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Huntkek BRUTALLY Mogged by Chadman Edition


>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

>got 6 goopy thicc vaults to open
yep, it's gamin time
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>been RPing with a friend from work
>he was a little brown-skinned but I never thought anything of it
>tell him to roll on my server
>try to group with him a bunch, he always makes excuses as to why he can't just group up with me
>fast forward 2 weeks
>see him in stormwind
>this is his guild tag
does he just think he's too edgy or is he for real?
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BBA (Big Bucking Anniversary) evemt tomorrow btw
Windwalker good?
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Genuinely worried that tomorrow's patch giving loremaster appearances for all armor types will crash my game when I login.
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Don't suppose anyone would be willing to carry me in a couple of mythics? Even +0s. Need to complete Emissary of War but not high enough ilvl to queue heroics :(

Any other ways to get gear? I've done most of the weeklies already.
does anyone have a good WA for SD procs and sudden death charges
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Friendly reminder that Sethrak are aligned with the Horde
Chadman game.
Chadman xpac.
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Male Dragon Warrior soon.
Okay. Windwalker... fun?
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I'd blow him.
I can anon, NA?
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Yes, NA
Would but my computer exploded and I'm frustrated.
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You will.
Finally, my fox wife concubine. Come, we must wed, feast, then repopulate the flight.
Kay, make your +0 group in group finder and name it something idk, wowg i guess? then i join and you change the name.
I'll hop in the game in like 5 minutes.
I hate being associated with you fucking degenerates. Have some dignity.
WARNING!! this is maye
do not reply to it its maye
Nobody cares faggot.
Oh give it a rest already
I care.
Dracthyr can't reproduce retard.
Won't stop me from trying to get them to.
Rip it won't allow me to change the title because I don't have authenticator on right now
yeah I'm thinking ele shaman is back.
What are the most fun/easy healers that won't put me to sleep and can be played by hot races
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>Comes into end of last thread
>Shits it up talking about xivg and your obsession
>Seethes about me unprovoked
I get that your Nippon MMO isn't fun or good at all but can you take a hike man
Mine can. My dragon will breed all the foxes, pandas, worgs and other dracthyr.
Elves may apply for a position as well I suppose.
They can, they're instilled with mortal DNA
>I'm gaming
he was based for this
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Maye if this is really you I'm going to have you sit you down so you don't embarrass us like this again
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It is really me
Teach me the ways of fur autism sensei! Konnichiwa!
Actually don't. I'm having way more fun just having some whimsy with it
Make it a random custom group then, then you swap to dungeon groups
ele sham bros what the fuck are we speccing tomorrow? is lava burst build good again?
>he paid $350 for that pic with the shit textures
>instant seethe reply too
yep thats a maye melty. tinas never taking you back at this rate you sad cuck she finds a new ;'stud cock' to ride everyday while youre still crying over not having a gf that was swooned by your paid personal porn collection freak
Done anon
What's the name? i'm looking in custom groups btw
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This picture of my cat reminded me of you anon!
That will be all!
r u a moonie
Can't find it?... wtf then join that one named "Beladar" it's literally just that lol
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Should I level my Mage
Wait for aniv boost. Maybe for the festival too.
>heh ill just act indifferent that will show you
>and heres my retarded drugged cat that I abuse for some reason?
you really are retarded huh, no wonder your ENTIRE group abandoned you rofl it was all your fault yknow
>"dog in" worg doesnt even acknowledge you exist
>trollanon wishes you would leave so you can stop hurting his rep
>tried to assimilate with furniggers and they cant stand you
>get laughed out of /xivg/
just kill yourself
I'm sorry this is so hard lol. No beledar group up right now. I'll make another wowg one and see if it shows up for you.
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Don't forget!
Only if I can hug her
Yeah idk why the fuck the amount of groups you can view is so limited, we're literally searching the name and it still doesn't show up
are you horde?
Okay I've made one that is a +2 City of Threads. Look for Nirii and put something in the notes when applying.
About time somebody said it. Based.
Would you prefer if they were flat or something, weirdo?
He's right. I never see pics of them together anymore. Quite telling.
I remember seeing this character before. I thought she was cute.
Yes, level her. Post more of her.
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Only if you have scales
>be 626
>log into alt
>spend like 2 hours grinding
>620 off the rip
explain why this would not make the game better
Makes sense. 90% of the initial horde campaign was spent fighting the void/ghuun until the troll city got sneak attacked
Why isn't Maye replying to this? Isn't he a pedophile?
>trollanon wishes you would leave so you can stop hurting his rep
Your brother's grandson will make a meme 3 that gets times as many upvotes than you ever could get.
Think about that.
Increase the quality of /wowg/ today! With just 15 simple donations of $1.00 a month...
...we could let Sanjay write a spam bot for /wowg/...
...and forever kill it off as if it was /gw2g/
Please! with your help, we can make everyone prepared to hate anything that isn't a real human and have trust issues once we get into the Robot-Age in about 20 years here....
It's called WuE gear and you would have some if you played the game.
... I literally copied from the green from >>499359560 so I have no idea how I replied to that post instead.
he made it up
>Entire Horde war campaign was about stealing some stupid wand from Kul'Tiras
>Akshually the Alliance stole it back in one quest without Horde players knowing
God what a fucking mess of an expansion BfA was
im not gonna lie this post is so retarded I can't tell if it's just lazy bait or wow player average iq so you win either way I guess, here's your daily attention

not getting another though, be happy you got anything at all
he's probably outdamaging you
I do the most damage itt
not healer
not healer

but if you insist, probably belf holy pally dawnbreaker
it has brainless externals
>person is very low and in immediate danger
>LoH for immediate full HP
>dipshit dps has aggro
Simple build/spend spot heal playstyle that doesn't require you to maintain any buffs or pre-cast anything, it's all reactive
has a cleanse
easy AoE heal that's basically the normal priority except you press 1 of 3 buttons to expand it to aoe based on the amount of healing required.
and of course a 1 button complete dmg immunity for yourself
If healers are so bad why or how are people playing them
This isn't me being antagonistic I just don't understand why the role is so ass
Wasn't there a weekly quest that granted a rep token? I can't find it this time
>do all of the pre-req quests for the mage tower
>uniting the isle etc
>go all the way through my specs artifact quest
>empower my weapon in dalaran
>ok should be up to the last part
>go to the tower, there's no quest there but i can still do the tower
>do it
>get a cheevo
>no artifact appearance unlock
what the fuck
ngl I'm getting bronze dragon fatigue.
Maybe if they didn't turn them all into insufferable faggots who shift into pandas and shit too...
... should we tell him?
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im very lost please tell me
i followed this shit to the T but the last part is clearly bugged or something
oh no no nooo

"closing the eye" or whatever it's called is only available in Legion Timewalking you'll have to wait until then.
fuck SAKE
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What's your character doing before the downtime? I'm sick of running GB, I haven't even seen anyone else get the Skardyn trinket.
i've main healer since BC because i loved the old shaman chain heal, the old down-ranked jesus beams
and i keep healing because i don't have time to wait for a group, i need to be immediately accepted. if i had time i'd chill on an ele shaman or something
>If healers are so bad why or how are people playing them
expanding further, you could almost make the argument that they aren't really. have a look at the group finder and see how groups are waiting for a healer
try and queue for solo ranked PvP, it's 15-30 minutes for dps, 30 seconds for healer.
>This isn't me being antagonistic I just don't understand why the role is so ass
tanks are now completely fucking retarded
it used to be that DPS were the retards how 'stood in fire' and tunnel visioned but tanks have now taken the mantle of biggest spastics in the game

it makes healing a misery and healing is the only role that can't slack of as content gets easier or out geared
tanks will stop using defensives, dps will stop doing mechanics but the healer has to work just as hard or harder to pickup the slack

also blizzard in all the genius decided to make healing and dungeons a massive, overwhelming burst healing experience where you're expected to dps half the time
and then immediately shit-out millions of hps within a 3 second window
it's shit and unfun a lot of the time
i actually thought downtime was last night
my brain fast-forwarded a full day and so i logged off yesterday thinking it was maintenance
i logged in today and couldn't figure out why my vault was stuck and why the patch didn't download
>He has no life outside of WoW and thus spends every waking moment in the god damn game - waiting for reset.
Just get some fucking air, my guy. Holy shit. Take a shower. Eat something. Read a book.
delves should give myth items
>Just get some fucking air, my guy. Holy shit. Take a shower. Eat something. Read a book.
It's like midnight and I'm in a discord call unironically having a philosophical debate about Jehovah's Witnesses and the child abuse that steams from closed communities
I just have WoW open to run around in while I think and reply
I'd go to bed but I like hanging out with said friends
Yes unironically. There is literally no reason why doing a delve on an 11 doesn't give a mythic vault slot.
i wasn't being ironic
what about that post leads you to believe that? weird ass projecting freak
kek that's not actually it, you can't unlock the mage tower artifact appearance anymore, that was only available during legion. Now you only unlock a class set when you complete it and a mount if you do all 7 challenges
I'm glad we're on the same page then.
that would be horrible t11 delves are so fucking tedious and lame
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excited but it's lame we're just gonna be standing outside the caverns of time this year
same old boring desert and skybox
bring back the blood troll set NOW >:(
Lissen up M+ chuddy piece of shit this Delvin' Chadlin' deserves HER mythic pieces and you will be angsty and upset chuddy I will get geared in mythic gear and you are gonna seethe lol chuddy chudd chud
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bro this shit is unreal
fr where is the fucking re-run they've rerun the red fox twice
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>play enh and ele
>big buffs tomorrow but weird playstyle changes
>sub ran out today
guess that's it until 11.1
enhance might still play fine we dont really know yet to be fair
I had no trouble getting into groups on devoker, looks like you're an undergeared, low io rat
i'm 625 but my io sucks because I can't get into fucking groups
considering I work a shitton of hours a week I'm not sure I want to even bother healing now, which is kinda sad because I like the support role, but I don't want to play a dracthyr
i'm only tired of them when blizzard uses them to reuse old content without at least updating old mobs models
Delvin' Melvin...
It gets better, I get declined from 10/11s as prot war (I've done everything on 10 except city of threads) you should expect 2-3 declines for every accept as tank, worse as DPS.
Take in account the person posting the key has like, 30-70 applicants.
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>a cry for help in lfg
I don't do delves either, I do 8-9s and raids because I can't get into 10s.
>It gets better, I get declined from 10/11s as prot war (I've done everything on 10 except city of threads) you should expect 2-3 declines for every accept as tank
nigger it takes me approximately 20 seconds to apply to 4 groups why is this an issue
this is very retarded but no more retarded than blizz being retards and nerfing/buffing specs that dont need it
>drops one of the best wow/pandaren goon anims
>disappears from the internet
how did he do it
he is right though, giving warriors a shout lust is such an obvious no brain decision, it's amazing they haven't done it yet
they should ban him for a week for shitting up lfg with content that doesn't belong there
then again, giving browns a soapbox to spew bullshit from seems to be in vogue in the west
I miss Khubbo
It isn't, people here just have a permanent sissy melty over being declined.
bm kyrian hunter chad..
should be 11.0.7 that they add level 12 delves that gives mythic
Nice korean mmo
please respond
what was the point of cucking tanks and healers anyway
what was blizzard's endgame with this decision
What makes it korean?
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is mastery still bad for demonology warlock?
I wish I had friends to do mythic plus with...
No fun allowed
they didn't have one, everything they said about changes to tanks going into TWW has been fucking wrong and they had no idea what they were doing
Angry response from DPSissies.
Imho, DPSissies should have a permanent debuff called "utter sissyhood" which increases damage taken by 6000% and forces them to group with tankbvllz and healers.
DPSissies always whine, bawl and cry about WoW not being social anyways.
brainless aoe spam, a lot of animations and numbers yet soulless
So... what are, in your opinions, the most fun spec/classes rn? Include hero specs
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So a lack of holy and divine fashy?
I get you. Been here for years campaigning for a sacramental and TRUE fashy like OG FashyQuest and similar gigachad PvP GOD games for GOD gamers, but tranny freaks here just don't get it.
We need Hitler so fucking bad, we need fashy, we need fresh we need ARYAN DEVELOPERS making ARYAN kino...
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Hows my priest mog? I know it has a little low polyness but in game it doesnt look as low poly as the screenshot
there should be one anon - they are all next to the flight master or the 100 spark thing from the nerd dwarf in the vault
healing for me hasnt been fun since s1 of dragonflight

sincerely have no idea how people playing that role even stay subbed, shit is so fucking frustrating even when it goes well
Free use for sacred BGC.
where does one genreally locate a free use ejaculation toilet?
Utter sissyhood.
But all non-tank roles are humiliation rites, like all PvE.
warlocks are so bad I can't stop laughing at them
Should I make a goat. What class should I be
what is it with you fucking faggot degenerate freaks and this obsession with sissies and shit

if only the islamic attitude of dealing with your ilk via rooftop therapy was more widely adopted, then maybe we could talk about the game without such inane low iq cumbrain faggot talk.
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>climb into bed
>see the patch overview
>fdk stocks up another 8% tomorrow
should probably get up and go turn some gold into a +10 for a fotm reroll but I'm just over it man. just give me another vers ring in the vault and let me fucking die
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>got a necrotic wake +8 key
>join a nw +5 pug to practice beforehand
>somehow deplete it by 15-30 sec
>tank is friendly and thankful but also retarded (pic rel)
>am now stuck doing his +4 stonevault
tfw people pleaser...
well then i guess my characters are bugged because there isn't one for me, i just resubed so maybe that bug where the weeklies don't reset happened or something
Does she like female night elves?
females make great casters, they have wonderful animations for it. Males make better melee, but they suffer from feeling slow when moving and i feel like swirlies catch me more and i die
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You write like your mom died of arsenic poisoning and your dad's an alcoholic street cobbler
Utterly cucked and forced into a humiliation ritual lol, average dpsissy
>It gets better, I get declined from 10/11s as prot war
I'm 614 and this doesn't even happen to me, what a load of shit lmao
Seems a nerve has been struck lol
>play femgob
>get stuck in the water on sob 3rd boss
but im the healer, anon
it's even written in his whispers
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Just play mage or shaman, bro. Don't waste your time and nerves
I don't read pve cuck shit
How much of a fucking pussy do you have to be to not say 'no' when you don't want to do something? Jesus..
Read the rest of the message lmao.
Blizzard better let Dracthyr play as Druids, Shaman, and Paladins by the end of this expansion.
based arenabvll

all the pve cucks itt whining day in day out like killing the same boss that was put in the game 4+ years ago is somehow hard and highly competitive lmao
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Us PvP gods are the superior species, arena is retoilette cuckshitte, I only do the most based of skill testing pvp in mmos, wpvp.
there are healers in PvP THOUGH
You mean cuckies that heal me (the MC) while a PÛMP
>glazing pvp
>posting an image of one of history's biggest pvp losers
well played
post cr
I couldn't imagine anything sadder than playing retail wow while larping as a "Chad Aryan Bvll" instead of just playing something like Red Orchestra 2.
>p-post instanced pve larp pillar hump CR (Cuckold Rating)
I exclusively do white pvp AKA WPVP AKA the reason the kino games known as MASSIVE MULTIPLER ONLINE RPGS where invented.
I don't play freak-a-zoid world of shitcraft: retoilet edition LOL
Why are you telling us about your night?
Bro, gigachad isn't real
yjk she cheats on him with human men
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(if it isnt playable after tomorrows buff I go back to the Other Game™)
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*gigamogs wow instantly and into utter submission*
They got an open relationship since he can't please her (he has no dick).
20 years of so-called WoW killers.
We are still here.
it's hard to not be nice back to people who are nice :(
yeah haha that's so pathetic and not hot at all haha
No, it's incredibly easy once you have some self-respect. Your time is yours. No one else are entitled to any of it if you're not giving it away.
Bro, go easy on him
>it's hard to not be nice back to people who are nice :(
I wont go too far into schizoism but when you say "yes" to someone, you are saying no to someone else
fpr example if you say yes to go out at the bar or something, you say no to your cat staying alone at your place

put yourself first and learn to be -a tiny bit-t egoistical
hope that helps, Jah bless
pvp so fun
its usually the dungeon one, if you did it once on an alt it only gives kej and crystals
okay let me rephrase im depressed with low self worth which makes it difficult
i have a tendency to struggle with which colliding plans to choose, want to make everybody happy, both the bargoers and the cat
idk if it's due to perfectionism or conflict avoidance or being raised in a certain way but am working on it, thanks anon
>have to redo all my paladin hotbars soon
Total warrior death, I quit my arms warrior after I kept dying to global damage from bosses sinne I have a lower health pool than casters with 0 mitigation to compensate for it too
oh no! dont forget the 1 weakaura that does everything for you anyways!!!
I see the paladin memes got you buck broken. sorry bro.
If you're talking about prot paladin it's barely changed tomorrow and if you were already having problems in the current patch you'll have the exact same issues after the 'rework'
You can just say that Prot paladin requires IQ, skill and brain capacity and he should reroll warrior since he is a low IQ gooner lol
II play guardian but I'm bored, and I already played prot warrior for an entire season back in bfa, I dont want to play it anymore
I'm a low iq gooner but I have more M kills and r io than you my american brother
even Smite is a better pvp game than WoW. what is wrong with you.
>want to play worlo
>vault is full on all my characters and there's nothing to do until reset
wat do fellas?
level another character so you have one more vault to fill
Can you ambush random players in the open world by shooting them out of the sky with a net launcher and then ganking them if they survive the fall?
maybe Fortnite is more of your type
i used to hide inside treetops in darkshore and shoot people out of the sky, it was fun
How much am I supposed to tip for a crafting order?
I really love brewmaster tanking
Take meds
What are you getting crafted?
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why am I being nerfed? Noooooooooooo, you can't do this to meeee
what that
PvP leather boots
What is this zone?
The Eonar fight in Antorus
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elunaria, inside antorus, where us boomkins used to be kings
2k is a pretty average price i see orders up for.
need to pump to this elf...
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>mazies are "protesting" by playing the game lmfao
If TWW goes on sale for the anniversary, I'll buy it and resub
If there won't be a sale, I'll probably buy it anyway
If you want to suck at the game sure
will it give an exp buff?
10% base + 10% if you do a daily.
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Looks cool
I've finally found the class for me holy priest
good enough for me
You missed out on the diving suit
Could have been the Holy diver

You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh, what's becoming of me?
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh, don't you see what I mean?
Post your ’pera sis
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I hope you like painting white over pink
idk what this means but thanks
no, holy priest
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>wake up
>no patch
uhm gamers?
Shut the fuck up about Brewmasters. I'm tired of seeing it.
>idk what this means but thanks
You whippersnappers nowadays don't know good music
Shadows gather when the raven swallows the day.
Burning sky is extinguished as black wings fold gently about the heavens.
Rest, my children, rest. For even the sun must sleep.
Holy Diver is the name of a song and 'pera is short for Vulpera, the poster assumes anyone playing holy priest is a furry LARPer
>say "pray for israel" in a bg
>have to re-read the social contract
I also had social contract popup yesterday could be everyone getting it
What class should I make my dracthyr tomorrow?
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is there a guy who tells you the basic idea that blizzard had when designing a class in a couple sentences?
>hunter opens on me with rapid fire
>I go 100-0
very nice gameplay, SL/DF
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>want to play wowo wawa
>have to play it alone
oh well
>furry druid with literal "meow" in his name cant handle the banter
>tells me he's going to notify the state department and my time is limited, signs of with semper fi
are all americans this retarded?
god I wish I was anduin
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Pugging M+ is some of the most stressful game content I've ever experienced in my entire life. Healer btw. Everything is so fucking tense and if I mess up a single global the entire group is liable to wipe. I need to have the damage profiles of every single boss and mob pack memorized so I can ramp up properly (disc priest BTW). When I mess up it feels humiliating and I shout in anger because I am so frustrated with myself. When the DPS or tank mess up I seethe with irritation that they are making my life harder (and may be thinking it's my fault they died).

Just did a stonevault where the tank went full retard. I died right at the end of a pull, okay, my fault. I yell at myself but sprint back. No problem. The retarded thing is that the tank waits until he sees me - not when I'm close - to jump into the next pack. By the time I reach them, still sprinting and using all of my mobility to get there faster mind you, the party is half-dead from AOE and the tank is getting fucking blasted. I'm a disc I need to fucking ramp. I do what I can. I pop pain sup on the tank, do an early power word radiance to get the initial healing out etc, then I start casting my pet / mind blast. Too fucking late. I die before they even come out from all the mobs doing shit. The thing is, this is a mere +5. So the little healing I did manage to do was enough to get the group through the pack. Ok, cool. I run back. THE TANK FUCKING DOES IT AGAIN. Absolutely no ability to learn. Just repeating the same retarded move that's killing everyone but him. OVER AND OVER. I'm mad at myself every time I die. I'm mad at the tank every time he pulls this shit. Whose fault is it? Mine for ever dying? Him for being A FUCKING RETARD?

I hate this shit. I don't want to play this. I don't want to pug this. It's just miserable. I don't care if it's hard. I play lots of hard games. This is like a misery concoction with every possible source of stress combined at once.
I fucking love gunning down shitters with no pvp gear at a range they cannot possibly reach me.
t. MM with Sniper Shot
Your time is limited and you post on 4chin?
Cmon lilbro
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i swear to god i need to leave keys more
>still got it tho
priest warrior or rogue
what is the group even dying against to rack up that many deaths?
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MM hunter in PvP is pure kino
Total nigger death the spec
>join +10
>put down some healing stream totems when people take damage
>use ascendance and a few healing surges or whatever buttons are available when damage is really heavy, idk
>if group dies I just leave for another key
last boss, healer couldnt keep us up through raid damage
we all healed ourselves more than he healed us, unironically
according to the cat fucker, yeah
>femdwarf racial and overall aesthetic
>femdwarf running anim
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pandaren are right there waiting for you
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idk why you would pug as the cock and ball torture healing spec
just a bug that's existed since dragonflight :)
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Why has Jaina been sighted in Orgrimmar so often as of lately?
easy invites
why not?
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I just learned right now that DH have unique skin options that give them some demon attributes.
wayor bubs… just reroll to pinkie or fdk already lol
Yeah, invites. I really don't like applying to a 10-30 keys waiting to get an invite. And I don't like using my own key either. You could say this is all my fault and I don't really disagree. Choosing to play healer is just fucking retarded.
>coin of many faces turns my DH into a fempanda
>sickest animations of all time
>try playing a fempanda Enhance or Fury
>doesn't use the same animations
Disc is only good if you play with good players because they only take the non avoidable damage so you can pop pet+penance on the correct timing.
Meanwhile the trash players you are forced to flash heal one by one because penance without shadow is trash healing.
Also don't forget shadow word death is huge healing too
yeah you can tell how much of a faggot the DH player is if they gave their DH pristine skin instead of that stuff
Were they always an option even back in Legion or is it newer than that?
always has been an option, just like DKs having dead looking skin options
>Blaming the healer
Cute. Sure you didn't take stupid damage?
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If they fix healing, this season would be good. However, I don't expect Blizzard to buff the other healers to shamans levels. That would require something from them, brains.
>randomly decide to do karazhan on my characters
>after the second run, finally get the shield off of the chess event which has eluded me for so fucking long that i got two fiery warhorses from the raid since then
quite possibly the happiest this game has made me in years
this is me but with the nightbane shield that I can never fucking get. I guess I can't complain though because I could run the raid on like 8 characters a week if I really wanted it but I can't be bothered for just a dumb fucking mog
So did the dracthyr run animation with two handed weapons ever get fixed or are we really going to be seeing warriors doing that gay little prance swinging their sword into the floor as they run
at this point i can only assume that the blizzard balancing team only has 3 devs working on it and those 3 devs don't do m+ themselves instead they only look at raider.io, sees that the 0.001% sweaty tryhards with minmaxed comps of only god gamers can do +10 and think their balancing is working perfectly
Chat where is the pandaren model update and heritage armor? Blizzard has thought for 12 years that the female pandaren neck seam being that visible is perfectly fine?
yeah like 95% of my keys are with a premade and i just assume all of your pugs are about the same stress level as the sketchiest pulls in an organised group, i would probably quit if i was mainly pugging lmao
Total Ret death. Kill Ret paladins, Behead Ret paladins. Roundhouse kick a Ret paladin into the concrete. Slam dunk a ret baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Ret paladins. Defecate in a ret's food. Launch Ret paladins into the sun. Stir fry Ret paladins in a wok. Toss Ret paladins into active volcanoes. Urinate into a ret's wine. Judo throw Ret paladins into a wood chipper. Twist Ret paladins heads off. Report Ret paladins to the Death Knight council. Karate chop Ret paladins in half. Curb stomp pregnant Ret paladins. Trap Ret paladins in quicksand. Crush Ret paladins in the trash compactor. Liquify Ret paladins in a vat of acid. Eat Ret paladins. Dissect Ret paladins, Exterminate Ret paladins in a gas chamber. Stomp ret skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Ret paladins in the oven. Lobotomize all Ret paladins. Mandatory abortions for all Ret paladins. Grind half human, half draenei fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Ret paladins in siren infested water. Vaporize Ret paladins with dwarf magic. Kick old Ret paladins down the stairs. Feed Ret paladins to gargoyles. Slice Ret paladins in half with an axe.
12.0.5 patch
play brewmaster
>got outDPS'd by a pink man with a green parse
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I want to play dps, it's either paladin or that new dragon class, what do I play? Is Devastation any good in M+? Is Augmentation fun to play? How does it even play?
Redditors are outrageous about the upcoming balance patch and the overall state of trannyplus. Nobody likes the new affixes, nobody likes the new dungeons, everyone is mad about tanks and healers state. Goons are instantly flooded by shit and nobody believes in bullshit about "they will fix it". It's so fucking over for wow team lmao. But at least they made discord trannies happy. They don't have shit affixes at 12+, they don't care about class picking and just play meta, it's just the perfect time for them. Seems like that is the target audience for the blizzard. 1% of jobless trannies.
Play brewmaster monk
my nelfie does this
Somehow in general I've seen much more success with it than holy. I'm really bad at AOE healing on holy - like the first boss of Dawnbreaker or second of Stonevault. I don't really know how a holy copes or how spamming heal / greater heal is supposed to handle it.
>had finally decided to play warrior for tww after indesiciveness holding me off from touching the expansion, got a dream mog completed in preparation
>warrior is going to get crushed to shit in the upcoming patch
>back to not knowing what I want to play anymore
extremely cool epic nice
I'm such a loser.. the first thing I looked at was her feet..
Did you know the spell shackle undead still exists?
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>3 devs working on it and those 3 devs don't do m+ themselves instead they only look at raider.io, sees that the 0.001% sweaty tryhards with minmaxed comps of only god gamers can do +10 and think their balancing is working perfectly

100% they just look at spreadsheets, they do that for their other games. The problem with WoW, you don't need fotm balance because you don't sell skins based on the classes people play. So why is the balance for healers so bad? DPS are balanced, Tanks are kinda balanced. Healers not.
>Is Devastation any good in M+?
its not awful but not good right now and people will just ask you to go aug a lot
>Is Augmentation fun to play?
god no
i sure do, it's pretty good for hunter pets in arena when they think they can be smart with their nu-tames
don't get retarded and try to make blizzard remove a counter-counter please and ty
How's the zero to hero youtube series coming along? You getting lots of subs?
fuck, Paladin it is.
Dev is fun and bursty but it does suffer from clipping.
Aug is boring and also weak outside of premade groups. It scales with co-ordination and pugs have zero co-ordination after the first pull.

Yeah I used it all the time against Incorporeals.
Yeah, ret players throwing money at the screen to get their T2 set and then pressing 1 button in the maze doing top dps.
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kinda fucked how this >>499369980 is the best we got while pic related is dime a dozen in xiv
both of those specs are "rather hang myself than play this boring garbage" tier imo so i cant really give advice here desu
pvp tier predictions after patch?
Both look like shit.
brewmaster on top
kinda fucked how ffxiv only has 10k players online while wow has over 15m players online
you are gay
>people talking about the game and m+

>people avatarfagging, talking about grown man gooner discord drama and shitposting about each other
brother are you in bizarro wowg? people do the exact same as in xivg but they also talk about the game here. the only difference is xiv characters are much hotter
Damn, really?
So the FFXIV shills are just desperate for more players because their game is empty and dead?
>people avatarfagging, talking about grown man gooner discord drama and shitposting about each other
Or I'd rather not have stupidly cartoonishly sized proportions for my fap fuel.
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Slopvanas did nothing wrong
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>Dev is fun and bursty but it does suffer from clipping.
Did you play some M+ with it? Seems to be the worst dps in the game?
Ignore him. Bimbo fetishists are all brown and retarded
I have zero investment in FFXIV vs WoW player number wankery but Steam was introduced recently for FF14 and the bulk of the playerbase doesn't use it. It provides some insight but is not a stand in for overall player numbers. There's no need to use misinformation like this when even without it WoW clearly slams FF14 in player numbers.
Okay, so their player numbers are actually 10 times higher at 100k? A 100 times higher at 1mil vs the 15 million wow players? LoLing my ass off
>Steam was introduced recently for FF14
retard lmao
wow does not have 15 million players
fuck it, warrior is what i want to play so i'm just going to play that shit regardless, i'm tired of doing nothing the whole expac, literally nothing not even a quest in tww because i'm too indesicive
it's so easy to buy carries these days and do so safely i'll just stick to that shit until blizzard decides to make the class suck less cock
Female humans canonically fart in the tub
Shut up, beaner
7.5 million would still blow FFXIV out of the water
>Doing level 10 delve because I'm retarded
>Herald pack containing Spider lord, 3 casters, and 3 scarabs that give the others shields
>I'm a solo fury warrior
Holy shit. Is it even possible to do that pack as fury on a 10? I use all my cds and barely kill one of them before I just get blasted. I don't have enough control to stop the casts and the scarabs make it take forever to kill anything.
healer brann makes you invincible so probably
Brann can heal?
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>she got healer/tank """""""anxiety""""""""
Jaina probably rips crazy ass in the tub
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no bully
Yes, WoW has more players. But how does that affect you? You're still getting denied in +7s even with your BiS gear. You're still running laps around [major city] for most of your playtime.
XIV? I can log in and join a group in a couple of minutes. I can go to one of the main cities and it'll be full of people.
WoW has more active subs but the game feels deader than XIV.
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i hit 2000 io on 2 different characters, should i try for 2500 on one of them or is it a waste of time
Instantly turns into an ice bath
Is mage a good first dps to learn?
What alliance race is good for mage?
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doesn't look bad for a game, but xiv overall art style is bad compared to wow and honestly current wow on 4k and high graphics doesn't look too bad.
2500 is easy but it's also a waste of time. Make of this information what you will
How so? The pots he throws weren't nearly enough to mitigate the auto attacks and casts from that pack.
That particular special pack is probably the most unfair of all of them. Your best bet is trying to kite it to extreme lengths or pull and pick off the particularly problematic casters. I was doing all delves on t11 this week and those were the only packs I went massively out of my way to avoid touching at all. Even the twins are little bitches compared to that
i just like doing keys to see how far i can go..
>What alliance race is good for mage?
The only good allianceoid is a dead one
i generate wow ai porn during this time
So should I just play shaman this expac? Why/how is it kicking so much ass?
don't you need all timed 10s and some 11s for 2500?
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patch when
if you have 1 10++ and 1 11+ all your other ones can be 9++
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probably is every single shaman spec overpowered?
how do i convince my friend to reroll fotm like fdk
Yeah, I've done a couple of the other packs and I can usually burst them down before I run out of defensives and ccs. I don't think I'm going to have much trouble on 11 as long as I take it slow.
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can't wait to farm this one
What's the lowest level you can be to get the event tokens? I don't have anything at 80 because class balance is fucked to shit and unstable.
>tail sticking out of her anus
can anyone help me out, i dont understand with this new event, can i farm tokens on alts to buy the sets or is it only just 1 character i can farm to get tier 2 sets?
Servers going down in 2hrs, then offline for 8hrs. Americucks lost again xD
Shitty chinky costume for a shitty chinky class
this set gonna look so good on my mag'har monk :)
You can move the tokens around but buying stuff is best on 1 character because after buying the first set for 60 bronze tokens the next set will be 40 for that character and then 20 for every set after that and you get a cheevo after collecting 100 bronze tokens that will male it easier to collect more bronze tokens later on beyond 100
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Bros... imagine this hammer with the new tier 2 pally set. I'm going to cum
buff druids NOW
i like it desu
t2 pally is the most overrated shit ever and im not ready to see 80% of the fucking playerbase in the same shitty dress
>play feraloid
>1v1 anyone alive
>carry flag across the map with ease
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What are my opinions on WoW winning?
nobody cares about penis v penis
the problem is that you'll be playing monk
It's penis vs pussy cuz someone's getting fucked
>watching Queen as a 10 man
>so little shit going on
>so much space to go around without being touched by retards and their poz circles
Nerub xisters, it's literally over.
>problem is you play the most fun class
yeah the boss is literally so much easier on 10man
m+ should be 6 people
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What the fuck were they thinking with this one bros? If it's meant to be a Classic-era Demon Hunter they could've just made something based on Illidan's appearance or the early Demon Hunters like Altruis or Leotheras. Instead we get more Legion-era WH40K inspired crap with Christmas tree colours. DH is my main and this will be the only set I won't farm.
actually impossible for blizzard to design a 2h hammer that actually looks good with proportions that aren't absolutely fucked
its wild they said this was supposed to be pit lord inspired, like how the fuck is that pit lord inspired
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Can I get into heroic raids groups if I have +10 done. I don't have AOTC.
Do demon hunters even have a single good looking tier set to begin with?
If you're willing to play healer, yes. The competition for DPS is much harsher.
Your best bet is join a guild or make your own group.
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Is that DH? Lmao that looks fucking ugly, my condolence you guys have the dogshit artists, kek.
>fight notorious for being much easier at 2/2/6
>nerub still goes 30 man
around 620
if i saw it in game first i would just assume it's some legion era class hall set or DH leveling armor #4298
DH sets just suffer in general from being overly busy with details and colors while also not having a clear theme going for most of them
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Edgelords have shitty taste and they know it
I wonder how bad this will look on my fatfuck male panda monk
Here's why you don't get invites:
>there's 100 dps applicants within 2 minutes
>more than a third has curve & exp
>more than a third has higher ilvl
>more than a third plays meta roles

Best way if you really want to pug is to make your own group, it's easy as fuck to screen people
Or if you really hate leading, apply to groups that just signed up, that got 1-2 members in them
It will look like shit on almost all the races. Only night elves and maybe nightborne can wear almost anything
Yea easily. Maybe some problems getting to the last.
I have 7/8 and 615. Invited pretty easily, Frost Mage.
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Warlock bros, how are we feeling?
grim desu
I always get invited, simply due to having healthstones, gate, and summoning portal
Nighthold and Tomb of Sargeras aren't bad if you don't mind how painfully edgy they are. The rest are pretty much dogshit so I just use lookalike sets or the generic Hellfire Citadel LFR leather and LARP as a rogue.
Like this
>fat ugly furry looks like a fat ugly furry
>11% arcane mage single target buff
>30%! AoE buff
Yo… is Arcane hard to play?
The hardest part is telling your parents that you are a fag
because fuck you that's why
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Yes, these. (one isn't a "tier" set)
in burgerland you can easily get him fired fort this thoughever
augsissies, we continue to get carried to phat lewts
>ret isn't top dps
idk what to play because blizzard keeps changing shit so much and the playerbase aggressively follows the meta
Amirdrassil is ok but not the Normal colours. I cannot fucking stand this red, green, gold scheme that they keep using for DH sets.
There is nothing more pathetic than mazed rats.
Draenei sitting on my face+
>despite all the bitching and moaning, arms warrior beats every warlock spec, but also evokers, monks, and priests
serious question, how do you fix this? metafagging is impossible to actually stop in an ecosystem like m+.
Can't they just form their own groups????? Problem solved?????????
buff bears NOW
>form your own group as a nonmeta spec
>literally nobody applies past 9s
just my experience though could just be unlucky
Maybe let competent people balance the game. Why did they give a 10% buff to arcane mage and fdk when there are certain specs that are legitimately unplayable?
class sucks? buy the carry goyim
>Maybe let competent people balance the game. Why did they give a 10% buff to arcane mage and fdk when there are certain specs that are legitimately unplayable?
Maybe try being competent yourself. Those numbers aren't indicative of the current specs. They're both significant reworks. The numbers literally mean nothing once you have that context, if anything they might be huge nerfs.

Retarded niggercattle.
>how do you fix this?
Encourage players to do keys with friends and guildies instead of puggers. Bring back guild bonuses but instead of useless shit like shorter hearthstone cooldown make the highest reward +5% Vers while in a M+ run where 3 or more of the party members are guildmates.
>non meta players don't want to play with other non meta players
Lol, they're a part of the problem then
>korthia was known as a "city of secrets"
>nothing remotely city about it
>korthia looks more like a scrapped drust zone
alas what could had been
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mfw americans gon be shiddin up da thred doe becuz beta testing
oh lawdy...
pretty sure tazavesh was meant to be the real "city of secrets", but was relegated to being a dungeon instead
>drust raid and thros was datamined during alpha of sl
>was cut from the game just like it was in bfa
but no... sl never had any cut content.. it was supposed to only have 2 zones
never invite sanguino players
and kazzak, azralon, area52, ragnaros
Absolute retard. There are even raid portals in all 4 zones. Anduin was supposed to be Sepulcher end boss they literally said Rygelon, the dreadlords and Jaylore were next raid bosses that got shoehorned into Sepulcher.
always invite cute argent dawn players!
Turkish Nether, Draenor and Argent Dawn are also some of the worst offenders.
oh ye forgot about twisting nigger
If you invite a Kazzakstan player they will never ever miss a kick, but they will also be a salty retard who dies to aggro and ragequits after 1 wipe. It's a risky move.
Always invite argent dawn cuties! ;3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Literally looked at details after.
The healer healed themselves more than the tank healed themselves and every dps healed themselves for 4x more than the healer healed them
Look at the number of deaths, that aint dps taking damage
I'm ele shaman now
it's comfy though
if they nerf rsham in next season i'm killing myself
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There is nothing wrong with Argent Dawn.
kinda based
cool people but shit at the game
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What's your opinion on ninja looters?
M+ killed the game
it's fun if you don't pug
it's unbearable aids if you do pug
I don't particularly like M+ but I'm curious how optional content I can just choose not to do kills a game.
because an immense proportion of dev time goes into m+ from other areas of the game so if you choose to dodge m+ and only do other things you're paying 15 per month for almost nothing
sister... delves?
If you're playing WoW to raid it's almost impossible to not do M+
The gear you get from it is way too good for how easy it is
It really should have been simple wraps and a sarong.
Anon I've played every expansion vanilla-WoD, I know what passes for "content" releases in the days before M+, and I can tell you it wasn't more than what we get now.
>3D "artist"
>all models look like they were drenched in baby oil
why are they like this
patch 6.1 is calling
this desu
what ilv do i need for heroic?
>Content patch then
Raid, maybe open world meme chore for shitters, new arena season (just a reset to the ladder)
>Content patch now
Raid, maybe open world meme chore for shitters, new arena season (just a reset to the ladder), new meme+ season (just a reset to the ladder plus new dungeons).

No you see anon, m+ CHUDS are stealing the RIIIIIGHTFUL resources that should go to huh...
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I agree, though the faction could stand to do more. What happened to them, anyways? Am I forgetting something or did they just drop off after WOTLK?
Healer? 605. DPS? 620.
Ignore the pain
I need more rage!
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What would have been the issue with making Demon Hunters their own faction? As in a faction that's neutral/friendly with both Horde and Alliance. Because I'm not making sense of them regressing to their race's chosen faction.
Any ideas for some cool weapons to use on my felguard?
I've gotton bored of the meme wod cm glaive
sorry I mean heroic dungeons.
also how do dps get 620 for heroic without going into the heroic raid?
my char i log once a week is higher rio than all of these freaks
>all this mplussing
>still no aotc
selfie cam kino
how do I play protection Paladin?
Welcome to pugging, please boost the leader fresh level 80. But it's okay, he's 5/8 MYTHIC ON HIS MAIN, surely it will mean something for this raid.
>blizzard changes how they number patches for simplicity
>retarded manbabies shit their diapers when the next patch isn't called patch 6.0097
by this logic WoD only had a single patch then lmao
6.1 should have been 6.05 and HFC should have been 6.1
you know exactly why
That sounds miserable, I guess I should learn how to heal and then do my utmost to play before the ILV demand inflation goes past sensible levels.
What's a good raid healer if you don't mind being more helpful. Thank you for the help thus far.
Yes. They're all terrible players.
why not?
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>sorry I mean heroic dungeons.
I don't remember the level required but the group finder will tell you.
>also how do dps get 620 for heroic without going into the heroic raid?
Crafting orders, M+, guild runs before resorting to pugs.

You have to be over 18 years old to browse 4chan buddy.
don't you get a transmog set for 2500? plus all the teleports
not all :3
I still don't fucking know wtf were people doing playing wow 20 hours a day back in the day, like I get it, learning a new game is addicting but after that?
post nerub logs then to prove me otherwise
dueling in front of org
it's the most scuffed way to play the boss with. every pug goes 10 man
that's how you get aotc :)
>I don't remember the level required but the group finder will tell you.
That's kind of my problem.
Please bare with me,
I'm leveling an alt becasue I can't find groups as a DPS,
my alt has hit max but his ilv is incredibly low.
I can imediatly queue for heroics becasue my warband bank is full of warband on equip items that inflates my characters level, becasue I think blizzard calculates warband on equipitems and items in the warbound bank and the ilv of alts for some reason.
The problem is i'm having a hard time maintaining aggro with my low ilv.
I would just equip the gear, but this loophole feels like a useful thing incase I ever want to level a dps again.
tldr: at this point in time I'm not able to see the level required to queue.
Healers usually get invited below the normal threshold since they are a bit rare.
>caring this much about imaginary social credit score numbers
Good job you just sound like more of a loser now
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>be pug god
>got all 12's done
>got 4/8 mythic raid bosses
>got ksh and aotc very early on
>non pugging 4chan guild still haven't gotten aotc
embarrassing ngl
If you spam pugs 24/7 the first two resets thats 10x easier than dealing with every gooner in this thread piled into one raid where nobody ever gets kicked. Nothing to brag about
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i am a giga gooner myself, i just dont attention whore/avatarfag like the rest of them, my gooning it self contained.
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>All this m plusing
bruh only a few even bother
I could have gotten aotc, im just incredily lazy....
why are wow players in general so prone to meltdowns
Cause of death: suffocated due to the lack of draenei pussy
You're missing the point that yes it is easier to pug than to deal with the weekly stand in the fire raid with 30 random classes
Playing videogames is a "waste of time". Do it if it's fun.

>wtf were people doing playing wow 20 hours a day back in the day
It took that long to accomplish literally anything because the travel and combat was so slow. A full clear of Scholomance took 4 hours and you'd get 0 loot from 90% of runs.

Just equip the warbound gear, you'll get plenty more of it later on. It doesn't matter if you hold aggro or not in heroics, people just hold W and pull everything, the mobs aren't dangerous.
Get into M0/M+ as soon as possible. If you aren't in a guild, join one and make friends and get carried through some starter keys. Networking is the real endgame of WoW.
>ummmm pugging doesnt count!!!
took me 2-3 pugs, where is this 24/7 coming from
ah yeah, okay i see
>all this mplussing
None of them do more than 10s + the occasional 11, which is infinitely easier than tard wrangling 605 ilv macacos and warlocks on queen
I was up for 24 hours during the weekend just to harass people in war mode
raids are harder than m+
I haven't even set foot in m+ since bfa and I have aotc
M plus
M expand
M dilate
Buff arms warrior single target damage
Reduce ignore pain cost

There, i fixed it
i haven't played m+ since legion, and I have AOTC. you want to know why? I just kept doing it untill i got it. Aotc means nothing.
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>i just spent all this time trying to get aotc
>its not hard it means nothing :D
dont you read what you're typing
It's a partcipation trophy, the raid buffs should tell you that much. cool if you think it's a big deal it's not my intetion to belilttle your personal achivements.
that would require actual work
where do you think you are?
you could say the same thing about, druids, deathknights and monks.
The answer is always the same, blizzard just feel like have to push faction shit becasue it's the games indentity. The dont want to be put into a position where if they want to shill factions like in BFA they need a third neutural city for classes who think that shit is childish.
the reason? tier 11 is easy
delves shouldn't give heroic ilv let alone mythic.
The Forsaken and the Night elves should ahve both been their own factions at the launch of the game. The factions could have been made much better.
Horde: Orc, Tauren, Troll, Ogre, and maybe Goblins. Alliance: Human, Ironforge and Wildhammer Dwarves, Gnomes, and High elves. Darnassus: Kaldorei, maybe Furbolgs. Forsaken: Plague-risen undead, Darkfallen, and Banshees(working the way Dracthyr/evoker does now as dark rangers).
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what was going on in dragonflight, where the emerald dream location came from and why the three of them are there
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Why yes I only keep my succubus out on my Dracthyr warlock
Delves are already irrelevant with heroic gear lol imagine if it was normal cap
Just pretend none of it happened
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If I'm doing less dps than I did previous week, once I'm on again...
solo delves are harder content than M+4 by a mile
I assume they all showed up like the avengers because if fyraak burned the tree the whole world would burn or some shit, could be wrong about that THOUGH
Unholy death knights should be able to tame undead humanoids
Solo players don't need heroic gear, Delves always should have just been optional content that gave champion level gear and the entire endgame was around cosmetics, unfortunately we barely get any cosmetics and the ones we do aren't worthwhile.
By what metric? being under ilv for the delve? idiots can still brick your m+, bran wont brick your delve.
Agreed, my DK needs Sylvanas as his pet.
The issue isn't really with other dps joining it's with getting a tank/healer to join an off meta group
>and the ones we do aren't worthwhile.
>he is not a mushroom god
new idea of an expansion: the son of ner'zhul nerrosh becomes the leader of the horde and burns a new tree with orcish catapults launching projectiles from durotar shore and because of that a new cataclysm happens, where blizzard will destroy the old locations of kalimdor and eastern kingdoms completely.
let's call it World of Warcraft: Cata... Calamity?
I will tank for your off meta group because I hate meta slaves
They heard that the lusty NElf women needed help so they came at once. Then they arrived to help.
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>The issue isn't really with other dps joining it's with getting a tank/healer to join an off meta group

As a discBVLL I only join pug groups that have a heroism/bloodlust class as well as specs that have enough stops/kicks for the dungeon we are doing.
If you're going to pug, making sure the group composition itself is decent will help a lot, not even FOTM just having enough buffs/utility helps a lot.
i havent hit 80 yet lol
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he didn't get AoTC yet btw and also grey parsed this week too
they wanted a reputation system at first so no need for factions. you want to be part of a faction earn it. that could have been a really cool mechanic but they didn't go through with it. instead now we have a half baked and blatantly useless reputation grind for gear that stays relevant for 2 weeks
i don't know if it would have been a better game in the long run with what they envisiond first and i even think it would have been less sucessfull, but it would have been a better rpg
These guys probably want myth track gear to drop in follower dungeons
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>cataclysm 2.0
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Who even join those shit? Everyone can see that the lead is shit.
arms is warrior's pvp spec there is literally no reason for it to do good damage in pve
you will retardedly swing your two big weapons while doing less damage than the rogue with kitchen knives and you will be happy
>check mail
>officer from one of the top 10 guilds in my server is trying to recruit me cuz my logs are awesome
what will you choose?
1. a new updated quel'thalas inserted on the map of the current eastern kingdoms
2. a new huge quel'thalas the size of the current locations (maybe the lorderon locations will be updated too, midnight won't have one quel'thalas), but it will be separated by mountains from the rest of the eastern kingdoms locations, which may be updated to the same size someday in the next expansion when we return to the old world again
Blizzard confirmed they are doing 1
how is bro parsing grey as ret lmao
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Why shouldn't I be able to run Delves to get the crests that I need to upgrade the gear that I got from Delves?
gz but also I hope top 10 on your server isn't too high because those guilds sweat the fuck out more than any healthy person can keep up with.
I would have prefered a mushroom set the hat just doesn't fit anything I own.
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>dpsissies failing mechanics
name a more iconic duo.
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naga on a horse
that's very common. while i was trying to pug heroic queen i came across one of these guys, he was an arcane mage (fotm reroller) doing around tank damage, and he was kicking people ON THE FIRST MISTAKE. like, someone popped early or died to the green shit on the ground he just kicked straight away. in one of the pulls he fucked up and died very early on the fight and didn't say anything. no one said anything.
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When is Faerin growing out her hair?
>Why shouldn't I be able to run Delves to get the crests that I need to upgrade the gear that I got from Delves?

You already can dumbass
i swear the only time you guys like black people is when you're sexualizing them.
I would get my white balls snipped if Ellie would fart in my face for five minutes.
no shit
How retarded is elemental shaman? I remember It used to be the most retarded spec to play ever, if they are buffing it and it's easy to learn I might reroll and play a shamy blue goat for a while.
these are our avengers
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>join group
>there's a rdruid and rshaman in the queue
>can already tell who's going to get picked

lmao I actually start to feel bad for the other healers.
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The only time I like women is when I'm sexualizing them.
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now you pop ascendance which instantly sends out 6 lava bursts and you spam chain lightning which hits approximately 25 times per cast
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you make that sound bad.
depends. if you like mythic plus, it's a buff. if you like raids, it's not a buff at all and probably a nerf.
It's up
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>8 hour maintenance
>when i got time today
s-surely they will be so fast that it will end up before right...
a final question, elemental shaman or firefrost fire mage, wich one is easier?
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I thought I made it sound neutral.
gear shouldn't matter
it should be about skill
It should be more in the vein of a Soulsborne Ring game imo, where gear helps, but skill will always be key. You could have the most decked out gear in the game but still lose because you lack the skill to utilize said gear. The same is somewhat true for WoW, but only to a degree. In WoW, you *need* gear and skill where it should be that gear is optional, but helpful.

If you're fresh out of Valley of Trials you should be able to take on Ansurek if you're good enough to avoid her attacks.
Discipline Priest by far.
A poorly geared player is barely able to kill an AFKing high tier pvp geared player
Yeah, when you're lucky enough to get the stupid maps, and even then it's a pittance. Anyone exclusively playing Delves will be lucky to max out more than a few pieces of gear by the end of the season.
Dueling in front of org.
Or doing a dungeon if you are really, really fucking bad.
>In WoW, you *need* gear and skill where it should be that gear is optional, but helpful.
It's so easy to get gear in retail. Retail wow is only about your skill, in contrast there's classic wow where gear is way more important than the player skill. Retail wow = Elden Ring, classic wow = Dark Souls 1
And whats the issue? Why do they need to max it out so fast?
because number MUST go up
In Elden Ring, I can get not-Guts sword just by travelling and maneuvering an enemy.

Can I get Heroic or Mythic 2-handers just by travelling and opening a box? Avoiding enemy patrols at level 1 with trash gear?
monk is the coolest class in the game
>In Elden Ring, I can get not-Guts sword just by travelling and maneuvering an enemy
You still need to upgrade it
>Why do they need to max it out so fast?
I don't think being able to max out one set of gear by the end of the season would be unreasonably fast.

As for the why, it's because this game is a skinner box. If the rewards are stretched too thin, people aren't going to want to play it. Doing 4 mindless Delves a day for a very small chance to get a fraction of the crests needed to upgrade one piece of gear once isn't appealing.
In Elden Ring? No. Like any other of their newer games, you can finish the game without ever changing or upgrading your gear because they rely on skill in the end. Gear helps, but skill matters.

Can I solo queen Ansurek at level one? No. Can your average player in ER solo Elden Beast or Malenia at level 1? Doubtful, but it's at least *possible*.
>In Elden Ring, I can get not-Guts sword just by travelling and maneuvering an enemy.
That's honestly because of the open world of Elden Ring and them not thinking about this. They will fix that in their next game. It's like bk weapons in Dark Souls 1 they break the game. Take DaS3 for an example, there's no overpowered early game weapon.
>Can I get Heroic or Mythic 2-handers just by travelling and opening a box?
You can from the vault :^)
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Blizzard's mistake with Delves was marketing them as an endgame pillar, when in reality, they shouldve been marketed as an activity on the level of pet battles for mega casuals and a convenient way to quickly gear up alts for raids and m+
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hi schizos
How do I get that body mod? I tried just searching for wow body mods but the only thing I found is a guy on Turtle WoW forums posting a file. Which probably doesn't work with other versions of the game.
It is endgame pillar for casuals, they only do m+3/4 at best and lfr.
It's even better than those since the vault gives them m+8 worth of gear.
9 hour maintenance is actually crazy
>It is endgame pillar for casuals

The problem is you have retards like earlier suggesting they need to give further and further rewards up until 639ilvl
i had more fun doing Kirin Tor world quests in legion than i do on delves. the only reason i do them is for gear.
its dey culchah
i really only start to fume when im shuffling and i have a healer without cleanse or freedom on their bars, makes me want to scream
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>make content for casuals
>don't add any mounts or mogs to them

What is Ion thinking here.
why is alexstrasza looking at me like that bros
Theres literally a delve mount
please be shitposting
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that one is terrible and ugly.
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then theres this one too
need to stick my dick between a draenei females breasts....
ever been used for a summ then replaced and kicked? Im fuming rn
Yea, that one is better, but not enough farmable mounts in the delves.
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There's really no reason they shouldn't add higher difficulties to them that do have higher rewards
>muh casuals
Casuals were expected to participate in M+ up until this expansion they would eventually hit their limit and stop at that level, same would happen with delves and it would be a better environment for them since it's solo content they don't have some mentally ill mazed rat screaming at them for not playing 100% optimally
>20 subhuman brownoid benchods apes
>demonology - 1
>The one demonology god
I fucking kneel
garrote is getting nerfed vros... im scared
We winning?
only if they recruit zaeliagod
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>fuck the warlock dev
That's actually a retroactive rumor because Drust weapons (which were put in game) were in early alpha and the night fae campaign has Drust shit before just ending randomly. There was never anything actually datamined in alpha for Thros as a location or a Drust raid.
Not clicking your clickbait e-celeb grifting garbage thanks.
>biggest dark horse
why are these asians always talking about eating pet animals
kill yourself faggot
>Tune into method stream
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3YzmjmAGoI blasting at full volume
>Check the names
>Sco main tanking and yelling slurs
apparently reckful gambled all his money on stocks a few days before killing himself
that's actually quite balanced.
kek i love this mount just because there's a worgen fur combination that matches it almost perfectly
templar or lightsmith for protection paladin?
Best I can do is another fury warrior nerf or a mage buff.
im a ret chad
What's up with the schizophrenic children in this general who obsess over e-celeb grifters and serial stalkers?
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>have it all
>gamble it away
>can easily live just fine with potential streamer money maybe
>kill yourself anyway
i guess we will never know tho
>/wowg/ will unironically concern itself with the top .1% when they can't even get aotc by themselves without either buying a carry or being carried by guildmates
>this will continue to happen in every expansion and be proven time and time again by the guilds that come and go as drama eventually consumes them and people break off to use their lockouts on getting carried
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>delvies flinging shit for months saying how happy they are they dont have to maze ploos anymore
>past two weeks theyve been balling their eyes out that they dont get good rewards for doing dogshit easy content
how the turn tables
shouldnt he have blamed his issues on everyone else then in that case?
>tfw playing brewmaster
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you were saying nigger?
never should've nerfed zekfag
People here insist they are pugging 4/8m and 12s on off meta classes as tank healer and whatever thobeit, no I don't care the overwhelming evidence points to the average 4channie being dogshit.
>can't get group because all groups require io
>can't get experience because all jobs require experience
the absolute state of mazed+ fags
They are still coping and pretending delves are affecting m+
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>4/8 m
show me where /wowg/ got together this expansion and cleared 4/8 m my based illiterate bro
Anon he failed at stocks.
He had to kill himself or he'd become a goy (a fate worse than death).
t. Jew
youd get groups if you stopped being one of the trillion groupless dps players. either find people to play with or pay the fine and play healer or tank
>playing with people from here
I know there are some nice people, but most of you are human trash.
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rate my mog. (be nice)
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Don't talk to me cucky
>but most of you are human trash.
*raises paw*
they dont have that much self awareness
>potential streamer money
wasn't he still pretty big before he died?
You need different boots. You're like a child in footie pajamas.
Guwuilty u mean uwu

You look like a child, I'd punt you.
Keep the boots.
you look like your overdressed for the american civil war
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>tfw gonna get to open my vault in a few hours
ok and? are you retarded and think thats why he killed himsefl?
also, I just realized blizzard placed his character inside the stormwind cathedral
kinda awkward when you think about it
>civil war was actually fought by wizards

I feel like I've read this book somewhere.
But anon literally adding a tank or heal to B+ and being nice to them is contrary to my epic pug god behavior, the game revolves around me me and also me and then also me again.
Btw the game isn't social enough and it sucks (no I won't talk to anyone THEY need to talk and adore me, I am the bestest player in the world forevermore).
Why are you talking about e-celebs?
Wait, does NA get the patch before Europeans?
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hi gregory
someones gotta beta test
Don't deadname me, it's misstress Seraphine.
Yeah I think I need to change the boots as well. I'm going for travelling wizard. Have any good recommendations for a nice hearty boot?
>rerolling paladin has fixed all my problems
if you cant beat em, join em lol
It has fixed your dead bedroom?
>male gnome
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>HD Blackwing sets going to release today
>you will just never see any other mogs ever
the video is just a blender render, not a real mod
body mods for wow do exist but engine limitations and lack of interest from quality modders hold them back a lot
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>find friends to play with
>tfw no socially retarded to make friends
>just see raid teams as a means to an end for gear
>tfw need to talk to people to push higher content
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Why is this item alliance only?
tier 2 power levels

>god tier
dk and monk

>good tier
rogue, paladin, druid, shaman

>ok tier
warrior, priest, lock

>shit tier
hunter, mage
Poggers balanced game
>not wanting to be a whimsical but powerful wizard

I bet you play some faggy shit like a vulpera
>dk in god tier
lol. lmao.
druid and warrior belong in god tier with monk
paladin belongs in shit tier with hunter and dk
the rest are fine
how's the waiting going ameribros?
if neanderthals could do it, so can you
>b-b-but im le shy
then you are le darwined
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T1=T3>T2>An'queerag actual clown suit
Sorry, just facts.
no, I'm right and you're wrong.
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Human men with FUTA Draenei wives!
Goblin chad, actually
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>i do so little damage on warlock that just timing a 10 becomes something i have to chug tempered pots for
if we're going purely by dps numbers then it's close but not as close as it should be
if we're taking utility and everything else in to account then no it's a fucking mess. specs with heroism/combat rez/insane defensives also doing top dps? fuck right off
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sorry, I didn't recognize your game.
>Simmed on a patchwerk fight
>Which mean warlocks are even lower than that
It's so over
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>Goblin chad, actually
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I play an arcane mage who is also a racist old gnome coot.
any minute now, surely
disagree, nemesis is kino
what about demon hunter?
It's cool but not as good as the others.

Shit tier.
>have to play optimal to beat hard content
What's the problem here?
is it just me or do classes have way too many buttons now
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fuck off normalfag
so many of them are normies or redditors you have to walk on eggshells constantly
why would i subject myself to that in a 5 man group, at least in a 20 man raid you can dissapear into the background other than the occasional "lock rocks down" or "take the gate i threw you"
Awww poor lil sissy neurocucky can't sociopath maxx!
because a 10 isn't hard content
you should barely need to flask for those, i have to play a level of effort several times over what anyone else does just to stay viable
I can play like im missing all my fingers and still pump on my ret paladin and people dont see this as an issue kek
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>bloodfang, one of the most iconic sets that people use 20 years later
>not god tier
you’re so pathetic cunt grow up
>da heckin normierinos
yeah no wonder you are alone lmao
They fixed the hood but the color is too bright, thats why it was bumped down to good
hes an idiot having priest that low, its the best redesign by far
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Someone posted this days ago. There has to be a way...
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you're on the wrong website nigger
arctium discord
you're going to have to let fabian use your computer as part of botnet by installing his launcher
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>americans are the reason why we don't have that ingame

Why are you guys so gay?
will people laugh at me if i only do tier 7 delves?
>elite paladins of the silver order i beeseech thee
>lend me your aid in my time of need
>*holy air fills my head. I know god is hearing my prayer*
>it is i noble paladin of the holy order turalyonn, what do you want
>ah most elite turalyonn.. im at 3 holy power and im having an internal struggle
>on my quest for holy vengeance i dont know if i should press my single target or aoe ability
>what do i do?
>it doesnt matter young paladin. You are the elite. Press anything and you will deliver vengeance justice
>thank you o mighty turalyonn, light be with you
>been killing xavius on 20-30 guys each week for literal months now
>still no illusion
this shit is not 1%
I'm going to give you an advice, wait until you see those illusions in the bmah and snipe it because the drop is beyond low.
And you wonder why autustic people are disinterested in socializing?
>tells me to fuck off
>i ridicule them
>disinterested in socializing?
Why are you on 4chan?
kill yourself subhuman, stop posting le sad anime girls and sperging out when people call you on bullshit
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>mfw always enjoyed FDK
>played it in BFA, Sneedolands, DF
>always enjoyed it in both maze and raid
>mfw people call me fotm abuser
>mfw people are generally angry at ME because of how bad Blizzard are at balancing the game
>mfw people forget what fire mage has done literally every single expenasion
step on me mommy
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Wrong website faggots.
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They could have evolved the game, but they want to keep it shackled to a twenty-year-old selling point. From what I've heard, it doesn't even matter now, there's cross-faction dungeons?
i dont have that kind of gold, boss
holy shit someone uses that set
bro theyre being mean to you sure
youre on 4chan you cant expect any less
and just because they are doesnt make them wrong
climb the social ladder or stop whining and pug
you have two choices
now that most stuff is xfaction i would unironically would like too see more factions
no gameplay changes, but different aesthetics
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>“Yes, I was made,” Alexstrasza said, her voice deeper, harsher, and full of anger and a blistering bitterness. “Made into the Life - Binder without truly understanding what was being asked of me. And what is being asked of me is no longer bearable. I have sacrificed, and given, and aided, and fought, and my reward is more pain, more demands, and the death of all I hold dear. I do not wish to kill, but I will, orc, if you trouble me further. Nothing matters! Nothing! GO! ”
>He tried one more time. “Please,” he said, “please consider the innocents who — ”
>Alexstrasza reared back, beating her wings to keep herself aloft and opening her enormous, sharp - toothed maw, and Thrall fled. A sheet of billowing orange - red flame charred the stone where he had been sitting. He heard her drawing breath again and half ran, half fell down the side of the jutting peak.
>A roar filled the heavy air. It was a mixture of anger and anguish, and Thrall’s heart ached for the grieving Aspect. He wished he had been able to find some way to reach her. The thought of her dying here, alone, from lack of food and water and most of all from a broken heart, pained him. He regretfully imagined travelers one day coming across her bones, bleached and old like the other skeletons that dotted this landscape.
green and yellow factions like tf2c when
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I can guarantee you're one of the three
wasn't me either
>haha i adapted to the problem and hang out with normalfags to get a slightly higher number on a website
>that means this is fine
she's so fucking hot
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welp fags I guess we are going to be here awhile while blizzard twiddles their dicks. Post good characters.
i'm going to sleep, got work tonight, followed by a 3 day weekend
fuck it
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not everyones out to get you brother
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i better get something heckin godo!
This one was a wip by allynsia some years ago, she stopped doing mods back when DF released, this one was never released. As for the femhuman you were asking about, I don't know who did that one, if you want something like that, check out allynsia's thread on darknest, there is someone updating some of her old ones which are the most similar to that one and not crazy degenerate like most that you'll find on the arctium discord.
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poor alex, she suffered too much
krasus deserved better as well
You'll get Mist's ocarina and you'll be happy
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Is there another balance patch coming next week?
IM A RESTO SHAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cute anon!
no delves??
>hes still screeching
imagine if you put this much effort into making friends, you would probably solve your problems lol
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Kel'Thuzad deserved better by the writing team
QRD on Mist's ocarina? is it like BiS for maze+? like for a healer for example.
I'm not even him. I'm just a friendless autist
no its shit
holy fucking garbage AI feet
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>pretend to relate to some random faggot with a girlfriend bitching about his problems or his job
that sounds fucking miserable
its one of those trinkets that are ok if theres no better options and there are a lot of better options
Why are you looking down there? Also draw better stuff instead of complaining.
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"You wanna stay? You stay here forever! ...we gunna bury you here"
can't wait for his posthumous humiliation ritual in Midnight
I, for one, am glad that there is finally pushback against the Mazed+ shitfest that this video game has become.
Mazedfags should be shamed, ridiculed, humiliated for being the way they are.
Their voices should be suppressed and ignored in all matters related to the balance and design of the game.
When do we get the trailer for Midnight? Games Award? It's coming next year, right?
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probably my favorite character from this expac
"A little weave rat told you you had arrived"
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sexo gm
probably around a year from now, maybe a bit less
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>Be me
>Be Fahbear
>Complain people are low ilvl
>Die to p1 mechanics
bbc addicted
yes there will be a balance patch every week of tww
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I still remember watching that trailer and the delivery on that fucking line was so cold and gold
"I hate you...I hate you all.
this post cured my racism
NTA. It's just that being a normalfag sympathize should be bannable.
usually like 9 months before release
So... probably in like a year
still one of the best raid trailers they have ever made
>DIS... was OUR land
unreal that blizzard murdered him for fucking blood elves
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Sisters have aotc and I don't?
What the FUCK
I think the the trilogy is gonna be roughly 1.5 years an xpac, right? So Midnight will probably drop Jan/Feb 2026ish, I would figure. And TLT dropping Julyish 2027.
new >>499396862
autism is linked to neanderthal dna
Thanks pal
i love spindle
wife material
yes, and?
Sex and constant breeding with left
i HATE nippers
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but they're so cute

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