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>CAS Challenge
Create Halloween outfits for your current sim family/Make a monster sim
>Build Challenge
Make a spooky graveyard garden

>Current TS4 Update and Version Number

>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>TS4DB (An anon curated alternative to The Gallery)

>Guides, FAQs and Game Downloads
https://rentry.org/tsg - [FAQ and Game Downloads]
https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-all-in-one/ - [TS4 Download]
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/ - [Gameplay Guides]

>Mods and Custom Content
https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sims-4-tutorial-optimizing-your-mods-and-finding-cc.56569/ - [Guide to finding CC]
https://rentry.org/tsg-guideforsimscc - [CC Essentials/Guide for Sims 3 and 4]
https://rentry.org/ts2cc - [CC Guide for The Sims 2]
https://rentry.org/ts4cc - [Sims 4 CC Creators]
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Previous Thread
>Lewd Thread
Based and cunnypilled
I miss Jenny so much it hurts
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i miss blonde booba jenny and cunny jenny
TToTT i can’t handle how cute and funny this thread is
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kot supremacy
Based af ToT
This one sucks. The other cunnylage was much better.
BBL goth on the left
she's punk
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Why are animals not playable?
>got 2 features
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I'm not in this one but I got 3 a little while ago
put those toes in my mouth NOW
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What the fuck
Im surprised I made it!
>the weirdo posting gore hates cunny
All the more reason to post breedable cute and funny sims desu.
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>all my planned halloween pics would have had gore in them
little sisters are not for harvesting
I just wanted to say that I really like your sims and have pretty much all of them going around in my save.
I'm also pretty sure you're the same anon I called based for making the VtMB Tremere male some time ago.
If so, I wanted to reiterate that you have patrician taste.
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Oh I'm not that anon. I, too, just download all their sims and have them in my saves. None of my sims are currently publicly available anymore, I think. Unless a link or two still works
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Won a duel then exploded immediately after
Oh. Well, you do still have good taste, then.
Lived but still funny
What was it?
>that specific sim is protected here
Any particular reason?
Stop this. You already got banned.
All she needs now is a sim of Big Harv
I'm not the guy posting the gore picture I'm just genuinely curious
What overlay/mesh/preset gives implant boobies? I need that for a bimbo sim
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cute fatty
I'm not using any presets, and the mesh is being determined by the outfit. I'm using simdulgence breast models for nudes
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cute outfit :)
is this blender? if so, great work on the lighting.
if this is just ts4 and reshade, GREAT work on the lighting, god damn
great hand posing either way
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fucking around
She needs a new outfit, this one's too old
i dig it
You too! Its very cute.
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more questionably aged pixels than blue archive
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thanks anon! it's Reshade with a bit of shooping.
is this ellisanon or viviannon
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little sisters are for harvesting
You can tell it's Vivannon from the image size.
oh ok cute sim
i do not pay that much attention unless they're tiny images
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any ideas?
please really i don't know what to do this year
Jiang shi
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trying to burn some leaves on the street outside the house
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thanks anon!
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ah okay, it's out, nevermind
back to fucking with flammable shit
stinky leaves
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small pile of ash is warm yes
Cute kot
pls make lewds of her in this outfit
Adorable and wholesome
oh wow someone saved that screenshot
don't even think about it you little bloodsucker
Dang I missed the meme posing before the cap...
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beards really are just make-up for men
She kind of gives me early Aura vibes here. That really is her kid
Good work on the girl anon but that dude needs to get a beard that isn't just painted onto his chin.

Her massive tits on display for us are wholemilksome
Picture with auntie
POV: You're an unattended shota
my dick is too small to satisfy either of them
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you just know this kid has the best porno stash
Tiny yellow dick for milfs to make fun of.
Wholesome father son bonding as his father picks out the cunny they’ll rape together on the gym closet
Would smash
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It is kind of neat :)
When is Aura gonna have a "take your daugher to work"-day?
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>Ear piercings
Jenny entering her rebellious phase?
jenny is still a teenager so she has plenty of those phases
this is what i was hoping to see the most out that meme posting last thread desu
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Thank you, I appreciate the sentiments. I can't say that I've a particular aim in mind when I make most of them aside from having them fit together and not stand out too much in the world. And using few mods, making it easy for people to mod them too, I guess.
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quick of wit, she's fast and nimble

neat costumes!

digging this :)
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see you tomorrow
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Sleep tight.
cute sluts
Ow oof, this pose is clearly not meant for hooves
lol nice
the tail looks good from this angle though
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mixed feelings about these yoga classes
Shoes look kinda strangely bendy with the pose too so it's no surprise. I wish we had more of funny /tsg/ poses honestly, this one was great fun already.
ive got some pretty hard feelings toward it personally
i NEED the short haired ginger pls
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to be fair the original looks retarded too
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
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rawr XD
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wow i'd completely forgotten about this little weirdo
fuck i've gotta rewatch the child's play movies sometime
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i love Keira's constantly tired look
I'd let her be my friend to the end
this IS the end, friend.
is she okay?
it's from the movie
Damn that's epic, I love movie quotes. The superhero ones make me literally shake they're so cool.
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she's fine, just taking a little snooze
does anyone play the sims 4
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god no, why would you ask something so disgusting
no i just make cute sims to jerk off to and post here, if i want to play i'll boot up sims 2
>no i just make cute sims to jerk off to and post here
post one
That is uncanny
>baby Jenny face down ass up
My dick bout to explode
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>instant reply
nigga you gay
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the fortnite hairs are kind of nice
pure sex
hairy milf pussy
hairy teen daughter pussy
>late 20s with a teen daughter
How old was she when she had her..?
old enough
14 probably
isnt that a rainbow 6 siege character
maybe its the lighting but i felt like they looked awful in CAS
i guess theyre better in game
should there be sex with sims
Yeah the textures look weird in cas but it looks alright in live mode
Will this be renamed inzoi general?
Always, especially with sexy teenage sims
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those shorts are flaming
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holy god
I think you might have a problem
she should be nude
that girl yeasty
Do not wank to sims.
Are residental rentals bugged or something? Every time I try to place one from the gallery, my save ends up getting corrupted.
are you on the latest patch?
Yep. The game would work fine for a while, and then after a while it won't let me load in that save. Thought it might be mods, but removing mods doesn't seem to make a difference. Might have to start a new save file altogether.
if it's a save from before the latest patches (that had all the critical for rent fixes) then yes, the save could be permanently fucked
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she was born to eep
it's just the crabs
Well damn, I haven't played in a while so that might be it. Well I've been looking for a reason to make a new save anyways.
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But then what else is there to do in 4?
What is she going as for Halloween?
Ive never actually used poses before
sleeping beauty, duh
I really want to have intercourse with this sim.
Bit old for that
Has TS4 been running better for you since the updates?
yes, the full release of the dx11 client is the default client now and they actually fixed performance. I never dip below 120 fps now
to be fair the disney character is like 16
Well since we're fucking stuck on 4 as a live service now, do you think they will actually rework the base to include cars and shit? Or open worlds?
source on those eye creases? id love a subtler creased eye skin detail like that
you'd have to change the engine to allow open worlds, no they won't put that much work in
No because they're beholden to toaster shitter cat ladies who will raise a stink if the game suddenly becomes unplayable on their shit normie machines
They also can't alienate the girlies with 10 year old laptops and 4gb of ram who make up 70% of the fanbase
It could still run on a toaster with low graphics if they optimized it, I run 100 gigs of mods on a 2010 laptop
why is she so skinny
dont bodyshame anorexics
I miss Jenny
This post and the child sugar post? tsg icons
I think it's the same anon
I miss Ellis
I don't miss anyone. Fuck em
I miss Nami and Kermit-anon
I miss my Mods folder
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Llama gang.
I just know them titties got the cigarette scent on em
why did kermit have a meltie and delete the discord
why make sims like this
He wasn't very stable from what I remember
imagine the taste
still, dude coulda just passed it onto someone else and left. i don't get why 4channers always go nuclear
mousey owned the discord
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Trick or treat anon
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good evening gamers
no he didn't, you can see who has all admin privileges with betterdiscord and it was kermit
post it
>post something from a discord that no longer exists
you're a special kind of retarded ain't ya
then how can I see what isn't real

why are you here making up shit about a long dead discord from years ago anyway
Why are you here crying about people talking about relevant tsg community aspects on tsg? Why are you always playing backseat janny for shit that doesn't matter? Are you okay?
wonder why you hid it and lied but alright
Nobody cares post tight child sims, discordtrannies.
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I like where this is going
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local teens seen jumping, wearing large shoes
What boots on the right
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trick or treat!
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these guys
Thanks brub
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What the fuck is she saying?
uh oh
>not allowed to post sims gore here anymore
Where did things go so wrong
just protecting the sim's identity
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Had a big bout of autism, if you were to make the alley from KOTH what world would you put it in?
The neighborhood in Del Sol with that alleyway?
ooooh smart, ty
Is that a whole skin or just cleavage overlay? It looks great
I would worship her toes to thighs even if she denies me a taste of her hairy heavenly cunt
Thoughts on outfit?
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Oh baby
nice. skirt cc?
I've never played this game online. Is it even worth it? What do you get aside from access to gallery?
Forced updates
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right on
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where has big tiddy blonde jenny been
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whats her name?
latina slampig with 4 kids by 3 different dads
still would
aight good I succeeded
i thought gore always got deleted on blue boards
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if it's a videogame it depends, nobody is getting their posts deleted for Doom glory kills or unreal tournament gibs or Fallout Bloody Mess VATS slowmo. I bet if you posted a werewolf and vampire mauling each other you'd be fine, it's the "realistic" slasher movie violence thats probably getting kneejerk deleted, same reason Manhunt got so much irl media attention.

that's why you play a wizard and simply set everybody on fire, it's okay the harry potter movies are PG-13
what are the shoes from?
What is she doing standing by the street... in the middle of the night?
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nice Kingdom Hearts shoes.
post tray
getting 100% camo index
Attracting clients, obviously
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lady it's 4am get the fuck off the computer you have work in three hours
How are platform ankle boots kingdom hearts clown shoes
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tiny man yawn
cuuuuute kot
he's screaming for help but nobody answers his call
how do u guys organize ur mods?
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lil oreo is the only one who knows the truth about the world.
he has a mouth, but he cannot speak.
Three folders. The Sims 3 classic.
Young man playing that guitar at the park
real simple. im going thru mine rn and its all shit
Definitely, but scripts can only go one folder deep so the "Scripts" folder is messy. I just try not to look at it lol
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>kingdom hearts clown shoes
because those ARE kingdom hearts clown shoes lmao do you not see how RIDICULOUSLY oversized they are? I know this is 4chan so faggots being everywhere isn't surprising, but surely you've at least looked at enough women in your life even begrudginly to know that Sideshow Bob feet 3x the size of their head isn't normal women's anatomy?
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>multiple belts on the boots
oh yeah, definitely a nomura design
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cute boy :)
NTA but you're retarded. those are like a size 8 at best with platform soles. Go touch grass and get laid.
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anon, women's feet are not sixteen inches long, stop sleeping with clowns.
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>enters bar
>orders two cocktails
>sits down by herself
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You have brain damage and have never spoken to a biological woman in your sad life.
Please stop feeding the trolls.
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>women's fashion autism
Actual platform shoes have a tiny womanlet-sized shoe strapped to a large platform base. A woman's size 8 shoe is only 9.5'' long, the foot has to rest on the top of it and basically be tied to the angled "platform" like a sandal with a giant sole
That is not what anon posted, which are gigantic cartoonishly large Testuya Nomura boots.
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Anon.....notice how the skinny goth bitch you posted actually has normal woman sized feet that aren't 2x as big as her head...?
>>You have brain damage and have never spoken to a biological woman in your sad life.
stop dating NBA players in drag and pretending they're real women and being so weirdly defensive over a single piece of clownish CC
Those are pointed heel style demonia boots with the foot at an angle on top and the others are flat you fucking moron, don't forget to dilate 'girl'. You are unbelievably retarded.
>comparing heels to flat platforms
you trannies cant into womens fashion, its pretty embarrassing
I am sorry, but a woman's foot is not 16 inches long. I hope your transition is going well xister, maybe you can look into chink foot binding to get those honkers down in size
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Ack! That's a clown wtf? Look you can't have shoes bigger than your head.
Don't forget the average adult head diamter is 7 inches and a size 8 shoe is almost 10.
As if you couldn't tell it was a heshe to begin with by it's vocabulary.
>buhh this isn't a freak of nature because it's in heeled boots, real women don't have feet that's what my cum tells me
>no argument after getting btfo for not even knowing the difference between heels and flat shoes
You will never be female, join the 41%.
this is one of the stupidest arguments i've ever seen
It's almost cute how mad and stupid you are.
You’re right, but you’re arguing with a cumbrained troon that’s mad at women for existing. Not worth it. Inb4 banned for insulting James.
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reel wamman feet coming thru lads
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hips smaller than “her” shoulders.. clearly an nba playing tranny in drag.
Look at those clown honkers
Nog can’t tell when his food’s expired.
jesus mate calm down, didn’t mean to trigger you over a simple comment
always expect that because /tsg/ posters are sensitive crybabies
never seen another vg general this bad

he's right to warn her about burglars, last time one appeared, he fit a whole car into his burglar bag somehow
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Best CC to make a cybergoth sim?
i actually had a bookmark for a tumblr with those masks and hair, but im not at home, so ill link it later if i remember
Thanks, I'm mostly looking for some maxis match hair and neon clothes.
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>Don't forget the average adult head diamter is 7 inches and a size 8 shoe is almost 10.
Which would make shoes twice as long as your head 14 inches long, which seems to be why>>499355086 brought up Sora
I can practically guarantee that I hate troons more than anyone in this thread (love from kazakhstan) but I don't really see how they're relevant to this shit-flinging contest, seems like both sides are jumping at ghosts.
The Sims has a cartoonish artstyle so you can get away with exaggerated proportions to some extent, just look at base game townies
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>twice as long as your head
You're just as stupid and blind.
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I don't have a dog in this fight about trannies or whatever but those CC boots are simply oversized; there's a similar pair in the Goth pack that you can use as a comparison for maxis proportions. If Anon can post his brown sex elf's tray and we can do an autistic pixel by pixel comparison
Because they look like real shoes >>499369859 and not whatever retarded barbie doll EAslop shit that is on the right? You're insane, go outside.
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>the same length as her head, not even close to double
>the perspective-challenged, tranny-obsessed, middle eastern autist is still sperging about it being too big
baka, I didn't know chinese foot binding was still a fetish
This by far the dumbest derail since we’ve had the one schizo faggot was calling all sims with jaws like Dua Lipa (their boogieman, not mine) “trannies”. KH and FF fans still manage to be concentrated AIDS everywhere they go.
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if you go by 'autistic comparisons' and the average adult human head length being around 7-9 inches, this is a size 4-5, elf anon's is around a size 7-9
so yea just trannies being retarded and claiming regular womens feet are clown sized because their only frame of reference is cartoons
fun ts2 fact, queued actions and relationship pictures are grayscale for dogs, because it was once believed they couldn't see color! we now know they can, just not red or green
zamn look at those clown feet, that’s a tranny!
meant to quote >>499371341
Always third worlders
Gonna assume you're just taking the piss.
i am
i find this argument silly because most coomers slide their feet slider down to 0 anyway
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What's that in the window though?
a cowplant
do cowplants still not kill sims in 4?
they do, you have to get eaten twice. but i've never had it happen autonomously
you can find a lot fo similar vibes from
for example
maybe you can edit a neon texture/swatch yourself too

not the feet enjoyers
>get killed by a bed constantly
>cowplant won’t unless I control it
man that’s stupid
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Cowplants seem to be more likely to die by themselves than actually kill sims, you have to go out of your way to feed a sim to one.
sad image
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you don't need to do disingenuous crops to prove your point. The actual problem with that elf is her UNGODLY 5head. That anime eye-cover hairstyle does a fantastic job of hiding it though
That image is /tsg/
It's how I feel when I open my browser with the intention to post in this general only to discover it died before the bump limit
>picking on someone elses sim for no reason and making up nitpick after incel nitpick
Your life must be really dull.
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>bro is still enraging himself over never having seen a real woman in person in his desert shithole
it's probably specifically lined up for you because you're too retarded to size them up yourself
here, the heel and toe ends are both there
head width is 6-7 inches for adult women, it's only slightly wider so her feet are around 9 inches being generous, a size 6
now don't forget to put in the rod or it'll close up down there bud
i wish it were always like that, fast threads are always garbage
see: this one
you niggers are contributing even less by bitching about posts than the guy attacking the maria’s elf character
this, if you're gonna 'post sims' aggressively do it yourself
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What’s the red line that starts below the chin and ends below the eyelid supposed to be for?..
Mm. If you wanna make these, at least place your own redlines properly.
I personally think 9.5 inches or a 7.5 shoe.. but you can always use that old cosplay prop making website to size it- if you’re dedicated enough. It’s definitely not a size you wouldn’t see readily in any store. I feel a little bad for the original poster for attracting all this mental illness.
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>incel after incel nitpick
I think incels are the people most likely to not mind anime 5head shapes though.
do people that make these images have really greasy flat hair or something
mine's at least an inch above my scalp because its clean and fluffy
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halloween is coming, what spooky literature would you recommend?
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that's just what the actual model looks like (I do not play genshin, it is a terrible game, but people don't shut the fuck up about it)
Is the secret to posting offtopic fun stuff really using a picture of my sim
Not hating just wondering
i see
ntayrt, yeah that's how it is in every general unless you piss someone off enough to get mass reported
Can dogs see varying shades or hues close to red like orange, or is red adjacent not in the picture at all?
That's just for actions you can't delete or control. Roommates has the same thing.
just because you can play fetch indoors doesn't mean you should

adjacents are out of the picture it seems, but you can read more at:

ah, nvm then :)
You ever have days like this
i wish, he looks so happy
every day that ends in y

guess they're being a lazybones
hit it, leod!
now the back angle. for reference, of course.
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long have i waited for MILF aura
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Alright, back to work with you lazybones.

Evidently he works the night shift. Also those skellingtons have way better-looking skulls than the ones in 4, god dammit EA.
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Hannah's got a fan. No, I'm not going to adopt him.
wtf that cat looks like a 50 years old dude
Holy shit anon... you're right...
patch day
The cat can have a little fish, as a treat
I look away from the game for a minute and some sort of cataclysmic event has occurred judging by the piles of junk

The fish are solely for turning into bloodpacks. The cat can learn to hunt for its own food instead of mooching.
Explosive wardrobe malfunction?
My game is updating now. It's over.
>250 new posts
>2 spergs arguing about boot size
Finally, time to make the big bucks with fishing. Definitely worth all the rain in the world for that sweet one time payout of like 50 simoleons more than just uploading any other type of video after a request comes in.

I don't think her dress was made entirely of electronic scrap so I think I'm ruling that option out.
>one retard, (You), crying about it 10 hours later
The real sperg is the faggot metaposting about it. Post sims.
TToTT my baguette
Going to make any more of the C-team?
is there a lighting mod that everybody uses and I don't know about? I've noticed a lot of the houses I get form the gallery have a shit ton of light in them and it makes my sim look like they have a camera flash at all time
Oh fuck off game I hate your shit. What a waste of time the drone is, every single time I used it back in the day it was the same shit. You should just be able to select to record a video of whatever type instead of the game deciding for you what it is after the fact.
Reshade does a lot but if it's images in the ingame gallery idk. Are you able to upload your own screenshots there?
I was disappointed when it didn't even record a video you can play back from the drones POV.
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maybe Nobeta
Good stuff there, thank you.
I tried making Jas once but couldn't find any hair that fit. She's more of a C-team affiliate than a member though, according to some.
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I'm still wondering what the deal is with that thing. Like, presumably the hot springs object needs a taller room height to work properly or something, not that it's broken now either. But why is there a wall cube hidden inside of it in the first place?
Oh never mind, it refuses to be placed inside the basement without move objects on at all and just complains about intersecting with walls, even though it's not even close to any walls. Stupid ass game. I'm guessing it's only intended to be placeable outside, but then why doesn't the tooltip just say that?
naked hannah...
Anon... you're going in the shame cube.
You can finally pick occult types in CAS like you should've been able to since they first introduced aliens, neat. What's less neat is that this will almost certainly completely break the existing hybrid and child sim occult mods and there's not necessarily going to be updates to some of those anymore.
Wasn't in the video summary, but apparently social workers no longer vanish kids from the world too which is good since MCCC's adopt into family option was always buggy as hell for me.
>as viewed from the shame cube
doesn't really seem like a punishment
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honestly i had no idea
had to launch the game just to check.

it he.
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The devs that made this object should be the ones in the shame cube honestly. This is just shoddy as hell work, it would've taken all of five minutes to fix the leg position so it doesn't clip.

Well obviously you'd crouch and stare at the floor of the cube, no peeking allowed.
Ooooo Hannah, it sure is getting hot in here or is it just me?
what body blush is she using? it looks nice
I think that's just you anon.
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She's imaginary.
Saruin's body blush. Comes with way more swatches than you'll ever need which is a plus for non-human skintones. I modified it slightly to remove the actual face blush part since it looked a little too intense (plus I use two separate face overlay blushes anyway) and just used the first swatch it came with.
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seen her pink nips
Oh yeah and I forgot to add that it's not available for kids by default, but since it's a texture you can just alter the flags in Sims 4 Studio and it'll work fine. Haven't noticed any weird alignment issues.
yikes! what a spooky ghost! I wonder who's under that hood?
hint: it's james
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shut the fuck up with your retarded feud and post the lewds already
>big titty blonde maid jenny
i am operating at full throttle
Thanks! If it isn't a problem could you upload your modified package? The face blush does look really intense and I don't know anyting about texture modifying sadly...
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I guess they're hard to miss when on display.
Well, I've only modified one swatch and I'm no texture guru either, all I did was export the texture and then pop it into GIMP and select the part of the texture that corresponds to the face and removed it. Export back to png, import into S4S, done.
The face parts of the texture are on their own little row as the highest part of it, separate from everything else so it's dead simple to do, as you can see here in this dogshit reference sheet I made. Besides, I didn't personally remove the ear parts of the texture anyway so you'd still have to edit it if you want the face blush part out completely.
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
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um idk
Oh wow, that was much easier than I thought. Thanks!
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I'm already regretting giving these idiots a way to gamble all their money away in-house. Who even gets those simoleons and how? Does that thing take credit cards or something?

You're welcome anon. I should probably get around to editing more of the swatches myself too since I've been too lazy to do more than one which limits the overlay's usability with how intense the blush gets.
>What's less neat is that this will almost certainly completely break the existing hybrid and child sim occult mods and there's not necessarily going to be updates to some of those anymore.
maybe someone will update them dont lose hope
her pretty pink little mouth should be wrapped around something
grim reaper sex is back
A lollipop. Y'know, because the sugar.
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>Reshade does a lot but if it's images in the ingame gallery idk. Are you able to upload your own screenshots there?
I've never tried uploading so idk, I just mean the in game lighting, here's an example.
picrel, a lot of the gallery houses have these rows of mini saucer light which makes my game look like this. I know I can just delete them and light the room to my liking but this scenario happens so often that I suspect I'm the one missing something everybody else has
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are you sure you want to know
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it keeps happening
I wish you could buy lollipops and candy in general. It's actually kind of strange if you think about it that there aren't really any snacks in the game. The little that exists is considered "food" and often comes as a pack-specific item you have to use to make it, like ice cream or popcorn. Why can't I send my sims into a rabbit hole convenience store to buy candy and sodas or use a vending machine for it?
They get so desperate they start imagining candy?
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very AGP-esque
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has anyone made him in the sims 4
dudes are so culture war poisoned they will see a pretty woman in a game and think about trans people
AGP (autogynephilia) is a fake condition people describe in trans women, he's just saying that this user's sim looks like the female sim a tranny would make
I fucking love her
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>Attractive female
>Ugly female
Some people have actually been mind broken
you got it all wrong. AGP is a phillia/fetish and is definitely real. it's a sexual thing. "trans people" is a made up condition. mental illness.
and she's agp-esque because her look triggers agp more than an average sim does. you wouldn't get it
AGP as medically defined would describe like, half of the female population. it's useless
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>AGP as medically defined would describe like, half of the female population.
a woman doesn't have autogynephilia for the same reason a blind man isn't considered nearsighted lol

Not every AGP is a troon for the same reason not every woman who enjoys wearing a strap-on and fantasizing about what it's like to impregnate somebody is Buck Angel. Same with cross-dressing, there are plenty of twinks who enjoy prettying themselves up and wearing a cute dress and heels while being railed up the ass who are under no illusions about their status as men and like their penis very much.
imma be honest with you, that's most of the sims in this general
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if you remove one word (male's) from the definition it describes most women lol, and most medical definitions made today with advanced understanding of sexual biology and gender psychology wouldn't predicate a definition like this on sex to begin with, because it's medically useless
w-what happens down there?
just the usual /tsg/ things
my soft mouth
Imagine playing your game without reshade.
What happened to Jenny?
ok doc
i take back my AGP comment. i meant it as a compliment (cute girl) and didn't mean to stir shit up
she's getting her annual cultural appropriation halloween costume ready
time to recreate Ningning
what about karina
i'm autistically mad at karina. please understand
you were linked a paper from the Journal of Advanced Psychosomatic Medicine witten by an actual doctor and professor literally explaining it to you sis
bro listens to the 1 in 10 dentists
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that'd be a very pretty teenage transgirl
you're just as mindbroken
this latest update broke WW for everyone not just me, correct?
all my other mods work fine once I re-enabled them but I guess GHOST BLOWJOB WOO WOO somehow broke regular blowjobs from working
Always happens with WW, hopefully they update it quickly. I haven't updated my game yet as I've got zero interest in occult gameplay but it's still annoying not being able to use the gallery.
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I'm getting exception errors coming from the XML Injector. It's the latest "updated" one (2022 lol) but this thing never malfunctioned until 10 minutes ago.
Get the cracked version. Never allow EA to update anything
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who's this teen superhero?
i miss mandy posts
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It could be anyone
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
When did those EA retards break Dine Out again? I can't request tables at restaurants anymore, they just stand around doing nothing.
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it was fixed? it never worked for me
Wow that is very insensitive
Jenny is canceled
what a jam
bless them mime tunes
Makes me wonder if gallery houses come with the lighting intensity set or not
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have a great day or night

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hell of a night to go fishing
dressed for turning tricks
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Oh no. They're multiplying...
Did they fix fishing spots on Sulani not working yet?
Seems an inhouse spa is an effective way to lure in fresh bloodsacks
pull down her top
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Fiddling on strings, I see.
I think someone's done that for you already.
It's also an effective way to increase the spawn rate of trays full of spoiled mimosas
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double uoh
they should share a single ice cream cone
That's a Thanksgiving costume not Halloween.
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>Chief, what are we doing here? What's say we just give this place the laugh, all right?
Due to the filename.
It's not a costume to begin with, she's racist
(actual) native american here
i don't give a shit and don't consider it racist
It's just about time for my yearly replay
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well I am also native american and I say she's racist
jenny FEET
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Through the power of magic, the mimosas have been restored to their original, pristine state. Now let us observe as a vampire enters into a self-destructive spiral.
I never should've doubted him
Oh and the maid arrived just in time to clean this mess up too, how convenient.
she's too young to be employed
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True, it's why she doesn't get paid for it.
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I disagree game, he most certainly hasn't.
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Total Judith Ward Death
No you aren't, you're too faggy and white
is she cool with that?
delicious brown
Delicious white
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greymarch approaches, if I wish to update my game the world must begin anew
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pumping load after load into this creature would be peak
which mods did the recent patch break? I just want to load into a house i was trying to build pre patch but am stuck in a permanent loading screen
basemental and wicked were some that broke mine
I'm not using either of those! actually I basically just have some of the stuff from the rentry, i'm pissed
That is a child
All the big ones broke, like Lot51, XMLi, WW, Ui cheats, more columns. But they're all updated now I think, all except a certain kid one ...
Apparently, Kutoe's Home Regions broke - it's giving me last exceptions - but still works somehow. I doubt anyone here uses it, but you asked anyway.
Just deleted my mod folder what do now
Go for an autumn walk in nature, in all its unmodded splendor.
download more mods
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average vg poster
my eyes
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ellis would be a cougar by now
o she got da jaguar
cute weeaboo
that's a vibe, nice
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incredibly based taste :)
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I wish this didn't turn out so dark. I guess I could tweak it in post but eh.

Well I mean, what's she gonna do, say no when her parents tell her to do her chores?
Just a few more expansions lads... and the devs can pay for their sex reassignment surgery...
Get over your tranny obsession already, faggot.
>Well I mean, what's she gonna do, say no when her parents tell her to do her chores?
she should try telling them this https://youtu.be/ghv2lJ0lVSY?t=551
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bada bing, bada boom!
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aww man, this girl has been a guy the whole time?

i mean i'd still suck their dick and i ain't even gay
if you're going to use a pose why not use a post that doesn't have her arms clipping through her tits
>that crop
She has a giant bulge doesn't she?
faggot. it's cropped because the camel toe is very explicit. stop thinking about dicks all the time
Weird that you stopped at that and not the very explicit nipples
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playing sims 4 and dressing cute girls probably unironically played a part in me transitioning ngl
where is this ice cream feeding animation from?
wish i knew, i took that over a year ago, looked in my poses folder n couldnt find anything
can't tell if this is actually you or not since it's old images but that's a horrible reason to do it
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stream in 23 minutes

ok this expansion looks kinda fun ngl. I'm looking forward to larp as an archon and force sims to reincarnate in samsara over and over
>cemetery lots
fucking finally
I haven't updated in a year. Is it safe to update?
>still a small handful of lots per world so you have to give up your grocery store or park to use it
do not. even people who don't use any mods are crashing and bugging out nonstop now
>Is it safe to update
only if you're in the mood to replace every eyelash on every single sim you have


No surprises there.
I never did this and nothing happened, was this fixed?
I don't have any grocery stores and I barely use parks. I want my cemeteries
>seriously asking this

Every update fixes some stuff and introduces lots of wonderful new bugs for you to enjoy. Pick your poison, there really isn't a good time to update, ever. Old bugs out, new bugs in. Well, unless they REALLY fucked up and it needs a hotfix, then it's REALLY not a good time to update.
No, Mime anon, (You) are out of this world! :D
they just had two massive bug fixing patches released, and updated the client to DX11. at least for me, for the first time in literal years, the game is actually playable
Can confirm. Game is way more stable now, unless you hoard hundreds of old mods.
it's actually me
it's why i don't post here anymore w/ new pics since i dont have so much free time now
but i lovee my little dolls
imposter jenny where the FUCK are her disgusting purple eyes???
you guys are werid
Oh ok welcome back then I guess
he never left
kijoko updated files still work on old sims
also it takes no time to add back eyelashes to them
dont make a mountain out of a molehill
we got ellis anon back before gta 6
we didn't get anything back and why would you want gta 6
Missed you oomfer
post cute sims that make you go haha
can't believe he's gonna molest the uggos too
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my game generated a orangutan townie
reject false jennys
Gonna do a Grimborn legacy next
>Well I mean, what's she gonna do, say no when her parents tell her to do her chores?
she should eat them
Hey you're not allowed to do that in the health and wellness room

Cannibalism is a sin, anon. Vampires probably taste like rotten flesh anyway considering what their skin looks like. Now fresh blood from a defenseless mortal human, that's where it's at.
I just noticed the arm clipping through the tit, god dammit. Fuck. I wish I'd timed the screenshot better so her arm pose was different since that looks so scuffed.
i got hype with inzoi. Should I try SIms 3 again?
like all koreaslop its going to be a shallow mess with a pretty coat of paint
I thought her parents were human!
Mm flesh you say I'll bring you some fresh flesh!
when i play the game again i went to bed already
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can always fix it in post
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Welcome to Cat Maid Cafe anon
What's the lore behind Jenny and her brother?
go ask in the thread you just came from
they're... y'know...
this is the only sims thread on the board
She needs to be spayed pronto
i'll have the 'sit on my face' special, thank you
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long time no see fren, hope being so busy means things are going well for you
Isn't the beard guy her dad
pretty sure that's his self insert sim
I see. Could still be her dad, though
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would this space be too small for a pool?
Which one?
pools are 12x12 minimum sorry
you are right
there is only one true jenny

>hope being so busy means things are going well for you
love u always mimegirl
and yeah
>there is only one true jenny
Yeah, the original.
Idk some white brunette guy, I don't save pics if that's what you mean
holy fuck

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cute boy!
i need that popsicle pose
Show me the sims you'll use it for
is the left one on the repository?
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Fucking love this song, based sim too
lovely sows
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Closest I could find is: https://www.patreon.com/posts/share-ice-cream-83194077
Don't call them that, that's very disrespectful to these bitches
my bad, bitch
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how'd i only just notice that you can use first-person mode to directly control a sim's head/gaze?
seems like their eyes even target whatever the fps view's little circle reticle is aimed at
wait, how can you even tell?
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if you're using an eyelash mod that doesn't properly hide the lashes in first person, you can see that the sim's head follows the camera
hit pause while you're looking at an object, leave first person, and the sim will still be staring wherever you'd pointed them
excuse the fucky framerate, i'm bad at cramming shit into 4mb
best jenny
posting to say i appreciate all loli sims
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i will use this power for good
and not for dumb shit
i swear
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>I thought her parents were human!
Not in the Halloween save, they're all vampires here. I was gonna have a running joke about them definitely regular humans this time and I did set them all up with human forms, but I forgot about it like three posts in and this close to Halloween I just went back to the dark forms because vampires spooky. Or something.

Way too much effort for silly game screenshots but thanks for your demonstration anon. The arms clip through each other because of Basemental's animation anyway so I've made peace with it. There's gonna be clipping.
How do I get my game to look like this? Big tits especially
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townie spotted
girls look at me like this
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pov YOU are the fuckin rando townie
Sisters, why are the official EA eyelashes so FUCKING UGLY?
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sorry anon
those areolae are so pixelated, get a better nude skin bro
Might be the top causing it, or the texture was not meant for booba that big
based loli enjoyer
What was it?
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thanks, fuck you too, grandpa
I got so tired of the weirdly judgmental tone of those text messages that I got a mod to replace them with more neutral ones. It's so strange how the game chastises you for being mean or even just not getting along with some asshole sim.
It's pretty realistic with how catty and passive aggressive normalfags are though
Oh, that's that girl from that Onirism game.
Interesting how it works. Shame you can only really pose one that way though.
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>if you're using an eyelash mod that doesn't properly hide the lashes in first person
Does anyone know if there's a way to fix this? Drives me insane. I did the obvious thing of googling it and that was my first mistake since I forgot Google is useless and will not actually show any helpful results. I figure it shouldn't be too difficult fucking with the CAS part in S4S but that shit is incomprehensible to me, I can barely figure out how to make tops not eat accessories like bracelets or necklaces when they don't need to.
There is no fix.
For seeing eyelashes in first person mode? Not really a fix but a work around would be to use an outfit slot for not having any eyelashes. Would work if you were trying to film something in the wonky first person cam.
Well obviously there is since I have eyelashes that don't appear in first person view. Similarly, some head accessories that are from before the mode was added show up when they shouldn't, but ones made after the fact don't.
It's really more of a convenience thing, sometimes a screenshot is easiest using first person view but then I have exactly one set of eyelashes that show up that I just happen to be using on that particular sim because they don't conflict with rings or bracelets. It's strange how hard it is to get any sort of information on this.
There probably is some value or toggle you need to set correctly but nobody is going to update old mods just for them to work better with first person cam by this point. You'll have to do it yourself anon.
Obviously I'd do the work myself, but I have no idea what I should even be adjusting. I guess the easiest way would be to compare values and entries between the set of eyelashes I want to fix vs. a set that already works, but I was wondering if somebody actually just knows what the issue is. I guess not, which is weird since surely all the head area CC makers had to have figured it out at some point.
iirc it's usually decided in the region map if things make accessories and such disappear. Atleast that's where hats make hair disappear.
The region map stuff is identical between the one that vanishes in first person and the one that doesn't. It's over.
Dang shame anon. Guess you could try asking on the sims 4 studio forums if you haven't already looked around there for possible solutions.
I don't care enough to bother honestly and I would rather just play the game and not think about stupid weird CC bullshit considering it's Friday and all. Maybe one day.
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this is what the sims is all about
Huh, what do ya know, it works. Quite finicky though when you're used to keeping shit paused at all costs so the shot doesn't get ruined by a dumbass sim moving.
i'm about to uninstall sims 4
creater network fags have the dlc and are posting videos
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i don't think this new sim is making the cut
>during development of sims 1 the team recruited mimes to study human body language
huh, I didn't know. mimes really are the soul of the sims
She's fine to me.
oh wow because sims 1 people did a lot of gestures for the player so it's interesting to know it was taken from mimes
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we'll see
>honest review
more like chill review
spare us simsie
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ts2 gang and nice track!


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>spelling mistake
Oh no, it's all over now.
Wow, an entire hour of "it's so good it hurts" with a selection of pre-approved EA complaints worded in the least accusatory tone possible and a clickbait title and thumbnail. You'd think you could get that across in 10 minutes but I guess it's more fun when you can fit twelve ad breaks into one video and a significant amount of your audience will watch it regardless.
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It's alright to be stupid even though the word is plastered all over their invasive ingame ads.
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Jesus H. Christ.
babe wake up plumbella is back from her hiatus
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bands... sims jamming together... so seamless... so effortless... meanwhile ts4 still won't give me bands or a bass guitar
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girl, that is not how you dress for class
god DAMN
and none of them are making eye contact lol
they are all avoiding her
Why are you posting this annoying advertiser?
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Child sims have boobs?
I enjoy annoying specifically you.
aw anons are bonding
That's so sweet.
with custom presets they can
now kiss and touch penises
Why does she use the same reaction images in every thumbnail?
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so why coudlnt the pos devs do more work on the hsy pack
Put those grippers away
if they're makeup eyelashes they probably dont show up in fp, but skin detail eyelashes will
They're both in skin details, in the same slot. The only fundamental difference is which textures they use, and the one using actual head area texture space (earrings) is the one that doesn't disappear in first person, so it's not that either.
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Name of feet mod?
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oh not this fucking retard again
why is he obsessed with uggos like laurenzside
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I actually find the cousin more attractive. She radiates a more "mature" aura or whatever the fuck.
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whats wrong with this poster
What the fuck.
He spams contortionist youtuber garbage like once a year, terminal aspergers yknow.

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