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Pedos in nerub edition


>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

uh oh nerubsisters...
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really not a good season, this is ranked against eachother, if going against good dungeons they'd almost all be C tier or lower
healer pov
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and the bosses look even worse, even comparatively I strugged to put anything in A tier or above
>there's simply no way mists is the "easiest" dungeon.
What's hard about it? Maybe affixes on the last boss?
The boughbreakers are pretty deadly but the maze, mistcaller, and the last boss are pretty easy. You can even carry retards through it because there isn't a lot they can do to fuck you over like in tww dungeons
There is simply too much bullshit going on at the same time during most of the new dungeon bosses. Completely unsatisfying to play honestly
Keep in mind I'm talking about the average wow player who has an IQ of 80.
Maze and mistcaller break groups left and right.
Defenders are incredibly good at blowing up tanks, and if you get unlucky and get the 2 pack into the 2 pack, it's pretty much ogre.
I think mists is absolutely one of the easiest if not the easiest dungeon to TIME, but I imagine it's pretty high up there on the list of dungeons that people ragequit from what I've seen.
If the data is pulled from total attempts I'm simply wrong. I suspect it's just completed untimed vs completed timed.
I've pugged a lot and can imagine that happening, but hasn't been my experience. Only time centaurs blew up one of my tanks he had like 8% shield block uptime (probably only had it proc from shield charge ever never casted it natty?)
The ones I see bricked a lot are Arakara at the last boss. Some faggot Hunter or boomie drops blood in lalaland
CoT: too much movement
Dawnbreaker first boss with too heavy of melee comp when they overlap the pools on each other
On a first glance I was like "No way NW or Ara Kara are A" but all of the others are actually even worse lmao
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Its time to gamble with my vault.
are evokers fun?
ffuck dem globohomos
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my eboyfriend from twitch just timed a key
retbros... that went better than expected given the tank was pulling recklessly
It's time to pet this dog
How many weeks into the raid are we and Nerub STILL hasnt gotten aotc? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
>frost mage buff
>fire mage nerf
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activate vod's pls
they are close. i was watching the awesome stream and they had a couple attempts where they survived the first combo of mechanics without anyone dying! amazeballs
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>assassin rogue is the best rogue spec by a long way
>buff it
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>he's not preppin for firelands
are you really going to miss heroic ragnaros, the hardest boss in the history of the game?
>OP specs getting buffed even more
>shit specs getting nerfed
yeah I think it's time to nuke california
that nigger is probably asleep i just shill his stream so he keeps doing it
they buffed the 3 specs tho
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The Noble Alliance vs. the Savage Horde
It's still not good enough to justify how much of a pain in the ass it is to play
What the fuck lollll
wat website is this
They need to merge the Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard servers
Well, I'm actually going to do it. I'm going to switch to Colossus. I'm sick of playing around bleeds and dying to a handshake as Slayer. What am I in for bros
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I'm gonna kms
it's over
goodbye cruel world of warcraft
It's funny as a dps all the good bosses are the ones in F tier lmao
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how the fuck do you enjoy those bosses as dps? they are all aids
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>mention "disney bloat"
>retail players start to malfunction
Garrote Garrote Garrote Garrote Garrote Rupture
Mutilate Mutilate Envenom
Mutilate Mutilate Envenom
Mutilate Mutilate Envenom
Sippy juice
Mutilate Mutilate Envenom
Sin rogue has been troll in m+ since it's creation. Let them have one patch
ceegee is not sending their best
>Frost DK buffs
>underperforming specs nowhere to be seen or small buffs

so how did nerub gm throw the raid this time?
people dying in phase 1 to the first combo of mechanics
starting erping mid raid with some bbcfag
>time all 10s as guardian with ease
>try 11 dawnbreaker since it's easy
>get absolutely anihilated by the beam even if I use cds
>died from the beam with rage of the sleeper AND the lunar beam buff that gives a shit ton of hp
I guess........ 619 ilvl is not a lot for 11s...........
I wanna kiss her tummy as she strokes my head with her three fingered hands
this sounds fake
this sounds real
>even wowhead comments are getting multiple pages of people calling for Ion's head and job
you wont do shit, paypig
Come back at 625, buddy
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I feel like all the bosses in F rewards skill and knowledge, something like Forgemaster feels like a glorified dummy
Nigga i already quit this season. It's literally insane to see shit like warrior get nerfed 5 times in a row while being middle-bottom and seeing DK get buff after buff while dominating the game.
>5/6 too performing DPS getting buffed
BRAUUGHBRRUALGH I am losing my miiind!
wait, not only a ST buff but also an AOE buff? This shit is just weird....

>spellslinger 30% buff
are preservation evokers good in m+?
What raids can you solo up to the level cap of dragonflight? Might come back for short bit to mess around with collecting transmogs and messing around in previous expansions but I have no intention of buying TWW.
lol the game sucks huge fucking cock right now- it's unreal how bad this shit is
most of them are annoying forcing you to move all the time, maybe the rock elemental but the rest are just annoying especially void speaker.
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I tank Prot Paladin and Veng DH.

Did we get better compared to early September? That's all I wanna know. Haven't played since.
>seeing DK get buff after buff while dominating the game.
thankfully I dont play dpscuck but what the fuck is going on there
are they trying to make everyone reroll dk, lose time gearing it before making another class completely broken
there is some thought process behind those decisions and I want to pierce the veil of lie and illusion
People were hyping them up at the start of the season but I seriously never see them, they are fine I think
you're still playing mauwalker
you will never leave
you will continue to play so you wont lose your moggies and mounties
pathetic paypig
balance team was replaced with AI
Prot pally is the designated too DPS tank, but the hardest to play without dying like a dog. Getting extra utility and lower cds on big skills on reset
but there's literally nothing else to play right now

everything is fucking dogass or e-sports cancer
>ranged cuck
sorry for your loss, I play a real dps class not a pussy ass bitch
>prot pal
apparently it will become good
you can die if you have 0 rng on parries
t. saw a french streamer die on a trashpack in GB 11 with spikes up
he had 46% parry against 7 mobs and he parried 0 times
are evokers difficult to learn, but powerful when used correctly? They seem to have a lot of utility.
Hero/Class cycling is a known and established practice in game design aiming to push players towards playing certain roles while others are ignored, so that the ignored characters/classes can be played in the next expansion/season.

Its a way of keeping 'content fresh'. The power balance at launch will stay the same or shift towards cementing existing class balance, it won't aim to 'balance' everything to equality.

Why the fuck after literally a decade of this practice being done over and over again you people don't understand this is beyond me. Blizzard isn't ignorant to how to balance, they are purposefully moving players towards certain specs, then will purposefully move them to different specs next time.
prot pally already got buffed to acceptable and gets even more tomorrow to probably be out of control. keeping my warrior geared just in case it's not though
After 15 years I am done
I an getting off of ret and rerolling mage
that guy is legitimately full of shit
dont trust anything that chinaman says
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>join a +4 CoT
>talkative group and DK goes tank to get it done faster
>dk isn't really holding aggro at all
>mage has already died multiple times bc his gear is shit and so is he
>we get into first boss and wipe bc people die to circle on ground. Combo of bad and tank not moving us
>tank bitches out after it
Dude if you just want to give up that fast, don't fucking bother. All that fucking yapping just to leave
What you are saying is true but it's still below rsham in m+
>After 15 year of smoking crack I'm done
>I'm sticking to weed
that was me btw
He is right, you need to rotate other mitigation, just sotr and conc arent enough even vs basic mobs
is he a well known liar? it's my first season as a tank I didnt knew him before
are you retarded? you have to move all the time as melee as well except with the goo monster.
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>ion destroys your spec
>oh well im going to continue playing anyway
LMAO why are retoilets like this?
prot paladin isn't actually getting any stronger than it currently is, maybe slightly better utility at best with the class tree rework. People just perceive it as a huge buff because it's getting any changes at all
when you fail as a tank, everyone knows it which tends to lead to rage quitting out of embarrassment. this is also why no one wants to tank because as a dps you can just cry about someone else or hide behind the other damage dealers
No, he is one of the best tanks in the game.
stonevault is kinda fun, only the last boss is cringe as melee.
Are they adding target caps? Surely that wouldn't just be for warrior. Also lamoa at frost DK buffs.
wowcg is dead so you retarded cryboomers feel the need to shit up this general?
>samefagging about your eboyfriend from youtube
kys yourself pathetic loser
you've been shitting it up for months, dont act like you're not one of them you lil bitch
>you have to move all the time
You're dogshit lmao
Can't wait till I get home so I can ERP with my favorite dreanei girl. She's so cute and treats me right.
you cant cry about glass balance since TWW made rerolling way easier
yeah i clocked you. go back
I've been playing this spec for 20 years
i love this dog.
I just slam my regular action bar without even looking and it works out fine. sotr and wog have such little defensive uptime you just mash them whenever they're up. people always overstate how hard any of the tanks are, even bdk you just slam shit and RP does nothing but rubberband, it's not that serious. I'm 2800+ on two tanks and over 2500 on everything else but brew so doubt anyone is tanking harder keys itt than me
>dh tank runs in pulling multiple rooms worth of mobs
>loses all control of the pack once he plants himself somewhere or just dies
I don't get it, why pull this way if you don't know what the fuck you're doing
>BDK anon will still be bricked at 12 (he refuses to make a stable group)
>dk isn't really holding aggro
How? The last time I lost threat was in WoD when a raidfinder DK thought blood was a dps spec
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I know about cross-realm gameplay with parties and what not, but I wasn't aware of cross-realm guilds.
>Chud'layn is dogshit
>15-20% nerf
>loses all control of the pack
dps rarely let mobs converge before they start mashing their opener but if he still lost them after using fel dev then thats on the tank
he's the best tank in the game and a liar.
>buff arcane assassination fdk and frost
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He was trying to find his only braincell.

Dude he was REALLY bad. You don't want to take meme-credit for that.

and the vast majority of people have way more patience with tanks because it's a pain in the ass to lead a group

I'm fucking bored now. Has an AIslop anon posted recently? I haven't been here a lot last couple days.
Yes i can, because it's extremely unreasonable to tell me to play a class i don't want to play just so i can participate in the game. I'm not doing that shit. I didn't reroll because some fag guild leader asked me to, and i'm not doing it now because blizzard is pseudo-forcing me. I'd rather unsub.
Post your 2800 prot paladin
I really want it to be good for the class fantasy, why do they keep doing this to me?
Nobody cares what healers think.
Is there a /wowg/ guild that is able to clean heroic and is not full of fags?
Elysian revival soon
>do mists
>load solver
>macro catches the mini bosses
>only one possible path it says
>it's wrong
I want it to be good because I am a haste crackhead. I also have 'gore' in my name and playing a fem nelf so I too need it for fantasy reasons.
Literally just make death strike reduce the CD from DRW by like, 3-5s or something.
Stay mad cucks. Mages run this shit.
>Cant do Kul Pallys
When will they just unlock all classes on all races its about time its not like WoW even follows the law anymore
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We need solo queue for mythic plus, that way people will be able to play all the content even if they're playing non meta specs. If you disagree you're just a nigger btw
legwear sex
its .5 content so you gotta wait, the next .5 has new classes for drakthyr
sure but only if you lose rating for failure and theres a spec specific r1 title attached
otherwise miss me with that shit
lmao even
>some literal who on youtube/twitch decides which spec is "meta" or not
>friendless losers take their word as gospel

the absolute STATE of retailcucks
what incentive do I have as a tank to queue for m+ when I can get into any group I want in the current system
Based taste
>just make death strike reduce the CD from DRW by like, 3-5s or something
Didn't DF have something like that and ended up giving DKs 100% DRW uptime?
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>pov: you're about to see the fastest brick ever

I don't even know why these tanks are pulling this shit in bortalus, like you're going to close the key anyway, why are you overpulling this shit that will fucking oneshot you...
a bag that gives you 50g
because they saw a streamer do it
have to be retarded to do so, which means the dps are all offmeta retards waiting on 2 hour queues kek
The current system will be gone. There will only be solo queue. You don't have a choice.
This has to be the way because of exactly retards like you. You're too dumb to be allowed choose, you have to be forced.
why are anime posters like this?
you classicniggas call speedrunning 20 year old raids content, gtfo
Same with necrotic, seen too many keys bricked on big first pull.
There are probably 3 of us here who even know what you are talking about anon.
But yeah. Shit hits like a truck as a vdh. I don't know, it doesn't feel great to constantly cycle through CDs in order to simply survive as a tank. Then just dying if shit hits the fan.
I can do 10s. I can tank (even some mythic raid) but it does feel like damage is WAY too spiky depending on what you are tanking, damage is either meaningless or "use a big CD or die" 99% of the time, no middle ground
The third pack is essentially just a caster, the pull you're describing is extremely common and allows a full pack skip either by third boss or by the doorway/stairs just before first boss
how much shit do they pull on necrotic to even consider lust? I timed a 10 today and the tank pulled the ghouls on the left, the first pack of elite ghouls and the other 3 mobs behind that
Is /wowg/ the only wow community retarded enough to let a random unverified shitpost about m+ queues/solo queues live in their heads rent free for days on end?
classic players do the exact same shit with tier lists lmao. Except the tuning never changes for the whole xpac
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Slopanons have made some nice shit. Hopefully we can get some spoopy season stuff and maybe something neat for the game from it.
arenas were dying so they introduced solo queue
rated bgs were dying so they introduced solo queue
the writing is on the wall. we will get solo queue for mythic plus
Once more, I think you are forgetting I am a haste crackhead and thus, I don't care : )
the necrotic one isnt that bad as long as you have one motherfucker that is dedicated to kicking the drain fluids cast, ive also seen some one pull the 5 set to the north of the gatekeeper with the standard pull and that was a fucking shitshow
I remember people here said the same when they announced solo shuffle and it died in a month.
solo shuffle and blitz are multiples more popular than 3s and RBGs, you clearly don't even pvp to post something so retarded
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Y-you have to play with me or you are a nigger that simple!!!

>Y-you didn't invite me?!
The irony is palpable lol
It doesn't matter, they are getting killed even before getting to the third pack, just pull the first two with bloodluist and gg, you don't need to skip shit, it's a fucking 10 with 625 geared people.
The amount of key bricked because the tanks wanna pull this bullshit at the start of boralus is just wild.
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i quit retoilet in shadowlands s4
necrotic wake was one of the easiest keys back then and now im reading you casuals say it's hard now. what happened? did all the good players quit or what
what ilv should my alt be?
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The plebs are rising up...
>I am HECKING IMMORTAL BDK one second away from getting fucking oneshotted
Name a more iconic 10 hero goes to a 12.
For me it is the
>Warrior gets surrounded, hit from behind and turns to dust in 3s
You don't remember anything because you're making up cope. Solo shuffle was huge and was the defacto only way to play rated PvP for all of DF. Now solo BG blitz is here so mostly everyone is playing that. People who prefer arena are still playing solo shuffle.

Solo shuffle literally saved arena and BG blitz literally saved rated BGs. They have become the only way to PvP.
so your tank allegedly dies on a standard single pull every time at the start of siege? what the point of making this shit up?
yeah just look at the shuffle queues lmao its so alive
Is there anyone actually gay or are they all just shitposting. I need to find my future husband
6-7 groups. The group in front as you start, both sides, the one behind that, the one to its right, the patrol that comes AND the ones further right, behind the necromancer.
One more pull after that and you do first boss, then you just continue normally through that atrocious, trash filled shitheap dungeon
sorry didn't realize you were retarded, have a nice day man
Well yeah cause right now everyone is mostly playing SOLO QUEUE battlegrounds. As i just said. Shame about your reading comprehension.
610 is pretty easy to hit with zero effort outside of t8 delves
You can solo most of bfa
The gigabrick pull I see most of the time is g1+g3+g2+g4+g7 with lust but most of the time someone pulls the two big casters and it's a wipe
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>Play VDH
>Infernal jump into pack
>Get hit from behind and die
>Play Warrior
>Heroic jump into a pack
>Get hit from behind and die
Jesus I'm glad I'm done with that shithole.

Yeah pulling two of those? Might as well just leave.
what is this protest
guardian druid that missclicks his bearform off I guess
vdh that forgets to press sigil or spikes
the nerubians are killing palestinians
Bearform needing to be off to cast half your utility as bear was an iconic instant death ngl.
I'm going to guess they are protesting about m+, high keys are unplayable unless you go full meta
Have you not pugged this shit? The first pulls of boralus are the ones hitting like crazy, most tanks die in the first 3 pulls.
The safest start is the usual 2 groups at the start and that's it, no reason to grab the caster, you're not saving anything.
>high keys are unplayable unless you go full meta
Like always?
Not like always, in df s3 for example you could go up to 25 playing any class now you're lucky if you can do 11s with another class.
it's unrionically a good thing
if you dont play a meta class or with friends, get the FUCK OUT my 12s
its that simple, you dont deserve to play in 12 and up
they're protesting the terrible state of m+ atm.
why dont they just get friends and run keys with them??
>in s3 you could go up to 25
>now in s1 you're lucky if you can do 11s
Why isnt Fury and Arms listed? We are getting nerfed lol. No one even cares anymore
I took a prot pala and a heal druid in my grim batol +11 and we easily timed it.
Funny how you skipped the "df"
25s are not a thing in tww btw
This current state of balance might genuinely be the worst i've ever seen. I've played since TBC and i'm trying to recall any other time where blizz just randomly gives buffs to the top performers while simultaneously giving nerfs to the bottom performers. This is so fucking bad.
The only struggle is your mental struggle. You NEVER do this
Jumping into a pack syncs all of the white damage. Don't do it. It's dumb.
I don't know what in the FUCK were they thinking when they increased the count for it and tirna honestly. Two dungeons composed of a corridor and you have to do pretty much all of it, dumb as shit
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Mhhm... Yeah :)
Just make sure you got daddy VDH and Augvoker to carry u lol
>Vampiric Blood no longer gives San'Layn buffs, now Dancing Rune Weapon does
Isn't San'Layn a vampire? That change doesn't make sense thematically
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You don't get it anon, warchuddy that piece of brown BENCHOD shit is hecking meta (as a tank) and that's...

Actually based, antisocial schizos need not apply.
Jigsaw anon I need you...
You don't remember hunters and locks being in the shitter for ages?
You don't remember retri palas and dps druids being literal jokes? Same as spriest?
The priorities regarding who to buff and nerf are preposterous, I agree, but balance has been MUCH worse than this
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>why dont they just get friends
have you ever met a wow player before
See that pack anon?
Yeah that one with "bloodfister" "analmincer" and "assholewrecker"?
You see it right?
At the end of the dungeon? Just become the last boss?

Peep this.
>Infernal jump
>AA'd into 1% HP
>Turn to wink at heal
>AoE stun
>Die 3s later when they all AA at once out of stun
This brick? My gift. Think about who you call retarded in school next time BULLY.
i can only assume the freaks who played sanlayn were not happy with the purely defensive CD having to be used to enable vamp strike
>game design
it's for engagement metrics and counting on players not leaving based on sunk cost. clearly abusive behavior and not game design that's needed to teach or extend the actual gameplay. no one wants or needs rotational imbalance in a world of variable player performance. what it actually does in ensure the game stays small and gets stale faster at higher levels while always giving these dumb devs something to do and promote. which again is not the game and people justifying busy work and marketing change for the sake of change. it's just stirring shit that's still shit but for some reason people pay attention to the stirring and not what they are drinking. at best you could argue that the footprint of a game needs to be toned down for newer/casual players to learn better but that's not even all that important in wow.

in other words fuck off and die you dumb boot licking nigger. you aren't educated or enlightened, just another counter-productive nuisance repeating shit you don't even understand to begin with.
Palestinians stomped 40 baby spiders though.
wtf is this cringe shit lmao
I quit vdh personally, fuck that tank to be honest, it was all fun and flashy in baby keys but when I joined real keys I understood why that garbage is not played
I could try aldrachi but cba
what i think is really crazy about the protest lfg posts is that most of them are 2700+
even saw some madman at 3k protesting
actually insane
The gift is supposed to be a DPS steroid. So it got linked to the DPS buff.
The issue is that the rest of the spec does NOTHING to help it while it used to.
Look at Mountain Thane
>Centered around funny lightning
>Can force these to happen with avatar
>Lightning gives rage
>Rage reduces CD on avatar

San'layn used to do the same except linked to vamp blood, they moved it to DRW but forgot to make the spec reduce the fucking CD of DRW. Should've just given you something like 'vampiric ascension' type CD or similar that scales with haste so you can, with careful gear/play, have gift almost always up.
df s3 you didnt have to do high keys for you vault, that's the difference, if players were forced to do 20s back in S3 they would have lost their minds too
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and in further consideraton, the maze meme is extremely accurate
because if you were that upset with the balance pass you would literally just unsub and go do something else
i got nerfed i wasnt very happy to see the balance pass, mostly the fdk buffs, but holy fuck
grow up sissies
doing 20s was still easy for all classes and fucking peril wasnt a thing, this season fucking sucks and the horrible class balance is not the only reason.
No i don't remember hunters being in the shitter for ages, historically they've been very good most of the time. No i don't remember ret pallies being jokes other than vanilla, they were buffbots in like augs in TBC then became great in Wotlk and same as hunter historically from that point on were pretty decent more often than not. I do remember feral druids being jokes cause historically they've been shit more than good and i feel bad for them, boomkins have historically been more good than bad though.
Warlocks are all over the place. They've been super shit and super good for many different periods.

Overall it's not just classes though. The bare bones of this expansion are good but blizzard has absolutely kneecapped this expansion into the ground by sheer incompetence and bad tuning. The absolutely miserable state of class balance, the miserable state of M+ tuning, the awful state of the raid tuning, delves are good now but for 2 and a half weeks straight they were getting changed every single day with bad tuning. It's all so fucked.
VDH is the same as either of them, aka a kite cuck through and through, utterly brain meltingly boring.
You do your dumb CD rotation then if your spikes are down (did you take feed the demon :^)?) you run around like a spazz which sucks to do in a meta with a bunch of melee that needs shit to be in one spot and healers that fucking hate you going out of the safety circle.
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nerub silkweaving forum status?
It doesn't make much sense from a balance standpoint either. They moved it from a <1min cooldown onto a 2 minute cooldown without buffing it to compensate for being able to use it half as often

>The gift is supposed to be a DPS steroid. So it got linked to the DPS buff.
This makes sense I guess.
I mean think about it logically
a protest?
whens the last time that got anyone anywhere?
its been like 60 years since the civil rights protests
its almost as toothless as a fucking petition
ran through
if you play correctly DRW is about a 1min cd anyway
I assume that was the logic (once more, I see San'layn as just mountain thane but red), but again they forgot that the spec feeds you RP and BDK doesn't have Anger Management like warrior does.
The tank (fun) balance (the actual balance is okay, but tank balance is dogshit 90% of the time lmao) is pretty dire atm at least for me.
ProtP feels like a clunker because WoG is required to live but on the GCD and feels like BFA release warrior, light smith having the buff on the GCD is utterly demonic too.
Prot(Thane) is fine and feels the best (basically prot+), Prot(Colossus) isn't my vibe but it just works if you want less buttom mashing and thinking about your shit more.
Bear is bear and I am not going to acknowledge it.
VDH isn't my cup of tea and it is a big annoying that both hero specs are a double down on being a massive kitefag.
BrM is still fucked in both numbers and fun, but I don't play BrM enough.
BDK has a singular hero spec that isn't very interesting and another one that is an active grief to yourself and those around you.
Is the first boss of boralus buggy now? Less bombs and the boss was targeting our tank with 2 ranged dps...
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blood dks anger management is this so technically its even more passive come reset since bone shield breaks reduces DRW
I did it today and it was working fine but dunno maybe some fuckery happened when he was fixating
How many maintenence extensions tomorrow?
I know, my point was that DK AM doesn't work on the ability that grants the buff while it used to.
Ie they went from the spec working like thane (ie the CD is reduced by the resourced granted by the CD/Hero spec) to just not working at all.
It'd be as if they removed Avatar from AM, instantly kill the thing you are building to.
4 at least
Unless a new bug appear it's going to be a shorter than expected the ptr was really stable.
What do you have against bear tank?
you now remember pesado
>The only change Priest gets us a Power Word: Fortitude mana cost reduction
If I wanted to play warrior with less buttons I'd play classic :^)
I just don't like bear and I can't wrap my head around what makes it fun, it always feels like "warrior from wish".
It'll get extended for an hour twice, then when it comes up it'll be really buggy with certain quests or NPCs not triggering properly, certain rewards won't be giving the correct amount of timewarped badges (no, you will not be compensated for this after they fix it). There will be a big tuning pass in a week that is going completely fuck one spec while not really addressing any of the issues in like 6 others.
I get that talent trees are designed to make you pick between aoe and st but it feels rather all or nothing. m+ is all about big aoe to save time with your performance on the actual boss fights barely mattering.
perhaps but DRW already has its own cd reduction which is further bolstered by using bonestorm and tombstone, anymore and it would be completely OP since its 35% parry for dungeons at least
i understand what you mean however that the hero trees do nothing to improve the uptime of its own buff that it presents
you switch rotation buttons for utility buttons I guess
It wasn't a problem before but now that we have fortified and tyrannical at the same time?
some classes just do both well at the same time
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I better see Myth track gear from you /vg/
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Turalyon is one lucky man.
>The hero trees do nothing to improve the uptime of its own buff that it presents
But they did, San'layn gives you haste which gives you runes which give you RP which reduces the CD of Vamp blood.
Now San'layn gives you haste which give you RP and that's it. There is no return to the loop like before.

Thane does the same that old San'layn did, it gives you rage (Via Thorim's might+flashing skies+thunder blast and also via avatar of the storm+unstopable force and also via burst of power giving you more shield slams), you then turn all of that rage into less CD for avatar which in turn means more lightning and more thunderclaps thus more shield slams and so on and so forth. Your gameplay loop feeds itself, like old San'layn, new San'layn just makes DRW much stronger and that's it.
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The new moonfire hero shit makes it feel a bit different, but I see your point. It was pretty fun in WoD when thrash was crazy good and iirc frenzied regen didn't have charges so you could just keep using it.
>Single target in AoE and AoE in single-target is worse
so glad they're reworking BM for the 4th time in a year and it will still suffer, more than any other spec in the game, from picking between an aoe or single target build
especially during a raid tier where most bosses have brief aoe windows, the timings of which vary wildly with party comp
I play warrior, utility is for women (I am not coping (I am, here is my +hp scream I am useful)).
rallying cry is unironically really good but only in myth raiding.
Oh I see what you mean now, it's a shame that it looks like it managed to get 20% worse if that wowhead post is correct
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>tfw haven't touched a dungeon in TWW yet because nofriends and social anxiety
what the hell counts as a "world activity" anyway?
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>buff the strongest melee class in the game
makes sense. wonder what lead dev plays frost DK
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What the fuck are these retards doing?
They're behind Enhance, Ret, and Assassination specs in raid DPS.
>I better see Myth track gear from you /vg/
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>iwn have the shiny feral form
Are you guys ready for season 2 to start tomorrow?
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im still going to play fury or arms. we can only go up from here!
healers wouldn't touch it unless it had strict ilvl requirements.
The loss comes from Weapon being every 1m30~
While vampiric blood is closer to 40 seconds.
The change itself is good, what's needed is a way to reduce runic weapon's cooldown
>it doesn't feel great to constantly cycle through CDs in order to simply survive as a tank
i like this playstyle but you should be rewarded for doing so. vdh simply is fucked once they run out of defensives when they should be ultra tanky for proper cd management
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You gotta hand it to us dracthyr warriors.
We're very talon-ted.

This is why I'm single btw
I play priest and vdh and I don't even know why I keep bothering to read these
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>This is why I'm single btw
I can change that
>Weapon being every 1m30
Using bonestorm and tombstone shaves 50 seconds off its 120s cooldown. Then you've got enemies knocking bone shields off you on top of that. Honestly don't see how this equates to as big a nerf as that wowhead article claims.
>Haven't PvPed in literally years
>Figure I'll farm some gear in random BGs
>Playing healer, because why not help people
>Constantly getting stomped by competent and capable opponents
>Not once being protected by retarded and idiotic teammates, while at the same time they're expecting me to keep them alive
>Even when I keep them alive they manage to do NOTHING with the extra health
>No kills, no CC, no captures - nothing
Yeah, I remember why PvP sucks ass in this game. Fucking hell I don't think I've been this miserable in a long time.
Hm, I forgot it's CD could get reduced like that, I'm not sure then, I prefer San'layn so I'm a bit bummed out, what the fuck are they even doing this patch?
the weekly quests and the special missions for doing 3 WQ i think
I'm not sure how to phrase this but I am enamored and staring at your generous bust.
Wed me.
>what the fuck are they even doing this patch?
Making the game worse.
Surely they are cooking up some Warrior reworks... surely.

Would be cool if they took inspiration from Diablo Barbarian and gave us some banners that buff party members.
crashing this game
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Remember when we had Skull Banner. We could intervene our banners too. Give me a warlock summoning stone banner.
This isnt a Tuning patch. Its a Hero talent and regular talent rework patch. The tuning is gonna hit hard and fast after a week.
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>Take my original dragon's form
>Edit it to fit a Dracthyr corrupted by Fel
I sorta like it
>Lock not touched
>Frost buffed
>Arcane buffed
>Owls nerfed
How can I*n keep getting away with it?!
I'm going to brick the key if I ever see a non-evoker dragon
>Implying people like you ever get invited in the first place
Thank fuck for RIO.
As a mage I want to get nerfed so people will stop calling me fotm
higher than you scaly faggot you will be bricked to death
You probably should have thought about this before rolling the historically #1 blizzard pet class that is pretty much never bad.
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Think again, noob :)
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>bonestorm and tombstone
They're 1m cooldowns, even if they helped you get DRW's CD down below 1 minute, they eventually wouldn't be available to take another 50s off the next one. DRW's (average) cooldown can't realistically drop below 1 minute because of this. This is assuming you're using those skills on cooldown every single time as well. So its best case is still 50% longer than a typical vampiric blood CD.
I never went st on tyrannical week. Yeah 5 min bosses suck but at the end of the day it's still way better to be able to blast down trash packs before the cc train runs out.
My friend is trying to talk me into playing with him again and get the expansion

Should I drop the $60 plus tip or are all you fags self loathing and only here because of sunk cost and that this is the only bond in your life.
>FINALLY get into my first +10 noleavers rat key
>we time it
lmao well how do you like that
im not excited about this anniversary event. dont give a shit about running BRD or old dungeons. rather season 2 just started with a new raid/content. this shit lasts until january. dont think ill be sticking around
many are saying this
i just hit 80, how do i find a mythic+ party?
I'm having fun
better buff dk and nerf warrior
If you're not using bonestorm/tombstone on CD while runic weapons are off cd you are garbage at bdk. You're saying best case like it's rare or something. It's your basic rotation
playing with friends is how you get an S tier experience but you should probably pass on it anyway
on cd* typo. anyway that shit lines up everytime you have used runic weapon if ure not bad
It's the best expansion we got since Legion, which doesn't mean a lot considering bfa was dogshit and SL wasn't even mediocre.
It's fun enough though, I'm having fun
Wrong. If you're using them on CD, rune weapon should be dropping below 1m cd, which means they shouldn't line up.
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jesus christ the forums are filled with the biggest midwits
worse than fucking reddit
I don't want to farm chitin anymore
Post some examples, bud.
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it's real fun with friends, solo it's still fun but pugging will never be really enjoyable desu
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aren't ye forgetting somethin?
>wholesome chungus no leaver pugs still can't kill sik/rash
What's the problem?
Im going to come back and call you all niggers if you're wrong
literally every single key i have done today (low keys) has had a super gigaretard with 610+ gear but either eats all the mechanics as a dps, or is a healer who won't cleanse, or just retarded ways of sucking

wasted literally hours of my day off on this stupid shit game with shitheels just to be stressed out and get nothing for it. lol shit game
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Chibi Xal'atath
what does that mean
I told you not to buy it
This stinks like some Reddit campaign.
tww is complete and utter shit
just means there will be less shitters applying to groups
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Any EU guys also can't sleep want to do some pvp with a rogue?
Are you fucking stupid? it doesnt matter if you use them while runic weapon lines up. You just need to use them while runic weapon is off CD
Click lfg thingy > pre-made groups > dungeons
Also you aren't getting invited to shit as a fresh 80. Do heroics
how do I play prot war? this seems complicated
keep aggro and use your defensive abilities
Shove a crayon up your nose and roll your face on your keyboard
>press shield slam and thunder clap
>spend rage on ignore pain and shield block
yes very complicated

lol, lmao even, actual retard
classic it's charge rend thunderclap
retail it's just charge thunderclap
i don't think he was asking about classic but thanks for clearing that up i guess
>playing retail instead of chadaclysm
warrior feels like its stuck in cata or some shit lmao
other classes are just miles ahead it isnt even funny
yeah im gearing my dk as we speak, warrior can go fuck itself
Found the retarded noob. Why the fuck would you ever press Rend? It gets applied automatically with Thunderclap. Idiot.
Bro even the most ardent WoW defender doesn't like Crapaclysm.
You really want ignore pain and shield block up at all times, but you also need to generate aggro with thunderclap and shield slam.
It's a lot to do in a few globals before rettards unload and steal aggro, luckily shield charge also gives you shield block when it lands on something.
At a higher level you want shield block up at all times so you should track it so you're not wasting charges with a weak aura or something
man, classic players stink at trolling
rend bleed from the rend skill itself does like twice the tick damage than the rend bleed applied via thunderclap
>Wasting a GCD on a dps cooldown when you're tanking
If you can't maintain threat with the baseline you're doing it wrong.
why nobody warned me that secondaries matter more than ilvl in this game?
i pumped my frost dk to 619 only to do dogshit dps because lol no crit to proc killing machnies
which made me do 40%(!) less dps than other dks with similar ilvl
>not factoring in the throughput of having it apply automatically from using your actual abilities
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What the FUCK
they dont matter more than ilvl but they are still important
>not minmaxing your dps as the tank after you've already established aggro
tell me how i know you're 2200 without telling me you're 2200
Yeah secondary breakpoints are not really talked about but can make a big difference. At the same time though, getting higher ilvl allows you to get into groups to farm better though
They buffed Frost DK by almost 10%, these guys don't care anymore
i am an autistic feral sillybilly but i haven't played in a long time. should i even bother coming back as a cat rn or nah
Is this you? No one gives a fuck about your "minmaxing" unless you're at MDI. You're not.
>he has to think to minmax and doesnt just do it automatically
average warrior enjoyer
warcraft movie is free on youtube. is it any good?
I play literally all classes. If you try to minmax for M+ you're actually Autistic.
lmao skill issue shut the hell up
its ok to introduce people who are interested in the story but not gay enough to play the game
>Uses all her void powers to awaken Dimensius
>Reverts into a Midna-like form
>pressing 1 extra button for 2x extra damage on your dot is autistic minmaxing
no anon, you're just retarded
blizzard doesn't play the game
>no u
Come on, you can do better than that. It's not even about the one extra button push. It's about the waste of time when you're trying to snap aggro and do some work. If you wanted to play a DPS, play a DPS. When you're tanking your job is to maintain aggro and not die. This isn't rocket science.
You're not in MDI. You're a nobody playing a MMO. Who gives a shit if you think your warrior's 1% extra dot damage on pulls matters even in the slightest. Fucking delusional, holy shit.
they will introduce skyriding boss fights. you think those quests where you shoot lightning on your skyriding mount were just for show?
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>I declare war on WeakAuras and DBM/xWigs.

fuck, bros... what happens next?
>ooga booga muh dik bix nood press 1 button too hard
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My high elf canonically looks like this
Right, no argument as expected.
>Warrior Andy rushes in to pull packs.
Yo, hol' up, mates, I gotta push rend and before you can start DPSing, buds. Literally delaying the work of three other players because you insist on being a dumbass.
You're not part of MDI. Nobody gives a single, solitary fuck about your opinion on anything. You're irrelevant. You think you have a say in how anyone plays this game? As if your parroted streamer opinion matters? No. You're insignificant.
Nobody cares about your push week, bud.
Is there any actual realistic chance WoW moves away from mandatory addons? It's far too entrenched in the player base.
you know youre being taken for a spin, right? just stop replying
game would be too frustrating without weakauras because blizz is too shit at their own ui
>i need the game to play an airhorn when i'm standing in fire
>this is the dev's fault
Lmao this retard is calling other people retarded for not manually pressing rend as a prot warrior.
Watch where you're waving that smooth brain around i almost slipped over.
only this this irish nigger declared war on is fried food as he sits in his attic cranking out shit content
Players would just start using something like ACT which scans logs or even packets if it came down to that.
>waaa i wont minmax my damage during the downtime i have and the free gcd casts i get because i have to think about more than one thing at once
at least, im assuming thats what you said
i didnt read it
whats her tolerance stat?
>Can't see shit due to visual clutter accumulated over 20 years of poor game design
>Bash people for setting an alert once a damage threshold is met
Are you retarded?
For you? 1
Yeah man druids are good at ta-
No lmao that's shit
Being totally honest though, the two ferals I've had in my groups did more than ok. It's not popular at all though
>titans fight in which they simplify reality itself
>the UI gets more and more simple, all addons are disabled at the very start
>varian's mom is a shitskin
and dropped
can i be her friend
no, i don't need an addon to play for me
More like a swirly the same color as the ground while seven enemies and their cast bars are surrounding you.
the best prot war who is doing +16s doesnt have rend on his bars
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>use trinket
>get free toy
huh kino
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>A sound is played
>Somehow I lose control over my keyboard and mouse
>My character now magically takes over rotation and strats on its own
You can't be serious.
thats why its a swirly so you can see the movement on the ground
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i walked into the wrong mist door
Yeah i'm not surprised, cause having rend on your bar at all is completely retarded. As we've all established thunder clap applying it automatically is more than sufficient.
yes anon. you're automating part of the process. you are basically a botter
No, what you did was brick the key. Sorry, mate, group disbanded.
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Jaina loves orcs
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>Take over a week break from WoW
>Stormwind Moon Guard is somehow even more stomach-cramping levels of awful cringe than I recall
I'm getting that same sick-in-my-stomach feeling I had when I left again
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You mean 2s or something else?
i only use 2-3 weakauras per class because blizz thinks its funny to put vital procs on your generic buff bar and nowhere else
said buff bar also filled with 80% useless passives and auras constantly appearing and falling off again
jaina doesnt look like that
Use the default UI edit to change bar 6 or something. Put whatever you need to track on that and place it wherever. It's that easy.
>same color as floor
>surrounded by enemies
>max zoom so I can check for patrols and other cancerous M+ affix
Ion don't ever try to bullshit us brother
based alliance chad
damn I been there bro
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>wake up my neighbors because blizzard lets augvoker que shuffle
I can't track the prot pally 4pc buff with that
That or Blitz or casual bgs or anything else really, I'm in the same spot as in the pic I posted on AD
can you even name 3 this season that are "the same color as the floor"? even the blue swirlys on the blue ground in mists still have contrast on top of being animated by said swirl so you know its an area of effect
>said buff bar also filled with 80% useless passives and auras constantly appearing and falling off again
This is what I find appalling as a returning player
How in the FUCK is it ok for my flat 8% agi passive as a dh to be a fucking buff? How is it normal to have two full fucking buff bars in a small raid? You are high as a kite if you expect me to make sense off that and the gorillion fucking procs
Move the buff bar closer to the center of the screen. Hide irrelevant or semi-permanent buffs. You're left with only a few things that actually matter that you cast yourself.
I have a healer ready for blitz I'll join you in a sec
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how tf do you selectively hide buffs
right click them
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Yeah, that's a good point. I suppose it's better performance wise to have an addon that hides something existing than adds something on top of it. I'm pretty sure I could figure it out given time.
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>rend bleed from the rend skill itself does like twice the tick damage than the rend bleed applied via thunderclap
you're retarded.
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do you think im REALLY going to fall for that weak bait bitch?
Like I said in >>499333959
>Who gives a shit if you think your warrior's 1% extra dot damage on pulls matters even in the slightest.
It's literally 1% damage and he's delaying three DPS which equates to much more than that 1%. This is why people /spit on warriors.
What does that have to do with blatantly lying? Rend does not do more damage at all to push it manually. It's not even about "minmaxing" or whatever it's literally less damage to push rend over tclap especially on thane.
Just stop talking.
>log on monk to cap conquest
>not planning on pushing rating
>couple of games
>get 1799
>cant stop queing because the game gave me blueballs
this shit should be illegal
whatever happened to give a penny take a penny
give me a fucking break
You're arguing with the wrong Anon.
Then why are you replying to me moron? Shut the fuck up.
Not even him but I can't believe this is getting contested. Clarity in the game is SHIT a lot of the time. Both darkness and AMZ obscure the floor, I'd rather eat glass than try to tell apart anima pool/healing rain/blizzard respective aoes, models prevent you from seeing the floor ALL THE TIME, most infamously stonevaults corpses, dawnbreaker's sword niggers have THE SAME GRAPHIC for a CONE than grim batol caster niggers have FOR A LINE, nobody even KNOWS that the first boss in dawnbreaker has a tank buster because nothing seems to even happen when it happens.

Do you want me to go on? There are TRUCKLOADS of these. Visibility in the game is shit a lot of the time because the art team wants it to find the color palette and the gameplay side can't yell "niggers" high enough.
empty your rumbly tummy diarrhea into my trough
>there's a retard here who presses Rend on Prot War
I was agreeing with you, retarded nigger cunt. Why are you such a fucking dumbass that you can't even figure out when people are giving you support? Cunt.
it's too bad we can't just have shit like paladins being naturally strong against ud without the wfr crowd having a meltie
Did I ask for your input? No? Stop talking.
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It's been 17 years and blizz has still not created hotter women than blood elves
You don't have to ask for anything. You're putting your opinion out in a public forum. Don't be surprised if you're getting interacted with. Fucking Zoomer idiots, I swear to God.
ya honestly i dont think its possible
like the only thing they could do is give them cartoon haircuts with cat ears and a tail and then its just a slightly different flavor
whoever modeled them struck gold and is very talented
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>+++7 NW
>no loot
Didn't ask.
>I can't believe this is getting contested
It's only ever contested by actual braindead retards. Anyone who disagrees with anything you said is objectively blatantly wrong and stupid.
I love evil women
The wfr crowd doesn't care about ret bro they suck in big keys and raid
Again you didn't have to. If you don't want people to talk to you, write your blog in notepad or something rather than a forum. Cunt.
When I was 16, it was belfs. Now that I am a man, I realize draenei are the real sex.
evens jump on and try to get a 10 done for vault
odds continue making hentai
What kind of cringe do you mean? Specific type of RP or?
he's a hordeshitter who wants beastslaying back, ignore him
I don't care. Stop talking.
based response gonna start using that
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fury sisters, how we handling the news?
unironically based
why does nobody want to play healer or tank?
you're the kind of person who actually thought Paris Hilton was hot huh?
i will continue playing it. i dont like chasing fotm
how do i fix my weakauras so i know when to click rend?
Are you stupid? Ret would be be better if they do that.
Lots people want to play healer and tank. They just don't want to be YOUR healer or tank.
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Do you think Draenei canonically give human men horn jobs? Like they just sit there while he thrusts his cock against their horns?
Because health pools are binary in retail
hard to get into raids and m+ expects you to study
you don't get to have much fun unless your role are tuned to just be OP, everyone blames you for anything going wrong, you have a bigger burden of knowledge than DPS (mostly as tank) and doing big damage is usually always going to be the most fun anyone has in the game and DPS is the role to deliver that experience
It's everything man. Awful TRPs, shit that doesn't belong here, awful RPers, awful RP emotes, horrendously insulting xmogs, utterly jaw-dropping lorebreak garbage, people referring to their character as a "slut", "mommy", "daddy", watching some of the worst RP I have ever seen get tons of interest... like, god, I can't even point to one specific thing because it just ALL sucks ass.
>no chin tentacles
>no botox cheeks and lips
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New world won...
>nobody even KNOWS that the first boss in dawnbreaker has a tank buster because nothing seems to even happen when it happens.
i mean it goes out when the lines spawn and start moving so you could say its from those
elf hairdo too. That's a cosplaying night elf
Tirnas last boss deals aoe damage while it has the shield. It's not just the shit on the ground, you always take damage. Nothing shows this.
Same with necrotic last boss.
Stonevault final room is dark, with dark puddles and a dark cone graphic and black holes in the corners.
Fucking EVERYBODY runs away from the tank when the icy dagger hits him in CoT second boss because they think it deals damage to them
Nobody has any idea of what the actual area of tornados in third boss of GB is.
Boralus has underwater swirlies on last boss, barely visible, all the fucking time. Also it would seem the aoe from the giants there is dodgeable (it isn't) while it displays the same as the fear (which is) only in different color.
Im not even gonna start with classes and the obscene amount of retarded shit there because I could write a book on it
Why are you on Moon Guard at all then? It's been notorious for cringe RP since TBC at least.
Starting to think you retards are just colorblind.
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rate my mog (dont be mean)
He is 90% wrong but he is right about the valiona tornados, they need a circle/base indicator
More like you're just a disingenuous piece of shit downplaying problems and pretending they're not problems when they literally are.
>Awful TRPs, shit that doesn't belong here
If you have time, can you explain these two more please. I get the rest of your response but unsure on these two.
Scoutmaster chic.
>Fucking EVERYBODY runs away from the tank when the icy dagger hits him in CoT second boss because they think it deals damage to them
this is just them being ignorant shitters who dont know mechanics. i'll concede the underwater swirlies are hard to see but theyre underwater so im not sure what you'd expect
the plated belt doesnt fit imho
>Anyone who disagrees with anything you said is objectively blatantly wrong and stupid.
Remember i said this when you see replies pretending anything you said is incorrect.
bro you're complaining about an animated dark purple and black puddle on a middling grey floor with glowing red vents and pretending like that's hard to see
the problem is you nigga
what is the point of playing world of warcraft if you don't have a stable group to play with
I'm so fucking lonely bros
yeah i'm not sold on it either. any recommendations?

vibe I'm going for.
and yet you eventually learned to account for these issues. you adapted and overcame and are now stronger for it
>every shuffle
>feral, warlock, sp, pick your flavor of rogue
least fun meta ive ever played in my life
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He will not stop until it's dead... he must be defeated
I've gotten every 10 as healer and half of them as tank, am now playing dps here and there.
Long story short: Dps are getting carried, hard, by the efforts of the other two. Both roles are actually demanding of knowledge of their classes and the dungeon while the dps turn off their brain, MAYBE interrupt, and in an stellar, don't take it for granted scenario, use defensives properly.
The difference is absolutely ridiculous, where tanks have to care about positioning, learn pulls, watch out for tankbusters and CD management, dps players have to dodge shit and mash buttons. Where healers have to learn about damage profiles, how each tank works, manage their mana, learn when to ramp, dps dodge shit and mash buttons.

At this point dps are unironically playing half the game the other two roles are. It's like playing one of those starcraft missions in which you were given some units but never had to handle any economy, every m+ is an exercise in which two guys babysit 3 retards
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Did someone say ret bull?
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>ugh this game's visual clarity is so bad, those ground effects need to be more clear ugh....
4 weeks from now
>11.1 ... a perfect patch?
Opinion on human males using fel?
I don't know how anyone could heal a 3 or 4 with randoms and think "OMG I LOVE HEALING THIS IS THE BEST"
It's literally the most painful shit in the world, holy fuck
see if i was blizzard i would see those 4 top classes, leave them and maybe adjust the others. but hey im no brainiac.
Unironically thought it was a bug until I read the ability.
I mean a position based spell dealing undue damage in the bugfest that is dawnbreaker? Wouldn't even faze me
If only there was a mythic difficulty with no timer you could do to learn all the dungeons before you start applying to +8s
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youre retarded
bad kicks/stops wipe a group
go do a 10 and tell the dps not to interupt and get back to me with how many deaths you have by the first boss
you're not timing anything higher than a 10 with bad dps either
i will award you pity points for tanking and healing being slightly more demanding than it was in the previous seasons but thats as far as im willing to budge, now clean it up janny
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I don't even fuckin' know anymore man.
Once upon a time I really loved roleplaying, especially publicly. I'd run around and mingle with everyone and made lots of friends and was well liked. I had such a blast. Bea and Maye was my outlet to finally *be* somebody, to finally interact and show the other WoW shut-in losers that I'm cool and fun to be around. And I was *damn* good at the game too (Better than most anyway, I don't like to brag). Moon Guarders love that shit. But then I got burnt out.

Then IRL / OOC events occurred and I got really jaded and resentful. I realized I can RP really well with thoughtful, descriptive and strong messages. But in my experience, you'll find nobody that wants to RP something strong and deep *OR* the people that can write solid emotes are insufferably annoying faggots OOCly. You know this type - LGTBQIAP2+ ENFORCING (idc about friendly I mean shove it down your throat type), language policing, thought policing, [popular topic] rights.

Like, I'm a pretty easygoing guy. I can get along with anyone. I'm close buddies with all sorts of people - from far left to far right and everyone in between. Difference is, the people I'm friends with keep their stuff to themselves. Too much is too much of this shit, you know what I mean?
It feels like I'm the only "moderately normal dude" left. And that's coming from *ME* of all people. The faggot who plays a fuckin' futa human. Like, come on.

I find that there is so little RP here anymore. It's just an AOL chatroom with a World of Warcraft skin slapped over it. I want to gatekeep so fucking bad but I'm the only one on my side of the gate. My friends invite me to their own communities or I find one for my own, and it's the same insufferable annoying shit there too. Like GOD just SHUT UP about how fucking BE GAY DO CRIME you are for crying out loud.

Continued in my next post, you got me on a rant now but I'm at character limit
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buff bears
I main fury and leveled my 4th alt to 80. Survival Hunter.. I liked playing it.
would miniboss invasions be fun in m+?
i hope blizzard doesnt think that keeping warrior dps bad means they will go tank instead to fill the shortage. they will just quit lol
get a weak aura for ignore pain duration and increase its size to half your monitor so you make sure it never runs out, also shield block
there isn't one, you're genuinely have a terrible experience by comparison and should immediately quit if you have any interest in the main game content
No i'm just backing up the anon who said that, because he's right. It's bad just like literally every fucking raid and dungeon every season that repeats the exact same issue of feint colored mechanics that are the same color as the dungeon/raid and the same color as a bunch of other abilities. It's simply bad design and nothing you say changes this fact. Shill and cope all you want nobody believes you.
nobody asked
kill yourself tranny
They will just reroll ret paladin and do the same amount of damage with 10 less ilvl while also being able to dodge all the swirly spam without losing any uptime.
The moment I see anyone asking to remove the timer from M+ I get an uncontrollable urge to strangle them
There were only like two things happening tops at any time in Wrath so you don't need to actually see anything.
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>installing random weakauras from 4chin
Its probably fine, but i'm still afraid
I like playing tank but I don't want to dedicate myself to raiding so much that I HAVE to show up every week, and mythic plus just isn't worth the rage
I've never done mists before and I feel really bad as the tank having no fucking idea what's happening in that maze
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Bro you're defending someone who's trying to argue that THIS isn't visible.
You're cooked, get your eyes checked, turn on the colorblind settings, do something other than just bitch about a you problem.
>tried playing demo in a key today
>tfw misery
My bad I will NEVER EVER play an immobile spec ever again. I will be taking my estrogen and boosting a mage this evening, ion. I apologize for my right wing chud extremist desires to stand still and actually use abilities without playing a bullet hell simulator.
Yeah, I get it. It's literally just a WA that does what you asked. You could easily make it yourself with the templates.
mage or shammy if i want to be loved and top meters?
no they wont they will just quit
And what was wrong with that? I tanked then as I do now and much prefer picking up adds to the boring taunt swap which is all they know how to do now. The visual clutter that's been added over the years is one thing but the sheer bloat of all the mechanics is insane.
>this is just them being ignorant shitters who dont know mechanics.
If they don't know mechanics, why would they run away?
Because of learned behavior.
Because that kind of graphic could be used to display damage.
Are they shutters? Yes
Is the visibility shit? Also yes
>i'll concede the underwater swirlies are hard to see but theyre underwater so im not sure what you'd expect
Contrast or clearer water. Not rocket science
I invite you to go ahead and extract your fucking spleen right now so you can be stronger for overcoming that later
Maybe develop a hardware interface that jolts your testicle whenever you move in game to overcome that too
This. I can't stand being forced to remain immobile. With all the shit that's going on with mechanics etc. I either have to face tank avoidable damage or be less useful overall. Bad design is bad.
this is so fucking stupid
I'm defending someone that says this type of spotty visual effect easily gets overlapped by a dozen different visual effects and thus then can become hard to see. Which is true, a shaman or druid starts dropping some green and blue shit on top and suddenly the lines are all blurred at a glance.
I stand by what i said and i stand by this anon. If you disagree, i think you're wrong and arguing in bad faith. Simple as.
It's the healers job anyway. Just pull trash next to one of the stones so it lights up.
is the visibility really that shit if they can see it to run away in the first place?
A clear circle that animates with undulations and glowing effects is "spotty"
A circle that won't have any spell effects on it unless someone is standing in it, dying, while spamming their abilities on it.
yeah man idk what to tell you you're just retarded. It's terminal.
>healers job
My head is fucking empty. You think NAVIGATING is the healer's job? I'll guess before someone makes me solve a fucking "puzzle."
I didn't say it was a bad thing I was just commenting that since nothing was going on you could have lots of silly addons going.
Yes it's spotty because it literally has holes in it that move like waves in water.
There are a million player spell effects so i don't even know what you're referring to, i was making a vague reference to druids putting huge solid green circles on the ground and shamans dropping blue lightning everywhere like in that webm earlier on the training dummy.

You're arguing in bad faith, as i said.
anyone can do it, but the chances of a dps player opting out of doing damage so he can go solve it isnt happening so like everything else the burden funnels into being the healers problem
*spanks you*
I'll brick your fucking key istg.
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You bet your ass I can! Within *two seconds* of me looking around for an example, here you go! An in-character Wrathguard fucking demon. Just straight up "yeah im a wrathguard". And behind him? Three Arakkoa, fully in character! Off-screen, a few Man'ari "DEMONIC WORLDBREAKERS".

Why is every Demon Hunter RPer goku-lite but with somehow EVEN WORSE writing and FIVE TIMES the cringey, uninteresting edge?
Why is every Dracthyr a triple growth potting "scalecommander" socially retarded autist?
Why is every female night elf trans?
Why is every quel'dorei or ren'dorei a san'layn criminal slutmogging "so u tk him 2 da bar?" tier AOL chatroom-tier moron?
Why do the worst, most dogshit, uninteresting, boring, horrible second-life RPers huddle around eachother day in day out? Do they not realize just how *boring* they are?
Why are Human Male Ret Paladins... like that?
Why are Scarlet Crusaders... like that?

You know what I realized? It's not the furries. Sure, there are some pretty stupid fucking furfaggots infesting this shitheap. The gnolls, most particularly. But by and large the furfags aren't the problem like I originally thought so long ago now.
It's the *normals*. Yeah, you heard me. The goddamn *normals*.

Just like how your average PUG is fuckin' terrible because the average WoW player is fuckin' terrible, so too is your average RPer. Fuckin' terrible. Waste of time. An insult to you yourself as a player. An insult to your creativity, your effort, your hard work, an insult to ALL OF IT. Because *they* get to have the same fuckin' shot at roleplay that you do. Holy *fuck*. And then they parade in their stupid fucking RP cliques and low-brow, boring, AOL chatroom "community server events" which are really just the same fucking thing you see in the mage district but with a different skybox.

***FUCK*** this server.

Dracthyr male warrior tomorrow.
>can't actually make the argument that it's unclear because it is very obviously clear and not at all the same color as the floor
>tries to pull the "well technically by dictionary definition it is spotty!!!1" despite the fact that you can very clearly see the boundary where it stops
>tries to cry "bad faith" while using the most bad faith tactic in the book
look man I know you're embarassed but just turn on the colorblind setting. It's not that hard. The visual is very, very clear.
Let's see your TRP profile bigshot
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What do you guys think the Mountain Dew promotion will offer, a mount?
Nigga you haven't made an argument at all you're just bold faced lying like a faggot pretending a faded circle with no clear edge and literal holes in is totally not spotty and is totally easy to see through a dozen different mechanics and spell effects overlapping.

You're a cunt. You're a liar. You're a faggot. You're not getting another reply. Eat shit and die.
Sadly yes.
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I've been on Emerald Dream since it was one of the first RP-PvP servers to launch, and I really enjoyed how different it was from a regular PvP servers. I've never really been an RPfag, but I do like to, I dunno, be part of the world of warcraft instead of a meme spouting gamer. And most players were more or less the same; little bits of RP were everywhere. But that slowly deteriorated over time and, even before the game became so server-agnostic, it was indistinguishable from any other server. Really wish I had dipped my toes in back when, instead of basically playing as an NPC. I like the Maye posts btw
1/1000 of every bottle will give you Xal'atath fart septic shock
You're just projecting really hard. The only bold faced lie is trying to pretend dark, dark purple and medium grey are the same color.
I provided literal picture evidence of your retardation. What have you provided exactly?
Holy fuck get a life and some glasses.
The only good mountain dew promo were the old battle bots
Your mistake was engaging with a troll. Clarity is dogshit in this game and it's the entire reason DBM/bigwig is mandatory. Absolutely nobody could argue otherwise in good faith.
the transmitter
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playing retail wow is way harder than darksouls
That's why I came to Moon Guard in the first place. I like that I can go into the world and see other World of Warcraft characters being in the world in-character. I like having a place and not being a meme-spouting gamer like you said. I've never been super elite. I'm not a cutting edge raider, I'm not a massive key pusher, I'm not some arena god. I'm just pretty good, and my RP is the same. It's pretty good, but holy fuck this shit is ASS now.
brann sorry lad, have not done a single delve ever this whole expansion
>it is rude to be bad at WoW, Blizzard has made it that way
How do you refute this without sounding mad?
Do they really think this anniversary event is going to occupy our times until fucking January?
That's ableism.
you aren't the target audience
so this...is the power...of the alliance.......
I can't refute something that's factual
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not angry
just disappointed
You should see some of the shit on the horde
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>turning 27 during the anniversary event
>tfw ive been playing this game since I was 13
>tfw ive been playing this game over half my life
at least I'm not a neckbeard since I can't grow facial hair for some reason
into the trash
when will catalyst charges be weekly
>yeah bro i'm an arrakoa, just chilling in stormwind with my arrakoa buddy and my eredar world ender friends, the cupcakes today are so good!
How can anyone unironically take RP servers seriously? How do you resist to the urge to mock these weirdos?
Really reached for that one! Seethe!
Probably for the best I never got into it or I'd be one of those boring fucks you hate

Happy early 27th birthday anon!
>anime poster
>groomable and rapable
what the hell are they going to change on prot? current iteration is kino as fuck, you can carry the mechanics of an entire run, I could interrupt everything without needing the retarded dps cds
these are the same people who are also saying "UH NO CHUD DONT UNLOCK PALADIN AND SHAMAN FOR THE OTHER HECKIN RACES!!!"
Why she so confused all the time?
I seriously doubt that. Because i'm the type of person who says that. These people clearly have zero regard for lore consistency or sensibility, they don't care what sense or what belongs.
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Because if I mock them I will get eviscerated. "YOU DONT PAY XIR $15!!!!" and so forth.
Don't get it twisted. I don't mind easygoing, low-key, chill RP. Chill easy RP doesn't have to be boring. I like doing casual RP like that.
Thank you for explaining. Are you against ERP?
>bads will rather watch a 1hour and 24 minute copium video over just gitting gud
>against ERP
You must not know me very well. I like ERP.
doesn't understand foot niggas
i went on a date last night and she took her boots off in my car afterwards and i got a chub ngl
ret pally main btw
But the conclusion of the video is "it is what it is, git gud and stop wasting people's time."
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was her gock bigger than your's
>having a place and not being a meme-spouting gamer
Does anyone have a to-do guide for tomorrow? I'm coming back to play for the mounts.
imagine the smell
dont worry its lasts until fucking January
To this day the alliance players don't know the horde saved the sethrak.
Oh I see. I tried looking you up in /who from your previous screenshot but your in game name is probably different than your RP name.
I just logged out. My IGN is Recognition.
she said "mind if i take my boots off im sore" and my heart skipped because she already knows im into them
she also plays pandaren
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>Dog in
Now what?
>BM AoE is trash
>Let's nerf it more
ty ty
We have leash laws here sir.
have you literally got a poo shovel as a weapon?
They're retarded, what do you expect
They genuinely believe that them doing recycled Horde quests constitutes as the Sethrak becoming allies with them
Actually the most principled worgen cleaning up the shit he leaves everywhere
It's dirt....
i don't believe that for a second
>die in siege of boralus because the horse guy targets me with his charge 5 times in a row
Uhhh... How was I supposed to live this?
well you're supposed to get healed after you take damage
Just bee urself
I really need to stop spending all my gold on goldshire whores. It's kind of addicting.
erm your personals chud!
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Its time to log out at the vault so you can be disappointed faster.
look for a nelf gf(male) so you dont have to ritual post
>tfw no nelf gf
How much do they charge?
Shouldn't it be impossible to be targeted so many times in a row?
Depends what service I want from them.
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i just tanked my first 10 and we even timed it, it was a siege does that count
How the fuck is he charging 5 times?! I did a 10 boralus today and they charges twice before dying maybe 3 if we had low dps during some pulls.
nah it doesnt count now
NOW if you did it the first week then u chad
but you fucking didnt
now you incel
PoE2 comes out i a month
is it going to reset all of the shit from the first game and make it more approachable or am i going to have to stay a diablobab?
im sorry but i aint reading all that shit, not happening
yeah it counts, good job
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The Council has convened and we have determined that it did not count.
the shit im going through for some fkn cosmetics..
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Allods online won...
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Guess so...
What website is this?
it only tracks a few long ass quest chains i think, like balance of power which im currently doing
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I kind of remember checking out Allods like 15 years ago because that one undead faction looked pretty cool. I don't remember anything else.
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>Anniversary patch is TOMORROW
I did that on my druid a couple weeks ago. It's like they made the drop %'s on the raid quests JUST enough for you to have to do 2 raids instead of 1. The worst part was the Valarjar repthough.
Because Metzen is back and there will be no more of this faggot "any race any class shit" the loathsome one was pushing.
will they do vore
Okay but can Metzen just give us undead paladins already I mean come on now lmao we have actual light created undead in the setting.
Gilneans literally have a giant cathedral to the light in their city. No reason we can't have worgadins.
dont play coy with me
oh idk i get all you worgposters mixed up, maybe its someone else
You did ur 8 delves right?
>ret getting nerfed by 3%
it's alright those frost DcucKs needed the help
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Why can't it be wednesday...
Legion was kino beyond belief
We didn't realize how good we had it
Ritualposting implies that it's done in nearly every thread.
Just because someone posts something once or twice doesn't make it's now a ritual post.
You did your 1/4/8 M10s, right anonie?
That doesn't prove the patch is tomorrow...
I hope I'll be able to run brd before work.
The 7 hour maintenance tomorrow is enough proof
we should've let the legion win and end the franchise on a high point
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Are you guys excited for vault day? It's close!
human female sexo...
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Story-wise, shadowlands should have followed legion
bfa was completely worthless
>TWO heroic slots
elite gamer-sama... i kneel..
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can't wait
>only 2 mythic slots
I want to stomp palestinian babies, what’s the spec for me?
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>it's 3 gold
human arms warrior
Do people really have g*thering "professions"?
On tier 11 it's 9 gold
i wish i was dead lol
>find blood pool while waiting for summon
>fish up 2800g worth of scum sharks
any time this game rewards gold, it's just insulting. End of a delve gives like 30 gold. World quest with a gold reward gives like 90. That's not even 1 death of repairs. Not as bad as those fortune coins from past expansion. Use one up hoping for an item and get 15 gold. I'd rather get nothing.
too bad I wish you were alive
do people that play a naked elf at all times just goon all day?
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>tfw too much of a scrub to defeat Zekvir ?? on rogue or warlock
It's joever. Time.. to play a tankier class.
I did it as outlaw. What's your ilvl?
they're trying to do a gold squish out of nowhere.
>Do Battle of Dazar'alor
>Rastakhan goes on a big speech about how great the Zandalari are
>Even ends it with a shitty Black Panther "ZANDALAR FO EVA"
I've never felt more satisfaction at kicking the ever loving shit out of a boss.
>people actually play as human male unironically
the only thing generating gold in this game are bots. the game never had a good natural way of generating gold, WoW tokens in MoP were like 20-40k~ gold each until wod came with garrison missions that every chink and their mother abused the shit out of with hundreds of bots and alts which inflated gold to what it is today.

Ever since then and blizzard has not dared to add anything that gives you any half decent amount of gold. all gold you get from providing services comes from players that bought gold from gold sellers.
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568 so that's entirely on me. I just wanted to see how far I'd get but I knew that was a lost cause from the get-go. I did try on my warlock who's 612 and I just felt frustration. I will try again later or this week sometime.
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I play as a Night Elf Male.
>only use dps cooldowns on eggs
>press focus interrupt macro when he casts heal
>don't stand in swirlies
it's a marathon not a sprint

Yeah that's waaay too low but I'm sure you can get it with the lock, do you have a self cleanse for the spit?
thats three, shithead
typical human male response
Don't look in the mirror!
*throws gasoline on u*
you suck ass, its easy on warlock
you got your nelf gf then i take it?
need more raids like that and sirge of org. battle of uc should have been a raid not naxx and ended with sylvanas dying
ya well what are u
sylvanas is cute
she does not need to die
she is already dead
she even tried to anhero
it didnt work
even if i dont like the voice actor they selected for her post-production
He is probably a human and not a roided gorilla made of legos with pinecone facial hair.
i warned u about those cigs
Female earthen (bearded)
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Buff Warlocks
all 3 specs are a few small but significant changes from being solid imo.
This but only demonology.
This but only destruction.
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just play a different class
people are mad they can't get a group unless they're a meta spec so they're clogging party finder with groups they don't intend to fill
didn't get invited to a key so now somebody has to pay
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>servers down for 8 hours
It's a fucking half-patch?
Being forced to play a "meta" spec over the spec you find most fun is a fucking cancer of game design.
we had like 8 hours for every maintenance during the first weeks of TWW, at least they are being honest now (it will probably get extended anyways)
cute feet
that's like 15 people
Pretty sure there's more changes in this half patch than any other non expansion/prelaunch patch
People saw the way the healer strike on xiv successfully killed their game and think it will work in wow.
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Stop being a baby.
that's literally not even blizzard's fault though, most specs are actually fairly serviceable but it's just that the average puggie only ever follows MDI meta because the average player is so dogshit they need every crutch in the book to beat anything.
What else can blizzard do? they already removed affixes and it's still not enough.
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Healeroids need to be put in their fucking place. Drop a 50% flat nerf to all heal specs and roll back their characters 5 ilvls. 2 full expansions of UNADULTERATED SCREECHING, and NOTHING blizz does ever makes these entitled little faggots happy. HOLY SHIT you guys are cringe.
Who pullen?
should i resub now and do weekly chores before reset or wait for the patch and maintenance?
yeah it's wild
>new raid
>new zone(tanaris/silithus)
>new tier sets
>over half a dozen world bosses
>darkmoon faire+
>numerous spec overhauls
the devs killed their game, though
>most specs are actually fairly serviceable
nah this hasnt been true for some time, several specs have absolutely miserable tools to deal with dungeon mechanics and affixes, or have shit defensives past a certain level by comparison, or just flat out do not do ANY damage even when a competent player is piloting the spec (at least compared to meta stuff like FDK).
>New raid
>New zone (tanaris/silithus)
It reads like a shill bot post, don't even engage with it
Are you not aware they are adding a 15 bosses raid? No idea about the zones tho.
How we feeling about the changes coming tomorrow warbros?
gonna level the new dark ranger class
How do you feel about getting kicked in the nuts with a steel toe boot?
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god DAMN
I for one am happy healing finally takes skill and shitters cannot just farm absurdly high io on a fast queue role which has very few real demands through a dungeon or raid.

You all may not remember it well but up until Dragonflight healing was far, far too easy compared to the rest of the game. It was unfair and needed to be made more difficult so that it was at parity with the rest of the game.
have you ever played fdk?
its absolute dogshit
ive never played arcane mage but theres no way its not more fun, thats reasonable i suppose but fdk?
ill go play another game nigga
>What else can blizzard do?
Balance their game better. Dragonflight (pre aug) had pretty good class representation for an entire season then they threw it in the trash and it's not the first time we've had instances of an entire season being comparatively pretty okay only for them to spin the wheel of eternal misery. There's never going to be true parity between every spec, it's absurd to demand blizzard actually manage 5% true balance betwixt all of them in ST/AOE, and a lot of this IS community driven but beyond all of those things we already know they have the capability to have seasons where things aren't so dire. Blizzard goes both way too heavy handed and complete sweeping changes with no consistency at the drop of the hat and the game is worse for it. The current terrible healer balance is both a case of them arbitrarily going "actually we want all tanks and healers to kill themselves" halfway through beta and shaman getting a rework because shamans had been ignored for seven years. You have warriors shitting their diapers because both dps specs suck cock and they suck cock because nobody has bothered to care about the class as a whole for almost a decade and the one guy in charge of it went "I don't care" with talent reworks. As a result we're going to have warriors be in the fucking trash until a year from now when they get an overhaul where they get five defensive layers and do 2 million damage and can mass spell reflect on a 2 second cd and then another set of people will have a meltdown.

There's never going to be a scenario in which every single spec has the exact same amount of defensives and all their utility is always relevant but the answer is always that blizzard has needed more consistent and smaller balance updates rather than random class reworks that can take up to a decade or sweeping philosophy changes six months.
bro it is so unfun...and getting buffed, not as bad as aug is though
Dumbest post ITT
I love it.
let me guess, you didn't even get to max level.
There is no parity in this game. You say healing was too easy but tanking is the easiest role of all especially as a class like a warrior or bear you literally just shield shield and thunder clap while maintaining ignore pain it's so fucking easy. Threat is a given. The whole role is basically thoughtless.
But where is the parity among tanks? Can you tell me the last time brewmaster was meta? Did you know specs like retribution are unironically 3 buttons for the most part while others have to play a piano? Some classes can throw out battle rezzes, blood lusts, dispels, off heals, all while doing the same dps/tanking as another class. Where's the parity in that?
>another leveling event
how can people not have all the fucking classes by now, multiple times even, just 2 months ago in prepatch you could level in 3-4h
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>dragonflight had good balance
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>ou say healing was too easy but tanking is the easiest role of all especially as a class like a warrior or bear
nigger is FUMING
We need to pound fury warrior to the fucking ground and gatekeep the retards that play it from every key
Holy eye candy. Ele has always been like that but what the fuck why does it looks even better now?
M+ is always gonna have this problem.

It turned WoW into a pseudo-esport type of team based competitive grind simulator. The best things ALWAYS by virtue of the circumstance become the plurality of what is played. This will happen no matter what blizz does outside of making M+ outright impossible to fail at, which would kill the mode.

There's no solving it. No fixing it. Not even any meaningful alterations to it. This is what you all asked for. This is the future you chose. Now enjoy it.
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DF season 1 was the most overall balanced representation across all three roles I think they've ever seen.
Trollanon looking lit!
Are those upgraded lava burst visuals or something? or is something else triggering when it's cast?
>"dragonflight (pre aug)"
>posts a picture of statics AFTER aug
/wowg/'s best and brightest
by making the content so dogshit easy that the healers went on strike, yes
this is why you never want to listen to troona crying about m+/raiding being 'too complicated' because the alternative is much worse.
How to fix balance: remove timer from M+
Reddit is going to keep crying so hard until blizz caves in and turns WoW into a pseudo gacha game, just a drooling retard check box game where m+ becomes a glorified welfare check and remove the timer so that every drooling monkey can just die and bash their head into every mechanic until they eventually get it right.
fuck off kaivax you've added more in less time, especially for a 20th
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*taps mic sponge, loud ruffling can be heard from the speakers*
*keeps tapping*
is this thing on?
*looks down at prepared note cards*
hi hello i am kemono of GLOBOFOMO nice to meet you
I know when we've been defeated
I am officially transferring gm status to fahbear as soon as she logs in
weird how they practically went out of their way to destroy that as hard as possible in the next season
Good. As it should be.
>so that every drooling monkey can just die and bash their head into every mechanic until they eventually get it right.
So exactly how the game was before m+?
ive alted dk since legion my nigga
uh is just miles ahead in fun factor, fdk is too slow
it feels like piss
blood is more fun unironically
What's the bad news?
that's because it was the expansion after shadowlands and only the loyal chill playerbase stayed, then fotm fomo asmontards got back in the game because they got tired of XIV and ruined everything.
Imagine if there was an entire tier of dungeons that existed where dumb players could bash their heads against bosses with no timer until they eventually cracked the nut. Some sort of mythic plus without the plus part. I shudder at the thought of that ever existing.
That's just mythic raiding.
The issue with M+ is that if you're 1 second off from timing it then it was all for nothing and you don't get anything from it.
>Frost buffed JUST enough to not attract any unnecessary attention
You get loot even if you don't time the key and you also get vault progress. Timer is gay but still.
10% is a massive buff tho
8% is a very significant buff lil bro.... look what the % difference between a top and a bottom spec is on sims.
Frost is nice but I prefer Prot or Holy
Which class set are you purchasing first?
10%?! Oh no no no good saar it's a... mearly 8%. No need to nerf it. Not like it's the comfiest mage spec.
Better look at this disgusting arcane, damn very OP spec huh?
Anyway will were be more fury nerfs?
You've probably know it already, but I tried HC queen with Nerubian silk weavers yesterday and we sucked very hard.
Everyone were really nice tho.
Got if to the 2d phase.
I wish they released more content in the vein of this return to blackrock raid. I think WoW's biggest strength was always they could basically just shit out raid or dungeon bosses that were recolors of existing with three mechanics and call it a day and while I don't want to describe that as "low effort slop" I do like the idea of having more content that's just something quick and amusing to do a few times. They've already turned away from wasting 9 months of dev time on single patch islands so the vibe of smaller content but at a much faster pace is already here but I wish they'd tie that into actual endgame adjacent shit. I'd be very happy with .5 patches introducing smaller (and objectivity less effort) raids but I worry they think Crucible of Storms was a massive blunder.
New changes for next xpac to the character customization just got leaked:

they should make timers personal in M+, everyone starts at the same time but if you die only you gets -time on your score.
The DK one looks pretty cool I guess
>apply for AOTC BIG PUMPERS only on tuesday
>apply for AOTC ONLY BIG PUMPERS NEEDED on monday
>accepted because they're desperate
>kill first 6 bosses first try
Feels like I've been wasting my time trying to get into groups on tuesday
weekly lockout + 20 player requirement + same comp issues as m+, stupid argument by a stupid person

you are low iq niggercattle, destined for genetic obliteration.
imagine if female humans were real
This is a reference to base level mythic dungeons
they made fem humans significantly uglier than they already are?
Okay, remove healer role then and make everything avoidable.
Now I’ll play as the worst dps class. Which one is it post patch, tomorrow?
The real problem is that the retards at Blizzard somehow can't get a month's worth of work done in 6 months. We're just now seeing changes that should have been complete before the game even left Alpha. You can't really balance anything when your incompetent class designers have been drooling at their monitors all day for the last half a year and not getting any work done.
even more idiotic as an argument then, good heavens my initial judgement was too charitable
This is how the game functioned prior to mythic plus existing
I too miss Challenge Modes
yea did the same but everyone left after four for vault
new roadmap for wow going forward
>remove monthly sub
>put game into end-of-service
>stop updating it, stop balancing it
>let it die

problem solved
If you don't like the game you can simply stop playing nobody would miss you
Why would I possibly care that some Brazilian gets his key upgraded from an 7 to an 8 after spending seven hours inside Wake because he managed to find a group of four of his fellow countrymen who are both too dogshit to not get farmed by stitchflesh but also had the tenacity to futility attempt it 231 times before randomly lucking into a win they will never replicate? The only real positive you can say about the timer is it encourages better play by making repeat mistakes usually result in the key being uncompleted as people leave but it's not like it INFORMS proper play. Some dude could somehow convince the four other schmucks he's roped into doing a +4 GB to continue to fight through it as they take two hours to finish it. Is he "deserving" of now having that key be a 5 to just continue the cycle over? Probably not but even under the current system the only difference would be that he fishes that 3-4 key until the group he puts together carries him to a ++ despite him dying twelve times. The entire concept of the timer in the first place was to prevent treating dungeons as raids where you just do 400 pulls until completion and to prevent people from even attempting something like a +40 but the former is never going to happen and the latter is irrelevant. I genuinely believe if you removed the timer keys at the exact same level would see disbands at basically the same rate. Nobody wants to wipe ten times to a dungeon boss even without a timer over their head.
nobody would miss you if you jumped into a noose either
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probably a woyer spec unironically
>Remove monthly sub
>Millions upon millions of spics, pajeets, and other third worlders flock to the game and make it an unmitigated nightmare to play
The $15 monthly sub is unironically the biggest gatekeeper WoW still has. Getting rid of it would be a disaster.
>The $15 monthly sub is unironically the biggest gatekeeper WoW still has. Getting rid of it would be a disaster.
Great. I already main fury.
sad but true, now imagine if blizzard let the community police themselves. That way they could insulate from the bullshit
English would be eradicated on US servers, entirely. They should raise the membership to $50.
Blizzard should just remove WoW tokens from the game entirely. No more farming gold for subscription time.
Girl cock
is the new raid good
the end of the moonguard ERP utopia.
no more thick draenei futa cocks for us bois :(
Imagine the sheer fucking joy after spending all day at the Internet Cafe progging your +7 with the lads and finally getting that win. Who are we to take that away from them?
see? we would lose all we hold dear
anduin thrall rule 34
genn_greymane sylvanas_windrunner
>>Millions upon millions of spics, pajeets, and other third worlders flock to the game
The game is already flooded with them.
private servers already have this problem and are filled with beaners too poor to pay the sub
we have too many of them as is
The issue with the 2016 election tourists is that I can't take anyone seriously anymore

Even 4chan sees half of its userbase as irideeemable baskets of refuse or whatever Hillary claimed trump voters wer :))
maye i just want you to know tina is still slobbering every cock in OG and boasting about it lol. hurts dont it? cuck faggot
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You're just upset because you know he'll win in November
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female night elf male worgen
only thing missing is rape
I'm still mad we got that faggot instead of her in the divorce
eh youre not missing much, shes gotten even worse and more insufferable. turns out shes just a vapid social climbing whore with nothing interesting to do or say, just piggybacking off the most popular person at the time

just like she did with maye lol
>he considers getting close to maye to be climbing the social ladder
do maye dick riders really?
Trump spend a fraction of what Hillary did on her campaign
sry meant 4 >>499356613
well theres no many other personalities here to climb a social ladder from so idk. on one hand i feel bad because it would have been kino if they made it together but on the other, fuck maye, kid needs to an hero

I can't decide on a class to main and this new captcha just made me wait 15 minutes to post
you dumb fucking nigger retards
dps has ZERO responsibility if you remove the timer
>b-but interrupts
just pull everything 1 by 1, you literally can't deplete
It's an interesting case study.
Most of what he spent was on social media com (about 30M iirc)
Hillary was funded by the entire establishment up to 1B

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