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Jet Brigade? More like JEST Brigade! Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sep 17: 60-Day Patch 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Oct 15: 60-Day Patch 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7291982050853715743

Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
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>no more jetpack brigade planet
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You're welcome, botbabies.
They better come back immediately.
where the fuck is the new warbond
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we did it, /hdg/, we saved the sector
>Not martyr bay
eat shit jetpack faggots
So I want to play a theme as showcased in the warbonds we have. But I only play premium content, as in content poorfags have no access to. The problem here is that supercredits can be collected over time and that means even the poorest of African can eventually play with the same content. Here is where I would say that I would exclusively use the preorder DLC, but I can't because I don't actually fucking own it. So what do I do here? Just use the fucking Twitch armor? This is bullshit.
Only helldivers are cool enough to use jetpacks
So the sniper is still with the squid then.
>using gas grenades
>nobody touches the resupply pod for 10 seconds after it lands
>I now have 12 gas grenades

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Isn't there a bug that makes some enemies disengage aggro on you as soon as you hop onto the HMGe?
>open game
>no squids
>close game
Yeah cause HMGe counts as a mech, so they prioritize Helldivers they can saw up.
Thank you bb :*
>calling clusters on factory striders
>falling over and just laying in the radius
based retard
You should've blown up the hellbomb next to you.
>got dunked on by D8 bots
How do I not get BTFO by high difficulty bots?
Factory Striders killed with a single Cluster
Me: 2
(You): 0
Enough said
Take cover, dive a ton, pre stim when you are about to get fucked
post your full loadout (armor, weapons, all stratagems, nade)
that usually explains everything
Just sayin', the hellbomb would've killed both and you could've probably survived if you stimmed and dove away.
The cluster blew it up. That's why the striders died.
Medium Fortified
EAS/Napalm Barrage/Autocannon/Rocket Sentry

Is it just a skill issue?
I didn't really see the Hellbomb, I'd have dropped on it otherwise
dominator is meh now compared to literally everything else that got buffed
just use RR for gunship and heavies while you use primary for shitters
Huh I thought we don't bring cluster bomb to bots because it doesn't kill shield dev
Surely on Liberty Day, my dear.
Kills Jeetbots just fine
>good for killing anything tougher than commissars or scavengers
u wot m8?
when the fuck did this occur
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surely we get squids for liberty (independence) day
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steam://joinlobby/553850/109775244401557925/76561198024341162 Hosting D10 you pick.
as someone who occasionally plays with irl gigawagies, they still do not own a single premium warbond. So as long as nothing in your loadout is from the........free *pukes a little* warbond, you're golden
switch out dominator for diligence and it should be ok? even with it you don't look too bad, unless you were expecting to solo 7+, that won't happen no matter what you bring
>Dive often
>Use cover
>Don't peek the same angle for too long
>Just fucking start running if things look bad instead of standing and fighting
>Don't even have to run from the fight, sometimes just running around the corner to search for a better angle or flank is enough
>Don't dial in a gem unless you know for sure you won't get shot at because ragdolls are fucking gay
>Take calculated risks if it means you can get rid of something dangerous like a barrage tank, or a hulk
>Be very fucking afraid of factory striders until you can take out their Gatling turrets and/or have good cover from both it and the cannon turret (if you have the means to kill it quickly like if you have a RR or EATs, do the opposite and be aggressive while still taking cover from their gatling turrets. With the AC, you can't take this risk until the gatling turrets are gone)
Regular or CS?

I got into a D8 Raise Flags mission and got overwhelmed by 4-5 bot drops. This was in a rando group of 4.
Play more, get better, it's not that complicated honestly
Might be placebo on my part, but Heavy Fortified works really well for me. You just have to make sure you or someone else on your team has the stamina booster.

Try the Purifier instead. It does more damage per shot than Dominator while also inflicting splash and stagger. You can make Heavy Devastators and Rocket Striders your bitch.

Verdict is a more reliable sidearm since you won't get caught with your dick out if you need to reload. Its ten round mag gives you staying power along with high damage, and it makes short work of Berserkers.

Try Walking Barrage instead of Napalm, the range lets you walk it over outposts from farther away and gives you more coverage over mega forts.

Rocket Sentry is temperamental, and in general turrets are questionable against bots outside of Evacuate HVA. You can try replacing it with Eagle Strafing Run, that combined with Airstrike gives you all sorts of options for clearing patrols and blowing up Fabricators, and you can Rearm at one Strafing Run charge left to proc the faster rearm time.

But overall against bots it mainly comes down to tactics and positioning. Keep an eye on your radar for patrols, don't get sandviched between multiple bots, work with your team to kill the major threats. That's the other major variable though, competent teammates who also know how to fight bots, if you're just playing with randoms those can be difficult to come by.
Bots should be searching for the DSS in X-45 or Malevelon, what kind or retard would build that shit right on the frontlines
If the dominator is meh now, how would it be fixed? Higher muzzle velocity? More AP? It feels fine enough to me.
cs is a meme
>medium fortified
this is fine i guess, the boiled/unseasoned chicken of armor types
try to use engi kit instead
do you use this because you like it or because it used to be meta
it's not great at the moment, but it's still good
try using the purifier if you have it, or the xbow, or the DCS
DCS is probably the best
meta picks so if you use them right you're fine
not that good anymore, try using a sentry (not AC, try rocket or MG) or eagle strafe instead. strafe is best for anti-structure stuff
>napalm barrage
meta pick but if you kill yourself/allies with it often then just take a sentry instead, or strafe, or orbital gas
meta pick if you can use flak right
probably a skill issue if you're getting fucked with AC on your back
>rocket sentry
thrown in the right place it's the best green on the game

it's probably a mix of skill issue and of mid loadout (armor, primary, EAS), as in, 90% skill issue, 10% loadout

use cover more often
play with /hdg/
kill enemies instead of running and getting shot while running
use stims more strategically
use your support weapon as your primary, AC has enough ammo for this
only throw napalm on drops, not on bases
use flak better
learn better movement
stick with your team
stop playing solo, it's sad
yap yap yap

at least half of these pieces of advice are probably applicable to your gameplay and i can tell without watching it
EAS isn't picked by good players
I was kinda thinking since I would kill anything lighter than Hulks/Tanks but it didn't quite work out like that.

Should I consider servo armors?
some one or something shot the hellbomb before the cluster bombs dropped. you can see it explode juuuust before the clusters hit, meaning it was the hellbomb that killed the striders, not the clusters.
And then the clusters killed him
This is defamation
Either more durable damage or AP4 so that it can completely tear through medium armor without the 35% penalty. It's still limited by its shitty mag size, so AP4 probably wouldn't be game-breaking.
Natural stupidity wins again
I personally wouldn't unless your playstyle revolves completely around tossing stratagem balls and grenades. Walking Barrage negates the need to throw your stratagem ball that far, and I feel that the Fortified perk is life-saving against bots since it helps negate the damage from the rockets fired by Rocket Striders and Katyusha Tanks.
I want them to give AP4 to a primary just so I can watch the collective meltdown the nerftrannies have about it.
>what is the torcher
Now that the barrier has been broken by Senator, I feel that Dominator having it would generate less outcry. In fact, more people might welcome it since it technically has jet-propelled rounds that somehow have less penetrating power than a revolver.
Torcher is really fun but still suffers all the usual stuff that makes running flamers a pain.
>when you run bug extermination with 3 flamethrowers and incendiary nades and heavy armor
A shit. It doesn't count. I'm talking ballistic weapons. Real weapons for real men.
Make Hulks AV5 and be done with it
Armor should be
AP1 (half light pen) -> AP2 (full light pen) -> AP3 (half medium pen) -> ...
just got fucking wrecked at extract on bugs d10 for the first time in forever
>see team went ultra heavy AT
>go mid tier mode with MG and gundog, at nades, rocket sentry, eagle rockets
>goes pretty well
>my turret is retarded and refuses to actually shoot anything most of the round
>eagle is missing bile titans and instead targeting single shitter enemies for some fucking reason
>extract time
>2 AT guys leave
>too far away to get their shit
>4 impalers, 9 chargers, 8 bile titans and hundreds of spewers flood extract
>prioritize nades at chargers and dodge everything else for like 10 mins
>throw turret repeatedly away from myself and the point to both draw fire and ideally rain down some fire
>it sits there doing nothing, spinning in a circle
>a warrior is somehow under it glitched into a rock and meeling it to death
>ship leaves
>i have 2 stims, one nade half an MG worth of ammo
>killed by bile titan while diving at shot perpendicular through a rock and flopping like a dead fish as i landed on a pebble, despite it tanking 2 AT nades and shots to its ass, it can still spit despite its ass missing
felt kind of like playing d9 on week 2 again but what the fuck it feels bad to lose to the game just breaking
>everyone jumping to Estanu
go to Lesath negroes, need to push this line back off the DCS
>70% vs 0%
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As much as I like rockets, they definitely flubbed the targeting with the buff patch. Just take 500kg instead. Or even strafe.
rocket sentry won't shoot enemies that are too close, so I wouldn't recommend it on bugs.
Lesath has a 2.5% decay rate, and Joel ain't gonna directly attack it outside of an MO.
Someone said to try gatling sentry on bots and it works surprisingly well. I thought it'd get stonewalled by heavy dev shields, and while it does, it still largely aims for the head and if one bullet gets through it staggers and the dev drops its guard and gets shredded. It gets stonewalled by hulks and tanks, but that's to be expected. Absolutely rips through berserker groups like nothing else.
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>shoot dropship with AC flak before it's even visible
>get all the kills
>Reddit Rifle cuck follows up with a shot and takes down the empty dropship
>repeat over and over
>get 1k+ kills
>Redditor barely 300
AutoGAWDs, we are so back.
That's about the only use for Flak Autocannon. It actually fucking sucks against bugs outside of Shrieker swarm clearing.
Real men get in range and then burn everything down.
Sissies like you need to stay away and shoot from behind cover, cold and impersonal, never knowing the flames of true passion only the heart of a manly man can ignite.
post your 1k kill screencap autosissy
ive not seen anyone even get more than 800 on bots
Go to 4% Martale instead, understoof
Please just show us the fucking warbond already.
It'll be a bunch of shit from the first game, except reworked to be completely and entirely mid
you're welcome
Liberty day when? I forgot.
Thanks, I figured it was mostly a skill issue and that if I play more high diff bots I'll learn the patterns of play.
Warbond? Anon... It's just going to be the meme rifle
5 more days
he fucked over the liberation buff planets by quietly starting a defense during a bug MO, I don't put anything past him
>EAS not that good anymore
I already don't use it much because its kind of boring but how so, actually? Didn't it get buffed a bit in the first patch to account for the extra health values already or is this just a case of a lot of alternatives being better?
I was surprised with some clever placement the tesla tower works okay. Kill hulks that stray too close.
Very terrain dependent, can't be a flat planet.
Not him, but I've been using it off and on for bugs and it still puts in work. Kills BTs a lot easier now too. I don't think it's bad, but most of the time I just think a 500k would be better.
Not him but I shot it many time and it doesn't bring down dropship. Still use it on defense mission tho.
Know weak points.
Biggest meme is aiming for eyes on bots. You rarely have time for that shit unless you're in a safe spot.

Belly shots on devs and berzerkers helps a lot, arms on shield devs to stagger them and open them up for follow up.
Walker rockets pop fast, but you should be using heavy supports for them.
RT should be killing factory striders and tanks, but reds can help with tanks.
Hulks are support weapon bait.

For survivability, make sure to check your map, POIS are extremely predictable once you get used to spawns. patrols are the scariest things about bots honestly. They always come from nearby outposts so try and keep an eye on that. Helps prevent you from getting flanked. Which is a death sentence when fighting bots. Go prone a lot. Indirect fire is extremely valuable. Stuns and stagger are great too. Honestly just gets easier over time. Bots are a lot easier now than before.

Oh and try and be aware of your surroundings. Like I swear by the radar booster. Shit will help you figure out where the 20 chain saw guys are.
Good luck!
content. doko. NOW.

liberty day this weekend
trust the plan
You do know that those were absolutely completely arbitrary and didn't affect shit, right? Even if there was an in-game mechanic to boost liberation rate based on holding certain planets (hint, there isn't), the planet decay rates and invasion HP values would have been inflated to match them to create tension.

I was pissed about it at the time, but I've since then made my peace with the fact that MOs only exist to give the player base something to do on a macroscopic scale, and is adjusted arbitrarily for dramatic tension. This is not like playing a game of D&D with a GM and set rules that everyone has to follow, it's a game of Calvinball where only Joel gets to call the rules.
wait 5 more days you ADHD faggot
If AH was based, they would release another big and free warbond like Mobilize on Liberty day, but they are just a bunch of gay swiggers.
They should give a ship upgrade that allows you to take two boosters
It's boring and doesn't perform any task other stratagems can't do better.
With the AC and therm especially, you can do an EAS's work in about 10 seconds (as opposed to EAS throw/forget and 4 second callin). It's not bad, but it's just not that good. It's like the JAR. Good, but not stellar.

I mostly go with sentries/gas so I might just be a shitter, but it gets me better kill counts than running any of the Eagle reds. Strafe does 3/4ths of what Eagle does with 100% more uses per callin (2->resup for early respawn vs 4->resup for early respawn). Reds just feel tired in the current meta, because enemies usually just aren't grouped enough to justify it, so long as your team is using their supports right.

On a bad team, reds are probably still good. Not king, but better than they are with /hdg/ pugs.
liberty day is copium, you're just getting a crappy armor set and that's it no content
>Rigged MO
>We're going to lose
>Imagine being an MO cuck
>It doesn't matter what you do
How many times are these bots going to get BTFO?
Reminder that Warbonds always come with a trailer a week prior to release, as mandated by Sony. You're not getting a warbond for Liberty Day.
It's build specific now.
It pairs well with support weapons and primaries that don't target weak points.
Like HMG and eagle airstrike? Really solid.
Can just pop any heavies that don't die.
It also nukes tanks with an extra throw vs. 500.

It's just very niche, and the use it has is kinda missed by people that don't get how damage and explosives work best.
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>tfw no Super Frigate
>tfw no Super Cruiser
>tfw no Super Carrier
>tfw no Super Capital
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The fact it doesn't rest after shutting down it's a big turn off. The fact the shield is larger is actually a negative because not the shield is forced to absorb more damage that would've otherwise missed it had it been smaller, and it completely invalidates the higher regeneration of the shield.
>Reds just feel tired in the current meta, because enemies usually just aren't grouped enough to justify it, so long as your team is using their supports right.

I honestly think people don't look at the map enough. If it's a wide open map I typically use greens, and inverse with tight chokes.
But greens have been insanely valuable just for how much output they shit out. Killing like 10 enemies is nothing compared to a single machine gun sentry just constantly firing. It's kinda silly.
>Those striders walking one behind the other.
Cute. I'd be cool to see Factory Strider Patrols in higher difficulties, where two or three Striders walk around the map and it's up to the players to decide whether it's worth it to bother them or just go around.
Bro you just got the Jet Brigade, don't be greedy! Do you have any idea how many swedish work hours went into that?
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>can stick your pod in the top of the strider
>the millisecond it "dies" you fly through and get stuck underneath it instead

it is fine, it's the other guns getting buffed that are the problem
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the hero of the federation
what's the best stratagem for taking out detector towers and other things that normally need a hellbomb? or is it better off just to bring something else and use hellbombs
Debateable with negating the higher recharge. Shit soaks 4 cannon shots before it breaks. it's kinda like a smoke screen but you can see what you need to shoot at when it's up.
Repositioning with it is really nice too, and honestly I rarely need anything besides my support weapon and resupply pack. So I can live with having a "oh this was kinda useful" strategem that's up every 70 seconds.

Specially when most other strategems are just a gamble when you throw them (outside of sentries and HMGe, but I can only bring HMGe once.)
I also want to say OPS but I'm not sure if these got changed to not destroy the eye of sauron towers
they still destroy all objectives of that nature
orbital 120s and 380s do now, too
Not sure if any other stratagems do
Repostang this one. I took me half an hour to figure out sound posts dammit!
If they are beside a Fabricator you can actually take out the fabricator and they will blow up alongside it.
Otherwise, I've seen people use 500kgs to take them out. Orbital Lasers would work, but it's a gamble wether they will target the Detector Tower or something else.
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Things we'll be getting on Liberty day:
>review cape
>HD1 armor
>saber + bayonet + rifle
>tranq darts pistol
>HD1 color schemes
>Illuminates attack
>new bugs evolutions
>jetpack hulks
laser is good for detector towers, everything else aside from gunship fabs should go down to a railcannon or 500
500kg if you just want the mule, general purpose "big bomb"
120 barrage if you're weird and want to feel special
walking if you like killing teammates
We'll get one armor set. then the swedes will go on a multi-week vacation
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snow planets favorite planets
I'm gonna be deranged and say Orbital Gas Strike. Because the projectile actually will destroy them if it hits. Throw the beacon right at the base of the tower and it's practically a guaranteed explosion, with the bonus that it's the Orbital Gas Strike and works great on groups of enemies.
The only thing I haven't seen it work on are Shrieker Nests, but you can get away with using a hellbomb on those because they come in twos or threes.
>Cucksole poolayer
>no warbond trailer
It's just gonna be the rifle and some shitty armor
cluster bomb blew up hellbomb
hellbomb killed factory striders
simple 1 + 1 if you can't do this then you should bring cluster to bots and then cry when "anon said it kills FS" after you call in the 5th cluster and it does 0 damage to them
>Liberty Day is a holiday of Super Earth and is celebrated every 26th of October by the game's developers, Arrowhead Game Studios, and its fan base alike. Historically, Arrowhead Game Studios has published an official blog post each year recognizing Liberty Day and has been known to hold interactive events such as live streams, contests, giveaways, and an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) thread. Members of the fan base often celebrate in ways such as by participating in these events, sharing Helldiver-themed media (such as photos) online, or simply playing the game even after an extended hiatus.

>Each year on Liberty Day, the game's title screen displays fireworks while the ticker on the ship reads, "Humanity everywhere rejoices as we celebrate Liberty Day!"


HD1 liberty drops:

Constitution, 3 capes

Heavy strafing run, GL turret, smoke ammunition.

MGX-42 machine gun, diff 13/14/15

Proving grounds, 9 capes, "randomize" and "favorite loadout" selection


Are you expecting anything at all?
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It's fucking over.
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>HD1 color schemes
God I fucking hope this is true. I'm sick of all these armours that I can't mix and match because these swedes don't have a baseline direction for armour design
I throw it near the detector and it always goes down. I don't go in, it goes down. I don't see enough of them to worry about a 4 minute cooldown.
OPS. kills everything short of gunship fabs, but nothing but hellbombs or SAM missiles kills those.
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>that damaged armour
>that blue-trimmed one with Super Earth on the cape and little cap on the helmet
Aw baby those look SWEET
>he's still posting that same webm.
>he's really that proud of it

we finished without you bro, shame sweden decided to fuck you in the end
>top row 2, 3 and 4 are literally panther with different colors
so all you have to do to satisfy color scheme autists is give everything a yellow trim huh
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How many fucking people are we going to lose to the end of mission crash menace

Who will stop the spread of Swedish AIDS
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Never forgetti. GG

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We need a planet that is actually worth fighting for already.
Something extremely pretty, no enviromental hazards or modifiers, no fog, no plants or trees everywhere, holes, hellbombs.
Just a pretty planet you can go to in order to cleanse your eyes from the constant piss and shit fog from other planets without paying a stamina toll.
Something that would make you think "damn, this place is actually kind of nice, I would live here".
If I just didn't automatically get up from prone when getting ragdolled ragdoll would be a little more manageable...
That and if fucking knockback got reduced a ton if the impact of an explosion hit a wall too-
Like HOLY SHIT. how far do I need to be from a wall when a cannon turret hits it.
Martale is like that for me, looks nice and doesn't have any real modifiers
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For me, it's the Heroic armour set
You will fight in ze fog and you will be happy
Martale has the plants.
They bounce you up and cover the map in fog.
a interstellar society choosing to build colonies on planets with daily EMP storms and fire tornadoes is totally sensible
Super Earth is there. The one planet we all fight for to protect.
That's the joke
>EMP storms
>bots completely unaffected
>fire tornadoes
>bugs love it
swiggers, ladies and gents
>he doesn't use controller
that's why you complain while i cruise by, baby
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the hero of the federation
>you can one tap dev arms with the jar

You could also just shoot them in face
saars....the lobby saars?
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throw some arcs at it
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Another grim reminder that nobody at AH plays their own game
psst the super thick piss filter doesn't real but it should
now that I think about it, do bots have a planet piss or did I miss the 3 day MO it was available and it has never returned?
>twelve double sets of armor in the superstore
>each pair is available for two days at a time
>that means you only get one or two chances a month to buy armor sets
>and it's going to get worse the more warbonds (and thus simultaneous armor sets) are added
At some point they're going to need to change the store to put three (or more) sets of armor on sale at once.
Man I wish ARs were good
I just love full-auto but it's all kinda meh in HD2
Nice bait, made me reply
you're a dumbass
He's right
(You) are not right. what weapons are 'good' right now, pray tell.
Purifier and Crossbow.
DCS and these two >>499357659
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>decide to give GL a chance
>grenade inexplicably stops dead immediately after leaving the barrel and falls to my feet, killing me
back to AC it is
ah, the consolenigger weapons.
makes perfect sense.
Not an issue if you're a super fan like me.
I'm sorry, AR is just more inconsistent to still perform worse. I don't think ARs are terrible but they just aren't gonna wow me.
Aim better next time.
Scavenger nerf when?
What does aim have to do with physics glitching out and freezing grenades in place despite there being no obstacles of any sort?
That's strange, i never have that issue with the grenade launcher. Try validating your steam files.
You're doing something wrong, pal. Its up to you to figure it out.
I genuinely feel lonely when I don't have a guard dog with me.
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Bold theory, but I find it far more likely that GL is inconsistent and rightfully deserves its spot in the skippable tier.
Scythe is fine, shitter.
>stuns over gas
>scorcher in A
>lib over tendie
>libpen over judy
>impact/HE over gas
Stim pistol is a meme, even after the buffs
>scythe is fine if you constantly switch to your secondary and support weapon to let it cool down while any other primary wouldn't have this restriction
fine my ass.
also these tier lists are with D10 in mind, so if you play a lower diff they won't be accurate.
Just here to say that I know exactly what you are talking about.
The GL does that a lot, especially when corpses pile up or near foliage.
Anons that tell you otherwise like that one don't actually play the GL that much at D10 and with biomes variance.
It basically happens every game if you pay attention to it.
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>has no drop for 50m
>semi-auto but has a carbine's rate of fire
>charged shot takes out devastators in 2 shots anywhere, 2 shots to rocket chicken legs
>tiny laser for good accuracy
>charged shot explosion takes out chaff like nothing
Purifier is a perfect primary.
>gas doesnt work on hulks while stun does
>scorcher in A
where it belongs, its not S, its not B.
>lib & tend, impact, he & gas are all in A tier
somehow you see them as not the same tier
holy shit you are retarded beyond help
I get every warbond because I know eventually the one or more or the weapons will be good or great at least for a time, guaranteed.
>gas doesnt work on hulks while stun does
>punisher that low
>punisher plasma that low

Punisher is the best gun in the game and always will be.
prove it on video that it works on hulks.
Cookout is better.
>>lib & tend, impact, he & gas are all in A tier
their positions are read from left to right from greatest to least, retard
On bots? no.
Shit insta kills anything it touches. 2 taps berzerkers, and rips through devs.

If you get a single pellet on soft flesh it stun locks what you're fighting.
shotguns on bots really? all its good is vs berserkers
>punisher plasma
got its range neutered in the last patch
Sure, but I mean, punisher is not competing with the best bot guns at all.
Meanwhile cookout is a very good primary for bug hunting and outperforms the punisher there.
>their positions are read from left to right from greatest to least, retard
you are the only person in this thread who does this, giga autismo.
there's no major difference in power between those weapons
Berzerkers, Devs, Jump fags, Arguably chickens but I use my support for them.
It has easy handling and it does 400 some damage. Shit shreads through bots like they're made out of paper.

>Sure, but I mean, punisher is not competing with the best bot guns at all.

If we're talking like "I want a primary and literally nothing else" Then MAYBE. But the jump nigger meta changed that a lot. If you're running like RR I can see the argument for that S-tier. But if you have any other support weapon, you want a primary that covers what your support weapon is lacking. 9/10 times it's chaff clear, and punisher does that.
i did the full gas set with full gas gear. wasnt fun.
i did the full fire set with full fire gear. wasnt fun.
i did the full viper set with full viper gear. wasnt fun.
what am i doing wrong?
the only paper here is your spreadsheet document
that's not how the punisher works in the actual game
nothing, it doesn't work. it's not fun.
youre supposed to make a loadout that covers its own weaknesses.
taking 5 of the same thing amplifies their weaknesses.
you played after reddit ruined the game
>But the jump nigger meta changed that a lot
Nah, that's mostly retraining muscle memory. Things like the scorcher and purifier will have zero issues, meanwhile if you have the crossbow you just take the pocket uzi. It's not enough to justify taking a subpar shotgun vs. bots and even then cookout is better against jetpack bots because single pellet lights them on fire and will always kill them so you can ignite many bots at range and they will always die which is faster and more ammo efficient then the punisher
Taking cookout on automatons only to kill jetpack bots is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
Buddy me and my mates casually plow through bots 10 all the time. I understand the fear of the pen 2 weapon, I was like you when some nigger sold me on it. But holy shit, stopping something in your face from shooting you is a god send, and it's got solid range too.

Pocket stagger and reliably flick shots is just something you always want.
Well yeah, didn't say it was a good idea and neither is taking the punisher if you are looking purely for output vs. bots. But it is funny.
if the jump bots had a shotgun they would be scary
raider jump bots are pretty spooky, so yeah, full on laser scatter guns would be nasty.
You're a boring person who probably relies on meta builds. Also you forgot to do the full laser build. Golden eagle armor, scyth, dagger, stun, laser rover, laser cannon, orbital laser, and ems strike.vsyjx
>cs is a meme
What's the meme?
but every weapon above the punisher can stop something in your face, maybe except the eruptor and the xbow
i don't understand your reasoning
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the meme is thinking its good for headshots when it makes devastators flinch and either raise their shields or jerk their heads out of the way of your reticle, leading to spray and pray
countersniper usability can be covered with the verdict, regular diligence is more accurate cause it doesnt flinch
regular diligence doesn't do shit against armored walkers so there is always a good argument for both.
This was when I started to truly hate you.
really? got any funny image macros to go with that?
>regular diligence doesn't do shit against armored walkers
read, goddamn it
four bullets to the groin with the verdict and they're done, two with the senator
ap2 can also blast the missiles if you're a psychopath or desperate
verdict can even down gunships if necessary
>Ragdoll myself countless times while airborne with the jetpack
>No achievement
Faggotry, Dante, faggotry.
Or I could take one gun that does all that more efficiently and accurately. Diligence is solid but not outperforming the CS variant even when factoring in the flinching.
with the old jetpack you could just throw an impact nade under you while at the peak of your jump and you got the achievement
with the new jetpack you just die because it flies too low.
you should have been there
That's a lot of work just to be contrarian.
The easiest way I found to do it was start a fabricator exploding and jumping at it, since it's easy to time and won't kill you (probably).
every time i take the countersniper i always get caught with my pants down because it demands the primary to take care of everything
diligence is for sniping dev heads, troopers, and berserkers if necessary
verdict is for blasting jumppack troopers and walkers
keeping the two weapons in separate roles means i wont be out of ammo and be forced to rely on something im not used to
also spray and pray sucks

you're an idiot too poisoned by irony to see when someone is sincere
seek therapy
Alright, fags, I need me a meme build. NO. I need THE meme build - the one that memes harder than the rest. Give me your best, damn you!
guaranteed replies
use sentries
AC is good for your score but bad for your team
take AMR and prioritize threats. Threats are chickens, heavy devs and hulks.
You can come back to AC when you know what are you doing, but if you lose that's probably the reason.
Dominator isn't really a good gun, with fortified you could go full sniper with dcs + amr. Don't preserve ammo on dcs, spam, prioritize chickens because your teammates probably don't know hoe to deal with them. Try to save ammo on AMR though, use it for gunships, hulks, or anything if you you need to reload (better keep it at full mag).
If you can't hit heavy devastator head, target backpack. AMR 2 taps, dcs I don't remember.
Use heavy armor. At 0 stamina crouchwalk until it regenerates fully. No reason to do it on light or medium.
You don't need more than 1 red. Strafing run, OPS or 500kg if you browse reddit. Take 2 sentries. Dogs are good in close quarters, regular dog is eeally good but will not engage most of the time because of range. Rover is good vs jetpacks but so is regular dog.

If you really want to stick to AC, play like a bitch and scrape dropships with flak. That's what AC is for anyway. It's not really good for picking off shit on temhe ground, use primary more.
which faction you cocksucker
A build that memes both of them without swapping anything!
yeah that loadout seems gigameta for bots
id say its a skill issue
>every time i take the countersniper i always get caught with my pants down because it demands the primary to take care of everything
Never had this issue. It's not spray and spary, you just spam when you have easy shots like a chicken coming at you. If you really find this an issue you would just take your favorite blasting sidearm again but now you have double the armor pen daka or whatever you want.
Have your fun but the CS is not a meme, your loadout is fitting in two weapons to do one weapons job while using the CS poorly.
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lib concussive + any secondary you like + throwing knife
stratagems attached in image.
for booster, i recommend the firebomb hellpods for maximum trolling
My fucking sides. God bless you, Anon.
Well my last teammate who I complete a bot operation with have:
>Ballistic shields
>Laser cannon
>Smoke eagle
>I forgot
Still absolutely seething that the Exosuit with the 90mm cannon and the flamethrower wasn't released alongside the Freedom's Flame Warbond.
Returnfag here, being bored with the Space Marine 2 multiplayer (feels like discount Darktide). Is it worth getting back to this as a solo player relying on randos?
>the meme is thinking its good for headshots when it makes devastators flinch

How does it make them flinch when you kill them in one headshot.
Bots are painful on any difficulty below 10 because of the quality of teammates, but the problem is you're gonna be rusty as fuck like I was and it's surprising how much you forget in 3-4 months. I was running around like a headless chicken and fumbling inputs.
I only play with randos. It's a good time. Bugs are a bit too easy right now, bots are still toughter, but this is from the perspective of someone who isn't rusty and been playing consistently.
Lots of strong weapons and stratagems right now, turrets all just got buffed again and have super low CD.
Randos are perfectly fine most of the time
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I miss the jump pack fags already, old bots suck without them.
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>you're an idiot too poisoned by irony to see when someone is sincere
You're a projecting retard who doesn't understand the meaning of words.
There's no reason to take the regular over the DCS in this hypothetical, and your suggestion to make every encounter with rocket striders be needlessly convoluted just to be different is spurious at best. Your reasoning doesn't hold up.

Consider this your last (You).
I despise interacting with trash who cannot bother to use simple grammar or punctuation, and you have succeeded in failing to dissuade me of this position.
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>both fronts are just RR and sentries
can they quintuple the spawn count now
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>4 days until Liberty Day
Where are the "memes" here, you cocksucking, newfag twitter trash?
Recoiless is pretty overkill for bugs but sentries are crazy right now.
>but the problem is you're gonna be rusty as fuck
Somehow I don't doubt that, honestly. I didn't play a massive amount in the first place, and if this was an offline single player game I'd honestly be at a stage where I'd say "Fuck it, I'll just start a new save" and be perfectly happy with that.
Ah, yes part of what made me come back is that I vaguely heard some people say that a lot of shit got balanced, and you have a lot more choice in picking what you like vs going with cookie cutter "meta" builds.

Well that's good.

Oh forgot to ask: Did they give any disconnect protection / reconnect ability? One thing that made me quit early on was playing a quite long map, having a minor internet hiccup and just fucking losing the last 40 minutes of action to that.
its fine.
lot more fun to play with threadniggers though
im not reading your whining, just to let you know
stay mad
>concussive liberator
>hellfire pods
>throwing knife
>where are the memes
r u ok anon
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take the cookout instead
ragdolls AND burns with a single pellet
easiest plausible deniability for team damage, and they always have to use a stim
he's an indian, please bear with him.
>JAR Dominator with Peak Physique
I'm in love.
I don't. They're just grunts that can jump. I'm so scared.

Die as simple as anybot. A sneaky fatty will ALWAYS brown my pants.
it's too obvious.
just randomly ragdolling teammates in the distance with the libconc is better because they get confused on what ragdolled them.
if you also set them on fire they will know it was you, and the cookout's tracers are too visible
psa, careful when throwing knives at close targets. they have a chance of bouncing off of a surface/enemy and straight into you for an instant kill
Rocket Sentry after all the changes is the defacto best all-rounder sentry in the game. It makes the Autocannon Sentry look like a fucking joke.
I liked shooting them and then cascading the group with damage softening the rest up. That and it's nice not having like 5 fucking shield niggers in a row round a corner.

Guess it's back to railgun only now.
what faction is this
>railgun in trash
playstation player?
Personally I think AC performs better vs. bugs but at this point running many turrets is strong
Nah, I'm a leftie SJW basedboy feminist communist cuck, I come here because it's one of the few places left on the internet where you can have a casual quick conversation about video games / find decent info and resources without needing to join a fucking discord, but I would rather slit my wrists than actually spend any actual game time with any of you fags. (no offense)
I'm starting to lean towards a more supportive playstyle.
what's better gas or smoke for that?
>faction that swarms you from many sides
>the slowest turning sentry in the entire game is better than any other sentry
this is a fat claim, i think you're playing on low difficulty.
>Spear that high

fucking explain nigger. Spear is just recoiless with less shots, and can't headshot things to kill them in less shots. If anything it's trash tier.
More just a "strats I like" and frankly I've tried to make the railgun work for me, I admit I just suck at it, but I'd rather a Gustaf for fatty removals, or the orbital version that just tracks it for me.

>All Rounder

Is it at least idiot proof? I know it's Helldivers but it is a ROCKET sentry.
>Did they give any disconnect protection / reconnect ability?
It's not perfect and doesn't work 100%, but now you have some leeway about that. Either you just have a symbol telling you "connection problem detected" and nothing bad happens or, if you're unlucky, you'll get thrown into your own instance of the mission so you can still finish it.
gatling barrage is very useful for dealing with bug breaches since the cooldown and call-in times are so short and it lasts long enough to deal with most of it
gun guard dog is ridiculously strong now, better than the laser dog ever was during its peak
tesla tower is borderline overpowered for bugs as well
>Is it at least idiot proof? I know it's Helldivers but it is a ROCKET sentry.

NTA but it kills everything.
What makes them "memes"?
NTA, but I love the SPEAR

>Guaranteed distance shots on Spore Chargers before they become a problem
>Sniping bot cannon towers from 200+ meters away

Like those two reasons alone make me take it on most of my missions as my AT option.
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what changes? did they ruin my beloved rocket sentry as well...

I swear every single gun and strat I liked gets buffed to where it's no longer fun to use
Only the MG and mingun turret are good for handling many directions and you should be carefully placing your turret to keep most enemies in the front arc anyway, don't want to get yourself and team mates killed by turret fire.
The AC does more damage to big targets faster which is invaluable when trying to keep it up vs. impalers, bile titans, and charges. I find that higher DPS vs. big targets more valuable than the rocket turrets higher ammo efficiency.
Definitely far and away prefer rocket turret vs. bots where it's huge engage range and accuracy works great with it's now single shot nature.
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It's fun. Fire and forget makes my brain happy. I make it work. I'm aware it's not as good as the Gustaf. But fun is fun.
Gun dog eh? The barrage I can try out more. What would I use gun dog for? bots? bugs?
I drop out of any game I see someone bringing a Tesla into.
They never account for the thing's actual range, and the first time they deploy it always results in a team wipe.
gun dog melts bots and bugs both and it has a shitload of ammo now, I've never had it run out
no because the engine is already chugging along with the current enemy count

the only way forward is to buff the enemies
the rocket sentry turns on a dime, and it is fantastic anti-tank. no reason to use ac sentry
Although smoke can be interesting on D10 geology missions
>It's fun. Fire and forget makes my brain happy. I make it work. I'm aware it's not as good as the Gustaf. But fun is fun.

You're alright anon.
Can't kill for shit. Can push shit around.
>firebomb hellpods
Turns all hellpods in that mission explosive. Causes lots of friendly fire. Expect to get kicked if you bring this, ever.
>throwing knife
Fucked up arc and doesn't do nearly enough damage to justify giving up your grenade slot
If you mean they ruined it by making it actually kill shit alongside having an absurd amount of ammo, sure, plus being the only sentry with the unique trait of targeting large enemies first, yeah, I guess they "ruined" it.
What make the enhancement that makes your entire teams calldowns all burst into flame so if they aren't paying attention they'll set themselves on fire a meme?
Or the slowest damage assault rifle and gun in the game that just prolongs engages and ragdolls your team mates?
Or the throwing knife that was trash but at least you get 20 of them?
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could you or any other anons explain the soundposts? i see the catbox link in the filename but im retarded as shit and cant figure out the rest from there
>What would I use gun dog for? bots? bugs?
Both. But primarily bots. It completely invalidates the threat of both Berserkers, and Devastators. Especially heavies.
It kills Zerkers so fast it's scary.
EAT belongs in A and you know it
>arc thrower in A
some of you are twats I swear
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please anon, don't forget about me
it killed plenty of shit before, there was literally no need to buff it
I love the MG Sentry on bugs but I could never give it an S when it's so ass against bots.
Makes you think the lib-pen is actually good
That's a huge improvement already, honestly. I have pretty decent internet, but sometimes I guess it would lose connection for just a tiny bit, and you'd lose the entire match.
The engine can be optimized though
Might honestly be one of the worst support weapons out there
The AC has higher dps then the rocket sentry vs. the big boys with its burst fire and it's AC has higher pen then the support weapon AC. Turning on a dime is nice for the rocket senty but it's not shooting very fast no matter what so that's not good if it's spending time turning, unlike the MG turrets which it's not a big deal for.
Not saying the rocket turret is bad but the AC does beat out it in raw DPS vs. high health/armor targets.
I will forget about you because you're overpowered now
>it killed plenty of shit before,
It literally could not kill a Bile Titan before the ammo and damage buffs. There's test footage of this prior to the updates. It had the worst damage output by a country mile.
That just sounds like it makes them bad.
How is being bad a "meme"?
Ooga booga? Doogaddy doo?
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>bring it once in a blue moon
>always. ALWAYS regret bringing it while everyone else is having fun with their OP ass strategem

I don't care if it pops heads, it's so fucking boring.
It's like the guy in charge of fun knew what he was doing, and people said "Hey what if we made it a boring precision weapon" and he said, "a-are you sure?" And they never changed it.

Fucking laser cannon would have like 600 damage by now and just fucking plow through bots.
then I sleep, this loop will never end.
It's not good.
in theory yes, and it would be great if they would
but it's obviously out of their depth

why the fuck would it solo a bile titan you fucking retard?
god I hate redditors
fuck off and die already
Laser Cannon should fucking cook enemies and make them explode like a sunny side egg gone horribly wrong. It shouldn't be any of this precision headshot shit.
It's not. The drone makes it look devastating (lol) in how it treats Devas.
By itself it's just another liberator.
at best you'll get more fog to make you feel as if there were more enemies
of course it is, sadly in reality the minimum range and enemy mobility will absolutely cuck the AC sentry.
it has trouble tracking laterally moving chargers and robot chickens
you need to place it in advantageous positions where most of the time the ball will just funnybounce off of.
meanwhile rocket sentry is braindead, you can place it everywhere and it acts as solid anti-tank and anti-medium.
>why the fuck would it solo a bile titan you fucking retard?
Because it's a fucking ROCKET sentry you faggot contrarian nigger. It is firing 30mm projectiles laden with explosives. It is outright referred to as best used against heavily armored targets just like the AC Sentry.

Hang yourself on a fucking hose pipe, because you're too contrarian to use a rope.
Literally not a bile titan!?
Wow that literally sounds literal serious!
If two of my teammate bring AT then..
Bots: LC + Shield backpack
Bug: LC + laser dog
what the fuck did you expect from a laser weapon if not precision?

it sets them on fire already
Yeah, except the Recoilless can also do all that and more with 50% more ammo. About the only thing the Spear offers over it is the ability to bodyshot Charger Behemoths and kill them outright.

Right now, because of breakpoints, the Recoilless is outright better than the Spear in almost every way, and I'm saying this as someone who religiously mained it before Escalation of Freedom. It needs something better to give players a reason to pick it over Recoilless.
You're just as bad, twittard.
They're alright, but I've never had a really use case for EATs outside of defense missions where I could stockpile them. RR sort of forced them out of that position by just handling all heavies better.
I do wish EATs could be in A tier. I hope they get buffed enough to warrant it.
My botside PB is 628, scored with arcthrower. If I could do as well with anything else as I do with arc-chan, I'd switch off it. Not sure why it's so good, but it's just cathartic.
>ass against bots
It shreds everything light-medium. Only thing it struggles against that's smaller than a hulk is heavy devs, and that's only if you're neglecting to put them at an elevated point. The fact that it readily makes shredded chicken out of rocket scout patrols alone makes it worthy of the position.
They're a 70sec CD distraction that can handle everything light/medium while your rocket sentry goes unmolested and shoots all the heavies, 1hkos all the chickens, and picks off every heavy dev for you.

MG turret is essentially the single best complement to any other sentry, as well as to yourself. Low CD distractions are hard to come by. If your enemies don't agro onto it, the MG sentry shreds every single thing it sees.
>AH makes the LC a precision weapon
>gives it a bottom tier sight
>its big perk is unlimited ammo
>only a single back-up ice pack if you fuck up managing your heat so ammo is actually a bigger problem than on 90% of the guns
Truly they're the smoothest brain devs out there
only thing you can do is make it do 11000 damage so it one-shots bile titans and factory stirders no matter where it hits them. that's the only thing left for a weapon to do to make it better than the RR
>what the fuck did you expect from a laser weapon if not precision?
Melting shit I look at. Maybe really big fucking pew pew bolts that just completely eviscerate things.

Anything besides looking at something for like 5 seconds while I wait for it to die to my flashlight.
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>Hang yourself on a fucking hose pipe, because you're too contrarian to use a rope.
holy jej
>not skilled enough to call in EAT and kill 2 titans or a factory strider in a blink of an eye
i understand
spear is largely unchanged, recoilless was buffed by a huge amount

and this is where the "buff everything" mentality truly falls apart, because spear already oneshots most things, so how can you buff it more? you can't, once you've crossed that critical threshold then there is nowhere else to go and the faster firing weapon no longer has a downside

launch day balance was perfect
kill redditors
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The fact the Senator didn't come with a Cowboy hat and a poncho is a crime
I'll never forget you my dearest you'll always be by my side
I'm not talking on paper, it literally is higher dps vs. the big boys in practice which is important because those enemies will instant kill your turrets. In practice your rocket sentry will fire accurately but do too little damage and die as the charger runs over it or the impaler slaps it.. So for bugs I prefer that. You don't need crazy placement, just not brain dead. If you like the rocket sentry for being fool proof that's fine, but I'll take a smidge of brain power and put it somewhere where it efficiently chews through enemies and performs better.
The point of turrets is that it acts as a force multiplier without you needing more input than throwing it down.
Since it counts as another target for enemies, it can either split them up, or cause them to target you less. This fact alone has a lot of utility. The turrets being able to kill is just a very nice added bonus.
before EoF dropped this was my favorite support weapon

precision supports have been completely outdated for ages now, though

players now take from the devs book and mindlessly empty their AC/AMR into hulk chests
>Zerker killer

Ok I'm sold. FUCK zerkers.
>because spear already oneshots most things,
It doesn't one shot factory striders or biletitans.
ah yes 1500->4000 damage is 'largely' unchanged
okay retardo, what's next? the thermite grenade has been largely unchanged?
>Maybe really big fucking pew pew bolts that just completely eviscerate things.
That's the quesar cannon.
yes anon that's why he said MOST things and not ALL things
We just had an armor set on the store that would go good with the Senator, if that's the look you're going for.
It was PP, though.
>players now take from the devs book and mindlessly empty their AC/AMR into hulk chests

Good. Fuck headshotting. I bring my HMG and I will aim center mass cause that shit feels powerful. If I pop an eye and kill it, well that was nice but unintenional.
are people saying RR is shit meming or are there genuinely better options for dealing with titan/tank spam?
Can't launch the game right now but do you remember its name?
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on what planet does it not 1-shot bile titans?
are you aiming at the legs? lmao
mega skill issue, you suck giant cocks at the game lmao
spear always 1-shots titans
Who is saying that. Maybe they means it's blatantly the strongest AT in the game right now and too op and meta so now they can't like it.
RR is the GOAT vs. bots right now.
Still fuming the quasar cannon was just a laser rocket launcher and not a spartan laser-esque hypercharged beam that blasted through units desu
Bolts though. I want like multiple shots.
Not just a reskinned EAT. Also quasar takes 3 seconds to charge up to kill shit- seriously what is with these devs and making fucking stupid laser weapons that I need to sit around for.
A REAL contrarian would use Yarn.
it's a good way to balance it, if an enemy is coming right at you then you don't have time to charge it up
PH-56 Jaguar.
I mean it's the closest you can get. For now.
But I'm sure that AHS will bow to Reddit pressure to make something for the larp.
Then reload and fire again. Or just bring a Railcannon orbital as a "OHJESUSOHFUCKTHEFATTYISABOUTTORAPEMESAVEMELIBERTYAAAA" option.
And you're going to tell the spear to aim for the head directly how?

>if an enemy is coming at you, you'll wish you were using the EATs
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NTA but thank you
A REAL contrarian would use a noose of piano wire, then gorilla glue his hands to the sides of his head, so that after he jumps off the table and the wire decapitates him, it makes him look like he tore off his own head.
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>spend about half your rockets to kill one heavy
>when you could use 1/6 of your rockets to kill it in a single shot

I'm trying to be convinced not confused!
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thank you for the strong start anon, got the relevant extension and script installed but the 4chanX UI hasnt updated to include it, and im not quite sure exactly how to get it to work as intended. you've already done more than you have to, but any further guidance would be much appreciated, friend
>fire EAT
>enemy doesn't (shouldn't) die
>well fuck there's still 40 seconds left on the cooldown
>guess I'll die

>fire quesar
>enemy should die
>if it doesn't reposition and fire again
>local man blows through 3 eats without killing his target.
Missing the vital point with one EATs happens, but there is no excuse for missing the second.
yOu cAn'T uSe THaT!!!!!!1one
drawtroon should fuck off back reddit with his reddit-tier drawings and reddit-tier humor
>fire EAT
>shit dies
>fire EAT again
>another shit dies

>charge quasar for 15 seconds
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Close enough.
>shoot spear anywhere on the main body of the titan
>it collapses
you dont need to aim retardo
QC is the designated shitter gun. If that diver also brings a diaper backpack you know they're worthless.
Only the scout armor is a bigger warning sign of a gigashitter
hey, I often bring QC mistaking it for LC
this but also railcannon
noclue i dont use 4chanX
maybe its exclusive maybe you just need to restart your browser or some trivial shit
>Fire eat
>Shit dies
>Throw eat down on top of other shit
>It does
>Use eat rockets to kill some other shit
>Have to wait like 50 seconds for more rockets, damn eat bros guess the quasar has us beat
the cooldown is even lower nowadays, don't remember what it is with the ship upgrades.
You know that "shitter" means someone that engages in homosexual sex, but as the top, right?
EAT should deal the same damage as the RR tbqh
Alright I'll go test this tomorrow.
Still shit for ammo eco, but if it one shots on the torso, then it's not the worst it could be.
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Stratagem trick weapon in the vein of Ludwig's Holy Blade:
>Assault Rifle with backpack
>the AR itself has AP 5 and good damage but a small mag of 30 rounds
>equipping the backpack turns it into an AP 6 rocket launcher with napalm explosives that fires in bursts of 3 at the time
>swapping between modes autoreloads the weapon mode that isn't being used (cannot be animation canceled)
Now the EAT is the strongest AT and both the RR and EAT exist at the same time being super duper strong.
i'll try both routes, thank you again anon and have a good day/night, whatever it may be for you :D
25 second per rocket + instant shot + instant calldown with ship upgrade
15 second cooldown + 3 second charge time = 18 seconds per 'rocket'
>EAT: 2.4 shots per min
>Quasar: 3.33 shots per min
it's not much better in a generic situation, but on planets with longer strat cooldown, it is better
why? it already 1-shots titans, impalers and chargers.
it already 1-shots hulks and tanks
the only thing the RR does better than the EAT is factory striders
And drop ships.
EAT 1-shots dropships to the thruster, and they finally fucking fixed enemies not taking damage from the dropship explosion, so it's actually a legit strategy now
It offers the ability to not have to make constant calldowns. Meaning you get to be more mobile with the quasar. Sometimes it's more than just math. The Quasar's trajectory is very flat compared to the EAT's. This makes long range sniping of targets much easier as it leaves only the sway of the weapon itself to consider. However this can be completely negated by lying down, but you cannot move out of cover while charging if you're lying down.
Wait seriously blowing up thrusters kills crew now?
never had the "space issue" with the EAT
if you have the 3 seconds to stand completely still and charge up the quasar, you have the 5 seconds to pop in the stratagem code, throw it to a place where you will be in 3 seconds, have it land, pick it up and shoot
Martale number is going schizo.
Long range sniping really only comes up for hives and spore towers, but that's easy as pie with any practice using EATs/Recoiless.

Also you will be commonly be running around with 1 EATs on your back and the calldown ready for 3 rockets.
HD1 armor and the constitution bolt action rifle with the bayonet is 100% confirmed for Liberty Day with the current leaks. Anything else is copium.
you blow up the thruster, the dropship begins to spin and fall down
enemies survive, but when it lands, it explodes and kills literally anything less than a factory strider immediately.
>Also you will be commonly be running around with 1 EATs on your back
no you don't, because the EAT is a supplementary weapon, not your primary support weapon
Says you.
I mean really, I run it as my only support vs. bugs all the time.
Not only that, if you're carrying an eat you just call down shit when you need a new one.
Usually it's kill one thing, pick up eat n maybe kill something else or get a second shot. Then you got your spare which you can use almost immediately if need be.
no i don't. and no, i don't have to run a primary support weapon with the EAT, because it's almost as powerful as the RR.
Yeah don't listen to retards.
Once they figure out a way to play something they think that's the only way to play said thing.
One-dimensional fools.
It's only supplementary when I take a support from one of my buddies. Now I've got eats AND my support weapon.
I use the Quasar against bots, not bugs. With it I can take out multiple bases back-to-back. If I have a good enough vantage point, I can take out a strategem tower from afar, as well.
Yeah sure. Also better vs. gunships.
I wish we could have at least 1 mission of everything at all difficulties.
Been trying to find missions I like, not a single planet has them at D10, even if they are in the poll of possible missions.
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We should have sex with the bugs, thoughbeit.
working now, one last thank you and hope you are clean of pub aids forevermore anon
You better not be lying anon, I'm going to try this out now
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Usually I'm with someone who has RR or EAT and I let them handle that. By the time I charge my shot, the gunship has already dropped it's load, or someone else has already taken the shot.
In that case, I'm keeping an eye out for Hulks so they don't have to waste ammo on it.

Teamwork makes the dream work.
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enjoy the cancer :)
go fuckin ahead.
EAT is king
What is zappy tower's range?
Anywhere between 0 and Allofyourteam meters.
Haven't done an exact test but its in the 20m range, I think
I remember being crouched near it about 25m away and it wasn't trying to trigger on me
18m same range as all throwers
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>Med armor
>Stimmy gun
>Ammo pack
>In a team filled with spears/RR
Damn I love farming Thank yous
make the arc armor stun resistant from electric shocks. Sure it lets me survive walking into arc tower range but because of its fast attack speed you just get stunned to death as you cycle between the get-up animation and ragdoll
>same range as all throwers
>blitzer: 35
>arc thrower:55
Expectations for Liberty Day?
Shoot the bots, Helldiver. Or I will shoot you.
No I meant flame and sterilizer. Like all the other weapons you throw with.
Constitution and the armor. That's it.
Maaaaybe gas mines, and a quick patch to some stuff they might have missed.

No illuminate.
Oh and Mechs will get an upgrade bay. They said they were buffing Mechs but never did this patch.
>They said they were buffing Mechs but never did this patch.
patriot rockets got a significant damage boost in the first 60 patch and the emancipator got more ammo, higher rate of fire, and more durable damage in the second 60 day patch
I want gas mines so i can finally run quad mine.
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First game armour
Third Mech Type
Back-pack fed Minigun
Terminator Armour
>Place Rocket Sentry on any elevated terrain
>Watch it utterly cuck bots back to back with multiple poots
can extend up to 80m when arcing
>Oh and Mechs will get an upgrade bay. They said they were buffing Mechs but never did this patch.
There's been a strategem launcher teased in leaks.
I think it would make exosuits OP as fuck, but who knows.
>They said they were buffing Mechs
AP4 for the machinegun arm maybe? Guided missiles?
Give me one reason to take the handheld HMG over the emplacement
you can bring both for more HMG per mission
hmg looks cooler
Patriot needs it. At current it cannot even handle striders. Using rockets on striders is a fucking waste, and you're not guaranteed 1 shot per kill.
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>he doesn't bring HMG/HGMe/MGe/GGe for MAXIMUM DAKKA
Depart from me, I never knew you. Ye who practices undemocracy.
I almost got enough premium currency to buy my first premium warbond. Any recommends as to which one to get?
There isn't. HMG has been trash since AH nerfed it's durable damage
Democratic Detonation if you want things to go boom.
Steeled Veterans if you want to be based.
Something else if you don't like either.
>not running stalwart + knight + redeemer + supply pack + HMGe + GG for even more bullet spam
ngmi, dakkaless diver
Democratic Detonation
>grenade pistol
Grenade pistol is huge for giving more flexibility to your loadouts. Crossbow is extremely strong.
And eruptor is fun vs. bugs.
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>Sorry Pilesdssdstsd I couldn't fix the reticles this week because Mr. Pëånuts was sitting on my keyboard
>WHAT? It takes 22 shots instead of 15 to kill a tank? FUCKING ABSOLUTE TRASH RUINED DOGSHIT
you are being hysterical
>t. doesn't use HMG
>verification not required
Cutting Edge gets you Sickle, Dagger, Blitzer, Stun Grenade and Punisher Plasma. All good to decent.

Democratic Detonation gets you Eruptor, Crossbow, Grenade Pistol, and Thermite. ALL are fantastic.

Polar Patriots gets you Purifier (which is currently the best primary in the game), along with Verdict, Pummeler and Tenderizer as well as the Incendiary Impact. All of questionable utility and quality. Mostly based on your opinion.

Finally Steeled Veterans gets you the Senator which is the best side-arm in the game, currently. As well as the Incendiary Grenade. Liberator Concussive, Breaker Incendiary, and Jar-5 Dominator are all a Your Mileage May Vary in terms of current usefulness.

The other three; Freedom's Flames, Viper Commandos, and Chemical Agents each feature perhaps one, or two useful things per warbond.

Viper Commandos: Experimental Infusion booster.
Chemical Agents: Gas grenades.
Freedom's Flames: Cookout, the flame retardant armor (for fire tornado planets) and possibly the primary/secondary flame weapons, if that's your thing.
Anyone encounter a bot airbase merge with a heavy base ? Took me forever to find the goddamn terminal.
*hands (You) a C-01 form*
It's one of the literal 2 seeds of airbases, the latter which is reused for one of the extermination seeds.
At least now you know, don't forget it.
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>used to always turn the stalwart to lowest RPM
>turned it up to max for one game just for shits and giggles
>it's a laser cannon... a laser cannon that fires beams of lead
there's three actually
the erad one
the basic bitch hill one
and then one that loops around and looks like a quarry
Steeled veterans
I can give you several.

1. The ammo buff makes it good against bots again, and actually viable against bugs now. Supply Backpack is no longer mandatory.

2. The durable damage nerf didn't do anything to it that the massive increase to heavy enemy HP didn't already do to all AP4 weapons in the game. The buff from 50% to 65% damage on matching armor pen virtually cancelled that out anyways.

3. In concert with #1, the buffs to Gun Dog give you a tool to further conserve HMG's ammo, so you only have to use it against bigger enemies.

Emplacement serves an entirely different purpose anyways, the two are not mutually exclusive.

Democratic Detonation, Cutting Edge and Steeled Veterans are all good choices, but I would recommend in that order. Polar Patriots and Viper Commandos are roughly equivalent but I would recommend Polar Patriots first since it has more goodies.
Doesn't even beat the liberator these days, it's fallen behind since the warbond released
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Welcome to the brotherhood of dakka, diver. We've been expecting you
They spent all of their dev time rebalancing everything
we are only getting the meme rifle
For me? It's Twigsnapper.
Alright, thanks anons. Looks like Ill be going with DD.
Weren't lying about being rusty, I FULLY forgot that this game had realistic magazines instead of magic bullet counts.
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bots 10, jet brigade is gone edition
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brother I wish the melee damage buff was significant, I want to choke out bots and crush terminid skulls properly
what's the point then
DD is the crutch warbond.
>fire rate boost on the Tenderizer also applies to the burst fire mode
Thats prety fucking neato, now if only that fucking thing actualy memorized that i want it at max RoF instead of defaulting back to 600 RPM everytime i died it would be nice
because killing bots is fun, get in here
>Tank bot bullshit while giving them peak physique JAR rape in return
Truly a man's choice.
Well, I'm a min-maxing scrub so that'll fit me just right.
It has. Honestly it's a waste of time. They should give it back it's 6 heatsinks already.
>game randomly puts everyone back on the same super destroyer with no message or anything
nani the fuck
Now that we're in a position where all the weapons are actually usable, we can petition Arrowhead to start making the game hard again.
They shouldn't be. The game was supposed to be about throwing stratagems and being an expendable soldier, now you're just some badass who can fight out of anything.
Not gonna happen.
They are incapable of making it harder without trashing exisiting guns.
they were useable to begin with
every gun was usable from the start
some just took a higher IQ than others
I havnt taken peak performance off since the WB dropped
No they weren't. Some guns were absolute dogshit and had no purpose.
Not for redditors and some folks here though. Aiming for weak points is too much work for them.
to be fair, 4chan helldivers community was small and had very few threads, but it wasn't like this general at all before HD2 came out. there are still small remnants left over here
Hi Mr. redditor!
>people are so slow they JUST discover the power of the RR
>they don't know the EAT is just the RR but better
i'll give it 2 weeks until someone figures it out and it will start proliferating on reddit and youtube sloppers
Ah yes I too enjoyed the Liberator Penetrator not being able to kill any singular small armored bug without dumping an entire mag into it.
will the irish poster ever stop seething?
redpill me on this irish poster
why is he hated
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I can't believe we fucking lost Others, bros... It was my favorite biome...
You'll forget it exists once it can no longer hit the breakpoints on dropships.
Hello, Mr Election Tourist.
>enemies have to die to one mag or less because...umm...BECAUSE THEY JUST HAVE TO OKAY!!?

support weapons and strats were supposed to be your main damage dealers. Primaries were supposed to kill chaff or clean up the remnants. Or focus down a small number of medium enemies depending on the primary you had equiped.
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And then you went and completely destroyed your credibility. GG, retard. No re.
I came back to the game after a couple months break and I don't get bots. Maybe it's me being rusty or using a unfamiliar loadout (antimaterial rifle) to complete the daily.

After the nerf I can easily deal with medium bots or whatever they're called and hulks are a joke but there are just too many enemies at all times.
I don't know if its a player aggroing everything in the map every match or the rest of the group doing fuck all damage but nonstop patrols + call ins make advancing a slog. By the time I finish a patrol a couple new patrols spawn or dropships show up and we're back to square 1.
Should we just spam stratagem and run to the next objetive while they're staggered? I hate stratagem spam tactics

D9 here btw
I've been in a /hdg/ bot lobby with three QCs yesterday. I was on railgun. It was a flawless op. We went quad jump pack and speedran everything. Not once did we feel like we didn't have enough AT. Zero need to bring RR
Ah, it's this retard again. Get a job.
Good theory, Ragnar. Problem is that in practice this caused the game to be a tedious slog. Probably because the Sw*des at Arrowhead suck at math.
Cry more incel
>says the guy using pictures from the big LE bowski

Hello Mr. redditor!
From what I understand, the people that play in the lobbies and the retards that post in the thread are two different groups.

The trolls crying about "shitter" this, and "bugdiver" that are never in the lobbies themselves. If, and/or when they do end up in the lobbies, they're the ones that end up having a bad time, getting carried, or coming back and trying to bitch and start drama post-game.

The good players don't need to shittalk over weapon preferences. They can back it up with action.
samefagging schizo who's been seething everyday in every thread (both /vg/ and /v/) about redditors for like 3 months straight without skipping a day
What a retarded post. How do you know which is which on an anonymous image board?
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>the twittard is mad and having an autistic fit over buffs again
thanks, i just filtered all posts with a double linebreak. that's why i'm not up to speed
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GL is an abusive relationship.
You'll learn to love your bruises eventually. Don't worry anon.
Returnfag here, any recommends for strategems / general louadouts? Mortar seems universally good, because it doesn't seem to care about some obstructions in the way, I like guard dog to carry around, maybe LMG on top and then some sort of airstrike? For my main loadout I use SG-225 Breaker, P-19 Redeemer and G12 high explosive.
Because you don't see people coming back from lobbies crying about weapon choices or other useless shit. On the rare occasion that you do, that person is ridiculed endlessly.
>the single worst sentry in the game
Thanks for killing the game. You could've just booted up l4d2 to get your horde killing fix but instead you threw an autistic tantrum. Now the game is completely trivial.
Is this something that children really do?
Did you really believe that to be "Redditspacing?"
Did you really fall for that shit?
You're welcome!
which faction?
there's only a few gems i "always take".
Rocket Sentry on bots is an always take for me.
Eagle Strafing run on bugs is an always take for me.
no one gives a shit about your primary since most of them are fairly close in power but if you want to minmax
these are like 85-90% accurate, which is an insane number considering the retardedness in these threads
Why do people still play this game since they casualized it? Stockholm syndrome or sunk cost fallacy?
Some of the people complaining about it being "casualized" are just trolling.
The others are poorfags/children and this game is all they get until Christmas.
t. alexus serbohoholovichic
Im not trolling though, there is no risk of a failed mission on d10. What the fuck is the point?
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Even if I wanted to play something else, there isn't anything quite like HD2.
You've been playing the game since February, you stupid fag.
Of course it's become trivial. Even without the "buffs" it would have been this way by now.
Eagle Strafing Run/Airstrike are both solid choices, the former is a good for dealing with crowds, the latter is better suited towards heavy units, but they can each handle both.
One Orbital Napalm Barrage can solo a bug breach even on the highest difficulty. Walking Barrage can solo most bot camps.
>Support Weapons
Recoilless Rifle is the meta right now, it can take out any bug or an entire bot dropship in a single hit.
Rocket sentry is always a reliable option for bots, I personally prefer Gatling or MG Sentries on bugs.
>complains about things being trivial
>doesn't solo D10 while fighting everything
>there isn't anything quite like HD2
Was, there WASN'T anything like hd2. But thanks to buff beggars the game is rapdily losing its unique charm to appeal to certain "people". Its a damn shame and I'm never gonna get over it.
People do not actually like hard games.
LE DARK SOULS OF X is just a meme, mostly because Dark Souls is a series notorious for allowing the player to use various strategies including silly cheese to progress. It's the complete inverse of Alexus nerfing literally anything that works in HD2 and shit like Terra Invicta
There's ways to make the game hard. But these faggots wanna complain instead.
Pick the worse primaries, secondaries, supports, and strats. Then go solo D10 and not get hit a single time.
B-but you don't understand, if they don't make the game artificially difficult and unpleasant for others, then they've wasted their efforts!
airstrike was never good for heavies and it's even worse now when it misses randomly
it's still good for taking out buildings but so is strafing run, so airstrike is redundant
HD2 is supposed to be played with a 4 man team, Mr. redditor. Solo play is for absolute faggots.
A not-insignificant portion of the HD2 fanbase does not want the game to be popular. They don't want lots of people playing it. They want it to be niche like HD1 was. They despise the runaway popularity of HD2. You'll find them, because they love to bring up, "Well in HD1 the X was actually like a Y" or "X was such-and-such in HD1, so it stands to reason it'll make it to HD2 and be like that."
My favorite one, however, was what they kept saying when the game's population was tail-spinning hard, "Well HD1 only had 1,000 players and it was fine!"
>nooo you can't feel superior for playing higher difficulty that's fascist!
So people who want the game to be difficult have to play the game in a way its not mean't to be played. But, you guys can't be bothered to just lower the difficulty? Doesn't seem right to me.
Heavenflyers spin-off when?
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Honestly, I prefer fighting bugs to bots, but sometimes I guess you gotta do your daily quest in botland. I'll save the images for future reference, looks like my shotgun is already pretty good against bugs.

Ah nice, good to know. I guess since Recoilless comes with a support backpack, that kinda makes it a bad pairing with my beloved Guard Dog drone thing.

Also: Are there any decent light armor alternatives? I just realized I have 8 medium armor choices and only a single light armour.
Who's this "you guys can't lower the difficulty"? I've never once complained about not being able to play D10.
There's no reason why you gotta take the META, if you're so good.
Run with the liberator, OBS, and smoke. Take the starter pistol and frag grenades. Only use what support weapons/backpacks you find on the map.

If you want a challenge, then challenge yourself!
If you really are as good as you say, you'll find a way to beat the game with those extra challenges. That is, if you're not a pussy who's all talk and no show.
OPS*, whoops.
nta but I run shit like eruptor and lasercannon and scorcher and mg-43 in bots flag missions
it's not hard
it's supposed to be hard, I shouldn't be able to get away with this shit
>he thinks i don't already take he grenades, peacemaker, etc.
I make use of every weapon and stratagem the game has. The fact that you suggest this as some sort of challenge is very telling of your ability. Anyways, you ignored my point my main point so i accept your concession
I want more challenge while being to able to play the game as intended. Shouldn't be too hard for you to understand but maybe it is.
The game currently is working as intended. If you don't like it, then go find a different game to play, bitch.
I wish shitters like you could have taken your own advice instead of ruining hd2.
kwab seethe more
Hey, at the end of the day I'm enjoying the game and you're not. That makes me the winner here. Too bad, so sad.
I accept your concession, my slow, brown friend.
>I run good loadouts and the game is easy
Shut up, faggot. Pick some actual trash.
>um... NUH UH!!!!! NO U!!!!!!!!!! ME ACKSHUALLY GOOD!!!!
Yeah, I somehow doubt it. Go on. Go pick the worst possible loadout and go run pubs with crossplay on.
>calls people brown while using gen z nigga slang
the senator can pen bile titans...owari da...there is no recovering from this...the sacred oath to never let primaries and sidearms penetrate tanks is gone...this is my final message...
rip in piss
Wow, you're asshurt. All shitters had to do was just lower the difficulty. But people who want a challenge have to play the game in unattended way. Not really fair. Also suggest to me the worst possible loadout for bots and bugs each
Post hand(i know you won't, coward).
according to you shitters d10 flag is impossible even with RR
This assumes you're too good for the game in it's current state. You're constantly going on about how good you are. How would nerfed weapons make this any different, oh anon of supreme skill?
You can't undo the buffs, but you -can- cripple yourself.
Or you can go fuck yourself. Whichever you prefer.

For myself, as I lack the proper skill and knowledge to be on your same level, I cannot tell you how to make the game more challenging for you.
Only you can do that.
Have you considered stabbing yourself with a nail file before playing?
>Punt an artillery shell over to exfil
>Team heads off to do objectives
>Satisfied with my mischief, head off on my own to take out the fortress
>Sieze bot head and return triumphantly
>Shell is gone when I return to exfil
>shitter goes back to strawman
you shitters are so predictable
you always try to put the blame for shitty balance on good players
the game was better when 90% of primaries, support weapons and stratagems weren't worth using desu
Still using that nigga slang, I see.
I never once bragged about being a good player. I just want them to stop making it easier. Game balance has only moved in one direction since launch.
Desu my ass, kouhai
Way to out yourself.
Nigger* anybody who types nigga instead of nigger is automatically brown. You're brown.
NTA, but
>arc res light armor
>throwing knives
>EMS strike
>orbital railcannon strike
>eagle rocket pods

>heavy padded armor
>smoke grenades
>Orbital smoke strike
>Eagle smoke strike
>ballistic shield
Screen shotted and will try later.
>playing a shooter without being able to shoot back
>playing bugs without being able to destroy bugholes
you are retarded
The crisper is actually hidden OP.
I've given you tools for everything, they're challenging but not unfair. (the ballistic shield against bugs has its uses, it will take you a while to figure it out, though)
I've solo'd D10 with them myself so it's possible.
smoke strikes can kill holes, newfag-chama.
>can't shoot back
skill issue
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scud chicken upon ye
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GGs anons, thanks for joining the lobby
The rocket pods are actually very good against bots.
It's another "2 minutes of boredom because enemies refuse to attack extract" episode
You must play d1 exclusively or something.
Imagine being so gay you don't think having a final onslaught of enemies to defend from before extracting is kino as fuck. Crucial "cherry on top" for every mission.
No, I agree that it's a huge let down to have no dramatic fight scene at the end of the mission.
But imagine crying over it.
Imagine a backpack that holds 2 EATs
Redditors got the game changed to suit their tastes after relentlessly crying and stomping their feet.
>he doesn't know that D1 always has an extraction fight
The MO, where is it?
I didn't "cry". I made a post about my displeasure on a 4Chan /vg/ Helldivers General.
I saw this phenomenon happen before all the le reddit boogeyman nerfs, however.
Seemed like crying to me.
All kinds of things "seem" to schizophremics
>everyone is enjoying breaker, railgun, and shield
>let's kneecap all of those until they're worthless
>everyone is enjoying the quaser canon that was just added
>let's kneecap that until it's worthless
>oh, there's a little glitch that lets you kill chargers with flamethrower easily, and the flamethrower warbond is about to come out, people are excited at the possibility of a primary flamer, interesting
>better kneecap it until it's worthless the second that warbond drops
>oh wow, people are leaving the game in droves, I wonder what the problem is

>the war is going worse than super earth is telling us
are they going to unlock some more planets now?
says who
So where are the ayys? Where are vehicles?
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>oh wow, people are leaving the game in droves, I wonder what the problem is
the problem is that it's a repetitive game with no content, literally nobody cares about balance outside of some nolife addicted neckbeards

>what's that? the mech missiles are reliably two tapping chargers? yuck, better make it so you can't kill a single charger with half the missile rack
There was an actual glitch that showed Jet Bridgade on every planet
>things are only enjoyable if they let my bypass the gameplay entirely and invalidate all other builds
>literally nobody cares about balance
a balance patch brought back more players than an advertised content patch
>reddit is mainstream, reddit is responsible for the outcry about balance
>balance is niche, only addicted neckbeards complain about it
how do you manage to live in this world of doublethink you've created?

cool strawman, I'm going to get back to enjoying my mech missiles actually killing things again, go cry about it and play a different game
Sure, sure. It's not crying. It was manly tears.
Don't even bother arguing with anons over balance.
They literally don't understand how to play the game in the first place.
>crying about nerfs
>crying about buffs
when will you people stop crying?
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It's funny how poeple seem to think AT mines are safe to be near.
It's a bug retard.
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Why would the UI even allow this.....
Every time a buff happens, and some sweaty teenager from twitter who starts crying about Redditors to fit in starts on the usual bitching, I smile.
It makes me happy to know that you're unhappy.
These retarded narcissists like to pretend that the reason why everyone was using certain weapons wasn't because everything else was such irredeemable, and ineffective garbage. The devs were 'balancing' by spread sheet. The dumbest way to handle game design.
quickplayers are subhuman and deserve no consideration
if you think they were all made worthless and the player count decline was primarily because of the balancing you are delusional and hysterical
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And the players are coming back because they added a bunch of content.
You're a filthy fucking faggot and I hope you catch monkey pox.
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Then why does a balance update coincidence with the largest jump in player count in the game's recent history?
Do note the chemical warbond came out Sept 12 and had no spike at all.
coincide lmao
>t-they added content, that's why people are back!
>the chemical warbond, which is widely regarded as the worst one, which had no player count increase when it came out
>gets btfo by data
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Thanks alexus, very cool.
I better see you faggots wearing your democracy protects armor on liberty day
I think what was important for steadying (for now) the player numbers was this march towards DSS that actually got people exciteed.
>jd vance poster silenced by hard facts
you guys said you weren't going to fact check...
I didn't even care that much about the nerf they did to the rockets. It was how they fucked up their aim and left them like that for 3 to 4 months in the name of "fixing" something else that made me quit the fucking game for a while. Just complete and total ineptitude and lack of quality control.

The rocket aiming is fixed now but the emancipator is just better in every way so it would be worth it for them to revert that nerf.
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>he uses the Shield Generator Backpack
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>searching for sos beacons...
>estabilishing host connection...
>receiving data...
>searching for sos beacons...
No, Quasar is a bugshitter weapon.
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I've been rocking it for a while now just to roll the dice, the amount of shit I've been getting away with is absurd.
I've been added to arc thrower chains, juggled by charger packs, shot with cannon towers and just walked that shit off. The must egregious examples was running INTO a striders chain guns in an attempt bait it from mulching our Spear user, getting turned into a sack of Voting meat paste, and then stimming it off.
I've observed some kind of grace period, where when you take almost lethal damage down to 5%-ish from high percentages, that lets you eat a few low damage hits. Combined with 50% to simply not die is incredibly funny.
>Game balance has only moved in one direction since launch
Alexus, is that unironically you?
Did you not see literally every popular weapon getting nerfed because Alexus had a spreadsheet that said X weapon was being used too much, ergo it must be nerfed into the ground?
a PATCH brought back players
they will soon figure out there's no more content than last time and leave again
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wow look how fun mechs were before redditors ruined the game
when the game is fun again

if a weapon is used too much it's probably an indicator that it is invalidating other weapons by being too powerful
That's an indicator that all the other weapons are probably shit. Something that AH has already conceded to and locked Alexus in the rape dungeon.

You lost tranny, get over it.
because all the other weapons are hot fucking garbage you retard
do you think the breaker snp is a good weapon
>hitting the spot that you aren't supposed to hit
>does no damage
wow what a surprise it's almost like you suck at the game and just want everything to be brainless
back to the place where you came from
the weapons didn't suck
you sucked
you couldn't figure out how to use them so you cried until they were made brainless and able to kill enemies they shouldn't easily
breaker snp is really good at keeping hunters off your back for example
okay so all your primary can do is kill hunters
you are a retard and you would be at home at pavonis interactive
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I hope they never fix that bug
>why can't my shotgun kill bile titans in one hit
reddit retard
>live service done right, they say about HD2
>no endgame
>content is drip-fed agonizingly slow
>2 month wait per warbond
>the 3 last warbonds have all been bad at best
>devs were actively killing the with braindead balancing
>small patches are more likely to fuck something up than fixing something

How is this game even still alive
that's a retarded oversimplification and you should feel bad
you would keep clapping until every single weapon was unusable and there's a grand total of 100 people playing on a weekend
alexus would rather die than buff an underused weapon
>devs were actively killing the with braindead balancing
they were keeping the game fun and interesting
now they're killing it
Picking up on sarcasm isn't one of your strong points, is it?
Here, let me spell it out for you: the buffs brought people back.
All your arguments about the nerfs having no effect on the population are blown the fuck out.
Now go away.
Until Alexus's vision for the game has been restored.
ok alexus
I've been jerking off for 5 days and missed the jet brigade, I hope my favorite planet of Others is safe.
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Which is why the playercount skyrocketed when they did the balance pass, you retard.
Maybe this game isn't for you now that Alexus has been rightfully bound, gagged and thrown into a janitor's closet.
>And the players are coming back because they added a bunch of content.
That doesn't read like sarcasm at all. It reads like >>499378230 made an addendum to his post explaining why he thinks people came back to the game. Are you sure you're not the retarded one?
Not him but we have a pistol that can kill bile titians now.
>b-but it takes 30 rounds!
The fact it even damage the bile titian in the first place is ridiculous. All the enemies in the game are a joke now.
Everything sets them off, even stim pistol projectiles.
buff and nerf isn't anything to do with usage, it's to do with whether it fulfills the role it's intended to,

usage is only an indicator, if one weapon is underused it's probably too weak, but not necessarily, it could just be high IQ gated and not need adjustment, someone will figure out how to use it and do well with it

if a weapon stands out as overused (e.g. railgun/shield combo) then it's probably too strong, but not necessarily, sometimes people imagine that things are stronger than they actually are, like with the railgun which was actually fine the way it was, and was simply overused due to perception rather than balance

making every weapon a braindead weapon with no downsides is shit for the gameplay
buffing everything leads towards instagib, it's a retarded take by retarded armchair game designers who don't have a clue

I get why people have that attitude because pendulum balancing is way too common, nerfs are almost always into the ground, and buffs are almost always to the moon, very few devs have the light touch required for real balancing

but things were in a good spot in general at launch, things needed fine tuning, not this sledgehammer which has destroyed the fun of the game
it skyrocketed because of youtuber hype, not because of the buffs
it will die again because of lack of content, just like the first time

only nolifers care about balance, the game is FOTM right now, it will pass.
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because these stupid pieces of shit have to be contrarian.
This idiocy is one of the main reasons I hate this game's community so much. Not the people playing, mind you. They seem to be fine. But come to discuss this game with people? Fuck that.
>"There was no nerfs!"
>"Okay there was nerfs but it wasn't bad!"
>"Okay they were bad, but they weren't responsible for the player count decline!"
>"Okay maybe the nerfs had an effect on the player count decline, but it wasn't a large influence!"
>"Okay maybe the nerfs were primarily responsible for the game's population imploding, but it's not a bad thing because HD1 only had 1000 people playing it!"
This isn't just a 4chan phenomenon, either. Oh no. These fucking retards are everywhere. These morons will tell you the Slugger and Breaker nerfs didn't happen. That the Arc Thrower range was never nerfed. They're not trolling. They're not joking. They're 100% serious. There's no reason to do it. No logical explanation for it, other than they feel compelled to contradict everything you know right to your face.
>it was the le yootoooberz!!.1.1.1onteon122!!
I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit, as well.
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People who didn't help fight the bot menace should be penalized in game.
it was, there were a fuckton of youtube videos shouting from the rooftops "they updated the game we're so back guys"
that's why.
You mean a dead game, so he can weasel out of his contract and worm his way into another game studio to turn its latest game into his next pump 'n dump scheme?
He killed Hello Neighbor 2 and then left his position as lead designer.
Nobody asked for the revolver to have AP4
... and? Did they personally inject your feelings on the game directly up your ass? Or did you clinch and go in the opposite direction purely out of contrarian spite like the edgy little teen you are?
helldivers 1 player checking in
are illuminate in the game yet?
The revolver, and only the revolver, being able to kill Bile Titans is hilarious and you're a no fun allowed nigger for not thinking the same.
I came back because like everyone else, I was curious to see what was updated, that's why people come back
then I was disappointed to see it was fucking nothing, but the game is still fun for a limited time
then I was surprised that D9 was so easy all of a sudden
then I was depressed that they ruined all my favorite guns by making them braindead and uninteresting to use
I'm so disgusted by how these weapons feel now I don't even want to pick them up off the ground anymore, it sucks
I feel like going in with basic weapons and no strats but then the game truly has no content, the only content this game ever had was unlocking new weapons, if you take that away you have nothing at all left

make the guns interesting again
On no! Not heckin' hello neighbor 2!
Since the point will probably go over your head, if they buffed any of the primaries or other secondaries so they can do that, I would immediately revolt against Arrowhead, but having a Big Iron that can kill chargers with like 40 shots is incredibly funny.
guess i'm waiting another year then...
it's not hilarious, it trivializes the game

>muh big iron
kill yourself
Either a year or 4 days. Or somewhere inbetween
Oh. So you're so special and unique, then. Everyone else is just dumb, and a follower, unlike you?
Does the Recoilless Rifle trivialise the game because it can kill BTs? What about the Quasar? Or the Spear?
A Game for Everyone is a Game for No One.
Do you not know how many fucking rounds it takes to kill a bile titan, you fucking mongoloid?
For fuck's sake. You're in here crying that everyone else gets their information from youtubers, while you mindlessly parrot a meme.

You will not reasonably kill a bile titan with the revolver, you stupid retard.
Not him but neither of those weapons struggle to kill a bt at all. Not sure what your point is.
>EAT trivializes the game
what a fucked up thing to say lmao
I'm just telling you the real reason the player count spiked, and the reason it will drop off again
most people probably couldn't tell anything had changed if there weren't videos to tell them it had

and yes only discerning players like myself really care about these details, most people don't care one way or the other
Sure. Everyone else but you is stupid.
What's it like being 15 right now? Are you having a hard time of it?
Alexus was unironically right with how weapons should deal with the Chargers, they were this big "oh shit" enemy that were supposed to fuck your day up.
those weapons take up a slot on par with orbital bombardment
and yes the buffs to RR trivilalizes the game too, it kills them much too easily now
>You will not reasonably kill a bile titan with the revolver, you stupid retard.

Correct, because the bt will already be dead from a small gust of wind before then. Also it only takes like 30 something senator shots which isn't that crazy.
>grenade pistol
>gas grenades
>rocket sentry
>machine gun sentry

yep, this is the best bugs loadout
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Holy fuck, New Phyrexia era Magic was soul.
>it trivializes the game
it trivializes ONE (1) enemy, and not even well at that
You're not too bright, huh?
that one (1) enemy is the boss encounter of the terminids, so yes that's pretty terrible
of course it does ridiculous damage to every enemy, not just the BT
>people fell for the "senator broke the game" bait again
Kiting a bile titan for five minutes and shooting it with the revolver until it dies does not trivialise the game, you fucking numbskull. In those five minutes, literally any of your three squadmates could have killed it in like 9/10ths of the time.
The senator represents a bigger issue.
no it's pretty easy being the smartest person in the room actually

it breaks the secondary slot because it's so far out of it's league no other weapon is worth taking in secondary anymore
serious question, do you have a brain disease or learning disability?
nobody is complaining that it takes 40 shots to kill it, people are complaining that it does damage so far out of it's league that it ruins the secondary slot
it trivilializes the game when the boss is so weak you can just pelt it with a secondary
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it's the Alexus vision
You're 'unironically' a brain-rotted retard.
But I agree. Chargers have become trivialized. The only non-support/strategem weapon that should have been able to deal with them is the thermite grenade, because it doesn't immediately kill them, and actually makes them more dangerous by turning their charges into 1HKOs thanks to the flare of the thermite's fuse.

Charger's were fine when the META was tearing off a leg plate and hitting them there. But the Redditors and 4chan crybabies hated that because it was too outside of the norm. >"Wahhhhhh!!!! he has a big glowing ass!!!! why isn't that the weak point!? wahhhhhhhhhh!!!! my expectations have been subverted!!!!!!!!!"
We've been over this already. The main problem is that it can damage the bt in the first place is the problem. And it does make a difference since the senator can allow you to finish a weakend bt off when beofre that wasn't an option
the senator does a little damage to bile titans
but it does a fuckton of damage to hulks and devastators
which it shouldn't, it should barely scratch that caliber of enemy
that's what trivializes the game
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I like the big caliber fuck off revolver too, but headshotting a bile titan with a secondary is just kinda retarded.
Yeah rockets and launchers should be strong at taking down heavies, primary weapons should be good at dealing with chaff, and secondaries/grenades should be good for utility or a backup option.
All the other secondaries are still viable. The Senator is good for memebuilds where you overlay Marty Robbin's Big Iron over the gameplay while you dome devastators (can be done with any other secondary) or kill a Charger with 30 rounds (impractical in actual gameplay)
Alexus just does whatever he feels will piss off the most people. The dude is a professional troll.
>I'm upset that people are having fun with the game
Why are you like this?
Grrrrr you just hate fun!!
the ass was the weak spot in that you could do damage with non-penetrating weapons there
>or kill a Charger with 30 rounds (impractical in actual gameplay)
The fact that you know this, while these idiot retards are still arguing with you over it, just proves that none of them even know what they're talking about.
It's just more hysterics from this "community."
This. Senator being medium pen is enough; heavypen should mainly only be for a couple primaries, and the rest for launchers/stratagems.
>still missing the point

Kys retard.
I'm upset that ***I'm*** not having fun with the game because guns don't have a defined role and aren't interesting to use anymore and even the bosses die to little tiny revolvers because of shitty reddit memes that stopped being funny over 3 years ago

kill yourself you retarded shithead
you literally stole the game out of my account with your whining
Yes, Billy. I know this. But everyone else wanted it to be the real weak spot. But it's okay. You had a thought. Good for you! Did you wash your hands after you made boom boom?
Shitposters still on the senator angle in here a week later is pretty funny when the grenade pistol still mogs it on the bug front for bug hole rape and the Verdict does to every bot except hulks that senator does but with a good reload and snappy handling and fire rate. Amazing
I'm not opposed to a heavy pen secondary, but it needs to be something that fires maybe one giant shot at a time, like a little handheld sabot launcher or something, a counterpart to the crossbow with AT instead of HE
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Glad to have made you a little more miserable than you already were, you whiny cunt.
>uhh I don't understand how the senator represents a larger issue with the game so I'll just call them shitposters

kill yourself
you literally stole the game out of my account
>But everyone else wanted it to be the real weak spot.
Not him but those "people" are beyond retarded and ruined the game.
Just dont use the senator lol
He's just farming for (You)s at this point. Trolling to pass the time at a made up desk job or something. The discussion is always the exact same.
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this is bait and all the people falling for it are retarded
can I ban it from my teammates? no? Then shut the fuck up.
huh, i take the GP on bugs.
your brain must be pretty small to say that its the only weapon you can take
yeah just kick them if they bring it lmfao
okay, what about all the other weapons that are over powered?
I'd be perfectly fine with senator being medium pen if they budded it's damage and gave it decent sight
Kick them rofl bro its your lobby hahahahaha
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>the senator can kill a bile titan when it's down to 1HP
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah you took my game
I agree! I liked how chargers were! They were supposed to be a hard skill/gear check. They were supposed to come stampeding into your group, split you up, throw your entire team into disarray and put pressure on your teamwork.

I think we can keep the buffs, but also revert the nerfs to the chargers at the same time.
The buff beggars itt literally think like pic related.
This poor game never stood a chance.
>no other weapon is worth taking in secondary anymore
false, i take the uzi because it goes brrrt and it can kill wayyy more than 6 enemies
why buff the damage?
you realize it goes in the same slot as the peacemaker right? that's the level of tier it should be in. more damage, less ammo, longer reload. those factors should be balanced to the peacemaker.

you're talking about it as if it's a strategem weapon
Is it me or the game run like shit
I dont remember it being this bad
>HD1 armor
>Bolt rifle
>Mech upgrades
Whatever you're posting about is irrelevant HD2 is saved doomers doomed to detention
I am strongly considering using 4 sentries
i like the verdict on bots.
i usually have something that can deal with hulks so ap4 is a non-issue for me.
id rather have a secondary that can ohko devastators in a pinch and chaff bots on my ass or that one berserker behind me that made 0 noise
I know.
I can't wait for you to cry yourself to sleep so the rest of us can go back to enjoying it.
it was never optimized
but DX12 was always less optimized than DX11 and they removed DX11

>shitty strawman
>when the senator represents the very issue with chargers being fodder, because everything is buffed against them
Gun dog + gatling + machine gun + rocket is the peak choice
>Mech upgrades
prove it....
The bushwacker is too funny to not run.
Revolver metaniggers can stick their big iron up their ass for all i care.
I want a weapon that i shoot a single time and the medium in front of me turns to dust. A fuckyou button if you like.
>thinks he's killing a charger with less than 40 rounds
Good luck.
>still strawmanning
kill yourself nigger
you stole my game
I don't think I'd play without the stim pistol.
It's too good constantly speeding up teammates voiding all environmental hazards and getting "thank you"s. Besides literally any respectable support weapon (except the stalwart, fuck you stalwart) can do what the revolver can do, so I'm good.
>Mech upgrades
give me whatever hopium you're huffing
Go on. Kill a Charger at full health with the Senator. Make a webm.
Do it.
You can't.
kill yourself retard
This is the kind of ragdolling I can get behind.
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I accept your concession.
We had leaks of a stratagem thrower on the mechs. So presumably its going to be:

1. Increase ammo 5%
2. Increase damage 1%
3. Reduce chance of losing limbs (1%)
4. Your mech can now use stratagems (5000 samples, 5000 rare samples, 5000 exotic samples)
Not him but you lost the argument pretty badly.
>when the senator represents the very issue with chargers being fodder, because everything is buffed against them
>the senator represents
How does a 6 round pistol that tickles them represent their downfall?
Also, what role exactly do you think chargers are suppose to have? They currently shrug off small arms fire and will kill you if they make impact with you. If you shoot them with a rocket in the right place, they die instantly, otherwise they can take a minute or two to bleed out. What's the problem? What's your vision for how they're meant to operate? Stay on the field for 5 minutes while everyone beats on them, hardly making a dent? Maybe wait for the boss fight missions?
he's fucking right
nobody but a handfull of masochistic autists wants to play le expendable grunt struggle with weapons that cant kill enemies and strategems on cooldowns so long you can only use single digits during entire mission
and being forced to CONSTANTLY retreat is not fun
I just want the APC
it was the most fun callin in HD1

>upgrades that you don't need when D10 is already trivial
Not him but no he didn't.
Incorrect. I won.
You cannot easily kill a charger with a senator. To believe otherwise is simply hyperbole.
I'll be accepting your concession as well.
>you are only allowed to take what the youtuber man says is #1 meta
peak sheepbrained mongoloid NPC behaviour.
we had leaks of SEAF dropships like 8 months ago.
Vehicles are never, ever. PS5 cant run it
>How does a 6 round pistol that tickles them represent their downfall?
are you legitimately retarded or what?
the problem is everything is buffed so much so that even a shitty little revolver can damage them

seriously, do you actually have trouble understanding this? or are you just pretending to be retarded?
>indirect reply
this is an extremely stinky post

way to disregard everything else I said because you don't actually have an argument as to how you want chargers to operate
kill yourself retard

they could kill enemies, you were just too bad at the game to do it

I didn't disregard anything, and I'm not making any claims you claim that I'm making, you're disregarding me, because you're too retarded to understand that the senator being buffed is representative of the problem that led to the chargers being trivial
anyone that argues senator is OP or even stron is literaly retarded and/or autistic
you have to consider it in context of other options (and not just for the same slot)
so fucking what if you have a secondary that can kill a charger with 20 headshots if same can be done with single thermite or support weapon shot
senator is not viable as source of damage for heavy armor above maybe diff 5 simply because it lacks reqied dps and ammo economy
>the senator being buffed is representative of the problem that led to the chargers being trivial
Again, the senator does nothing to chargers. You've already been asked to post a webm of you killing a charger with nothing but a senator and you refuse. You are a terminally contrarianbrained retard who is responsible for all of your own angst and suffering.
you have to consider it in the context of it being a secondary weapon, it shouldn't be damaging any elite enemies at all
>senator not good because bug front
Chargers should be trivial with the right loadout. The senator has nothing to do with what makes them trivial. You really are a turbo retard.
holy fuck you literally can't comprehend what is being said to you at all

do you understand that something being REPRESENTATIVE OF SOMETHING ELSE
is DIFFERENT from that something being the SOLE CAUSE?
do you understand this distinction?

jesus christ
>they could kill enemies
yeah, with like 1 meta build for each faction with everything else being quite literally useless
fucking why
what difference does it fucking make?
with the health pools and senators dps it wouldnt make a difference on any mission that spawns more than one heavy enemy that you can kite for 5 minutes
Just because something *can* do something doesn't mean that it's practical to do so. I feel that the revolver deals so little damage to heavy armor units that it's not practical enough to use them to actually kill something but rather as a last ditch effort to finish off something that has already been maimed by dedicated AT or opened up by soft AT. Except for hulks, it completely shits on the hulks but I like it because I actually feel like a deadeye when I drop 3 to the dome and it falls over. So there's my Bias. I personally found it was a fantastic way to handle the shield bugs since it just cleaves through them due to finally exceeding their pen so it gets full damage. If I was to change anything about the big iron, i'd simply remove the speedloader so that you always have to single load. Great power at a great price.
Well too fucking bad. It does.
What are you going to do about it?
Gonna cry? Piss your pants?
it does because the reason they are trivial is everything is buffed
the senator being buffed because of memes rather than balancing it to suit the role of a revolver is why everything else is buffed

you're still too retarded to understand what is being said to you
nobody is saying what you think they're saying, you're not refuting anyone because you're not even addressing the point that is being made
It's not representative, at all. You're hung up on it because it's the "reddit gun," and your contrarian brain needs you to hate it.

Fucking NPC.
it is representative of the greater issue
if they had their priorities straight they wouldn't buff it like that
but they don't have their priorities straight, so it was buffed
that attitude that lets them buff the senator is why everything else is trivial now
Well then, what's your point, pretty baby?
C'mon. Out with it. Use your words.
>"it doesn't represent the sorry state of the game at all!" He says while bile titians are dropping like flies to one(1) recoil rocket and getting finished off with a secondary.

I've said it probably a hundred times, buy a phonics textbook and learn to read
I know you've been hampered by american education system and tiktok, but give it your best shot and you might be able to comprehend an argument in the future
if you moved your goalpost any further or quicker it would escape solar system
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Need to stop browsing while on ambien because man does this book go hard.
Awwww! The dedicated hard anti-tank is taking out the elites! Save me, Alexusman!!!!!
They die to the recoilless rocket by itself, if you could actually aim. I'm glad the senator is there to help you aimlets out, though.
the goalposts have been firmly in place the whole time, it just took you this long to understand what was being said to you

not related to what is being said to you
Boy howdy, you really are upsetting them reddit boys! They must be seething that they can't down vote people here.
oh no enemy that spawns by the dozens on higher difficulties can be hilled with designated anti tank support weapon
woe is us
>everything else is trivial now
post your solo D10 bots flag mission clear, gamer
Aww! Are you mad that the Senator can do piddly shit damage to a titan? Aww.
With 60 rounds it can kill it! What a fucking travesty!
One recoil rocket
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>if you dont take the #1 meta weapon you need to end it all right now and im calling the police on you for not playing with the meta secondary
>you are only allowed to play how i tell you to play, and you are only allowed to use the weapons that i read on the reddit tier list
NPC sheep follower hands typed this post
That argument doesn't work Mr.4tranny because hd2 is supposed be played with 4 people. Try again.
no I'm mad that the game is boring because all the enemies are easy
the senator just represents the most extreme example of meme balancing
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>you're still too retarded to understand what is being said to you
>nobody is saying what you think they're saying, you're not refuting anyone because you're not even addressing the point that is being made
desu current bot flag mission has artificially boosted difficulty
one headshot with designated anti tank weapon is fair game in my book, like hitting heatsinks on tanks
whiffing the shot and leaving it bleeding is often too much of a problem to just leave it to bleed out
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>AT weapons actually performing their role as AT weapons against heavy enemies is related to the senator being able to tickle their balls for memes
You are a fucking goof.
problem with allowing headshot on BT's is they face you most of the time, whereas tanks hide their weakspot completely behind them
Well I'm not mad. I'm happy because rancid little shits like you are upset.
No, it was better when it took several rr rounds to kill.
imagine being so mindcontrolled by a reddit post with 4000 upvotes that you truly believe that the senator is an egregious weapon that "breaks the game", while you possess no individual thought or opinion because you do not play the videogame in question.
Damn, gotta get carried by 3 other people, huh? I thought you liked the game being hard?
i got something hard for you
Go back

Still missing the point
you're still not even close to adressing a point that was actually being made retard

yes it is related
and no, one-shotting the boss enemy is not "performing their role", it's well above and beyond their role
If a bile titan were real, and I started putting .44 magnum +P+ rounds into it's face, it's not going to be around for long.
>senator good
yes and? no one cares if its good because the other options are not bad enough to warrant not using them.
>everyone has to use it otherwise they are all retarded
false, everyone can use whatever secondary they like (except the crisper) without being a retard, correlation=/=causation
>Go back
thanks for confirming all of this is about your terminal reddit obsession
BT isnt some fucking BOSS enemy that spawns one at the time
yesterday I've seen ~12 on extraction (on diff 8)
if you believe it would be better and more fun for them to requie more than one headshot with designated anti tank weapon that also takes up a backpack slot and requies lenghty reload or reload cuck, you can promptly fuck off you retard masochist
you're still not even close to adressing a point that was actually being made retard

I won't use it because it's boring

well it's not real, it's a boss in a video game
>I cant like something because its popular
what a fucking cuck
That sounds like horse shit. 12 at extraction? Make a webm next time because i'm not buying it.
they are in fact a boss enemy on D6, there's a whole mission type where the only objective is to kill one or two of them
red difficulties are supposed to be extra hard, that's why they spam bosses at you
It's plausible if he means over the whole extract period, I've seen like 7 or 8 at most spawned at the same time.
>game is broken X Y weapon is too strong!
subjective. there's always a different way of playing the game. if you can't even imagine a scenario where someone would make a different choice than you because you lack the bigger picture and can only concentrate on NUMBER ON SPREADSHEET, then that's just a testament to your own close mindedness and inability to think for yourself and being heavily influenced by others, you are told what X person thinks and you immediately start saying that it is the real truth.
you are essentially a flat earther.
it was evacuation and we were almost out of time
they just kept spawning and we couldnt keep up with taking them and all the trash down (3 players)
reddit post? what are you talking about
yes it's lol lmao now because the whole game has been made easy
>redditfaggot and his strawman again
>shooting the leg
>Yeah that's an unexpected interaction. You're supposed to shoot the head.
>shooting the head
>wow what a surprise it's almost like you suck at the game and just want everything to be brainless back to the place where you came from
Very cool brainrot.
considering that the senator is a mild bump in balance compared to something like the napalm barrage or the recoilless rifle, and you say that it's the biggest example just shows that you don't know anything about balance
still not even close to addressing a point that was actually being made retard

the head is not the weak spot on the charger, it's the most armored part, the whole visual design communicates clearly that the head is strong
explain how that's not your argument
>and no, one-shotting the boss enemy
It doesn't do this, howeverthoughbeit.
the senator really is the weapon that separates the completely unskilled retards who need every single little crutch they can get their grubby hands on to win on D8 vs someone who is good enough to freely choose the weapon that they like the aesthetics of most and still have fun on D10.
>wake up
>open /hdg/
>think people are going to be happy about the won MO
>instead everyone is buttmad about the Senator now
This thread is always so angry for some reason.
It do tho
N. O.

>one-shotting the boss enemy
>the boss enemy
>boss enemy
did you come from destiny? a recoilless rifle one shot all armor in the previous game too
we don't even have the actual boss fights yet
are you retarded?
I'm angry that braindead buff beggars, gamer dads, and other trash killed my favorite game.
Not him but it does, AT should 2 shot titans like it did before (when they didn't get the random invulnerable head bug)
close, but still a retard
the RR and napalm strike are supposed to be powerful, there is a question of degree there but they are still within their role even if they are too strong

the senator is a revolver, a shitty little sidearm with mostly aestethic value, and it's doing damage to the biggest enemy in the game, even if it's not strictly speaking useful by itself as an anti-titan weapon, it's so far out of whack with what it should be that it's far more egregious than the other ones, it shows a complete disregard for balance, rather than just being a bit too strong

and worst of all it's all done to reference a years old reddit meme
>it's the most armored part
it also should be the most vital part
and if you have weapon that can pen that armor (designated AT weapon for example) it should drop it instantly
while the leg damage should vary from a flesh wound to crippling it somewhat and triggering bleedout timer
this was never the case
dangerously based opinion for a redditor
The senator does NOT one-shot the bile titan. Stop this madness.
>doesn't play the game
>spreadsheet says senator good
>i'm gonna make a ragepost and then continously move the goalpost whenever my argument gets absolutely destroyed (39 goalpost movings and counting)
>the game? oh i don't play it, i just make the funny le trole posts on 4chan
>senator broke the game everyone!!!!! reddit said so!
>0 hours played in helldivers 2
>your post doesnt address my moved goalpost
>missions won? 0.
>i watched a video where the guy 1-shot a bile titan with the senator so it does 1500 damage, therefore it needs to be nerfed
>do i own the game? nah, i refunded it
If I shell a bug in the head with munitions that are designed to penetrate light vehicle armor, it should die and Bile Titans are not a boss enemy. AH said as much months ago.

Once again. The senator has nothing o do with this.
I refuse to believe that you're not just being a contrarian because that's le 4chan way.
Being able to use 3/4ths of all your reserve ammo to kill a single enemy doesn't trivialise the game.
>b-but in the first gam-

Opinion discarded
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>this gun makes alexusites seethe
>it's barely even useful
>it steals a slot from grenade pistol and stim pistol, the two actually useful sidearms
I kneel
I like it because it drops warriors and hive guards with ease. Lets me not waste more time on them than I need to.
So what ever happened to the guys who farmed tens of thousands of super credits, are they still playing the game?
>he doesn't actually have an argument against this
>so he needs to deflect
god, you're so pathetic
That post chain was talking about AT launchers althoughbeitfully
>barely useful

Ok now i know you're trolling. It murders hulks and rocket striders.
not an argument
>farmed tens of thousands of super credits
they're possibly banned
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the senator has everything to do with it because it represents that attitude of a complete disregard for balance that led to the game being braindead easy

>muh realism
you realize this is a fictional alien species right? they can have a carapace on par with tank armor if they want to
modern tank armor isn't even steel anymore so it's more than plausible that there could be some kind of organic composite structure with a similar strength
Other parts of your kit do that much more effectively, thougheverbeit

who am I arguing with
I can't tell the difference. The all lower cap, no punctuation crybaby has been bitching primarily about the Senator and has made similar claims.
>the sequel has to be exactly like the first game because...um..IT JUST DOES OKAY?!

lol retard, just give it a rest already.
the fuck do you even want to say, retard?
use translator or something, your babbling is incoherent
nobody, not a single person in this thread said that balance changes were bad (and no your samefagging doesn't count)
game turned to shit because they removed the fucking enemies from the game
there are no spawns
you see 2 chargers per mission instead of half a dozen per bug breach
they added a new difficulty (diff 10) and it somehow has less enemies than diff 8 used to have, in many missions diff 6 even.
fucking retard
How exactly "Squad impact" works?
- Did devs confirm which factors are included into score calculation?
- I would WISH / ASSUME that clearing up every nest/factory + secondary objectives should are the main reason, but now I am not so sure anymore.
- Not to mention this "squad impact window" could be more descriptive of how it is calculated.
yeah this is the worst part, people like to change the subject with chargers and titans, but actually murdering medium enemies is where it's really broken
I still have 20k and have bought every warbond and super store stuff that appealed to me. 10k probably would've been enough, but I like knowing I will have everything until the game dies without even putting in effort to look for SC.
>most armored
Doesn't matter if you can penetrate it.
the weapons buff is part of the problem because even if they spawned the same amount of enemies they would still be easy

and it makes the weapons less interesting
laser cannon used to be my favorite and now I hate it because of the insane buff, it's just not fun to use when it's too strong, it's like having a cheat applied
i have 83k and that's because a Chinese guy dropped thousands of them in all 3 missions he was with me

if im banned oh well
>nobody, not a single person in this thread said that balance changes were bad
you're not reading the thread, talking to you is a waste of time
>(and no your samefagging doesn't count)
and a schizoid to boot

>the sequel has to be different because...um...IT JUST DOES OKAY?!
wow look, I can do that too

I don't even have my first premium warbond yet but I almost have 1000 SC and I'm 100% getting Steel Veterans for this gun
well you couldn't and you shouldn't
>[Anti-Senatorfag seething intensifies.]
they already failed to adapt many mechanics to 3D properly, it needs to be different just because it's 3D
fuck off, retard
your samefagging is obvious
Yeah and we are a fictional fighting force firing fictional guns that would be designed to kill our fictional enemies. The game opening cutscene shows a BT being one tapped by an RR.

This is Arrowhead finally syncing the game up with the experience they sold to be people rather than letting Alexus' sabotage kill it. If you don't like it fuck off and play hello neighbor 2.
>red hit markers
Do you even know how the game works?
Nuhuh the game is actually called runawayfromeverythingdivers
red just means you did damage
"penetration" in game-code terms just means that a weapon is able to do numerical damage
it does not mean within the fiction of the world that it actually penetrates the armor fully
>The game opening cutscene shows a BT being one tapped by an RR
(It is, but not because a BT gets its head blown off by an RR. There's a lot of weird cuts whenever a bug gets too close to a diver, implying they were in fact fighting real bugs and several people died just so the video could be made lmao)
Red means you did FULL damage.
It means your penetration rating is greater than the armor rating of the target.
>it does not mean within the fiction of the world that it actually penetrates the armor fully
That's exactly what it means you fucking clown.
again, don't confuse mechanics for lore
>nu-uh muh lore means I'm right
kill yourself you sniveling little faggot.
>muh lore
it's literally a satirical game
your flamethrower does more damage because they mixed spicy stuff in with the fuel
the mechanics are just an implementation detail
if you shoot it in the armor and it doesn't die then clearly you didn't penetrate the armor, that is what is being communicated to you regardless of what the underlying code looks like, which you only think about in the first place because you're a loser trying to optimize stats in an easy game

i dont know i just like replying to random posts with 'not an argument' to see what comes of it
based troll
i accept your seethe third world brown "person"
its awesome when people run it and go in front of you as you're trying to snipe something before it can reach the group
So when are the devs going to rip off deep rock and just give armor a health bar so they can stop power creeping everything to 11?
>join a 10
>host is level 37 and anothe guy 27
>both keep throwing orbital barrages 20 meters from the flag
kill me
That's what they're doing

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