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Ranked Bonanza Electric Bogaloo edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

How could they buff withering whip to make it on par with slowing hex?
Reminder /dlg/ is a LIBERAL general
No pick/ban for ranked is actually fucking insane and retarded. Especially with solo queue only.
>Team that has Bebop, Dynamo, Pocket, Infernus
>Team that has uhh...geist...and wraith....and grey talon

Also 5 games in a row with haze on my team and every single one of them performed insanely poorly. One was literally 0/13.
pop in teamfight, stun a few guys with ult, swooce on over to buildings and shoot them with glass cannon machine gun abrams
feels good man
armor shred scales with spirit
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forgot pic
>inhouse getting farmed by bombop
bros I thought you he was bottom tier?
>45% fire rate slow
>14% armor shred
>lasts like 4 seconds
It's literally a dueling item. You pick out a gun character and go fuck them with your massive DPS difference. There's nothing wrong with it.
we're monarchists actually
it's why we're waiting for yoshi to show the map of europe where germany is still an empire
>obligatory forced 50 win
>straight back to getting shitcanned in lane and losing in less than 20 minutes for 4 matches straight
im getting real sick of this shit
Yea, if you have infernus/haze/seven all in one team, you get half of the team that most likely get shit on in laning and can't do shit in the mid game other than stealing each other's farm
they need to add the ability to slide and melee
give grey talon blood seeker passive on his 3

hero fixed
Swear to god fucking Canadians.
> Join game
> Viscous from Toronto, Bebop from Quebec, Shiv from some other part of French Canada
> They spend 25 minutes infighting over which part of Canada is the best part of Canada
> Start losing because no one is paying attention and they're all flipping through the Canadian tax codes to argue if French Canada has higher taxes than the rest of Canada
> Meanwhile I'm an American playing the most American build (Gun McGinnis)
> Sneak into mid and solo mid-boss down to just before roar, inform team to get in position, let turret hit mid-boss down to 50% and hide
> Entire enemy team barrels in to steal the kill and dies to Bebop ult
> They stop and ask what part of Canada I'm from
Boy do I fucking hate bebop
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Just found out you can stand on your cubed friends
It was a fun lobby, although a bit lagged and a Kelvin that fed for some reason.
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there were a lot of pauses that game
i kept disconnecting i dont think my connection is stable rn
>first time playing the toon
>not even the worst on my team
thank god
they should add an ability draft mode
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You can probably fling it across the map with rescue beam and do this

That did 3000 damage
big mmr inhouse incoming only killers no fillers
Stop making Paradox look good. We all know she's shit. Play a good character so your skill doesn't make shit characters look good.
I wish i got clips of the fucking weird abrams charges I did. They really need to fix this skill it's so weird sliding against walls especially since it's on the poster child of the game.
i like how the reverb triggered through a building and killed the camp
Fucking celi singlehandedly winning the game for blue, while paradox is trying to scramble for kills while being ahead

Once again paradox confirmed to be trash tier dogshit
(Not a insult to you laasti, even tho i still suspected you of being a Cheater faggot)
>78k bomb damage
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Won my last ranked match and made a quick image from it
hope you boys like it
holy fuck
that's pretty good
just say you're an international student to generate maximum rage.
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When I first saw this image I thought she was pointing a gun to her head, her arm being the barrel.
Now its a lot less funny. Can someone edit it and make it real?
what happened to kelvins damage??
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i think i was close to 250 by the end
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thanks I'm a little proud
Started building Phantom Strike on Dynamo and it pairs insanely well with leap + improved reach, teamfights are a cakewalk
Just buy debuff remo-
>Bebop orbital strike
we need aeon disc
the motion blur makes this so much better
>teams are fine for the most part
>I know how I'll help , I'll shuffle 30 times and make the 11 other players in the lobby wait now!
thanks man.
Im gonna get on replay from that game and make a cinematic clip of the dive with double bombop with the WATCH OUT WATCH OUT sfx
lost to soul rebirth, didn't realize it was up on bebop
the excessive pausing/crashing/disconnecting actually tilted me a bit the last two games. just wanna play DEADLOCK bro
the constant randomizing actually killing inhouse.
niggers arent advertising lobby so i will do my normal job to do so.
Are we giving up on the custome match I guess because funny shuffle
I actually do want to play again yknow
it's funny though
It would be if it didnt pull in spectators in player slots NIGGER.
get this feeding autist out of here
Propflying with rescue beam is just the tip of the Viscous iceberg
1 MORE H6m77

One more player needed. Come pick your toon and join up
>guys i SWEAR paradox is better than bebop i PROMISE
Heh... Just the tip.................
just need almond or woohoo in here for a fucking stellar inhouse lobby
celi which heroes do you actually main?
duppy stop fucking do it
slit your fuckign wrists
its so hard to guarantee a shiv knive dash or heavy melee he needs buffs
bug shaker i swear to christ.
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ive taken a liking to warden recently but my actual main is shiv
>shiv and infernus are my mains :)
youre a meta slave.
Actual stage 10 cancer
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The teams were extremely stacked before the shuffle it would be a giga stomp
oh. my. god.

You vill download ze 4.3 KB update.
literally wasn't on my screen
ive been playing them since the day i started playing with no clue about anything in the game at the time thougheverbeit
this is never starting with duppy in the lobby
It didnt even appear to me before i restarted the client
Moukrill's sand move is not fair
cry is free
What does that mean
Yeah it's extremely strong
Somehow all the characters with aids abilities like that also have fucking shotguns and can't be beat when it comes to last hitting
yes cry of fear is free
cry is free
God I hate rat Sevens so much
Fucking lost a game because the fucker bought shadow weave
*punches wall*
I have no idea what region I keep getting match made to, but the stupid game is unplayable.
>he doesn't know
Bug Shaker casting Deadlock Fight Night #3?
Would you prefer her pointing the gun to the roof of her mouth or to the head?
I killed him off his ice path one (1) time and every time after that he turned around and ice pathed away from me every time I procced Headhunter on him
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>You can probably fling it across the map with rescue beam and do this
no but you can clip through the ceiling
>But carbino into SUAP undogable!!!
>enemy team has a top 0.0001% Miku
did that kill all the fucking camps around you what was that
Need a clip w/ sound saying allahu akbar
yeah reverb is goofy with walls
Thinking about Phantom Strike on warden as well but I dunno what i'd swap
>Think Ranked mode will do anything and people will actually to win
>It's still people fucking around doing nothing for 50 minutes, wasting most of the time the mode is even up

Why did they even bother putting a ranked mode in a fucking Alpha?
Is Warden like a ghost cop or something
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I'm having a fucking awful time lmao
I'm 4-8 in ranked because of so many absolute coinflip matches
ah yeah coinflips.... just coinflips that's the only reason yep
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he was a cop at some point in development (cop outfit, alchemical flask icon being tear gas, binding word icon being a stun grenade, last stand icon being a police light) but there's myriad references to him being a witch/monster hunter with a big cape, so don't expect his current aesthetic to stick around completely
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Put a cute anime girl in the game
I want to main Orphea in this game too
We have one already.
He's a human cop from a family of ghost busters and wishes to destroy both patrons.
Anime website.
didn't say it wasn't, we just know what you look like
Yamato is cute tho
Haze actually needs a buff whatever team has her is almost a auto loss
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I look like this though.
No. She needs more nerfs.
The game feels like absolute ass right now. If I have to fight a Shiv, Abrams, Warden, Seven or Bebop the game is just a miserable experience.
No, he's right. Bullet damage is shit right now. We need some Icefrog style retard patch that makes gun damage so insane that it completely shifts the meta in it's favor. Something insane that would never happen like gun damage items values adding multiplicatively.
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Lol she needs a buff you really want her to be even more of a creep then she is now
my experience has been mostly the opposite
Calico next week trust the plan
Actually, I've been doing great.
Its not ranked it's just solo queue all the games you play contributes to your rank that's why every week you have to redo placement to keep your badge or get a higher or lower badge
Is that Enrico Pucci?
Unironically how would people react if she released but she was white? That was the only difference. They just changed her head and hair a bit and made her a white lady
If me and two other teammates kill one guy but he manages to take down the guardian the process, is it a loss?
god i hope she is fun
played one game
literally nobdoy communicating except me asking why the team wasn't communicating and them bitching about k/d/a yet ending with less damage to buildings and heroes

450 hours, 3+ months, I think i'm done
Net worth loss, so yeah. Plus, if it's a 3v1 that means there's probably an open lane and if his team is good, you're probably about to lose another guardian.
alright infernus is fun, that last fight was insane
idk lmao i personally dont give a fuck since she has the coolest kit in the game

she is to me if you like abrams you are going to like her btw her heavy melee is much faster then the rest of the cast so if you cant parry you are in shit
hard to be a honest nonbkb buyer
>ranked turned into a containment mode for shitters
top jej
i think Billy built one of the most aids Vindicta builds i have ever seen

jesus. christ.
legitimately so fucking fun when everyone is a decent player, like holy shit it's SO much more enjoyable

like that game was so fucking good.
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cause little zoomie can't play a multiplayer game these days without his precocious digital badge
personally I just find it as a way to not encounter stacks in the normal game mode
How can I convert a lane victory into a lasting advantage
Play a hero who does that automatically
If you play an early game hero then you need to have a coordinated team with the plan already in place
I like it on Haze. What's wrong with the whip? You press the button with quickcast while you're shooting a hero and you do extra damage. Seems good to me.
Surely there's something I can do alone that works well ulniversally
Yeah, play a better hero
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>just parry bro
so this is the power of nu-valve devs
parrying is a literal guessing game against people who know how to do hmc or bait parries and retards here somehow dont get that
steal their jungles
i don't think it's a guessing game when the punch goes through with shitty netcode
your comp just fucking sucks here like everyone on that team wants to play like a pussy. no frontline. gg
Is there no patch? Is this game dead(lock)?
that's true but i'm referring to melee attack #3 in the video specifically
you can't feasibly react in time to the melee attacker swerving 90 degrees instantly
so yamato with refresher and superior duration having 20 seconds of immortality is fine? What the fuck is this bullshit because the cooldown is insignificant lategame
>Abrahms charge/melee works the same as democharge
Valve is literally incapable of learning
They just need to add rollback netcode to deadlock so that the melee mind games are more consistent.
Parry is one solution but you have to combine with goo4sp2Sd spacing as well.
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this desu ne
The Jump still looks janky and Valve still haven't decide on making her Ult a discount Riki or Ember Spirit
Yes, but whiffing a charged melee should have some kind of punishment, literally whiffing a parry makes you vulnerable to get pummeled to death, while whiffing a melee, just hold Q when you recover from the first melee.
>infernus players still try to play by just trying rush solely dps and life steal while having 0 armor
>Haze players building half ass gun items that delays their ult maxing build
These carry players wanting to farm maxing but can't even get the right item to carry late game
fighting game chads are the only ones who can get a high melee hitrate, the rest think parrying is enough to beat it.
Yep astro still looks the most polished but her whole kit is sadly is getting reworked
nah haze knife just doesn't need to exist what the fuck can i do
My favorite part of inhouses is when scruffy tries to play the most broken aids build possible and then his team still loses anyways because he has 0 moba skill and can't defend or push properly and when people are grouping up on him and he's not fed he just feeds.
the 1 spam gamer warden build is pretty funny
that was first haze game good lord she is dogpiss easy no wonder shes the noob favorite
I can't imagine her being white, like if you just changed her skin and hair color as it is. She'd have to go through a whole redesign if they want to do that.
all me
>playing melee paradox
>gank a mcginnis
>heavy melee
>heavy melee again, cancel it and he parries
>kill him
>next time i gank him knowing he's wise to the fact i'll bait him
>heavy melee him like 6 times in a row
>cancel on the 7th time, he parries
getting 1900mr in sf6 trained me for this moment
3 hours of shitty no hype casting

One day i will play the game
there's no way he lets you get 7 heavy melees without walling you off lol
it was in the dead center of a lane and i swapped him after running around the wall
I really need to learn the viscous combos, ball tech, and play more like a coward early. I get caught out, die, and by the time gooball comes online I'm four deaths deep and miss the timing.
Nigga just give up he's literally the strongest laner in the game if you're losing with him it was not meant to be
>the rest think parrying is enough to beat it.
People who haven't played fighting games think "it's reactable bro" is enough to actually do something on reaction in the middle of a hectic fight with lots of stuff going on. Just ask people how consistently they're able to tech throws in Blazlue, despite it being reactable. People don't do it.
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I forgot how fucking satisfying it is playing full spirit shiv and nuking people with knives.

Also, Bison, get shiv'd on.
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Got some funny screenshots during the memepauses today
getting 3 shot by shiv who i was even in souls with pissed me off so much how is this character allowed
Imagine playing ranked when this is in the game bro
Hey, that's me
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>Nigga just give up
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Sex with Abrams
How is blud losing everytime I lane against Viscous and I get hit by the goo that fucking sound fx when you get nuked 80% of your lifebar plays
to her face like how I originally thought that art looked
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I've solely been using Viscous ult for an escape, or a large teamfight with advantage. I build for Splatter.
That being said I'm looking to maximize the build I want to be godlike with viscous, post your build lad.
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It was pretty funny playing Shiv in ranked the other day and this Wraith was kinda bullying me until I got my ult, and then once I maxed out my rage meter I literally just walked up to her in the middle of the lane and killed her in like 2 seconds and she was scared of me for the rest of the game.
me when i abuse S+++ characters
rage is such a league mechanic and deserves to be removed. Make rage happen after an execution for a duration and maybe it'll be balanced.
1 more week until it all gets fixed
I read that as rape mechanic.
I've been playing too many h games.
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Is it just me or is mystic shot kinda broken?
>Losing lane with one of the strongest laner the game
It honestly just should scale with HP of shiv, rhe lower it goes the more damage he shits out

And not have perma rage meter for hitting some creeps
It's balanced by the fact that it activates whether you hit or not
But it is a strong item since it's just a purple item masquerading as orange
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give shiv a raygun
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give shiv a car
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>matchmaking is real; I swear it's not just randomly choosing players!
Make Shiv homeless and a double amputee.

No, this isn't an anime reference, I hate Shiv.
giv kelvin a bobsled that 3 teammates can get in with him
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>migu vs shiv
>stay on cover as much as possible, but shit down his throat every time he goes for a creep
>doesn't matter because knives have the hitbox of a semi truck and he can just tank everything
I don't understand why Talon got the nerfs he did
my experience as seven
>throws knives while I’m ulting and LOS’ing
>1725 dmg + more in escalating exposure
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Made a VOD from the celi bebop game
For future generations

Or if i decide to make video commemorating inhouses
It's literally tf2 huntsman but even 2x worse because with rage they slow you and ricochet!
>Geist and Yamato will get nerfed and noobs will question why
>Shiv will go back to being mid/high tier
>Haze gets buffed
>Lash and Infernus will get away with it yet again
I don't want you complaining as Migu because you can ult every 5 seconds once you're at 3k. How is anyone supposed to have fun in lane like that.
You now remember when mystic shot didn't have damage fall off.
Lady Geist's ult feels inconsistent with when it actually goes off. Many times I try to use it just before dying and it doesn't trigger. I don't know if I'm using another ability and that's putting the ult into a cooldown or if there's a windup time or what. Friend said they had the same experience. What's up with it?
I've been using mystic shot on Shiv so I don't even notice the damage fall off since I'm always trying to be up close anyways. It makes me hit like a truck.
What if there was a spiderman like character that could web swing from buildin- I'm describing the hamster character from Overwatch
Inhouses still up?
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Sharing this absolutely ridiculous shit

I don't ever want to be that Lash, I can only imagine what he felt in that moment
It has what dota calls a "cast point", essencially a delay between you using it and it going off.
I would like for them to revert the Shiv buffs or at least nerf him again because I thought he was fine before the buffs and now that he's better a lot of meta chasers are trying to play him nowadays which means I get to play him less and I don't like that.
There's a bullshit .2 second cast time that shouldn't exist. .2 seconds isn't enough to introduce counterplay or nuance, so all it does is make the game feel buggy and fucked up.
You mean when it had no damage falloff and the spirit ratio was 25% lower? It wasn't that much stronger than it is now.
Yes it does. .2 seconds is enough to kill geist with burst damage. If her ult was instant it would be retarded
Why do so many people in this general try to pass off generic below average gameplay clips as if they're something special. Anyone not in wood tier would have just walked to the next lane over, then gotten on their zipline and that wasn't even a longshot to hit him that close.
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this guy was terrible but he's the funny monkey man so still didn't lose lane.
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Nice ranked matchmaking, yoshi, you send 5 1500 negroscore agent to drag me down. The fucking paradox jumped alone on yamato-miku duo and died 6 times on the first 5 min.
why are you being so hostile? it's just a clip you retard
It's just one guy. If you see a Dynamo in the clip, just ignore it
Which ends up feeling like a bug or lag because .2 seconds doesn't even account for latency. You have no way of knowing if you beat her to the punch or if she just got robbed by latency and deserved to fuck you in the ass for going greed mode against a low hp geist. There should be no cast time at all.
anyone want to play a few more inhouses
God forbid you talk about the game
Tranny this tranny that!
I'm officially sick of Shiv

This heal comp was aids. They all took 50-60k damage we had half that
Because I keep seeing it over and over. Every gameplay clip posted here is just some generic basic clip of somebody getting a normal kill, but it gets passed off as if it's some insane play.

I see a shitload with Geist in them, too. Absolutely basic below average Geist gameplay being touted as if it's a miracle play.
2 - 3 more inhouses here if we can fill.

Code: 6ZTBZ
Do you count as an agent?
need 8 more, prob play until 12:30, US EST
Hey that’s me
I was the only one on the team having beyond 2000 nekoscore. Yamato and Ginnis snowballed from paradox lone BROOOLING.
Kelvin was the only one on that team with the right to complain. You were just as shitty as the rest of the shitters there. If your memescore is higher than theirs, then you fluked into it. You belong at their level.
yeah not happening boys, tomorrow it is
Why the fuck is there no pick phase for ranked? I just get put into a game where I'm straight up countered, like Dynamo against Bebop, Ivy, Lash, and Paradox.
If ranked is not based on personal performance then this game is dead.
>i-it's your fault that vindicta went 0/12/3 trying to 1v5 every 2 minutes!!!
Kill yourself
If ban/pick mode happens and they ban Abrams, I've literally lost the game. He's the only hero I can play.
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>i-it's your fault that vindicta went 0/12/3 trying to 1v5 every 2 minutes!!!
How do they counter dynamo? That’s a wide cast
The best part of this shit matchmaking is it's only going to get worse, nobody actually calls out this shit typically if you argue it sucks you get bitched out by:
>Egotistical faggot stimmed zoomer who gets a kick out of telling you to get good, and that projects onto you that you're coping
>Generic casual faggot #262616 who nags that you just want to "noobstomp"
once you understand that ranked is just solo queue and all the games you play is considered ranked then you will give a single fuck
It warms my heart knowing braindead strong characters like Shiv/Abrams/Haze are going to either get hit by an upcoming ban system or nerfs, or maybe both if we're lucky
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>only know how to play 11 heroes
>they all got picked
>now I have to play a new hero for the first time
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Can I get a good Abrams build that doesn't require melee? It's too easily countered.
Scruffy why didnt you carry that shitter vegas
abrams is the one character who is easily counter by just about every active in the game. Hes not that good compared to shiv who doesn't need CC in order to win fights.
Point Blank
>pocket has my favorite gun
>good pocket gameplay is too spastic for me
Impregnating this mogwai
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i'm washed
its over
just got gun and max charge first or you can go spirit
I'd say go headshot booster + glass cannon early then upgrade into headhunter later if you need the boost.
Sure but midgame and early game he's a menace cause you're not investing in counter shit and if you do you're gonna be weaker than the rest of his team
healbane, decay, and slowing hex are 1250 items though lmao
Reactive barrier is a pretty good counter to Abrams shoulder charge
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here is my abrams build use it if you want also got a spirit one that i bring out depending on the game
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late night soloq is sovl. sure beats the 1pm crowd.
This game feels kinda shitty to play solo. It's not so bad on NA since people speak english and are generally being nice and useful, but on EU it's just toxic shit constantly. No co-ordination over mic.
Jesus fuck were you playing against literal toddlers
Not when they buy healing booster :)
because scruffy plays like an overwatch player
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>get Infernus in ranked
>haven't played him in like a month
>try and channel my inner scruffy and laser beam heads and deny
>can't get a fucking Afterburn off to save my life because Vindicta and Abrams only pop out of cover for 0.25a and if I get close to Abrams I die
>vindicta steals all of the souls in the lane
>Abrams gets ult in like 6 minutes and proceeds to just ult->shoulder me and Seven over and over again and we can't hurt him fast enough to get him below half
>entire team just gets walked over for the next 15 minutes while I struggle to farm and do more than 10% damage to anyone

I honestly don't know how I could have countered this
I asked to switch at like 5m but everyone else was struggling too
overwatch players are literally at the absolute top right now, while dotards are stuck in shitter elo because they can't aim.
I didn't read any of that. You somehow struggle to play the most simplistic carries in the game. You are bad and you need to stop tripfagging. You have no worth, no value. Go back to being an anonymous shitposter instead of putting on a trip pretending it makes your posts worth more.
anyone that tells you haze is strong you know where they are placed haze is legit a grief pick right now

lol dotards are coming we are here and hungry overwatch players will end up being replaced at some point
you're the only one that thinks I'm special because I use a tripcode, since you're the only one that constantly brings it up
Not that guy, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the general has filtered you by now.
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>hazefags when they get a crumb of nerfs
cope aimlet dotard. overchad players will only get replaced by home grown aim monsters, not you arthritic pensioner boomers.
do haze haters really?
lol i dont get what make niggas get so mad over him naming himself
I dont because I dont get triggered by tripfags
who gives a shit
this guy does I dont know why.
getting wound up by tripfags in current year
bet you go into a frothing rage when you see a my little pony too
I said no melee you FUCKING NIGGER.

What the fuck does this mean? Elaborate.

Fuck headshots.
As a rule I always try to get headhunter in games where Mo n Krill are on the enemy team. Technically you get more value because there's +1 target.
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>new character named calico
>she has a Sphynx cat on her shoulder
Am I missing something???
lol brother its really more gun focus then melee but lifestrike is so strong you might as well build into it

but the spirit build is you max siphon you get heal booster pulse range Mystic Reach extra spirit Restorative Shot Point Blank Soul Shredder Bullets and get whatever green items you need at the time
not really lol but thats a old version of her the new version is much more finished they are just working on what the ulti should be at this point should it be like ember or a riki ulti
Am I the only one who thinks Headhunter is extremely overrated? I don't want to tie my gun damage to a cooldown. That's why I'm playing gun and not a spirit build. Especially with single shot guns like Geist or Warden, if you miss even just one or two shots, it's effectively making your cooldown longer because you're not activating it consistently when it comes up.
these devs are so fucking retarded how is shiv still existing they have barely touched him this shit is fucking retarded.
>ai slop as thumbnail
don't forget it's also a heal and movespeed, not just a damage burst.
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majestic leap bros...
Crutch item
Crutch webm
Crutch hero
Crutch enemy team
schmoovement clips are so satisfying to watch
t. enemy seven
Deadlock is the dark souls of shooters
I like buying Knockdown just to have it and randomly use it.
Funny anvil.
calibration bros where we at
The +1 stam on it is nice
Spirit shield also
I grab it often

Also looks goofy in looney tunes kind of way
>half house is destroyed from hurricane helene, literally it's just gone
>twist off all the power cables
>electricity comes back
>study where pc resides is untouched, have power in existing half of house
>eating a really fucking gross and bad beans&potatoes MRE
>just finished three matches of deadlock

bros my tummy is making some really weird sounds i've ate like six of these MREs the last four days while playing nothing but deadlock. i don't feel so good.
When I very first got hit by it I was laughing. It's very comical.
florida chud down
i'm in north carolina but a ching chong to you too pal
Post pics of destruction?
You're about to be very very constipated.
Headhunter is perfectly rated. Rarely anyone competent make it their core but it can be situationally good on some characters. Most people buying headhunter just buy it because it's an upgrade from headshot booster, which is the wrong mentality. If headshot booster falls off and you need a extra slot, then sell headshot booster and get something useful for your build/character instead. Yes, I'm looking at the dumb ass haze's with headhunter
yeah you might actually die from constipation
I definitely see people overrating it. I like it on tanky characters, an 8% HP heal is a really big deal on Mirage or something. Like someone said about Mystic Shot, it's really a green item masquerading as an orange item.
Not him but what do you do then? Laxatives?
id look up natural shit enhancers before meds but yeah you probably want something
Headhunter is the Improved Burst of Gun items.
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not him but I went exploring afterwards and saw a whole lot.
It still has anti-synergy with fire rate items that are factually the best way to scale gun DPS since you get % increased weapon damage on every gun item automatically. I guess it's fine if you want to hit a timing, but Headhunter scales like ass because of the cooldown.
>Be Abrams
>Go into hero sandbox
>Build all the best gun items
>Shoot target dummy tummy
>311 damage
>Melee it
>462 damage

I don't get it.
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
i don't get what you don't get
Magnesium Citrate.
gun isn't parryable
melee scales off of gun damage
>I don't want to tie my gun damage to a cooldown.
Burst damage is very strong. Headhunter heal will also absolutely save your ass, it heals 8% of your MAX HEALTH. That is a lot. Being on 1hp and then healing for 160+ health gives you good sustain mid fight. The damage is nothing to scoff at either, especially mid-game.
Yea, that's why it's not a good gun build core, but it's a good item on close range bruiser/tank, because it's a source of quick Regen that scale with HP and provide burst, which fit with the playstyle of bruiser. With the nerf to lifesteal item stacking, it provides a good alternative to self healing/sustain that doesn't get affected by diminishing returns.
Why's everyone so mean to Wrecker, bros...
i'm still personally processing and trying to get through this shit with videogames so no personal pictures but
this is two miles from me. i got my power back a few days ago.
i haven't shit in three of those four days so you may be right. something's happening.
damn sorry to hear that brother keep your head up
take a laxative so you can actually shit
yeah and because of the stress it's even more likely, just dont let it go past like a week mate or it will get harder to deal with I am not trolling
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Just had a 50 minute game go back and forth and I had 20/14 as Mo and Krill am I good guys
this calls for an entire bottle of liquid magnesium citrate. i'll see if I can't go out and get some tomorrow.
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leefa is actually a feral animal
permanently ban this fucking monkey dude
lmao damn even ivy is cooking wrecker
my favorite character is generic person
>just a skull peeking out from side of the square
>Op hero abuser

The bossu looking like fucking mr cleaner
LMAOOO nigga is the quinn of deadlock
haze the only one who pities wrecker lmao
also mcginnus's audio is so crunchy
>still no sv_cheats 1 lobby
you know whats going to be very funny if cadence is the next hero
>just some regular bald white dude with sunglasses in a white t shirt and jeans
I'm thinking kino design
Game needs a bigger roster or im too picky

I want holliday in game already, tired of eating shit as paradox
That's a nice idea if you're playing Abrams since he is a tank and he activates it for free with his shotgun. Characters with slow single shot guns don't activate it for free (Warden, Geist), and squishy characters don't benefit from the heal as much as lifesteal (Haze, Ivy, Wraith). But I see so many of those characters buy it and get no value out of it. That's why I think it's overrated shit.
I need to play as Jeff Bezos ASAP
That's why I'm voting for TRUMP
>gunslinger in comic sans
>the boss is just mr. clean with shades
cant wait for the next release
SLORK had his way with you.
you are not too picky even with the pic above its only 36 heroes for a dota like its very very small roster valve needs to drop more heroes really calico and holliday should already be in our hands they are ready if they change the kits while we play them so be it we will adapt but is this an alpha test or not
i realize we're not going to get it, but id kill for some sort of soldier character with a middle of the road AR
I remember seeing a gif of Rutger rocket jumping. Did he change at all?
>match nekoscore at 1933
>nobody in the game has a nekoscore above 1900
nani the fuck?
calico looks like such a fun mix of haze/abrams to play as. Can't wait and hope shes doesn't get nerfed into the ground.
she is 100% getting nerfed the first day out you first nerf will the heavy punch silence
What is she even
I didnt read upher skills and her cat ability didnt seem to work
Character wishlist ideas:
Guy who shoots out sawblades that boomerang back to you
Guy who has a big rocket launcher that has super high knockback that blasts you backwards when you shoot it
Guy who summons robot dinosaurs that auto target enemies

Valve hire me
if shiv is so OP how come I beat him with lash that last game? just play shiv for a while and youll figure out how to beat him, hint: decay and burst damage then backing off
2nd one is rutger.
>Guy who shoots out sawblades that boomerang back to you
>Guy who has a big rocket launcher that has super high knockback that blasts you backwards when you shoot it
>Guy who summons robot dinosaurs that auto target enemies
The boss
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This game needs a carry with a shotgun. Valve...add him.
Guy with a car and when he ults he goes BEEP BEEP I'M DRIVIN HEAH in a thick New Yorker accent.
Shes got a lot going in her kit, a whole lot more than mirage has.
>Explosive cat that when it touches an enemy, brings them with the cat. Press ability again to detonate whenever you want
>Pounce, a gap closer that does a slowing melee combo, has charges and for 3 seconds can be used immediately on another enemy.
>Shadow step does a LOT. Turn invisible when you dash and a little bit after, doing things like shooting and melee don't brick invis. Your heavy melee is quicker during duration and gain stamina recovery and slow resistance. It's tier 3 makes you silence enemies for 3 seconds.
>ult is a cat turret that has massive range and being in it applies anti heal, damage amplification, and damage reduction. You can tp to the turret after a windup and that'll heal you a small bit.
If you want to play her, just go into sandbox and press F7 and put in selecthero hero_nano
>Burst damage
>Against a hero that specifically excels eith dealing against said burst damage in this videogame
Good one retard
Spirit that can go through walls and possess people
Pikmin hero
World of Warcraft Warrior that has AoE damage buff, intercept and execute
>I guess that's literally just Shiv
I thought he was a bruiser or assassin idk i don't play mobas
oh and forgot, her weapon is the basic weapon from dead space. m1 for a fast firing vertical shotgun, m2 for a slower horizontal shotgun
base is 75 dps.
he's got the FoN knockback on his alt fire and knives are just the wrap assassin ornaments.
Abrams, Pocket, Shiv. All 3 can hard carry games.
Copypaste nyx assassin into deadlock and will be happy

I guess mana flare will need a different ability
his name used to be Yakuza and his ult is a nuclear bomb
yes. burst him, force him to use the purge or take full damage then commit afterward then decay
here you can see here what she does in game with the explanation above her kit is cool as shit much better then mirage

to add to the tp turret it seems you tp faster the closer you are to it if you are right next to it it insta if you are example in another lane its a windup before you go
definitely not going to happen they're not adding gay heroes that instakill

shiv is by far the most cried about but even he only has an execution, not a 100-0 nuke from stealth like nyx. Stuns also feel like garbage. Mo and krill has had his gutted
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Thats not the game I was thinking of. These are all characters from Awesomenauts
Starting to think a lot of MOBA characters are just horribly similar to each other.
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I am going to main Holliday no matter what her kit is.
Gender-swapped Doc, I hope she references Tombstone
Sex with Holliday
>do fine in lane, maybe lose a little
>glance at the scoreboard
>allies are 0/10
what the fuck just stop dying
like i get one or two deaths but stop after that
Add Dracula hero.
God her ult is the ultimate afk laning tool, don't have to be there at all for 60 seconds killing creeps. Shes gonna be downright broken I know already.
you playing ranked? dont play normals any more any non-animal is playing ranked
>black woman
>wears purple
>boring personality
Wraith is that you?
I love it when I win a game that was almost lost.
>Primary fire is scattergun, secondary fire is his pistol
>one is force of nature shot
>two is mad milk
>Pre MYM sandman ball as three
>ult gives him soda popper jumps
>movement entirely unchanged from tf2.
That would be SOVL overload.
didn't someone in the last thread say he got banned or something?
the people that pay attention to him are even more feral than he is so they refused to elaborate.
He's been banned 4 other times in the past now.
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>that portrait
christ, might as well just take a picture of Debra Wilson
Can they consider just giving out a flex slot after a certain amount of time has passed for the first 4 towers?
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For context, this is that happens within that range.
this is why I hate playing support
0 guarantee you can make a difference if your team is like this
yeah even at high MMR people still act retarded
LMAO im crying you can just leave her ulti in another lane and just have it farm for you and shove waves while you push another wave or fight and you can tp to it at any time or call it back
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her kit is a melee player dream
i thought in my post where i said he's banned i also elaborated that he has a 20% report rate
How can you be that toxic that you get banned that many times? Unreal. Genuinely the worst kind of teammate, the kind that are good at the game (but not the best) that rage like maniacs when something goes slightly wrong.
she also hard counters abrams and shiv hard af almost seems like a unplayable matchup for them
Help I'm getting high level matches now and I can't just farm to 60k souls then win
He still takes the damage
Is that Bazz?
So, what is the actual good Mirage build? Spiritmaxing? Tank? He has like 20 different builds
Gotta farm harder. I keep getting games where the Infernus or Haze has a 5 to 10k gold lead on everyone else because they took all the jungle camps.
I have never seen a mirage carry a game so just dont pick that shitter he is trash. If I were to guess how to maximize my impact I'd go CD reduction, echo shard and ethereal shift just to spam tornados
Redpill me on slork, is he about done? I want to play him so bad slark was my favourite dota 2 carry.
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>game has been public for almost 2 months
>still no trench shotgun hero
Tank is the best. Gunmaxxing doesn't work because he has a peashooter. Spiritmaxxing doesn't work because you need to be alive to get the max value out of your 3, and 1 and 2 doesn't deal enough damage even with maxxed out spirit items.
Dude really needs to just be remade, hes like a cracked mirror of Calico, has a lot going on but is otherwise shit.
Do you have a build in mind? I genuinely like Mirage's kit and a tank Mirage sounds interesting
that's just the price he pays for having a global teleport.
He's called Fathom now and his abilities haven't been touched in a long time
How many people are in this thread?
I see a lot of familiar names at 2300 nekoscore
>It's another "Infernus thinks he's helping by farming all the jungle" episode
We see at least between 1-5 newcomers in the inhouse a day so we should at least have a lot of people coming in. A lot might be lurkers who never return but this is a decently populated general that gets a lot of attention from a game currently slowly downhill.
You can build tanky AND get a lot of spirit.
trench shotguns aren't allowed in war as they cause catastrophic damage without inherently killing the target
it's inhumane in war
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his kit is non-existent, he's not even close to ready
8 bullets in the clip lvl 1, and a kill with point blank needs to ragdoll the victim as if they got hit with a heavy melee. No exceptions.
i cant stand these monkeys that farm jungle all game when there are lanes crashing into our walkers and never split push to punish the enemies fighting us 6v5 or 6v4. Just an autoloss. It can't be fun hitting jungle, why do they do it
im gonna pick bebop
>implying the criminals, demons, and escaped convicts are following the Geneva Conventions in a new york territorial war to summon a demon genie
is ranked still only during the day and no slots open in the AM?
Why is the player population decreasing?
I can't say I don't like the game but something does feel "off"
Maybe the lack of variety for heroes?
We have a few here that are at it and or close to it but once you are around that number you are in the top 2000
>fight an abrams with 2k eHP
>deal 2000 burst damage
>he dies
>fight a shiv with 2keHP
>deal 2000 burst damage
>he takes 1100 damage and loads the extra 900 into bloodletting
>clears 65% (now has 315 health even after the damage passes)
>during which he can either attempt to lifesteal or just run away
Yeah, just funny seeing so many names
It's not even just about the rank, sometimes you're so high MMR the game just matches you with whoever is available cause there isn't a big queue
Yeah shiv fucking sucks period
>no new heroes or items
>no real time ranked
>no battlepass
>no other bells and whistles to rope in zoomers
that's why we're "losing" players.
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was this a fluke? hell if I know.
hi why does wraith get a point and click hard stun on a 60 second cd
only 21 heroes and nothing to grind for aside from a very limited ranked mode which very little people care about.
Very bad matchmaking that was confirmed to be broken still is despite like 2-3 weeks of attempted fixes.
Tons of abuseable builds that are just not fun to fight against despite buying counters.
Characters like shiv, and before him kelvin meta caused were so much harm to games.
Also generally attracted a lot of people who did not realize how much a moba this was.
Hero to play while listening to showtunes?
the games take a lot of mental effort to play i can only do 1-2 a day now that im at high mmr it's not spammable like other mobas cause there's much higher mechanical skill
Please don't play Kelvin, thanks.
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i broke 100 games played with no wins...
150 soon?
based league bro
Lol you are lucky you didn't play the first version of wraith her ulti was insta and you couldn't out run it
I play him tank support. I build headshot booster, close quarters, and high velo mag, mystic burst, sprint boots early. Actives (depending on what you need), enduring speed and 1k armors in the midgame, I transition into a tank support here because Mirage's map presence with the global teleport is strong. Buy superior cooldown and superior duration while buying the 3k upgrades of those items you bought in the early game.
just buy stamina. theres also characters like dynamo and pocket who can just outright ignore her ult.
in a live service world almost no games ever reach the point where they're maintaining a steady number of players
this game is an amalgamation of multiple genres. it's pulling in a lot of apex/valorant/overwatch/whatever shooter players, on top of pulling in dota/league players, and a lot of those players eventually decide it's not for them and return to their main games
plus it sort of exploded overnight when it went public because every single big streamer hopped on it

idk there's like a million reasons you can point to that have nothing to do with the quality of the game but the fact it's still in testing and very unbalanced and stuff doesn't help. it's a mix of everything
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gun buffs next patch? im really tired of these damn ugly spiritnigger in my game. i also want haze to be playable against non-noobs, that'd be pretty nice.
stop griefing, weirdo
your not getting shit point and click, just play abrams or viscous.
are you the vindicta that ran down lane feeding on repeat since the very start of the match I had in lane one time, not triggered by anything but pure bloodlust for the enemy team
gun is still OP you just suck if you cant make it work
you can ignore her ult as pocket and then die anyway because shes next to you holding m1 and afking
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So what rank am I gonna get?
then... just tp away? pocket fags never learn.
oh yes please buff the brainless point and click playstyle its very cool watching you run around holding m1 and shredding everything without ever having to worry about cooldowns
nobody knows. it's seeded and based off your unranked mmr. it's probably your unranked mmr + some since you won a lot, nothing more
buy metal skin or ethereal shift bro or warp stone and try to get around a corner
The same rank where your mmr was before "ranked"
So nobody fucking knows anything? God I hate Yoshi
does metal skin stop her ulti or why would i buy it instead of shift
Yep don't forget it resets weekly so you still have to do placements again people should just call it solo q
Pretty sure my ranked mmr is higher than unranked since my ranked games have 100-200 higher FakeScore games than my unranked games.
>pick up knockdown early as haze against a seven
>sleep knife > knockdown > heavy punch > ult
metal skin prevents her bullets from doing damage if she is gun build. Otherwise if you are inside 20 minutes she can deal 1k damage with cards so e-shift is better.
it's more useful if she decides to not ult you it's not a waste of a slot
Eh the unranked were spotty about tracking, but ranked are all seen I think
it doesnt really "reset" it just re-hides your rank i dont really see a problem with it
>spirit wraith
don't tell me to play around nonexistent characters
they had to nerf her card scaling by a ton because of how good it was, and even now it's still about 30% of her damage
nah it will definitely be recalibrated each week using glicko , it lowers your rank confidence every week

it's also a way to combat account buyers and smurfs so that they cant just ruin 100s of games before finally setting at real MMR, it should place you faster based on performance and not get you stuck in trenches
why would it be like that if yoshi said it's seeded already
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>every single left click carry is either stacking up spirit (infernus, wraith) or in the gutter because they can't go spirit (haze)
>more and more heroes are turning away from gun builds due to general nerfs to items (dynamo), deliberate changes to the hero so they don't go gun (yamato), or a bit of both (kelvin)

but guys gun is actually OP and spirit isn't dominating according to the brain trust of /dlg/...
Because otherwise there would be no point in weekly calibrations. And they are trying to fix a lot of bad things about dota 2 in this game so it's just what's gonna happen 100%
all make sense and I agree thanks
lol people overreacted last week about the spirit nerf we are still in a spirit meta those nerfs really wouldnt that big of a deal
yeah haze is so bad its terrible how she can drop into the middle of four enemies and kill all of them by pressing 4 after some farm
"wasnt" lol i am tripping
He's going to look like John Bloodborne isn't he
Spirit synergizes more with your team (longer/more CC, better shred), it can't be hard countered (reflect/metal skin), and it has better off slot items (orange spirit items are fucking great, purple gun ones aren't).
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is mystic reverb worth it on geist if it only affects one thing
gun is the only way to end the game or do boss thoughbeit
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>Beat 7 in lane
>he proceeds to steamroll the rest of my team because nobody pays attention
The thing is the best spirit characters have good gun passives still. So Seven and Infernus and whatnot can still rape PvE
Seven loses all lanes, beating him in lane is meaningless
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>game crashes
>panic and quickly load back in
>every player crashed and the map reloaded
>everyone was sent back to base and I think creeps were invisible for a few minutes
nta but Seven wins lanes against Ivy, MnK, Abrams, Bebop
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God I love melee Paradox so much. I don't give a fuck if it's gimmicky or will stop being as effective if I get to high MMR. It feels amazing to instantly dumpster almost anyone in a 1v1 and rotate as fast as Majestic Leap with a single melee cancel.
Sadly, they are probably going to nerf or remove the speed boost you get from cancelling heavy melees. It feels way too powerful to slingshot yourself to an adjacent lane in less than 5 seconds with just Melee Charge.
What items do I buy to counter spirit Yamato? I assume Improved Spirit Armor, Decay, Healbane, the regulars.
silence hex.
>think about getting urn
>shove the wave on the urn lane
>team is relatively alright, 2 lanes pushed past mid, one about to
>start picking up urn
>team loses teamfight in that 5 seconds somehow
dont worry bro its not actually gimmicky it works well at high mmr too
I hope they just remove the ability to heavy cancel entirely, it completely kills any counterplay to a melee build.
dude that was goat
vinDICTas deserve to be shat on much like gaytalons
>heavy melee cancel
press fleetfoot to cancel heavy melee and one other item i forget but it basically makes it so the enemy can never guess right
it also works with kinetic carbine, abram's book, and MnK scorn (last one doesn't get the boost)
I want to play in Yurop again No one is ever online in South African servers, sad!
>play duo with a friend who only plays Bebop and Talon, and never solo queues
>every passing day he gets madder and madder at the game, calling stuff suspicious of cheating, never taking blame
>watch him solo ult as Bebop a lot in a teamfight and get minced by the enemy team

It's just so painful
abrams has an innate way to do it on top of fleetfoot? yeah no wonder his winrate is 54%
how does it feel to watch your friend get filtered in real time?
I really wish mmr was hero-based
I’m tired of not playing my main and instant losing which then makes my games on my main braindead.
With ranked I guess I get separate mmr now
Start new account and play every hero
It's that easy
>sleep dagger doesn't stop mcginnis ult either
it is though?
i switched mains and pretty much all my games stopped showing up on the tracking websites because my match MMR dipped hard from starting on a new character. my main was in top 1%.
why the fuck did i ever not make unstoppable my first option on abrams it makes me immune to getting parried im so retarded.
mcginnis ult spam build seems so cancer
lol why would you waste souls on unstoppable when you max out your ulti it gives you unstoppable
to combine both of them and make myself unkillable whenever i want
>play warden
>stunned by krill
>he dies to the ult as he combos me
Yeah that's right BITCH Last Stand isn't some weak shit you can cancel with a stun
>ummm never being stunnable is le bad!!!!
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>anon bragged about being 5/11
Just build all the tanky items, all the cheap gun items that give Spirit, and then spend roughly 3:2 vitality to spirit. Surge of Power on the 2 or 3 is pretty good.

The 3 gets up to like 9x spirit scaling at max so you just want as much of it as you can get while staying tanky enough to actually stack it.
NTA but it's clearly not the same person
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>First 15 hours were amazing, matches were balanced
>60 hours now and it's always we stomp, or they stomp
>People screaming in my ear trying to command everyone everytime
I don't think I'm having fun in this game anymore, Ster is right the more you play the worse it really does get
it makes the game solo queue which is all that matters
stack niggers drag their horrid friends into my games to ruin them
>duo laning with a rando miku
>she gets her ult
>she spams it every time it's up with her cdr build
>enemy is now 10k souls ahead because her ult can't hit orbs
I think it was the miku in cellar clip
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>duo lane with as abraham with mokrill against sweaty pockigger and mcdickis
>lose lane and walker hard
>great another stomp loss i think
>somehow team turns it around with two rejuvs and win
that's right get fucked
>Ster is right the more you play the worse it really does get

correct. nearly every single "competitive" game is great and fun when it first begins. once people start tryharding the fuck out of it, the games become stomp or be stomped. it is not fun.
the build is great AFTER laning phase
The spirits killed you not me :')
ignore the typo i'm tired
Welcome to the trench. I'm only playing this until Monster Hunter comes out next year.
After 1 tricking Abrams for a bit I think hes harder than pocket and haze but probably easier than the other heroes in the game
>shoots you with shotgun
why did the spirits do this?
>gives you anthrax
Damn bro sprits got hands ig
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>toxic bullets
We do a little assisting
toxic bullets almost seems too good long-term with the massive healing debuff and % damage. is there any reason not to grab it, especially on builds with orange slots to spare?
I'm a degenerate who's fallen prey to the melee monkey meta
It's just too good on every character
if you're not in a position to magdump people inside your falloff range then it's nigh impossible to stack. Might as well just grab decay and get the guarantee.
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>Tokamak is just blue bepop with yamata forehead
yep issa gem
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>found the krill & mo mod
now this is gaming
is it worth it to get alchemical fire on non-stunning/locking/slowing characters? the main point of the item is the debuff and not the spirit damage after all
Are you playing different heroes or alternating from feeding and being useless to dominating? Cause my last 5 ranked games have a total spread of 50 valve match rating
>Escalating exposure is an grossly overrated item for its price

Having bough this item repeatedly on Shiv, I've started to suspect that EE is really ahit for its peice. If you math it out, it will functionally work out as a 5% increase of your spirit damage every second (I believe it technically stacks every 0,8 seconds but even Shiv probably had a hard time lucking out so his torment pulse and dagger perfectly matches the refresh rate). I will ignore the base armor rend since it is basically the same as the 1250 item. I won't overanalyze the other stats since EE is an alternative cost to other good items that also give good stat.

So if you increase your damage by 5%, that means that in 4 seconds, you have a damage increase on par with a 500 item in the weapon category. In 6 seconds, the 1250 category, in 12 seconds 3000 category. 20 seconds to cap out.

Isn't this REALLY underwhelming compared to buying Crippling Headshot and get -23% armor rend for your entire team available at any distance and immidiately? Anecdotally, my EE has never contributed more than 2% of my damage. At the same time I'm scared of removing it from my build in case those 2% are somehow really important.
someone needs to make a mo and mo mod.
Why does this general pretend Wraith is broken when her ult is one of the easiest to counter in the game?

It's all fun and games until Wraith hits her shadow strike powerspike.
how can you be so confident in your retarded math and then immediately doubt it by continuing to buy it?
You can't really compared weapon % stacking to spirit amp%. It's completely different. The only other item that increase your spirit damage by % is mystic reverb, but mystic reverb is only 40% with a single ability.
I've noticed guides saying to get this but I never have games get that far
How does it work for her?
Just be aware of your surroundings? So many of the ults in this game are just a braindead press 4 to win / change the tide instantly and people get pissy over a stun you can generally outrun
the point of escalating exposure is that every tick of decay/knife causes a stack to rise and then you just disintegrate someone with dash/mystic shot into execute
>every knife bleed tick causes an increase
>you also have a dash that does fuckloads of damage after a few stacks
Are Soul Shredder Bullets generally going to be more bang for your buck? Yes. Escalating Exposure is still good, though. Not much scales spirit damage.

The real redpill is that if you have even a single active slot open you really shouldn't be buying fucking anything except Decay.

Basically, if you point blank silence someone they won't have time or tools to create distance and LOS when they get ult:d on. Makes it very easy for her to get picks.
Are we talking about shadow weave or phantom strike here?

I'm aware of the idea, I'm just saying that the item ends up being 1-2% of my damage.

For comparison, Torment pulse is between 14-20% of my damage. In other words, EE:s "impact" on my damage is neglible.
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The fuck is this red dot
someones recording your desktop rip out your powercord and pour olive oil on your pc

Phantom strike, ooops. I took the name from memory.

To be fair shadow weave is kinda similar in function, but it might not bring you in point blank for the instant lift.
You need to be nearby for the statue to work and it also despawns on its own after some time.
Yoshi is recording you
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alright, I don't think it'll ever get worse than this.
People here like to larp as high MMR yet will tell you gun is OP lmfao
Don't bitch about haze you'll summon the active item schizo
Torment Pulse and Escalating Exposure is a god tier combination. You get increasing damage just by existing.
>when her ult is one of the easiest to counter in the game?
it will literally follow you forever, all the way back to your base. the only "counter" to her ult is
>play pocket/dynamo and escape with one of your abilities
>buy ethereal shift
which is general advice for most burst ults.
besides that, the "counterplay" to wraith looking at you and pressing 4 (not having to worry about silly things like aim or skill) is hope she's dumb enough to do it five miles away so you can waste all your stamina getting somewhere safe. If you don't again it's not a root it's a hard stun you can't do anything except die.
and it's on a 60 SECOND COOLDOWN
simply a shiv diff
keep grinding miragebro
oh no no no
he swapped with geist into my lane. got an early double on us but we pulled it back
and then he started roaming
>laning against an enemy mirage, down guardian so back near my walker, they're pushing without a care in the world while alone because my team is shit
>see full health lash fucking grapple in on this mirage from behind, assume they're actually here to help and gank for an easy pick
>go in, slow him, take him down to 25% health alone far from help, wondering where lash's damage is
>he fucking grappled over the mirage so he could zipline back to base
very in character but i would rather kill myself and take an hour ban than play with these fucking troglodytes
honestly just assumed you were retarded since youre both an abrams player and a frog poster, heres the pity (You) at least
this general thinks haze is a good hero
this general does not use active items because brain is not big enough
the rare case where brain is big enough fingers are too slow
If the enemy Wraith is catching up to you by the time the ult hits or you're too stupid to use e shift I don't know what to tell you. If she's that broken and low skilled go play her.
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weeb invasion
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Ranked is worse than fucking normals
and normals are all fucking fullstacks against solos
anime girls <333~~~~~
Don't feed, moonie
>Screenshotting a streamers lobby
what does mirage's queen look like?
my name isnt nashala dion thoughever
it could be
Robin Williams in drag.
Who's a good pocket player I can watch on jewtube?
>Had fun playing the game
>Until I didn't
why is that dudes pfp the subway with all the crates and statues lmao
my face when subway surfers in deadlock
In my 2k neko ranked game earlier someone called the enemy team carries (nigfernus and haze) 'deadlocks'
what did he mean by this? the whole team shit on him for it immediately
then fullstack
are you saying we are some sort of deadlocks?
when do I get to leave my lane as Lash if I get assigned to a sidelane
eido is the only one that comes to mind
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this was his name lmao
the fact that slice and dice can have the shortest cd in the game with max cd modifers is absolutely fucking insane, literally a 0.1 cd after hitting 1 person with a rage slice and dice with all cd reduction items. Might not be fully possible in all matches but when you get rolling there is absolutely NOTHING anyone can do without curse.

Yeah but if the increased damage is kinda trashy, an on paper combo isn't as strong as it seem.

EE is nice since it upgrades from a high value item, but if you got a flex slot, why not get Crippling Headshot instead? It will probably take EE something line 12 to 14 seconds of exposure before the total spirit damage dealt is on par with what CH would have done in a similar timeframe (and thats not accountibg for everything else that CH offers)
The Baxter society has your number
I wonder why more people don't scoot down the subway more often to get the 8 or so crates and 2 statues that are there, better than most neutral camps for 10 seconds of walking
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and then the last match of the session was a stomp
I can't imagine that 7 is happy
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why is shiv with 13000 souls so hard to kill
Because you can get like 90% temporary damage resist with little investment
>tools not even released
>modtrannies from tf2 workshop already getting uppity
stop mentioning it
i dont want my fucking box stashes robbed
Someone literally made a Kelvin build that just sprint speed maxes and vaccuums up all the boxes on the map
If he was at full rage that first mag would have done 1150 damage to him. This is balanced and okay, if anything I think he needs buffs!
Ok, I also won't mention all the boxes on the rooftops that people also forget about

Makes a lot of sense, I think people still haven't clocked that one box of souls is worth more than a small creep camp by the midgame and they're rarely collected on cooldown unless they're on a busy part of the map
Actually one of the weirder parts of the game to me that there's so many free souls lying around just in random boxes

here's what it looks like if you were curious
His 3 delays the damage, bet he has no more real health after you shot him like that.
shhhhh shut the fuck up they're gonna take away the boxes
We need a Deadlock hero who fights both of the evil djinn and false idols for the truth of Allah
you really think the game designers are stupid enough to not realize they exist or something?
>I also won't mention all the boxes on the rooftops that people also forget about
This is Kelvin territory
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whenever you want
who cares guardian im here to dive kick cunts
yeah but he can regen/lifesteal while the deferred damage is ticking on him which is what allows him to get out of bullshit so often
>team goes midboss while enemy lash is alive
>try to prevent his ult by pressing 4 as Mo and Krill
>it just doesn't stun him for some reason lmao
Great game
I have not seen a single ivy in any game for a week now
My friend and I like to do echo shard melee ivy
>deferred damage
Sounds so cool. I wish Shiv was an accountant or an occult shark instead.
Perfect form, perfect cardio, lesser creatures like Mo&krill can't touch him
when it hits 8 minutes i WILL be punching my double machine and then monkeying around the rooftops as yamato
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shiv is cool, but i hate that he's meta, because he's a contested pick
I genuinely wish in every sense of the word that Abrams was removed from the game. He is just such an annoying/boring character to play against. I just roll my eyes every time hes on screen. Actually sucks the life out of the game
yes king
bro couldnt find his parry key
>not wraith or haze
this but haze so my teammates cant pick this garbage
Delete every ability that let's you avoid divekick
please please please end the sustain item meta i cannot stand this shit fighting shivs and infernus who are solely brought up from items. I don't mind Abrams since its a core part of his kit and hes pure point blank range but nerfing spirit lifesteal and leech would be so fucking nice.
>gOo hItS haRDer thAn yOu thInk doEsnT iT?
they already nerfed it
>nerfing spirit lifesteal and leech would be so fucking nice.
they did
>toxic bullets and knockdown
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Victory is nice for a change.
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I like Purge, I hope he gets a decent deadlock following
I can't stand OW/CS or any shooter content creators so hopefully Dota casters and streamers can get popular with it
>haze teammate has been farming for the last 30 min while the rest of the team barely keep the match alive
>Let see her item
>Suppressor, headhunter, Tesla bullet, Titanic magazine
Yea that's a gg lol
Why does the game always hang on first launch??
you can only q solo though?
Valve employees, if you're reading this keep in mind that DOTA'S CONFIRM MATCH BUG STILL ISN'T FIXED.

The game is losing players because of your lack of action and anger at Deadlock keeps rising by the day. If you don't act and continue on the way of killing Dota, you will end up with the TF2 situation magnified tenfold, with the Dota community wishing death on all your new games.

Preloading the map assets to a cache. It used to that a good chunk of matches didn't even start because wooden PC gamers failed to get in during the start. Now they wait on their own time.
healbane + toxic bullets or decay
shit at this point it should just be "healbane + decay" because I know you people all despise active items but at least it's cheaper and literally one button no aiming
And the goodwill you've accumulated with Crownfall and new big patches has been completely nullified now. If the next TI fails just like the last one (2x less viewership compared to the last European TI) due to you purposefully keeping the prize pool low and reducing production value - you can be sure a large part of the community will fully turn on all of your new games.

Decay has too shoet duration for the trench. Do you think we can kill someone within 10 seconds lmao?
I meant it never finishes though but when I end it and launch it again it loads in instantly
Hand of Midas for Deadlock. Think about it deadtards
How would it work? Killing with melee hit gives more souls?
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Works exactly the same as in Dota but if Seven, Haze or Wraith uses it it kills them instantly
Call me a complainer or whatever but I am starting to feel the match making is genuinely rigged. Like, every match is the same. My teammates are utterly braindead and don't even seem to understand even the most basic concepts of the game like "attack" or "defend" while my enemies are at the very least competent enough to play the game like a human (push lanes, fight enemies, help the team, etc). Every match feels like a >90° climb because no matter how fucking hard I am trying my teammates are inting every moment of the game. In fact it doesn't even seem to matter how good or bad I do at all because my team just throws every single match.

I genuinely do not know what I am supposed to do.
starting souls when
Gun items are always better, because the gun has no cooldown other than reload, which can also be negated by many different items.

This is why gun heroes triumph and Spirit builds are nothing but burst, because there's no damage over time builds that dominate games. Even Pocket isn't scary at all.

Never build spirit damage for anything other than burst. All the items that increase spirit damage are trash compared to the gun items.
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Newfag here, only played a handful of games
What am I supposed to focus on while laning? Poking the enemy out, farming, denying farm? Does it change at all whether you're solo or duo?
All of the above
and yes, because you can communicate with the retard you're queued with easier than the randoms
>Never build spirit damage for anything other than burst.
Kelvin isn't burst and sharts all over everyone with spirit albeitthough? Same with McGinnis
after the nerf it's better to just go the 6300 spirit so you have more up front damage. decay does enough to chunk the start of their hp anyway then get mystic burst improved for 3k and now you can kill literally anyone with rapid recharge and improved cooldown the knives are always up as well. escalating is underwhelming now that it's not like +100% damage every time
>isn't burst at all
>the fucking grenade chunking a left-click for 3/4 of their hp and then a reverb proc
>no damage over time builds that dominate games
Wtf are you smoking? DOTs in this game can and will tear your ass up if you aren't careful. Even with debuff reducing items they can will be dangerous; which lets be honest most teammates don't even buy because they're too busy going for whatever meme-meta build. And in team fights big DOTs like Pocket 4 or Infernus 2 is a massive amount of DPS that the other team just isn't putting out and it's all free passive damage.

And also, it isn't supposed to be your primary method of attacking anyway, it's supposed to be supplemental and probably won't ever become "primary".
His nade is burst and beam builds are easy as fuck to counter with a few armors and just running the fuck away. Only gun kelvins are what people dread. Even if you go pure spirit build and get fed somehow or farm, Kelvin isn't scary at fucking all.

Skills have insane cooldowns, this is why gun items are ALWAYS and ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS





So shut the fuck up.
I still haven't played ranked. I worried it'll be too hard for me
The big part of the DOT is that the constant ticking is extremely efficient for lifesteal. That's why infernus lives for so long. Since the damage is loaded after the initial proc, the lifesteal return keep you healthy even if you aren't actively attacking, and maybe dodging the enemy or even going into ethereal. It's different from gun or single burst lifesteal because you only gain the life steal as you attack but if you get lock down by a cc or try to run and dodge enemy attack, you won't get the lifesteal.
It's not burst because he throws 5 grenades every 1.5 seconds
All you have to do to counter that is spirit armor. The whole chain started about EE, something that reduces spirit resistance.

You can't stack enough of it to make it worth while, however GUN and GUN ALONE has CRITICAL ITEMS (Lucky) it has AMMO CLIP INCREASING ITEMS it has INSTANT RELOAD ITEMS it has MASSIVE LIFESTEAL ITEMS

Spirit has nothing like that and Infernus has to stack both to be useful and if you avoid his fires on the ground late game his burn isn't fucking nasty at all. If you stand in infernus shit and eat his gun then you deserve to fucking die.

All dots are countered easily with 1 or 2 items.

You can't counter super fed gun builds even with all the health in the world because again... and again...







spiritGODs dont have to make posts like this to make sure everyone knows they're superior, so yeah Im thinkin spirit won
above all, try and be above in souls. deny theirs and secure yours as much as you can. poke them and chip them whenever you can. only farm if you have an overwhelming lead or breathing room until laning is done
kills don't matter THAT much in laning. they just give you a slight advantage in terms of souls. dying a few times in a row can definitely fuck your lane though, and make it snowball into adjacent lanes, so like, don't

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