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Soon edition

Previous thread:>>498647889

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/ARR02AZtaZw?si=pT9KZakAS2KAi6QZ

Reminder: Can you believe it guys? War Thunder Sales! Just 2 weeks away.
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
Eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
Nice Su-34 cosplay.
Glad to see the Scimitar is finally getting released, hasn't it been floating around in the files in some form or another for quite some time now?
Flying close to the ground and then firing missle is not viable tactic in modern planes?
If enemy is flying at high alt, flying low won't make it harder for them to detect you and thus giving you an edge before they can detect you?
Not him, but from what I understand air combat between peers as we know it in war thunder is basically suicidal shit where we all have such disregard for our own lives and gaijin's reward structure so heavily biases us towards wanting air kills that we'll crazily do whatever is necessary to get balls deep into the no escape zone so that we can get an opponent dead to rights where they can't escape.

In real life militaries are way more conservative with protecting the investments that are their pilots and aircraft. They'll launch missiles from longer ranges and prioritize keeping their pilots safe over securing a kill. Anyone happen to have that sim battle picture that some chink drew up where both teams were just flying in circles between their airfields and the rough center of the map while flinging missiles at each other before going cold? It's like that. A lot of the time they don't even expect their missiles to hit the target plane. They just force the target to respect the missile and run away.

Destroying the enemy airforce is more about destroying their airfields and catching planes on the ground than winning air to air engagements. You protect the airfields by having them be far from the frontlines and by having other planes fling missiles at their bombers to force them to break off their attack runs before they get within range. You can try to get closer to try to secure the kill but they'll inevitably start lobbing missiles at you that will force you to break off your own attack.

Wash, rinse, repeat until one side's logistics chain fucks up and runs out of missiles to fling.
I want to see Russians take out su-15 out of storage and mount r-77 on them just so I can see it
you're a fag
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>Its a get shit stomped by the ger+swe team crewed by autistic savants with 10000+ hours in the game episode
imagine the BR increases.
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What >>498832390 is a good hypothetical, add some attrition and other valuable air assets into the mix (ballistic missiles, AWACS, bomber, ASM carriers) and you get the idea.
>Flying close to the ground and then firing missle is not viable tactic in modern planes?
So even with it's nerfs multipath is still not that accurate and planes and missiles can figure out that it's there and account for it. So there's that making it unviable.
You don't have third person IRL, most pilots won't feel comfortable flying supersonic only 100m above ground in a real fight.
Finally energy, a plane flying higher moves faster, wastes less fuel and has more energy, more energy means the plane moves better, the missile goes faster and has longer range. In a real fight the guy flying low is going to lose because his missile takes longer to guide itself and has lower range due to first fighting the transonic drag and reaching lower speeds going upwards unlike the missile that has the help of gravity and was launched at higher speeds, and this is not a difference of 5km range, this is like 20km range difference if not more with the newer extremely long range high Pk missiles
>If enemy is flying at high alt, flying low won't make it harder for them to detect you and thus giving you an edge before they can detect you?
In practical terms no, ignoring the previous lower range, slower and all that stuff that would negate your surprise advantage, it's very hard to hide an aircraft from modern radar, even harder from really modern radar (AESA) and the hardest of all is hiding it from the fuck off big "My operators can only produce female offspring" radar that an AWACS carries, even harder at sea where the next big air conflict will happen.
How good is the T-80UK? Wondering if I should set that as my next squadron vehicle versus the M1A1 AIM or the Leopard 2PL
At least on par with a T-72B3, worse than a T-80U-E1. The M1A1 AIM is great but the teams aren't, the PL is worse 2A5. Go for the Swedish T-80 for maximum handholding as you get decent team and soviets aren't great at fighting their own tanks.
There is a premium version of it, that trades the useless dazzlers that only work against ATGMs 3+ BR brackets below it, for higher gen thermals.

AKA its powercrept into dust.
I already unlocked the Swedish T-80. It was the vehicle I just researched. I don't plan on using it until I can grab 1 or 2 more vehicles in it's BR range.
I see. That's Gaijin for you.
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>Here is your dreams come true event vehicle pidor
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tired of WW2 slop
>entire updates are now focussed around topslop
>complain about getting like 2 vehicles every once in a while in ww2 era
do a flip
moderntrannyshit is poison and the root of all gaijin evil
only people who play WW2 just enjoy shitstomping noobs because they can't hack it in modern era against people that actually know what they are doing.
>t. ranny
I'm not even sure how to respond to your level of brain damage.
everytime i go play ww2 stuff i get like 2-3x more kills than usual, die less, etc.

Also WW2 sucks shit with CAS because everyone sucks balls with SPAA and CAS just runs absolutely rampant. The only counter is playing CAP, but its such a fucking fishbowl with close spawns that you just die sometimes playing CAP because some nigger spawned in 10 seconds ago above you.
There are people who say modern combat is not the lamest shit. Those are delusional people.
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You have one of three choices:
1.) learn CAS and how to use your SPAA
2.) uninstall the game, or,
3.) just shut the fuck up.
strv 122 is better
I know
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how do I cope with being gay (in war thunder)?
>Also WW2 sucks shit with CAS
>because everyone sucks balls with SPAA
*standoff guided bombs on ur SAMs*
>and CAS just runs absolutely rampant
*AGMs entire point clear*
>only counter is playing CAP, but its such a fucking fishbowl with close spawns
>*missiles u*
>that you just die sometimes playing CAP because some nigger spawned i
*radar flaks ur wings off*
>n 10 seconds ago above y
*CCIP rockets u after RTB landin*
*shits loudly*
there are multiple trees suited to your kind(china, israel, sweden)
picked the wrong game, dweeb
>farming low ranks for even mission score
>realize one can ace the crews for ranks 1 and 2 vehicles for proverbial pennies
I don't know if I can resist
You could have level one crews at rank 2 and still come out with the skulls of 17 children on your back

I mean, the wooden toy that bullshit's based on is from like the 70s or something.
At last, I can rest...
>new event starts right now anon
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I love playing America
Yes just what Russia needed for top tier ground )))))))))))))))

Surely there will be new SPAA at least as good as the pantsir too?
be happy you're getting a bunch of 50 cals at the BR America doesnt have an SPAA issue at
new match
new me
new penis
new ass
What could the russian dream comes true plane be?
But anon... 4 random modifications for free with 9th star?
Is the SA-8B not good enough?

B-1A when?
holy fuck it's nothing but chinks on today
and that's eu/ru
chinese game
chinese century
At the BRs that these top tier CAS planes exist at, we're practically at the point that the only mudsuckers within matchmaking range are the ones with their own aircraft on the lineup. So the answer is CAP not SPAAG.
You can't play CAP against America, they spawn their F16 the second they can. It's why their WR at top tier is so bad.
Then why are people freaking out abut the Su-34 flying brick?
Su27 nerfed when?
My brother, the J-10 is so fucking worth it.
Make sure to have the keybinds so you can change to full controls, this lets you turn into a slower F-22 (i.e, pulling crazy AoA on anything).
threadly reminder that the F-5E broke almost everyone when it came out.
>MiG-23 players sperged
>Frogs sperged
>even American mains sperged
Not ever bothering with full controls till they make it an actual keybind and not some autistic cycle through all the control schemes.
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just use a script like everyone else to put you in FRC for 2 seconds and then back to mouse aim with a single button?
>just cheatp
Top tier is a joke
>sweaty try hards that camp corners or snipe you from the other end of the map
>Chinese players with all premiums and soft hacks
>every game ends in a spawn kill camp stomp
>can't even play the objectives
>CAS is hit or miss with survivability
>most nations lacking many things for tanks and spaa
>Sweden + German team stomping

Back to sticking below 10.0
12k score left and only 1 hour to play, going to have to pull some of those 5k score games if I don't want to be late.
what is a soft hack
His cope for dying in his F-20 or JF-17
Walling or something that shows player names. It's more subtle, not blatant cheating.
What do you mean
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reminder that WARTG is infiltrated by literal troons
ESP, hardest kind of hack to detect since it's not overt.
More subtle cheating. Instead of being an aimbot with godmode, you just do things like give yourself extra information from wallhax. Also might include things that directly buff you but only to a degree where someone would really need to be attentive to notice the difference. Maybe your plane has slightly better performance due to simultaneously having zero fuel mass but also infinite fuel to keep the engine running at full power. Maybe instead of being invincible you just have some % of extra HP relative to a fair player, which gives you an edge in head to head fights. If the game has critical hits, maybe their crit rate is a bit higher than normal. Stuff like that.
How come the Type 81C isn't 12.0 yet despite being the second best AA in the game?
>speaking to sternlos
Got what you deserved
How come you haven't crushed your penis in a panini press?
>Moderators Comment: Based as hell
fuck that faggot
I don't know what's a panini I try to distance myself from blacks and their culture
>spoke to sternlos
You asked for it, dumb nigga.
But that's Italian
Auto flares in Air realistic battle are a good example. Gaijin did a massive ban wave for that one.

Another example, in Counter Strike, there is a hack that lets you not get affected by flash bangs. Soft hacks is stuff like that.
What about them negros?
I'll add that both pilots and airframes in WT sustain much higher G's than they could and were allowed to do IRL, so it is easier to dodge and exhaust missiles by doing some high g piloting than it is IRL.
I'm making predictions around the F-15E
>you won't be able to remove the CFT's
>you will get the P&W 220 engines
>you will get the non-AESA radar
I'm betting golden birdies on this.
Embarrass themselves daily on video
infighting and reporting each other
Furry/NAFO central
unironic skinheads

Can't win
5th option, don't join any squadron and buy the vehicles with GE
>oink oink
6th option, just don't read the chat and get mad at retards?
>>you will get the non-AESA radar
the new sukhoi russia is getting has a PESA radar and never had anything else.
The Su-34 will be a shitty fat cow like all of the other flankers, and the F-15 will be one of the best planes in the game again.
>Someone leaks the discord of people finding stuff to get Russian planes and tanks nerfed to Russian forums
>shitstorm ensues
>accusation of it being fake leak
>bug forum moderators now do all the edits and moves anonymously because they were getting death threats from Russian players for being in bed with the discord trannies
It just keeps getting better
it is 100% going to be an early one so all of this is accurate except the CFT's, even then I am pretty sure E's always use them so I don't see why they would be removable
dunno why they would add a late one with the better engines and AESA at this point
F-15E Early and F-15E Late will be different aircraft 100%
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It's that easy to get people you don't like banned
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Can anyone explain to me why no one is playing tournaments?
Many of these are 1v1
>like all of the other flankers
The fighter variants are not fat cows, or at least they wouldn't be if gayjin didn't have a hateboner for Russian Gen 4. The Su-34 on the other hand is just irredeemably bad no matter how you look at it.
Reporting people in a /vg/ group that you are apart of for chat offensives is the most sissy gay thing I can possibly think of. Look in the mirror nigger, what do you see?
>The fighter variants are not fat cows, or at least they wouldn't be if gayjin didn't have a hateboner for Russian Gen 4.
Do you hear yourself? They're not or at least they wouldn't be if... So they are. In game they are. Compared to their peers in game they are. Whether their flight model is underperforming or their peers flight models are overperforming is another topic. Right now the flankers are hot dogshit compared to their rivals, and the Su-34 is basically the same plane except heavier and geared for ground attack.
superior aryan race
I think you’ll be able to remove the cfts if only because gaijin already did all the work to make removable ones for the C
They’ve been using them with cfts removed for air to air stuff fairly recently. They do have to stay on for ground strike iirc though
You're right, I just didn't want people to conflate the two and think that's how it's supposed to be. Besides, the point that, if the Flanker FMs are ever fixed, the Su-34 will remain garbage still stands.
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You may not like it but this is peak tank design
is sternlos a sissy who reports his own squadmates because he's got a sub 50% wr?
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oh yeah huh
Visually it loses a lot of its charm but damn that thing must feel like a rocketship
Jets with pure a2a loadout being way cheaper in grb when
a Kang
>rb ship duel
must be riveting to watch
America's win rate is as low as it is already, you want to make it worse?
I just watched Fury
is the Easy Eight Sherman any good in this game?
That's basically already a thing by virtue loadouts costing like 4x more by default between the cheapest CAS option vs AA options
that's the one i joined lmao
It's pretty good, but it's kind of overtiered at 5.7.
It's good but much like the Tiger scene, you get vapourized by most shells at that level. However, unlike the Tiger scene, you don't need to pointblank everything if you have good shot placement.
is it just me, or is the AMX-M4 kind of really good?
how was it? what ships are you allowed to use? what map are these duels played on?
shhh... you're going to get the last remaining 6.7 autoloader uptiered
fox tuah
splash on that thang
>Mirage 2000D RMV
we getting ass hammers?
Why is the mig29 so fucking dogshit?
See >>498808457
nice schizo fantasy
take your meds NOW
>objective reality corroborated by insider leaks and drama... le schizo fantasy
are sus and nigs just as bad in dcs?
>why is the dogshit jet dogshit?
WAY better, they're actually a very good match for the 'teens even without memessiles.
when do I start seeing radar missile and have to bring chaff?
>i say it's dogshit so it's dogshit
>nevermind the best FMs on the market and the DoD's own reports say the exact opposite
French or Italy?
I want to be snowflake
I see more Italy than China outside of SA.
Downside is, you will be matched up against Germany+Slavs most of the time at 6.0+.
at least their shit is unique and not endless mutt/germutt/Soviet copypaste
>no Ajax
>Blowpipe instead of something like Rapid Ranger or tracked Rapier
>all these ATGM cars when there are better options
>MBT 80 as a KPZ70 counterpart (lol)
such a dumb fucking list
all the ritual posts that one deranged bongloid spammed in this general and people still learned nothing about Great Britain's full potential
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what for innings?
>nafo trannies gang together to grab documents about slav wunderwaffe to get them nerfed to the ground
unfathomably based trannies
getting called pidor everytime you press W
I feel like there are a lot of china lately
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>follows the memes to a T
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it hasn't started

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