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Previous Thread: >>498878130

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Kill Reisa.
Behead Reisa.
Roundhouse kick Reisa into the concrete.
Slam dunk Reisa into the trashcan.
Crucify Reisa.
Defecate in Reisa's boots
Launch Reisa into sun.
Stir fry Reisa's face in acid.
Toss Reisa into active volcano.
Urinate onto Reisa's clothes.
Judo throw Reisa into a wood chipper.
Twist Reisa's stupid head off.
Chop Reisa in half with axe.
Curb stomp Reisa.
Trap Reisa in quicksand.
Crush Reisa under trebuchet.
Liquefy Reisa in a vat of acid.
Eat Reisa.
Dissect Reisa.
Exterminate Reisa in the colosseum.
Stomp Reisa skull with steel toed boots.
Cremate Reisa in the kiln.
Lobotomize Reisa.
Mandatory rocks throwing at Reisa.
Grind Reisa in a mortar.
Rape and dissect Reisa.
Drown Reisa in liquid gold.
Incinerate Reisa with fire.
Kick Reisa off a cliff.
Gas Reisa.
Feed Reisa to the lions.
Slice Reisa's throat open.
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Mika should die
Hina should die
Peaceful /bag/...
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cute feet
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>"They used the T word?"
>"I'm on my way"
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>not only listed Taiwan as its own region, but Hong Kong too
I can't wait for the free pyros
Did anyone save the stream?
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My canon wife Fuuka...
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The instant nodoka disappears she rapes me while whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
Where's the subtitled devtalk
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Glory to the CCP
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>The Taiwanese themselves want to go to the one china policy
*impregantes them*
Someone please tell me they downloaded the stream...
>actual bugmen in bag
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Blue Archive has fallen. Taiwan must surrender.
who fucking cares
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>The Taiwanese themselves want to go to the one china policy
Lol. Lmao.
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>the stream with all of the spinning chibis is lost media now
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Every time anyone waste a post talking about cuck shit or feminist shit, I automatically consider them a bugman.
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>Go to restaurant with your handsome sensei
>Suddenly a wild young Black Tortoise Club student appears!
>"Hey you, the most handsome out of this flowerfield with skin fair enough to cause nations to fall! Come to my mansion so I can fuck you!"
>Black Tortoise student tries to grab sensei but beautiful Pure Blossom protag interferes, Black Tortoise student gets irritated and shouts like a retard
>Onlookers gossip about "there is no way this weak-looking hag could possibly beat the Black Tortoise master, the match is already decided! No need to even look!"
>Shu- the Pure Blossom student kills the Black Tortoise one in one bullet, all the onlookers go "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? She beat the fair lady master! That can't possibly be! Who is that girl?"
>Old shiba dog, seemingly a beggar, but actually one of the strongest daoists in the world, watches at the scene amused, scoffs at the now dead Black Tortoise bitch
>"She had eyes but couldn't see mount Tai"
>Suddenly the voice of the Black Tortoise student's friend, who is the club leader of the Black Tortoise club resounds through the entire city
>Pure Blossom goes on to wipe out the entire Black Tortoise because of MUH by the roots!
>As Shunling is about to strike down the club leader, the club leader cries
>Fool! Our club is just small fry in comparison to the club we are subordinate to, which is the the Student Council of Shanhaijing, who are in turn subordinate to the General Student Council! You'll never have a peaceful life again!
>Shun shrugs
>"Just more targets to KILL!"
>And so Shunling finishes off the club leader and gets into conflict with Shanhaijing's Student Council(and later General Student Council, because MUH progressive powerlevels)
>All these events took a long time to describe but actually happened in an instant
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>Egyptian Japanese
She must get a lot of attention in japan. I bet she's one of a few hundred that is half Japanese half egyptian in that entire country.
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Disgusting I no longer like Fuuka
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I just fucking love this pasta.
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Mmm I think I'll skip a few
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Didn't read
Gotta love how theres all of those delinquent girls then theres just fuuka.
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>the stats we got were complete shit
>but they caused a chinky meltdown
10/10 stats section
>gook akofag is a feminist cuck
The Taiwan situation would be like if the Confederacy never surrendered and moved to an island and made their own country there. And the world views the Confederacy as its own separate country.
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post illegal lost media
Delinquents make the best wives clearly
JP stream is gonna hit a new record because chinks will tune in to spam shit lmao.
Forgotten Kirara...
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Better come up with a solution to appease your chinese overlords.
This analogy actually kind of makes sense
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I mean confederate cucks kinda in Texas and a lot of people want to sacrifice Texas to the cartels just so those crazies can shut the fuck up for once
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No it doesnt samefag
>nexon awoke the dragon
it has never ever been this fucking OVER...
I don't think the average American would want to merge back with the Confederates.
1 billions viewers possible?
The Confederacy came after. The Chinese nationalist government came before.
death to all seiafags
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Fuuka is a delinquent
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I don't think I've ever heard anything about Texas like that. California on the other hand, I'd gladly wave them goodbye if they left and became their own country
I mean, if they made it.

Also no it wouldn't, because America has very little history.
Namba one!
someone make the soundpost
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>go back to /bag/
>chinksectoids actually had a melty over Taiwan being acknowledged
Well that escalated dramatically.
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Dragon> eagle
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BA can EoS by 2027 and i won't be too sad anymore. if Arma4 gets any BA mod at all...
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Yeah, like they way they spam shit during Genshit stream and then it turned out to be a nothing burger?
They can spam all they want, but the jap can easily sniff out the Chang using google translate from a mile away.
This will unironically be true one day because chinks will do there what they did in Macau, send nationalist chinks there, pay them to have big families until one day they just outnumber the others and vote in favor of reuniting with chyna
Unless Taiwan has taken preventive measures that I’m not aware of
Suddendly this make all sense now kek.
Texas is very prideful in their independence
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The definitive canon wife
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The last moments of the FuuCar.
They both lost though.
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Reminder that the chinks have already been known to raid /bag/. There is precedence. This was from the mahjong shit.
Stupid ant horns...
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Modern day republicans literally proudly wave the confederate flag.
t. Nationalist chink
>crashes truck
>runs away
off to jail with you criminal
oh yeah that reminds me

Part of the reason Taiwan often tops charts is that China's great firewall doesn't allow direct interaction with many things. Thus, they use VPNs--usually housed in Taiwan or Hong Kong

In other words, the numbers actually probably represent Chinese people in the mainland, but because their heinous government is oppressive, they become viewed as people from separate territories. Rather than getting mad at their own government for fucking this up, they rage at everyone else.

Like a wasp that flies inbetween a windowpane and a screen, working itself up into rage.
At least the Chinese still have pride in their country. Americans would rather watch California get bombed.
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My precious desert rose.
*proceeds to stab children*
bro you ok?
pat pat pat
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>government pays me to fuck my wife and have as many children as possible
Living the dream.
roses die soon...
The sovereign nation of Taiwan.
Happy Friday anon
Farfie should die
Imagine the face of this bug man as he types this
Winnie Pooh Tianmen Square
the amount and intensity of people complaining and vehemently fuming about chinks is rivaling that of the chinks themselves. you people should get off your high horses.
Larping as nationalists does get you some clouts because most chinks nowadays are jobless or stuck low paid wagies, i remember they have melty about a chinese water brand having a red dot resemblance to Imperial Japan flag.
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Didn't realize how many chinks were actually posting in this general... It's probably a 50/50 between seanigs and chinks whenever there's an esl shitting up the thread.
You are extremely fucking cringe.
tits too big
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>snoozed through the stream as predicted
>Taiwan exists
>no stats

You saved all the Sumire art they released for me, correct?
does mainland china even care about hong kong anymore
that's listed as its own region too I thought that place also pissed them off
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I've seen this Chink cope so many times before. They said that alienating China will result in ruin because of this. That most "Taiwanese fans" are just mainlanders with VPN's.
But that's simply not true. Taiwanese fans fucking exist and there's simply many of them. And their similar overworked culture to the rest of East Asia kinda helps with their whole weeaboo inclination.
You're not the center of the fucking world.
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>yordle sex
there's unironically Chinese euros acting like their motherland wouldn't rape them if they kept cocksucking it
Happy Friday friend. Hopefully Ariusbro is around to wish us all a good one but in case he isn't...well you know...have a good one!
Tianmen square massacre. Blue archive.
You're conflating being mad about something with laughing at it. Anybody who's not a chink or a tankie sees this for the joke it is
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
4chan isnt banned in China.
>le SEA!!
>le chinks!!
Do you faggots ever get tired of chasing boogeymen?
I don't think you know what fuming means. Don't you have another deadly virus to leak?
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coom in doom
Raid rankings are filled with 50/50 chinks as well bro. The top ranks probably have an even higher ratio. Face it, Blue Archive has been colonized by the chinks
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indeed hinanon.
happy friday /bag/, have a good one. sorry i missd a week
That's because California continuously brings a lot of shame to the rest of the nation.

You will see this with some Chinamen in Canada and the U.S also. Usually recent immigrants, as compared to the older ones who don't have that weird Communist baggage.
Just saying what I've heard, and also why would you think I'm a Chink when I just insulted their government?

Fucking retards.
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Post your eyes.
All's me btw

We all know who the true enemy is.
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I wish children were real
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I still love my chink students, no matter how retarded they might be
Ironic when they're the only state which joined willingly
Hina should transfer
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All those republicans would gladly move to the confederate island while all the democrats would stay in the USA. Not sure the democrats would like to merge with the republicans since they're too busy sucking black cock while the republicans wouldn't want their slaves to escape.
Then again, who knows since it's an alternative future, anything could happen especially since the USA were intervening in all sorts of wars in the early 20th century so it could be possible that the US would try to take the island back. This is just my thoughts as a history autistic nerd.
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Didn’t ass
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>t. butthurt chink/seanig
I qualified it with "esl shitting up the threas". If it were someone that could speak proper english shitting up the thread, I would think of other countries.
>Mutsuki doesn't use her mines in Kurokage
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All hail Shanghai-jinn
nah I've met 3rd or 4th gen Chinese who still act fucking weird about China
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This is normal behavior everywhere you go. People always cling on to a boogeyman of some kind. Some sort of absolute evil to justify letting out our own hate and violence. I've seen it in so many different communities that I'm pretty certain it's just human nature
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
Idk why you guys are arguing
Yostar kneels to this kind of stuff regardless meaning we get even more pyros than initially advertised from the 3rd Anniversary as an apology
How do we fix /bag/? Range ban everything except America and Europe?
>you must be one of them too!
Way to prove my point, retards.
8888888 soon..
It's human nature to want to squash bugs yeah
Rangeban brazil
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Only for the chinese server
Get him, Mutsuki!
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/bag/ needs to take they meds
genetic test for shit stirring races
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Still waiting on it.
I had an autistic chinese roommate so Im qualified to hate them
Now try to say that in a rational way why you think that instead of as a kneejerk reaction.
I would rather date and marry a Chinese woman over an American woman any day. American women have too many fucking problems. And half of them can't even cook.
Just let gooks handle those bugmens, they are far more worse than 1 billion chinks combined.
I was fishing for smoochies...
EU is a chinese server
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sorry i missed a week hoshinon. I kinda lost track.
hey there little seia creature. the weather's getting hotter. be sure to hydrate adequately my little friend
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Happy Friday ariusbro
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With Ibuki.
>ctrl F
>No chipi
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Yeah, and people coming in here to pull out the same redundant arguments, clearly here to stir up shit certainly help make this 'boogeyman' much more justifiable if not outright true. It's pretty hard to strawman if you've got nothing going wrong.
Pest control against invading locusts is plenty rational enough.
and Argentina
Are you fucking retarded?
The mikaspammer is from brazil
I love Nagi-chan
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JP stream will be better.
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Seia did this
That almost makes more sense, except that it's still wrong and backwards.

It's more like if the Confederacy had somehow managed to actually win the Civil War, with the Union government fleeing in exile to the Channel Islands or some shit and started new there. THEN, the new Confederate America spent actual CENTURIES just absolutely fucking boiling non-stop that the Union government still existed on the Channel Islands.
The Chinese have only been seething about Taiwan for double digit years, but they are never going to stop, they will continue to seethe for millennia.
Hey check out the BA hotdog collab in Taiwan that got memed into reality and was pretty successful
Texas is the only state that joined the united states willingly in 1845. Everything else was colonization or purchases.
Happy Friday
kekek is this proved to be true? archive link pls
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>groooovy magic
my my, a rare ultra high quality 4-koma. I'm stealing this one anon. have a good day
>And half of them can't even cook.
Have you ever had actual chinese food? It sucks
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As long as you manage to get back to us and your students we're square. Have a good Ariusbro and the weekend ahead!
I want to have sex with Taiwan Arona(Hotdog)
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I never get the meme about hotdog.
Hotdog sucks. And the people who eats them are literally eating dicks.
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You can also tell the chinksectoid infestation on /bag/ is real by the kneejerk Americanocentrism.
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>Vermont was admitted as a new state in 1791[70] after the legislature of New York ceded its claim to the region in 1790. New York's claim that Vermont (also known as the New Hampshire Grants) was legally a part of New York was and remains a matter of disagreement. King George III ruled in 1764 that the region belonged to the Province of New York.
There's several examples of this.
Post them authentic /ck/ chinese foods
>post studentwife 5x per thread out of 375 images
>get called spammer by butthurt scatfag
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fail to see which part of what you said explains how you identify the people stirring shit up as your boogeymen.
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I wish flags like in /int/ were real.
>Blue Archive General
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won't do shit because >>498887773 >>498887868
I live in an eternal Chipi Chapa
First the mahjong collab now this. Cn server was a mistake. These things only happened after cn server launch.
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Glory to independent nations of Taiwan and Hong Kong, free from the totalitarian communist regime of mainland china
It is cold and dark in Suomi and I want to kill myself.
I'm way fucking mad the entire stream got nuked for this bullshit.

I'm seething.
>what are mika hours
Hello tourist
that's my wife, get your own wife
Why did Pan-chan do it bros?
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ur stupid
Literally no one here in europe has ever heard of a "vermont"
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Hong Kong was better when it was part of the United Kingdom
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Jumby my beloved...
The stream was literally nothing.
Well is Yostar being retarded to begin with.
Why do you hate chipi????
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>definitive irrefutable proof that Toki is stronger than Neru
>>>Alice is stronger than both
But this doesn't address that doing such will lead to excessive anger and shitting up your own thread. If it's the same arguments then you should also have the same reasonable counterargument to silence them. The problem with creating a boogeyman instead is it creates the angry mob psychology where everyone gets more angry than necessary, while trying to lump the other side up as a general group like SEAfags and chinks when you have no actual proof of such.
koko sex
A lot of places were better when they were part of the United Kingdom
Cause it sounds like Chink Peepee.
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did you remember to recharge your Hina this morning anon?
>powerlevel faggotry
Yeah lets make things worse
Why is this roomba so fucking rude
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Good Hinarning /bag/
There was a vote on what costume the Taiwanese Arona streamer should wear for the avatar and someone suggested a hot dog costume and it all started from there.
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Did you forgive her?
Aris is my god gamer
I'm a European and I know of Vermont. It's one of the nicer states.
Did you mix up the servers? You need mines in global for greg, not kurokage
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thank you anon. have a wonderful weekend as well.
just a few itty bitty resets chief. all smooth sailing now
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Good Hinarning
Anything good from the stream other than chink melty?
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Good morning
Neru is totally the kind of brat who takes pride in someone else beating someone she can't beat
Good morning
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Hell no.
Your what?
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>come home
>look forward to watching the vod
>can't because bugmen raid apparently
I will never forgive
I hope it rains today. It's so hot
didn't mean to quote anyone
>you don't need aoe for kurokage
Timezones tend to be the telling factor
Chink melty is the only memorable thing from this nothingburger of a stream
What did you say?
I was distracted thinking about cummin' on Pinner's tits
good morning buchou, I'm prepping the brew as of now.
die sechitard
They alluded to accelerating global to catch up to JP.
We do have counterposting, it's called Seiaposting. Funny how you don't seem to know that.
how is that a good thing?
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It's crisp 12°C where I'm at. Just thought I'd let you know.
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The secret to hotdogs is to not actually buy hotdogs, you buy proper sausages instead, girthy ones with real skin, decent meat, and a good and high fat content (spiced sausages like Chorizo or Bratwurst will also work for this). Fry or grill them and then put them in some nice buns with some actual flavor, like brioche style buns, or buns baked with potato flour.
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>have to wait 15 minutes to post even tho I was posting fine before
Great, just what I needed
We get stuff faster
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>Chinese players who have supported us for so long
>Chinese players
>Supported us
If Seia lost her foresight so should we
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>girthy ones with real skin, decent meat, and a good and high fat content
Enemy of my enemy
Wait what? they're finally going to start accelerating again? when did they say that on the stream
Not good for us f2poors. 6 months insight was godsend for pyro planning
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Don't get banned and you won't have to wait the timer out next time
A little too cold for me, I'd love to live in a place that hovers around 20-25°C
Maybe stop ban evading?
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>sweltering hot
>it rains
>it only lasts for a short while and doesn't really cool my region
>in fact it just makes things more humid and therefore feel hotter
Many such occasions.
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I loaded her womb
I'm not banned
You should lose your life speednigger
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There was a q&a and that was one of the q's. They said they were 'strongly considering it' but no promises. That's through the live translation though.
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I have literally only seen shitposters complaining about this it's great
...that's it? "every shit-stirrer posting during certain hours is surely one of them, has to be"?
are you interested in astrology too, by any chance?
You work for free.
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>Therefore, Alice>Neru
Nerubros... Not like this...
I do, I visit regularly and see it. I'm not a fan of it, I used to counterargue against the doomposters with reasonable arguments and dislike loudly shitposting. Might be a difference in values I guess, I consider the side that gets hostile or attacks the other side in other ways without addressing anything to be the loser in a debate. That isn't to say I don't like shitposting though since lately I've been joining in on the doomers shitposting and baiting people because I generally don't like the dismissive shitposting attitude that /bag/ seems to have adopted
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Good job
Keep it that way
Wut? I can shitpost instantly from my phone.
Chinks hate Rumi for this reason.
did you give her some much deserved loving aftercare?
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>I'm not going to stay up to watch the stream, I'll skim through it before work
>whole thing exploded due to raging chinks
You work for free, dude.
Strongly considering it huh, well, I know some people here wouldn't like it but i'd personally fucking love some acceleration to get rid of all of these fucking reruns and dead periods
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How do you know someone who complains about it is a shitposter anyway
Ignore /pol/ commands and post why Moe is the sexiest member of Rabbit Squad.
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Of course, I know what she wants
It's pretty clear that the 6 month gap hurts revenue so I kinda hope that the chink server goes eos soon and nexon tries to make up for it by accelerating.
I just jerked off to Reisa
And Yuzu is almost certainly stronger than Aris...
Yuzu powerful.
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The next thread will be better.
She's not though
Have you seen her tummy?
And glasses?
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Shameless behaviour
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what's your problem bitch ?
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And I thought sensei couldn't look any gayer.
Can they just give up on china already, it's caused nothing but drama and the schizo in me has wondered if all the KV stuff happened because Nexon punished the BA devs for the mahjong drama, they had to kowtow and everything over it.
my lats are getting that big but my bicep genetics require more work
Are the shitnachurls finally done with their ERP?
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I think you misspelled "Miyako".
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After what happened today i wouldn't be too surprised but they probably wont, it'd only be worth it to shut down the server if they were literally making pennies from it but i don't think that's the case, BA is still one of the most (You) pandering gachas out there so i think the smarter side of CN is still playing it despite the "controversies" they had
There's also posting the same types of images to annoy people, replying to the exact same type of conversations to shit on it and again bringing out the same redundant argument but you don't seem to browse this general at all so I'll leave it there.
>admits to contributing to doomfaggotry
Gotcha, I'll make sure to turn the seiaposting up a notch next time
t. gay
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Uheeee uheehee
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She is my fat ugly sextoy.
Miyu and Saki are the sexiest girls from SRT
>nexon punished the ba devs that didn't want to do that collab instead of yostar who were the ones that forced it
thats a little 2 schizo 4 me bro
Ooooohh, i will roll for sMoe.
I honestly like Seia and will pull for her if she ever comes out. I just join in on the doomposting as a regular test to see if /bag/ has matured at all and learned to ignore it. You're free to keep doing Seiaposting though, I'll still be here.
You started it.
Otogi is the sexiest SRT
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She's pretty. She just has a dorky smile and hairstyle.
Weird way to spell Saki
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What a cutie pie!
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We're gonna need a new promo art animation team after this.
Any ideas?
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The rats didn't even find an investor, if they had to sell themselves for chinks then it definitely wouldn't work
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So what's S.Moe good for? And don't fucking say Sex, I just want an opinion on the gameplay.
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Executives aren't good people and rarely blame the right people much less themselves, like I said it was a full on personal schizo theory, we had the collab drama and immediately afterwards mr. Pikachu was leaving.
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But that's Miyu
why did they private the stream
>you don't seem to browse this general
i'm talking to YOU, you dumbass. i'm probing YOUR reasoning, or lack thereof.
There's only one spot in the schedule to accelerate and that's to cram the Abydos and Momoyodou summer perma events down to 2 weeks instead of 4.
>Pikakek sells his soul to the chinese and finds out they're far worse than Nexon somehow
That would have been hilarious
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I'm gonna be sad if I lose that insight
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i didn't start shit bitch, I'm telling the sechitard to off himself.
My dick
Doomposting is lame. We've already ran the topic to the ground during the KV drama and everyone can already see the dropping revenue. What's the point in doomposting? Just enjoy the game for what it is and ride it out to the end. That's what Sensei would do
Even 3 months is more than enough
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Moe is the sexiest student, actually. Just look at her sprite and tell me you don't want to have sex with her.
>B-but Seia is the sexiest
Congratulations, you fell for the meme.
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SRT hours
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Every single Hinapost in this thread? all me, i made every single one of them.
My fogey memory remembers her being called a sonic version of her base form also that she broke the unicolor theme rabbuts were having
Fine i'll fap to Kisaki.

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>Deletes an entire day's worth of work because of her masochistic fetish
No. Moe HATE
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kneel to our god Kokosando
Begin Saki smell hours
Why would you work for free?
Sorry, she needs that dopamine.
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That's the plan.
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There's a doujin about this and it's hot.
What can zoos get for her 2nd alt?
I'll settle for 3 but what if it's 0?
>I'm so le quirky and self-destructive XD
What a shitty character, pick a better rabbit
She is, but she is balanced just because you always hear that shitty voice she has
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It will take years for it to reach zero and it probably wont even if they decide to accelerate, they'll probably do it in order to reach a good stopping point that pleases both the people that like the insight and the people that fund the game
need more sora doujin
Never happening, there's not enough days to cut for them to reach parity with JP. Unless JP gets 6 months of reruns with no new events
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>Get to read the story fresh and be impressed without spoilers
Fuck the insight and fuck the gacha
>I'm so le quirky and self-destructive XD
Isakusan bros...
>i'm so dumb and dumb
What a shitty character, pick a better rabbit.
Moe would 100% cum from anal, just due to the sheer depravity of it
China death
Gee, I wonder what time period full of reruns and dead events they could have used to accelerate
Fuck yeah, i don't know how some people here actively play on global and are completely fine having to pick up translated scraps in order to see the story from JP, it fucking sucks being 6 whole ass months behind
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Feels good not having that stinky Miyako ruining your account
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I'm such a gamer
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Can Momoi speedrun games?
It took them 18 months to accelerate by 3 months after global's launch
What's Momoi's opinion on the acceleration discourse?
She fails even with invincibility cheats enabled.
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i owe the owner a lot bitch, its gratuity what about it ?
I don't know why people get so hung up on the lore and halo question because BA's world building is so paper thin it collapses like a house of cards if you think about it for more than 5 minutes.

This series has never taken its world building remotely seriously and it's easily the weakest point of the story. The devs don't care so you shouldn't.
Say the gamer word then.
the gamer word then.
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At least dumb girls are cute
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If you could have sex with a student who would it be? Mine would be Moe.
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all the rabbits are sexy
even Miyu
especially Miyu
I wanna fuck Miyu
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Suddenly tanukis
>its gratuity
is that the name of the currency he "pays" you with?
it's easier to lose your whitelisted IP when posting from mobile than from PC
Moe is sexy just by the fact she is playable
Seia isn't playable so she isn't sexy
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>/bag/ hates the RABBITs
>yet /bag/ still lusts for all the RABBITs except Miyako
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So you were telling the truth.
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tiddies are overrated
Do you have no self respect?
>/bag/ hates the RABBITs
we don't
>yet /bag/ still lusts for all the RABBITs except Miyako
I only lust for Moe and ocassionally, Miyu
She fucking shot at me
>small body
>with big boobs
I only hate Miyako, Saki and Moe are sexy enough for me to forgive them, and Miyu never hated me
I raped the other 3 so Moe/Saki/Miyu love
Miyako raped me so Miyako hate
Its that easy
I see there's several full threads up and I have a gift in my mail. What happened?
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I have 3,110 pyroxene and Im level 16, should i go for one of those or not?
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>Sensei claims to hate Miyako when Sensei has cummed inside Miyako over a hundred times already
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hating Miyako is a stupid meme parroted by non-canon senseis
You want to have 24k before rolling because of how the guarantee works in this game
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Save for Ako next week
Then save until Blue Fes in January
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Can we agree that Arata and Michiru are tanukis, Tsubaki is a red panda and Kaede is a hamster?
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Long hair is underrated
Hoshino should
nyooooo farrrrrrfiiiiiiie
/bag/ has collectively decided to call her La Rata
I want more Miyako because I want to tilt people in the next urban PvP.
She does absolutely nothing in urban.
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lol she's useless in PvP
This artist draws really good Moes.
She's better than Yuuka at UE50 due to her mood, evasion and damage reduction.
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Oh, there was a stream as I slept?
Is there a vod anywhere? Or can someone give me a QRD?
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prime ephebo body
Vod gone. QRD, chinks mad
Someone post THAT Arata image
What are they supposed to do in this situation?
Momoi mogged.
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She hates adults like you the most
>Vod gone
Seriously? Something happened that was a shitshow enough for them to delete the vod?
That why I've got pyros in my mail?

Don't fall for miyucko lies.
I'm tired of being a metafaggot, when does Moe rerun so I could pull and breed her?
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tanuki -> racoon -> vermin -> rat
Makes sense
I see spats
I cum
I'm going to sniff her tail
Got rank 2500
Let's goooo
>go to wiki
>look up banners
>add 6 months
Someone post Arata XD'ing please
Is versus out yet, Saltz?
See >>498886249
Also, Akari stole Fuuka's car and ran over Winnie the Pooh.
Maybe Nexon will see CN is a waste of resources and finally bring an English dub to ba. I know you guys fucking hate dubs, but the majority of people who play gacha games in the west like dubs. I don't like dubs, but if BA added an English dub I guarantee you the revenue would go up because new players would try the game.
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Kurokage is a bitch, so I needed more than 1 team for it
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>english dub
Think people will be scared of Kurokage and I'll get my first plat with 3T/2T/2T?
I know the answer
>english dub
Might as well EOS the game already
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satsuki's futa cock
He doesn't even pretend there's any recoil in that gun, lazy effects.
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Thinking about commissioning some 'Rata, maybe next paycheck.

Man, chinks really will bitch about anything, huh? Good to see though honestly, since Global is tied with Taiwan then I guess there's no real risk of EoS ever if the most players are in Taiwan.
>Also, Akari stole Fuuka's car and ran over Winnie the Pooh.
Now I really have to find that VOD
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Acceleration is a good thing, but is it really a good idea considering our state of translation n shit?
I think 4-5 months gap would be the best to be frank, don't want the text to be any worse.
no thats just a real .22
Swimsuit Moe on January
No news on regular Moe
Arata is so adorable
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recoil is a woke lie made up by low tes DEI basedboys
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Pounding Saki's cunt like a jackhammer with my dick while passionately tongue-kissing Miyu while turning Moe into a sopping mess by fingerbanging her cunt and asshole to oblivion while Miyako watches
If 6 whole fucking months isn't enough to make them do a good job then it doesn't really matter. Besides, maybe if they start spending more money in the translation department we'd get less fucking stooges trying to translate shit
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>They give the scripts to the trannylators ahead of time, possibly resulting in leaks and even more time for them to do the trannylator shit
>They embrace AI
It's over
wtf is this real?
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers
yes bitch.
what's that gotta do with being gratuitous you prick ?
Good morning
this is the 3rd time you've posted shit like this so I guess your brain is indeed swapped with your anus.
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This is a bad thing no matter how you slice it.

>no foresight on banners, so no planning
>less time for the current banners so now all our current plans are thrown into disarray
Let me tell you a horrible truth.
>translation will be caught up, which means that now they're sending the english team the text early - in other words, they're collaborating, and the english trannylators will have the opportunity to offer feedback from their side to preemptively censor things for JP as well to align
This is the same thing the Fire Emblem team now does, btw.
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>Chinks spamming every BA twitter account
Boy the next JP livestream gonna be a shitshow isn't it
I fucking doubt an apology would mean anything for these shitter and still keep spaming until months to come
yes buchou, I'll get back to my desk
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Hello friend
Don't give them an inch
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Good morning. Give me a sec I gotta smack a doomposter
I'm not surprised they are spamming twitter, I'm surprised they are spamming /bag/
That's not Kuroha...
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> No chibi preview for Erika
It's so fucking over.
>No planning
Literally worthless if you pull with your dick anyways
>Less time for current banners
Yes that's literally the point of acceleration, they cut down banner times and compensate by sending pyroxenes to everyone so you don't miss out on the gems you would have gotten during the dead banner period.
The benefits of acceleration are getting to the new content quicker, so if you like the game you're not going to have to wait for 6 months to experience what JP players experienced, less spoilers discussions since everyone will be in the same page and more revenue for Nexon since you wont have freaks of nature with more than 100k pyroxenes from foresight
Wait, are we actually accelerating?
You work for free my man
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I fucking hate Mainland China so damn much.
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Is Asuna redeemed yet?
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Here are some of the videos that were shown on stream for anyone who missed it.

Late but here are the albums.
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So why play global when you can play JP if accelerate?
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>English dub
Imagine the localization liberties
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>almost flat
>yet sag HARD
They're "strongly considering it" according to the Q&A, probably because they need more revenue i'm guessing.
Koreans sure love their aliums.
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Because Japan server is a bitch who doesn't accept my fucking credit card!
I can't buy pakeji if you refuse it you fuck!
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So why do chinks even care if Taiwan is acknowledged? Like why do they actually care enough to freak out?
I wouldn't give two shits if someone said, say, Puerto Rico didn't belong to the US even though it's a territory. I just can't fathom why the average citizen would even care.
>English dub
>people who play in the west
the opinions of westoids are on par with chink bugmen
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Suzumi alt when
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Global accounts cannot migrate to JP, you'd have to start over from the beginning and if you're playing global its most likely because you don't understand japanese, so that means you wouldn't be able to read anything from the JP server
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They've been conditioned since birth to "defend the honor of china"
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Profits are dropping hard in both global and JP so they want things to speed up in the former. The foresight allows global especially to get away with much less spending. It's pure Jewery on the part of Nexon but the simps here will defend it regardless just like they've defended every bad choice they've made for the past year.
the government tells them to
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This Arata talk reminded me of this
Chise called Shizuko a jew.
Mine's fat wings
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frfr no cap
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Stockholm syndrome
They are so brainwashed by their shitty government that they feel compelled to defend its interests
Even if they are doing it using VPNs because said shitty government blocks them from viewing most websites
Literally who defended the dogshit anime and the stupid choice of delaying the story because of it. I think like 90% of /bag/gots collectively agree that this year was a fucking mess for blue archive, they did a terrible job, this doesn't mean that its over by any means, the game is still great and it can get better.
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Not gonna lie, chink seethe is times more funny to read than pajeet bot spam.
With the loss of the art team they will have to hire Last Origin artists! We will start a new University Arc and all students will become mature women with dynamite bodies!
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Trust no one
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Funny how we get people complaining why we judge the quality of a thread based on the hours its in only for takes like these to show up.
replying to a seiapost...
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Concerning stuff, really
At this point Seiaposts are all just the same spam over and over
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It didn't read like a shitpost...
Seia isn't even a doomfag in the story anymore.
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she's a hopechad
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No one who posts girls from the Tea Party read the story
Or maybe I just don't want to wait for 6 months.
Why do foresights fags always sound like a poorfag anyway?
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This is very painted in grim light very paint a
At this point Seiaposts are all just the same spam over and over
Time to become an alcoholic father
You are trying too hard
I just started Vol1Ch3. Wow Yume's breasts are huge. I hope she will eventually be playable.
I am also now more hopeful that they will add new schools like Odyssey and Wild Hunt at some point.
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>it can get better
It can. But I've seen no indications of them improving things so far. If even someone as highly anticipated as Kisaki makes basically no money what's the hope for everyone else? Nexon is scrambling to bring the number back up, hence the talks of acceleration. That doesn't tell me that they're trying to improve themselves and the game, that tells me they're trying hacks and tricks to bring the number back up.
Nexon simp. Disregarding.
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My home
I don't speak JP I only speak global
did i miss the stream? if yes can i have a link?
had the same mindset but then I thought about it this way you're either replying to a shitpost or a tourist with the intention to shit up the general, there's no win if you take it seriously
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My house...
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other than spending money, how do i get more pyroxene?
Everyone here is sitting on 100k pyro and autoing extreme while getting excited over announcements that won't affect us for 6 months
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Food Stranding
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all me
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I don't mind omorashi but still - kill yourself
Nah you'll get your 6th Hina alt and 5th Hoshino alt and you will like it. No new content ever.
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>This is the last bad thing I saw with my doom powers COMPLETE AND TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF KIVOTOS...also I have spider sense now
Just clear stuff, you get a lot of first time rewards from missions and story etc
nice but i offer you a https://youtu.be/LB5YkmjalDg?feature=shared
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My residence
Well, Nexon decided to be giganiggers and refuse to release her, still being the only character in the beta client to not be playable.
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No, not my mom...
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This thread is only active when you are all doom-posting and/or meta-posting. If that isn't a sign of how boring this game is right now, I don't know what is.
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Just play the story. A newfag can easily get over 3 sparks just from clearing the current story mode, at least up to the filter wall anyway.
And trust me, you will hit that wall on chapter 3, so you will be able get at least 2 sparks till then.
Not to mention, there's the guide missions. Clearing each guide missions net you another 10 roll.
whats the next banner on global again?
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Very nice
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this is a really nice seia art
Ako and the Trinity Slags
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Literally the band event.
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No more banners, It's over
Airi the Rock...
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oh yeah. wow, thats 4 days away? i dont need any of them tho...
I think that tells more about you than /bag/
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Do you have Ako or not?
Skipping Ako is more brickworthy than skipping the band alts.
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It's very concernig.
what does this mean?
Show me your Set clears then.
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Why are you posting rapists now?
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Holy shit. Coconut is alive.
ofc that i have that nasty ass whore. shes lucky she has that heal part of her kit
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Cute dog
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Ako the Rock!
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I really wish this artist would finish his sketches, I know it's just meant to be just sketches but they give me a really big "but what if though"
This is why i don't trust red winter students
Meta wise, is bYoshimi the only good one?
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Set isn't a proper boss so there's no "meta" with any of the band variants. Pull only if they make your dick feel funny.
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>it’s raining
>fuck yeah an excuse to force sensei to be glued to me so I can feel his warmth, smell and wet body
Why are normal girls like this?
if you just want to clear set then yes if you want to go above 100 then you need bKazusa
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But I wouldn't call clearing Set to be something meta worthy.
bKazoos for +100
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>plain girl hours
The "normal" girls are absolute sex beasts on the bed. Beware and never walk alone.
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Someone tell me it's possible to grind B.Airi all the way to 5* in the event...
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I love the other 3 prefects and don't have her, so I feel obligated to roll her
But I hope her momos are heartfelt and not pure nagging
And Mika isn't even the most racist Trinity student and never wanted to genocide people.
And Nagisa isn't a yandere obsessed with Hifumi.
And no one from the dryness squad actually milks or shows any sort of obsessive behavior towards Sensei.
And Yuuka isn't actually 100kg.
And Asuna isn't a sex starved slut and wants to be cocked every day.
And Kikyou and Kazusa don't have a rivalry at all.
And Kayoko isn't obsessed with Kazusa.
And Noa would never steal her best friend's man.
And Rio doesn't actually have an obsession with building models.
And Shiroko never shows any rapist tendencies towards Sensei.
And Ibuki doesn't have a fetish for getting fucked by dogs.
I could go on.
Post the ASSband minigame guide please
>vile terrorist
Nyo, it's impossibiru...
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stop being racists please
I have always felt that Ako spiritually is like a 35 year old obaa-san, which makes this picture funnier
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It's always the quiet ones. Same goes for glasses girls, they can barely contain their demonic instincts
Airi has that charm of a girl who seems plain but over time becomes more and more beautiful even as she remains homely and humble
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You pull Ako because she will never be powercrept, at least considering the state of the game.
> heartfelt and not pure nagging
Yeah about that...
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Sex with rabbit 3
I'm still kind of out of the loop on Set. You guys say he's not really a proper boss, but isn't he the only way to limit break students? Wouldn't you want to invest in students who can help you clear it then? As the items he drops is the only way to make your students stronger past ue50.
Shut up, Jumbalaya.
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I agree with Juniqua
>stronger past ue50
We're talking like +30 ATK at the cost of hundreds of mats
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Raise stats, unlock scenes do it again, lasts for an in game week
Raise other stats unlock scenes do it again
>but isn't he the only way to limit break students?
Yes, and?
You can clear the lower levels of Set with normal units.
Will it take longer to reach full max break on your students with less materials? Yeah, that doesn't mean Set is a boss worth giving a shit about.
Did Moe get a haircut? She looks nicer than usual
>but isn't he the only way to limit break students?
The limit break mechanic is a massive, MASSIVE resource sink only for 2% extra damage, it's simply not worth it at all outside of maxing like your studentwife or something. But Set itself does give quite a few number of useful stuff including gifts so it's nice to do it for those.
That's a fox
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This is why you keep being sent to prison
>makes your students stronger past ue50
It's 2% """"stronger"""".

Unless you are competing for the top five spots in every raid, you could never touch Set and still hit plat in every raid. Set is completely optional. The only thing IMO you really miss out on is the gifts for clearing floors.
skinny little girls...
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Yes but that's like 2% increase in stats. Unless Nexon intend to expand the uncap further, it's completely negligible right now, unless you are a min maxxing autist.
You clear Set just to dickwaving on /bag/, and maybe the first time pyrox rewards for reaching floor 10, 20, 30, etc
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I know, I just remember seeing that there was some particular recommended order to do it
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Terror Hina...
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Plain students like Airi should be impregnated so that they learn their lesson.
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Whats the recommended level to do level 70 raids? I'm 74 but still get destroyed by Greg. Am I underleveled or just bad?
Sensei is gonna become a father tonight
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Greg has a lot of bullshit mechanics.
I'm a day1fag and I only clear Extreme, can't be bothered to do any of that insane/torment bullshit.
Shut the fuck up Hinegro
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fuck you cunt I only have 55k
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Can somebody call a Wakambulance?
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i hope you are ready for the chinese raid on the jp stream this sunday
You actually need decent units to clear extreme and up, I suggest borrowing hypercarries from your club.
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it's so easy to be racist though
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It's just Greg being stupidly hard, all other raids you can just borrow someone DPS and clear the Extreme difficulty without issue.
For Greg, either has Mine or S.Miyako, or you're fucked. There's no way around Greg.
Yostar could've opted for a co-publishing agreement with Nexon instead (they did that in the past Korean games they've published in the mobage market)
just don't level all of the stats as they counter each other...like raising points in dancing will reduce points in organizing while organizing reduces singing, rest reduces all stats and so on. Go blind first round then focus on a single stat or two that are not exclusive. When it reaches 197something you unlock a vn scene. When you get all of them you can exchange it for a wall furniture.
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>Why do foresights fags always sound like a poorfag anyway?
Imagine defending a multimillionaire company
Kill yourself
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I'm sorry, what sort of Belkan bullshit is this?
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my dick
soft shit
nukes WHEN?
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I'm going to raid seia's fox pussy
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That's because you're British, Nagisa.
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>seeing artists I follow already banned within a day of making their bluesky account
I should be allowed to rape Yukino
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Cutting the foresight in half would be fine, I don't think it would have a super meaningful effect on spending though.
nexon should relinquish all publishing rights, sell the whole devteam to yostar even
clearly they are retarded
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Good day /bag/ I had to sleep and couldn't watch the stream.
Can i get a QRD please?
How do you get mine to survive after phase 2? she dies before the second greg debuff and that ruins everything. Alternatively, I don't know how to get shoshino in there without mine so how do you keep shoshino alive without her
I don't have either of them. I'll just do hardcore and call it a day.
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To the surprise of no one.
Lemme guess, another loli artist?
I hate Makoto so much.
How can anybody like that useless, annoying retard?
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https://x.com/doroshe264018/status/1847307927713087588 yes sir
blueaka livestream TLDR

kikyou isn't the cat0808 user on volume 2
hag potion isn't viable
touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
sensei is always busy with work
students are somewhat blind to halos
I thought Bluesky was supposed to be the "savior" of twitter artists? Do they ban NSFW or something?
Just like last time..
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it would be fine given they'd just increase the amount of pyros we got
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>actually got fatter
It's over
How do we fix her?
little kids...
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If BA JP moves to Bluesky, it would be banned within a week.
Fucking leftist xitter.
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What's there to fix?
don't forget kazusa was always small her clothes were just baggy
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That's it, you're getting spinned.
>touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
But why, Hasumi was fine with it
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>touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
I WILL touch them
thighs and hips too thick
She was fine with you touching her breasts, not her wings.
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you know who
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>How about you man up and, and play the game properly?
>We play for the hype, the joy when new contents are release. If you want to roll then just fucking roll, stop being bitches that just want to roll for the meta.
>Imagine the hype if Global can play volume F the same time as JP
>You fuckers are the reason why most gachas are soulless
But touching ME is fine, what is this shit. How is that fair
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>touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
Hasumi is horny
Could someone give me a QRD of this shit? what's happening and why do they want to leave twitter?
>hag potion isn't viable
>touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
or else what
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Wait, did they actually confirm that she's flat and not stacked? I thought it was just mx2j fuckery...
>touching wings, tails, horns are no-no
What are they gonna do, punch me?
>hag potion isn't viable
Post proof so we can end all hagfags
You dont actually want to care
Everything they post can be used by twitter to work on their own AI
where is this child's panty?
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I don't really care one way or another since I only like spending on merch if I can help it. Just means I'll be more conservative with my rolls so I can spark when I need to.

english PS68 volume 2 when I want to buy it, the first volume was well done
Elmo keeps pushing his AI shit and making ""features"" that everyone hates. Any artwork you post now is subject to AI algorithm training. So naturally, artists are getting buttblasted over it.
So what if rubbing horns and wings is equivalent to a marriage proposal? I've already been raped by these girls
Twitter updated the TOS, wanting to use the arts for AI. Nips got a shit fits, and threatening to quit to Misskey or whatever.
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>World is doomed and no more healthy food
>can teleport everywhere and don't have to walk
No wonder she's fat. I can fix her
They will come crawling back anyway
Nips get reminded of the fact that people have a mouse and have the dexterity to click the right mouse button, drag the mouse down and click the left mouse button on 'save image as'
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Are they getting paid or getting any type of renumeration for it?
I was reading her momos and does Asuna have brain damage or is it supposed to just be some kind of labyrinthitis or a reference to some animal that shuts down it's brain when idle?
She's such a nice girl, she doesn't deserve Alzheimer's
>you can opt out of having your shit used for AI training
>you know what fuck you we're removing the option you don't get to choose shit we're using your posts whether you like it or not
muskers giving money???
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> Wanting to fix her fatness
I will fucking kill you, leave the fat wolf alone.
Why would they?
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>She was okay with her tits immediately but not her wings but she let her wings be touched just because she's horny
Of course, they always will. The followers they already have and the attention they get will always be more important to them
I guess people can still make money on engagement. But it's in the TOS for Twitter now. If you post art you're basically giving him the okay to use for AI training.
What happened to her legs?
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She's so fucking perfect
It's insane
I want to rape her at least 10 times a day
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what did I miss was there a stream or something
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> Rape
You know she won't resist your advances, right?
The curse of having maxxed luck
yeah mentioned how it was never explicitly shown she was stacked just that people assumed so because of her clothes
She should
Resisting makes it hotter
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Cath palugh?

Stream is set to private?
There was no stream in Kivotos square. It was just a myth anon you crazy
Made for anal
Don't worry, nothing a few pregnancies won't fix
Lmao, gotem.
I didn't know there was streams today I thought it was tomorrow.
Chinks nuked it for stats featuring taiwan being numba wan in engagement category
blue archive
>these girls have exotic appendages that normal humans don't have
>but you absolutely CAN'T touch them
What is with this dumb meme
>doesn't use the seiascript
cath palugfags will never recover
It's worse than that, under xitter' TOS they retain the right to do whatever they want with content uploaded to the platform. It's the same shit that made artists leave pixiv years back.
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ah yes, the "if you post pictures, we can distribute and display them" clause. shocking. all uploads should just be piped to /dev/null instead.
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Pretty much everything you upload publicly should be under GPL licence
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I want to get raped by Iroha.
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my wife Mika
damn I'm late but Happy friday anon

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