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The Future We Choose Edition

>Previous Thread >>498701694

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and gay sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

Life is Strange: Heatwaves - Released!
First Lost Records gameplay trailer - Released!
Fear the Spotlight release date - 22nd of October
Lost Records release date - 18th of February and 18th of March, 2025

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Izzie LOVE!
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>Here is your Double Exposure, bro
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No fate but what we make for ourselves
Posting again because I think its a good idea

Alright, DE might be dead but a sequel that explores the wider ramifications of kids with powers. Get the military involved, save a town from a flood or some shit. Have some super villain who is putting together their own team.
It wouldn't be too out there since its already been set up in small ways throughout the series, the themes of superhero teamups, cooperation and kids against impossibly big odds. Seeing Max, Alex, Daniel and maybe a resurrected fire-bending Rachel face off against the military or some evil power-draining (white) guy.

It might need to be reworked from the original formula, maybe more of an action RPG like a bethesda game.
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Max is a cuckqueen who follows Chloe’s “escapades” nightly.
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A threadly reminder that D9 HATES this franchise and they deserve to get shut down.
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cute and soon
"No idea how to end the story"
Let's make a part II and figure it out later!
I’m glad they are going to tank. The downfall of an evil dictator only this dictator is retarded and stupid.
Exactly. Targeting 2 massive ships that carry the name of the media they are in, in less than 4 months. Insane. Feels so bizarre.
Max lost her powers. It's ogre for her
VictoriaXChloe is the ship I never knew I needed.
Where is Kate? Is she safe? Is she all right?
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DE you prabably know. Arcane, with the 5 leaked episodes, we find out that, in episode 3, Cait leaves VI behind for Jinx reasons, and in episode 4 some time passes, Cait is in bed with another female character...
The thing that bothers me about the break up isn't that it's cheap drama, but that it's a missed opportunity. Imagine Max still being together with Chloe (if one chooses) but still able to romance Amanda or Vinh so one can roleplay Max as a cheater.
Pffffahahahahahahahahaha. But why?

In a way it makes me glad that my favorite lesbian couple of the past few years got buried so deep they won't unearth it to ruin it.
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Vi got cucked by another woman. Caitlyn who is her main love interest hit her because Vi defended a little girl from getting shot by Caitlyn, Caitlyn hit her in retaliation and timeskip shows Caitlyn sleeping with her deputy, a woman while Vi is drunk 24/7 and sleeping on cardboard pining after Caitlyn.
Drama, yearning shit, just to drag on until CaitxVI endgame
We need white men in charge of this franchise again
To be fair, that setup reeks way more of them getting back together by the end.
Rough year for yuri shippers, won't watch s2 then.
I trust frenchies more with that then americans
The woman is also living with Cait. She has her sleeping clothes at her place. It's typical lesbian drama bullshit.
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I do find it intrinsically hilarious that the gay community liked the series best when it was written by middle aged white (probably mostly straight) men. The moment women and alphabet people got their hands on it the series descended into shitty angst and shipping war shit-flinging.
Brought to you from Max’s breakup playlist.
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Here's your Izzie - self-insert and Pricefield killer
It would be cruel to have Chloe potentially be cheated on twice.
Certainly, they are endgame, but still... Urgh
Why does he hate Chloe so much, bros? Did he get harshly rejected by a Chloe type?
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>less than half the player count of fucking LiS 2 on launch day

This is what you get for screwing Pricefield.
I think the french just enjoy relationship drama like that. At least she didn't fuck a guy, which seems to be a favourite cheating option.
Curious to see how this going to look like in 29th. The early premium access was a royal shot in the foot, ironic...
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Reminder that this is literally Max’s worst nightmare realized.
I love Max to death but this is so cartoonishly cuck-coded I can’t help but laugh.
She's with the angels now
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how in the fuck did Life Is Taco get that insane all-time peak, is that a glitch?
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You guessed the edition title of the next thread. Congratulations anon.
Kate is not acknowledged at all. Since she likely would have some presence in Max's like (even as just a journal entry, text message or online contact) if she were alive, by not acknowledging what happened to Kate D9 has inadvertently soft confirmed her death being the canon outcome.
The problem as clearly been Square from the start. D9 being bad writers who hate Chloe obviously did not help things, but they are not the main reason why the series has declined so much in quality, failed to live up to its potential, sideline pricefield even in the comics and now write Chloe out of the series all together. That stuff is on Square.
Never forget LiS 1 was originally a much more gay game and featured a explicit relationship between Chloe and Max. At the behest of Square this was toned down massively and they even forced the inclusion of Warren.
Square is the main problem with the LiS series and things will not get better until they sell the IP.
You have a very sad obsession incel-kun.
Nothing about her identity impacts what I think of Izzie.
Those numbers are from a combination of massive boting for trading cards and steam being weird with how it handles episodic games.
We know that LiS 2 did worse then what BtS would end up doing.

DE seems to be on a new level of failure.
Trading card exploit for easy money.
I wish and hope all copies of DE were thown into a landfill like ET and Forespoken.
>lesbian domestic abuse
Many such cases
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Oh yeah, Vinh and Max? Consider they're fucking right now.
Isn’t he like fucking Moses also? Vinh likes to get BLACKED. BLACKED KING.
>roughly outperforms the shitty remasters all-time peak and S1's current players count

russians and their trading cards bots
the first episode went free just when the pandemic hit so the world was full of people who had nothing to do back then
You sound very mindbroken. Now you just motivated me to post thousand screenshots of Max and Vinh's romantic journey in this game especially their kissing and sex scenes.
This is cringy/autistic but I’m wallowing in my feelings of loss over this fictional couple right now. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way and even though it hurts it feels good to feel.
I’ll roast D9 later, I’ll headcanon later, but right now I just want to throw a little salt in my own wounds, just to feel my love for Pricefield in a new way.
Where's the fucking MILF Max porn?
max isn't a milf
Mindbroken? How it’s canon that Vinh got fucked by black cock
Keep wishing that fanfiction as he dicked deep down into Max's fertile pussy.
There is a photo of them making sex eyes at each other with a caption Vihn wrote.
>show me your telescope ;)
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The last time I can remember a backlash of this magnitude happening was the ending to Mass Effect 3. Like it checks every what the fuck box.
Did they think this narrative decision was good? I'm so morbidly curious as to where the fuck their minds were at.
They admitted they hate Chloe like A LOT.
As a Bay + Pricefield supporter, I feel validated.
They seem to have fully entrenched themselves in the "You have no right to criticize devs because that's harassment" camp, so we may never get true answers. The ones at D9 still defending themselves insist they love Chloe, but can't produce a shred of evidence while trying to imply Square Enix for whatever arbitrary reason forced them to make this. It's all contradictory and inflammatory right now.

If we're lucky, the final 3 episodes will shed light on what the fuck's going on, or at least loosen some more devs' lips on what went wrong.
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You're not winning this battle, lol. You literally are going to lose, you won't have enough fuel to go on with your headcanon, trust me.
It's odd.
Max, Saffi & Moses etc, they're all near 30, but it feels like they've been written as teens.
The picture is literally in game. Vinh is a sex monster who fucks everyone and everything. He really liked getting BLACKED tho for some reason. Can’t resist the chocolate it seems.
Makes sense. Millennials stopped maturing in their teens.
>here is your moving forward
What a joke.
shh there there, Max is straight now. Vinh fucked Max btw.
If you’re gonna cuckold Max this hard you should have just made her the villain.
While he wished he got fucked by Moses btw.
wtf Max looks like that now? why is she so hot? I want to fuck her face and cum down her throat
Vinh? he fucked Max nonstop.
Did you forgot? She pancaked. And poor Samuel had to hose the pavement.
It is a chapter 5 collectible along the talking Owl one and the 'dumping chloe one. Most likely nightmare world.
Bro is salivating for a RICED in a shitty D9 game...
New max is a bonermancer which makes me frustrated we didn’t get a new chloe.
YES! THAT'S THE POINT! That would be way better relationship drama because that's 100% on the player if they get tempted away from Chloe.
Imagine thinking your asian cock matters, asians are the least race any woman wants
How does she feel Vinh!? Inquiring minds would like to know.
the LiS facebook page has made the mistake of posting a few times a day instead of just sitting back for the early access to end. The Shapeshifter info etc is getting posted everywhere. the assblast is glorious.
Who cares anyway? Amanda literally dumps Max in a cruel way and most likely happens with Vinh too. She is given weird choices at the end anyway. The game is shit and Felice is self-inserting her yellow race in this game.
>shitty D9 game
But enough about TC and BtS
Boomer detected. You know the oldest millennials are 41 right now.
Yep. What a coincidence, an asian replaces the white love interest with asian ones, hmmm
We know she can dump her. We don't know if that's always the outcome.
Amanda isn’t cute enough, I’m not excited to pursue her at all.
Don’t care about the guy either.
It’s between bat soup eater and dog and cats eater. Sad options.
You'd rather have some Moses action?
>Where is Kate? Is she safe? Is she all right?
There's an audio where Max says something like
>Kate deserved a friend so much better than me
So Max says this after she basically risked her life to help her and to uncover the druggings and kidnappings around Blackwell, which made Max also getting kidnapped and abused.
Of course this is all assuming all those leaked voicelines are actually gonna be in the game, because sometimes they put unused or fake dialogues in there for trolling.

What I get from this though is that Max feels she did something wrong to everybody no matter what, even though she wanted to help some of them.
what's up with your obsession with the bbc?
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>How does she feel Vinh!? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Both Max and Vinh hit it off quite pretty quickly, to be honest. They're always flirty around each other, even from the first time Max met Vinh.
>Nothing about her identity impacts what I think of Izzie.
It's not about identity, it's about the irony - your second favorite character in the franchise is a self-insert of a dude that basically killed your most favorite character
Vinh is a creep who won't take no for an Answer.
Imagine being on the D9 team and having to hold a poker face while the Vietnamese head writer suggests Vietnamese characters for Max’s new love interests.
Player. He fucked Safi
Amanda is honestly fine, is just anything else is terrible, context is terrible, tone deaf
I’m gonna avoid this guy as much as possible lmao. Warren might have been a little simp but at least he was charming. This guy is just unpleasant. Max deserves better.
I’d be creeped out. They are gonna yellowwash Max evetually aren’t they? That is this fucking company still stands, most likely not but wouldn’t pit it past them
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>"This isn't about Safi, Max. This is about you and me"
>"Illicit daydrinking with your cowrkers is sexy. Be sexy, Max"
You can probably end up single, Alex could in True Colors.
Creep vibes. As a woman, this shit is a major red flag. No self-respecting woman would accept this behavior, Zak Garris definitely wrote this
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I actually don't mind Amanda or Vinh. And if this was just a Bay game I wouldn't be bothered by the potential relationships. But D9 really dropped the fucking ball. I've actually seen someone on Reddit (another 'ex-dev') who is putting the blame entirely on SE, saying they mandated which characters they were allowed to use and which they weren't. Which I don't buy, because even if that is the case, the character assassination was by D9's hand.
Shhhh, Chuddy, you lost the culture war. Pricefield is dead.
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She looks like a background character. Half the cast from LiS 1 is more attractive. Alex is MUCH more attractive as an asian. Max is legitimately out of her league.
Oh I’m sure, it just sucks because I like the romance in these games and this is the first one that I have absolutely no interest in any direction.
He behaves so weird and his body language sometimes is like he's drunk all the time. Not to mention the "secret society" crap.
Max isn't exactly a self-respecting woman. She's the epitome of self-loathing.
Max is for whites only.
>here’s your Sims 4 character bro
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Not only
>As a woman
Imagine if Alex was Max’s love interest instead…
Or Loretta
>his body language sometimes is like he's drunk all the time
Yeah, no shit. He literally just lost his girlfriend, Safi. So he drowned himself in booze to cope with his sorrow. Even in that video, he pours who knows how many shots of alcohol into his morning coffee.
At some point the devs wanted to make her the mc in this game. She dodge a bullet, really.
It's okay, she has a feminine penis.
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This reaction: >>498814371 would have made a lot more sense.
But, could Max handle all this?
Look what game we are discussing. You do know Pricefield has a lot of female fans don’t you?
If Safi is a shapeshifter then was it actually her or someone else here?
Like if they fucked but it was Safi as someone else?
The photo shows Safi though, which is kind of confusing.
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>Pricefield has a lot of """female""" fans
>The """female""" fans in question
Chloe is dead and buried - both figuratively and literally. Amanda and Vinh are just side pieces. Max will become as gods with Safi.
Nah, imagine Max and Steph instead. Chloe being fun and games with Victoria, then suddenly she sees a Max/Steph, she would choke while eating
Imagine gatekeeping Life is Strange to men only.
Hmm that would be good too.
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I do actually believe that Square were the ones mandating which characters can and can't be used. When I listen to deep-dive interviews with Emma Viecelli it very much felt like Square kept doing schizo redirects of her story all the damn time. She's polite about it but hints that they were a bunch of meddling jackoffs.

It was actually Square who mandated the comic book trip into the Amberprice verse. Probably to help bump sales of BtS. The stuff in this post matches the vibes of what Emma describes.
how did they lose the eye bags wtf
Been listening to that line on the phone the whole day. The best of Hannah
most pricefield antis are troons btw
especially the dev who killed the ship
AO3 about to burst with Fix it fanfictions
>Max: I can backwards manipulate time so long as I was there for the intended event.
>Daniel: I have telekinesis.
>Alex: I can tell you're feeling pretty orange today
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Already drafting my WEG adaptation now.
let's be real here, there's plenty of trans in this fandom on both sides
I highly doubt they mandated 'have Chloe and Max break up in the most mean spirited way possible' when saying they couldn't directly use Chloe. Sorry, but that sounds like deflection. D9 were the ones pulling the trigger.
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Why does Square Enix care so much about their relatively niche IP? And even if D9 couldn't use Chloe, I doubt they were ordered to be so mean spirited towards people who picked Bae.
Will it be Abandoned at some point?
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Max is so bratty in this game. She needs the correction!
It’s a WEG isn’t it?
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That is Safi as Vinh in this dialogue
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yuri lost hard
Max is such a womanlet even a viatnamese dude is taller
Or some asian dev’s self-insert as a taller asian man.
Max deserves so much better than this kind of guy.
nah, Vinh is just tall
It's even funnier when you look up the average heigh of an adult Vietnamese male.
Go back to cuck cage, Warren.
Right. This dude was fucking Safi.
HRT will fix my eyebags?

My Max has too much self respect to fall for that nonsense.
the cop dude should’ve been a romance option not fucking vishnu or whatever his name is
Literally. She’s going to end up eating bat soup.
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>I doubt they were ordered to be so mean spirited towards people who picked Bae.
Yeah Square would never- Oh...
Chloe deleted. Now you can choose between a 4/10 gook chick that Max salivates over for some reason, or a cocky fuckboy.
Maybe Squeenix is trying to ruin the franchise so they have an excuse to shitcan it entirely.
Why do these toxic companies work together then?
Both romantic interests dump you before the game ends because of the timeline merge.
Having two sets of memories combine kind of screws everyone up.
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Max doesn't love you Warren, you're a loser.
His surname is also written like the german word for 'long'
Good. Those asians thought they were gonna get white pussy. Better luck next time dog eaters!
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This information is admittedly out of date. But back when BtS came out /lisg/ did a poll that included gender.
The male/female split is basically even. I imagine that is much the same now (if not slightly more female slanted) once you factor out the current tourists from /v/.
LiS as a series has always had a strong female following and that is especially true once you get into fan works and those very dedicated to certain ships.
I'm pretty sure that is the result of either photo touch ups or her getting a decent skin care routine down.
That is not how companies work.
You do know that just means they mandated an alternative male love interest. Stop defending D9's retarded decision.
Your wallflower waifu is handcrafted for meaningless casual sex with an overly cocky 6/10 chink fuckboy who doesn’t see her as anything but a place to nut.
Incel Max is the best choice.
…and she loved it.
It's interesting that all through marketing and trailers, a Male romance option was never mentioned. It's like they're ashamed of him.
I would be too. He’s a last minute decision and he’s yellow.
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If the dev leaks are to be believed, he was forced on them. And based on his unlikable characterization I wouldn’t doubt that they sabotaged him as a fuck you. Warren and Ryan are both better.
You guys must be brown for hating asians. It's not their fault for having higher IQ and yearly earnings then you lot.
Keno got paid some good money.
Alex is the most attractive girl in the franchise IMO (Max second). This isn’t an anti-asian thing, this is an anti uncompelling love interest thing. Max is out of Amanda’s league and while Vinh might be able to pull, his personality is not right for Max at all.
It's like this is some grand experiment to see how quickly the gays become racist when you fuck with their ship
>a Male romance option was never mentioned
if they did they would have been accused of trying to correct Max's gayness.
The marketing team is very well aware of the turd they have on their hands.
>Gays and browns take over a franchise from the white men who built it
>It immediately starts subverting itself into irrelevancy
Many such cases!
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>Alex is the most attractive girl in the franchise
KEK you wish your 2/10 troon looking chink is even considered attractive
Makes no sense. Because LiS 2 was hates for having the “brown bros” but yes asians are not a fitting match for Max.
As it's been proven many many times, the leftists are the true racists
I guess we went from pricefield to ricefield.
I mean we could have have Ricefield for real like Loretta/Max but D9 wanted to make yellow fever a thing.
I don't want my Max mixing with other races. I'm not prejudice or anything, but it's just not to my taste.
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She’s fucking hot bro.
Regardless you don’t have to agree, my point is Amanda/Vinh aren’t a problem because they’re asian.
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Vinh is going to fuck Max 24/7 and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
I think Cassidy is the most attractive girl in the franchise. Followed by Chloe.
Honestly none of them have really been to my taste. I hope one day we will get a game that is not afraid of having a butch love interest.
Ryan is the singular worthy Male option in any LiS game. And all it takes is him being a decent guy.
This Max and him would get on well.
The more I think about it the angrier I get. And I thought I became numb to all franchises being ruined by now.
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Less porn/fan art than Rachel Amber btwf
>Less porn than the sluttiest whore in the whole franchise
Uh, yeah?
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Suddenly relevant again.
I think it was mainly hated because the game played up the racism in the US angle way too hard than the brothers being latino.
>Porn addict

Opinion discarted
Lesbians don’t have babies though, so it’s not like her genes are going to waste more than they already are.
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Even Kate has more porn than that ugly fat chink
And still total manchildren
Trying way too hard.
From what I understand, it's specifically the Square Enix Europe business unit that has oversight over LiS and DE. And DESU, after the bigger parent of Squeenix sold the majority of the North American franchises I figure the Europe branch doesn't have much left to do besides micromanage LiS, work on localizations, come up with shitty marketing and stick their fingers up their own asses.

The IGN expose described those Square reps as 'bullies'. So can I see them purposely wanting to be mean-spirited fucktards? Kinda, yeah.
Bay is unironically the better choice if you’re pricefield now.
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>He says this
>As the only time people remember Alex Chink exists is when someone posts an off-model art of that fat yellow tubby lard in LiS thread
LiS has a large queer following and has queer main characters.
So I do not think it is unreasonable to include a love interest that is going to be more appealing to queer people then het guys.
Het guys can play literally any other game for generic waifus aimed at them.
Look up IVG.
Give it a few years and we will be able to turn any generic genetic material into viable sperm cells. So it will not be long until lesbian couples can have kids that are 100% their own genetically.
If you want ugly manly women you can get your own franchise.
Take me back /lisg/
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Much better.
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No. Us ignoring this game and apologizing to the comics is canon now.
Deck Nine won't break Pricefield. Soulmates are stronger than demonic corporations.
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They literally changed her model from more distinctive look to less attractive. While Max's model stayed the same, by the way.
What happened with Pricefield this time?
It's almost funny how decent a Bay sequel this is.
It treats Chloe's death with respect, and Max misses her and what happened, but also acknowledges that it's been a long time.

Bae on the other hand feels like a complete slap in the face, but the "Just friends" route is even worse.
Why does her model look asian?
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You deserve this treatment the moment you accept DeckNine into your arms.
>Het guys can play literally any other game for generic waifus aimed at them.
Except modern devs are making female characters ugly as shit now
>Max's gayness.
People still unwilling to accept that Max is bi.
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Because asians look better
>apologizing to the comics
we don't have to stoop that low, i'll just reread my favorite fanfics
which, when you think about it, also means stooping pretty low though
Ai ANon got it eerily close to a scene from EPisode 5.
We spent the best years in this fandom unaware of how good we had it
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Pricefield gets a PERFECT sendoff in the comics. Yes there's a ton of trash to wade there to get to it but man, it is a thing of beauty
Replace Cronos with Saffi.
SE mandated the inclusion of a male option. Most of the writing team sees Max as a lesbian and tried to fight against it.
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Always was.
that is a big back
If you chose the Bae ending in the new game Chloe and Max broke up and Chloe is fucking Victoria now
Switching from Max to Victoria is like going from the nostalgic family minivan to a Ferrari.
I bet she’s a more active lover.
A crying shame.
>Vickychads actually won.
Is this not based?
Is there another studio that shows this much contempt for its fans and source material? Lucasfilm, maybe?
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Do you know what's funny? This isn't the first time an Asian guy is cucking a lesbian couple in a Western video game.

In the last of us 2, Jesse (pic related) cucked Ellie by impregnating Dinah (Ellie's current girlfriend). So Ellie ends up having to raise Jesse's child (since Jesse was murdered by Abby). Sure, DeckNine could have chosen a much more handsome-looking Asian guy like what Neil Druckmann did with TLoU 2.

Plus, this R34 vid of Ellie's seducing and fucking Jesse behind Dinah's back is very hot.

Disney when they took over Star Wars.
Total win. The sex they have is intense and insane.
He looks a little intense for Max, but would be better than what we got.
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Back in pre-production she was part native. I guess to tie her more into the Native American mysticism of the original LiS 1 story.
I think it was a shame they dropped that angle with Chloe.
The characters are still fundamentally designed to appeal to het guys. Even if you do not think they are appealing enough.
There are very few female game characters designed to appeal to queer women. I can think of only two and even they have plenty of problems.
Het guys get basically all female game characters designed for them and queer women get basically nothing, even in a queer series about queer girls. I think even just out of a basic sense of fairness, there should be a butch love interest. If nothing else she would be far more interesting to talk about then the white noise that is Amanda.
I'm still annoyed that they marketed this as being exclusively a pricefield story. When pricefield only makes up like 5% of it. Being massively overshadowed by gross amberprice stuff. This is just dishonestly to secure pricefield $, much like what they did with DE. Max leaving Chloe alone for years also really bothers me.
But I do still think that the comic is the best pricefield closure we are going to get.
You guys kept telling me for years that Deck Nine was Pro-Pricefield...
>Butch love interest
Enjoy your dead series. Ugly girls don’t sell copies.
Why does every company these days feel like they have to go through their own "Last Jedi" moment now? Instead of giving their dedicated loyal fans what they want, they really believe they should swerve them to show how clever and postmodern they are.
>Victoria hated Rachel.
>The bitch dies.
>Victoria thought Max was total loser.
>Steals her girlfriend.
Does Victoria have low-key Omnipotent powers?
Because leftoids are a death cult that sustains themselves on destruction and causing suffering. Coherence is their enemy.
The people from 2017~2018 D9 are something like 90% gone. Especially higher up in positions of power that are now known to actually hate this franchise.
Beyonce with an extra dose of skin bleach
They don't know how to create their own properties so they destroy old beloved ones.
TC forced a romance on you. To make Alex single you had to romance Ryan, make the council against Alex so Ryan would too and then refuse his apology.
The thing is that butch woman are crazy attractive. They are just not attractive to het guys.
Minimizing the preferences of het guys is long overdue in general. Especially in a series with such a large queer fanbase.
Volition did. They got what they deserved.
1. Won’t happen
2. If it did it would kill the series
3. Not your franchise if you have to change it
4. Fuck you
>Don't let my mom die, Max
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Shut up. VI is hot as fuck and I'm a straight dude.
Hi ShuShu
With so many major flops happening in quick succession you'd think the big studios would recognize the pattern and determine what the fuck is going wrong.
Maybe her plan all along was to date Chloe but she had to eliminate the competition.
It's honestly hard to blame Chloe for resenting Max for Bae.
If she resented Max for killing her mom, yes. Instead she dumps Max for feeling guilty and struggling to move on from it.
Chloe bottoms to Victoria. You know it's true.
No, you could just not give the rose to anyone.
I am sorry for ever insulting you Emma even except when you forced amberprice on us for the whole run, that I won’t forgive you for. But I will now kneel in reverence as your work somewhat gives Pricefield a good closure.
Chloe is a total bottom with Victoria and when she was with Rachel. She probably only topped with Max.
My Chloe was erased from the timeline with true love in her heart for Max, and my Max carries her feelings for her dead love, unblemished by time or romantic turbulence, with her always.
Your Max is a seething cuckold or a coping ricechaser, and your Chloe rebounded to rich girl pussy.
We are not the same.
I believe D9 tried to cast an artsy type of Asian guy who is somewhat charming and with the snobbishness of Mr. Jefferson, so they tried to avoid making the guy look tough or having a permanent scowl on his face.
You can just read the first 4 and final 4 and skip the middle.

ignore the recent Steph & Alex comic though, fucking hell. I believe Emma hinted at Square meddling with the story there too though,
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I kind of love that dynamic
any examples of a butch woman?
Square wanted drama between Steph and Alex = It did not want Steph and Alex to have a happy relationship.
That is why that comic ended up being so horrible. It was Square mandating that the fans of the series cannot get what they want yet again.
The only gay ship they have ever seemed to be ok with was amberprice.
Like in games? No, that is the problem.
Butch women are mostly absent from games before they do not appeal to het guys.
They won't, because consultation groups like Sweet Baby will just accuse them of racism-sexism-whatever.
if you don't give the rose to anyone the makes Alex date the person you send to seduce Diane.
As a Maxfag I only ever thought Pricefield was “decent”, mostly because of their childhood friendship.
I actually think Victoria is a much more natural fit for a character like Chloe, if you step back from the plot a bit.
Chloe is a bottom with Max, Max has her totally pussy whipped. And everyone tops Victoria, she has so much bottom energy
Max could've kept Chloe if she was rich. It's her fault for being a poorfag. Just get a lot of money, bitch.
>Like in games? No, that is the problem.
sorry, i meant just in genral. a big problem with actual representation in media is the thin line between representation and "the writers barely disguised fetish". i'm a bisexual, but mostly straight male. i love muscular women, and my indie game would be full of them, but not everyone is into that, so i have the designated muscle girl, and she's watered down a bit.
>I only ever thought Pricefield was “decent”, mostly because of their childhood friendship
Pricefield is overrated as fuck, it’s only popular because it’s a yuri pairing. If Chloe was a man everyone would’ve been saying how toxic it was. Warren was a much better fit for Max of the love interests in LiS.
I thought it was popular because of the childhood friends and star-crossed lovers tropes.
Vinh plap plap plap Max
How can there be zero mention of Kate when they had an entire episode based around her?
>stalks Max
>max is grossed out by him and sees him like a lil bro
>no ape, max? Ok brooke can ape with me!!
Dude had incel andrew tate red flags all over him
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>Max becomes an incel
>Decides to Ricemaxx
Tale as old as time.
enemies to lovers? yeah it's good
Because her fate isn't set in stone and Deck Nine can't handle variables.
Hagmax is hot af
>Chloe haters now run the series.
Chloe lovers, why did you let this happen?
>Vinh POV
>Chloe suggesting the two of them double teaming a guy at a bar and Max not being disgusted by it is canon
Oh good I can fantasize myself in between a Max and Chloe sandwich with less mental gymnastics now.
Chloe's just Emma without tits
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And that writer got shit for it back then. Lol.
Ngl killing thousands to get in a girl’s pants is warren energy.
Jesse legit looks like a serious upgrade over fucking Ellie. But Dinah's like a fucking 2 (her live action actress from the show looks more attractive) so I'd say both definitely have shit taste.
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Even our Wolf Bro is better looking and has a more feminine face than that flat faced bitch, the only reason some assholes drool over her is because surely some woman in their family was raped by a nigger and inherited their obsession with fat asses.
Least homosexual anti-Alex post.
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He is insanely attractive
Somebody storytime how it ends, I want to see if they actually give any closure to them. I remember someone said they went back to Haven.
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>Alex Ch*n
She is pure sex and you’re a fag.
Most of run is them looking after a strange little girl who can take away, and return peoples memories. They eventually meet a record producer who offers them a deal, but essentially tells them they will perform but other girls will appear in their place. Steph tells them to get fucked. They go back to Haven, other characters actually appear for a little while. It ends happily.

For some reason, Amberprice is forced into the first issue, and some Drama with Steph apparently knowing Kate.
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I aggressively disagree with you on every point. Super strange (inverted imo) read on all three of them.
Well I guess one of the problems is that there is such a diversity of butch women that selecting any single type could present a skewed view. The idea of butch = girls with muscles and short hair for example is an aggressively het guy understanding of what is a very complex and broad identity.
Personally I have been pretty interested in studs (pic related) recently and they can often have much more feminine features of presentation then what het guys stereotype butch woman as looking like. Typically however I do tend to prefer butch Women that are very masc and most often stone; Especially when it comes to relationships.
Much like Chloe she was consider baggage and dropped.
Making her death soft canon, since she would have had some presence in Max's life had she been alive.
Warren would have shot up Blackwells had he not died in the storm. He really had that incel energy going strong.
His death is just another reason why Bae is the better ending.
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Final scene.
D9 is winning the more you accept TC into /lisg/
You really gotta wonder what the fuck is up at SEUK. Since they're behind LiS.
The sequel will allow Max to reunite with Chloe, then she randomly gets hit by a bolt of lightning and dies after 10 minutes.
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Have you seen the DE player numbers?
Let's be real. There is not going to be another LiS game. Short of the IP being sold and rebooted.
I, for one, cannot imagine, fathom, COMPREHEND being Max Caulfield and knowing the girl you've turned back time for and let an entire town full of people DIE for, is currently dining out – PLEASURING the girl who bullied you in school on her Diamond Majesty bed and LIVING UP the financial security you could never hope to provide. I shan't, I refuse, I reject, I DENY such a disposition!
Ah, there it is.
LiS 2 sucks btw.
Since you do not extract the song from the game, here is the only good thing about this fiasco:
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We shall mourn the death of a franchise. In reality the memory of the first game will always be kept alive, there will be be mourning for S1.
>Have you seen the DE player numbers?
Blame deranged pricefielders
My Max wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’d become an evil timelord, navigating through every possibility until Chloe submits to her will.
Good. I wish to see that deranged tranny actually killing himself right now.
I mean in fairness, it's still the expensive early access. We can only really judge it on proper release.
Even S2 as shit as it was had at least 5k players at launch despite being actually episodic. The numbers are too damn low now matter how you look it.
Do you honestly think numbers will change that much? It blew up on social media for obvious reasons.
There is some poetic fate in seeing a franchise that started with Max also ending with Max.
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We shall see.
Max is subscribed to Chloe and Vicky’s Onlyfans.
I imagine the all time peak will shoot up, but numbers will quickly dwindle over the week as people finish it or decide it's not for them.
It's the only way she can see Chloe naked now...
Tell that to Ubermachine and Dinoboy
I have always liked the scenario of Max going crazy from attempting to fix absolutely everything and then starting back over when that fails. Potentially for years on end from her own perspective.
An alternative timeline Max who had gone mad from her repeated failures at saving Chloe honestly would have been a much more interesting villain in DE then what we ended up with.
The only downside I could see would be the admission that the alternative timelines do not just stop existing when our Max leaves them. Meaning that somewhere out there another Max suddenly found herself standing over the body of her dead best friend, with the morphine turned up to full and her friends parents just outside the room. Kinda upsetting to think about.
1.3k for an early edition launch is pretty sad no matter how you cut it. They clearly did not sell many of those special editions. That alone is going to have Square rethinking the future of the IP. Then you have to factor in that most of those 1.3k were dedicated pricefielders who bought the special edition after being assured about Bae being respected; Many/Most of them have since refunded the game.
Now factor in the mass refunds for the normal edition by the fanbase and the general lack of interest in DE outside of the established fans and I honestly doubt that on full release it will break 2k.
This series is dead and it is going out on the lowest of possible notes.
I wonder how Nicefield is tasking all this.
How ironic is that a game centered a character they (at least the current composition of devs) hate remained as their best selling game.
>Now factor in the mass refunds for the normal edition by the fanbase and the general lack of interest in DE outside of the established fans and I honestly doubt that on full release it will break 2k.
>This series is dead and it is going out on the lowest of possible notes. >>498828531
Who cares about that loser, pseudo-artist for making crappy “animations”? Fucking asshole is probably crying masturbating to his gender-conscious porn LMAO.
>SE didn't want LIS to be thought of as the 'gay game'
unironically: is there anything else to it?

1 had the fun rewind thing to switch things up for an adventure game but without that it's pretty much just the gay stuff now
More like blame D9 and SE for basically ruining everything they like and care about. Voting with your wallet is the least you can do.
They just cannot recapture the magic of the first LiS
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Uber thinks DE is dogshit too.
Theres something unique and almost timeless about it.
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I hope they are taking it ok. I always loved their stuff.
Pricefielders having the strength of character to vote with their wallets and not accept this slop?
Honestly pretty amazing to see. Yet more proof that all of the tag-alongs in the fandom should be grateful for the preicefielders carrying this entire franchise on their backs.
>love chasefield
>dislike all other ships
i lost
Any word on the new datamines from today's patch?
The fact that theres no porn yet of Amanda or any of the other Non-established characters is very telling.
geez I hope this doesn't affect the porn output
Even pornmodders thinks its shit LOL
She’s not hot enough for Max.
They don't feel like actual characters. They're glorified props.
Amanda is not good looking, that’s why. But then again it is almost Halloween. Her face is a good scare by itself.
He was very bummed out the other day but said he's gonna keep playing DE
Is Vermont really that diverse or are they pulling my leg?
Even from back the day when BtS came out I always thought that D9 chars look like random Sims NPCs and this gets more pronounced when they are next to existing LiS characters.
I heard there was a gloryhole at the Two Whales diner
Pulling your leg
The only hot girls in DE are Max and Loretta
>d9 devs 10 yers later after lis1: "this new game is about moving on"
>the majority of players already moved on or created their own post-game scenarios long time ago
>suddenly new Max game comes out
>recycles nearly the same story elements, puts Max through the same experiences and traumatic events, where almost every single thing is connected to the events from the first game
>"why can't Max and the players just move on now?"
Kek. This is like Jefferson kidnapping and abusing his victims again, then emotionally torturing them with "why can't you just move on?"
Everything's fine with that magic in DE so far. Seriously, play the game
>Voting with your wallet is the least you can do
>Pricefielders having the strength of character to vote with their wallets and not accept this slop?
Well, even two brain cells Keno finally acknowledged this is the worst you can do

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