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13 days left edition
You did start on your Halloween game, right?

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

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>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
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Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

haven't been here in a week or so, too busy looking at the pokemon leaks to work on my game
what did i miss
not much bunch of people their games flopped
13 Day Challenge to create a shoot em up retro rogue-like balatro-like pupperino-like for Demo DAy? And it is a YouTube Video!?
ScriptableObjects are just like json except they come built in with a really nice json viewer / editor
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give me a idea for a halloween game
keep these gifs coming and i'll ration you some of my ideas
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soulless op
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why did this game make it when kingdom come deliverance exists?
a bunch of streamers played it
i look like this and dress like this, it's too bad i can't make 3d art that does the same
style bros will buy eclectic games like this, similar to people who buy cool record LPs
if you look like that and dress like that you don't need to make 3d art
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A knight fella I made today, next to my protag with her extra details added.
they're nice, enable shadow casting too
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His eyes are too big so I'll fix that in Blender. Here he is from player's perspective.
You can still see some white seams coz I hadn't edited the texture sheet yet. Oh, he also has a painted on belt buckle and excess belt dangling down.
>coom VN
>fnaf toy animatronics looking bitches
hard pass
My game was a horrible flop, but it released in Early Access. Would putting out an free 1 level demo additionally help me somewhat?
he's looking good brodie, dont sweat the details. Is he going to have a weapon or anything like that?
What should I do with a hair mesh and earrings? Should I rig them separately and parent them to the main rig and then assign weights?
i have small boobs so it's still over for me, my creative output has more value than my body does... but men stop finding women attractive once they age anyway, so i might as well get used to life outside the male gaze, as sad as it is

by the time i'm an old lady i can still create vr avatars (assuming kamala wins and we still have a human habitable planet where technology still works)
nice rp
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>doesnt know flat is justice
what kind of larping is this, did mongol's schizo hit?
it's my actual personality, i'm a recovering "femcel"

not really, it's either boy math or cope
the guy i used to have a crush on said i should stick to 2d art, he doesn't know he's totally crabbing, but it's making 3d art and gamedev that has given me a renewed sense of purpose and saved me from heartbreak
Don't watch porn today anon, you know who you are
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Thanks mate. Yeah so I'll use his base mesh to make probably 3 slightly different guys (one with a helmet, one with a beard etc) and they'll have different weapons attached to their hands. She's just going to meet them in a cave after they've survived an attack by my wolf man bad guy. Picrel if you hadn't seen him before.
What happens when you feed a schizo and make them comfortable.
Guys please guide me in the right direction, rigging and weighting is soul crushing.
Great, another thread devled into /r9k/ garbage and my actual gamedev question got ignored.
Gee I wonder why sane devs stay away from this decrepit shithole.
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>boy math
hmmm the logic that boys use to determine whether girls are attractive huh...
>sees a woman post
>erm bros, she's schizophrenic
lol this adds up to the average man's skills of understanding women

this looks cool, but the knight could use some more muscles, kinda like leon from resident evil, he looks a bit like mark zuckerberg
this doesnt really have an answer. just parent it to a bone in the main rig if you dont need any secondary motion. give a separate rig if you want them to dangle around
Any girl talking about being a girl on 4chan is automatically unattractive. Even having met attractive girls who use 4chan it's hard to imagine it being the case.
how to rig anything related to the head
>make short hair
>set mesh to bone

>be me
>automatic weights
Thanks. For the record >>498869352 isn't me, he's just some faggot.
yeah... this is why it's my fate to be a femanon game dev

post game femanon
I'm sorry. I'm sure you're not unattractive by default. Even the genuinely ugliest girl has the potential to be attractive to someone who loves them.
kek really
link 'em
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there's no game, i'm still making assets :(
That is some 85 IQ logic you got there, dude
i HATE webp
What program do you use to draw the environment's textures, Anon?
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>my characters are all seen from afar (topdown camera)
>this means I can get away with using Blockbench to model and animate
just fast until you're lean, it's that simple
oh and make sure you notice how I didnt use the word "intermittent"
also in the meantime go to a good orthodontist and ask for your palate to be expanded

then open up an onlyfans and rake in the millions
Are there maybe alternative coding solution? Like if I do not want to use things like abs() or arctan()
Why are you hiding the characters at the end of the trailer and in the last images? All the appealing stuff should be front and center. This is game dev suicide. At least put one of the furry girls in the header capsule.
I also found it strange, looked like slop for the first 20 seconds and then it suddenly got real good
>some anon posts about this card shop simulator flopping
>Timmy gives it away for free a few days later

Right now i only have vanquish and yakuza infinite wealth left and will be basically have finished every game i've ever wanted to play from ps1 to current gen, i will no longer have any excuse to not work on my game right?
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>every example in the documentation
>"and this is how you use delta time to scale your character's movement speed in the update call"
>same documentation
>"all movement should be handled by the physics engine during the fixed update calls"
They're all shit I found online lol. I'll replace them with my own similar ones if it looks like making it to a full game. If it's the stone path you're eyeing, I think it was in the free fantasy village from Unity asset store I imported years ago.
oh no my game sucks and looks like shit
infinite wealth is great but it's like 80+ hr play
update for purely visual shit so it looks smooth

fixedupdate for anything gameplay related to keep it deterministic
What's it about? Do the boobies play into the gameplay?
it's not gonna take me more than a week yakuza variety makes it pretty easy to play more than 5 hours a session. still the fact that soon i will no longer have games i'm interested in playing feels great.
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Oh yeah, have you played all of these?
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That sounds really janky. They usually say to keep your fixed update rate low, like 60-100 times a second. These days 144hz monitors are common and even 240-480hz aren't that rare. Imagine playing a fps game on a 480hz monitor and all the entities in the game world are only moving at 60fps, it'd look like a slideshow to you.
if your game is fun demos are good
the human eye can only see 12 frames per second
Yes except
>cod pubg time splitters
no interest in fps
>FF vagrant
No interest in pre FFX rpgs unless you have unique atmosphere and story like shadow hearts
is there something like metahumans but for creatures and free?
no, but you can pay me
yes but most people have 2 eyes so 24 fps is what you should aim for. just like all movies
well, what do you want? if your game is more complex than smb1 you're not going to be running a full physics simulation 480 times a second, probably not going to be rendering many games at 480fps either even ignoring the cpu

those high fps displays are all designed for adaptive sync anyways and for that you want to cap your fps a little lower than the max refresh rate of your monitor for best results, bump your fixed update up to 120 times a second and nobody is going to complain
Anon specifically knew about that game because Tim announced it a week ago.
>I'll replace them with my own similar ones
Yes and what program do you use for those, m8
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just use blockbench dude
You should at least play Vagrant Story given the influence it has on modern indie retroslop nostalgiabait
Oh right, sorry. I draw in GIMP. Not exactly tracing over other people's shit, because even that can get you into trouble if they lined it up on top. But using existing textures underneath with a transparent layer on top, you can sketch out a rough idea of what you want then start colouring. My character models in that pic though were handpainted in Blender's texture painting mode.
Vagrant Story also inspired Dark Souls and Kojima. No video game dev education is complete without a playthrough
>be me
>browse steam nextfest
>all of a sudden mongol
movement happens in physics_update which is faster than your framerate, nodev.
You're simulating physics 480+ times a second?
>Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
>“Roughly by 2034, since I’m a solo developer and working on games takes a lot of time and effort.”

I respect the honesty.
ideally it's an open world gta/morrowind like with fixed camera angles and pre-rendered backgrounds, and it's a really important part of the gameplay after all what is a game without appeal? it's morrowind, and that's pretty boring despite it's potential
I see. It's similar to what I do (though I use Aseprite for environment textures and Blockbench's built-in texture drawing tools for the characters)
I ask around to see how other anons do it. Thanks mate
it's only nessecary to make a physics call/check 8 times a second at most

what is blockbench is it easier than blender for texturing?
Yes. It needs to be that fast for VR.
It's based on that pizza cat anime and MedaBots.
What most real games do is let the visual representation lag 1 physics update behind and then interpolate all the transforms in update for smooth motion.

>physics call/check 8 times a second
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Wasn't me. My game only has 28 reviews and nobody pirating it. That anon's doing better than I am.
sooner or later everyone must sit down to a banquet of consequences, and i am greedy
That's a good line. I'm taking it for my game.
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>nobody pirating it
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It is what it is.
not much is going to change assuming it's 60 fps, even having physics variables be checked around every 7 frames is a bit much, but it should be good for taking everything into consideration, real life isn't so advanced that much more than that is needed
Post game.
Blockbench is easier than blender for everything, especially exporting gltf files that have multiple animations in them.

The catch? Because it was born to make models for Minecraft, its rigging is group based, NOT weight based.
To make you understand, here's how rigging models works
>in Blender:
you draw the 3D bones (the armature) then paint the weights of the model for each bone, so that the bones *warp* the model
>in Blockbench:
all of your model's bodyparts are different, separate objects. The arm is one object, the forearm is one object, etc etc.
Then, in a side-panel that looks similar to a File Explorer folder hierrachy, you put those objects inside one another in the order that you need. For example: the chest folder contains the arm folder, which contains the forearm, which contains the hand etc etc.

The problem with this? NO WARPING OCCURS. Why is that a problem? Because joints exist.

So either you make your model in blockbench, then rig it and animate it somewhere else, OR you get creative: make spheres and place them where the elbows and knees are supposed to be, so that when you rotate a limb the sphere shows instead of the detached minecraft-like limb (and you'll texture the sphere accordingly).

It works perfectly fine for my top-down game where the models are far away, but if your models are seen up-close you might want to use another program (if the style wouldn't fit, that is)

I hope that was clear enough
seed the game on pirate sites yourself to get publicity
>thinks she is the sole reason the planet can be saved
Lol kek even
It's on early access that doesn't count.
Games get about half their sales in Early Access. The full release won't do any better (If it even makes it that far)
plz dont talk to the troons
Now for the PROS of Blockbench:
>group-rigging is super fucking easy, both to make and to modify later on
>because every part of your character is separate (instead of a single whole model) UV unwrapping is literally one button. No playing around with seams or whatever
>texture-painting is pixel perfect, very useful if you want to do pixely textures
>contrary to popular belief, Blockbench DOES have inverse kinematics
>animation window is intuitive and very simple, and lets you create multiple animations stored in the same model

If you can get over the joints stuff (again, I did by using spheres where the joints are. If your character wears armor you could make those the kneepads and elbow pads), then Blockbench is THE gamedev 3D modeling program imo. Gets the job done with no bloat and a very easy UI
If I buy it will you pinky promise to add achievements eventually?
Anyone delved deeper into metahuman? can you pull off the realistic anime style that korean games have?
bro why are you trying to do super realistic faces/characters as an indie dev?
You do realize the rest of your game will have to match the realistic look, right?
Nah, it ain't that simple. Some girls are just ugly, even while thin. It's a curse to be an ugly woman because you're basically lower than a man. Men complain about only being prized for what they can do, but it doesn't even matter what ugly women can do because men prize looks.
1 because i like the artstyle and i want to make a game that i actually like

2 Because i have 0 artistic talent so realistic is easier to pull off

3 megascans will probably be enough for my entire game it's a small isometric game
that's why I mentioned the orthodontist
malocclusions are what make people ugly, that's literally it. Haven't you noticed how ugliness is always in the lower part of the face? Get that fixed friend and get in shape. Once that's done, a fun personality will make you irresistible
What's the current state of the game? Surely the kickstarter alone wasn't enough to fund it?
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>even women are getting into my gamedev hobby now
it's over
always have been
ain't you ever heard of ada lovelace honey?
I will!
how is an orthodontist going to help that anon get rid of his penis?
what games did she make
Just bought it. I shall review it positively once I've played it a bit. You are honour bound to add achievements now even if it wasn't you who posted this response.
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Here's my character. Fully modeled, textured, and animated in blockbench (engine is Godot 4).
Still in prototype stage yada yada, but I never would have gotten here with how clunky Blender is
which reminds me, i still need to paint the lower legs...
Fuck ALL of you

Only I will succeed, and you will all FAIL
relax engine dev
it's a corrupt godot project episode
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Don't worry I was already planning on adding achievements anyways
What's a good amount of achievements to add? 10? 20?
And is it better to do them all at once or add in like 10 at a time?
>Complains about Blender
>Instead of giving up like other Blender complainers, he carries on with another program
Based. It looks good, thougheverbeit chunky.
I guess the Marmo wasn't real after all
Depends on the game. I'm mostly interested in ones for beating the game on each difficulty with each character, and make sure beating it on higher difficulties awards the achievements for lower difficulties as well.
Skill issue.
I haven't had any corrupted scenes since moving to 4.3, and I've been refactoring my entire project and moving stuff all over the place.
Shit broke constantly in 4.1 though
what was the point of this comment?
It's your fault if you're on 4.3.
Simple as.
Blockbenchanon, can you show some close ups of your model in the program?
Does everything need to be ultra low poly Minecraft blocks? I've been thinking of checking it out but I was under the impression it was much worse than you described. I use blender and I agree it's fucking annoying sometimes.
It's your fault that you're not on 4.3. Project corruption wouldn't happen there.
Simple as.

Just use git to revert, undo the project corruption btw, and switch versions.
i am on 4.3. it's not the project file that is corrupt, it must be some cached garbage somewhere, but it's not the vulkan cache because removing that makes no difference. the only thing that fixes it is creating a new project and moving everything to it.
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Thanks m8. I'll spice things up later down the line, first I want to make sure the entire base of my game is complete

Sure, here's my model. It's basically still at the prototype stage, I plan to use realistic textures to achieve that old Max Payne-like PS1 look.

The 3D editor in blockbench lets you do everything blender can do. The only limitation is the rigging, really.
Is the discord a good place to make friends?
Depends. Irl ones, probably not unless you join some large community. Someone with shared interest and probably willing to share experiences, for sure.
Does removing your .godot file work?
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like hese dudes for example made some better looking stuff with the program
mine is nowhere near the final result, so yeah not exactly ideal to show off the program
Very basic but it looks neat in top down.
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i hate ui.. i know this is trash and filled with placeholders, but i want to have something done until the next demo day
I meant our discord
This actually looks very good, are you retarded?
thats not a thing
Could low poly with minimal texturework still sell these days?
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We are currently working on the second chapter, the first half of which will be published next month!
are you editing/moving assets or script files from outside the editor?
that's the first mistake a lot of people make with godot
if you need to move files make sure to do it from the editor so that it can update the links between files
Truthfully I rig most of my shit in blender in this archaic 'separate piece' way because I hate weight painting. I also hate UV unwrapping. I'm going to have to try it out. Do the animations export to blender well incase I need to touch up with more advanced features after?
Appreciate the qrd, model looks good the sunglasses and lines on the face remind me of the big chud memes
looks very interesting
inspired by Cultist Simulator by any chance?
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Yeah. While I'm at it, here's the dialogue system in action. Ignore the protag's sidekick in his glorious T-pose.
So far I've got eye contact (the character faces the NPC), and a small system to pick from an array of talking animations (of which there currently are a whopping... 1), a small pause at commas and periods, that sort of thing.
I'll make it look good one day, right now I need to muster my willpower and get to work on scene transitions (AKA doors)

kek, it's actually not sunglasses but augmented mechanical eyes a-la Dude Sex. It's more clear in the dialogue character portraits here in this gif
My game is a shambling corpse.
Wow it's just like me....
it is ahaha, happy that you know about the game. i want to change some minor mechanics tho, but its kind of a ripoff. the setting is that you control a cast of elites that have corrupted the world, and are now trying to build a tower escaping a consuming fog that only destroys the player on contact. the main mechanic is that you gain emotions through the suffering and joys of your people, and can use them to manipulate enemies and friends alike. i guess its a bit more of a strategy game, but i dont want to make it hard at all, moreso just a bit edgy with different paths to explore. dont want this to be anything commercial, just some practice
I think this example is a bit bad but yeah N64/PS1 and early 3D dos games can look kino
>Character portrait
What kind of game is this? Top down shooter?
I just have to accept that finishing/completing/making a game isn't within a realistic scope, but still try to work on at least some kind of gameplay element every day, to keep working on my gamedev skills...
Nope, it's a VN. There's plenty of shooting, but it's all story-based.
Basically the two protags are sent to this remote snowy village to check for enemy spies. Lots of choices and alternate endings, that sort of thing
I'm pretty awful at programming, modeling, and drawing, but I'm confident in my writing ability so I'm banking the entire project on that, essentially.
its a fun hobby :)
Downscale unti you can make it realistic then.
What is it about this thread that attracts so many doomers and shitters?
devving is just miserymaxxing
It's one thing if you post some amount of progress or commentary on what you're doing but so fucking much is just vague "I can't do this :("

Like move the fuck on
I used to be a cheerful bloomer before I got here
post your game
Realistic would be pong.
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see picrel
no (real) game
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not an excuse
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Ok now you post yours
Oh yeah? my game is a big piece of shit
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I would rather have 15 more gameless Froggies in this thread than to endure tranime spam from marmofaggot for another day, dude.
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Ok. Unity or Godot. Don't bullshit me and don't say "just learn them both for 6 months, then decides :)". Just fucking tell me one. Most convincing anon decides my gamedev journey.
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Second attempt at a low poly Hyumon. Another fuck up, but I ain't giving up :D. I am going to learn!
Just go to >>>/g/gedg and you will have that
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I should've hang out with my friends more back in highschool and university instead of getting addicted to 4chan
damn dude this is the exact same thing from last year like I had to take a break from getting sick and work getting busy but at least i have made progress since getting back


I was working on enemy AI last night in addition to patrolling, seeking and chasing, I implemented a cover system about a week ago, currently working on a shimmy movement so they aren't static when firing and using the same principles a flanking state, the shimmying is a bit buggy right now so no vid/gif
i shoulda just... not been born autismal
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Flip a coin and then stick with it, RIGHT NOW
anything else is just prolonging your nodev life
what do you mean?
Dank beat
Why is making video games so intrinsically linked with programming? Maybe in the past programming was super important for games, but that's no longer the case. In fact for 99% of games programming is more of a cost center than anything.
How do you make a video game without programming?
because a video game is a program that runs on a computer, and to make those you need programming
I said it was a cost center, not completely unneeded.
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>implement new feature
>don't test it or optimize it at all
>if there is any real problem it will pop up later

>find bug
>don't write it down anywhere
>if it's that bad I will run into it again
Easy. The interpreter only takes in dialogue and shorthands so I don't have to do any programming.
>Can't make a choice on his own
Give up, you're never going to make Pong.
>wannabe game developer
>never heard of Roberta Williams
What is needing something if not being intrinsically linked to it?
1. The node system.
Not to be confused with the usual idea of "nodes" you might have, AKA "panels on a grid, connected by squiggly lines". It's not that kind of nodes.
It's a system where everything is a node, either generic or already with a specific purpose that's prepared for you. You place them in a hierarchy and it just works. It's universal across its UI, 2D, and 3D environments so once you learn it it's all smooth sailing.

2. The AnimationPlayer. Literally any aspect of any node can be added as a key to the animation player: from the obvious things such as a sprite's texture, to less obvious things like collision, geometry, 3D animation blending factors, etc. You can animate anything.

3. I'd say Scenes and how anything you make can be saved as a scene so you can iterate it anywhere you want it, but I think Unity might have that as well

Either way Godot is powerful, very intuitive, has great UI, and is completely open-source meaning the Godot devs will never ask you for any money or royalties or whatever, unlike Unity with their recent "if you sell well you owe us" fiasco
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Obviously Unity and everyone who tells you otherwise is a cultist with no forethought
As opposed to a cultist with forethought?
not the anon who posted the webm but I thought the same thing kek

I started developing my game like two months ago and knew nothing about anything. Programming was the thing that scared me the most.
Now? When I have to program it's the comfiest time and easiest thing to do. It's making the art that's the real gruntwork I despise.

Childhood is fear of programming. Adulthood is fear of drawing sprites.
Unity is just the pragmatic choice
No one has ever made a game in Godot yet that is longer than 2 hours
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husband and wife team
this is their third RPG, established fanbase
and yet...
it's over
we might as well be buying lottery tickets
>clears throat
Average playtime theory.
>2 people
anon just make half the content they do 4head
It’s in EA and costs 20 bucks, after 2 weeks it’s already a bigger success than Archtower desu. Also I will buy this game.
I don't see anything surprising here, the game just doesn't look interesting or appealing in the slightest.
A videogame isn't a technical thing. It's not the most optimal code that wins or whatever. Come on dude, even for a doomfag bait this is weak
He's already successful since he has a wife. I still need to make a game good enough to get myself some.
meme marketing instead of targeting their niche
early access
game is amazing otherwise
I'm fucking jealous of their life.

2000 likes is not a lot, especiallywhen you factor in 3/5s of those are bots
some literally who artists I follow with 5000 followers get that much
If anything the game is overperforming
Post game
it's orber for orblikes
>the game just doesn't look interesting or appealing in the slightest.
ding ding ding
>party-based RPG
who the fuck wants to play that in this day and age?

Seriously, the biggest problem of indiedevs is that they haven't played enough videogames to know what works and what doesn't.
Google "Outer Wilds" and "RimWorld"
nvm i looked more closely at the screenshots. I had thought it was true iso sprites, but it looks like unity 3d shit like blades of the shogun
post your game
Then make the best Pong you can.
I see it's armchair analysis time
Not good, but not terrible. Keep it up anon, you WILL get there.
>The head
The head is too flat, it should have more volume. Consider grabbing a low poly ps1 character for free off of sketchfab and examine how they've added a simple nose in their geometry, it goes a long way with a model of this fidelity
>The neck
Kek'd at the neck, poor posture
>The hands
It looks like a G. Again you should look at a sketchfab model for reference.
I used this one as a reference for my own learning. You can also take pieces of existing models and attach them to your own provided you can make the geometry line up reasonably. For example, to attach a previously made low poly hand to your models wrist you would delete the hand you have now or stop modeling at the end of the wrist, import the hand, scale it and line it up, then you can connect vertices by selecting one from your arm and SHIFT+Select the corresponding vertex on the hand, hit M for Merge and select "At last" this take the first vertex you selected and combine it with the second one at the location of the second vertex. You can stich together lots of pieces of existing work that you or someone else has done in this way, so if you make one good low poly hand you don't need to make a new one each and every time from scratch for every model. Since there are so few vertices you can move them around and control where they meet in this way, you can also join them by creating new geometry between the wrist and hand, for example selecting two edges and using Fill (F) to fill the space between them. This is just what works for me, I'm sure there are better Blender anons who can give you more insight.
Actually a good idea.
every fucking game you post is early access, stop it
youre not going to stop, are you? sad! coward!
Obligatory reminder that this game already reached levels of success that Tower of Niggermonvo will never even get a whiff of
>Has the N word in the title
fucking wonder why
>it's either isometric RPG #15569243 or nintendo clone #58718506
>wtf why aren't people interested
It's known how many reviews EA games get compared to 1.0 release and even accounting for that, these are not good numbers for a game like that.
>made a bait post just to shit on tok because it looks similar but worse
see >>498882012
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Sometimes when I just can't get anywhere in gamedev I take a step back to pause, get in bed, close my eyes and start stroking my hair.
It's very soothing, takes only about half an hour to relax and I'm like at 100% happiness again.
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Looks whiffed to me
So the game is good, okay, fine. But you don't sell games on them being good, you sell them on them looking appealing.
The game still has to be good for you to get good reviews, but a good game that looks unappealing will still sell like shit.

Make it good, and make it LOOK good. Nobody has the fucking time and energy for yet another isometric min-maxing RPG with a sad atmosphere
Hard to believe Steam let him upload under that name, I tried to talk him out of it but he called me a "crab" and a "black bastard". Really makes me nervous that Steam is supporting someone so hostile...
Snibeti snab is all I hear
looks like he's wasting his life away on a failed project to me
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is this normal for next fest?...
>game looks exactly like diablo
>like, barely any difference
i will not play it
hopefully your game's art isn't that sloppy
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you sell games by showing them to the people playing those games. Generic twitter marketing is good for fuck all unless you're making meme indieslop horror games. Those two retards spent years crafting a goddamn masterpiece of a game and then forgot that they need to show it to hardcore PC gamers instead of twitter troons. I'm almost temptet to start going around and marketing their game for them because I love it so much but I have better things to do
if nextfest is so good for marketing your game why is there no way for me to see which agdg games are in it without scrolling through the entire garbage heap
>he doesn't know every single agdg game off the top of his head
Cat Tower... Nolgorb's Ordeal, and... ummmm...
Seriously though did no one tell the Tower of Kalemonvo dev their game looked indistinguishable from diablo 2? What did they think would happen?
I believe that was the intention
Those hardcore PC gamers are getting old and leaving the hobby, and there weren't many in the first place.

I'll repeat myself:

You need to make a good videogame, yes, but you also need to make a game that >>>many people want to play<<<

My first ever (now defunct) project was for a baseball management sim. The code could have been fantastically optimized, the aesthetics could have been perfectly nice and quirky and cool, but nothing would have changed the fact that a baseball management sim is, by its very nature:
1. niche
2. already done before

So before you try to make another Super Meat Boy, another Shovel Knight, another Zelda game, another isometric RPG... USE YOUR HEAD: look at how oversaturated the market is with those games, and do something different. Make the next genre-defining game that people will want to copy.
>game looks like a hecking good game?! no! y-you can't just like do that! my game's art doesn't matter!
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i'm a stock market technical analysis expert
this is what's known in the biz as a "knight pattern"
auspicious fortune will come your way, type "YES" to affirm
I forgot to mention there is a great channel on YouTube called 'Starkcrafts' of some European PS1 autist who makes good tutorials that are easy to follow. A great resource for a beginner.
I recommend you check out his videos on the "skinless human" and "skeleton" models, it will show you how to make the geometry using references and also UV map the characters with image textures. These videos are pretty far back on his channel (His new content is cucked and retarded because he hired some agency to try and monetize his following, now his shit is completely obnoxious and cringe) but there is one later video for rigging+animating a low poly character that will be a valuable resource for you in the future.
Good luck, anon, looking forward to attempt 3.
strawman not even worthy of a reply
My point is: make a good game that creates a new genre, or resurrects an old one that you feel could work today.

stop making clones of already existing games
PC gaming is slowly returning to being the go-to system for serious gamers now that consoles are dying and are being taken over by womaniggers
All the undesirable demographics got funneled into mobile games, social media games, and the nintendo switch, so now we are going through a renaissance of sorts
Instead of playing Halo or Shadow of the Colossus people nowadays are playing Kenshi, RimWorld, Underrail, Mount and Blade, Project Zomboid, Minecraft, etc
so yeah, it's PC market all the way. You just need to target them
>Parries your straw man with an appeal to authority
>Counterattacks for critical damage
Followed some dude (artist) on itch.io and then he rated one of my games 5 stars, problem is he rated the WRONG game (he certainly did not even play it) and now I keep getting traffic on that game from people seeing his rating action in their feed, I suppose … but only on the wrong game, though it has a link to the right one in it … …
Notice anything about the games you just listed? They're not straight up copies of already established games.
If you make a copy of Diablo 2, those hardcore PC players will just go "eh whatever I'd rather play Diablo 2"
It scratches the same itch and it doesn't require the player to learn a new system.

Stardew Valley brought to the PC market a genre that was never big in it before. You just proved my point
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>it's 2025 and you STILL haven't jumped on the VHS filtered horror walking simulator asset flip jank train
But Banquet for Fools is not a straight up copy of anything. It has plenty of fresh ideas that got me interested.
Watch the trailer. The game has some really involved systems and gameplay dynamics
That guy makes good games though. Not asset flips by any means.
>But Banquet for Fools is not a straight up copy of anything
Yeah but what do you need to do to find that out? You need to buy it and play it. You can't tell from looking at the store page that it's different from the thousands of isometric RPGs already available on PC
I seriously need to get off 4chan!
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working on the title screen for my game so having a cool name would be neat. Hazel's Last Gamble is okay but I usually like one word titles like "Rance" or "Ib" and stuff like that i think it makes it more memorable but idk how i could reduce this one just calling it after the main character seems a bit boring.
The trailer shows it off pretty blatantly. I was really intrigued by the gameplay before I even played a second of it
what is the most market-competitive aspect of your game?
You overestimate the average person's attention span.
The first look of the game is the title image. The second look are the screenshots. 99% of people on Steam have already decided if they're interested or not by this exact point.
The story, the visuals, and the gameplay are all strongly market competitive. I blow most modern releases out of the water completely
You're arguing with someone who never played that game nor watched the trailer, if it's not already obvious. He just picked it to crab on a random dev.
my market is me and i compete with no one
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How do i resolve collisions the right way?
this happens because i resolve vertical collisions first
>good games
So you didn't even play the game? It's even on itch.io.
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String more like Cring
>"why isn't this game doing well?"
>because it doesn't capture the player's interest at a first glance
dumb fuck
>It's not a good game because I didn't make it
It's simple, you check collisions and apply the math to the movement vector after you've checked both vertical and horizontal. You do realize you can get the values without adding them immediately right?
>random dev
it's worth noting that all of the hatred towards Tower of Kalemonvo developer is one schizo jealous of his success
>this happens because i resolve vertical collisions first
then uuhh dont do that
Really stretching the definition of the word "success" there buddy
unreal is a fucking headache to use, no thanks

Having a dedicated schizo is a measure of success
Still not using Unreal.
>Unreal now officially supports indies
Godon't keeps losing. ;)
>tfw no schizo for your game
This is a communication problem, not a metaphysical problem or whatever you're implying. It just sounds like a typical case of an overcommitted creative that cares very much forgetting why anyone else should care.
Which is why I sais 70 reviews is a damn good performance especially for no advertising. I've seen games from much mote prominent developers with real names do as well.
Okay but I'm still not using it.
I played the first episode. It's garbage. One of the worst games I've ever played.
Watched playthroughs of some of the other ones, a bit improved but by no means are they good games.
Even in the horror walking simulator genre Chilla's Art games blow them out of the water.
Post your Game?
You don't have a game.
crumble needs a new target now that Underspace won't reply to him
no the schizo needs to attach organically
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It is called reality sweaty ;)
this is not a good video game, stop gaslighting
And the reality is rhat I'm still not using Unreal kek.
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then you run trough vertical walls
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how to fix this?
I'm just saying isometric RPGs are an oversaturated AND niche market. What's so metaphysical about that?
Damn, this dev has released some cool games before. I think he's an artist though and not a programmer otherwise there wouldn't be so many negative reviews about how jank his games are.
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Isn't funny that almost nobody on agdg understands that good writing, basically follows some universal patterns, and universal stories?

Like rag to riches, or cinderella story or the cavalier last time rescue climax, or the plot of revenge, or the tale of the underdog team.

Like there's no new types of story we suddenly discover, is all thousand year old tales we're biologically hardwire to enjoy.
Like chord progressions.
looks dope. Game?
>It's not a good game because it's better than anything I've ever made
Every time.
>looks dope. Game?
You're thinking in "big story arc" terms, and not in "character interaction" terms.
In other words you don't read much
Being an artist gamedev is so easy, people will buy your slop since it looks good. Meanwhile us programmers have to make AAAA quality games to compensate.
You're funny Cris, your whole life is a big fucking joke LOOOL
post game
>t. didn't watch the video
it's only 11 minutes long dude
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My game will be the worst ever released by agdg. But I don't mind. It's a start.
How do I use recursion in gamedev?
it's almost as if humans do human things
>expects zoomers to watch 11 minutes of video
lol lmao
post your game
I did watch it but what you're posting is just classic Aggy seethe. You faggots do it all the time to games that blow up.
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>make game in Unity
>use Godot splash screen
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characters must be designed based on the story orchestration and band size.

So, by example:
1 character : Conan the barbarian.
2 characters : Blue and Red oni.
3 characters : Freudian Trio.
4 characters : Tank, healer, hero, lancer.
5 characters : Power rangers band.
6 characters : Sixth Power ranger band.
7 characters : Seven samurais.

Trying to reinvent the wheel is just a waste of time.
Your life is a whole new type of tragedy, Cris
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>I am going to make completely arbitrary rules that constrict an author's freedom
>wtf everything's already been written!
competition for that is fierce though
>she doesn't know that all stories have already been written
>WTF she has no idea all stories basically follow the same principles throughout history
>japan BTFO
>once im done practicing my karate i should work on my workflow
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Those are basically common tropes of character orchestration anon.

It's of hard to pull an original duet without making it a form of blue and red oni.

Why try to create something that doesn't feel as good as what it has been proven to work?

>arbritrary rules
They're the same as drawing or music rules.
Cris will die on March 25th, 2026
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>a whore that will never accomplish anything in life, vs a visionary who has changed the lives of millions
midwits love to categorize things dont they, makes you feel very smart
yet you're not making millions off of being a writer, despite writing being seemingly solved. Curious!
No you didn't. It's a 20 minute game where you walk around an empty house receiving text messages that warn you about a suspicious man outside your house, who eventually breaks in. The loss condition is you investigate and he murders you. The win condition is you run down the stairs and out the door. It's barely even a game let alone good horror
>it's not good horror because I said it isn't and it's also a game because I said it isn't
>actual criticism? who do you think I am?
Your idea of writing is the summary of the entire plot.
You don't seem to care at all about details, character personalities and interactions between them, and so on. That is the mark of an uncultured overly-confident dumbass
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being able to cathegorize is what allowed us to develop science so you can have a computer with electricity to shitpost with me.

Is the main reason why we now know to not cut your dicks, because we cathegorized it based on real life experiences.
this guy is right
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Yep, I'm going to have Will Wright / Peter Molyneux style interviews where I show just how detailed and interactive the world of my game is.

Your view is extremely shallow. Your aim is clearly dishonest: you either want to appear smarter than you really are, or you're trying to demoralize people. Either way you're wrong.
makes you wonder if scientific and computerized approach is able to produce a timeless work of art with a soul that speaks to the viewer
Cool, I'm in a meme!

I have a real game, with a beginning middle, and end. It's just very short ...

>two threads
What are you clowns up to today?
>Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout
>23 people (16 professional roles, 7 thanks) with 26 credits.

>Voice Acting
>Seán William McLoughlin (credited as Jacksepticeye)

Seems suspicious
Categorizatiom saves lots of brain power and it's what our caveman brains love to do. Sadly many will fail to see that it's just a trick of the mind in the end and think it defines something more fundamental. Object classes, species, genders, even life itself are unfathomably messy processes, classifications are drawn on water. Thankfully in artificial environment like videogames we can reproduce our object obsession to the t, as this environment is defined by us.
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>I read the summaries on wikipedia of many books, and they're very similar
>tch writing is solved!
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I don't see malicious intent in Cris's words here.
I think Cris is relaxed and just enjoying his time posting with you all.
>>Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout
>>23 people (16 professional roles, 7 thanks) with 26 credits.

>>Voice Acting
>>Seán William McLoughlin (credited as Jacksepticeye)

>Seems suspicious
push body against motion
Do you guys think if I recreate a Mario 1-1 level tile position for tile position as an easter egg with my tike assets Nintendo can sue me?
>remove the interface remove the keyboard
holy shit this guy really is ideaguy incarnate. What the fuck was he thinking. This is some of the most backwards PC-hating mentality I have ever seen

That's a whole lot of words to not really say anything
>can't even greentext right
100% retard
>>can't even greentext right
>100% retard
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writing is something more than the plot or characters anon.

There's also the dialog, the setting, the time period, your team budget.

There's also shit like prose vs poetry and even shit that is visual language, as well as film language.
Some shit like choreographies don't even have words and are closer to the writing of music and film language.

I have no ill intent.
Just talking a bit about writing.

there's nothing to solve.
good writing has been understood for a couple decades.
>>>Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout
>>>23(Dead) people (16 professional roles, 7 thanks) with 26 credits.
damn, i hope it was worth it
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uhhhh le Cris is le having fun!!! I'm going to avoid the argument now because I lost, then I am going to reply to this post asking "how did I lose?" continuing to ignore the point in >>498886274
fuck off faggot
>anonymous claims to be femanondev
wait... how many of us are there here?
>fuck off faggot
I'm sorry you lack the neccessary wisdom and knowledge to parse it. May I suggest the fundamentals of quantum physics as a companion piece?
I wonder if a femanondev ever crabbed my game.
>writing is something more than the plot or characters anon.
That is my entire point. Writing is so complex that saying
>just copy what works
is completely meaningless, pointless, and of no help to anybody here
Nice try tranny. We know it was you
Game looks very soulful, but I've warned everyone about the dangers of RTwP rpgs for a long time. Nobody likes them. They were popular for like 3 years in the 2000's. But I suspect this game's main problem is it doesn't have enough bright colors and anime stylings for zoomers.
Also evolution of brains.
go jump off a bridge rat scumbag
i think I'm not going to do voxel water. I mean, I think I know how to do it. Just make each voxel have a float value of 0-1 with how much water it has and make it flow downward if there is nothing there, otherwise flow to the sides if there is nothing there, and otherwise finally flow up if there is nothing there until equilibrium is reached. All water comes from a water source block that also has a limit on how much it can spread. But coding that seems like hell and my project is already ambitious enough so I think I will just make a water plane at a certain height as a simple and cheap solution
>femanon game dev
Please provide free female voice acting for agdg games
Attaboy. Keep at it.
writing sure is complex.

My point was that there's some fundamentals that works, god know why.

Childish wordplay rhymes will sound always sound funny.
Quick words sounds agresive.
Slow roman words sound snobbish and intelectual.

Who the fuck knows why all those rules happens?

The key to mastering a skill is to acually study the rules, so you can later play with them.

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