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Previous thread: >>498778543

>Now available EVERYWHERE (but Nintendo Switch and Xbox One)

>Metaphor: ReFantazio Special Soundtrack

>Metaphor: ReFantazio peaks at 85k concurrent players on Steam!

>Metaphor: ReFantazio surpasses 1m sales on launch day

>MetaphorFix (adds proper ultrawide, audio override, etc.)

>Kino commercial

>How many hours have you played?
>What day are you on?
>What are your favorite classes?
>Favorite BGM?
>Are you having fun?
Sex with evil gallica
Oi, Del!
m at 7/9 are there any guides i can use for misc stuff for 100% like golden beetles? pls no spoilers
Do I have to complete the arena as well to get the quest achievement?
Cant believe Gallica betrays us and is Louis's spy the whole time
If Louis is soooo evil, how come he is not a RACIST?
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Attack in any number. Wield any weapons. But... fight with your very lives! If you live by a creed, show me its strength!
any faster ways to grind MP with mage? cheating gets too tedious!
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I feel like the game would actually be legit hard if this class just didn't exist.

They coulda made hot merchant lady a party member instead.
Hulkenberg's pancake ass is completely intentional because all the other girls have bigger ones and even mc has a bigger ass in the menu and that's very funny.
i just use the passive that regens mp when you are buffed, the passive that regens mp and an accessory that... you guessed it: regens mp
i have not used this class and game was easy
>jew archetype is the strongest
and they say this game isnt woke
its sexier, i want to fuck her
its just an almighty attack and grind reduction you fucking baby
try posting tycoon instead
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what do I do in the Manor of the Asendant? I'm already stuck, do I have to do something to activate the podium portal things?
I beat the game in 50 hours. This is shorter than episode aigis
Muscular, it was pretty easy after I started eating keto bread.
oh there's a fucking hole hiding behind some jars. That's dumb
Daily reminder to edit your save to unlock the hardest difficulty >>691990175
how did episode aigis take you +50 hours? Its like just tartarus doors with a cutscene at the end of every segment.
don't try to hide the fact yall pirated this game by removing it from the op
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I bought and put sealed copy into my collection, this make me entitled to pirate the game on every platform, including Metaphor: ReGicide on switch 2 in 2026
>Metaphor steam rating: 88,77%
>SMT VV rating: 89,44%
>Persona 5 Royal steam rating: 95,21%
oh nonobo bros what went wrong
>Metaphor steam rating: 88,77%
>SMTVV steam rating: 89,44%
>Persona 3 Reload steam rating: 91,94%
>Persona 5 Royal steam rating: 95,21%
>Persona 4 Golden steam rating: 95,44%
Oh nonono bros what went wrong we're supposed to be the best of the best
dubbed Basilio is the greatest thing ever
SMTVV is better than any Persona, so I do not think those are accurate reflections of their quality
Good on ya, Pup!
Game a flop
I am going back to SMT V
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Here's a picture of me.
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>P3 is worse than P4/P5
but she eats ze bugs, not bread.
ass too small
Not even pretending
>dungeon with butterflies
>run around overworld killing them with thief to get tons of MP pills
>once you have enough, find any enemy
>start battle
>Debt Collection
>enter/exit entrance or akademia when you need to respawn butterflies
Do not deny a true knight their honor.
Merchant does nothing but give you money
I bought this game with 5 other people and we play the game offline. Does that count as pirating?
Can I do unlimited grinding like SMT in this game?
and magic money
both of which directly translate to power
No, it's poorfagging of the highest order however
technically you can but you have to know how, it's not like SMT where you just go to a savepoint and use macca to regen MP
Basilio's personality is kind cute, I like how he's a little dumb. Wish he were a cute girl.
where do i even pirate it
it’s because of the shitty optimization, deload got overwhelmingly positive
I'm a good Atlus paypig that bought Persona 5 three times.
>buying a bad game three times
its gonna be on the sites pretty soon, the crack/patched demo is very new.
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almost tempted to shell out 8 dollars for a butt window I hate myself
Well just beat it. I hope it won't be another 8 or so years for the next major title from Studio Zero, but I won't hold my breath.
Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it. I loved how the epilogue section was pretty much the exact opposite of what Hashino was doing with Persona and them being filled with a sense of melancholy because the protagonist was going home while Metaphor showcased that the entire group stuck together and all have key positions in regards to supporting their new King, and then they decide fuck that and leave on another journey.
can you give youropinion but without spoilers, i wanna. know
there are exactly 2 good persona games, and both of them have a 2 in the title.
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>How many hours have you played?
44 hours so far.
>What day are you on?
>What are your favorite classes?
Commander's been amazing
>Favorite BGM?
>Are you having fun?
The most of any Atlus game if I'm being completely honest. It feels like the perfect culmination of things that I find fun about them while trimming most of what I don't.
I'm still looking for the last few bonds that I've yet to get.
controller not registering inputs at all, anyone else having this issue?
I'm assuming it's because I didn't buy it
>unlock ma-kaja skills from the igniter shop
should i get one for each buff or just buy attack/evasion
nevermind all the costumes look bad on her because the way Eupha is modeled assumes that she is wearing her poofy outfit so her arms are always stretched out a bit
>Alonzo Rank 7
fakers faking fakers
try using specialk, you might be able to do some controller tinkering with that or whatever
Edeni is kind of sexy.
Depends on how much you've been engaging in merchant endeavors.
I love how meguro just decided to make a sequel to Strange Journey’s ost in this game. https://youtu.be/M24FmIradKI?si=4tzKJknMIZmdO0x3
What is that title, did they run out of ideas
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do they all give a +5 accessory? regardless, i'm glad i chose fidelio especially after what happened...
yeah they all give that acc
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ikuzo, hector
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It's a solid game, but I felt like they did start rushing things with the game at the end, but it's also a weird case where there is way too much free time given at the very end of the game where you will probably end up sleeping your last 10 or so days away because there is pretty much nothing left to do.
I also have an issue with the dual battle systems. It is always going to be quicker farming with the real time system compared to squad battles, so I felt like the reward for squad battles was never high enough.
>mimics are a permanent addition
thanks i hate it
the reward for squad battles is doing the cool and fun turn based battles and kill the enemy A LOT QUICKER than if you were to keep stabbing at the enemy for minutes like the real-time combat.
There's clearly one more dungeon planned in september, but they just give us the boss battle instead
>sneak into (a.k.a. walk in through the front door of) Louis' ship
>leave a trail of unconcious bodies in your wake
>challenge the top brass to duels so you can barrow all thier security keys
>nobody mentions anything because they're to embarrassed
>Louis loudly announces they have a traitor in thiet midst
>still nobody comes foreward about that time they got knocked out during guard duty and/or had thier security keys taken by newbies
>it is discovered that the MC escaped his own party to be on the ship for no clear reason
>Glodell fucking dies and his murderers claim he was the traitor all along
>only the short furry brother thinks this is wierd

This, uh, this is not the cleanest plotline in the game. The worst part is that the key you get doesn't even work so the whole dungeon is pointless
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starting to think these guys aren't as righteous as they make out to be..
The problem is the spawners since if you can farm a spawner then it is going to quickly outclass anything you get from squads and there is absolutely zero resource drain.
>fighting the gorleo apple boss the second time
>charge up
>use one of the synthesis skills from the prince archetype
>15k damage non crit, one shots the boss
lol what the FUCK is this?!
Louis and everyone else absolutely know since the locks were changed, they just don't know what happened with Glodell.
The only one who is little doubtful is Basilio, a literal retard
Do people really farm in this game?
Why? Does the hardest difficulty require it or something? I've never needed to grind on normal once and I've overleveled more than a few dungeons.
It bizarre to me that people talk about grinding MAG and money too since I've never really run out of them. The best equipment you get from stealing from monsters anyway.
Everything from Altabury to the Elda sanctuary felt like disc 2 of xenogears with so much story and not a lot of gameplay.
Who's supposed to be the healer/light magic user? It's weird as fuck how literally none of the jobs need the healer line at all. It's the only class that has no ties to anything.
>Bardon gives buffs and helps during the sandworm fight for his quest
>he will do that during the entire Martira arc in the re-release on lower difficulties
Whoever you want. Hulk was my healer for 90% of the game.
it's forced, the constant bad plans that are clearly set up to fail, only for it to work by random chance, and all the other stuff done for the sake of cheap tension.
it's very "anime" in an unfortunate way. part of the problem seems related to the budget; often a lot is crammed in very short intervals, but there are clearly some writing issues in there.
I use Hulk because she turns into a Paladin and that's kinda similar.
You're not really even playing the game
I stole the devil summoner role from Eupha after getting her because it's cool and gave her the healing role
She does pretty well
>Junah starts cheering Will on when he cooks her signature dish
people just grind mag and money because they are cheaters, im playing on hard and ive never grinded that stuff unless its slowly (and painfully) grinding MP with mage so i can finish dungeons in a day rather than spending 3 days in a dungeon.
You don't need it, just inherit multi heal and a heal boosting passive onto Eupha and she becomes the best healer and light user with her main archetype alone
I guess her healing is fine but her magic stat is kinda shit in her personal class to really use light magic. I'm thinking Eupha might make the best light user if you don't want to grind too much since she only needs Seeker and Summoner lines.
I can kind of forgive them because the story beats at that point start to get very strong and are very fun to watch play out. We also get kind of fucked on main story dungeons since Louis's ship and the Opera house aren't really dungeons.
So when can you actually get lots of MAG and leaves? I just got the 5th party member and I was already scraping for MAG and A-EXP just trying to unlock Strohl's Samurai.
The final dungeons more than make up for it to be honest
Is there no decent grinding spot in the last month? Been doing all the dungeons left.
i think me and you play these games in entirely different ways. i never grind in these games or farm, seems like you do those things.
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How much game is left once you get to Altabury?
For me it's the two back-two-back fake outs that had no time to actually be worthwhile.

>Louis is dead
>5 seconds later
>Oh no actually he isn't

>rella is evil
>5 seconds later
>Oh no actually she isn't
Rella's death broke me...
I loved her...
Storyteller-normal = You didn't beat the game
>not grinding
MC personal class is cool AF. STR/MAG hybrid chads won again.
who was your first royal archetype? Mine was Junah's
With so many good healing items and food in the game, I never had a situation where I feel like I needed a healer.
I think Louis always know, but it's better to use the MC's actions against himself than confront him directly
Like when the party gave him a fake lance, he didn't say anything about it and just planned the switcheroo himself instead
you're practically at the end game but you're pretty much railroaded into a series of events that keeps happening and you wont have freedom until the ending.
Hashino just didn't want to make a JRPG. He wanted THE quintessential JRPG with all the cliches possible. Man just doesn't wanna innovate anymore
MC. I never grinded.
>you wont have freedom until the ending
Is there a lot of time to complete bonds and virtues? I'm at the end of Virga and still have a ways to go with my bonds/virtues...
>weather condition
>im overlevelled anyways so whatever
>fight one enemy that is actually at my level
>hit its weakness but no press-turn
>it attacks me but im too strong for it to be meaningful
>battle becomes a slogfest
You get 30 days of free time at the end, you have plenty of time.
Louis entire thing was just a ploy on his part to get to Forden so I understand, but I liked that stuff because it also showcased the MC's personal determination because he did have the will to kill Louis which was seen by him throwing the spear into Louis's chest and then also stabbing him when he had an opening during their duel. I think it ties into the issue that it feels like that whole section was rushed and it seems we are flat out missing a story dungeon, like there should have been something between Louis "dying" and then Rella's reveal.
sorry but i like enjoying the game unlike you.
I have the requirements for Strohl's but haven't paid out for it yet
Thanks, that sounds like more than enough time.
I'm fine with the first, but the second one should have been a whole arc/dungeon. It reeked of cut content
Thank fucking god we don't need to fill up imaginary points with our social links to rank them up anymore. Easily the worst aspect of Persona was having to waste days doing nothing with a social link just to get those points.
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>ambushed by 4 spektos and a snake (repel phys)
>rage my entire team so they uncontrollably end my turn by repelling off the spektos
>enemy takes 21 actions in a row and wipes my entire team
Let's fucking gooooooooooooooooooo
any hope for the NON hashino persona 6? this game too litty!
Yeah. Royal's 3rd semester was really good and Maruki was a fantastic antagonist, so if they can keep that quality for all of P6 then I don't see it being bad.
>30 days
wtf? we take a vacation before the end or something?
>no story dungeon post killing Louis where you have to confront Forden and fight him before Louis reveals himself again
>no story dungeon post Rella revealing herself to be the one who cast the curse and exploring the mage academy

Really did feel like they had to rush the game after the 4th city.
Is there a way to get a game-breaking archetype in this game like how you could make a persona with null/reflect almost everything and an almighty or crit physical aoe nuke in persona?
Yes is the answer.
Basilio and Fidelio spin-off when
For slower newfags on jobs to level

Level whatever you want
Warrior and Commander lines
Knight and Mage lines
Thief, Gunner and Merchant lines
Personal and Faker lines
Personal and Seeker lines
Personal and Brawler (not sure on this one yet)
Devourer of flames keeps charming my entire party. I'm getting P1 flashbacks.
they should add a dlc that connects to spotify so i can listen to music while farming instead of the regular battle theme.
Basilio and our Del cooking game
I think the first game breaking one is the Soul Hacker. A wind type AOE with Pierce.
My game is bricked, I missed all the missable gold beetles and 1 extra. I've been consulting a guide but continuing from the demo where I didnt get the gold beetle screwed me over.
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us curious and imaginative gamers just keep winning!
seeing Will pop his head out through the cover of the bed pipe when being invaded at night is actually so adorable
I'm pretty sure I missed most of the gold beetles kek
Soul Hacker has a synthesis almighty aoe that recharges 8 mp per hit, it's pretty much free in mob fights. The partner still has to pay, but you can swap them with one of the reserves when their mp runs out.
>get the Catherina perk where she joins you for dungeons
>don't get her until 3 dungeons later
I literally forgot about you where the fuck were you, nice perk retard
seems there was a lot of rudolf supporters that didn't look roussainte at all, was there technical limitations on making generic knifeear citizens?
Healer and Faker are useful for Dekaja and Dekunda, level these two asap
She only shows up for 3 side dungeons too. At least she does insane amounts of damage but it's disappointing.
How the hell do you level Catherine's bond? She's been stuck at 5 and I'm in the final part of the game I think.
She disappears for a long ass time, then reappears in the final city and asks you to have Rank 5 Tolerance
Unlocked brawler, its great that I can cast fist and then heal up for 2 mp with hulk
Im glad the game is a massive success. I hope they get more time and budget to work on a metaphor 2 in order to fully realize the game.
The two other dragons so easy compared to Devourer of Stars i don't get why he got so many gimmicks over the others. I guess the physical one getting a million press turns was pretty interesting to play around but the fire one was a total pushover does anyone know what triggers his giant fuck you 9999 attack i got lucky and had someone not get hit by it and was able to recover with free gallica turns
>There are actually other countries besides Euchronia
After the dragon temple i assumed ours was the only one. holy shit, who/what are we standing on?
OH that's what I'm missing. I'm still at 4 tolerance.
Hows NG+ work?
I didn't even need dekaja for the Orgas, tarunda and godkiller plus mudoon was enough
why are they dignifying joanna like this. she's incredibly evil
Wasnt the intro of the game about the country being on the verge of being invaded by another country so they need to get a king to replace him?
nothing wrong with feeding some kids to a monster bro
Vinca did nothing wrong.
You unironically need more media literacy
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no I don't, she had an arc, doesn't change the fact that she's basically ted bundyx10.
Sorry, but i only like fairies.
heismay is literally me
I've been called a fairy from time to time
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>bed pipe
It's a capsule bed.
Strohl would do anything for those Joannussy
Today I learned
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is there any way to go through here? i just got to the joanna portrait room do i get to unlock this area after i fight the monster? i need to kknow PLEASE
when the fuck does a fifth party member join
will there even be any game left to play by the time they do?
The first time i gained knowledge of these things was in Deus Ex HR of all things.
the game would 100% be much better off if there never was a 5th member, scenarios always suffer a quality drop when the writers have to account for reserve characters
Gallica pregnant with my child.
its super busted that's why
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She joins during Louis’ party
without spoilers (please) is there any way they could expand on these characters for a metaphor 2? or would they have to start from scratch?
Royal thief basically shuts down every boss in the game.
They can expand the characters through outside material like drama CDs, novels or manga that would likely not be translated for filthy gaijin.
I don't think Metaphor 2 would still have them, maybe a cameo or two. I've never really seen an atlus game drag it's previous cast again to the next game other than back in the day with P1-P2 or SMTIV+Apocalypse
I wish heismay was real bros
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Is this house next to the castle in the second major town going to have some kind of use later on?
there's no waifus in this game
how boring
They could, but more details require spoilers. Everybody is in a generally good spot at the end of the game as everybody in the party has taken various roles to assist the MC in being king. I think if we did get a direct sequel then it would probably involve seeing the entire world and if that is the case then they could probably write up some new follower stories for the returning party members that would probably come from their worldview changing as they see more places and different cultures. It may be that the Follower system changes to something else if they do a direct sequel as well.
Tier 3 mimics are retarded
Maria exist
So. Any porn yet?
you don't like Italian opera singing?
you could still set up spotify on your computer/(probably ps5 too).
you should be able to make spotify's volume louder than the game's and turn metaphor's volume to 0.
>implying gooner persona/smtfags haven't already flooded this general
If you can look at Eupha without wanting to goon you might be homosexual
Sex with Lina!
i'm already a gooner persona/smtfag as well but not for eupha.
i haven't had enough time with metaphor to goon to one of its characters.
how many press turns do you have?
*one shot everyone in /meta/*
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during the human baby fight why does gallica trick you into attacking eyeballs that regenerate 3 turns later? fucking bullshit wasted all my mp trying to take them both at once, now i have to restart. fucking deceiving bitch.
go back to /smtg/ enjoy your schizos over there
It has extremely high Evasion with both eyes up and can get giga press turns if you don't take out the eyes
So does Heismay hate his poorfag ultraconservative village or not?
do I bite the bullet and restart using a clean regicide save?
it has high evasion? i must have higher evasion than this baby because he keeps missing!
No he pities them.
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>ambushed by bandits
>they skip their turns because they are distracted by my (((merchant))) aura
Yeah, I'm thinking KINO
>game setting in classic fantasy
>would be a good idea to include some classic demons
>but no here's your FIXED archetypes bro
im crying i just fought the baby and im crying
It's more Renaissance fantasy tho
Based fatheranon
>Virga level
>Virga music starts playing
wait so it doesn't matter if you just sit on a mastered archetype right? for every 1000 exp, you just get a 1000 exp item?
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im not even a father, i just really like the way the characters interact with each other. I remember when i was younger and playing persona 4 and i remember really connecting with the characters and feeling overwhelmed by the idea that im in a supportive friend group and we just accomplished something together. This game is giving me those same feelings, these guys are my buddies and we're accomplishing great things together.
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>there is way too much free time given at the very end of the game where you will probably end up sleeping your last 10 or so days away
So is doing all SLs pretty easy without much planning? I've mostly been doing stuff as it becomes available and saving social stats for travel or when there is nothing to do (everything at 4 but courage, saving arena/bounty for that). Was getting a bit worried as Junah still only has rank 1 despite me just completing Eupha's dungeon.
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Yeah, once you have everyone on mastered archetype with loadouts that Just Works you can just keep them on it for awhile, and later dump a big stack of leaves towards a goal at once.
I do think the game would benefit from follower stuff being a special type of multi stage quest, rather than needing to make everything 8 ranks of dialogue. Make each be long or short as it needs to be and fit whatever gameplay makes the most sense. Even have little mini games for each.
how many footfags has gallica created?
The coliseum is not fucking worth it what the fuck
It wastes SO MANY DAYS
There are some decent legendary pieces to grab from it but just save it for the end of the game like I did you have so much free time even with maxing every bond and social stat
Where is the merchant that sells the Dodger Ring/Utilitarian's Manual? I swear I've combed this island a hundred times
Just do it when you have nothing else to do. It levels a stat so it's not like it's completely worthless
The magic scroll/accessory shops sell them after you get Alonzo's perk that expandss their inventory.
Post a screenshot because ive finished Alonzo's stuff and ive checked every shop
It's the magic shops that are only open at night.
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You can get them in any town, but only at night
Gold 3 is worth it I think for the sword. There are fucking no rare Seeker swords you can find in this game. There's the Golden Epee you buy which has 200 attack, and then everything after that is grey and doesn't even reach close to 300 while I have 3 fists, daggers, katanas all over 300 with decent secondary effects. I went from the Klewang with 272 attack to Heavenly Breeze with 420 attack +boosted wind damage.
I should've thought of maxing Merchant on every character, so at the end of dungeons I can convert all their leftover MP into MAG before leaving, sooner.
I’m in the final month now, should I rush the story dungeon or take my time to do follower bonds and requests
Will completing the dungeon change the state of the world significantly?
So I shouldn't manually level up courage and wisdom, right?
this guy has a cool design.
is he a good villain?
Bardon just seems like a sort of "aite I guess we'll throw him in as a follower" type guy. Like I dont care about this guy at all lmao
Spoilers for final month, just got there. Should I do the Tower dungeons to hunt dragons that are like level 70+ before the final dungeon or reload a save after the final dungeon to do them? My enjoyment of the endgame of OG SMTV was ruined by the fact that I went and beat Shiva and then the rest of the game was a cakewalk, including Lucifer.
>cant find my demo save on the Deck
Its over
Courage seems to be the stat that you keep getting a lot of thanks to doing dungeons and handing in requests. The other stats slow down a lot in the end game.
I wonder if the increases slash/pierce/strike damage passives are only or basic melee attacks or also for skills and synths?
You can do the story dungeon, and then go back to freetime side-content afterward. It doesn't forcibly timeskip you to the ending.
Hold, Spire or Dragon temple first?
how does the costume DLC work? is it armor or is there a way to toggle their costumes in a different menu? also does it apply when you're not in a dungeon?
>Steam reviews
Literally the single most worthless review metric in existence.
Is this DLC? I thought it was an in game costume? I was tempted to buy one just to get Hulk out of her insanely fucking ugly default costume.
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What's the fastest way to kill these fuckers?
Wtf are these dungeons in final chapter? Why is the boss 69 while my party is only 53?
The fuck is a gold beetle?
>playing crack metaphor
>choose thief archetype
what stats are good to invest in?
this game is kicking my ass.... I finally made it to the boss of the gran cathedral and I'm on my third day of dungeoning. I spent some more days exploring the town and did a side quest and got a new archetype too, but are all the dungons going to be as long as the cathedral? I thought it would never end
As a personafag, P3 and P3R sucks balls. At least they can do is revamp the dungeon. I hope they actually exert some effort in P6 just as much as they did with Metaphor.
Luck (laughs)
i think the outfits of the companions suck
After the island how many main dungeons are there? I see theres one city and then its back to the capital?

The main dungeons can be rather long but its especially felt for the cathedral because its the first one where you dont have as much resources. As a tip, reclass Hulkenberg out of Knight to either Healer or Brawler
Its a collectable throughout the game you turn in for items. The first 3 items I got weren't great so I don't think it matters.
This game doesn't give anywhere near enough MAG
>literally one shot him with charge + peerless
Switch to mage in that dungeon so you can recover MP.
Wait... It's already cracked? I wasted 70 bucks???
I went to the dragon temple after sky turned red and this dragon is kicking my ass. I am level 50. Am I just severely underleveled for this?
Yeah they bypassed Denuvo the day after I bought the game. I feel so bad.
I don't want to do that trick
I was thinking about taking Knight's Proclamation and putting it on brawler. But I don't want to grind up mage classes on other characters because it takes so much MAG and time.
the demo lock got bypassed
Yeah, everything in the endgame is very high level.
Go away denuvo marketer.
So just teleport in and out of dungeons until you're high level enough to deal with the bosses?
i hope in persona 6 they have yakuza-like minigames where you can play with cranes
Probably. The towers are probably the last thing you want to do.
I still love the game very much the way I was feeling on my first fresh playthrough but now that I'm on NG+ I can see a lot of flaws more glaringly as I scrutinize the content a bit more.
All the unvoiced dialogues, somewhat reused assets, lack of long-term QOL (You can't read your books somehow unless you're in the gaunlet, why? Can't fish, can't go into the bath, etc), missing arcs.
Hashino said he makes his games intentionally incomplete and I can believe it and simultaneously I wonder if Atlus cut some corners here and there with the fear of overshooting their budget but the game not meeting sales expectations (like DDS did).
I think leaving so many things left questioning is likely intentional, since you're barely knowing these characters to begin with. If they fed you everything you needed to know, they wouldn't be able to shill you the additional material along the line would they?
>people grind as mage to get 1 mp back per overland free win over 30 minutes a pop
>I just play on normal and don't have to do that because my MP lasts until the end
the hard part is being so intelligent
It took you more than a dozen hours to see that? The game literally peaks at the demo. Then it's all downhill with some redeemable Louis sections. But it's an extremely dull JRPG with the most copypaste scenery I have ever seen.
>The game literally peaks at the demo.
I actually dislike the earlygame a lot now so no, the game only really starts when you get the gaunlet so the first few hours after you know everything just feels like "yeah I need to get this over with"
use the MC's synthesis that does 9999 almighty to all enemies
second that
also it is because it is way more heavy handed at the start
later on the nuance starts to emerge
>The game literally peaks at the demo.
No it doesn't. You haven't played it. Dumb /v/ tourist.
>samefagging again
Its definitely heavyhanded at the start but it also starts to loop back to surprisingly fulfilling as you gain more and more followers with people changing their view thanks to your hard work
game is bad desu. its only tolerable if you've never played another atlus jrpg
>persona 5
why the fuck
You don't need MP recharge in any dungeon, but doing it in 1 run is miserable because your gear isn't as optimized as they can be. Just quit, grab the shiny equipments in the side dungeons, then come back tomorrow
Whatever you do, don't do a luck build on your first play through unless you're a masochist.
I heard there's a way you can get a point of luck every week. Can someone redpill me on this?
too late...
Nah the last month is peak when all the story keeps happening until the end.
Go to the bathroom on the gauntlet every idlesday.
You're not alone. I just made it to the final dungeon when everyone else already beat it on day 2.
This is my first Fatlus RPG and I hate it. JRPGs are supposed to be comfy. Not this deadline work shit with endless dungeon crawling.
Should have played SMTVV instead if you don't like the time management aspect.
That one isn't on a timer? Regardless I dislike how low effort the areas are in the game. Only the towns are well made. Dungeons are all copypaste as fuck.
1 more final main dungeon after you leave the island. Some more side dungeons open up, and you return to some past ones. There is a part of realizing something was absolutely cut out of the game.

I don't count Opera House as a dungeon
There is no time management in SMT. You're free to dick around as you please.
Post opera spoilers
>Louis has the lance embedded in his chest
>we gotta get the lance back
>no Eupha you cant recall back the lance, we cant run because they'll chase us
>lets just go down there and say we killed Louis and let Forden have the lance instead, say we betrayed Louis to kill him
This whole part was very stupid, they should have just recalled the lance and ran.
How do you farm MAG? Any good spots in final chapter?
Got a bunch of money and mag from doing the coliseum. The hot springs give you mag but its only like 1k.
OH right. I totally forgot coliseum existed. How many days does it take to finish it?
Took me like 5 days, using both day and night, I believe.
Junah joining feels really forced. The whole chapter is pretty stupid.
He said no endless dungeon crawling. He should play a good rpg instead of SMT.
At the half way point and surprised that at worst Heismay has become a little irrelevant. But there's no Makoto stealing all the screen time, and Strohl/Hulkenberg have remained in focus so aren't suffering the early party curse. Does it mostly manage to keep this up?
Thanks. I still have 24 days so that'll work.
There is no dungeon crawling in SMTVV.
Does this game have any social stat checks that sneak up on you with it leaving you with not enough time to even finish them?
Overall he seems to be the most irrelevant member of the cast but everyone in the party gets their own moment to shine above other persona games. So it's better I think.
Yes in my experience
Repeat-the-same-boring-desert-with-a-different-pallet crawling.
The entire world is a dungeon crawl
It's more or less the same. Still not as good as how P3 managed it's cast.
Bas is the most irrelevant but it's still better than Haru was.
Nah he gets a lot of cool moments
>half your party doesn't even have social links
I never had to do that.
Keep going and it gets EVEN more stupid.

The entire "recall lance" shit should have been cut cause it adds so much stupid shit.
Bad Weather in probaably the Spire of Blind Faith. Just clear the floor with all those skeletons and go back up and reset.
>half of your party doesn't have irrelevant yapping events because they develop alongside the main plot
I 1 dayed all the dungeons except gran cathedral (2 days) without ever using mage MC on Hard though.
Seems like a skill issue tbqhwy
Anyone? I want to know if doing the story dungeon unlocks new content or changes stuff significantly
>he took two days to do Gran
LOL skill issue INDEED
What's with this latest shitposting cope? Basilio gets to travel alongside you after Brilehaven and you get to see more of him in general months before he actually formally joins. Even during the months he joins, he is still relevant because he was Louis's fucking henchman so he knows the guy. It's not like Haru at all. Haru was only relevant for her dead father during that one arc specifically and nothing else.
I hate how you can't fucking see your stat buffs on the ui during battle.
That's not a good thing
Yes but Haru is sexo
Bas is fine, he might not be super important to the narrative but him being around way before you get him meant they could set up his arc. I really hope P6 does this as well and lets you get to know all the party members long before they join. Especially if that character has a spell item growing garden that you only get to use for a month.

P3 gives them more to do in the story throughout. The issue with 4/5 was giving them story focus in the dungeon, social link and then back to the Makoto show. Metaphor for the most part managing both is impressive.
Seriously what dungeons can she even show up in? She's only showed up for the one south of Altabury for me. I understood her not showing up for the one on the rock in the middle of the ocean but when she didn't even come to the thief hideout it just made me wonder why they even fucking bothered. Can she show up for the dragon towers? I haven't gotten around to them yet.
We have Irish gnome Haru now she is no longer needed.
The used goods?
She can show up to the dragon towers but she only showed up for one for me.
The problem with Bas is he's kind of a whatever character. If it was Fidelio who'd joined I think it would've fit well as the Ehtria arc was almost exclusively focused around his character.
Bas joining just feels a bit like you're taking in a stray. He doesn't really have much motivation towards the mission.
Can't believe Junah antis are still allowed on this webzone
Junah is a virgin
Damn doing the tower before dragon dungeon busted my level balance. New party member joining 4 levels below the rest while the previous one joined the same level as everyone else.
His motivation is he wants to fucking kill Louis more than even Strohl does. That seems like a pretty good motivation to me!
>1 week after game release
>still no optimized STR build
I haven't seen her since rank 4 and sort of gave up on doing hers
>feels a bit like you're taking in a stray
That's a bit kind of the point in some capacity, and explicitly shown in Etria arc. He was never exactly 100% in with Louis, and just obeys whatever Fidelio would tell him or whatever Louis himself would tell him. He has very little will of his own, so Fidelio dying gives him that 'reason' to find himself without following orders from the guy who fucking killed his brother
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>The Holy Knight's Proclamation skill guards you
>The Praetorian Cloth turns guards into half turn actions
>Even while holding the Praetorian Cloth, Holy Knight's Proclamation uses a full turn.
Damn, Paladin is not looking good.
Dark Knight seems like the better Archetype in every way.
>going str
>when MC personal class is hybrid
Agreed, you should go mag

She become a normal city perk soon
Not really sure what the point of Dark Knight is either. There are better magic and physical attackers.
Why are DPS schizos like that?
Need to go Samurai for the "takes half damage but cant dodge" passive.
>just hit the part where Edeni names the village.
Bravo, simply bravo, 10/10 game.
Sure I'll get right on getting Hulkenberg an extra maxed out Elite Archetype when I'm still struggling to get everyone into their Royals.
Shouldn't Chunkenberg's monstrous appetite make that an innate skill?
New cope
You get a 500 attack weapon if you unlock all the archetypes on characters.

Start grinding
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Funnily enough I actually did do that in advance, but I now notice Dark Knight has the Flawless skill, which increases all stats, including evasion, at the start of battle.
So not sure if I even should add Samurai's Sturdy Stance skill anymore.
Rather kino if we're being honest
Proclamation is a meme skill. Just make Hulkenberg into a dps knight.
True, but it has Pierce Boost and a Heavy Pierce Attack.
Inherit the General's physical Ice and Fire moves and you now have 3 elemental physical moves on it. That's not bad, right?
kinda crazy how broken the game gets when you can buy the -1 turn icon for a synth ability
stacking synth passives like damage increases and mana reduction lets you use synth skills like a normal action
literally killing bosses in 1 turn or even 1 skill because they hit for 13-20k+ when boosted
killed every boss in the final dungeon under 1 turn with 1-2 synth skills
Where can I farm more waters? I have too many items I need to purify and not enough blessed or heavenly waters.

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