe take Max back? Will Max close the door forever on Chloe? Will Chloe kill herself out of guilt for hurting Max? Will anyone please think of the children? Find out in Life is Strange Double Exposure Part 2.
>Entire series is about making difficult choices with unforeseen consequences
>Choose the “kill thousands of people” ending
>Mad that this choice doesn’t end in a fluffy wish fulfillment perfect lesbo relationship
No and I hope they don't. Explaining the source of magic has never improved a fictional setting, it just dominos into a jumbled, verbose mess of bullshit questions no one was asking and answers that no one understands so they explain more and more convoluting the absolute shit out of the setting until it's unrecognizable.
Didn’t you hear? No one cares about any character other than Max/Chloe for good reason too. That’s why everything besides S1 failed.
I live right outside NYC, tempted to go the see the shitshow.
Kinda weird that someones self-insert is saying cruel things to Max like some degrading fetish. Ok chink, no one wants your used up pussy anyway, probably smells like cats and dogs.
If you picked Bae, you’re a bigger creep than Warren.
That’s why Chloe got the ick.
It was suggested that they will be hinted at during DE. And given the reveals about Saffi...
>The comics where max is stuck for 75 % of it with a Chloe who still has Rachel and who tells max she would never ever ever think about her romantically while she has Rachel
Thanks I hate it

The real fucking problem is that even I choose bay. Most of people which I was supposed to save won't appear in any sequel.

Where is Kate?
Where is Warren?
Where is Frank?

Then what's the purpose to save the town?
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Sorry, Chloe doesn't owe Max a relationship just because she chose her over a town. Sorry, Chloe can have sex with all the guys/girls she wants, even with Max's bully. Get over it
What is this, a super power bargain sale?
>Choice doesn't actually matter
>Max ends up sad and alone at caladon either way
>Chloe who still has Rachel and who tells max she would never ever ever think about her romantically while she has Rachel
I mean, it's true. LiS1 made it clear Rachel will always be the love of Chloe's life.
Max is my favorite character and the poor girl is having a rough go of it.
Didn’t think bitch self-insert as Amanda but Amanda then tells Max she’s a dodged bullet. Degrading kink confirmed. She needs to be removed from this earth.
Super power war and Alex returns
If you had told me in October 2016 that there would be a new LiS game continuing Max's story in October 2024 and I would barely care about it, I wouldn't have believed you
Do you think Bae Max would have started a fight with Chloe after she moaned Rachel’s name in bed or do you think she’s too much of a simp to stand up for herself?
Why do all devs have punchable faces?
>this game is about moving forward
>game is a rehash of the first one with the same protagonist going through the same shit all over again
wow so much for moving forward!
>Max: I can backwards manipulate time so long as I was there for the intended event.
>Daniel: I have telekinesis.
>Alex: I can tell you're feeling pretty orange today
Huh? Don’t think Chloe ever got that close to Rachel because Rachel was too busy drooling over older cock to care.
In the sequel Max will get another power up and merge Bae and Bay, so Chloe won't feel bad.
In the third game, Life is Strange The Last Stand, they need to go to the past to save Rachel cause she's a mutant too and then they fight Safi and her abraxas super vilain gang, Blackwell vs Caledon.
>invalidate one of the endings, shitting on 52% of the fanbase
>why don't you like it, goy? It's REALISTIC
Max cried but pretended not to hear it the first few times, then she finally stood up for herself and it was the final straw in their relationship.
Yet Moses ask Max to go back to Chloe. Is this bitch braindead?
>Choose the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending
Congratulations. The hack writers hate you. Max and Chloe either break up or hate each other, Max gets cucked, and is even more of a self deprecating loser than she was in the first game. Enjoy!
>Choose the "Sacrifice Chloe" ending
Congratulations. The hack writers still hate you. None of the characters you saved and likely care about from the first game appear. The best you'll get is MAYBE a reference; MAYBE a little cameo. Those thousands of lives? They don't matter any more than they did in the other ending. Enjoy your new cast of characters that aren't as good as the ones in the first game. Oh, and Max is still even more of a self deprecating loser than she was in the first game. Enjoy!

NYCC is gonna be so fun I imagine. Surely nothing could go wrong!
This is just a misdirect. Trust the plan.
>Max gets cucked
I'm still unclear on this based on what people have been saying -- did Victoria actually NTR Max or were there just some vague references to Chloe and Victoria hanging out after the breakup?
Who knows and who cares. The damage is done.
>some vague references to Chloe and Victoria hanging out after the breakup
It’s this but Chloe says something that’s a little sexual.
It's absurdly weird to give these glimpses knowing how Max and Chloe end up, whatever the intention, it was completely tone deaf.
Leftoids can’t help subverting shit can they? Even their own franchises, they can’t help themselves.
Yeah sure, the Heil D9 Hittler, went out their way for that
Chloe will have a Wolverine moment and have to ultimately kill her Phoenix (Max)
>I want the real Chronos

But it doesn't mean Max will do that
So why does Max lose her powers by the end (as was implied by the leaker) and then why does it matter that everyone in Caledon finds out Max has powers?
Hey, I cancelled my preorder for the game but I still have one for the priceless collector box.

Do I cancel and let another poor soul buy it anyway or do I keep it and then sell it to this another poor soul for more?

Problem is, will there still be a soul that want to buy it after the release of this shitty game?
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Hey I recorded this webm years ago, I'm surprised it's still circulating.

>that garbage bitrate
>screenshot taken notification on bottom right
>green fps counter top left

I stopped coming here around LiS2 EP3 - 4, only recently returned.

Man, I used to love recording stuff and making webms, though I was obviously still experimenting with settings.
>No one likes it but decknine’s ball lickers.
Looking on Twitter, looking on Reddit, looking on 4chan. Where are the ball lickers? Everyone in the fandom is either losing their mind over how shit this all is or laughing at shippers misery. Everyone outside of the fandom is laughing at how much of a joke LiS is at this point. Where are they :(
Cancel, total D9 death
Buy this game so you can find out in Life is Strange Double Exposure Part 2
Safi has created an artificial anti-pricefield timeline, and it’s up to you to stop her.
Is Safi suddenly Doctor Strange? Maybe LiS actually takes place in the MCU
Franchise is legitimately over unless they make a pricefield dlc
>So why does Max lose her powers by the end
So the feds don't snatch her.
max feels eliberated and excited knowing that everyone knows her secret, she feels as she is a free spirit with everyone knowing
it doesnt exist in the game files, there are no traces of an "ep6", there are TC wavelenths props marked as "ep6" but that's it
After DE flops, assuming SE doesn't axe them, they'll come crying and tease pricefield in the sequel.
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“Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.”
Is there any proof in the files that incel Max will return to Chloe?
Warren has sms profile photo of a knife in the game files
Just Moses asking her if she’s gonna stop hiding from Chlo.
>Make a sequel to the most beloved game in the franchise’s past
>Theme of the sequel is “let go of the past”
This game hates itself.
Does anyone know where the journal entries or social media entries are located in the files? Gonna do some exploring
>inb4 them saying to just buy the comics
Amanda being the least attractive love interest in franchise history is salt in the wound.
search alderman with fmodel, you will find the entries
> then why does it matter that everyone in Caledon finds out Max has powers

Because one of moral of the story is fucking stupid :
if u have a secret, reveal it yourself to others in order to feel free
>Max was such a good girlfriend, Chloe was suspicious she was being time-psyoped
based and realistic.
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Is having time travel powers realistic too? Show me your powers then, anon.
This is why I wouldn't tell anyone. I would be using it to cheat my way through life and win lotteries and shit.
I liked LiS better when white men were the driving foce behind it, just saying
There is a LOT of files named alderman
oh shit. now I got the urge to reinstall that game
Nevermind i got it. what about the social media posts or dialogue subtitles?
Did ANYTHING from leakers various amount to shit?
You just know Max seethes at the interactions Chloe has with Victoria on social media but she can’t stop herself from jilling off to it.
Max is a cuckquean?
>Max can injure her ankle.
>There's a major choice in chapter 3 one of which results in Alderman surviving ch3 and being shifted in chapter 5.
I can't keep up with all these fucking leaks, real fake whatever.
Is there some permutation of events that ultimately means Pricefield is okay? I don't care how we get there.
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Her childhood friend/soulmate is fucking her gigastacy highschool bully.
those r nuked
Yes. Chloe used to say Rachel in bed instead of Max.
Theres a single thread from Ep5 where Moses asks if she's going to stop hiding from the Blue haired girl some day.
Nothing concrete but there is a schizotheory that has a little weight to it. If true though then D9 is actively taking the fanbase on a ruse cruise on purpose.
>going to stop hiding from the Blue haired girl some day.
Why is she hiding from Chloe?

>D9 is actively taking the fanbase on a ruse cruise on purpose.
Whats the ruse?
Then where are the existing ones located?
subtitles and sms are separated and they dont exist for ch3-5, however, the sms profile photos aren't nuked and there are mentions of Evan, Warren and Kate
She seems a tad condescending
I love my cuckqueen wallflower wife, her disloyal punky ex and her haughty blonde girlfriend!
If you mean the pre-release leaks, then a big fat NO
She does not?
Why didn't they just make DE a pure bay sequel? They could have had some throwaway scenes were Max misses her or cries while reading old diary entries about Chloe. That would have placated the Pricefielders and many of them would still bought the game.

Instead they chose to shit on half the fan base, who are also the most entrenched and vocal parts of it, in the very first episode for no reason. And made that episode available in early access, completely killing any hype before the actual release. Someone in Deck9 must have known that this would cause a massive shitstorm.

The whole thing is just baffling to me, did they want this game to bomb?
I assume it's only during the route where you dont romance anyone, implying that max wants to seek out Chloe again and fix things.
because of that "writer" that named himself a witcher 3 npc
its almost as if they want to draw as much attention as possible for their new game
Just make it so in Bae, Chloe dies off screen before the game. You'd have to change so much less
Only the very first "Chronos" leak from a few years ago. (So far)
This is all a psyop and the game is gonna go full schizo in the back half. Trust.
They never bothered going after Daniel
Thats because he's mexican
Zack Garris didn't even understand the concept pitched and just went along with whatever mess they had, this a bunch of SE impositions on what characters they should use or not, and of course, D9 being trash at writing
I’m glad Chloe was finally able to move on from Rachel through Victoria.
you are retarded and didn't understand jackshit about it, "pre-production pitches" and there are leftovers of the medieval arc such as the witch occult books, but you do you
This would get even more backlash than Chloe and Max breaking up.
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After all, white men have created everything of value in this world.
Do you think Max will be invited to the wedding?
Victoria will offer her megabux to photograph it, in the ultimate act of cuckery.
Alright, DE might be dead but a sequel that explores the wider ramifications of kids with powers. Get the military involved, save a town from a flood or some shit. Have some super villain who is putting together their own team.
It wouldn't be too out there since its already been set up in small ways throughout the series, the themes of superhero teamups, cooperation and kids against impossibly big odds. Seeing Max, Alex, Daniel and maybe a resurrected fire-bending Rachel face off against the military or some evil power-draining (white) guy.

It might need to be reworked from the original formula, maybe more of an action RPG like a bethesda game.
Max Cucklifield
No. Max conquering her past and moving on from it is the whole point of the story.
>Legacy sequel
>Theme is moving on from the past
It really is The Last Jedi, huh?
They delayed the inevitable, props for that. At least we can say that Dontnod might survive a few year over Deck Nine, but not by much
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New thread please.
Post, Dykes!
Why do modern companies keep trying this shit?

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