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Previous Thread: >>499004474

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Yukari (3* - Rerun)
Renge (3* - Rerun)
Kikyou (3* - Rerun)

Autumn Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/NG45fvLswco - 10/20 (Sun) 19:00 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Kurokage (Urban - Torment w/Purple Armor) - 10/16 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/15 (Tue) 2:00 (UTC) - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Toki (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Nagisa (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Koyuki (3* - Rerun)

Event Pre-Registration, Roadmap, and Livestream: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/10/3rd
Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
3rd Anniversary Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/s9tLTZVTGuM - 10/18 (Fri) 9:00 (UTC)
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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i just ejaculated to Hifumi
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Hina should sit on my face
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I think Juri is very cute but I don't have many images of her
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One last divegrass poll to tiebreak Black Suit vs Yuuka for the last silver medal. Only gave it 24 hours since >>498950229

Some 6 hours and some change left.

i just ejaculated on Ibuki
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Is it safe to go to a fox cafe?
Hanako with a blue halo and horns?
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by me
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Such is the fate of niche student.
But at least she's not Mai.
I am the only Nagusex truther itt
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Juri striker alt with a pan-chan summon EX
Trust the plan.
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hina bobina
Mika should die
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I ate Juri's cooking and contracted campylobacter.
Juri's got a million times more personality than Hanako (not like that's a remarkable achievement)
what does it smell like in that room
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What do you think they talked about during this serious talk?
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pls no... im still dry.........
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Seia Status?
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my sweet wife hinata
What the fuck is wrong with you guys? All these girls are underage!
is there any point in watching the kivotos live? anything new? i
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let me get back to you on that
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Mika ball
I have intercourse with this
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That's the best part
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which BA track is the most touching for you /bag/? and why?
Mmhmhmmmm yeessss.........
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Get out of the way Hina
you have to eat all the eggs
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have you forgiven her yet?
ioris legs and ass are way too thick
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Mika's chest balls
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Princess has been secured and is ready to commence the autumn events! We got word that Juri and Fuuka are coming over for the stream! Lets go ladies, the House of Suzumi will be open all night !!
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>Actually read Juri's momotalks
>She fucks up cooking because she thinks she knows better than the recipes and refuses to follow the instructions (and as such will never improve)
I fucking despise this character. Might actually surpass villainous students as the worst character in the game.
It would be one thing if she was genuinely mentally challenged and didn't know better, which seems to be what other students think of her (they forgive her fuck-ups because she "tries her best")
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Over status?
Hina mating press
Iori pronebone
Hina sat on my lap and she got an erection
Sex with both
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Nigga commissions 2x is running right now.
Did you buy the one from the permit shop yet?
/bag/ culture is centered around gehennoids. They have holidays for gehennoids. They wasted hundreds of thousands of rolls trying to get gehennoids. They listen to Unwelcome School. They elect gehennoids as their studentwives. They dress and act like gehennoids. They draw the entirety of their board culture from gehennoids. They post sassy gifs about gehennoids. They watch Harukaball in worship of gehennoids. Their biggest event of the year involves a gehennoid playing a piano. They use gehennoid slang like "kihaha" and "Hinacchi". When you say "68" they're not thinking of the number. They're thinking of the gehennoids. Their hard drives are completely overrun with gehennoids. They worship their unpaid Prefects disproportionately filled with gehennoids and their terrorist groups filled with gehennoids. Their men sit around watching gehennoid cooking shows while their “women” sit around listening to gehennoid music. They worship gehennoids like Makoto and Aru and Hina while attacking the Trinity and Millenium students who actually built Kivotos before gehennoids took over. Their webms are filled with gehennoids and their youtube links are topped by gehennoid music. They send gehennoids to play soccer and celebrate when the gehennoids win because those gehennoids are true red blooded Kivotos gehennoids. They watch gehennoid events to a point where "Gourmet" does not make them think about food but about the gehennoid terrorists instead. They will tell you how much they hate gehennoids and how Hina is a Mary Sue and they are just pretending to love gehennoids but the evidence speaks for itself in that /bag/ has always been and will be a general of gehennoid loving gehennoids
Well, she is a Gehennoid.
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>Don't worry /bag/, the Pri...
Anon? she has actually followed recipes to a T and things still go bad, bitch can just be making a boiled egg and pan-pan will come out as the harbinger of culinary death, it's just her super power, much like Asuna's has godly luck and I'm retarded
Now what?
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I do not need to elaborate.
Juri is the only student who ever visited me in a dream, so she's one of the good ones.
You didn't read her momotalks at all if that's what you got out of it. They literally did a recipe where sensei did all the cooking and Juri just stirred it and that caused it to go bad. She's fucking cursed.
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Most recipes are aimed at mass pleb appeal anyway, I always modify shit too.
>Actually read
Did you?
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what's the point of koharu attack skill? should i even spend resources on it?
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It doesn't seem like you read them, actually.
Turn the greg organ
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nexon needs to apologize for killing project KV

blue archive was already dying and now i dont see how it can survive
What killed the hype?
You have >>>/g/ where you can freely post your AI garbage whenever you please
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I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tntuxch3aUQ
playing when Mika and Saori got all introspective after their fight was the first time I got really emotional during the story.
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wholesome little Kisakiwife ministories will be the end of me
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Will you roll for these alts?
ah gomen
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I am sure you put a lot of effort in that copypasta edit.

No. I expect my pyros to be below a spark and I'll need to rebuild them.
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Kek, I remember a rich dude in my school came to class in a white suit and I sat behind him.
I was poking him with a pen trying to leave a mark and ruin the suit.
In my defense he was a shithead to me first, so it was less bullying and more all-out war of two annoying retards.
You didn't read shit, faggot
Kill yourself
i'm leaning towards no but let's see how the momotalks are first.
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i had this in my mind leaving the vet after having to put my dog down
my koharu attack skill is lv 1 and it can turn greg organ
Please stop bullying Aru, she is a good girl.
Guess I have to take Aru to my place and wash her shirt for her. No, none of mine will fit her.
Cute Tsurugi but I don't like the characters to roll for them unless they're limiteds. Girls in prince outfits suck.
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Seia won't get released
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What would you do in this situation
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You have to let go of the past.
I don't like this.
code gayass was never good
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Mesubuta sensei
If you dont care about her a lot just max the healing and HP. you can max her out if you are going for full max but mostly not necessary.
I blame Reisa
Koharu cummed.
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Have they buried the hatchet with the chinks yet
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I'm not even horny. I just want a kiss
Hopefully not.
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Jumby my beloved...
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Why did they do this to Ichika bros
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I believe in Doremi's return
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Yes the people responsible have been sent to the gulag
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Why should they? Forget Taiwan, Nanking didn't happen.
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I'm horny
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Trust the plan, they won’t release these now that people left
I want bloodshed tomorrow
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I'm getting my last headpat before reset
Kim will do a naked dogeza on stream tomorrow
Tits too big to be mesugaki
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i want to dram about joggling with Hian
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Ichika bros, how do we feel about this?
I am inclined to roll for Tsurugi and Tsukuyo (Actress)
Mitsukiyo was smart enough to announce he was a freelancer
Should've done the same
What the fuck were they thinking?
>her mystic imbues things with life
>master gardener
>herbert west reanimates dead things
I feel like this should be a bigger deal than its treated as. Lets go dig up Yume's corpse for that happy ending people are always going on about
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Mika's first alt when?
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I'm still holding out onto the slimmest of hope that, if not being in a lead role, he'll at least be a freelancer or contractor where he makes a new alt or design every now and then. realistically that seems the most possible way forward given how thoroughly burnt the bridge got.
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I'm not horny, I'm just really lonely.
Rest your eyes for 30 secs and read the post again
I'm late but this is one of the most retarded post in /bag/ so far.
Didn't she refuse to kiss him?
There are pigmen in Kivotos? Here I thought that the dogs were a little too risque.
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Kim never appeared on JP stream though?
I don't even know if he can even talk Japanese.

He's free to explain why he never kicked mx2j in the ball for Q.Marina.
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I thought I heard something..
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Sensei is not strict enough.
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Best poster itt
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/bag/, do you really consider this type of body sexy? She's so flat.
I dunno man, giving her the Lazarus treatment after this much decay wouldn't be very pleasant...
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i thought you guys said Kokosando got SHOT and left for DEAD
He technically appeared on the 3rd anni stream when they flew in the JP VAs to nexon's office where he spoke a little Japanese (not very fluently, of course, but it's there)
But yeah no actual appearance on a JP stream in Japan itself
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>There are pigmen in Kivotos?
Yes, me.
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Yes, peak student sex
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I need more material before I form an opinion
where's your nose
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I love my wife
Makoto-sama's body is the most erotic one
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Oh absolutely.
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Flat is good, med is fine, huge is ok too
most koreans can speak a little bit of japanese
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That username...
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there need to be images of saya wearing gas mask
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My canon wife Fuuka...
We know, sensei.
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Depends on the girl. Hina, Shunny, Kisaki are all sexy. Hoshino, Cherino and Kasumi are not.
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>>Kasumi is not
Bomb this man's house and build a bathhouse on it
Is it a package deal with Juri?
Yes, Ichika is pure sex.
>Mitsukiyo was smart enough to announce he was a freelancer
>Should've done the same
Well, it's clear now at this point that they weren't freelancers by definition. They're registered, full-time employees of a competing company that had a bad falling out with the rest of nexon and essentially tried to make their own blue archive: sword edition.
They wouldn't want to go back if the mood was that terrible between the two parties
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One chance at being lured away and used as a living dildo by an older 4th year highschool girl when I was like 10 but my dad found me and said she wasn't allowed to bring me home so she settled with teaching me how to make out in an empty church stairway while the other attendees were in mass singing. Damn why is my dad like this?
Saya wearing gas mask raping unconscious sensei in a room full of gas.
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Aru is only good for bullying.
If it’s not Hina yes
where is mari
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>He's free to explain why he never kicked mx2j in the ball for Q.Marina
that's hwansang's job
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ooc clothes are so cringe
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Hina will die during child birth. Don't do it sensei.
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Had weight in at job without weighing myself in months
Dropped from 109kg to 89kg in 3 months so I'm not longer Yuuka sized
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We know Sensei!
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Never forget what they took from you
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I hope Fuuka doesn't use a knife like that.
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Lately, there hasn't been many Arisu lewds pics uploaded on the boorus.
Seems like it has slowed down a lot since July or so. And that makes me sad
fat people should just kill themselves
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hopefully not
chink niggers have some of the funniest melties
especially the bug posters in this thread
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And without looking at her ass would anyone really fuck old Nagisa?
Yes and I am their property
I can't read this. Is the gist that she used to have a fat ass but now she doesn't?
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You're not a real Nagisa fan if you didn't like old Nagisa.
I always think their insults are funny, like listening to a child cursing, everything is about calling people dogs and things about your mom
>*I began to rapidly insert in and out of /bag/, showing my dominance*
I would fuck all Nagisas
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You don't want them having melties. They win every single time, which just further feeds into their self-validation.
prevention is key.
Translate to burger please
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The holster is obviously hiding her curve
>the shitty artist who ruin utaha
nothing of value was lost
I'm starting to think time travel really is in play here considering the reading steiner sensei has going on
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waah waah you're not a real babzoos fan if you didn't waah waah with babzoos waah.
Nagisa... My love for you is like a truck. BERSEERKER DO YOU WANT TO MAKING FUCK BERSERKER
Now Hina wouldn't look like Hina and Ako wouldn't look like Ako in the official sprites anymore
If I cum on this thing, will she stop being annoying?
I prefer Nagia's face from the second portrait but first one has the superior ass.
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fame (original nagisa / sumire artist) didn't draw utaha, that was a different person entirely.
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Old Nagisa looks more normal, new Nagisa looks more outwardly mentally ill
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Fame did old Nagisa and Sumire you retard
>Old Nagisa
Nice plump butt befitting of a well-fed Trinity aristocrat
>New Nagisa
Sad malnourished butt that will not bear you healthy children
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Would Hifumi drug sensei if she thought she could get away with it?
It's fine there are zero Utaha fans in this thread
Christ 9 attacks wtf
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son of dog and i fuck your mother are spammed a bit too much i like when they try to google translate shit and end up with mom go sky/lava
hardly, if you follow the tide of chinknig outrage its always a cycle of
>okay we slightly altered this aspect
>dev proceeds to go back and do the same bullshit because the chink attention has shifted
its kinda like the burgers "current thing" shifting but it kinda works, barely
Only evil students deserve bullying, like shuro

Aru is good
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sexy reset
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All gehennoids are evil by default.
Old also looks like someone who would simp for Hifumi. Inherently drawn towards the superior female
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Let today be okay (T_T)
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you all did it and I'm sure resetako59 will be right on time too
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nobody cares about that failure
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malnourished butt babies
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Is Akari the only one with different irises when she's aroused?
No Hina doesn't count, her eyes only glow.
It's over, /bag/. The game will die after the stream
We still didn't get the rest of whatever they were planning with the mahjong collab for JP because they threw a fit. Their melties do permanent damage. Azur Lane still doesnt have Ai Kayano voicing its characters anymore ever since they unperson'd her, which affects every server, not just CN.
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ball reset
What are they doing there
Yes, indeed. Gladly. I'm gonna fuck her pussy till her uterus drowns in my semen and plow her ass till it's gaping mess.
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Fingolian Seia...
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Please do
delete this i will spend time with nagisa for free
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old Nagisa had a bulge so i'm ok with the current one
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Buy a mansion and live with all of them. The perfect compromise.
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How did Blue Archive grab defeat from the jaws of victory? It's amazing how it was about to become the hegemonic cute girl franchise of the decade and then threw it all away in a couple of months.
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Concerning how sales charts don't recognize THAT as it's own independent place, it really makes you think
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What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm going to impregnate her
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I wouldn't be surprised if time travel got involved, but it's not easy to write a story that can match the real thing.
More like KayoCUNT
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>check at what rank in EU is the first Insane clear
>mid 700s
Wow guess you don't need much to plat this time, even better if you can do all insanes smoothly
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Do you think we'll ever get UE60?
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yes but it'll required different elephs
Unpopular opinion but I want to have lovey dovey reassuring sex with Nagusa
that post will get billions of replies
Sensei will become a planeswalker
Everything bad that has happened in the last few months? Are we pretending Isakusan, fucking Doremi and Mx2J didn't leave?
Look at her
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Sensei, look out!
It's a NIGGER!
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yes and?
like ive said their melties always have limited impact as the devs are free to do whatever the fuck they want once they appease the one aspect that the chinks are lazer focused on
i wont deny the damage is permanent but at the same time unless the "current thing" machine is turned to that specific event then it wont gain enough traction to warrant action
Laziness and Nexon giving up on the game after 3 years
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>art gallery
You know what.
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So, are we getting free stuff?
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But I do believe that we will have some sort of uncap that requires extra elephs.
Or maybe a different crafting menu using excess elephs and weapon parts.
I mean, fuck, if I could convert them all into reports and credits, I would.
I heard Sensei has a secret vault hidden inside the Schale building where he stores samples of his student's pubic hair
what a bunch of cowards
99% of the time, the answer is always upper management fucking things up for the rest of the devs.
>mx2j leaving
objectively good
I'll be honest the only thing he's done for a year now is just shit out alts I really won't miss him for a long time still
we weren't getting a isakusan story for a while regardless so don't care for now
Happy birthday Juri
alt when?
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We can recover
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maybe. I imagine they have plans to enhance sub skills and UE60 would be the easiest way to go about it.

but who knows when that'll happen
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Every server is getting a free optional transfer to the glorious Chinese server, where you will get a FREE 10 roll! You wont keep your students that are as of yet unreleased on the CN server.
Where is my selector, Nexon?? Reeeeeeeee
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>You didn't read the momo
Did YOU?
It will either happen within the next few weeks for the Trinity festival or it won't be happening for at least another 6 months - 1 year
They aren't going to waste Mika's Alt on a minor, non-limited event. She has too many whales and is too popular.
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doremi didn't do just character art, he was also in charge of shit like pv4 and all the story CGs on top of being the character design director
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Millennium has to be the school with the highest percentage of vibrator ownership right?
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Yes and?
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Hopefully it's not something too drastic, UE40 always has been a game changer for many students.
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Thoughts on the positions the BA team is recruiting for?

How do doomposters live with the fact that they could die at anytime?
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Ayame would have better sex with you...
I'm looking
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>hiring noobs
lmao fucking cowards
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Always notice the words "one China policy"
It's basically code for "Taiwan doesn't exist, there is no Taiwan, there is only one great United China and nothing else, it was always part of China"
I’m not a necrophile
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should I be concerned?
Doremi did all the PVs. He is BA's entire aesthetic.
Sensei makes her do a simple dish step by step with his constant supervision and it still tasted like an eldritch abomination
>It was an early momo
>She's trying her best
>It doesn't count
>She's a joke character anyway, who cares? How about Haruna killing all those animal people civilians in her terrorist attacks huh?
this guy is getting a regular non-BA manga series btw
is BA fanartists turning real mangaka the new touhou doujinshi artists turning real mangaka?
nom nom
couldn't it just be ambiguous since it doesn't say who exactly "China" is
it could be the republic of china (taiwan) or the people's republic of china (mainland China)
Nexon's "one cake" policy must be respected
kokosando is also behind the characters so again don't care too much CG wise and PV wise need to wait and see
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I will not.
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I'm starting to believe in Seia's prophecy...
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How close to 50?
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I see you are retarded, I'm sorry.
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Not significant
give your cats some butt scratches
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10! And then you'll be halfway to 100!
No more kaedeposting from now on
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Losing DoReMi was easily the biggest loss out of that entire shitshow. He will be missed.
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one who foretells doom
is one who has already embraced their own doom
>this single isolated instance of something happening completely overrides every other much more frequent occurrence of it not happening
I had a roommate like this once. Basically subhuman with zero self-awareness
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>Say bad word
>Get nuked
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My Seia looks odd.
I mean, if one has the talent to draw shit, then why not?

> 222
You will run hard nodes again during 2x and 3x anyway, so might as well redeem her.

You people need to get a job.
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How does she do that?!
As close as getting 98 to 100
pat pat pat
>kokosando is also behind the characters
he's a character designer but that's not the same as being an art director for character design.
>don't care too much CG wise and PV wise
Come the fuck on, dude, now you're just coping. PV4 alone is legendary.
Most retarded post in this thread congrats
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you cant make me care
Sorry about that, please hold onto my Kaede for me. I'll be back in a moment to pick her back up again.
>should be apologizing for removing the stream and never bringing it back with the one second of footage 'bad" footage removed
>Instead they're apologizing for "oh no no no China bros forgive us, we showed out analytics for like 0.1% seconds and it listed a country you hate, we didnt even endorse or say we liked that country, all we did was show analytics of which countries are playing the game"
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2nd easiest torment. 1T turned out to be very easy. only Hiero was easier.
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bros i want a jk cat gf to fuck so bad...
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I hope doremi appears as if nothing happened tomorrow so you faggots can shut the fuck up already
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lmao this nigger
Yeah, loss. What about that word choice set you off, exactly?
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Everything happening makes me think we are actually screwed...
damn they are getting ratio'd by the replies, not like this nexoncucks!
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Everything happening makes me think we are actually screwed...
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Please delete this post, it hurts the feelings of the Shanhaijing students
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You're tempting me to try Torment but I'm really behind with my homework.
if the implication is that he let mx2j designs through or even remotely thought they weren't shit I don't know what to tell you also, that don't care too much was about the first half of the sentence not the cg/pv part I should've split it with a comma
I'll await you bond 100 qMarina then
why and how do these brats irradiate so much sex aura?
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Lick her feet.
>It was just ONE TIME
Yeah. "subhuman with zero self-awareness" is right. Why would they put this on a momo if it's not an integral piece in understanding how this character works and operates?
Juri defense force grasping at straws after being empirically proven wrong.
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They will come out with an immediate response to make their Chinese overlords stop crying, but they won't spend any effort on improving the English localisation.

You know what? No more pakeji. I ain't giving Nexon another cent.
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I believe concernposting completely, it's all true after all.
One China policy is a code word that they have to put into every public apology to China, everyone that applogizes to China ever has to mention their commitment to the one China policy, it's not ambiguous.

I'm telling you to always notice that code word in every China apology. It's mandatory to use that wording in every public apology.
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I, too, am getting anxious, which is why I propose we start the 'One Concern' initiate in /bag/.
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Lick my butthole sensei,or you will need to apologize once again and humiliate yourself even more
Release the Seia, we need to save Blue Archive
>juri defense force
Look at this dude.
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how do we pick the one concern
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> He never said goodbye to coworker once they quit for a different job
How old are you people?
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i prefer this dude
i realized it today
i only care about my girls for their bodies...
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>You know what? No more pakeji. I ain't giving Nexon another cent.
Yeah yeah you'll change your tune when they drop a selector ticket
You make me want to scroll my bracket to see if there are any bug people.
You don't even play the game, tourist.
All three of them
The US also follows the One China Policy.
It's a statement of ambiguity so they can just shut up the mainlanders while not actually making a full-throated apology themselves (which would involve recognizing Taiwan as a NON-SOVEREIGN part of Mainland China)
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>defense force
One job to not look mentally ill failed
kek why did this make me laugh damn it
That would require him to play the game first
This but unironically.
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>Greg will be officially triple Extreme to Plat in EU
wtf eubwos?
Hey if you're visiting check out my guide!
Tourists very welcome!
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you know i was half shitposting but if thats your answer and really think thats what this is about
then you are actually retarded anon
>your phone is linging!
Media is different. This is like when comic books or movies change directors/actors/artists/writers/etc.
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Mari Status?
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Why you shoot?
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It's simple, really. We spin the Wheel of Concern and see what we get!
Still sinful
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??? What the fuck are you even quoting?
I just said losing Doremi was an objective loss because of how much he was involved with BA's visuals.
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>no renamed chink names in my top 100
human bracket confirmed
>plays on EU server
Why are they like this.
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Here's my one concern, Seia isn't currently pregnant. I need to fix it urgently.
Dumb fox
>always want to save spicy BA art
>sometimes I let my family use my pc
How can you make massword locked folders bro, im a techlet
So what happened, did they show some Taiwan statistics like Coco did?
that's a cat
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>lead writing staff left
>lead artists left
>CN drama
what's next...
John Nexon will wear ze dress for saying Taiwan
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And I'm calling you people a bunch of dramaqueen.
And how involved was he during recent times?
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I am tired of Hoshino
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Momoi ass
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If that makes you feel better, Nexon bootlicker
Nah, US plays both sides

The only reason China hasn't completely devoured and destroyed Taiwan is due to their US backing, and the US backs Taiwan since 95% of computer chips are made there. Every year China threatens to finally take over Taiwan by force and bomb the crap out of it, every year they fly a bunch of war planes over it as a threat, and every year America has to issue a "hey, were watching" statement as though they plan to do anything. China will eventually take Taiwan, everyone knows it's a matter of time, but China is patient.

But whenever US has to make public apologies to China they always mention the one China policy, since like I said it's mandatory to say that in every single apology to China. You always have to use that term which means you don't recognize Taiwan. It's a way of appeasing China.
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>still concerned
Good god just pick up a book or something instead of posting Seia on a 4chin general of a game you don't play
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I buy the monthly, half monthly and 2 week pakeji.
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same, god just imaging banging her from behind while giving her pats on the lower back, cats love that shit so much they raise their butt up as if asking for more, now imaging your cat gf grinding her behind against your bum while losing herself in pleasure
whyd you post my screenshot?
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I use my phone's Secure folder feature. It keeps me from sharing Kokona pics on workgroups by mistake
I would never let glowbuki recommend me software
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You simply don't even talk about the thing in the first place and this is one of the classics with documented outrages over the years. What a Rookie mistake
Can BA stop having some dumb drama every month? Please?
people who post seia aren't the tourists anon
I have to go with Nice Cock, Sensei.
I'm concerned about Seia being too sexy
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valid concerns
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have you tried moving out of your parent's house
>China will eventually take Taiwan
lol lmao
Strongest gacha fanbase status?
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I think that's an unwarranted concern
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>And how involved was he during recent times?
A lot more than the other artists other than maybe mx2j. I'd say he did decent enough even considering he was planning on leaving months prior.
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Let's tai wan on, sensei
It'll happen right around the same time Indians start shitting in toilets
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>I see...
I see...
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Tonight. You.
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I have less Momoibutt pictures than I thought
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>/bag/ gets into RARE character discussion
>"Ooh what will it be this time? Was Rio right? Is Mika redeemed on Vol.3? The internal inconsistencies of FOX platoon's morals? Maybe some speculation on Prof. Niyaniya's reasons for releasing the seven prisoners"
>It's whether Juri fucks up the food on purpose or not
Can this anni be over already?
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Although it's disappointing that they apologized, they kinda had to. Dungeon Fighter Online makes an obscene amount of money in china. Like money that rivals or even tops mihoyo and if that got boycotted they'd be doomed.
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nta but they will because of modern US impotency
ps. tianmen winnie pooh etc.
It's weird, it's not that hard.. I have comfy non-maldy mediocre 0-reset insane clears and I'm still top 250..
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I feel we are actually in trouble this time, too many bad things are happening at once...
all me btw
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>I see...
I see...
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i sparked
>Nooo. Nexon is not apologizing. The chinks are going to spam every single post on global and stop playing. It's over...

Nexon apologizes

>Nooo. How can Nexon bend their knees to China? It's over...

Why are you like this, /bag/? Are you going to keep doomposting no matter what happens?
why would I do that? We get along, divide money expenses and generally live a better life thanks to that.
if CN gets gibs I want gibs too
that shrimple.
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How can anyone think Momoi is sexy??? She is one of the most unsexy characters to have even been created!
It's GA. Nobody wants to bother with greg without promise of extra pyros for rank
It's less the US being impotent and more that the local TSMC fab is quickly reaching parity with the one in Taiwan. Once the US has its fabs from TSMC, Intel, and Samsung all working up to snuff, they can pretty much just give up on Taiwan
The rich elite in Taiwan know this and are already preparing to move to the US
inb4 Nexon gets South Korea invaded by China kicking off Dub Dub Tripple
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Doompost is love. Doompost is life.
I'm a Priconnebro btw, not sure if it matters.
you got both Toki and Nagisa, right?
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At least they're getting roasted in the comments.
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> Over 7 months ago
I sleep. And to follow up on that, it's over half a year already, just move on.
the US navy is in such terrible fucking shape I wouldn't even be surprised if they decide to make a move on Taiwan by 2030. Zumwalt and LCS programs were a fucking 20+ year long mistake which would take another 20+ years to fix because of how long lead times are.
I hope they at least keep TW arona if that happens
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Because I said so
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You just needed to ask
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One group is worried about the game and the other is worried about their funny politics and corporate assblast. If you can't distinguish them it's not my fault
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>I'm a Priconnebro
More like PriconNIGGER!
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Now that nexon apologized to the CCP what sort of compensation do you think CN PLAYERS will get. I theorize a free limited/fest selector ticket with 2400 Ligma and 24k pyrox
>i would never jack to asuna, she's secondary bait and isn't cute in the slightest
>biggest, fattest nut I've had in a long while
It's still substantially more output than the other artists even accounting for 7 months ago. 7 months ago doesn't invalidate the 3+ years of prior excellent work he did.
And obviously the gap is because they of internal issues that ended with them leaving. Stop being retarded.
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My cannon wife Iroha.
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why is it bad news everytime i open this general?
Why are Yuri troons like this
Ask Zhang to do it.
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Why is everyone so concerned about the artists? The style of the game is about as generic and simple as it can get, there are thousands of 2-bit artists on Pixiv that can draw the same kind of style and do a really good job. These jpeg girls aren't exactly John Singer Sargent paintings.
I unironically actually don't care. Not even that "Im pretending to not care but I actually care thing". I actually do not give a single fuck.
Thanks for sharing
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I just find it nuts how nobody who was in charge of planning the event could tell this was going to happen. Everyone knows bringing up Taiwan pisses chinks off beyond belief, so why did Nexon put themselves in an inconvenient situation like this? Are they actually this stupid?
i will jack off to every single selfie that ever gets sent to me
>quickly reaching parity
wasn't this shit going to take at least a decade?
What the Chise doing?
This is your account isn't it?
i'd rather have nexon kneel to chinks than amerimutts
Not caring doesn't make it go away
I'm sure some intern got canned over this.
Having fun. Look at that smile!
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Your honor let's get one thing straight. My client, Ms. Misono was not just any average gal during the time of the coup in question.
No your honor, she was in her Antichrist phase.
Let me put it this way your honor. When you're in your Antichrist phase, you have a certain set of standards to live up to. And my client, Ms. Misono, was simply losing control of her zinc. But seriously, who among us hasn't gone through a little Antichrist phase in our lives?
It's a passage in life, really.
Also before the crime she was brutally btfo'd several times by her peers, she had all the right to use her Trinitaryan powers against Gehenna.
My point is my client is remorseful and is working to make amends and certainly is no longer in her Antichrist phase anymore so I think we can breathe a sigh of relief on that one.
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of course
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Asserting dominance.
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> Play the game, yet scared of being called a secondary for jacking off to students
I don't think this works. B- for effort but i'm not feeling it
>there are thousands of 2-bit artists on Pixiv that can draw the same kind of style and do a really good job
Not korean ones that nexon are willing to hire, no. i get the doremi dickriding is annoying but in fairness he was practically openly a lolicon and none of the new hires' portfolios really have any of that.
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Why art always shows Arona as the bad girl and Plana as the good one? This is slander. They are both good girls.
They're ahead of schedule. Apple and AMD have already placed orders with the Arizona fab.

It's Intel and Samsung (especially Samsung) that are behind schedule. Samsung is so behind they actually called back the management to South Korea to be shamed.
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The definitive canon wife
At what?
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I, as an independent reader, thought it was pretty funny. He (not me) gets an A+ for it!
Very informational guide! I gained 30 levels quickly
What's with all the Nexon/corpo cocksucker cucks in /bag/?
Intern shouldn't really have final responsibility for that kind of thing but you are probably right
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The KV guys still have an insider mole working to sabotage BA.
Source: It came to me in a dream
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Me too, as an independent reader, thought it was pretty funny. He (not me) gets an SS+ for it!
bro, look at this dude.
The sports festival
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it's hilarious I know as I wrote it myself
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I'd call you a slur but then I realized I can just spend money on more pyroxenes.
Can you defeat her?
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Well done. This one is still my proudest moment.
Dress Hina kills EX Greg before he spawns the first choir
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Imagine if Tsukuyo's hands slipped and Chise cracked her face and skull on the ground.
At least you got her and weren't an idiot who didn't save 24k for Nagisex.
>spend money on more pyroxenes.
What does this mean? (I'm lucky don't know if that matters)
At what?
its only fair since im calling you a retarded nig who didnt get the point
Mika was merely exercising her Castle Doctrine rights.
Gehenna encroached on Trinity freedom and sovereignty by coming into Trinity soil to sign that Eden Treaty bullshit.
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She stands no chance
I skipped
>The style of the game is about as generic and simple as it can get
Why even be into BA at all then if its style is as generic as all the other gacha games out there? Obviously false statement is false.
>a free limited/fest selector ticket with 2400 Ligma and 24k pyrox
honestly this goes in the right direction. epic seven (another KR gacha) recently had this exact thing happen in the middle of their anniversary just about a month ago and they got an unholy amount of freebies which the other servers of course never got.
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What about Insane?
It will never reach parity, TSMC isn't so retarded to give the US the only thing that keeps the US around Taiwan.
The Arizona plant is already behind schedule because US engineers don't want to be paid peanuts for working 14 hours at day which means people fuck off from there before they finish training, shit was meant to be already operative but the production has been moved to 2025, chip manufacturing is also insanely tight so unless they go under they can't make a profit as it is until everything is actually on par.
CHIPs act is another great looting of the US treasury, it's hilarious that Apple pushed and funded the progress of TSMC instead of using that money to actually improve American's chip manufacturing.
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Post Wakamo.
Pre Wakamo
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What the fuck Chise
Boomer sensei's anyone else enjoying that wizardry gacha?
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took me a single ticket
It's very tight because everyone keeps dying but you can kill him before it reaches the final stage
/bag/ when they cover their ears to the fall of BA:
Anyone can draw, but they were character designers.
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You wouldn't do this would you bros?
No. I'd only do it with Mari.
I'm not having sex with Ibuki.
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Enough Seiaspam, it's time for Sayaspam
more like shills and crossposters from dcinside
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this but unironically ironically unironically ironically ironically unironically ironically
Believe in the hotdog
Believe in Costco
Only $1,50
Imagine getting an actual good student on your 1st single pull.
qrd on whatever "news" you guys keep blabbing about?
My niece and me
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Sexy Saya > sexy seia
I completely fucking regret not rolling for miku back when I still had the chance
>Unfortunately, the report doesn't say what the yield numbers were.
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oh right I forgot to do my crafts. I'll wait until next headpat.
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I'm sensing a lot of jealousy 'round these parts
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Man, this Mahjong doujin by Asahina is fucking incredible!
Getting ligma on radiant is oddly disappointing
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>started working out
>sleep schedule fixed
>bowel movements fixed
>self-esteem improved
>libido improved
take care of your health, sensei.
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My personal space...
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Global EoS ETA?
It ain't a matter of if, but rather when at this stage. They lost from both sides.
no way fag
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The truth hurts but you cannot say ouch.
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Wow, the first good gookako post!
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wher seia?
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Sexperiments with Saya
low test
>the word 'taiwan' appears
>chink bugs mad
>company likes money therefore apology follows
it's the classic
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Global EoS ETA?
It ain't a matter of if, but rather when at this stage. They lost from both sides.
nothing will happen, it's like you fags forgot the exact same thing happened to E7 earlier, where nothing happened.
I remember reading it a while back. Came to fap and got way too invested lol
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canonically incorrect
read upper comments late retarded nigger
So what's the math or blackmagicvoodoo on doing 200 single pulls? I can't do math but 200 chances to get something seems better than 20
I don't for a second believe that every envelope has the same chances when you 10-roll
It's impossible for things to work out in USA due to DEI policy making them hire people who aren't qualified. Which is one reason they usually do important jobs out of country. They tried making a chip manufacturing company in America recently and it was a pretty bad flop due to unqualified labor.
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Been feeling severely depressed for 4 days now
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Another one.
>he works for free at costco
so it turns out that Seia is chinese
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how many times are you guys going to post that screenshot in a thread where it was discussed like 20 different times already
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Suzumi alt when
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Tea des
>only 4 days
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Never kill yourself
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mmmhhhh... nyo
I find it amusing how the tourists can't even reply to the post that already shared the screenshot and feel the need to repost the image instead. They really are attention seekers.
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Surely this would be enough for the chinks to bugger off to other games right?
Oh who am I kidding.
At least 20 or 30 more times today
As long as it takes for them to consider it a 'victory'
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>Thinks he has to hate his students to be "cool" here

Asuna is extremely popular, probably second most popular design in this game. The reason she isn't more popular is an absolute failure to market her in the game itself.
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Same but 20 years.
Gookako wouldve provided a soundpost, fuck you. god i fucking hate seia
sexy seia
it's honestly less DEI and more workers not wanting to work insane schedules exposed to toxic chemicals 12 hours a day like they do in taiwan while being paid less than a 6-figure salary. why do any of that shit when other similar private sector offers more money for none of that noise
basically, american work culture got "softer". DEI is part of it but it isn't the full story
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>devoid of wit or humor, only posted to brainlessly shut down arguments and criticism
Explains much.
Sorry Sayabros but Seia is the sexiest under the sun
Wtf was her problem
Jack off & flood your brain with what dopamine.
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Sexy Saya
Hey i want to post the Blue Archive apology but it says "duplicate file already exists" can you guys delete it so i can post it please?
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You deserve this
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I know. Besides Kayoko's handjob, it really feels like I've stumbled onto something else entirely.
They're still slated for 4nm production already and AMD and Apple have placed orders with them.
Just change the md5 bwo
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EOS will be here soon! My concern is growing! Players are quitting at record numbers! The devs are getting more and more desperate!
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Sorry, they're all reserved already, I'll give you a Sexy Seia instead.
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nom nom
Instead of that, post that pasta where Seia rapes you
Saya? Ugly
Seia? S ugly
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Rat sex
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I almost forgot that Seia is releasing tomorrow.
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It's over...
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not false
Fat cheeks
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>gookakos completely disappear when seiafags start posting
I see there's an overlap. It seems I'm the only true Gookakofag here.
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Then bring back the old Kirkland Signature Men's Outdoor Trail Sock in Merino Wool you niggers.
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ratfags find these proportions hot?
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I see this shit everywhere but I still don't know what it stands for. can't keep up with all these damn abbreviations
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china won, it's over
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seia overposting
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Time to use the release Seia emergency button
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My students are cute and behaved.
Your students are dumb and depraved.
My students are valedictorians.
Your students drawl on labourious.
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So you are the waiter, then?
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You wouldn't actually fuck a rat would you?
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You're right. She should be flatter and shorter
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I envy anyone who doesn't get harassed with DEI/ESG shit while working
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I prefer seia but saya is alright too
Can we start Halloweenposting yet?
diversity, equity and inclusion, it's what they call only hiring blacks and women, instead of qualified people
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Already have.
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Living the dream
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Were still in good hands, right?
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my rights???
Chise...! I'm cumming!!!
Not everyone is American.
But then again, America Salary is way above others anyway.
We'll see if they deliver,i'm going to say yields will be low, delivery will be late and TSMC is going to whine for money from the US again.
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Yes, just keep posting more Seia pics.
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It's my turn to post the screenshot. On a scale from 1 to 10, how over is it, SeiaBros?
In this day, we commemorate the day of this place known as Juri General
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coom in doom
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>Chinese Hina C-HINA

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I need Momoka
Oh damn, we have 3 consecutive days of birthdays
That see-through crop top her casual alt has is hot.
Basically companies get 1000x more equity dollars of they hire a ransom black, trans, gay, or minority no matter how unqualified they are instead ofnapkeone qualified. Which results in companies having a mandatory quota of how many minorities and gays they need working on every single project regardless of their qualifications. Black rock pays you 100 billion dollars if you only hire black guys and get rid of Asians and whites. Yes Asians don't count for your DEI score, the more under privileged they are the more points you get.
It basically encourages every company to top each other over how low they can go.
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No more dooming.
File deleted.
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Ain't no way
i need more casual rat
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I'm not an American either
We get both the ESG shit and garbage salaries
Those are some big ears
dead game lol
i concern
I can't believe BA fumbled so hard. We were in position to be the next Touhou and now we're sliding into irrelevancy.
I want to get raped by my students...
God damn it you sniped my last image post
>>499041775 (me)
I, anonymous, am concerned with the state of the game
I'm concerned. I might oversleep tomorrow and miss the stream.
I can't believe Seia fumbled so hard. We were in position to be the next Rio and now we're sliding into irrelevancy.
Blue Archive 2 will be set in kindergarten
I'm concerned that Haruna hasn't been eating enough
Now that BA is dead, which other gacha are we moving to?
I like how a thread filled with tourists reached imeji EoS because they spammed that one thing. Fucking cunt fags. I'd rather a Seiafag take those slots.
I would’ve posted a sexy nagusa but there are no images
should've said "I want to get raped by my students once..."
it's over for you now
Apology Regarding <Blue Archive>'s the Global Server Live Broadcast

We are the South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" team, responsible for managing the overseas servers of "Blue Archive." We would like to offer our sincere apologies for the incorrect statement made during the global server live broadcast on Friday, October 18th, which did not align with our commitment to respecting the "Sexy Seia" Policy.

Upon identifying the error, we took immediate corrective action and released a revised video on October 19th. We have confirmed that this mistake resulted from an internal oversight, and we have taken appropriate steps to address the issue with the responsible parties. Moving forward, we will enhance our internal review processes to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. Our team remains fully committed to delivering a gaming experience that all of our players can enjoy.

Once again, we deeply apologize for any confusion or concern this may have caused. We will continue striving to provide a better service and a more enjoyable experience for all of our players.

— Sincerely,
The South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" Team
>seia comes out tomorrow
>Entirely makes kisaki irrelavent metawise
I wanted to post Seia ball covered in yogurt...
zooooooooos the azoooooooooos
ded gaem
How Nexon bootlickers are going to recover from this?
Thread is going so fast that nobody will know I lost all my PvP matches today
based and sexpilled
seia is releasing tomorrow what should I wear for the occasion? any advice? is casual too informal? I'm not sure...
Play Zenless Zone Zero by Cognosphere
Which students have managed to sniff sensei's sweaty underwear?
BA has sexy children.
Other games don't have sexy children.
I'm not leaving, I will be abusive toward my dick.
bow tie
Cath Palug stole my bike.
consume seiaslop and be excited for upcoming seiaslop
>your club
>last time you went to the dentist
She will powecrept Ako or NYFuuka
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
I'm quitting, I can't put up with this drama anymore.
Ayame... would have posted before the images ran out...
Tea Party
Last month
>Seia is releasing tomorrow

Based on what?
I love you Seia



Based on desperation.
Ok, go!
Congratulations on the baby!
Do shitposters realize they're preaching to like 20 people at best
I dunno, 2 years ago?
I keep my teeth healthy but I'll probably visit one next week
I simply believe it because I am a real hopechad like Seia
>I haven't had a cavity since I was in middleschool so I stopped going.
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I would
It's impossible because it's a TMSC-run plant trying to run the business the Taiwanese way in an American environment. DEI is a factor for western game dev, not at a place like tsmc where they want you on-site and on-call, 9am to 9pm, six days a week, in a sweltering desert where you get paid dirt compared to other companies in the area, while running a health risk of being exposed to six different kinds of cancers within 10 years of working.
The biggest problem is pay & benefits, make it competitive and it'd be less of a problem
All of them that want to. You can just buy them on the black market.
Let's say Seia comes out tomorrow, what then?
professor Niyaniya...
that's seia
I believe in paradise
We push the big red button and let Sora out.
All me
Post Bazoos.
Don't say the T word
that's actually saya
celebratory impregnation
Party time
we don't say that around these parts
he just did
Ayame would have gotten you 3 children already...
Pyroxene substraction penalty pending.
Ayame... Would have gotten pregnant with triplets...
If you say Chinatsu in club chat it gets censored to *****tsu.
But if you say Taiwantsu, it's comes out perfectly fine.

What did nexon mean by this?
Ayame would have gotten pregnant with a single shot...
>saya has those thick tiny eyebrows
it's over
i'm a ratfucker now
If Seia is released, that's the climax of BA and the anticipation of her release dies...
We don't want that do we?
Nyes, kisaki ruined the game
Ayame... would have made you care about her △
I care about Seia not the idea of Seia
Jump to Rio, Niya, Kuzunoha, etc until there is no one else to expect
i only care about the idea of seia
Funny that now there isn't 5 dudes making threads one second after autosage.
I wonder why that is.
/bag/ is dead just like Blue Archive...
There's still rickshaw girl.
actually that's seia
boring mob
u shaddup

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