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Katawa Shoujo General #4012

All Hallows' Eve Edition
QOTT: Would you permanently erase all memories of your previous playthroughs to play through KS blind again?

Last Thread: >>497519032

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
(Updated) Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/tan8n3k7
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
Ara~non's survey results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
how does Rin wipe
I dont think so because its been so long since my initial playthrough that when i went through her route once again it felt mostly new to me either way, it also affected me to a greater length than it did the first time. I still felt all gitty with every interaction, still smiled like a fool with every dosage of her cuteness, still felt like being hit by a truck after things like "Im here for you as well."
I took too many life lessons from my first playthrough to ever give up the memories, out of fear that I would not take them again
I help her
Im really happy to announce that im officially in charge of managing the /ksg/ team in VGL! This is great because i felt like i owed it to this general after all the hype and interested that was created about it and i didnt want any of it to go to waste. Im no good with promises but what i can say is that i'll do my best to make the team noteworthy or have fun trying! I'd also like to thank everyone that has helped me reach that point and gonna segway from that and say that its not just me who's reviving the team, its /ksg/ itself so lets all do our best and make this work! VGL Signups start in 3 days from now so expect a post in regards to that, the more POI we get the better!
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We'll have these crips running yet.
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Goodnight /ksg/, keep your chin up!
Morning /ksg/! Currently Emi'd my way into taking a break from training because I fucked up my feet. So, few days off before we jump back into it.

QOTT: Really hard to say if I could give up the good feelings that I got from reading KS back in the day. I think it'd be nice to experience it afresh, but I also don't want to forget my history with it, so I think it's a no from me!
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I think that question could have some unexpected ramifications, but I'd say yes. I wouldn't want to forget the people I met here and all the fun times we had together, so if that doesn't happen I'm all in. After all I haven't been able to replay the game in like 4-5 years by now. It just doesn't draw me in like it used to. It's like talking to a friend you used to chat away the night with, but now doesn't seem like the same person.
Hell no, If given the chance I would erase my memories and never play this game, but it's too late now isn't it?
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It hasn't been long enough since I've finished KS to want that again I think. I'll probably wish for that in a year or two though that's for sure
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
>Would you permanently erase all memories of your previous playthroughs to play through KS blind again
Cute witches
Playing hide and seek with Lilly! She's always happy and proud of herself when she finds me!
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Total Lilly Love - Cosplay edition
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Next time Lilly is the pirate and her sword is a dildo and everyone is laughing silently.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Where’s shitzune?
Do I have a dirty mind or are Hanako’s hanockers… erect?
Rescuing Misha from Lildusa
Wait, what?
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It works since they're both freakishly tall.
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Morning /ksg/

Another day another chance to do what keeps you going.

Its still a surprise to me how Lilly wears this sort of nightwear and Hanako has the girly one instead. A swap between them would be interesting too.
Good morning anon.
That's my cue to go to bed, goodnight /ksg/
Good morning &
Goodnight, take it easy
>internet has been out all day
Good to see that the Halloween thread was made while I was gone.
>still running
>usually listening to https://youtu.be/srhni4w2TbI cause hype
>watching Victory and the ED goes incredibly hard so switch for today https://youtu.be/yfUhCpNFGjI
>felt like trying to outrun encroaching despair
Emi continues to give new feels months after.
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I wanna be her Bill.
you wanna get killed?
I was thinking more of the other parts.
I groom her into the perfect assassin/daughter/wife,have lots of nasty quasi-incestual sex with her, and raise our child.
If I shoot her in the head and she kills me a dozen years later because of it, well, it will be worth it.
Part 3 should have been Vernita Green's daughter studying under the blind master Elle Driver to get her revenge on the Bride, but too much time has elapsed for that to happen with the current cast.
>too much time has elapsed for that to happen with the current cast.
That doesn't seem to have stopped hollywood the last decade+.
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Good morning, /ksg/. I overslept today...
I don't think that's a good thing. Having nostalgia about the first time is a plus to just playing like it was my first time again. Why reset my love for Rin to zero again when I can just keep increasing it?
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would adult Misha be loud as ever or do you think she turned into a soothing sounding Onee-san?
On one hand, you're posting here so you most likely have a dirty mind.
On the other, Hanako is getting headpats, so certain amount of excitement wouldn't be out of the ordinary.
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don’t die ksg,,,
the name alone is funny enough and the clown nose looks cute on her
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My katawa dick is finally over after 2 whole months!
That might not be such a good thing though because my porn addiction is already back to ruining my life...
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Goodnight /ksg/.
I hope there aren't any Em*s under my bed.
Doesn’t it get refreshed upon playing it again?
I haven’t had that problem, I haven’t been able to goon for 5 months after playing Hanako’s route, I love her so much.
The idea is that KD incentivizes you not to do it, which teaches you that you do have willpower and that can translate into you breaking more of your bad habits. Worked for me, KS has done more for me than thousands of dollars of therapy and counseling and I feel in control over my own destiny now.
wish it lasted 2 months instead of 2 weeks for me
Is that what you tell yourself at night? her route was subverted slop and the devs are utterly unworthy of forgiveness.
She would turn into one of those loud and brash butch dykes with a buzz cut.
Hanako’s route fucking sucked but I still love her
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Can't she simply follow the boner sonar?
Lilly is tall but not freakishly so
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Congrats. The only 'Katawa Dick' I got was for 6 years after laying it 3/4ths of my jerk off fantasies involved one of the girls from KS.
She’s a big girl
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I get why best girl is there in the background but who's the other girl on the bike?
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>lilly with a camera again
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>not freakishly so
Lilly is only 1cm shorter than Rider, who is.
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That was not supposed to be a reply... Oops
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I figured you'd forgot to type your post, its fine.
Isn't this generation of japanese taller than the last?
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>this generation
F/SN came out 20 years ago.
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But I'm talking about Lilly, not Rider.
Lilly is marginally taller than Suzuka, who only looks tall next to her 4'11 bandmates.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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my mom just beat katawa shoujo too today :× I had told her to try it out way back in september, seeing how it practically mutilated my mental and emotional innards :) she liked it and told me it was cute after she got lilly's good ending which I had obviously made sure she would cuz lilly is the only chick I care about at this point -- still haven't tried any other routes xd. I'm guessing katawa shoujo really isn't aimed at women because completing Lilly's route didn't have a visceral and annihilating effect on her like it did on me. or maybe it's just the fact that she's a fifty-seven year old woman, we'll never know :>
>I don't really find that fantasy amusing, I rather want the other person to care about me as much as I do about her, rather than being like a parent, or a guardian.
so you don't like those fan art drawings of lilly getting lost in pouring rain and crying and then hisao rushing to rescue her? images like those sort of make a statement on how people are just actively looking to put their loved ones in positions of distress only to come and save them from being hurt
>I think that's mostly genetic, I was this calm, on surface emotionless guy since I was a kid, so nothing changes it seems, altough sometimes I like to act loud and joke about some most out of pocket things
did you cry when you watched Filth (2013)? did you like cry of fear (2013)?
>I was relatively kind as a child, as far as I can remember, and the only trouble I had with other children was when there was a whole group of them, never in one-to-one or small group contexts.
>I definitely experienced bigger issues with socialising in middle school than in primary school
>Was it different for you?
I was just as kind as I am today, but kids are generally vile I find. we've had different experiences growing up it seems, I dunno what 2 tell ya
Goodnight anon.
Yeah, I think somebody who's lived a full life would get a lot less out of KS, especially Lilly's route in particular
I could see Rin's or Shizune's doing something, but not the others
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I wanna childhood friend Lilly's sister.
Morning /ksg/

Already on the midpoint of our week, and thankfully things arent as busy as they used to, how's things on your end so far?
Good morning anon.
Always trying to make me feel guilty about my sleep schedule by being awake before I go to bed, goodnight anon
blame the timezones, not the poster. Goodnight.
It's okay he does the same thing to me.
Goodnight anon.
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Good morning /ksg/
I've got therapy in 30 minutes, so I came for a quick look at the thread. Except for this, very relaxed week.
Good morning anon.
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good morning
>still nighttime here
stupid round earth
I wish you the best for today and throughout your life, im sure you can pull through in the end.
Morning, anon!

Busy end of the year here, final wrap ups are kicking my arse. Will be thankful for some time off soon, but still a good few weeks left of stress. Gonna zonk out to some Katawa reading this evening I think.
What the heck is this a fresh Femji?
Despite the rather relaxed climate that started settling in, things have been busy one way or another this month, hopefully all that changes next month so we can enjoy the comfy atmosphere.
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So it's never been seen before?
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Nice but can she see Emilly play?
thank you
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If she's close enough. She's ONLY LEGALLY blind.
cripl corprl sister
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Misha is already an adult, she’s 18.
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Looks like Suzuha Amane from Steins;Gate.
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They're all around 30 now.
Except Hisao, of course.
Wouldn’t hisao live the longest with emi because she’s the only person who seems to care about his arrhythmia and remind him to take his meds and exercise?
>and remind him to take his meds and exercise and fuck at least daily
Either the shortest life from overexertion, or the longest. The others fall in between.
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arrhythmia doesn't kill you. I have it and I like sex
My day has been pretty full but enjoyable still, how did it go for you /ksg/ ?
I've been feeling a bit under the weather, hopefully I haven't caught anything and it's just my bad sleep schedule catching up to me
Things are well otherwise!
Ah i see. I do suggest you to make yourself a hot beverage, it will certainly perk you up and improve your mood.
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Goodnight /ksg/!
Goodnight anon.
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My entire team called out at work every day this week and I've the only person supporting 23 companies across a quarter of the country, but other than that it's been pretty good!
Emi wins for Best Costume
>I groom her into the perfect assassin/daughter/wife,have lots of nasty quasi-incestual sex with her, and raise our child.
Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Fucking Disgusting
Where did Emi buy that Hanako suit?
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Sounds like quite the effort, are we talking IT stuff or something else entirely?
Yeah, cloud infrastructure engineer with some basic desktop support sprinkled in on occasion.
It was intense but hopefully it's over now. At least one person should be back tomorrow if not more.
thats nice to hear. im a similar spot as in, IT helpdesk for employees of a state-ish company. Things are pretty lax on our end so it hardly feels like work sometimes and yes, you'll never have enough people regardless of field
That's even what Hisao's head cardiologist tells him right at the start.
>Compared to other heart problems, people with your condition usually tend to live long lives.
He seems to never take this to heart though, and instead morbidly fixates on it throughout the game.
oh yeah? ya like sex?
I'd fixate on how fucking awful everything is too to be fair, getting a bomb dropped on you doesn't feel any better when you're told it's not actually a very strong bomb
I don't have a heart condition but if a girl said she wanted to fuck me I would have a heart attack and die
Which katawas would engage in autoerotic asphyxiation?
Emi still has the only toe that matters
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What if your Katawa was a cold blooded lamia?
this question inspired by watching Cult of the Cobra on Svengoolie
Toph or 2B pls
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Good, more of a spider guy though.
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Imagine this is your room
It'll be smelling like cuntawa in no time
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How did i get here?
Morning /ksg/

I swear every time i tell myself to make a sendoff post before bedtime but lately i always miraculously fail. Anyway, this week is almost reaching its end which was rather quick this time, weekend is pretty close.

In other news, VGL Signups are tomorrow if not sooner so it would be a huge help if you expressed your interest in the team playing by simply making a reply to this post about it. Our aesthetics anon is doing a great job and we're going to have some fresh Koikatsu models to use for some of the players which will modernize the look of the team and personally, i will try to spend the bigger part of my day working on tactics
did this game make anybody else wish they did their own life differently? in middle school i was friends with this autistic girl. in high school i essentially ghosted her because a new girl with a nice ass joined our friend group at the time, only for her to move away shortly after. spent the next 4 years awkwardly catching glimpses of each other. i dont hate myself for it or anything, but i wish i treated her better. shes doing a nursing degree rn and i still have her number, but i know itd be pointless to say anything now
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das lood mane. Anyway this doesnt sound as huge as "doing something differently in life" This is a simple case of regret and its understandable. If you really want to engage socially or otherwise with her still, i'd say go for it, its not like you're a total stranger to her so the awkwardness of her getting to know you is thrown out the window plus you have literally nothing to lose and potentially some to "gain"
Good morning anon.
We'll have these crips conquer the pitch yet!
...are there any leg prosthetics more well suited for football?
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I dont recall seeing anyone play with any sort of prosthetic limbs so its either "not allowed" or there's no interest with people of such conditions or im extremely oblivious to football for the handicapped that might exist with such players
What kind of spider would each girl be? Feel free to include side girls.
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Emi picrel
Emi would be a brazilian wandering spider coz she makes my dick grow
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Good morning /ksg/
Thank you very much for you encouragement, I won't let trauma condition my entire life.
Good morning anon.
Thats nice to hear, i know that this is no easy task but your willingness to change that is half the battle and its rather encouraging for the rest of us. Needless to say, we too can always lend an ear to you if need be.
I find kind of funny how Rinfags always end up needing therapy
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There Can Be Only One!
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This guy gets it. Only bully cute girls and only bully psychologically or sexually.
We'd spend more time with our bodies pressed against each other. Especially in bed.
More of daily headpats would be turned into hugpats so she could have her share of my bodyheat while getting her pats.
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Well yeah, she made me feel like change is possible for everyone, even me, no matter how fucked up or weird you are.
Thanks again anon. I don't really like blogposting but I like and appreciate your kind words.
Glad i can help in some way, and this goes out to you and the rest of /ksg/ . dont feel too shy about blogposting, its very in-theme with everything here so letting it all out is fine, worked for me so it would probably work for you guys too.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Patlust rising. Paturday can't come too soon.
Goodnight Akira
I am very much looking forward to it
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>by simply making a reply to this post about it
Can do. You've been working very consistently at this, and we're all happy to see the team rise again from the ashes. Especially in tandem with the renaissance of sorts the general itself has been enjoying.
The game certainly encourages one to make better choices going forward. I don't get why you stopped being friends with the autist, but you seem to have learned a lesson here already.
Best of luck with the therapy, anon. I hope it works out quickly, and your trauma fades into a past that has no further bearing on you.
Hanako: trapdoor spider, popping out as minimally as possible
Lilly: tarantula, fully equipped but gentle
Shizune: nursery web spider, engages in bondage
Rin: spitting spider, doesn't need limbs for hunting as much
Emi: >>499618084
I don't really get how you can presume the general had a renaissance and the game is encouraging while we're still in the pitiful state where shizune's route is awful and hanako's is even worse.
What are you going to do to fix that?
>Misha, your hair drills are the drills that will pierce the heavens!
Cute/Intimidating Satous
I'll wait for news of suriko killing himself, I guess. Hope you weren't expecting a cope like "I'll buy the IP to fix it"
You wouldn't be able to afford the IP. Be proactive, solve the problem yourself!
I don't get it?
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Why does Emi wear legs if she's deaf?
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Goodnight /ksg/

As a reminder please do reply about your interest in /ksg/ for VGL if you havent already in the post i made originally, its gonna help tons for signup tomorrow
Goodnight anon.
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Here's your reply
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Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Shizune is so cute. How she has to excitedly tap your shoulder, snap her fingers, or wave her hands to get your attention. Then you see her sexy cosplay outfit and she can only make animated poses and facial expressions to fit the character, or to show her enthusiasm.

Shizune is for LOVE
>Don't believe in yourself, believe in the student council who believes in you!
>Yours is the Wahaha that will pierce the heavens!
Good night, KSG.
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Goodnight anon.
what a great scenario
Morning /ksg/ we've finally reached Friday so lets plow through our obligations so we can enjoy the rest of the day and wekend!

I just submited our POI for our entry in VGL and im honestly both excited and unease. The competition is fierce and it can be daunting to face but regardless we gonna press on and give 'em a good show! I think its also a good time to mention how we'd love to have more people to help out in other aspects if it interests them. More specifically, we could use people who can make quality hyp content, i have a couple of ideas bugging my head but i neither have the time or right skills to execute them to their full potential so if you feel like making funnies in picture or especially video format do post about it here and i will get back to you.
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Good morning
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So we've got Emilly, what would a Rin/Misha hybrid be called?
Rin + Shiina, maybe Rina?
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>Misha + Rin
Nice Lilly, very serene
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Paturday tomorrow. Prepare your heads.
its made by ai
good post
Would she be a lesbian?
one-armed and bi is the fair choice.
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Weee never misses with Hanako, always a treat
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Feeding Rin
Found a twin pic.
Impressive, I must say

Australian hands typed this

I have slept in similar rooms

>He seems to never take this to heart though, and instead morbidly fixates on it throughout the game.

Maybe because he is an easily impressionable teen who has indeed had a heart attack, surgery and a long stay in hospital?
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Good evening /ksg/, you better be keeping your eyes forward!
My eyes are slightly below forward with this image on my screen
>Desire to be a towel intensifies.
Wearing Emi's and Shizune's thighs like headphones.
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Kindly requesting the edit of pic related with the "Am I cute?" caption
Lilly seems nonplussed here
Goodnight /ksg/
Hope you get a good rest to enjoy the weekend
Goodnight anon.
she prefers being the one doing the grabbing: >>499302480

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