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Previous Thread: >>498915213

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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I genuinely cannot wait for the JP stream.
Post "that" image.
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Sexy Mika love
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I am becoming more powerful.
Jap stream is gonna get spammed by chink antis, isn't it.
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funny number soon
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Seia banner is bad for business
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36h until seia release (real)
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no chink talk on this one please and thank you
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Would you Chise?
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keep it down will ya
and thanks
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Comfy Mika sex
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Thanks for adding a red circle.
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"concerned" is a funny word.
Why is Kanna always the best?
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Sars should I redeem my yooz or wait in case of a spook when I roll for Ako???
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Jumby my beloved...
whose halo is that one in the back
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Nice, would
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Redeem your wife
So that is why China turned on BA
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do it saar
I would toki
it's stupid considering how it says region, not country
>3d hours
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sir, redeem immediately. extra ligma from dupes is more valuable than farmable elephs, especially ones you can amass quickly, like Yuzu's.
hey alright
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I mean cosplay quality is above average when it come to BA
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Not if they have an apology and gibs ready before then
Thread kinda started asking for shitpost
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3d whore are always below average
what is TBLIBRI
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Please stop India hate.
Every other region, however, is a country, so that's not really the stupid part.
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>go to Abydos
>this starts playing
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My fried shrimp wife and my hairball wife
Miyako would never say that
>Claim Yuzu right before reset
>Enter cafe right after reset
>Yuzu is among the visitors
>She also appears in several schools that day
WTF, John Nexon really wanted me to get all her momotalks.
Shes just like me
They already apologized.
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I just
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my wife Mika
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Sensei, care to explain?
It won't be as bad if they set the live chat properly to subs mode + a month or two old.
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Yostar Shanghai did, not Nexon, the one who made the fuckup and the one who Yostar JP has a partnership with.
Either Nexon apologizes or Yostar JP who runs the JP side of operations suffers via death by association.
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>a month or two old
thhat's a bit too young.
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Imagine the comfy sex
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funny how the shyest member of ps68 ends up being the most erotic somehow
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hot dog status?
>mihomo melty
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It enhances the sex
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I cant believe EoS announcement is this sunday
>mika melty
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>Ejaculate on Seia
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big up monchan for making separate doujinshi for all 4 hyakki members
the NY kimono is the best
I just want to DEFILE her
Missed the part shes on top of me
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sad, isn't it?
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Is this a Kasumi general?
Tuxedo haruka is just creepy
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You just aren't looking right
Go to >>>/g/ if you want to post AI crap here.
She reminds me of that one KoF character
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It'll probably happen this weekend still, corpos will always kneel to (potential) money and they have little to lose for apologizing
the dress and new york clothes are the best
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Sensei dude...
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The number is wrong, right? We had two 61 in a row.
>this is how Yuuka started to be perceived after Maki edited her weight in school's database and published it
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i'm actually surprised number autists didn't mention it last thread.
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Post the screenshot about unc bellyblasting cunny slurp slurp. I like that one
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Vice? Mature?
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What are people using on season 7 of pvp? Double tanks with Yuuka, Tsubaki. Shun with sHanako and then sShiroko and sAyane?
Haruna couldn't possibly be making a comeback.
With the quality of threads we've had lately I'm not
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Hose girl
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Aww, come on! You're no fun, Sensei!
Yeah, them.
Farfie if he real.
Based, are chinks seething again?
Is my global free of this menace?
>>498929130 #6562 (should be #6563)
>>498915213 #6561 (should be #6562)
>>498899249 #6561 (correct)

Next thread should be #6564
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Haruka looks perfect in everything
You'll just have to get used to it when they release that as an alt instead of the dress.
Students who would wear the real version of this for a dare?
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shy girls have always been the most erotic
Reisa in her bad end route.
no, let's skip seven numbers.
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it's bannable if enough people report xir
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Around batshit girls never relax
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The price should go up if u are max level.
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I don't understand how KR doesn't have the most amount of BA players for global.
Its a game made by KR devs and how hard they defend BA (see: the incident last month).
They have home field advantage and everything, so what gives? Do they just not care about BA as much as I had thought?
China has 20x the population
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
Taiwan is really just that strong, such a great and independent nation
I got banned from posting that nude Kasumi doodle lel
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Taiwan is just chinks on vpn, and there is lot of chinks out there buddy.
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Pink love
Mainland China does, but not Taiwan. South Korea has twice the population of Taiwan.
Average /bag/ger
Even Yuzu and Miyu?
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Yes. Maybe now EU will reclaim it's top spots in PvP and raids from chinks using vpn.
Good night
Mikaposters conflicting...
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Literally me
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Not poozu, but Miyu definitely.
>Taiwan is just chinks on vpn
Why would they vpn into a country they get assmad about
don't they have their own server
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Does it have a...
Mika should die
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>it's a hinafag
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Mainland Chinese were playing on the Taiwanese server before they got their own and even then their server is censored.
cognitive dissonance about their shitty CCP overlords
Good night, Anon.
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If they love Taiwan so much why don't they make a Taiwan based school?
Should they retcon shanhaijing to be not-Taiwan instead of not-china?
Brosis those are mostly mainland chinks on VPNs
which student is most likely to have autism
In pain
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This Yuuka has down syndrome
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I for one have had it with those Chinese antis.
We should divide China into smaller countries. No country should have that much land and population.
>B-but India!
They are the laughing stock of the internet, we needn't concern ourselves with them. Blue Archive.
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There is only one China on both sides of the strait.
Found the listing
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TW doesn't have to deal with the CCPs censorship
Because Taiwan is the closest so it's probably the fastest vpn gate they can access.
Does it make sense when they want to pretend it doesn't exist? Not really, but not making sense didn't stop people on the internet since forever.
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I like Chinese dresses.
yea sure anon, chinks on vpn travel to taiwan for taiwan's collabs.
I don't understand why BA gets targeted with this shit, meanwhile stuff like znowbreak or girIs frontline gets away with even worse, racier stuff just fine.
>We should divide China
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Shanhaijing is already Taiwan
Do you see any freak accidents, people cooking on gutter oil and totalitarian state controlling your every move in Shanhaijing? Exactly
Because it's made by chinks, so they are more lenient with it.
koreans are pro corpo they don't want to lose sum' money
urban pvp? Shun Yuuka Marina (then later Yuuka Miyako because Miyako in pvp shop) sHanako or Shun Yuuka Aru/nyHaruna sHanako then sShiroko Hibiki
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Predictions for this stream?
wanna hump Toki's butt
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Momoi guest!
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Do we still like Azusa?
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traitors live execution
as a gurofag this image almost excited me
>people cooking on gutter oil
Well, there is Rumi and here more "open" approach to the culinary arts...
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where is he
Why do they always use the same VAs? Just because they are the cheapest?
spammed by subhuman cockroaches
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Sorry, I only like Zoos
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look at this
look at those wide giant fucking eyes
what is wrong with her
From what I learned, it's entirely down to if you get reported to the ccp and how much you're in their good graces.
using snowbreak as an example they fairly recently got reported to the ccp by girls frontline fans and they were forced to censor themselves. girls frontline is probably in the ccps good graces right now so they have more leeway.
They will never invite Yuzu's va again after revealing her ears to the world.
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V5C2 announcement alongside Niya/Nagusa banner
tsubaki is fat
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>as a gurofag
What's it like to live such a fundamentally wrong existence?
why dont they invite saoris va? id bet she would do it free
someone post that webm where Fubuki's hair balls are sliced off
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hidden rare
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PC clients bros... our chances... i'm concerned...
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Shubababa<-*sounds of relaxing while sipping on green tea*
only on opposite day
Because they play the game
Do parents get money as insurance when their kid dies in Kivitos?
Why would mobile devs know how to make a PC client?
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>ctrl+F (You)
>0 matches
/bag/ has fallen
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BA is an easy target
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Shubababa<-*sounds of me blasting Mitcher's belly*
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Parents? The hell are those?
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>mfw hinafag is both metaposter and sloppa spammer, consistently lower quality of the threads
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Look at me, Sensei
I fear being sent to the psych ward a fourth time
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Not so fast "Sensei"!
What are you intentions with my daughter?
I am CONCERNED, you see. Do you even deserve her?
It's honestly unforgiveable how fucking long BA takes to load when literal full 3D open world games load in less than half the time BA does.
3 goddamn years and they nexon hasn't improved it whatsoever in any significant manner
I want the old opening screen back
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Hina should transfer
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Nah, I posted the conversation with the irl mod last time it happened. He said they confused me with the evaded, so I assume he's in my same ip range, but I'm not from sea so it's probably the Mihomofag.
Or maybe my range is just cursed, once my posts got deleted at the same time as Farfie's, and I wasn't even banned.
Besides the last few times he got banned none of my posts got deleted, so maybe now they know.
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>/open/ bag
>post "REISA" IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>Play the game
>Literal whos so they're easy to schedule
please dont demand too much from a small indie company
To my bedroom
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Then switch back to it
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My canon wife Fuuka...
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>16k gems
>kinda want Ako
>but want MW3 Uncle
>and the Sexroko
Do I roll for Ako banner coming soon or just save for the anni?
I forgive you Rio
where's the high quality version of this spinning kasumi
the truth is out there
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Shut up, you're me now.
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What is she so smug about?
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You can only fuck one
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Bro is retarded :skull:
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You know what to do.
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I have this.
She slept with sensei
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either buy the ticket and get ako or just roll ako and pray
post credit card number and home address
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>check deleted time
>it's id ban
nice try faggot, you can't really defend yourself this time
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might as well go for it, ako is must
post it
Haha le xfags bad!!!! Very organic posting by the way
I believe in you.
You need to have sex with Arona three times and then restart your game
Don't believe me if you don't want, but like I said, they don't delete my posts with his anymore
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I don't wanna swipe
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Hinafags should die
*rapes you*
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My wife Kuroha.
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The gooks loved the live devtalk so you might see the same format again in the future.
>every other game running on ios except ba
nice cherrypicking
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Why did Vinny shave his beard?
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zased.. so fvcking zased...
i will make a choice after they take off all that makeup from their faces
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I can't even see the same format right now because it's deleted.
I give in 3D posters, you won
Fubuki is so sex
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I've finally done it...
total student ignoring!
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How will they top PVs 2 and 4? What would you wanna see in a new PV to make it more memorable or epic? New achool(s) entering the fray? Kuzunoha back in action? Deca prophet?
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Rookie numbers
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
>only 100
Story PV
I'm kind of worried it'll be of lesser quality for the time being though, I'm pretty sure I recall all the PVs being handled and directed by the old staff who are now gone
How new? He trooned out like two months ago.
Blame Jerma's audience.
Think I should keep farming Aru when I have 440 shards and I'll get 80 more in February during opera rerun? I was thinking I'd only do her nodes during double hards
kuroha womb filled with my semen
>ayo sensei release me from this wack ass prison
no, I only PLAP 'em
I wouldn't mind the three new schools getting introduced and becoming playable next bluefest. It'd make the main story busy as fuck though, juggling even more schools alongside the current volumes
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I patted her too much
If you have enough to max her while accounting for the rerun then stop. You can always farm more if needed.
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Well not technically since I didn't redeem her. So if I redeem I'm 120 off. But if I farm and she spooks me in the next 4 months then I'd waste a whole bunch
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I really want to do things to her.
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Just nutted to Nagisa and Mika paizuri thought you'd want to know /bag/
i am aroused...
Cute staff mobs.
what in the sex!?
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didn't catch it live, but thoughts on this?
We already knew this.
sexy seia back
most underrated decacunny
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Which of these students looks the best in a maid uniform?
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i wanna jizz but i'm too lazy to masturbate
pan pan
I think I have fallen in love with Reisa..................
as expected we already knew they could see it but not recognize it
why she fuzzy?
She's beautiful
>countless other gachas have pc clients
why not?
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She ate millions
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>he missed out on the ultra limited stream
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>He missed the seia reveal
>her ear is red
Cute and hot.
kek They could've avoided any issue had they simply titled it "by server/region" instead of countries, but KYH couldn't help but be based as always.
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Please tell me this chink drama will blow over quickly I'm really tired of having to deal with bugmen
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you hearing that too bros he fucking missed it lmao
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Alice is a beautiful girl.
This but with Yoshimi.
>chink drama
>blow over quickly
I think its translated badly leading to some slight confusion with the entire thing, maybe we should re-translate the korean one some time to be more understandable

I've seen people all day thinking that it means they can't see the halos, when that's not what it says.
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Buddy, they're chinks. The only thing they know is eternal asspain.
Is Tsubaki's VA on contract or does she just enjoy these, I swear she's been in almost every celebration, I know at least Hare's VA seems to love the game and she also cosplayed as camp Hare
it's Aris and the dumb roomba only has 1 point in charm
She actually plays the game, that's why
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If anything it's Arisu
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English stream was removed and cut short so we never even got the answers to all the user submitted questions.
You think this is bad? We're getting the JP stream in 2 days
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Silence, 1 INT fiend.
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nagisa is cute
that's all i had to say
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nom nom
now this is a beautiful girl
Are you ready for retards saying '>mx2j' to sprites that are clearly not mx2j?
Does she get plat though
I assume picrel's asking if Cat0808 was Kikyou.
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It wasn't cut short, it ended normally
When is the next time we'll be able to get Wakamo?
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The definitive canon wife
wakaspook? any bluefes
wakaspark? 4th anni (probably)
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Think fast
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>last thread wasn't maxed images
it's over.
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To my bed
fuck greg
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Why the hell would you want that?
I actually find the Akane one to be sexier desu
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Where's the Kivotos Live VOD? I thought they said they'll be adding subs to the developer commentary portion and I really wanted to watch that.
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These 3 (and Pan-Pan)
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What do the gooks think about the whole Taiwan/China debacle?
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What if we boycott Kisaki+Reijo?
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It has become lost media
the english stream did end earlier than the KR one
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Where's my compensation for Nexon using the T word?
They were also shitposting about it and making fun of the chinks
this nonomi is scary...
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I'm thinking another collab is in due order, to Save Blue Archive.
Armpit vagina
they all suck american dick, what do you think?
There's always one of you faggots every time a censorship comparison gets posted
Three months
Because the KR stream was shilling exclusive merch, both streams ended with a galaxy store ad
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Kivotos Lost
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You spin me right 'round, bye bye
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Stand aside.
I'd take it
Give Kuroko and Uiharu
Who's gonna make the wiki entry?
They need to edit the video to remove any mention of the forbidden country.
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What should her second alt be?
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Mahjong collab was supposed to be the big collab of the year, was supposed to be a collab on their side and a collab on our side I think, they decided to cancel it due to massive backlash.
Maybe they could do a prisma ilya collab or some shit
I want Frenda.
why can't maid Jumby be real bros...
nom nom
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Even Pan-Chan has a maid hairband, so cute!
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No, fuck off you peace of shit.
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But Maid Junko is real?
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Niya soon...
I can feel it...
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>peace of shit.
Brave Hero Alice, wearing the traditional hero costume
Does anyone have a backup of these fanmade remixes labelled under MemorialLobby Climax Music? Original youtube channel got terminated and can't find reupload besides images. Not sure of the channel name and social if any.

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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
Violent sex with Niya
rio was right. stupid ass roomba should be killed.
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I'm gonna shoot you too much
Cute cow torpedoes.
>Maybe they could do a prisma ilya collab or some shit
>wanting more fatefag refugees
Did they show the D Kayoko artwork like D Aru?
Shooting your yogurt on Alice?
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Your thoughts, /bag/?
Also, if I'd spook Ako before getting spark, should I keep rolling for bASS and eventually spark one of them? Or save pyros for future?
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This has to be the easiest torment raid
when can i watch the video of the stream
i saw the drama on my phone at work and was sad i couldn't just listen to the replay while working
Series they collab with has to be
>All females
>No males
>Not even slightly connected to a male
>young girls
>Girls that aren't gay
>girls that can handle a gun

That kinda limits which series you can collab with

BA was built upon a single principle according to the developer, "No male characters other than the MC".
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Band alts won't be useful metawise unless you gigamax them so only get them if you actually want them
why does this exist
Your Maid Gaymers?
>No males
>Not even slightly connected to a male
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Skip band and consider rolling for Momoi

Index and Railgun aren't the same
Railgun is all girls
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A pale imitation.
I'd love a maid alt for her but given the gamers, I doubt it will ever happen
I did this
Anyone could lend me an invested Mine for greg? I wasted one ticket already.
Global, friend code AYVGZPFQ .
>I have no decent blue units
That's why.
Considered, and decided against.
Junky is very cute. I need to make her my wife.
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Prisma violates almost all of those. Even their men are fagbait.
What part of global?
You need to post what region not just global
They're bi sexual so its not straight gay, they still fuck men
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Just shut down CN server, it barely makes any money anyways. Chinks are loyal to their own product, (Mihoyo, Wukong, WuWa)
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I cum in Ogogo
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You never know, they might just throw a curveball and put out some random maid alts down the line.
Not really expecting an alt anytime soon though, not for a few years if I were to guess.
man I wonder what it was like to be an animator for htis
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I need Ako. If I spook her early, I may consider rolling for Momoi.
please kys
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I have a 3* one with maxed skills and equips if that's enough.
>Railgun is all girls


just to name a few.
Unfortunately, I tried one that was 4* and struggled to keep her alive for an hour, I absolutely don't want to see her getting hurt more.
Spooks are a meme.
If you get all the Bluefes rate-ups there before 400 or even 200 I recommend not throwing another spark.
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Questions we know were asked
>Is Kikyo Cat0808
>Can girls see their halos
>Is it sexual harassment to touch girls horns or wings
>Will the alchemy club create a medicine to make a student grow older
I think there were four or five other questions
Something about Ibuki, something about adding new students, the only one people keep talking about is the halo one.
They're from Index not railgun
>got lucky and now pyro planner lowest is now only -46k
My funds are now safe
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I wonder how many questions they got about the BA dev team that they had to throw out.
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She's a big girl. She can take it.
because that one is lore related, the other ones are just fun
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I feel like this exact same thing happened with a VTuber a few years ago
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Its a danger being this sexy, anyone you meet is liable to bend you over a table whenever they see you.
Every single one of those characters has played a key part in at least one arc of railgun. They're all science side characters rather than magic side too.
She can, but I can't. Skill issue.
She's too pure and I don't like watching my or my friends students leave beaten up in a heli.
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miyako HATE
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>He thinks the other questions aren't just as important to the lore
Why are they so gay together?
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The killing will start with you.
Were the answered?
I think it's vitally important that we know if Kikyou is cat0808.
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uwu kurokage torment looks like something I could actually do
I already spent 4 of my tickets though because I just click it every day.
Not sure if I should spend ligmaballs and healing books on Ako to get a few more daikessen coins when I just spend them on notes
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tricky treat
Cute costume Chise
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When the Alabaster Calling Card event reruns, will the STG minigame also return?
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Best thing to come out of the anime.
come to my basement, Chise
that's where I have the best candies
Anon that's just what she looks like
Those horns are real
With added playable characters.
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My planner is immaculate
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guess I should give up for tonight and get some sleep after all.
Good luck with your greg, everyone.
And remember, gold looks better anyway!
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Cum in your students.
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More Harunawank confirmed. I approve.
>random 10 pulls
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I do a 10 roll on EVERY new student banner.
So one on BYosh, one on BKazoos.
I have the monthlies so I consider it my full retard funds.
Sex with robots.
>Maid Junkers
Jumbo, serve me a punch.
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Kasumi alt when?
I honestly think this cat is dangerous and is stalking me
I've gotten like 4 Kazusa dupes in the last 5 months
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>AI slop
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Your mom is sloppy seconds
But you know what? I'll take her anyways
Name one thing that rio did wrong
Someone as honorary brazilian as Kasumi would never dress like that
Jeet-tier response
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That and more.
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>he's never gotten a new student with 10 roll
Why? I've gotten 3 new students with single 10 rolls. Nagisa, Megu and nyMutsuki.
lol he got mad
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>AIη΅΅/AIεŠ η­†γ€‚
Ah, gomen...
Can you impregnate a robot?
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massage your students
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Time for a naked dogeza sensei
battery and assault
attempted murder
Various other accounts of attempted murder to cover up her initial count of attempted murder
cyber stalking
unlawful spying
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It's what GA tickets during dry months are for.
But enough about Yuuka
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I'm sure the Nameless Priests thought of everything.
Maybe the priests are not so bad then...
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Don't worry this ojii-san will protect y-ACK!
>cyber stalking
>unlawful spying
Veritas calling the kettle black here.
>priest apologists
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my stinky onahole
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Ako is finally sex
Yes, I will massage my students' feet
>cyber stalking
>unlawful spying
If sensei was the victim then it wasn’t a crime
Kill yourself FGOturd
Clean your onaholes before they go bad.
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Get fucked monkey, that's what you get for stealing my content
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The mold adds texture.
But i saved that image from /a/ like 10 years ago...
Heihachi survived so recline that ack retard.
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Don't let this thread distract you fron the fact that Ayumu is a FUCKING SLUT
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Stop or I'll shoot
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Prove it
Cute would pound her afterwords
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I'm going to sniff and fuck.
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>10 years ago
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here's my proof
I require any and all sexy Nagusas
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not him but
>[x] randomize filenames
I want to rape Alice
how new? 4chanx is a thing
Pure and innocent maiden
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Kazusa, you know... I'm a teacher and you're... a s-student you know... I don't think it's r-right, for us to be hanging out like this anymore...
Kirino already said its perfectly legal to date and have sex with students in Kivitos. Morally its fine
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Kazusa makes me want a cat again...
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Have the chinks stated their stupid demands yet
>livestream happens earlier
>suddenly many names I haven't seen before appear in my bracket
these people should continue "not playing until something happens" instead of annoying me
>have sex
she didn't say that
>legal advice from Kirino
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may I remind you that Kazusa is a race traitor that dislikes cats? truly despicable.
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cats are whores
dogs are wives
Its implied
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Yes. Their demands were 2 sparks, acceleration to be caught up with global, and the removal of BA characters from mahjong soul.
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How about dating and having sex with a dog?
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>22 pages on the archive of people saying kivitos
and I know it's the same people for some of these posts
Foxes like Wakamo are so much better than cats it’s unreal
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Bacon tent
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Not canon
hey, I was posting that
I thought it was a goatse pic at first
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Fluff bros...
All animal students with tails have bushes.
All animal students without tails are naturally hairless.
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>Kikyoubitch getting smug
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stop being homosexual
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Wet Hinacreature
I swear I'm just enjoy the spring
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You can get the next one bro
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Alright Greg, lets get this over with.
I 100% would have pulled this banner if it wasn't mx2j'd
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>have no choice but to deal with kazusa invading my personal space while she's on duty
>choose to hangout with kanna in my free time
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I think it's cute that sensei makes these calendara himself and everyone else don't know what the random shapes mean.
I honestly think they might have forgotten mobs are supposed to have wings.
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These are nice
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This much should be fine...
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Complete the puzzle Manwhores
>sensei who is that girl you always draw on the calender, the blue one?
>Oh that's arona, she talks to me when I'm alone
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Been gone most of the day. How are you, /bag/?
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>draws weird circles no one can recognize
>talks to his tablet
schizo sensei...
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like this after a bit of busy shit
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>picatinny rail on a K98K
literally me fr fr
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you're not ready for this one
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I got one.
awakens the "i can fix him" on every girl
I miss Yuuka's seiyuu
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can I get niyuhhhhhh
The "Fertile" stamp is now mandatory on students that fit the description as per Schale's direct orders to the General Student Council.
I was ready 10 minutes ago when someone else posted it
but why
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Good as always.
you get to experience it again. be thankful.
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I'm concerned. Concerned about sensei rights.
She's moved on to bigger things now
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>/k/uck autist sees every gun as an opportunity to give an unsolicited knowledge drop
Every day I hate webp format images
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Nonomi will protect you!
the overextension of his right is indeed concerning
who does he think he is, denying students' access to his space?
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So what does it mean?
>artists move to pisskey
>site serves webpee by default only so my extension doesn't always work
fucking hate this place
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She feels a disturbance
What are we concerned about now?
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I want to feel Misaki's scars.
almost every site does webp by default now just to make it harder. And 4chan doesn't accept webp despite it being the most common format now for some asinine reason.
sexy momoi
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Old age and baldness
nothing, just a bunch of chinks getting pissy because Nexon called Taiwan a country
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the fate of this Hoshino
No BINGo for tomorrow
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Ahhh I need JC in my life. Why do I only teach hags? Is that part of my contract? Can I get niggersuit to change it?
kek which one was it this time?
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Chise needs to be sexed.
Taiwan isn't a real country, you know.
But we have one
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They're taking my foresight...
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JewelCrafting is legal in a lot of countries bro
what did he steal
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Please god almighty I beg of you
Let BA gain circles and top the charts once again for C105 even if it's one last time
she crunch
Not the T word. SAVE ME POOH!
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her sex is Female.
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God helps those who help themselves. Commission at least one.
I really want Seia banner to NOT get released on JP stream. Not because I hate them or anything but because I think it'd be funny.
i want to lick Iori's body all over...
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>Went from 42k to 18k for Toki
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anniversary stream lost forever due to China
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Zoos feet
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>Will the alchemy club create a medicine to make a student grow older
gigabased. I want adult kokona.
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which school is the Taiwan of Kivotos?
>my wife will get 0 doujins (again)
>the same 7 students will get 90% of all doujins
comiket is the antichrist
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I miss the boys
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The Helmet gang one?
Me after turning 23
Based and factual.
I'm sick of doujins with dicks going past the ribcage.
The genres are set in stone by now, we'll find out the numbers for each in 3 weeks
I just want to see growth one last time since I'm going to C105 for once
Isnt Francis dead
Wiseguy eh?
>aggressive and belligerent concernposting suddenly dies down the day after the livestream
i think im noticing...
lol cope 5 incher
Licky licky
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sensei is so insensitive.
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You broke them.
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I'm... Medium?
Post your 13 incher then Mr Ribcage Fucker
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Friday night jig is up. Tonight some Nagi, Toki, and Koyuki.
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I wasted all my gem stash and didn't get her... do you still accept me /bag/?
>thread filled out with aisloppa/cosplay slop/yuri slop just like a few months before
Nice job with the 15min captchas, that sure did something to fix the problem. I'll be sure to donate my hard earned money for that pass.
It removed the poop at least
>rolling without a spark
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It removed the worst offender and now he can only concernpost without images.
No one is stopping you from talking about the game.
>secondary proportions
I just need 50 more roll...
t. scatposter seething he cannot continue his shtick
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Favourite mob?
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I just want to get Midoriiiiiiiii
>Ichika's VA
Didn't a bunch of baggots say she was a whore or something?
So you're saying I have a chance?
are they really gonna close the 6 month gap
no just that she's half filipino
so yeah
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i'm concerned about babzoos
waah waah babzoos waah waah
>Thread is no longer 90% images of scat
y-you start
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i hope not
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Did you clear Set bitch?
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I hope so
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more like plapzoos
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How big is actually the chinese market for Blue Archive? Do we have any comparative figure?
I'm just curious since it's most likely a lost market now
>one single retard ruins an entire board
>resulting in 15 min cooldown for posting for everyone not just the shitposters
No I'm not enabling cookies because I don't trust hiromoot.
ohhhhhhhh shit
Leiser bringing the HEAT
>Hare was just an evolved mob all along
Set doesn't count because... This isn't a race!
sukeban (smg), millenium mob (white hair), hotspring mob (white hair), jtf mob, pandemonium mob, highlander mob (white hair), valkyrie bratty mob (swimsuit)
zoooooooooos the azooooooooooos
I was going to post a rare zoos but no more images
The Set Tier list, Funny enough he had it posted without allowing comments, makes you wonder why
lick lick lick
we love evolved mobs here
But that was stolen from jp...
>change to counter a specific edgecase gets implemented
>edgecase gets solved
you are a retard
I fucking hate you
How many steaks has she eaten at this point?
It's a pretty big playerbase
Whether it's a lost market or not depends on how nexon and yostar proceed, if they just apologize and give handouts it should be fine
bro they earn around the same amount than counterside global each month, it isn't "pretty big"
otherwise we would be earning more than AL if we combine all the servers
Chinks invade many of global's servers, especially Taiwan's
Just make it a straight FGO collab, Liz would fit right in at Gehenna.

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