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Previous: >>498676584

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Current Cup

>Upcoming Cup

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

>Friday's matches
/h/ 5-1 /xs/
/fa/ 1-1 /cm/
/n/ 3-5 /b/
/o/ 2-2 /pol/
/lit/ 0-2 /bant/
/k/ 2-3 /biz/

>Saturday's matches
/h/ - /fa/
/xs/ - /cm/
/n/ - /o/
/b/ - /pol/
/lit/ - /k/
/bant/ - /biz/

>Sunday's matches
/fa/ - /xs/
/cm/ - /h/
/o/ - /b/
/pol/ - /n/
/k/ - /bant/
/biz/ - /lit/

Day 1 fetus VOD soon™
Just don't lose to /r9k/
just stop giving a shit lmao
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>blinky based
>solid /a/
>cuck /pcrg/
>bad /cm/
>run cunny
/fa/ caretaker resigned
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I miss summer
team ntr
/admin/ league literally kwab
fat present
resignations starting to pile up today and it not even end of fetus yet

4cc in absolute shambles, mikey moues league
>mid cup
>hasn't even updated the wiki for a year
Just make them forfeit their last two matches.
Did he even do anything?
He was the change
oh no!

Maybe the team will finally die.
Good news everyone! I've decided to become the new /fa/ manager.
Sign them up and do PoI presumably
how did you I was the 18th DF persona?!
Good, BE the merc
New /tv/ comanager here
I can't keep up with you kids and your slang.
zoomer brain rot
he just misspelled gargling
Again, I don't understand your zoomerspeak.
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>he thinks im gonna read a book
it's a character from the simpsons
You wacky kids with your made up words.
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shoo, go away cagmerc
what advanced instructions are good on pes17
centering targets is okay I guess
about that...
When does /vm/ play? Oh wait, in the real cup lmao.
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For those who don't know the original:
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Time to breed
i cut my balls
hi collietroon
>page 11
Was that always a thing?
There is a pinned thread, so the last thread is technically on page 11 now.
Go to any board with a sticky and go into the last thread in the catalog.
Oh I see ty
Predictions for today's matches?
Predictions for today's KWABotd
Predictions for surprise of the day?
Where is the rigshop?
Where is the tipping?
[laugh track]
Where are the Vods?
[Seinfeld bass line]
Son of a bitch!
Cracks forming...
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you're laughing
/admin/ is killing the 4cc and you're laughing
>/fa/ signs up to Autumn
>creates a 12 team fetus in doing so
>kills /lit/
>resigns after 1 game
>will promote to Autumn anyway
more like uh... blateyy
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ded cup ripip
at least ban the now ex-caretaker for making /lit/ play in a fetus
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Day 2 IS LIV
BE and make your own league then
promote the ex-caretaker to /admin/ for making /lit/ get aborted
So glad we went back to PES17
>aitch, so' i' out
>unfun nofans nocaretaker teams ruining things for fun teams with fans
thanks /admin/
/fa/ have fans?
Seems like Aryanky won this one, lads
They had one but he just retired
time for /xs/ to win
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where THE FUCK is yesterday's vod?
Inside my ASS
/vt/ is not in the fetus, please understand
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prepare your anus /n/
tony whok tuah
>losing to /xs/
>The dilapilated municipality of /cm/
was tech ever good? let's be real here for a minute
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Out the way cager
Even when /xs/ is playing the main thing that gets talked about is Stone Cold and /pw/ memes
'fraid so
why isn't /cm/ just copying the exact same diamond /h/ made? why is it so retarded looking
>losing to /xs/etty
that's why /admin/ made them
>this group isn't 6-6-0-0
/cm/sisters... they're laughing at us...
They bring that on themselves for having a player called 'No Wrasslin' and leaving him on the team for 3 years
/fa/ is a clone of a very good autopilot.
is that fucking maydave
What are the tiebreak rules?

Goal Difference
Head To Head
Goals For?
GD > GF > HtH
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kek what a dunce
Does blinky have rain on?
Not anymore!
Why yes he did
0/2 on rigged days now
they should have just ran it
rain is fun
go away tma
FIA ruining the fun again
these are the conditions we lost, free copium for whoever loses
Why is Biden medal anyway
They wrote him in
listen man you know the thing with the the uhh the thing is jack we uhh look we beat sou
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finally something interesting
He did he beat Sou half to death
We need current /pol/ managers results vs Blinky's side-by-side
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>ultra narrow 3-5-2 with 3 AMF
when will people learn
/pol/ is going for the third place gauntlet kino, you'll see
He retired because he doesn't care about the cup anymore, you think banning him will do something?
>/pol/'s last win was a fetus playoff game with /r9k/
>including this match, they are 1w-3d-9l since spring 23(result holding from this game, but surely /b/ wont choke a 4 goal(clueless))
Blinky's /a/ had a 5 cup span from the 2020 Autumn Babby through the 2022 Autumn Fetus where they won 3 times.
/pol/ has won twice in their last 5 cups.
So why will /fa/ be allowed to play in Autumn?
For the same reason every other team is allowed to play.
The one guy who was interested just gave up on the cup.
I didn't know one fan was enough for a team to have POI, damn.
It is.
has been since at least 2021
/pol/ fears the kyot
>this /pol/ run is worse than blonky's /a/ run
Zero fans are enough. As long as someone says they'll be a caretaker /admin/ will let you through.
Don't need to do tactics, or aesthetics, or even talk to /aesco/ about fixing aesthetic mistakes. Don't even have to update the wiki because nobody has updated /xs/ or /fa/.
Surely there are minimal requirements for what a caretaker has to do.
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i guess /v/ got the disease too
where are /lit/'s protest kits?
censored by /admin/
Holy shit this cup is dead
Blinky /a/: 5 years, 14 total qualifiers+cups, 14 wins, 7 draws, 28 losses, 1 elite promotion, 2 qualifier promotions, 3 abortions, 1 babby spoon, 1 fetus spoon
/pol/ since Canes retired again: 1 and a half years, 5 total qualifiers+cups, 1 win, 3 draws, 9 losses, 1 abortion, 1 babby spoon, current qualifier in progress
Total games: 49 vs 13
Total win rate: 28.6% vs 7.7%
Damn this /k/ is bad.
Yeah, /admin/ will never make a change
No VOD if /vt/ isn't there. Also not VTL related, so lower priority.
>/n/ vs /pol/ tomorrow
battle of shit
Thankfully /vt/ is in Autumn so we might get some vods of that
I thought /n/ was meant to be good.
This is a return to form for /n/ if anything
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/admin/ BTFO
manager issue, sgbong gave up after the first game
What's the deal with /biz/'s aesthetics?
Oh shit, the cup's started.
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holy shit an actual /biz/ fan #R A R E
Bad luck on day 1, the cpk with fixes we've sent sou didn't make it into pes because the /lit/ kit crash had frozen the files.
My fault today, I've used the wrong number for the midcup cpk and overwrote those same fixes.
It'll be definitely fine tomorrow.
>100% increase in /biz/ fans
/biz/ has 4 CBs why are they winning they aren't running a generic export they are supposed to be losing !!!!!!!
easy 9 points for /biz/ but 4 cbs tho
>He fell for the meme
They've got that energy /jp/ had in summer, it shouldn't work but somehow it does
/bant/ only started winning again when they changed their wacky asymmetrical 3-5-2 to a 4-3-3
Yikes. I don't think anyone is as bad as Blinky considering the time span
So no vod for yesterday?
>he doesn’t have that dog in him any more
Vods from yesterday

Thank you for the dolphin porn
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/pol/ management needs to fill out this form and make monke a medal again, because that was the last time /pol/ performed consistently.
>Black nipple knight was here again
holy KWAB
That makes twice now
meanwhile /k/ are doing even worse than /pol/
Thats because they take an even more egregious anti-monke stance
i thought monke was int clay
>/int/ supports monke
>elite and muscular
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He transcends the mundane divisions between boards
/int/'s also the only one of the three without a star
>had a manager with more autism than all the peak mlp managers combined
>consistently shit the bed in knockouts
what was his problem?
No one man should have all that autism.
"simple" "group" "math", fetus edition

Group A:
/h/ are guaranteed at least third place, but will almost certainly be top two (they aren't in danger of falling to third place unless they lose by four)
/xs/ auto-qualify if they win and are guaranteed at least third place if they draw; if they lose and /cm/ win, they will be eliminated
/fa/ auto-qualify if they win; if they draw and /cm/ win, they will be eliminated
/cm/ are guaranteed at least third place if they win; they will auto-qualify if they win by four OR they win and /fa/-/xs/ is a draw. If they do not win, they are eliminated UNLESS they draw and /fa/ lose by three

Group B:
/b/ have already auto-qualified
/o/ auto-qualify unless they lose, /pol/ win, and there is a three-goal swing between the two results; if this happens, they will be third place
/pol/ auto-qualify if they win and overtake /o/, are third place if they draw or win but do not overtake /o/, and are eliminated if they lose
/n/ are third place if they win, eliminated if they do not win

Group C:
/biz/ are guaranteed at least third place; unless they lose by two and /bant/ win, they will auto-qualify
/bant/ auto-qualify if they win and are guaranteed at least third place if they do not lose by two
/lit/ auto-qualify if they win by two and are guaranteed at least third place if they draw
/k/ are guaranteed at least third place if they win by two; they are eliminated if they do not win OR if they win by one and /lit/ do not lose by three
Do you think it's maybe time to replace /k/ with /kay/?
turns out running insane person formations and hoping they work isn't actually good strategy most of the time
>/k/ with /kay/
replacing /k/ with weapons, anime, and gays wouldn't change a thing.

Certain tactics are meta for a reason. Even if you have some highly unorthodox, but functional, formation that doesn't eat shit in the group stage, it probably loses in the long run to that's running a highly optimized form the meta.
Congrats to /pol/ on your free win.
KWABentale melty in the 'cord
Is this true?
Good post Limbab
Nice one troonsoup
That was the other guy.
>Majority of modern cup watchers are phoneposters
'fraid so
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Anon, I...
Makes you proud to be British.
small victories, eh?
If /admin/, aesco or VGLco ever wonder why nobody joins the cup, this is the reason.
This is skewed since mobile users are easier to track
Its the same thing when people used to comparing 4chan to other sites using Alexa, without realizing that the average 4chan user at the time wasn't going to have the alexa toolbar on their browser.
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Yeah. That's the reason.
Why Finland
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Cup will be held in eFootball Android Version from now on.
massive VGL merc outing today if nomo is to be believed. who will KWAB out today?
The mercs are already verified.
nogia :DDDDDD
Meltzer says not to expect new managers except /ksg/
Meltzer. Will Taba really manage /zzz/ for VGL 24?
Um, I heard backstage that he already signed the contract but it is yet to be made public.
I think he thinks manager verification means they'll go through current managers to evaluate them.
They unironically should
That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually.
Yeah, not every cup of course but at least once every two years of tenure.
What's the criteria they'll be using?
>Do you still browse your gen
>ok you're good :snaaok:
Oh fuck..
Tony Hawk being on /xs/ is the same as MIke Trout being on the Angles, Even had to watch Hulk Hogtani win a title on a real team just like he will soon in real life.
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I understood none of whatever the fuck you were talking about.
I think this is a good idea because it'd annoy managers but there's not clear cut way to verify someone unless they're completely honest.
I completely understood what you are rambling about.
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Why does she only have 8 fingers
Where are her nipples
in my mouth, duh
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Are SEA fags really the worst posters or is the reputation undeserved?
SEA, Sudaca, Indian, Canadian fight for the worst
good baseball player on long-suffering bad team who just saw the only other player at (above) his talent level bail and immediately see a lot of success... which is to say, Mike Trout is /xs/ Tony Hawk is Marty Jannetty
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>Mike Trout is /xs/ Tony Hawk is Marty Jannetty
Fortunately for the snowbnnuys the chinks don't really show up here like the gooks and Twitter do. At least not since /gfg/.
But south americans are the best managers? How could they be the worst posters?
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>TMA tells the manager of one of his bigger market teams that it is ok for her to manager fc the team and not poll the thread for roster or music and to do whatever he wants
>someone (totally not me) tells the general of said team
>the general apparently is mostly just fans and don't know a thing about the inner workings
>the thread is pissed and are now questioning everything
who was in the wrong?
be so used to having 90% walking dead teams in your league that you forget you're talking to a manager of one of the few teams that has fans and give the manager the greenlight to manager fc. couldn't be triangle.
did people expect something good from someone using >homosuck as their profile pic?
and people wonder where AnAme got his Manager FC pedigree from good grief
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You don't have to poll them but you should definitely ask and post about it, get feedback. Is what he should have said.
(You), for posting about it here as if we gave a fuck
>as long as they don't start calling for your head with how bad your roster is, you're fine
reading their thread, they are not fine with it. I had a hankering for a melty, and it hit the spot for the night ty for bringing it here based shit stirrer.
How do we know some of these posts aren't just you two samefagging In that thread
That's the neat part. You don't.
i like this a lot
If he used his thread we would know.
there was no need I did my part by making my post with the discord screen shot while she was streaming because i knew her fans would be there and would see it
really i am doing them a favor because they ought to know their manager has been told to manager fc by TMA himself, but also i like riling phasekeks up
also and fuck TMA
Selfless hero
Streakie looks cute in a dress...
What general is this for even?
it would be nice but its an unenforceable check
Was getting excited thinking about the draw right after the fetus is finished but then remembered that babbies have a random off-week after fetuses
Because 'it's not fair for the teams escaping fetus to have their tictacs revealed to the teams that have not played yet'.
more like
/li-teral/ /who/
I never thought that was a significant advantage. Teams mostly test against generic formations anyway, if there's one in the fetus all it does is save time from importing an old one.
Just kills hype to have eleven days in-between games.
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VGL teams for this feel?
>Team that overtests and doubts every result they get
>Team that says "fuck it we ball" and somehow wins
According to their management /2hug/ unironically tested a bunch on their title run what are you talking about.
The team with a manager so autistic he wrote an entire essay about Reso sabotaging his Gold Medal on /vg/ using player weight?
They do the stupidiest tactical decisions while on timeout yet they somehow pay off. If that is not confidence, I don't know what is.
/2hug/ is extremely autistic
I'd say that fits /gbfg/ more, since their changes in VGL22 were basically the same every game and had next to no practical reasoning behind them other than it was funny.
Yeah they also fit well, if it were 4CC, /t/ would be the prime example.
Please don't conflate "not polling" with the idea of ignoring the thread. This is not at all what I said nor mean.

Accurately representing the thread and making the thread happy with the final result is the goal. Even in the original post, the point was that the management is responsible for making the thread happen.

Like I said, there's more than one way to skin a cat. As long as the thread is happy with the final roster, it doesn't really matter how it happens. Polling isn't a cure-all. I think the thread and managers would be able to work it out if the roster was not what the thread wanted, in any scenario. If not, an anon can let me know and I'll sort it out.
So metagross and blonky would fly in the VTL?
>Like I said, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
What real person talks like this?
/pol/ hasnt polled for a roster in years
Thank god 4cc rosters aren't known for being manager fc and ignoring current board state. Nope not all at don't look at /tv/ over there.
paging OldManSou
the only true "fuck it we ball" teams are autopilots. change my mind.
pegging OldManSou
melty in the vt 'cord
There's not melty
called cipher gay
>There's not melty
i like my melty drippy bruh
>*unzips pants*
How about you get my melty drippy
Considering /vt/doesn't even bother to poll anymore its on brand for the board.
sucking cocks
I'd never.
who in the 4cc is the best at melty
hopefully /ck/
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Tired of doro now
Just another Korean unfunny meme that will be forgotten.
At least it's slightly more natural than /gfg/ trying to force Junyaa across the board years back.
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He's ours now
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>still no VODs
the cup is dying
youtube vods for day 1 got taken down as well.
That's SOP when /pol/ plays. The hate speech warning was funny, the strike was a massive pain in the ass.
No /vt/ = No VOD
Also, lower priority since it isn't VTL
I wanna buttfuck MP5 so bad
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>some guy from their discord posts their drama here
>I can’t believe /4ccg/ is so obsessed with us.
Actually obsessed
It's finally time we stop pretending vtlel is anything more than a fake team league like tvlel or alel
Melty in the cord
Anal sex is for faggots.
any more caretakers and managers bailed out of the 4cc dumpster fire today?
Couldn't believe my ears when I heard bejita say this, word for word.
I don't see it.
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small girls!
>sex with women is gay
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The best things in life are big
only vaginal penetration is sex
is there going to be any first sandwich, either after today or on the draw
They made a sandwich but I eated it
very true
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Usually there's one for the entire fetus weekend.
What was the last cup we used PES17 for, anyway? I don't think I was watching back then.
Autumn 18
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The match thread on my board died a few minutes before I woke up
As long as one person responded you are fine for the next six months
A schizo replied to himself 20 times does that count
Fraid so
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will you take responsibility?
will you?
That's nomo's wife, not mine
Couldn't have been me.
>female skk
nomo is a cuck
he'll raise our children
Post this on vglcord, if you're so great
based scholar
Yes, even if I don’t like Vtubers, bnnuys must be treasured
doesn't even look preggers just fat
If she was I'd hit it
Trip on Discordant we know you're the only Anglels fan here
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all girls should be slightly chubby, loli, hag, trap, i dont care
why is there a bulge
he was being satirical, nobody would ever want girls to be "slightly chubby" or larger
I do, especially larger
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so you're a nobody?
If being a fat woman lover makes me a nobody, then I am a nobody
Yes, I'm the same nobody that blinded a cyclops on the island of Sicily
Sorry /4ccg/, you jabronie marks will never draw a dime.
its a boy, a sexy boy
You got anymore bitrate?
No. Sou stole it all.
>The W in BBW stands for Boy
>do you know how pulling out works
Do you?
/vt/umors have zero ground to stand on anymore when it comes to numberfagging after their last league
He didn't mention 4cc or VGL.
the one time i saw trap stuff tagged like that was funi funi order https://hitomi.la/reader/1977917.html#1
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Day 3 IS LIV
wait thats the japanese one this is the english one https://hitomi.la/reader/1805670.html#1
there was also https://hitomi.la/reader/2809602.html#1 which, unf
Which fetus manager would you breed
big plans
guess the combined amount of fans for both teams currently playing
Are we counting the sumo comfyshitters as /xs/ fans?
do secondary fans count?
He's not in the autumn fetus?
Comfyshitters are so weird. No one in /admin/ has a right to complain about /4ccg/ when comfy exists still and is even among the majority of them.
hot take: /p/ is better than both of these teams
>P-p-please complain about the people I don't like!
on the topic of comfyniggers how the fuck is gortef a mod
Zero. Unironically zero fans.
>no one in /admin/ has a right to complain about /4ccg/
>somehow you got "complain about others instead"
Retarded glowie.
>backpassing at 90'+ on a score deficit
boggles the human mind, that
Has a scheduled slot when all the burger mods are asleep and can be trusted to only use his powers to queue his own streams.
It sucks that there's no programmed sense of urgency in any PES game at 90+
If you're on +2 at 90+, the keeper takes corners.
>Indian, Canadian fight for the worst
It's the same thing.

I think tournament mode encourages the AI to take elimination into account.
Surely /xs/ won't kill a team with actual fans again?
She makes it sound easy, when she's the one leg-locking you.
group A has 2 fans in 4 teams and both are ntr scholars
>I think tournament mode encourages the AI to take elimination into account.
I remember hearing the same thing too.
>/cm/ have actual fans
I'm thinking ahead to the 3rd place play off.
I think they're all equally boring and nofans. There isn't a way to actually compare total amount of fans, but you can judge how dead the board and interest is. /xs/ has never changed their roster. /fa/'s roster has been the same since Autumn 2022 (which had a single change). In /p/'s last two years (Autumn 2020 to Autumn 2022), they had three changes. So /p/ had 200% more life than /fa/.
/admin/ bringing in all the stops to let /xs/ through
>Really ded gold
Holy fuck, /cm/ is cursed.
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>gold CF dies 20 minutes in
even PES really wants /xs/ in autumn
It's not fair.
You shouldn't presume to speak for PES, /admin/
Kek, what a bitch.
Chad Ugly Bastard
Virgin Twink
You can afford to let a few more in /h/, so now would be a good time to start being yourselves again
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>Meanwhile, at half-time in /h/'s locker room...
So you don't know.
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lesbian gooners rape boys and fuck ugly bastards in their cute asses - Obama, '24
Nobody's going to complain if you lose this match /h/, you have a chance to lose at a good time for once and you're blowing it
Oh bother is a real pain in the ass now that so much play happens in the box
>/admin/ getting bailed out by /h/ of all teams
>You lived long enough to see /cm/ get a boibortion
>Rance brace that actually matters
What clown-ass dimension did I slip into?
/h/ wins when they should lose and loses when they should win
'fraid so
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they should always lose
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You're laughing? /xs/ is still potentially alive and you're laughing?
Not when they play /xs/
I rooted for /h/ because I don't want to look like a faggot who loves gay twinks just to spite /admin/.
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Finnish supremacy
I'm so glad a team with a negative POI and zero fans is going to advance over one with one of the bigger POIs and fanbase
The very instant they weren't able to use their ebin autopilot anymore, they became the worst team in the 4cc. No team has ever been this exposed.
Akko has fixed Rance
I prefer no fans over cuckshit
I can make jokes about them getting cucked when they lose. When nofans nointerest wins, loses, or draws I've got nothing because there is nothing.
/xs/'s only interest comes from /admin/ and comfyniggers so a loss for them is a win for 4chan
>Being into gay twinks is a win for 4chan
A dozen managers a decade ago were all into gay twinks so I'd say yes
nice to see rekt has overcome baldness so quickly
/pol/, /k/ - fans
/h/ - a few fans, all on discord
/cm/, /b/, /o/, /bant/, /lit/ - maybe two fans
/biz/ - one fan
/fa/, /xs/, /n/ - nofans
17 managers even
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I will marry Airi
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>be /b/
>9 point group B
>Be on PES that favours longball
>Longcat firing on all cylinders
>/n/ is playing with one silver on the bench
if /pol/ doesn't win vs an /n/ that's literally throwing it's actually over
Couldn't help himself
/b/ has been running short pass thoughbeit
I think SgBong is hitting new depths of being a bitch.
at least he didn't ragequit irc this time
god i want to sexually punish len so bad
have they?
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if /pol/ lose to this it's the ultimate humiliation ritual
What the fuck are they doing? They still have a chance to promote
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Basically throwing, he just wants out.
What's supposed to be the fun part about Doro?
I'm sure all the /n/ fans are furious
Yeah, it will just go back to being dead (right?)
Well she's a gremlin and I think gremlins are fun. What's not fun is half the VGL managers seeing something they think is funny and then spamming it for months.
Posting it any chance without context because funny
How many gremlin-type players does VGL have now?
It makes Aoba mad
if it was purple it would make sense but hes green, just play him
So it's not funny?
Because they swept it under the rug, unlike if it was the other party, where coverage would be J6 level
I just realize it is always the same 5 or so brainlets posting that
After you have seen it that many times it is not funny, it's just spam.
A dozen or so.
Next you'll be telling me Essex isn't the peak of comedy.
throwing is just unfun and it's not like /n/ is an unfun team either despite being nofans
sgboeing is being a retard and a bitch
>/n/ throwing to spite /o/
>/n/ throwing so sgbong doesn't have to manage 3 more games
Essex at least had more edits and effort, but it's also another "I have seen that before" shitpost.
The pure Dragonfag energy of this utter bullshit /n/ just pulled
such a cunt move I respect it
>throwing to /pol/
back in my day they woulda had you shot for doing that shit
o fug blayoffs :DDDD
I'm going to say the /n/ word
Oh fug :DDD
Cattle cars
Yet another strong late push for KWABOTY, we might need to have separate categories at this pace
/n/o fans?
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Fetus /n/ delivering once again
replace /a/ with /o/
I remember how smug all the comfy niggers and FB before this game were.
What a piece of shit
i'm taking contrarian stance with thinking that his chess plan was built around /pol/ playing narrow 343 still and something something going very wide, score late.
Leaving a silver on the bench just makes it look really bad.
Funny thing is that /n/ could've still run wingers and fullbacks while having all their medals. You know like their deadline export.
It looks like testing autism gone wrong
>b-b-but it worked in testing
>loses to /pol/ of all teams
Wide 451 should beat a narrow 343 on 17 so i can see the logic, still retarded compared to just running a 442 instead
Is someone who blanked their name off the contact page after game 1 really going to test?
Really goes to show how much /2hug/ is carried by Bowling
He will somehow argue that he's not throwing while simultaneously erasing his 4cc presence before he even sacks himself. Hilarious
>/bant/ throwing against /k/ for the second time this year
>/xs/ will kill /pol/ in the fetus
Just a bit a bantah
No it's just a manager throwing out of rage to save some face
Holy fucking kino
/bant/ manager should be shot for their negligence
>raquiting to save face
How is any of this saving face
Saurez and Messi look like they're having such fun now in the MLS. Neymar joining them next year will be so amazing!
Any askers?
>I don't care that I got aborted in the fetus, I wasn't even trying, see I didn't even start my medal
Literally no reason to bench a medal in this situation
>Close games
Yep, we're so back.
lmao even
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There is a reason actually. Fuck /admin/.
Is there a Q player on /lit/
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first and last minute, I think this is cool
Four. Center. Backs.
we were ROBBED
we were fucking robbed
>throw the biggest shitfit about /admin/ and muh third place teams in fetus
>get cucked out of having the protest kits
>get cucked out of promoting on top of that
Now it's been proven 4CBs is actually the mark of a genius manager, do we have to apologize to Alex?
No. Because she did it on 19 and got KWAB'd
You want to apologize to /ink/ while you're at it?
See >>499181157
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So now that a team that shouldn't have been in the fetus actually got aborted can /admin/ finally change the dumb format
/xs/ isn't safe yet
>/admin/ had to rig it against a team in a pastebin
Dire even.
I can't laugh at /lit/, their plan to avoid the Spring 25 Fetus was executed to perfection.
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they shouldn't even have been there in the first place
still /admin/
It's /admin/ though
still TMA
Still /bag/
pes 17 doubters in shambles
still VGLco
you wish /admin/
>/cm/ and /n/ aborted
the absolute state of DF plant teams
What do you expect when they don't have the biggest PES autist of all time sockpuppeting them anymore
>/xs/ will still kill /pol/ and /bant/
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>Shittalk Twingo all game
>He scores the clincher in stoppage time
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gay sex
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>/admin/ cumsock vs /admin/ cumsock
Who you got boys
Merci Twingo
merci twingo
merci twingo
Merci Twingo
say gex
merci twingo
/admin/ couldn't rig it harder if they tried
Wow, who saw this coming?
See you in Spring, /pol/!
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>>Shittalk Twingo all game
>>He scores the clincher in stoppage time
I can't see /pol/ losing to this /xs/
>how do we get people to stop complaining about the bad fetus format?
>I know! Let's make sure our sockpuppets advance!
Brilliant out of /admin/. It's Soumala's turn.
>admin kills yet another 2fans team
/pol/ can't win against /admin/
What was going through your head when you tried to match what /k/ did, /bant/ manager?
Wow what a great team!! I'm such a big fan, go /xs/! :PogChamp: :PogChamp: (remove this part of the message after pasteing in chat; your 1RigBux has been sent to your Paypal account)
pony hawk
Great post from toxicpycnometer
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cunny hawk
>/h/ and /k/ are through
good guys won, don't care about the rest of this joke cup
>good guys
found the ntr scholar
*test pony hawk
tuahny hawk
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I must pretend to be retarded to stay in character
[pic was drawn today by an ex-manager btw if that matters]
kamala harris
What's it like being a cumdump for /admin/?
He loves it because he's already a cum dump for TMA
someone has to do it
/admin/ SALIVATING right now
Which team do you want to see /xs/ kill next?
Haha Tony Hawk scored. I mean who? Who scored? Who's that guy? Haha.
>/pol/ thought they had a chance
You were saying?
>/xs/ recovered from the Spain /h/ inflicted on them
Good for them
t. sumo shitter
I will (You) you in 3 minutes when /xs/ scores then wins in benuldies
>He doesn't have access to the script
tony hawk tuah
Haha there he goes again. Who's that guy?
Did /lit/ even actually do or say anything besides make le funny shirt. Seems like /admin/ was mad about nothing
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You mean apart from submitting their export 23 hours late?
did he died?
They didn't know they were in fetus.
None of the announcements posted by Sou, Crimson, or Potato stated which teams were in the fetus. So if you reasonably thought you were safe with a /lit/ or /h/ performance last babby it's understandable.
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>no fans team dead
nuclear melty in /admin/
/admin/ loses in the end after all
As dead as /xs/.
/admin/ lost.
/pol/'s Route To a Mickey Mouse Promotion:
- Drew the worst auto in the tournament
- Final opponent threw explicitly to help them
- Lost the rematch to the worst auto in the tournament
- Mickey Mouse goal against another auto
Best team in Autumn???
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Good riddance
/admin/bros, the chuds beat our wholesome pet team...
Now it's time for /admin/ team number 2: /t/
And /fa/
/admin/ got that locked up tight
Still /bag/
That fetus was pretty fun despite the format headaches. I'm hype for the babby to start next weekend. Wouldn't want a long break to kill the momentum.
We really ought to do a KWABOTY survey after the year is over
>next weekend
Don't see anyone taking it from KWAB-sensei.
I will do one. Candidates so far?
> I'm hype for the babby to start next weekend.
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>next weekend
It'd just come down to who is least popular between /admin/, VGLco, and TMA
Unfortunately despite TMA's best efforts it's a clear /admin/ win for this year
It's too early now, we still have Autumn and VGL23 to get through

Maybe we need to make those three a separate category
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hat pick: effay
/vrpg/ - /vst/ AGAIN

I believe it.
>/vt/ drawn into the easiest group
TMA bribing /admin/ now
Are you retarded?
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>tfw lost at the last minute, and denied the fuck outta overtime
I might have been one of the only ones pure cheering for my /xs/ brahs, but I think they had a pretty good showing today, jus trippin at the last hurdle.
Probs gonna do some pondering during my early hours night blade sesh after I finish some stuff up (probs just gonna keep it casual cardio, nothin too much). Hope we pull through next time around. Don't know if we even have a manager, but if ya reading this I think ya did well. Never forget, it ain't ever failing or bailing on the trick that's the bad part, it's if you don't get back up afterward.

/admin/, you really don't need to try this hard.
Looking for who asked
arceus pussy
Does this post count as POI?
A single post? Welcome to Spring!
First Bait already says they'll address format and poi in the mid-cup First Bait
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So the original plan was to have Sign ups for Divegrass Before Christmas open after the group stage of autumn ended but then the babby cup got moved a week later (or I just misread the calendar) so I decided today to just open the sign ups now

tldr sign ups for divegrass before christmas are open now

Two more weeks
I'm sure they will.
Fight in the cord right now, who will melty?
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Fetus should be in a swiss format.
They should tell us something new.
Toki, Survival Round is dogshit. Copy the UEFA CL format instead.
They'll just go
>it's good shut up
Do you think any of these assholes want to admit their format is shit?
FB, Autumn 24 Qualifiers
isn't that just survival round but there's only one round?
They will never change anything
It's shit.
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It's more games for everyone instead of SR.
Post it for the rest of us
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is it? from how I read this it's the same system now but instead of hell's wild card 1 & 2 it's just one round and instead of 12 KO teams it's 8
With 12 groups of 4 though?
What was the UEFA thinking?
when does /lit/ play?
Holy shit! I hate rigging. I just can't achieve this armpit pose no matter how hard I weight paint.
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>armpit pose
huh? what? okay
>9-3-3-3 miracle
>bailed out with a 90+3 goal
Do you really blame him?
GODbellum is right you know.
Why is bro yapping about when his teams don't win either.
>throwing in good faith
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Free bye to Spring
That's not true, /nikg/ wins sometimes even if it's using a formation their caretaker disapproves of
/nikg/ had a real manager last VGL
For one league, yes
and they're going to have a real aryan manager who's going to give them the run they deserve next vgl
Oh they will get the runs they deserve; I agree with that.
>Kara/TMA team up for /nikg/
Is this the closest to an official anti-VGLco team?
thanks, fren. I will post the results later.
Still a heel team thoughbeit.
If anything they've become even more of a heel tbdesu
That may be, but we're sorely lacking in anti-council teams at the moment
>top /4ccg/ heel tag team
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Who is gonna be the third man?
>36 teams
>the top 8 make it through
This is not applicable to VGL. >>499198069 is retarded.
I can't wait for the melty when they get "PES'd" or something, you know it's going to be great
Who is the one that got raped?
Whoever the biggest face in the 'cord is in VGL24
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TMA on the sweltering summer of 22
dear oh dear
Kagamine Len
All I see VGLco do is defend TMA
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minor higher def logo update if you need it
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin: Together At Last
Ramen and Nomo are afraid of taking on the CHAMP.
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The irony is TMA talks and obsesses over VGL constantly and Toki assumes the best out of him.
>sgboeing retired
He retired for the second time after game 1 and then signed back up for the third time today
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Will Fry Cook Trump be on /pol/'s roster for the babby?
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i've been told that he should be getting the fry cook model
No, he'll end up on /biz/.
So the /nepgen/ allegations were real?
'fraid so.
You really think that'll be relevant two weeks from now?
TMA obsessed so hard over VGL he got banned because he kept leaving and rejoining over and over again most likely to check if people were talking about him or his tournament
top zozzle if real
2/10 if a creation of your mind
It's real but only for the server. He's not banned from the VGL and if he wanted to do something he'd be let back in.
That he's banned? I can whip up the ban list
Do it
let's see it
do it
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I'm too lazy to censor everyone else but most of these guys are either spam bots, have Twitter and deviantart in bio or got hit with a ban after the great /vrg/ raid of VGLX
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QD melty in vglel cord
Free unknownneko.
Oh nonononono TMAbros why are we so obsessed?
What is this fight about
uh oh mommy (ramen) and daddy (QD) are fighting
Ramommy and QDaddy
dear oh dear
>VGL will have to be cancelled due to the infighting in the council
How sad.
ARYAmen dropping the hard truth nuke about +2 2-3-5 slop matches not being real while QueerDicklet is coping about how the wikiGOD himself, prow, owned and humiliated him years ago (he still can't let go)
reso is also aryan, shame his follower is an ntrfag
>QD would unironically advocate for Qualie stats counting
No wonder council babies TMA....
we wont know who wins the presidency in the first week of the autumn cup, so maybe
you act like we haven't seen Reso before
I meant aryan (state of mind)
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It's hilarious how the only stans QDbitch ever took was beefing with someone who was consistently kept the wiki up to date lmao.
QDstans where we at
/4ccg/ - VGL Discord Commentary
>JB eats 4 eggs for a meal
black people are so weird
JB, are they scrambled with something or just the eggs. At least put ham or something on them.
i eat 6
>first time managing
>looking for an aes file
>looking for an aes file again
>doing wiki autism
>second time managing
>looking for the vgl 6 and 7 saves
I hope you don't think that's a good excuse to keep joining and leaving. If you need stuff from the server you could have just stayed there, like the dozens of dormient users on it.
Cooking melty on 'cord
>last online 1343 days ago
VGL managers with the 'games' that they are supposed to play to represent their threads be like.
>Kermit DESERVED "shut up retard" role
long overdue faggot is annoying
Now ban him and his boring ass team from the VGL
Ramen hands typed this post.
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>Imagine a VLG without /gbpen/ and /llsifg/
Imagine the 4cc without you, Crimson
Right now? It's the /mjg/ manager. They're bringing him front and center as one of the good guys. You could say he is the new VGLco pet. Even KWABellum supports this guy.
>muted because streak is as fragile as a WTC steel beam but not over all the annoying shit he's done in the VGL channel
well a win is a win I guess
I would assume it is the result of everything he is done. Every post he makes is annoying in some form.
>I would assume it is the result of everything he is done
No it was over laughing at the jests
Bros entire personality is a shitty false flag that happened before he was born
Day 3 VOD where? I want to see the funny that happened at the /h/-/cm/ game again.
>unmuted already
Great news
Terrible news
brother i have cheered for this team for 20+ years i had my breaking point shut the fuck up. When you can put with some of shit the absolute dogpile franchise puts you through maybe then you'll understand. Until then go stick a steel beam up your ass you sack of shit : )
You're just proving his point.
You're not a drink, cup or juicebox. You're the piss.
yeah im the piss thats all that team does to me and unironically enough i drink it every single time. it just broke me this team i cant keep doing the optimist bit when the team itself doesnt believe in itself.
I thought you enjoyed getting cucked
you guys made that up yourselfs. i do not enjoy the yearly cucking session the jets have done to me. I ESPECIALLY do not enjoy the 13 year going on 14 year play off drought this team has done.
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When you do shit like this, you're a gigantic bitch and dare I say it, KWAB.
This is just like KWABellum leaving the discord for days on end because he got his jimmies rustled.
You can be stronger than a glass.
yeah no i dont care. I literally put with up with this team getting made fun of on a daily basis if you think ITS JUST BEEN 7 weeks of this that broke me you misunderstand why. THIS WAS 10+ YEARS of constant failure and being shit on. I dont react like this to anything else BUT THE JETS let me mope and bitch because ITS all this team unironically lets me do you fuck
The most shocking thing about this is that streak is over 20, with the way he throws fits you'd think he hasn't even finished puberty
Sorry, but you're a KWAB man. Picture next to definition tier in fact.
Making a corporate sports team that doesn't care about you in the slightest your life is the saddest shit ever. Get out of your urban hellscape for a weekend and go take a hike and see the fall foliage or something. Get a fucking grip.
Reso really needs to tardwrangle both of his Co's. Both of them have melties on the regular
They're actually specifically there to have melties
They siphon melty energy away from him
all this is an elaborate larp, right? There's no way an anon actually cares this much about some sportsball slop and/or its results, right?
Nah you just don't understand people who care about sports but are stuck with a dogshit team. Especially if it finally looks like they're just getting out of dogshit and then drop back into it.
Im going to be for real with you. Just because you dont view sports the way i do doesnt mean you demolish someone passion for it. Yeah a corporate sports team i love the team but i also love the friends i made because i cheered for this team, the connections i made from cheering for this team its community where i enjoyed the team because of those connections and this past season ive seen all my friends and fellow fans get drained and leave so bleak and lifeless from it. Im sorry you dont have the passion for it but dont downplay something i enjoy for the sake having your hypothetical high horse to hold because you simply dont like it.
Your other team is in the world series, and you are crying.
He's a New Yorker. It's like baggots having a meltdown over only getting 3rd.
Football is the sport i love the most. i get it the yankees are in the world series im excited for that but the Jets winning a super bowl in my lifetime means more to me then anything in my sports fandom at all
Such a tragedy, just like that one day...
Can you capitalise your Is you monkey?
...in the sweltering hot summer of 1992.
The Jets haven't won since the 60s
Did he really got; you know. He is a 6'10 tall dude.
'fraid so.
That's the terrifying thing about *it*. It can happen to anyone, even those you'd least expect.
Huh? What you mean?
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If you were a youtuber, you'd definitely be the kind of guy posting suicide tweets for attention and then show up on the keemstar show or whatever to defend yourself.
I dont give a single shit about this argument but these are reddit as fuck posts btw
Modern football is overcommercialized garbage and not worth ruining your mental health over. Get a real passion, like building air defenses for your city or something.
So says the reddit expert
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>some sportsball slop
/sp/ wouldn't exist if that was the case.
I get why you feel that way. But for me football at its core interacting with others fans and sharing a passion for loving your team hasnt changed no matter how many ads they stuff in it or half time shows they squeeze in.
Yeah ok, better luck next time Jets fan, maybe they'll win this year bwahahhahahahahahah!
This wouldn't be an issue if you didn't just encourage the biggest faggot in the VGL by letting him get under your skin. You are too emotionally unstable to have any mod powers
god willing but after today i stopped believing. Hearing the devil is looking for some souls but apparently i cant give it up for a jets super bowl because a certain 81 year old man gave away his for our only one.
This man actually contemplated suicide over the jets losing.
I think we've got the KWABOTY right here boys.
Oh boo hoo, everyone in VGLco besides QD is a zoomer they've all muted someone.
Do any of them have this amount of melties this frequently though?
Yeah? Brainlet? Nomo? Ramen? Melty-less? Hello?
This frequently though?
I can't eat that many melties in one day, stop.
You're thirsty, and I have to piss.
i have had two melties both jets related can you tell me the others? because even when i had those i havent muted anyone for clapping back. I was just way to emotional this time because i thought something would change with this team today. it was not the best way to go about this thats for sure i just lost total composure
Crying about the jests meanwhile /vg/ fans are stuck with you and KWoB as managers.
Yes? At least one of them is guaranteed to melt every VGL
Yeah and that's why you shouldn't have mod powers. You're too fragile.
if your NFL team loses a game 10-9 they should probably just be abolished, in all honesty
Guy is a faggot and he deserves to be muted but abusing your powers is not good either.
i sat and watched that game in the pouring rain....
it wont happen again i usually know better but tonight was just an actual lack of judgement
long live bo nix
Just cheer for Kansas City and you will always win.
I'm the opposite. I hope everyday that my team wins a World Series. I've seen them win a Super Bowl but I want more World Series wins.
must be nice rooting for a baseball team that can get within medium distance of the world series
I cheer for the very best baby
>aname before he left
I'd ask what makes jest fans so mentally unwell but then I remember if they were sane, they wouldn't be jest fans.
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>*ruins your repeat*
there are no mentally sane NFL fans. there are only degrees of insanity.
So you're either a Yankees-Giants, Red Sox-Patriots, Dodgers-Rams, or Cardinals-Broncos/Chiefs/Rams fan.
there are people who purposefully watch the carolina panthers play football. in 2024. more than seven of them, even. there are endless horrors awaiting those who care to look out for them
This the real reason kekkels went off the deep end.
you are such a fucking sperg lmao
The majority of NFL teams suffer and the vast, vast majority of CFB teams will never sniff a championship. Football is just a sport for suffering.
all sports are suffering, to various degrees. even for the very best teams.
At least you aren't a Cowboys fan
While the Cowboys suck there are plenty of teams that have it worse
even chiefs fans have to routinely sit through games that feel like pulling teeth. but also they win nearly all of them, are currently back to back defending champions, and most importantly are a division rival of my team. so fuck 'em
Yeah but you have to factor in all the expectation vs reality that team has, if you are idk a Raiders fan or something you already know the season is going nowhere before it starts.
Chiefs fans aren't allowed to complain about anything for about 20 years
I'd rather the usually above-average but think you're better routine of the Cowboys instead of being terrible 9/10 years
It could always be worse, you could be a Cleveland sports fan
Buffalo, Minneapolis, and San Diego have good arguments for being worse sports-wise. But at least they aren't living in Cleveland.
in 2019, the city of oakland hosted three major sports teams. in 2025, they will host zero major sports teams.
They had a successful history compared to the four contenders however losing all of them and being in Oakland does vault them to the top.
>watching commercialball in the year of our lord 2000 + 24
for what purpose though
Wow dude you're cool
>VGLcord banned TMA
guys how do I snail react on 4chan
90% of "lole" come from L'av and GuyF, so just tag one of them instead and you'll probably be right.
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He wanted to manage /nikg/ lmao and thought no-one would remember the shit he pulled with /nepgen/
it wouldnt be if you had an actual promotion/relegation into other leagues like the entire rest of the world does it
in other non us areas if a team is doing bad in a sport for that long, it just fucking dies, begone to farmers league with you, in the US instead a team can go 0-16 3 years in a row, and in fact be rewarded for doing so cause of the draft. There are no stakes, US teams literally cant lose even when going 0-16 and their fans hate them. On the flipside, the bottom 3 places of a non us league has the shitter teams fighting and dying like its the finals of the playoffs not to get eliminated and its kino
what did he do to nepgen
>what did he do to nepgen
He merced /nepgen/ for a league, dropping them immediately after the team lost in knockouts which people tend to forget was to Aname's /ddlc/. Apparently he joined them without Alex knowing but that could just be him not paying attention to anything
He also made some vague cryptic post about how his job was done before leaving the VGL discord. Just retard behaviour.
does his vtuber avatar have any porn yet
No he's fine to manage /nikg/ he was banned from the discord because he kept joining and leaving
Hey lads. I found the very reason why /u/ choked yet another elite final like it was a cock
Their beloved idolshit retard is still alive. And the mods are being shit as usual
i don't give a FUCK what cunts on /u/ are doing
New >>499246913
A Holy Knight with a Holy Cause. I am the Crusader King

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