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A Man and His Wives (Definitive) Edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :

GTNH 2.7 Beta 2 (Requires Seamless Auth):

Previous: >>498191909
first for gregserb
0.2 seconds in and the thread has been greg'd.
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has there been a boiler explosion on the serb yet?
How long has it been up and running? I'd very much give it a non zero chance if it's more than ten minutes old.
No unfortunately we skipped the gregtech boilers because they're pretty shit in gtnh. We had someone accidentally blow up an ic2 nuke underground though
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Now in motion
that cactus holy shit
I wish my woman had a bush like that
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It also will reach out a bit if the trees aren't directly in the line of the blade.
Call Space X. My sides are in orbit
This is not OSHA approved.
>create mod toymy
>put a neat terrain generation mod
>spend hours looking for andesite with no result
>check config
>andesite blobs are disabled by default in the terrain generation mod
never again
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They look a lot better when running. And yeah as far as the texture pack goes, I'm not the biggest fan of the turbine texture.
Can't get the god damn custom Geolosys samples working in KubeJS
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So im trying to make a decent mod pack centered around the Fungal Infection: Spore mod.

Anyone use this in their mod pack or familiar with tech mods and making something decent/compatible without being over bloated with shit? I got ad astra, the oil wells spawning in the ocean happen too often and was thinking of removing that and having some other mod as a source of energy/oil
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Thoughts on trees in caves?
I like the flesh blimp.
Underground forests are always cool.
Only if they're mushroom trees. Or bioluminescent in some way.
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what about caves wiithin caves that contain trees

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serb bros can I jew 16 iridium ingots from the system to make myself a vajra
we have 29
is this some kind of funky create texture pack or something?
> accidentally
Gregtech but instead of machines exploding, they turn into ugly as fuck orespawn mobs and one shot you
>Demon living inside the circuit board
HBM's Nuclear Tech Mod
I hate how this thing requires wood oil. Just let me power it with the output of my fracking tower!
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won't be able to post anything this week
busy with space age
stay safe have fun make lots of nice posts
did we ever get the save zip?
the motherfucker just stopped hosting without uploading it
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Is it griefing to leave fluid springs uncapped in a multiplayer world?

I don't think I've ever played PFAA in a thread serb
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Why did this guy samefag us to bumplimit?
The thread could have easily lived 20 more hours.
Of course not, everyone will appreciate you sharing your infinite resources
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The same time every single day for over a decade.
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Sorry you think that, bro.
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it was up from march to august, i think?
also fuck ffmpeg, i could not for the life of me get this thing in a webm of reasonable filesize and quality
converting the screenshots to mkv first and then into webm just got me a grey screen
I was not playing Minecraft at all at the time
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and now that he's made his own mods he does even more of the same every series
any good "drying rack" standalone or apart of a mod that's 1.12.2? There was a standalone for TFC but that is an actual TFC requirement. Something like sTinkers has/
check the item description, it accepts a small amount of fuels, you have to right click it with an ID to change the type though
just copy tinkers' drying rack into a standalone mod if you dont want tinkers
what cavegen is this
>/mcg/ e-ecelb shitposter is a euro
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we should do a caveworld pack... I remember trying ages ago but that was pre-immersive portals
Idk, most trees need the sun
>yeah cool lets play this
>actually i hate this and we changed packs when you were asleep btw
it's so fucking tiresome to try and play with americans
what packs?
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buy an ad
Break up with basic browsers. Get Opera GX here: https://operagx.gg/GoodTimesWithScar2 Sponsored by Opera GX!
go away troon
Is it just me or are the thumbnails so cancerous and sovless?
Why is their server so laggy? This is like gregtech
it's literally a modded minecraft series
I hate caves. More than caves I only hate blobs of dirt and gravel in masses of stone.
Did anyone accuse you of being offtopic? No. They called you a retarded fag and you responded with more faggottous retardation.
Links to all Life Series videos of this session:

thanks anon
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Minecraft fork/parallel timeline mods
Which ones are your favourite? I want to hear your opinions as I plan on commiting to a single one for the next month or so. I can't decide between these:

Better than adventure

Also the legacy plus trilogy got taken down because of some faggy drama. Those were also good mods.
>skies expert
>finally get my power gen to 10k
>decide to switch to ae2 for autocrafting
>it alone uses up 1/5 of the power by just connecting to everything
If ID didn't get neutered and have it's autocrafting removed, I wouldn't even switch. I won't even take down the current setup since it works fine for automated stuff, especially stuff involving other dimensions.
how is ars noveru doing?
Just letting you know this IS fetish content.
I can't recall, is nuversion GoG pozzed entirely, or was that just a branch? I'd like some kitsune mobs in my modpack, not sure if there any alternatives?
nigger make a reactor
how is the gregserb going
any progress
i was gonna play this afternoon but i got majorly sidetracked fixing something that really really shouldnt have broken but did because im a dumbdumb

please tell me someone made pbi
no pbi yet
We're in the middle of constructing the platline right now
retarded faggot
what fetish
superior thrice curled hebrides gael takes 2 years 7 months and three breakdowns to reach platline
beaten by a couple retards on 4channel.(((us))).org
modding did it first
when terrafirmagreg serb?
when astral serb
i skimmed through the size parts
what's the context for her being big
nice time lapse
now show me your prolapse
just play gt6, it's higher quality
disconnect the art from the artist
i want to play terrafirmagreg
what does this have to do with comparing the two
gt6 already does most of what tfc does and gt5 but it does it without the retarded tiering garbage of gt5 and needless tedium of tfc
play what you want ofc
gt5 nor tfc have "needless tedium" that gt6 doesn't
TFG > gt6
all tech mods are needlessly grindy
wow haha imagine concrete backfilling all of these jew tunnels haha
>ebf spam and copy pasted machines at every arbitrary tier isn't a waste of time
Pirate vintage story and play it with qptech
mod for this?
They are playing modded anyway.
Every weekend they do a different gimmick.
This time it was the player getting larger when jumping and smaller when crouching. And Lizzy just "accidentally" always happened to jump a lot to make sure shes on the largest.

They make everything stealthy about weird fetishes, like they made everything about poop and piss one time.
There's so many world gen mods? Which one should I get? I got Biomes O' Plenty atm, but sometimes the biomes are a bit short and thought I could expand it with something like Terralith or Tectonic, idk what to pick tho.
Scariest modpack ever

datum she purty
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Serb Status (going strong)
degen mfs trying to sexually imprint kids
nvmnd, just gonna scrap BOP. too much quantity over quality
I guess the 15 minute wait is effective in reducing engagement because it's spreading.
billions must lurk
>15 minutes before I can post from my phone
can't even empty bump anymore
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I still have no idea how to texture the models for these custom ore samples but fuck it, I'm just gonna figure that out later, textures aren't as important as getting shit working.
Reworking my setup from a bunch of mixed ore veins to one type of custom ore that has a chance of dropping a variety of materials. So a thorium + iron vein instead of being 75% thorium ore and 25% iron ore will be one big vein of ferrithorite ore that drops 75% raw thorium and 25% raw iron. Gives me more control over what can and can't drop, like an assorted quartz ore that drops nether quartz, amethyst, rose quartz at different amounts, since the latter 2 don't have ore blocks.

Don't have anything new to show but scripts right now so have some random world gen
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Is qptech actually good? There is no way it is as developed as greg
It's not as in depth as Greg but VS is just better TFC
That's not random world gen, thats Le Monde and its hand painted
Lets see if this time Anons manage to get past IV without quitting.
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>literally the most horrendous thing ever
>it will look cool trust me
Why are you making a gigantic piss wall
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serb bros didn't like my new base ;(
>pepperoni quarries
Bumping with my tism blog again so I don't end up reworking any major part of this

After a + it's an extra drop roll added, otherwise it's a chance between the comma separated items.

Anthracite 100% 2x Coal + 1% Diamond
Assorted Quartz 70% Quartz, 10% Rose Quartz, 10% Amethyst, 10% Chimerite
Autunite 70% Uranium, 20% Thorium, 10% Iron
Azurite 100% Copper (50/50 malachite azurite) +5% Zinc (M) +5% copper sulfate (A)
Beryl 85% Emerald, 15% Aluminum +5% Sulfur or Tin
Bitumin Coal 100% Coal + 20% Sulfur
Carnotite 100% Uranium + 5% Iron
Cassiterite 90% Tin, 10% Iron
Chalcopyrite 50% Copper, 50% Iron, + 10% Silver, 10% Sulfur
Cinnabar 60% Redstone, 20% Quartz, 20% Vinteum + 20% Sulfur
Native Copper 100% Copper + 10% Gold or Silver
Diasporite 90% Rich Aluminum, 10% Iron
Ferrithorite 25% Thorium, 75% Iron
Galena 80% Lead, 20% Silver
Gold 100% Gold + 20% Copper + 10% Sulfur, 10% Quartz
Hematite 100% Iron + 5% Aluminum
Kimberlite 100% Diamond
Lapis Lazuli 100% Lapis + 10% Iron, Sulfur
Lignite 60% Coal, 20% Quartz, 20% Sulfur + 10% Iron (peat bog)
Limonite 35% Iron, 35% Nickel, 20% Quartz, 20% Sulfur + 10% Coal (peat bog)
Lithium 100% Lithium + 20% Quartz
Magnetite 90% Iron, 10% Nickel + 10% Redstone
Malachite 100% Copper + 10% Zinc
Pentlandite 50% Nickel, 50% Iron + 50% sulfur
Pyrite 100% Sulfur + 25% Quartz, Iron
Redstone 100% Redstone + 10% Gold, Iron, Copper
Silver 100% Silver + 20% Quartz, Lead
Sphalerite 80% Zinc, 15% Iron, 5% Copper + 30% Sulfur
Stannite 40% Tin, 40% Copper, 20% Iron + 20% Sulfur
Teallite 50% Tin, 50% Lead + 20% Sulfur
Thorianite 100% Thorium + 10% Uranium
Tobernite 65% Uranium, 35% Copper
Vintite 60% Vinteum, 20% Glowstone, 20% Redstone
Vintrocrasite 50% Iron, 50% Thorium + 10% Glowstone, Vinteum

Half of these need textures, blocks and loot tables, the rest are ready so I can play test soon

Percents may change depending on uses but I'm setting the rest of this shit in stone
>You can all stop staring now
buy an ad
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>high reliance on water wheels
>winter comes
>all the water freezes
I really should have expected this
should have put roof above and torches nearby
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clean it up janny
What does pollution do in GTNH?
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Nerve gasses you and all mobs in the area unless you're wearing a hazmat suit.
Eventually it will start killing all plants / trees and turning every natural block into sand. If you really ignore it then you'll also get some pretty bad fog that prevents you from being able to see.
Do people still play on reika serb or should I transition it to another pack
can u like, stick to posting ur off topic shit to just one general
omg that mod is inspired by dark souls games and all you guys know it because you belong to this general so stop being bitters please
is this some weird youtuber lingo
reminds me of the previous /mcg/ invasion
Fag posted it here too >>499090819
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This is what was causing our system to constantly craft dichlorobenzene
whenever it needs HCL it would default to this recipe
remember to always remove secondary products from patterns
whats the best terrain mod for 1.20
Not BoP, shit fucking sucks
I hate wallowing around hand-feeding machines, hand-crafting stuff and manually refilling fuel or maintenance at the start of tech mods. Making the player suffer through non-automatable tasks before they can automate them is annoying and bad game design.
Is there a gregtech pack which changes the recipes and such so you can skip forward past all that to start the "Real Game"?
The one you make yourself, of course.
I would use GT6 and Logistics Pipes.
lmao even
Just play creative mode.
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Sorry I wasn't around tonight. Found a nice place to move for a factory and made the trip out there. Still moving my stuff out, but have to hit the sack for the night. Sleep comfy /mmcg/.
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>Big ass chemical plant
>Literally called the "ExxonMobil Chemical Plant" (haha funny reference to the multinational conglomerate)
>Not used to make gasoline
>Used to make rocket fuel
Corail is an alright mod
install botania and use the manufactory halo
>update pack
>Wtf a whole mod worth of item are gone
>Check dev notes, turn out they "rework" the primitive age
Now my tism force me to start a new word again
Absolutely kino fog, I really wish nuversions didn't nerf the fog thickness so severely. It hardly exists outside of the nether.
>forced to wait 15 minutes
>remember to post
>forced to wait 15 minutes again
>forget again
Damn, feels like I need to setup an alarm just to remember.
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Hitting that galaxy gas
>>forced to wait 15 minutes again
do you change IP every time you post?
based cookies-clearer
Weird, I didn't clear cookies, I just forgot to post for several minutes after the first 15m was up. I didn't think it would make you wait another 15m.
There are more players than on any previous season, yet it feels more dead.
>he doesn't clean cookies on browser close
have fun getting spied on, loser
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tfc is incredibly tedious
hammering out wrought iron is HELL
this shit sucks
Why do Create contraptions have such buggy audio? If you sit in a seat, most will have their sounds cut out entirely. Sometimes only one part can have working audio.
>giant ugly pink multiblock
>looks nothing like a still for rocket fuel, doesn't even attempt to look like anything remotely realistic
>requires a bunch of hideous, likely overly complicated microcrafting blocks
>all to produce rocket fuel, something thousands of people in the US make out of old pipes and bottles in their shed
classic gtnh slop
i knew this going in but it's just a test of how much tedium and cock&ball torture you're willing to put up with
making every single structure a multilblock just forces you to juggle the 15 different structural and maintenance hatches and fluid i/o blocks and shit
you could easily merge the 4 different i/o bus/hatch into 1 with a gui button to change the mode
or better yet just make a wrenchclick on the casing do that without extra bus itembloat

dont even get me started on maintenance hatches
screws are too easy to make
there needs to be at least four more layers or microcrafting
i hope someone uses the manufactory halo on the gtnh serb
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What the fuck is this?
Playing create A&B and for some reason right at the end of last time I played, this shit popped up attached to the right side of my screen and I have no idea what caused it or how to get rid of it. And it's a generic enough term that searching has proven useless.
I think that's the quest tracker
they're making fun of your fat ass
That was it, thanks anon. Apparently I accidentally pinned a random quest.
Gook moot is fucking intent on ruining this site with increasingly retarded captcha shit isn't he?
yes he is
4cuck is dead
Any world gen mods that roughly preserve the noise map so the biome placement is similar to vanilla, or that just enhances the vanilla biomes with more detail?
what version dipshit
One last attempt, if not, can someone at least direct me to a better place to ask?
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that man models were some addon shit if that's what you're talking about
Which cuck chair do you pick anon
maybe we should just face the facts. its over.
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hey im getting a little better at this building thing
you can steal schematics at any time
modder friends he needs help

play skyrim nigga
truly gookmoot has ruined this board
Minecraft Purah?
Oh Linky~~!
no but now i have to go cum again thanks
No problem cutie
So who is she then?
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Granny Katlin from Harvest Festival Legacy
granny bacon...
granny's homecooking is the best she always gives it away on Fridays at the Cafe
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no you retard
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Damn, I took the tantalum ingots out of the chest but we had like 6 stacks. This generator is pretty good
>beta grandma
you and the 5 other people who play 1.10.2 can have her
Found a power armor mod for 1.20, almost exactly what I was looking for https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protection-pixel
Downside is it doesn't take electricity directly, it uses an cell that holds blaze rods as fuel and I can probably get a data pack to make the fuel into nuclear fuel rods or something. Or maybe swap the cell for something else entirely, I'll need to see how it was set up.
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Post your favorite infection/corruption/horrific apocalypse mods, preferably as fast and aggressive as possible. I want to make a modpack with as many as possible to emulate the feeling of being caught in multiple apocalypses and being in a rapidly degrading world that becomes unlivable, ala cataclysm:dark days ahead
go back to youtube nigger
motherfucker im not a retarded eceleb making clickbait I want to actually play the game
don't you die on me
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In one of the previous thread the host provided the world file and also announced he stopped hosting it.
We should remove PFAA from OP.
Any gtnh modders? How to setup a project?
Before you just unpack forge-1.7.10-, run setupDecompWorkspace eclipse and good to go, now with starter.zip you have to specify VERSION, idea is only option and it still can't run the game because of "class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class java.net.URLClassLoader" error.
I forgot just how bad platline is until I started looking at the recipes again fuck
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Alright, the move is complete and the clearing has begun. I also disabled better foliage for grass blocks for the moment because I wasn't sure what was actually clear. But now, the next step, getting AE2 presses and a storage facility.
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Yeah, this is really comfy.
Thanks also to the anon who suggested 90 fov, it's really grown on me.
I also tore the radio tower down that I was living at before. This starmetal pickaxe absolutely shreds.
Nice mosque.
>have to start doing Industrial Foregoing for cheap Allthemodium
>but still have early game power issues like not having Powah generators
Which one do I do first? I'm lazy as hell
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Also looking around for areas that need a delivery of freedom whilst searching for skystone.
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Found skystone, underground, just as it was turning night and I forgot a bed. /home'd and got my spare but had a look at the map... I don't think those are ponds. Those will be the first silverwood trees I've seen thus far.
>oil and gas wells a few chunks away from each other
>chromite, pentlandite, and pyrolusite within 200 blocks of each other
greg has truly blessed my server
Fuck man, I don't wanna do it, I don't have a nearby source of clay
>my server
>not playing on our gtnh server
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Good stuff broski. What are you workin' on?
my friend and I are still kind of early steam age, we've just swapped from using creosote in a chromium fluid burning box to using the natural gas in a gas chromium burning box
We're going for a distillery next to refine the oil so we can use diesel engines so that we can more easily set up ore refining
We also made a nether star steel pick to bring ores back to base to use our boomsticks more efficiently
My friend is going crazy with ic2 crops, he's gotten flax and a bunch of ore crops already, I'm planning to shoot for bees as soon as we set up ore processing and make stainless steel for the coagulator
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Hoo boy, Calculation and Logic presses. Already have an Engineering press.
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And it looks like those were silverwood trees. I'll bald this one and hope I get a sapling or two. I also spy something off in the distance to the north but the hour grows late and I've grown tired. But no waging tomorrow, only the gym and then onward searching.
Good stuff cap'n. Keep us posted.
Is there a 1.7 mod that'll give you a little popup when an item goes into your inventory?
fucking Granny Bacon
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Go up. Do not die. Stop not posting.
astral anon....
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We greggy out here
is that supposed to be barbed wire
>getting ae2 in the stone age
I hate that
show me your shitty spaghetti factories
Is there any point to giving blaze burners additional sources of superheat if blaze cakes are easily automated?
>join test world
>check something
>quit test world
>load main world
>character is holding a tool from the test world
what memory leak garbage is this
i thought the lava for them was a massive pain in the ass
until i saw how someone else on the server did it with cauldron dripping
fucking nuversions mechanics...
I guess having access to something like coal coke that gives enough super heat to process a single recipe would be good for making small batches of items without getting the whole automation chain set up.
Yeah drip stone lava cauldrons are the worst part to set up.
extreme reactors worth it?
it's piss easy, reactors can't blow up, and makes exorbitantly high amounts of power, so yeah probably
Abuse this power to give yourself powerful creative mode tools in survival
Might as well just play creative.
wrong thread
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i finished my palladium production but if im seeing it correctly i will always end up with a surplus of paladium metallic powder dust
should i just turn everything that doesnt fit in my LCR input hatch to more palladium enriched ammonia or what
it's baby's first reactor mod and ruined modded power scaling permanently. piss easy, no risk, low resource investment. it's worth it if you don't care about how bullshit it is
The fuck are those red dots?
Why roofs over the boilers and not machines that actually need protection from rain?
boilers need protection too, but we just got lazy at the moment the screenshot was taken
we're in the process of moving stuff to a basement and then to a factory
anon you're bleeding
Nah that's just magic redstone juice
just the gremlines doing maintenance, pay no heed
its what happens if you do too much dark magics
watch out
ironically i am yes but answer my question please
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Yes. That is barbed wire. Slows just like cobwebs, but has damage ticks while stuck in it. Also comes in various flavors, fire, poison, caustic, withering, and radioactive.
oh is this 1.7
could have fooled me
i need a modpack that turns minecraft into an wrpg like fallout or skyrim
GTNH newb here. How do I install the beta? I got the file from the github but Prism Launcher isn't detecting the instance from the zip
>how do i install gtnh
hoo boy
I know how to install mod packs, but the zip i got from github was bunk. Got it working now thanks to the anon below my original post.
join our serb
what have they actually changed in the 2.7 beta compared to 2.6.1
But Fallout is isometric with turn based combat
too much to list
>new multis for steam
>replacements to lpf, tons of new multis starting at EV
>reworked progression and new content past LuV
>a lot of end game content after UHV, some new features and a god forge multi to reduce brainless multiblock spam
>loads of qol / balance changes
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Has Angelica crashing your game made you go red with anger, or maybe even so angry that you turned blue? Starting with Angelica Beta9, we've added a new block, that has been aptly called the "Mitch Block". This block serves as a special sort of error block. If you see it, that means an error happened which would have otherwise crashed the game, but instead Angelica caught it and rendered Mitch Block instead. It functions similar to the famous missing texture, but for a different category of problems introduced by Angelica.

This does NOT do a blanket catch on all possible crashes, but rather ones we've explicitly identified and know are at least somewhat common due to mod compatibility problems. We will add more types of crashes to this as they occur or we see a growing need for it. As a fun fact, the blocks are color coded to the crash type they prevented.

However, since the game is no longer crashing, we're expecting that people will be less likely to make an issue reporting the problem, so it's important to note that if you see this block, Angelica has dumped out some useful information for us in the log and if you only see it randomly pop up once, it might not be worth creating an issue over, but if you see this block sticking around somewhere, or popping up frequently, please create an issue and include your log as it has the necessary info for us to investigate it.

This is also not a real block. WAILA will have no information for you about it or even be able to see it, and you won't find it in NEI. If someone really wants to use them as decoration, I'll leave it up to you to find a way to make a mod that triggers a crash to make it appear
Who do I install GTNH in?
okay sounds pretty cool then
pretty based to add an anti-crash measure to your own mod, not enough dipshit modders do this even though it should be fairly straightforward for most mods
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Angelica beta10 finally fixed the horizon skybox rendering with shaders (also without shaders, but it's more noticeable when you use them)
they say it's known incompatabilities so why not just fix the bug that causes the crash
new vegas isn't
Do you know how difficult it is to add compatibility to a huge overhaul rendering mod for poorly coded mods that stopped being updated 10 years ago? Or to have the few active devs of offending mods to cooperate with you?
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I think we will soon be saying goodbye to this platline
it served us well
You're degenerate porn addicts that can't engage with anything without thinking about how to jerk off to it and somehow it's other people's fault?
>they made everything about poop and piss one time
Children start making poop and piss jokes as soon as they figure out how to talk
That's what being on the internet for too long looks like
>all to produce rocket fuel, something thousands of people in the US make out of old pipes and bottles in their shed
Gregpack with no arbitrary gating when? There is no reason for most machines bellow hv at least to require a circuit, steam age is stupid, plenty of materials require stupidly high tech (arsenic could be made back in antiquity, molybdenum in 18th century, etc)
it's called nomi/monifactory
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Extra hardcore modpack with very big tech/automation/energy system lategame?
I want bascially Hellmode Factorio 3D, enemies that can destroy structures, permadeath or extra slow leveling.
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actually, it seems we are keeping it for a while longer
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You perfectly described GTNH >>499329360
join us on the server
and spend some time learning ae2 :D
Hmmmm, can I make a (modest chunk count) base decently far off spawn and does the admin not fail RP like revealing the location of my base?
yeah you can set up your own thing far off away from everyone else if you want, or you can join our main base
we have one other guy basing by himself. either way its a little under 10 players max right now and we haven't had any griefing issues. chunkloading is also free
Ok, I'll consider it.
I've to make a rig, my daily driver has less than 4GB ram.
An HBM based modpack with apocalypse mods could work
At first I planned to use Eclipse as my main coding program, but after the problem refused to properly setup the workspace I switched to Intellij instead, and now this.
Trying to set up a modding workspace for Forge 1.12.2 and there is already a bunch of problems that I have no idea how to fix popped on, can't even start my client without some language installation problem it seems.
How did yall get it to work again? Didn't the acid need to be fixed?
We had a newGOD come in and fix formic acid and connect the base fluid inputs like chlorine and oxygen to ae2, I went in and added some makeshift iridium processing (and am working on osmium)
get on the serb tomorrow we're going to need you to cook ichorium for us and make kami armor
use https://github.com/CleanroomMC/TemplateDevEnv
>half the total power to make nitrobenzene is just to make ammonia
really now
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Big news - the biggest. People said we wouldn't make it this far. I said we're going to make it farther.
dibs on two for the ammonia lcr
im crafting 16 we'll have enough
So take my life, Gregtech, I'm all yours
Which is better: Pam's Harvestbloat or Avaritia?
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Why not both?
I actually like Pam's.
It is time.
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It's coming back together...
what's with the yellow rock
auspicious color of electricity
my fucking eyes
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Is that gtnh on windows xp?
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Found somethin' while out lookin' for oil/skystone. Don't have a use for it yet, but I'll note the location for when I do. Looks like we've added some vehicle mod, had to do some fiddling with settings and such. Made a staircase to bedrock at the edge of my flat, tunneling under the ocean. I'm going to need a new pick eventually, but this one's been holding up amazing. I'm going to need diamonds for chips and shit for AE2 and I've only got a couple right now. Called in a favor to the commie tribe to bring them an iron block and for me to get the last press. I just need to make a few things tomorrow and AE will begin.
This toymy "guide" should be illegal.
>middle click on an iron furnace UI
>auto sort yoinks the fucking factory and speed upgrade, voiding the stockpiled energy
This mod I swear to god...
this is why you dont use shitty "must-have" mods like iron furnace because 9/10 times it has problems like this
>shift-click to chuck a stack of ore into the Tinker's foundry
>it also puts a stack of unrelated items in
>try to double-click one of the items to gather all of them out again
>it enters another stack of unrelated items
>to make an IF ore drill you need allthemodium
You fucking shitass anon, why did you tell me about the ore drill when I don't have allthemodium yet
>just spawn a pickaxe in
This modpack may be MAWPC but at least let me work for it
gtnh 2.7.0 beta-3 is out
please be of the updating
stinkers' shitfuck is a genuinely terrible mod
tetra mogs the fuck out of it
Could you please make a screenshot with the changelog?
fuck no
https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack/issues (ae2fc crash?)
>Mods Removed:
back up your worlds on your own bitch this is gtnh
nah it win7
>over 9 years of grag
How horrifying
Final minecraft version to unite all mods when
>all mods
ah yes the greg7 release
functional storage's wireless drawer linking is quite powerful
convince notch to buy minecraft back, end java development, then sell it back to microsoft at a loss
Mod like shincolle on later versions?
The waifu well seems to have dried up and kemono is impossible to fucking decipher
should I load up some GTNH?
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we've reached that point that you have in every gregsex playthrough where you make a massive wall of barrels with pipes coming out of your ore processing system
We already have such a version it's called b1.7.3
Just install AE2.
Why are weapon mods for fabric so sparse or rare? Are people just content with the like 5 weapons in vanilla?
Bro your better combat + simply swords?
must have missed simply swords since it came out, looks neat, thanks
Be sure to edit the configs if you ever want to see those legendary weapons, most modded structure chests still dont respect vanilla loot tables so vanilla structure chests are pretty much your only hope of finding them
How can I increase the world height without Cubic Chunks in 1.20.1? Data packs?
betafags are unsightly
loot in general is really the worst part of minecraft, there's almost never any reason to go explore. i really like the trinkets mod or whatever one it is where you find cool upgrades
is there any functional difference between buying the game and pirating? I dont think ill need to run multiple copies but do want to mod it
the only difference is being able to play on online-mode servers, playing it offline is not at all a problem
Not sure if you can edit your skin if you pirate it, I think thats kinda it?
it's already installed, but we're not ready for it yet
the wall is a symbol of greatness
and you can run mods on your own game and still load servers? Or do i need separate copies for that?
Just install one of the offline launchers from OP, they'll allow you to make multiple "instances" of the game, both modded and non-modded, and you'll be able to log in on offline-mode servers from there.
nta but is there a non jank chat password thing for only letting people in you know? the one i used over 10 years ago you had to type a password every time you joined
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gt6 strats
>photo of computer screen
this is why you dont use shitty "must-have" mods like inventory tweaks because 9/10 years later it still has issues like this
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should have installed buildcraft 2bh
His device is clearly ancient cut him some slack
>10 gigs of ram
can't be that old, i'm guessing ddr3 plus sandybridge which is still plenty fast enough
just get an SSD and you can do basic computer work on insanely old shitboxes
My Journey? Technological (theres no ME export bus and I accidentally put in my /dev/null amd cant get it out)
32gb ram and 2x8 core sneedbridge yes.
I'm fine.
>just get ssd
money is slow but will do that eventually.
ssd doesnt last as long as hdd yet.
why is gt6 so ugly
>ssd doesnt last as long
i don't know anyone who's had an ssd fail(apart from one retard that plugged the sata powercable backwards somehow)
unless you mean the thing where it loses data if left unpowered, last i read about that it took multiple years and storing it in an oven
soulful programmer art
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now to wait for the grass to grow
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why do only nhiggers play the game
wheres the astral serb
did create astral get that update anon was talking about
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How one can play other packs after gtnh?
Probably by downloading and launching them idk
bees are aids
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>mystical agriculture
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Can anyone guess what Flower Type: End Means?
The bee needs a fucking dragon egg near it
wither rose
nvm wither roses don't spawn in the end, i was confused.
either endstone or chorus plant
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>got the dragon egg setup near the bee
>can't go near the alveary because the bee does flat damage that goes through armor
>cant work near the other hives because it will kill me
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*taunting you with the diamond block in it's body while randomly become invulnerable anytime it's health got low.
I swear fighting this glitchy mess feel more like of a boss battle for a handsome reward than whatever new cool animated bosses in modern versions.
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HUGE news on the server
>Genetic Decay: x10
that sounds bad
it's over
Does it ignore the beekeeper's outfit too?
why are you? You weren't designed by a german autist, you have no excuse.
no apparently not thanks for pointing that out
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Awesome we can finally start making Volcanuses on the serb
This was so not worth it, in the 3 hours it took to breed this bee (and that's using the frenzy frame shortcut) I could've automated pyrotheum by hand and it would end up being like 5x faster
but now you have laid the groundwork for other bees
no this bee is a dead end lol
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Kinda kino though we need to set up like 2 of these and we're set for pyrotheum + cryotheum
(We are NOT using the gay tranny singleblock apiary that has a 1000x production bonus)
>gay tranny server
>this much cringe coping
post content nigger the gregtrannies are the only ones keeping us alive
we should care, why?
looks cool but reading the creator's comments and he's talking about some really hacky implementation
just make a mod at that point
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If you're white, you enjoy space.
>just make a mod at that point
Create: Northstar exists, but it's interesting seeing a new wave of space mods. All are in early development, so they seem to be on an even playing field.
whiter than you
why should i care about a hacky datapack when we already have mods for every feature datapacks can conceivably do
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I have just come to realize that I've been stumped. Congrats, if you're reading this, you glorious bastard. Turns out packmaker man gated AE behind the Arc Furnace and I wasn't quite there. So for now, I'm going to continue clearing out the balderlands and plop down some (hopefully) temporary lighting so I can start working through the night. I did locate some nearby oil though. Also noticed
Happy to help.
>tweaked modpack with hbm
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>trannies trannies trannies
get over it already
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>Also noticed
Also noticed when checking out the dyn that there's a few spots of dead/oily dirt around me which will be handy later on. Got this side of the flat lit up and started a little on the clearing of the side behind me. I think I'm gonna start with building a machine shop, but that'll be tomorrow after the gym and some thinking on design.
gt5 is 100x uglier
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Buddy of mine threw a serb together for some close friends. I'm having a blast going through this shit. Not sharing the instance, but this is what it had in it day one.
ah, fair. hope you continue to have fun anon

just fucking play the pack at that point
gtnh versions are the most updated 1.7.10 versions you dummy
may be unintentional, silicon wafers use the itemSilicon dict name which is what makes the recipe compatible, but i'm pretty sure AE2 disables its own itemSilicon if there's another mod adding it
All the benefits of the gtnh autists hard work with none of the actual greg shit
He's the smartest one here
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>thirst mechanic
is it really worth it or anyway to make it innovative? I know it can work with modded foods/drinks but just devolves into find nearest water puddle and drink every 5 minutes
Could someone give some advice? I'm in the navy and going offline for the next six months, thinking of making a modded server for the lads to play from scratch while we're away. Back in school I used to play this 1.7.10 pack so that was my go-to. Anyone thinks they got anything better? My next choice would probably be GTNH
Forgot link to pack:
literally gtnh
Make it tie to other stuff like body temp, stamina etc etc
Nobody like a second food bar
dont die
*installs RLCraft*
>extendedAE has an infinite cobble and an infinite water cell
>you can make infinite singularities with them
some of these modern mods are whack as hell
Maybe it would work if food was just for healing like in beta and water was what you had to manage over time like food is now but having both a food meter and a hunger meter is never really interesting, especially in a game like Minecraft where water is unlimited and free
>ae2 also has a chunkloader
>much like mekanism's it's annoying as hell
okay chunkloading mods are mawpc and the gtnh serb has free chunkloading...
only matters for ignobles
>Added support for Serene Seasons

WHOA WHOA WHOA hold on I gotta check this out
lmao kys retard
gtnh bros
we're out of oxygen
wtf did you do that is using 40kL/s oxygen
rent free
>ae2 also has a chunkloader
since when
spatial anchor chunkloads every chunk that the system touches
including if there's 1 cable crossing over
>spatial anchor
are you referring to the pylons? or is this a new block from a new version?
no there's a spatial anchor
(im on 1.20.1)
Download more than one modpack. Make sure things actually run off-line. Download server versions. Make a proper backups of clean instances. Die for your race, not for israel. Uncle Genny's 100% Organic & Free-Range Modpack.
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figured out what to put on this island anyway
Hm. I seem to have underestimated how annoying getting large ore veins in the new world generation would be. Deepslate fucking sucks and caving is kind of annoying when looking for patches of ores now. I could just tell the veins to generate above 0. Should make prospecting less frustrating and that tightens the ranges you have to actually look for ores at. But it makes the Deepslate layer pointless.
Debating some things:
>Re-enabling vanilla materials to spawn vanilla style in deepslate
So you'd be able to find all the vanilla materials you'd need if you go deep enough but modded materials require veins.
>Enable specific materials to spawn vanilla style in deepslate
Iron, quartz, sulfur, and occasionally gold occur in slate so I could add just those, but then in the real world slate is near the surface, not under a ton of igneous rock so this is some fantasy slate and I could throw some other random materials.
>Add sampleless deepslate versions of all veins
I could add versions of my current veins that specifically generate in Deepslate without putting samples on the surface so it's something to stumble into while caving, but you don't see a sample you want and dig super far into it.
>Keep as is but any piece of slate dug has a chance to drop some type of material instead of slate cobble
So digging through slate has a chance to give you some iron or copper or something random, so tunneling gives you a nice reward occasionally.

Any thoughts on what's preferred?
make a way to break down deepslate cobble for nuggets
like Create Astral does :^)
Never played but that's an option I suppose.
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In the oppressive heat of the Nether, I wandered through its twisted landscape, a forsaken soul caught between worlds. The sky above, a violent swirl of crimson and ash, seared the horizon, casting flickering shadows across the jagged terrain. Rivers of molten lava cut through the land like festering wounds, their glow casting an eerie light on the grotesque formations of netherrack and basalt. This place, this infernal realm, seemed alive, breathing with malice—its very air thick with the stench of sulfur and despair. But I was no stranger to hellish domains. As I pressed forward, the ghastly wails of distant creatures echoed in the abyss, a reminder that even here, I would find no peace.
Im gonna fuck that demon
Are the YUNG mods even worth it? They're sprinkled in the top downloaded mods with a flashy logo but I think I tried them in the past and just got out of memory errors
nothing? ask urself whats using the oxygen
GTNH serbbros, how's the progress? Reached UV already?
They're really good yeah. Improves worldgen a ton. Never had the errors you've mentioned and never heard of them happening
>>thirst mechanic
I was hoping this image had tiddies with that greentext.
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Forgot to include my own picture for comparison.
>never got to experience this
it was over before it began
What combination of mods would allow me to shoot a werewolf with a 50 cal?
werewolf mod and 50cal mod
>imagine the smell
Well, Mo' Creatures has the werewolf part, they're completely invulnerable to non-Iron damage sources, though.
Bewitchment with Vic's Point Blank/TacZ
what launcher allows me to play pirated mc version
i bought it back in the day but i never did the microsoft transfer
>never did the microsoft transfer
pollymc by default
you can also do it in any other multimc fork by editing accounts.json
bros my gtnh loads in like a minute
i remember it taking like 10+ minutes
can't wait for gtnh 3.0 to have hbm
Would you rather have 3000 reskins of wheat and no storage mod or 20 variants of 70 different ores and digital storage and storage drawers with 95% of all ore variants being used once or twice?
the latter because the wall of ores is better than having a full inventory after breaking 7 tall grass blocks
The latter.
kv nig you still have my color applicator
Jesus christ every thread I've tried to post in today gets deleted in the time between opening it and typing up a post.
mods for this feel?
Hardcore RLCraft? Most deaths at the beginning are bullshit and you have little to no control over it.
i put it in ae literally 2 minutes after you gave me it
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>STILL no Ancient City found
What the fuck am I supposed to be doing to get allthemodium, nature's compass is just trolling me at this point by homing in on a small deep dark biome instead of a large one with an ancient city
What is the bump limit on these threads? I want to ask a question but I want it to be towards the top so I don't get like only 2 answers.
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Part 2
Apparently this bee is 100x more important because once we get to ZPM and unlock naquadah fuel cryotheum will give us ~2x the power per fuel unit
(and cryotheum is 5x harder to automate manually compared to pyrotheum)
To use skins offline you can just add a resource pack that only edits the player texture (in single player nobody else will see you anyway) or use Ely.by after a bit of setting up
> once we get to ZPM
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For me it's Create
guys... we forgot to cover up the electric music player and it blew up
must've lost like 5-10 discs
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Recommend me mean-spirited, gory mods. Butchery is great.
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just found out that you can overwork bees if you put too many upgrades in the hive, so both of these bees died

and this:

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I'm playing 1.12.2 with Jappa resourcepack installed rn
Screenshots? What are you working on?
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not much really, I've just started my world, nothing for me to show for just yet.
jesus what a horrendously ugly texture pack
disgusting textures
we can do better empty bumps
I saw a modcrab the other day.
what happens when your steel vagina is charged to 100%
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why doesn't grag get an artist for his mod
or at least reduce the textures to 16x
Touhou Little Maids or little maids. Touhou maid in particular is feature packed and standalone, but Little Maid has a ton of addons hidden here and there from old versions that still work.
is there seriously no mod or anything for selecting the biomes you want to generate in your world?
Play 1.12
Or use a datapack
>Play 1.12
i want the caves and cliffs update
>use a datapack
id have to make it and it would be a pain in the ass but i guess i have to
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wasn't the best idea to build this without making it enderman proof
but it is fun watching as the system begins to feed itself and you go from 1 skeleton to 400 mobs and thank god for the pink botania accessory that stop creeper explosions from doing any damage
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Spent an hour planning out and setting up IF Biofuel to feed into blaze burners only to realize after I had everything set and working that I can't get bamboo to make a straw in order to convert the blaze burners to using liquid fuels.
BTA. played for 2 weeks straight. it's chill af.
How is pixelmon/the other clone nowdays?
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Is there a good 1.20+ tech modpack? I used to play NeoTech by FTB, but it felt very casual, so I got bored quickly. Greg in general (don't hit me) seems to hard and complicated for me. Is there something in the middle?

1.20+ because I VERY MUCH enjoy armor trims, they're cool af. But 1.19 is also ok
No one really cares about Pixelmon anymore because it's bloated dogshit that doesn't even fit with the game.
Cobblemon's coming along pretty nicely, lots of Pokemon across all gens and it's slowly adding more and more stuff, all while being modular enough that servers are more than capable of expansive custom content.
1.20 is too new to have any modpacks
Nothing on par with what you'd find in 1.7.10 or 1.12.2, and there won't ever be anything on par with those because version chasers are too busy lubing up for the assraping Microsoft and Mojang are giving them in the form of more frequent vanilla updates that are no doubt going to be more about under the hood code changes than actual content.
yeah there's no expert mode pack for 1.20 but there's enough mods to make your own techcomfypack
you could always learn kubejs and make your own expert mode pack
You mean anything good
There are options but they suck
TOYMY is the unfortunate answer to that

On another note:
Anyone excited for Monocle? It seems to slowly come together and finally gets rid of Sodium on NeoForge

Speaking of NeoForge. Why are there still Fagric diehards that blame mod devs for sticking to NF and/or abandoning the Fabric mod loader?
Cobblemon standalone is good
Multiplayer however has gone the Pixelmon route where it's either low quality bullshit or monetized to hell and beyond with no end in sight
If it were my project, so many servers would have their rights revoked to host the mod. Fuck gambling and fuck excuses about hosting costs
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need more bergmutes for these cats
flowerchild was right
That's what i was afraid of i wanted to get back into MC/Pokemon but didn't feel like dealing with microtransactions
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for frogs and crafting alike
does anyone here do any mod development? ive been learning a bit but it sucks when you get stuck because the only places to ask for help are discords full of discord fags
ask chatgpt instead
occasionally its helpful
why do you have so many cats
they spawn near a random player every so often and i don't want them wandering off
they also show up in villages that don't have 4 cats
a cat is fine too
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I saw that gtnh beta 3 came out. Should I update the serb? I don't want to bother players and force them to update their clients if the releases don't contain anything important.
theres some pretty important patches
theres also at least one very worrying bug
idk desu
You could try to ask here.
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Bee update
I like how they form their own labyrinth, kino emergent gameplay.
dont die, bitch
can someone tell me why large biomes isnt working? i hate playing without it enabled and i want BOP biomes and i cant figure out whats causing this
picrel is my modlist forge 1.19.2
Mining away
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New platform for generators next to the warehouse
Oh I just noticed we got HSS-S coils
thank you for that, I'll work on getting most of the autocrafting stuff moved over and improved
>open pollymc
>news ticker about prism 9.0
>find out it's been 2 years since the whole polymc forced drama happened
>also realize it's been almost a year without pollymc updates
what the fuck
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Squids in the chemical bath
Noo, they will contaminate the product
>they spawn near a random player every so often
>they also show up in villages that don't have 4 cats
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Alright, another update from the commie lawnbase.
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So there was also a thaumcraft something or other added as a way to acquire silicon, so I'll have a look at how far down that rabbit hole is here in a bit. Since I'm looking into that, I'll see how far down that hole the builder's focus is as well because I want to pave with "shit can't spawn here" chisel blocks. If it's too far I'll just slap it down on top. Also: treefucker reborn is online (using a modified cactus farm layout) as of the small window of time I had between the gym and waging. So I can get birch. For said paving.
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Got some turbo power production set up on the server, just need to set up 2 more of these bad boys and we're at a whopping 120k eu/t in power gen.
Also I can't run these for more than 5 minutes because apparently everyone skips these cuz they're dogshit and no one uses them so the pollution numbers have escaped every rebalance and they produce 15x more pollution than every other generator at this tier
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It's not like super efficient or anything right now, but in the short amount of time I'd been fiddling with it, it's gotten a stack of wood already I'll have to manually wade in to clear out the hopper of saplings every once in a while, but that's future me's problem. All I threw in the combo was 8 logs and 8 charcoal into the heater.
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While I've been waiting for the logs to roll in, I've realized that I haven't scanned a damned thing yet. I've been fiddling with that and I'm up to about eleven and a half stacks of birch and someone reminded me that my treefucker setup COULD BE USING CONVEYOR BELTS. So that's gonna be a thing shortly, I hope. Would look cool and I had completely forgotten they were a thing in this. Also: did some trading to commie of 40ish fluorite for some silicon wafers so sidequest shortened. Pretty sure I've got what I need to get AE2 off the ground, literally. Make some chiseled planks and do some grounds work paving a spot to be the storage area, then making all the bits that make the system. But back to that being future me's problem. Good night /mmcg/.
Does it even matter?
What did prism even add that pollymc or even polymc doesn't have?
A couple of days ago i decided to pass from polymc to polly and i didn't notice any differences
>2 day old post
idk about pollymc
but something with 1.20.1 if I recall correctly
what shitty addon does that
What quest pack has the best reward system
the ones without reward systems
the reward is playing the game
Use a T1 electric air filter with the best turbine available. One of them running at EV should let all of the engines run continuously with no pollution issues for a only tiny power cost.
>what bakery has the best cake
>the ones that don't make cake
Thanks anon very insightful
you have brain rot
I'm asking a question that you gave a nonanswer to
I'm not asking if reward systems are good I'm asking what has the best one
A quest pack should guide you through changes made and recommended progression
Blightfall mostly just gives good boy points for beating quests, you could have said that but no
Is that a rocket launch pad on the right? How is the new rocketry system in an actual playthrough?
Been trying the gane for the first time with a modded vaulthunter playthrough but can't get over how shit the combat and overall pace is in the early game. Are there any mods that improve combat or remove durability and speed up mining?
Also, minecraft 2 fucking when this thing did not age well
anyone please
I thought you can change BOP in configs to do large biomes
>minecraft 2 fucking when
No, it's guaranteed to be less moddable than Minecraft
Just wait for the final version
>final version
Never happening. Minecraft isn't a game in Microsoft's eyes, it's a platform like Fortnite. They'll continue to update it indefinitely.
GTNH serbbros... It's over?
>it's weekend
What modpack will you play? What will you build?
TOYMY pack
TOYMY edits
i havent been able to play minecraft for a few months
So there's no mod to increase ore spawns or give better combat/remove the gay attack cooldown? I looked on curse and there was one for fabric but not one compatible with forge/vh

Also any other mods that add significant amounts of interesting cities or rpg mechanics or is vh the main one people play?
>remove the gay attack cooldown
you can do that in vanilla by playing around with some gamerule i think
should I load up some gtnh?
what mods should I add/remove?
add create
join the serb
Reikaserb looks kinda dead
Anyone playing there?
>found my first Allthemodium
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Its a base forestry thing apparently? I put 4 of these electrical stimulators in the hives which gives them 800% genetic decay and turns pristine princesses into ignobles. I changed it to only 3 and they're fine now
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I meant to reply to this yesterday and forgot
We're doing ok, but we've reached the IV plateau and slowed down considerably. To reach LuV we need to start building serious infrastructure and get our shit in order, which takes a while. The roadmap to reach LuV for us goes something like:

>Centralize considerable power gen (at least 150-200k eu/t) - Already mostly done
>Redo AE2 auto crafting to use all multiblocks and not be slow as shit - Working on it
>Redo our AE2 system since its running in a tiny 10x10 stone box, a huge mess, and constantly out of pattern slots
>Finish passiving most of the chemicals we're going to need in bulk (Ammonia, HCL, Nitric acid etc)
- We already have most of the chemicals passived but they're in a messy state scattered around our base, we might just hold that off until we reach LuV and can make Mega Chemical Reactors.
>Upgrade our EBFs to Volcs and either get a Mega Vacuum Freezer or a Few Cryo freezers
>Redo this mess of a platline to use AE2 and not be slow as hell
>Acquire a source of samarium and some makeshift processing for that
>Maybe some more bee stuff for Xenon / Indium
>Make Assembling Lines
And then we finally reach LuV. It's going to take a few weeks.
hmmm maybe i shall join the serb and load up my mana blaster
its too late to join it
its never too late
its not too late whatsoever
>friend has a skeleton skin
>every time he dies in a workplace accident he picks up the player head and places it somewhere near the spot
>our factory is now studded with skulls everywhere
>he doesn't even know who the mechanicus are

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