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Previous Thread: >>498743716

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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>Wake up
>See this: https://files.catbox.moe/231sot.jpg

What to do?
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I just plapped this
Hina should transfer
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sex thread?
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Reminder Hifumi is for lewding and particularly butt sniffing (she doesn't mind and she sometimes thinks it's funny when sensei acts like a dog and sniffs her)
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To schale, with me
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Who tf is this????
it took me two sessions across 2 days to get this clear...and my rank is now 900-something from it. I mean, it was a pretty good 2T (left Kurokage with about 60 bars of health for team 2)

But, did they buff Kurokage or something...? I mean, that was bafflingly more difficult than the first time I fought him, and that was without level 90 et cetera. It was extremely difficult to keep my first team from succumbing to hypnosis or to line things up so that Hanako could really smack this cat's shit once groggy had filled.
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Hina should be cherished
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Post wakamo.
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removing kotposters from this thread
First Kurokage team. Nothing crazy. I'm pretty sure a 1T is actually just barely possible with this team or a similar team, but it's very luck-based.

Not your damage luck (SHanako is extremely consistent): Kurokage's damage. "Just fucking heal" when in phase 2. Always try to get back to Atsuko so you can force her to start healing again even if the previous use of her ex is still up. Try to time it to happen directly after a heal pulse if you really want to
What if i lick her butthole though?
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this connects to this >>498759581

2nd team's damage
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ako olev
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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every red raid is now (d)Hina + Kisaki + Ako/nyFuuka
what went wrong?
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why butts?
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Bros, I did it. I have a job and can buy the pakejis now.
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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Rimming your studentbutt is fine and healthy.
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Oh yeah? Post 3 pakeji purchases
buy the pakeji to celebrate
right now
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why is no one posting sex in sex thread?
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3 pakeji purchases
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A woman in Russia killed someones cat that way and it went viral
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Need banner.
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End of Sex
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Kosaka Wakamo, the canon wife.
So, did you roll?
Not doing that now, I'm waiting for next month when I get paid
no I'm poor and need to save for meta
cheaper than a Costco hotdog
Yeah like a year ago because I'm not a soulless slave
I pulled for Toki and got her in 40
I already have Nagisa
I have come to the realization that I fucking hate raids.
I started late so every insane+ raid is bro you don't have x?
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A can of Monster and a bag of David seeds or Serika?
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>he thinks he's going to get paid
oh no.
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I don't know what David seeds are but sounds bit gay
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Do you like Reijo's L2D?
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no I had both already
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Posting sex
When your general idea of gameplay is browsing youtube for clears to copy, yeah, it must be pretty frustrating.
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>32 bond level
Damn, you hate her that bad?
Yes. And I got both of them
Reminds me of a joke from runescape/other MMO's.
"what's the fastest way to grind xyz?"
"get a job and buy it"
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Yes, and I want whatever DoT raid they were cooking in the last months or so to be released already.
I need a good reason to cope pulling for Q.Marina.
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The shoes are important, so yeah. It's a good l2d.
Monster dong lol
Good sex.
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slorp slorp slorp slorp
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the cutest autismcore student
No. The FACE (the most important part of a girl looks horrible. The neck is for giraffes.
File renaming help sensei...
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Who would pick a used cat?
really hope it's not going to be just "Greg but DoTs lmao".
>4chanx preserved the name from a thread I just made
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post em

I'm hoping it's Geburah, who was a little unique in the EX challenge.
Fucking newfag
Imagine the nipple play...
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>likes girls with male features
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How many people in plat do you think actually don't just copy clears though? Particularly on global where clear info has been available for 6 months
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my wife Mika
Eimisisters... not like this
I come up with all my clears myself
I cum in my clears
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What's her name?
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It's been a long 3+ years but we're finally reaching the end. Seia will come and bag will never be the same again. The end of an era.
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Seia cunnilingus
Drinking Seia's piss
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>didn't post em
ur gay
Stop talking about Saya
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It's time!
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Counter doomposting is basically dead since the shitposters got BTFO by the 15 minute change anyway, it's time to let it die, you could even say it's over
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You only like Kokona for her body
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>doomposters ded
>/bag/ is ded
Should i coomcern too?
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doom in doom
>whoreposting started
Yep, /bag/ is dead.
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i want to suck on eimi nipples
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bless moot for the actually decent change.
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The only win I got with this defense team.
Around single-digit percentages. Either way, the point is that it shouldn't be much of a surprise that the equivalent of playing through a puzzle game with the solutions on hand is dull.
insert loud michiru orgasm noises
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I have to skip Toki a 2nd time. I want to pull for BYosh, Kirara, Kanna, Saori and the fest units.
>nobody participating
It's a little sad.
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new 'tabi
Why do you want to go deaf so badly?
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You mean based
I'm surprised Marina never got instagibbed
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These kind of tails would get entangled during threesome
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Love it
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Fattest ass in Kivotos
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They would wrap them around your penis.
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>Cosplayscat whores with huge tumors below her eyes
>Yooooo this shit is so hot bro
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>reading with my phone on the bed
>Someone writers boo
>I unironically got jump scared

what the fuck
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>Someone writers boo
Tsubaki became so useless, she rarely does cuck NY!Haruna but 99% of the time she's just there to get one shot by Shiroko
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'luv me the 'geese
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>male features
Defend this without posting fanart.
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She… shot me
midori cummed
yes and i got them both in 20
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So what will you do if Seia gets shafted again?
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Hmmm yes, I want more happy Hina
that's momoi though
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Homu homu, kill yourself you obnoxious cunt
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your halo?
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>want to have sex with Kokona
>read her momos
>still want to have sex with her, but also want to dote on her at the same time
Quite the conundrum
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Comfy 8pm resets soon, EU Bros.
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Yeah, it's so weird to see Nagisa walk around the cafe, I thought she would be on a chair all the time.
i don't see which part is the conundrum.
You already have Himari
It's not that good anyways
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Whoops, you made Nexon aware of her existance for 0.2 seconds. Delay Azoos 2nd alt by another anniversary.
Tell her she did a good job swallowing your cum, then pat her head
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at last
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Hey second alt is me cumming on her belly
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Stinky pervert.
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>stream soon
guess the amount of live viewers. if lower than 80k than the game is dying.
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Zoos should smile more
Hina has been captured. Now what?
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maybe people don't want to eat a whole pop tart
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None of them are real people, they are all indo chinese bots and the EoS will come soon.
Uzawa Reisa the HERO!
My superstar!
Where's the ASSband guide? I remember there was an image showing the best order to raise the different stats or something.
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Chink Hina.
You UE50 Yosh or you skip her and borrow
Kazusa basically only needs her EX skill maxed
You skip Airi
>indo chinese
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How cancer is it to do yellow Greg insane? Blue was an absolute shitfest and in all honesty it probably isn't worth it
>swimsuit Kisaki
How hard would /bag/ cum?
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El diablo....
El mephisto...
Waiting for Sex2
It's really not that hard. You just need to follow timings exactly.
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____ ______ ____?
I just freestyled it with rabbits koharu iori makoto sShiroko and only had to reset once because I fucked up the debuffs.
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>You're a goddamn hero, you know that sensei? Heroes have to make sacrifices. That's why when I ask you for one more, I hope you understand.
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He meant the minigame bozo
Is it worth it to do Torment Greg if you only want to
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very soon
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Haruna is cuter without her stupid hat
I spent 1350 ligma on SMiyako just to keep my torment streak
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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No way sensei waits so long to make a child with Airi, that kid should be older
Plain girls grow up to become like THAT?! HOLY
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creampie hikari while thrusting into her as fast as a GAU-19's rate of fire while tonguekissing nozomi like i was trying to count how many licks it'll take to get to the center of a lollipop
Hina should be executed
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Does Akari and Izumi count as an actual demonic based student or are they just goat kemonomimis due to their eating traits?
Do you have the units, resources, time and motivation? If yes, then go for it.
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I have 602 eleph and I can 5* her with 600. I am running out of time on blue greg extreme so I need a huge dps boost. Should I go for it?
Who says that's their first kid?
Michiru butt
Yeah, she is also the terror of the next pvp season.
Millenium Ui who takes care of old databases when?
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Mitcher in NOT that sexy
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Michiru is extremely sensual and feels arousal 500% the strength of normal girls.
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You're cuter without your stupid face
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Goddamnit I was expecting a ygo synchro combo video from the name
Why is she fucking a fat dark dude?
Get her gear maxed first
Anyway, investing in FES units is never s bad idea
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moderately hard
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Shouldn't the dick be on the other body?
anal sex
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stop fixating on dicks, /bag/
I think their butts are too big on this one.
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Anybody in NA got a Mine (Student) (Mentioned) I can borrow? Preferably UE30 because lower than that it seems that I can't pull off a 1T
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Stop thinking
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Block @jipa42760710?
They will not be able to follow you or view your posts, and you will not see posts or notifications from @jipa42760710.
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>not afraid of ghost
>afraid of ghost
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>muh key sexo
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Time for bazoos sexo
What if i think about sex instead
me on the left
How is Hikari so much cuter than Nozomi?
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muh key sexo
Hot take: if Japanese artists really hate people reposting their art without permission so much then they should stop using the Internet already
Checked out that artist lmao
Not only is he a yurinigger but also a futafag as well
This is why Japanese artists these days are "woke" now (sarcasm)
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what if haruka but with le evil eyes
Iori teamcomp was okay, i think i only had one reset because my Koharu died near the 1 minute mark after i spent some time practicing timings.
Same with Nutsuki for blue, except it was first time clear, possible the easiest one.
dHina i had to reset three times since sHosh was dying too much for some reason, but otherwise it was the highest score once i cleared it.
Makoto is afraid of Hina
Hina is afraid of ghosts
Therefore, Makoto is afraid of ghosts
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Both of them have horns that will pierce through my throat when I hug them, so fuck em.
Kirara is the clear superior choice.
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What are your thoughts on the Henny? I want to brush her hair while she monches on some onigiri.
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What if the real bazoos was the friends we made along the way?
It would've been nice if the shupogaki train fight had a SFX during the multi track durifto
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Bazoos, you say?
Japan is really seething about twitter stuff, can hardly go far on it for fanart today without seeing them bitching about it. Seething about blocking is stupid, but the AI stuff is indeed bad.

This is honestly the lamest AI future possible, so lame I never even imagined it.
I like tomboys but she's brown so i'll pass.
double gay
Double gay. Triple gay, even.
When is the next selector? Around B.Hoshino/S.Saori?
>Hot take: if Japanese artists really hate people reposting their art without permission so much then they should stop using the Internet already
The top replies underneath the post completely agree with this.
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I stopped using twitter years ago, before the musk drama.
>Wasting my time browsing through feeds of blogposts to maybe see something I like
>no search or tag function
>can't block retweet/likes of your follows
>have to ublock a million things to not be bombarded by stupid shit you don't care about
wow great system, so sad to see it go
i think that's lukewarm at most. it's pretty silly to upload stuff on the internet and expect it not to be copied.
should've made something tangible if that's such a big concern. like a painting. though even then that can be photographed.
stop being grumpy
Do you think jp/kr visitors wonder why we love Bazoos so much?
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I'll see if I can prune an inactive for you
double gaymind......
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That doesn't happen
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what is going on?
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video games
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new 'toss
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> The JJK MC as Sensei is a thing
What the shit is going on? Why JJK and BA of all things?
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Thank you based SumireGOD
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Where did everyone go?
it wouldn't be so lame if it wasn't so ridiculously overblown out of proportion from all corners. it just makes shitty pictures, yet the bitching is like it's the end fucking times. hope people would move on to the next retarded drama already.
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Jumby my beloved...
Is there something called "The Twitter Circle"?
i would have gotten serina to sleep with me
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That guy sucking on Hoshino's toes? Me.
>overblown out of proportion
buddy it already took the jobs of below average concept artists and tricks boomers on facebook
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I can't UE40 her with my ligma right now unfortunately but I hope it's enough
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>/bag/ doesn't like Wuwa because it's a turn based gacha
>yet they discuss in 4chan which is a kind of turn based argument

Even Cherino is more relevant than W*kamo.
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I place a card facing down and end my turn.
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I still remember how /g/eets in early '23 used to say that Japan embraces AI with open arms so everyone should too.
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I wanted to make a pun about taking a snooze with UtNAPishtim, but didn't have any good pictures of GSC members sleeping. Take this lewd-but-still-safe Rinny for the trouble.
Mika should die
I love Ooyodo.
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here's one on the house
holy shit, oh no, anything but starving artists and tricked facebook boomers! anything but that!
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coom in doom
Is this P-Sensei old account...
least sociopathic ni/g/ger
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Thats not the MC, and literally everything has a crossover with JJK
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I wish I was kokona
Dabinki would hate AI
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Does BA count as a soft seinen?
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I have no opinion on Wuwa and know almost nothing about it. I'm sure it's a fun game though. The only gacha games I banter about are Mihoyo games, but only because of how their fans behave. The games (Wuwa and Mihoyo games) themselves are fine and they have some great girls with exquisite designs.
The main problem for me is that I only have so much time to focus on games outside of work and have real life to also focus on. As a result, Blue Archive is one of two gacha games that I play actively, and I can't focus on either of them as much as I would like.
Using JTF mobs without Hasumi's permission
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But you can make Dabinkis at double the speed!
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I want to make half-elves with Rinny
right. beacause not agreeing with you means i'm in that other tribe. makes sense. i'm probably also the same exact single person that follows you to every thread you visit and argues with you all the time.
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your genes are too weak they will be full elves and complete clones of their mother
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Aris would say this.
the retardation of your rhetoric put you in the same camp as those other guys yup
I'll take it, more Rinnys
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I did it, thanks a bunch, hopefully yellow isn't as annoying
Who and *ho?
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I have still not bothered to do INS because it does seem annoying.
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It's becoming a trend to make random characters Sensei
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Should I get the receipt?
You can't fuck your daughter
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Every goddamn week I have to deal with two of my co-workers butting heads about it. They're both so equally stubborn and it's obvious neither of them is going to budge, and yet they keep bringing it up. I just want them both to shut the fuck up about it and stop making the atmosphere so awkward for everyone else.
Blue Archive.
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How many B.Airi elephs will I be able to get? UE30?
I have no intention, i will cherish my Rinnys
I miss my niece
Where FOX banner
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What the absolute shit.
I still can't believe this manga became popular when it literally shat the bed with the premise so early
Student council president of Red Winter with multiple events and friends.
Girl who doesn't get events and doesn't do anything when she does get events and doesn't have any friends.
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fox banner soon
Show ass
But *I* can
Just saw Reisa being beat up by Sensei. Lots of tears and blood. Should I report it? I think she deserves it desu
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You're gonna eat your words so hard when it's revealed she's best friends with Professor Niyaniya. So hard.
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Is it, /bag/?
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Side tangent, but reminder that Frieza's VA is against unauthorized generative AI
Now show pubes
Does anyone itt own a BA character dakimura?
No surprise kids are impressionable, they'll just swallow anything colorful. It's seldom the story that sells for anything shounen
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Should have said "I throw down a facedown" you fuck
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Wakamo's interactions with others:
>everyone not listed elsewhere
I like Akira and Kai and Akemi a lot I hope we get a Millennium prisoner eventually though I have a feeling Gehenna will come first
Wakamo interacted with Mine?
Modern weeb cocksuckers polishing it with "so realistic!" and "its so different!" sure helped.
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Mine is the only other character to give Wakamo a chance.
Don't worry she'll get used to it soon. There won't be any blood when we do it again
>Gehenna's prisoner
What the hell is she even gonna be considering what's normal in Gehenna?
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i'm so incredibly glad that covid enabled remote working, making it so that i don't have to deal with the presence of retarded coworkers and their bickering anymore.
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terrorist sex
What killed the hype?
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I'm addicted to the Aoi minigame. I want to keep flipping post its.
X is dying guys, two more weeks!
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It's funny that she doesn't show up in the main story of the event at all and they just randomly added the afterstory and her banner in the rerun
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I'd buy an Eimi dakimakura so fast if there's one without some stupid retarded ahegao face like on the only one I managed to find.
What are my chances of staying plat on eu with 3 ex clears? Even bottom of the barrel plat would be ok
Newfag here. When do we usually get news for this game? I also have sexual feelings for Seia. Is this normal?
Put Seia back please.
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Rape or other sex related crime
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There are two upcoming livestreams in the OP. As for your second question, no it's not normal.
ZZZ, HSR, WuWa etc, take your pick
China has pretty much cornered the market
Is Yoshimi Junko-coded?
There are two upcoming livestreams in the OP. As for your second question, yes it's normal
I want to drink Kazusa sweat.
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either thunder emperor stuff or normal girl take your pick
lmao look at this gwailo
Why isn't it looping
SIR WHY ISN'T IT LOOPING?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!
Tax fraud
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Marry and reproduce with adult women
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she escaped the box, there is no putting her back in
you shouldn't have looked now lost your chance
Livestream in a couple of days. She's underage so no it's not normal
Should we reconcile and re-merge with the /vmg/ thread?
It's that easy
Kayoko's fellatio.
thread is lacking more sex
...? Seia is a 3rd year, she's 17/18 bro
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>global stats stream on the 18th
>jp content stream on the 20th
I'm not ready for fast threads
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Adult pussy is too hard to resist
Who is telling the truth ?
I'm sure I've pvp refreshed more than I normally would. I need to sink those battleships NOW
>Girl who doesn't get events and doesn't do anything when she does get events
So she does have events
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>not normal
if your sample demographic is homosexuals, maybe.
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For your consideration: Nagisass
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yes it's normal
Ill give you the opinion of a non-autistic human: Insane Greg Yellow was harder than the torments ive cleared so far. Hope you have or can borrow an essentially maxed Iori!
Seia is a horse
You wouldn't fuck a horse, would you?
Is Kuzunoha the only actual unplappable student? (you can't fuck a ghost) (your tulpa doesn't count)
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What will (you) do when seia announced this Sunday
I started masturbating to cosplay javs because of this general
How about the one who's fucking dead
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I will implement our children
I thought you said exercising would feel good but my body's all hurt, all I can feel is pain. I give up. I'm never exercising again. Fuck you Sumire you ugly cunt!
Blue Archive ones?
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That'd be Yume
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I think they'd get along well
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be thankful cause seiaposters will have nothing to talk about ever again.
I haven't given a lot of characters their own folders for images even though I know I have enough to warrant a separate folder. They end up in a blanket "schoolName" folder and are left to rot
Care to share some codes?
>you can't fuck a corpse
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Halloween event in 3 days, trust the plan
Aoi knows how to get your attention it seems.
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Why does Jimbo hang out with the Gourmet Research Society anyway? It doesn't even seem like she likes that all that much
Because she's a violent terrorist
the prospect of food will make her put up with a lot.
You can absolutely fuck a corpse though? You just need to find it. Whereas Kuzunoha's corpse would have decomposed into nothing already after 1000 years.
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so she can gorge herself like the fat hambeast she is
Poor girl is malnourished
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She's preparing to make it big a a food blogger.
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Seia EX will grant max accuracy and stability
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>impregnate seia
>kuzunoha reincarnates as the child
>problem solved
hire me nexon
more like seia sex
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>actually, the event is about Fubuki and Kirino
>Abydos Summer
>it's about Abydos
>Seia dies from complications from giving birth
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Seia love
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Alright but which school? Are they gonna release Wild Hunt?
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It's gonna be a disaster of biblical proportions
>Any person involved with the Kissless Virgin shit show up, tourists doompost
>New people show up, tourists doompost
What, wuwa is turn based? I thought that was starrail, or Mihoyo really made another turn based game
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It worked once, it'll work twice. You'll just have to impregnate the new Kuzunoha and reincarnate Seia. The daughter impregnation cycle will continue for as long as it is necessary.
>Are they gonna release Wild Hunt?
Never ever
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All me btw
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Foxtralians, fuck off.
I said prospect, her actually getting the food is another thing entirely. also it seems in sometime she gets plenty. >>498776068
Would Noa watch me fuck Yuuka
It's gonna be the NotHalloween event with Trinity and Valkyrie.
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Friendly reminder to pat your students before reset.
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She would take notes as always
It's still hours away
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God I fucking love Yuuka
I know. But I think it's better to remind other Anons about it 2 hours before reset instead of 2 minutes.
who is the rimjob queen of kivotos?
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Not those ones. Those aren't pretty enough. These ones are better.
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I usually do my last headpat around 1pm so it's a good timing
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>TRASHino bullying the cutest kot Serika again in chapter 3

Hoshino should die
Need pantyhose.
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>3 minutes between posts
Akane, the perfect maid
dSaori when?
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Holy based I love chinchillas
are we yuri now
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please respond
Premium Mediums
>now Kuzunoha is dead from birth complications
only hikari x nozomi, momoi x midori, and plana x arona
I like fatsu
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My canon wife Fuuka...
They are big for her frame.
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childrenex, thinking of
Na is still triple hardcore to plat.
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We know sensei
If only things could stay like this...
For you.
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the face of BA
Fuuka HATE
Gehenna HATE
Do you still love your student even though her VA has an opinion that you might disagree with?
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I got Nagisa early but I'm still getting buyers remorse.
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It has never even crossed my mind. the artist however, maybe I'd be upset if it was related to BA in some way
I don't ever think about my student's VA
She's looking pretty stylish. It's cute.
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Only mentally ill manchildren care about VAs
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What do we think of this, bros?
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I play with sound off
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Had a dream about Costco and some reason of the students
I never actually went there
Jirai Kei student when
mentally ill zoomer
I have no idea what it is trying to imply, so you may as well go back.
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your students would want you to get a Costco membership
And I care about what her VA thinks because...?
Costco was mentioned a few days ago in one of the threads, were you there for that? It was only like 2-3 posts.
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the logo next to the child character is made to look like the Blue Archive logo implying that paedophiles play Blue Archive
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I fucking hate sh*rt "hair"
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What's your alternative then, just giving up and letting one stay dead?!
It's not just death, but birth, too! A cycle of life, a natural and unfortunately inevitable thing! So what if it's accelerated slightly! Death isn't a big deal if you know you'll be reincarnated and impregnated!
But what you're proposing, just saying "sorry, you're dying. forever.", will you even be able to say that to the face of the girl who you pick to be the one to die? Will you be able to live with that decision?
It's not me who's the monster here.
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Beat Sons of Liberty yesterday. Who would be the Raiden to Yuzu's Snake?
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Anyone that pays attention to VA's is retarded
It's like going to a restaurant and looking at all the Facebook pages of the workers before you go so you can cry about their opinions and say how you're enjoying their food ((despite)) their terrible opinions

You should see the character as the character, allow yourself to believe that they're real, that's the point of fiction
If you're seeing them as animators and VAs then you're retarded
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>Quit FGO years ago
>FGOniggers are so cancerous they show up and start talking about their garbage everywhere I go
Tired of this shit
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>food anal
I want to hug Ako
These are not funny at all
Joke's on her.
I don't have any opinions on anything. I just hate gehennoids.
play ghost babel next
>recommended level for 13 Hards: 66
>doing them at level 42
That sign can't stop me because I can't read
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I want to hug her from behind
Sir this is a Wendy's
Honestly the whole "not pure" thing about VAs having done eroge is just stupid. Like you'd think people here would just gaslight themselves into thinking their jacking off to official porn of their students.
I'm not racist but I'm starting to feel Hina fatigue...
I don't get what you're trying to say
I just want a hug in general
I am racist and I have Gehenna fatigue.
Get ready for
Hina (Pajamas)
Hina (New Boots)
Hina (Hat)
And much more...
post the hat
You're a schizo, fuck off.
seia banner never ever
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seia banner next week
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I am racist, and I would go down on Iori almost daily.
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Alice sex
i miss kv project
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Toki lust.
I like Ichika's VA since she had songs in Kamen Rider
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This shit is unreadable. Why are they freaking out over Shimiko? Anyone who keeps up with JP gossip know? https://may.2chan.net/b/res/1264325068.htm
We should throw rocks at Neru for being an ugly gremlin.
Even worse, an ugly GINGER gremlin.
I briefly skimmed an anime and I heard Izuna's voice, which was nice
Hearing Aris as the imouto of that one romcom anime was also a pleasant surprise

I think noticing VAs for their work is a healthy way to interact with them. I think anything beyond that might not be good though.
I miss their cocks.
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I still can't believe people play a game with 1% SSR rate and no pity mechanic where a single roll is a dollar and you get less than 1000 rolls in a year of daily play, where you need to roll your top units 6 times, in a one-dimensional game with boring gameplay, just because it's fate. And so much so that it's a top earner game.
Mankind truly is a failed race
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knowing Ichika had parts in Kamen Rider makes me like her more even though I don't watch any Kamen Rider
we know bananapicker bro
>open link
>anti thread
>close link
Anything that makes these (((people))) mad is a good thing. The bigger the melty the better
You just like twincest.
The only VA I vaguely remember is Koyuki's because she was awkward
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I don't own any parrots anymore
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>your student
>your seiyuu
>It's like going to a restaurant and <...>
people do pay attention to famous chefs, you know. never heard of anthony bourdain?
bet you do Faglord
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>Food analogies
Hina Kino
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my favourite VA is Saori's VA because she does readalongs in the voice and obviously plays the game
no thanks I'm normal
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why wouldn't I
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People say her voice is an acquired taste but God damn I though it was great from the get go
What was the JP original?
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Her real voice is cuter
Yoppi is cute
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/bag/, which is it?
Big jiggly titties or fat squishy boobs?
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they just don't like cool voices and can be disregarded
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Izuna's VA
Rumi the Rock!
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Useless pests... they must be ready to die
I touched izuna's hips and now she wants to rape me
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>You hear a notification sound on your phone.

>Chinatsu sent you an image through Momotalk.

>You open your chat and see this: https://files.catbox.moe/35h0nh.jpg

How would you reply?
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miyu ryona
wtf I like Arata now??
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Keep going
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> Trying to draw Ibuki lewd in cheerleader outfit.
> Realized it's tough.
This is going to take longer than I thought
block her
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Say goodbye to my Sensei job
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How do I get a misskey account if I'm not in Japan I dont want the art to go away
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I am white thougheverbait
But then you won't feel her soft breasts near your heart.
Go back.
sign up on misskey.art and then follow misskey.io artists by typing in misskey.art/@username@misskey.io and following them that way
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I'd hug her and sniff her hair and neck from behind until she gets all fussy
>4 tank comp with nagisa and sshiroko specials
What the fuck is the win condition
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And what are they gonna do?
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Twitter Status? Are you planning to create an account on Bluesky to follow BA artists?
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Honestly think official Koharu plush won't be as funny as the popular bootleg one
Plana may be sexier but I bet Arona gives the best blowjobs, she'd probably drain your balls like she drains your pyroxene.
Where do I get the bootleg khr
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Think fast Sensei
Nagisa kills the backline, sShiroko kills the tanks
>But they won't
Yeah but they might
iirc some seapag made it and it's custom order?
I already did but I'm still not happy about it
Rather people use something that's on ActivityPub so all my stuff can be in one place for all these "Twitter Replacements"
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I have no idea why people even bother to move. Its just this stupid cancel culture all because people are jealous of Elon Musk and his success. All changes brought to the platform has been an improvement
I miss Suzumi, I bet she would be a lot more popular if they updated her art a bit
2 more weeks until twitter dies for real this time not like the previous ones
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but there is a search/tag function, you can turn off retweets of specific people you follow, and likes don't appear in feeds at all
Do these have an... opening? You know what I mean.
Bluesky is a den of radical leftist lolcows. I'd much rather the japs have migrated to some Mastodon instance.

I like old ladies
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+15 rupees
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>russiananon likes feet
why are you like this?
Dammit, you beat me to it
Students for this feel?
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typical gookako
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Post your favorite gook ako image.
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Take your pick
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Who doesn’t like feet?
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Has the full thing been scanned yet?
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every time pakeji comes up i wonder what /bag/'s average income is
I bet its around 120k USD, right sensei?
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You need to appreciate every bit of a woman, including her feet.
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Why are you talking like it's something bad?
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Maybe. Maybe more. Who knows?
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Suzumi alt when
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This one
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zoooooooooos the azooooooooooos
Who took em
Where Professor?
17k USD
I dunno. I feel like I just got strong-armed by the artists into it more so than a natural development
I have an above average salary but if I convert it to USD it looks pitiful.
>Your students
>Your thoughts on feet
Rio told me Aislop is bad and I trust Rio
>hating AIslop is for libtards
explain this to me
Sir please let me spam ai here sir do not be racism
>only /bag/gots hate it
Everyone that isn't a /g/eet hates it.
Twincest is the only acceptable form of yuri.
It's a few loud people. I'd imagine most would just want this shit to stop being brought up here all the fucking time for no reason. It's the same rerun of the same dumb conversation every single time.
Nagisa can't reach the backline and everyone is just sitting ducks for Iori
Fuck off to wherever you came from.
Seia's EX skill will grant max stability... to my dick
I want to have unprotected sex with the anon below me
I came to Kaede's l2d again.
It works against Haruna/Shun teams which are everywhere.
this anon is now kaede
same, Saori's was great
The acquired taste voices are Hina and Kasumi for me
Got it thank you, appreciate it anon
>your student
>your masturbation habits
What about competitive yuri where both girls aggressively jack each other off so the rival girl is too tired to be fucked by the guy so they can have sensei all for themselves instead

>Why don't they just share?
Look a dick can only fire off so many times a day, it's a limited commodity
It's better to take care of your rivals on an acceptable sporting day so you can have it for yourself
Girls can get away with gay shit like that without it being gay
I seriously think devs should make more chibi content
last night I took 5 inches of my dildo while in a chastity cage
>got a cold
>warm myself till I sweat my balls off
Would Serina approve
forgot your scatpic lol
This reminds me of a pic with a girl that was being impregnated since school and even when she's old and wrinkly she is pregnant again with lots of children surrounding her. Can't find it on booru though.
I saw the word ok
competitive /bag/ shitting
Which students post in Truth Social?
just banged Chinatsu
so /bag/ dies like this?..
Torment Greg with 3 stars Rumi is really hard. I'm going insane
Yeah, Insane is probably enough for plat.
>finger lick
throw ligma at her so you can go torment
ibuki stomach bulge
Why Rumi over Koharu
I cant believe airi drugged sensei...
keep this thread for another 42 minutes so the resetposters die
ibuki diaper bulge
i need to breed Hikari
Confess your sins bag
Ibuki anal expansion training and anal fisting
The only plushies in Aliexpress are Hoshino, Shiroko and for some reason Natsu.
i had sex with a student
ibuki watersports
last night I student
In game right…right?!
he said "sins".
ibuki prolapse
it's awwwwwwwright
Ibuki pegging sensei
NTA but some retards got tricked into thinking being pro/anti-AI is a left-right wing thing apparently

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