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Previous Thread: >>498886003

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Flat Padlugh
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Seia's cunt.
Seia's labia.
Seia's clitoris.
Seia's pussy.
Seia's vagina.
Seia's cervix.
Seia's womb.
Seia's fallopian tubes.
Seia's ovaries.
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Wait, what the fuck did they say about the wings and the horns? i'm curious now, what happens if i touch Hina's horns and buttwings
I thought It was obvious that the flattening was intentional because it happened again on the summer dress illustration
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I made this post
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The definitive canon wife
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>when the meds finally kick in
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Now that I'm having a better look, why does Neru have black nails?
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If you don't want flat Kazusa, just get her pregnant
Cath Padlug
Death to ch*na and death to speedniggers
kazusa is no longer my gf after this
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they just said that touching a student's wings/horns/tail is the same as touching any other part of their body
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Is building Kayoko for Hod worth it or should I settle for the comfy Gold?
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You know who doesn't need to pad their chest?
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Sure, we can't touch the tails, wings, and horns. But can we touch the ears?
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Toki won
Because they're cool.
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I can't clear insane
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Quick question from a returning noob
Should I use these tickets or do I save them?
Any good banners coming up?
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Do you have Ako?
You'd have to take responsibility and marry her
That's ok, gold is fine too.
If they don't expire, save them.
The guy last thread said it was a no-no, was he just shitposting? what a fucking faggot
reisafags are cringe
Toki lost to Aris.
>21k pyros
save everything until bluefes
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Do it.
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post that crying kazusa manga pls i need to nut
I'm glad the only good unit from the next event (Airi) is free so I don't have to spend my hard earned pyros.
Zoos should smile more
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Are the ASS band members limited?
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Punch Reisa in the face
Why were people last thread talking about accelerating, did Nexon announce global will be speeding up?
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I like students with big, soft butts
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Ok Il'll save. How long until this bluefes thing?
I just reinstalled it. I'll get to it
You never know when CC is going to be relevant, I don't think it's a bad idea to invest in specialized students.
Yeah, they're speeding up for one final cash grab before it's all over
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The cat with no sense of personal space
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kazusa and yoshimi are
They said they would consider it next year but they aren't sure how they would do it.
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all these answers are gay, good thing none of this will be taken as lore for future writing.
Taiwan status?
They said they're considering it, but haven't confirmed anything past that.
On the topic of halos, Shunny's l2d has drawings with halos with distinct shapes.
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I mean, would you like it if someone randomly came up to you and touched you?
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My kei sex
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I, Sensei, got raped by an unknown student with cat ears in the sweltering summer of '92
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But I've already done that
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who's the gayest blue archive?
Black Suit
I stopped playing. Who wants my account?
You, the player
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> He doesn't want Koharu to come up to him, and and feel him up.
Your mum
Just post it here, first one in gets it
>decide to do a comfy Greg Insane run with youtube playthroughs
>lost a ticket on the first yellow try because it's the opposite of comfy even with tutorials
Fuck this, I'm gonna mald on the very last day.
You can either get Ako next week or save for bluefes in january
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I heard you wanted my daughter's hand in marriage, but can you really be entrusted with her? What do you have to offer?
Groping Koharun's headwings.
Shut the fuck up chuuni nerd
You're ugly
Your hair is ugly
You have no friends
Sensei hates you
No one likes you
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>CN fanbase in shambles after learning how they are essentially second class citizens for the game through the acknowledgement of Taiwan and Hong Kong along with having a heavily censored game
Nobody wants your account retard
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I was in Ohio before I met you
I rizzed too much and that's an issue
But I'm Grimace Shake

Tell your friends it was nice to rizz them
But I hope I never edge again

I know it breaks your fanum
Taxin' in Ohio and I'm still not sigma
Four years, no livvy
Now you're lookin' pretty on Adin Ross' Twitchy

And I-I-I can't rizz
No, I-I-I can't mew

So baby gronk me closer
In the back skibidi toilet
That I know you can't afford
Kai Cenat tatted on my shoulder

Pull the gyatt right of the corner
From that fanum that you taxed
From your roommate back in Ohio
We ain't ever not the Rizzler
Mika should die
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British cat (no tails) or Japanese cat (two tails)?
Kokosando will save BA
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If Reisa is ugly, Sensei is ugly. If no one likes Reisa, no one likes Sensei.
shut the fuck up kazusa i can feel the draft from your highly aerodynamic body all the way from over here
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I just woke up from a 7 hour nap. did i miss anything important?
I finally found my nerdo gf bros I'm free
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I'm not too deep into chinky schizopolitics, but from what I understand, they get butthurt if you as much as acknowledge Taiwan as a separate "region", not even a country? What's their deal, are the retarded? I don't really get it
He can't even save his child.
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Free Blue Archive Account. Who wants it? And yes, I'm giving it away. All you need to do is share, share, SHARE. And trolls, don't get blocked.
>giving out your students like some chink pushing their unwanted kid onto foreigners
For shame, P-sensei would be disappointed. If you can no longer fulfill your duty as a sensei then shut off the account properly.
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(You) rejected Shiggy twice
Thats gayest thing you could see in BA
It's me, Kyo Goku
this reminds me of the whole kiryu coco incident
Got it
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It's more that Taiwan is #1, they have fragile egos you see
Honestly, it's probably for the best that students can't see one another's halo. It'd probably just end up as a dick measuring contest for them (with Mika's halo utterly mogging everyone btw)
>This was supposed to be the big third anniversary
>It's nothing
>Nothing particularly happened in the stream either from the sound of it
>No content, new event in a week I guess
>Stream gets removed because of a one second clip where they showed which countries are the top players and it showed Taiwan, which is the same way a certain vtuber got cancelled by just showing their metrics
Is there supposed to be more? This feels kinda anticlimactic
This game is dead desu
Where can I watch the stream? I dunno where it was even streamed.
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American cat (one tail)
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our superiority makes them seethe
>hag potion isn't viable
That's a dog
but they aren't even part of Global
>A-ko means Asian Child in Kanji
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Flattest cat
JP stream within a day will either break or keep BA.
arent chinks notorious for using taiwan as a proxy for accessing the internet?
It was Arcie. Whole thing was staged by Arcie to get everyone's attention off how cringe she was
Yeah, maybe I'll use my ligma to UE30 her (currently 4star) too for some extra CC. I'll try to do insane for once, heard she's better than Fubuki. Thanks
Global streams are never that interesting. New content is shown on the JP streams because they are 6 months ahead, so it is a bit weird to try and do big reveals for stuff on the global streams. We just get cool behind the scenes dev talk and stuff.
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When will companies actually stand up to the chink menace?
cute dog
Kayoko needs UE40 or you don't use her at all
Are you guys excited for Ichika in a suit and Tsurugi in a dress? I sure amnt
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Arisbro, I love you but please never fucking post this again.
Needs more vineboom
>anon doesn't know about EU brackets
>Trinity festival event lining up with JP anniversary
I am positive that the loud chink retards on twitter are the same larpers who were riling up CN community back during NTR nothingburger incident
>over halfway into a spark
>can't even get mad due to multiple pinks
It's a strange feeling, I guess Arona can't do much about the lie called "rate up"
Extreme it is, another comfy gold for me.
It's too ingrained at this point. Enjoy your future dominated by impotent seething over trivial bullshit and forced kawaii slop like the ZZZ whore's cringe dance.
>use vpn to play in taiwan
>get mad that taiwan is put up as the server with most players
It's a good time to have Seia finally released but given the fact that it looks like Tsurugly and Manchika alts are on the horizon the event will be a flop regardless
wait, what? where does it say that students can't see each others halos? that shit doesn't even make sense, they specifically talk about destroying halos...
That's a fox
I like Ichika a lot but I can't say I'm a big fan of girls wearing suits
apparently but no one wants to talk about it and I can't be assed to work through 10 threads
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Don't expect solid logic from bugmen
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it's time
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This thread is shit
Post Airi
Maybe it's bait and switch, actual anni students will be Akira and Serina
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Will the insects ""controversy"" give us pyros? Because that's the only thing that matters
It's not her time yet
Kei is the strongest gamer
Literally a huge plot point is about bombs that destroy halos. If you say the girls cant see eachothers halos you simply didnt read the story at all.
Wait, serious question for another new sensei [+10 Smooch Resistance]
If I need Ako should I really hold until Bluefes instead of her banner?
that's a pizza
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People are shitposting all day trying to misunderstand this interview answer
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next main story chapter when
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> This much newfags
You will be raped.
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I have a stable career so far in computer science with enough salary to cover myself and another, though I am also pursuing being a digital illustrator/comic artist on the side. I am also currently physically fit, and am working out to further improve my physique. I am also good looking.
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They are erogenous zones
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BA will die like Ai Kayano
>Trinity festival event lining up with JP anniversary
I think the festival is not the anniversary but the upcoming stream
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>Serika, Kazusa, Mari = no tail
>Akira = has a tail
>Kikyo = 2 tails
I see how it is, Nexon. You like to play favorites.
>you are not haloing manually
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If we go by Epic Seven then chinks will get a ton of compensation while the rest of the server gets nothing and that was enough to shut them up.
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Burnice Burnice Burnice Burnice Burnice Burnice GO
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I feel like the fact the answer isnt translated very well doesn't help
Hanako is the plainest girl if you think about it
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It sounds like they know that they're there but they can't make out the exact shapes
I think the other poster said they are partially blind to halos, so perhaps they see them all as a basic halo, or the halos are faded/somewhat transparent?
Maybe only sensei and other adults can see them in detail, or perhaps blind was not the proper word and the real meaning got lost in translation.
It's up to you really, bluefes does have increased 3* rates, but that accounts for every 3*, so there's no real guarantee that you will get her. On her banner though, you can just "buy" her for 24000 pyros
how come nobody asked the important question if mari is a fox or a cat
I will take this any day of the week over the diversity slop that the west is shitting out
what can a little girl like this do to someone like me?
Her breasts are edge size of catelope sized watermelons
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Only sensei can recognize that they are all angels.
>It'd probably just end up as a dick measuring contest
>with Mika's halo utterly mogging everyone btw
Mika has the biggest dick in Kivotos
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Do NOT eat your students.
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>pink haired, big tits, giga-stacy, horny, genius girl
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None of the other questions got answered since the stream was taken down

People asked various questions
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Japan cat is a Nekomata so she has 2 tails.
Probably all outsiders can, that includes gematria and the railgun girls
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>government set up a great firewall to filter out content "that doesn't align with chinese and CCP values", whatever the fuck that means
>enough citizens opt to use VPNs or proxies to access the open internet anyways
>said most accessible proxies for chinks are in taiwan
>there's a lot of chinks, and a lot of them using proxies through taiwan, driving up taiwan's presence in various places
>random big internet site releases user statistics
>"wow! we have a lot of users from Taiwan!"
>chimp out
This has to be some kind of sting operation, or some form of harassment to show off CCP's or the chink community's sway over media producers, right? There's no way they're this retarded.
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I'm panicking
I'd rather neither.
>he doesn't have nyFuuka
>or dAru
Roll for Acow, unlike Himari who got shafted by Kisaki, Ako's critbuff is still unmatched, anni students are just good blue attack student with pretty nice skills, still skippable though
If it helps, you should be able to get a full spark by january, if you play frequently
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Why does everyone call my cat a rapist? She's a good girl she would never.
because that was already answered before
massive erection
this is unsound. seeing something isn't a requirement for knowing about it, nor is it for exploding it.
I feel like the term Stacy gets overused here a lot
Hanako is closer to being the outcast incel than the Stacy, she hates the other students. She tries to be a problem for everyone else out of spite.
She hates snakes, but ironically she's one of the biggest snakes herself deep down, she sees everyone else as cruel but she's called the cruelest one
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Are rate-ups actually real?
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She will beat the shit out of you then rape you.
just by a few people who don't understand the term
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Thick and girthy halo.
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I really liked this. Maybe in ASS future events these two's friendship will bloom.
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Bullies on NA (club ID 90) has two slots open for anyone from /bag/.
Please have something in your player greeting about being from here when applying
If you're planning on leaving a dead club to join, feel free to reply to this post with your IGN and I'll reserve the slot for 24 hours.
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Your outdoor peroro plat?
I do actually have nyFuuka, I showed about right as her banner was midway and did everything to get her
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Where Ogogee banner
I assumed it could be some sort of glow above their heads from their perspective, but that doesn't really work either since Railgun girls specifically talk about shapes
It's almost as if the writing team wants to have their cake and eat it too, they want the variety of detailed halos for players to enjoy, but they can't give up the plot points where the girls can't be recognised instantly (Shunny, sukebans dressed as Wakamo)
The solution is very simple - ban all VPN-using chinks
I thought everyone understood "shattering my halo" was an euphemism to "kill me"
I wonder if one day they're actually going to release a rapist archive, like unironic fucking sex offender that's being pursued by valkyrie
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Please post red Set teams
Ako increases crit rate and crit dmg, and crit is currently the biggest factor for DPS, so you very much want an Ako if you can spare the pyros. I sparked her on her last banner earlier in the year and have yet to regret it, and also she's hot.
Truth be told you do want to save as much as you can for bluefes, bit given how new you seem to be, you have plenty of pyros to collect from momos, achievements, challenges, story and so on so you should be safe.
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breathing was a stupid example
a better one would be fingerprints
>everyone knows they have them
>nobody can tell them apart with a glance
red set teams
The only actual Stacy that we have is probably Haruna. Which is fitting because she's worst girl
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Holy Mary Sue
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They can see it's a halo, they know about the halo, it's not a mystery for them, it's just not some unique shape from the students perspective. The halos all look kinda the same for students.

Railgun girls talk about the halos, they don't talk about unique shape.
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The railgun girls are outsiders though, I don't think you can use them as an argument
One raid, I don't know why
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Is it ok for a sensei to please delinquent students for money?
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>only useful for translating some books
Farm commissions, sensei.
>since Railgun girls specifically talk about shapes
I'm pretty sure they don't. They just went "wow, everyone else has halos" and Himari/Eimi was like "you have one too"
This is one of the worst memes to come out from BA, who was the fucking moron that got this out of Kayoko's personality, she clearly doesn't give that much of a fuck
the point is simple as fuck. "taiwan ∈ china, thus needs no differentiation" is the chinks' issue. vpn users hopping between taiwan and mainland are irrelevant entirely.
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>could easily make sensei cum if she had the courage to touch him
Yuuka is going to fuck you up
Devs like to overhype hanako
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Only worth if UE40, but you should work towards that because she's decent
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semi rare
Just be yourself
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What's her power level?
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keep posting, she may be useful for something
I mean I get it
But the irony is she likes cats specifically because they can take it or leave it, they're prideful and isolated, just like her. They might take food from you, they might not, it's a relationship they can walk away from at any time. It's a metaphor for her own feelings on relationships. She doesn't kidnap them, because she enjoys the fact that they have their own pride and they can walk away at any time
Same with flat Kazusa, that meme got old fast
Use SKoharu.
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Jumby my beloved...
I only have her on 4 star, though. I'll just do extreme for now and farm her nodes on hard occasionally until I get a decent amount of ligmas. Thanks.
Prison changed her...
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>suspicious amount of pvp coins when I go for my headpat
>chink sent their Marina into my Saori three times in a row without changing formation
they even had a Saori on their squad but put her in the wrong spot
You mean Jonathan? i don't know who the fuck Jumby is
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Mikoto literally uses the word shape
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Here is a Kaede clear, for some reason he uses Nagisa + Shiroko to pop the ball instead of just dHina.
Maybe it will included in the guide this time.
It's jenifer
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Don't open if you love Junko.
you sonofawhore!
Seems to be the case, from the few screenshots of actual chink comments I saw here. The narrative about them being mad about Taiwan listed above them just seems made up as an easier attacking point
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red set teams
Haha that's our Junker
Were the ASS girls in an event before? I have yet to read their group story but I cannot remember them showing up anywhere else outside of a brief appearance in vols 3 and F, and yet there are comics about them and so on. Os it all from momos and the group story?
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hilariously you just described the hololive coco drama almost word for word
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I'm pretending red Set isn't real I'm going to do so much worse on it.
>UE50 Yosh
Jesus, I'm hesitant to roll her because I feel she'll just be a Set bot and I doubt anybody will have her
Congrats, probably that chink plays on soulless auto
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No that one is actually accurate

She originally had C cups in her original art, MXJ2 gave her the MC treatment and made her omega flat
Flatzusa is the result of MX shitty art
People used to like that guy when he could draw good, people only started hating him when he started phoning it in.

Japan was correct for mocking it when it happened
did that pizza get an erection?
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On Kivotoschan when fanart of Mika getting railed by Sensei is posted, anonymous replies with "My halo is not that big."
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I have accepted Set isn’t worth the effort specially with all the crashes so fuck him. I may still roll for the Band alts nonetheless
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teams for srkr
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my wife Mika
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Junko HATE
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playing doctor with Ibuki!
I don't understand the post. Why is Dragon Ball fighting on Chise's horns?
Who's the most popular fox platoon girl? Otogi?
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I hope she gets released soon
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This stout said she would give me 1000k per night, is it worth it?
You posted Minori so I'll give you a Minori guide.
Here's two level 100 teams without bKazusa, but just know she makes it 10x easier.
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I will get my pity upgrade mats to finish 25'ing one student but I will not be going very far this time.
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>1000k per night
Now I'm not a whore, but...
"let's fight somewhere empty/quiet"
Nice diabetes
A circle is a shape anon. You'd have a point if she had said something about swirls or metal bits or anything else. I guess the fingerprint analogy from the other anon is a good one, they all know they have one, but they aren't aware of the detailed shapes or differences between them.
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>fuck, this guy's good
Not a bad option, if you ask nice she might let you play with her glow in the dark dino collection too.
Don't fall for it Sensei! She's homeless!
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Nexon and Yostar need to apologize
Is it really worth comprising your dignity and rights just for that...?
That's a boy tho
They can make out that there is a shape, but they can't discern the shape, you can't see it clearly since it's literally a ball of light above everyone's head
It's like looking directly into a lightbulb, or like looking into the sun

Just imagine how halos really look in BA
A student walks up to you their face fully obscured in a blinding light
They tell you "do not be afraid"
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Goku always says something like "Let's fight somewhere empty" because he wants to avoid collateral damage and harming other people.
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Yes, and both events were immortalized already, so just read from there.
There's also the group story.

> 1000k
I've farmed commissions for more. Either tell the stoat to pay for more or gtfo.
I'd probably say Niko or Otogi at this point
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I don't get it, Chinks claim Taiwan as China anyways so it's just like showing playerbase as a state...right?
Don't understand the melty
Group story
Volume F
Reisa event that is permanently added to the event menu last week and can be played at any time
JTF group episode

Their entire thing is just that they're a club of normal girls in trinity, they do SoL things. They eat cakes.
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everyone in /bag/ is 180 cm+, has a good job, a wife, kids, a flourishing social life, and a costco membership.
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Don't expect a Chinese person to be rational.
They are the ones who were saying the Mahjong soul collab was an NTR attempt by the blue archive devs.
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How do I get Toki to marry me?
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Y-yeah haha
That's not a meme through they literally talked about it this stream: "she just had baggy clothes so it gave the impression she was bigger".
Roll for Koyuki.
I have none of those things.
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>2* bAiri
I am one of those things.
>baggy clothes
Damn, she really is bri'ish.
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they had an event featuring the super star USAWA LEISA
Why is my supposed canon wife a gehennoid?
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you can get most of those at Costco
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I'm glad Hinafags are polite enough to censor the images of their disgusting creature.
>None in the club has any boobs now
>Devs laugh about it
They need to give Yoshimi D cups to make up for this travesty
dood stop thinking of the children..
Thank goodness her privates are covered, my boss just passed by and would have been really mad if Ibuki had been naked.
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Congratulations on your costco membership!
It's that easy
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Lol this Chinese cuck seriously deleted his account over this drama. What a faggot
And my point is that they could just as easily avoid having to deal with that issue by simply sticking to whatever is available in their country. Or not chimping out every time they see something they disagree with when they go out. At this point I'm partially convinced that all of these chimpouts are manufactured by Winnie the Pooh's cronies to a) disrupt whatever media they want to disrupt and b) flaunt that they can make creators kneel to them by forcing an apology out of them whenever they mention Taiwan.
>vpn users hopping between Taiwan and mainland are irrelevant entirely
Considering that they want to use a VPN in the first place, that doesn't seem too irrelevant to me.
I'm honestly impressed Cover chose to pull out of Chinkland instead of forcing their talent to issue a big apology. I heard they're back in bilibili though.
>no relish
>no onions
That's not a Costco hotdog. Arona is a fraud!
Drunk afterparty Hina...
huh? she has immense potential as the mother of my children though?
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I think we should get more childs alts
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Is there any other country in the stats that is split?
nobody gives a shit about your twitter account samefag
Why is he posting on Twitter if it is banned in China?
I hope more do this. Stay on your own servers.
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With the same outfit? Nah we need a different one.
Kazusa - former famous deliquent, now a normal girl
Reisa - former hero of justice who patrols the streets of trinity daily to keep the streets safe at night, every night she sleeps in different back alleys. She has no friends.
Nutsu - philosophy major
Yoshimi - midget
Airi - the normal one, she only eats mint chocolate chip ice cream

You see them in the background of various chapters
>They can't see the wind, but they can see the imprint that the wind makes on the surface of the water
Shanhaijing is Taiwan by the way
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Uh oh melty
I would never marry a filthy G*henna student!
They don't want it to be a "state." They want it to be absorbed into the hive.
>She has no friends
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great memory is one of the foundations of being a genius. remembering and recalling massive amounts of information efficiently is useful.
Not really, no. At most a chinese quarter in a japanese city. They still all have jap names.
>every night she sleeps in different back alleys
I thought Trinity students were supposed to be rich. How would she even be able to afford tuition?
Doesn't Reijo have a halo similar to Hong Kong's flag?
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If you see a clear with Shigure/Atsuko + Hanako, you can probably swap Hanako for Kaede.
Use Kaede.
>She has no friends
Clearly you didn't read her momos
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Sensei loves everyone, but Gehanna the most

Read her momo's
She's a tragic character
A whole volume consisting of Loli/daimafying all of Kivotos with sensei included would sell millions unironically.
What was that Sun Tzu quote? "Be extremely subtle, to the point of formlessness." Unfortunately you're as subtle as an elephant that saw a mouse right now.
I hope he finds employment soon
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I agree
Those are AI generated
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I had to skip her so I could get Toki...
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My biggest support as a teacher is Asuna's pure, eager, and unconditional love
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cute migga bloomers
Its alright reisa, no one will think less of you
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nom nom
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Error: Duplicate file exists here >>498906252
>Reisa - former hero of justice who patrols the streets of trinity daily to keep the streets safe at night, every night she sleeps in different back alleys. She has no friends.
If she was a vigilante then wouldn't Suzumi be her friend?
>look mom I posted it again!!
i don't see any logic whatsoever in what you just said.
"the issue is that you do not recognize a territory as belonging to them" - "well, they're using a VPN!", "they should just use their own internet!"
again, this is simply irrelevant. completely.
All the vigilantes go solo doing their own things even though they are a club
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I didn't watch the stream.
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So that's why club only has 2 members then...
interesting filling...
these free permits are a fucking godsend, tired of getting cucked out of upgrading a new student's gear because of low lvl blueprints
I bet Koyuki's moans sound cute
You said you did not understand. I explained it. Your reaction now is rather strange.
Sounds like bs given Suzumi mentions her in F and they obviously know each other, and the cat even mentions she's happy Laser is doing well.
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>try set
>lose at 49
>read about set
>okay that makes sense I just used normal squads
>look at teams for higher floors
>lose at 49
how do set
my auto attack team with two izunas did less damage than my no thoughts head empty wakamo shanako what's this lightning who cares attemp
How do you even run out of them?
Also didn't you have the chance to farm equipment mats on 2x normals recently?
by not being max level? durr
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I will take care of my superstar daughter
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If you aren't max level you should be spending them on credits
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your rotating kasoom
Borrow maxed wappi unironically
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Read ALL of his abilities
>pop the red ball when it is on top of your team
>heal the top obelisk to full after it gets hit by lightning
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>Suzumi in Reisa's event: "yeah I know Reisa, she's a gremlin sometimes but means well"
I like to think of them as having a Yuuka and Koyuki dynamic
but yes Vigilantes are decentralized
also never forget that in the opening chapter Rin literally calls Suzumi out as having too much time on her hands
Eventually they'll do a vigilante event with Suzumi and Reisa alts and a secret third member, and it'll be like they were friends all along
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neru tummy
Yostar already apologized, what the fuck do the Chinks want? A live dogeza?
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Post Wakamo
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Vigilantes are like Batman and green arrow.

They sometimes cross paths, they're in the same line of work, but they don't tend to work together all the time.
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Cat butto.
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>Rabbit Squad
>PS68 at one point
>Sukeban looks
Kivitos has a hobo problem
That's not WakaCute.
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>Japs are using superior image format that is webp on misskey before 4channel
>gookmoot cold be saving THOUSANDS of yen on server cost from reduced image size
blue archive
I blame Kaiser
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I will take a second of everyone's time to remind you all that this is a Juri General first and foremost.
May your weekend start with the right foot now that this info has been provided.
I'm sure the vigilantes are just a bunch of volunteers that mostly patrol on their own. Maybe it is a translation thing but I feel like Suzumi treats Reisa more like a colleague. Then there is this 4 koma, that came with the rerun, of Suzumi lending her heaphones to Reisa, but I don't see them having that level of "friendship" you see from other clubs. But the writers can always do >>498907528
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>she's a gremlin sometimes
Someone fucking up is a chance to let out your bloodlust on an approved target
They don't want an apology, they want a target that it's permissable to let the beast out onto while still maintaining that they're good people, because the one they're condemning "deserves it". Which is why they scour the internet 24/7 for someone who mentions Taiwan so they have a chance to let the hate flow through them.

What I'm saying sounds messed up, but honestly 90% of Internet discourse these days is some variation of that feeling
All the "gotcha" content, cancel culture, all that stuff. They don't want an apology, they want to be able to destroy people while proclaiming their own rightenousness. They don't care whether you apologize, you're just someone they can let their hate out onto again.
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fucking this dog
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That first comment on the most recent post. Kek.

>gehennoid general
/bag/ has fallen.
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coom in doom
They're "vigilantes"
They're specifically not an official organization and are just vigilantes who do it on their own without government approval, much like Batman

They even say that sometimes the vigilantes fight with the JTF when they disagree over justice
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Chinese people are notoriously cruel and vindictive. The great firewall is for our protection.
weird kokona
>>Suzumi or Reisa fighting the JTF
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china #1 russia #2 USA #8!
So, exact feeling bag felt about KV devs snatching talent from BA and ripping it off?
I kinda get chinks now
Still fuck em, they deserve it
No. If this were a burger stat and Nexon showed California as a separate stat from the rest of the Union we would be memeing about it.
I guess my point is the visceral reaction caught me off guard. Chink political fanatism is just too strong.
He's not me.
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but why is Plana objectively sexier than Arona?
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Clothes are /fa/ as fuck
Longer hair
Color palette is fantastic
Deadpan voice makes me diamonds
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BRICS alliance when?
Shainhaijing(China), Red Winter(Russia) and Abydos as South Africa, but your need a Brazil and India school too
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that was some fucking amazing sex
not even most of the new software understands it, let alone any of the old. webp is a giant annoyance. please do not webp.
A reminder to always help your students
You wouldn't want your students to start doing random compensated dates with older people right?
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Yes, I was agreeing with that post of yours...
>but your need a Brazil and India school too
No, no you really don't.
Looking at it from another perspective, after what happened, won't there be more people in Taiwan willing to pay for the pakeji because Nexon recognized them as a country?
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What happened?
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There are no men in Kivotos

Which is why students rape sensei daily
He was sent to Kivotos literally to be prime man meat for students to do whatever they want with
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China got uppity.
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>every stream she trends
>with kisaki she didn't even need a stream to trend
>global stream was just people in chat begging for seia so much that even the nips took notice
she's becoming too powerful nexon needs to release her now before it's too late
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Sorry for being sexy Mika
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Reminder that Seia is still not implemented
oh no...
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they really tried with that pistol, but. not enough.
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I forgive you, Mika. But you have to show up for the upcoming Trinity event or else.
All me
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Ako transfered
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Reisa was holding her own against an entire mob of sukebans and Suzumi has patrol autism (basically being a less lethal Azoos) + would be more dangerous if she was using actual grenades instead of flashbangs
I shan't have Vigilante slander in my /bag/
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Evening, /bag/. Don't forget to pat your students before reset.
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Thoughts on the fact that Kokosando is still working on the BA team?
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>There are no men in Kivotos
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of course not it's not sunday yet
We always get gifts at the end of a stream.
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That's clearly another person
Reminder that being implemented would probably badly affect Seia's popularity
She's popular because she's not released, she trends any time a new student comes out because she isn't out yet
She would lose her niche if she came out.
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I know what I said
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She won't be implemented
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imagine this with V1C3 animation
Asuna, easy on the Costco hotdogs...
Is that fat? Why does it look like that?
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I never doubted even once.
Now, from man to man, I ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage.
Nexon insider here, we'll get a Millenium-centered magical girl event soon.
>Rio speaks through a drone again and acts as the mascot/familiar that gives advice to the girls
>MG alts for Toki, Chihiro and Koyuki (welfare)
>big star of the event is Yuuka's MG alt, Miracle Yuuka
>Himari is actually the villain
>event is mostly lighthearted and fun, but at the end will have bits foreshadowing the new Millenium chapter and Deca's prophet
All the units are good but Yuuka in particular is expected to become the best tank in the game by a wide margin, Koyuki is a ST purple damage dealer and her ligmas will be farmable during the event, and she will be added to the common pool after the event.
The next characters were revelaed to me in a dream
It's pajama Seminar
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kill yourself already retard
nobody likes you
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Asuna needs more costco hot dogs.
I want more pudgy (but not obese) students in general.
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SpinHinaSpin bros... This is bad, I think I'm going to defect to the SpinKasumiSpin club...
is this BA?
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Leather Jacket Man being so powerful than even China could not cancel or shittalk him and had to do mental gymnastics about this comment is still one of the funniest fucking things I've witnessed in the last few years.
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simply not possible, I came to her in a dream so it must be true
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She always had them.
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Which students suck dick the best?
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Kasoom can't do it like this
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Witch alt in the upcoming trinity festival
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Why do cosplayscat spammers love this so much
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It's an asian thing. It's in fashion right now to make the bottom eye lids look pronounced, especially in Korea.
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It's an obscure character no one knows or likes
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Is that make up? contacts?
But I don't want her popularity, I want Seia herself! It's a trade I'd take any day.
I don't know who that is I only know wakamo
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Nah. A student this ugly would never be implemented into the game.
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You're disgusting!
You're asking the wrong question there, it doesn't matter if the spammer likes it. It's an incredibly common look because asians like it, so cosplayers do it.
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based seiabro
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Thoughts on small Waka?
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The sexiest...
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Very huggable
Cute fox
Cute dog
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>Listed not only Taiwan as a country but Hong Kong too
>Taiwan #1 to top it all off
>Chinks rioting over this
this really never stops being funny
holy shit a furball wakamo
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Why did Rinny nuke the stream bros
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Just woke up, where can I watch the stream? The link is privated...
Well? Continue.
This wouldn't have happened if Kaya were in charge
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Seia is also forgiven
I don't care about the CN revenue, but do you think there will be any repercussions on the global revenue because of what happened during this stream? I'm not sure how many chinks actually buy the pakeji on the global server.
am I supposed to do something to get the livestream gibs?
also I love miyako
Gehenna is already South America
>German aesthetics due to immigrants and ww2 refugees
>racial supremacists despite being a bunch of fakers (look like demons but half of them are just lizards or larpers like Haruna)
>absurdly incompetent and corrupt leadership is maintained because almost nobody votes
>explosions, shootouts and the likes are everyday ocurrences
>constant conflict between several decentralized groups that just do whatever they want
>rules are merely suggestions
>thicc bimbos
>hated by pretty much everyone else but too big and chaotic for anyone to do shit about them
>friends with RW (Russia)
It's all there. Anyone who thinks Gehenna is supposed to be Germany is insane, the connection is purely visual.
Fur students get the leash
Same as it has always beem
does Kanna actually have her right eye? if she's based off Odin then that eye must be blind/missing isn't it?
oh good
I'm very new so I wouldn't know
explains a lot why Iori is brown actually.........
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The Feral Hound surely has both eyes.
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Whenever someone slips up and acknowledges China, you'll notice the same things happen afterwards.

Within two or three days they give the most groveling apology possible while going as far in the other direction as possible and actively throwing Taiwan under the bus saying they don't believe in it at all and they fully support the one China policy, it's like there's a template coorporations have to abide by when apologizing to China. There are always certain terms they have to use when apologizing
Are there seriously no vods because they deleted the stream that quickly? Fucking hell, I wanted to see the Q&A with devs at least.
I'm black
Can you make this a gif and add the licking animation? I can't jack off without it, thanks.
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Hey black I'm chise
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i don't think her right eye has ever completely shown though? it's always covered and such
Everything was erased

Which is pretty stupid since YouTube editor allows you to remove part of a video without issue, you can just erase the one minute "problematic" segment and leave the rest
[grumbling incoherently]
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Time to upload Blue Archive creepypastas to my Lost Media channel
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where do retards like you come from
Well, as long as they don't go the Epic Seven route and give them compensation for their chimp out, whatever.
Post Karin
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She has both.
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I will never use that loser
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W i d e
Can the gook autists that burned down their ratings bureau and crucified isakusan do something with the chink menace?
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I deserve fluffy fox cuddles
See more
GuitarRock did a watch party, his vod is still up if you can tolerate his yapping. Live tab on his GuitarRock First channel
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Nexon owes us apologems for causing grief to the Chinese people.
>pulling toki
>get koyuki
i won
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...I just came back and wanted to watch the vod.
Guess I'll just go back a few threads and read the stream content.
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No shit, it's the manufacturer of the world, one of the most populous country and coastal cities are insanely rich. No one wants to be cut off from that, it's like asking why countries groveled at the feet of the US after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea that you can be a strong independent country/company that needs no man is retarded.
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Give me her name
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When I first saw Nagusa, I thought she might actually be an amputee, which seemed really cool. Eventually it was shown that her arms was just gross and shrivelled, which was kind of disappointing, but I am still happy that it doesn't seem like they tried to downplay the appearance of her injury.
I am a big fan of her design and I hope she will have more appearances in the story.
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.
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if anything the chinks are "worse" because they have the sanctions and backing of their commie regime
Nice ass
>no halo
Someone fix this.
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If Shiroko Terror looks like that, does that mean our Shiroko will also eventually become a hag?
I could barely do Insane. I'm not doing Torment.
I meant the shitposting wars
I want to hug herm she looks so sad
He will never allow his daughter Seia to be stolen by senseis.
NPC til EOS.
I want to hug and sniff Karin
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It's from the POV of another C&C member. That's why the halo doesn't appear.
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No, she had Color buffs
Nice feet
But she's 3D...
If you have the students at the necessary investment levels torment is not hard. There's little RNG, you just have to use skills at the correct time.
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Hell yeah, now we're gaming
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So is the chart going to be modified to be China #1 so I can start roll on the floor laughing
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cripple arm
I don't wanna
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That kind of thinking is how you turn your daughter into cat lady.
Or in this case, Bird lady.
Hey i was checking the Twitter and theres a bunch of mad chinks

What did we broke now?
fanart obviously doesn't count you toaster
Livestream listed Taiwan
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Students don't age in-game

Which is why we need deus ex machina to give us younger or older versions of students. As long as the game is going Shiroko will never age.
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Just a good reminder
Did they show any bond stats for the stream?
""""""That disgusting island that isnt japan"""""""
Mom Shiroko (Terror)
Sensei refused to ejaculate inside Kai.
literally from the valk event retard
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>It gets changed so that the largest playerbase by region is China
>Except for the fact that the Chinese server isn't all that big
>Chinks get angry again that they get outed for playing on other servers
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She is happiest when eating yakitori
Taiwan server was shown and praised on stream for having the highest non-jp BA population and china is very mad.
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OOC, Miyako loves me
>Enjoy a story about how children are innocent and should be protected, and how we should work hard as adults to protect children because it's our responsibility
>Get teleported to that world
>Instantly do the opposite
I shiggidy diggity
She loves me now.
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We fuck foxes here, not ugly fake rabbits
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(You) on the left
When do we get the gems from the pre-registration, when band event deops? Iirc it was 1000 from event and 1000 from pre-reg.
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Could you really say that if you were transported to Kivotos right now with a hypnosis app, you genuinely wouldn't use it?
You don't get anything from pre-registering. Everyone will get 2000 gems
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Pick better art, I'm not even going to post a Koharu on this one.
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What do you think Kokosando feels about Seia still not being added as a playable unit in the game?
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>putting up pictures of her showing her appeal
>dressing her up in sexy clothes
he's straight up trying to give her away to (You) and not even being subtle about it and it's your duty as sensei to seal the deal
me on the right getting a goodnight kiss
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NTA but I prefer vanilla, so unironically yes.
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I'm going to bing
Jokes aside, I never really understood doing this at the end of a doujin. It's like the author is ashamed of what they've made and try to 'fix' it by ruining the end of the doujin. Never made sense to me
Why are you tied up with rope?
Anon it clearly said there was a reward from pre-reg.
I opened this image twice and I didn't even realise it was NSFW
I think I'm getting too coomerbrained
That's my lanyard
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Hypnoshit is giga cringe
Regarding Sunday's stream
>best-case scenario: Seia and/or Akira
>mixed: idol Sakurako*, idol Mari
>bad: princess Tsurugi, prince Ichika
>worst-case scenario: Shimiko alt

*can be moved down to bad if it's another mx2j botch job
Sexbomb Shimiko alt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> princess Tsurugi & prince Ichika
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>>worst-case scenario: Shimiko alt
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Isn't fair how unpopular this incarnation of sex is
>Get teleported to BA world
>Have hypnosis app
>"I'm sensei's strongest soldier, I'll do it for you sensei, I'll go up to bat for you sensei"
>Brainwash Gematia to be good
>Use hypnosis to prevent the Eden treaty massacre by getting rid of Beatrice
>Create the happy ending in the background while sensei does it in the foreground

Yeah I actually don't like those rapemen doujinshi where people get teleported to a nice world and purposefully make it hell juat because they can
A person who loses their morals so easily, and shows they had no love for the scenerio or characters only betrays himself. Did you want to protect what the students are, or did you just want to rape their bodies? Students are more than just designs, there is a personality
Hypnosis is a shit tier fetish because you kill the personality and reduce them down to just meat
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You wouldn't be Sensei. You'd just be "the other guy" in Kivotos.
Are you really, REALLY sure that, without any ability to get the girls on your own, you wouldn't resort to the hypnotism app? Justify it as "I will make them happy anyway"?

I just honestly don't believe a single anon here could resist that temptation. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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Not like reverse NTR,which is good
Every post on 4chan is a lie unless proven otherwise.
It says on the website, anon-chan..
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I don't want to deal with schizos claiming ayamy's recent doujin was marketing again, you just know it's what the raiders will latch onto
zero personality beyond JUSTICE
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That corset has some serious tensile strength, holding back a tidal wave there
>not in the game
as i said, fanart doesn't count. stop being an obtuse dumbass if you have nothing besides namecalling
Akira always looks she is high
I love this guy's doodles.
Airi's squirt rag...
>boring personality
>no story presence
>hair not long enough
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>i'm a jerk, so deep inside everyone else is a jerk too
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good morning /bag/, what did the streams reveal? Is BA dying for realsies?
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For me it's
>Best case scenario: Niya
Tom&Jerry is a classic after all.
Hypnosis is fun but I'm sick of people just using it for just "abracadabra you're now a gigaslut". It's so fucking boring.

So I would use it, but not for that kind of shit.
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Kuroko is FAT
It's because evil shouldn't flourish, evil shouldn't get away unscathed, evil shouldn't get away without consequences
You can do bad things but you still have to face the consequences for it in the end
The audience will hate it far more if evil gets away in the end. People have some ingrained sense of fairness where they don't care as much if someone acts shitty as long as they suffer for it in the end, if you write an evil character they still have to face their sins eventually, otherwise people's ingrained idea of fairness will find the story annoying

Almost every story with an evil protagonist has him face the consequences in the end, like code geass. There's a reason for that.
Those that do evil have to be prepared for the natural result
I always wanted to make a stack of sandwiches with a shuffle like a deck of cards
I knew Miyako was based.
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Post-nut or rather post-rape clarity would eat my inside like Fubuki and donut.
I just don't think I have it in me to resort to manipulation and rape.

Look that doujin was hot but that girl is just not Shimiko.
You forgot:
>Students are very into Hyakkiyako's culture (Japan)
Post the real one
seia needs her own tier
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I fell asleep like 10 minutes into the stream. What happened?
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I'm back from work. How was the stream?
oh shut up
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which student is you spirit animal?
I'm literally Reisa the cutest student of Kivotos
Red winter students are starving at this very moment and you're not doing anything about it.
>Global streams are never that interesting
that's patently false, they're the only streams we actually have devs on an insight into production
post-stream afterparty was a blast
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Link to the stream baggies?
They mentioned Taiwan and had to instantly delete everything
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The FeetDev is still working on Nexon...
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I slept through it like a baby.
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Typical global stream. Aka a bunch of fags pretend that we don't have a 6 month foresight. The royally pissed off Chinks so that was funny at least.
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You are going to be a father,sensei
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She is the worst!
kill yourself retard
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They look fine to me. Are you sure it's not just you being a fatass?
Bald chibis
Rotating chibis
Beta Kirara chibi
Kokosando concern
Gook merch
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>went to dentist to get tartar removed
>can actually feel the shape of my individual teeth now
holy fuck this feels so weird
You can pretend to keep your conscious. The thin veneer of "it's not real and I wouldn't do it" will let you sleep at night. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's an in-built defensive mechanism...
But I know your true self, "sensei". You, too, would...
How do you imagine your relationship with Erika?
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Kokosando put on the funny glasses and said "concern", so, all in all, it was an amazing stream
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Carnal love with this boy
I hate feetdev so fucking much
what is she doing
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I want to be Mika's little pog champion...
chinks won
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now are you going to move the goalpost further back retard?
I don't want to do yellow insane...
blue and red were already painful enough and those seem to be the easy ones
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Chinatsu nahmbah wahn
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now floss or do something to keep it that way
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Non-consensual sex every day
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She grows her hair out for me and I help her with that
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Comfy and lovely, she is a pretty sane girl
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Speak for yourself I touching the halos (sensitivity 777%)
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Taiwan is number one
I don't see the point of hypnosis. it removes a big part of the enjoyment, making the girls no longer unique. If I had a hypnosis app and a guarantee that without it no girl in kivotos would love me if I don't use it I would just be chad thundercock instead and rape a girl into loving me.
may use the hypnosis to steal money from kaiser though. so I wouldn't throw it away.
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chinatsu numba wan
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can we please stop pretending anyone gives a fuck about Seia
mentaly ill faggot
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hey I do it's me
At least this shitshow happened right after the JP server was done milking their lame filler academy.
miss key sex
This is why you have no friends
stop posting ugly mika instead post the real pink haired heroine
nooooo the resetposters...
I'm gonna miss the headpat...
Based I wanted Ainz have his indecisiveness blow up on his face then get kidnapped away by Evil eye i to her bone crusher cave
This is a falseflag by a mikafag
Yes we know, you already said that about yourself
Thanks for the meta analysis I guess, but I was thinking much more simply. The people who like something like rape in their doujins don't care if evil goes unpunished, and those that don't like it aren't going to read or enjoy the doujin in the first place. So it just seems weird to "pussy out" at the end. Like I said, the only reason I can imagine is that the author feels bad about his work, but it's still strange
he doesn't felt bad
you're forgetting to apply that logic you wrote to the author, that's why it feels like a "pussy out" when it's not it's, if the author would grab an innocent girl and draw an "evil doujin" where said girl gets raped he would be easily as capable to pull off that ending, in fact it's not surprising at all
Is say the answer is the same, even authors who write evil characters still understand what sort of ending such a person deserves in the end. Even in a lot of evil stories you still see bad people face consequences in the end because it's the natural result, because it appeals to an sense of justice almost all humans have on some level. 2+ 2 = 4, and people are used to people that are corrupt or evil in stories eventually suffering for it. You see this even in real life, people believe in some sort of karma eventually happening to evil people. Like a lot of people have some sort of belief in karma even if they don't admit it, it's a balance, if something goes one direction it eventually has to go the other direction, otherwise people feel like the story is incomplete. Karma is ingrained into us through generations by stories.
Honestly I think a belief in "karma" is just the human mechanism of defense in response to "I wanted to do that, but I didn't because I was scared of the consequences" taken to its natural conclusion, so they can say "see, I was right to not do it, because he was punished for it", or as a simple desire to see revenge done as you mentioned. I don't really think it's about justice or not
She is cool. Her EX skill graphics are really awesome
She reminds me of another sincere but reserved sniper from a popular mobile game
nta but disagree it's more of a natural outcome of actions, action -> reaction
when you do something "good", it's not natural to get "bad" results that's simply entropy at work inversely when you do something "bad" it's not natural to get "good" results, and this applies to basically everything, when you go against a "system" in place, be it cultural system, a personal system or societal system then you can expect that system to clap back it has nothing to do with beliefs or karma or any of that

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