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Joker Edition

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Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf (embed)
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>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>498688362
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All the npcs in my game wear cute shoes with the CLOPCLOPCLOP sound
What is the maximum size a waifu's boobs should be before they turn into stupid meme shit?
What is the smallest they can be without making you a pedo lolifag?
Try this redditor.
>PO3's mod doesn't do the trick
Thanks for letting us know you're illiterate on top of being a retarded pedofaggot.
Why is Sybille so fit?
Niger Septim
Max: K-cup
Min: C-cup
You're doing it wrong. Try reading the manual next time.
why do some mods/modpacks only work with the steam version?
i wanted to play wildlander but apparently downloading the gog-games version wouldn't work.
would fitgirl repack work or is there some new steam verification step that didn't exist years ago?
>Why is Sybille so fit?
She has a very lean diet.
steam and GOG versions have a different .exe which makes some mods incompatible (most ones with a .dll)
Bijin Lydia is getting boring for me, what replacer do you guys suggest?

What is the difference between an ash vampire and a normal vampire?
What's wrong, getting tired of the Bijin same faces?
>forgot to delete that one taxes mod
>tax evasion bounty now up to almost 20k
>follower constantly comments that he’s worried because I owe so much money
>can’t even step foot into Eastmarch without every single guard within a 10 mile radius trying to kick my shit in
>bounty hunters regularly show up at my door trying to take me out
What do I even do at this point? I’m not paying taxes
there's a woke Lydia replacer if you're a leftist
based sovereign citizen
>why is sybille so fit
Fluids like blood and cum are low in calories
Holy shit, fire magic is so shitty in this game. Ice slows down the enemies and electricity drains magic and uses hit scan which makes it easy to hit enemies. But fire does nothing. Why didn't you guys warn me.
are you a fan of the hit classic, Ice Age?
I replaced her with snakestone
fire deals a small DoT and in vanilla there's a perk that makes enemies on fire flee in combat
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finally, I can learn their secrets on manipulating the threads. . .
Face is okay, if a bit bimbo-ish, but the hair is hideous.
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Only bijin NPC that warrants a replacement is Camilla and then I just use another bijin follower
Children of the Hist/project ja'kha jay or BeastHHBB?
all of the above. use easy npc
more I look at it, more i like it
but you can also use wigs, theres some good ones out there.
who is this qt
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>"put my mod at the bottom of your load order"
So is Lyssia really a bugged, unfinished mess? I just want to do the quest, not any romance parts
to be fair that's probably the best advice you can give to a dimwit that barely reads anything besides name of the mod
I mean, I'll give them at least something, it's more direction than "just use LOOT".
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SC Hair Retextures or Salt and Wind for KS Hairdos?
sounds fun, which tax mods
tax mods are for pedo lolifags
A Skyrim mod that adds signs around the world and line barriers to get into locations to make it feel like an amusement park.
chaconne (no elf ears black hair version)
Taxes of the nine holds
all indications point that way as far as I can tell. it clearly has bugs yet hasn't been updated in over a year. the modder is still active having uploaded a new mod just a few months ago, so it seems like he's not interested in fixing its bugs.
Fire does the most damage by far.
Vanilla has kindred + aspect of terror for 15 flat points of magnitude on all fire spells, and the novice concentration spell in small bursts continually reapplies its tapering DoT for very tiny cost, carrying you early
Modded fire off the top of my head has stuff like bolide and incendiary flow (apoc) which are obnoxiously strong
JKJ is kind of amusing because the clutter cats are all different kinds
no idea about boots
frost magic is bugged by default and doesn't actually slow down enemies to a useful degree, but yes fire is also shitty. you can make it work by using cheesy bullshit like >>498827464 says but it's pretty much an exploit considering even bethesda isn't retarded enough to make their gameplay that obtuse.

Fully vanilla without bugfixes or magic changes there is near zero reason to ever use anything except lightning solely due to it being hitscan.
Fire is great a lower levels because of the dot damage, since you can attack in small busts to keep up the lingering fire damage.
Video games are fun, that's the point, I'm not sure why narcissistic fucks like Arthmoor and Migal can't just enjoy video games.
Who the fuck is Migal? Is this just a subtle way to kick off bitching about people no one knows or cares for?
Even without aspect of terror, Incinerate is the most efficient damage:cost spell on a single target alongside Ignite which is still excellent even without AoT's DoT bonus making it absurd
Fireball is also better than Chain Lightning
Ice Storm is a special case because of the way it behaves but arguably most things are resistant to Frost (still doesn't end up mattering, but worth mentioning)
Wall of Flames is also the only expert concentration spell worth using unless you really want to try and keep an enemy caster at 0 magicka/no regen for some reason and can't use Sparks or poison
>just get 100% cost reduction!
"but it's pretty much an exploit"
Ligma balls
The guy that made a Whiterun bathhouse that got popular and then delisted all his mods because he pretended Nexus was trying to steal them, then uploaded them back anyway but coincidentally some of them disappeared behind a paywall.
Your gal balls?
You're probably lying.

But, whatever.
>something with documented evidence you can flat out read right now on his mod pages is "probably lying"
Don't greentext at me. Just don't.
Is there a decent master list of "make AE content less fucking stupid mods" up somewhere? Already grabbed ECSS and Mihail's reworks.
You're not me, faggot.

Thanks sounds like a prick
>greentexts at a shilling faggot
Just leave me alone. I'm getting scared now.
There's a recut of Nordic Jewelry if you don't mind the model quality that integrates it
Most draugr overhauls and stuff like Dead and Daedric will use Plague of the Dead for stuff
Spell Knight has some recolors and integrations
Aldmeri Antimage has a decent retex and slide support with zaps
most of the cc alt armors have better unfucking integration laying around

dunno anything else immediately
it's called
play 1.5.97
but 1.5.97 users (or losers as I like to call them, Todd told me that one) still run AEgruel on the regular with BEES and respack and whatever else
why THE FUCK do all my Varla stones get consumed when I used them for enchanting?
dudes an ancient relic of modding and acts like he knows shit but hes just an old fart
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>canonically the strongest member of the legion
The only female legionnaire is Rikke, and iirc there are no blondes in the legion at all, it's all stormcloaks
it's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to engender a response
that's unfortunate. Hopefully I can finish the quest, but I've already got to xEdit it because all the quests are flagged Main Quest and that's fucking up my Experience
It’s bait to get the 5 IQ tards like >>498831425 to seethe and respond
A normal person would recognize it for what it is and ignore + filter
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xhe/xhim shits up /fog/ and /stag/ too
joke's on xher, i find drawing the ACKed versions quite amusing
if the thalmor wanted to effortlessly destroy skyrim they just need to promote racemixing and transgenders
We don't tolerate trannies here!
If I want to make my skin less glossy do I replace the _s files or the _sk?
sk is light reflectivity and tends to fix glowies
so it really depends what you mean by glossy
you want to change _s, _sk is for subsurface scattering
1.5.97 is not recommended for casual, as mods nowadays often have free CC as masters these faggots don’t know how to use xEdit
Both of them aren't even /tesg/ regulars just /fog/ incels fighting in other generals
Post your pre-2016 screenshots
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I haven't seen many cc masters, even the curios and stuff
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I play all these at once every day to boost my ego.
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wtf is this guy doing
Every mod should be GPL no exception, modders should have no right to restrict files or source code, they don’t own the cooyright of what they’re modifying.
bosmer males are a lone ray of sunshine in a dark and unforgiving world
at least you better hope they're lone, otherwise you're in big (little) trouble
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They're hobbits with ADHD
So follower mods are just dozens of slutty looking women and very rarely a follower with actual effort but a shitty story or awful voice acting. sometimes both
Are there any good companions out there you guys recommend?
>IDF Lydia
these are the followers for your kind
followers are worthless because the game is clearly designed for solo play, there's no reason to have one besides someone to fuck at the end of a dungeon
slutty is good, but this isnt the playthrough for it. Also some of those followers are awful, so fuck you for recommending them

Agreed. But I was hoping to experience an on-going story as I run through the dungeons I've already experienced a dozen times
just install amorous adventures then, it gives a bunch of followers a questline
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>Movie trailer
>"All except... one."
>cuts to the adoring fan doing something silly
>"This summer, the Imperial City arena gates open to a new combatant..."
>*Gary Stu Imperial protagonist puts on his helmet*
>and things are about to get a little messy
In terms of balance between asset quality, how much you'll roll your eyes, and not sucking
I guess I can recommend Auri, Nebarra, and Yazakh. Turn down chatter interval in xedit.
Remiel if you tolerate obnoxiously autistic dweebs moreso than the above
The follower dialogue expansions for Brelyna and Illia are alright (not from the author who did ysolda and lydia and shezzarine or whatever, the other ones), as is Teldryn's
Aronel and his sister are okay, the only voiceresource ones that I didn't dislike; they do the same thing (merchants, healers)
Isadore might end up being to people's liking when 2.0 is finished.
Kaidan has a large amount of stuff but is dragonborn railroaded, even two female revoices for a replacer.
Sachil is violently cheerful but has good quality, although she's also quest gated by MQ

so that's more than I meant to list off but they're all more or less comparable to me
Goras Nels is also kind of amusing
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of Edge UI?
how come I never see Khajiit Will Follow recommended? my only real complaint about them is that 3/4 of the khajiits have the same voice and the quality is a bit weird where he's recorded new lines with better equipment but not re-recorded any old lines
thanks, dude. good list, I got a few I will keep for later. Auri is pretty much what i been searching for with this playthrough.

Not sure. Khajiit followers for me are hit or miss because the voice-acting is either decent or god awful
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How do I make a waifu that looks like this?
I've mentioned it a few times
the girl is one of three entire khajiit chicks to go around
/our guy/ Rufus
and the one with the least content in that whole mod
ask whoever you took that jpg from
>The follower dialogue expansions for Brelyna and Illia are alright
You talking about these ones?
I think that's Tekken dude.
Nebarra is literally just banana Teldryn Sero. The only downside to him is that he has fucked up facegen so kissing and oral animations look messed up. I have regular Teldryn for that though
Do I need to keep these armor refits activated after building them in bodyslide or can I uninstall?
if it's just bodyslide files then yeah
Bodyslide creates the .nif and .tri the game uses so you could delete the bodyslide data. But the mod probably came bundled with textures and maybe an .xml if it has physics so you should keep those
"look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of our power"
but why tho?
I mean technically you could build a nif and tri then replace the original armor nifs individually with bodyslide generated ones but why the fuck would any sane person do that
assuming I'm not missing something, it's late I'm tired
So much muscles it looks like a dude. You are unironiclaly gay.
Post a skyrim waifu who looks equally as good or better
>barely a 4pack
>so much muscles
Found the lardass
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We can go bigger
damn so these threads are genuinely literally half about the physiques you choose from different mods
Except the pic being argued over isn’t even from skyrim
Nobody likes fat men.
If men look like that then I'm straight
Don't put yourself down like that.
How did that post affect you personally?
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Wait a minute...an ancient vampire ritual? Vampires have a sordid history with ancient rituals in the tes setting....I'm not so sure about this one...
post some Elder Scrolls wallpapers
ask Synthiaposter then
So are we just going to ignore what happened in the last thread. It got shut down
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Go to fucking bed.
it's up
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wtf happened to that blog which listed all new armor mods?
I had it bookmarked but now it's giving me some weird "this shit is invite only, breh" error
they change the link every month so they can farm paypiggies
Il faut devenir monégasque et riche.

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