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my favorite fighting game character, _____ from ______
this one actually is in a fighting game
some mugen shit you had to google, I'm sure
Made for rape.
glad we're getting some nitroplus blasterz representation in the OP.
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It almost gave us the Go Gofundme Cup arc
When can I throw out Ken's MP as a hit confirm? It's so stubby compared to MK
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Rape? What are you guys talking about in there?
he should invite his teacher to post with us, we still dont have a proper drawfag
That's just Rapecheez, he likes rape
I feel bad for laughing at him now. If that story is to be believed, he's probably legit learning disabled.
he was just yucking it up with his sensei don't be a pansy
No I mean like
the fact that he had a teacher telling him exactly what to do and he still draws like he's a child.
I thought he was just locking himself in a room and doing everything alone. If that's how he is with instructions, it has to be some kind of mental thing.
he's improving lil nigga quit talking shit
>he's probably legit learning disabled.
He's shown plenty of signs over the years of having autism or at least some kind of developmental disorder.
anyone else find it that cheez is retarded, but he still manages to manipulate and exploit another retarded guy?
I think it's because they're both basically children, but Baron is more naive and values thinks Cheez's friendship is genuine but Cheez is a spoiled brat who's used to getting his way so the only thing he values in people is how they can benefit him

Baron were slightly less retarded he would catch on to Cheez's shit because Cheez is not actually very good at this
cheez is cartman
baron is butters
Pretty much yeah
who's billy and who's mandy
How so?

Innocent until proven guilty
cartman has been carrying the show for a long time now since it hasn't been good in ages
just like /fgg/
fear and shuckle
They own the dev and the project is fully funded by Bamco. You are required to fund and produce garbage like this after getting the Fink money.
What good does getting the fink money do if you blow it all on something that loses it all? At the end of the day it all just ends up being a waste of time and resources.
she needs to take better care of her ass
at least moisturize
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all the companies that take the money get convinced there's a market out there for the game and they can turn it into a full franchise with cartoons and movies and basically have their own MCU, that's what bamco had planned for unknown 9. All your favorite Bamco IPs died for this basically.
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Sounds like it's just a way to trick a company into killing itself
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Think of DEI money as a loan/investment rather than just being handed a large sum of money to put woke elements into a game. All these talks and investments would have happened around 8 to 7 years ago at this point. Now these games are being released in a climate where people are fully aware of what they are and how they were funded.
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Domestication is a long-term strategy. Companies know it's less work to peddle shit for timmies than it is for thugs, so they enter the program in hopes it'll help them curate a manipulable audience.
Built for the Cheezcock.
>scripted podcast
isnt the term audio drama, what the fuck is a scripted podcast
From the other general because that one died

>Netherrealm solves the input system by creating two input systems where you can tweak everything
>SF6 sparked a debate because of the simplified inputs
I don't get guys MK outsold the entire industry and it feels like no one has played these games. I know normies won't play competitively but I don't think people had to fight over input system when the solution is in front of them. Also they don't bound the game to the framerate you can play up to 120fps
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Sonico was in a fighting game?
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Honestly wished すーぱーぽちゃ子 would have made it instead of cat play Sonico.
Made for Cheezcock
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I sincerely hope blobmonger gets cancelled one day but best case scenario obama catches a stray too
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